THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. MAY 30.' 1920 .MEW YORK CITY HAS 580 KINDS OF AUTOSl Police Confront Problem of Recognizing Cars. , BERTILLON SYSTEM USED Cars Dissected Part by Part for Means of Identification, lears' Experience Noted. NEW YORK, May 29. There are 680 different makes of automobiles in New York city, according; to Ser jeant John Brennan of the New York city police department. How many of these cars can you gangsters know how to drive an au tomobile, thus enabling Uiem to use a Quick and silent means of making their escape. So that nowadays often the policeman only catches a glimpse of the rear 5f a car as It flashes from the scene Of a robbery. That automobile owners are willing t co-operate with the police has been the experience of the sergeant. He told the rookies during his lecture of an experience that he had had but a short time ago. He had just come from a station where an alarm had come in for a stolen Buick landau lette. He left the station on his mo-, torcycle and had- gone less than a mile when be passed a Buick landau lette with a mudguard damaged in a way that answered the description. He stopped the car, the owner al lowed him to examine it thoroughly and gave Mm every - aid. - Brennan said he discovered the engine number differed from the one mentioned in the alarm, so he explained and apol ogized. As he finished the. owner asked, "Is this the kind of service I would get if my car was stolen?" On being as sured by Brennan it was he expressed his appreciation of the work. When tfiis service was first intro duced there was some question as to its value. Many expressions of strong doubt as to its reliability were made. One night a man driving a horse and buggy was run down by an automo bile and later died in the hospital. The clews left behind were a rim SAFETY CIRCULARS SSUEDK LOUIS Police Carry .Safety Cam--paign to Public. 50,000 . APPEALS MADE School Children, Pedestrians and . Motorists Requested to Aid in Preventing Accidents. ' Because the death toll of motor accidents in St. Louis last year mount ed to 100 and this year has already reached ten, the St. Louis police de partment carried its Eafety first- cam paign directly to school children, pe- THIS TRUCK CARRIED THE FIRST LOAD OF CRUDE RUBBER TO THE NEW GOODYEAR FACTORY ' AT LOS ANGELES. . ' ' : 1 boost mMAiifmmmu The truck, one of the Goodyear company famous Akrao-to-Boiton frefgbtera, ' two or three times to boot, went south -with the Ad club hlch has crossed the continent caravan. Of significance to Portland was the fact that the load of rubber on this truck was part of a cargo shipped to this port direct from the orient. By shipping to Portland a saving of ten days in time can be made over shipments to San Francisco. The cargo of rubber was shipped south from Portland by truck through the efforts of George I;ellis. northwest manager for the Goodyear Tire & Rubber company. It will be a big feather in Portland's cap, indeed, if future rubber shipments for the new Los Angeles factory, which will be in operation in July, are made through Portland, and Mr. Beilis is working to have that done. The truck in the picture is equipped fore and aft with Goodyear pneumatic truck cord tires, 44x10 inches in sise. This truck, in fact, was one of the pioneer motor freight carriers in the Akron-Boston run, which demonstrated the superiority of pneumatic over "solid tire equipment. recognize. This is the problem that confronts the police of New York w-hen an alarm is sent out for a stolen car or a car containing men ho are trying to escape after hav ing broken a law. Can the police name every car? No. But they have a Bertillon system of identifying cars which enables them to classify a car so that the man "on beat'' knows what to look for. Cars ' are dissected part by part, as are the human features under the Bertillon system, and on each make there is found one or two separate items that distinguish one make from another. This system is the creation of Ser jeant Brennan, who has built it from his years of experience first as a member of the bicycle squad and later the motorcycle squad. , Bertillon Syntem Basis. The system is taught by a series of lectures illustrated by charts on each of which there Is'shown a particular feature of an automobile. Kor instance, there is a cliart devoted to various shaped radiators, another shows types of fenders and still a third shows where the various makes of cars place thoir tail lights. When first started this course was given to the members of the tiaffic squad only and special attention was paid to the outside men located at the ferries and other points of egrets from the city. Then, as the automobile industry grcw, there came the rapid increase of the use of the car by the gangsters and other crooks, so the lectures were made a part of the police training schoo!currlculum and now are given to all rookies. This Bertillon system applied to ears gives the beginner a basis to work on. For even if a man is nat urally observant he must be trained to look for what he wants. There were about -00 future policemen in the lecture room one afternoon b'very one of fhem admitted he could j tell a Ford. The Cadillac and Pack ard also were among the cars a larse number of the rookies