THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 27, 1920 tl EEAl ESTATa. For Sale CLARKE COUNTT FARMS. 120 acres nil the very (meet loam oil. all level, all well-fenced and cross-fenced, about 100 acres in cultivation and crop consisting of wheat, corn, oats, potatoes, etc, fine assorted orchard and berries. 6-room house, fine barn. 60x100, hoc house, chicken house. 2 wells and all kinds of good out-build- ings. personal property consists of 10 exceptionally flue, cows. 2 heif ers, l bull, horses, 3 sets harness, 2 wagons, mower, rake, tedder, gang plow. 2 walking plows. 2 har rows. 2 cultivators, potato planter, gas engine, silage cutter, root cut ter, and all other tools aud imple ments. This place la very well lo cated near Vancouver, on a good . road, is one of the finest farms in this section and a big snap at 24.00U. Terms. BEAVER DAM. 82 acres, all the very best of soil, of which 85 acres is genulns beaver dam. which produces Im mense crops, about 40 acres now In cultivation and crop consisting of beets, csrrots, onions, oats, nay, tc. Good assorted family orchard, very good 8-room house, good barn 4nxT4, chicken, hog house, and all outbuildings, near school, store, etc. This is a very fine place and a good -farmer can pay for It in two years. Price 113,000. Terms. PRUNE ORCHARD BARGAIN. , 54 acres, all excellent level land, -well fenced and cross-fenced, 45 . aores In cultivation and crop, sev eral acres god green timber, bal ance pasture; 23 acres In fine Ital ian prune orchard. 20 years old, in the very best possible condition, which, at a conservative estimate, will have this year at least 115,000 worth of fruit. There is also a good orchard of assorted fruits, walnuts, etc., and all kinds of as sorted berries; 7-room modern house with bsith and pantry. 2 good barns, 2 hog houses, chicken house, garage, wood house, bunk house, well and all other necessary outbuildings. The personal prop erty consists of 2 good cows, good team. 2 sets harness, new wagon, new mower, rake, 2 plows, disc, spring tooth and drag barrow, cream separator, 2 gas engines, buggy, single harness, chickens, and all kinds of small tools. This place is located 11 miles from Van couver on main sjlto road. 2 miles from station. In the finest district near Portland, and is at least $0000 below actual value. Owner is crippled and must sell at once. -Price It sold before July 1, only (24,000. Very good terms. 60 ACRES EQUIPPED. 60 acres very best deep clay loam soil, all level, all fenced and cross-fenced. 40 acres in cultiva tion and crop, good 7-room house, good barn 60x64, hog house, silo, chicken house, hay barn, well, creek and all outbuildings; per sonal property consists of 6 good cows, mule, mower, wagon, disc, plow, harrow, hack, cream separa tor, and all small tools. Located ' only 1 mil from a good railroad town on main road, which is paved from Portland. Only 14 miles from Vancouver. Price only 175; asy terms. 20 ACRES. All very fine 'Soil, all level, all well fenced and cross-fenced, 16 acres' in high state of cultivation and crop, good large orchard of assorted fruits and berries of all kinds, exceptionally good 2-story, f-room house, good barn, 86x40. fcog house, chicken house, 2 wells euid outbuildings. Team, 2 waf sns, harness, buggy, 2 plows, 2 cultivators, rake. 4 cows, chick ens and all small tools. Grain, spuds, etc Located only ft miles from Vancouver in fine commun ity. This is a real barguin at 44000. Good terms. THE R. 8. THOMPSON CO.. 410 Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash. UMATILLA COUNTT NEAR HER-MISTON. 20 acres; 10 acres alfalfa: house, sta Die, good road, lots of water; govern nient project; $3500; only $1500 cash. SO acres; 80 acres alfalfa; one mile railroad town; house, barn and other buildings; all In cultivation and under irrigation; sio.oou; only one-third caah. We can sell you Irrigated land. Her mision district, or southern Idaho; Interested it would pay you to see us. ATKINSON ft PORTER. 113 W. 6th Bt., Vancouver, Wash. Phone Vancouver 838 or 832-J. ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 63-acre farm. SO mile frnm Tni-t. land, between Portland and Seaside; has 4 mile frontage on paved highway. 200 yards from R. R. station, postoffice and school. All good level land, 40 acres high state oi cultivation; is in orop. uata. spuds, clover and 2 acres orchard. Bal ance in pasture; living stream of wat on place; is well fenced with woven wire, beautiful grove of fir trees about 2 acres, about which good house, good barn and other buildings are located. A fine well 25 feet from back porch. Place well equipped with implements, etc. This place la an Ideal location for a home and is a money-maker. Owner is forced to sell on account of health; for more detailed description write A. J. KESLAN, Deer Island. Or. 400 ACRES AT $15 PER ACRE. 16 acres in cultivation, family orchard, .2 horses, 2 barns, lots of pasture, stream through the prop erty, several springs. This is a tine place for a stock ranch, large ' outrange, 8 miles from a town having a high school, store and electric lights; $600O, part cash. Will sell 10 head of stock. A. O. HOWLAND. th and Main sta. Oregon City, Or. WHEAT FARMS. 1240 acres In Eastern Oregon, 1100 In cultivation, hall in crop, balance sum mer fallow, all lies well, 4 miles from town; fully stocked and equipped for operating. Price $45,000: trade for val ley farm or good city property to $30,- vou, balance mortgage. 640 acres. Eastern Washington, all in cultivation, sou acres in crop; rarra buildings, good well, highway by place. school on farm, close to station; $50 per acre, Trade lor valley arm. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. T8 ACRES, all In cultivation. 16 acres fall wheat, 51 acres oats, 4 acres com. 3 acres spuds, 7-room house, large barn. new silo and outbuildings, family or chard, wire-feaoed, 11 fine cows, 7 heif ers, 1 bull, 4 horses, 2 colts, 2 brood sows, and pigs. 80 turkeys. 50 hens, all kinds of machinery; see me for list: miles from Oregon City; road being paved; this Is the best buy In the Wil lamette vai-iey and a. snap at $16,ouv terms. L. O- Gerber. Alder hotel. SO ACRES, located 12 miles from Eugene, Oregon, 6 miles from small town; 16 acres under cultivation, all can be cul tlvated. 4 acres of standing timber, good soil, some fruit trees, small house, barn good well; price $1050, (300 cash. We will pay the railroad fare both ways if you buy this rancn. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Building, FOR SALE 42 acres. 44 miles from Ls Center. Clark county, Washington; 30 acres In crop; land lies nearly level good soil and all tillable; 4-room house, big barn, etc.; one miles to school, in well settled community; see this is to buy, at $4500. T. c. NUson, owner, R. D. ISO. 66. l.a center. Wash. 160 ACRES rich far.n land on tidewater, uncleared, on good road; plenty work. Owner, E. 178. 105 B. 11th. $15 an acre. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED A good lot In choice residence district, on easy terms, not too far out must be reasonable. M opt, oregonian. WANTED o-room modern bungalow wit 14 acreor more: on paved road in or near r'ortiano. ah bi, Mregonian. FORD touring car. good condition: lot of extras, for acreage close to Portland preferred. A L 75-. oregonian WANT a good house or bungalow in Trviiiatun. Alameda or Laurelhurst. rooms or more, good first payment. AJ ('.l(. oregonian. CAN pay $50 down on a medium priced nouse. win pay oaiance montniy. tJ0, Oregonian. I NEED a house and can pay S20O down. will pay balance by the month. AH H'.3. Oregonian. WANTED 5 to IS acres adjacent to Port land, with or without Improvements, on terms. H. W. Garland. 201 Third stree I HAVE $100 as first payment on a house. balance monthly. A 1 . i-u. regontan. FORD touring car to exchange for shack might assume small amount. Main 611 WANTED Good 6-room house in Alberta district. Address room lfe. 245 H Was FORD touring car, like new, for 1st pay mem on nouse. uau eu. si. Jl'ANT 3 to 20 acres, near electric, with xair nouse, laoor to. WANTED REAL. ESTATE. OVER $ 1. 700. 000 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD Since January 1. 