18 ' THE SUNDAY OKEGOMAX. PORTLAND JUNE 6, 1020 FOR 8 ALE AUTOMOBILES. A TIP TO TOC. You know times have changed. And you know that you should be able. io buy a good used car all in first class condition at bargain prices. Time or cash terms, all bargain prices. 1!18 Maxwell, all fixed up. has been tnrough the fchop. then repainted, looks same as now. $650. 1019 Maxwell, great buy, $750. 1020 Maxwell demonstrator car. Spe cial price. 1920 Oldsmobile eifi h t. run about 1000 miles. Original cost with extras $2525. Vou can set it for $2100. MM 7 Chalmers 7 -pass, automobile, has be en overhauled In our shop and re painted, $uuo. Chalmers special Only a few of these fine cars were put out. 5-pass., all in fine shape. $050. Light six Chalmers roadster. Over hauled, also new tires, $80t. Chalmers hot spot late model, like a new car. .51-73. IMS Hudson super-six automobiles, two of them great buys, $1700 and $1830. Hudson enclosed kale, a ood buy. car left here for 1.. BOSS AUTOMOBILB CO.. -li!7 Washington St., 1'ortiand. Wi.iNULUKll. BUYS IN U&ED CARS. Tiiry run :ind look like new: our ara iid a nj guar 4 u te on f very ca r. A B itisfied nwnrr is a big asset to US. Rule, in nnfi of our ta rs. buy one. sa e 10 per rent. Pierce- A r row . Utile 6-3ti ; now 1 12 body, new top. new painl, now cut -down wheels, now cord, tire. u w starting and light ing sy&toni; co.'-t $'.nto to re build $I50 11 7 Rulck touring, rebuilt lik new $1000 10 1 S overland, model 00, $100 un- dcrpriced '.."0 1!M7 Iten touring; cord tires 730 '.7 Siudebaker touring; runs like new 6O0 Chevrolet 4-:n, rewly painted 430 101 7 Overland, model 00, new top, now paint 330 1017 Chalmers little six; 3 wire wheel.-. 3 tires 000 Overland, model 70, electric lights and starter :;nu 40 - M ALL PA Y M E XT DO VN, LUX; TtllM.S. ro.NLEY'S USKO CAR CKNTKR. Ml Hum tide St.. bet. I 1th and 13th. Phono Broadway 1424. Conley &. Arbuckle, Props. XJcED CARS OF VALUE AT THE RIGH1 PR1C E. "o!e A oro S, like new. gua ia n teed. King , new paint job, just th rough our shop. Chalmers lisht 0, like new. National 1 2, thoroughly overhauled new paint job. Hudson super, new paint, just through shop. tleai for lure ear. Siudebuker 0, perfect mechanical con di tion. Wmti 7-pnss.. wonderful stage car. Premier. 1010, 3 w ire w heels. 3 cord tires; new paint job. tome harcain. Marmon. late model, new naint iob thoroug h ly overhauled. 101S Kord worm-drive truck, with cab. 101S Ford delivery, big snap. These are all privately used cars: good rubber, new paint nnd lOUo licenses; ev ery car has ieen thoroughly overhauled and is fn perfect mechanical condition. Best of terms: trades considered. BROADWAY USED CAR SALESROOM, Broadway and Hovt., opp. new post office. Phone Bdwy so. Open even ings anil Sun d a y s. VILLA M ETT E GAS ENGINE " WORKS? CA RS AT t'OHT PRICES. 1018 Lisht Six Mitchell J I O00 1010 Maxwell s3rt 1017 Ilupmobile ,vt 1018 8-e linder Chevrolet lino 1010 Ma.w ell t O0 1 .tl 7 M udsnn Super Six 1 -,oo 10t0 Mitchell r.oo 1010 Lexington Sport Model 13iO 1011 Hnkk Touring, 4-cyiindcr. . . . 4.0 Hup Bug '22o WILLAMETTE GAS ENGINE WORKS, H07 East Hurnside St. Plione East 033. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 20S SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR SAXON SIX. This is the latest model touring and a real light dependable six that will give you satisfaction: has new finish and looks anil runs good: low price of $05o, with $J."i0 down, balance easy: take Ford roadster in trade. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. Open -Sunday. 191S LIBERTY SIX. in the best of condi tion. This is an excellent light six touring, only $1350 $400 down, balance month ly. A-1 AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. 525 ALDER ST.- OA KI.AND roadster bargain. In good running condit'on. 1920 license, two spare tires. tubus and carriers, spot num. ciKin-aay ciock. new batteries. Hpuedomctor, tools and good leathers. r,t"cii&i mis ano iruna lor camping out fit. Will mako good buy. Other ex tras. By owner. 329 Mason. $350, terms. 1917 HUPMOBILE 8-passenger. Tdeal for stago work or hauling passengers. iwner win maae attractive price. Phone Tabor 5702 or address 1570 E. Yarn- urn st. "i-TON REPUBLIC. Almost new. Let us demonstrate this juu io you. SSS5. THE WHITE COMPANY", , Park and Couch sts. A SNAP. BUICK 7-PASSENGF.rt Just the car for taxi, will pav for It self during Shrine -aeek: extra tire. 1920 in-cucc, ici ma. laiiDr oo.tU. Jliii A-xiiv six touring car. extra tiro and spotlight: goad -condition: good punk, mum sacrnice; 4Mi. Will ta Ford as part payment. 134 East 29th rn., nil lire niurrion. t-Hh.VKtvLKT 4-PO in good condition and kuou urea. 100: or win trade as firs payment on house and lot In good lo canty. win take liberty bonds. 5S04 ti-u vc. enu w. ti. earline. 191 CHEVROLET 4-00 Excellent condi tion. all new tires, only run 8100 miles. n on pavement. a barga In. fal owner during week. Main 7780 or Knox at nroauway liiiii, 3920 h ORD sedan or coupe, demonstrator 3 months old. Ask for Frohman. Bdwy ,.-'i. care or . L. Hughson Co.. Ford Diuttuj ana AJavis. tA lE 1917 OLDSMOBILE. just overhauled in line conamon. ltl.til. terms t. m. Mcdonald, 654 4th st. Main 910. CHALMERS 5-passenger touring, 1913 mod el, in good running order, from private owner, terms. Price $300. R 641. Ore Son"- FORD delivery. 1917. fine condition, good lires a real Darnam. sanu: terms. 30 uranu avc. .gnn. near nurnslde. PAIGE convertible roadster for sale by owner. 453 Hawthorne ave., cor. East r.in. casi HDU. XW Patterson 6 touring, will take small er car In trade. Call 435 E. Harrison st . fnone eiast nm. FOR SALE One 1918 Dodge commerein car. best of condition, for sale by owner. Aaaress u,i u si. CHEVROLET. 1918, In Al mechanical con dition: a bargain. $575: terms. 30 Grand ave. .Norm, near uurnslde. iii al.c i;.-u j-iuuson super six. con tract for early delivery. Phone Hart Main lii-io or can .u j.itn st. MODEL, 45 OLDS 8. In the best of condition: a brgai jsasi .miu. ask xor 11. r . rtumoie. FOR SALE ACTOMOBILE8. Automobile Wanted. ACTO WANTED. Will take auto as part payment on a beautiful two-acre tract, right on the highway up the west side of the river, only 20 minutes out. Very deep, rich soil, over half in orchard; price only $-'000. clear of incumbrance. S24 Gasco bids. Main 7602. ROADSTERS WANTED. 