- 3 ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, NEAR SISSON. 4 ISINTERESTIWGTRIP i San Francisco Editor Changed by Trip. Is Summer Journey for Autoists ' Attractive. ARTICLE IS PUBLISHED ROUTE IS FASCINATING V rink son Visits Xortb and Tben Advises All His Readers Likewise. Run. From . Seattle Takes Party J Tbrougb Irrigated Valley, One ' of Richest in World. TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 4, 1920 SOUTHERN WRITER THROUGH CASCADES OREGON BOOSTER If - - V- , . - :v. . a a . -v 2 i a l V.VV ! T s Loon J. Plnkaon. automobile editor of the San Franutsco Chronicle, waa one of a prty or Fan Kranclco automobile editors who drove north over the Pacific hifchway to Portland about three weeka aso to net the real facta about highway conditiona In Crecon. The following Interesting ac count of the trip appeared under his aig ratura in the automobile acctlon of the Chronicle laet week: BY LEON' J. PIKKSON. California motorists looking- for new fields to conquer in the matter of automobile touring- will do well to head their cars" northward and make the trip over the Pacific highway to Portland. An agreeable surprise awaits them both as to roads and unusual scenic attractions that make the interstate trip delightful. The general impresion has prevailed In California motoring circles that the Oregon roads are not conducive to a pleasant outing, but this is a huge mistake, for our sister state has awakened to the Importance of good highways and is spending vast sums in building a creditable main trunk line to join her principal cities. The people of the state, too. have awak ened to the Importance of motor transportation, and the tourist find a welcome for himself and his car in practically every district. To secure some first-hand Informa tion regarding the conditions of the highways between San Francisco and Portland, the writer accompanied Claude A. McGee. veteran road pilot of the Howard Automobile company. PACIFIC HIGHWAY SOTES. Interesting facts about Pa cific highway route from Oak land to Portland, Or.: Total distance, 745.4 miles. Miles traveled In California. 358. 4. Miles traveled in Oregon. 387. One detour exists at present on the California portion of the mad. This is located near Yreka.. There are seven detours at present in Oregon and they total a mileage of 28.7. The northern sections of both "Wolf Creek and Cow Creek grades in Oregon are still' un finished, but they should open at a reasonably early period. Over 200 miles of Pacific highway in Oregon are already paved and graded and. by the end of 1921 it will be completed. Leon J. Plnkson in San Fran cisco Chronicle. aV4 on a pathfinding trip to the Oregon metropolis. A detailed Inspection of the Pacific highway was made and the roads, particularly those in Ore gon, were found to be in much better condition than has been reported by tourists who traveled the route in past seasons. The California portion of the road has been completed except for a stretch of soma 30 miles between Vacaville and Zamorra, and another email section north of Dunsmuir. Ore gon' portion, 387 miles, has" approx imately 200 miles completed, and the remainder Is either under construc tion now or contracts have been let that will assure the complete surfac ing of the road before the end of 1921. Fast Time Possible. For the motorist who likes a snap py drive the 745 miles between San Francisco and Portland can be made comfortably in four days. This sched ule provides for the first night's stop at Corning, 176 miles; Medford, Or., second night. 219.6 miles; Eugene, Or., third night. 183.2 miles; Portland the fourth night, 166.2 miles. According to McGee, who piloted the Buick pathfinding car on our tour north, this schedule would make the tourist Dest enjoy the scenery and not In volve any tiresome traveling. Thiej time can be cut down to. three days for the hardened traveler who doesn't mind a long day's run. Evi dence of the latter statement is borne out by the fact that McGee, driving the entire route himself, negotiated the 245 miles between 8 O'clock Fri day night and 5:S0 o'clock Sunday evening. This speed is, of course, not recommended: yet the fact that it wae possible to traverse the route within a 4b-nour period, indicates that the generally understood frightful road conditions no longer exist either in Oregon or in the northern part of California. IV o Heavy Grades. No heavy grades are involved at any point on the journey and seldom will the driver be forced to use sec ond speed. This condition is In marked contract to those prevailing a year ago. especially so in Oregon. where