TUE SUNDAY OREGOMAN, PORTLAND, JULY 4, 1920 XEW TODAY. rr i MODEL No. 2-6-P 2 rooms J313.63 3 rooms, bathroom and closet $405.90 Made in built 4-ft. sections. De livered in Portland, or shipped anywhere. Two men can erect this model in two days. OIR MODEL No. 43-P has a living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom and two closets. Size 18x28. Both front and rear porches. Price deliv ered in Portland or F. O. B. cars $611.00 Building Lots ran be furnished In any part of the city, on which we will erect a house to suit, on very reason able terms. Garages Ask about our special 10x16 Portable. Price $75.00 Let irs solve your building problems. Show us what you want and we will gladly fur nish you with an estimate. Write or Phone (or Catalogue Elwood Wiles & Son 8I3 Title A Tnmt Hlui(. On 4th St.. Bet. Stark and Oak. Phone Alain 4724 SPLENDID FARM INVESTMENTS IN THE HEART OF THE WILLAM ETTE VALLEY. $25 Per Acre 760 acres. 200 to 300 open land, bal ance in a crop of timber, of much val ue: all good farm land when clear; 'twould make a fine stock farm: 2 milea Pacific highway, now being paved, and car line. $75 Per Acre 714 acres and all open but 14 acres timber; this is one of the best tracts of land in Oregon, and 500 acres now In crop. Kais commodious buildings; near highway, being paved, and red carline, west side. $135 Per Acre 2S0 acres. 200 acres in yrain and hay crop, now in excellent condition and about ready to betrin harvesting, 40 acres sown to clover and coming on fine; 40 acres timber: elegant buildings that would cost $14,000 to (15.000 to build today. Now ready to move into. You get crop and all for the price. B. S. COOK 601 Stork BxchanKC Bldfc. Excellent Apple Orchard at Hood River 10 acres, acres in full bear ing commercial apples,, 2l acres hay land. Good apple house. Party leaving. Must sell. Price- $8000 Terms if desired. Address MRS. WRIGHT Route 4. Box 53 Hood River, Or. IRVINGTON HOMES McOONELL EAST 413 tOOKf) S lovely rooms, ivory, ma PUUU hogany. plate glass, tiled hath, sunrooni. breakfast room. $QCnf1 Alameda beauty, corner 29th PvJUUU anfi Dunkley; living room, dining room, breakfast room, modern kitchen, first floor; 4 B. It., tiled bath, all firt-floor velours, drapes and cur tains. $150 gas range and water heat er; full lot: fine garage. This home ha fine view and faces Alameda's most beautiful home. 70(1 Colonial bungalow, 7 rooms, VM OUU French doors, H. W. floors, all drapes. $150 gas range, laundrv, all equipped: full lot; garage; garden all in: young trees. Immediate pos session. McUON'KLL, Agtx. Eat 10. Locations In retail center, between Washing ton and Morrison, Third and Tenth. Particulars at 505 Stock Exchange building. Mortgage Loans l.owfdt InterfMt rate; InMtallment re payment If deitlretl. Builriini? loans made. o delay in cloaing. A. H. BIRRELL GO. tlT-310 Northwestern Bank BulldlnK. Marxhall 41 14. Phone yo'ir wnnt ads to The Orego nian, Mair. 7970. Automatic 560-95. ?Ern iri Til j Houses Garages J M s Erected In I LYftfM?f Portland jl 2 j Bat i Ca J Shipped Anywhere L f,j ? I In built 4-foot sec 1 It- 'J Ty- tions ready and I '-.''ESLiJg easy to put to- Ifl j-ieK-eB. get her. L A first-class house or garage dt I fl rect from the factory at a GREAT 1 n SAVING. You pay no middlemen's Ifl III profit. Write tor catalog. r I Redimade Building Co. I 1 l.at Eleventh and Market, 1 II 2 Blocks south of Hawthorne. L Phone tut 6114. Portland. Or. L NEW TODAY. MULTNOMAH is that newly developed portion of the Bouthwitit side lying at the intersection of thf Capl'al Highway with the Oregon Elec. Ry. Co.'i double track suburban system, only 5 milea from th center of Portland, 20 minuted by rail and 15 minutes by auto over the Inimitable Terwilliger blvd. 7-fere nature in her virgin garb awaits to assist you in maklnir a home. Native shrubs and trees tn great variety dck t h hAls and vales with verdure. Many beautiful homes, ha- e been scattered throughout this .dis trict in the last few years. Permanent home-Ioverw are attracted beause all the elements necessary for Idea home life are here represented. Most -of the streets are surface graded and sidewalks built ; fclty utilities. Bull Run water, gas, electricity, telephone and city schools are available, and besides this thare is the freedom of the country ever present. Situated as is this locality In the first breaka-of the Tualatin valley, it enjoys the refreshing breezes of the Pacific filtering through the Coast Range mountains and Is favored with mag nificent views of both the Cascade Range with Mount Hood to the east and the Coast Ranee mountains to the west. You must see Multnomah to appreciate it. It beggars description. No artist can reproduce the beautiful colorings of earth and sky that meet your vision. See it at noon; see ft at night when the last rays of the setting sun still color the western sky: see It In the morning when the first rays of dawn beckon you to en.ioy nature in the dew. Ask those who live there 1 have many subdivisions around Mult nomah. ranging In building sites from l't to acre. There is some open gardening lind and mucia that If covered with native second growth. Get away from the sordid quarters of the city. These tract of ground can be purchased at 10 per cent dowa and $10 a month. Prices range from $4O0 up, and by purchasing a tract, you will be making a start in the right direc tion. Pay rent mci.ey to yourself. We will be glad to take you over the blvd., or if you have your own machine, rreet you at Multnomah on Sundays or by appointment durin 7 the week. We also have a number of houses for your inspection, ranging from 3 rooms to S rooms. They nie new and thoroughly modern. Cor particulars call on BEX R IKS LAND, Owner and Agant for Properties at Mult nomah and surroundings exclusively. 