1 -wSll buy a limited number or light roadsters that are late light models. Bring your cars to 505 Alder st. Ked Front Used Car Co. WANTED GOOD USED CAR. Have a good lot on Willamette Heights, oOxluO. hard-surface streets and all other improvements in and paid for. I will give a good deal for automobile in first class condition. Call Main 3317 before 9 o'clock or after 6 P. M. WANTED To buy late car for cash. KEELEY. BROADWAY 118. WANT A SMALL CAR. I have a clear lot, valued at $400, 1 want to turn in as first payment on a light car; prefer a Dodge; will pay balance monthly. What have you? A 407, Oregonian. WANTED L.fTE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdale St. . W. corner 13th and Washington. WE PAY CASH FOR USED FORDS. I NIVEKSCAL CAR EXCHANGE. USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARa. W I Lli pay cash for best buy in Dodge touring or roadster 1 am offered: wuuiu consider light six. late model. Remem ber vour cur must he a snap, otherwise don't" answer. AG 31K. Oregonian. CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. ALDER. BROADWAY 1S52. i30 AUTOMOBILE Hj'.ve six lots In New port, Oregon, within seven blocKs or boat landing, near beach; city water and light; to trade for light automo bile. AV OOP. rt'0nia vTnt AUTOMOBILE as nrst payment on i section timber land at 6 per acre, less "than 50 miles of Portland. A. W. ESTES, tmi chamber of Commerce. HAVE lot on KilIingworth avc. that com me $SOO. and his h-powered car being converted into bug; will trade the two for Chevrolet or other light car. AR 3ss. oregonia n. - WF W NT cars. Customers on our lists for all makes of cars and can make that -ur mean money to you. PORTLAND CAR SALEfc CO.. V,l hier st Broadway -4 11. A CR ES unimproved lann worm ,uu and some cash for uscrt car A. W. EST ES. 000 Chamber ofCommercc Bldg. B private owner, .atf onS ord in A N o 1 condition; $473. $Jo0 . n ln. J mo. Ask for Williams at Willbridge de pot. Linnton road. r. r.-.Hol l'ntnklin or model C" u,;.rthiio. Must be in. A-1 condi- III u 1 Pa .,h Hfiriert barcain. Cash. rific Coast Coal Co., 240 Washington St. WILL trZ&e choice heights view lot. free and clear, all improvements in and paid. for late model 5-pasaengcr car. Act quickly. Marshall 1S37. , AL'TOMO"BlLKwantcd for my 100x100 lot . - v. ..ba T rrm naw wiuin " - valued $1000; pay difference in Sellwood 1203. cash. AUTOS wanted; used auto wanted, ex change for painting, tinttng papering. Phone Woodlawn 141S. HOP Borthwjck- 1 LL oav Tttt cash, balance in iu moniu- e c h a ni c a 1 condition. L 60:;.Ore goiiian. Inwf jllinpniN. inr uovu n m w h i KE in the market for used cars, "ftrlve Ihem in and walk awy with the mnnev. Pauifi': Auto Co.. ! Aider tt. Ii--rr wnntrd In ex-hann for 2 acres pood sime timhpr, good lora 'neur Skvline blvd. A 053, Orogonlan. AUTOMOBILE WANTEU-VMU pay casi V ' .. ihr.-fourth9 ton truck. C OSS, Orrgonlan. ...oti.t-. tn,A mm nr nti:f r o r u Lour ing. half cash; must be reasonable. AV 8TS. Oregonian. ., -.k.fin iyiT street improvements in , for a modern auto. Tabor n-iYTi.li -rn hnv Vord rondster; top in so'od condition. Ucorse Jhomy.son. 101 "North 10th si. H-VB lfl7 nodse rondster, want touring. Who will trade bodtes with me. ..( Marguerite avc, or phone Tabor ifa.i. WU.I. trad. "two" lota on K. 70th. 1 block from Sandv blvd.. for so'.d used car; no V"ord.v fall Tabor s!oa mornings. t-HM-MKKS 3. 1912 model: Ive particu- lar.s. 1-. -. u., 2150 Harris st., Eugene, Oregon. 1918 BRISCOE roadster, in goou vonui- tion for 1U1S touring lmiukc vuii PtHs'coe. G 517, Oregonian. WILL buy late-model ;-pafsenKcr car. must be In gooa eonuiiiou. noi.; K40!l. 29 E. 1 8th St. N. WANT to huy for cash. Ford. Dodge. Chev rolet, not later man juj.. . Oregon la n. WANTED To exchange IO acres oi land for light louring car. jvo Mallory avc. Sat, and Sun. WANTED Body that will ill. ii-' iguiciv. either roadster or o-pans. j . 4700. . WANTED- Ford touring car, win i.aus good piano ana pay casn uhhj. . 5K3. Oregonian . ANT cars in any old shape for cash. 595. Oregonian. GOOD residence lot; trade light weight good auto. l aoor i ato. FINE lot for sale or trade for auto. P. H. Paulsen. 5335 87th st. S. E. Tabor 1J-'. 'ANTED Used Ford roadster body; must be cheap. AJ . uresnnmn. TRADE 22 ft. launch and boatuouse lor auto. Call laoor ... TRADE one acre at Alder lresl lor ma chine. ValUC SlOO. All 311, .l ift.Jiiim.. TRADE excellent 1917. 7-pass. Overland 6 for lot, value -.hjii. g.aai -..o.. PIANO truck, Loeb patent. A-l condition; $40, If taKen al once. i i-iot. p... v. WANTED Ford: will pay cash; no deal ers. 1251 E. Main St. MILCH, gnats to trade for a iora. laoor s:i;i:i. in r.. iiin bi. Motorcycle USED MOTORCYCLES Indians. Harley-Davldsons, Excelsiors. Hendersons. Clevelands, etc Terms tf desired. Used motors, carburetors, magnetos, etc. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand ave. Excelsior, Henderson & Cleveland Agency. $2.V CASH. Think of it for a 1919 Indian power-plus, in per fect order. Get here Sunday morning with the money and she's yours. 693 E. Morrison street. 1919 HENDERSON motorcycle, just like now tandem, 3 spot lights and extras, $375, terms. t. m. Mcdonald, K54 4th st. Main 910. A GOOD dependable motorcycle. Indian, 3- speed. llllj model Scliebler carburetor, big clutch, gas tank, light and horn and license, good tires. $95. Phone Tabor 1770, or call 1111 Division. FULLY equipped motorcycle, excellent con dition. $0 cash. Wayside garage. East 0th and Clay sts. INDIAN motorcycle, good tires. large mag neto. 1920 license. $50 cash. Will trade on a Cleveland. Columbia 1151. NEW lightweight Indian motorcycle; a bargain if taken at once. Sell. 1008 after 5:30 P. M. 624 E. 8th st. S. 1914 TWIN Indian for sale by owner: in good running condition. Call at 1167 E. 17th St. N. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-208 3D ST. MAIN 6230- FOR SALE Indian side car. bargain for cash. East oo. do union ave. N. LIGHTWEIGHT Indian, a snap, ton st. Sell. S27. MOTORCYCLE, good condition, new tires and tandem. oo. oo4 iioth ave. S. E. HA RLEY-DAVI DSON. 1918 model, cheap terms if desired. East 2166. -H. P. INDIAN motorcycle, $40. 730 East 7tn si. i . n. c. car. 1018 HARLEY. In first-class condition; 'imi casn. r.asi i ni RACING Mercer, trade for motorcycle. Ta- 1918 HENDERSON "for sale. Call 534-77. r FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. Motorcycle. HA RLEY-DAVI DSON MOTOR CYCLE. The new sport model, elec, is the big attraction in the motorcy cle world. We have this week. a carload due here Be sure and see them. F. O. B. PORTLAND. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO.. 200 Third st.. cor. Taylor. 120 H ARLE Y-DA VISON sport model in best condition: run 1000 miles: equipped with speedometer and lights: $300; some terms. Owner, J. Warner, fnone ttawy 1O30. between 8 A. M. ajid 6 P. M., or Main 7010. after 6:30 P. M. FOR SALE Cleveland motorcvcle. best of condition, quick on trade; no use for same, $ 125 for quick sale. Phone Wdln. 3-70. Auto Tlrea and Accessories. BUILD yourn own tug, save $73 to $100; instructions and blue prints showing details cf construction, $2.50 postpaid. Interstate Body Co., box 427, Vancou ver, Wash. FOR SALE Second-hand tires, good con dition; 2 33x5 cord. I 3Hx5 fabric C C, 1' 33x4 cord C C 1 34x4 fabric C C, 2 30x3 East (5800. 