8 TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 4, 1920 DCIE it, ,zr Td r 1 &Z?&U?- 'itOto tfas- JFj-j- v ?s &j?y'J III 1 e, ' iSKw V' I H II It i1 i (Continued From Pae sen. matron of honer. who was gowned in pink Georgette crepe,. The bride was dressed in a beauti ful gown of bridal sat'n trimmed In Irish lace and wore a bouquet of roses and sweet peas. After a luncheon, the couple left for l..os Angeles, where they will spend their honeymoon. The out-of-town (ruests were Mrs. Mary E. Stephenson I of North Yakima, mother of the bride, I Mr. and Mrs. Will C. Prater and son of Seattle. Mrs. E. Stier and Miss Clara Stier of Spokane. Holmri-Vrnntor. Miss Edena H. Venator and William S. 'Holmes were married on June 26 in the bride's home. Rev. M. A. Pabestra officiating:. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes will reside in Grass Valley. JoncM-IIudelMon. Charles Cecil Jones of Portlana and Mace A. Hudelson of Stockton, Cal.. were married a few days ago in Oakland, Cal. News of their . wedding has just been received in Portland. Kffnf j-Moorf. ! ' EUGENE, Or., July 3. (Special.) Of interest to their many friends was the wedding of Miss Ada Josephine Moore of this city and Arthur L. Keeney of Portland, which took place at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. Nellie S. Moore. 516 Madison I street, Tuesday afternoon, June 22. An impressive ring ceremony was read by Rev. E. V Stivers of the First Christian church, which, was witnessed by relatives and- intimate friends. The livingroor was artis tically decorated with pink roses and quantities of airy ocean spray. These flowers formed a bower in the corner of the room where the young couple stood. Miss Gwlady's Muriel Keeney of Portland, a cousin of the bridegroom, sang "At Dawning" before the cere mony and also played the wedding march. The bride looked very attractive in a gown of chiffon organdie with white tulle' veil caught with orange blossoms. She carried a shower bou quet of Cecil Brunner buds and Ophelia roses. Following the ceremony light re freshments were served and later the young couple left for Portland, where they will make their home at 547 Everett street. The bride was a student at the university the past year, and was a member of ,he Sigma Delta Phi so rority. The bridegroom is connected with the firm of McEnter & Eilers. Port land. Workman-Harbison. Miss Mcry Alice Harbison, daughter of Mr. and "Mrs. R. E. Harbison of Hillsboro, and Wilbur L. Workman of Beaverton were married at the bride's home on June 22. Weaver-Boyd. Miss Thelma Boyd and Fred Weaver were married Wednesday evening June 30. at 8 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F..Boyd, 285 Benton street. Rev. Mr. Ghormley of Kern Park Christian church officiated In the presence of relatives and friends. The bride was M -Vv YTTXv) -J ; s r ' x..-..J BA1 l an an Kir It (or 0 TEARS L'tted the Ekdee Hair Cerate for Mx H'eeks. RESULT! Hair Started Over Entire Scalp. $J.OO PER JAR. 2.JI Postpaid. Get It at Your Druggist or TMK KKOF.K CO.. Hon I nion Ave N. 423 St. Jamn Flore I'ortlnnd. Or. l.hjcaffo. 111. attired In a gown of white crepe de chine, with veil caught in place with 6range blossoms. Misa Opal Bricknell was 4he bride's only attendant. Mr. Carroll, cousin of the bridegroom, was best man. Mrs.- Margaret Haynie played the wedding march and Mrs. Dale Pat rick sang a selection. The rooms were tastefully decorated in roses. After a brief honeymoon to coast points Mr. and Mrs. Weaver will re turn to make Portland their home. . LaierKaD-PlKKott, Miss Gladys Piggott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Piggott of Port land, and Charles W. Lonergan, son of Charles Lonergan of Portland, were married June 18 at Vancouver, the Rev. C. C. Curtis of the First Chris tian church officiating. The bride wore white crepe de chine trimmed with pearls and carried a shower of roses. The bride and bridegroom were ac companied by Mrs. Fred Piggott, mother of the bride, and the Misses Bernice Piggott and Agnes Dickson of Brazil, Ind. A reception was held at the Piggott home on Pettygrove street In honor of the newlyweds, who re