THE SUNDAY OBEGONIAX, POirLAyP. 1 AY 16, 1920 SMITH'S HILL MAY HAVE BEEN A MUD HOLE A FEW WEEKS AGO, BUT IT WOULD TAKE A WATER-WITCH WITH A HAZEL FORK TO LOCATE MUD OR WATER ON IT NOW. ROBE lire ana Few Rough Places, but Noth ing for Tourist to Fear. OVERLAND SEDAN LOGS IT NO OBSTACLES NOW ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY r The RTS Smith Hill, Woll Creek Hill, Cow Creek Canyon All Found In Excellent Condition. BY H. GREGORT. The Pacific hiVhway is passable and tor th most part in good con dition from Portland all the way to the' California line. In the Siskiyou mountains. Neither the Ad club car avan nor any other touring party should experience the slightest real . difficulty In traveling over it. There ia not so much as a mudpuddle in Us 317 miles. True, it i not yet an all-paved highway, or nearly so. There are still stretches of it, and quite a 'few of them, between Cottage Grove and Grants Pass that are rough and jolfy and uncomfortable to travel. Much new construction work, with attend ant short detours, is in prosrres But alone the entire length of the Pacific highway in Orepton there is not one real obstacle to the -experienced driver, not one place where he runs the least danger of getting stuck or held up by road conditions. What constitutes "good road" and "poor road" will ever be a moot point with individual drivers. One man's good road may seem a bad one indeed to the pavement type of motorist who seldom ventures on country roads. Much of the Pacific highway still is country road. But this much may be said: The real test of any road Is whether you can get over it. and bow last. 22 1-3 Mile Averagrs Speed. With II. H. Eling, manager of the Wilys-Overland Pacific branch in Portland, Harry Hays and Pat . Blake of the same company, the writer week ago went in an Overland four sedan from Portland to Medford, 313 miles, by the highway, in exactly Jbhi hours to the minute, an average of a little better than 22 1-3 miles per hour for the whole distance, including stops. We est ont from Portland at 4:25 o'clock A. M., just after dawn, and reached Medford at 7:55 that night, when it was just dark enough to re quire lights. Virtually a daylight run betweea the two cities, &. really note- wormy periormance. The actual running time was only 12 hours 45 minutes, the .15 V4 hours including stops for meals, gasoline oil, photographs and such; And that not in an open car, but in a sedan, built for comfort more than for speed. So much for whetTer the Pacific highway is In tolerably good condi. tion. This run, which the next day was continued to the Oregon-California line just over the Siskiyous, was made primarily to log exact Pacific high way conditions for the information of the Pacific Northwestern Ad clubs' caravan tour, which sets out from Portland this coming Tuesday morn ing for Stockton, Cal., and in general for the benefit of all motorists pian ning to drive north or south over the highway in Oregon. No Mud. Anywhere 9iow. So much has been said In the past few months of impassable conditions on the highway, cars being stuck in the iirud all along the route or towed through by horses, that it was desired to obtain actual first-hand informa tion as to conditions now.. The stories of mud a month ago no doubt were true. But that was a month ago. There is no mud now. j Let it be plainly stated that no motorist who wishes to make the run either north or couth need delay his trip one day through fear of bad roads. With new construction work now under way at many points along the highway, local conditions and detours will change much from week to'week and month to month. Even in one week's time there will be changes, so that no log of the highway willre main absolutely accurate as to de tails for any length of time. But the highway ia now passable at least until the rains of late fall, and by that time it is quite probable so much progress will have been made and so much new pavement laid that it may remain open and in fair condi tion even through the winter. Kvery motorist who has traveled the Pacific highway in Oregon, or in tends to travel it, wants . to know iirwt or au anout conditions on cer tain stretches of which he has hoard much most of it detrimental. 