claimed they could recognize. How to Identify 'Em. Towards the end of the lecture Sergeant Brennan held up one of his charts on which were pictured the various back windows that appear in the tops of touring cars. He pointed fo one of the designs and asked: "Which car has this type of window"" There were several guesses, but no one said Ford, and Ford was -the an swer. Fach make or car has an individual front, rear and profile which are buiit up from the component parts shown on the charts. The system as taught makes it possible for a man who doesn't know the name 'of a car to i pick out salient points that will Iden tify one car from another. Some of the points that the charts emphasize are: View of the front Peculiarity of the radiator, also type of radiator cau: shapes of windshield: position Of numbers plate; position and ciape of ventilators: appearance of bumper; make of shock absorber: mudguards. whether crown, oval or flat and with or without moulding. Side Ventilators; head and side lights: . mudguards; type of steps and runnmng gear; passenger capacity; hubcaps; spare tire carried; toolboi etc. Rear Exact position of tail light type of springs, shock absorbers, gas oline tank, luggage carrier or tpara tire carrier and kind of window in back of top or body. With the lecture work for a back ground the rookies are expected to build up their knowledge so they can easily recognize cars, and they do. Knowing these points is a great aid to the policeman. Take a man sta tioned at Fifth avenue and Forty second street who has just received an alarm for a Stutz raceabout, with the right mudguard slightly bent and a radiator cap that differs from the usual Stuts type. He doesn't bother to look closely at any car but a Stutz. The first Stutz he sees is a touring car: no need to bother any further. Here cames a "bear cat." Its radiator is the regulation one. Later com a raceabout with a radiator cap foreign to the Stutz. The right mudguard is bent. It's the one he will slop aojd ask questions about. Sergeant Brennan emphasizes the rear view in his lectures to tho rook ies. It is the most important. He es timates that about 90 per cent of the of one of the headlights, a piece of tire and some gray paint that had been scratched off the car by the shafts of the buggy. The case was turned over to Brennan. With these clews he managed not only to find the man who owned the car, but built up a case that held in court and the man pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the second degree. by issuing containing CAR RUNS OFF HIGHWAY VANCOUVER, B. C, MEN GO OFF WOLF CREER GRADE. Auto Is Wrecked in 123-Foot Drop and Non-Stop Run From Can ada to Mexico Spoiled. GRANTS PASS. Or.. May L9. (Spe cial.) Four men escaped d.eath by the merest luck and their car. a Franklin, was wrecked when they drove off the grade at one of the sharp turns on the Wolf creek section of the Pacific highway early Tuesday morning. The car went Over a bank 10(1 to 125 feet high and turned over three times as it rolled down the hillside. The top saved its four occupants from death, though one of them, C. E. Rolston of Vancouver, B. C, was severely hurt and is thought to have sustained slight internal injuries. He declined hospital aid. The car was on a non-stop run from Vancouver, B. C, to Tia Juana. Mex ico, and return. Jt was manned by C. E. Rolston, W. A. McLean. A. R. Kelly and .Carl Bingham, all of Vancouver, B. C, the two latter being official ob servers for the run. Mr. Kellv. who is widely known as "King" Kellv, is member of the Vancouver Rotary lub and was representing that or ganization as observer. Mr. McLean was at the htfl when the car went off the grade. The men had been driving all night, the road was wet and slippery and the theory is advanced that possibly the driver might have dozed for an instant, just long enough for the car to leave the grade on one of the sharp grades of the Wolf creek section. A little fur ther on and it would have been over Sexton mountain or Smith hill and over the worst part of the trip south. it was not making excessive speed. ! destrians. and motorists 50,000 circular letters these suggestions: Kor Pcdcstriai 1. Look both ways before crossing a street. - cross the street at regular crossing, not diagonally or in the miuaie or the block. 3. Don't read a paper when cross ing a street. 4. Always obey the traffic officer's signals and commands. a. Keep your eyes open for trol leys, autos and wagons. 0. wncn passing- behind a street i car look out for vehicles approaching I from the opposite direction. 7. Do not jump on or off a moving street car; wait until the car stops. 8. When carrying an umbrella do not permit it to obstruct your view. 9. Do not carry a cane or umbrella under your arm in a. crowd or when using stairways. 10. Always keep to the right; don't cut corners. For Children. 1. Do not play In the roadway. 2. Play on the sidewalk or on the nearest playground or vacant lot. 3. Don't skate on sidewalk or on roadway. 4. Nevtsr chase a ball across the street. 5. Don't hitch on autos, trolleys pr 6. Do not coast where trolleys or autos go. 7. Don't play around autos or touch any of the ievers. ' . 8. Never touch wires at any time or place. 