311 Hawthorne. oKD owners, install Moss gas controller; gives you more mileage, makes your car run smooth ; price $7.30. 400 E. 58th ft. Phone Tabor 526. HAVE three ; rich tires; 4x4 V-z absolutely new Good- any reasonable offer takes them. 102S E th St. S. K. Sell. L'-Oti. 2 TIRF.S. 1 ,;nx". 1 ::i x4 ; first-class shape ; for sa cheap. Main 48 4 2. TWO 3t31 Nobby treads, never un wrapped: J'J. each, fcave $7. Wood lawn 23J1. TOR SAM-; AMBL" electric trouble shont- r. complete, cheap. m. took. route V. box o:-.. Tortland. FOR SALE 34x4 Kelly Springfield tire. rim and tube at hair price. Wdln. 3.t. 6 TIRES and tubes, fit .",".x4'.j or .14x4 runs. East 17t5 or East Oj::4. Automobile for Hire. NEW ALTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERI.A.VDS. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 24ns. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS" New 1!20 models, reasonable rates. 1:12 12th stt.. between Washington and Alder. Bdwy. S 10. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. CI. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GI.ISAN STS. A 202S. BROADWAY 2B29. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar 2.".2. lOTII AND YAMHILL. A 12::. ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIKE WITHOUT D8IVKRS. A ii M V GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 10S7. 5-PASS Dodge for hire: touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway :!V47.' T'OR .SALE TRI CKS AND TRACTORS. HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS. G. M.-C. 3',4-ton, dump body and hoist $3250 Velic 3Vi-ton. dump body and hoist. 2450 Federal 3-ton, ncwed thoroughly re- 2750 Liberal Terms. WENTWORTH & IRWIN. Inc.. 200 Second St.. Cor. Taylor. TRUCK BUYERS. ATTENTION. Are vou going to operate a truck on contract work this season? Now Is your opportunity to purchase trucks under the most liberal terms. 14 to 18 months to pay for your truck: no payments to be made win e truck is idle during win ter months: if vou have your own work or want work you had better Investigate. We can make immediate delivers. Gary Coast Agency. Inc.. new location, 10th and Hoyt sts., Portland. Or. ONE three-quarler-ton GMC truck, just overhauled. Simon s btore, 2d and Alder. FOR SALE or trade for anything you nave, maae an oiler: z JHonne tractors, 2 Caso tractors, one bull tractor, one 12 borsepower Advance steam engine, one 28-50 Kumely separator; all or this ma chinery has been run but one season and Is good as new. Inquire oi H. K. Kuenn, Tiyard, Or. USED TRUCKS. 1 Federal, lr-ton. worm drive. 1 Acme, 2-ton, nearly new. 1 Derby, 3-ton, steel wheels. " JBFFERY & HANAWALT. INC.. Kelly Springfield Truck Agency. Marshall 3540. 05 North 23d st. ALL season's log hauling for 3 trucks and trailers, u.ou Per thousand; -mi. haul; good roads; $2250 will handle; each truck a money maker; 14 to 18 mo. to pay. no payments during idle winter mo. Gary Coasl Agency, inc., loth and Hoyt sis. A 2-MILE log haul, all season's work, '. per thousand; good roads and fine ac cummodations for livings 2250 will han die; 14 to 18 mo. to pay. no payments during idle winter mo. Gary Coast Agency, Inc.. loth and Hoyt sts. FOR SALE One 31i-to:i- Indiana truck, all nw tires and fully equipped with hole, and dump body. Will consider touring car up to $1500 as part payment; $:000. This s a real bargain. Milwau kio Ul. DISTRIBUTOR'S contract, oil or part of Oregon, open for old-established, high grade truck; national advertising cam paign; good proposition. Address AV 3, oregonian: ALL season's work on road construction: a money-maker; $2000 will handle; 14 to IS mo. to pay; no payments during idle winter mo. Gary Coast Agency, Inc., loin ana gioyt sis. WINTON six running gear frame, just right lor a truca. Dargain. t. m. Mcdonald, S54 4th st. Main 910. FEDERAL IVi ton, with fine stake body and cab ln excellent condition; sioo Terms. CHESSMAN-STATER MOTORS CO.. ft2 No. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 4233 GRANT truck, one-ton. pneumatic tires. lights and starter, body and cab. Only gone jiiu mnes: aiuuu. l erma. CHESSMAN-STATEK MOTORS CO.. 92 No. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 4233. FOR SALE An lS-'SS Holt caterpillar trac tor with 5 bottom 14-inch Canton steel plows, in good repair, at a bargain. J. S. Beail. CIO Coast Culvert &. Flume Co. 1918 3M..-TON Federal truck chasels. cab, windshields, mis truck is in excellent condition. I am leaving town and need the $1800. M 6o4, Oregonian. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1919 o'A-ton Packard 'dump truck season's hauling goes with truck. For particulars call Automatic 21u-0o. FOR SALE 2-ton truck and trailer -on good lumber haul. If you want a bargain come out to Springbrook and bee us on the Job. P b9J. Oregonian. 1-TON Buick truck with body, good condi tion, $700. Broadway luS Monday. Mr. snepara. - m-TON truck, practically good as new forced to sell at a bargain. 527 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 7543. HAVE a reliable 2-ton truck with Conti nental engine, will consider light car in exchange, laoor g-o evenings. 4-YARD dump body and wood hoist. most new. Save some money on this. G 569. Oregonian. NEW 12-ton Rainier, $1975; here is chance to save $400. Broadway 1758, Mr. Shepard. CLEVELAND TRACTOR. Good as new, bargain at $1000. Morrison. 425 E $435 TRUCK BARGAIN. Studebaker. good condition; new and tire. 425 E. Morrison. WORM drive ton truck, run 10O0 mile Call evenings. 1041 E. 23d st. N. Tak Alberta car. - TWO-TON truck for $000. bldg. Marshall 2087. 212 Ry. Ex, NEW one-ton truck wants light hauii by day or contract. Call Sell. 2794. FORD ton truck, worm-drive, run II miles. 848 Alberta. worji-DRIVE Ford truck nearly new fine condition, terms. Woodlawn 3541. FOB SALE TRICKS AND TRACTORS. LIGHT TRUCKS. Ford worm drive, nearly new. big pneumatic tires $373 Ford worm drive, good bodv.. HOO White light delivery 330 Willys 1-ton an excellent buy ttra big 275 These are a few samples. We can show you others that are equally an Rood In value. Re member, when you buy from us you. are buying from one of the eldest firms dealing in motor trucks In the northwest. WENT WORTH & IRWIN. Inc.. 200 Second St.. Cor. Taylor. FORD DGL1VDRT CAR. PANEL BODY. A BARGAIN. AT 1400. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. ALDER AT 1STH. WHITE lH-ton. sood body 12S0 Federal l1-ton. furniture body.... 14."0 Federal l'-j-lon. express bodv lr.O Republic ll-ton. express body CJ. M. C 1'2-ton. stake bodv. pneu matic tires 1950 G. M. C. 1-ton. fetake1 body, pneu matic tires 24."i0 Reasonable terms reliable merchandise. WENT WORTH & IRWIN. Inc.. 2'M Second St.. Cor. Taylor. GARAGES. GARAGE Best location in city, good lease, brick building, tools, oll'ico furni ture and lull equipment including lathes. See me for price and terms. HOWARD M. KIMBALL, 51l Henry blilg. Broadway 3804. SALESROOM WITH ADDITIONAL FLOOR SPACE IN LARGE GARAGE. SPEEDWELL GARAGE. 