The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 23, 1920, SECTION FIVE, Image 69

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Women, Schools, Churches
s Gardens and Books
NO. 21 1
Pageant at Bryn Mawr Is Most Elaborate Ever Attempted VTellesley Girls Hold Annual Hoop-rolling
Event Sweet Briar Students Honor Beautiful Queen.
ers Ms EXDasnum
Offering Rugs of Rare Beauty and Value
9x12 Wilton Rugs $115, $137.50, $175, $185
8-3x10-6 Wilton Rugs $130, $165
6x9 Wilton Rugs , $87.50 to $108
(These may be matched with smaller Wilton Rugs)
9x12 Chenille Rugs $165
8-3x10-6 Chenille Rugs .....$150
9x12 Chenille Axminster Rugs $85 to $120
8x10 Chenille Axminster Rugs $75 to $100 '
9x12 Axminster Ruga $55, $75, $85, $57J0
8-3x10-6 Axminster Rugs $68.50, $77.50, $87.50
27x54 Velvet Rugs, an assortment at $3.50, $4.85
Kongo Flax Rugs, 3x6 $6.95, 27x54 $3.85, 18x26 $2.15
One piece of old rose chenille Axminster carpet nine
feet wide; plain blue or gray wool faced carpet nine
feet wide; one piece of taupe chenille carpet twelve feet
wide in any length without a seam. '
Velvet Hall and Stair Carpet, per yard
$2.25, $2.35, $2.45, $2.95
Tapestry Hall and Stair Carpet, per yard
$1.10, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75
Imported Japanese and Other Grass Rugs
at Special Prices
Rarely beautiful In coloring and unde
niably distinctive in pattern are the new
Brass rugs. If you haven't seen the new
spring assortments it is worth a special
trip to see how beautiful these inexpen
sive rugs are in their newer developments.
1i.OO VaJoes .Vow K 12.85
Six patterns in imported Japanese grass
rugs that are reversible take this re
duction. S13.0O Values Now 11.75
Three patterns In imported Japanese grass
rugs in the popular 8x10 size to go at a
very low price. ,
9x12 Grail Rap
A large group at 15, f.18, S20 to 32-50
8x10 Grass Rim
Splendid choosing at S12.SO, 18, $20 to $30
flxO Grass Rom
Very low priced. SK.SO, 12v, $15,
27-inch Grass Rugs, a goodly collection
at 2.25. $3.25
36-inch Grass Rugs at only ... .$4.30. fAJir,
27 and 36 - inch grass stair carpet and
four patterns of figured fibre matting
at, yard 5c
Three patterns in fancy matting runners,
27 inches wide at $1.15 yard. 36-inch wide,
a yard .' $1.50
Huge Assortment of
32 Patterns In Inlaid Linoleum
A rare collection from which it is possible
to choose a pattern for every requirement.
Prices range, per square yard $1.85, $2.15,
$2.25, $2.35, $2.50. ,
Printed Linoleums
in six and twelve-foot widths a fine col
lection of patterns, per square yard $1.25.
$1.45, $1.85.
Cong;olenm Rngi
These popular rugs may be had In three
sizes 6x9 and 7-6x9 in patterns and col
orings duplicating costly fabric rugs.
Rug borders and fancy hall runners of
Congoleum round out the Powers stock.
There's a special attraction to choosing from curtain as
sortments wherein every pair is exclusive. Scrim, voile,
net. cluny are included at just half regular.
i r
Carpet Sweepers $3.85
A very superior type SANITARY SUCTION SWEEP
ERS with rubber brushes are sharply reduced for this week.
The Stranger
Within Your Gates
Four Great Erents
the Shriner's Convention, T. P. A. Conven
tion. Kiwanis Convention and Portland's own
Row Kentlval will bring- to Portland dur
ing June strangers from the four corners of
the world. The impression each carries away
will be a link in an endless chain of word-of-mouth
advertising- of Portland. Show the
stranger within your gates the western brand
of "square deal" hospitality, so that it will
be a strongly welded chain,
pulling for Portland!
