The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 04, 1920, SECTION FIVE, Page 6, Image 56

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Albany College Remarka-
ble Because Debt-Free.
Raisins of :tO,000 PnH School la)
-- liood Financial Shape. -
(Continued From Page 2.)
camD-mettina: revival at Ninetieth
and Taylor streets, within two blocks
of the end of the Mount Tabor and
Eighty-elghth-street carline.
The first service will be held today
at 11 A. M.. 2:30 -and 8 P. M.. and
every night except Saturday continu
ous untir'September 6.
A cordial invitation is extended
to come and bring your friends.
Everything free and no collections
The Comforter center " hblds Its
Sunday services in the assembly
room of the Portland hotel at 11 A.
M. and 8 P. M. The topic for the
morning is "The End of the Trail":
Ethelind Lord Campion speaker. In
the evening Dr. Bethella Northington
will speak on "Divine Healing."
Kveryone invited.
-. rA F,V I
Bible School Is Opened . at
Italian Mission. ..
rafor of Kat Side Bantlxc C'on-tcre-KBtion
Will Trench on Ui
'lne Intervention. ''
be the subject of a sermon by
Rev. H. T. Cash at the East Side Bap-j
tist church this morning at 11 o'clock.!
At the close of the sermon the Lord's;
Supper will be observed. j
In - the evening at 7:45 Rev. Mr. j
Cash will preach from the topic, 'The
Hungry Heart of Cod." -
i UihlA VLia tirtn ci-hnnl 1 ha.
Ing conducted at the Baptist Italian
mission with an enroll:, cnt of over
100 pupils. .. . .
"Today at Grace Baptist church. East
Seventy-sixth and Ash," the pastor,'
K. W. Starring, will speak at 1 1 A.
M. on "Sanctificatton." and at 8 P. M. ;
on "The Best FreeJom." both services j
being in keeping with the nation's
Independence Day. The evening serv
ice will open with a patriotic-re'.iglous ,
song service in which illustrated
konss will be used. All are cordially
Grace Lutheran church, corner East
Broadway and Twenty-fourth, C. H.
Bernhard. pastor, will ho'd Sunday
school at 9:45 and mornans -service
at. 11 o'clock. There will be no eve
ning services during July and Au
gust. The Sunrisv cr.ou'i of the Clay
Street Evangelical church, corner
Tenth and Clay streets, will convene
at 9:30 o'clock and will be in charge
of Superintendent E. J. Keller. The
morning service begins at 10:45. The
pastor will speak on the subject "God
Is Faithful." The discourse will be
In harmony with the day. of a patri
otic nature. In the afternoon the pas
tor will speak at the Altenheim at
Division street. The Young People's
Alliance at 7 o'clock will be in charge
of President C. B. Lehmann, followed
by the evening sermon, "Duty to
Country and to God."
On July 5 the Evangelical and the
United Evangelical churches of Port
land and vicinity will participate in
a Sunday school picnic at Jennings
Lodge. ?
There will be a special patriotic
service of songs and addresses in the
First United Evangelical church.
East Sixteenth and Poplar streets, at
8 o'clock tonight.
Aged Methodist Pastor Says
Rev. T. I,. Jonea Leave nrovrna
illle and C'onien to Portland' to
Reklde With Hlx Children.
BROWNSVILLE. Or., July 3. (Spe
cial.) Rev. T. L. Jones, the blind
Methodist preacher, now nearly SO
years of age. in the ministry SO
years, has been living with his wife
in retirement at Brownsville, but
owing to failing health preached a
farewell sermon and is now in Port
land, where he went to reside with
his children, a daughter and three
Since entering the ministry at
Grants Pa,is in 1871. Rev. T. L. Jones
has attended the Oregon conference
each year without missing a rollcall.
No other Oregon Methodist has such
a record for continued attendance and
long service. Fifty-two years ' ago
Mr. Jones was married to Miss Balrd,
daughter of a pioneer who was killed
by an immense bear on the
present site of Grants Or. Mrs.
Jones is still living, and what is more
remarkable, there has been no death
'in th- immediate family of husband,
wife and four children.
Sine his retirement from the min
istry he has resided at Brownsville in
a cottage built for him by the local
Methodist church. For a number of
years he has been a familiar figure
on the streetis
He is the author of a book entitled.
"From the Gold Mine to the Pulpit."
In which the veteran recounts his ad
ventures from the time when in 1S53.
in company with his parents, he came
west, settling on a donation land
claim near the present site of Eugene
in a district then infested with
Indians. His career in the mines of
Idaho and southern Oregon merges
into his conversion and entry into
the ministry in 1871.