until present grades were es tablished, there were several "cork ers," requiring about all the avail able power the average motor car possesses. A notable instance Is the new gradea through Wolf creek canyon. The old one tested the power, skill and disposition of any driver, while the new one, of approximately 6 per cent, is wide and can be climbed in high by the ordinary pilot. Other changes could be cited, such as the new Cow creek and also the new Pass creek grades, which will soon open, the former within a few weeks and the latter when a bridge has been built across the narrowest portion of the canyon. Weather la Factor. Weather conditions in Oregon where dirt roads exist, will govern the comfort of those pleasure bent. If heavy rains are encountered there will be plenty of mud, and with the mud, of course, comes retarded speed ana careful driving. Throughout California's sister state, at least along the Pacific highway. there are frequent evidences of the road building activity Oregon is car rying on. and the finished evidence of. present labors will be more def initely visible next season at this period than it is now, for, by that time, a hard-surfaced ribbon will bridge the gap between the. Califor nia state line and Portland. When that time arrives it will not be un common to hear of the tour being completed by pleasure travelers in two days' running time. Lntll this year the route was un finished through the Sacramento can yon, between Redding and Dunsmuir. Now work is needed on but a few miles. The remainder is excellent highway. The scenery through this canyon Is beautiful. Oregon offers the California!! a dil ferent kind of scenic beauty from that to which he is accustomed to view in any part of his native state. The frequent rains coat the hilla and valleys with a refreshing shade of green which we view only in the early spring. The rains, too. create Innumerable streams, most of which eventualy find their way into the large Oregonian rivers, among these being the Columbia, Willamette, Rogue. Umpua and Yamhill. On either side of these streams are valleys of the same names, whose agricultural products are famous throughout the United States. At the end of the trail in Portland there starts a drive which cannot be surpassed the world over in ite scenic grandeur. Columbia Highway Praised. The Columbia river highway, be ginning at Portland continuing al most to The Dalles, follows a course which parallels the Columbia river, rising at one point to nearly 800 feet above the river, dropping then to the water's level, and in succes sion rising and dropping to the river along a route which boasts of eight different waterfalls, the highest being Mutnomah falls, second in size of its water fall to Yosemlte falls. These eight natural wonders are found within a 12-mile space along the highway. At what is regarded the summit Crown Point there is available a view for miles and miles, east and west of the Columbia river. The sight beggars a Justifiable descrip tion. Its grandeur must be seen in order to properly comprehend- the thrills it affords. -Natural obstacles confronted engineers who laid out and later built the road. In some in stances it is hewn' out of rock and and in other places bridges are re quired to gap canyons. If no other compensation were offered for mak ing the trip from the bay cities to the north a drive over the Columbia river highway would amply repay the effort, time and expense involved. Portland citizens may truthfully claim it to be the eighth wonder of tne world. Claude McGee added just one more mark to numerous perfect score per formances already credited to him and his car in the remarkable drive he made and in the splendid perform ance of the Buick. As an earlier par agraph states he covered the distance in less than 46 hours. Save for break fast and dinner stops he was con tinuously behind the wheel for 22 hours and the pace he maintained provided an excellent demonstration of the stability of his automobile. n -i lit X-" 4 J v , r 1 U 'n ": Jr Between Slaaon, which la almost natder Mount Shasta, and Shasta Springs stnd Daaimair, the Pacific highway traTeraea for much of the distance a beautiful wooded country of arrest fir tress. The upper picture was lakes on recent run over the highway by H. H. Ellna-. Overland-Pa clflc manng-er In Portland, In an Overland four sedan. The lower photo shows the Overland In the wild canyon between the Klamath River can yon and Yreka. Cal. PLEASURE CUR MISNOMER MOST OF AUTOS ARE USED FIRST FOR 'BUSINESS. PEKIN MOTORING POPULAR CHINESE AXV OWNERS EXCEED OTHER CITY. Number of