ceived many beautiful gifts consist ing of cut glass, silver, china and linens. The happy couple went to house keeping In the Jeffersonian apart ments, where they have the best wishes of their many friends. Cohen-Martin. Miss Mary Martin and Bert Cohen were married on Friday at the cathe dral residence. Father Campbell offi ciating. The bride was given in mar riage by her father, A. C. Martin. Castle-Melton. The marriage of Miss Edith Melton and Earle Castle, both of Baker. Or., took place June 28 in the First Pres byterian church here. Rev. John H. Boyd officiating. The bride was at tended by Miss Margaret Sullivan of Portland. Henry L. Melton of Round up, jyionc., Drotner or tne Driae, was best man. Mrs. Eugene Moore sang "Oh Promise Me" and "Because." and E. E. Coursen presided at the organ. Among those present from out of town were Mrs. Dora L." Melton and Mrs. C. W. Castle of Baker. Wolls-Matehea. Miss Matilda A. Matches and James G. Wolls were married n ntly at 187 East Thirty-seventh street. Mrs. James Shearer played the wedding march and Evelyn Lawrence sang. The bride was lovely in white satin and a long filmy veil. The couple will make their home at 1J47 East Main street. Sharp-Allhanda. Marian H. Allhanda left Portland June 28 for Denver, Col., where she was married to Leslie H. Sharp on June 30. Mr S)in rn In IVia RAn of Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. Sharp of Red Bluff, Cal. Dr. Sharp was formerly pastor of the Mount Tabor Presbyterian church of Portland. The groom is a graduate of Lake Forest university and of Stanford university. Since his return from France last November he has been in the government service work in the bureau of mines at the University of Colorado. The young ' couple .will pass their honeymoon on a tour of inspection amonc the mines of western Colorado and upon their return will make their home at Boulder, Col. The marriage is the culmination of a romance begun at Stanford univer sity. Mrs. Orllla E. Myers of Danville, 111., an aunt of the bride, will stop at Denver to attend the wedding after which she will come to .Portland to spend the summer. Grler-Spencer. Miss Audra Fay Spencer and Will iam Grier were married on Friday at the East Side Baptist church. Rev. H. T. Cash officiating. The bride is an attractive and accomplished girl of Estacada, and the bridegroom comes of an old and esteemed family, for merly of Scotland. He Is connected with the Portland Flouring mills. A breakfast was served at the Benson hotel after the ceremony. The bride wore a gown of white satin and a veil of tulle and real lace. Hleitand-Brewer, The marriage of Miss Grace Brewer and Clynton H. Hiestand took place at 8:30 o'clock on Saturday at the Methodist' Episcopal church. Union avenue and Multnomah streets. In the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. Rev. John W. Byrd performed the ring ceremony. The bridal party entered the church to the strains of Mendelssohn's wed ding march, played by Miss Glenna Jones. Little Dorothy Mulholland, as flower girl, and Marjorie Oetzen. as ring bearer, were dainty little maids in flurfy white dresses. Miss Brewer's gown was of taffeta and lace and she carried a bouquet of bride's roses and delicate ferns. Miss Valll Brewer, as maid of honor, wore a blue chiffon gown with pink picture hat and carried Ophelia rosea Miss Helen King and Mrs. Howard R. Woodburn (Doris Sawyer) were bridesmaids. They wore pink .and white chiffon gowns, with pink pic ture hats, and carried spring flowers in Dink shades. Mr. Hiestand was attended by Jerry Nowlan as best man. Romalne Brand and Earl Tarmey were ushers. Pre ceding the ceremony Miss Colder sang "O Promise Me. Immediately after the wedding cere mony the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Brewer, gave a reception at their home on Alberta street tor the many friends of the bridal party. Miss Brewer is a graduate of the Oregon Agricultural college and member of the Delta Delta Delta sorority, and for the past two years has been a member of the James John hieh school faculty. Mr. Hiestand is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hiestand of Tigard, Or. and