1 TIIE SUNDAY OliEGONIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 4, 1920 13 V V l:e. LEADING FORHDUSESPEAKER "ane County Representative Most Likely Aspirant. OTHERS ARE MENTIONED Bonneville, July 18. In addition to the baseball game, it is understood that Al Price and John Callahan, who are handling: the sporta -ide of the programme, 'will present something: startlingly original in the way of athletic contests. 'William Hahn, it is said, will be dependable when re freshments are sought. The chairman of the committee in charge of the day's festivities is J. F. Riesch, while Broderick O'Farrel will have charee of the dancing, to 'which part of the day and evening will be devoted. Acting as cashiers will be Joseph Brennfleck and Charles Alphonse. One of the largest crowds that has ever attended a local picnic has been provided for and the committee states that it is out to make this year's celebration one which will exceed any previous efforts. F. J. Gallagher, Denton Burdick, Thomas B. Kay, K. K. Kubll Are Also Bcinz Considered. As matters stand, Louis E. Bean, veteran representative of Lane coun ty, is the leading candidate for speak er of the house for the 1921 session of the legislature. How many pledges Mr. Bean has for this position 13 not known, but the general impression is to the effect that he has a figure not far from the necessary, majority, which same is 31. Other names have been mentioned as possible aspirants, these being P. J. Gallagher of Malheur county; Den ton Burdick of Deschutes, Thomas B. Kay of Marion and K. K. Kubli of Multnomah. Mr. Bean was In Port land recently and held conferences with Mr. Burdick, Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Kubli, since which time it is un- ; derstood that they are friendly to Mr. Bean and they are now counted as Bean supporters, whether or not such is actually the case. Mr. Kay May Be Candidate. There is a possibility of Mr. Kay being a candidate for speaker, but if he does announce himself it will be an action prompted outside of Mr. Kay himself. There is no demand for Mr. Kay for speaker among his colleagues of Marion county, albeit v they will support him to the last ditch if he enters the contest. The pres sure on Mr. Kay to make him a candi date is said to be fostered by some ' Salem citizens and by certain elements in Portland. Senator Lachmund of Marlon county has declared that Mr. Kay will not be a, candidate, but admits that he has never received such a positive state ment from Mr. Kay, his fellow towns man. Mr. Kay is said to have received a letter offering the support of a Portland paper, but in discussing this tendered assistance with other mem- hers of the legislature he is reported as beginning to suspect that such support would be more of a liability . than an asset. Davey Agalnat Candidacy. Frank Davey of the Marion county delegation does not deem it advisable for Mr. Kay to be a candidate. Mr. Davey argues that he, himself, has served several terms in the legisla ture and has been speaker, and Mr. Kay is another old hand in the legis lature and that with their knowledge of the game they should bo in posi tion to get all that Marion county is entitled to without requiring the '. speakership to help. ' However, ei- ' plains Mr. Davey, if Mr. Kay Is a candidate, Davey will stick with him to the limit. A handicap which Mr. Kay will have to overcome, in the event of his candidacy, Is the fact that the speaker , of the 1919 and 1920 sessions was ' from Marion county. If Mr. Kay runs, he would not receive more than four or five votes from the Multno mah delegation, and probably not mor than two. Mr. Bean has seen many, if not all. of the Multnomah delegation, and he t has already made a drive for this support. Dr. E. C. McFarland states that he has pledged himself to Bean and made 'no stipulation In the way of committee appointments. Herbert Gordon is for Bean, as they are close friends. K. K, Kubli is listed for Bean. Both Wotald Like Chairmanship. Both Gordon and Kubli would like . to be chairman of the ways and means committee, on which each has had experience. O. W. Hosford, Har vey Wells and Barge E. Leonard are also said to be supporting the Lane county man. Mr. Bean is believed to have not less than eight and