401 Flatt Bldg. 127 Park at. Main 880. $12,000 Quarter block on N. E. corner of E. 6th and Taylor in heart of East Side Industrial Dis trict; $5500 cash and assume $7000 mort gage. V For this and other business and investment prop erties, see ATTENTION! Do You Want the Handiomeit House on tne Willamette, a Real Home and a Wonder of a Place for Entertain- lnBf Or would you prefer a smaller place with brook and trees in . RIVERDALE? Perhaps a home, perfect in every detail, with a marvelous view, would BUIl J I'C L LCI at RIVERA Other homes and heantifiil VtuilAincr sites. All this property has citv con veniences; 20 minutes from Washing ton St., on paved road, near to new J43.000 school, opposite the Waverley T I v formation gladly given. Have everything that is for sale in this dis trict. Mrs. Helen S. Turner 1006 Spalding Bid. Main 866, Mar. 5346 WILL LEASE GROUND FLOOR 5TH AND BURNSIDE STREETS 50x100 With Basement if Desired Steam Heat, Etc. VERY REASONABLE RENTAL INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS TWELFTH FLOOR YEON BLDG. Suburban Home. Beautiful 15-acre farm on hard surfaced road in the outskirts of Portland, including house, garage, stables. high-class poultrv buildings, etc. Entire farm "fenced with woven wire and tiled. Excellent creek run ning through place, flow con stant, water piped to house: spring, well, telephone and some fruit trees. All In fine state of cultivation. House is beautiful ly situated amidst oak and fir trees on sightly knoll. Will sell very cheap for cash, or part cash and trade. Owner. C. B. Woodwortb, 214 Spaldina; Bldg. Mala 7181 TRACKAGE 100x200 Facing 100 Feet on East First 100 Feet on East Second 200 Feet on East Washington 50x100 N. W. Corner. 15th and Irving. V. S. POINDEXTER 20S Selling Bldg. Main 1800 15TH STREET Mix lOO CORNER AT FLANDF.RS ST. REAL BARGAIN. TERMS. ISIVESTItiATK. OWNKH, AL "7-, ORli(.O.MA.V NEW TODAY. $400 Per Month RENTAL ALUE Second Near Oak Cor. 50x95. Substantial 3-story and basement brick bldg. - Replacement value ; of building, $45,000. Easy terms. Price $32,500 - NOB HILL APT. Walking distance. Modern, spick and span, - newly painted and tinted throughout. Rents (old scale) $260. 25 under rents in similar apart ments. $7000 cash necessary, bal ance 6.- Price . $20,000 Cor. Third and Jefferson 100x100. Price 10 years ago $75,000. Only 6 blocks south of 3d and Mor rison, 2 blocks north of Auditorium. $10,000 below value. $6000 cash, balance 6. Price $25,000 E. J. DALY 221 FAILING BLDG. Park and Flanders 1-Story Concrete Garage SOxlOO Cornrri Lrait to Expire Shortly. Term. I rice $30,000 Fifteenth and LovejoyTrackage 60x100 Corner; Income f 0O Terma. Price $10,500 J. Fred Staver MACLEAY BLDG. 45 ACRES WITHIN ONE MILE OF OREGON CITY FALLS WHERE YOl' KET THE FINEST SPORT SALMON FISHING in the northwest; 25 acres in cultiva tion, finest land to be found: the re mainder a natural park with springs and brooks; close to grade and high schools; near Pacific highway; city water, electricity, daily deliveries. Sweeping views of hills and moun tains BARGAIN PRICE ll,OO0. Mrs. Helen . S. Turner 1006 Spalding Bid. Main 866. Mar. 5346 Portland Heights BEAUTIFUL HOME East and south fronts; brick and con crete porches; concrete garage with hot and cold water; finished attic, with heat, all white enameled; fire place; built-in bookcases, buffet dressers, etc., hardwood floors throughout. No. 978 Council Cret drive, corner of Beaverton avenue, one block from CC car. For sale very reasonably by owner and builder. J. J. ARMSTRONG 3M3 Cable St. Phone Main 3476 LOFTS FOR LOFT SPACE IN HEART OF CITY AT VERY REASONABLE RENTAL- INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS TWELFTH FLOOR YEON BULDG Marshall 892 GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY PLACE A natural nark of thirtv acres with two creeks and springs; electric sta tion on grounds; good auto road close to hard surface. One of the most beautiful homesites in the vicinity of Portland. Price $15,000, or will trade ror city income property. AE 758 uregonian. NEW TODAY. jUg-y,' " '"'jT; "-''m . IRVINGTON BARGAIN Immediate possession, account having bought larger home; storm vestibule, with large coat closet: at tractive reception hall; large living room,- with elegant fireplace; dining room, with buffet; library or den; very complete white- enameled Dutch itchen; ceiled fruit room in base ment; furnace; extra toilet down stairs; 4 bedrooms; sleeping porch; finished attic; very attractive tile hath; all rooms newly and elegantly papered and entire house in pink of condition, inside and out; east front, view of mountains; fine yard and shrubbery, fruit and berries; all street improvements in and paid for; house vacant; you .rnay move in to morrow and have terma like rent, if desired. 603 E. 27th N., between Thompson and Brazee, near Irving ton club and Broadway car. D. G. Wilson, 85 Fourth St. Broadway 2980; evenings, Marshall 5915. BOOKS ALL OCT. OF -PRINT BOOKS SCP- PL1ED. We can get any book published. Call -tnd see our immense stock of old and new books. Hyland's Bookstore 204 FOLBTH ST. Between Taylor anil Salmon Sta. REAL ESTATE. IRVINGTON S-room house. Tillamook street, near lolh; $4300. Owner. Wood lawn 240K. J4."i r.-ROOM modern bunsalo. 1337 ' 30th North, end Alberta car. Owner. or teale Flat and Apartment Property. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. S14 TO 620 SWETLAND BLDO., APARTMENT. 118,000. 30 apartments, west side, tn fine neighborhood. All. 'i, 3, 4-room apartments. Fine furnishings, elec tric elevator and steam heat. Rent Includes heat, telephone and hot water. Rent $600 with Ions lease. APARTMENT. U8.000. apartments, west side location. 