The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 04, 1920, Section One, Page 5, Image 5

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Farmers Are Awakening to
Communistic Plan.
to stop the sale of land for taxation.
The law proposed would have all
land on which taxes were not paid
pass directly to state ownership, and
by the state be rented, or leased ac
cording to the Russian communistic
theory. This measure, however, did
not pass, for the farm owning mem
bers of the legislature were not ready
to take that long step tword com
munism, yet its place in the pro
gramme is evident.
Apparent Purpose of Xortli Dakota
Officials Is to Gala Stato
Ownership of Property.
BISMARCK, N. D., July 3. (Special.)
Ono does not have to depend on the
opposition to the non-partisan league
for evidence that its tax programme
shows startling increases since the
advent of tha league in power. The
evidence that is submitted in this in
stallment was obtained at the state
capitol this afternoon from offices
controlled by men elected by the
league. I have the original copies of
the statements they furnished me.
Kirst let me introduce James E.
Robinson, the Nestor of the supreme
court, a quaint figure with his great
mop of gray hair reaching almost to
his shoulders and bobbed after the
modern fashion for little girls. The
judge, by the way, is one of the regu
lar performers when the Townley
regime needs a legal opinion to sus
tain anything In its programme, yet
this is what he has to say about the
tax programme:
"When the governor and his cabinet
fixed the valuations under the 1919
system and raised valuations of farm
lands from $21,000,000 to $1,072,000.
000; using round numbers, five, tfmes
what it was before, of course they
wiped out all limitations in every
taxing body. The result is that the
taxes are excessively high on farm
lands. Well they may not be exces
sively high on account of state taxes,
but very high through school districts
and cities and towns.
Appropriations Are Increased,
"They would have been higher than
they arc If I had not had the special
cession reduce them, and they did
cut off some state appropriations
then, but not what I wanted, for the
appropriations for the 1919 session
are far greater than they were for
the previous sessions."
These figures were furnished me
by Secretary Baker of the state tax
commission and are, therefore, offi
cial: Total Rtate taxes including
money Hnd credit tax -anti
grain tax as shown by ab
stract of tax lists for the'
year 1019 $3,742,616.08
ToLal state taxes for year
1918. Including money and
credits tax, grain tax as ,
iliown by abstract of tax
lists $1.7fl6.046.43
Increase of 1919 over 101S.. S1.07G.0UU.65
Percentage of increase of 1919 over
1D18 111.92
Articles of Foreign Manufacture
Xceded In France.
(Copyright by the New Tork World. Pub
, Ushed by Arrangement.)
PARIS, July 3. (Special cable.)
High officials at the French ministry
of finance today confirmed the report
which already has been announced In
these despatches that the decree of
April 23, prohibiting the importation
of certain articles into France will
shortly undergo a thorough revision
n the sense that on a number of arti
cles on the list a high protective
ariff will replace downright prohibi
Some articles figuring on the list,
t was said at the ministry, may well
be placed on the tariff list, as they
are urgently needed in this country
and their importation cannot serious-
y interfere with French products.
Preparatory to a fresh decree partial-
y superseding that of April, experts
delegated by the finance minister.
1' rancois Marsel, are reviewing the
mport situation jointly with the
chamber of deputies finance commission.
Douglas County's Total Crop Uqual
to Tliat of 19 19.
ROSEBURG, Or., July 3. (Special.)
F. B. Guthrie, Douglas county field
representative for the Oregon Grow
ers Co-operative association, today
completed his estimate of the tonnage
he association will handle this year.
His report shows an average yield of
prunes in spite of rain. Cherries,
while light, are showing up better
right now. The peach crop is so light
it is almost a failure. Pears are spot
ted and will average light. The apple
crop would be light but the new or
chards coming in will bring about an
average crop.
This will bring the number of cars
to be packed up to the 1919 total. The
association has set the time limit for
new members whose 1920 crop can be
handled for July 15 and many are
'hopping on the band wagon."
Distribution of Increase.
Poldlers' fund levy, 38.5 per cent $
Slnklnjr and interest funds. 10.1
per cent ..... i
Educational institutions, penal
and charitable, and other
Stat Institutions, 31.1 per cent
Ftate Industries, 8.2 per cent...
All others, 12.1 per cent
12,000 Acres of Tribal Land Re
main Out of Original 157,000,
Ddc to Allotments.
PENDLETON, Or., July 3. (Spe
cial.) "-Indians on the Umatilla reser
vation now number 1130. Major E. L
Swartzlander, superintendent of the
reservation for 11 years, reports that
when he assumed management there
were 1200. :
Major Swartzander came to the res
ervation in July. 1909, relieving A. E.
Fatridge. At that time the Indian
population was 1200 and ft slowly in
creased until the epidemic of influ
enza two years ago. Over 40 deaths
have occurred in the two years, a
number greater than the births,
which, in normal times, exceeds the
In 1890 the reservation was dimin
ished to 157,000 acres of tribal land.