Period Bedroom Suites Very
Low Priced at $241
All pieces similar to illustration but you cannot note the excellence of
the Ivory or walnut finish in the picture. Come in and see them if. you
require only one piece we will be very happy to accommodate you.
Priced separately:
Bed: $59.50, Dresser ,$C9.75, Chiffonier $57.75, Dressing Table $54
$88.25 Vanity
The triple mirrors are of high-grade
plate and flawless. Daintily styled, but
strongly constructed, finished in Ameri
can walnut. Every woman and miss
longs for a Vanity dressing table because
it is so exceedingly practical.
Go Now at
Full size beds, with heavy posts
and 6hapely end panel. An always
popular style exceptionally well de
signed and beautifully finished.
$59.50 Dining
Table $49.75
Important Sale
of Living Room
Comfortably proportioned Oak
Living-room Rockers with high
backs upholstered in genuine
leather. Reductions are:
$47.50 Rockers
underpriced ....
$37.50 Rockers
underpriced ....
$42.50 Rockers
underpriced ....
$39.75 Rockers
underpriced ....
$52.50 Rockers
underpriced ....
$49.75 Rockers
underpriced ....
Artistic Out-oi -Door Furniture
Every one loves to lounge about a beautiful yard but not at the expense
of light colored frocks or suit. Chinese sea grass, Chinese reed, Old
Hickory, pak and natural maple and enameled finished out-of-door furni
ture is designed to harmoniously blend in with its surroundings, and pro
vide a comfortable way to enjoy the out-of-doors.
Canvas Hammocks
$17.50, $21.50 to $64
Portable steel frames allow you to
move these about freely. They are
equipped with good cotton filled mat
tresses, khaki canvas striped or cre
tonne covering and are adjustable to
any position.
Sale of Porch Swings
This Week $7.75
Four-foot, solid oak porch swings, com
plete with chains. Fumed finish, like
cut except no slate underarms. This
week or as long as they C?7 7
last, at W4.1U
Out-of-Door Furniture Very
Specially Priced
Old Hickory Arm Chairs are reduced to $6.90
Old Hickory Arm Rockers are reduced to ....$7.75
Fumed Chairs in solid oak are reduced to $4.95
Fumed Rockers in -solid oak are reduced to ..$5.35
Maple Frame Canvas Steamer Chairs cut to...... $2.95
Folding Lawn Settees, red or natural finish $2.95
v A
Full quartered oak extension dining
table with flush baud top and octo
gaii shape base.
42-Inch Dining
Table $19.90
A Large Shipment
Auto Robes
Just Here
Mohair Robe, lined with Pershing
velvet $28.00
Centennial Velour Robes, two-tone
novelties $34.00
Royal Gray Mohair Robes, lined
with Mose'tt $36.00
Imperial Robes lined with silk
Frufrui $37.50
Brown Mohair lined with Perfec
tion fur .$35.00
Seventy-five other robes in cotton
and wool, ranging in price from
$9, $11, $12.50, $15, $17,
$18.50 to $31.00
You Will Profit by a Demonstration of
Cooking surfaces, oven and water are heated
so quickly that you will want to see it done
for your own satisfaction. Five pieces of
wood, eight minutes with the 'A-B featured
construction are sufficient.
You can burn wood, coal or gas the gas at
the same time as other fuels or separately.
Whatever the fuel you burn, you get the
maximum of heat and practice the truest
economy by using an A-B combination.
Arrange your time to see the -A-B combina
tion demonstrated this week and get' ac
quainted with its many features.
4 4. ?U- "
JIoop polling JV0X-XrsSTJt-P&y fp JYUejley SexzeTS .
slit rxf t Iff J 1 I js. x" o. ?
III PziJV J ' : V I rS&M U .
III flJWvti V 1 -r
WOMEVS colleges all over the
country this year observed the
coming of May with the time
honored ceremonies that have formed
a part of the, tradition of many of
the larger institutions in the east.