14TH AND COUCH SIS. PHONE BDWY. 3974. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. General auto repairing and used cars. TERM IN AL GARAGE, Fifth and Hoyt. Broadway 1588. FOR RENT Reinforced concrete garage. 11K7 E. o2d N. Wd. 4U07. AlIO REPAIRING. . D. HINES. R. M. BRACE. H. & B. repair shop; satisfaction our guarantee; Willys Knights. Overlands and Fords a specialty. 402 Hawthorne ave.. 3d floor, Portland. East 1789. FOR RENT Inquire at -A garage. $5.50 per month. 525 Clay street. WANTED M ISC EI, LAN EOCS. FURS FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations, any descrip tion. U.-e La France lur dressing lor summer and save $100. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO., 163 W, Park, bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 0529. UP TO $35 FOR MENS SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay anv price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 11. 2d St., N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. HERE IT IS. BEN ALDER pays highest prices for second-hand men's and ladies' clothing. Call up Main 32o7 and we will be glad to come and give you a price, or call at 201 Third st. WE WANT used clothing for cash at the highest possible prices. See us if you want to sell; prefer suits, overcoats, sin gle coats, trousers and lur coats. Gold baum, the tailor, at 107 First St., near Morrison. Phone Main 738. DIAMONDS WANTED. pay cash, in any amount, Wo for d In mnnriH VINES' JEWELRY STORE. 257 Washington St.. cor. 3d Main 6849. WO ladies wish to get in touch with parties on Woodstock line having saddle horses which would rent evenings and Sundavs. fall Miss Aidernian. Sellwood 1911. alter . .1 U N K W A NTE D J U N K. Why not sell your junk direct to the dealer and get full value? We also buy tools, furniture and men s cast-off cloth ing. Main 734. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men s cast-off clothing ; hlgnest casn prices paia ; win call, day or night. PEOPLES SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225. 2O0 Madison. WANTED RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, shotgun and kodaks. Hochfeld, 85 3d st. Main 3581. READ THIS t A m nuini vour house with lead and oil'and be sure- of a good Job: roofs stained, kalsomining. BeIcw.Jain.2: WANTED DIAMOND. AtJUl I - f ........ .. . .... , -, III. I CASH I' O It A BAItUAi., ERS: STATE PRICE. MAS. Y 525, OREGO- have anv newspapers, magazines rags or bottles and want to receive mar wt nrlm for them, phone Woodlawn 5!l. tx- v-rcn A .' & ranae with I or 2 ovens, medium size rug or carpet. Vincent, P. O. box 629. city. , WANTED Light saddle and driving horse, biickboard. harness, saddle; write, giving condition and price. NV. E. Nason, Can- by. Or. WE BUY SECOND-HAND clothing, ladles' and gentlemen s. v c pay - Call Main 2789. 164 loth St. WANTED To buy a 'cello. i none nr. Anlrelli Main any ivicwii, .v. price and where can be seen. SAKE Want to buy scconu-nanu ie. Give address aim pnouc - gonian n-ir V.ava (I HP OT iraUU.' V tt H sell or exchange an uims right. A B 407, oregonian ii- 4 K'-rir n Hrpiu suit. No 4ft! white vest miisTt ne in gooti i.ui,uni"... - - BJ 438. Oregonian. SECOND-HAND bath tub. toilet, boiler, llglit-welgnt uruy-icai Main 0314. WE BUY DIAMONDS. ULJJ uui.ij. uiji Jewelry lor casn; name your or mall. 323 "A wash., pet, mn ana uaw. wantf.d Work launch. 20 h. p. heaw rfniv engine. Aaaresa ".wmi oi engine. Machinery Co. ii wrwri. . t ..,1 or Ih rap size irom pri vate party ior spot. casn. - gonlan. ; vrrn a flrs-lass gasoline engine i t- -hnrerower. lcuis, vj i ., u u , , box 814. WANTED Portable gasoline tanK ana mimn- about ..O-gal. capacity. rnun East 471 or address 1570 E. Yamhill St. WANTED FOR CASH. Bath tub. toilet seat, hot-water tank. During business nours nat WANTED To have a Ford ovcrhauiea m exchange lor some carpenicr uiv. Schoerner. G. P.. city. WE BUY. SELL AN D R ENT SHOTGUNS. RIFLES. CAMERAS, ht ST MAIN 4495. TABOR 7IS WANTED Afedium-sized wardrobe trunK in good conaiuon; ei"1" " Oregonian WAXT 6 K to 10O0 second-hand fruit trays. 24X3 or 3ox30. J. W. Wooley. R, 3. box 40. Vancouver. Wash. HIC.HEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia mnds.Dan Marx & CO., 283 Wash, st. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co. 4 5tb, CALL Tabor 4520. Cash paid for dead horses ana cow . kwA NT several eanoes or light skiffs. Call Johnson, aiain at.". . WANT used gns range and hot-water heat er. Main 1852. ELECTRTC FANS WANTED. -12R FIRST. MAIN4405. TABOR 6798. 500 FT. water pip wanted. Howard. Scio. Or. Oliver K. WANTED Small tent .cheap, mouth ave. St. Johns car. 1062 Ports- WANTED Used sulkey in good condition. M 652, Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand tent in good con- dttion: evenings. Automatic 216-54. WANTED Steamer trunk dition. Mar. 2720. in good con- I WANT to buy scale, ice box, cash reg ister, cheap for cash. 505 Williams ave. WANTED Mattress. 6 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 6 io., Ior army bed. AE 405, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Sl'OT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND TUB UIGH KST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOCNT IS TOO LARUE FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAU ERNEST DEEDS, 30 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. UJ.50 TO $25. FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall l-L"- or 253 Madison St., near 3d st. Will call day or evening. SS.50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR, PATS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MENS SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 31132. 245 Vi BURNSIDE, BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR TENT, ELECTRIC KAN, HOUSEHOLD GOODS Oil Stove, Typewriter. Scales, Cash Register. NEWMAN S EXCHANGE, 128 First at. Main 4405. Tabor 6798. WANTED Remington automatic shotgun; must be in good condition. Phone Tabor 2..K Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, rugs, carpets. stoves and all household goods, and will pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade, CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO.. 221-223-225 Front at. MARSHALL 5981. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY: HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. I So FIRST ST. TIIONE MARSHALL 5081. CALL MAIN 300 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. VOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR, MAIN 309. 