The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 04, 1920, Section One, Image 1

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SO Pages
Eight Sections
Eniered at Portland (Oregon)
Postofflce a Second-Class Matter.
TION TO 14,027.
T IN 2
s dec on
Convention Deadlocked
Adjourns to Monday.
Someone on Whom to Cen
ter Vote Needed as
Much as at Start.
Efforts to Be Made Today
to Find Person to Whom
Vote Can Be Swung.
AUDITORIUM, San Francisco,
July 3. After 22 fruitless ballots,
the democratic national convention
just before midnight gave up hopes
of selecting a presidential nominee
-within the first week of its session
and adjourned until 10 o'clock Mon
day morning.
Repeated attempts to adjourn
were defeated throughout the early
part of the night, but as midnight
approached and it was about to be
come Sunday, the tradition that a
democratic national convention never
works on a Sunday, coupled with the
fact that the convention was tired,
worn and frazzled, had its effect and
the final motion to adjourn was un
Cox Leading With 430.
When the convention stopped Cox
was leading with 430. McAdoo came
rext with 3721s. Palmer was down
to 166 Vi. The final ballots of the
night were full of McAdoo move
ment, but it failed to make much
headway. Georgia, his home state,
pledged to Palmer, swung over with
her 28 votes in a block for one bal
lot to see if it would start her native
son toward victory, but it failed to
do so and she swung back to the
No dark horse appeared during
the night's balloting to carry off
the honors, and the convention ad
journed just as much in need of
somebody to rally about as it was
when it began the balloting.
It was a deadlock with nobody in
sight to break it. Sunday will be
devoted to efforts to finding some
body the convention can swing to.
The first votes to be cast for
Woodrow Wilson came from Mis
souri, two of them. Contrary to ex
pectations, they did not cause any
particular demonstration in the con
vention. All through the first 15 ballots to-
day Governor Cox made steady gains
intil he captured the lead from Mc
Davis Gains in Strength.
On the 16th ballot Cox lost slight
ly. On this ballot John W. Davis,
American ambassador to Great Brit
ain, whose votes from West Virginia
had been standing steady all day,
(Concluded on Page 2, Column l.
CawvicT-CoN HE Root T I I I.STneoR vMERE 6qoq - Gime -
til .q I J U'THNOTft-EnL VS OE. TOE-! ?
Z -r YOVI PACHCftNo! ' Auto PE-ftuAsVo fND
On Fifth Ballot Son-In-Law Is
Struggling Contender Hanging
On by Skin of His Teeth.
Copyright by the New York Bvenin Post.
Inc.. Published ty Arrangement.
AUDITORIUM. San Francisco, July
3. (Special.) By the time the fifth
ballot had been taken early in the
forenoon it was clear that McAdoo
did not have as spontaneous a
strength as his backers had claimed
and supposed.
The whole theory of the McAdoo
candidacy was that there was an
overwhelming call for him. He had
withdrawn from the race; he had said
that the withdrawal was final, and
he had meant it to be irrevocable.
Thereupon, certain friends and asso
ciates of his, together with menus
and members of the administration.
had represented to him that there was
so urgent a call for him among tne
public at large and also among tne
delegates arriving in San Francisco
that he ought not to forbid them to
make a fight for him.
In truth there was a good deal of
demand for him. All the demand for
anybody that was spontaneous was
for him. But there was not as much
among the delegates as his backers
here had supposed.
Just as soon as It became appar
ent that McAdoo was short of a ma
jority of the delegates, the entire ba
sis of his candidacy changed. By the
fifth ballot he had become a strug
gling contender, hanging on by the
skin of his teeth to a scant third of
the delegates.
After that he would not be in a
very exalted position before the coun
try. A man can hardly be in the role
of a reluctant conscript and at the
same time be fighting desperately to
hold his own. Mr. McAdoo's position
of reluctantly obeying a call of duty
disappeared between 9:30 A. M. and
noon. By noon it was like any old
fashioned race, conducted along lines
of the eame strategy.