Revels, playtime ' and the pageant
held at Bryn Mawr were the most
elaborate ever attempted by the col
lege and proceeds from them went
to the endowment fund.
Dean Hilda W. Smith as "Queen
Elizabeth," mounted on a richly
caparisoned horse.- took a leading
part in the pageant. She presided
over a host of gaily dressed folk who
made up her court.
Even a downpour of rain could not
check the ardor of seniors at Welles
ley college who carried out the his
toric annual custom of rolling hoops
to chapel on May day. This event
was held at 7 A. M. Seniors who
took part were Ruth Nash of Macon,
3a.; Helen Burger of Charlestown.
111.; Olive Brenner of New York city;
Laura Erve of Minneapolis: Helen
Scott of Auburndale. Mass.; Ellen
Barrett of Worcester, Mass.: Mabel
Bustead of Maplewood. N. J.; Mar
garet Xettleship of St. Louis; Mildred
Batchelder of Portland, Me.; Harriet
Doyle of Akron, Ohio, and Marjory
Bellow of New York city. 1
S.weet Briar college in Virginia ob
served its annual May day ceremonies
elaborately this year. Miss Helen,
Beeson of 1750 Oak street, Columbus,
Ohio, was the very beautiful queon.
honored by the affair.
Wagnerian Repertory to Be Enlarged and Given in English List of
Artists Re-engaged Includes Many Famous Names.
Heavy dining table with large ped
estal and shaped legs. Regular top
iustead of plank top shown.
Blankets, comforters, pil
lows, spreads, etc., every
bedding requirement at
tractively filled on terms
extended to suit your convenience.
Powers Charge.
No Interest
Hear Your Favorite Music Played at
- Powell on
Brunswick Victrola
These handsome Instruments are shown in
the most desirable models, and are available
on generous terms. Tpo,
No. 7 Oak or Mahogany Brunswick, five 10
lnch double-face records, 300 steel needles.
NEW YORK. May 22. (Special.)
The steamer which left the
port of New York on Tuesday
carried one of the greatest cargoes
of celebrities in the musical world
that has gone out since the days
of general exodus before the war.
Among the passengers were General
Director Gatti-Casazza and a num
ber of his staff as also Gino Marin
uzzi, artistic director of the Chicago
Opera association.
As has been his custom for several
years on the eve of his departure,
Giulio Gatti-Casazza broke his silence
as to his plans for next season and
made some Interesting revelations,
after expressing gratitude to the pub
lic, to his co-workers both artistic
and executive and to all who helped
to make a season wnicb. Droke all
Grand -Opera Made to Fay.
It was also stated that the ad
vance sale already shows a great Im
provement over what had come In
last season ny mis uujes oiu uen
It Is understood that the 207 per
formances brought receipts estimated
at $1,800,000, it is plain that Mr. Gattl
Casazsa has made grand opera pay.
The director placed some emphasis
upon the fact that he planned In the
future, as he had done in the past,
to glean from all schools, countries
and periods inasmuch as variety
helped to spell success. In view of
the great -success made by the Eng
lish presentation of "Parsifal," he de
cided to enlarge the Wagnerian rep
ertory by giving "Lohengrin" and
"Tristan and Isolde" aUso In English.
"The Polish Jevr." a Czechoslovak
opera by Karl Weiss, libretto by
Victor Leon and Richard Batka, will
also be done In English.
Casts have not yet been made pub
lic but It is known that Margaret
Matzenauer will sing Isolde and
Ortrud and Florence Easton will sing
El&a. Sembach, who has taken out
his American papers, will be a mem
ber of - the. company - and will sing
Tristan and probably the title role of
"Lohengrin." "Cleopatra's Night"- In
English will be retained in next sea
son's repertory.
Caraso to Be In Title Role.
