4 TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN", PORTLAND, JULY 4, 1920r T RAGED OFGEHNUN YOUTH IS DESCRIBED Bright of Starvation Said to Cause Death Harvest. FORAGERS GLEAN FOOD Counlrjsido Scoured for Miles Around Illegally but Author ities Wink at It. BT A. G. GARDINER. Formrr Editor of th London Dally News. Copyright by New York World. Published by arran-ement. FRANKFORT. July 3. As I crossed the open space In front of the fine station here last evening- I eaw a strange spectacle. There poured out of the station a great stream of peo ple bearing burdens upon their backs and in their hand rucksacks, baits, boxes, sacks, obviously heavy. The people were of all classes, all aKes and both sexes. But women and. children predominated. Some of the children could hardly stagger along under their loads. They were barefooted, like most of the urban children and practlcall all of the country children in Germany to day, boots beinir one of the many un attainable commodities of life how unattainable you will understand If you go down any poor quarter and see the pathetic little crowds standing round stalls where the most incred ible wrecks of boots are being treated with a composition that will hold the wretched fragments together for an other day. Food la Forasred. I asked the meaning of the heavily laden crowd that I had met, and found that this nightly spectacle con sisted of the returning foragers of the city who go out to scour the countryside for 20 miles round in search of potatoes to eke out the mis erable ration. It is illegal,' of course, but the authorities wink at it, for life on the legal ration Is Impossible, and those who can afford to forage for themselves are permitted to do so. Those who can't afford it have to tighten their belts and wait. Most cannot afford it, for no one travels by rail today who can avoid it, owing to the enormous increase in fares. In this general dead level of pov erty it is the children who are most to be pitied. It is a tragic thing to bo born a German child today. He is born into a hungry world and to a hard life. As you go through the schools, stand in the classrooms, watch the children at work, you have the sense of a whole generation stricken by a blight. It is revealed in the puckered brows, the lusteriess. uncertain eye, the anemic faces, the bandy legs, the dry, cracked, flabby skins, the swollen abdomens, the uni versal air of exhaustion. It is a gen eration which has never known what a sufficiency of food means. Children Are Starved. For five years that Is, for al most the whole of the life they re member they have been starved. They were never worse starved than during' the nine months' blockade that followed the war. They are still starving a whole nation of children. The fortunate ones die (60 per cent more infants died in Berlin alone during 1919, a year of "peace," than in 1913); the rest aro starting their life with a physical and mental in efficiency that will make life a bur. den. The "English sickness" alone (rickets), the result mainly of the post-war blockade, has claimed hun dreds of Ihousands. Tuberculosis In all its variations has swept the child life like a plague. In Leipzig there are 8000 tubercu lar children: in Cologne, 10,000: in Berlin, 30,000. The mortality among small children has reached 25 per cent. The mortality of older children has gone up 85 per cent nearly dou ble. In the 115th public school of Berlin, out of 650 children examined, 305 had no proper sleeping space, 370 had no heating In their homes, 341 had not a drop, of milk from week-end to week-end. The number of children who have died of tuber culosis and hunger in Germany had reached a million in April last. These are not facts that are in doubt. They are established, not by the German authorities only, but by every outside investigation, whether American or English. England Given No Help. 1 Against such a sea of misery the utmost that could be done would be like a drop in a bucket. What is being done is being done by America mainly, by Sweden and other coun tries. Apart from the work of the Quakers, England is not soiling itself by touching the children of the de feated enemy. Even the splendid work of the "save-the-children" fund except for a few trifles at Leipzig and other places does not reach here. It passes on to Austria, to Bohemia, to Poland. Broadly speaking, Ger many is left out. I inquired the cause. It is this: For every 1 raised by the fund, the British government adds 1 but not for German relief. And so the fund, anxious 'to get its 2 for 1, spends the money where its power is doubled. Oh, brave Brit ish government! I see from the pa pers here that it is going to spend three millions to p.ut its soldiers in red coats again. It is a fitting ac companiment to the organized star vation of its late enemy's children. LEGION