16 4-room and 9 3-room apart ments. All fine furniture; electric elevator, steam heat. L.arjre play ground for children and several ga rages. Rent $350 per month with 5-year lease. APARTMENT. - tt7.500. 49 apartments, close in. on east side. 44 3-room and 5 2-room apartments. All oak furniture, oil furnace and modern In every re spect. Clearing around $1000 a month. Rent JnOO per month, with good lease. $8000 will handle. ' APARTMENT, 2050. 42 rooms, east- side; 2 and 3 room .apartments and 10 sleeping rooms; fine furniture and good lease. Rent $65; clearing $250. Will exchange for anything of equal value. APARTMENT. 3800.. 38 rooms, six 4-room apartments and 14 sleeping rooms; fair furni ture. Rent $80, with lease. .Net income $300. . ..." ROOMING HOUSE. 16 rooms, west side. Good furni ture and furnace heat. Rent $65 per month; clearing $140. Price $2300. Will consider less for cash sale. ROOMING HOUSE. $1630. 13 rooms, west side, good furni-. ture and store heat; rent $30. l1 year lease. Terms $900. balance $30 per month. HOTEL, $23,000. 90 rooms, fine west side location. Large lobby, telephone, northwest heat, furnishings of the very best. Fine brick ' building. Rent $600 with long lease. Gross receipts run around $2800. Tifraa to re sponsible party. HOTEL, $12,000. 52 rooms, Washington st. loca tion; fireproof brick building. Good furniture, telephone exch., i) private baths and northwest heat, strictly modern throughout: rent $375. with 2-year lease. $8000 will handle. HOTEL, $7500. 40 rooms, close to heart of town. All good furniture and furnace heat. Gross receipts run better than $700. Rent $20U, with lease. Terms. HOTEL,, $4OO0. 22 rooms, right down town. Good furnfture and carpets. Al ways full. Price $150 per month. Terms to right party. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 814-20 Swetland Bldg. Phone Marshall 3089. FLAT BUILDING. $12,000. ON BROADWAY. WEST SIDE. If you want a real snap in flat building for investment, look this up. CORNER 21ST AND LOVEJOY. 70x100 and 3 good houses, $18, 000. APARTMENT BLDG.. $40,000. Fine location, close-In westside corner. Will take residence as part payment. ' ' TWO-FAMILY FLAT. Each flat has 6 rooms, modern in every way, located on East loth street, close in. 13TH ST., NEAR ALDER. ' , 50x100, LARGE BUILDING. $35,001). The building has about 40 rooms "and is very suitable -for rooming house. ' BRICK HOTEL BLDG. $80,000. 74 rooms, ground floor lobby and stores, ground 100x100, near Union depot. This Is a real sacri fice sale and must be turned quickly. FIVE-FAMILY FLAT BLDG. $16,000. Four flats of 5 rooms each and one of 4 rooms; 4 completelv and well furnished, lot 50x100, located near 12th and Hall sts., walking distance' from downtown. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-S-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SPECIAL This is 6th-street. property, central and first-class, large flat bldg., fine investment: price $9000; will pay $150 per month and home for you; 5 blocks of city hall. Owner, 549 6th aU REAL ESTATE. Tor Sale Flat and Apartment Property. INCOME PROPERTY. $15,000. Four party flats, modern; 5 large rooms, bath, friep-lace, furnace, cement basement, large balcony for each flat; lot lOOxlOO; corner on E. 18th St.. one block from car; walking distance, net 10 per cent. 410 Board of Trade. VEKV1CHOICE INCOME PROPERTY, lonxioo. five-story brick and concrete. 165 rooms, up' to the minute. S. S. PRENTISS. 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. For Hair liffch Property. GEARHARTS BEST LOCATION FOR SALE Non-resident owner offers at rare bargain strictly modern, completely fur nished cottage, 5 bedrooms. 2 baths each bedroom has separate lavatory wltn running hot and cold water; an annex, suitable for servants or other purposes, also completely furnished ; contains 3 extra bedrooms and bath, with separate lava- . tory in each bedroom; glass-inclosed porch, overlooking beach, opens off of dining room; large living room, with fireplace, also overlooks beach. This is absolutely the choicest site at Gearhart. being the highest point on ridge at ocean end of 6th St., which Is paved, and leads direct to depot and connects with pave ment on Columbia river highway; 75 feet of ocean trontage. with unobstructed view of ocean from Tillamook head to mouth of Columbia river. Now open for Inspection and ready for Immediate occupancy: terms if desired. D. U. Wil son, 8i Fourth st. Broadway 2980; even ings. Marshall 5015. CHOICE BEACH LOT, EXCHANGE FOR . Painting and Paperhanging and furniFh material. Lot located in Tillamook beach (Salt alr, near station and ocean. AH 497. Oregon Ian. EXCEPTIONAL offer on fine modern sea- siae nome. Beach Center, Pacific county Wash.. 6000. property for 35uO. fur nished complete; four lots. Owner on premises July 4 to 10. Inquire anytime otrannais grocery, Long Beach, Wash -ROOM bungalow at Seaside. 100x100 lot. newer, electric iignts ana water, on new. ly pavea street: tor sale cneap; will not reiuse any reasonaole offer. Easy terms. Phone East 165S. Mary McDonald, 710 K. Jlaoison st., Portland. (OR SALE Or will rent or lease f choice lots. 50x140 feet, st Tillamook Deacn, on ooara.waia. county road and railroad; near oance paviuoD and hotel. Address H 180, Oregonlan. SEAVIEW WASH. For rent or for sal. a complete 6-room turnlsnea cottage; running water, patent toilet, elec. light. tau ouuiJeRuai uiua. x to x. FO'H SALE Store bldg.. living rooma modern plumbing, lot ooxiuu: and moo. 4-room house, one or more lots Inqulr Kreo uoer, iearnari. ur. :3 MANHATTAN BEACH, lot 36. block 9. between Tillamook ave. and Lake bou levard. J. Albrecht. 1300 K. 6th st. N., Portland. Or. -ROOM completely furnished coUe on ridge at Beach Center. 