THE ; SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MAY 23, 1920 METHODISTS MAKE IT Ritual Is Modified by Vote of 390 to 369. RELIEF QUESTION BARRED automobile was going 20 miles an hour at the time. John Nelson, 52, of 988 First street, driver of a truck. for the 'Jones Lum ber company, received, bruises when his truck was struck by a Fulton street car at the Intersection of First and Hall streets. Nelson reported that his truck was carried a distance or about 30 feet by the momentum of the street car and was. badly dam aged. Clyde Bradley, 19. of 81 Watt street. received a scalp wound and bruises on the face when he was struck by an automobile as he stepped from a street car at the Portland Union stockyards where he is employed. He was taken to the St. Vincent's hos pital. The police did nof get the name of the driver of the machine. Hew Qualification for Membership Is "Desire to Flee Wrath and Be Saved From Sins." DES MOINES, la.. May 22. A change, which many delegates said was important, was made today in the ritual of the Methodist Episcopal church by the general conference, which adopted the majority report of the committee on judiciary, which held unconstitutional the question on the ritual of the churcl. for the re ception of members, which reads: "Do you believe in the doctrines of the Holy Scriptures as se. forth in the articles of religion of the Methodist Episcopal church?" an- the necessary answer, "I do." The report was adopted after long debate by an aye and no vote, 300 for and 369 against. The report of the committee did not touch on the other questions usually asked in the reception of members, because they were not involved in the appeal which eliminated the report. However, the report indicated that the only qualification for membership is a "desire to flee from the wrath to come and to be saved from their eins." No Change Favored. There will be no debate in the gen eral conference on proposed changes in the amusement clause of the dis cipline of the church, if the report of the committee on state of church is presented and adopted as decided upon by the committee. Not only has tho committee decided to recommend Vtmt no change be made in amusement actions, but also that the report be &0pted without debate. The same committee has agreed upon a definite plan for recreation in local churches, intended to satisfy the wants of the young people. Appoint ment of a local recreational director will be recommended. X atand against the use of the mo tion pictures in the church will not be taken, according to a report ap proved by the committee on state of the church. This report urges the establishment of local and state boards of censorship for pictures and calls upon all legislative bodies "to take early and effective measures to abate the dangerous nuisance of un wholesome and unclean moving pic ture display." It also condemns all commercialized exhibitions of motion pictures on Sun day and urges all the churches, other organizations and individuals exhibit ing pictures on Sunday to "scrupu lously avoid anything and everything that would in any way detract from the sense of the essential sanctity of the Lord's day." Divorce Lam Proposed. Congress would be petitioned, to adopt a joint resolution proposing to the several states a constitutional amendment authorizing congress to establish and enforce uniform mar riage and divorce laws throughout the nation, in another report filed. The reports of the committee on itineracy will recommend two inno vations in the work of the church a provision permitting deaconesses of the church, in necessary and urgent cases, to administer the rights of bap tism, and permitting annual confer ences to provide permanent endow ment funds for the support of retired local preachers. The evening session tonight whs given over to the reception of frater nal delegates from the three colof -d Methodist Episcopal churches. It was said "the election of two negro bish ops will do more to erase the question mark written across the hearts of the black Christians than anything that has happened since the patiOTproclamation. E WILL HELP DRIVE OVERSEAS VETERAX TO AID IX LEGION CAMPAIGN. Effort Will Be Made to Enlist All Nurses and Doctors Who Served With Forces. For the first time in the Oregon history of the American Legion, a woman is to have a dominant part. Miss Ann Schneider, who was an esthetist with base hospital No. 46, the Oregon unit, in France, and who now fills the same office at St. Vin cent's hospital, was named yesterday by Orton E. Goodwin, chairman of the GETS COMPLICATED Outlook for Future Delivery Declared Doubtful. HIGHER RATES PREDICTED lima Ann Schnf Ider, Tho Trill head Portland