1 lrr;vl' -III lKfeil.r, Vw- II I 1 .'V if a- : t is-1 f r - 1 i I I II - . "w ' fTtll 11 - - -T,- si If - x "r 11 lr. - - rx r II ft All Abont These Places. These stretches include. In order from . Portland, Pass Creek canyon, llice ' hill, Roberts mountain. Cow freek canyon, Glendale hili. Wolf Creek hill. Smith hill or Sexton moun tain, and the Siskiyous. A detailed log of the highway ap pears in another column. Here fol lows a summary of road conditions at these places as the Oregon-Overland sedan scout car found them last week: I'asa Creek canyon this Is no longer the terror of former days, but neither is it a boulevard. It has eonie first-class . road, on the new KTade completed last year north of Drain, and some bad road that hasn't srvt been replaced with . new grade. Ttta good new road Isn't as good as : it was last year, when it had just . Veen graveled and rolled and was - perfect. It has been somewhat cut by travel and has "pot-holes tn it, nevertheless is good. There is rough road at Divide. Just t the north entrance to the canyon for a mile.. Then good road to Corn stock and leona Mills, a'bout nine rulkes. Then three miles of decidedly roush road, with new construction, to Drain, and south of there Tough to fair into loncalla. Anyone who re members the old road through the canyon will consider conditions through it mighty good as a whole, - Rice Hill la Paved. Rice hill this is part of the so called ''Goodrich route" between Voncalla and Oakland. The whole Goodrich route, but especially the Kioe hill part of it, used to be very bad. In wet weather, and dusty .Mirnmer because of its sticky red clay bottom. It was a long, hard pull" up the hill and there were bad curves, The Goodrich route is still rather bad and rough for 4.2 miles, but here the motorist gets a genuine surprise, ln- . f lead of going up the twisting curves of the old Rice hill grade, he finds himself on a fine paved highway. This pavement continues for 2.9 miles, and eliminates all the old hill. But from the end of the pavement Into Oakland, 7.1 miles, comes one of the roughest parts of the highway. Most of it is along the new highway crade which was left to "set" last -n inter, preliminary to navioff this year. It is very rough, an,d, bears evi dence of having been a-quagmire for cars In the winter. Along here many an automobile waa stuck in the wet months. - Making conditions more dis agreeable at present is the fact that along one stretch of a mile or so very large loose rocks strew the grade. However, by no stretch of imagina tion could this section be considered impassable or even hard to travel. Incidentally, the 4.2 miles of dirt part of the Goodrich route north of the new pavement will not be nearly o rough this week and thereafter as was the case last week When the Overland . sedan ran over it, for" it was being scraped at that time by a county road crew and should now be in really prime condition. Later, of course, it will become quite dusty. - . Caref al en Roberts Monatain. Hoberts mountain This bad hill, long an obstacle to touring the high way, is not as yet eliminated by the new highway grade on the other side of the Umpqua river, but will be within a month or so. when paving, of the new grade is completed. How ever, the road over Roberts moun tain is in excellent condition, No good driver need fear" Robert mountain if his car is right. Every ac cident that ever happened onit-'has beer due to inexperienced driving. defective- brakes, or over-conf kience in taking the descent on the deceptive down grade too fast. Driven carefully, it 1s not a whit worse, nur as bad. as many a mountain road in the Pa cific northwest of which little is thought. It is a low gear climb on the ascent and cars should go into intermediate or low on the descent. Cow Creek canyon The motorist will find almost every kind of road in the 12 miles of the main canyon south of Canyonville. There is good road, the new grade built last year being in prime condition. There is new grade not yet surfaced and rough, but eminently passable. There are bouncy stretches of corduroy put in as "safety station" for travelers in the wet weather. And there is still in use much of the old road, not yet replaced by new grade, mostly in the southern end of the canyon. The Overland - sedan made fast time through Cow Creek canyon, under the skilled piloting of Harry Hays. No one need fear it. . ' No . More Wolf Creek TI111. : From the end of the main canyon into Glendale the road is mostly of dirt, but very fair. though inter spersed frequently by new construc tion. Glendale hill This hill, south of Glendale, which goes over the steep hill there .nd. drops down into Wolf Creek station on the other side, from which the ascent then begins, over Wolf Creek hill, is often confounded with Wolf Creek hill of bitter mem ory. In its palmy days it was about as bad as Wolf Creek hill, there be ing a very steep, dangerous climb almost straight up the mountain to an apex and an immediate descent down another very steep hill. Even last summer, the steep descent on the Wolf creek side remained. , But Glendale hill cow is no longer even a problem to the motorist. The red clay - road up the hill out of Glendale is not one for reckless driv ing, to be sure, but it is wide enough for two cars anywhere, and while full of curves, they are fairly wide and the grade not