The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 11, 1920, Section One, Image 1

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86 Pages
Eight Sections
Kntered at Portland (Oregon)
Postoffice as Second-Class Matter.
State Central Committee
Stanfield-Chamberlain Race
for Senate Viewed.
Contest Is Scheduled as One or
Principles Need of Funds
Outlined by Aspirant.
Organization of the republican
state central committee was effected
yesterday at the Imperial with the
re-eletcion of Thomas II. Tongue of
Hlllsboro as chairman. Under the
direction of the ' Btate committee.
Chairman Tongue was authorized to
appoint an executive committee of
21 members, 11 of whom shall be
members of the state committee, and
ten women. This executive com
mittee will select a treasurer, sec-
retary and publicity manager.
The forenoon and afternoon ses
sions of the state committee were
devoted to discussions of the cam
paign and the respective merits of
the opposing national tickets. There
was not a speaker who did not voice
his conviction that Harding and
Coolidge would carry Oregon in
November and would be elected.
Senatorlnl Fight Discussed.
Most of the speakers paid particular
attention in their remarks to -the
pending senatorial fight, and Robert
N. Stanfield. republican candidate
for United States senator, laid down
the programme that the contest wa4
one of principles and not of person
alities. No attack was made on Sena
tor Chamberlain, democratic nominee.
but Mr. Stanfield and the other speak
ers, pointed out that it would be very
Inconsistent to carry Oregon , for the
republican nominees for president
and vice-president and see the. re
publican candidate for senator de
feated by a democrat. ......
Mr. Stanfield discussed campaign
funds with the committee' add read
a letter to them on the subject, con
taining his ideas and suggestions as
to how this matter should be handled.
Stanfield Kxplalns Attitude.
Mr. Stanfleld's letter. In part, fol
lows: "The members of the republican
state central committee and the can
didates of the party are all entering
upon the campaign with tha same
object in view, namely, the election
of the entire republican ticket. Inas
much as we all start with the eair.o
viewpoint, I know you will welcome
frank statement of .the conditions
which my own candidacy as the
party's nominee for the United States
enatorship will have to meet.
"Ordinarily, campaigns get under
nay slowly, especially presidential
campaigns. Generally during July and
Augutt plans are formulated, bureaus
organized, publicity prepared and or
ganization work started, but the real
hard work commences about Septem
ber 1. The reason for this Is found
In the fact that both parties follow
the same general plan, and there Is
therefore no occasion for one party
to speed up its programme when tha
other party is doing nothing spectac
ular. Campaign at Once I' reed.
"The situation is very different,
however, in the case of the senatorial
campaign in this state. If my candi
dacy is to make notable headway, an
active campaign will have to be un
dertaken Immediately upon your or
ganization. This is necessitated by
(Concluded on Page 16, Column 4.)
nnNljEC0.p - . CThe. ouc, hoe. , I'T-nopE he UNmenUAND '(( ff I come ) W)
x " -----r. COOKS ?xETTV THftT WE DoM WfvNT 'sfl fftt - Tl L OUVANd
i ft sflZS L -OOO ArTERALU rSHY Sf(Vpi.E.S OF fTj EL ?R0TE.SV fyti ' j iLfrrJl pL(SY
Men. Overcome When Abandoned
Shaft at Black Diamond, Wash.,
. Is Entered for Practice. '
SEATTLE. Wash., July JO. Three
members of the Pacific Coast Coal
company's mine rescue team at Black
Diamond, Wash., are dead and two
others are expected to die as the re
sult of breathing poison gas fumes
during a practice drill In an aban
doned shart at Black Diamond shortly
before noon today. '
The men entered ah abandoned mine
for practice this morning and when
they did not return rescue parties
were formed.
The dead are Hugh Hughes, Harry
De Winter and James Hudson.
Louis McDonald and a man named
Parker are In the hospital at Black
Diamond, and are not expected 'to
live. James Murphy and Fred Pontin
were also overcome by the fumes
but are not believed to be in any
Members of the team said that
while they knew of the presence of
the "black damp" gas in the shaft,
they did not believe there was any
danger until Hugnes and De Winter
toppled over. The other men made
an effort to drag their comrades to
fresh air, but themselves were over
come. The bodias of Hughes and
Hudson were recovered but De
Winter's was still in the mine at 7
o'clock tonight.