In 1890-1891 950 allotments were
made to individual Indians, aggregating-
about 82,000 acres, leaving 75,000
acres of tribal land. Three years ago
additional allotments were made to
769 Indians, and 12,000 acres remain,
merely enough for grazing, an aver
age of about 10 acres each.
Educational facilities are excellent.
All Indian-children are required to at
tend school, of which there are five
on the reservation.
St. Andrew's Mission cares for
about 75 Indian pupils. More than
50 Umatilla Indians attend Chemawa,
and four attend the big Indian univer
sity at Lawrence, Kansas.
Umatilla Indians are a peaceful lot;
only three Indian police are required
to patrol the entire reservation.
Brazilian Rate to Be Further Re
duced by Telegraph Company.
CHICAGO, July 3. The Western
Union Telegraph company announced
today that it will have direct com
munication established between Chi
cago and Buenos Aires shortly. Most
of a 7000-mile line has been laid, the
new cable to be put in from Miami,
r la., to the Isle of Barbados in the
West Indies and then on to Maran-
tham, Brazil, connecting with the
land lines.
Western Union officials said today
that they will make the Brazilian
rate, which has been reduced from $1
to 60 cents a word, still lower when
the new route Is opened.
Tiro Men Get 3 Tears, One Given 2
Years; 2 Cases Pending.
MEDFORD, Or., July 3. (Special.)
The five persons indicted by the
special grand Jury at Jacksonville
Friday pleaded guilty when arraigned
in court today, and three were given
penitentiary sentences.
William Taber, 40, and William
Hawley, 20, both of Ashland, were
sentenced to three years in the peni
tentiary for breaking into an Ashland
store, and Cecil Emery. 19. also ot
Ashland, was given a two-year sen
tence for stealing an automobile and
taking it to the Crescent city.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goodan, the Med-
ford couple who were indicted and
pleaded guilty to charges in connec
tion with their recent wholesale pass
ing of worthless checks or. Medford
merchants, will be sentenced Satur
day, July 12.
Stnte Indnatriea Blamed.
The statement has these two il
luminating praragraphs attached:
"State industries are responsible for
the increase in the sinking and in
terest fund levies as well as for the
Increase shown under state in
"Note: The increased appropria
tion is only pratially reflected in the
increase in levies as the miscellaneous
collections and special taxes going
into the general fund partially take
care or increased appropriations.
- These are particularly candid state
meats to come directly from the of
fice of the leaguers for in the mat
ter of special taxes they have proved
themselves wonderfully resourceful;
lor example, the state 'now has a
department which collects the li
censes from moving picture shows
pool halls, taxicab drivers, etc, which
used to go Xo the municipalities. The
collection of these fees reach a hand
come total to add to the general
fund and serve to provide a comfort
able eum for . increased appropria
tions. Nor are these all. Lawyers
to practice In North Dakota courts
pay an annual licenso of $15 to main
tain the bar board, whose only dutie
so far as the last year has shown, is
to hold bar examinations twice an
1915 and 3019 Cora parr d.
From another state ofifce, and one
controlled by men elected by the non
partisan league two years ago the
following graphic table was obtained
which pets forth a typical monthly
ray roll of the state house in 1915
and one in 1919, compares the genera
funds on corresponding dates, the
total assessed valuations and othe
data. A perusal of this table and
the significance of the figures ought
to be sufficient to convince any one
tf the utter incompetence of the
Mague officials as state admin bU-.
8k rs.
The table is as follows:
Jjiyroll for on month, 1916..$ 2ft. 045.24
l-yro!l for one month. 1919.. 9.191.46
4cneraJ fund balance. eceinber
1. 1015 20S.58
General fund balance. December
11. 191 198,530.94
m-'on for this Large balance Is be
cause of the fact that over $500,000 was
borrowed from the Hank of North Dakota
n ude over the shortage, and $455,000 of
this amount has been spent and will have
to be paid back out of the general fund.
(This la the exact lansu&ce of tue state
ment.) Total assessed valuatlcm of
North Dakota for 1915....$ 8S4.93S.700
Total assessed valuation of
North Dakota, for 1919 1.523. T46.929
Assessed valuation of farm
lands only. 1915 213,137,140
Assessed valuation ot farm
lands only. 1919 1.0T2.187.653
Assessed valuation, of all other
property. 1915 171.801.660
Assessed valuation of all other
property. 1919 451.579.276
Appropriation for all other
purposes. 1913 $3,649,491.25
Appropriations for all state
amrposea, 1918 7.302.555.43
Farmen Are Awakening;.
These figures should be Illuminat
ing to the farmers of Oregon for they
are a very clear Indication of what
the non-partisan league programme
is aiming et though the farmers here
have just begun to see it, through
their tax receipts.