1920. by FRANK L. McGUIRE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Ton want results? Try our live, effi cient method of home selling. Our record : 869 Homes sold last year.- 0 Homes sold in one day. 110 Homes sold In May. 655 Homes sold to date this year. Have you a house to sell? It's sold if listed with us. We'll personally Inspect. APPRAISE AND PHOTOGRAPH your house within 24 hours after being listed. The photograph of your house will be displayed in our large showroom, which is continually thronged with live, earn est home buyers. If you can't come down, telephone. Well gladly call. Our only charges are the standard commis sion of 5 per cent In the event of a sat iafactory sale. 18 experienced salesmen with autos to work on the sale of your home. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. FARM WANTED I want to buy a good going farm with at least half of the 1ad under cultiva tion; mast be on good rock road and prefer It within 50 miles of Portland. Have $5000 cash to pay down and will go to $10,000 for a good going farm. Kindly write me. giving exact location, price, and such Information as you would desire If you were looking tor a farm and were depending oa the written de scription to guide you In the selection of same. E. Bankus, Route A. Gresa am. Or. WANTED. NEAR WOODMERE SCHOOL. We have had many calls lately for small nomes in tne vicinity or the wood mere school, 4 or 5-room cottages or bungalows preferred; must be priced right and from $1500 to $3000 and must be handled on very easy terms; If you have one for sale and want quick ac tion see RELIABLE REALTORS. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WANTED TO BUT COTTAGE AT SEA SIDE OR LONG BEACH. SPOT CASH FOR BARGAIN. GIVE FULL PARTIC ULARS. PHONE EAST 7607 OR WHITE AJ 822, OREGON LAN. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SELLING HIGH-CLASS HOMES FROM $6500 UP, LOCATED IRVLNGTOiN, ALAMEDA. LAURELHURST. MT. TABOR AND BEST WEST SIDE SECTIONS. IF YOU WANT TO SELL. PHONE OR MAIL FULL DESCRIPTION. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLM. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771 WANTED To buy direct from owner, fine modern o or b-room bungalow all on one floor, with good garage or room for one. Will pay cash and go as high as $5000 or $0500. west slope of Mount Tabor or Hawthorne district, not too far from carline- Give exact location and price. AE 710. Oregonian. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW OR COTTAGE, UNDER 13500. COULD PAT $500 TO $00 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT, POSSESSION BY JULY 1. OWNERS. ADDRESS (WITH PHONE) AJ 728, OHBGO.NIAX. WE have clients waiting for homes from $2000 to $7000; good first payment. If your properly is lor sale can at our of fice or phone. O. W. T. MUELLHAUPT A CO., C B. Adams. 407 U, S. Natl. Bank Bldg. Broadway 8S38. NEWCOMER will pay cash for modern residence of eight to ten rooms, located l'-wi'f tort land Heights. Not Kill, irv- lngton or Holladay addition; living room rau-tt ne large ana ao r.oz car for prop ertir oi inside lot; profsr quieter tlncic ir tli. uregoman. SELL NOW. We make quick sales becaube we do not list more property than we can give our personal attention.. If you want to sen immeaiateiy our appraiser win caiL W A K1JN hiiiART, 218 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4503. HAWTHORNE OR ROSE CITY HOUSE WANTED. S rooms, must have hardwood floors and worth the money; have $2000 cash, $5u monthly. Marshall 1U22 Saturday or attonimy. j ic.eb ourry. WE HAVE cash buyers for 5 and 10-acre tracts, prune orchards and farms in Ularke county or near Portland. ATKINSON & PORTER. 113 W. 6th at.. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 838 or 832-J Vancouver. I WANT to buy thoroughly modern house, $15,nuo to $20,ooo cash. In Irvlngton or rgruum xxeignta preierreo. F. O. BOX 377. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money snd build for you; terms like rent t an and see us. GUILDERS REALTY EXCH N.iB. 621 Morgan Bldg. Main 2035, WANTED To buy 6-room house, with xirepiace. aunnysiae or iawthorne ave. or close to car. Can pay $2000 cash. Will not pay over $3000 or $3200: owners only. Give price and location. AE 711, Oregoulan. WANT to buy" a bungalow in Hawthorne or itose city park;- owners please write, giving complete description, price and terms, also when possession can be given. BJ 835. Oregonian. WANT FLAT BLDG. on west side not over $10,000. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bljg. CLEAR HOUSE FOR EQUITY. 6 rooms, 100x100, fine fruit, St. Johns district; want place closer in; will give you a mighty good deal. B. F. KELLY. 715 Swetland Bldg WANT to buy a home in Irvlngton or Laurelhurst, can pay about $3O00 down; want to deal direct with owner; please write, giving address, description and price. AE 815, Oregonian. WANTED To buy from owner, modern o-room Dungaiow, Sunnyside or Haw thorne district, close to carline. Will pay cash and not go over $3500, give price and location. AE 713. Oregonian. WANT to buy home of 6 rooms bet. Wash ington ana uusan, l4tn and 21st sta., west side; have cash. See J. P. Mc Kenna, Belmont at 8Uth. Tabor 6403. TEN to 15 acres. Oartlv cleared on irnnri roaa. wan gooa nouse; within 20 miles romana. fay spot cash. AG 715. Oregonian. WANTED From owner, in e-nnri Htntrlot best b-room modern bungalow that $4000 cash will buy. Waste no time unless worm 11. labor 070V OUR business is selling east lde property. Ajist your nouses ana lots with us. J. J. OEDER CO., 4 Grand ave. N.- near E. Ankney. HOME WANTED. Near Shaver and 10th. Have dandy lot in Alberta district as part payment. 1 1 1 !J J 1 TT I Al at .Itt'lV. WANT 1 TO ABOUT 10 ACHTT.a Near good car line, must have at least fair improvementa or buildings. Owner pieaae aqqreaa me at Aty 703, Oregonian. HOME wanted, about 6 rooms, 1 or more iota, accessible to car service; state dis tance to school, etc Owner please. AG 702, Oregonian. WANT a ranch from 25 to 40 acres. Improved and stocked. Give full desciption first letter. Alex H. Kerr, Pen Bank bldg., apt. 14. Portland, Or. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern bungalow uu ai Biue. wm give paia car, in ex cellent condition, as first payment. Ta bor 3742. WEST SIDE home wanted, one suitable tor a tew roomer; give information as to place and price; prefer owner. AL 718. Oregonian. HAVE some home owners that will take a 101 in as rirst payment. AG 704, Oregonian. WANTED Small Improved acreage near etec. une. xeaverton aistrict. ak 64U, Oregonian. I WANT a bungalow In Hawthorne. Rose City or Richmond, reasonable down pay ment. AO 708, Oregonian. WILL pay $200 as first payment on house, can pay Datance monthly. AC Ton. oregonian. WANTED 3 or 4-room small house In Kenton district. John Unions, View ho tel. Wdln. 4417. WANTED Hotel, apartment or business property in trade; close-in acreage: tim berland and cash. Parker 707 Flanders. WANTED 5-room bungalow, $3000 or un der; not too iar out. .vi Olio, oregonian. HAVE quick buyer for modern bungalow to $4atio. j. rtaas. Main 01-f. Farms Wanted. WE HAVE Just sold a farm for an old couple a-nd they wish to buy from 2 to , 5 acres with moderate Improvementa near Beaverton or Gresham. Will pay cash If price Is right. STEWART & BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HAVE MANY CLIENTS WITH PORTLAND PROPERTY TO TRADE FOR RANCHES AND FARMS. ONE CALIFORNIA ALMOND GROVE FOR SUBURBAN PLACE NEAR PORTLAND. W. S. POINDEXTER. 209 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. PRACTICAL farmer wants to meet aome one requiring assistance on farm or will consider buying small place if cheap and on easy terms: no agents. Will dent with owner only. AM 809. Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Farms Wan tea. FARMS WANTED Sell your land to an lowa buyer. The best way to reach them is through an advertisement in the "Farm Land" columns of their favorite papers, the Des Moines Register and the Evening Trrnuae. The Frank Land Co., Cheyenne, Wyo., says; "The results from the Des Moines Register and the Evening Tribune are not equaled by any other paper that we advertise in." The Stoutenburg Land Co.. Butter-fle-ld, Minn., told us; "We sold three farms In a sin gle day through a previous advertise ment in your papers." You. too. can sell your land by the same plan. Send us an advertisement describing your land in detail, how many acres, its dis tance from town and school, what Im provements it has. If any; how many acres are under cultivation, how much pasture, whether there is a good water supply !n fact, tell all the things about your farm that you would want to know If you were buying It instead of selling It. Then we will tell you, without obli gation on -your part, how little It would cost you to reach these Iowa buyers through a good, convincing advertise ment in our "Farm Land" columns. Write today and get in toucb with the prospective buyers who are in the mar ket now. The Des Moines Register and Evening Tribune, dept. 83, Des Moines, Iowa. FARMS WANTED. We are turning CASH buyers for farms and acreage away from our office every day because we can not supply their wants. WHY not let US sell YOUR farms and acre age for you. WE are the oldest and one of the most reliable firms in Portland. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Large stock or da-trr farm, pre- ler stocked and equipped: would like to put In as first payment 50 acres prune and fruit farm, improved; large crop of prunes in sight; on good Co. road, K. F. D., phone; 4 mile sohool. 4 mile elec tric station, 8 miles Monmouth state normal; best prune section In Polk Co. W. C. Roberts. Independence. Or. R. 2 WANT a farm of 20 acres or more, shot or nancy loam. like it rolling, wltn buildings. Within 25 miles of Portland. In good neighborhood. Have cash. Write to ai-j ity. Exch. bldg. or Main 6752. WANT farm, near Portland, on good road to $12,000. $3000 cash, balance Income Portland property. Will assume to $4000 it stocKea. labor 1236. TIMBER LANDS. SAWMILLS. Lane county. 20 M. capacity. No. 4 American sawmill; plenty or timber available to supply mill for ten years. Polk county 10 M. capacity; plenty of Booa eeconu growtn timber available; small outfit and cheap buy. Clackamas county. 10 M. capacity; about 3,000,000 feet timber available within half mile of mill 1om cnatinir $6.75 on rollway. Have large order for export ties. Linn county, 15 M. capacity; plenty of timber available; bastard fir; running 20 per cent clear; V mile downhill to a. -iv. xraca. Multnomah county, American No. 2 sawmill; estimated 15.000 ties can be cut where mill now stands; small outfit and a Dargain. Linn county, about 20 M. canacltv. also 4000 acres timber. This is a good lie proposition. Ws have a few other good proposi tions from 15 M to 40 M Kanupitv w also have for sale several choice tracts of timber, large and small. Call or write. HEKHANN & JEE, 426 LUM BERMEN'S BLDG. 8 SECTIONS TIMBER LAND. Good soil, river and creeks. About 80.000.000 feet of red fir and alder tim ber. Price $12.50 per acre. The land is worth the price after the timber is removed. lnis is a good investment; location for small mill or colonigation tract. JOHN G. BRADT & CO., Provident bldg. Tacoma. Wash. WE Have at present a dandy 15-M. ca pacity tie mill for lease which ls an exceptional proposition to find at this time. You will find this a n-onderful opportunity and the first- mar. otr the 1 ground will close the deal ve know. It would require a great deal of space fcr us to advertise our offorings. but if you are in the market for an operation in timber or sawmill you will do wsll to call at this office, as we handle the volume and nothing but bargains. THE BIRCH COMPANY, 324 Yeon Bldg. CHOICE TIMBER LAND WILL BE SACRIFICED. For $5500 I will sell choice tim ber land, about five miles from Grants Pass, Or. Is pierced by county road, embraces 160 acres. Ten years ago cruise showed over 6.600,000 feet of fir, pine and ce dar. Fir runs from 5 to 7 logs to the tree. Cruise shows pine and cedar "sound and good." Dump off Joe creek. Map location of claim, section 10, township 35, range 5. For further details address C H. Eddy, room 12, Lumbermens Bank bldg.. Hoqulam, Wash. QRn ACRES fine timber land In Coos Bav district, about 15.000,000 feet fine cedar and fir; also th lina lor $3500. F. G. IlEWAR, 1907 L. C. Smith Bldg., Seattle. FOR SALE Willamette donkey engine and 20 M. canaclty mill on tidewater with about 8.000.0O0 feet f.f stumpage, mostly spruce, adjoining. Price right. Terms to right party. F. R. Beals. Tillamook. Or. rnnnwnnD PROPOSITION Estimated 25.000 to 30,000 cords, within 25 miles of Portland: will sell reasonably, on stumo- age basis. Lueddemaun Co., 913 Cham ber of Commerce. FCR SALE 440 acres (28.0OO.0O0 feet) rood timber in Lane county. Oregon; hnif nah balance at mirchaeers terms. with 7 per cent interest. Answer. AV 43, Oresoniin. . 75-150 MILLION feet, moetly yellow fir. 8O.00O sawmill now in operation: a nume. planer and railroad loading dock; no DroKera. ror luiutuiaiwu writs tin, Oregonian. A BARGAIN 160 acres timber land In Clark county. wasn., estimated at 4,000,000 feet, yellow fir and larch; price if taken soon izuuo casn. J, urowley, o wner.y Vancouver, Wash. Phone 923 J. FOR SALE Peterman lath machinery now 1elng manuracturea ny w estern Foun dry Co.. Portland. Or.. 620 Hood phone Main 3HU8. I NEED $1000 and will sell one-half un divided Interest in 160 acres near Tim ber. Or. Call at 3B3 feast iBth. near E. Harrison st.. city. FOR SALE Ten million fir, good lumber or tie proposition. Polk Co.. one mils to "railroad; can give terms. Dr. N. K. Wln- nard, Eugene, ur. 10,000,000. 20 MILES out. 1 mile to river and nara roaa. easy terms, part traae. Parker, 707 Flanders. $3 per loop. TIMBER LANDS. Want to lease or buy a mill ready to run. any size. aj pvt. oregonian. A MONEY-MAKER for some one. small up-to-date mill, cheap stumpage. 714 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE Fir Btumpage. 3-mile haul by auto truck to deep water, $3. Watts & Price, Scappoose. Or. FOR SALE 160 acres of timber near rail road. AF 7iu, oregonian. FOB KENT FARMS. ho ACRES. 23 acres under plow, all level, - va. anrea beaverdam. all A-l soil, all well fenced. 2 miles from railroad sta tion near Vancouver, Wash., good 6-room house, 2-year lease, soo per year, fer aonal Droperty for sale. 6 acres oat hay. 1-3 acres turnips. 1 M acres late potatoes. y, acre early potatoes, l acre garden, 1 Vz acres cabbage. 9 acres oats, 1 set of harness, wagon, good horse, buggy, plow. wood cutting outfit, soma house hold goods. Price $1200. A. G, BENDER. - RITTER LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 84 ACRES. In crop and pasture: will sell crop, stock and equipment; lease place, low rent. Nelson Ross. Galea City. Or. 80-ACRE farm for sale or rent. il Alar hall 5882. 370 Cth FOB RENT FARMS. RENT TUALATIN "IIVER FARM. 215 acres, 100 acres bottom land. 150 ttcres under plow, 10 aores beaverdam; near school; soil is A-l ; all fenced, most ly woven wire; 20 miles from Portland, near schols; gravel road; 2 wells, good 7-room house, bath, toilet, etc.: good dairy barn, stanchions for 40 cows; new silo .260 tons; dairy house; lease for 5 years. $2000 per year. Personal property and crops for sale; 5 horses, 37 good cows, 1 bull, 4 heifers, calves, all farm ing implements complete, gas engine, milking machine, cooler. - steam boiler, etc. ; 16 acres com, 60 acres oats and vetch. Price $15,000, $7000 cash, balance terms. CLOSE-IN DAIRT FOR RENT. 140 acres, nearly all level; 40 acres under plow, 16 acres beaverdam. 100 acres fine pasture, some berries, family orchard; A-l soil, all well fenced; 1 mile from R. R. and school; 1 spring and crx a-a graveled road: good A-l u-rm. house, dairy barn holds 34 cows, also-! norse uarn; water piped to all buildings; 1 ailo, machine shed, aaraae. dairv house. etc. Will lease for 5 vears. $135 month. Petsonal property for sale: 81 A-l cows. 1 reg. bull, 2 horses, 1 pig. 7 heifer 1 calves, A do-ten chickens, mower, disc rake. 8 wagons, plow, harrow, 8 cultl- I vators. z gas engines, milking machine, 1819 Oldsmobile truck, dairy outfit, boil er, weaning vats, cooler, steriliser, etc- 15 acres sunflowers. Price $12,000; $6000 ca-ia, oaiance to suit. DAIRT FARM FOR -RENT. 325 acres, all level, Columbia river bot tom ; lo acres in crops, 60 acres clever and rye hay; 1 mile from R. R. ; family orcnara; an xencea ; l.