DELAYS MEETING SUSSIOX- TO BE TUESDAY", XOT TOMORROW. Non-Sectarian Meeting Called. Held under auspices of the Falls View mission of Oregon City, the an nual non-sectarian mass meeting of that city will take place next Tues day at the grounds of some .member of the mission. The principal speaker of the day will be Rev. John Ovall pastor of the Temple Methodist church of Spokane. Gathering Postponed Because of In ability to Obtain Use of Li brary Hall. Postponement of the meeting night of Portland post of the American Legion "to next Tuesday instead of tomorrow was announced yesterday, due to the impossibility of obtaining library hall tomorrow night. This will be' one of the most important meetings of the year, for delegates will be nominated for the state con vention of the legion to be held at Astoria July 30 and 31 and August 1. . Commander Convill of the post, has sent out an appeal for a large at tendance at this session to insure a selection of delegates representative of the post as a whole. The election will be held Monday night, July 19. There are to be 23 delegates selected by Portland post, 'which will have the largest voting body at ' the convention of any city in Oregon. Portland post will not have enough voles to control the convention, in which 87 posts will be represented. Under a ruling by "William B. Follett, state commander, interpreting the state constitution of the legion, each pest is entitled to at least one dele gate and one more delegate for each 100 paid-up members, or fraction thereof. The new home of Portland post is the Flatlron building. Sixth and Ash streets, where clu brooms are being fixed up for the ex-service men. Though post offices have been located there already, the. city employment bureau, which occupies part of the second floor to be taken over by the legion will not vacate In time to permit formal opening July 15. The clubroom opening is now expected about August 2. BENEFIT TO BE JULY 20 Open-Air Vaudeville to Be Given for Home for Aged. The annual . open-air vaudeville given for the benefit of the Home for the Aged, ' Mount St. Joseph, East Thirtieth and Stark streets, will be held on the grounds of the institution Tuesday evening, July 20. The tickets are now being sold, and it is hoped that the former successes of this benefit will be continued. The following are the names of the men of the committee on arrangements: Michael Driscoll, John McEntee, H. Gilbaugh, J. Callaghan and Fred Harter. Read The Oregonlan classified ads. Is in most excellent condition; and that this year's crops will be larger than ever before. About 53,000-acre feet of water has been stored in the district reservoir and practically all of the 30,000 acres contained in the project are row subject to irrigation. Land values there have about doubled since the development of the project was completed, according to another letter received by the state engineer. 16 STOLEN AUTOS FOUND ONLY 4 CARS TAKEN IN JUNE NdT LOCATED BA POLICE. CASES TO BE MERGED Road Actions May Be United Be fore Supreme Court. SALEM, Or., July 3. (Special.) It was announced here today that the sponsors for the legal action filed in the Multnomah county circuit court to compel the state highway commis sion to construct the West Side Pa cific highway through Dallas and In dependence, will make an effort to join with S. H. Rockhill of Riddle In the appealed action Involving the construction of what is known as the Canyonville cutoff section of the Pa cific highway. The latter case has been set for hearing in the supreme court Tuesday and is said to involve questions similar to those presented in the Polk county action. The Polk county case was heard by Judge McCourt of Portland and the findings of the court were favorable to the state highway commission. Physician Locates In la Grande. LA GRANDE. Or.. July 3. (Spe cial.) Dr. E. G. Klrby of Elgin, who recently purchased an interest in the Grand Ronde hospital from Dr. R. E. L." Holt, formerly of Portland, has moved to the city from his lower valley home. Dr. Klrby has prac ticed medicine for the past zo years, and will take up active practice here immediately. Chchalls Women Return. CHEHALIS, -Wash., July 3. (Spe- vfw 41 TV li pti n irntt and Mrs. Dan W. Bush, who arrived home early today from the annual meeting oi tk. B(al. ffffatlnn- fif women's clubs at Wenatchee. report a most interest ing and proritaDie session, xney rep resented tne au iieiens ciuo oi ue halis. Warm Springs Project Landed. SALEM, Or., July 3. (Special.) Charles S. Batchelder, secretary of the Warm Springs irrigation district, has written to Percy Cupper, state engineer, to the effect that the project In Addition, Six Machines Lost Prior to June Recovered, Lieu tenant Thatcher Reports. Of the 20 automobiles stolen in Portland during June, 16 were recov ered, according to the