Convention Balloting Appears to
Be of No Concern.
HUNTINGTON, N. Y., July 3. Will
iam Gibbs McAdoo tonight apparently
was unconcerned with what was
going on at the San Francisco con
vention. He attended a Shakespearean
pageant at the Conkling estate and
on his return to his home again de
clined to discuss politics for publi
cation. During the afternoon and evening
friends in New York kept him in
formed by telephone of the balloting.
Other happenings at the convention
were supplied by newspaper men who
were invited by Mr. McAdoo to tea.
League Candidate Heads Race for
North Dakota Governor.
FARGO, N. E.,t July 3. Governor
Lynn J. Frazier, non-partisan league
candidate for the republican guber
natorial nomination, took the lead
from William Langer, independent re
publican, on overnight returns from
Wednesday's primary. In 1870 pre
cincts out of 20S4, Frazier had 51.528
and Langer 50,602.
In the first district congressional
race O. B. Burtness had a lead of
2926 over John H. Baer. incumbent.
figures showing Burtness 18,227 and
Baer 15.301.
Mexican Commander Takes Action
on American Aviator.
BROWNSVILLE, Tex., July 3. Or
der for the release of Lieutenant S.
M. Amen, United States army aviator,
was issued by General B. Lopez, coi
mander in Matamoros, opposite here
last night.
Ames alighted on Mexican soil, 35
miles south of Matamoros. last Mon
day, when he became lost in storm
Lightning Piles Three
Cars in Heap.
Excursionists Among Those
Victims of Disaster.
Eight Killed and 3 0 Injured, 12
Seriously, In Iowa AThen
Cars Plunge In Creek.
SCRANTON, Pa., July 3.r-In a col
lision between three cars on the
Lackawanna and Wyoming valley
railroad near South Pittston station
tonight 18 persons are reported killed
and 100 injured. The accident oc
curred when lightning struck a tele
graph pole along the line of the track
and the pole fell over on the tracks
in front of a car bound for Scranton.
A moment later a limited car
crashed into the rear of the car that
struck the pole, and a third car tele
scoped the second car. All three cart
were piled in a heap.
Many of those killed and Injured
had attended the annual games of the
Caldenian clubs of Scranton and
Pittston at Valley View park this
Physicians at the Pittston hospital
declared at midnight that 18 amputa
tions of arms and legs of the injured
had been made at that hour. The
surgeons also stated that there were
but few slightly injured.
All of the dead and injured were
believed to be from Pennsylvania.
Two more bodies were identified as
Miss Ruth Moon, Wilkesbarre:
George Griswold, Factory ville.
This brought the total identified
to 12.
A complete list of the dead and in
jured will not be available for some
time, the remaining: unidentified
bodies being badlv mansrled.
At the Pittston hospital It was said
15 of the injured will probably die.
HUMBOLDT, la.. July 3. Eight
persons were killed and 30 Injured
12 seriously, when Minneapolis Sc. St.
Louis northbound train No. 1 went
into Bloody Creek, a half mile north
of Anrold, la., this afternoon.
Five of the dead are unidentified
The train runs between Des Moines
and St. Paul.
The known dead were said to be
B. F. Reilly of. Livermore, la.; A.
Batty, no address known, and Henty
Dawson of Fort Dodge. The bodies
have been brought to Humboldt. The
80 Injured were treated here and the
more seriously hurt taken to a hos
pital at Fort Dodge, la.
lie accident occurred on a trestle
about 30 feet high over a small creek.
Reports here are that the underwork
of the trestle allowed the track to
spread and the coaches fell into
water about four feet deep. The en
gine .turned over on the bank.
Maximum for Day Is 8 4 as Com
pared With 85 Day Before.
Portland Is getting cooler by degrees,
Yesterday's maximum temperature
was 84 degrees at 3 P. M., according
to the official weather bureau ther
mometer, as compared with the maxi
mum temperature of 85 degrees at 4
P. M. Friday.
After the maximum reached at 3
yesterday, the thermometer hovered
at 83 degrees for the next two hours.