1 or lot cr whole blo-k. Miss Violet Calder. P. O. bo. 117. Seavlcw. Wash. TWO lots at Rockaway Beach, clear; will sell cheap or trade. What nave you Uarland, 201Third st. , TWO nice beach lots for sale or trade on roadster. Inquire 18S .Bancroft st. Call 513-20. CANNON - BEACH Five-room cottage. furnished; three lots; ocean front; 3ouu. F. R. Dreback. Ecola. Or. HALF PRICE. $75. bluff lot. facing rall- oad. Agate Beach. Newport. Mar. 125. SNAP Lot near hotel at Gearhart beach for 1105 East 3tlth N. EIGHT beautiful lots. Bavn:ean. flOGO: 1 Neah-Ka-Nie, 1200. AJ 7, uregonian. TWO lots at Rockaway beach, cheap for cash. Owner. AG oS.i. Oregonlatv I-or Sale Lota. IRVINGTON. 75x100. Nine full-bearing fruit trees, plenty berries, etc.; ground all cleared and in cultivation; full-grown shade trees In oarklna: also fine concrete garage; lo cated on Weidler St., 125 feet east of 21at, one block to car; very fine loca tion; call; I will give a good deal, as I have too much ground to look after. Call 201 Board of Trade bids., or 3:12 E. 21st N., corner Weidler. Main 567. THE OWNERS of Capitol Hill are offer ing special inducement to home build ers. We have full-size lots SOxlOO for tl.10. $200, $300 and up; where 2 or more are wanted will make. special prices and terms. See owners direct and save money. 301 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. Main 1004. FOR SALE Cherries on trees, 9 large trees. Royal Anns, well loaded; will sell only to one buyer. Phone Main 140. ask for Botsford. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Do you want a lot on foruana Heightw? Better see Mrs. Brooke. She knows the district thoroughly and has all the desirable property for sale listed. BROOKE. MARSHALL 4S27. 341 Montgomery Drive. West End Elm. EVERY CUSTOMER la A KEf bHAvt.. GOOD improved acreage, close to paved nignway, two electric railways, electric lights, city water: might take some trade; terms to suit. SEE J. NELSON. 183 FIRST ST. Afternoons. Owner. ' toOO. tSO CASH. $6 monthly Fine lot convenient to west sine. Vancouver, iven- ton. St. Johns, is near Peninsula Park; no building restrictions. JOHNSON-DOUSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. $;:50 EACH 1 lots. Rose City Park. tpo earn, - tots, m. Ki. f-ara. $1400, Irvington, imp. pd. $10OO, Laurelhurst, imp. pd. S2200, business cor. lot. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry Bldgr. FOUR fine lots on 43d. between Division and Clinton, paved street, water and sewer; near good schools and car. $50O each: take liberty bonds; terms. J. it. McMahon. 2606 East 4:ld. Tabor 5361 h'OR SALE Lot in Irvington Park section. containing 12 large cherry trees, mostly Roval Anna, cherries worth $100 this year; for sale, low price, no trades. AP Kit. oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL wooded lots, none smaller than rvoxlOO; near the Jefferson hign $o00, $.0 cash. $10 monthly. JOHNSON-DODtiON CO.. 0:!3 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. WOODSTOCK. Lot 40xl2. right on the car line, on Woodstock ava. sidewalks In and paid for. $375. A bargain, terms. Owner. 6632 Woodstock ave.. corner 57th st. iPLENDID Laurelhurst lot. south face, near park; cost $2000. with Improve ments all paid; sell $1750; easy terms consider Bulck or Dudge roadster par payment. Tabor 5664. IRVINGTON PARK LOT. Bv owner. $250; cement walks and curb.-clty water, gas, electricity, 3 blocks from car line; $ou down, siu per montn. This lot cost !6SU. Broadway 1031. LOT 16. block 31, Alameda Park. 2th and Mason. 1 block from B. v . car Beauti ful building lot. 800 cash. A. J. King, Wheeler. ot BARGAIN Owner leaving Portland. Rose Citv Park lot, splendid location, sur rounded by improved property. AB 762, Oregonlan. $400 CASH. 100x100 on Marguarlte ave.: 114 blocks from K illingsworth ave. Address, box 8, Multnomah. Or; MONEY to loan on improved Portland real estate. business and residence. Mortgage Guarantee Co., Title & Trus bldg. - IRVINGTON. fine location. 5Oxl00. on 17th street. 50 feet south of Klickitat, facing east. Price $1300; halt casn. Br 754 Oregonlan. WILL sacrifice two lots in Broadway add.. . 31st and Hancock su, for a Quick sale. Wdln. 23RS. FOR SALE on easy teritlB 1 lot In beau tiful Belle Crest addn. Deal direct with owner. Box S4. Woodland. Wash. BY OWNER Nice residence lot In Lau relhurst. cash or terms. Broadway 1443. room 808. FOR SALE 3 lots. 22. 55! Reservoir Park, east Portland. $1500. Address H. F. Ct box 71. Cacamonga. California. FOR SALE 50x120 ft. lot In Argyle Park. Portland, Or; Mrs. F. Stalling. Ellens burg. Wash. FINE LOT, 50x100, Elmhurst Addition: will sell or trade for good automobile. Call Sunday till 3, 1230 East Flanders st. GOOD building lot 'on East Halsey. for quick sale, fhoneaiowner Monday. East 3136. HAVE ium4 choice lots In Warrenton's prospective business center. R. L. Yoke, 1135 Northwestern Bank bldg. LOT 50x100. GroVeland Park, improve ments in, unincumbered. $750 for quick pale. Owner non-resident. Tabor 9546. TWO fine lots on 17th St., Westmoreland district; $500 each, imp. paid. Sellwood 1794. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Desirable Rone City corner. Phone owner Monday. East 3138. STOP paying rent, a corner lot on car line at Montavllla; easy terms. BF 849. Ore gonlan. 34 LOTS Southeast corner 43d and Dlvl ion sts; $600 each. J. H. McMahon. 006 E. 43d at. Xabor 53CL REAL ESTATK. For Sale RITTER. LOWE & CO.'S COLUMN OF LOT BARGAINS. Come to headquarters if you want to buy a homesite. No matter what lo cation, we have It and the price is right. tn fact, an offer on any of the below listings will be given due con sideration. Look them over and come In prepared to 'do business. Lots are till bedrock but axe coming in fast. It will pay you to buy now; you can build later. We have many listings not adrtisd. See us before buvlng. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $850 Wasco, fac. so., 130 ft. E. of E. 28th. 900 E. 15th fac. W 100 ft. north of Klickitat, alongside of new bun galow. 900 Hancock, fac. N., 50 ft. W. of E. 35th. 000 Hancock, fac. N.. 200 ft. W. of E. 35th. 1000 Wasco, fac. N.. about 80 ft. E. of E. 27th. 1100 E. 36th. -fac. W.. 100 ft. S. of . Hancock. 1200 E. 15th, fac. S.. 130 ft. N. of Stanton at. 1250 E. 10th. fac W.. 150 ft. N. Of Thompson. 1300 E. 25th. fac. E.. 200 ft. S. of Sis kiyou. 1500 Hancock, fac. B., 125 ft. B. of B. 35th. 1500 B. 20th, fac. E.. 100 ft. N. of Stanton. 1500 Hancock, fac. B., 130 ft. W. of E. 28th. 1700 E. 21st. fac. E., 100 tC S. of Siskiyou. 1700 E. 28th. fac. W.. bet. Eugene and Thompson. 50x105, across the St. from beautiful colonial houses. 1800 S. E. cor. E. 28th and Eugene: fine location for colonial house; 97x88. 2000 N. E. cor. E. 28th and Thomp son; 53x195. 2100 Tillsmook. fac. N.. 200 fa. B. of B. 2Rth; 100x100. 2100 E. 27th. fac. E.. 100 ft. N. of Tillamook: 100x100, or will divide. 2800 S. E. cor. E. 28th and. Thompson: 75x195; a wonderful Bite for a fine home. 2500 Weidler. fac. N.. abt. 140 ft. E. of E. 21st: 60x100; nice fruit trees and shrubbery. 3500 N. E cor. E. 14th and Stanton; 100x100. S250 N. B. cor. B. 18th and Siskiyou; 75x100; all corners well estab lished. 4650 E. 21st, fc.' W.. 200 ft. N. of Til lamook; 100x100. HOO0 N. E. cor. E. 17th and Siskiyou; 100x100. 5000 S. W. cor. B. 22d and Knott: 100x100. LAUREI.HURST. 1000 Multnomah, fac. S.. 68 ft. W. of Imperial. S00 E. Hoyt. fac. S.. 43 ft. W. of E. H3d. llOO Haxelfern. fac. S.. 57 ft. E. of Imnprial 1400 E. Olisan. fac. S.. . 156" ft. B. of E. 41st. 1400 N. E. cor. E. 33d and Pacific. 1400 Floral, fac. W.. 200 ft. ,N. of E. Trvini, 1R50 E. Rurnside. fac. S.. 250 ft. E. of E. 30th. 2350 N. W. or. E. 42d and Glisan; about 90x107. 8000 N. W. cor E. Olisan and Mirl- mar place, over 1 lot. 3250 S. W. cor. Floral ave. and E Everett. ROSM CITY PARK DISTRICT. $500 E. 40th, fac. W., 200 ft. N. of Siskiyou. 500 E. 79th. fac. B., 00 ft. S. of Pres- cott. 623 E. 78th. fac. W.. 300 ft. N. of Mason. 675 E. 6flth, fac. B-, 100 ft. N. of Failing. 700 N. W. cor. E. 58th and Stanton all clear: 50x105. 750 E. 53d. fac. W., 150 ft. 5. of Klickitat. 000 E. 52d. fac. E., 50 ft. N. of Sis- klvou. 1000 E. S8th. fac. W 100 ft. S. of Stanton. 1000 E. 41st. fac. W.. 80 ft. N. of The Alameda. 1100 E. 50th. fac. W., 100 ft. N. of Tillamook, bet. 2 nice houses. 1800 E. 3Sth. fa,c. E.. 100 ft. S. of Tillamook; 100x100. 2000 S. K. cor. E. 38th ad Thompson: 100x100. MONT A VILLA DISTRICT. $250 N. W. oor. E. 58th and Broadway. 300 E. 73d, fac. B- 150 ft. N. of Ilalsey. 450 E. 7!tth, fac. E.. 280 ft. N. of Glisan. 475 S W. cor. E. 56th and Hoyt. 600 K. 62d. fac E.. 100 ft. N. of E. Glisan. 800 s. K. cor. 79x100. 1600 ts. B. cor. 100xR7, all 10OO N. W cor. E. 78th and Haisey: B. 36th and Glisan; clear. E. 62d and Glisan: 80 x ion. PHMNSULA DISTRICT. 1330 Newman, fac. K., 100 ft. S. of Willis blvd. .-O0 Lovely, fac. S., 150 ft K. of Wall. 550 Webater, fac. S., 100 ft. B. of Concord. 50 Interstate, fac. BS.. 200 ft. N. of Mason. 700 Kiske. fac. E., 125 ft. N. of Wil lis: T.lxlOO. 400 Alberta, fac. 400 ft. W. of Denver. 750 S. W. cor. Montieth and Oberlin; , 100x100. S50 Willamette blvd.. fac. 300 Tt. W. of Concord. 900 OTln. fac. W.. 200 ft. S. of Lom bard; 7rxlOO. 1200 S. W. cor. Kilpatrick and Fowler; 100x100. 1200 N. E. cor. Maryland and Emerson, 1200 N. W. cor. Curtiss and aratoga ; 100100. ' HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $300 li.Mh ave.. fac. N., 00 ft. tt'Jd. . 750 E. 48th. fac. W.. S50 ft. Division. 900 E. 53d. fac. W 145 ft. E. Sherman. nnn K 53d. fac. W.. 140 ft. B. N. N. Division, in oroveiana pane. 1000 E. Caruthers. fac. 50 ft. of B. 26th. 400 N. E. cor. E. 5tst and Hawthorne; 66 2-3x100. A I-A M K. I A rAKK.. 1850 Skidmore, fac S-, 105 Glenn. 1000 E. 31st. fac. B.. 100 ft. ft. E of S. of W. of Mason. - 1000 Dunckley, fac. N., 168 ft. E. 29th. inoo S E cor. B. 27th and Prescott. 1250 Mason, fac. S.. 100 ft- W. of E. 20th. 1400 Brvce, fac. S.. 55 ft. W. of E. 2!Uh. 1800 Regents Drive, fac. N., abt. 244 ft. E. of N- 26th and running through to Ridgewood ave. 2250 -Regents Drive, fac. S., running through to Alameda drive, Fine view property. 3000 N. W. cor. E. 33d and DuncVTley; h Imost 2 lots. niruMnvn AND WOODSTOCK. 600 40th ave., fac. 8.. . 100 ft. E. K Sftth: 100x88. 600 Tibbctts, fac. S., J50 B. 35th. 800 Kelly, fac . E.. 80 ft. 33d. 850 Kranklin, fac. S.. 170 E. 29th. MT. SCOTT. ft. W. W. of ft. E. j00 Woodstock .ave., fac. S., ft w. of 67th at.: 80x120 abt. 43 700 N. E. cor. E. 52d - at. and 54th ave.; PflxlOS. KENTON DISTRICT. 1250 Killin. fac. W.. 300 ft.S. of Bry ant. 350 Maryland, fac W., about 230 ft. fi. of Brvant. 425 Martha, fac W.. 50 Buffalo. 600 Baldwin, fac. E., 100 Minnesota. - 750 Missouri, fac 200 ft. ft. ft. Portland blvd. WEST SIDE. 1550 Idaho, fac. N. 250 ft. E. of Vir ginia. 600 Corbett. fac. E.. lOO ft. N. of Custer. Fine river view. 650 Nebraska, fac. S., 100 -ft. W. of Virginia 1500 H.llsboro ave., fac. S.. In Council Crest park; 75x90. 1500 Lownsdale, fac. W., 100 ft. N. of Spring; 100x100. g000 S. W. cor. 10th and Elm: 85x100. ALBERTA AND . WOODLAWN. $3M) N. E. cor. K. 24th and Jarrett. 400 S. "W. cor. E. 12th and Church. 600 E. 1 1 th, fac. E.. 1 00 ft. S. of Killinsworth; .-0 down. 10 mo. 600 E. 23d, fac. W., 100 ft. N. of Skidmore. 650--Killingaworth. fac. N., 150 ft. E. of E. 13th; 53x150. 650 E. 12th. fac. W.. 78 ft. S. of Alberta. 900 E. lth. fac. W., ISO ft. S. of "Wygant. All liens paid. 000 N. W. cor. H. 14th and and Ains worth : 100x100. Several nice bearing fruit trees. 