THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, PORTLAND, 31 AY 23, 1920 what its policy to them will bo after they get established. The representatives of British oil interests pointed out that America's realization of her position in regard to oil supplies might well have some bearing on the Mesopotamian problem now confronting the British govern ment. "The position is quite clear," said one authority. "As Mr. Bedford states, the country which obtains an adequate supply of oil for its future interests will forge ahead with trade. When he states that Great Britain foresaw this, he is paying tribute, not to the British government, but to private enterprise in this country, which we have to thank for the posi tion we now hold In regard to oil con cessions throughout the world." DEATH OF GARRANZA cation in tears and died, a heart broken man. in Spain. - Old Prophecy la Recalled. But it does bring to mind a proph ecy said to have been made by a nun, which is now being talked about all over Mexivo. She prophesied, accord ing to report, that after Mexico had seen three Franciscos in public life she would have for president en old man with a beard, who would meet a violent death, and that ho would be succeeded by a president who mount ed his horse from the "wrong" side. The prophecy also added that there after Mexico would lose its independ ence. There have been three Franciscos in Mexico's public life since the prophecy was made. They were Fran cisco de la Barra now an exile; Fran cisco 1. Madero, the murdered presi dent of 1913. and Francisco Villa, the bandit leader. Carranza was well known for bis whiskers. Obregon, who led the revolt against him and is expected by many o succeed to the head of the government lost an arm in the battle of Celaya with Villa. and mounts his horse from the "wrong'' side. Bearing on V. S. la Seen. Carranza's death and the manner of it probably will have some important bearing on the action of the' United States when the time comes to con sider recognition of the "government which succeeds him. When President Wilson was refusing to recognize Huerta he based his action on the untimely death of Madero and Suares and announced a broad general policy to the effect that no government would be recognized which did not rest on constitutional elections and which was based on force of arms alone. As it is generally recognised that no government in Mexico could hope to stand w'thout recognition by the United States, the death of Carransa and what responsibility the present revolutionists may share in it is re garded by officials and diplomats here as certain to become a large element in the government's action. Hnerta Fought by Carransa. . of the state of Coahuila who united! E USED TO ESCAPE morning the mechanician was still working on the motor car. Mr. Romig understood it was being prepared for a journey. He was to accompany Grover, but he didn't know where. "How aiut a search for flSO.000 Grover -is said to have buried in Maryland?" he was sked. "I do not know anything about that." Mr. Romig told the details of the escape. "We were In the library, Grover, the two guards and myself," he said. "Grover was reciting Shakespeare. Just when he had us all laughing the telephone bell rang. Grover went into another room to answer it. When the bell continued to ring, one of the guards said: 'He didn't answer that.' The sergeants looked for Grover. I Joined in the hunt, but no trace of him could be found. We then found that Grover"s own car which the mechanician had been repairing in the garage, had disappeared. " 'My God.' said one of the guards, where has he gone to?" "I telephoned Gibboney (Bergdoll s attorney) and he came out at once. the Mexicans under the banner of the constitutionalists in 1913 and fought Huerta.-who seised the power with the wholesale executions which ac companied the deposition and death of Madero. Headed by the military genius of the dashing Villa, Car ransas army won many victories. But he soon quarreled with Villa, and no sooner was he in Mexico City and rec ognized by the United States than he had a revolution on his own hands with Villa at Its head. Although aided in every way by the United States government, Carranza pursued a decidedly anti-American VEILED 111 MYSTERY GUARD IS TRICKED Br RICH DRAFT DODGER. Ex-Magistrate and Friend of Bcrg doll Family Explains Pris oner's Method. Assassination Is Declared - Act of Cowardice. . an Washington Speculates as to How ex-President Died. course, . and during the world war a decidedly anti-allied course was PHILADELPHIA, May S2. The method used by Grover Cleveland Bergdoll. convicted draft dodger, in escaping from his federal guard in this city yesterday was explained today by James E. Romig, ex-magistrate and friend of the Bergdoll family. According to Mr. Romig's story, Grover's car. which had been laid up all winter, was being put in condition by the mechanician when he arrived home. Grover went driving that aft ernoon with his guards. Yesterday topped