pos sibly ten, of the Multnomah repre sentatives. He has the three votes In his own county, S. D. Allen and AVilllam T. Gordon a brother of Her bert Gordon. In eastern and central Oregon a substantial number of representatives are known to be either committed to Mr. Bean, or are leaning in his direc- tion and ready to vote for him when the time comes. During the past ten days the speakership situation has greatly cleared, and Mr. Bean will have no opposition unless outside pressure causes Mr. Kay to weaken and become an aspirant. If CITY HARKS BACK TO EARLY DAYS AXD CUSTOMS. SERVICE BUREAU FORMED RESOURCES OF PACIFIC KORIHUXST TO BE COVERED. AdTertlbins Organization to Assist Business Men in Problems of Publicity. The new field of business promo tlon through advertising the resources of Oregon and the Pacific northwest is to be covered thoroughly by the advertising service bureau, with Portland as Its headquarters, accord ing to an announcement yesterday or the organization. The bureau's slogan is "service,' which will cover a wide and urtde veloped field of endeavor, with Henry K. Hayek, principal in charge of plan, copy and production; G. E. Boyersmith, principal in charge of merchandising and organization: C. S. Cobb, principal in charge of art and Ideas, and Ralph H. Mitchell, prln cipal in charge of editorial, publicity ana promotion. The bureau has taken offices In the Wilcox building. As outlined in a handsome little booklet, just off the press, the bureau's purpose is to give the business men of the Pacific north west and Portland and Oregon in particular, the benefit of a most com prehensive advertising service, which will consist of making practical eue gesttons regarding advertising prob lems; writing advertising copy and advertisements of all kinds, including oookiets, nouse organs and catalogue and supervising their production making studies and analyses of the needs of clients, and developing plan 'of procedure; preparing publicity and managing campaigns and conventions. "Boiled Shirts" Arc Forbidden on Streets and Offending Wearers Are Arrested and Fined. ASHLAND, Or., July 3. (Special.) Thousands from all sections of southern Oregon and northern Cali fornia have arrived here to take part In the three-day celebration. One of the unique features of today was the proclamation issued by "Dick Red Eye" warning those who appeared on the streets during the day in boiled shirts, white collars, shined shoes, de collete dresfces, etc., with arrest and trial before the miners' court on the Plaza. ' Many of the residents of the city heeded the warning and came down town in the forenoon in the old togs, but those residents who dressed up and some of the visitors were hauled into court and fined in the presence of a large audience. After each "pris oner" was fined and discharged he or she received a star and was appointed a deputy to go forth and get revenge by arresting some other person who had violated the dress-up order, and they arrested a number of offenders. The "Old Timers' " parade, consist ing of old-time characters, emigrant outfits, features, mining characters, including Swiftwater Bill and Casino Nell, took place at 1 o'clock and pa raded through the principal streets of the city. The opening of Rainbow Lane '49 bank and Miners' Row at 2.30 was at tended by a large crowd. During the afternoon and evening there were band concerts in various parts of Lithla park, baseball games, field sports, vaudeville stunts. A Hia watha pageant was given at the Chautauqua temple in the evening, participated in by local talent. LA GRANDE TO BE QtJIKT Elgin Will Celebrate Fourth on Elaborate Plane. LA GRANDE. Or., July S. (Spe cial.) LaQrande will pass a safe and sane Fourth of July this year, as there is a city ordinance forbidding the sale or use of fire crackers within the. city limits. About a month ago business men of the city decided that, inasmuch as the annual Grand Ronde Chautauqua Is going on at the present lme, there should be no Fourth of uly celebration in La Grande. Elgin is taking advantage of this and has planned an elaborate pro gramme, the morning exercises to Do given in the city park at that place. The celebration will be held tomorrow. CULINARY WORKERS UNITE Constitution and By-Law's