is also a graduate of Oregon Ag ricultural college. He Is a member of Kanoa Psl fraternity. The young couple, after a week's visit at Gearhart and other beaches, expect to motor to Canada and north ern Washington. They will reside In Portland. tored to Seattle. From there they will motor on to Yakima to spend the summer, where Mr. Hirsch has busi ness interests. Corinthian Social club'. Eastern Star, will have a social and card party Saturday evening, July 10. at Masonic temple. All members and friends are hivited to attend. Announcements have been received by Portland friends of the marriage of Myrtle Harriete Linville, dauiter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Linville of Astoria, Or., and Waldo C. Grenfell of Portland. At Ced'arville park. Linnemann sta tion, a picnic will be given Monday by the Swiss singing societies. Trains leave from First and Alder streets. All Estacada, Bull Run or Gresham trains stop at the park. Miss Genevieve Keller has returned from New York, where she has been spending the winter studying at Co lumbia university. She will spend the summer months with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Perrine Keller, and then return to the east. Following a brief honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Churchill Cook Jr. will be at home to their many friends at the Benson apartments after July 15. Mr. and Mrs. Cook were married June 19 at the residence of the bride groom's parents at Tacoma. Mr. Cook is widely known here as factory rep resentative of the Edison Phonograph company and before her marriage Mrs. Cook was Wllma Barr Foley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marquis Barr of Oskaloosa, la. Among the visitors during Shrine week were Judge and Mrs. W. A. Gilnvore of Seattle. They were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Harvev A. Altnow of this city and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ricketts of Vancouver, Wash. Judge and Mre. Gilmore have Just returned from the republican presi dential convention in Chicago, where Judge Gilmore was campaign man ager lor General Wood, and Mrs. Gilmore was a delegate from Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Younarman of Victoria, B. C, who have been visit ing for the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Baker of 1233 Gar field avenue, Piedmont, left for home on Wednesday. Mr. Youngman holds the rank of sergeant-major instructor on the Canadian military staff and has seen active service on a number of fields for the British empire. Tho Canadian guests were enthusiastic over the scenic beauties of this city and surroundi ngrs. LOVE OVERCOMES FAITH PASTOR GIVES UP ' MINISTRY TO WED GIRL. Presbyteriaii Preacher Wil Be Mar ried to Miss Miller by Catholic Priest. DENVER, Colo. Announcement of his retirement from the ministry was made by the Rev. Dr. William Leonard Spiegel, prominent pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Cincinnati, upon his arrival in Den ver preparatory to his marriage to Miss Marie J. Miller, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Miller, which will take place Thursday morn ing in the sacristy of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, the Rev. Father Edward J. Mannlx of ficiating. "I am resigning from my. position as pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Cincinnati, where I have been for the past 14 years." Dr. Spiegel said. "I am also arranging my af fairs as president of the Spiegel-Mc-Ilvaln Steel and Tank foundries so that I will be free from all business cares as well." He added that un less to fill a short vacancy once in a while he did not expect to occupy the pulpit again. When questioned concerning the attitude of his church and congre gation in regard to his coming mar riage by aaCatholic priest. Dr. Spiegel said: "My parishioners know noth ing of my marriage or my plans and I do not believe they will say. much about it or think it very strange. I do not care what they think or say. it is purely a personal matter. Of course I would not recommend the marriage of every one of opposite faith, as a great deal of trouble often