12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MAY 15, 1020 REAL ESTATE For Sale Farms. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms, REAL ESTATE. For Sal Farms, For Sale Farms, For Sale Farm. For Sale IM-ACREJ MODERN COUNTRY HOME STOCKED WITH PEDI GREED AND HIGH GRADE COWS AND HOGS, ONLY 3 MILES FROM END OF SKYLINE BLVD. New modem ft -room house, elec tric lights, hardwood floors, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, cement basement, plpeless furnace, big ' barn with electric lights, silo, ma chin shed, new horse barn. 2 ga rages, chicken house, hog house, other out-bldgs. 120 acres in cul tivation, very rich soi'., timber for family use, fine creek on place, most all In ciover, vetch, oats, wheat, corn, potatoes and family orchard ; new woven wire fences. 24 head of pedigreed and high era ile cows, heifers, 1 pedigreed Holstein bull, 4 yrs. old that cost $3mk. Pedigreed hogs, 5 good horses, chickens, complete set new modern farm Implements, such as tractor, with 2 bottom plows, new truck and other implements too numerous to mention. Over $15,000 worth of personal property. All goes Tor 40,0O. See SAM. HEWEI at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 7 Chanv ber of Commerce Bldg. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 156 ACRES, NEAR McMIXNVILLE. GOOD BUILDINGS, $15,000. ITapa'a hat ! rW Vl tnaVl Vflu'V been parching for. 156 acres, located 7 miles ortnwe.ft or McMinnviue on county ruu, ni i ir nn,i mnii i-ntA- milk condenser at McMinnville; about 60 acres in cultiva- ion and crop; good o-rcpm nouse, o arna, other outbuildings; fenced and ross-fenced ; several live springs on me Iace; plenty of wood, fine pasture, out ange adjoining; with this place goes all ir ni unmnmont which Includes 19 icad of cattle. 7 spring calves, 10 head logs, work team, buggy norse, o cnic. ns, all tools and farm machinery go iru tu nt-j..a- orii farmer and ranch nan can make this place pay for itself n the next 3 years. iTlce is a Bacrmw ... ..iB sin nfrt Ht least half cash. .light take in 5 or 10-acre suburban s.kmio or StiOOO as part payment. Owner -.vishes to retire. G. G. McCORMiu 242 "Washington St.. Portland, Or. Phone Main 8220. VALLEY FARM SNAP. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED, irwi c.b 4.i in f-uittvation and crop. 'balance open pasture and timber; deep ten son, no roc a or ailing spring water to house and barn; earing lamily orchard, 125 young prune rt'ps, other small fruit; good 7 -room iouso with fireplace; two good barns, tog house, chicken house, etc. The fol uwing stock and a full set of farm ools and implements, good as new, go vlth place: 15 head of cows and heifers, o mo miiklnc. some coming fresh soon; i reg. Holstein bull, two good brood ows, a young worn nore, x tint, .0 chickens. Only 10 miles from Port- and (S miles Newberg, hit mile to main aved highway and R. It. uta. This is ibsolutely the biggest bargain in the ountry and will boar closest investlga- icn. Everything goes for $125 per acre; nn0 rush. balances lonsr terms. 6. t. M. GATE W OO D & CO., 165 4th St. MR. FARM BUYER, f you are looking for the best 80 acres ii Washington county, all stocked and quipped. IN HIGH STATE OF CULTI VATION, you will Investigate this one. 0 acres In cultivation, 20 acres old slash lies. 30 acres verv heavy saw timber, no waste, rock or gravel, rich loam soil. ;-room huue, large barn, garage, gran- ry, hog and chicken house, spring water .Iped to buildings, fine young family rchard and berries in abundance, on nain county road. 2 miles to paved high way, 3 miles west of Sherwood; 2 fine own, team, 3 dz. II. R. chickens, mower, ake. plows, harrows, hay fork, wagon, muhcv. etc. Will consider small resi- lence In Portland. Price $150 per acre nd eayy terms. MITCHELL or itu EY, 32S-29 HENRY BLDG. Main 2534 NEWBERG, OREGON. ?rt acres near Newberg. on a fine graveled road that is being paved. Land ill fenced with heavy woven wire. Lana itmrlv it-vet. Creek acro.s one corner. Very large family orchard and lots of errles. High and grade scnooi on piace. louse, barn, chicken house, granary. L,-nod well. This piace Is all in crop, ex cept 3 acres of grass pasture ana toe np goes with the place. A nice small anch, well iocated. Personally inspect- .-1 hv Wlsnn. with JOHN FMlHUCSON, GERLINGER BLDG. 20 ACRES CLOSE TO ALBANY. 0 acres in commercial apples, best varieties; balance under cul tivation ; fair set of farm build ings ; the orchard alone is worth the price askel, as this is one of the best orchards in the entire nelghborhogd. Price $3000. W1LLAMETTF? VALLEY LAND CO. ;3 First National Hank Bldg., Albany, Oregon. DEEP RICH SOIL. Partlv Improved farms can be bought wit hiu 12 miles of Aberdeen and Ho- aui.m at 50 to $100 an acre, easy terms. t il yotue instances smrn anu crops ai included. The demand for farm prod ucts in unlimited on Grays Harbor. We are selling unimproved land at $20 to $40 oer acre, on lollowing terms: casn iu and $10 per month at 6o. Here is your opportunity to buy level tract of land free from rocks, near schools ind on Rood roads. Kor further information write at once, Washington State Coloni zation Co., Aberdeen, Wash. BIG WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 2230 acres in Willamette valley, over 17im) acres cleared land nearly level, bal ance timber; fenced with woven wire; tine 10-room house with modern con veniences, big barns and ot her build ings, well watered. This is finest stock and dairy proposition in Oregon, and the biggest bargain In the state at $40 an acre. Will include stock and machinery for operating. l.UKDDK M A N N COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. BEST INVESTM EN'T IN OREGON, to acres of rich bottom land. 37 acres eult Ivitted, living stream, locn ted in the i.:renhHm -district, 20 miles from center of Portland, close to electric car and hard-surface. As this place MUST HE SOLD to settle an estate it Is offered at i he extremely low figure of $6320. This price is less than the cost of clearing i ho Isnd. CLEVELAND-HEN PERSON CO.. 212 Hallway Exchange BIdff. Main 67.12. ACRES 2 miles north of Estacada, Or. 25 cleared and 5 acres In 7-year-old prunes, bal. of place in small timber; good running v ter, small family or chard, a large new house; also spring in front with nice shade trees, large barn, good new gara ge. This place is on the county road and only 1 mi. from the main Portland road. This will be hard-surfaced this summer. CAHY REAL ESTATE CO., Eslacada, Or. 0 ACRES, over 500 m cultivation. 