The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 27, 1920, Section One, Image 1

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    l-W I U iWiiiiiiii I
Pages 1 t o 24
96 Pages
Eight Sections
Entered at Portland (Oregon)
Postofftce as Second-C1a! Matter.
300. Odd Delegates Can
Block Nomination.
Defeat of Popular Rule
to Be Boomerang. .
- j
'. System by Which Wilson Was
Chosen May Defeat
Boss Murphy Is Much on Job
and Is Ready to Fight
, SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., June 26.
(Editorial Correspondence.) Here
and there one hears a timid delegate
whisper furtively that the two
thirds rule is a travesty on a free
democracy, and the unit rule an out
rage on free opinion and free ac
tion, but he does little more than
take you behind a convenient door
and tell you about it with mouth
to ear.
As Mark Twan said about the
weather, everybody complains about
it, but nobody does anything. No
body but the bosses liked the unit
rule or its corollary, the two-thirds
rule, but tradition is all powerful in
the democratic party, and they will again because they have always
done it since Andrew Jackson's day
There is no other good reason, except
that the politicians are distinguished
from the delegates and the profes
sional talent, as against the ama
teurs, want no change.
It might not be healthy for them,
if the delegates got out from under
.their thumbs. -
Veto Power Chief Utility.
The chief utility of the two-thirds
scheme is in its essential veto power.
Nothing can be done in the way of
naming a candidate if a minority of
one-third ' and one delegate more
holds out to the last. It often does,
Champ Clark had a majority at
one time at Baltimore in 1912, but
he was not nominated. The minority
stuck it out and through sheer per
sistence forced the choice of Wood-
row Wilson. All this is preliminary
to the statement that the rule which
directly made possible the nominat
ing of Wilson at Baltimore may de
feat his faithful son-in-law in 1920.
If it were a mere matter of ma
jorities, I should not hesitate to say
that the selection of McAdoo would
be a probability, but in a game
where 300 odd delegates hold the
trump card against 600 or so, you
may expect an upset.
Boss Murphy, who is much on the
job here with, the 90 New York dele
gates, all tied up with a unit string,
does not like McAdoo for reasons
(Concluded on Page 18. Column 8.)
Cummings Plays Into Hands' of
Powers That Be and ''Allows ' ,
Rule to Stand.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 26. (Spe
cial.) When the 'democratic national
committee, meeting In Washington
last January, under the domination
f Chairman Homer S. Cummlngs.
declined to discard the unit rule
which has prevailed' in all past demo-
ratic conventions, the way was
cleared for the Iron power of the
bosses which Is the outstanding fea-
ure of this great gathering.
No doubt the bosses had something
do with the action of the com
mittee at that time in reiusin io
emocratlze the rules underwhich
his convention operates. liaa tne
unit rule been annulled a serious
setback would have been dealt to
he system whereby hundreds of del-
gates' will be compelled next week.
regardless of the sentiment of their
constituents, to support the candi
dates picked by the bosses.
There are a lot of respectable men
and women here as delegates to this
convention who deplore what Is going
on quite as much as anyone else, but
they are helpless. They admit it and
will hang their heads next week
while under the unit rule the chair
men of their respective delegations
vote them for the bosses' candidates.
EUGENE, OR., HAS 10,593
Oregon City Population Is S686,
or Increase or 32.6 Per Cent.
WASHINGTON. June 26. Census
figures announced today were:
Eugene. Or., 10,593, increase 1854 or
17.6 per cent.
Oregon City. Or., 5686, increase of
1399 or 32.6 per cent.
Dcs Moines, la.- 126,468, increase
40,100 or 46.4 per cent.
Taunton, Mass., 37,137, increase 2878
or 8.4 per cent.
Wichita Falls, Tex., 40,079, increase
31,879 or 388.8 per cent.
Chelsea, Mass., 43.184. increase 10,732
or 33.1 per cent.