1000 Union ave.. fac. B., abt. 200 ft. S. of Going. 1500 Lombard, fac. N.. 200 ft. E. of E. 6lh: 200x100. 2500 S. E. cor. B. 24th and Alberta; 90x100. ALBINA. oqoo S. E. cor. Albina ave and Knott; 100x1 OO. This is a real bargain. Formerly held at 50OOO. SELLWOOD AND BROOKLYN. $400 B. 19th, fac. B.. 258 ft. S. of Rex in Southmoreland. 550--E. 18th. iac. E.. 130 fC N. of Rex in Westmoreland. g00 Umatilla, fac. N.. 100 ft. E. of E. 19th. 1000 E. 32d. fac. E.. 92 ft. N. of Tol man in Eastmoreland. w RITTER, LOWE & CO.T' 201-8-5-7 BORD OK TRADE BLDG. We Write All Kinds of Insurance, first looker will take iu Address. AG 76, Oregonian. BARGAIN West side lot. no building re strictions. $600; $'0 cash. $10 monthly ; street improvements paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. VIEW lot. Portland Height. $1400, 1025 Chamber of Com mere a. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lota. ATTENTION! SPECULATORS. INVESTORS. BUILDERS. Choice building lots are now at the LOWEST PRICE ever recorded In Port land; and are SURE TO ADVANCE TO FORMER PRICES or even HIGHER. Now Is the time to pick over whil the price is low. These and HUNDREDS of otners are listed with us at FAR BE LOW THE ORIGINAL PRICE. See them now! I 1330 56x110 on N K corner Willis ! blvd. and Endicott st; terms. $350 10x100 on North side of 42d ave.. SO feet west of 72d. Eight fruit trees.. 3."0 We have 10 lots. 2 blocks from .Kenton car car at $350 each, easy terms. $250 56x110 on East 21st. 30 feet north of Miller ave. Terms. $450 Irvington Park. 50x100. on Glenn avenue: 100 feet north of Jarrett: EXTRA GOOD BARGAIN. Terms. $500 ADJOINING ROSE CITY PARK. 100x100 between E. 5Uth and 60th. I block north of Fremont; cash; good value. $fiO0 ALBERTA DISTRICT. 50x100 on E. 19th St.. facing east: 2110 feet north of Sumner: 1 ' blocks to car. TERMS $750 ADJOINING PIEDMONT. 40X1" 125. with alley on Alnsworth avenue, facing north, opposite E. 8th: PAVED ST.; easy terms. A SNAP. $000 NEAR PENINSULA PARK: 40x 100 On S. W. Corner Rrvanf anH llhitia Hardsurfaced. $150 down: EASY TERMS TO SL'IT. $lO0 BEAUTIFUL AL.MEDA PARK. 50x100. S. W. corner E. 30th and SKtamore: nardsurfaced ; CASH: an ex ceptional VALUE. $1050 100x125 West side of E. 20th street. 200 feet north of Killingaworth; TERMS: Irvineton Park. $1250 ROSE CITY PARK: N. W. cor. E. 66th and Sandy: extra larire lot; hardsurfaced : ON CARLINE; TERMS. $1250 ROSE CITY PARK. S. W. cor. E. 51st and Thompson: IDEAL RESI DENCE LOCATION: hardsurface: cash. $1275 ROSE CITY PARK: S. W. cor ner B. 55th and Thompson ; HIGH: close to. car and school. HARDSURFACED: terms. $1475 100x100 on west side of E. 51st just north of Stanton: 2 blocks from Sandy: hardsurfaced; TERMS $1600 ALBERTA CORNER: 50x100 on northeast corner of E. I5th and Al berta: SPLENDID OARAGE OR STxDRE BUILDING LOCATION; TERMS. $1800 ALBERTA CORNER: 80x100 on E. 26th and Aiberta: GARAGE LO CATION: hardsurfaced: TERMS. $1850 LAUD S ADDITION: 40x128 on east side of Elliot: 250 feet south of naw tnorne. nardsurtaced and paved alley in rear: terms. $2500 UNION AVENUE CORNER: S. E. corner Union ave and Prescott; IDEAL GARAGE LOCATION; hard surtaced: terms. $4000 ADJOINING EAST BROAD WAY; 50x100 on West Vancouver corner: 50 feet north of Broadwav: IDEAL APARTMENT LOCATION: TERMS. $4O00 SPLENDID WEST SIDE: 50x 100 on north side of Mill: 50 feet west of 14th street: terms $95O0 WEST . SIDE S. W. corner 16th and Marshall; excellent Earaite or store and office bldg. HARDSUR FACED. TERMS. $12.500 S. VV. corner West Park and Montgomery; beautiful apartment loca tion facing park blocks: ABSOLUTELY THE BEST BUY IN THE CITY; easy terms. For splendid lot values see J. Logie Richardson, with FRANK L. MeGL'IRE. To Buy Your Home. For fab -Houses. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Completely furnished, very attractive, newly built 3-room bungalow with large veranda; built-in features. This little home would do justice to a $alou ultra modern nome. special sale price $28UU. 600 down. CAREY SAVIDGE COMPANY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 74S7. LbAVING city and wili sell 5-room mod ern bungalow, located t block from th nest tar line In the city; lot 50x124. with plenty of good fruit trees and wal nuts and good garden: price $3250. $1200 cash, balance easy payments. Location. 1273 E. Yamhill, cor. of 44th St.; will 'sell furniture if desired. NOW VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. 2350 ROSE CITY PARK. EASY TERMS. Nifty, modern 4-room bungalow. Just like new, full plumbing, electricity, gas. good basement and nice full lot. good location. Here's your chance: must be sold in two days. Tabor 6009. BLOCK from MA car line, and here is a neat home of 5 room?. aU fully modern except furnace; dandy Dutch kitchen and full cement basement, alt plastered : nice terrace and warden spot and prettv home. Will consider good tourinu car as part initial payment. See Wuin at 514 K wet land bid k. BUNGALOW $3000. l.MtxlUO. 5)0 cash, balance nionl hly. no mort gage to assume, this is a five-room bun galow, full basement, located at 1244 Wiibur it., 2 blocks from car. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. LARGE FA M ' LY OR ROOMERS. 8-room modern house, having 4 .bed rooms, fireplace, furnace, laundry trays, two toilets, suitable for roomers and lodgers; nicely located. 