These figures show that while the
valuation of all other property has
Increased by two and one-half times,
under the new 6ystem of using the
full 100 per cent system, the valuation
of farm property has increased five
Besides this, the appropriations for
state purposes are clearly shown to
have Increased more than 100 per
cent, tor ail this has been necessary
to meet the cost of the growing pay
roll and extravagent programme of
me league.
The tendency of Increasing farm
valuations Is the logisal one for the
league If it is to follow the pro
gramm. laid down by one of its
prophets, "Walter Thomas Mills, who
in hla book on "The Struggle of
I'overty, declares absolutely for the
state ownership of land, and this like
wise Is indicated in the proposal of
league leaders in the lat session
Tank Company to Be 3Iustered In.
CENTRALIA, Wash., July 3. (Spe
cial.) Centralia's new national guard
tank company will be mustered in
Tuesday night at the Elks' club with
83 men and two officers. Major Pat
ton, U. S. A., will be the mustering
officer. Captain David Livingstone,
who will command the new company,
received word from the adjutant-general's
office yesterday that It will be
officially designated as company L,
national guard tank corps.
Chchalis Is Thronged.
CHEHALis. Wash., July 3. (Soe
cial.) Chehalis has been crowded
with outside people all day today and
last night the sleeping accommoda
tions of the city were taxed to ca
pacity. All the sawmills shut down
either yesterday or today in this sec
tion tfntil after the Fourth and many
will not reopen for two or three
weeks. Auto travel Is very heavy
through here, hundreds of cars going
to the races at Tacoma.
Highway Employes on Outing.
SALEM, Or., July 3. (Special.)
Twenty-five employes of the state
highway department left here this
afternoon by auto truck for the Mount
Hood district where they will remain
until Monday night. Girls comprised
half the party. Tonight will be spent
at Government Camp and tomorrow
the hikers start for the summit of
the mountain. Roy Klein, secretary
of the state highway commission, was
in charge of the party.
State Hospital Farmer Quits.
SALEM. Or., July 3. (Special.)
D. T. Brown, employed as chief farmer
at the state hospital for the past 36
years, has resigned his position and
will leave next week for Oregon City
where he will make his future home.
Mr. Brown's resignation was neces
sary because of failing health, accord
ing to his letter filed with Dr. It. E.
Lee Steiner, superintendent of the in
Mayor's House Robbed.
VANCOUVER, Wash., July 3. (Spe
iol 1 Thrcft hiirclariea wfire rennrted
I today. The house of Mayor Percival,
915 Franklin street, was entered and
$5 taken. Professor Shumway, 1112
Columbia, lost a valuable watch and
$5. The residence of Mrs. Elizabeth
Metcalf at 308 West Eighth street was
entered and a number of old coins
and articles of clothing taken.
. The Day on which all Americans
will Celebrate, the One Hundred
and Forty-fourth Anniversary of
Morrison at Fourth
the gem of dignity
For a half century this Diamond House has served
an ever-increasing clientele. In ability to serve, it
has kept in the vanguard of progress through all
the years. Its diamond stocks were never more
attractive than now; they are at your disposal for
inspection and selection.
Established 1870
Bet. Fifth and Sixth Streets
h ' ; " At -'-H A WMmT It
I MoSt heroic, SPec WMfM ' &
tacular, human . fe ' ' fSMl' ' 'V A
Photo: Novel jwfM4m M&S9feiaJrifc Xi
flashed upon a
Portland screen JSikft "
It's a fighting story. If strong,
vigorous, red-blooded tales, where
blows and blood, hatred and murder
show themselves, together with the
great wild wastes of the frozen
North, grizzly bears, fierce mala
mutes, primitive men, and tender
and beautiful women, appeal to
you, then you'll put the 100 per
cent stamp on this production.
Napoleon's Last Charge E. T. Paul
Three Favorite Songs
"Somewhere a Voice Is Callirifr"
"My Rosary"
"Chimes of Normandy" Arr. by Keates
Concert Waltz...." Henri A. Keates
Overture, "Bridal Rose" Lavaller
TODAY AT 12:30
How About the Letter You Should
Have Answered and Didn't?
Perhaps you hadn't the time; you
were not in the mood; you hate to
write letters, or you couldn't ex
press yourself on paper.
My business Is to write letters
for you either business or per
gonal without dictation and I
am always In the mood.
This is a new thins In the west,
but popular in the east. If you
try it once, you will need no fur
ther convincing. Fifteen years'
experience. All work strictly con
fidential. Can give Al city ref
erences. For appointment, call Mar. 3234
8 to 10:30 A. M., 5 to 8 I. Bf.
Battle Scenes at
Tomorrow Night
Vancouver Car
J150 cash and $25 per month price
?400 rwill buy a renewed Hudson
4-cylinder car. Why not take it?
Northwest Auto Co.
Alder at 18th
Fred Ober's Grocery
open for business. Full line of groceries, fruits, veg
etables, meat and ice at reasonable prices. We solicit
your patronage. Strict attention raid to all orders.