dangerously steep. It has been dragged and is in good condition. The sharp, ragged descent down the Wolf creek side has been entirely eliminated by opening of the new main highway grade, which swings on a long, easy slope, with wide curves down the hill. It is graveled and in prime -shape. Wolf Creek hill The real Wolf Creek hill of Pacific highway tradi tion, with its dangerous, slippery 24 per cent grade, is no more. In its place, from Wolf Creek station south over the hill to tho other side, there s now a fine, broad, curving highway or not morn than b per cent grade. and every foot of it paved. The new pavement was opened about six weeks ago and is a credit to the contractor and the state highway department. Vale, Wolf Creek hill, and no re grets. Smith Hill a Bonlewa. Smith hill No place along the en tire highway route received more un favorable mention last winter and early spring than Smith hill, which extends south from Grave creek bridge for five miles, to within 10 miles of Grants Pass. Many persons who had traveled the highway be fore were somewhat puzzled to lo cate Smith hill from the dispatches. This because it is frequently calleu The top -view shows the smooth grade np Smith's hill at present from the north the lower photograph depicts the srrade Just over the summit en the descent on the south. This was body deep in mud a month affe but is in good condition now. Smith's hill, Sexton mountain, or -Graves creek Hill, as It is variously called, between Wolf creek hill and Grants Pass, on the-Pacific highway in southern Oregon, gained an awful nam from tourists up to a month ago from the fact that cars at the summit had to be towed in both directions by horses. Enterprising farmers coined money at the summit towing ears both up and down hill through the mud. But The Oregonian-Overland scout car that went over the highway last week found Smith's hill in excellent condition. It's a long, hard pull tn either direction, but of mud there isn't a drop or a sign. The highway on both sides of the hill has been dragged and smoothed off so thoroughly that, aside from the skill needed to make the climb and pilot a car around its sharp, swinging curves, even an ama teur driver should have no trouble with it. Sexton mountain and sometimes Orates creek hill. But by any name. Smith hill or Sex ton mountain is no longer cause for any anxiety whatsoever by the tour ist. A month ago it was so muaay at the summit that cars had to be dragged by team, even down grade. and TimKlmiftr a nrAnictri flint It wouldu't be open before July. Last week there wasn't a drop of mud on it,- nor a sign of mud, except for about: 100" feet at the summit where there was" a little dried mud. AH of Smith hill has been' dragged and scraped and there is no easier travel anywhere along the highway, so far hills are concerned. . Just forget Smith's hill in your catalogue of pos sible highway worries. This Smith's hill is a long grade in both directions and swings up the hillside around sharp curves. It re quires intermediate gear in places and the driver is likely to wonder wny, for the extent of the grade is hardly perceptible when ascending it. But no where does this hill present any real obstacle' to toljrjng. Siskiyou mountains Many Orego ans have the idea that the Oregon- California boundary line Is exactly at the summit of the Siskiyous. This is incorrect. The state line is well down the south slope, most of the moun. tain range at this particular point being within Oregon. Siskiyou Grade Rough. The climb up the Siskiyous is, taken all in all, as rougn as any part oi me whole Pacific highway in Oregon. This is due mainly to paving opera tions, the big motor trucks laden with crushed rock having rutted and torn up the grade badly. There is an im nression that the paving of the Slski vou grade was completed last winter. but this is not correct. Only part of it is paved and considerably more than half remains to be done. But good progress has been and is now being made. This climb up the Siskiyons is and always has been a hard one. Nothing spectacular, but a long, hard grind of seven miles to the summit. The road winds and curves, revealing many fine spreads of scenery as it climbs up the mountains. From the start up the Oregon slope of the Siskiyous to the summit, -7.1 miles, and down the south slope to the California side is 13 miles. Of this 13 miles exactly five miles is paved and 2.2 of this five miles is the old one way concrete laid several years ago. Rubber Company Distributors ; - MOHAWK QUALITY TIRES - . Cords and Fabrics For a limited time we will offer at special prices the following well-known Tires: Amazon, Acme Bowers, Firestone, Hartford Kelly-Springfield Old tires taken in exchange for new ones. N. E. CORNER BROADWAY AND ANKENY Phone Broadway 4700 Oils