The blind pastor of other days
was honored by a great union meet
ing of the Brownsville churches, in
which he preached a farewell sermon
in his old pulpit at the local Metho
dist church. The congregation packed
the building. After preaching he was
-d to his old pastor's chair and as
tne people rued by. he bade each one
good-by Individually. The choir sang
his favorite hymns. "Like a Tender
Shepherd Lead Us" and "Happy Day."
The contribution of close to J30 was
presented to him.
Rev. E. O. Shepherd, pastor of the
Third United Brethren church. Sixty
seventh street and Thirt v-second ave
nue S. E.. will deliver the third of
his series on the fruits of the spirit.
"The Life of Peace." In the evening
there will be a patriotic service, the
Kinging of national airs and an ad
dress by the pastor.
Pastor Taking Vacation in
Middle West.
nT. Frank Moyers of V. M. C. A.
Will Occupy Pulpit During the
Absence of Dr. Byron J. Clark. .
Yn- BY RON J. CLARK, pastor of
ir the First United Brethren church
Fifteenth and East Morrison streets,
ia away on his vacation in the middle
west states, and will be gone about
a month. During his absence there
will be services as usual. Rev. Frank
Meyers, of the Y. M. C. A., will preach
both morning and evening next Sun
day. The choir, under the' direction
of Professor Moore.- will render spe
cial music.
Rev. Ira Hawley. pastor of the Sec
ond United Brethren church. Twenty
seventh and Sumner streets, will
preach Sunday morning on the theme,
"Informing Them. In the evening
the eervice will be evangelistic.
Owing to the illness of the pastor
of the Fourth United Brethren church,
Tremont station, the pulpit will be
supplied in the morning by J. L. Hunt
and in the evening by J. P. Schnable.
Independence day will be observed
by the United Brethren church in
Tremont. Judge Fred A. Allehotf will
make the address In the forenoon and
Charles J. Schnabel in the evening.
Berlin Church Membership
Falling Off.
Synod of German Lutheran Church'
Takes Draatlc Measures Against
BERLIN, July 3. So great is the
falling off in church membership
here that the Berlin synod of the Ger
man Lutheran church has voted to
take drastic measures against per
sons who withdraw. Reports read at
a recent meeting of tne synod showed
tl at while in 1915 there were only 25
defections, the number last year
reached 52S7. . As many women as
men withdrew, most of them being
young, and the majority members of
the social-democratic party. .
The synod resolved that all those
withdrawing should be excluded from
thi- privileges of the church, their
children to be denied baptism and to
receive confirmation instruction 'only
on certain conditions. To make these
measures effective the synod voted to
introduce c'arda to show thaf the
holders are bona fide church mem
bers. Escape from church taxation is
said to be the principal reason for the
withdrawals. Every German citizen
is assumed to be a member of the
state church and is taxed for its up
kiep. Formerly there were few with
drawals owing to' the difficulties
placed in the way of those wishing to
do so and also to the social discredit
that accompanied the act. But under
a new law all a person has to do is
to appear before a designated official
and state his desire to give up his
church membership. Thereafter he is
exempt from the payment of church
. m '
At the First Methodist church Dr.
Stansfield will preach at the morn
ing service at 10:30 on "Bubbles." In
the evening service, 8 to 9 sharp,
h great inaepenjence clay service
r5 w9y.
national sonsjs and hymns. Miss
Goldie Peterson will sing the "Star
Spai gled Banner" and Dr. Stansfi?ld
will give a patriotic address on "Evo
lution of the American Flag."
m m
At woodUwn Methodist church
there will be two Fourth of July
services. The morning subject will be
The Highest and Final Form of Gov
ernment.'' In the evening the Ep
worth league and church unite in dis
cussion of the subject, "Our Duty to
Our Country." and in orayer for our
. own loved land.
The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Meth
odist Episcopal- church. Powell and
Fortieth streot, will observe the
Fourth of July. The pastor, E. Sutton
Mace, will speak on "Some Marks of
Christian Patriotism." Service at 11
A. M. Xo eviaing service.
Rev. Ellefsen of Fresno. Cal.. will
preach this morning in the Norwe
gian ' and Danish Methodist church,
Vancouver -tvenue and Skidmore
street, and In the evening Rev. A.
Vereide. from Seattle, who some years
ago was pastor of the church, will de
liver the sermon.
Damage Paid for "Invasion."