7:t4 E. BurnHtde, nenr E. 22d st. See it op n today ; $4;oo, itir.oo oaf h. East 2X71. W EST SIDE, thorough ly modern 6-room home; unsurpassed view of citv. rivers and mountains; will give attractive price tor cash or will consider some terms. Phojie owner. Main 3t6. or W oo d 1 a w n 2 s 2 S . ATTENTION. SPECULATORS, BUILDERS. Here to sacrifice this week, corner. block, duplex house, near in. $2750 cash, terms; might take smaller place, liberty bonds; give address and phone. Non-resident, general delivery, postoffice. pr'oR SALE This beautiful home com pletely furnished in mahogany and ivory on corner lot. 50x100. with garage to match. Overlook add it ion. one block from car line. Price $6000, with terms, w o o d 1 a w n 5 " 5 1 . 7-ROO.V bnngVlow. close to car lin; built for presmt owner; has gas. eleciri jity.. Rudd water heater, all modern con-en-ler,:;e."; price S290O, $1250 cash, ha lance $23 a month. Lee-Robertson Co., 413 Corbett bldg. A REAL HOME for $5250 in the most de sirable part of Rope Oity Park, consist ing of a modern t-room bungalow, beau--tif j! shrubbery, fruit trees and berries. Must b seen to he appreciated. 443 En at 52d N. Tabor 5141. EXTRA VALUE. HAWTHORNE AVE. HOME. 6 rooms, large corner lot, close In ; beautiful trees, fruit, garage. The real bargain. $15oo. Terms. TABOR 8212. WE WILL erect the portable house- next to the Y. M. C. A. on 6th sr. on any of our lots. You can pay for name on the Installment plan. Will add additional rooms if desired. See us the first thing Tuesday morning, as it must be moved. COSY little bungalow, beautiful river view, 1 blocks to car; lot SthclOO; lawn, berries and roses; take Sellwood car. 4W4 Rex ave. Call Sundays or evening arter .. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Neat 2-room house, bath and wood shed. SOxloo lot. nice lawn and rose bhes. S1125. $500 cash, balance like rent. 694 E. 77th st. N. FOR SALE by owner. 7-room house on 50x100 lot, hard wood floors, full plumb ing, extra toilet on first floor. 4 fruit trees, garage in basement. $4750, terms. 1oj4 E. Taylor. Tabor 21 7. FOR SALE K-room house, modern, nice garden. 7 bearing fruit trees, chicken hou&e ; price $2500. Take R ussei ! -Shaver car to Patton ave. ; four blocks north R. Mielk. 12 West Going st. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 1 blk. to Sandy road ; close in. swell new modern u.igalow; a chance for a home now. To be old on easy terms. Tabor S202. IRVINGTON HOME J0OOO Modern 2 -story, 6-room home, .lust repainted and decorated, on corner near car; old ivory finish; big snap. Ta bor 4o7. FULTON" DISTRICT. T-room house, 100x100 corner. one blrvck from car; some fruit and berries ; $:;500; terms. Mar. 3993. 322-3-4 Fail ing bldg. 5-ROOM house. 5Ox100 corner lot, garage, hard -surface streets, nice lawn, walking distance; $3(100; terms. Mar. 3003. 322-3-4 Failing bldg. SJ X-ROOM modern house. Fine view. Evergreen, fruit and nut treea, berries, etc.. $5000 half cash. Phone Sellwood 54. Owner, A R 763, Oregrrtiian. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. 1 acre in fruit and garden, near carline. on paved st.; will consider Ford car. balance monthly. AJ 763. Oregonlan. MODERN 6-room bunimlow. bath, full basement. statl-nrry tubs, light and gas. fiuit trees, be: ry bushes, 1 minutes' ride from downtown. Bell. 1413. ONE acre with 5-room nouee. close In on Powell st.; $3000. terms: must sell this week. Mar. :03. 322-23-24 Failing bldg.. Third and Washington. FOR SALE 5-room he use and 5 lots, fruit and berries, at Lents. 9423 5Sth ave S E. NOW V VCANT $2000. -room house, newly painted, in fine shape. E- 3Qth and Burnside. East 2R71. $3500 BARGAIN 6-room modern house. Hawthorne district, reasonable terms East 6320. 5-ROOM bungalow $550 down, balance fHPy. 735 E. 67th north. TWO acres. 4-room cottage, steeping rorch. garden and lawn. Tabor 815. 6-ROOM house by owner. 509 Maiden ave. Sellwood car. REAL ESTATd For Sale ' BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. -ROOM COLONIAL. 0-room colonial house only to ers old, in perfect condition out side and in: beautUul hardwood" floors throughout. 2 elegant fire places, fine furnace, exception ally fine built-in features, central entrance hall with French doors to living room and dining room; large living room, beautiful Dutcti kitchen, extra touH on back port-n. very large front eranda with ce ment f.oor and large cement ga rage. Owner forced to lenvt. ir city at once and will sacrifice for the price of $I0.5"0; $4o00 cash. At this price this property is about $4H0ti beiow the market price. ir you are looking for a fine home in the best residence district in Port land you wili sure buy this if you see it. Call us tor appointment. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. C14-20 Swetiand bios. Phone Marshall 3081. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Will sacrifice my fine 7-room house and furniture for $1000 less than real value, for cash. If sold quick. Owner here from California and must have money. House now renting for $65 per month. Mortgage of $l'.ioo to run 2 Si years. Can borrow $2500 on house without furniture. Will take $3HOO for my equity. Furniture nearly new. Can not be duplicated for $luoo, consisting of mahogany, oak. blrdseye maple, bras. and old ivory. Eight big rockers, three bedroom suites, good carpets and rugs. In Woodstock addition, lotlxloo corner, on car line. Good soil. Fruit and ber ries enough to keep family the year around. Flowers of all kinds. See own er, room 566 Multnomah hotel, Mr. Walker. ENGLISH COLONIAL. Irvington select, beautiful grounds, massed with flower beds, arched per gola, sun rooms draped with creepers, center hall with French doors to living and dining rooms, in old ivory, Luxing burg kitchen. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch in white enamel, hardwood floors, hot-water heat: built 5 years, by day labor: garage, $92."0. terms $1300 cash, $60 per month. 