9. Do not fear the policemen; they win neip and protect you. 10. Never run behind a standing trolley car; there may be another car or auto approaching on. the other side For Motorists. 1. Go slow, passing children or ve hicles, around corners approaching crossings. -. Stop: At railroad crossings be hind street cars taking on or dis charging passengers. 3. Give warning signal of your ap proach and keep to the right. 4. Give warning signal when stop ping or turning. 5. Use tire chaifts on wet or slip pery pavements. S. Remove headlight glare. 7. Be sure your brakes are in good working order; inspect them fre quently. S. Never leave a motor vehicle unattended without shutting oft she prwer frnd applying emergency brake AC double Cable Sase c7Tf5y THOUSANDS of motorists today know Federal to be the one tire which has no rim troubles for car owners are more and more watching for factors that can cut down motor ing expense. No other tire has the Double-Cable-Base. Let these four cables of tense steel ' save your tire money that otherwise is wasted in useless rim-wear. . The Federal Rubber Company of Illinois Factories, Cudahy, Wisconsin DEALERS Write for eseluKive proposition if we are not represented in your tuna. WEAVER TIRE COMPANY Oregon Vulcanizing Co. " 3:ta-3a.- bihnside at Broadway Telephone Broadway 371) ----4-t---- AUTO FIRM SOON TO MOVE McCRAKEN MOTOR COMPANY TO HAVE NEW BUILDING. ness snd the addition of new factory buildings made this increased cap ital necessary. The increase will pro vide for an expansion programme made necessary by the ever-increas ing volume of sales. Distributor for Premier Car anil Moreland and Commerce Trut-Ws to Get Better Quarters. The McCraken Motor company, dis tributor for Premier and Pan-Amer ican cars and Moreland and Commerce trucks, will remove from its present quarters at 490 Burnbide street short ly to a new building under construc tion for the firm at tourteenth and Morrison streets. j The new building should be ready about June 1, though thcrs have been several delays. It is twyo stories, on a 0x100 lot, and of handsome brick and concrete construction. The first floor will be given over to salesroom and Offices. Servico and shop department will occupy the en tire second floor.' The McCraken Motor company has been In business in Portland for the past five years aiWr- has enjoyad a steady growth during thjt time. Its first quarters were at 445 Stark street. Later it removed to its present place at 490 Burnside. J. ft. McCraken is president and Peter McCraken man ager of the company. SERVICE INCREASES STOCK Motor Truck Company Plans Bit Expansion Programme. At a special -meeting of the stock holders of tho Service Motor Truck company held recently at 'Wabash. Ind . the capital stock was raised from nun nno to is 000. 000. bv the author ization of an additional issue of $1,000,000 of preferred stock. The rapid expansion Of the huFi Lubricating the Springs. In lubricating automobile springs! the greatest trouble is found in keep ing the lubricant from being squeexedl Out under pressure. A compound that obviates this Is found in graphite and beeswax mixed to a paste and spread I upon each leaf. Obviously the spring I must be taken apart to apply this) lubricant. Special Steels Eliminate Useless Weight in a MAXWELL The engine reason the Maxwell is so responsive and yet thrifty, the reason the tires roll into big mileage is due largely to one fact : A Maxwell is burdened 'with no useless weight. Special steels make this so. They are made to Maxwell's own formulae. No other steels in any car are just like them. These special eteels are of great strength and make pos sible the ideal Maxwell con- 8 traction of brute strength -with" light weight. , Obviously, they are higlv priced metals. They equal, " pound for pound, the steels in any car built. The wisdom of their use in the Maxwell . becomes evident when one observes the rapid growth in public favor of this remarkable car. Considerthat nearly 400,000 of them are now in use; that 100,000 more will be added to this total in 1920, C. L. Boss Automobile Co. 615-617 Washington Street, Portland Everywhere, you go you see Republic Trucks doing the big hauling jobs. 41t JWIPWyW R v gisMIIH Wlii.l tlBWL We guarantee all battery repairs Oil blic ! reek Because Republic Trucks are noted for their ability to do harder work, for a longer time, at a lower cost. TwitrnifnwntiiftwmnMimtimtJwnui oberts '.Motor Car Co. Vancouver, Wash. Portland, Or. Boise, Idaho Largest Exclusive Truck Dealers in the Northwest Every battery repair we make is guaranteed for six months. We are able to do this because in repairing any make of battery we are licensed to use the patented features which have made Vesta batteries famous. Another reason is that Our service station is . equipped with every appliance necessary to test and repair all makes of batteries. Expert work men are in charge of our service. It is our policy to make your battery deliver every ounce of service possible. - Our reputation for square dealing is your guarantee of satisfaction. We don't want your business unless you are convinced that the work is done right and at a reasonable price. . Gibson Electric Garage and Storage Battery Co. v ALDER AT TWELFTH 1 S"SS V,P COSTS LESS PER MONTH OF SERVICE Tnefomtructibto Isolator lock thm plat mprt