The mercury's rise of the day started
at 6 A. M. at 57 degrees.
Investigators Declared Alive to Fact
That Relicr Must Come by
Construction Work.
NEW YORK. July 3. Hearings will
be heard here this month to be fol
lowed by others throughout the coun
try by the United States senate spe
cial committee on reconstruction and
production investigating the nation's
housing shortage.
In a statement issued here tonight
Franklin T. Miller, assistant to the
committee, declared that co-ordination
of all available statistics and in
formation is being sought by the
committee and the principal cities
from the Atlantic to the Pacific are
to be visited.
"In an effort to avert a possible
housing panic in the fall by imme
diate though informal action. Senator
Caider of New York, chairman of the
committee, has had several confer
ences during the past week with
prominent railroad executives and
transportation experts and has re
ceived assurances of co-operation,"
said Mr. Miller's statement in Dart.
The committee is alive to the fact
that relief of the present housing
conditions must come about through
construction work started during
July, August and September and that
if the freight embargo against build
ing materials persists, relief for the
congested districts will not be
achieved during the present year."
Market Conditions Cause i Weeks'
Suspension of Business.
LYNN, Mass., July 3. Shoe facto
ries employing upwards of 4000 per
sons shut down today for two weeks
because of market conditions.
The principal plants affected were
those of A. M. Clayton Sc. Co. and
the A. E. Little company.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature,
4 degrees; minimum. &7 decrees.
TODAY'S Fair: westerly winds.
Editorial. Section 3, pan 6.
Dramatic. Section 4, pace 2.
Moving- picture news. Section 4. page 3.
Real estate and buildine news. Section
4, pass 5.
Music. Section 4, Page 7.
ChurcheJi. Section 5, page 2.
Books. Section 6, Page 8.
Garden chats. Section 4. page 6.
News of the resorts. Section 3, page 4.
Automobile news. Section 6.
Women's Features.
Society. Soction 3, page 1.
Women's activities. Section 4, page 8.
Fashions. Section 9, page 4.
Miss Tingle's column. Section 6, page 5.
Special Featuren.
Women watchmen guard Oregon timber.
Magazine section, page 1.
Paris, America's new divorce capital.
Magazine section, page 2.
Shy school girl is new tennis wlzardess.
Magazine section, page 3.
Admiral Sims' own story. Magazine sec
tion, page 4.
World news by camera. Magazine sec
tion, page 4.
American school in Palestine marked by
heroism. Magazine section, pago 5.
Salvation army brides. Magazine section,
page 6.
John B. Payne, new secretary of interior.
Magazine section, page 7.
Hill's cartoons. "Among Us Mortals."
Magazine section, page 8.
Edison Marshall, novelist of the Oregon
trail. Section 3, page 5.
Oregon rivers series, by Addison Bennett.
Section 4, page 4.
Small Portland antique shop amazes con
noisseurs. Section 4. page 6.
Artificial light aid in agriculture. Section
5, page 1.
Former Oregonian writer makes great rec
ord. Section 5. page 1.
Farewell address by Rev. Robert Murray
rrait. bcction o, page z.
The skunk as an aid to the farmer. Sec
tion 5. page 3.
Burns, one of newest and busiest of Ore
gon's towns. Section S, page 5.
Topics of the day in cartoons by Darling.
section 6, page' e.
William C. Gorgas. ex-major general and
noted army surgeon dies. section 1,
page 3.
Basis for division of reparations virtually
settled by allies. Section 1, page 6.
Tragedy of German children Is described.
Section 1, page 4.
President denies having expressed opinion
for any candidate. Section 1, page 2.
Astoria and Salem grow while Medford
loses. Section 1, page 1.
Roll Call for 4 6 Times Required
to CIioosc Wilson at Famous
Session Held in 1912.