250 nf fine growing wheat: good buildings, fine wattT, hog-tight fence; miles from Gohiendale: one of the best ranches In Klickitat county; $H per sere, in cluding crop. We have many other good bus in fruit, grain and alfalfa ranches from 20 acres and up. .SMITH t NELSON. Goldendale, Wat-ti. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 232 acres. 145 acres In cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber; 1J0 acres choice bottom land, 25 acres young hops, 15 acres young prunes; fine stream water; 8-It. house, barn, outbuildings, near school and good town, 40 miles Port land, good roads; price $100 per acre; favorable terms can be made. K. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 1651$ 4th St. FOLK COUNTY. 66 iicres, all tillable, with 54 acres in cultivation, balance on k brush. 3 wells. 5 acre "Varing prunes; well taken care of; rura r mte, rock road, 3 V mi tew f-om tow n and railroad. In thickly settled farming district; price $S250, S1500 cash, tctii! on the b.iljnc-. Fred W. German V.. 732 Cham, of Com. EASTERN OREGON SHEEP RANCH. IStiu acres with right in reserve for 12 ewes iuid lambs (io acres river bottom land, balance fine hunch gra.s, good improvements and share of crop; will run 12O0 e-wes and lambs the year around. $5000 down will handle at $12 i.r acre. For SalV by FO R D H E X I JR I C K S, FOSSIL. OR. LR SALE 20 acres of the best land in the Willamette valley, 12 miles from t hf hea rt of the city ; 13 acre clear, balance very easily cleared; nitle from rnved highway and station on S P. red 1i 'if. mile f: f;.i station on Oregon Electric; good buildings. Write L 012, Oreguniiin. RICE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE $rt5 PUK ACHE. Ml" ST SELL MY FARM HOME 'tin ACRES, 450 CULTIVATED. Good buildings, (rood fences, choice lo cation, near Eugene and paved highway; soil excellent quality. See mv repre se ntatlve. Frank J. Herger, Eugene. Or. 24 ACRES S5O00. 20 acres in cultivation, including or chard. 10 acres p.ow land. 4 acres tim ber: looo bearing apple trees can be to pay for the place. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 STARK ST OR SALE 40 acres 20 miles from Port land, 4 miles from Woodland, Wash. Writ to owner. Gus A. Simpson. L Center, Wash, R, h X. X Box 63. BENTON COUNTY FARM BARGAINS. NEAR OREGON AGRICULTURAL-COLLEGE. 750-ACRE STOCK RANCH. 125 acre under cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber: 4t00 worth of stock and equipment. Near railroad. Price $30 per acre. 700-ACRE GRAIN AND STOCK FARM. 0O acre cultivated: $10,000 worth of Improvements. Place faoes weft side Pacific hlchway. Price $100 per acre. ' 600-ACRB DIVERSIFIED FARM. 300 arei under cultivation, bal ance open pasture. 31 miles from Corvallis. Good Improvements. On west eide Pacific highway. Price $100 per acre, 330-ACRE DAIRY FARM. 230 acres under cultivation: 100 acres open pasture; $10,000 worth of buildings. Price $100 per acre. ' 157-ACRB DIVERSIFIED FARM. 2 miles from Oregon Agricul tural college. 137 acres cleared land, balance Umber and pasture. Good improvements, good road. Price $26,600. 154-ACRB GRAIN FARM. ZVz miles from Corvallis. on paved highway. Running water, small Improvements. Possession October 1. Price $20,000. 109-ACRB GENERAL FARM. 95 acres under cultivation, most ly In crop. From $8000 to $10,000 worth of improvement. Price $210 per acre. Immediate possession. 80-ACRE GRAIN AND DAIRY FARM. 7 miles from Corvallis on paved highway. 65 acres under cultiva tion and In crop. Price $125 per acre. $4000 worth of improve ments. Possession at once. 78-ACRE DAIRY FARM. S miles from Independence. 50 acres cultivated. 30 acres pasture. 12 acres real beaverdam land. $6000 worth new and modern im provements. Possession October 1. Price $12,000. 83t4 ACRES. 5 miles from Corvallis. 65 acres under cultivation. Fair Improve ments. Fine place. Price $200 per acre. 78-ACRK DAIRY FARM. 1 V miles from station. All cleared and cultivated. Extra good Improvements. Price $125 per acre. Possession October L B6-ACRE BEAVERDAM FARM. Good improvements. Good road. 40 acres under cultivation. Price $125 per acre. 50-ACRE EQUIPPED FARM. 45 acres under cultivation and in crop. Good improvements. Com pletely stocked and equipped. Im mediate possession. Price $7000. 44-ACRE DAIRY AND PRUNE RANCH. 30 acres cultivated. 6 acres prunes. $3500 worth of improve ments. One mile from Corvallis. River bottom soil. Price $10,500. 36-ACRE DAIRY AND CHICKEN RANCH. Joins city limits of small town. Has city water. $5000 worth of buildings. Price $7500. Immediate possession. 30-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. 3 miles from Oregon Agricultural college, tt-room cottage, barn and outbuildings. 25 acres in crop. Immediate possession. Price $4000. 12-ACRE SUBURBAN FARM. miles from Oregon Agricul tural college. Small set of improve ments. All cultivated. Good road. Price $3250. " 6 H -ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. All cultivated. 3Vz miles from Corvallis. Good road. Good tt room house, barn. 4 chicken hout-es, family orchard. Price $3500. For full descriptions of any of the above places write us. WE SPECIALIZE IN GOOD FARMS. KINNEY 8s. COMPANY. CORVALLIS. OREGON. HOME OF OREGON AGRICUL TURAL COLLEGE. " THIS HIGH-CLASS FARM IS TO BE SOLD ON ACCOUNT OF OWNER'S HEALTH. 