Passenger Cars Is About - 650, Many Owned by Amer ican Manufacturers. PEKIN, July 3. Motoring is rapidly Increasing In popularity In Pekln, where there are said to be more Chi nese owners of cars than in any other city oi (Jtima. The number of pas senger automobiles here is about 650, of which a large majority are of American manufacture, and over S00 have been bought by the Chinese residents. Through Chinese efforts the Pekin Motor club has been formed along the ines of similar organizations in Shanghai and Tientsin. Life members pay $100, ordinary members $12 a year. If the present plans are carried out China's longest modern highway will be completed within six months. It will extend from Pekin to Tientsin, a distance of about 80 miles. The first section of this road, from Pekin to Tungchow, 13 miles, was constructed in 1917. Through the efforts of the Pekin Motor club it is reported that a loan of $150,000 has been negotiated with the Banque Industrielle de Chine for the construction of a modern road between Tangehow and Tientsin. Use for Other Trips Declared to Be Merely Incidental to Main Service. "Business hours are the busy hours for the traffic cop. For the moat part on evenings and Sundays he is off the job. This indicates better than any argument that the term 'pleasure car' is a misnomer. The au tomobile today Is a passenger-carrying business vehicle, "Maybe in the early days, when the automobile could not be depended on to 'get there,' " says K. A. Price, Fire stone representative, "the business man might have reserved automobil ing -for his holidays, when he would have lots of time to fix punctures and tinker with a balky engine. But today he uses .it only incidentally for pleasure rides. Helping him in the conduct of his business or helping his wife on her calls to the grocer or dressmaker is Its main function. . "Now the harm done by the man who persists in calling an automobile a pleasure car is this: He is classify ing it as a luxury and in these days of. high taxes, with luxuries very properly the things most taxed, we can't afford to put it in that class. Putting a tax on It is putting a tax on progress in business. Yet the power of suggestion made by un thinking speakers will cause unthink ing legislators to put upon it taxa tion burdens beyond what is reason able. It's up to every man who uses an automobile in his business to help educate the public to Its real status a passenger car of practical utility in business." CARS COME HIGH ABROAD i i British Flivvers Bring $42 50, Good ; Auto Costs $25,000. "The craze of motor car ownership has spread all over Britain, and per sons who know nothing whatever about a car will' pay any mad sum just to own one, said the manager of a prominent firm of London dealers, says the London Daily Mall. "The absurd prices lately asked for 1914 and. 1915 models, with" many thousands of miles' wear against them, are falling Off a little," he added, "but new cars will fetch al most anything. For instance, a 10- horsepower car of a not ;particularly famous or excellent make was sold TWO MILES OF THIS CRUSHED ROCK ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY JUST THIS SIDE OF HOOD RIVER. . ill ; El f Til? r! last week for $4250. This was fitted with 'an ordinary coupe body. The price in 1914 was about $1625. "The price quoted to us of a very well known 12-horsepower car was more than $5000. Its cost before the war was about $1750. and the new model today costs those who can get it direct from an accredited agent $3S00. It Is a good car but $5000 is absurd. "Another instance Is the purchase at. a "very special' price (by which is meant a low one), of a 40-horsepower car.. with a closed body, for $25,000." Prices of very ordinary and not re markably good cars are up 300 and sometimes 400 per cent. That is to say, agents are offered these sums for immedtate delivery. The makers get only the catalog prices. TIRE TROUBLES VANISH DAYS OF WORRY REOAL.IED WHEN OWNERS TREMBLED. Great Strides Made, by Industry in Perfecting Casings of Va rious Types. . It sounds like a fairy story, but time was, and but a few years ago, when a motorist started out for Sunday afternoon's ride with fear and tremllngs, lest his tire should "blow' before he got back. Tire trouble was the bugaboo that constantly reared Its head to ruin bis pleasure in mo torlng. Today, however, the dependability and easy riding qualities of pneumat les permit him to start out without a single thought for his tires. He rarely gives the terrific punishment they undergo a moment s consider tion, feeling sure they will bring him home. From