report of the police auto theft bureau, which was made by Lieutenant Thatcher yes terday. In addition six machines that had been stolen previous to June were recovered, making the number of ma chines recovered two greater than the number stolen. Lieutenant Thatcher reported the Dureau had made 43 arrests in June The offenders were fined a total of 3520 and received an aggregate of 636 days in jail. The arrests included three persons charged with larceny of an automo- Diie, tnree charged with the larceny of automobile accessories and 11 charged with violating the state motor law. Lieutenant Thatcher praised the work of the auto theft bureau of the Automobile club of Los Angeles, Cal., and the auto theft bureau of Seattle. Each of these bureaus recovered one automobile which had been stolen in Portland. JURY BLAMES DEAD MAN Proper Precautions Not Taken When Going Into Vinegar Vat. HOOD RIVER. Or.. July 3. (Spe cial.) A coroner's Jury today attrib uted the death of Frank W. Dutton, who perished yesterday in a vinegar vat, to his own negligence or over- Brothers Meet Alter 2 8 Years. For the first time In 28 years. John B. Easter, deputy county clerk in charge of naturalization work, met his brother, A. C. Easter, former mayor of Bartlesville, Okla., Tester day, when the latter arrived in Port land, accompanied by his wife and children, for a visit. Militia Chief Named. WASHINGTON, July 3. Colonel Jesse Mcl. Carter, who served as chief of the militia bureau throughout the war, has been appointed to that posi tion pending the selection of a per manent head under provisions of the new army reorganization bilL Phono your want ads to The Orego r.ian. Main 7070. Automatic 560-95. S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS Voodard, Clarke & Co. Woodlark Building Alder at West Park S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS confidence. The formal verdict of the jury was: "Frank W. Dutton- cams to ' his death by not taking proper precau tions and not following instructions previously given him by the superin tendent of the Hood River Apple Vinegar company before going Into a vat to clean same. Death was caused by being overcome by-fumes and gas, of which deceased had previous knowledge, and that immediate death was caused from drowning in a liquid or semi-liquid in bottom of the vine gar tank." An autopsy proved that Mr. But ton's lungs were filled with the liquid sediment when he fell face down ward when overcome by the gas. The funeral will be held tomorrow. Rev. Linden Leavitt, Christian minister of Eugene, officiating. Amendment to Be Sought. SALEM, . Or., July 3. (Special.) Amendment of the present law pro viding for the transfer of patients from one state institution to another probably will be sought at the next session of the legislature, according to a) decision reached at a meeting of the state board of control today. At the present time patients are trans ferred with a formal court hearing and can be held only for the term of their original commitment. The amendment probably will provide that previous to making a transfer the patient shall be taken before a court and legally recommitted. LEAGUE WORTH TRYING OPINION HELD BY AMERICAN HOME HIOM EUROPE. Hospital Population Largest. SALEM. Or., July 3. (Special.) The population at the state hospital here reached its high mark today with a total of 1"41 patients. During the month of June 76 patients were received, this being the largest num ber ever committed in any one month. Salem Not to Celebrate. SALEM, Or., July 3. (Special.) There will be no July 4 celebration in Salem and hundreds of residents are planning on spending the day at Woodburn and other towns in the county. Speaker Presents Facts Obtained on Trip ot Inquiry Lasting Several Months. "I believe we should ratify the league of nations covenant, but I do not believe we should do so with our eyes closed to the importance of the action." said Charles Upson Clark. noted lecturer, speaking before a large number of persons who attended the regular luncheon of the Civic club yesterday at the Benson hotel. "It is absurd to suppose." he said, "that the league will bring about harmonious conditions throughout the world, eliminate discord and unite the great nations in a spirit of brotherly love immediately. In the course of a generation the league will be of enor mous good." Recently returned to the United States from a several months' trip to Europe, made to investigate condi tions in the central European nations. Mr. Clark presented facts which were Interesting because of first-hand and authoritative knowledge. While in Trieste and Flume he studied closely the effect of D'Annunilo's occupation upon the people and in the latter city was fortunate enough to secure an interview with the famous poet-warrior himself. "The Italian government had just requested