Omaha. Neb., 191.601; increase 67,505
or 54.6 per cent.
Butte. Mont.. 41,611: Increase 2446
or 6.2 per cent. ,
Mannington. W. Va 3673. .increase
1001 or 37.5 per cent.
Savannah, Ga., 82,667.. increase 17,-
603 or 27.1 per cent.' ' v
Summit, N. J, 10,174, increase 2674
or 35.7 per eent. ;
Fire of Unknown Origin bweeps
Business Buildings.
BAKER. Or., June 26. Fire of un
known origin tonight swept an entire
business block in Whitney, a small
town on the Sumpter Valley railroad
In the eastern part of Baker county,
According to meager word received
here late tonight, the fire was still
burning and fears for the safety of
the town were expressed.
Buildings completely destroyed in
eluded Mrs. M.' K. Young's hotel,
Baker White Pine Lumber company's
store with merchandise valued at
$15,000, Frank McCoy's pool hall and
confectionery store with dancehall
above, and a cottage adjoining the
hotel. The Sumpter Valley railroad
station was slightly damaged.
Pacific States to Have Tempera
tures About Normal.
WASHINGTON, June 26. Weather
predictions for the week beginning
Northern Rocky Mountain and pla
teau regions: Local rains at begin
ning; generally fair thereafter; mod
erate temperature.
Pacific states: Generally fair and
normal temperatures.
rvn - ' o LH Tnwr' ' ! f ' ' it onHa - - j
Ardent Support of Wilson Is
- Only Objection.
Decision of National Committee
Declared Contrary to Desires
. of 10,00 0 Voters.
Washington, T. C, Correspondent for
The Oregonian.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., June 26.
When the democratic national com
mjttee applied the steam roller to
the contest of John L. Sch
for delegate at large from Oregon
yesterday and seated In his place R
lurner, a federal office holder
oi KoseDurg, the issue of popular
rule raised by this case was not
ended. It is comine back to mock
the national convention for several
Mr. Schuyleman, who maintains that
he should have been seated in the
vacancy caused by the death of
oeorge T. Baldwin as delegate-at
large Decause . he ran next to Mr.
Baldwin In the primaries, prepared
wuay to carry his case befora th
credentials committee which will bo
formed when the convention organ
izes Monday.
The credentials committee will hear
the story of how more than 10,000
democrats in Oregon voted to make
Mr. Schuyleman a delegate at large
from the state and how the : voice
of the .more than 10,000 voters was
ignored after the death of the suc
cessful candidate. . ..
Hand-FieklnK I. Charged.
Before this committee Mr. Schuvle-
man will present the facts as to how
13 members of the Oregon democratic
state central committee got together
and overthrew the will of the 10.000
voters by hand-picking Mr. Turner to
fill the vacancy. It will be pointed
out either by Mr. Schuyleman, or
v.uiuiig mm, it is un
derstood, that the principle involved
in this case was recognized without
controversy in the recent republican
convention at Chicago.
When the Oregon republican dele
gation held its first conference it was
promptly conceded by every delegate
present, and a record made of It, that
the losing candidates for delegates In
each contest automatically became
the alternates. On the day of the
first conference at Chicago, D. J
Cooper of The Dalles, one of the dele
gates from the 2d district, had not
arrived, and it was held that M. Z.
Donnell of The Dalles, who ran next
to Mr. Cooper in the primaries, should
im tne vacancy. Mr. Cooper appeared
however, before the voting began in
the convention and occupied his seat
as delegate. When he was absent on
tne icnm oanot, ju.r. uonnell auto
matically filled his place and cast the
vote. A plan was proposed this art
ernoon to offer Mr. Schuyleman a
place as alternate, but it is under
stood that he feels too deeply on the
principle underlying his contest to
accept anything in the nature of a
bribe to withdraw the fight in an
swer to the charge that he is nothing
but. a Woodrow Wilson fanatic and
therefore not competent to perform
the responsible duties of a delegate.