Adopted and Officers Elected. Organization of the Camp and Boarding House Culinary Workers' association was formally effected Fri day when the executive committee was selected and a constitution and by-laws adopted. John R. Peel was chosen president and W. G. Haldeman secretary and business agent. The directors, representing cooks, flunkies and waitresses, are Ed H. Short, W. Fuller, Louis Bacey, John Owen, Miss Audrey Deaton and Mrs. C. A. Chap man. The association, which is an inde pendent body formed primarily to conduct Is own employment bureau and clearing house through which in terests of both employes and employ ers of camps and boarding houses may be served, has an office estab lished for this purpose at 242 Ankeny street. Membership in the association now numbers 190, according to Sec retary Haldeman. CITY FIREMEN PRAISED Letters of Appreciation Received by Fire Chief Dowell. Two letters of appreciation for dis play of efficiency by members of the Portland fire bureau In fighting fires were received by .Fire Chief Dowell during tne past week, one letter came from the Northwestern Electric com pany and complimented the men of the department for the prompt extin guishlng of a blaze which occurred in 4he basement of the Plttock block on June 19. The other letter was written by E. F. Piatt. 634 Clifton street, and con tains special praise for the members of engine company No. 15, located on Portland Heights. The action referred to by Mr. Piatt occurred during a fire in his home June 20. ELKS TO HOLD PICNIC Varied Forms of Amusement Pro Tided for Programme. Elks from The Dalles will attemp to teach their Portland brothers th finer points of the great American pastime when local members of th order hold their annual picnic at iljj m -HAZELWOO Haze l wood Sunday Dinner Served 12:00 to 9:00 P. M. $1.25 Menu Choice of soup: Cream of Tomato, Corn, or Vegetable Soup Ripe Olives Radishes Choice of: Spring: Lamb, Mint Sauce Spring Chicken, Giblet Sauce ' Leg of . Veal with Dressing Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Mashed or Baked Potatoes Stewed Chicken with' Noodles Choice of: . . ' Fresh Asparagus in Cream Stewed Corn Choice of : New Peas Fruit Salad Fresh Spinach Shrimp Salad Tomato Salad with French Dressing' Choice of: Ice Cream, Pie, Pudding or French Pastry Tea Coffee Milk Salted Nuts 75c HAZELWOOD SUNDAY PLATE DINNER Cream of Chicken, Corn or Vegetable Soup Baked Salmon Parsley Sauce or . Chicken Fricassee with Noodles or Beef Saute Spanish, or Roast Veal or Beef or Half Roast Spring Chicken Spinach and Egg, Fresh Asparagus in Cream ' Mashed or Baked Potatoes . Choice of Pie, Pudding or Ice Cream Coffee or Milk HAZELWOOD VEGETABLE DINNER 40c Stewed Corn Fresh Peas in- Cream Coffee or -Milk Fresh Spinach and Egg Mashed or Baked Potato Bread and Butter THET3zGlcDood QJ CNFECTI0KEJQf & RESTAURANT 388 Washington St. 127 Broadway Music at the Washington St. Hazelwood, 6 to 8:30 9:30 to 11:30 - I III U III BIseSEsgajjrj H MANY THEFTS REPORTED ARTICLES RANGE FROM JEW ELRY TO BIG STEEIj SHAFT. Wash Tub, (Board, Bowl, Pitcher, Hose Taken From Back Porch. Kewple Doll Also Stolen. Articles ranging from Jewelry to a locomotive crank shaft were stolen during the night from various parts of the city, according to reports re ceived at the police etatlon yesterday. Kred Robbing, 266 Glisan street, re ported the theft of a locomotive crank shaft, weighing one ton, from his place. He said the value of the piece of steel was $1200. A wash tub and a wash board were among the articles taken from the back porch of the home of Mrs. E. Garcia. 1644 Macadam street. The thief also took SO feet of hose, a sprinkler, a bowl and a pitcher. The burglar who raided the home of Mrs. C. il. Dougherty, 347Vi Mont gomery street, took a kewpie doll besides a quantity of Jewelry. En trance was gained through a rear window of the place. A kodak was taken from the home of Mrs. H. J. Seabrook, 263 Va Salmon street. Charles Chessman, 147 North Seven teenth sereet, reported the theft of a quantity of personal papers, in cluding some checks and receipts for liberty bonds. The theft of a pink cameo, pin was reported to the police by J .A. Mou ger, 267 Glenn avenue. W. P. Wilson, 54 East Twenty ninth street, reported that a quantity of tools belonging to him were taken from East Twenty-ninth street and Alameda. The theft of a pin and a ring from 264 H Porter street, was reported by H. E. Cobb. The police were advised that a heavy revolver and a fountain pen had been stolen from Donald Hcston of Median. Wash. JLW&ki rl '?: Sfi STUDENT GAIN FORECAST Early Interest at Oregon Agricul tural College Is Unusual. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, July 3. (Special.) The number of credentials received from high school students who wish to enter the college next school year shows an increase of 120 per cent over last year at the same time. This does not indicate an increase in the number of freshmen, in the opinion of H. M. Tennant, registrar, but it does show a lively Interest on the part of students. An indication of heavy attendance is that there are only 50 vacancies in the men's dormitory. Farmer Loses $500 0 by Fire. RIDGE FIELD, Wash., July 3, (Spe cial.) The barn and team of horses, two calves and two heifers, several pieces of farm machinery, all of the CrfSa-.Vht .$8,500,000 I II 4mf $47,500,000 : - 'J Oregon's Poultry Production POULTRY PRODUCTION has recently become one of Oregon's most important industries. Many of the most modern poultry farms on the Pacific Coast are now located in this state. THESE FARMS are splendidly equipped with all facilities for the proper care of the birds. Frail wooden shacks of five or ten years ago have given place to substantial buildings with concrete floors that assure proper ventilation and sanitary hous ing. This progress is due to the great change in the class of stock grown. THOROUGHBRED STOCK was comparatively un known in 1914 today it is dominant. With the increasing cost of feed it was found that scrub stock ceased to produce a profit; thoroughbred poultry, however, has proved consistently profit able to the industry. THE CHICKEN is the chief poultry fowl grown in Oregon. Turkeys thrive in the southern and cen tral parts of the state. It is estimated that over 30,000 were marketed during the holidays of 1919, many tons of the dressed meat being shipped to the east. Ducks and geese are also extensively raised and produce a substantial profit. THE VALUE OF POULTRY and poultry products has shown an astounding increase for the five years ending with 1919, as shown by the follow ing figures : Total value Poultry Industry, 1914 Total number birds. Total dozens ef emo. 1919. S.OO0.O0O: value $18,000,000 1910, 60.000,000; value (31.500.000 Total value Poultry Industry, 1919. ... THIS ENORMOUS GAIN of $35,000,000 in five years indicates the importance of the Poultry In dustry in the development of a Greater Oregon. No. 23 of the Series "For a Greater Oregon THE NORTHWESTERN NATIONALEANK PORTLAND. OREGON. farm Implements, two wagons in a shed and 10,00 shingles in bundles, were destroyed by fire yesterday at the farm of Mike Riordsn nearhere. The Iobs Is shout JS000: no insurance. r ROAD BIDS ARE CALLED Prices oa Surfacing Asked For and Will Be Cbeckcd Tuesday. Bids for rock and gravel surfacing: on many miles of road will be re ceived by the state highway commis sion Tuesday. The commission prac tically has discontinued awarding contracts for hardsurface pavements for th present, but is desirous of having a rock surface on every grade that has been made. The crushed rock will serve the purpose of making the grades passable during the rainy season and will also save the grades. When the rock has been laid and traveled over for a sea son or two it will afford a better foundation for the hard surface. EXTRA! $300 cash and the balance in ten monthly payments price $1000 will buy a re newed 6-cylinder, 7-pass. Reo it's a snap. Northwest Auto Co. Alder at 18th THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. SUPERIOR RECORD gERVICE A Beautiful Columbia Graf onola $ 140 This Columbia Grafonola (as shown) is equipped with the new non-set automatic stop, with the Co lumbia individual record ejector, with a capacity of forty-sevea records. Press of the proper button and the desired record is instantly ejected. Special Combination Offer $148.00 For $148 we will send you with all delivery charges paid this beautiful model F-2 and 16 selec tions (eight double-faced records) . $15.00 Down and $8.00 Monthly Sign and send with your first payment of $15. Send your order today. i Type F-2 $14S.OO In Any Finish Use this ad for your order. Name '. Address.... MORRISON ST. AT BROADWAY (llpucfXBsn 3pyB Allen m -MASON AND HAMUN PIANOS- arreaiESa un nMitenee, oakukv. rauMo. sjua cmk Why the Power To Win Comes From Ricli9 Red Blood THE KIND LUXATED IRON HELPS IVIAKE 1-ourBlooaFilleclWitKIrori $fjg Hie Mighty Strength! and To Take Eirst Eiacfi and J j vvsician. L rvii ic y ATI kiaivi i- 1 1 1 wirn iron t--' ir iiou wane in Tireless Energy; Hold It, Says Physician Tt is he men or blood and iron" witi whether II tc In the gruelling endurance test of a Marathon or ia the hard fought Race for Success. The weak, thin fclooded men fall by the wayside, their strength and power sapped by Lack of Iron often at the yery moment trhea xhe goal seems -within reach. "No man -who seglecta to fortify h!a blood with trength-giying, health-building iron can expect other than failure and defeat he is no snatch for the strong, red-blooded fellow -whose endurance and power knows no bonnds," says Dr. H. B. Vail, formerly Physician la the Baltimore Hospital and a Medical Examiner. "Comities, nnintor. of tn." tic emlttim., " trtJ eff fr. Hf with youthful strength nd Tifor, determined to win. find themselves today on th. verg. ef a. vhrsical end net-roue breakdown eunply because hey failed to keep their blood filled with etamina-baiiding iron. In the mad race tor success they have allowed long henrs. mout and eeersrark td drain front their Hood the iron -which had formerly given, them the strength and endurance to 1-cep let other men go througn uie appar ently possessing, year after year, the elas ticity, the strength and the energy of earlier days, for they have within them the never ia&ing source of courage, confidence and power- pure, red blood rich in iron. Wher. others hesitat. and .tttmble, theft, tnea go -forward with a firm ste. and take the best 7rises ef lifo. Their brain, are fceenly alive., their bodie. ar. fortified with th. strength and energy that enable, them to take and Veep the best the world has to offer. It i. surprising how many vjeonle who do not get along in life ar. in reality suffering frora iron deficiency and do not know it. - To belp make men strong snd red-blooded thre As nothing in my experience which I hava f onnd. ao valuable as organic iroo Kuxaied Iron. Ia case after case I -have seen Nvs .ted Iron begin to give weak, nervous, run down men new vigor, energy and en durance Arts YOU Falling O Coins: Ahead? If Other payouInTH Race Of Life It May Be Du4 Jo Lack OS Iron In Yst .it Blood. rithoTrt th tiHrnce ft on they are forced to drop back among the weklinf and failures beaten because their blood is literallv -rtamr for' tr. John J. Van Roma, formerly Medical fieakh-sriWnt iron. Today, it ! 1 -w ffre-rraia taAler of ordinary Xtixaed Iron three times rer day after meals let two weeks, l'kea tcit jnoar strength again, and see how muchs-out bsve gained. Many aa athlet. and prire fighter has won th. iay simply because he knew the secret of Teat strength and en durance which comes from hsving plenty od iron in the blood while snanv anotoefl Z. lor lack of iron. MsHufsetursrr Netss IfuiitM Iran. wMn ft red Dlood - whicii t wn known to drutnu sverrwhsre. T7n Inspector and Clinical Physician on the Board rich in iron such as Naaated Iron helps to Us the older loorrmnie Iron oroducu It ts tttij of Health of New York City, savs: "Weak- build that gives men the force, energy anl SMimllated and doaa not Injure t&e tteth. mass cucu u: tueir nci ' " . , I J. " " tvoulns Nuxstsa Iron Is stamosd as foUowsw force snd phvsieal strength, msny men are wtrtuslly masters of their own destioies. na the wore Nuxated Iron ars namonl totoTU hrld back in life by lack of iron in the blood. If vou are not strong or well yoa ow. it to each bottx. so that ths oubUc mar nt be 11 Their thin. pale, watery blood bas utterly yourself to make the following test: Sc. J?10 aooroUr.e Inferior s-ibjututaa. The maneiT. lost the power t. nd energy and power hew long you can work or how far you ca VorJIJVat'ni toxougU h body smd result ticy are walk wathout fcocamiag tired, is tat taas a2!a7, la2T," FOR SALE AT THE OWL, DRUQ COW s