THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, rORTXAJ "31 AY 30. 1020 500 CHURCH LEADERS ARE TO CONSIDER COMMUNITY PROBLEMS Portland Will Be Represented at Approaching Conference in Cleveland Protestant Congregations of City Report Gain of About 4500 Members as Result of Recent Evangelistic Campaign. OF THE several religious gather ings since the war's close, none has been assembled with a more definitely practical aim than the church . and community convention Humbert is to do graduate work in Boston university. ; Tour young- people from Oregon are to be iu training conferences at Lake Geneva with Mr. Humbert and Mies Georgia Parker, the associate secre- which will meet at Cleveland, O., June tary ot the State Sunday School as 1-3. under the ausnlcps of the com-. soclation. George Porter and Duane mission on interchurch federations of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ In America' and the Council of Church Federation Executive Sec retaries. For three days 500 picked leaders of American Protestantism, both laymen and ministers, will consider the detailed recommendations of nine commissions, composed of the out standing experts in their respective fit'lds, for making more effective the projection of religious life and lnflu- row of Monmouth are to be at the Camp of the Foue-Fold Life for older boys and Miss Faith Jones of Port land is to be at the Camp of a Hun dred Fires for older girls. A new secretary for the Oregon as sociation has not yet been elected. The committee having charge of rec ommendations for that position are Bllton Shaw, A. A. Morse and S. Earl Du Bois, all of Portland. They are awaiting the advice of the Chicago office of the International ' Sunday School association, with which the state association is affiliated. Until ence into the problems of the Amer- the new man is secured Miss Parker, lean community. These commissions, the associate secretary, will have with a total of 200 members, have harf e f the Portland office and of ... ... ,the field work. ocen biuujiiib xne buujcci mailer ui . tr !!.,.te for teachers in their reports for three months. The text of these carefully revised recom mendations will be sent to all the delegates ten days before the Cleve land fathering, so that they may have time for thought before passing upon the reports. Ralph E. Dif fenaorf er, head of the American survey department of the interchurch world movement, is chair man of the commission that is to pre sent "An Adequate Programme and Method for a Council or Federation of Churches." "Kvangelism" will be presented by Bishop Theodore S. Hen derson of the .Detroit area of the Methodist Episcopal church. "Church Comity" will be considered by a com mission headed by Rev. W. E. W'ishart, pastor of the largest United Presbyterian church in Pittsburg and president of the Pittsburg Fed eration of Churches. Other great church leaders will present reports from commissions that have been long at work. Portland will be represented by A. F. Bittner, director of religious education, Westminster Presbyterian church; Dr. William Wallace Young eon, district superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal church, and Ralph C. McAfee, executive secretary of the Portland Federation of Churches. Churches Gain 450O Members. Baptists lead in the year's gain, with Methodists 'second. Approxi mately 4300 persons have been added to the Protestant churches in Port land from Easter, 1919, up to and! including Easter, 1920, according to information received by the Portland Federation of Churches which -fathered the information in order that the churches might know the results of the year's work, especially as it re lated to the evangelistic campaign, which culminated at Easter time. The estimate was made on incom plete returns of the ingathering, which showed a gain of 3535 from 107 churches. Members received by the 5g churches whose reports have not yet been sent in will more than make up the 4500, it is estimated by the officers of the federation of churches. The Baptists led with a total gain of 727. Twenty-one Methodist churches report a gain of 672. Nineteen Pres byterian chirrches report additions of 654, six Lutheran 383, four United Evangelical 176, and six Disciples 220. Among the churches that showed large increase, the following net gains are reported: East Side Baptist 250, Highland ' Baptist 58, Mount Olivet (colored) 99, St. Michael's Episcopal 43, lmmanuel Lutheran 247, Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal 75, Cen tral Methodist Episcopal 4S, Unity Presbyterian 67, Mount Tabor Presby terian 6ti, Fourth Presbyterian 40. Forbes Presbyterian 46,- First United Brethren 44, First Church of the Isazarcne 4 0. . Lutheran .Campaign Succeed-. The campaign to raise f, $00,000 for the relief of distressed Lutherans of I-.urope, under the direction of the Isatioiial Lutheran council of the United States, is meeting with ex traordinary success in receiving large and liberal contributions. Many congregations throughout the country are exceeding their quotas, as appointed by the council. Large contributions have been made by in dividuals and the total amount to date is most gratifying and augurs for the speedy full subscription and probable oversubscription of the total sum asked for. Rev. William E. Brinkman, state chairman of the campaign for Oregon, reports large sums raised for the re i ,. i . , , . . , . . daily vacation Bible schools is to be held in the St. James fcinsrlisn i,utn eran church, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of the--coining week. The classes are under the di rection of the Oregon Sunday School association. Vacation Bible schools are to be held in the Grace Baptist -iurch, the Fourth Presbyterian church and the Millard avenue Presbyterian church. beginning in June. Training in wor ship, Bible instruction, expressional work, clay modeling, notebook-making, hymn illustration, dramatization of Bible stories, supervised play and choral singing will be included in the curriculum. i In the trainine institute the teach ers of beginners (kindergarten pupip will be taught by Miss violet w. Johnson, the teachers of primaries (pupils 6 to 8 years of -age) by Miss Georgia Parker, the teachers of junior and intermediate girls ( to 14) by Miss Bernice Adams, and the teachers of junior and Intermediate boys by Harold F. Humbert. According to the announcement of the Sunday school office, any who are interested may visit the institute sessions, which begin at 7:46 each evening. Arleta Church Rejoices. The Arleta Baptist church is rejoic ing in the completion of its drive for the Baptist new world movement and its own building fund. More than ?80.- 000 has been subscribed and subscrip tions are still being received. The pastor. Owen T. Day. who was in Colfax. Wash., last Sunday assist- irter his lather. J. F. Day. in the dedi cation of the new Baptist church there, will be in the pulpit today and I speak in the morning at 11 A. M. on "Christ, the Christian's Defense." In the evening at 8, his subject will be "The Renewal of Life." The ordinance of baptism will be administered at the close of the evening service. The young people of the Arleta church are publishing a weekly paper. "The Peptimist" is an innovation in church work which promises to be a most helpful asset to pastor and peo ple. It takes the place of the church calendar and has the added advantage of offering to the pastor and workers of the church a vehicle of expression which supplements the short periods of public worship. The editor is Miss Gladys L. Turner, assistant-editor. George T. Jennings. fc.ach department of the church is represented by a re porter on the staff. The pastor of the 4rieia enurcn win give a series of four Sunday evening addresses in June on "Four Fools and Their Fate." The four subjects are "The Egotistical Fool," "The Ignorant Fool," "The Prosperous Fool," "The Fickle Fool." Two Memorial Service for CongregationalUU Today. At tint t'hnrrh Posts af War Veterans Will Attend and Hear Addraas by Dr. W. T. McKlTcea. Musical Program me Arraased. Prominent Portland eh arch officials now la attendance at the annaal Methodist conference belaa; held at Dcs Moines., Ia.t 1 Dr. A. I.. Rsiarth, area secretary for northwest Methodism, now at Dcs Moines. 3 Dr. Joshua staasrield, who will he absent this Sunday from the First Mcth - odist pulpit because ot the annual conference.. 8 Dr. Charles A. Bowra. secretary of the centenary conservation committee, also at Dca Moines. 4 IU H. Hushes, formerly editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate, elected representative of the Methodist Publication society while . at the Dcs Moines conference. , " "Blight of Partyism"WiU Be Topic of Sermon. W. C. Hair of Juvenile Court to Address Ladies' Aid Society of Lincoln Methodist Cbunelu JVT EMORIAL Sunday will be magni fied at the Woodlawn Methodist church by a sermon In the morning on "The Blight of Partyism" and in the evening "The Grand Army of the Republic of God." Rev. J. H; Irvine is pastor. ' Rev. F. A. Ginir, pastor of Lincoln Methodist Church, will preaah this morning at 11 o'clock -on "Giving Honor to Whom Honor Is Due" and at 8 o'clock this evening on "Living Epistles." There will be special mu sic. The Epworth league devotional meeting- will be led by Marjorie Haley. The subject for the meeting is "Sharp ening Friendship." The ladies' aid society meets at. the church Wednes day at 2 P. M. Besides the regular work of the society, W. S. Hale of the juvenile court will give an :.ddress on matters; of special interest. - Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal church this morning will hold a spe cial Memorial day service, with ser mon by the pastor. The evening sub ject will be "Ye Did Not Choose Me, but I Chose You." The Dead Talking" will be the sub ject of Rev. E. Sutton Mace's sermon this morning at Clinton Kelly Me morial Methodist Episcopal church, corner Powell and East Fortieth streets. Rev-. Stanford Moore of Ep worth Methodist church will preach at 8 P. M. Flags and Flowers Will - Decorate Church. Pastor of St. Jemrs Kncllsb Lu theran Conerreation V III Speak on "The Greater SlRliif li-nnce of Our National Memorial Day." topic is "Enduring Memorials." Sun day school wilt be held at 9:45 A. M. The Christian Endeavor meeting and usual evening service are omitted. The mulc will be of a high order. The general public is invited. Special Memorial day services will be held at the Fourth , Presbyterian church Sunday morning at 10:30. Mr. Everett will speak on "The Price of Our Liberties." In the evening the Boy Scouts have charge and Mr. Brockway, chief scout executive for Oregon, will speak. i Appropriate services will bo held today in Mount. Tabor Presbyterian church. The pastor. Ward W. Mac- Henry, will preach in the morning on "The Value of Great Memories." and in the evening on "They Have rtot Died in Vain." Patriotic song serv ice and moving pictures "The Vicar of Wakefield," will also be given. A large number of young people of the Vernon Christian Endeavor of the Vernon Presbyterian church. Nineteenth and Wygait streets. en Joyed a marshmallow roast Tuesday night. They were chaperoned by Mr. and Mrj. E. Sink, Mrs. William Chris tie anri Mrs. C. Hamilton. 