The following table gives the his
tory of the national conventions held
by the democratic party since 1832.
showing the number of ballots taken
at each convention before a nominee
was named and the final choice of the
party in each case. At 11 out of the
22 conventions, including the session
In 1916, when President Wilson was
named for a second term, the candi
date was named on the first ballot.
The famous convention In 1912,
when Wilson was nominated for the
first time, ranks third high in the
number of ballots taken, 46 rollcalls
being necessary, while the convention
of 1860. when the party was split
over the secession issue and Stephen
A. Douglas, famous opponent of Lin
coln, was named by the northern
democrats on the 59th ballot, ranks
highest in this respect.
Year. No. Bal. Nominee.
1S32 1 ... Jarkson
1S3B 1 Van Buren
1S40 1 Van Buren
1S44 9 Polk
1848 4 Cass
1S.VJ 40 Pierce
lSSft 17 Buchanan
IrtllO 59 DouKtas
1X4 I McClellan
1S8 S'J Seymour
1R7: 1 Greeley
1S7 2 Tllden
18S0 2 Hancock
1884 2 Cleveland
18S8 1 '. Cleveland
1WJ 1 Cleveland
180ft 5 Bryan
l'lno 1 Bryan
1004 1 Parker
1008 t Bryan
1012 4 Wilson
1018 1 Wilson
1820 ? 1
Mount Lassen in Eruption.
REDDING, Cal., July 3 Great col
umns of smoke, shooting thousands of
feet into the air from Lassen peak at
7 o'clock, marked the longest erup
tion that the volcano has undergone
in several months.
Twenty-six killed and 130 hurt In two
railroad wrecks. Section 1, page 1.
Twenty-two ballots fall to find democratic
nominee. Section 1, page 1.
McAdoo Is deprived of his exalted po
sition. Section 1, page 1.
Hoover's rejection of democrats called
great mistake. Section 1, page 1.
Tax figures show fault of non-Dartisan
league. Section 1, page 8.
Steps taken to avert housing panic. Sec
tion 1, page 1.
Democratic deadlock fact develops during
night. Section 1, page 7.
Pacific North went.
Washington counties are reclassified. Sec
tion 1, page 7.
Idaho's restricted. primary law proves un
satisfactory. Section 1, page 8.
Anti-radical policy of labor federation of
ficials sustained. Section 1, page 10.
Sports. . .
Coast league results: Portland 5, Oak
land 4; Seattle 12-T. Vernon 7-4; San
Francisco 3, Salt Lake 6; Los Angeles
u, oacramento 4. Section 2, page 1.
Portland well represented at northwest
golf tourney. Section 2, page 1.
Konowaloff ' not to be given record for
oo-yard swim. Section 2, page 2.
Portland Hunt club to stage race card to
morrow. Section 2, pago 3.
Battling Ortega has chance to win middle
weight championship. Section 1, page 3.
Billy Sunday to umpire Guard-Hood River
game tomorrow. Section 2, page 4.
Measuring of cup yachts Is complicated
xeat. bcctlon 2, page 4.
U. S. tennis, by British triumph, now leads
world. Section 2, page 6.
Commercial and Marine.
Demand for wool may turn from fine to
lower grades. Section 1, page 17.
Chicago corn weakened by selling of long
tines, section l, page 17.
Oregon & Ocean Steamship corporation is
organized. Section 1, page 16.
Section of marine act is declared to be
injurious. Section 1, page 16.
Portland and Vicinity.
Thousands leave Portland to pass Fourth
of July In mountains or at beach re
sorts. - Section 1, page 14.
Planes carry Invitations for buyers' week.
section 1, pago 18.
Address on I. W. W.ism here on Fourth by
Haywood to be prevented. Section 1
page 9.
War on rats will be waged In Portland.
Section 1, page 18.
Gasoline regulation proposed by auto re
pair men. Section 1, page 0.
Louts E. Bean leading aspirant for speaker
ot lower house ot legislature. - Section
1. page 13.