off by the celebrated Zimmer man note, in which Germany asked TRIBUTE PAID EX-CHIEF OLD PROPHECY RECALLED him to negotiate a German-Japanese Mexican alliance against the United States. His downfall had been a weekly SENATE GULLS MANAGERS Hospitality Offered by ' Herrero to Aged Fugitive Held to Have Been Wantonly Violated. Slaying pf Three Franciscos Is Pre prediction for the last three years and when he took flight from Mexico City many persons predicted the tragic end dicted to Be Followed by ' Unusual President. PROBE OF EXPEXDITCRES TO START TOMORROW. which overtook him. Carranza was the country governor Head The Oregonian classified ads. OBBEGON DENOUNCES CARRANZAS SLAYERS EL PASO, Texas, May 22. (By the Associated Press.) Venustiano Car ranza, president of Mexico and head of the seventy-second government that country has had since 1821. was assassinated at 1 A. M., Friday by Colonel Rodolfo J-Ierrero and his sol diers at -Ttazealtehango.-Puebla, ac cording to messages received here from General Alva'o Obregon, dated at Mexico City tody. "There were tound six or seven more bodies of the men in Carranza's party," said one message from Obre gon. It was not stated who these men might be. Reports given out by the revolu tionists said Carranza was assassin ated by his own men. Herrero was described as an ex-federal officer. He was once an officer in the Mexi can army under Diaz, who was forced to flee Mexico in 1911. - Carranza was made a prisoner and cowardly assassinated at the cry of "Viva Obregon," said Colonel Rodol fo Herrero and his men, violating the hospitality that had been offered him by Herrero. according to a message from his chief followers to General Pablo - Gonzales, quoted in - his mes sage to revolutionary agents here. Assassins Are Denounced. Obregon answered his message in scathing terms. He declared that if the Carranza followers, numbering more than 30 men, and including Juan Barragan, chief of staff; Ignacio Bo nillas, former' ambassador to the United States, whose candidacy for the presidency brought on the latest revolution, and other prominent lead ers had "died defending your chief you. would be at rest with your' consciences and have escaped the shame of your cowardice." Obregon told the Carranzistas they were; sufficient in number to have done their duty, "to have saved Mr. CarranKa's life, if as you state he was assassinated. ' "On repeated occasions," said Obre gon,' "President Carranza was noti fied of 'the guaranty which would be given httrx if he would leave the dan ger zone, but he refused to accept this offer because he considered it an un dignified act of a man of hoiKr to save himself, -leaving his companions in danger. This act of Carranza re vealed the dignity and good-fellowship you failed to appreciate." 'Obregon Report Delayed.-. The first report of the assassination of Carranza was filed by Obregon Fri day night. The message did not reach here until today. - This message said: "Have just received the following message from: Huauchinango, state of Puebla, signed by Colonel L. Her nandez: " 'General lrlel advises me frohi Villa Juarez that the troops of the ex-fedcral officer, Rodolfo Herrero, killed President Carranza at 1 A. M. at a place called Tlazcaltehango. There were found six or seven more bodies of the men in Carranza's party. It is not stated who these men might be. 1 will wire details later. Rodolfo Herrero surrendered last March to General Mariel -and had been an of ficer under General Palaez.' " Revolutionists today were eager in their attempts to show that Carranza was not killed by the revolutionists but "by his own men." The depart ment of propaganda and information at Nogales sent a message to the com mercial agent of the de facto govern ment here urging that the news be given to the press with particular stress on "the fact that the happening occurred far away from the field of operation' of our forces." ' Rebel Leaders Anxloua. From the wording of the Obregon telegram,- skepticism was expressed here by many persons in close touch with the revolution concerning the affiliations of Herrero. The anxiety of the Mexicans on this point was laid to the concern over what the attitude of the United States might be if the reported assassination was laid to the revolutionists. Explanation Also of Sources' of Contributions Will Be Asked by Investigators. WASHINGTON, May 22. (By the Associated Press. Venustiano - Car ranza has joined, the long line of Latin-American dictators who have ended their stormy careers in flight and death. A" fugitive . in the mountains of Puebla, the old man who "kept the United States and Mexico in a broil for the last five years, was killed Monday to explain expenditures and! on Thursday by 'some of tha troopal from whom the money was obtained. I which had protected him as a loyal Some already nave responded. Frank H. Hitchcock, ex-postmaster-general and active leader in the cam paign to nominate Major-General Leonard Wood, and Bernard M. Ba- ruch, ex-chairman of the war