1 The music and sermon of the morn ing at Rose City Park Presbyterian church will be especially appropriate to Memorial day. The subject of Dr. Milligan's sermon will be "Amer ica Today Has She Lost Her Moral Leadership?" In the evening Dr. Mllligan will discuss Tolstoi, Bernard Shaw, and the message of Jesus. ' The morning t-ervice at Anabel Presbyterian church will be com memorative of Memorial . day and special music and the sermon will honor the soldiers of all our wars. 'Great American Ideals," Topic of Sermon. Lydle Circle of First Christian Church to Entertain General Sta tcrhood of Conajrcsratloa at Luncheoa. THE observance of Memorial day at the Flat Christian church, corner of. Park and Columbia, will include a morning message at 11 o'clock on Great American Ideals." by t4ie pastor. Rev. Harold H. Griffis. In keeping with the theme the church quartet will present the anthem "And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears" (Combs), with the tenor selection. Recessional" (KipUnar-Nevin), by George Mallett. On Sunday the new church buildlna; committee will make its final report on beginning actual construction ot the new building and at the morning service there will be an announce ment of unusual interest to every member. On Thursday at the noon hour in the church parlors the ladles of the Lydie circle, of which Mrs. A. 'S. Hawk is president, will enterta'n at luncheon the general sisterhood of the congregation. Following the luncheon the sisterhood will hold its annual election of officers. lief work by the Lutheran pastors snd congregations throughout the state. The drive is still in progress and is to be continued until the full quota for the state has been reached. . Orra-on Methodists 'Reap Honors. Prominent Portland Methodists representing- both the clergy and the lay men of the larger east and west side churches have been in attendance dur ing the last week at the denomina tional annual conference being held in Xes Moines, la. The sessions end dur ing the middle of this week, but not in time to enable the Portland visi tors to return home for next Sunday services. Honors have been coming to the Oregon delegation in the way of appointments on important commit tess and the' election to responsible cf flees. It. H. Hughes, a member of Wilbur church, Portland, editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate, published in this city, which position he has filled with marked ability for nine years, was a member of the general conference of 1516. He was elected a few days ago one of the publishing agents of the Methodist Book concern, which is among the highest and most respon sible positions of the Methodist Epis copal church. A branch of the book concern is located in Portland and it publishes the Pacific Christian Ad vooate. one of the oldest papers on the Pacific coast, the first issue having appeared September 1. - 18S5. Mr. Hughes will be closely related to the church publishing interests in this city, but his office will be in Chicago. Dr. R. N. Avison is pastor of First Church, Salem, now in his 10th year of service, longest pa&toVate in the an nals of this historic church. He came to iSalcm from SU Paul. Minn., where he was pastor of a prominent church. Rev. D. H. Leech has been a mem- . rmr of Oregon conference 21 years and pastor of several important churches. including Woodburn, Corvallis. Grants Pass. Albany and Eugene, the latter being the charge he is now serving. ( He is chairman of the board - of stewards of the Oregon conference. L. S. Hopfield is a business man of McMinnville. Or, member of the Methodist church there and superin tendent of the Sunday school. Sunday School Secretary Resigns. The general secretary of the Ore sron Sunday School association. Har old F. Humbert, has resigned his po sition and Is to leave for the east on Saturday. He has been with the as sociation for the past two years, hav ing formerly been instructor in Po mona college. His schedule for the sflmmer includes speaking dates at state Sunday school conventions in North Dakota and Iowa and work as - instructor in the training schools con iiicted by the International Sunday tyhool association at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, and Lake Winnepesaukee rTMiE Greatest Significance of Our X National Memorial Day" will be the subject of the sermon by Rev. William E. Brinkman at the St. James English Lutheran church at 11 A. M. today. The vested choir will sing and the chancel and altar will be deco rated with the American flag and with flowers. 