Some years ago a boy wandered
Into the abandoned shaft while play
ing, and was killed by the poisonous
fumes. Since then it has been kept
locked except when rescue teams
were practicing there.
30,000 Alleged Draft Dodgers Yet
to Be Considered.
WASHINGTON, July 10. Five thou
sand draft evaders have been convict
ed in federal courts and given sen
tences of from 30 days to one year in
prison, according to reports compiled
today at the department of justice.
Thirty thousand cases remain to be
The result of the investigation
shows about 10,000 cases of failure
to register and an equal number of
false questionnaires.
About 26 per cent of the men listed
as delinquents were found to have en
Jlsted in the American or allied armies
without the knowledge of their local
.boards.. About 40 per cent are ac
counted for on the score of the floating-population.
Some 20 per cent are
considered -.those who failed' to per
form their duties through ignorance.
The balance is made up of cripples
and willful delinquents.
Purchase Price Said to Involve
DeaJ of $4,000,000.
DETROIT, Mich., July 10. Pur
chase of the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton
railway by Hnry Ford and his eon,
Edsel B. Ford, was announced today
iy E. Q. Llebold, secretary to Henry
Ford. The purchase price was not dis
closed. Mr. Ford took up negotia
tions primarily to assure his Detroit
factories an adequate fuel supply,
but through contemplated extension
of terminals, industries generally in
Michigan cities are expected to bene
fit by the deal.
It was said the deal would involve
approximately J4, 000. 000.'
Some 2000 employes of the railroad,
Mr. Liiebold added, will Immediately
receive the benefits of the Ford
wage bonus plan.
(Arthur Meighan Sworn In as Suc
cessor to Sir Robert Borden.
. OTTAWA, OnL, July 10. Arthur
Meighan, minister of the interior in
the unionist government, this morn
ing was sworn in as premier of Can
ada. He succeeds Sir Robert Borden, retired.
Allies Consider Remarks
on Coal Offensive.
Military ; Protocol Declared
Hindrance to Output.
Operator, Standing In Violation of
Conference Custom,. Holds
Demands Impossible.
SPA, July 10. (By The Associatied
Press.) The allied. conference, taking
up again today the question of coal
deliveries from' Germany, at the re
quest of Konstantin Fehrenbach, Ger
man chancellor, agreed to hear Hugo
Stinnes. the great coal operator, and
Otto Hue, president of the German
Miners' National association.
Dr. Waller Simons, German foreign
minister, said that the men did not'
represent the German government,
but he thought it advisable to hear
two men so intimately connected with
coal production in Germany.
It is the custom of the conference
for speakers to remain seated, but
Herr .Stinnes stood up. He said:
"I stand because I want to look my
adversaries in the eye."
Speech Held Offensive.
This was the opening sentence of
what the allied delegates considered
a rather offensive speech." 1'
Delacroix of Belgium, who presided,
on one occasion reminding Stinnes his
language was too forceful.
Dr. Simons said afterward to the
correspondent he regretted Stinnes
had used such violent and aggressive
language. Stinnes said in substance:
"The military protocol which the
Germans were requested to sign July
7 will increase discontent and disorder
in Germany. It will make it mucn
more difficult to maintain oat coul
production and will not help vs to
;i.-.rease it.
"It is all very well for you to tell
us that unless our coal production and
deliveries to you increase you . will
occupy the Ruhr. I may tell you'1
that if you should expect by occupa
tion of the Ruhr to obtain more coal
than you now do, you would find
yourselves mistaken.
Production Cut Predicted.
"Not only would you not get more
coal, but less, because the miners
would refuse to work. They are
doing now all they can with the
meager food with which they are
"Notwithstanding exhaustion from
lack of substantial food, they work
three hours extra twice weekly so
as to Increase production. Tou gen
tlemen cannot by an expression of
your will merely give an order and
increase our coal deliveries. That is
wHy, if practical results are to be
obtained, there must be an agreement
among experts.