Acting Mayor Bigelow orders investiga
tion or milk, price rise. Section 1
page 12.
C9 ballots required by democrats in 1800
to nominate Douglas. Section 1. page 1.
1 Pnllrpman Khnnts bnntleff ruhrm1! In.
1, Page Id.
Montague Analyzes Trou
ble at Convention.
Chance to Have All Own Way
Is Declared Spurned.
Democrats at San Francisco Are
Blaming All Their Trouble on
ex-Food Administrator.
cial.) When Herbert Hoover of Iowa,
San Francisco, Belgium and Wash
ington, t. C, decided that it would
be a nice bright thing to put his
fingers to his nose and wriggle them
derisively at the democratic party,
he made the biggest mistake that
has been made since Charles Evans
Hughes believed the man who told
him that Hi Johnson didn't have any
friends in California.
Herbert could have had the nomi
nation. He could have had it the day
before yesterday. He could have
picked his vice-president and his na
tional chairman and written his plat
form with his own fair hand.
Hoover Causes Trouble.
The democrats thought that Her
bert was a dear gazelle to gladden
them with his soft brown eyes. But
when the dear gazelle turned and bit
the hand that was about to feed him
a nomination, it was all over. Hoover
i3 the lad who made all the real
trouble that has been convulsing this
The party had all been organized
ou a Hoover basis. It thought that
It had In Herbert a man who not
only had publicity but popularity, a
man who would leap lightly astraddle
of the donkey and lash him to vic
tory in November.
And then Hoover took a lot of bad
advice and said that as far'as he was
concerned he couln't see where the
Democrats got off and he would not
accept a nomination at their hands
even if they sent it with flowers.
Mistake Called Sad One.
It was a mistake a sad one. For
Herbert Hoover was led up on the
wrong mountain by the republican
Hooverites and to him were shown
kingdoms of the earth which were
not for him to rule. In other words
he was gyped out of the nomination
before he even had a chance for it.
And when having missed the G. O. P.
express he looked longingly at the
time table, he saw that the democratic
extra had gone by.
The democrats will leave this town
between the twin spirits of gloom and
They have or will have a nominee,
but there has been so much back-
capping and mud-slinging and back
biting that the seeds of rancor and
discord are spread abroad.
Everywhere you hear the word
Hoover, spoken not in praise but in
blame, and usually coupled with ad
jectives that are not pretty in print.
Republicans Oppose Hoover.
It is too late now, of course; the
harm Is done. Hoover Is back in the
private street kind of private life,
and it looks as If he would not
emerge until some fresh Invader be
gins to take the candy of sustenance
away from the Belgian children. But
what a walkover he'd have had here.
How he would have romped in. leav
ing all the other contenders gasping
their baffled rage. The democrats
wanted him, and wanted him bad
The republicans didn't want him at
CoT.clu.ded on Page Column 8.
State Capital Census Shows Gain to
17,679; Loss of Southern
Oregon City Is 3081.
WASHINGTON, July 3. Census fig
ures given out today are as follows:
Salem, Or.. 17,679; increase 3583, or
25.4 per cent.
Astoria, Or., 14.027; increase 4428.
or 46.1 per cent.
Medford. Or., 6756; decrease 3084,
or 34.9 per cent.
Houston, Tex., 138,076; increase 59,
176, or 75.2 per cent.
Little Rock, Ark.. 64,997; increase
19,056, or 41.5 per cent.
Greensboro. N. C. 19,746; increase
3851, or 14,2 per cent.
North Little Rock, Ark., H.04S; In
crease 2910, or 26.1 per cent.
Revised figures of St. Louis' popula
tion announced tonight reduced the
previously announced total by 103,
making that city's population 772,
MEDFORD, Or., July 3. (Special.)
Medford business men and citizens
generally are indignant over the of
ficial figures on this city's population
as given out by the census bureau.