terrified concern, accord ing to the Miller Rubber company, Akron, O.. the pendulum has swung too far toward careless Indifference. The fact that tire manufacture has made wonderful strides in the last few years and has kept well abreas of automobile development, is often forgotten unless attention is called to it. For instance. Miller tire mlleaVe has doubled. As faithful servants, tire deserve well of the car owner. They might often tell strange tales were they given the power of expression tales of cruelty, abuse and careless ness. of service brought to an untlnie ly end and of ill treatment and ex posure. It pays big dividends in motoring comfort and in freedom from tire trouble to run slowly over jagged stones and glass; to avoid bumping into curbs; to promptly plug tread cuts before sand, blisters and mud boils start fabric separation. It makes two miles grow where one would oth erwise be, to guard against rim cut ting by keeping out of car tracks and maintaining proper inflation; to have wheels tested for alignment rather than uselessly grinding away tires as on an emery wheel. It cuts down tire expense to avoid stone bruising them by reckless driving, only to curse them when the overstrained cords break down. Tire conservation Is, Indeed, the need of the hour. The movement for educating the motorist to careful driving, to have his tires regularly in spected by his dealer and to guard against the ills to which tires are heir, by a little care in advance of trouble.v. is gathering momentum throughout the country. SEATTLE, Wash., July 4. One of the most Interesting summer automo bile trips out of Seattle is across the Cascades to Wenatchee, center of an irrigated valley that ranks among the richest in the world. Portland tour ists who visit the Puget Sound coun try will find this route by way of Snoqualmie pass over the mountains one of the most fascinating in the west. The start from Seattle is mads by way of Lake Washington boulevard. skirting the lake, though the distance can. be. shortened by taking a ferry acroes the lake to.Kirkland. effecting a junction, with the regular road at tveamona. ... -. Among., the outstanding points of interest -along ' the route Snoqual mie Falls is the first reached. From the pass,- at an altitude of 3010 feet. the descent leads to Lake Keechelus, a broad expanse surrounded by snow capped peaks. Following the road toward wenatchee, Blewett pass it crossed at an altitude of 4071 feet. This pass road is In good condition, but haa sharp turns that should be negotiated by daylight, so an early start from Seattle is advised. The route is well maked with signs to In sure safe trsvel. In wet weather the experienced motorist advises use of chains by way of caution. The view from the summit is im presslve, affording from the towering cliffs far-reaching panoramas of the valleys. The route continues through thriving centers of the fruit districts to the junction of the Wenatchee and Columbia river. Following Is a log of the route, made recently by Seattle, party: 00.0. Times square, Seattle: take Bothell road around lake, or drive to Madison park and take Kirk land ferry. Mileane in the following log la counted on complete drive around Lake Waahlnton. If ferry rout Is taken, proceed to Redmond, apee- domeier at 24.1, and follow log. 17.4 Woodinvllle. 19.5 Hollywood. 24.1 Redmond. 80 Kail City. 43.1 Pnoqualmle Falls. 45.3 Snoqualmie. 48.5 Nsrth Bend. , 64 3 Anahe Fa I la. 89.9 Summit of Snoqualmie pasa; alti tude 3010 feet. . 70.A Lake Keechelus. 60.9 Baaton. 10A.1 South Cle Elum. 106 7 Cle Elum. 118.9 Left fork to vTenatehee. (Rltht fork leada to Ellennburg.) Medicine creelc. lrnn Creelc. 132.9 Summit of Blewett paas: altitude 4071 -feet. lsa.S Blewett. old town. 147.3 New Blewett. lr9.5 Cashmere. lttO.B Detour, take road to left, paaalng through road parailallnit Wenatchee cana for ahort distance, and following U-ahaped curve to main road two milea further on. 1H7.8 Monitor. 