John Muller. a farmer at Green
lawn. L. I., sued a moving picture
company for $2000 for trespass, be
cause to make a moving picture. "All
for France."' the company invaded his
property with 1000 men, horses, ma
chine guns, cannon and a lot of peas
antry, and a big airplane scared Muh
ler s horses so that they refused to
work. Also, the airplane alighted in
the midle of 27 acres of young corn
and in trying to fly again gouged the
whole length of the field two or three
times crosswise, while the moving
picture army trampled Mr. Muller's
cabbages. The jury gave him J300
Honolulu Seeks House Servants.
HONOLULU, T. H. Honolulu will
appeal to the chambers of commerce
of cities in Sweden and Denmark for
house servants, according to an an
liouncement by officers of the Hono
lulu Housewives' league. The league
will send circulars to the Scandina
vian countries, reciting the dearth
here of domestic help and asking if
there are any working women avail
able who would appreciate employ-
ment at the crossroads of the Pacific
New Vaults Being Built to
Hold U. S. Millions.
Experts Will Teat In Every Pos
sible Way Xfir Strona; Boxes of
Federal Reserve Board.
WASHINGTON, July 3. Govern
ment experts are emulating, the
"Jimmy Valentine" of the underworld
at the bureau of standards in their
effort to decide upon the type of
vault to be selected for the protection
of deposits of the federal reserve board.
A number of vaults, embodying in
their construction the latest anti
burglar Ideas, have been completed
and tests are now under way to de
termine if they are sufficiently
"proof" to be entrusted with the mil
lions of dollars which the board dis
tributes among member of the re
serve system.
The specimen vaults are of con
crete, reinforced with various mate
rials guaranteed to discourage the
most patient driller pusher. In some
of them sheets of case-hardened steel
have been inserted between layers of
concrete, while iron rails, arranged
in tiers, have been placed in others.
A quantity of hard glass is to be test
ed in one vault, the opinion having
been expressed that this material will
dull the sharpest drill, while fusing
before an oxy-acetylene torch.
Dynamite and the more strenuous
"soups" will be used by the govern
ment experts, as well as every me
chanical method yet put forward by
the masked cult.
Mules Still in Demand.
YUMA. Aris. The high cost of
mules and the popularity of them In
spite of all the trucks and automo
biles of the present day has been im
pressed on residents here with the
announcement that the Southwest
Cotton company has paid $1800 for
two span of mules, or $450 per mule.
The animals will be used for ordinary
work purposes, it was announced by
company officials.
. New Rubs Look Old.
London Tit-Bits.
How 'genuine antique rug are
manufactured and prepared for Eu
ropean and American markets is told
by an American who visited Bagdad.
)?Qt8 r - ' A MINUTE COR. ' I
SALLY, WHAT WITH ofc -V' jtd&b&jyWy,
The shopping streets seem like tun
nels. They are arched overhead with
brick to keep out the heat; thus they
run. like subways, up and down the
bazar quarter. Through those long,
stifling, faintly lighted tunnels
throngs the eternal crowd of men.
mules and camels. Often one will
see a fine rug lying flat In the filth
of a narrow street, ground beneath
the tramp of men and beasts,' but
there is method in this. Foreigners
make Oriental rugs, bright and new,
in Persia and sell them through Bag
dad. Since an "old rug" Is worth
more, wily brokers have hit on this
Stonehenare Set in prder.
London Tit-Bits.
Stonehenge. the prehistoric group
of huge standing stones near Salis
bury, In southern England, is now be
ing set in order for the first time in
its mystery-shrouded existence of
3000 or 4000 years. A single stone
was .straightened in 1901. it is true,
but a thorough overhauling was
made impossible by lack of funds,
happily. Stonehenge is now owned
by the government. During the wai
it was the center of a large perma
nent encampment. Artillery ranges
and subterranean mine experiment
Instant relief for sore, -aching,
. tender, calloused feet .
and corns.
You're footsick! Your feet feel tired,
puffed up. chafed, aching, sweaty, and
they need "Tiz."
"Tiz" makes feet remarkably fresh
and sore-proof. "Tiz" takes the pain
and burn right out of corns, callouses
and bunions. "Tiz." Is the grandest
foot-gladdenor the world has ever
Get a box of "Tiz" at any' drug
store and end foot torture for a whole
year. Never have tired, aching,
sweaty, . smelly feet; your shoes will
fit fine and you'll only wish you had
tried "Tiz" sooner. Accept no substi
tute. Adv.
stations were established on Salis
bury plain, and close enough to jar
the remaining uprights and ponder
ous lintels: or crospiees. This vi
bration has affected, in particular,
one of the trillithons that once formed
part of the outer circle. The cross
piece moved outward and was lately
a menace to visitors.