At last "Louise" is announced for
the regular repertory with Geraldine
Farrar in the title role and all those
who know Alda's capacity, charm
and adaptability in French opera are
awaiting her appearance in this role
as well. In Italian will be given for
the first time at the Metropolitan
"Don Carlos" by Verdi and Giordano's
"Andre Chenier" In which Caruso will
have the title role. Boito's "Mefisto
fele" is planned for Mme. Alda, Flor
ence Easton and the new tenor Benja
min Gigli, said to be one of the sen
sations of Italy where he has sung
at La Seal a and he is a favorite at
Monte Carlo as well. Another Italian
from La Scala is the baritone Gius
eppe Danise, who has also sung suc
cessfully at the Teatro Colon in
Buenos Aires.
Two returning stars will be wel
come to a large number of admirers
at the Metropolitan. These are Emmy
Destinn and Lucretia Bori, the latter
to come for the spring season of 1921.
She has just finished a season at
Monte Carlo in good health nd good
voice. Among eight new American
singers those who have made estab
lished successes either in this country
or abroad, include Francesca Peralta
(Phylis Partington), Maria Chamlee,
trie young American tenor whose sue
cess as a member of Scotti's Grand
Opera company, has been nothing
short of sensational; Sue Harvard
well-known and a reigning favorite
in concert, oratorio and church circles.
Others are Cora Chase,, a colorature
soprano who has sung in Madrid
Alice Miriam, soprano who has sung
In Italy; Anne Roselle, Elvira Lever
oni, William Gustafson. basso and
Carl Edwards, the latter as assist
ant conductor.
Many Artists Re-engage.
The re-engaged artists, include
Mmes. Axman, Dalossy, Egener, El
lis, Farnam, Fornia, Garrison,, Muzio,
Mellish, Morgana. Peterson, Fonselle,
Kappold Romaine Scotney, Sparkes,
Sundellus. Tiffany and Kellogg; so
pranos: Mmes. Arden, Berat, Claussen
Delaunois, Gordon, Ingram, Howard
Lazzari, Mattfield, Perini and Robe
son, contraltos. t
Tenors re-engaged are Messrs. Alt--house,
Audisto. Bada, Criml. Diaz;
Due, Hackett. Harrold, Kingston
Martin, Paltrinierl, Sembach: bari
tones: Messrs. Amato, Chalmers,' Cou
zinou, d'Angelo. De Luca, Laurentl,
Leonhardt, Picco, Reschiglian, Schle
gel, Scotti, Whitehill, Warrenrath and
Zanelli; basses: Ananian. Didur, Ma
latesta, Mardones, Martino, Rothier
and de Scgurola.
The conductors are Arthur Dodani .
zky, Richard Hageman, Roberto
Moranzoni, Gennaro Papi, Albert
Wolff; assistant conductors, Giuseppe
F-amboschek, Riccardo Dellera, Paul
Eisler, Wilfred Pelletier, AJlesandro
Souri; chorus mastec Giulio Setti.r
technical director, Edward Siedle
stage manager, Armando Agnini;
dancers, Galli, Rudolph, Ogden and
Konfie-lio and ballet master for "Cod
d'Orr," Adolph Holm.
Women Urged to Study Methods o
Cleopatra and Salome. -SACRAMENTO.
Cal.. Til way for a
wife to defeat the modern vampire Is
to "vamp" her own husband. Miss
Susan B. Smith, who addressed the
California Federation of Women's
Clubs, proposed the plan, not in so
many words but in a very direct sug
gestion. "If women wuold study the lives of.
such women as Cleopatra. Sappho and
Salome." she said, "I think that hus4
bands would be far more anxious to
stay at home nights."
Miss Smith attributed the "baneful
Influence" of the vampire type of
woman to her knowledge of men, and
urged clubwomen to apply the vam
pire test in efforts to interest and
hold the attention of men.
"The wise woman, especially the
wife, should aim to add to her graces
the pretty artifices of the 'vamp,' as
exemplified by the great classical
characters among the world's women.
"There is such a thing as harm in.
this attitude and it has been dragged
to a level .which women scorn. But
women have made a mistake in their
scorn. Those wives who practice the
pretty artifices of the classical char
acters who have held the attention
and Interest of men have had littl
trouble in keeping their husbands at