"M. Millerand said yesterday that
the Germans were accorded the right
to speak as a matter of courtesy. I
claim to -peak as a matter of right
and whoever is not afflicted with the
disease of victory " '
M. Delacroix interrupts.
Here M. Deiacroix interrupted and
"The object of this conference is
to. arrive at a peaceful solution and
I must therefore ask Herr Stinnes
not to be provocative."
Stinnes. resuming, said:
"This conference is the ear through
which Europe snould hear the facts.
That Is why I wish to speak. With-
I out co-operation nothing can be done.
"(Concluded on Page 3. Column 1.)
"Chief Partner" to Sit in Cabinet
Meetings if Republicans
Win Election.
MARION, O.. July 10. Interest In
the activities of Senator Harding, re
publican presidential nominee, was
centered - in his conference tonight
with Major-General Leonard Wood,
contestant for the nomination, who
called to assure the senator personally
of his support so far as compatible
with his duties as an army officer.
General Wood did not reach Marion
until nearly 8 P. M. and went directly
to the Harding: home, where he had
dinner with the senator and Mrs.
This was the first time Senator
Harding and General Wood had met
since the former's nomination, but the
general in a telegram congratulating
the senator on his nomination and in
a" recent conference with National
Chairman Will H. Hays had privately
pledged his support.
"I had a very pleasant talk with
Senator Harding." said General Wood
later to the newspaper corres
pondents. "I have no special state
ment to make tonight, but will give
out one in Chicago Monday after I
have had time to frame It. I found
the senator very generally sympa
thetic with the policies in which I am
Interested. I have already come out
with my adherence to the party and
the nominee. As a republican. I
naturally will support the party and
Senator Cummings, republican of
(Concluded on Pa.ce 9, Column 1.)
The Weather.
V EST KR DAY'S Maximum temperature
74 degree: minimum, 06 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; westerly winds.
Hditorial, Section 3, pae 8.
Dramatic, Section 4, page 3.
Moving picture news. Section 4, page 2.
Music, Section 4. page 7.
Churches, Section 5, page 'J.
Books, Section ft. 3.
Oarden notej, section 4. page 8.
News of the resorts. Section 4, page 4.
Automobile news. Section 6.
Women's Feature.
Society, Section 3. page 2.
Women's activities. Section 4, page 6.
Fashions, Section 5, page 4.
Miss Tingle's column. Section S. page 4. j
Auction bridge. Section 5, page 7.
Special Feature.
Charles Goodman, wizard at city decora
tion. Magazine section, page 1. i-
But three ounces of clothes is Paris edict
to women. Magazine section, page 2.
Russian princess is granddaughter of U. S.
Grant. Magazine section, page 3.
World news by camera. Magazine section,
'..j-page 4.
Famous plays "booed" by London audi
ences. Magazine section, page 5.
Inner heart-tragedy of prominent society
men revealed. Magazine section, page 6.
Admiral Sims' own story. Magazine sec
tion, page 7.
Hill's cartoons, "Among Us Mortals." Mag
azine section, page 8.
Oregon City seminary alumnae, hold re
union. Section 3, page 8.
Murder of Klwell continues baffling mys
tery. Section 4. page 1.
Little mole Is giant tor strength among
animals. Section 4, page 8.
Oregon waterways series, by Addison Ben
nett. Section 4, page 8.
Sermon by Rev. W. B. Hinson. Section ft,
page 2.
rrine.ille. one of state's great cities. Sec
tion 5, page 3.
Cartoons of the day by Darling. Section 5,
page 7.
Foch and premiers take steps to assist
Poland in fight against reds. Section 1,
page 3.
German coal men's talks at hearing con
sidered rather offensive to allies. Sec
tion 1, page 1. t
European trade In Britain's grip. Section
1, page 8.
British trade conditions accepted by so
viet. Section 1. page 17.
Charges of militarism cause turmoil In
Japanese diet. Section 1. page 4.
Governor Cox to confer today with Judge
T. T. Ansberry on campaign plans.
Section 1, page 2.
Major-General Wood calls on Senator
Harding to assure his support In cam
paign. Section 1, page 1.
New party, amid hot debate, starts organ
izing. Section 1, page 1.