Greases Gasoline Accessories i i Virtually all the remaining eight miles of the road is rough, and there is more than a mile of crushed rock But aside from its roughness and the crushed rock .and new construc tion the Siskiyou -grade Is, relatively speamng, in good snape so far ae passamiity is concerned. i ou can get over it, not in comfort, but you can get over It. - Gootd Front Grants Pass. So much for the notorious places Qn the highway. When their condi tion is told, Jhere is really little left to tell, for there' are no other points not in comparatively- good shape. There is much construction at many points, hut as vet- remarkablv few detours. And one long detour of last year, that from Grants Pass south to Rogue river station, has been elim inated by the opening of 6.8 miles df new paved highway. At the end of it is three miles of crushed rock, still to be paved, but not bad going. Generally the highway Is In fins condition between Portland and Cot tage Grove, with the exception of roughness over the Ankeny hill road between Salem and Albany, and In fine condition from Smith hill south to Medford, Aehland and the Siski you grade. From Portland to the California line, 347 miles, is actually five miles shorter than at about this time last year. The writer on that occasion made .a run over the highway with H. H. Eling, who is a great worker for good roads -and who supplied the Overland sedan for this run. The run a year ago, made in a Willys-Knight car, found the total mileage to be 352 miles. - - The shortening of the route by five miles is due to elimination of sev eral detours over which cars were then routed. 'Triplex Springs Get There. The performance of the' Overland sedan 'in which last week's scouting'1 trip was made, in reaching Medford, j 313 miles from Portland, In 15 "i hours actual elapsed time, was really remarkable-. It was due to the wonder- ful readability of the car, in turn due i to its Triplex spring suspension. Mr. Kllng f op some time has wanted to i try out one of the new Ovprland 4 cars on the Pacific highway and this i was his opportunity. The car made such good time be cause its easy riding springs made it possible for Harry Hays at the ( wheel to drive it almost as fast over j the rough roads as over pavements. Mile after mile the little car hummed smoothly over roads that at 30-mile 1 speed would have been exceeaingly rough with most cars, but were hard ly felt in this one. Portland was left at 4:25 A. M. and the car was in Albany at 7:10. where we stopped 40 minutes for breakfast, in Junction City at 9, and Eugene at 9:45. The car reached Eugene with a tire almost flat from picking up a nail, put the puncture was repaired and the sedan on its way at 10:15. Roseburg at 1:0S P. M only 8 hours 43 minutes total time elapsed, in cluding all stops from Portland. Harry Hays, sales manager for the Willys-Overland Pacific branch, who as road man has driven thousands of miles over Oregon roads, piloted the car for the entire 313 miles to Medford in 15H hours, and the next day over the California line. rtt the 37 Ttills from Portland to the California line there are now ap proximately 113 miles of pavement. There will undoutil etly be 2O0 miles of pavement or more on ths highway by the time construction work stops next winter. NOT ALL BAD ROAD IX COW CREEK CANTON. I . W-- - O '6 The Ad club caravan will f tad all fclvcUi of road tn Cow crlt canyon -good, bad aad one. However. It naed to be all bad, and even tbe worat of It .at nreneat la comparatively aood. Here la one of the really good atretchea. where the new arrade befcun laat year aaa been ajraveled aad rolled. The p let are waa taken laat week, on The Oregon tan-Overland -routing rwn to report exct road conditions along; fj&e Pacific highway In Oregon for the Ad club tourUtn. . v a " . Me C VS. . C. L, G. M.'C. trucks are toiling faithfully and honestly day and night on these inter-city routes radiating from Portland to bring producer and consumer closer together for the mutual benefit of both. - - . ' Paul Meinig, Sandy. Albert Webb, Silverton. Willamette Valley. Transfer, Aurora, Hubbard, Oregon City. " v- WiHamette Valley Transfer Co., Salem, Wood burn. FranzelStafford. . W. D. Bowman, Newberg.' Arnold Trucking Co., Forest Grote. , Rogers. Auto Trucks, Hills bo ro. Wm. Jassey, Battleground. C. W. Smith, Camas, WashougaL A. W. Metzger, Gresham, WENTWORTH & IRWIN, Inc. 200 Second St., Cor. Taylor r or 6 SURE Delivery BnanananannsnnnnnnnnnaanBnnnnnnnnsI DON'T Say ' Ship by Truck" BE EXPLICIT SAY. Ship by JUMBO Truck This is also a tip to those having transportation problems of their own. 1V2 2V2 and 3V2-Ton Sizes We Will Be in the "SHIP -BY -TRUCK CARAVAN" Look Us Over 99 NOW AT EAST FIRST AND MORRISON JSoon in Our New Four-Story Building at Broadway and Everett