indus- WASHIXGTOK, May 22. A dozen men actively engaged in pre-conven- tion campaigns of republican and democratic presidential aspirants had directions today from the senate in vestigating committee to be here on the Kenyon, L. L. Emerson, representing Governor Lowden of Illinois: Angus Jicswetn for senator Johnson: E. H. Moore for Governor Cox; H. M. Daugh erty for Senator Harding and Howard bodyguard in his flight from Mexican capital. Whether he fell fighting or a victim I of the celebrated "ley fuga," which I made dead men of Madero and Suarez, tries board, called as a renreuntati v I or actually was murdered in a coup nf William Ci Mi' idnn war innl.tH.rf QCiai. IS ODSCUreU 111 BUCn ilBlucil- in the number. ' I tary information as has come out ofl While their answers were not lne tropical iastness oi nagdiiDn8d, amnnir thnup u-hirVi rh.uo. I where he died,' presumaoiy sur-i round by a few loyal friends. Death In Attack Reported. Early dispatches today from Mex ico City said the ex-president was I killed In an attack led. by General! M. Rice for Senator Poindexter agreed I Herrero. who had gone with Car ranza in flight, but later deserted to; the revolutionists. The announce ment, made at the headquarters ofl General Obregon, head of the revo lutionary movement, gave the im-1 preseion that Carranza had died in battle. But later advices received in El Paso indicated that Carranza- had been I made prisoner and assassinated in "cowardly manner" and said some of I the friends who were with him at the time had sent a protest to General Pablo Gonzales. The full story may not be imme diately known, and even then may be the subject of dispute. In any event. it adds one more drop to the river of blood which has flowed over Mexico since Porfirio Diaz signed his ttbdi- to appear. Chairman Kenyon said the commit tee was prepared to conclude the in vestigation before the June conven tions. CONGRESS PLANS RECESS LAWMAKERS MAY DROP WORK EARLY IX JOE. Another Vacation . Over Elections Period Proposed, but Xo' Defi nite Decision Readied. WASHINGTON. May 22. A plan for recess of congress from June 4 or 5 to about August 3, with a fur ther recess over the November elec tions In the background, developed today from senate negotiations on the summer programme. The new proposal was said by lead ers on both sides to have gained head way, subject to future legislative de velopment and also possible action by President Wilson, but agitation for a sine die adjournment continued Settlement today of the republican factional row over the meat packer control Dili was said to have paved the way for a recess. - A-conference of republican senators today voted unanimously to press the appropriation bills and conference re ports. ne senate democrats were said to be ready to co-operate In pushing through the urgent measures, d HEADACHES ARE SPECIAL RULE ORDERED SOLDIER RELIEF BILL TO GET RIGHT OF WAY. National Grange Protests Against Plan to Provide Farm Homes for . ex-Servlee Men.-. WASHINGTON, May 22. Republic ans of the house rules committee to day ordered a favorable report on a special rule giving the soldier relief bill legislative right of way. No date for bringing the bill before the house was set, but Chairman Campbell an nounced that no effort to pass the measure would be made before Tues day. Objections' of committee democrats were -based on the' rule's- proposal to amend the bill on the floor. Under the republican programme only one motion may be made to recommit to the ways and means committee. Republican leaders said the resolu tion from the rules committee would not be presented until its adoption was a certainty. . - Aleanwnue. nouse democrats con tinued to prepare for a fight against the rules committee report, expecting aid from half a hundred republicans opposing the cash bonus proposal. Opposition to another provision of the bill also developed. The National Grange protest-! against the Lane Mondell land reclamation plan for farm homes for former service men. Nature never fails to send out warn- I ng when the health is In dangei. The warning may be painful, as in J the case of headaches or indigestion. but if heeded in time and the proper I remedy is taken, serious consequences I may be avoided. - . . Headaches are generally an indica- I tion of nerve "starvation. In good health the-substance which the nerve cells use up. in work Is renewed by nourishment which; it gets from the I blood. If the blood becomes thin and weak -the nerves cannot get suf ficient nourishment. Headaches, in digestion and sometimes neuralgia are the result. When the nerves give warning that I they are feeble for want of food, be gin treatment at once with the tonic I which Mrs. John W. Harris, of No. 1 found so beneficial. - 2273 Martin avenue, San Diego, Cal., "Loss of weight, extreme nervous ness and Iojs of strength were my 1 chief symptoms," says Mrs. Harris, j It seemed as though I was tired all the time and would never get enough rest. I had very little appetite and my blood was so thin that I lost all my color, l suffered almost contin uously from headaches. I had tried several medicines but they all upset my stomach so that 1 1 had to e-ive them un. One dav 1 rot I tion work this spring. The case is a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills set for trial next Thursday in Butte, and began to take them. Before I had taken a box I began to feel stronger and had more ambition. It was not long before my appetite improved and I found myself looking forward J with pleasure to meal time. Grad- ually my nerves became quieter. The 1 headaches became less severe and then disappeared. I' think Dr. Wil- ams' Pink Pills are a fine tonic and have recommended ttt:m to my I friends." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or will be sent by mail. postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 cents I box by the Or. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Write for the free booklet, "Diseases of the Nervous System." Adv.. JUDGE BACKS LEVER' ACT Law Held Constitutional in Mon tana District Court. BUTTE. Mont.. May 22. United States District Judge Bourquin today held the Lever act constitutional. The decision was rendered on a de murrer entered by the defendants in the case of the Lmted States versus J. M. Fabian and the Butte Water company, involving 200 sacks of sugar, said to belong to Fabian. ine aerenaants claim the sugar was to be used to feed a large crew or men to be employed on construe- BERRY SWINDLE PUNISHED Putting Bis Fruit on Top of Box Proves Costly. SACRAMENTO, Cal., May 22. Twelve Japanese berry growers were fined $50 each in the justice court here today. Placing big strawberries at the top of the pack was their offense. Berth Rate Raise; Wanted. LINCOLN. Neb May 22. The Ne braska railway commission today rec ommended increase ranging from 20 to -33 1-3 per cent effective June 1 for Pullman sleeping car berths and drawing rooms within Nebraska to conform with interstate charges al lowed by the interstate commerce commission. Ex-Crown Prince Visits Mother. THE HAGUE, May 22. The former German crown prince left Wieringen today for a short visit with his mother at the new residence of the former German emperor and empress at Doom. Frederick William was ac companied by a Dutch official. "DIFFERENT This Root Beer Barrel is in a class by itself has led its field for fifteen years and is above all the most popular today. The MULTIPLEX Phone your want ads to The Orego- nian. Alain iliio. Automatic 560-95. OIL HELD TO MEAN TRADE Britons- Declare Nation That Has Control Will Forge Ahead. ICopyright by the New Tork VTorld. Pub lished by Arrangement. ) LOXION. May 22. (.Special Cable.) Representatives of large petroleum Interests in this -country have dis cussed the statements made by A. C Bedford, chairman of the board of di rectors of the Standard Oil company of New Jersey, to the foreign ; convention in-'San Francisco. The oil men, naturally, were particularly In terested in Mr. Bedford's reference to British control of the world's future oil supplies and his statement: "American dollars will go into any field where there Is a remote possi bility of getting oil, if the slate de partment will tell the 'companies SPRING DEBILITY Loss of Appetite. That Tired Feeling and Sometimes Eruptions. Thousands take Hood's SarsaparlUa as their spring medicine for that tired feeling, nervous weakness. Impure Diooa. ana testily it mates them feel better, eat and sleep better, and makes food taste good." Spring debility is a condition In which It is especially hard to combat disease germs, which invade the sys tem here, there and everywhere. The white blood corpuscles, sometimes called "the little soldiers in the blood." because it is their duty to fight dis ease germs, are too weak to do good service. . . Hood's Sarsaparilla increases the "little soldiers" and enables them to resist germs of grip, influenza, fevers and other ailments. It has stood the test of three generations, giving en tire satisfaction. Get it today. If a-laxative or cathartic is needed. take Hood's Pills. Adv. is strong, durable, effi cient. Timed so nicely it puts the exact quantity of syrup into each drink measures it with the car bonated water creams it and draws it into the stein with one turn of the lever in three seconds. Order it from Spohn & Wing, -J. Hungerford Smith X"o, Armour &. Co., or your local jobber. Multiplex Faucet Co. St. Louis Mo. Out - of - Town Folks Tou can buy furniture from Edwards by mail and get the same results as though you made a trip to Portland and selected in person. When writing mention about the kind vou want and actual pho tographs will be sent. Terms, if desired, will be arranged. AGood PkceTo Trade j,lMlg - Easy-Terms -No Intensity Get Ready at Once! . The big convention will be on within a month. Tou're going to help care for the visitors. areiTt you? Places to sleep will be of greatest impor tance. Furnish up that extra room now get what blankets, comforts or other bedding needed