80 acres on the main road a short way rrom me city limits on tne east side. 40 acres In the hltrh state of cultivation: 30 more slashed and burned ami seeded to good pasture. This could be cut into small tracts and sold oil to good advan tage as part of the land lies on each siue or tne roaa: acres in ciover crops, all in except late potatoes; plenty or seed for planting. f ine O-room pias tered house; cement basement ;furnace. good water system with water piped into the house; good potato and apple house; fine, up-to-date barn, garage, and out building's; all in first-class condition; place is all fenced, and cross fenced with woven wire; good family orchard fenced with chicken wire for a chicken park. With this goes 7 high-grade cows, 2 heifers, will be fresh this 1'all; bull and a 5-month-old calf: good team, harness, wagon an-d all kinds of machinery and too.s lo run a rirst-class larm. a. very thing for $19,000; half cash and easy time on the balance at ftrc We will be pleased to 'show this any time. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BUY FROM OWNER. Here is a real farm, located about miles from Portland on fine road to be paved soon. It consists of: 157 A., 60 A. level, tv A. unaer plow. u a. scatter ing timber; some berries, family orchard A-l soil, 2 biks. to school, lj mi. from electric sta. ; all well fenced with woven wire Htiri hoards. K h !".. tibnne: ft eral springs, fine sprift? creek which l ows through tne barn y;ira: rood wen good (1-rooin house: 2 barns, hog house chicken houses, garage, sheep and wagon sheds. Personal property: Disk, har row, spike tooth harrow, 2 plows, 2 dou ble shovel plows. 1 7-looth cultivator, mower, unit, I wagon, 1 spring wagon hoes, rakes, all small tools. Good brood mare. 2-yr.-old gelding, l-yr.-oid mare colt: A-l cows, a snoats. 43 a-i sneeD 7 A. rye. 18 A. oats. 7 A. wheat. 20 A fine clover; price for all $20,000. $5000 or 30UOU casn, Dai. to suit o per cent. Come and see this rami. It will plea Address James Rush. Eaele Creek. Or.. or come to Eagle Creek on the Estacada electric line, tnen go Va mile east. VERY CLOSE TO PORTLAND. 40 acres, located 10 miles from center of city. In Washington county, Oregon, AH can he cultivated. dO acres unde cultivation end in crop, balance In pas lure. All fine soil, no rock or grave! Well drained land; young family orchard beginning to bear; weil and creek: good house, 4 rooms finished down stairs and room for two upstairs. Large barn, 32x 50. on rock tounaation. ricK and con creta potato house. Chicken house. With this place goes 2 horses. 2 cows, brood sow. heiters, w cnicnens, Dinaer, mow er, hay rake, plows, harrows, cultivators. 2 sets of harness, wagon, hack, crops and all the tools. Only 30 minutes out. Price 10OO0. S4IMMI cash. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG IN THE BEAUTIFUL SANTIAM COUNTRY. We have a splendid 2fl0-scre dairy ranch. 7 miles from Lebanon, 250 acres are tillable, 140 acres in cultivation, bal ance in second grow in rir and oak tim ber; good rich loamy soil, splendid 7 room house with bath, barn 40xS4, with 140-ton hay loft, good stanchions below, 2 silos, granary, milk house, woodhouse and strawshed. water piped to buildings, from large spring. Price $23,000, $65o0 cash, unlimited time on the balance. This la the place that you. Mr. Stockman, have been looking for. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. 64 ACRES 1 H miles north of Estacada, Or. on main Portland road; this is to be hard-surfaced this year and only be 28 miles to Portland; the soil is black loam and 54 acres in fine state of cultivation, the bal. smalt timber and would be easy cleared ; large house, barn, woodshed and other buildings. You will find this a nice place nothing better and well worth the money asked. Price $150 per acre and terms. GARY REAL ESTATE CO.. Estacada, Or. PRUNE AND STOCK FARM. 160 acres, about 25 acre under plow, about IM acres of the land Is tillable when cleared, balance timber and pas ture; fine 6-acre prune orchard, will bear some thlso'ear: 5-room house, barn, outbuildings, family fruit, well, in good district, 5 miles from Washougal, R F D., good neighbors; price $5500. $2300 rash, balance 3 to 3 years. UE.O. V. MOODY CO- WashougaL Wash. FARMS FOR SALE NEAR N EWB E KG BY WHITE 8c COMPANY. Fruit farm, beautifully located on Newberg-Portland highway and no waste land on this farm; large shade trees; good house, barn and chicken houses and good wood house; 12 acres in prunes, nearly all bearing; about 11 acres black cap raspberries bearing between the prunes; 3 acres Royal Ann and Lambert cherries; 5 acres of choice apples; 19 English walnuts; everbearing red raspberries, goose berries, currants, pears and fil berts; 20O0 peach seed to be bud ded this fall; large building for berry pickers on. the pretty creek that runs through the grove of fir, making an ideal camping ground; sold $2oO worth of onions off of acre bottom land ; good soil that will grow anything, house, has 7 rooms, barn 50x32 with shed 25x50, also garage. Good well and spring; most of this fine farm of nearly 38 acres is ready for the plow, but using a few acres for pasture. This piace must be seen to be appreciated. Immediate possession given to purchaser. For prices and terms, write or call on White A Co.. 0olfe 1st at., Newberg. Or. block east of Electric depot. 15 acrea, only mile to R. R. depot ; 5 acres loganberries that will have a fine crop this year; 5 acres Italian prunes, bearing, all the place cleared except V acre for chicken lot; possession given March 1 and purchaser gets hi the crop clear of all expenses, delivered at Valley cannery, Newberg. This lo acre fruit ranch is a bargain for $6500. Terms, $4300 cash. If you want a bargain in fruit look tnis up at once. For sale by WHITh, COMPANY. 