the revolutionists to de part from Fiume. taking his troops with him, to make space for the ad vent of a body of regular Italian sol diers. D'Annunxlo told me that he had taken this request of the government to the town council of Fiume for the council's consent or refusal. The coun cil Immediately decided to permit D'Annunzio to remain in the city." At the conclusion of the address Mr. Clark was asked concerning- the league of nations, and gave his opin ion of it. "The league will benefit humanity in time, but not immediately after it inauguration." he said. "First of all. it is an f xperiment. and it Is eminent ly worth trying. I sincerely believe that within a generation the league will have begun to accomplish great things." Mr. Clark and his wife, who but a few days ago returned from Paris, will leave for Seattle lomorro morning, where he will deliver a lec ture before students of the University of Washington, as well as members of the Seattle College club. Mr. Clark is the son of Kate Upson Clark, now lecturing under the auspices of the Ellison-White Chautauqua system, and Edward P. Clark, formerly man aging editor of the Springfield Republican. Ccntralia Has Three Robberies. CENTRALIA. Wash.. July 3. (Spe cial.) Three burglaries were reported to the police Thursday night, tho garage of C. M. Carter, the paint store of C. H. Hipes and the blacksmith shop of Caleb Berg being entered. An automobile was stolen from the garage. In addition to the burglaries six arrests wero made by the police on charges of drunkenness. Twenty five Elks have been sworn in as spe cial police to preserve order during the city's three days' celebration, which opened today under B. P. O. E. auspices. Salem Gets Its Prize. SALEM, Or., July 3. (Special.) A special grajid prize of $-00 and a beautiful silver trophy as second prize have been received for the float in tha show parade recently held in Portland. Presentation of the prtr.es was made to C. B. Clancy, King Bins' of the Cherriane, who returned her from Portland today. Milk Price Goes Up. CHEHALIS. Wash., July 3. (Spe cial.) Milk at the local condenser will be S2.S0 a hundred for the first half of July. This is an increase of 20 cents a hundred over the price paid during the latter half of June. ,HilfHllillllllllinimnilMliliil,t,,iii,iiiiii,i,i,nin"Hi,,M,nMii,Mn.ii. ..rWI GIGANTIC SALE Practical, Convenient of the Famous LIKLY AGS and KITS At Greatly Reduced Prices Vacuum Cleaners Irons Never Offered Before on These Goods The "Likly" luggage is the most popular and the best made; most satis factory that can be purchased. This is the first time that these articles have ever been sold for less than regular prices. Avail yourself of this extraordinary opportunity to save money on your luggage for the vaca tion trip or future travel. The "Advance" Kit Bag A handsome English style bag; heavy soft hand-boarded cowhide; sewed-on corners; fin est tan ribbed serge lining; size 20 inches. Regular price $60. Special Sale Price $50 Grill Stoves Immersion Heaters The "Britisher" Kit Bag English square-end style ; with all-round straps; 24-inch size; black leather; ex tra large and roomy. Regular Price $75.00 SPECIAL SALE PRICE $60.00 The "Outing" Oxford Bag "THE J3W W I P ; II Bf HAROLD MacGRAIH . jj y n u s tv rt 't n 7 Hand-sewed frame; sizes 18 and 20-inch; out side leather, smooth grain cowhide. 18-Inch Bag; regular price $40.00. Special Sale Price 20-Inch Bag; regular price $40.00. CJQK f( Special Sale Price.. tDOtl.vU $32.50 - 7MMT ft 1 Toasters Percolators Warming Pads All this week a Fac tory Demonstrator will gladly show the ADVANTAGES of these Labor -Saving Devices. A Few of the Many Specials $30.00 Bag, special sale price only $43.00 Brown Bag, special sale price $35.50 Tan Bag, special sale price $55.00 Black Bag, 18-inch, special at $50.00 Black Bag, special sale price $47.00 Brown Bag, special sale price $36.00 Black Bag, 18-inch, special at $23.50 $32.00 $29.50 $45.00 $42.00 $42.00 $29.50 i Fresh Films For Your Vacation Trip Just a step to the right from our Alder-street entrance. Our Photo Department is well fortified " with selected merchandise and experienced photo salesmen. Let Us Make Your Enlargements Select a choice negative our photographic artists will produce that steel blue tone that cultivates an artist's pride in your best photographs. ' Roll Films Developed Free Six Hour Service 'CO 1 THE dynamic story of a yellow - haired adven turess equally notori ous in San ' Francisco, Yokohama, Manila and London whose forte in life was the breaking of men; who lived to win whatever the odds . a combination of Oriental cunning" and Occidental nerve. An ita Stewart in a dual role and her best pic ture to date. COLUMBIA ORCHESTRA V. C. KNOWLES, Director BETTER HURRY AND GO EARLY! M 11 It ) l ! TheThcaUr ' j i. iii I l t., fUa w. - w