The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 04, 1920, SECTION SIX, Page 9, Image 65

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Field of High-Motored Autos
Go Down to Defeat.-
Meay Maoliincs Full on Economy
and Dp -Not .Make Good
on High Gears.
In a hill race between a fat man
and a lean one you will without hes
itation choose the lean one to win.
You will choose him to win in a race
of stamina, of speed, in any demon
stration of physical ability. You will
say that the fat man has too much
weight to carry around to be a good
performer. In that respect he is no
different from a man-made piece of
machinery an automobile.
Cienerally speaking, the lighter
car the better hill climber it is. No
better illustration of this can be
f iven than that of a notable Amer
ican hillclimb conducted a few years
ago. in which a 20-horsepower car of
very popular make won from a big
field, including a 100-horsepower Benz
and high-powered cars of American
The high-powered cars were heavy
"and their power meant little because
it had too much to do to overcome
the mere weight of the vehicle. The
20-horscpower car was light in
weight compared with the heavy car
and the ratio of power to weight was
far greater than in the high-powered
Scientific Car Yet to Come.
Take any of the heavy cars on the
market today and one will find that
while they climb hills in fairly good
fashion, they are not the best hill
climbers in high gear and are far
from being economical climbers. It is
the lighter weight cars which are the
hill performers and they do their
work at a minimum expenditure of
The ideal hill performer is not here
because the scientific lightweight car
is yet to be born. Such a car, from
conception to execution, in every de
tail a lightweight car, will be a
scientific lightweight car performer.
Such performance will call for mount
ing of ordinary hills at level-road
speeds and extremely steep grades at
reduced speeds, but still without a
gear change.
While fuel consumption will be
greater for the hill climbing, it will
be so little greater that the average
of 40 miles per gallon will hardly be
altered. At least, the owner's pocket
book will be little affected. Light
weight alone will not do this, be
cause we have some so-called light
weight cars on the market today
which do not do it. Scientific light
weight construction will do it.
This construction calls for a vehi
cle of the minimum weight 1000
pounds for a five-passenger car yet
having a power-to-weight ratio three
times greater than in any existing
It is this power-to-weight ratio
which largely determines hill climb
ing ability and since the scientific car
should have a total weight of only
1000 pounds, its fuel consumption
even in grade climbing will be far
less than that of an average car un
der the best of level road conditions.
Conventional Design Going
In order to illustrate the power
and energy needed for hill climbing
one has but to turn to human per
formance. You can walk up a 10 per
cent grade one-half mile long quite
easily if you have no load to carry.
Put 25 pounds on your back and you
Blow down a bit. It is harder to get
up. Put 100 pounds on your back
and it becomes a task not accom
plished by every man. You begin to
slow down considerably. You sweat
even if it Is a cold day. It takes more
energy, more power. You cannot
carry the load up at the same speed
that you carry yourself alone. You
with the 100 pounds on your back
represent the 'heavy car. ' Going up
alone you represent the lightweight"
Our engineers are gradually coming
around to scientific light-weight con
struction and are one by one ceasing
to follow conventional methods in de
signing and building cars, which has
in no small measure retarded automo
bile progress. We have what we call
excellent cars today, but they are far
from being efficient so far as fuel
economy, tire economy or repair ex
penses are concerned. Our cars are
to heavy and because they are heavy
they require more fuel to do a giver
piece of work, just as you burn up
more tissue within you when you
climb the hill with 100 pounds on
your back.
looseness be but slight, it may allow
the motor support to hammer and
thump. In time this may result In an
actual breakage of the supporting
One-third of the 7.558,848 motor ve
hicles registered in the United States
are owned by farmers.
South Australia has more than 7300
motorcycles which are used all the
year round for both business and
Don't let acid fall below top of
plates in battery.
Of the 1919 rubber consumption,
which, is estimated at 350,000 tons,
approximately 75 per cent was de
voted to the manufacture of tires for
motor vehicles.
Reckless Driver Hear them cylin
ders knockin'? Timid Passenger It's
not the cylinders, it's my knees.
Penn State Froth.
Writer Urges That Motorists Com
ply With City Iav.
PORTLAND. Or, June 26. (To the
Automobile Editor.) The suggestion
is hereby offered that, beginning at
once, automobile drivers be educated
through the columns of the press on
the proper arm signals which htey
should display.
There seems to be quite a general
but erroneous understanding among
drivers that extending the left arm
Government Report Shows
Gain in Reserves.
Refiners Working for Increased
Porduction to Supply larger
Gasoline supplies are increasing.
The latest bureau of mines report
shows that reserve stocks on hand at
the refineries jn March totaled over
626,000,000 gallons and serves to off
set some of the startling statements
paint and varnish manufacture, clean
ing industry, gasojine stoves and rub
ber manufacture.