Similar Caaea Are Cited.
Mr. Schuyleman makes the
(Concluded on Page 6. Column S.)'
Tentative Bids Made by More Than
One Large Picture Firm to.
' ' Star in Movies.
WASHINGTON, June 26. (Special.)
President Wilson, on leaving the
White House, will have the oppor
tunity of taking any kind of position
he wants. Every day there come to
the executive mansion numbers of
offers that include just about every
kind of Job there is in existence. He
Is known to have been offered the
leadership of a score of big uni
versities and many newspapers are
more than ' willing to have him at
almost any salary he might name.
Last, but not least, more than one
film corporation has made tentative
offers for his services in moving
pictures. -
Admiral Grayson, his physician, said
today that he knew nothing of a re
ported offer from the University of
the Philippines of a salary of $50,000
to 3100,000 a year to the president to
serve as its head.
Just what the president will do
after nis Retirement no one :an say
at this time. Dr. Grayson declared.
"The chief concern of everyone about
him is to make him well as quickly
as possible." ,
Washington was agog last Right as
the result of a widely circulated re
port that President and Mrs. Wilson
had visited a local bank and that the
president had walked in and out of
the institution without aid. Anywhere
from 300 to 600 persons declared posi
tively that they personally had seen
the president and refused to believe
the positive announcement from the
White House that Mr. Wilson had not
left the house during the day.
Inquiry at the bank developed the
fact that Mrs. Wilson had called and
that she had been escorted to and
from the White House car by her
brother, Mr. Boiling, who in many
ways resembles the president.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature,
76 degree; minimum, 49 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; northwesterly winds.
Editorial, section 8. pace 8.
Dramatic; section 8. pace 10."
Motion pictures, section 3. page 1-.
Real estate and building;, section
, page 14.
, jt
Music, section S. page 7.
Churches, section 6. page.-
Books, section 8, page 8. '
Uardsn chats, section ii, page "
Automobiles, section 6. ..
Women's Features.
Society, section 3, pace '-
Women's activities, section S. page 16..
Fashions, section 5, page 4.
Miss Tingle's column, section 5, page .
Auction bridge, section 6, page 8.
Special Features.
Pictures of Shrine convention, eight pages.
section 4. "
Italian Immigrant Makes Good in Oregon,
magazine section, page x.
The Little Miracle oi Marionettes.
sine section, page -. -Redfleld
has interesting setting for mk-
in. nlotures. magazine attw.
v of the world by camera, magazine
section, page 4. ,
Admiral Sims' story of the victory at sea,
magazine section, page 5.
Get your X-rays If getting married, maga
zine section, page 6.
Woman civil service commissioner suc
cessful, magazine section, page 7.
Hill's life sketches. "Among Us Mortals,
jnae-azlne section, page 8.
Snow masses studied tor their power, sec
tion 6. page e.
Gray saulrrel Is interesting sight, section
ft naee 7.
Indians take to brush and pallette. section
S, page e.
Germany Ignores peaace treaty terms.
Section. 1, page s.
Tisar-Admiral Decker publishes letter at
tacking Secretary Daniels. Section 1,
page u. .
All sorts ot jots being offered President
Wilson on retirement irom, ouicc act
tion 1, page 1.
Bryan, in "keynote" speech before club,
Indicates planks he wants. Section 1,
page 1.
Senator Reed of Missouri obtains seat In
democratic national convention. Sec-
tlon 1, page 12.
Five big Issues to start trouble on floor of
democratic convention. Section 1. page
A. Mitchell Parmer will be Wilson's choice
on third ballot, the result of political
gratitude. Section 1, page 18.
Similar Fleet From Mather Field
Will Be Brought to Med ford
for Forest Service.
- . m
EUGENE. Or , June 26. (Special.)