Senator New heads republican speakers'
bureau. Section 1, page 2.
Non-partisan scene shifts to Montana. Sec
tion 1. paste .V
Committee 8 chairman scores republi
cans at. ..mocrats. Section 1, pugo 4.
Serious steam coal crisis threatens New
England states. Section 1, page 9.
f Made Easy by Experience
Father's Butcher Sltop,
Declares ex-Soldier.
CHICAGO, July 10. Carl Wanderer.
former army lieutenant. self-con-
fessed slayer of two persons, one of
whom was his wife, a pretty choir
singer, and the other a man with
whom he had plotted to take her life,
today was ordered held without bail
on a charge of murder by a coroner's
After his confession, was read. Wan
derer was asked if he had anything
to say.
"I have told everything." ho said.
"I'm ready to hang now."
The ragged stranger whose body has
lain unclaimed at the county morgue
since the night of the crime, nearly
three weeks ago, was declared to be
that of Al Watson, former Canadian
soldier, who was said to have told ac
quaintances he was the only son of
a New York millionaire turfman.
The identification was made by Mrs.
Catherine Vanos of Chicago, who said
she met Watson in Folkestone, Eng
land, while he was a patient at the
Manor house hospital. Dispatches from
New York said the' police recallea
that last May an Alexander E. Wat
son had been reported missing by his
Wanderer today placed blame for
the tragedy on his familiarity with
firearms in the army, his roving tem
perament and his association with his
father's butcher shop.
"I planned the whole thing in cold
On-olu1i on Pac 1. Column 1)
1 Wan'l
dei-er says killing was made easy bv
butcher shop experience. section l.
page 1.
Denarfmenl orders reieaFe of enemy aliens
I from bond and parole. Section 1.
page 1.
Pacific Northwest.
Benham Kails reservoir site, key to Des
chutes pro.left, approved by congres
sional committee. Section 1, page S.
Three die, two near death as result of
mine rescue practice. Section 1, page 1.
Governor announces reorganization of child
welfare commission. Section 1. page 1.
Sawmill at Dallas destroyed by fire. Sec
tion 1, page 7.
Trip emphasizes need of Irrigation. Sec
tion 1, page 8.
America eliminates France in Davis cup
tennis plav.. Section 2. page 1.
Egan defijaisl. Wl'.helm for northwest ama
teur go ttrre. Section 2. page 1.
Coast league results: Portland 1. Vernon 3
til innings): l.oe Angeles 7. Sa't 1-ake
8; Fan Francisco 2, -Sacramento 11;
Seattle 5, Oakland 3. Section 2, page 2.
Swimming development on coant rapid in
last 16 years. Section 2. page 2.
Three university men leave for Boston to
take part in national tryouts for places
on team that will represent the United
States in Olympic games at Antwerp,
Belgium. Section 1. page 3.
Portland oarsmen in training for Victoria
regatta. Section 2. page 3.
Milwaukle to be dark until Labor day.
Section 2, page 3.
Tennis championships are on bill tomor
row. Section 2, page 4.
Double tie results in two loops of semi
pro league. Section 2. page 4.
Commercial anil .Marine.
Channel at mouth of Columbia river
widens and deepens without dredging.
Section 1, page 18.
Large potato crop in Oregon is assured.
Section 1, page JP.
Corn higher at Chicago because of black
rust reports. Section I. page 19.
Hallway stocks strengthened by favorable
crop report. Section 1, page ,19.
N. Sumner Myrlck, vice-chairman and
counsel of the committee on ocean
transportation. IT. S. chnmber of com
merce, says Portland should develop
as great shipping center. Section 1,
page IS.
New steamship line to connect New Or
leans and Pacific coast ports. Section
1. page 19.
Portland and Vicinity.
Picture houses continue despite walkout
of. operators. Section 1. page lti.
Thomas H. Tongue re-elected chairman of
republican state central committee.
Sectfcn 1, page 1.
Deputy City Attorney Mackay to report
to mayor result of his inquiry Into
milk prices. Section 1. page 15.
Appropriation pruning hits lr enterprises
in Oregon, declares Secretary Meredith.