170.3 Wenatchee. CLATSOP DOES OWN PAVING Contractors Figures Bettered in Laying 7-Inch Concrete. ASTORIA, July 3. (Special.) The Clatsop county court is well pleased with the res-ilts attained in the pav ing of the -Warremton-Flavel road, the first paving done by the county's road-building department. The pave ment Is of concrete, 16 feet In width and seven inches thick. It consists of 14,492 yards, the cost being $38 064.24, or at the rate of $2,626 a yard, In making his report of the costs Roadmaster Hackett charged $7214.66 for rental of the county's paving plant and $3.60 per hour for each of the county trucks. The bids by con tractors on similar paving ranged from $2.75 to $3 a yard. RACER AFRAID OF TAXICABS Andre Bolllot Admits Drivers in . Paris Hare His Goat. "Volla!" He doesn't turn a hair at driving a racing car 100 miles an hour but he's afraid to ride in a Paris taxicab. That's Andre Bolllot, famous driver of the French Peugeot, car at Indian apolis, brother of Georges Boil lot, in ternationally known- racer who was killed in the world war. While "fanning" at Uniontown, Bolllot t declared that whenever he rides in a Paris taxi, known for their The pavers have been held back by vnet weather, so are about a month be hind in their schedule for completing; pavement on the Columbia river highway from Cascade Locks to Hood River. Only SV, miles now re main to pave, however, on that part of the highway from the .foot of Ruth ton hill Into Hood River. This picture with a Chevrolet in the f ore It: round shows part of the two miles of crushed rock motorists must drive over. However, It Is not bad' If taken slowly. The highway Is open to trsvel all dsy Sunday and between 11:30 A. M. and l-i30 p. 91. and from 6 o'clock P. M. to I A, 4L on weekdays. On their way to Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Whittle reached Carson City, Nev., May 20, from Cali fornia, claimliig they were the first across the high Sierras this season from Placerville via Kings Canyon road. Now Is the Time to Paint Your Automobile PHONE OR CALL FOR ESTIMATE Robinson-Smith Go. Sixth at Madison. . Main 1100. wstmiM TIRE REPUBLIC TIRES Factory Surplus Stock 30x312 Non-Skid.. $17.50 32x3 Va Non-Skid.. 20.95 33x4 Non-Skid.. 29.65 34x4 Non-Skid.. 30.25 CORDS 32x3i2 : S33.60 32x4 41.75 33x4 42.65 34x412...'. 50.40 36x412........... 52.70 A Variety of Other Makes at Big Savings Out-of-Town Customers Please write and state size wanted. We will quote you on all the diferent makes we have in your size. PORTLAND TIRE CO. Sixth and Burnside Hot Spot and RamVhorn Improve Everything in a CHALMEBlS Even Its Beauty HOT SPOT and Ram V horn, which have lifted Chalmers to a position of engineering leadership, in fluence the action and appear ance of this car in more ways than one. i. Theyprovidemorepower ( and smoother power by get' ting out the power that nature stored away in gasoline. a. They cut down vibration, thus adding in a notable de gree to the comfort of the passengers. 3 . They ehminate the causes of burned bearings, scored cyl' inders and faulty lubrication, and thus reduce its upkeep to an unprecedented minimum. 4. They develop a ready re sponse in the engine and thus add a new delight in driving. 5. By lessening vibration the fenders maintainrigidity, lamps remain in focus, the bonnet is securely anchored, the tire rack is firm and thus the appearance and beauty of the car is en hanced. Hot Spot vaporizes the raw, inferior "gas" into a "cloud" that is easily "digestible' ' in the cylinders. RamVhom rushes it at a velocity of 100 miles an hour through "easy air bends" to the cylinders. They affect favorably every thing in the car and form the" basic reasons for the ever growing belief that Chalmers is one of the few great cars of the world. G. L. Boss Automobile Co. 615-617 Washington St. PORTLAND HI TvolUy FkfJ speed and erratic -courses, he leaves both doors open and braces himself with feet and hands, ready alike for shock of collision or to jump to safety. Go Into Intermediate. Difficult grades can be made with prenter speed and Iprh ftiel in Inter mediate than if the engine is permit ted to labor in higrh to the point of stalling. Contrary to popular suppo position, the engine will cool better if it is not obliged to labor exces sively. Inspect Fan Belt. Tld yon fvir look at your fan belt when you found your engine over heating? A slipping belt means the fan is going at a slower speed and does little cooling for the engine. Tighten up the belt every once in a while or ask a harness man to do it for you. Change oil every 800 miles. A FAMILY WITHIN ITSELF The General Motors Corp, CAPITALIZED AT OVER $1, 000,000,000 MANUFACTURERS OF THE SCRIPPS-BO OTH WE SEl-iL the Scripps-Booth SERVICE the Scripps-Booth FINANCE the Scripps-Booth All purchasers of Scripps-Booth Motor Cars on the time-payment plan have the advantage . of financial aid through the General Motors Acceptance Corporation. There is but one profit on the Scripps-Booth. Our one aim is and all our efforts are bended toward making SATISFIED OWNERS There is no Scripps-Booth agency in Portland. You are dealing with a Branch House when you buy a Scripps-Booth from The Scripps-Booth Co." of Calif. 522 Alder at Sixteenth PORTLAND BRANCH Bdwy. 3169