703 First at., MEW BERG, OR. 1 06-acre gral n and f rult farm, between 75 and 80 acres In culti vation; 5 acres bearing English walnuts; family orchard, two good dwellings, good barn and machin shed; creek and 2 wells; hill and valley soil, but lays nice to farm. Will sell this fine farm for $14,000 and give immediate possession; crop all In and looks fine; a good lot of personal property, includung good team. SEE WHITE & COMPANY, 7031-4 FIRST STREET. NEWBERG, OR. 233 ACRES, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 175 acres under high state of cultivation, balance open pasture and timber; stream of clear, coid water running through farm, a number of springs and fine well; crops consist of wheat and bar lev, and most all put in last fall; fences are most all woven wire; buildings are good six-room house, large barn and. all outbuildings; stock, 4 Jersey cows. 0 head of fine horses, lots of chickens; equipment galore, everything to run a large farm. Stock, crop and equipment all go with the farm for $28. 000; $8'50O will handle, bal ance a long time at 6. WILLAMETTE? VALLEY LAND CO. 203 First National Bank Bldg., Albany, Oregon. $4750 BARGAIN. 14 miles from Portland on good road. 20 U acres, 17 acres In crop, balance pas ture and timber, 2 acres bearing orcnard; o-room house, large barn and other out buildings. 2 horses 2 sets harness buggy, hack, harrow, plow, wagon and all other farming implements. 4 milk cows, heif ers, 5 stands bees, 60 chickens. $-i50 cash, balance terms 6. 178-acre dairy farm. 22 miles from Portland, in Willamette valley, 115 acres in cultivation, 12 acres beaverdam. 5 room house, bar. 3 silos, machine ned. 'garage, hog house, other outbuildings electric lights, water piped to house and barn; has running stream, all fenced and cross fenced with woven wire. This is some of the best soil In the valley and Is worth $200 an acre. Price $100 per acre. $12 000 cash, balance terms, 6. bee "interstate INVESTMENT CO.. . Main 1743. 4lO Henry Idg. CHOICE VALLEY FARM. ONE OF MARION COUNTY'S BEST MO acres extra choice level land in She famous French Prairie district, Ma rion county, Oregon: 'J. i miles Portland; ii. mii electric railway station and town- 180 acres In crop, 15 acres good timber, 20 acres easy to clear, 27 acres pasture; springs, wells; H-room house, electric lights; barns, silo, outbuildings, fumiiv nn-hard- on main road. Price mio Thin is one of the best farms in all Oregon. The land Is suitable for I hops, loganberries, potatoes, fruit, grain j and other crops. immeniaxe pojctiuh. NEAR BEAVERTON. 38 acres, 20 acres in crops, balance pasture and timber; 100 bearing fruit and nut trees; 5-room house, barn and outbuildings; 2 wells. This is choice dark loam soli; on main road. 2V4 miles B';a erton, 12 miles Portland. Price $ll,5O0, half cash, and worth it. It M. GATE WOO D & CO.. 1 65 4th St. ON THE MT. HOOD LOOP. 120 acres of black loam soil; 90 acres can be cultivated; 18 acres under culti vation, balance fenced and in pasture; 5 acres of bearing orchard, half of which Is prunes ; rt-room house, f raTVie con struction; large barn with sheds on both sides: slaughter house, hog house, chicken house and fruit cellar; 3 miles from railroad: all rural conveniences; crops in and goes with the place. Price $3S00. large cash payment: located be tween Sandy and Bull Run. Hjpy, with John Ferguson, Geflinger bldg. EQUIPPED. dlversitted Polk County ranch. 32( acres, 21u acres in cultivation and In crtp. 40 acres in pasture, 55 acres fine oak timber; running water and springs: 2 miles from town. 1 mile to highway : good 5-room house. large barn and other outbuildings, stock, crop and machinery goes with place; 6 work horses and harness, 10 cows giving milk, 47 head of pigs and shoats. 4 brood sows. 75 laying hens complete set of farm machinery, rurar route, phone, one mile to school, 2 miles to high school ; Immediate possession; price $125 per acre and good terms. H. W. BL'NDY, McMinnville, Oregon. CLARKE COUNTY. 20 acres. 13 acres under fine culti vation; sandy loam soil, tine for pota toes or general farming; 7 acres of fine prune orchard in bearing, 40 acres slashed and grubbed. 15 acres good tim ber; land all practically level; modern 7-room house, 3 good barns, prune drier, plentv of other buildings, on good road, near North Bank highway, now being paved : 10 miles from Vancouver, in fine district: price 40.00O. good terms. Place muHt be seen to be appreciated. GEO. Y. MOODY CO., Washougal, Wash. 20 ACRES bet sandy loam soil, all in crop; family orchard, lots of berries ; good 5-room house, new barn, silo and many outbuildings; 2 good wells, place well fenced: near Pacific highway. 1 hour drive to Portland. Price with some stock and equipment $6000; $15u0 down. F. it. Jesse. Corbett bldg. Main 7141. SOUTHWEST OF BEAVERTON. 30 acres, located on good road; all good land, under cultivation, and near ly all in crop, which is Included; good 6-room house, barn and outbuildings, all in fine shape. This ts a fine farm, in a good locality. Price $6500. Equip ment and stock on place can be pur chased at a sacrifice. Personally in spected. John Ferguson, Gerllnger , bldg. BEAUTIFUL land, richest soil; SO acrB, all level, 25 acres creek bottom In culti vation, balance all easily cleared; fenced; small house fine large barn, splendid orchard ; 2 cows, 2 heifers, machinery, plenty fuel wood; nice stream, finest free outrange ; gravel roa d ; school ; 5 miles banking town, creamery, etc. Price $5000. $20oo CHsh, terms. Couple hundred more acres itKe tnis joining can secure. sir. Becker. 312 Labbe bldg. 10 ACRES half mile east of Estacada, Or. 1 acre cleared and in garden, bal. slashed off with some timber; nice running creek, nice t -room nouse, gooa Darn, wire fences and also chicken run. If you are looking for a small place and want to go into the chicken business, you will find this a dandy; close to good maraet. aan casn. CAR Y REAL ESTATE CO.. Estacada, Or. DAIRY" FARM AND STOCK. " 160 ACRES in good dairy district. 