- miles irom Port- lard; phone, 2 bouses. 1 well, 3 large barns, 1 has 56 stanchions, 3 silos. Will lease ror 4 years. $135 per month. Per sonal property lor sale: 3 gas engines. 1 milking machine complete, new cream separator, ensilage cutter, 2-horse culti vator, new 2-bcrse corn planter, 3 new plows. 8 wagons, harrows, spring-tooth harrow, steel roller, manure spreader, rako, tedder, disc. 2 .hay forks, wood saw, root cutter, 1-horse cultivator, com bination seed drill, blacksmith shop and tools; all houseaold furniture and small tocls; 30 A-l milch cows, 4 dry cows, soon to freshen ; 3 3-year-old heifers, 5 2-year-old heifers, 8 yearlings, 9 oalves, 2 reg. Jersey bulls, 2 teams of horses, t saaaie norse. t sows and about 30 pigs. 1 boar, about 8 dozen ch.lck.ens. Price sio.oou zor everything. CLOSE-IN DAIRT FARM. 53 acres with 0 acres additional rented. 8 miles from Portland, A blks. from R- R. ststlon: family orchard, good road. 1 well, fair 4-room house, good dairy barn with stanchions for 83 cows, milk house and all outbuildings. Will lease 2 ,s years, $45 per month; can be leased as long as wanted. Personal property xor saie as rouows: wagon, plow. disc. Chevrolet truck, gas engine, 3 10-gaL cans, s buckets. ream separator. 90 doz. ' bottles, 45 bottle cases. 30 A-l milch cows, 1 Holsteln bull, 3 heifer calves, 2 norses and names, a -nogs and crops. Price $8500. $5000 cash. This place Is equipped tor city retailing with a bot tling and sterilizing outfit. Income now about $1400 per month. EASTERN OREGON RANCH. MORROW COUNTY. 4S0 acres, all fenced: 155 acres fall wheat, 60 or 70 ..cres In other crop and iwi acres or rentea ground adjoining go with the place, with 60 acrea of rye for pasture. For sale and included with tne following personal property: 1 drill. 1 header. 8-ft. disc.. 3 tot. plow. 1 8-bot. 14-inch plow. 86-ft. wooden harrow. 1 20-ft. steel harrow. 2 wagons, harness for 8 head of hor&es, 11 head of work horses, span 2-year-old mules. 1 vearllng ard 1 3-year-old mule. 3 colts. 5 cows. 2 z-year-oia neiters, l cair. rrtce for crops, stock and implements, $3095. Will lease for a term of years for cash or snates. DAIRT FARM 1.10 ACRES. 80 acres, levul : 75 acres under plow : family orchard; A-l soil, all fenced; 1 V4 miles to R. R. sta.. t4 mile to school. 32 miles to Portland: spring. 1 creek, good barns, all outbuildings. 1 silo 12x34; rent 3 years $50 per month. Personal prop erty and crops for sale. Some household goods, mower, disc, harrow. 2-horsa cul tivator, manure spreader. 2 wagons. 1 rsi k. 2 buggies, rake, cream separator. 2 harrows, combination seeder and wheel hoe, set work harness, single harness. -I 4 plows. Tanning mill and small tools. 21 head much cows. Jersey and Holstelns. 5 purebred Jersey heifers, r grade Jersey neiiers, x pure-bred bull, 3 good horses. a Drooa sow witn u pigs. 7 snoats. 1 boar. 50 chickens; -45 acres of clover, 15 acres of grain, etc. Price for all $5800; $3000 casa, oaiance to sun. GOOD-PAYING SMALL DAIRT. Near McMinnville. 62 acres:- 42 acres under plow; all level; A-l soil; family orchard, berries, etc.; all well fenced; H mile from R. R., stores, P. o., etc; also school; good creek: fine road: good 8-rm. nouse. water piped to all buildings: good para witn btancntons: milk house. etc. Will lease :ong as wanted, $525 per year; income row seuo to $700 oer mo. personal property ana crops for sale as fellows: 32 A-l cows, 1 bull, 4 head horses, manure spreader, drill, harrow. disc, plows, cultivstors, mower, rake. ml! King macnine, cans, bottles, crates. separator. Ford car, all small tools. 2 iarm wagons, z milt wsgons, 46 acres oats, 1 acre potatoes, 7 acres for corn. s acres tor Kale. irloe $7500, some terms. COLUMBIA RIVER DAIRT. This farm does not overflow: 630 acres. oou acres unaer plow, tair o-room nouse. good dairy barn with stanchions for cows, 230 acres fine pasture; rent 5 years. $250 oer month. Personal iron- eny am crops xor sale as rouows: 240 acies cjrn, do acres spuds, 30 acres rye. 50 acres ready for seeding, 100 tons straw, 6 horses, 1 corn planter. Price $12,000; $0000 cash. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IMPROVED 15 near Vancouver; 80 near Oregon city, pasture, fruit; 10 near Creswell-Eugene. Season's rent, either $12o. bell attractive terms; accept good residence. 141 East 69th N. Tabor 7005. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE. 870-acre stock and dairy farm. 6i miles McMinnville: 10,000 cords good wooa timDer on tnis iarm, 125 cultiva tion ; 6-room house, large barn ; take $10,000 Portland, terms on balance. Price $22,000. J. H. SHIPLEY, McMinnville, Oregon. WILL TRADE splendid 9-room house, lot 40 by 100, fine garage, hardwood floors, flrenlace. built-in effects; can easily be made into two Xlats; will consider good-paying rooming nouse; price tuuw. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WILL TRADE. Splendid 9-room house, lot 43x100, fine garage, hardwood floors, fireplace, built in effects, can easily be made into two rials; win consider good-paying; room ing nouse; price oooo. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 10O7 Toon Bldg. HAVE moved to city, must dispose of my fine farm of 185 acres, highiy improved stocks, crops and machinery: this is no Junk. - and if you have not sot good ' property ao not ootner me. l am tne owner. Phone Sunday, Tauor 2oo. week days Mam 6410. lor appointment. EXCHANGE acreage for city property modern, sblngle bungalow, Dutch kitch en and built-in buffet, cement founda tion, double chimney. 6 rooms, first-class plumbing, sanitary washtub. both slec tric light and gas; you can see by call ing E. 2075 or 447 E. Couch. APARTMENT house In Portland, will con sider rancn; must - De good place and priced right; Montana preferred, but will consider any safe locality; give detail in replying. . Writs me at AG 70S. Ore gonian. MINNESOTA WHEAT LAND FOR SALE. Call and see map showing location; -price $40 to $50 acre; will exhang for timber, improved or unimproved farm lands, or city property In Oregon. WOODCOCK. 200 HENRY BLDG. 50 ACRES HIGH GRADE LAND. Half cultivated, fair buildings, orchard, half mile of electric ry. station: take house or close-in screage first payment Main 6127. E&st 1364 evenings. 50x100 BUSINESS property, east side; In come $o0. 11 St. Johns lots, near grain elevator; accept Improved farm, close tn, as part payment. AM 709, Orego nian. iHi ACRES on Eagle Creek. 30 acres at Hood River, for trade lor rirst olass auto or equity in modern bungalow. AG 855. Oregonian. TO SWAP MAKE OFFER. -Suburban lot, Tacoma. Wash.. $660. Suburban lots, Marshfield, Or., $50. Dr. E. B. Mamel. Ostoria. Or. LOT, one block from Westover terrace, on St. Francis hill, for cows, sheep or Ford car: car must be in A-l condition. BC 871. Oregonian. WANT trade, our office has excellent ex change for your acceptance. Call at R14 Swetland bldg. Pacific Agency. Inc. IMPROVED 100 acres, Grangevllle Idaho, for Montana land. H. Sparber,' Black stone hotel. ROOMING HOUSE with the property; good income, sell cheap or exchange. Owner, 211 Washington st. SWAP $300 Seattle lot for Portland lot, same value. P. O. box 1091. HAVE 10 ojioioe suburban acres to trade lor a lorvv. P. O. box 109L. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. HARK! Bob Whites and China pheasants I hear them every morning! I 11 sell or trade you this Jov. with mv Bin, BEAUTIFUL. 2-STORT BUNGALOW HOUSE ("Six Cedars"). li miles west Portland limits: drive out Terwllllger blvd.; house well planned, well built, spacious, attractive: front, back (glass covered) and sleeping porches: French doors, buffet, built-lns. fireplace, bath. toilets, laundry, full basement, lurnace. hot water: unumaReri views: rose-en circled lawn; 5 rich acres, fruit, shade: barn, double garage chicken house (wa ter, electric lines near; io.rou. terms. You'll not meet another such bargain. xtestdence phone Main 8130. about o A. M. or 7 to 9 P. M. Hillsdale. Or.. route 2. box 78. 