1 want your furniture. carpets, stoves. etc, to ship out. and will pay more than" other local dealers, a phone call will bring buyer at once who will convince you. call main 4773. WE WANT YOL'R FURNITURE. CAR PETS. RUGS. BEDDING. ETC., TU FURNISH A AO-ROOM APT. WILL PAY MORE THAN DEALERS. CALL US IMMEDIATELY AND WE "WILL CON VINCE YOU ON THE PRICE WE PAY. DAY PHONE. MAIN 738; EVENINGS. MARSHALL 3484. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR USED FURNITURE. CALL EAST 6417. ASK FOR MR. ORMANDY. BE SURE AND LET US SEE vour furniture and household goods be for6 you sell. We are in the market for same anu win pay msni-si. yi n:.-?.. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE, 208 First st. Main 7728. WANT used furniture: cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a bouse lull, and a competent, rourte ous buyer will call. Marshall 2693. Crown. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us berore you sen. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, MA 1 N 8878. MaTn 8951. We buy everything in furniture; we pay the price. FREEMAN-WOLF FUR CO.. 200 1st st., S. E. cor. Taylor. FURNISHING APARTMENT HOUSE. WANT RUGS. DAVENPORT, CHINA CLOSET. BUFFET, DRESSER. TABOR 6798. MAIN 4495. WANTED To buy furniture in a modern house or apartment, providing premises can be rented. Call Main u429 Monday ask for Mr. Hubbard. WANTED To buy furniture in a modern house or apartment, providing premises can be rented. Call Main 5429. ask for Mr. Hubbard. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of anv description: have the ready cash Phone today. Main 4627 or 186 First st RKIL'CKD KRKK1HT RATES to all points (mi Household goods. Pacific T oast I or warding Co., Hh and Hoyt. Bdwy. 73. HOlSKWO,D VURNITURB WANTED. Wil,, PAY CASH. MAIN WANTED Used furniture. Will pay best price. Main 5O04. WANT breakfast table and chairs; be reasonable. v .9. Oregonian. WANT to buy furniture of 5- or 6 -room Hat: also to rent fiat. war. -.0. CASH for good double soil Ruud heater. Aut. li4-10 Sunday morning. ONE oak rocker. 1 stair carpet; will pay ensli. East 641? 1. WANTED A bed davenport. Wdln. 4502. HKLP WANTED MAU. THREE MEN TO TRAVEL; EX HER- IENCED SOLICITORS PRKKERREU. CALL SUNDAY. IO A. Al. TO 1 P. M., VENA RLE HOTEL. ASK FOR MR. HUDSON. W A NT ED Wood -work ing machine man who can take an active Interest in grow ing business; one that Is capable of han dling the machine work. Good salary right party: $1000 req. AV O'JO. Oregonian. BRIGHT hoy. about 1G years of age, to learn plumbing trade; union shop. Alaska Plumbing & Heating Co.. 413 E. Mor rison. WANTED A milker. Alan and wife, $125 per mo. Everything free without bonrd. Call Monday morning. Wdln. 1ST", or write !tft! E. 21st st. N". WANTED Experienced janitor, and wife, for an apartment house with oil burner. Apply manager, 250 12th st. Phono Alarshall 205-. GOOD cartoonist to collaborate with pro fessional writer making comic strips for newspapers in spare time. P 602, Ore gonian. YOUNG man to work on soda fountain. Nights 6 to 12. No experience necessary. Brink's Pharmacy, 13th and Washing ' ton. WANTED Experienced milker and wife for small dairy. S. E. cor. 42d and Kil- lingsworth. Schott, W oodlawn 157. ENERGETIC lawyer, willing to take hold of district court work and general detail. B ,rKS. Oregonian. YOUNG man. honest, good morals, no smoking, must be hustling salesman and neat, clean stock keeper. 4-t Broadway. WANTED Steaay man to soli photo cer tificates. The Cann Studio, 002 Mer chants Trust bldg. BOYS about 18 year old wanted for fac tory work. Apply American Box & Crepe Manufacturing CO. WANTED Young man for light work around apt. 6-8 A. Al. Katherine Apt.. 140 N. 23d St. WANTED Janitor fr factory and whole ale house: state salary , expected. AG 410. Oregonian. WANTED Bright young man. about 20 yrs. old for work, in stock room. Sher man. Clay A Co.. wholesale.. 45 4th st WANTED Boy to carry paper route, .1 P. M. : no collection. Call daily ' Record-Abstract. P2 1st. A-1 AUTOMOBILE mechanic to take full charge of garage. Jan -m f ront st. WANTED Baker, good oven man. Call 71 3d st. between 8 and 10 A. M. today, LIVE boy for wholesale house. Apply Mon day. morning. 134 Front st. MAN wanted ; salary and commission. AF 4m. Oregonian. POSITION open for live man. bldg. 1000 Yeon WA NTEI janitor the Pattou Wdln. 1700. MAN and wife to do janitor work; must he experienceo. v.an 3ia,in . K.inv nainter to reietter old sfn on build lug. Call this morning. Broadway 2945, NIGHT cierk wanted. Washington st Angela hotel. 625 MAKER wanted. Columbia blvd., route J box 42 1. HELP WANTED MALE. BOYS SCHOOLS OUT TIME TO GO TO WORK. WHY NOT HAVE A PLEASANT OUT .SIDE JOB AND MAKE SOME RBA.L MONEY AS WELL FOR THE SUMMER ? APPLICANTS MUST BE OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE AND HAVE WHEELS. APPLY TO MR. LOOP, WESTERN' UNION TEL. CO'., 76 THIRD ST. GOOD OPPORTUNITY to earn a partly cleared ranch, located on good graveled road about 14 miles from center of Port land; income is from fruit and cord wood. Will take the wood off your hands .and apply on purchase. Your cash income consists of proceeds from orchard and what you raise. Would consider mar ketable property to small amount, pref erably a small house in Portland for part pay. The right sort of middle-aged man can start with very little and I will DacK him up. Give complete description of what little you have that might help you in tne start and state your experi ence and references, and if willing to rough it for a while to gain your aim. answer AC 448. Oregonian. THE PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. 14 North Second St., wants Office man. experienced. $100. Salesman, clothing, $125. Salesman, general, shoes, $100. Young man, learn trade, fso. Messenger boys. Bookkeeper, lumber. $123. Linotype man, country, $200. City labor, factory, $100, $115. 2 men. fall, buck, yard with own team., per M, $3.75. the EXPERIEXCED OHIROPODIsr. The Meier & Frank company requires me criees ol an experienced chiropo dist. Apply Employment Bureau, sixth ituor, Aie-.er t r-runK Co. J I A t ) IC 1 VI , II r I. I.' nniu- desires salesmen for Oregon. Washington ana luano. covering medium towns, call nig on retail rade to offer an excep tional line of ladies' and men's handker- cnieis. scrims, cretonnes and organdies. r.xceptlonal opportunity for salesman wnii louowing among retiiil trade. Ad dress, giving full particulars as lo ferri tory covered and references. York Hand- aereniei company. 487 Broadway, New i oi k, l . THE MEIER A- FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of three experienced Iloor managers; permanent positions. Apply Employment Bureau, sixth floor, Meier Ar Frank company. ENERGETIC man to take hold of collec tion business, must know how to collec and solicit and obtain Information: onl live wire can make good. Will pa only nominal salary first nmnth. but wil raise it $25 every month to $125 and $10 a month thereafter to $230. G , Oregonian. WANT a partner for garage, need not be a mechanic, :o care lor office, oils, storage, etc. Garage IliOxloo. full storage: repair shop full equipped and pieniy oi repair worK : best ol location $loo required.' Inquire owner. Sell wood oil. BOYS WANTED. 