The chamber of commerce and
Mayor Gates have wired a strong
protest to Washington demanding that
a "'square census deal" be given Med
ford. The Medford Mail-Tribune,- Med.
ford's only daily newspaper, says:
"Anyone familiar with Medford knows
that the census figures on the popu
lation are a farce. Conservative esti
mates place the population at 10,000
to 12,000."
The postoffice estimate, based on
mail receipts. Is 6554.
Stepfather In Auto Left Behind by
Pilot and Brldc-F,lect.
YAKIMA, Wash., July 3. (Special.)
When Lawrence Brown, pilot for an
aviation company here, and Miss Cor
delia Dale Richards, stepdaughter of
Andy Bunnell, Goidendale, swooped
down out of ' the sky yesterday.
hastened to the Yakima county court
house, obtained a marriage license
and soon afterward were married by
local minister, they completed what
is said to be the first northwest air
Mr. Brown said that the stepfather
of Miss Richards pursued them by
automobile to The Dalles, where they
had intended to wed, and they foiled
him by taking to the air again and
making a cross-country flight to
Normal Temperatures on Coast Ex
pected to Prevail.
WASHINGTON, July 3. Weather
predictions for the week beginning
Monday are:
Pacific stitcs Fair, nearly normal
mountain and plateau regions
Generally fair except local thunder
showers In mountain regions. Tem
peratures nearly normal.
Charles K. .Moody Afire in BriMol
Bay, Says Message.
SAN FRANC I-5CO, Cal.. July 3. The
three-masted salmon ship Charles K.
Moody was burned to the water's edge
In Bristol Bay yesterday, according to
a message received by the chamber
of commerce here today.
She left Seattle April 20. No further
particulars were given in the message.
Discoverer of Marshall Pans and
Channel Builder Dies.
WASHINGTON, July 3. Brigadier
General William L. Marshall, retired,
discoverer of the Marshall pa? across
the Rocky mountains and constructor
of Ambrose . channel in New York
harbor, died at an army hospital here
last night.
He had ben ill n short time.
McAdoo, Palmer, Cox Vote
Proves Hard Knot,
Ballot Follows Ballot With
Few Signs of Change
in Strength.
White House Suggestion May
Unite Warring Forces on
Acceptable Candidate.
itorial Correspondence.) I have at
tempted no running account of to
day's events, for I have thought it
would not be worth while, in view
of the likelihood of a result, but
here now the convention is strug
gling along ballot after "ballot late
into the night.
It is a deadlock which will not be
broken until the forces of McAdoo,
Falmer or Cox, give way, and there
is at present no sign that either of
them is ready to give it up. It is
quite evident that McAdoo has been
stopped. It is also equally plain that
Cox, after slowly pressing ahead of
McAdoo, reached his peak in the loth
Federal Brigade .Stands Firm.
The early prophecies as to Palmer
have been realized, for it has not
been apparent that any time the con
vention would consider either seri
ously. Yet the formidable brigade
of federal office holders, which has
been brought here in his behalf, has
stubbornly held out in face of a
steady and persistent whittling down
of his strength.
McAdoo had more on the first bal
lot than he was thought to have and
less reserve strength on succeeding
ballots than he was credited with.
It was early evident that the great
delegations of New York, New Jer
sey and Indiana, which had not been
able to agree on a candidate against
McAdoo, were brought together in
a common design to head him off.
and Cox was the club they used to
do it, just as Lowden was used at
Chicago to beat Wood.
Wets Use Cox to Stalk.
The fight in its early phases had
the clean outlines of a wet and dry
fight. The wet forces got -behind
Cox despite the fact that they were
not pleased with his quibbling and
evasive attitude toward the liquor
question, but the steady drift to Cox
at the same time served as a warning
to the dry forces that there was be
ing waged a battle for control. Un
derstanding the broad issue, they
combined and held the Cox forces
on the 15th ballot. On the 16th
there were signs of the long-adver-
M'rtnrludfl nn Pa? 2. Column 5.)