640 ACRES. EASTERN OREGON. EXCHANGE. Want Portland or Eucene. cltv or vat- I ley farm, or close in acreage; 640 acrs. 100 acres In cultivation, balance pasture; large outranae. an abundance of water. level land, excent 90 acres, which Is table I land; 6-room good house, completely! furnished: barn and outbuildings; on I main stage line, daily mall. 1 mile to 1 school, 3 miles store. P. O. 6 miles. This I Is a first-class cattle and ereneral fann ing oroDositlon : ririee $12,000. free of I debt. Would assume a few thousand if I can make a desirable exchange. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165Vfe Fourth Street. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. 980 acres of the finest land in Cowlitz countv. Wash., isart of land has 400 feet frontage on Columbia, has townsite with I store bldg., postoftice and docks which I cost fwmu to buna. LKyi rignt tor tann ine, berries or nrune land, all land ad- .lolnlna Is held from $35 to $75 per acre In the rough, and most of said land is I farther from river and more Isolated I than our land. The largest part Is on the Pacific highway; will take any prop erty of value In Portland. This estate must be settled at once, hence the low price of $22 per acre. See Rock at 403 Couch bldg. Marsha 11 3302. FOR SALE OR TRADE for Portland prop erty. 80-acre farm, 8 miles east or t-or-vallls. All but 8 acres are In crops. All smooth river bottom land; young or-I chard: all kinds of fruit not yet bearing. "Plenty of small fruit. 7-room modem house wltn bath, not ana cola water. full basement; good barn, garage, cement I walks- near o. ri. station, gooa scnooi and church. Will trade for Portland property to the amount of $5000. balance may remain on place. Place must be in good condition, witn plenty 01 iruii, tive or six-room modern nouse in suouros. AB 845. Oregonian. $10,500. Trine ranch or suburban home. 5 acres. practically all can be cultivated, all kinds of fruit: residence sits on a knoll and commands line view surrounuin pnnntrv: house has 12 rooms. J toilets. bath, furnace heat, fine concrete (base ment, own water system, gooa Dam mm located BV4 miles 6th and Alder, within 4 mile two interuroan lines, iftmi, or might consider city property. Take or pay flirrerenee. iinrvnrvTtp one. RF.t,I.IVG BLPO. Main 1SC0. Residence. East 6771. 100 ACRES NEAR LYLE. WASH 15 acrel! 9-year-old spltzenoerg ana .Newtown ma netnnrn verv line c 1 11 u iil yem . "' w boxes. 15 acres general crops. 8 acres I alfalfa. 10 acres pasture. Good 6-room I,. .nri nttthnllillno-a. balance tim ber. Price $20.000 will consider good Portland residence In part payment; good team-is to right party. lUWAt,u .-.1 v 1. r.' 1 ' , . 1001-2 SPALDING BLDO. 220-ACRE wheat ranch. 150 In crop, bal ance can be crooned. large spring ana small creek. 4-room plastered house. ,Br tn on roort auto road. 8 miles rrnm town and R. R. station. $6000, which is far below value and going price of land around It. easy terms, or win ex change for Portland property or nearby farm. Tallmadge, Realty Co.. 619 Henry bldg. WANTS SUBURBAN HOME. Have 4RO acres wheat land In Sherman Co., practically all in summer xaiiow. vab A v fnr fill seedlne: orice $40 an acre. will talcs well-located suburban home near Portland, witn good bunaings, as part pay up to su.ou. LUEDDEMANN COMPANT, V13 Chamber of Commerce. -ftiST STTH! BAHRAIN Nice double flat buildings, furnished and hrina-ln In good Income, located In , nice cloeo-ln district: will cut price so as to make it a 10 per cent Income nronositlon and give terms. Here Is , something good and cheap. SAMUEL DO A K 1303 Northwestern Bank Bldg. an At-RKK IN SOUTHERN MISSOURI. This tract Is located 60 miles south of St. Louis, Mo.; 20 acres In cultivation: no waste land; fair 4-room house: some renit This tract cost me $3500: will sacrifice for cash or trade for anything of value. Owner. O. A. Sarlea, 733 Northwestern Bank bldg. APARTMENT BLDG.. $40 000. Fine location, close In, west side, cor ner: will take residence as part pay ment. A. R. RITTER. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 301-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ATTRACTIVE EXCHANGE Verv attractive, unincumbered, mod em 7-room ho lse In small southern Ore sron town, to exchange for Portland prop. erty and will essume. Something good. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. liui ACRKS. CENTRAL OREGON. On river and part irrigated; free water right, all clear of encumbrance; want good house equity for It. . IT. KELLY. 715 Swetland Bldg. Main 7776. wtr. have 120-acre farm, weil improved 75 acrea In cultivation: also garage in city; nearly new 8-room bungalow; we will trade tnis tor large, wen-improveu farm; must be stocked and equippea. Woodlawn zoao. 3A acres. 2 miles from Stella. Wash.; nn n.tter anil in wasniniTton state: cost ma $2300 5 years ago; will sell for $1700 or trade for anything in Portland. In- auire at 900 Powell valley road. Phone Sellwood 717. what ftt n vou offer for Va-acre. close in. city, near car. xruit, garaen, an onitlvHted. amall house, chicken house. D-aa an,l water? Want auto. Address 504 Market at. drive, or phone Main 6795 evenings. I HAVE a choice 100x100 corner, Portland Heights, clear, to trade in as rirst pay ment on 6-or 7-room modern bungalow In good neighborhood, city or suburban. Owner. o quo, oregonian. 40 ACRES near Goldendale, Wash., clear or incumbrance, also equity in two gooa Alberta lots, to exchange for house in Portland or suburban home. Phone owner. Tabor 7875. FOR SALE Two lots, on bay. overlooking flno beach in smau town, witn gooa uvmlll. S5O0. Borne terms If desired: would consider automobile: must be In good condition. AJ ton, uregonian. in iPSHa OP GOOD FARM LAND. rmir miles north of Klamath Falls, to sell, or exchange tor Ford car In good- condition. WOODCOCK. 200 HENRT BLDG. FOR SALE OR TRADE 3 beautiful lots In Minneapolis. Minn. Will sell or trade on anything of value, either turn as first payment on a city home or on a Ford car or piano. AK 751. Oregonian. FOR TRADEHO acres of land, fres i'nd clear of encumbrances; 14 miles from -Castle Rock. Wash., on Cowlitz river. Will take auto in trade. AB 848. Orego nian. WILL exchange fins 8-room bouse on Portland Heights for about flvs acres Improved suburban property on good car Una. AH 859, Oregonian. TO TRADE Two good located houses for small, well improvea imit iwrn; win trade one or both and take some ah. AB 774. Oregonian. 10,000 SHARES good stocks, at $1.50 per share; now paying 16 2-S per oent divi dends; will increase, half cash, balance clear real estate. AL 751. Oregonian. FOR TRADE. Lots 83-34. blk. L, East St. Johns, for Omaha property. Address M. Eng land. 2523 North 19th Bt.. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE, or trade for 40-acre ranch, well located, grocery- store In best town in Willamette valley. Owners only. AM 397. Oregonian ONE 5-room residence. Sunnyslde, for Sa lem residence. "B.." 820 Chamber Com merce bldg. Main 7967 2 to 6 P. M. Sunday. FOR SALE,-or will trade for farm or olty firoperty, two fe-secttons of timber land n Lane county, containing over 7. 000.000 ' feet. Address Hotel Osborn. Eugene. Or Hi T nTS H F! cor. 43d and Division sta $600 each; want hotel, apt. house, farm. J. n. jiua&nu.-i, 2606 East 43d St. Tabor 5361. FOR SALE or exchange. 154 acres Idaho land; telephone and water In house. What have you 7 Address B. M. vey, Carlton, or., tt. . inq. a. nrtnri Boise. Idaho, property, value $15. OOO. income $223 monthly: want Portland residences or valley property or good business. George w. uould. noise. Idaho. TEN acres of finest alfalfa land with water rights; traae tor t-ortiana property ana assume, owner, xauor oo. EXCHANGE Desirable home in Tacoma for Portland home or Income. BJ 873, Oregonian. WILL TRADE lot 50x120 at North Fair Oaks, San Mateo county, Cal., for light 5-psssenger car or piano. 830 E. 18th S. DESCRIBE what you have to exchange for 4U acres liiw '!'. I uiB, ,, am it. o . . Judd. Roseburg. Or. - ITBc ADB beach lot . for anything useful. Cheap tor cash. AU 838, Oreoaiau. JEjtClIAjjGE BEAL ESTATE. PURE-BRED STOCK AND DAIKV t-A"-"- 819 acres, over iwi c ' of cultivation, balance easily cleared, en tire tract ls fenced ana cross ienccU woven wire: two living streams In pas tures, modern o-room oungaiow bath, sleeping porch, large living room, fireplace, full concrete basement witn furnace, fine lawn with very choice shrubbery. One 6-room tenant house, modern, double garage with concrete floors, gasoline tank, well house and tank, water ptpea to an . 