12 boys not under 16 yrs. old for d and night work in box factory, ligh work. good wages. permanent jobs: chance for advancement. Anply In per son. Multnomah Lumber & Box Co.. foot of Bancroft st. WANTED rECil.E CF ALL TYPES FOR MOVING PICTURE WORK AND SEVERAL BATHING GIRLS. SEVERAL NEAT YOUNG MEN. CALL BETWEEN 12 AND 6 O'CLOCK. 521 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE B 1. DG. WANT for a modern pine mill. Oregon district, one sawyer, left-hand side; one ratchet setter, and one resaw man. Steady work and good wages to reliable men. P 660, Oregonian. WA NTK'D Solicitors and col lectors for Insurance work, salary and commission, permanent employment to responsible parties: local work: experience not neces sary. T 608, Oregonian. TWO experienced men. to take charge of Keneral merchandise stores in a win ill towns. Ono assiHtant for same. State ex perience and salary expected. P G61, Ore gonian. VY A XTKD Single man to work on sma II farm assisting in care of eh ickens and cows. One with mechanical experience preferred. Telephone Sunda v between 7:.:o and 0 A. M. Main IMrtS. GOO P. all-around cook wanted : commer cial hotel in Palouae country: steady 00 sition open July 1 to competent and eco nomical chef. Particulars, stating wages. P. O. box 87 .Puli-m a n Jla s h : ' WANTED Bright, willing bov not afraid to work: prefer one with hlrvcle. Au ply Monday morning, 8 o'clock. David Hodey Co.. Ill N. Broad w a y . WANTED Janitor for small apartment house, must be single man. Apply K. E. Bowman & Co., -10 Chamber of Com merce. MUKTIGRAPH operator to take charge of department in wholesale houe; state experience and references. AF 37tt, Ore gonian. VOGAN CANDY CO.. Wanted Experienced packers in ship ping room. Eat-t 6540. WANT neat-appearing middle-aged man for .ianitor work in hotel from 10 P. M. to 8 A. Al., 1-0 per week. Phone Broad way U.137. WANTED loganberry pickers, good yard and accommodations, isee t. J. Hoppe Hotel Oregon, Sunday 10 A. Al. to 12 Al 1 to 3 P. M. WANTED Barber for Colusa. Cal. First- class wages. I nquiro Lewis-Stenger Bar bers Supply Co. WANTED Young men to sell postcard souvenirs curing tonriners convention. J ;.. oregonian. W A NT ED A man to drive & Ford de noon. 541 livery. Call Sunday at 1J Division st. I L.HMTl Rb finisher and repair man : must be experienced; no tinkers need apply Owl b urniture Co.. 166 1st st WANTED Aliddle-aged man with smalt car to assist me in collect ing moss and bark, caacarav R ska, oregonian. GOOD all-around sash and door machine man. Apply Mr. Baker. Aladdin Co.. North Portland. BOY between 16 and 18, living at home. willing to learn a good trade. Apply Monday at o urana ave. BOY wanted. ahout18, to drive Ford de and Sandy road. WANTED Active young men for work In city; gooa wages to negin, aavancement. Apply 010 Oregon dip g. WANT live office man for 2 or 3 months work, creamery experienced preferred Hazel wood Co., Front and Ankeny. WANTED Bright young man willing to work. Portland Paper 5ox Co., U2 Front street. WANTED Experienced window washer steany employment. Apply 510 Oregon Duiiajng. VARIOUS TYPES OF PLATERS wanted by film pronuclng company. Apply general offices. 54 O Morgan bldg. A FIRST -CLASS cylinder pressman for color work. r . t . Siettler Manufactur. Co., east end of Steel bridge. TOWN ot Ridgefleld. Wash., with a pop. of 1 iwm people ana in neea or a first -class shoemaker. At present we have none. RETAIL grocery salesman in live town in central Oregon. Alust be experienced. AV 14. Oregonian. WANTED First-class pastry cook, ref erences, state age and experience. AB 404. Oregonian. WANTED Toung man aboift 18 years old. for evening work in theater. New Grand Theater. 105 6th st WANTED First-class Chinaman, cooking and house work. $65. nice room with bath. 830 Thompson. Call this morning. SALESMAN for men's clothing, well ex perlenced and active. Lion Clothing Co. Morrison at im. YOUNG man as office assistant, etc Clothing Co.. Morrison at 4th. WANTED A bushelman and presser. 423 Jefferson. PRESSER and buehelman . East 6705. East Alorrison Tailors. 611 E. Morrison. HOl'SEBOT wanted at Villa St. Clara. Apply apt. 2(3. WANTED Married man ATain 956S. i to milk. Phon LEARN the vulcanizing business. . Call or write loo rjani uroaoway. RENCH men for planing mill. 240 Sal " mon street. BOY wanted In wood-working shop, at 487 4th st. after 7 P. M. Call WANTED First-class house painter. 2188.. Open shop. E. HELP WANTED MALE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. ALASKAN ENGINEERING COMMISSION. WANTED. Railroad laborers for ALASrCA. For U. S. GOVERMENT RAILROAD Under construction from Seward to Fairbanks. Alaska. EXTRA GANG AND SECTION MEN For MAINTENANCE OF WAY. Wages 15 per day, board $1.50 per day. For sailing dates and further infor mation apply to ALASKAN ENGINEERING COMMISSION, Room atlL new j'osioiuce ouiiaine, Portland. Oregon. TWO linotype operators, also At taritr compositor, to laKe cnarge oi im.n dept. Lowma-n r Hanford. Printing Dept.. Seattle. Wash. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED to handie our complete line of fire protection devices, such as AJAX chem ical fire engines on wheels, hand fire extinguishers, fire buckets and tanks, hose carts, racks, reels and hose, watch men's clocks, ladders, escapes, signs, etc. Every factory, mill, store, fire depart ment, etc., is in the market for our extensive line. Representative wanted capable of earning $5000 upwards an nually. AJAX FIRE ENGINE WORKS. Bush Terminal Bldg.. Brooklyn, N. Y. WANT to get in touch with thoroughly competent mechanical engineer wno is employed, must understand and have practical experience In timber, concrete and iron structural work, figuring Btrains and stresses In connection with such j work, machine designing ann araiting. casting and pattern work: want service for consultation and check on new de signed machine: nothing but highest ef ficiency and reference considered. AV 907, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN AS STOCK CLERK BY LARGE MANUFACTURER OF ELEC TRICAL MERCHANDISE. ONE WITH P K E V I O US STOCK EX PEKIENCE PREFERRED.' PERMANENT POSI TION. BUT NOMINAL SALARY 1 O START. VERY GOOD CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. REPLY. GIVING PHONE NUMBER. PAST EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES. AF 375. ORE GON IAN. . AUDITOR, ry.. familiar with branch line accounting. $150 and up; good future. STFNO.. rv.. out of town $150 STE.NOS.. i.br.. out of town 150 STENO.. lumber, citv 125 RATE CLERK, ry. experience .... li LEDGER CLERK, good penman.. - 90 BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. 