'The Doctrine of the Holy Irinity will be discussed by the pastor at the evening service at 7:45. The ad dress will bo given In a fitting ob servance of the festival of Trinity Sunday. The Sunday school will hold Its session in the chapel at 9:50 A. M. The Luther league will hold a devo tional meeting in the evening at 6:45. The topic for study and discussion is The Witnesses of Our Faith." The ladies of the pastor s aid so ciety of St. James church will give an outing at Peninsular park Ihursday, June 3. from 3 to 8 P. M. A basket unch will be served. Memorial day services will be- held at the Tualatin and Wilsonville Meth odist Episcopal churches today, with good programmes of patriotic music. Rev. . H. P. Blake and Rev. Alfred Bates will be the speakers at the Tu- itiaiin enurcn at 11 A. 31., ana rtev. Alfred Bates will have charge of the service at Wilsonville this evening at 8 o'clock. On Friday next, at 8 P. M., the Kim ball School of Theology quartet Keefer, Hall. Blenklnsop and Bates assisted by Miss Lucile Barton, Mrs. S. W. Hall, Mrs. Minnie M. Bates and Dr. Ernest E. Gilbert, will give an evening programme at Wilsonville church. a At Our Savior's Lutheran church. Rev. jr. A. Christensen will preach and administer holy communion in Norwegian. A reunion of those con firmed in the church will be held June 6. Taft Addresses Aberdeen Baptist Convention. Former President In Talk to the Churchmen Expresses Hearty Sympathy With the Interchurch World Movement. Does the Bible Say of the Outcome? I Will They Prova Profitable?" A spe cial musical programme will be ren dered under, the direction of Profes sor I. a. Colcord, including a big congregational sing, male quartet, baritone aolo, instrumental solo, and double mixed quartet. Seats tree and the public Is invited. -: - - At -the First Snlrltualist church. East Seventh and Hassalo streets, services are at 3 P. M. and 7;45 M. There will be a lecture by Mrs. Lillian Smith of Cleveland Ohio, followed with messages by Mrs. M. J. Downs and. James Metcalf. Solos will be ren dered by Lester Davis and Miss P. Fishburn. The public is cordially Invited. The Church of Modern Spiritualism, Pacific States building. Eleventh and Alder streets, will hold services at 3 P. M., when experiences and messages will be given at 7:45 P. M. Mrs. Anna Snyder. C. W. Shaw and R. W. Curtis will render special music. The Realization league w'ill be ad dressed by Rev. H. Edward Mills at 11 A. M. on "Charging Purpose w ltn Power." 148 Thirteenth street. "What Must I Do to Enter Into the Kingdom of God?" is the theme of Dr. Beyer's sermon for the deaf in Trinity Lutheran church, Graham and Williams avenues, this afternoon at 2:30. All deaf are, cordially invited. Rev. A. .Krause, pastor of the St. Paul's Lutheran church. East Twelfth and Clinton streets, will preach an other catechetical - sermon at 10:30 A. M. This time his subject will be "What Is the Confirmation?" The topic for the evening sermon at 7:30 is "There Is a Trinity." The choir has prepared special music for both services. Bible 6tudy and devotional services will be Ueld at 5 P. M. Sun day school meets at 9:30 A. M. and the choirs rehearse Wednesday and Friday at 8 P. M. Superintendent C. "X. Dubs and wife will speak at the United Evangelical church, Willamette boulevard and Gay street at 3 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Dubs Are on their way back to China where they nave been Tor years earnest, faithful workers In the mis sionary cause. They expect to sail on the steamer Russia, June 3. The regular services will be held at It A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Rev. H. H Farnham will preach. Junior en dcavor will not meet at 3 P. M. as usual. Senior endeavor will meet a I 6:30. Th topic will be "Being a Good Companion. 9 m The Sunday school of the Clay Street Evangelical church. Tenth and Clay street, west side, will open at 9:30 and will be in charge of E. J. Keller, superintendent. The morn irg service will begin at 10:45. The pastor. Jacob Stocker, will present the subject of "Christian stewardship." The young people's alliance will meet at 7 o'clock. At 8 the pastor will speak on "Life Service, or Recruiting for the Master." - KALAMA, Wash., May 29. (Spe cial.) D,r. Brooks of the Methodist church of this city will hold special Memorial day services tomorrow morning in Jionor of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Ss-anish war vet erans and the veterans of the late war. . Though the membership of the Grand Army is gradually decreasing. there are still several veterans in the Dr. John H. Boyd Warmly Welcomed on Visit. Boy Scouts to Participate In Senr lees of Worship at Westminster and Other Churches. tiew Hampshire. In the fall Mr. 1 city and immediate neighborhood. HE First Presbyterian jchurch, corner Twelfth and Alder streets. will have . its former pastor. Rev. John II. Boyd, D. D., in the pulpit today at both cervices. 10:30 A. M. 7:45 P. M. Dr. Boyd has been preaching in his old pulpit since May and has been greeted by large audiences. The special music" at the morning service will be a recitative, and aria from Handel's "Jeptha." "Deeper and IJeeper still." a tenor solo by J. Macmillan Muir. In the evening there will be an organ recital by Edgar E. Coursen from 7:30 to 7:45 and a baritone solo,, "The Blind Ploughman," by Robert Coningsby Clarke, given by otto W edemeyer. - At Westminster Presbyterian church. East Seventeenth and Schuy ler streets. Dr. E. H. Pence will preach in the morning on "Christ and Human Liberty. The evening serv ice will bei a service of worship for tha Boy Scouts of Westminster.' the boys participating, and an- address by Dr. Pence. - Walter Henry Nugent, pastor of Central Presbyterian church. East Thirteenth and Pine streets, will preach a sermon Sunday morning, ap propriate for Memorial day, the sub ject being "Wasting the Spoils." The chorus will sing "The Radiant Morn Hath Passed' Away" (Woodward), and a quartet will rencrer "Savior, When Xight Involves the Skies" (Sheeley). In the evening the sermon topic will be "John Mark, the Quitter and Others." Mrs. J, P. Xocl will sing "My Redeemer and My Lord" (Buck). Next Sunday morning a number of new members will be received. The session will meet on Thursday even ing at 7:30 to