and add them to your account- Newly-Weds-This Outfit Will Last Till Your Silver Jubilee-Edwards! y- jJISilli Three Booms Full, With Tone and Quality Beyond Your Anticipation In Front Window Today Beautirul Golden Waxed Oak to match for the living and dining rooms; Hand-Decorated Staowflake White or Lustered Old Ivory En amel tor the Bedroom. Delivered to your home (the outfit as described below) on conveniently arranged Easy Terms N o Interest The Living Room Beautiful quarter - sawed oak Library Table with -plank top and magazine racks at each end. Also three handsome oak Rockers with genuine leather upholstered auto cushion seats. (Not ordinary oak rock ers; the.e are real choice.) The four pieces are displayed in the window. . $122.00 The Dining Room An elegant lS-inc-h quarter-sawed plank rim top Table that opens to six feet; quarter-sawed oak Buffet with long plate mir ror and six sturdily built chairs, all fin ished in hand-rubbed wax to match the living-room suite. Eight pieces are dis played. $14950 The Bedroom : Hand-decorated with "Blue Birds and Blos soms" White Enamel Suite of five pieces. No two decorated alike; on one the blue birds are flying in the blossomed branches or l'lutteriuff in the atr. Yes. it's an ex clusive Edwards design. The five pieces as . musiratea. $133.00 L-FOLU BED DAI EXPORTS ARE EQUIPPED WITH COIL-BRACEU" -STEEL-LINK. SPRINGS." Model Illustrated $84.50 S10 CASH $2 WEEK NO INTEREST. Beautiful Golden Waxed Oak Frame, upholstered with genuine Craftsman Leatherette. The Bed Spring is constructed enttrely independent of the seat. A sepa rate and entirely different set of springs are used for the seat. Steel link spring is braced at the ends-(not on the sides) in "Nufold" Davenports. Two persons, regardless of weight, will find this "Nufold" Bed al ways even no more rolling to the center. Tou have full use of the full width of the bed at all times, too. HAVE A BED IN" THE ROOM WHERE YOU DIDST THINK THERE WAS ROOM FOR A BED. Several other models on display, but there's only one "Nu-Fold" Bed construction. Before buying any Bed Davenport, see this Nu-Fold. Good Rugs Edwards! Considering the present market-' value, there's an actual saving of over ten dollars on the lowest price rug listed here. They are good patterns, but not many of these particular ones to select from. While any remain you may help yourself. NOTE THESE PRICES: USE VOIR JUDGMENT AS TO HOW SOON SELECTIONS SHOULD BE MADE 8.3x10.6 Seamless Brussels Rugs (three 9C 7K patterns to select from) ,PdJilJ -9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs (two pat- 07 7R terns to select from) Pw I I l 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs (four pat- tOQ Cm terns to select from) J3iJU 9x12 Seamless Wool Velvet Rugs (three JO CT patterns to select from)..... tnlU Ru9gs1A.x? $49.50, $54.50 and $62.50 (Two to five patterns of each to select from.) Armstrong & Blabon's Inlaid Linoleum, 9 DC per square yard 4tQ J Sleep well Mattresses . . . . . $25 and $31 S3 CASH. SI WEEK, NO INTEREST. You'll do exactly as the name says, "sleep well," for these mattresses are made entirely of cotton, built up In layers like so many comforters. They're guaranteed not to lump or shift. Rolled edges and boxing of all Bleepwell Mattresses contain long-fiber cotton to help retain shape and naturally . prolong their life and looks. Try a Sleepwel! for SO nights. New -Winner Riveted Steel Ranges Including Hot'vater Coils Connected $82.50 tO Cash, 3 Weelt, No Interest. Not identical but quite similar to the illustration is this New Winner Steel Range that is equipped with: Large New Western firebox. Asbestos-covered oven that's lSxl4-inch size. Six lid polished top (no blacking). Duplex grates for wood and coal. Plain nickel trimmings. Polished steel body and polished steel warming closet. YES, EDWARDS WILL TAKE YOUR OLD STOVE AS PART PAYMENT, TOO. Spring Brides' SparklingAluminum Sets $15.85 The most seeded and nkefnl pieces are Included, nn the Tea. Kettle Insert, whlea eliminates bnylnsr an extra double boiler. Two-Quart Lip Sauce Pan Teplaees the soup strainer shown in the lower left corner of Illustration. Their bright-as-silver, smooth-as-glass finish and seamless construction make it impossible for sediment or grease to gather, either inside or out. Just pour on hot water and all pieces are thoroughly and instantly cleaned. Out-of-town Folks: Add 40c to cover the par cel post, unless you want it sent by express, collect. This New Model, With the New Oval Horn and Six Double Faced Brunswick Rec ords, in Waxed Oak, Fumed Oak or Ma hogany - $155.10 SIS Cash, S3 Week, No Interest. Tou didn't know there was such thing as the Brunswick oval horn? Just you see it and hear your favor ite record through it. -Oh. isn't it pretty?" That Is ' what nearly everyone says. But looks were not so much considered when Brunswick built it.. The all-wood oval horn, tapering Into a perfectlv round throat, was added that better and fuller :'ROUNJL) TONES" would be produced. PS?ssrmmTs