120 acres In crop; good 6 -room house, big barn and other buildings- 15 cows, 8 heifers anil other stock, and all necessary farm equipment. Price $20,000, only $5000 down, balance terms to suit. Step right in and begin getting your cream check. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 33 1-3 ACRES EAGLE CREEK, $3000. 15 acres in cultivation, all fenced. 5 room house, good barn, spring water. Easv terms, HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 STARK ST. WIZARD combination coal and wood WLge. nearly new. Phone Tahor 616. READ THESE ADS. Nothing to- get excited about: Just an other one of those farms columns of Benura. I have the bargains; if you buy before seeing me you are the loser. I have many farms like these. MR, FARM BUYER. Listen to thta. It Is worth yonr while If you are looking for a farm that la up to the minute in nrod-uciion. location. buildings. This farm has 170 acres osM irrigated land; SO acres now irrigated for crops, with 40 acres in fine alfalfa; 170 acres level; 120 acres under plow; all fenced with woven wire: railroad on place; on fine auto road; soil la first class, 5 feet deep; mile to school. R. F. D. and telephone; 2 fine springs, 1 creek, on the banks of. beautiful river. There Is a wonderful house of 8 rooms that cannot be surpassed for beauty, comfort and luxury in Portland. Th is house has hot water heat, hardwood floors, all built-in conveniences, 3 bath rooms, beautifully tiled; there Is also a small bungalow for help; 2 fine bams; .one for horses, hay. etc., the other dairy barn with stanchions for 80 cows: room for 30 more stanchions; 2 fine -large alios, dairy engine house, complete set of farming implements and two good tractors; herd of registered Jersey cow a. 1 registerer boar. 3 registered sows. 50 tons of hay in barn, 70 tons ensilage. This farm is the cream of creams and consists of 230 acres. It lies In a beauti ful valley In southern Oregon, where sun shine and contentment are everywhere. You are always assured of a crop here; no failures. To see It means you will want lu I have some wonderful photos of this place. Come In and see them. Price for all, $60,000; $40,000 to S50.0O0 cash, balance easy. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. BENTON COUNTY FARM. 315 acres, 70 acres level, balance roll ing; 175 acres under plow; 40 acres bot tom land; 135 acres fine pasture; all kinds berries, family orchard, 2H miles from railroad and Al town: all fenced with woven wire, etc.; Al soil, R. F. D.. telephone. 12 springs. 1 creek, good Al road, good 7-room house, run-ning water, bath, toilet, etc.. 4 barns. 2 40x60. 32x64. 60-64, new silo, 10x32 ; hog houses, granary, concrete dipping vat for sheep, etc.; 20 acres oats. 30 acre oata and vetch, 20 acres wheat. 70 acres clover. Price for all. $40,000; $16,000 or $20,000 cash, balance terms. These farms are only a fair sample of the many farms X have. I can save you money. See me. A. G. BENDER.' RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. ANOTHER WONDERFUL FARM. BENTON COUNTY. This Is only one of Bender's real farm bargains. Remember. I have some 500 farms. See me before buying. This fine larm consists of 24a acres, all lies with gentle roll; 155 acres under plow. 165 acres oottom lana, 8 acres beaverdam, SH acres good pasture. 80 acres slashed. Big loganberry cannery close by, 10 acres peaches, family orchard. All soil a black loam: all well fenced; 1 14 miles irom rt. miie to scnooi. rt. r . u.. telerVhone. fine lake of 2 acres, creek, all graveled road, to be paved, 3 wells. Al o-room house, modern with bath, toilet electric lights, all plastered, 3 barns. 2 silos, milk house, pump, engine, boiler ana macnine nouses: z cnicaen nouses. cottage for help, garage. 3 walking plows, disc harrow,' grain drill, clover seeder, low wagon, hay rake. hack, buergy, spring-tooth harrow. nlanter. sower, corrugated roller, mower, black- smitn outnt. combination team and tractor disc, dump rake, orchard disc. siue raKe. ian-mng mm, walking cultl V 3 tor hfnrlAP err a i rt hnn.n.A tivator,- manure spreader, platform scales, tractor. 7 plows, wagon and wood rack. 2 gas engines, some grain. 5 horses. 19 registerea sneep. 13 goats. 35 hogs. 35 acres fail barley. 20 acres serine barlev 30 acres vetch; all for-$73,000. $15,000 casn, oaiance to suit. A. G. BEND ETC, RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. - A WONDERFUL COLUMBIA RIVER FARM. If you want to get a real farm, who do you want to see "Why, Bender, of course." He han the money-makers, Read his ads'a-nd then come in and have him show vou them. Then and there only will you be convinced. This farm has at nresent wu per montn income from cows alone. It consists of 387 acres with 175 acres as fine bottom land as ever laid out of doors. 4 acres beaverdam, 100 acres under plow now and 100 more if you want to plow It uo some timber. 200 acres fine pasture. 3 acres fine orcnard. all fenced.- mostly woven wire, right at R. R. station, only ,s miles rrom r'oriiano. racing paveo highway. 2 wens, numerous springs, creeks, etc.. water piped to aI the build lngs. which include 2 fine houses trfat are modem In every respect. 2 fine barns, one is the finest dairy barn In the Pacific northwest, with stalls and stanchions to accommodate 125 head. The floor is fully cemented, with auto ma tic water system. Each bam will hold lOO to 150 tons of hay. There Is a fine cairy house equipped with an un to-date bottling and pasteurizing outfit with steam equipment : also z fine 100 ton silos. Personal property: 4 wagons, 3 gas engines, woodsaw. feed grinder, manure spreader. 3 plows. 3 harrows. 1 disc. 1 tiding cultivator. 2 walking cultivators, garden tools, mowing ma chine, rake, 2 hay forks and ropes. 2 ensilage cutters. 1 grain drill, centrifu gal pump. 6-H. P. boiler, milk- cooler etc., 20 head registered cowa. 4Vi head extra fancy grade milk cows and hif ers. 0 hogs. 8 fine horses. 