Five more De Haviland airplanes to
be used in the forest patrol arrived in
Eugene today from Mather field and
will be permanently located here. Six
will remain at the Eugene base, al
though only two will be used daily in
actual patrol work. The fleet of
planes was headed by Captain Lowell
Smith, who will be in command of
the patrol in this state. The four
others were piloted by Cadets Hyer,
Endert, Woodgart and Watson. They
were accompanied by Master Elec
trician Cornish, Sergeant Hicks and
Sergeant Conner, who will all remain
permanently in this city.
The fleet left Mather field Friday
afternoon at 1:05 o'clock and arrived
at Montague, Cal.. at 4:15, remaining
over night there. In the flight to
Eugene -the distance was made in 2
hours and 15 minutes, arriving here
at 10:40 . o'clock. Captain Smith left
for the south immediately after ar
rival here and will pilot a. similar
fleet -from Mather field to Medford
Three Passengers on CJrcat North
ern Injured in Wreck.
VANCOUVER, B. C, June 26. Three
DasBeneers of a southbound Great
Northern train which left here at 3:30
this afternoon were slightly injured
late today when the train crashed into
a northbound Shriners' special at
While Rock Station, near the inter
national boundary.
No one on the special was Injured.
Both engines were derailed by the
force of the collision-
Bryan ' and Walsh plot treaty 'fight in
convention. Section 1, page 1. -
Strength of rival democrats is hazy.. Sec
tion 1, page 1.
Defeat of popular rule in Schuyleman case
to mock democratic session. Section 1.
page I.
Domination of convention by bosses traced
to Cummlngs. Section 1. psge 1.
Outcome of fight over prohibition plank
..- still .uncertain. .Section 1, page 7.
I Bryan's
arrival signals trouble. Section 1.
r page 1:1.
Minority nay.. be- able to- defeat McAdoo
: convention. Section 1. pare 1.
Pa'mer aides give wine away freely. Seo-
non l, page 4.
Wilson overthrow remains nebulous. Sec
tion 1. page 20.
Pacifle ' Northwest.
Chautauqua to be in - session 13 days.
Section 1, page 11. - ,
fcive more airplanes brought to Eugene
ior lorest patrol service. section 1
page 1. .
Politics In . Idaho showing considerable
activity. Section 1. page 10.
Coast League results: Portland 2-2
Seattle 0-4; Oakland 8. Los Angeles 4:
Sacramento 8. Salt Lake 7: Vernon 1.
oan rrancisco o. section 2. page 1.
Portland will compete In Pacific north
west tennis tournament at Spokane.
section 2, page 2.
At least 125 golfers going from Portland
to Vancouver. B. C, for tournament.
section 2. page 2.
Stage set for Olympic boxing-wrestling
tryouts nere. section 2, page 3.
Coast athletes break world records at
Pasadena trials. Section 2, page 1.
Next fight likely to feature O'Dowd.
bection 1, page 3.
Commercial and Marine.'
Seventy-five per cent apple crop expected
in northwest, section 1. page 23.
Trading in Wall street market is smallest
in years. Section 1. page 2s.
Corn market strengthened by livening, up
traa&a. section i, page z.s.
Eight steel steamers added to lines now
calling regularly at Portland. Section
1, page 22.
Portland and Vicinity.
Portland may be made film center. Sec
tion 1, page 16.
Politics buzz as senators hobnob. Section
1. page 16.
New rose each year to be dedicated at
Rose Festival is planned. Section 1,
page 14.
Oregon pioneers to convene Thursday.
- Section 1, page 15.
A. H. Lea resigns post as secretary of state
fair board to become vice-president of
Portland financial corporation. Section
1, page 17.
Alleged auto thief held to grand Jury.
Section 1. page 5.
"Keynote" Speech
Given Before Club.
Wets to Be Put on Record by
Rollcall, Says Speaker.
Anti-Profiteering Plank That Will
Result In Jailing of Offenders
Will Be Demanded.