Section 1, page 12.
'"Pussyfoot" Johnson, noted prohibition
leader, here to give three lectures.
Section 1. page 12.
Committee on appropriations of the na
tional house of representatives to ar
rive in Portland tonight. Section 1,
page 11.
Brake endeavors to establish alibi. Sec
tion 1. page 14.
Astoria prepares to entertain American
Legion of Oregon. Section 1, page 10.
Liberals and Radicals
Argue Voting Basis.
Campaign Support by 10 or
12 Organizations Expected.
Prospective Presidential Nominee
Also Causes Differences at
First Convention.
CHICAGO, July 10. Foundation
stones were laid today for a new
party on whic-i to unite all third
party movements, when the commit
tee of 48 and the single tax party
joined in their first national conven
tior. to draft a platform and pick
nominees who. thev hope, will win
the support of 10 or 13 liberal or
The first day's session, devoted to
keynote speeches and organization
work, developed as many different
views as there were factions repre
sented. Rules, resolution? and nom
inations for jermanent officials were
debated step by step and at times
acrimoniously. Allen McCurdy, the
temporary chairman from New Tork.
and J. A. H. Hopkins, head of the
committee of 4S. who opened the con
vention, maintained order with diffi
culty. Chancre In Rales Is Denied.
Division between the liberal and
radical groups was brought out In
he rules debate when Swinburne Hale
of New York said the state delega
tions were divided "51 per cent lib
eral and 49 per cent radical." He
pleaded for a change in the rules that
would prevent the radicals from be
ing out-voted by the majority lib
erals, out the majority ruled and his
plea was lost.
Participation of the single-taxers
in today's convention followed an
earlier session, at which they decided
to present their platform demands
and views on candidates. They were
understood to be willing to accept
either Charles H. Ingersoll, watch
manufacturer, or Amos Pinchot. one
of the leaders of the committee of 48.
for presidential nominee.
They were opposed, their leaders
said, to Senator Robert M. La Fol
lette, the favorite presidential candi
date of the 48ers. and may bolt the
convention and select their own
ticket if La Follette is nominated.
Single Tax Plank Demanded.
Determination of the single taxers'
course was declared to be contingent
on three things:
First, the platform which they said
must include a single tax plank; sec
ond, the candidate and third, the name
of the party.
The party name promises to develop
a fight. Members of the single tax
group want some reference to their
name incorporated in the party name.
The labor party of the United States,
whose convention gets under way. to
morrow, is willing to join the third
party movement and probably will
accept La Follette as a candidate, but
demands that the word "labor" be In
cluded in the party designation. '
5:tl Delegates Attend.
As organized today, the committee
of 48 convention numbered 539 ac
credited delegates, with a majority of
270 required to nominate. The 539
included, in addition to the 48ers and
single taxers, fraternal delegates from
the non-partisan league, triple alli
ance of the northwest, farmers' na
tional council, people's money league.
(Concluded on Page J. Column 1.)
Only Exception Will Be Those Still
Considered Menace to Pub
lic Safety.
WASHINGTON. D. C. July 10. En
emy aliens interned during the war
and since released on parole will be
given their unrestricted liberty July
16 except in cases of thoseunder sus
picion. An order for their release was
signed two or three days ago, by Act
ing Attorney-General Frierson.
Most of the aliens interned during
the war, on their release, were com
pelled to give bond and subject them
selves to the restriction of a parole.
Mr. Frierson said tonight, and inas
much as a sufficient length of time
has now elapsed, all except those still
considered a menace to public safety
are to be given their full release. De
termination as to those to be held
under parole will be left to the United
States attorneys, in the districts in
which the aliens live, Mr. Frierson
Chief of Staff Gets Service Cross.
for Spanish War Service.
WASHINGTON, July 10. By direc
tion of President Wilson, a distin
guished service cross was awarded to
day to General March, chief of staff
of the army, for gallant .services in
the Philippines. The citation reads:
"General Peyton C. March (then
lieutenant in the Astor battery), for
extraordinary heroism in action be
fore Manila, P. 1., August 13. 1898.
He gallantly led a charge on the
enemy's breastworks, volunteers hav
ing been called for by the brigadier
general commanding."