50 chicken. large blacksmith outfit. One house is tumlshed. the other partly furnished. In one corner of the ranch there Is a line UD-10-ae.te chicken ranch, whtoh fi rented. It is equipped with some 10 or iz new cnicgen nouses with fnenbatom. brooders, etc ; also dwelling house. 15 acres barley. 50 acres oats, lis acres clover, 25 acres fine alfalfa. 5 acres vetch, 12 acres corn, ensilage and bay. r 1 n: w 1 or an, 3D,wu; sou.ouu casn, bal' aneo xo suit. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. NEWBERG (COUNTRY) FARM. Here Is a wonderful farm and one that can be relied on. It is owned by a man who has other business and can not look after it. It moist be sold, 307 acres, all nearly level. 2vi5 acres under plow. lio acres fine timber, family or rnara, an xenceo. 4 mues xrom rt. ti. R. F. D.. teleohone. several srr n-s. creeks, good road, 3 wells, good 0-room house, 2 barns and ail outbuildings; small house for help: 40 acres cheat. 65 acres oats. 45 acres wheat. 15 acres clo ver, hay In barn. Price for everything, $39,7O0 ; $13,000 cash, balance to suit at 6 Der cent. This is a real farm, a-nd the soil la first-class. Come Into my ornce ami 1 win snow you tma larm. A. "G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-&-7 Board of Trade BuildlnaT.- , MUST BE SOID. ESTATE. Here Is a real farm. and. believe me it Is priced right. If you see it you will say 1 am ngnt. it ro-ust ana win 01 sold. If vou are looking for a real bar gain see this at once; a great farm that will bring a great Income. 480 acres. CO miles from Portland; there are 3X) acres of the very choicest of sandy loam creek bottom soil and 00 acres upland all soil is exceedingly productive; 2 fine creeks, an exceedingly fine spring whic furnishes water In abundance to th buildings from 3 reservoirs and a won derful well and pump and tanks. Bar none, this farm has the finest buildings In the state of Oregon. There are three bams, one Is about 80x250. others about 70x100. The main barn has steel stanchions for 60 head of cattle, cement floor full length and width of barn, and painted inside and out; sanitary fatten ing pens for 10O hogs: 2 30-ton silos, power buildings in etude carpenter shop, engine - room, separator - room, boiler -room and washroom and over all there Is a large granary: a fine 8 -room house with sleeping porch. Dutch kitchen, fire place, electric lights, etc.: aUso fine 6 room bungalow, electric -lights, etc, fin ished in oak. beamed ceiling, plastered throughout, bath, toilet. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, all finished In white enamel. These buildings are all practi cally new. Personal property: 1 IO-H. P. raB engine, separator, pump and pressure tank:, hay rakes, cultivators, harrows, plows, disc. 100-light dynamo, 1 grinding mill, 1 farming mill. 1 Rus sell tractor, 1 new sawmill, ensilage cut ter, etc.; all fenced and cross - fenced with woven wire. Everything for $75,000. Can you beat It? Get busy; $20,000 or so cash, balance to suit at d per cent. A. O. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-4-5-7 Board of Trade Building. WONDERFUT BENTON CO. FARM. For stock raising or general farming read this. Can you beat it ? "No, you can't. Why? Because Bender does the business, hence he gets the bargains. 6K) acres, all lies with a gentle roll; no waste land on place; all Al soil: 40 acres now farmed : 2i0 acres more never been plowed.; in the finest kind of clover and meadow pasture; 100 acres fine pil ing timber: there are 1OO0 strawberries. 800 raspberries, currance and grapes, youn orchard ; nearly all fenced with woven wire; R. R through place; 1 mile to good town, on highway; river on one side and numerous sprinss; there i city water in- all the buildings; electric lights In barn, house and other out buildings from city ; a strictly modern new house of 10 rooms, furnace, fire place, full basement, bath, toilet, elec tric lights, etc.: 2 fine barns 60x80 each: garage, 2o0-gallon gas tank, hog house for 100 hogs. Personal property that goes: 3 plows, mower, hay baler, binder, 2 wagons, buggy, 2 harrows, disc har rows, electric washing machines. 75 head Durham and Shorthorn beef cattle. 12 Al horses. 4 colts. 2 of which are draft colts; 12 Duroc Jersey sows. 3 are registered; 2 registered Hampshire bows which are ribbon winrfers; 1 regis tered Duroc boar. 35 pigs. Everything for $45,000; $25,000 cash, balance easy, 6 per cent. You can't beat this, no mat ter where you go. See It. Remember my office la headquarters for fine farms. Write me. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. Here Is a farm in a fine locality. It can't be beat for the money: 383 acres, 120 acres level. 820 acres under plow, soil is Al, 7 acres timber. 263 acres lies gently; family orchard; all fenced with woven and barb wire: mile from rail road station: 50 miles from Portland; 4 mile to school: R. F. D. : Al auto road; 4 fine springs; fine 9-room house, pain-ted and plastered, modern, with hot and cold water, bath, toilet, etc.: 2 fine barns, 48x116, 44x60; 2 fine silos. 16x35 and 12x32; granary with fuel cellar and atone walls,, machine shed, 'garage, ch icken house, etc. Personal property and arops go: New 12-H. P. engine, new en si Ig age cutter, cream separator. 2-H. P. engine, manure spreader, drill, binder, mower. rake, disc. harrow, com planter. 2-horse cultivator. 2 single cultivators, corn binder, wood saw. feed chopper, gang plow, 2 No. 50 Oliver plows, stump puller, heavy new wagon, light wagon. 2 trucks, 1 hack. 11 reg istered Guernsey cows. 2 registered heif ers, 4 registered heifers . 1" year old. 2 fine bulls. 17 grade Guernsey cows. 12 fine heifers, soon f ree-b ; 12 young heif ers, 7 good horses, 4 registered O. T. C. sows. 1 registered boar, 20 pigs. 50 tons ensilage. 310 acres oats. 25 acres wheat. 50 acres clover. 90 acres vetch. 