Some of the high lights of the situ
ation as contained in the federal trade
commission report on the fuel situa
tion are as follows:
-"It should be noted that the condi
tions in 1920 appear to have greatly
improved with respect -to production
and imports.
Kx port lfl Per Cent.
"The exports of gasoline in 1918
amount to about 15 per cent; in 1919
exports represented about 10 per cent
of the total consumption.
"The total consumption, in 1918 ex
ceeded production by 114,929,850. gal
lons, while in 1919 the relation was
reversed and the production of gaso
line exceeded consumption by 149,
446.488 gallons."
The oil-leasing bill passed at .the
last session of congress promises ad
ditional sources of oil. It is too early
to say how much this formerly locked
up territory will yield, but much is
hoped for from Wyoming and some
sections in California. Major pro
ducers are making plans for drilling
activity in these districts.
The world's deposits of- crude oil
total 60,000,000,000 barrels, according
to estimates from the United States
geological survey. At the present
rate of consumption this would be
enough to last the United States for
168 years. There are still 7,629,000.
000 barrels in the oil fields of this
f"""S EE
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A King 3 Touring car on the 358.5 mile grind from Eos
Angeles to fYosemite set a mark of 45.15 Ton Miles and
21.9 actual miles on a gallon of gasoline beatimr the
for 8-cylinder cars by almost 5 ton
over 5 actual miles on a gallon.
previous records
miles and by
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The picture nhoivi one of the very latest Scrlpps-Booths, with I-. A. Han nan, manager here for the new Fort
land branch of the Scrippa-Boot h company of California, at the helm. The Scripps-Booth la one of the Gen
- eral Motors cars. Among several important changes in the 102O model the V-.uaped radiator has been re
placed by stralKht one.
to full length is a signal indicating
a turn to the right. The machine fol
lowing, when driver sees an arm ex
tended thus, naturally inclines to the
right, and when the machine in front
suddenly swings in the same direction
and immediately across his path, ac
cident is just narrowly averted.
The writer is daily up against just
such cases as cited, and is apprehenive
that many accidents will result if the
practice continues, and with many
times the number of machines in op
eration than at present. Yours very
truly. J. P. MacVICAB.
Maps and Information Ready at
Any of 30,000 Dealers With
. This Line.
At this season when motorists begin
to hear the call of "the highway just
beyond," the travel and transport bu
ren of th B. F. Goodrich Rubber
company stands ready to point the
Several hundred thousand revised
road maps of the various states have
been sent by the bureau to 30.000
Goodrich branches and dealers for
istribution, to motorists without
charge. In addition, the bureau is
readv to rive mora detailed route in
formation to anyone desiring it.
The Goodrich road maps contain
th most accurate hitrhivnv informa
tion available. They show all the roads
over which autos can travel in safety
and designate roads now under con-
itructiorw. They can be counted on as
lenpniinhle. ah the rintA. contained in
them was obtained direct from Good-
ch pathfinders and state and coun-
y highway commissioners.
Any motorist aesiring to maKe a
rin this summer r.nn nbtnin mans
from the nearest Goodrich dealers or
branch or by writing direct to the
Distributor for Savage Tires De
clares Every Casing Is Entirely
Hand-Made Product.
"Tires are not unlike many other
products in that their quality depends
much upon the amount of individual
attention they get during construc
tion. Jlany motorists, when purchas
ing a tire, fail to distinguish between
the kind of tires that are made in
large quantities by machinery and the
kind that are built up individually by
hand. . That there ia a difference is
apparent, and aooner or later the dis
cerning car-owner recognizea that
hand-built tires are invariably more
reliable." says G. H. Whalley of the
Portland Tire company, local distrib
utor for Savage tires.
"Despite the fact that hand-building
produces tires superior to those msde
by machinery, the great majority of
tire manufacturers employ the latter
method, as machines are essentially
time-savers, labor savers and cost-
red veers, tending toward, greater out
put at less expense. Conversely
where' the object in view is maxlraum
quality, without undue regard to In
creased production or expense, the
method of building tires by hand pos
sesses distinct advantages.
The cost entailed in this process is
considerably greater, and the output
is necessarily smaller, but correct se
lection and ':ompounding of highest
grade materials, together with the
best workmanship and individual at
tention, is something which is only
possible with a comparatively limited
production. Savage tires are giving
such good service in this section be
cause they are rtrictly hand-built."
Tight Engine Bolts.
Tn certain cases a loosening of the
engine bolts, those which hold the
motor in place, may cause a raisa
lignment of the engine, with serious
trouble as a result. Even though th
Don't start or stop too quickly or
skid around corners. This puts a
heavy strain on the entire car as well
as on the tires.
that have been made regarding the
gasoline supply. .