confer .with any who contemplate uniting at this time. The Men's club last Tuesday even ing was a great success. The boys who were formerlyin the army, pre pared the dinner and served it, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. On Wednesday the ladies of the church and their friends gathered at the home of Mrs. E. Zimmerman and spent a very pleasant afternoon. A great forward move for com munity betterment is' to be stressed in the Kenilworth Presbyterian church. Dr. Grimes, the pastor, will lecture Tuesday evening on "When the Earthquake Laughed.", A silver offering will be taken to send dele gates to the Toung People's etate convention. The lecture is instructive and Humorous. At Piedmont Community Presby terian church. Cleveland avenue and Jarrett street, the pastor. Rev. J Francis Morgan, speaks at "11 A. M. on "National Ideals." The Boy Scouts will participate in the service. At 5 P. M. there will be a vesper service when representatives of various pat riotic societies will be present. The ABERDEEN', Wash., May 29. (Spe cial.) The western Washington Baptists, in convention here since Mon day afternoon, were addressed Tues day night by former President Taft. In his address to the churchmen Mr. Taft expressed his hearty sympathy with the interchurch world movement and with the progresslveness which has characterized the work of the Protestant churches in America dur ing the last decade. The attendance at the convention is- the largest the Baptists of this district have had at a convention in a number of years, and keen interest a being manifested by the delegates in the addresses made. The talks on yesterday's programme were made by Rev. F. W. Wightman of Tacoma. on "The Pastor in His Pulpit"; by Rev. W. E. Henary of Everett, on "The Pastor in His Prayer," and by Rev. Frank B. Mat thews of Seattle, on "The Pastor In His Parish." In the evening session Rev. F. H. Hicks of Seattle delivered his annual sermon, discussing the in terchurch world movement from va rious viewpoints. The report of J. F. Watson, secre tary, of Seattle, showed that contribu tions to the church work have been larger this year than ever before. Many prominent laymen are at tending the convention, among them are H. C. Compton. president of the Compton Lumber company of Seattle, and C. J. Erickson of the Erlckson Shipbuilding company of Seattle. Memorial exercises will be conduct ed in the four United Brethren churches of the city Sunday. Dr. Byron J. Clark, pastor of the First United . Brethren church. Fif teenth and East Morrison streets, an nounces for his subjects the follow ing: Morning, "The Patriotism ot Peace"; evening, "Lights and Shad ows." Both services will be featured with special music. Rev. Ira Hawley, pastor of the Sec ond United Brethren church. Twenty seventh and Sumner streets, will speak in the morning on "In Distress, I the Holy One of Israel, Will. Hear." In the evening his subject will be "I Will Satisfy." Rev. E. O. Shepherd, pastor of the Third United Brethren church. Sixty seventh street and Thirty-second ave nue. Southeast, will preach in the morning on "Our Sunday." n the evening he will give an address ap propriate to Memorial day, entitled, "You and Peace." Mrs. Ada P. How ett will -render a special piece of ! Prodigal Bon T'.ie Comforter center will hold its regular Sunday meetings in the Port land hotel assembly room at 11 A. M The subject will be "What God Is." and the speaker, N. D. Norris. In the evening at 8 o'clock Arden M. Rock wood will speak on "The Great Dis covery." . The topic for the Thursday evening healing meeting is "Realisa tion." The public will be welcomed. Short talks are invited. THE First Congregational church holds two memorial services to day. At the morning service begin ning at 11 o'clock the Lincoln-Gar field and the Gordon-Granger posts of the Grand Army of the Republic accompannod by the Women's Relief Corps will be the guests ot the church. Processor Lucien E. Becker has pre pared an. appropriate musical service. Dr. W. T. McElveen will give an ad dress on the topic, "The War in Which There is No Discharge." Dr. Mc Elveen is to give the address at the memorial service on Monday after- nooi- in the auditorium. Beginning at 7:45 P. M.. a union memorial services will be held. For a number of years the Congregational churches cf Portland have held a union service in which they memori alized the members of the local Con crcgational churches who have passed to be members of the church trium phant. W. E. Mcllhenny, W. H. Morse and M. Walton are the committee of arrangements for this service. Rev. R. M. Pratt of the Pilgrim church Is to conduct a meditation on Immor tality and Dr. McElveen is to give the address on "Memory and Antici pation. - ! The Alumni Christian Endeavor so ciety of the First Congregational church is to hold a banquet in the church parlors Tuesday evening, June 1. vv alter Huntington Is to be toast master. G. Everett Baker is to re spond to the toast, "The Christian Endeavor of the Past." Miss Fa ye Steinmetz, the president of the Ore gon State Christian Endeavor union will respond to the toast. "The Chris tian Endeavor of Today." Roland Davis will speak on the toast. "The Chris tian Endeavor of the Future." Dr. Me Elveen will speak on what the Chris tian Endeavor alumni could do for the church and Dr. Estella Ford Warner will speak on "Our Multnomah Chris tian Endeavor Fellowship." Professor Lucien E. Becker, who for the last two years has been the or ganist of the First Congregational