Madras Chautauqua Crowd Wails
Till Vast Midnight.
MADRAS, Or.. July 10 (Special.)
William Jennings Bryan made a
speech at Madras at 1:30 yesterday
morning to fulfill his Chautauqua en
gagement, the speech lasting one
Mr. Bryan was surprised upon ar
riving in Madras at midnight to find
the Chautaqua gathering awaiting
him. Only once before was a gather
ing compelled to keep such late hours
! to hear Bryan, this being at Sioux
City two years ago.
Normal Temperatures Will Prevail
In Coast States.
WASHINGTON, July 10. Weather
predictions for tiie week beginning
Monday are:
Northern Rocky mountain and pla
teau regions Generally fair, although
occasional local thunder showers
probable early days. Seasonal tem
peratures. Pacific coast states Fair, although
possibly light local showers in ex
treme north portion Monday and Tues
day. Normal temperatures.
Hoard-Walk Traffic at Atlantic City
Tied Up by Strike.
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., July 10.
Six hundred members of the Chair
pushers' union struck today, causing
a tieup of the roller chair traffic on
the board-walk.
Two strikers were arrested for
disorderly conduct. The men demand
50 cents an hour instead of 25 cents.
Child Pulls Shotgun Trijiscr as
Woman Tries to Stop Him.
GREENVILLE. Ky., July 10. Mrs.
Willis Graham, 26, tried to stop her
four-year-old son Harold from carry
ing a loaded shotgun out of their
home "today.
The child pulled the trigger, kill
ing her instantly.
Governor to Reorganize
State Commission.
New Members Appointed to
Replace Three Acting.
Executive Expresses High Regard
for Those Now Serving, but De
clares Change Necessary.
SALEM. Or.. July 10. (Special.)
Because of inharmonious conditions
prevailing among members of the
child welfare commission. Governor
Olcott today announced that there
will be a complete reorganization of
the commission as far as his ap
pointees are concerned. William D.
Wheelwright. Mrs. Henry L. Corbctt
and TNIrs. Kdmond C. Giltner, all of
Portland, will be named as members
of the commission to succeed W. P.
Davarney and Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull
of Portland, and Mrs. Fred G. Schilke
of La Grande.
The board has five members, thr?
of whom are appointed by the gover
nor. One member is chosen from the
faculty of the University of Oregon
and is selected by the president of
that institution. The other memLcr
of the commission is named by the
president of the State Medical asso
ciation. The governor's action does not in
any way interfere with the appointees
of the University of Oregon and the
State Medical association, the changes
being confined solely to members of
his selection.
Governor Kxptolns Action.
. In advising the three present mem
bers of the board of the change that
is to be made the governor sent to
each the following letter:
"Because of apparent inharmonious
conditions I have decided to make a
complete reorganization of that por
tion of the child welfare commission'
which was appointed by me after the
r.ew law enacted by the 1919 legisla
ture went into effect For mat rea
son I am appoiiting three new mem
bers to replace the three acting mem
bers whom the law provides shall
be appointed by the governor. This
commission is one of great import
ance because of its close connection
with the many institutions and child
caring agencies of the 6tate. and it
I is quite essential for the good of all
of these institutions that the com
i mission as a whole conduct its busi
' ncss with the greatest harmcny pos-
I slble without sacrifice of efficiency.
Harmony Held Kssentlal.
"In advising you of this action I
wish to say that I have a high per
sonal regard for each individual mem
ber of this commission, but there
j seem to be conflicting and irrecon
I citable elements among the member
j ship which make it impracticable for
the commission, as it is now consti
tuted, to function longer and attain
the best results for the unfortunate
children of the state. I am appoint
ing as successors to the three pres
ent members who were originally ap
pointed by me the following persons:
W. D. Wheelwright. Mrs. Henry L.
Corbett and Mrs. Kdmond C. Giltner,
all of Portland. Their commissions
of appointment are to become effec
tive as of this date or as soon here
after as they may qualify for the re.
spective appointments."
In making public the reorganization
of the commission the governor said:
"When this law was enacted in
(Concluded on Page 3. Column 1.)