dtvlnlon In Legion drive for America member. membership committee of the Legion, as one of the 12 captains who will conduct a drive for members this week. There are no sex lines in the Le gion. Women who served in the army nursing: corps are just as eligible as men who served in the army and navy, and Miss Schneider will take charge of one of the big west side di visions. In addition, she will organ ize the Good Samaritan and St. Vin cent's hospitals for members for the Legion among- the nurses who saw service, while Dr. Guy Strohm was named chairman of a special commit tee to obtain similar results from the physicians practicing; at the hospi tals. Walter Dimm was the last captain to be named, the complete list now in cluding Cassius Peck, Donald Rowe, J. H. Lynch, Floyd Lynch, J. J. Crosa- ley, Fred AVest, James Bain. Al Stone, Nate Wurzwciler and ISarl Wurzwei-ler. CRIPPLED VESSEL SAVED SCHOOXCR, ITS CREW KX HAUSTUD, REACHES PORT. Seamen on Steamer Fred Baxter Win in All-Xight Fight lo Keep Craft Afloat. SEATTLE. Wash.. May 22. (Spe cial.) Exhausted after an all-night struggle at the pumps, the crew of the fcteam schooner Fred Baxter came ashore here at 4 A. M. today after winntngju desperate fight to save her from sinKing. The schooner reached Union dock only a few minutes before the water in the hold reached the boilers and extinguished the fires. The ship was made fast and kept from sinking when auxiliary pumps from ashore were hurriedly connected. Part of the deck cargo of lumber and poles was lost during the nieht. The schooner left Everett at mid night, after loading for San Pedro. The cargo began to shift when the ship was off Marrowstone point. It was soon discovered that water wa rapidly filling the hold. The captain believes a porthole was left open and will conduct a survey as soon as the water is pumped out. Radio distress signals were flashed as tho tide put the schooner on her beam ends. Then it was found that her Sampson post was broken. The men kept at the pumps and the ship steamed for Port Townsend, riding at an angle of 40 degrees. The Baxter is a modern steam schooner and has been in the coast wise trade for three years. She ar rived in the sound recently with a cargo of sugar from the south. She is owned by J. H. Baxter of San Fran cisco and operated by the Parr-Mc-Cormick company. She is capable of carrying 1.200.000 feet of lumber. Priority Order Thought Likely for Quick Dispatch' of Material for Car Building. SEATTLE, Wash.. May 22. (Spe. cial.) A note of warning to procras tinating lumber and Bhingle buyers is contained in a summary of the in dustrial situation announced today by Robert B. Allen, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's asso ciation. . He says: "Car shortage is again be coming abnormally acute at the mills in Oregon and Washington., So seri ous is the outlook for future deliv eries tfiat it is doubtful if the buying movement which always precedes rate advance can be handled with customary protection to buyers. Higher Rates Declared Sure. "Increased freight rates are certairi. These increases will be announced and made effective earlier than first an ticipated. In view of the emergency, it is possible for the interstate com merce commission to inaugurate new rates without the customary 30 days' notice, leaving any inequalities of the new tariffs to be Btraightened out later. "Mills of the Pacific northwest are protecting themselves against the ad vance in their terms of order accept ance, whereas the buyer is not . pro tected unless his cars are moving prior to the effective date of the ad vance. "In view of the growing car short age, there seems . little chance of crowding through a big volume of business in an eleventh-hour rush, such as has been the case just ahead of previous rate, advances. Priority Order Expected. "Further complicating the question of deliveries of retail yard and fac tory material is' the release of a heavy volume of railroad buying, which is forecast in the approval by the interstate commerce commission of a loan of $125,000,000 to the car riers for the purchase of new equip ment. There is a general belief that thor will be a priority order for the quick dispatch of car-building material." a. & c. feldenheimer JEWELERS : : SILVERSMITHS OPTICIANS DIAMONDS MOUNTED AND UNMOUNTED DIAMOND AND PLATINUM JEWELRY ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING . RINGS SILVERWARE STERLING AND SHEFFIELD IN STANDARD AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS WASHINGTON STREET AT PARK ft Store Opens at 9 A.M. f on. charges of criminal syndicalism n r? Wr trtvm-n until n ... waslr. n plead, were arraigned before Judge auw lqis morning. Irving ana foisneu will be. defended by Ralph S. Pierce. torney who defended th 11 T w w in the February syndicalism trial and ill plead not guilty, it is stated. WAR BONDS YIELD 6.33 Market Price of Loans Make All Issues Better Than 5 Per Cent. - SAN FRANCISCO, May 22. Victory liberty loan 4 "is, selling at $95.75, yield approximately 6.33 per cent on the basis of figures at the close of business today, as given out by the federal reserve bank. The weekly report on liberty bonds computed by the bank is as follows: First liberty loan, interest rate 3Vi per cent, market price $92. approxi mate yield 3.98 per cent; first liberty loan 4s, $S3.25. 