Side Whiskers Bark In London.
The London exquisite is doing his
best to cultivate side whiskers, a fash
LYKOIssold In-aelainal aash.
IM only. Ilk pietur akava.
H((uH all ubatitutas.
Sizzling days and swelt
ering nights wear down
the reserve force and
leave the mind and body
impoverished. Rebuild
your energy and restore
your ambition with
The Great General Tonl
Sold By Alt Rmliablm Drutgimt
Sole Manufacturers:
New York Kansas City, Me-
' ft'or aala by alt druKCit, always in sloes
at Owl lrus Co.
TO 3 TSR. T & &&DOlS
ion that was somewhat frowned upon
a few years ago when Lord Rock
savage attempted tts resurrection.
But that was in the days before the
war and probably It is a change from
Appendicitis la caused by poisons
from decaying food in the bowels.
Many people have a bowel movement
h,.t If ! Tint a COMPLETE
I movement and much old, stale matter
I stays in the system to ferment and
- ,,n,,Ki. nrt.n ih.rA 1r onlv a
mall passage In the center of bowels
while the sides are covered with old.
hard matter which stays in the sys
tem. Besides appendicitis.' such un-
. . . . .. Jnf,,An7a ffV.rH
I clean ouweia auoc . ... ... -.
! headaches and stomach trouble. Old.
hard waste matter sticking to the
' , . .u. nften noisons the
. . Mnnfea muVinl- VOU feel
i system iwi .: ; 7 , , ,,
tired all the time and half-sick.
V,-t allow this old. fermenting
stuff to stay in your bowels but GET
! IT OUT and keep it out. Even if your
' bowels move slightly each day. that
1 is not enough. There must be an oc
icasiSnal THOROUGH. complete
I cleansing to rid your system of all
' accumulated decaying waste matter.
The most COMPLETE system
' rleanser known Is a mixture of buck
I thorn bark., glycerine and ten other
ingredients, put up in ready pre red
form under the name of Adler-l-ka
This mixture is so thorough a bowel
cleanser that it removes foul and
poisSnous matter which other cath
artic or laxative mixtures are unable
to dislodge. It loosens and dissolves
foul matter sticking to the sides of
the intestines, working without the
least discomfort or trouble. It is so
cTontle that one forgets he has taken
ft until the THOROUGH evacuation
starts. It is astonishing, the great
imount of foul, poisonous matter ONE
SPOONFUL of Adler-i-ka draws from
the alimentary canal matter you
would never have thought was in
Iyour system. Try It right after a
natural bowel movement and notice
bow much MORE foul matter will be
COW TFS 7. ..
the regulation military mustache of
the last five or six years that British
young men of today are growing tufts
of hair in front of their ears with
most hideous results.
brought out which was poisoning
your system. In slight disorders such
as occasional constipation, sour stom
ach, "gas on the stomach" or sick
headache, ONE spoonful always
brings relief. Adler-i-ka is a con
stant surprise to people who have
used only ordinary bowel and stom
ach medicines and the various oils
and waters.
"I use " Adler-i-ka in my practice
and have found nothing to excel it."
(Signed) Dr. W. A. Line.
" have been very successful with
Adler-i-ka Some cases require only
one dose." (Signed) Dr. V. M. Pretty
man. "I have found nothing in my 50
years' practice to excel Adler-l-ka."
(Signed) Dr. James Weaver.
"One of our leading doctors has
used Adler-i-ka in cases of stomach '
trouble with wonderful success. He
has not lost a patient and saved many,
operations." (Signed) Druggist D.
Hawks. '
"I had bad stomach trouble. After
taking Adler-l-ka. feel better than
for 20 years. Haven't language to
which were eliminated from my sys
tem." (Signed) J. E. Puckett.
"Thanks to Adler-i-ka. 1 can sleep
all night now. something 1 could not
do for years." (Signed) Cora E
"1 could not eat a thing, my stom
ach was so weak. Adler-i-ka made
nie feel better and am now able to
work and gaining." (Signed) Mrs.
L. A. Austin.
Adler-i-ka is sold by leading drug
gists everywhere. V.rite for free
booklet about appendicitis. Adlerika
Co., Dept. 18. St. Paul, Minn. Sold in
Portland at Skidmore and oiaar
druggists. Adv.