7 ' oa . 1 im alio, milk noiiM, steam boilers, steam separator and tester Personal property consists 01 01 ." pure-bred Holstelns. These cattle are all registered and from the choicest heras In the northwest. Large team of lull- blood Percheron mares. one arini horse, 300 head of sheep and Iambs. 3 head of hogs, large flock of chickens, wagon, harness, manure spreader, plows. harrows, mower, ratio, roro . .,,.i. - -11 n,rMrv farm tools to run a modern, up-to-date farm. This place is located 18 miles rrom vancuu.. which ten miles will be paved this sum mer. There has been $62,000 spent in developing this place exclusive na tional property. Pries $50,000. Would con sider smaller farm or city property as part pavment. Aaoress unw. Yeon Bldg.. Portland, Or. Telephone Main 2982. PTOCTCED AND EQUIPPED. 80 acres of the very best loam oil. ail tillable. 25 acres In high state of cultivation, no rock or gravel, fine spring In pasture, good well al houser-aood 8-room plas tered house, Vlth almost new S-hole range, some furniture: also 4-room house, dairy barn B2X11B, In good condition, hay fork, pul leys and rope 2 cnlcKen houses, hog bouse end lot. dairy, large, woodshed, buildings all painted, elevated building Bile, beautiful large shado trees. T large cherry trees In frjnt yard. 350 apple, pear and plum trees. 50 bearing Italian prune trees. 5 good dairy cows, good team, harness, wagon, hack, mower, harrow. 60 chickens, sepa rator, adjoining highly Improved district, beautiful view of sur rounding country and snow-capped mountains; 3 miles from town on good auto road, close to school, with all rural advantages. Pries $70OO. Half cash. THOMPSON. SWAN LEE, Third and Msin Sts.. Vancouver. Wash. ws. nivt extra rood 7 a -acre farm In Clarke county, wasn.7 00 scm .-.-ti..ii.. h,iiiHlnflr orchard, good water fenced, good road. mile school. 6 miles town. 11 gooa cow, tw. chickens, all machinery and tools, crop. $12,000 will tae city pnipri. 160 acres, 12 miles Alderdale. JVssh. ; A-v,nm hmiRA ham and otner oiags.. deep wi'l. Ptl up and windmill. All good land. $3200. will taas auto or uouo-j part payment. son ..... irllrlcltat county, extra good wheat land with Improvements and in crop. Win trace ror iarm on coast, 110 tel or merchandise. ATKINSON r-UKicn. 112 W. 8th st., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 838 or 832-J Vancouver. FINFl PRUNB ORCHARD ON THIS 100-ACRB RANCH. 40 MILES S- W. OF PORTLAND, Near good town on Red elec tric; 124 acres -yr.-old prune or chard. In fino condition: 87 acres In cultivation, 69 acres rich river bottom land, 4 acres timber, bal ance pasture;' 7-room house with water piped In. big new barn, other bldgB. Price $190 per acre. Take modern Portland residence up to $7000, or Improved small farm close In. See SAM HEWET at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ATTRACTIVE 12 ACRES Located Just outside city limits on west side, and something like 12 min utes' ride from courthouse; buildings amount to practically nothing: but has nice view, good soil, running water, some small timber, which might be used In log house, city water, lights and gas near by. Nearly all In cultivation: three wonderful building sites and Immediately opposite station on electric line with same fare as Portland. Will cut price far below nearby prop erty and will consider Portland prop erty as part pay with long time, easy mortgage on balance. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. I HAVE TO OFFER A WELL IMrBOVBO valley farm, close to it. ... price so.uou; clear of mtg. The owner will consider a first-class Income property in Portland and assume oc pay difference. Large valley stock ranch, right at town, highway crosses place. Very fine buildings of all kinds; placs all fenced and cross fenced, cattle, borae, hogs and machinery. Price $45,000. Consider good farm land in payment to $30,000. South ern Oregon preferred. L. K. MOORE, 317 BOARD OF TRADE 320-AC RE grain and stock ranch, all level. tillable land, deep, rlcn sou. idu in cuit., balance bunch grass, easy to put in cult.; good well of water, house, barn, etc.. on good auto road, one mile from town of Lake, Lake county, Oregon; $5000: exchange for Portland property, nearby acreage or small farm or any good business; would assume some, or will sell on easy terms at cut price. Tallmadge Realty Co.. 619 Henry bldg. WA-VTS WHEAT FARM. Have fine farm within 10 miles of Portland, lust off paved highway: all li cultivation except amall oak grove; prac tically level and a beautiful farm; price $45,000. Will trade for wheat farm In good district and assume. LUEDDEMANN COMPANT, 913 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE Fine 40-a. pear and al falfa ranch. 4z miles irom Meaiora. ur., Vfc mile school, modern &-room Dungaiow. electric lights and bath, full basement, other buildings: 12 a. bearing pears, 24 a Newtown anDles. peach tillers; fine crop, under ditch: price $8500; take Portland residence In exchange to $4000; terms on balance, av wb. uregonian. enn Hire- nw EXCHANGE 53 acres. miles from White salmon, wasn., au acres In aDPles. trees 5 to 9 years old; fine house, running water, complete plumbing, barn, first-class equipment, imniamanta. etc. Will consider in ex change uncleared land within radius of 50 miles of Portland, or improved city property. BJ 8J4. uregonian. APARTMENT house, well located. In good condition and cioas in on tne east side oav very nicely without owners' at tention, for sale, the owner will take good property at right value In or out of the city as part of consideration; call and be convinced. F. E. Miller, 416 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WE WILL EXCHANGE for improved acreage stock of merchan dise or good Income residence property. a modern fireproof garage, main floor 57x140. basement 57x70, price $45,000; or the stock and equipment at invoice, $6000, with good lease. See Mr. Mast. 502 Couch bldg. I HAVE 320 ACRES OF FA KM LAN D In leecn.utes county tor wtie at a oig sacrifice; 56 acres broke, small build ings, situated z mues xrom imperial, Or.; will exchange for city property, acreage or auto; make me an oner. WOODCOCK. 20O HENRY BLDG. NORTH BEND, COOS COUNTT. en-rl'20 LOT 8-ROOM HOUSE. House Is modern and rented for $25 per month, r Ine view, on nara surxace street, overlooking bay. Want house in city. Value $3500. SWITH-WAOONBR CO.. STOCK EXCH, r.nv.HlM DISTRICT. 10 acres, mostly in hay and fruit, on tin. ,,,, A all rand land and lays good: new 4-room house; will sell or exchange for house tn city: price $3000. Deal aulck and you will get the cow and crop. 8. P. OBburn. 610 McKay bldg, WOULD exchange my dandy hotel of 50 rooms In the best location in town, cor ner lot 100x150, net Income $700 a month, price $100,000. for Oregon timber land. J H. Dougherty. 1103 Flrat National Bank bldg., San uiego. tai. i.Rnnvf flats. South Portland. two houses; rent z Per munm, win consider $5500 in traae, Dsiauce mort gage. Price xiu.i'uu. J. G. GUSTAFF. 420 Henry Bldg Tun -nod lots to exchange for anythln of value I can use. Auto preferred. Phone 373 or write E. R. McKay, Van couver. wasn. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. PAINTING. decorating. paperhanging, raininr. etc.. in all branches; reason able and by an expert. Have your work inn- now and Increase your property 100 per cent and save money. Willing to exchange services for vhat you might have with half cash. What have you 7 AF 839, Oregonian. MEDFORD, Oregon, close In residence lots for Ford bug or runabout; no Junk want ed. Phone East 2o58. WANT old-style electric washing machine as part payment on new one. 802 Pine st. Monday. BEACH PROPERTY for a Cheney or an Edison phonography A J 883. Oregonian. ELECTRIC FAN for electric heater. 802 Pino st- Monday. 82 SMITH & WESSON', new. to exchange for what? AL 863. Oregonian. bicycle, or what? Tabor 4O90. vinw camera, triood and lease for TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE 2 mandolins valued at $10 and $20. will trade either or both for tent of equal value. Call Tabor 8159. SWAP combination ton truck and wood saw. P. O. box 1091. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. AUCTION SALE. Corner Vancouver avenue and Colum bia boulevard. Take Vancouver car. get off at Columbia boulevard, go west to first house. Wednesday, June 80. sals to commence at 11 o'clock A. M. Having sold my milk route and quit ting the dairy business, I will sell my entire herd of extra fine cows at public sale, consisting of 55 cows and 1 bull; an excellent herd, large cows, fino pro ducers. Nearly all young, all In fine condi tion. 10 heavy springers. 8 fresh with calves by foot: some long springers. Holsteln. Durham and two Jerseys. Tuberculin tested and delivered on train or boat free of charge. I have personally inspected this herd and can recommend them to any one wishing to buy extra gooj cows. Machinery Good as new No. 8 Shar pies cream heparator, 25-gallon supply tank. Simplex, almost new; 2 water way milk cooler; 80-case sterilizer; belt bot tle washer and electric motor: 12-H. P. Scotch marine boiler, takes 4-foot wood; lVt-H. P. Eureka cooler: barrel churn, 8 iron stanchions. SO individual drinking bowls. 1 5-shovel cultivator, kale plant er; set single harness; 5 horse collars and other articles. Terms Sums under $20, cash: $20 and over six months' time on approved se curity. Free lunch at noon. EXCELSIOR DAIRY. H. M. Seivert. manager. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons. Vancouver. Wash., auctioneers. E. H. Detering. Vancouver National bank, clerk TO nna and all that are in the market for horses. I have 50 head ot ins oest chunks that have been shipped into Portland this year for the money. Have more noises than all the horse dealers in Portland to pick from. Horses from 1-)nn Ilia In -lttoo lha from 5 to 9 years old; a few unbroken ones, from $125 a span up. Some of the best ranch horses, all in fine shape, that have been seen In Portland this ear. They are for sale, exchange or hire. Must sell, for I have 150 head and will soon he. throua-h working them. Will sell any of them. I guarantee ll horses as represented. Have some of the best ranch teams for small places. $175 to $225 a span. Phil Suetter. 2S3 Front St., Crown stables: ATTENTION I ANYBODY WANTING HORSES. w nava hAiitht trucks and must sel some of our good young teams, sultab.e for any kind of work, that weigh from 140O to 1700. ages from 4 to S: these .nimai. . ,nM with a full guarantee and trial given, also have teams for hire and all kinds ot wagons and tools; look these over. St. Johns Construction r-rt at rnrhran barn, corner OI rticn mond and Syracuse streets. St. Johns, 2 blocks from car. BAT and black, both 5 years old. Weight 3000 pounds. Sound, gentle and honest workers, with good heavy harness. Price $375. 8pan of grays, weight 2500. 9 years old, good workers, almost new harness. SVt-lnch farm wagon. Price $215 for all. Also 5 young, fresh cows. Will sell one or all. Take Woodstock car to 34th st- to Powell Valley, road, to a small yellow house. Sell.717. GOOD orchard team. Weight 2200 pounds. Honest workers in every way. very gentle. Heavy set of double harness and 1-ton spring wagon. Price $13o for all. Also a good 4-year-old fresh cow and 5-weeks old calf. Price $125 for both. Cow only $100. 4122 E. 1 1st st: ML Scottcan SPLENDID driving and riding mare; some speed, gentle in every way. sound, stl lsh. free driver: "Whalebone Bailey bug gy." rubber tires, ball-bearing axles, track harness, new saddle, blanket and bridl6: will sell outfit for less than the buggy would cost. 26W Alder st FOR SALE Pure-blood, reglsterea oaaiien a.. an1 hiicaa: a so reaistereu ihkii- grade Saanens. Nubian and Toggenberg does ana aoe Kias irom. mo wenv -.- j miiifinr strain: fine large teats and udders: stamp for reply. Mrs. Charles Lander. R. No. 8. Estacada, Or. FOR SALE 1 mare, lo years oia: t gelding. 7 years; weigni nuy . heavy double harness: must be sold, have truck and no place to keep them; trial allowed. University Exp., 1jj7 Vin cent. Woodlawn 209S. r.Kn nf tha finest SDotted ponies In city; .1.4. rir V, R1IO line I 1 1 Ml -1 1 1. MIIUIC nil kinds of horses, wsgons and harness that must be sold In the next 10 days, also nerly new $135 stock saddle. an- t ront st. tail hit vs hlack driving horse, age 4 years. rood too OUKgy ana nanieM. vicuna women or anyone to drive. . Also gentle nonv $25. 5624 86th st. MS car. Tabor 34. rrm sil.R All mv 5 Young fresh cows. All gentle ana neavy ricn mns.i. -r your choice of 2 good teams, harness and wagon. Very reasonable. Take Vnnn.tni-k ear to Crnwood ave. 5 blocks north to 91)0 PowellValleyroad. FRESH milch goats. Henry Linder. 8 miles southeast Llnne-m an. x-iearam L ' , ave. road. 1 registered Nubla-n buck. & years old. Henry Linder. uresnam, Route 4. SOME good dairy and family cows just, tn at on miiaers. ri t-i- tla taken in exchange. 1128 Macadam st. South Portland car to end of line, 1 blk. south. 1 blk. east. FOR SALE Mare. 8 years old. with colt. is well broke ana nas a neon- ulBi-u"-tlon; also one gelding three years old. For particulars address Frank Kosie wicz, Oswego. Or. GOATS. Keep goats: read the Goat Journal; est. 1911: monthly. Single copies 15c; $1.50 year. 627 Board of Trade, Portland, Oregon. Phono 611-98. FOR SALE Team of black mares, weigh- ing zitoo if"-, w -built, sound and true pullers; with har ness and wagon. Inquire 732 Powell su, phone Sellwood 579. TEAM, weight 2400. ham-ess snd farm wagon: also I gooa jer y cuw. "i" sell very reasonable. 6047 Ooth St. Wood stock car. FOR SALE: One fullblood Jerscey heifer. choice; can see tier mnaeu any mumm at 6:15. 1401 E. Stark st. Tabor 1063 or Main 132 A TEAM, weignt aDout "w black, on n.ast oubuh. ilst, V4 block west of laundry. In small lam. Call East 6626. I"mUST HAVE the money by July 1 $200. Will sacnrice my two rwu m calves. 549 E. Lombard and 11th L Take Woodlawn car. FOR good family cows attend auction sale June SO. of Excelsior Dairy, corner of Vancouver ave. and Columbia boulevard. 16 LARGE Holstelns. 8 to 7 gallons. One registered rioistein nun. isa car to Columbia blvd. Go one block north. : DEAD tock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Mltwaukle 69-J for results. BEAUTIFUL thoroughbred blood-bay Shetland pony, saddle and harr less.. Tabor 3194. ' FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow giving 6 gals, a day. 805 East 29th st. Woodstock car. YOUNG gray team, harnes and wagon; weight 8 OOO lbs. Inquire, for Hewitt M-cC rack! n. Barton. Or. FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, good indl . vldual milking strain. H. G. Fisher. Sa lem. Or. ; . FOR SALE A brown mare, weight 1100. wagon and single harness, reasonable. Sellwood 1212. 10S7 Francis ave. I HAVE left my 3200-lb. team at 990 Powell Valley Road to be sold for the highest offer. Phone Sellwood 717. FOR VaLE18 stands of bees and equip ment; bargain. 310 E. 76th St., corner Market. Ml. Tabor car. TWO three-quarters Toggenberg kid bucks for sale. 7420 62d ave. S. E. Tabor 728. FOR SALE Thirty-five registered Shrop shire March and April ram lambs; $20 each. Holman Fuel Co.. 94 5th st. LIGHT spring wagon; single, double har ness; light Brahma eggs. 963 Williams ave. WE BUT and sell cattle, sheep and goats. Campbell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co.. 302 Couch bldg. FOUR good horses for sale: must be sold at oace. regardless of price. 1029 E. Yamhill st. FOR SALE 8 good grade cows, all milk in gJ(10JE!Cor FARM WAGON FOR SALE. CHEAP. 415 SYRACUSE STREET. ST. JOHNS. FOR SALE New set double buggy har ness, loo. uoiman r uei o., v-t otn st. LARGE pastures for rent near Portland Main 85. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co.. Woodlawn 20 DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203 FOR SALE Fine Toggenburg doe kids; reasonable. Call Sunday. 300 Grant st. WANTED One very light regular one horse farm wsgon. AE 720. Oregonl n. FRESH Toggenberg milch goat with kids. Woodlawn 4857 FOR SALE Fine milk goats. 3020 41st. I MILK GOATS tor . sale. 331 Olenn ave. FJR SALE. Hore, Vehicles, Livestock. MAKING important changes: must sell Clifford 3S54 17-mos. Togsenberg buck; horsjess. large and sure breeder, $100. Oma Fay 1105. 