(Copyright by the New York Evening Post,
Inc. Published by arrangemem-j
SAN FRANCISCO. June 26. Bryan
made a speech here today which at
any -time or place would have been
one of his great speeches sind which.
under the cirrumsuinces and in its
relation to the coming convention
was of vital importance.
The occasion had nothing to do
with the convention . or with the
party. It was made before the Com
monwealth club, which in San Fran
cisco corresponds to the City club of
most cities, and is composed of the
best of the city's citizens among pro
fessional and business men. Bryan
was invited to speak today, as most
distinguished men are who come to
San Francisco, j
Specfc Seems Impromptu.
Your -correspondent, who happened
to -listen minutely, got tio impres
sion that Mr. Bryan had not the in
tentlon to make what was for him
and bis following a keynote speech.
But he found a sympathetic audi
ence, warmed up to, It. and poured
out spontaneously the things that
have been occupying his mind during
these recent days and weeks while
he has been looking forward to
convention and the things-he wanted
to do here. ... I '
He began with the art he always
has. In Introducing Wm, the cnair
man. Judge Waste, had made a face
tious allusion to the fact that tne
charge on the Bryan lunch today was
fl, whereas the charge for the luncn
yesterday, at which the democratic
national chairman. Homer Cummlngs,
epoke. was only 85 cents. nryan.
with humorous kindliness, said mat
the reason was he and his career
had been intimately associated with
the silver dollar, whereas In the case
of Chairman Cummlngs the pay was
nut in the chape of a depreciated
cold dollar.
Then, he said, with disarming and
ins-mtiatlng - effect, that - he hadn't
come to San Francisco to make trou
ble.- He had come to help the demo
cratic party win the election in
NovenVber. He said he had no pur
pose other than to help write a plat
form and name a candidate who
would enable it to win. He said that
no man had such good reason as
he for being grateful for the demo
cratic party and wishing it well. The
democratic party, he said, had cast
more votes for him for president than
for anybody else. In his three can
didacies, he said, he had received
18.000,000 votes for the presidency.
Then, with the incomparable art of
which be is master, he said: "If .:
only could have bunched them '
and left the rest to the audience's
Full Hearing Canard.
Toward a party which he has so
much reason for wishing well he said
it was the least of his purposes to be
a cause of dissension. One way. he
said, of avoiding dissension is to al-
(Concluded on Page 6, Column 1.)
Minority Report to Be Carried to
Convention if Faction Is
Beaten in Committee.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 26. Plans
for opposing the administration treaty
land league of nations plan were fofm-
u,ated at an hour-conrerenco today
i Deiween William j. uryan ana sena
tors Walsh of Massachusetts ana fteea
f Missouri. -Their first effort, Sena-
or Walsh said. Is made in the
resolutions committee by offering
substitutes for the administration
If defeated in the resolutions com
mittee, Senator Walsh said, it was
planned to present a minority report
to the convention. The major concern
of those, .In the movement, the Massa
chusetts senator added, is to prevent
commitment of the- party to unre
served ratification of the present
league covenant.
We : discussed several platform
planks, principally the treaty and the
league," said Senator Walsh. "For
the administration treaty plank It is
pretty generally agreed that we shal
offer several substitutes, possibly
three or four, to the resolutions com
mittee. They have not been drafted
but our general purpose Is to oppose
committing the party to unreserve
ratification of the preserit covenant."
If the substitute planks should b
rejected. Senator Walsh said, the nex
move would be for presentation of th
issue to the convention itself. Senato
Reed declined to discuss the confer
The three leaders who met In M
Bryan's rooms have been regarded as
the principal opponents of Presiden
Wilson's course in the senate an
also as forecasted before the conven
tion. Senator Reed in tha senate
joined ' the republican "irreconci'.a
blea" in opposing the treaty, whll
Senator . Walsh voted for ratiticatio
with the Lodge reservations. Both
made several speches vigorously cri
iclslng the league plan, while Mr
Bryan has spoken for ratiflcatio
With the majority reservations
avoid the treaty's becoming a cam
palgn issue.