church, concludes his service as or ganist and choir director with the service this evening. Professor Becker has resigned to go to New York City. He will be greatly missed by every member of the congregation. Mrs. Dudley Clarke also concludes her services with the church. Miss Mar garet Koss, recently of Sprinfffield 111., is to be the organist of the church, and Mrs. R. M. Lansworth will succeed Mrs. Clarke as the scprano-soloist for the month of June. Sumner, Dr. Wilson Johnston nd some of the boys themselves. At Waverly Heights Congregational church, corner East Thirty-third street and Woodward 'avenue, Rev. Oliver Perry Avery, minister. Memorial day win De observed at both the morn ing and evening services. In memory of our dead ths pastor will speak at 11 A. M on "Our Debt to Our Heroes. As a sequel to the thought of the morning the evening sermon will be on "Peace-Time Patriotism." At the morning service Fred J. S. Toose of Oregon City, will sing. Three Great Questions of Life" will furnish the topic of the sermon this morning at Pilgrim Congrega tional church by Rev. Robert Murray Pratt, pastor. At T P. M. the, young people will have a special service, Thomas Jones presiding. The first Divine Science church, Rev. T. H. Mlnard, pastor, holds serv ices in the blue room, Portland hotel, at 11 A. M. "Proving Our Son-ship" is the topic. A mid-week, meeting Thursday will be held at S P. M. at 300 Tilford building. Dr. Waldo Continues Lec tures on "Prodigal." W hite Temple Series on Old Par able Olvcn Modem Tarn. music at the evening service. Rev. C. P. Blanchard, pastor of the Fourth United Brethren church, Tre mont station, announces services as follows: Morning. "One Hundred Years Ago; A Little Child Shall Lead Them." I In the evening a memorial service led by E. B. Tlmms of the Grand Army of the Republic post. Memorial day will be observed at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian), Broadway and Yamhill street, with appropriate morning service. The sermon, "in Memoriam," will be given by Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. Services be- I Pastor. F- w Starring, will speak this gin at II o clock. The quartet choir will sinsr music fitting to the occasion. Members of the choir are: Mitylene Fraker-Stites. contralto and director: Mrs. Mischa Fein, soprano: J. Ross Farero. tenor; Walter Hardwick, bass; Ralph W. Hoyt, organist. ALBANY, Or.. May 29. (Special.) Dr. George H. Young, for the past few years pastor of the First Baptist church of Albany and a leader in many of the city's activities, particu larly in work durins- the war, is re moving his family to Portland, where he has established headquarters in connection with his new work as religious educational director for the Baptist denomination in the Pacific northw-est. He. resigned the pastorate of the local church a few months ago to take up this work, but retained his residence here until permanent head quarters were established in Port land. Pasco, Wash., Methodists Purchase Building. Present Pance Hall to Be Con verted Into yntnasinm. PASCO, Wash, May 29 (Special.) a xne .Knights of Pythias busl ness building, part of which is now used as a dancehall, has been bought by the Methodists of Pasco and will be converted into an institutional church. Possession will be bad in 90 days. The cost of the building and lot was 133,000 and 120,000 will be spent in remodeling it. According to present plans, the room now used as a dancehall will become a gymnasium, with a swimming pool and bowling alley and other athletic equipment will be installed in the basement- The rooms now used for business purposes will become the church auditorium and the front will be remodeled along the general line of a theater entrance. A pipe organ wilt be installed in the auditorium. The second floor, now used for of fices and lodge rooms will be left with few minor changes. The lease on the dancehall will ex pire January 1 and no effort will be made to cancel It. The new church, which will be in stitutional in character, will have classes in physical culture and will afford a number, of recreationa-1 fea tures and a "tcven-day-a-weesi" church will be maintained. ' WALDO of the "White Temple .ill continue his series on "The modern and ancient, this evening: taking the theme, "The Prodigal Himself," or "Among the Swine." The addresses are delivered extemporaneously and strong moral appeals ere being made to young men and young women of the present age. This morning at 11 o'clock his sub ject will bo "The Place of Safety." The Temple quartet will render spe cial music at both cf these services. At the Grace Baptist church. East Seventy-sixth and Ash streets, the At Kern Park Christian church Forty-Bixth avenue and Slxtv-ninth street, at 11 A. M., Dr. J. F. Ghormley win taite tor tils theme, "God s Word in Human Experience." At 7:45 P. M. memorial services will be held. A well prepared musical - programme will Do given. Lincoln s Gettveburg speech will be read and Dr. Ghorm ley will speak on "The Debt We Owe to Our Heroes." Christian Scientists Hold Regular Services. Subject of Lesson Kernel Will Bo "Ancient and Modern Neero maney. Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced. . "A NCIENT and Modern Necro mancy. Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced." will be the subject of the lesson sermon in the Christian Science churches in Port land today. Regular services will be held in all the Christian Science churches this morning at 11 and in all except the Firth and Seventh churches again at tnis evening. Wednesday evening meetings at which testimonials of Christian Sci ence healing are given will be held In all the churches at 8 P. M. Christian Science Sunday schools are conducted for children under years of age in all the churches. The sessions in all except Third and Fifth churches for the older classes becin at 9:45 and for the younger classes at 11. In Third and Fifth churches the sessions are at 9:30 and 11.. Free public reading rooms are main tained In the Northwestern Bank building. 266 Burnsido street, 148 Killlngtrworth avenue and East Sixth and Holladay avenue. At these read ing rooms tha Bible and all other authorised Christian Science, litera ture may be read, borrowed or pur- Chased. Christian Science churches are lo cated as follows: First church, N'ine eenth and Everett streets: Second church. East Sixth and Holladay; Third church. East Twelfth and Sal mon: Fourth church, Emerson street and Vancouver avenue; Fifth church. Sixty-second street and Forty-second avenue Southeast; Sixth church, Pythian building. 388 Yamhill street; Seventh cburch, corner Smith avenue and New York street, St. Johns. A cordial invitation to attend the church services and make use of read ing rooms Is extended to all. - . Evangelist L. K. Dickson will speak in Christensen's hall Sunday night at 7:45 o'clock on the subject. "An Epidemic of Federations-Political. Financial. Industrial, Religious Are They What the Prophets Saw? What morning at 1 1 o'clock on "The Test of Faith." Tonight at 7:45 his sub ject will be, "Looking, Leaning and Living. Two of the members of Grace church choir,. Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Schwaubauer, are leaving IJie city. The chorister, Charles Hageman, ex pects soon to have the vacancies filled. There will be special music at services today. The adult bible class, conducted by the pastor at the Sunday school hour, 9:45 this morning, will have for special discussion "The Pray ers God Hears and Answers. - All are welcome to these services, especially those In the Montavilla district of the city., ' o. God in the Nation's Life" will be the theme of the Memorial day sermon which Rev. R. E. Close will deliver Sunday morning tt the Third Baptist church. In this sermon Rev. Close will deal with the significance and future of our national Memorial day. The subject of the -evening sermon will be "TI13 Consciousness of the Divine Presence." All aro invited to '"the church of the cordial welcome m At Highland Baptist church. Sixth and Alberta streets, W.' T.- filliken, D. D-, pastor, will preach this morn ing at 11 yclock on "What Did Christ Teach About Childhood?" and at 8 P. M. on "Unconscious Loss." The Pilgrims in Amsterdam and L,eyden" Is the topic of the third lecture In the series on the Pilgrims, who they were and what they did. thwt Dr. W. T. McElveen will give Thursday night ia the church parlors. At the Gsencoe Baptist church. Forty-fifth and East Main streets. Rev. 1 F. C. Lalette will t.reach next Sunday at 11 o'clock on th topic "In the Beginning Geo Why We Believe In the- Christian God." At 7:30 his subject will be "Satisfied in an Un satisfied World How?" , At the regular monthly meeting of the Arleta Men's club, held in the Arleta Baptist church. Forty-eighth avenue and Sixty-fourth street, Tues day eveninqr. Miy 25, S-?rjreant lrvin of the traffic division of the Portland police department gave a Jccture on the safety first programme of the police department, explaining in de tail the efforts being made by the de-r-.artment for tho prevention of acci dents on the streets of the city. Also asked for the co-operation of evry one in helping to make traffic safe. O. V. Badlsy. reader and imper sonator, also Eave a. number of read ings and character impersonations. The next regular meeting will- be held at the same place on June ??. at which time a programme will be pre sented, following a dinner at 6:41 P.M. - Dr. W. B. Hinsnn will preach both morning and evening at the East Side Baptist enurcn, bast lwentietn ana Salmon streets, today at 11 o'clock. He will speak 3n "Christ's Estimate of Himself." and at 7:15 bis subject will bs "The Blue and tho Gray.' There will bo baptism at both serv ices. Dr. Hinson leaves at the close of the evening service for Vancouver, B. C, to take part in a five-day con ference in thai city. On June 9 he eroes ecst to enak at conferences in Chicairo and Buffalo. Twenty-five people have united with tin church during the month of May. Two special services at Atkinson Memorial Congregational church are arranged as a recognition of the double significance of the day. This morning Rev. Elbert E. Flint, the pastor, will speak on "The True Me morials of Life." This will be in recognition of the nation-wide me morial Sunday. Tonight the service will be adapted to the Boy acout movement. The national council of the Boy Scouts of America has desig natrd the week from May 30 to June 6 as Boy Scout week. The Scouts will participate in the service with the following parts: Flag salute. Lin coln's Gettysburg address, recitation, 'In Flanders' Fields." and response and repetition of Scouts' oath. The address of the evening will be on "Americans of 61 and 20. - On Wednesday evening the men of the church and community will have an annual frolic The regular meeting of the worn en's association of the church will be held Wednesday afternoon at the church. This will be the' last meet ing of the association until after vacation and all members of the different circles are urged