6 per cent. Now vacant. East 1347. No agents. WEST SIDE SNAPS. $3000 for a 6-room. bath, toilet, base ment, on Broadway; easy terms. $4500 for a 7-room, quiet, modern and good shape, lot 4oxl0u, near Shattuck school: terms. $4200 for 5bx50 corner of College, with 2 houses; a good buy. cash. $3U0U for a fine 5-room. with H. S. streets, large garage, in Fulton; easy terms. . These are good buvs. Phone Mar. 829. F. L. -BLANCH A RD, 510-20 Railway Exchange. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. $ San Francisco owner de- f $ sirous of selling a 7-room $ $ residence at 38 12th st.. $ S near Montgomery, will con- $ $ sider terms. Owner on prem- $ $ ises Tuesday. July 6. from $ $ 12 to 4. S EASY TERMS. Neat 5-room cottage, convenient to rar, stores, school, etc. Cor. lot. Price $lo"0. 300 cash, balance like rent. SELLWOOD BARGAIN. 6-room cottage, good condition: lot 50x 1 00. convenient to car barns.. Price Sl'.wio, any reasonable term?. 4-room shack, fair con d it ion. garden, fruit trees ; Montavllla, 790. Your own terms. R M GATE WOO D & CO., 1 5 4th. VACANT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: WALK ING DISTANCE. EAST SIDE. 3 MULTNOMAH tT.. NEAR UNION: ft ROOMS. MODERN. GASCO FURNACE. GARAGE. FINE BASEMENT. ATTIC. $7M10. TERMS. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. I.AURELHURST. $5750 6-room house, exclusive ot sun room, den and sleeping uorch. Cen ter eiiLrance. hardwood floors, finished in white except living room and dining room. All the built-in conveniences Fine view. Clos to tar and school E. B Holmes Co., 272 Stark &t. Maln y051. iiOOD 7 -room modern house, furnace, etc . Sleeping porch, E. Main street, near E 30th. $:St'0 if taken in the next week: $10i0 cash, balance monthly. 6 per cent. Another good one of 5 rooms at $2750. pome terms if taken at once; can give immediate possession. E. E. Compton. Gail Sellwood 1422 or eve. or Sun. 3033. . 8 FINE ROOMS, $4500. $750 cash; lot 72xl2o; fruit, nuts, ber ries; double concrete garage; new fur nace; buffet. Dutch kitchen; $200 elec tric range; laundry trays; this is quite an attractive home; in fine condition; wonderful view of mountains; 4 blocks sout h M V car, S. W. corner 5.th and (.'ouch sts. Tabor 854. $32O0. $500 cash, balance like rent, buys t his 7-room double-constructed bungalow with butit-in kitchen, full basement, laundry trays. 50x1 00 east front lot on pa ed street, block to car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3757. LOOK AT THIS. Modern cottage 5 rooms: 1 block from car. with full cement basement, kitchen with built-ins. all screened and ready to move in. Lot bOx IO0. with garden and shrubbery. Assessments alt paid. $2750. Terms. Open ail day Sun da. Owner." , Tabor 200L ROSE CITY. Cute little bungalow. 1 block from car; 4 nice rooms, pretty Dutch kitchen, garage. Thi-s is a nice little -place and well worth' the money; owner is anxioua to leave-: $1SOO, terms. Phone 3lS-32, or inquire S2 E. 75th st. N. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden tto Income? We design and build apartments, parages. residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 yea rs. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc.. U21 N. W. Bank bldg. $ 1 1 50 B RENT WOO D $1150. 4-room plastered bungalow and ga rage on 67 th st., near 65 th ave. and Nazarene church ; perfect condition in side and out' favorable terms or liberal discount lor cash. Tabor 9586 or Ta bor 4514. BUNGALOW. $3000. " LOT 100x100. EASY TERMS. 5 rooms, fuii baement, good plumbing, etc.; 2 blocks to car. on Wilbur st, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-:i-5-7 Board of Trade b!dg. BY OWNER Modern bungalow on beau tiful Adameda drive. 1 blocks from car line ; large living room finished in Ivory throughout; Ruud hot water heat er, full basement, floored attic, garage. No expense has been spared on this place. Call Tabor 4223. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, breakfast nook, bathroom, fireplace, hardwood floods, attic, full sized base-ment, wash trays, large clothes closets furnace: garage. 50x100 lot, 'i block south of Sandy, faces east; 633 E. 63d st. N. By owner. MT. TABOR HEIGHTS. WITH FINE VIEW MT. HuOD; LOT 100x100- PAVED STREET: MODERN 8-ROOM RES1 DENCE: BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS: $ 1 . OO0 ; TERM S. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. BUNG A LOW. $3000. LOT 100x100. EASY TERMS 5 rooms, full basement, good plumbing etc., 2 blocks to car on Wilbur st. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Not a shanty, but a nice little bunga low, two large rooms, another which could be converted into good rooms: nres your chance to buy a iiome cheap that you will not be ashamed of; $1154). easy terms. Phone 318-32. GROVELAND PARK BARGAIN. $34O0, fine corner, paved streets, six rooms, modern, best buy In this district. Terms. S. S. PRENTISS. 615 ..Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $2100. $1000 CASH. $40 monthly 6-room hit use: furnace, fireplace, full plumbing. 52x1 00 lot. beautiful roses; near Aiberta. or Irvington car; is vacant. JOHNSON-DODSON- CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. $500 CASH, balance $2100 on easy pay ments; this is a snap: new 4-room bun galow, strictly modern., with cement basement, sidewalk and flreplnre, two blocks from car and school. WHO 57th ave. S. E. BROOKLYN shoos. 6-room. well-furnished bungalow: hard surfaced and sewer: coal and gas ranges: full cement basement, fine plumbing; white enameled kitchen, furniture and all. $3800. easy terma. Call Own er. E as t3 225. BIG 7-room modern, built by owner for home, big grounds, bc materia., noth ing cheap; big bargain. S. M. Venard. owner. 020 C. of C. j -000 X 1O0 D O W N $ 20 MO N T H--? 2 O ' . 4-room cottage, fomc furniture, 50xHn lot. hard -surface,. 2 bl'.rl.s r. ' SM.il U-VAGOiKii'sCO.. &XUCK LXtH,