President Asked for Declaration
Against Tliird Term.
WASHINGTON. June 26. Repre
sentative Upshaw, democrat of Geor
gia, In a letter to President Wilson
today told the executive "that It
would have a wholesome and compos
ing effect if you would declare before
the gavel falls at the opening hour
that you would not accept a third
"Permit me to say," the Georgia
representative's- letter added, "that I
am reinforced in this conviction by
comments that -1 have heard from
your strong supporters in every sec
tion of the country. A third term
for any president is counted by them
a dangerous tendency In any republic.
The feeling seems prevalent every
where that Washington was right and
wise when he refused a third term,
thereby establishing a precedent for
our republic that has been manda
tory through all these years."
American Champion Chosen
Race Shamrock IV.
NEWPORT. R. I., June 26. The
sloop Resolute was selected by the
committee on cup defense of the
New York Yacht club to defend the
America's cup against the Shamrock
IV. The first race will be sailed off
Sandy Hook July IS.
The decision was reached after the
committee had witnessed the last trial
race between Resolute and Vanllie
In their elimination series here today,
which was called off about 20 min
utes after the yachts had passed the
outer mark with the Vanitie a ha;f
mile in the lead.
Resolute had won seven of the 11
trial events.
No Definite Alignment Is
Yet Apparent.
Many Tickets Expected to
Rise and Fall in Convention.
If Wet Issue Is Forced on T'loor,
Commoner Likely to Stage Fiery
Tilt With Opponents.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 26. As the
rival forces at the democratic na
tional convention move into position
for the opening Monday, there is ap
parently no more definite alignment
of strength for various candidates
than there has been since the dele
gates began to assemble. William Jen
nings Bryan epitomised the situation
today in language with which most
observers seemed to agree.
"There will be a lot of tickets put
up and put down before this conven
tion nominates one," said he.
The closing hours of the pre-con-vention
period are much the same as
characterized the last-minute pro
ceedings of the republican convention
at Chicago. There is a marked sim
ilarity in many respects.
756 Delegates t nlnstructed.
Seven hundred and fifty-six of the
1092 delegates are unlnstructed. Their
personal preferences cannot be as
sembled in composite review. There
are ten candidates, avowed, unwilling
or receptive. It seems certain that
some balloting on the convention floor
will be necessary to disclose the lines
of strength and weakness, clear the
ground of favorite sons and compli
mentary votes, and narrow the situ
ation down to the real contenders out
in the open.
No democratic candidate comes to
San Francisco with any such showing
of pledged strength as was brought
to Chicago by Wood, Lowden or John
son. But as at Chicago, the situation
at the opening revolves about a
rivalry on issues rather than for the
moment on candidates.
How much Influence William J.
Bryan will have on the making of the
party's platform and its choice of a
candidate vlll be shown soon after
the opening session of the convention
The first evidence of how much of
a force Mr. Bryan will be. will come
in the makeup of the resolutions com
mittee, which will draft the platform,
and in the choice of the permanent or.
ganlzation of the convention.
Sharpi Clash Forecast.
These Issues bring about a direct
contest between the administration
forces and Mr. Bryan's force. If Mr.
Bryan finds upon the resolutions
committee a majority of men. sym
pathetic with his views on prohibi
tion, the league of nations and other
Questions, the chances of a fight at
the outset will be minimized. If the
administration men control and insist
on a declaration in support of the
league covenant as brought from Ver
sailles by President Wilson, Mr. Bryan
may oppose bringing the Issue into
the platform at all. Of course, if the
"wets" attempt to put in a plank
which runs counter to Mr. Bryan's
declared views on prohibition, Mr.
Bryan certainly will carry the fight
to the convention. In such an event.
Mr. Bryan will not be unanswered and
there are prospects of fireworks,
which might even eclipse the display
which accompanied Mr. Bryan's fight
(Concluded on Page 18. Column 2.)
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