results, bu. I believe that ours is an unusual case. "Our marriage will be church uni ty worked out in a practical plan and there is nothing in either de nomination to prevent such an ar rangement. As to the ceremony be ing performed by a Catholic priest, has not the bride always the choice of who shall marry her?" Dr. Spiegel declares that he is evidently unique in two things, his marriage and the fact that he is a boilermaker-preacher. "Boilermaker-prize fighters are not unusual, but I have never Jieard of a boiWermaker-preacher before and I have no doubt that many would be in terested in that fact.. "There is bound to be some criti cism of my matrimonial plans, no doubt," he continued, "but It will be from those who have not figured out the proposition in a practical man ner. Religion is a matter of personal choice and we each respect the other's faith and In that way keep the things that are dearest to us both." Following their wedding Dr. Spiegel and Miss Miller will tour the east and will stop in Cincinnati for a short stay. A part of their Journey will be by motor and their return to Den ver will be indefinite. Dr. Spiegel upon his return to Cincinnati will officially resign his pastorate, having at the present time a few weeks leave of absence. CINCINNATI, O. Only members of his Immediate family in Cincinnati knew of the approaching marriage in Denver by a Catholic priest, of the Rev. Dr. William L. Spiegel, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Cincinnati, when he left Cincinnati fof Denver to meet Miss Marie J. Miller 6f that city, his bride-to-be. While church friends of the pastor in Cincinnati were greatly surprised over the unusualness of the marriage arrangements, they knew of nothing in the ritual of the Presbyterian church which would forbid the mar riage of a pastor of that faith by a priest of the Catholic faith. "I talked with him but Mr. Spiegel said nothing to me about the mar riage", said the Rev. David McKinney, associate pastor of the First Presby terian church. "In fact I asked one of the of ficial board members where Mr. Spiegel was and was Informed he had gone west again. Mr. Spiegel went to Denver about the first of March to assist Miss Miller, who is his cousin by marriage, in settling up the estate of her father, who had Just died. We expected him home shortly, but he remained there two months or more before returning here. "The bride-to-be was a cousin of Mr. Spiegel's, first wife, who died two years ago," said Miss Striker, one of the three sisters of the late Mrs. Spiegel. "We knew of the marriage, but -Just presumed It was to be per formed by a Presbyterian minister. "However, the other information is not surprising. Miss Miller is our cousin and is an exceptionally flna woman. Her father was of ths Catholic raith." Dr. William McKibbi-n,- president of the Lane, Theological seminary, and Dr. F. C. Monfort. editor of the Her ald and Presbyter, both declared that there is nothing in the Presbyterian church law which would cause any necessary change in Dr. Spiegel's of ficial relations with the Presby terian church as the result of his marriage by the Catholic clergyman. Dr. Spiegel is identified with a Cin cinnati boiler-making company, in addition to beinsr pastor of his church. The Misses tUriker have been keeping house for him since the death of hia first wife. LOVE'S TIES ARE UPHELD Many IIul)uiuls "AriUt iv" Deceiv er.-, Court Tells Wife. LOS ANGELES. Mrs. Elizabeth Lottie Marquot. who sought annul ment of her marriage to Dale Mar quot. told Judge Taft she met him at a dance, that he told her he was an army captain, and fired her fancy by a thrilling tale of his bravery at the battle of the Marne. After a court ship of three weeks, they were mar ried and started on a honeymoon trip. The bride was dressed as a boy so that she could ride freight trains. The couple landed in a Salt Lake City jail. Mrs. Marquot sought an annulment on the ground that her husband was mentally incompetent when she mar ried him. Said the court in taking the casa under submission: "You cannot release the martial ties because the man tells his bride fairy tales before he is