35 acres for corn. Price for everything. $57,000; $25,000 to $30,000 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. Don't forget it's "Bender" who has the farm bargains. A. G. BENDER, ' RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. FIRST-CLASS 13-ACRE PRUNE ORCHARD ON THIS 160-ACRtt RANCH IN YAMHILL COUNTY. Good 7-room house, water piped In, big new barn, other outbuild' gs. &8 acres in cultivation, 70 acres very rich bottom land, good for any kind of crop. loganberries, hops, grain, or potatoes, 10 acres pasture, 3 acres timber, every foot of the land is good. The prune or chard alone is very valuable. The prune orchard adjoinlhg thia the owner refused $1000 an acre. 3',4 miles from a good town on Red electric. 40 miles from Portland. Price, $19,000. See SAM HE WE Y at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Building. A MILES FROM CITY. 40 acres of sandy loam -soil, located close to the Clackamas river, south of Portland, on a fine road; 30 acres under cultivation; all can be cultivated ; 3 acrea of orchard, 1 acre of prunes; creek on the place; good bungalow of 6 rooms, full cement basement: barn 30x40, chicken house, hog house; 5 acres In wheat, S acres In oats, H acres clover, 2 acres potatoes; with this place goes S cows, 1 horse. 50 chickens, 2 hogs and 1 heifer. Will consider house in Portland up to $3500 and some cash. Give terms on the balance. This is a well located, close-in farm. Nelson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. MOLALLA VALLEY FARMS are cheapest considering quality of soil, location, proximity to Portland, good roads. Ideal home conditions. Can sell Improved money-making farms, small acre age, large stock ranches with un limited outrange from $17 to $130 per acre. Let us show you our opportunities before you invest elsewhere. Taylor's Real Estate Exchange. - GORDON J. TAYLOR. At Impernal Hotel Mondays. - THE CROP IS INCLUDED. 49 acres, located on good county road, half mile from school and church, close to graveled road and this place will soon be on the graveled road; 40 acres can be cultivated; 30 acres under cultiva tion and in crop; 15 acrea of fir timber; creek, well at the house; 1 acre In orchard; good fences; very fine soil, no gravel; 7-room house, barn, chicken house, wood shed; located oast of Ore gon city, or 5 miles west of Estacada or near Beaver Creek, Willamette Val ley Southern electric lln. Price $3750, $1250 cash. Personally inspected. Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. 255 ACRES AT EUGENE. $77.30 AN ACRE. Nearly all under cultivation and rich black soil, woven wire fences, plenty of water, good 9-room house, barn and all necefsary -outbuildings; located on good rock road, close to R. R. siding. $5000 will handle. WILLAMETTE1 VALLEY LAND CO. 203 First National Bank BLdg., Albany, Oregon. SOUTH OF PORTLAND. 20 acres, located 2 mllea from Ore gon Electric: on good graveled road and close highway; all under cultiva tion and the very best of chocolate loam soil; good fences; 8 acres of clover, balance ready for crop; good new 5 room bungalow with Dutch kitchen and bathroom; large barn, chicken house ; half mile to school ; few fruit trees. Price $4000, $1400 cash. A fine loca tion, in a section of well improved farms; 30 mllea oat. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg: 80 ACRES $1600. 6 miles south of Oregon City. 6 or 6 acres In cultivation, about 25 acres till able land, 4000 to 5000 cords of wood; some saw timber; large per cent piling timber; only 2 miles to river landing, down grade on gravel road; timber easilv accessible; living spring; will make fine pasture land. For quick sale It ts of fered at less than half value. See Rip PEY or MITCHELL, 329 HENRY BLDG. Main 2534. 229 ACRES $42 PER ACRE. 88 miles from Portland; good, fair house, large barn, 50 acres fn culttx-ation; 3 horses, 6 cows, 2 yearlings, 2 calves, 1 bull, harness, 2 wagons, all kinds farm machinery and tools. Water piped to house and bam; good family orchard ; aH kinds Email fruit and berries, fenced and crofs fenced; land lies good; share In telephone line; seed potatoes; every thing goes for $1500 cash; own terms on balance at 4 per cent interest. 72e Cham her of Commerce. 40 ACRES 3 miles S. E. of city at $200 per acre; about Va In cultivation, small house, large barn, orchard of 100 bear ing fruit trees, good road. Will sell on easy terms or will take house and lot as part payment, balance on time. A. W. LAMBERT A SON-. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Alder at. East 640. 86 ACRES located 16 miles south of Salem on main highway; close to electric sta tion and right on the Willamette river; finest of river loam soil, positively no white land; 28 acres In cultivation and now in crop ; beautiful bass lake of 1 acre; very attractive 6-room bungalow v. fi-f.rire and built-in effects; ce ment walka. around the house. Family o.cnaru, taiga burn.. Price $7200 on very easy termi. JOHN E. HOWARD, 818 Cham, of Com, IF you want a farm in Willamette valley, western Washington or sunny southern Idaho. See B. M. Price A Co., 200 Henry bis. ReiiablUt' . . SALEM. THE FRUIT. BERRY AND FARMING CENTER OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. v GOOD SMALL TRACT. 24 acres of excellent soil with acre set to loganberry roots; family orchard in bearing; large 4 -room house, good barn and chicken house; on good main road and y mile from electric sta tion. A fine buy at $1500. $10OO cash, balance terms. money-Making fruit TRACT. 10-acre tract with 8 acres bearing Italian prunes about 9 years old. This is a realty fine tract and win undoubtedly pay for Itself in this season and next Price $4500. 10.3 ACRES ADJOINING ABOVE TRACT. 6 acres bearing Italian prunes, 1 acre strawberries In bearing and 1H acres just set to logans; 5 miles from Salem on good road; orchard is In fine condition; 5 room house, barn and outbuild ings, A real buy at $5 000. FINE DAIRY. EQUIPPED. Located at edge of good little city near Salem. 