6.14 per cent; first lib erty loan 4V4s, $35.50. 5.26 per cent; second liberty loan 4s, $S3, 5.27 per cent; second liberty loan 4 Vis, $84.25, 5.46 per cent; third liberty loan 4s, $89, 5.93 per cent; fourth liberty loan 4 lis. $85.25, 5.53 per cent; victory lib erty loan 4, $9o.7;, 6.33 per cent; victory liberty loan 3?i, $95.75, 6.32 per cent. INCREASED RATES SOUGHT Oregon Roads File5 Petition With Public Service Commission. SALEM, Or., May 22. (Special.) Increases in freight rates amounting to 23.91 per cent are sought by all the railroads operating in Oregon, in a petition filed with the Oregon public service commission here today. The petition sets out that the proposed increase pertains only to intrastate business: Because all of the railroads of the United States recently filed with the interstate commerce commission an application for a general advance, in present freight rates, the operators at the Oregon lines ask that the peti tions relating to both intrastate and interstate increases be heard at a joint session of the interstate com merce cognmlssion and the Oregon public service commission. Applica tions similar to the one filed here to day have been filed with the com missions having jurisdiction over op eration of railroads in other states. The increase sought by the Oregon railroads is based on the contention that the present revenues are insuffi cient to meet operating cost and pay a fair return on the moneys invested Improvements are also contemplated by many of the railroads, for which they allege they have no funds. The Oregon public service commis sion will confer with the interstate commerce commission as to taking joint action. MR. CRANE TO RETIRE National Committeeman Will 'of Seek Office Again. BOSTON, Mass.. May '22. With rawal of Winthrop Murray Crane as a member of the republican national committee after his present term ex pires was announced today by Frank a. Hall, chairman of the republican late committee. Mr. Crane has been a member of the national committee since 1904. ONE MAN ARRESTS TEN Railroad Company Accuses Blacks or Forgetting Board Bills. HOOD RIVER. Or., May 22. (Spe cial.) Joseph Frailer, city marshal, set a record for numbers last night, when single-handed he arrested ten negroes who arrived here on a west bound freight train from The Dalles. Mr. Frazier was notified on short MABT0N, WASH., ISOLATED Town Ordered Quarantined on Ac- const of Scarlet I'"cvcr. YAKIMA, Wash., May 22. Jhe town of Mabton, which has a popula tion of about 1000, was quarantined this afternoon by Dr. H. H. Smith, county health officer, on account of a scarlet fever epidemic which has de veloped rapidly wit,hin the last few days. There are about 65 persons down with the disease. School has been dismissed for the year and churches, theaters and other meeting places closed. Montesano Reds Arraigned. MONTESANO, Wash.. May 22. (Spe cial.) Philip Irving and Hubert Sish ell, who were arrested in February during the Armistice-day murder trial Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. THREE HURT IN ACCIDENTS Six-Vear-Old Boy, Youth of I 9 and Truck Driver Are Victims. Three persons were injured, none of them seriously, in automobile acci dents in the city yesterday. Harry Osbourne, 6, living at East Sixty-fifth and Glisan streets, re ceived a laceration on the head when struck by a machine driven by J. H. Henry, 665 I.add avenue, at Third and Taylor streets. The boy was riding along the sidewalk on a coaster and was struck at the entrance to a ga rage which Henry was entering with V(u mhrhtnp. William C. "Hoffman, florist, who aw tho accident, reported that the Srf 'IIS Atiy eh's Oriental Rugs Saxophones Martin Martin Band in struments are of superior worth.. Ask any musi cian of reputa tion and he will tell you that the "Old" Martin line is first class. The Martin Line Is Complete. Cornets, Trumpets, Saxophones and everything for the modern Band. MELODY "C SAXOPHONE G.F Johnson Piano Co. 149 Sixth, Bet. Alder and Morrison TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE AND RENT ' Our Stock Consists of High-Class Rebuilt Machines Only. RETAIL DEFT, WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 WASHINGTON ST. Main 3681. True Connoisseurs of Oriental who know from actual ex perience and close study, who have thoroughly inspected our collection of .Persian Master pieces assure us that the peo ple of this section are to be con gratulated upon having rugs of such rare beauty and quality in great assortment, available for selection at one's convenience. We in turn are proud to be the medium for their distribution among the homes of the North west. Come and see them. ATIYEH BROS, 10th and Alder J DANCING Taught All dancca taught in 8 three-tiour lessons. Lad i pa S3, gentlemen $5. t D Honey's beautiful academy, . -K3d and asmngton. & e -1 li ners clashes start Mon day and Thursday eve., advanced classes Tuesday- eve.. 8 to 11:80. Plenty of desirable partners and prac tice. No embarrassment. Learn from professional dancers in a real school. All latest steps taught. Open all summer. Phone , Main 7056. Private IrMona all hours. Call at once. notice by O.-W. R& officials that the negroes were wanted for jumping: board bills. They recently came west from Kansas 'City to work on O.-W. R. & N. branch line construction. The blacks were taken to The Dalles today, as the local prison was burned last Sunday. Railway offi cials say they will not be prosecuted if they agree to return to work. DIVORCED WIFE IS SLAIN Railroad Messenger Is Suicide After Shooting Woman. SAN FRANCISCO, May II. Ernest L. Doll, a railroad messenger, shot and killed his divorced wife, Mona, oo the street here today and then turned the weapon on himself, ending hisi own life. They were divorced three months ago, according to the police, who said they had reports that the couple had had several quarrels recently. Building at Cost Planned. TOnONTO, Ont. A buildine Euild is being formed here for the purpose of erecting houses at a minimum cost. The city will supply the land under the scheme and also the material, the I building trades providing the labor. No profit will be made from the con- struction of the houses, 100 of which I are to be erected as an experiment. Mil 9 HI Better Optical Service CJ Our Ophthalmometer is one of the most scientific eye-lcslinR instruments in the world. With it rue can deled error of vision instantly. CJ Our method is a methdtl of convenience; of concentration. tj Our skilled optical specialists and opticians are under one roof, as well as the factory for making; the glasses double service with but a single thought to give complete satisfac tion. Cf The one-price policy prevails at our estab lishment, same price to everybody and the same high-grade service in the way of glasses to everybody at the same price. CJ Our many years' experience is at your dis posal. - 4" SAVE YOUR EYES y THOMPSON OPTICAL INSTITUTE Eyesight Specialists Portland" s Largest, Most Modern, Best Equipped, Exclusive Optical Establishment 209-10-11 Corbett Bldg., Fifth and Morrison SINCE 1908. VI CD IK ISiiii in m n 14 THE AFTER-SMART OF SHAVING IS ALLAYED BY SANTISEPTIC .Luiui uiueru receive our prompt and careful attention the same I Our I i ' day as received. . . i! ' ; I i Mill!! S III mill 'The Store That 1 Our Store Closes 5:30 P. M. -J .... . . - . -r. t J C ( , s Agents I or ine isuixencs jrai- it bells for Cash UT1iS and Delineator. All nwi iwiiMimiiiMiiiMiiiiiiiMiMiif styles and sizes now showing. Muni MA NT men who would like to shave themselves, dread the after-smart caused by using the razor daily on a tender skin. To all such we recom ment Santiseptic Lotion; it not only allays the smarting and soreness, but it acts as well as an antiseptic, pro tecting the face from Infection. The sense of security from Infection that you enjoy from the use of Santiseptic Is especially reassuring. Santiseptic, too, is delightfully cooling and re f retains; it leaves the skia.with soft. velvety finish which bespeaks the healthy, well-groomed man. There is no shave "too close" when Santiseptic Is used. The odor of Santiseptic is wholesome and cleanly. Unlike many preparations. It is not sticky. To use it in your daily shave is to en Joy a real luxury. Santiseptic is easily procured at most drug and denartment stores. If vou cannot lip- cure it. send 50 cents, with dealer's! name, to tne .fc,sDencott Laboratories. Portland. Or., for a full-siza bottle. posipaia. -Adri - - - Cleverly Styled and Attractively Priced ' ' Sport Dresses and Outing Garments Exhibiting the Season's Most Fashionable Styles in a Variety of Models and Materials So Extensive and So Varied That Every Taste Can Be Suited Prepare for Memo rial Day and for Vacation Wear