7OS-9-10 Wilcox bldg. MEAT CUTTER FOR SHOP IN COUN TRY TOWN NEAR PORTLAND; STEADY POSITION AND GOOD WAGES TO A MAN WHO WILL PROVE SATISFACTORY YOU CAN SAVE MONEY HERE. WRITE ME YOUR EXPERIENCE. AOB; GIVE REFER ENCE AND WAGES EXPECTED. WRITE J. H. PA ROE. YAMHILL. OR. HAVE AN ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION FOR A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD SELLING EXPERIENCE AND IS WELL ACQUAINTED IN PORTLAND. PRE FER ONE NVHO OWNS CAR. Al OP PORTUNITY FOR LIVE WIRE. AN- S W ER. STATING EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCE. A 536. OREGONIAN. W ANTED First-slass sheetmetal worker to manage' sheetmetal department in cnod established manufacturing business. Must be able to invest $3000 to $5000. Ex cellent opportunity for right man. In answering state previous experience. O 679, Oregonian. GOOD bookkeeper and stenographer can secure position t once, with good chance to become secretary if qualified. Must be able to invest $3000 In stock in good manufacturing business In Portland. State experience when answering. P 658. Oregonian. ,OG AND LUMBER HAULING Truck owners dejirinj? contracts or operators rea ly to let contracts, send us particu lars; will print 20-word free notice in our monthly motor-truck department. The Timht rman, Portland, Or. YOl'NO men. ad-1 to your income by do ing a litle work anion g friends or ac quaintances during noon hour or in the evening, inonpy-jn iking plan mailed to all who write. Manufacturer" Import Kxport Co.. 47 K. llth St.. New York. KCKKT SKRVICK Home and foreign countries. ni:i whole ann part nine; growing oppn-tunit ics : a pelican ta with out service r'ccrdt trained by world's expert. Asi.iHci 1'acific Agency, box J"J'i7, San Kraii'lsco. ODD-TIME plain carpenter work, including f tanlning and varn 1M1 m gs n aeMreo. ed flu ring t he summer, trom materia that will be furnished, in exchange fr wcholarship for full cour.se in a business yea r. OriS, Oregoni a u. WANTED Two live hustlers with auto or light trucks, who wish to get into tne phonogra ph business : good money to start.- good future and a chance to build up a auhsta nt ia I business for yourself. 1 1 f to, Oregonian. UMBER stenographer, hut must be ex perienced; good position at sawmill town a nd prom ot inn for ca pable party who will stay; prefer young married man; write- fully, covering qualifications, a;o and salary. AV f2". Oregonian. W ANT E D C A V A B L E M E N with selling a nil it v to represent C. J. Rambo & Co. in rural districts of Oregon and Washington. This offers an excel lent onport uni v to the richt man. Ask for Mr. Ford. 70 Wilcox bldg. Main RIOtV BOY not less than 1 4 years of age to sprinkle lawn and garden from fti.iti to 8 P. M. during summer; week days only; would prefer someone close to 1128 K. Flanders st. Apply at 515 Ry. Exch. after 2:30 P. Al. W NTED Cleaner-preser H o f f m a press for small cleaning plant: staie wages wanted and all particulars; per manent position. Modern Cleaners. The Dalles. Or. WANTED Expert experienced auto me chanic, one who can nring some wor with him, by an established west-side garage: state wages and experience. Write J 618, Oregonian. m rv Ace undr 55. experience unneces sary; travel, mane secret investigation. rcrts- jciiuric. expenses, write Amer ican Foreign Detective Agency, 616 St. Lou's. LKPGERM AN Young man. good writer and quick at figures. excellent oppor tunity for capable man. State age, sal ary expectations and phone number, AH 457. Oregonian. RETAIL grocery clerk for permanent po sition in nearny town, gooa piace 10; rie-ht rtartv: state experience and age will see vou personally in Portland. J 600. Oregonian. WANTED Men with teams to cut cord wood at West Timber, or.: win lurnisn drag saw and outfit. Call S07 E. Everett st L R. HuclshoflT, West Timber, Or. Phone E. 2601. BE A detective, $50 to nw weeKiy. travel over world. experience unnecessary. American Detective agency, 642 Lucas, St. Louis. TEACH ERS At muni t raining. science. a gri culture, j; 1 .v"-; enron. vime Teachers' Agency, 0128 University ave., Chicago, 111. PRINTER-EDITOR to buy good country woeklv on easy mommy payments; goou proposition for right man, Pendleton. Or. Box 333, WANTED Young mn for club office, high school boy preferred, for summer season. Apply in writing. AK 477. Ore-go-nian. ; YOUNG man for locker room and porter work for summer season. Apply in writ ing, A" 4S4. Oregonian. WANTED Day porter for club; must have experience. Apply Wavcrly Country club. Oregon City car MACHINIST-ODER A TOR wanted on even ing daily, day work. 8 hours, union. S:i9 weekly. Coos Bay Times. Maxshfield. Or. SALESMAN for Portland and western Ore gon, only timer wiper for Ford cars. N 654. Oregonian. THREE young men to work on commission for American Ribbon & Carbon Co., 710 Wilcox- bldg. WANT experienced sash and door man: good wages. Hawthorne Bracket Co.. 1065 East Aladison st. AN EXPERIENCED farm hand wanted, married man preferred: man that cannot milk need not apply. Call Se.lt. 3317. BOY to work in grocery store and drive Ford car. must be IS. Apply Alonday morning 321 Third St. FIRST-CLASS barber for Bend, Or., $25, 70 per cent over $35; good over money. Call at 700 Spalding bldg. WANTED" Experienced dishwasher, help in dining room. 114 N. 3d st. WOOD cutter wanted, wages. M organ 21 "J al-co tie hewer, b First st. WANTED Good dishwasher, good wages. 487 Wash. WANTED A-1 meat cutter. $35 per wk. Phone 1-. rtamier. jt. W ELDER, experienced on galvanized iron tanks. 16S King s c EXPERIENCED janitor to work in shop. Palace Garage Co.. 32th and Stark. SHOE salesman wanted. Staiffcr Shoe Co, HET.P WAXTKD MAtE. $300 TO $5O0 A MONTH! Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may Join the high-salaried, skilled-mechanic ranks if you take advantage of the gas engineer ing courses offered bv the LEA DI NO AUTO SCHOOL OF THE WEST. WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll, and don't pay us a cent until you are convinced that we'll deliver the goods. That's fair. Isn't it? Write for our $1 8-page catalogue. It's free. Ask for Book No. R. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. W.TON AVENUE AND WASCO ST. 18.287 YOUNG MEN have, in the past ten years, been assisted in finding positions through the Portland Y. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "agency.'' and .no extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally turn to the "Y" for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to get a better position if you are prepared for it. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially Invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and enrploy fflent for ex-service men. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a job, or seeking a career? Have you discovered where you fit in? Would you like to talk over your problem, confidentially, with a man f wide experience who will take a personal interest in you? The Y. M. C. A. advisory and em ployment dept. can assist you ln choos ing, and can help you find the place for which you are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service nien. See one of the secretaries. Room 307. ARE you mechanically Inclined? If so. you can earn $100 to $300 a month in the auto and tractor business" We can teach you ln a short time. Practical work on up-to-date equipment, expert instructors, ideal working conditions; Boumcrii cauiornia. especially Los An geles, offers exceptional opportunities; you can earn board and room while at tending school. Write today for free catalogue. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. 818 South Figueroa, Los AO geies, Cai. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOT. Automobiles. tractor. vulcanirinp. This school, not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is super vised by loading automobile and tractor business men of Portland. Students d practical repair work. Free tuit ion i ex-service men; clip this ad. Send it or rail at office, 416 ropon Institute of Technology. V. M. C. A. building:. THIS MEIER FRANTC CO. requires tha services of an experienced repair man for phonograph department ; permanent position. Appiv employment bureau, sixth floor, Aleier & Frank Co. J225 PER MONTH THE YEAR AROUND averaged by a number of our salesmen, young, middlc-agcu and elderly. Bubi ncss never better. Experience unneces sary. Cash weekly. Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubs and vines. You can do what other inexperienced men have done. Wa&hinon ,N urbery Co., Toppcnish. Wash. WITHIN a couple of weeks, three young men about 10 to work in stockrooms of large wholesale house; men who will stay with the idea of working up through the organization ; good chances for ad vancement. Address in own handwrit ing. AN 304, Oregonian. WANTED Two reliable and energetic young men w ith tome sheet metal ex perience, anxious to learn the trade : good opportunity. Apply Coast Cuivoit At Flume Co.. Kenton. (Take Kcnlon Misslssippi avc. car.) WANTED Young man and w ife without children to take care of gardening and housework for family on 5-acre Portland sub. home, close in; house strictly mod ern, water, light, gas, heat. Apply in writing, BF 450, Oregonian. WANTED Sales agents In several good sections cf this state to handle our su perior non-irrigated nursery stuck. Un usually good opportunity to energetic man v rite for particulars. Oregon Nursery Company, Orenco, Or. WANTED Christian man or woman with $.0O to $ KKM to give his entire time and travel with party in auto ta make tour of country; good paying proposition; quick results. Answer, gi ing phone, B 513, Oregonian. WANTED 2 men to w ateh and fire boiler, 1 man 4 P. Al. to 12 P. At.. 1 man 11 P. Al. lo 7 A. A. wages $110 iter month. Apply 800 Multnomah st. Tele phone Eabt 73 L WANTED Two barbers, first class: top wages paid. Address Vie reck baths, Al bany, or. SH 1 PPING and receiving clerk wanted by wholesale house; mu.si be capable and willing; young man preferred: ive ex perience and references in iirst letter. B V 41i0. Oregonian. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 462 HAWTHORNE ATE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. WANTED Several hundred Portland men and women, over 17. Government posi tions. $10O month up. List free. Frank lin Institute. Dept. 373E, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Furniture salesman, permanent position to man that quatif ics. Apply Gadsby & Sons, First and Washington. Ask fur Al r. Da is WANTS I K or B B flat bass, city band. Band as side line. Steady work at your trade. Write or wire R. H. Kunselman, 81 1 ,-J Alain St., Vancouver, Wash. WANTED First-class pantry and salad man and accountant. Steady piace and good wages 10 ngnt parties. 44J. Oregonian. WANTED Alachinit-opcrator: night scaie $48.80; mut be able to handle Jate ma-' chines; wire our expense. Foreman Herld. Yakima. Wash. WANTED Competent experienced book keeper and stenographer; good oalary to right party; slate experience and gUe reterences. Address A li 320, Oregonian. WANTED 20 cord wood cutters. steaiij work, good wages, free rent and fuel. Sunnyside Fuel Co., 30th and Hawthorn. Tabor 1644. WANT middle-aged men to do slashing waaes S wit n room ana board. drees T. E. Bledsoe, Haute 4. box 64 Beaver ton. Or. WANTED A first-class pressman for Job and newspaper. Call at room 416 Seward hotel today or Sunday between 12 And or write the Chronicle, The Dalles, or. WANTED Several canvassers to work in the city and nearby towns ; highly ad vertised goods, easy to sell. H 601, Oregonian. MAN with 3 '-4 -ton G. Af . C. and t ra i 1 er wants contract for any kind of haul. See F. A. Bryson r at 200 Second su Main 2S92. FIRST-CLASS job printer to take charge of small shop. Splendid opportunity for young, energetic man. P. O. Box 248. FIRST-CLASS presser on custom pants. Call Sun., room 402 Phoenix bldg., &3 5th st. WE 'have a good lumber-hauling job, close to town over good roads. Particulars on a pplication. Armstrong. Bdwy. 3 54. WANTED Names men over 16. wishing become mail carriers or postal clerks, $100-$ 135 month. AV 755. Oregonian. WANTED Students to learn vulcanizing and retreaomg oy a tron, inio, gradu ate. 43R S'-orir at. WANTED Fry cook; steady no Sun day work. Apply Sta floor Ortgou bld.. itli and CKk. EXPERIENCED automobile pa Inters want ed. Apply 2d floor garage. 13th ai.d Hawthorne. WANTED Married man for retail tea an! coffee route m city: route established. JewelJlca Co- Inc, 21Grand uve. s. WANTED Experienced restauran t butch er, some- knowledge of cooking; good wages to right party. BC 44. Oregonian. BARBER, S30 guarantee. E. S. Morley, Houton, Or. Phone 158-W. WANTED Owner of 3 Va or 5-ton for wood hauling. 567 E. Pine st. truck WANTED Jap or FiUpino boy for house work; good waga; refs. 85 "N. 20th at. DRIVE R wanted at Liberty fish market. 5th and Yamhill sts. FIRST-CLASS barber. $25 guarantee. 60 over $35. Emil Febvet. Dallas. Or. SALESMEN who can sell. Call 839 Cham ber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark. WANTED Logging camp Dookkeeper and office manager. L 6t4. Oregonian. BOY wanted. Heitkeruper'a Cigar Factory. 151 Porter st: CO A TAf AK ER wanted. John Note & Co., Tailors. St. Johns. Oregon. PLATEN press feeders for paper box fac tory. H. B. Clark, I Union ave. BOY to work in dining room from 3:30 to P. Af. Campbell Hotel. BARBER wanted; steady job. Hub barber hop, Oregon City. i V: