THE SUXDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND. MAY 16, 1920 13 V BKAL ESTATE. FOR SAL.EJ 226 acres excellent farm land, 92 acres in crop, SO acres wheat, 42 acres oats sown lam fall; 118 acres pasture, which has been farmed and cropped with Clover; IS acres fine oak timber; 2 acre oamily orchard, a' I kinds fruit and harries, 1 acre bearing raspberries. Every part of this - farm Is producing and In high state of cultivation, having been cropped to clover for several years. The 18 acres oak timber is of the beet: place fenced and cross-fenced, on good all-y-ar road, near church, schools and railway station, about 8 miles from Corvallis. Has 0 room house, water piped in and to lawns and chicken yards and other Tulldlnfrs, with jaearly all . furniture, stoves, rugs, etc. All -farm machinery, which Is In good . condition, automobile included; 4 borses, aversge weight 1500 lbs., - tT-horse 1200 lbs., all first class; S cows, 7 hogs. 175 ewes and lambs, ewes will clip about 10 lbs. each: 100 chickens; cement block cream house with new Delaval fVOO-lb. separator, large dairy barn. 80-ton silo, ftheep sheds, horse barn, pumping plant, also windmill and tower tank. This is a fully equipped stock, dairy or grain farm. The wheat on place is nearly a foot high now. Owner retiring, account can't do th work. This farm has more than paid for itself and equipment dur ing past few years. Price $35,000; part cash, easy terms on balance at 6. 4 ACRES 12 acres bearing prunes, 1019 crop sold for $3900; 3 acres apples, peaches and cher ries, 1910 income about $300; 31 acres mostly In crop; 2 horses. 2 'cowa. 1 hog. 30 chicken, all ma chinery, hay and grain and some house equipment; buildings In good condition; prune drier, with about 20O boxes, built 3 years. Three miles from Corvalrts. on good road ail year. Price $21,000, half cash. 600 ACRES Tillable; WO In crop, mostly wheat; 300 pasture, good native grass, running water all year; fenced and cross-fenced; buildings poor. 1 mile from sta tion, 7 miles to Corvallis, mile to paved road under construc tion. $35,000, part cash. HTJGHSON & TAYLOR. Whitehorn Bldg., 132 8. 2d St., Corvallis, Oregon. Phone 1515. BEAT THIS ONE IF YOU CAN. A model farm consisting of 76 aires, with 60 acrea in high state of cultivation, balance '.n pasture and some fine timber. Kice running stream through the place, well fenced and cross-fenced. On good rock road, 4 mile from paved highway, leading to Portland. One mile to town i .hnnia rvon all in. Krain, clover and corn; tery best of soil, and all the land lies justsloping enough to Insure good dralna ge ; practically level. In fine farming community; good-sized family rch-ird. All kinds or iruit, ap ples, pears, prunes. plums. quinces, t.i....t,kITin. runhrrltR. strawberries. inj-nnhPrritV and other fruits. Good K,.iMinra- mnprii ft-room house nuintiPd ' with best water system, hot and col 3 water upstairs and downstairs, ..... , nfiA i a un t nrv n n and down ; fine lighting system, which not only light the house but the entire barnyard and outbuildings as well. Splendid barn with cement floors, good siio. large tool house, separator house, brick milk room, garage equipped with air for filling tires. Several fine shade trees In yard; all stock and implements, including 11 reg-TT-u..,r r.w4 ' n. fine voung nerd. good heavy team. 2 registered Duroc brood sows weight about Duo ids. eacnj, nrn nlHiitPr. nlOWS. Cultivators, harrows, 2 wagons, hack, woodsaw and gas engine, and a lot of small tools, ensilage cutter, etc. Several good standa of bees. Price for everything, sj.uuu. Term6 EDWIN JACOBSON. 718 Spalding Bldg. Main 5642. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. $3500 GIVES POSSESSION. itnfir n nri Mutnment CO wl tlii place of 109 acres and are included In the price of $11,000. This is a good going farm and only 10 miles southeast of Portland, right at railroad station and good auto road. 40 acres are In wheat, oats, vetch and Clover, 2 acres of orchard; balance part Flashed and all good pasture, good crceK and springs make it a first-class stock or dairy farm or for general purposes as it's wonderful soil. There are 2 horses, 4 cows, 10 sheep. 2 hogs, and some poultry; 1 Dinaer, ninwer. lumber waeon. plows and imple ments. Good houe and two barns. This is u real opportunity for a man without much cah to move onto a going farm and make money from the start. K ASK R & RAINET, 822-7 Gasco Bldg. Main 7602. NEAR NEWBKRG. 20 acres, located 4 miles north of New. horiF and close to Sorlnar Brook sta tlon : V. acres can be cultivated; 10 am8 under cultivation, balance In pas ture and timber; fences; small creek across one corner of the place. acre i bcArlne nrunes: school mile: coun ty road; 4-room house, barn and other buildings. This place is in crop, which purchaser will got a share of. Price $2500, large cash payment. John Fergu son, Gerllnger bldg. I"OR S ALK In Hermosa Park, Seaside, Oregon, one ll-room house, one 4-room house, one teuthouse, all furnished, on 100x100; price $4250. half cash. Houses now rented for season for $400 and tent house will earn $75 or buyer can tv In It. Or will sell ail on oOxino for $3 win, for S2500 cash, balance first mortgage. due 2 years. Or will sell 50x100 with -room house and tollhouse for $1 alt cah. Apply on promises. 620 Thir street South. May 1 f to 23. inclusive, or 4oa Railway Exchange, Portland. Alain 3100. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HOMES WANTED. Any locality, any price, cash clients waiting; also will buy with our money If suited. G. C. OOLDENJBKRG. Ablngton bid. Main 4S03. ";;." Years in Portland." PEAUTTFI'L 10 acres on a good auto road near Portland. In fruit and balance under cultivation, to exchange for resl-diMi'-i- in Port i. md. Will assume or pay difference. Address U. S. Hnwland, 2S7 E. Morrison st. Phone East 226. WE W A XTHP LORE-TV FARMS AND ACREAGE. If your price is. right we -will do tha rest. J. C. CORBTN CO.. 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. BHAOKS AND SMALT- HOMES WANTED. Price must be right and vry easy terms: we have sold over 600 homes in the last year. If you want action, lift with u. Fred W. German Co., "32 Cham, of Com. 0 OH 7-ROOM modern home In the vicinity of S4th to asth st.. near Hawthorne, limine must be of bst and have good garAjro. Will pay as hieh as $7000 cash Phone Main Mi:M Monday. WANTED Modern fiv or six-room com pletely furnished bunitnlow; must be on hrd-surf;n'd street ami not too far out. $K00 cash first payment. No agents. AC 453. Oregonian. 60xU0 INSIDE LOT facln east or north, near Hroadway or Irvlnerton car: must b bnrK-ain for cash. Weekday Tiroadway B2ft5. or R Z'2l, Oregonian. TV'nri.P buy from owner, strictly modem huncalow. In any gaod district, about $:ioou, subFtnntial sum down. Call East fin 70. or write BK 4fl4. Oresonian. WANT a S-room bungalow; prefer sub urban ; will trade land for Tsrt value. M. Price & Co., 'J00 Henry bldg. Reliability.' WANTED Port land home, wish to trade nil flrst payment lot near and East Van iers. with 4;0 mortgage. B 040, Oosnn'.n, WANTED Modern house on Portland Htrh nnit have hardwood floors and view;. S10.00O or under. AO 4Ctt. Oregonian, I HAVE $r00 down payment on 4 or R room hM's- around S200O. Call Main hu'inPM hours. Days Mn. 470. W A NT EO 4 or S-room bungalow ; owner; must be oompnrattvely new and mod ern. P MS. OregoniHn. WA NT FT A fi or fl-room bungalow in Trvtngton or "Rose Clv; prefer to buy from owner. P 6. Oregonian. WAVTFn - bin-alow in R. C. Park dis trict: fiono rash, balance monthly. O 55, Orrntiisn. I v 'T si Tvlneton up-to-date home, J7non to $ possibly up to $15,000. L fil V Ore eon lan. BUNTtAW or cottare considerable land. Apply lot. Rest cash. B 22(1. Oregonia n. WANTED To buy houj-e. 5 or 6 rms. Price mirnt be rsonnb1e. No agents. St ute terms. M 6t2. Oreifonian. KTHANOKR TV CTTV. TALK TOT'R TO MRS. PERRY. PHONE MAR. 1t4. TfAVTRD The best apartment bouKe tb.t I.O.noo cash will buy. V 272. Oregonian. HAVE M!W rash for neat home. Phone and will can. Main "WILL buv your enuity if priced rig lit and autta. jo. am tsuo. WAXTED REAL ESTATE. WE SELL CITY HOMES. FASTEST GROWING REAL ESTATE FIRM IN PORTLAND TODAY. "We can 'sell your home quick. Our appraiser will call and inspect your home and advise as to its value, also take a 5x7 photo, which is displayed In our large Ehow room where hundreds of prospective buyers will view it. Eight live-wire salesmen who drive their own cars, backed by thousands of dollars spent In advertising bring result. Phone for our appraiser to call today. CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY. Successor to BIHR-CAREY CO. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 74S7. WANTED AT ONCE MODERN BUNGALOW IN ROSE CITY PARK. Must have hardwood floors. Ivory fin ish, good location and be modem in ev ery detail, will pay $5500 for the right place. $1000 cash and the balance in good substantial monthly payments. Ask for Mr. Rogers. Phone Main 203. HAVE YOU A HOUSE FOR SALE? IF YOU HAVE, LIST IT WITH GEO. T. MOORE CO. FOR RESULTS. WE HAVE BUYERS WITH CASH FOR HOMES FROM $2000 TO $10,000. TRY US. WE ARE ON THE JOB. FOR QUICK ACTION CALL MAIN 802. GEO. T. MOORE CO RELIABLE REALTORS, 1007 YEON BLDG. WE NEED YOUR HOME NOW. We are selling more homes than ever; are better equipped to hand Id your prop erty than ever before. We will call, photo and appraise your home free. If listed at our appraisal price your home Is as good as sold. We advertise ex tensively, have seven salesmen with autos to ehow yon property. ' We have cash buyers waiting. Phone usv Do it now. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Excb, bldg. Main 1004 and 5 S3. WANTED. S OR 6-ROOM BUNGALOW IN R. C. PARK. Must be A-one In every Dartlcular. must have been built several years and .worth the price, will pay from $500 to juu xor ngnt place. Answer at once. Call Tabor b3t evenings. WANT INCOMR PRDPERTY We have several clients with cash who want good income-bearing property as an investment. We have sold several flat buildings recently; have others wanting to buy. It is only a matter of finding something that suits. R1TTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WILL you sell your house In Hawthorne to me ; if cash is an object to you, if you have garage. If your price Is near $3000. If your .house is absolutely worth the money. I have no time to waste looking at property above its value. Y S17, Oregonian. WANT WEST SIDE HOME 8 ROOMS. And one smaller place, also several close-in east side houses,- have buyers able to handle. B. F. KELLY. 715 S WET. LAND BLDG. Phone Main 7776. ATTENTION, owner: I have $5000 cash. J? or the best buv In a bungalow with garage, full lot. I can get. Will con sider a place for less, but not over $5000. What have you to offer? H 522, Ore gonian. WANTED, for cash, 5 to 10 acres with modern 5 to 7-room house; prefer run ning water, land partly cultivated; with in 15 miles of Portland, on or near hard, surface road ; give full description and price. A 207, Oregonian. WANTED Between Portland and Beaver ton, an acre or two of land close to transportation, good plastered & or 6 rooms, water, gas, electricity, chicken houses; no inflated prices. T 245, Ore gonian. ROSE CITV PARK I have decided to buy a home In Rose City Park. Will only consider place In good condition. 5 or 6 rooms. Will pay cash. In answering this please give full description and price. V 521. Oregonian. CAR FOR HOUSE. 7-pase., 0-ey., -54 Hudson, in first class condition; fine tires all around; will trade for good house equity. AM 314, Oregonian. WANTED to buy from owner In Rich mond district. 5 or 6-room bungalow or cottage, with garage; place for chickens and fruit on piace preferred. J. B. Lit tle. 618 Prescott street. IS YOUR MORTGAGE FORECLOSED? If so. don't give up and lose your property1. See me at once and I will give you a good trade or buy yoiu equity. T 691, Oregonian. WE WANT to list 50 houses this week. If price is right will advertise extensively A. W. ESTES COMPANY, Q9 Chamber of Commerce. n.-.n. uuer ior u-room oungalow up to $5000. $1000 cash; no agents: call Mon day, Mar. li)5u, or Bdwy. 35U6, or call at oil .iuso mug. FROM 4 to 6-room bungalow, large lot, would consider acreage if near car, any district, give address and phone; from "Pi no agents, j ua. Oregonia. WANT a bungalow or cottage in Haw thorne or Richmond: would like some thing that needs repair; I want a snap and will paycash. P 1' :.".. Oregonian. WANT small pi.-ce of acreage on eWi terms front owner, under $L'o00. Will pay ail cash this fall. Not particular I WANT half acre or more with house on u, near car; wouia ime some fruit; part uumi, uu.iu.imo moiuiuy. AJ lt. UregO nian. PRIVATE party desires medium-size mnd ern home; can pay cash. Irvington or uauremurai. iso agents. KJ ai, Ore gonian. WILL PAY HALF CASH FOR NICE 4 OR - I . ' -H-J -M KJKJ 1 1 AUJi W'1-.tS'r Of 60TH Ul K LOCATION AND PRICE. B 244, WANT 5 -room bungalow; price must be rint; give ium iniormation first an Bvur. nave iuuu cash. X'JZ, Ore gonian. toELLW uOD I want a five or six-room uungaiow, or srory ana naif house, pre rer naru sunacea rreet, not over one lot- win pay casn. h si'l. Oregonian. WE NEED farm lands and acreage. Write us auout your property A. W. ESTKS COMPANY. "OA Chamber of Commerce. Main S4S5. WANTED By ex-doughboy, the best 6 room bungalow S'JfiOO to $3000 will huv. Have no cash to pay down, but limit tune to iu years, oregonian. WANT 2-story house. 6 or 7 rooms. Sun ny side or Haw t home, not over $4000. it 1 1 iuo .oui u mug. I HA E S300 as first oavment an balance monthly. Consider any district! v j.ti, uR'h-onian. luOxlOO BETWEEN 3d and lath. Glisan ana I'm is -i.rt;ei:. iiive run aescrip tion and price. H 272. Oregonian. I WANT a home in Kenton or north nart of town, nar Piedmont: suitable Day . A 141 i FRANKLIN roadster as first payment on a -t or o-roorn nouse; must, oe central location. rnone wain. nuu. I WANT A. HOUSE, can pay $200 down monttuy payments lor balance. AN 31 Oregonian. WANTED, ta buy. small house, from er; Portland Heights preferred, ephone Marshall $117.. own Tel WANTED Improved acreage on Oregon City carline; give full details first letter. a -w, uregonian. BUSY OR INCUMBERED PEOPLE IN NEED OF HOUSES KIND HELP BY HOME wanted In Richmond dlst., about rooms; have $oon cash, fair terms de- sirea. am ;tu. oregonian. CASH for vacant lot or small bunealow nt-nr ma car. net ween wtn and Oith sts. u toj, oregonian. WA.Mhu Mx-room oungajow; will pa :U"0O; paved streets, fireplace, hard wood iioors. tiox oodetock. I CAN PAY $100 as first payment on hous balance monthly ; not . pa.rticulax about aistrict. u iu-J. uregoiHan. WANT home, not exceed $5000; will deed io aero ana pay aiiierence in ca&h, 1'. J. iJOX ivvx. I CAN PAY $50O DOWN, balance monthly, or.o motiern uungaiow in iiftwtnorne. 2oS. Oregonian. WE HAVP clients wanting homes in all pans oi uie en . rnonc 3iain SliSu T H OMtfOX . 0JO-21 H iCNHY BLDG I WANT a house or bungalow In Rose Citv s rooms or more. an make a suitable gown p) meu ad hi, uregonian. WANT a bartiam; improved farm, also small suburban place. A. K. Hill, 215 L-umoerniens u;as.. rouiana, t?r. WANTED Lot in Rose City Park or Ross- mere ior casn. laoor to4i. I WANT a modern home in the Nob Hill district. Geo. M. Strong. 777 Lovejoy st. HAVE lots and cash to exchange for real aence, ranen or grocery. laoor ol. I WANT a house up to $300, and fair dia uicu a at. uregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. THI3 AD IS NOT TO GET LISTINGS. IF iUU HAVE A PLACE LIKE MY CLI ENTS WANT, PHONE OR MAIL FULL DESCRIPTION. WANT ONE HOUSE WITH AT. LEAST FIVE BEDROOMS, ANOTHER WITH SIX OR MORE BED ROOMS. MUST BE STRICTLY MOD ERN AND WELL LOCATED. MY CLI ENTS MEAN BUSINESS AND WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE IF SUITED. POIXDEXTER, 20S SELLING BLDG, MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-20. IRVINGTON, Alameda, Laureihurst own- era we have sold so many homes we are about sold out in homes $5000 to $10,000; if you will sell such a property, even at a top price, phone R. T. Street. P. S. Also have a dozen cash buyers right now who will pay $16,000 to $30, Ouu for a good home in Irvington. Port land Heights, Alameda, Laureihurst. Can I ins pect yours T WANT to buy from owner large, attrac tive modern Portland residence with nice grounds with value around $25,000 or $35,000; prefer close in on west side and would like to put la small, attrac tive, modern Irvington borne as part payment. Owners only; no phone in formation. Mr. Doak, 1202 NorUiwest ern Bank bldg. IN IRVINGTON. ALAMEDA, LAUREL HURST OR ROSE CITY, STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE WITH THREE OR FOUR BEDROOMS. PREFER BUN GALOW, BUT MY CLIENT WILL BUY TWO-STORY HOUSE IF SUITED AND WILL GO AS HIGH AS $13000. ' POINDEXTER. :08 SELLING BLDG., MAIN 1SO0. RESIDENCE 271-20. Farms Wanted. FARMS WANTED. W are turning CASH buyers for farms and acreage away from our office every day because we can not supply their wants. WHY not let US sell YOUR farms and acre age for you. WE are the oldest and one of the most reliable firms In Portland. See SAM HE WE Y at J L. HARTMAN CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. I WANT A GOOD 100 ACRES. i want to buy a good farm in the neighborhood of 100 acres; must be mostly cleared. He well to farm, well improved, stocked and equipped, on good road and near school. Want quick pos session, as have family in unsatisfac tory quarters, and anxious to 'get out. noiu m. uumeime piace lor a perma nent home. Not looking for a bargain, out want a good place for what it is reasonably worth. Please give good do- ovujjijuu, price ana airecttons for reach ing the place. Address P. O. box 3320, Portland, Oregon. WANTED, from owner, about 80 acres of partly Imp. land, must bo suitable for dairy farming near milk station and would prefer running water on place; state price and description In first let ter. K. Kilian. 030 Willamette st., Eu- AiNTBD A good farm on good road ana gooa buildings, 250 to 400 acres i cultivation, n you have such a farm a the right price I can sell it now. W. C. BECKTELL. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. ' WANT 20 TO 60 ACRES. Near Portland: sond 00O; have 5-room modm bungalow and lojs, price J..OUU. balance cash, or put tn iv,wv iraae ana 94iK casn. is 6-a, wain i h,u two valley farms. must be gooa ana wen improved; will go to $20. 000. Write J. E. Musgrave, 611 Goinj st. North. Portland. OR MORE acres near Portland: Rive ucauipuyii ana price. A 13, Orefronian. WANTED 4 acres of burnt-nvr 1nrt cleared; located 2 miles south of Sandy. eiue xitjacoca. route z. iaoring. Or. WANTED, to buy. Farm from owner, rea sonably pneea. m zvj, Oregonian. TIMBER 1AXDS. CORDWOOD PROPOSITION. JIU acres adjoining railroad, within Jo miles of Portland; estimated 25.000 ;r- - inciuuin lanu ana Umber, i'.-"v. a nis is a snap. 3000 cords wood, within half mile of Station on S. P. R. R... near Salotn- very accessible and easily handled. Will umoer rflaaonaDly and on good LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 9ia Chamber of Commerce." CORDWOOri Two thousand cords old growth fir. 1 miles from railroad town on the Colum- .i.e., ivi utiles irom Portland; easy to get out. as land lies well and on .wU.ii.r tuu, per cora stumpaee. KSTES & MAGEE. 009 Chamber of Commerce. Portland 4-S Oregon Bldg.. Salem. WE have plenty of good waterfront tim - inaL can oe logged without rail rostu. we win rurnish the timber, also accommodations for men, and carry the payroll if you furnish 2 donkevs and i'i'"mu, ahi can ne aone for $25,000. Anu we win log on a percentage basis " . J vu oiumpage. AS 461, goman. Ore- FT. of saw timber and nlllnV V"1 ii m"es of th center of the ui nnicn can oe Drought out on county roads with trucks, which I will sell in 1 or 3 parcels on an acreage basis. Have a good, reliable cruise and can give you full particulars. Call at my office. 404 Piatt bldg.. 17 Park st. FOR SALE Mill sites, operating mills and timber from 1.OO0.0O0 feet to 1.O0O.0O0.000 feet on the railroad. Also farms any size ' OKORJJE J. GALVIN. 21S N. Tower Ave.. Centralia. Wash. TIMBER LAND& By owner, quarter section, carrying about 8 million feet excellent fir. hem lock, cedar, in Lincoln county- also quarter section Clatsop county with 4 v'i!iSnrvery .fine yo "r.. Term?. V Oregonian. FOR SALE. c,f;Wmi11' i,20M ca,PHy: Jut through w,,,,n?: foraP'ete; planer fH.xll: Wllhani donkey. This Is a bargaiS tor S,8h-, Full information. McDonell. at 443 bnerloeK bl d g. OSixlO SEATTLE DONKEY. 1200 fel of i-inen line. .'Ml feet of -inch line all necessary blocks, clmckers. yarders and small tools: price $2000 F. E. BOWMAN & CO 210 Chamber of Commerce 2.087.000 FEET finrt-growth timber on 39 ..'.-. ier. piankerl road ex cellent truck and logging show, close i.-ii ,7,;. -wu' --'OU dow Portland, Oppcon. 0 MILLION feet yellow fir; railroad and also riyer passes through timber; fine sawmill site: soecia!; . ' . ties who want to log and manufacture himber 5JS Chamber of Commerce ...Mill IJl.i. 15 TO 25 M. mill with planer, c-nini. L.,eu oiu growth stump aRY.. hor"e," for '"SSirig and hauling positively first-class. Don't answer un- you nave uuu cash. Owner, BF WANTFD- man who i n t., i. . ,, ... . .............. ,n. services in a lumber proposition in the rltv rri- perience: -company well established; mak- .... , vregonian. TIMBER . . t. from o.OUO-OOO to 100.000.000; right price; operatinar DNinndiiA.. Information. M.cDoneU. 44a Sherlock -1-imhbk Nine million feet fir 3 fmm rallrnarf .11 good small mill proposition. $2 per loon" Inquire 800 Cham, of Com. hlnr Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 250. FOR SALE Peterman lath machinery now .ue uj vtestern Foun- ?.'7-i0 v.f,rt!,o2' reon- 626 Hood st. FOR SALE Oregon SITetz timber s F hi sec 24. T. 7. R. 9 W. of' 4th; w'lll iakV ' " Canada. i n a i two tracts of fine mill timber. lkUBr"u' . uno near .miii City; 1 60 -acre t ra c t a. R. S Waterloo. Iowa. uu.$ ru x. r . KnaDD SPLENDID milt location on S railroads pond holding 2.000.000 feet lors. 14.OO0 oou umner witn mm sue; plenty more j.oi ouuur bl wain. 3116. 3 MILLION timber, good mill site, plenty it 1 uuu, outs mne irom a. -. K.y. ; more timber can be had. Address jjquiw), vj$ Aume AO. X, BOX oif. ABOUT 15.000,000 near Scappoose. 1 mile if. r r nara road, on r ,iu6S"'s or miiuniff. cheap. torm T rtor 7(17 PI. l TIMBER FOR at sacrifice; timber. Lane and Lincoln ci. rviruiuaon, uo iayior 8t, FOR SALE' Timber land in Lincoln coun ty. Oregon, cruise 13,0rt0,000. J. L. Keith route 4, Kalamazoo, Mich. 2.500.000 FEET timber and small mill V mile from railroad. Woodlawn 3116. SAWMILL, Clackamas county, clearing ovtyj Lio-ny , y i-j tiuiuei , U1UII SaCri lice. .iM.m J. WILL start right man In lumber manu facturing line. ADout s.1000 needed. We lurnisn icau. n. .jd, oregonian. PARTY to cut hewn ties on contract: must be financially responsible, 245. Ore- gonian. 40 ACRES Umber land. A. 6. Blowers, lenis sitw, rurimnu, ur DOZ IM. FIVE mllnon fir, cedar; small sawmill for TIMBER LANDS. MILL AND OPERATORS WANTED. W have several tracts of high-class timber from 5 million to 75 million feet, running .80 per cent pine. If you are capable of operating a mill and have the mill to operate, we can show you wonderful profits, as we will contract tile sale of the output before you start to cut. All you have todo la log and cut; we do the rest. In some Instances we will do the logging if desired. Par ticulars, a. A. 733 Northwestern Bank. 4.500.OOO FEET of 2d-growth fir timber. eoou ior ues or piling, close to rail road, Linn county; sell reasonable and easy terms. B. M. Price & Co.. 200 Henry bldg. Reliability." FOR RENT FARMS. . FOR LEASE. COLUMBIA RIVER DAIRIES. 220 ACRES Large dairy barn, fair house, about acrea that la fine open pasmre. about 40 acrea that can be cultivated; will give 3-year lease at 100 per monlii and sell any amount of cows up to 35 head; these are all fine young Holsteln cows, averaging better than 4 gallons per day; will sell horses and any amount of farm machinery. This tract Is located 6 miles west of Vancouver on Columbia river. FOR RENT. ' 213 ACRES Practically ' all cleared or in open pasture; 25 acres In alfalfa, 11 acres in oats, 10 acres in oats and vetch. 5 acres In barley, about 20 acrea that la ready for corn. There la a large milking barn that will hold about 75 cows, 2 large silos, modern milk house, 8-room dwelling, water piped to all buildings; rent on place 120 per month. Per sonal property for sale: 51 cowa, of which 43 are milking; 6 3-year-old heifers, will freshen this summer; 2 yearlings, 4 bead of hA'rses, . 50 chickens. 2 hogs. 1 Ford tractor, practically new Ford truck, mower, rake, plow, harrow, 3 wagons, steam boiler and wash trays, 2 gas engines, ensilage cut ter and blower, milk bottles, crates and cana. about 200 milk customers, all small tools: price 15.000; J7500 cash, balance J 10(10 every 0 days; present income on place over J1500 per mnth. This place is located about 16 miles west of Vancouver and will be on a paved highway this summer. If you are looking for a good dairy and retail route. you cannot duplicate It. ALWAYS SEE MR. BLAIR IF YOU WANT TO LEASE A RANCH with THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE, 3d and Main Sta. Vancouver, Washington. DAIRY FARM ISO Ar-mr.a 80 a. level; 75 a. under plow; family orchard, A-l soil; all fenced; H4 ml. to R. R. sta.; ml. to school; 32 miles to . . a springs, 1 creek, good grav eled road. 5-room house. 2 good barns. L I outbuildings, 1 silo 12x34; rent 3 yrs. ;0 per mo. Personal property and crops for sale. Some household goods. uci, uiac. narrow, z-norse cultivator. manure spreader, 2 wagons, 1 rack. ouggies, rake, cream separator, 2 har rows, combination seeder and wheel hoe. set work harness, single harness, 4 plows, fanning mill, all small tools; 21 head mucn cows, Jersey and Holsteins. 5 puio-urea jersey neirers, 2 grade Jer sey neiiers. 1 pure-bred bull. 3 good horses, 1 Brood sow with 9 pigs, 7 snoais, i boar. 50 chickens; 45 a. of i-vr J a- OI grain, etc. Price for all 5800; $3000 cash. bal. to suit. 40 a. Carrols, Wash.; 30 a. under plow: "-i soil; numerous outrange; all klndB imnra, gooa lamliy orchard; all fenced; 2(4 miles from R. R., 1 ml. to school; good gravel road; 2 wells, good 7-room house, 1 good snrinir. burn ll outbuildings: will lease for 2 yrs., $250 Per yr. Personal property and crops for owners; z wagons, 1 buggy, work harness, bugey harness. 2 plows, harrow, rake, mower, disc, 2 cultivators B.. .man mum; o cows. carves. 1 fi team horses, weight 1725 lbs. each; Buanus oees: 21) a. oats and vetch. Price $1150; $1000 cash. bal. 3 yrs. 78 a., 50 a. level. 45 a. under plow. 15 a. timber; family orchard, berries, etc.; A-l soil; all fenced; ly, miles from R. R. sta., 1 mile to school, 28 miles to Portland, good gravel road, 1 well, good 4-room house, water piped to all build ings; rent 3 yrs. $375 a year. Personal row, grass seeaer, garaen tools, crean property and crops for sale. Plow, bar separator, hay rake, wagon, harness, hnV. 25 htl nnta mill - - 1 A t 7 pis. 30 chickens. 2 fine 'large horses'. -o a. uuia, veicn ana clover, 8 a. barley. Price, including this year's rent paid, A. G. BENDER. ' RITTER, LOWE & CO.. . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. EQUIPPED DAIRY. $10(1(1 MONTHLY INCOME. Fine 02-acre dalrv. 1 mile from iw. Minnville, rent $40 per month. Personal property for sale as follows: 34 cows, bull, 4 horses, wagons, milking ma chines and all farm machinery, good milk route, bottle cases, cooler, etc .income is now over siuoo per month. Price. Including all crop and feed now on piace, t&.iuu; terms. H. A. DRYER. The Acreage Man, 508-9 Lewis Bldg. 45-ACRE small farm for rent, near Knt. caaa: goon Dunnings. wobster Kineard. mono .viain ol'i iienry bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. STOCK RANCH (CENTRAL OREGON) FORECLOSURES PRICE. CENTRAL OREGON "STOCK RANCH REAL STOCK RANCH: ABOUT HALF PRICE: 320 (OR 040) ACRES. DESCHUTES COUNTY. ABOUT HALF nartui i w ri,uw. ALL FENCED. FAIR BUILINUS. PLENTY GOOD SOFT WATER. (2 SETS BUILDINGS! NEAR RAILROAD SURVEY. STAGE STATION, P. O.. STORE, PHONE. SCHOOL. ETC. OFFER THIS LA-ND A k tin re,n ai Htj ON TERMS. (ITS WORTH $20) DISCOUNT FOR ALL CASH. WOULD CONSIDER SMALL CITY HOME OR SUBURBAN BOMB OR EXCHANGE. THE BEST LOCATION IN THE WEST FOR LIVESTOCK AND HAY RANCHING. SEVERAL GOVERN MENT BUNCHGRASS I.nriTiriv STILL OPEN TO SETTLEMENT FOR ADDRESS PATTERSON, SELLING BLDG.. PORT LAND. 302 A SPLENCID all-around dairv i-anh r,a nuseue, acres in crop; price 5100 per FOR EXCHANGE. 280-acre stock ranch. S milen frnm t cific highway; 60 acres bottom land, lota of outrange; the house, barn and out bldgs. cost $15,000 and are new. Will consider uaae up in i v,vuv. L. P. HUBB8, Eugene, Or. ACREAGE TO EXCHANGE FOR BfNOALOW. 106 acres adjoining railroad. SO miles rrom roriiana, loggea over, easy to clear. roiling land, all good . soil, free from rock, fine water, make dandy stock ranch. In good locality; price $2750 free of incumbrance; want 5 or 6-room iit galow. Phone evenings. Tabor 606; or j . t. xvuiey, v-o k, uamutir oi commerce, WANTS WHEAT FARM Have 320-acre farm near Eugene, well. improved and in good district; price $3.000: owner desires to exchange for watrai lanu. LUEDDEMANN COSTPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. L.jjjr.Ej-i.i nouse, renunr ror sn r, month, located clone to Washington high school; equity $U200, small morteaee: will take $4000 in trade. What have yuu .- w- c. i-.a-i.iar, uregon iildg EXCHANGE 20 acres land. Cnwllt. - free and clear, for Portland property or auto; will assume. Owner, 2o6 Stock Exchange bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Two beautiful loin in oerMey a.uaiuon; Close to car line. Very cheap or what have you? Address A. R. Eastman. SHverton. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE Very valuable copper mining claim. No stock. Will sacrifice for cash or what have you ? A. R. Eastman, Silverton, Or. FOR SALE or exchange for city property. a second-growth lt0 acres timber claim at N. Lincoln, Oo. C 270, Oregonian. FOR SALE On easy terms, or exchange for 5-room bungalow, 3 lots 50x100, cor. Peninsula and Hunt st. East 1986. HOTEL of 35 rooms, modern, at Newport, unfurnished; sale or trade for land. E. T. Price. 341 Cook ave.. Portland. LIBERTY bonds at par taken on a Sauvies island ranch of 4O0 acrea at $50 per acre. P. O. box 1105. 6G0 ACRES. 10 per acre, good level land for sale or trade. What have you? Box 42, Barlow, Oregon. - HAVE you any cheap lota to trade? I have all kinds personal property to of fer. AB 497, Oregonian, TRADE, for auto, approx. 5 acres near Portland $1800. Room 402, Multnomah hotel. WANTED To exchange 5 lots in West Portland Heights for good auto. 614 Panama bldg. HAVE lots and cash to trade for resi dence grocery or ranch. Tabor 611. THREE 50x100 lots, kear-Keaton, for good ued auto. Tabor 069. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. JOR EXCHANGE. 160-acre stock ranch- In southern Oregon for about 5 to 7-room Portiand bungalow or house. Two million feet Umber In Hood River county. Or., covering part of lt0 acrea Will trade for Portland 6-room cottage or bun galow. 37 acres orchard land, finest soil. Benton county. Wash., mile from railroad station, near state highway and newly surveyed government irrigation ditch. Will trade for Improved acreage or small ranch near Portland or other good locality. Good 7-room house on Union ave. Owner forced to vacate be cause of sickness and mortgage of $2500. Will sell or trade equity of $2500 and buyer assume mort gage of $ 2500. This is your chance. In Tacoma, Wash., a 4-room and attic bungalow, will trade for acreage near Portland. Near Molalla. Or.. 28 acres, mostly all in crop, family orchard, 7-room house, barn, 3 horses, 2 cows, 13 pigs, farm implements and machinery. Good roads and prosperous locality. Will trade for tore in good locality. I have other property for ex change. E. PIERSON. 415 Chamber Commerce Bids Marshall 3716. TRADE FOR CITT PROPERTY. If you have some good city property to. trade for farm, investi gate this beautifully located place of 50 acres, all cultivated and only 1 hours' drive from Portland. This ia a real money-making ranch if you understand fruit. Has 25 acres in bearing orchard In prime condition and for prunes, apples, berries, etc., this can't be excelled; has good 8-room house with hot and cold water; large new modern barn, water tank and windmill and many outbuildings and is well stocked and equipped. This place will show excellent returns this season on the Investment and can . be had on easy terms or will take trade on good city property. Per sonally inspected. F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. WE WANT CITY PROPERTY OR ACRE AGE in exchange ror any one.or these farms; all in the Willamette Uey. 100 acres, fully improved 1S,500 405 acres, going place 25..0J 700 acres. 500 acres tillable BU.OnO 380 acres, great value 25,000 If vou have citv property and aspire to own low-priced Oregon farms, our list is most convincing. SEE US FOR ACTION. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-33 Ry. Exch. Main 5199 BARGAIN In grain and stock ranch, 320 acres, all good level tlliaoie iana, aeep rich soil, all fenced. 100 in cultivation, balance easy to put In cultivation, good well of water, house, barn, etc.; on good auto road, about one mile from town of Lake. Lake county Oregon, $5000, easy terms, or will take in merchandise stock, or anv zood business, near by acreage. small farm, -r might consider part in Portland, vacant lots. Tallmadge Real ty Co., 61 Henry bldg. FOR EXCHANGE. 220 acres of Irrigated land; land all In rnltlvn r inn 4-rnnm hnuse and small barn; all fenced and cross-fenced : 110 acres In crop this year. This place Is Level and free from rock arid will make nn id pa I nlfalfa or ootato ranch: will ex change for land in western Oregon or Washington. ror particulars ana ae- scrip tion write to HEN K LB & HAINES. BEND, OREGON. APRt.' Khont ranch creek and R. R. rrosR d uce. ail under irrigation, iair buildings, small orchard, 300 sown to summerlallow wneat. slock ana machin ery, present crop should sell for $10,000 to SIU.UUU, price .-,sjwu; coneiuei t""" val!ev farm or citv property to $20,00. City and country property, f 45.000 hftfh with income, will exchange for tm nrnved vallev farm and nay difference, if right. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade.. wir.T. kaII nr exchange for Portland prop ertv comfortable. suDstantiai u-room residence. university district, Seattle, Wah rnrner lot. beautiful view, mod ern. every convenience; large utility basement, large living room, fireplace, bookcases, dining room, den. kitchen, sleeping rooms, well arranged. Owne Uivlnir tnan Tri les than cost t( build; reasonable terms. Answer, BC 444. Orexonlan. TO EXCHANGE For Oakland, Cal., home or building lots, line 3U-a:re tract near Columbia river, about 80 miles from Portland ; 10 acres 12-year-old commer cial apples. 10 acres alfalfa. 10 acres nRRturf! and wood lot: cost me $8000 will trade or fell to give you a bargain. This is a fd lend id opportunity tor some body. Address C. E. Butler. 3C8 12th sU( Oakland. Cal. WHEAT FARM FOR TRADE. 1240 acres in eastern Oregon, lion arrei cultivated, half in crop this year good buildings, well, all equipment of stock and tools; price Including equip merit. sio.UUU: will consider ouiiaing Portland or any good town, or farm, as part pav; ha'anre mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. FOR EXCHANGE, trade in or sale: On of best ouiiuing lots in Westmoreland 50x100, all impr. in and paid, for small acreage or big lot: must be within rea sonable distance of city, school and car lifTit and water in or available; place with shack house preferred. L 2S5, Ore gonian. 100 ACRES fine land, adjoining city of Roseburg, land all tillable, fine for corn, berries, etc., living springs, nearly all of it in cultivation now. Sell at low price, give good terms, or enchange for other property and give good deal, as owner Is too far away from it. Tall madge Realty Co., 619 Henry bldg. ORCHARD FOR TRADE. 53-acre orchard. White Salmon dis trict, bearing. bist commercial vari eties; good buildings; include stock and machinery: price $22,000; will consider Portland property in trade. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chambur of Commerce. I HAVE 4-room bungalow, near 32d and E. Alder, full cement basement, furnace, Dutch kitchen, built-lns. I purchased this house new Sfyears ago. Need larger bungalow and will pay some difference. Phone Tabor S152. FARM mortgage of $1500, payable $500 a year, 7 per cent interest and a choice lot In Overlook addition, to trade for a house. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LINCOLN county farm, on Yaqulna bay; 127 acres. 60 acres of tldeland ; will trade for Portland 5-room bungalow, Belmont and south, for part payment. Must ha v e some cash, Call Sel 1 wood 1721. 207 ACRES, highly improved equipped dairy farm, rich soli; retiring owner sell reasonable, terms, or exchange for Port- land income ; apartment preferred. Fur ther particulars address Lumpe, box 494. Bal'ard Sta.. Seattle. FOR SALE or trade. 320 acres, value $3500. in Deschutes county. Or., by owner; lt0 acres fenced.; house, barn. 40 acres under cultivation, balance easily cleared. R. R. Keller. Bend. Or. $2200 GROCERY stock and fixtures. 4 modern living rooms, good corner, rent for 2 stores and living room, including garage, $2S per month. Will take vacant lot or small car up to $800. Tabor 3fi0. DESIRE to trade 65xl00-foot lot in Rose mere on 3Sth st.. between Brazee and Knott, value $1000, paved street and sidewalks: no incumbrances, for a 50x 100-foot lot in Laureihurst. Tabor 4184. TWO fine quarter blocks, all paved, paid, total value $7230. wish to exchange for house, small farm or acreage, apartment house or what will you offer owner? 5ul Carlton hotel. FIRST-CLASS restaurant, doing nice busi ness, five-year lease, to trade for farm or other real estate of equal value. Own ers have other interests. Apply Bishop Bros., 124 North 5th street, 160 ACRES 1 acre orchard, balance not improved. $30o. or will trade for im proved Portland property and assume difference. T 111. Oregonian. 4-ROOM house, price S950. half cash, or Ford in exchange. For description and photograph write L. B. Lewis, 1109 Che halem st.. Newberg, Or. FOR SALE or will trade ror farm or city property, two hk sections of timber land in Lane county, containing over 7.000,0ot feet. Address Hotel Qsborn. Eugene. Or EXCHANGE equity in 5-room furnished house, R. C P . lor small late model car. Phone W. 5478; MICHIGAN farm, will trada for western property, give particulars. v 203, Ore gon ian. y H .. trade for home land in Montana and ldano; pari wwer uriBauuu, wooa lawn 22SS. rivR modern bungalow with half acre. lots fruit, close city limits, clear, for Improved farm, isast Oia. 10 ACRES of finest alfa!fa land, with Water riKni, ir"m ruiuM.i property and aaauua. uwner lauor aa. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. BARGAIN IN FINE STOCKED AND EyUlPPbU r AKSl. 69 acres. 50 in crop, balance In pasture, very easily cleared ; no rock, gravel or white land, rich black loam; 3 springs and well; all kinds of fruit and berric: good buildings, house of 8 rooms, hot and cold water, bath, etc.: lartte barn, chicken house, etc.; 3 horte. 5 cows, chickens and complete equipment for first-class piace. on main road. mile from R. R. ; has fine view; In every way first class; 500; take city residence to 44OO0; some cash, balance can stand, TAXiLM AXXJ fcl KEALT CO.. till iienry UMg. 38-ACRE DAIRY. STOCKED $5800. Located down Columbia, right at sta tion and boat landing. 10 acres in high state of cultivation, balance in pasture; fanH nH rrnu-fenced. living water; good 7-room bouse with water and teie pnone, gooa Darn, etc.. miun and berries. 5 milch cows, 1 horse. -hogs. SO chickens, all necessary farming implements, and tools, wagons. etc.. church and School close; prlce-JO0. Will consider good residence as part pay ment. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber oi commerce. WALNUT. PRUNE AND BKKB a. lj. 83 acres, m in cuuivanuu. ' rood auto road, 2W miles from good town and R. R-. Yamhill county, large beariiia walnut orchards adjoining, 5000; take city residence and give ea terms on any difference. 80 acres, 30 in crop, more nearly ready for plow, whole plac tillable, good spring and weli. family orchard, good buildings, 7 miles from Mollala. on good auto rtad, stocked and equipped, ail f sttrtrtti tnkA citv residence to &tOiiOt balance terms. Tallmadge Realty Co., 61tf Henry bidg. GOOD EXCHANGE. Very fine, unincumbered, modern 7-room house in Florence. Lane county. Or., to exchange for prop erty in or near Portland or Cor vallis. Here is something extra good. See photographs. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. GOOD opportunity to earn a partly cleared rancn, locatea on goou i JT about 14 miles from center of Portland; Income is from fruit and cordwood; will take the wood off your hands ana .nnlv n r... r-V. a ma nt ra(lfh: WOUlU COH- aider a small house in Portland for part pay; the right aort of man can start with very little and I will back Him tin- eomDlete description of what you have. BD 437. Oregonian. t o linn t;RKSHAM 40-ACRE DE LUXE. Modern oungaiow, "ujy ,, 7 limits, family orchard, barn, etc.; all in cultivation. This land should bring $1000 per acre, owing to its location; near large high school, library, county H. ah rttv conveniences, gas. t Reii or exchange for Willow, But- ---ir tanfiid nr other KOOd dis trict, with alfalfa. See Mr. Cleveland at 212 Ry. Exch. bldg, FOR EXCHANGE Los Angeles home for one In Portland. Klve-rooni '"" house, gas, electricity, bath, porches, lawn, shrubbery, many bearing fruit trees, chicken pens. etc. Trace 100 by 300. with two street frontages. House nn.niauiv furnishPd with practically new furniture; value 0OO0. Want to with owners. Owner. 1324 Yeon bldg. Phone Main 2702. FOR SALE or trade. 28 acres, good house And rtutbuildinea: most au in crop, an & n.i muchlncrv. 3 Horses. 2 COW'S, 13 pigs and chickens. 28 acres of leased land in eroo: orice $5.".0O; will accept car up to $1jO0, $2000 cash, or a grocery store up to 2o0u and $10o4) balance on terms. i. a. w imams, auiuih, . Rib atr ks Irrigated- fine soil, and leve in sunnv soutnern luano, iu e"" for stock of goods or suburban property We have farms, timber land and city property on our exchange list and we know our properties. B. M. trice at 200 Henry bldg. "Reliability." 600 ACRES dairy and stock ranch, WU krMiA vallev. 1 mile to town, fine K..(iin hnn could not be dupli . . .i t' tin i iu cattle, horses, hoes. chickens, machinery; price $43,000; will consider one or two smaller Tarms up . mo (too.- unma unimDroved land mlgnt be considered. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. rvpiiivr.F. Mv $3300 equity in 6- room. 2-story modern house, full cor. lot, improved street, close in. east side, To exchange for 5 or tt-room a""10?' -i.K- ntroi nr northeast Portland. Thin I- a solendid opportunity for party looking for prospective business prop erty. No agents. Phone East 7017. w a r-r- t-liWW) HOME. 36 acres. -close to Portland: 30 acres t.i....i n m u itpii u runes. 2 acres .m nd auoles; will consider $4000 home as first pamenL J. ROBBING & EPTON. 301-303 Railway Exchange Tdadtmftvt HOUSE TO TRADE. Big solid brick apartment house on west side. 4 stories, corner; price -, ou Will consider $30,000 In trade, balance cash and mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of. Commerce. 82x100. corner. 2-story concrete bldg paying good income; will consider good ranch to $10.00 as part payment. J. ROB BIN'S & EPTON nni.aoi Railway Exchange- Main 7 .mi. Anani iTTtT I . V TTP TO NOW! A beautiful $23,000 gentleman s home, worth a good deal more tday; can be had on easy terms and some good reat estate may be accepted as part pay. W. H. Ross. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. FINE CORNER. Fine corner downtown, paying good income, value 00.000. Will consider other property and pay $30,000 in cash. , J. .ROBBINS & EPTON. 301 Railway Exchange. Main tudi. WiLIsel"fclieap or trade for livestock, '.,.nn..r. H-iivorv flrst-claas mechanical condition, or will trade for small house and lot; will give cash difference. Phone Sellwood 717. , GOING STOCK FARM. Valued by owner at $30,000; will ex change for Portland property. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg. 495 ACRES 200 a. bottom. 45 mi. Port land; stocked, equipped; on highway; milking machine, good buildings, or chard for Portland iflcome, $30,000. Lawson, 410 Henry bldg.. Portland. IS YOUR MORTGAGE FORECLOSED? If so. don't give up and lose your property. See me at once and I will give you a good trade or buy your equity. V 630, Oregonian. FOR SALE 320 acres ot nice level land in northern Lake county; good well of water; 100 acres fenced: plenty of out range; near new surveyed railroad. In quire too Jteea BRICK BUILDING. w.i i inmteri rn Ast -fiid business street price $12,000; income $05 month. Will exchange for farm or timber in valley of equal value. P. O- box3t7. wAMTir.ri Trt Airhaneo 160 acres. 2 m, ft. of timber, 1 mile from where they are logging now, l mue irom mgnway, ior standard make of late auto. 614 fan ama bldg. . 1917 FORD. 5-PASS. 1917. WANT SMALL HOUSE EQUITY. SHACK. LARGE LOT PREFERRED. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. - ONE 40-acre tract timber land, one 10-acre tract fine improved iarm nu, ciuwr i alley town, exchange for cheap land or gooa auto mo d ne. a FOR SALE or trade for Portland property inn rp of land in Harney Vale, cen tral Oregon: willing to assume. 630 Mississippi ave. Owner. wti.i, tftk tractor, auto or livestock,' nr m i-r navment. on $4250 7-room house. close in; real value. AB 432, Orego nian. LARGE, attractive bungalow, strictly mod ern, close in, Ww; win excuauge i.ur modem two-family flat in good loca tion. Call at 823- Kerby st.. near Failing. pattttv KJiOOO and lease $50 a month Beaumont home, 8 rooms, modern, for acreage or farm. Phone owner 31-1:8 Auto. TRACT of 34 fine bldg. lots, S. E. cor. 43d and Division sts. Value $20,000. What have you? J. H. McMahon, 2ti06 E. 43d st. Tabor 3361. TWO verv nice lots one in Laureihurst, other Rose City Park for small bun galow in good district, a oo, uregoman NINE unimproved lots In Fulton park for sale, trade toward house or good motor car. BF 458. Oregonian. HAVE lot and considerable caflh. Want bungalow and large lot. B 225, Orego nian. 3 LOTS on Peninsula for R. C. or Laurei hurst lot. East oo20. FIGARD home. 3 acres, for home In city. (35oO. Phone owner, 3212 Auto. TO EXCH A NO E MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Good piano and $200 for 1917 Chevrolet car; looks good, runs good; some extras. Tabor 5705. CORNER store, 6-r. cottage. 4-r. cottage. ,part acreage, price $7500. J 252. Ore- 7-PASS MAXWELL; will trade for what have you? Will sell for $100. Wood stock car to 52d st.2 blocks north &759. SELL OR TRADE 1 et of 8-oz. Cham pionship boxing gloves; also punch bag 'and gloves. East 112. $65 DIAMOND ring to trade for Victrola, buffet or china closet- N 618. Ore go - to exchange: MISCELLANEOUS. TWIN Indian motorcycle, side car frame and attachments, tandem, headlight and Claxton; sell or trade. Make me an offer. 1 30-30 Winchester, belt and shells. 1 bicycle, new $5 tires, A-l, sell $20. or trade. 1 breeding doe -and buck. $2.50 tlie pair, or trade. Wanted Bookcase, linoleum (inlaid), range or anything I can use. r No. 3 East "2d St. Montavilla car to 7lst. TRACTION WOODSAW transmission, built on I shctTt to attach to Reo 2-cylinder engine. 2 speeds, reverse, sprocket, pul ley, brake, value $25; want tent, small electric motor or what T R. T. Myers, Corvallis. Or. STORE FIXTURES First-class. attrac tive; exchange for good Ford car. Will se 1 1 groce r y stock. Invoice $ 1 10 0. C 239. Oregonian. WILL TRADE some good young work nQrses and some fresh cows for a late model automobile. 800 Powell Valley road. WILL exchange mandolin for music case. iaoor . VULCANIZER wants to exchange work Phone East OJS80. for printing. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehirles. Livestock. FOUR registered Percheron stallions, from to o years old; all solid colors, weigh ing from 1700 to li00 each, with license for each horse, and all other papers re quired for full-blooded horses. These are very fine put up horses and chunky built, and would b just the thing for anyone who wishes to breed Percheron horses. Will make any terms to suit buyer, er will trade them for other horses, tractors or automobiles. Inquire $10 BUYS GOOD TEA! of hors ; weigh about 2tK0 to 2 TOO ibs; both fat and blocky and sound, excepting a least bit street sore. Jls5 takes good honest 270O-lb. team, sound and ali right, with good harness and farm wagon. Also one extra work horse and heavy double harness very reasonable. Call rear o Paint Store, 203 Russell street. Take Williams ave. car, 2d and Aider streets to Williams avenue and Russell street; one block west. TWENTY HEAD TO PICK" FROM. These horses and mares weigh from 270O to 3400 a span and ages run from 4 to 8 years; they are working eevry day and are in good condition ; among them some good logging teams, farm mares and general purpose teams': look these over neiore ouying; a guarantee witn au; can be seen Sunday at Cochran barn, Richmond and Syracuse sts.. Sc. Johns, or on the Job. 5-YEAR-OLD Durham cow, fresh 1 week. with nice heiier calf: nice looking cow. Will guarantee 5 gal. of rich milk per aay. &:o fo .veil v alley roau. w ooa stock car. WI LL sell cheap or trade for livestock, Cadillac delivery, first-class mechanical condition, or will trade for small house and lot; will give cash diiference. Phone Sellwood 717. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. "A team of 3-year-old mares, sound and gentle: a gooa arm or orchard pair, weighing 27 00. with lots of style and iat. can at -io byracuse st.. st. jonns. FOUR A-l young fresh cows, 2 Holstein. l Jersey ana a ouernsey. ana z freshen soon ; extra fine for dairy or family. Robinson farm. 1 ti miles west or Oregon Jity. near vs est Linn school. 10 SOWS, weighing 200 lbs. each, will far row within 30 days, for sale at market price by l. K. Lee. on Lowe Hros. ranch Buckley ave., south of Foster road. $2."u BUYS team of chunky Percheron mares. 4 years old. weighing 2400. har ness and good farm wagon. Have moved to city and have no use for team. Mrs. Logan, 22t Gibbs. South Portland car. FOR SALE Lot 75x140. Mt. Tabor district, good location, good view, good neighbor hood. In every way desirable. Cash, 912.10: terms. S150O. Tabor 1210. WANTED Beef cattle and veal. Tabor 7030 GOATS. Keep goats; read the Goat Journal est. lull: monthly. Sinele coDies 15c 1.50 year. 027 Board of Trade, Portland. Oregon, rnono tiii-uj. $25 BUYS pair of nice ponies, weight 2100 i os.. o ana o years oiu. ooou wornera, single, double and drive. Harness and nice farm wagon. 5024 E. btiLh st, ML fecott car. TWO work teams and harness: 2 bays weight 34O0 ibs. ; 2 grays, weight 26K lbs.; can be seen at work at lo7 Fran cis ave. Woodstock car to E. 36th and Gladstone. faellwood 1212. TLAM, light wagon and harness. $100. or trade for cow, pigs, etc.; Togenburg buck goat and faaanen doe for sale cheap: set ting hens, large R. I. R., $1.75 each. Q. 1 Harris. Phone 13 w. Oak Grove. FOR SALE 7-cow dairy, modern houtte, barn, milkhouse route and full equip ' ment ; wilt sell cows separately. Esta cad a. car to Ardenwald station, east to red barn south of track. Sellwood 3733. 2000-LB. TEAM and harness. 3 '4 farm wagon, plow and harrow, whole outfi $7."3; finished plowing and must sell. las w ooa xaru, 32 1 f ront st. THROUGH plowing; will sell my team. ids., narness ana i-in. plow, slti, Woodutock car to 52d st,, 2 blocks nort TEAM young bay marefl. blockily built. ana o years om. weight about 2ti00 lbs. Price $273. , wood yard, foot Taylor st. a iulmt tjw:3 ror sale, irom 4 to 7 yrs. oiu wuniaui aiiu riOiMein; gooa milk era, 4 gais. a aay. li44 Jj wight st. IF you want good cows let me show just fresh, good rich milkers. 2 freshen in a week. Take Riverview car at u ana .Morrison. isa Florida st TWO Chester white sows, w ill farrow about July i; must sell. Mrs. Richard son. northeast corner S2d and Powei vaney, mwtnorne car. LOST mate, will sell trrav Pprciicrm horse, chunkily built, weight about 1-500 ins. trice iui. Alar ion Fuel Co., Tay XTJI -St. UULft. 4-YEAR-OLD roan Durham cow. fresh weew, nice dic cair: civ ne .i.ea nn test 6. Will sell cheap. 363 Union ave. aouiu. 4 FRESH. COWS, sell or trade for ho cattle; 1. Hols tern-Jersey heiier, calf by siue, $o,. i ane ancouver car to Co- lurnoia pouievara, go l block north. SPAN geldings. 1200 lbs. ea. : well broken neavy new narnc-ss. Cochran, near titan ley sta-. u. w. f. ask at store. FOR SALE Two Shetland ponies. Call a J . ju. w etzieis res., itiuwaukie, or phon Mnwaukie 51-M. FOR SALE 3 wide-tauee wacmi (P.tAi Shut tier)? is in good shape; price SbO. ij. jt . JioeuiiKe. iion. yjr. WANT auto or realestate for fine work team and harness; will assume. M Oregonian. TEAM bay hornet. 2700 lbs., 9 and To years old, with harness, cheap for cash. 5838 82d t. S. E. PASTURAGE at Ladd's Canyon close in; no business Sundays. - 4S19. farm. Main FOR SALE Cow and S-weeks-old calf; li 10-w-seks-old ltgs. Phone Mllwaukie 67. J. C. W. Schaid, Bell Station. 5 YOUNG, gentle family cows. Jerseys and Jersey-Hoisteins. $75 to lu0. 751 East Ash st. liLENHAVEX poat dairy reducing Btock; prices right; milk for sale. A. L. Maney. 470 East 80th st. North. GOOD team, about 2800. thin from, log ging: heavy harness, old wagon; sacri ce. fJ&O. terms. D 29. Orcsonian.. DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 63-J for results. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats Campbell-Pbeian Land & Cattle Co., 802 Couch bidg. CAP ITOL STABLE, 2S1 Front street. Fine span work horses and mares, 1500 to IbOQ be., cheap for cash. 25 HEAD of hijjh-grade milch cows wifb rouje of 150 customers, on east side. J SO, Oregonlati. TWENTY-FIVE pure-bred female Angora goats and ten kids. Jack App.eion, Battle Ground. 'Wash- WANT good family cow in exchange for 2 Shetland ponies. Call Barnes old place, 40th and King et,, Mllwaukie. Or. 2 CHOICE fresh cows for sale, 28th and Holgate st- Buckner. ONE horse delivery wagon for sale cheap, or trade. What have you ? Tabor til. FINE" TOGGENBERG yearling doe. Cali Sunday, after 5 P. M. 02 E. 63d X. DEAD HORSES taxen quickly; cash lor dead cows. Tabor 4203. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co.. Wood:awn 20. HORSES, wagons and harness for sale cheap- Apply 20 Grand ave. FOR SALE A good family cow; gives 4 gal. per day. 1217 Tibbetts at. FOR SALE A nice nllk cow; second calf. - Tabor 6272. FOR SALE A fine young mare; weight 140O pounds. Tabor 6272. FOR SALE Swiss Jersey, rich milker. 1177 Powell st. East. ONK 4-quart Toggenberg milk goat for sale. $r.Q. Phone Oak Grove S-J. $70 BUYS chunkily built bay mare; gen tie to work. Taylor-st. dock. FOR SALE 2 tra fine cowa. Wdln. 4219. TWO good cows, $75 and $125. Inquire ax 4f- 73d at. 6. . . FOB RENT. Horses, Vrhtcl. iee. Livestock, C. HALL Win hold his First ANNUAL SALE of Registered Shorthorn Cattle WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2. 11 O'CLOCK. bySSoT8" 4 to 6 e old. with calves moitrVdbredK 8 heifers- to 24 10 buiu from 7 to 2 years old. ALSO THE HERD BULL. thli bull rn The r"ilsirr ot There ar. 1UeU Go". cost Jjimo. .11 f JTreJ rVt h?." ""HI roan)! liU..hlih 1..I...'-.'?.? ?S which rnsr itiin... y.iutco uoous. Fose .nrt .r,?" Linwood. Marquis Men- Mr Hai", t,ere lm"-i Tom ,.-. up thli hVrd ispe,'?,t ,'ars in hulldin II" . chano? f d WlU "0lV Ive tb. DUb- nt. a cnance to secure ...i.. stock. some ot inia li a. cows aendhr'Str h'B'':'"-ale Shortl.c.rn ?uberc;iarbr,tVa0k "k0 """""ds: all from"vlii? train servl- Those cominc to ennv .Urr take pci'' hiKhwa, SaraT schoolhouse. then west via COL. W. S. WOOD & SONS. Vancouver. Wash . COU HARRY CRANKB, ' " wm, xaano.. N. C. HALL." OWNJSR. MARES AND HORSES Jl'ST ARRIVED, broul ' m?res and horses, all well fJt' '"-dwn. blocky-built chunk, with lots of bone and quality; from 4 to 1 a..u i .-tm v ior worn- .k.-sru years old. A auu to 1TU0 ibs.; sev- 11-niatched teams; all horses eral well guaranteed :i. renr,..,., sS11" """'jar-v stables. 3lio Union avel -. ui oicvens. hj i son fc Uiass. East 877S. Willi, m- am brown Rai.i.. weiKht cheron L""'-t 3400 lbs. Team Krav ier marei w.ivH. n v. . ,. Team K L . . o-W I OB. J5 head odJ horses and mares, weighing fr.lrn 1100 to ,b3 .i - Harness a7id one 3 farm lork T'."a stKOCk Kral" fed "d to work. Can be seen amltried to suit buyerat stable, foot Taylor si TEAM of fi-year-old celdir.. n.ui ?ell ,n "lW .harnfs2- ;I7S- Team of eor Wvi Z V, a"d 7 year8 old- 2 It's., B blocky mares, 4 to 7 vears bISekv1'"? 1 ,8ou bonS: anteeS hunks- All horses sold, auar anteed as represented. One 5-vear-oId FOR SALE 1 te year- nu " u,,u iV new: f ir- i. " set ,o4-'nCh, OUv P'0"- ""arly'new; i IT n sPrlnSs for wason: forks, chains Davl.PeS- Prlce MU rr J- J- Sa.'li!?- ue 2. box 1U1. Vancouver o ii north of Minnehaha school on St. John'i roan. FROM the countrv A 1. a .1 i.i , the imrd ?- a" en"e. r'sht off 4 ei J ? k' f ,ve 'ae""s. 3 bUKS-iea. 4 sets of heavy double harness. 2 single 5f flrafvP'3" and h""-"1"-; also head i,,i .t iaM CS'- m'lklns from. 3 to 7 ;KPer,dar- Cost rrom o 73. rail at the old dairy stable. 8'.6 Powell Valli-y A LARLOAD of horse, arrive -vt i.T.. I.ay . Heavy-boned. bloc'ky-built oWnk!Tr."0(! l.0i- from 4 t years ?, 2d.., h 8 r.'5 .rh". best ioad or horses he J" Portland- A" Kuaranteed to .a represented. Call and see .these fcth and Hawthorne. East 72. lOLNu team Kehllnea. 3r,o: ...n. ..... new harness, light and heavy wagon fin Corner S9th and East Slark Mt Tabor (SITSS) car to end. foSr "blofas n .rth. one r;ast. FOR SALE Amand station v-i ........ i. Lddti" .an harnes"'. ""Rle harness row i-n - k waen- 'arm wagon, i black JTsey: white Leghorn baby chicks, lo" loo. lth of May hatcn-3-horse outfit with poles. ' ii??o?On:in9 andM lostrument s. HviR THE NEW BRUNSWICK vnswS. reinTTomlot apeclnl terms of ? " oowu, .o0 monthly. Ttd-Z .Machine Co.. 3."0 Alder. Sellwood T il $T ' r l6rmS Call WELLINGTON piano, almost new. t a fair price. ll.'O Oyden ave. and 3tith at. CONCERT GRAND, like new. $750 Tl FOR RENT First-cla PIANO WANTED. ' p Pay cash; get our price. Selberlinir-Lu-as iiusic Co.. l-o 4th 8u Main sS T1iOMM?N pl&n:' almost new, "uae'cTfe V orcesier bldtf. give terms. Jh f.Ai-E -Edison phonograph, diamond BARGA1-V ina Da'j & eon piano, taken the ust of care, looks like new. id, near Yamhill. V1i:TOK.?ia,ao' bench, plain case, ft'er b?dg. n' molu- Wore: PAY cash for pianos, phonographs, records and mu&icaJ instruments. Aiarket MARTIN meiody "C saxophone, used one . mouth, ouiy iOo, inciudmg case G h" Johnson Piano Co.. 14SJ fcixth si FOR SALE Banjo-mandolin, new; and guitar and banjo, and ukulule: bargain. Alarshall -io-iit. G2,- KIMBALL7 plaiii casej like nTw. ster 'bld' down 15 mout"- Jl- Wofce- W1LL TRADE you new Vlctrola or Cheney for good used pitno. G. F. Johnsoa Piano Co., 14U Sixth street Wanted- Folding organ, i octaves, must r, vr ;?"' v . no junn. a. Rah 1 man. Coquille, ur. BOX. 17. 9-U fA'h - torses- "3 wagons cheap. O. H. Winters. Estacada car to Luther FOR RENT Cabinet phonograph, with late records. .Empire Trausferi. -- Broadway. Bdwy.155. PLAYER PIANO wanted, must be bar gam for cash; good condition: no dtal era wanted AC 404, Oregonian. W EG MAN PIANO $835, terras. French. 12th and Washington. " MY 51000 STEIN WAY piano, sacrifice fr $0U0; consider part trade. Tabor 325. 1 9OD first-class violin for sale cheap Call East 4052. WANTED to buy. cash it bargain. phonograph; will pay Pnone Alain 5335. WANTED A nice-toned piano, cash, at once, if bargain. Marshall 5709. FRANKLIN piano, fine tone, walnut case, only $lb5, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. 15-KEY L p. Albert system clarinet! Call TT.nit 7S74 Snnrfaw rr- i Sund a y or evenings. KIMBALL PI AN O $375, te r ms. French. 12th and Washington. WILL take piano as part payment on lata model Paige automobile 435 Wash. st. GOOD USED PIANOS G. F. Piano Co., 140 Sixth street. Johnson FOR SALE Martin steel guitar, like new Sell. 1S15. RENT a phonograph, -Harold S. -.Gilbert, 34 Yamhili st- IF you are looking for happiness, you win find it at McDoagall's Music store. HA RDM AN piano, good condition ; bar gain foi; cash; leaving city. East 410. WOOSTER PIANO $275 terms. Reed Krench, 12th and Washington. WELLINGTON piano for $250. East 8384. Larsen. Phone WILL care for piano for use best of care. Phone 211-75. HOBART M. CABLE PIANO $350. terms. Reed-French, 12th and Washington. WOULD be glad to take care of a piano for use of it. J 253, Oregonian. WILL PAY CASH for your piano. Q. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth st. ELY upright mahogany Singer piano, cheap. 240 Bancroft ave. FOR SALE Sm.ill pze ued piano dealers- Call Automatic 214-fc. K 1 NGS BL R Y PIANO $275. terms. Rei French, 12th and Washington. FOR SALE OR RENT Upright Diana. terms. Bdwy. iXi. BRAND new. singer piano at a bargain if taken for cash. 40S Morris. Hast 1'14. POR RENT Two unfurnished rooms and alcove. 173 Hamilton a e. S600 KIM B A LL, only $ ..'no ; $ 50 down, $12.50 month. 312 Worcester bldg. eTdipON disc phonograph with 30 select pieces. Phone Tabor 3'iT. FOR SALE Piano. Call 271 34th., i Tahor 1120. I FOR SALE Used piano, bargain $20 ' terms if desired. East &o27. i