10-10 ToSKeliberg, 1-16 Saanen; large, dehorned Uo. fresh, fine teats and Udder, $lt0. Two yearling does . eligible to grade registration, bred to kid this fall. $41) each, both $75. Three does, $170; docs and buck. $2u. I E. Wornom. S7th and R. box 344, phone 2F25, Vancouver, Wash. I'ianua, Organs and Musical instruments. A VERY beautiful little apartment model golden oak upright piano, high-grade quality, full seven and one-third oc taves, well worth $375 these days. Can be had first thing this week for $1'.0. which Is almo.-t half price; this Instru ment shows little if any wear; has been properly taken care of in a hlgh-clas-j home. People suddenly called east and must sell. Cash preferred, but can ar range payments $12 month if desired. t-ee Oregon r.llers music nouse. een floors devoted to music ttnd musicians, entrance and elevator 2S7V Wash. St.. Just below 6th st- SECOND-HAND piano bargain. We ready ror saie Monday morning a iviiti ball. Wegman. Hardman. Knabe, Chick- -erlng. Kjieisel, Whitney. Decker Bros, Strohber. Fischer and a Kingsbury piano. Every instrument In thorougn repair and guaranteed. Our prices are rock-uoltom. Terms given. Reed-French Piano Co., 12th end Washington. Bdwy. TW. BRUNSWICK BARGAIN. We offer $2t5 finest model Brunswick, golden oak. just like lew. together with 25 used records for $250. cash or reason able terms. Foley ft Van Dyke. Phono graph dept.. 106 Fifth at. Just be low Washington. VICTROLA XVI. Vlctrola XVI. formerly sold for $2O0. new Victrolas XVI sell for $275; price of this one $1J5. $25 down. $10 monthly: equipped with record a'.bums. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. AN ELEGANT $10O0 player piano which belonged to a doctor will close out tor what it will bring to settle an estate. 64 rolls and nice bench included. See Oregon Eikers Music House. Eilers Music bldg., 2S7H Wash., Just below 5th St. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. BOUGHT. SOLD. RENTED. EXCHANGED. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 123 FIRST. MAIN 4405. TABOR 670S. A VERY nice mahogany like new Vlctrola and 42 selections of records at big sac rifice. Call Oregon Eilers Music House, Eilers Music bldg., 287 Wash., St.. just below 5th st. WE HAVE one of the famous Decker Bros.' pianos, which has had the best of care during its use. Come in and see this fine Instrument; our price only $20o. Soule Bros.. 10U 10th lu near Morrison. ' PIANO FOR VICTROLA. $200 new VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT: trade for used piano; best proposition. Main 85Stl. 6E1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. , 120 Fourth st. EXCEPTIONALLY fine-toned Richmond piar.o, mahogany ca.e. cost new about $300. price $285. 125 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st PARLOR GRAND PIANO FOR SALE. In fine condition and good tone, will be sold reasonable and on easy terms. Gardner's Progressive School of Music 5th floor. Eilers bjdg. MANUFACTURER'S SAMPLE. $150 new Lois hornless cabinet phono graph $75; $125 Lois hornless type $70, easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder St. NEW PERIOD MODELS. See the new period models in Edison. Brunswick and Columbia, priced from $350 to $730. special terms. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 300 Alder si. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Vlctrola and records; our proposition will plesse you. SEIBKRLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. Main 85S& COLUMBIA-GRAFONOLA BARGAIN. Fine Columbia, like new. and $50 worth of fine records, cost $175; price $135, $25 down, balance easy. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. FINE little Howard piano, slightly used, but In best condition; a dandy buy at $250. terms, soule Bros., 160 10th St.. near Morrison. COLUMBIA favorite with fine record filing cabinet that holds 110 records, all for $75 cash or terms. Foley & Van Dyke, ll6 Fifth street. . BEAUTIFUL McPhall piano, wonderful tone, worth $600 new: our price ouly $200. Soule Bros., 16d 10th St.. near Morrison. ; WOULD like to exchange new talking machine and records for first-class type writer. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder st. EDISON. ' Victor or Columbia Grafonolas exchsnged for your piano. Reed-French Piano Co.. 12th and Washington. Bdwy. 751). EDISON amberoia. taken on larger Edi son, sells for $45. price $30. $10 down. $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 35Q Alder. . FOR SALE Zither-banjo, fine tone and in good condition. Call E. V. B.. 54 Lu cretla" st., evenings between 6 and 7. Phone Marshall COPO. FUMELE.SS GAS RADIATOR WANTED. Will exchange new phonograph for fumeless gas radiator. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder st. WANTED Square piano with good rose wood case to be refinished for a table. Will pay cash or trade talking machine Harold S. Gilbert. 884 Yamhill st ELECTRIC piano, plays modern 8S-note music; Just the thing for small theater: fine condition. Only $775. G. F. John son Piano Co.. 14!) 6th. . $41 EDISON hornless machine, taken in on new Edison, only $25. $10 down. $5 monthly. Hyatt TalVing Machine Co., 850 Alder st. . BRUNSWICK phonograph and records, a snap. Just like new. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125-127 4th st. bet. Wash- , Ington and Alder. UPRIGHT PIANO, In fine condition, cost $550, will seil Monday $165; I need money. AP 826. Oregonian. PLATER-PIANO WANTED. Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a rood player. Write BJ 862. Oregonian. NEW baby grand piano for sale; never been out of shop: terms or cash; reason able. Sellwood 2073. RENT A PHONOGRAPH WORTH BUY ING. HAROLD S. GILBERT. $84 YAMHILL. WILL pay cash for your old piano, or' will trade you a new Vlctrola for it. G F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th. PIANO WANTED. Pay cash; get our price Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st Selberllng Main 85H6. UKULELES, accordions, harmonicas, vio lins guitars and other musical Instru ments. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 14i) 6th. FOR SALE Mahogany piano. $200 cash: Grapnonoia, oj csu. . ij . iiuwawu 4111. Call In the morning. GENUINE Martin melody saxo phones. Ai. jonnson x-iaiio o -i 6th St. ; KIMBALL player piano, concert size, oak ease, with bench and 60 records, like new. Call Monday. 219-88. HIGH-CLASS piano for rent; private party. References, tjau aouie oroa. r-ia.uo to., 10th and Morrison sts. A GOOD practice piano. $190; fine for a beginner. Reed-French Piano Co.. 12th and Washington. Bdwy. 750. BRUNSWICK phonograph and 48 best rec ords at a bargain If taken at once for cash. Mt Scott car to 5903 84th at. FINE tone Franz Wllnelm Otto violin, with bow and plush-lined case; spisndld outfit. $85. Woodlawn 3077. $9O0 PLAYER piano, almost new, mahog any case, fins tone; $495, or win trade with good lot. 5519 6Qth St. 8. E. GRAFONOLA OUTFIT worth more tha-l $150; will sell for $95; leaving the city Wednesday. Phone Mar. 2987. WASHBURN banjo and S'. case. $14. Mar' 8CHMOELLER at MUELLER piano, good ms new; $200 cash. 826 E. 71st st, N. GENUINE Gibson guitars, mandolins, etc. CJ. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th. GRAFONOLAS with music for rent. Em pire Co.. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. UPRIGHT piano. $175; VIctzola, $85; will exchange. 211 Washington. PLAYER-PIANOS, pianos, used pianos. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th. $00 BUY-S $600 J. st C. Fischer piano on terms. $12 Worcester blds;: PIANO to rent or practice by hour. Broad way 8622, or Almira Apartment. No. 33. WANTED A leather violin case. AP 715, Oregonian. NEW Columbia Grafonols Pavier street fur sale. $125 BUYS case. 312 a $450 upright piano; Worcester bldg. VICTOR and Pathe records in our phono graph dept. Foley A Van Dyke. MUST sacrifice fine high-grade piano. Just like new. A bargain. Tabor 5407. SQUARE piano for sale. $50, cash or credit. n il Eli KIMBALL upright piano only $150; nice, tone, terms. 312 Worcester. FOR SAI.K 1 Columbia guitsr. Price $16 Phone East 8753. i:han'D oiano. excellent value. $735. i j. Johnson Piano t-o. 149 6th. Sll 7 y 5