NOW, While Assortments Are at Tlieir Best. New Sport Dresses Are Here at All Prices From , $15J0O Up to $SOJ0O If your Outing Dress is to be individually smart, fashioned of proper material and tailored with, the exactitude of fashion then you should see our splendid gathering for here are models that will prove delightf ully interesting from the standpoint of style, quality and price. We Have a Splendid Showing of Khaki Outing Garments COATS $3.75 to $4.95 SKIRTS at $3.95 BREECHES $4S5 to $7jS0 AU are standard quality, well-made garments in regulation styles. They are made to look right to wear right to fit right and youll find them priced right. Middy Blouses In Regulation Style Made of Fine White Lonsdale Jean Sizes to 44 at $1.99 Smart Smocks STg'SS $3.75 to $13.95 Women FZ? Are Talking! About Our Sensational Sale 1 Of High-Grade and Guaranteed Models In the Celebrated and Well-Known R, & G. and Lady Ruth Corsets Samples and Close-Outs C0 1Q Tnt at About Half-price 7 IT air The phenomenal selling of the past two days is proof positive of the extraordinary values offered at this great sale. With renewed lots you are insured equal opportunity to profit ac cordingly. Don't miss it. Corsets in celebrated makes that are well known to our patrons and generally in demand by well-informed women and although you pay a lowered price at this sale every Corset is fully GUARANTEED. There are exactlyt nineteen different models in this assortment and the size range is prac tically complex 6 Front Lace Models, in Sizes 19 to 32. G Sport Models. Extremely popular. 19 to 26. Sizes 5 Average and Slight Models. Sizes from 20 to 30. 2 Models for Stout Figures. Sizes to 30.' In addition to the above we include all broken lines in the higher priced models in . - HENDERSON, MERITO AND CALM A CORSETS Every conceivable material rich Brocades in white and pink Batistes Fancies and heavy weight pink and" white Coutils Every Corset an unmatchable value one which you will not likely see again for PO "1 Q a lan? time at such a low nrice. Pair tPArfeA I None Fitted Send C. O. D. No Phone Orders. SEE OUR BIG DOUBLE WINDOW DISPLAY. Art Goods Section Offers Tempting Values Nimble fingers can quickly fashion dainty and attractive articles for the home or person and at little cost if you pay a visit to our popular Main Floor Art Goods Section. Here are three important savings: Finished Edge Stamped Scarfs At 79c An exceptionally pretty Scarf made with finished scalloped edge and stamped in various designs- They come 18x45 inches 'and are most exceptional values at 79. Stamped Bucilla Dresser Scarfs At 59c . At this low price we place on special sale a fine lot of Bucilla Dresser Scarfs, 17x54 inches; also Center Pieces in 34-inch size. Your choice from several different patterns at 59 each. Large Stamped Bath Towels At $139 Replenish your towel needs at this opportune sale of large stamped Bath Towels. They come 27x48 inches and are remarkable values at $1.39. The Very Latest Styles in Women's Oxfords at $7.85 Pr. They come in fine black vici kid in styles with light welt and McKay sewed soles and Cuban or French heels; also Brown Calf Oxfords with military heel and McKay 6oles. All sizes. A leading special at $7.85. Phoenix Silk Hosiery No values to equal these elsewhere in quality or low price. All colors are here. .Plenty in black and white. We especially recommend these high-grade Stockings' to women who are particular as to the quality, fit and finish of hose and who appreciate fair prices. Ten Lots to Select From CQ CH PAIR for Phoenix Full-Fashioned 50OU Hose, all silk except 4-inch garter top and sole. Of PAIR for Phoenix Silk Hose with dltOU lisle heel, toe and garter top, seam less foot and fashioned back. Qfr PAIR for Phoenix Pure Silk Hose tDX00 with lisle heels, toe and sole. Seam less, with new clocking effect. Qrt - f PAIR for Phoenix Pure Silk Hose, u)m1u mock seam back and seamless foot with lisle heel, sole and toe. Trt -J fr PAIR for Phoenix Pure Silk Hose, 2)JLO with lisle rib top and lisle heel and toe. jrt ff PAIR for Phoenix Pure Silk Full &Ol Fashioned Hose with lisle heel, sole, toe and garter top. J0 - pr PAIR for Phoenix Outsize Pure Silk 0XJ Hose, seamless end with lisle heel, toe and garter top. CO f?C PAIR for Phoenix Outsize Pure Silk ib&00 Hose, mock seam back, seamless foot and lisle heel, toe and garter top. QQ "I K PAIR for Phoenix Outsize Pure Silk 50.1i) Full-Fashioned Hose, with lisle heel, toe and garter top. . QQ Qf PAIR for Phoenix Full-Fashioned D0.UJ AU-Silk Hose, with lisle-lined garter top and lisle sole. Our Store Now Opens at 9 A. M. The Most in Value The Best in Quality Store Closes at 5:30 P.M. Saturdays at 6 P. M. J