married. It is a silly girl who walks into afool Ish marriage. Many a husband is an artistic liar. The girl must reap what she sows." Baths Added to II. C. L. PRAGUE. Czecho Slovakia. Tha tariffs for the famous baths or Carls bad, Marlenbad and Franzenbad are to be greatly increased, according to a plan now under consideration. The tax for the cure will range from 20 to 500 Czech crowns. Nationals of coun tries on a crown basis may pay in crowns, but foreigners such as Brit ish. French and others on a higher currency basis will pay in proportion. SOCIETY PERSONALS.. Mrs. D. C. Burns has as her house guests Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Greer of Vancouver, B. C. A baby girl arrived Sunday, June 20, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fertig, 307 Grant street. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Montgomery of Portland are registered at the Hotel Alexandria in Los Angeles. Games, music and dancing will be features. A six-piece orchestra will play afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Worth (Gertrude Steinbach) were among the passen gers sailing' for Europe on the White Star liner Baltic June 26. Mrs. S. Welnsteln, who has been In New York for the past three months visiting her daughter Sylvia, who is studying music, has returned to Port land. ' After spending two enjoyable weeks in Portland Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Hirsch left Sunday morning and mo- Rough, Red Hands Made Smooth and White By cleansing with a neutral soap and the frequent application of MARINELLO Rose Leaf Jelly followed by sportsing- the surface with Phantom Powder. Full explanation and booklet free. MARIN EL.LO SHOP, 209-10 Central Building, Cor. loth and Alder IMPORTED ' Pompeian Olive Oil riaa lor years been the world's recognized standard table oil H PERFECT W I PLAYER ROLL I H SERVICE 4ts3i In line with our policy to srive o? our policy to give the very best Player Roll Serv ice in this city, we carry all the Q. R. S. ROLLS We cordially invite you to come in and hear any Player Rolls without any obli gation to purchase! Sherman, lay & Go, Sixth and Morrison Streets - Portland (Opposite Postoffice) Seattle Tacoma Spokane. 'I Mm '.i-'.V.. ' . ? -'V. ': Sri i Why does your player piano pedal easier with a Q'R'S Roll? The square cut perforations are responsible. Make the comparison yourself. July Word Rolls .'v.., .",.., VI 1133 Beautiful Annabelle Lee. Waltz. $1.25 Played by Arden and Ohm an. 1134 Good Old Favorites. Medley of 1.25 Good Old Favorite.. Played by Phil Ohman. 1135 Hawaiian Breeze. Waltz. Played 1.2 by Scott and Wattera. 1 136 I'll Be With You in Apple Blossom 1142 Stop It. One -Step. Played by $1.25 J. Russel Robinson. 1143 That Old Irish Mother of Mine. 1-25 Ballad. Played by Ted Baxter. 1144 Your Eyes Have Said Remember US (Tho' Your Lips Hare Said Forget). Ballad. Played by Lee S. Roberts. STORY ROLLS Time. Waltz. Played by Baxter and 1.25 ri ci tu r . u , Kortlander. pT 5 i! anCe' '"J"? H.enr7 VIII. 1.25 Played by raure and Mmetti. 1 1 37 Louisiana I Can Hear Your Message to Me. Waltz. Played by Arden and 1.25 Kortlander. 1 1 3 8 NepoIL Fox-Trot. Played by "Zez" 1 25 Confrey. 1139 Rose Time in Hawaii. Waltz. Played 1-25 1130 Jean. Fox-Trot. Played by Arden 1.25 ana fwortlander. D-64 The Whispering- Winds. Mazurka Caprice. Played by Edmund Gillet. MAY SPECIALS that arm big Utm 1.30 by Osborne and Howe. 1140 Repasz Band. March. 1-25 1131 AH the Boys Lore Mary. One-Step. 1 .25 Played by Arden and Ohman. 1141 Railroad Blues. Fox-Trot. Played r.25 by Pete Wendling. 1 132 Whose Baby Are You? One-Step. Played by Victor Arden. 1.25 iVVr ''r-. -, V 4 ', .. ? ' y f ... Ask your music dealer for the Q'R'S . . TSv Bulletin of july Numbers J-- ' '-'LiL.-.-L ..... ."'":.:t'y. - " . ' . . -. . l . - ' ' ..")' " t .- !" i.' . 4 - ,--;V-'3'-. " r- .'.-.1 i-t.lt.- a hundred Well selected Q'R'S Rolls will make you happy for the rest V Tj.i-JV ' t cfyour life 'V:.-,--.K;.Y'''--;-v-v V j .-: ..,.;V . . ; i hi fin in -. it TitiSH'A '. :' V - Ji c' .si-'' The Q-R-S Music Company New York Chicago San Francisco Toronto London Buenoa Aires iiiWi ii inn