to lay all other plans aside and attend this last meeting. An Interesting, instruct ing and entertaining programme will be given by the missionary com mittee. The regular evening service at the Sunnyside Congregational church will give way to a memorial service under the auspices of the men's league. The Sumner post. Grand Army of the Re public, and the William Dickinson post. Grand Army of the Republic, and the Women's Relief corps have signi fied their Intentions of attending and an inspiring service is anticipated. The Grand Army of the Republic quartet as well as the chorus choir will sing appropriate selections. The choir's evening anthem will be "The Nation's Prayer, and at the morn ing service they will sing "The Last March." Dr. J. J. Staub will speak at 11 A. M. on "The Secret of Perennial Youth." A service? will be held tonight at the Highland Congregational church. Prescott and East Sixth streets, which will be of a memorial character. Rev. Edward Constant will speak on "Flor ence Nightingale and the Heroic Nurses." During the service Miss Gertrude Ost will sing "Christ in Flanders." by Stevens, and Mrs. Mur ray and Miss Ost will sing the duet "God Is Love. by Marks. Longfel low's poem, "The Lady of the Lamp," also will be read. The morning sub ject will be "Lest We Forget." BIBLE UNIVERSITY CLOSES 17 TOVXG ME.Y AXD TOjrEX EXTEItyM I X ISTR V. 31 Graduates deceive Blplom-ws at Commencement Exercises in,. I'lrst Christian. Churclx, EUGEXE, Or.. May 29. The fcraduatinft; exercises of th Eu- Irene Bible university- were held Mon day night at the First Christian church. President P. I. Campbell of the University of Oregon delivering the address. Thirty-one graduates of the school received their diplomat. At 5:0 the annuil alumni banquet was held, plates being: reserved for 1 25. ntany of whom were former Graduates. On Sunday 17 younp- men and -women were ordained into the ministry. Tr. E. V. Stivers, pastor of the First Christian church, performing the or dination ceremony, assisted by 16, other ministers. Those ordained txo as follows: A. Ted Goodwin. Oscar A. Cooper. Florence Kirk. Ruth Williams. Grant Lattin. Kmil Helseth, I-ucy Pointer, Jessie Carlson. Mrs. lavid A. Byerlce. Kalph W. Isaacson. William C. J'iper. Kldon L. WoodEthel Fay Dana, Ruth La, Benny, Martha W. Baird. Irene Dodd and Louis F. Kcllems. The graduates of the Bible college this year are: Classical ministerial court - Joseph David Boyd. Clinton Clyd J ThuriUon, Henry A. Van Winkle. Classical Biblica' course. DIkson Patn Hurriinan, Ktoren Kirk, Iena Kathcr Npwton, Frank C Purnell. Ramon Advl phine Stover. Carroll Curtis Roberts, Will iam Phene Sutton, Ruth Ellen Williams, v imam hood tfatrn, zona Vernon iod, Edna Lawrence Burke. David Ailen Byrr- ee, Milton Ward Bower. Rex Ruleth Lml- !, Lcn Bryan Fish back, Effie Gladya Gib son. English ministerial course. Marauerito Gebhart Dalian. Laura I. Drill, Edna Cor nelius Harriman. Normal Bible course. Etta. Althea Prall. School of oratory. Martha Watson Baird, William Rtbb Baird. Guy L. Drill. School of music Mary Ethel Ashuret. Ethel Fay Dana, Dickson Pain Harriman, Ruth Ellen Williams, Hattio Foley Mitch ell, Charles Harold. Richards, Lucile Eliza beth Shea for. Corn Farmers Get ew Land ' REGIXA, Sask. A large number of wealthy farmers from the Un ited States, mainly from the corn belt in Illinois and Iowa, have. bought 43,000 acres of land west of here for $1,750, 000 and have 'commenced to . arrive with their effects. They expect to have a eood acreage under croD this summer. HEARTBURN or heaviness after meals are most an noying manifestations of acid-dyspepsia. KM301B5 . pleasant to take, neutralize acidity and help restore normal digestion. BADE BT SCOTT ft B0WNE MAKERS OF SC0TTS EMULSION MOTHER! Special Memorial Services at Trinity Today. Mnslral Kratan Be Prominent. This afternoon Choir Will Mnc nt Onen-Air sanitn-riim. "California Syrup of Figs'1 Child's Best Laxative ASI'.CiAli Aicmoriai aay service has been arranged at Trinity for 11 A. M. The musical feature will be prominent. This afternoon the mem bers of the choir will go to the Port land Open-Air sanatorium to sing; for the patients. Dr. Morrison will make a short address. A parish picnic is to be held early in June, in which the Sunday school and all the church or ganizations as well as the congrega tion will participate. The exact date will be announced later. There will be no more evening services until September 1. The Young People's society of St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral will meet this evening at 6:30 o'clock in the parish house adjoining tbe church, at the corner ot Thirteenth and Clay streets. There will be a special subject for this meeting, and C. A. Jacobson, wjio is to have charge, will give a dis course on "The Spirit of Missions." Saturday. June 12. there will be a supper and conference for boys at the Pro-Cathedral. The special sub ject to be handled will be "Vocation." Among the speakers will be Bishop Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having tho best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "California.", Adv. CATARRH Is now easily overcome by UBing an antiseptic oil spray, which ab sorbs and dislodges the bard web like mucous membrane of throat and nose. Quick relief Is always obtained by using the McKenzie Catarrh Spray. The price com plete, with special atomizer, is only J2.50. We pay the postage on thla and all oluer drug orders- LAUE-DAYIS DRUG CO. Trow K.rpertn. Dit, 3. l'ortland, Orrgoa.