In fact, this gasoline scare has been
largely psychological, in the opinion
of the federal trade commission. The
failure in certain north Texas fields
upset some of the oilmen and made
an immediate shortage seem possible.
This year has begun fortunately
however, and there are a good many
factors which point to increased pro
duction. "Cracking" Adda to Snpply. .
Refiners Can get twice the amount
of gasoline from oil by using new
"cracking" processes. The big mid
west companies using the-modern
methods are getting a 35 per cent
yield from crude; but refineries else
where are getting only 12 to 22 per
cent. The cost of installing the new
processes will make the change slow,,
but if any absolute shortage should
confront the market, oilmen say thif
means can be taken to meot it. This
would mean -an increase of 60 per
cent in our present supply.
Mexico is another source of future
supply which has been almost dou
bling its shipments to the American
market every year. In 1919 the Mex
ican market shipped 62.662.000 barrels
of crude oil to the United States, most
of It to the Atlantic coast.
Dr. David T. White of the United
States geological survey sees infinite
possibilities in oil obtained from
shale, although this supply will not
be tapped in great quantities until
more machinery has been developed.
OH Shale Gnat A.set.
Dr. White says: "The oil shale de
posits of the United States are a pos
sible' source of oil in amounts far
greater than all the available natural
petroleum of this hemisphere. They
form an enduring asset, sufficient to
sustain an enormous ultimate load for
an indefinite period."
Motorists should continue to save
gasoline,, since the use of 7,500,000
cars in the country means that the
action of the seperate units may have
a great influence on the total con
sumption. Motor vehicles are the
heaviest users of gasoline, automobile
consumption in 1919 being 3.167,654,
400 gallons out of the total consump
tion of 3,808,390.649.'
It is estimated that a passenger car
uses 300 gallons of gasoline yearly
and a motor truck 1500 gallons. Other
users of gasoline are airplanes, motor
boats, railway motor cars, farm trac
tors, stationary and portable engines,
ountry, according to the same au
thority, enough to last 20 years at
our present rate of consumption.
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Selection of Site for New Building
in Portland for Goodrich One
. Purpose of His Vlsft.
One of the high chiefs of the B. F.
Goodrich Rubber company, P. H.
Sears, director of branch administra
tion, of Akron, O., was in Portland
last week accompanying W. D. Al
bright, northwest manager for the
company, on . trin over this territory,
One purpose of Mr. Sears' visijt waa to
select a site here for a large building
to nouse me- local Goodrich branch.
which has outgrown its present facil
lties at Broadway and Burnside
No definite decision was reached
last week, though Mr. Sears and Mr.
Albright investigated several prospec
tive sites. However, it is virtually
assured that the company will have i
large 'building here of its own.
Mr. Sears brought word that finan
cial conditions are becoming better
throughout the country. He expects
the local gasoline shortage soon to be
a thing of the past, as there is no
shortage elsewhere in the United
The demand for tires is so great
he said, that the Goodrich factory at
AKron is lura put to supply enough
tires for dealers. The company now
has under construction additions to
its plant costing $13,500,000. The de
mand for Silvertown cord tires is espe
cially heavy. The Goodrich company
was the first tire company to man
ufacture a. cord tire, and its product
is still ace-high with motorists the
country over.
In connection with Mr. Sears visit,
announcement was made by C. B. Cad-
well, local Goodrich manager, that,
effective July 1, Goodrich sales and
service will be conducted on an ex
clusively wholesale basis. The com
pany's business has grown to such an
extent that it is no longer practica
ble to handle retail tire sales at its
branches, and such sales in future
will be made entirely through Good
rich dealers.
Failure to Do So Means Excessive
Wear on Motor Parts.
A recent test showed to prevent ex
cessive errgtne wearing crankcase oil
should e changed at least every 1500
miles, preferably every 1000 miles.
A new engine that was run 6000
miles with oil changed at proper in
tervals, , upon being disassembled
showed no signs of wear. The same
engine, reassembled and run 6000
miles with old oil plus new oil as
needed, upon inspection, showed i
wear of 0.015 inches.
Truck and passenger car mamifac
turera recommend, for better per
formance and longer life, that crank
cases be drained every 1000 miles, the
engine flushed with kerosene and
new oil added.
It is in violation of the law to keep
a revolver or any-other kind of a
weapon in the' pocket or under the
eat of an automobile in Indiana.
The Economy of 8-Cyiinder
Motor Cars Is Proven
On the 1920 ran the King used less gasoline than any six
cylinder car regardless of class an indisputable proof of
King 8 economy.
In every test for economy, for speed, power, reliability and
endurance the King has made good.
And our unlimited service guarantee
covering 52 weeks of free service is an
assurance of an economy of upkeep.
Compare the King 8 with other cars at the price then com
pare its record of .performance your choice will be the
King and rightly so.
Distributors for Oregon, Washington and Idaho
Broadway at Hoyt Street Portland, Oregon
."-Mi W
cr Gallon
Tmiiiimimnmii MmmMimiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimmimmiimMiiiiiiiM
1921 Likely to Prove Record Year
for Pneumatics as Solids
Are Displaced.
'There is little doubt but that the
production of tires in this country
will turn to cord tires as rapidly as
manufacturers can obtain the neces
sary equipment, and in turn can be
supplied by the fabric manufacturers,"
comments George K. Cassidy, general
tire distributor.
"There is hardly a manufacturer of
tires who will not tell you it is Im
possible to make enough cords to sat
isfy the demand, and that condition
is bound to prevail until additions to
plants and the necessary machinery
can be provided. In light of traffic
conditions and Inability to obtain ma
terial it is impossible to propheay
when that time will arive.
"It is estimated that the tire output
for this year in the -United States
will exceed 11,000.000.000. Based on
these figures there is every reason
to believe that the output for 1921
will be far in excess of this amount.
The stock of fabric that the General
factory has on hand has made it pos
sible for us to keep fairly well
abreast of cord tire orders, although
at times it ia hard to keep all sizes
in stock."
Xew Device Is Just the Thins for
Chevrolet 4 90 Models.
The handiest and most useful little
accessory device that has appeared on
the market recently is a new hood
fastener designed especially for Chev
rolet 490 models and for Briscoe
models prior to that one of this year.
It is known as the Holton hood clip
and its installation eaves the owner a
world of botheration unscrewing th'e
crew hood fasteners that come as
equipment on these cars.
Whereas the operation of taking up
and putting back the hood of a Chv
rolet with regulation fasteners is a
several minutes' job, and one produc
tive of many and violent cusswords,
with the regulation screw-on fasten
ers the new Holton hood clips work
just like those on a big car. The hood
may be fastened or unfastened on the
Instant by merely pulling up the clips.
This aqcient Franklin, one of the ' old four-eyllnder barrel-hood variety of
1010, belong to S. D. Cameron of Hood River, who us. It as a deliv
ery car. They aay the average life of a modern automobile la five years,
but this old-timer, larking o-jly one year of being old enough to vote for
Harding, still has pep enough In Its bones to work weekdays and Sun
day, too. It was .napped the other Sunday running over the crashed1
rock on the Columbia river htgbway near Hood River without SO' much '
a. heoitating. Mr. Cameron bought It of m man who drove It throuch
Hood River .even yearn avo. He has no Idea how far It tiaa gone, a. ft
has no speedometer, but It ha. done enough work In thove .even years
to wear out some cars, and 11 va 13 years old beior. Ulm-
Now Is the Time to
Your Automobile
Robinson-Smith Co.
Sixth at Madl.on.
Main 1100.
W ... M Portland Branch. S25 Bnrnald.
If Broadway 1604. , 4
tX 1 Portland Authorized Distributor. . 1
VjS ' 1 Ninth and GliMta St. L J
At a Branch or Authorized Distributor
of United Motors Service Incorporated,
repairs and adjustments are made in
strict accordance' with the standards
and policies of the manufacturer.
United Motors Service
They are installed on the same bolt
as the old screw fasteners.
The Allen & Hebard company, 64
Broadway near Pine, of which Robert
E. Allen is manager, is Oregon dis
tributor for these work-saving fas
It and Differential Should Have
Inspection Every 1000 Miles.
Transmissions and differentials
should be inspected every 1000 miles
and more lubricant added if needed.
The lubricant to be used should fol
low the gears at all speeds should
not contain wax, clay or animal fata.
Graphite will assist the lubrication
of these parts, but only the finest-
grade of fine pulverized flake should
be used. Differentials that are trou
bled from grease leaking from the
brake bands should b. drained and
Fill transmission to the level of
the shaft and differential to the lower
edge of the axles.
Recurring stories of the explosions
of ovcr-raisined private stock make
one wonder whether anything fur
ther has been accomplished with ai'
cohol as a fuel.
Have built a reputation for relia
bility through consistent perform
ance made possible through quality
Selltoood Drayage and Storage Co.
Have Bought Another Carford
Garford Oregon Motor Sale
Wm.Cornf oot. President T. M. Geo g began.
E. N. Wheeler, Vice Pre., and Gen. Mct.
Secretary-Treasurer J. A. Haley. Sales Mgr.