86 acres, with 80 acres cultivated and about 50 In good crops, balance ready for -corn ; good big house and barn 40 by 60, with 2 good silos; all kinds of auxiliary buildings. In cluding steam bottle-wash ing plant; equipped with 13 good Jer sey s, 5 horses, brood sow and shoats, 2 wagons, corn planter, plows, harrows, cultivators, cream separator, huy bailer and all kinds of Implements . and small tools. Raises practically all of own feed. Income Is more than $511 per month. A fine paying buainesa at $17,500; terms on part. Write us what kind of a farm you are looking for and we will send you descriptions of such places. We are glad to be of as sistance to you. KINNEY SMITH. P. O. Box 264. Salem. Or. 469 State St, Phone. 1130. An irnrs xiono. 40 acres 4H miles from Manning. Or.. mile to school, on county road and R. F. D.. good neighborhood: 21 acre under cultivation, price iiuuu; casn. Rft ACRES. S3000. 80 acres 54 miles of Buxton. Or.. 1U mlloo from new railroad now building' 12 acres under cultivation, 60 acres good farm land when cleared; 1.000,000 feet ot good saw timber; good 7-room house, good barn 30x40, family orchard; crops and farm tools go with place. Price $3000, on good terms. 80 ACRES, $1500. 80 acrea. 4 acres under cultivation some good timber and a lot of cedar; 5 miles north of Scofield. Or., hi mile of new railroad now building; on county ro;id; well and living water. Price $iouu iiuu casn, balance on time. 160 ACRES. S2500. 160 acres. 6 mites from Buxton. ml. from railroad now building, on county road ; some clearing; living water; one million feet of good fir saw timber and cedar; a lot of the land easily cleared. Price $2500; $750 cash, balance on good terras. J. R. SCHRECK, 502 Spalding Bldg. 40 ACRES. 15 in cultivation, all tillable when cleared, some fine timber: 10 acres In young walnut trees. 3 acres In straw berries, 1 acre loganberries; very best of soil, no rock or gravel, good spring and creek, good family orchard, grapes and berries, on good auto road. mile off Columbia highway, only 13 miles out: $MR). on terms. 10 acres, all In cultivation, lots of fruit, good 5-room house and other build ings; gs for cooking and lights, good well of water and city water available; 20 miles out. paved highway to Hillse . boro. only 2 blocks from electric station: $5000. 40 acres. 36 In cultivation. 4 In pas ture, easily cleared, 6 acres in bearing prunes. 6 in apples, also cherries, pears, apd small fruits ; 6-room modern house, sleeping porch, full cement basement, hot and cold water, bath, etc.; garage, large barn' and other buildings, completely stocked and equipped, cows. hogs, chick ens and all tools -and implements; on good auto road, about 17 miles out: $12,000. good terms. Lots of others, both lor sale and exchange. TALLMADGE REALTY CO.. 619 Henry Bldg. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD 780O ACRE DEEDED AND LEASED STOCK RANCH. HW .ACRES IN ALFALFA, 550 EWES AND LAMBS, ALSO EQUIPMENT. $40,000. Free water right for the alfalfa, cut about 000 tons a year, complete equipment for running the ranch; good 7-room furnished house, barn, other out-bldgs. Located about 125 miles east of Portland In east ern Oregon on a hig river; controls the water frontage for miles on this river. Elevation only 800 feet. Ranch will run 2 or 3 bantis of sheep. Deeded land fenced with woven wire. Leases on .Govt, land run for 7 yrs. at 5J5C to 22ic per acre. REASONABLE TERMS. SAM HEVVEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., ' 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 71)1 ACRES. $70 ACRE. Tnraiori 7 mites from one of the best cities in the valley. 350 acres dark loam creek bottom land in cultivation, iiOO acres of this la In wheat; 350 acres in fine open timber pasture, lOO acres of this has been slashed, burnt and seeded, mnkine excellent uasture: 250 acres more can be cultivated; good farm house. 2 barns, several outbuildings; spring water piped to buildings; fully equipped with atock and farm implements, including tractor and tractor plows and outfit. This farm produced 40 bushels of wheat to the acre last year; the road to town is rocked and easy grades. Price $70 acre, including persojial property ; will consider clear city property iv i,ww, $lU,OUO cash, balance long time. CLE V hi LAN D-HENDEKSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. INCOME FRUIT RANCH. 241 acres, srood soil, located just east of Oregon City, on a good road; 16 acrea can oe cuitivateu, ti c uuuci cultivation ; over 6 acres of bearing fruit. 5o different varieties of every thing in the w ay of fruit, nuts and ber ries, all bearing and have been given the best of attention: 6-room house with sleeping porch; small barn; large fruit dryer; wagon shed. This ranch is only 1 mile to school and church. Price $7500 with complete line of stock and aouinment. and all the crop, fruit, etc Nelson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. FIF. OREGON CITY RANCH. Ai arrM near Oreaon City on main highway, all level and in a high state of cultivation; 31 acres In crop, 0 acrea pasture ana email grove ot oeautnui natural trees. Family orchard consisting of all kinds of fruit In full bearing and In fine condition; good 2-story 6-room plastered house with fine fireplace, large barn, granary, woodhouse. smokehouse and chicken houses, all under woven wire fence; 2 milk cows, team of horses, brood sows, chickens and complete line of farm machinery and Implements go with the place. Price, including everything, $10,500. JOHN E. HOWARD, 818 Cham, of Com, FIVE ACRES OF PRUNES. 20 acres, all under cultivation; located near Homan station, Clarke county. Wash. : about 7 nflles from Vancouver; good drilled well, with ateel casing; fine graveled roatx; clone to electric line and paved road; 7-room hduse, barn, gran ary, chicken house; besides the G acrea of bearing prune orchard, there ia a large family orchard: half mile to achool. Price $340O; $1600 cash. Happy, with John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY LOSE ON THIS PLACE. 0O acres of land, stocked and equip ped with 2 sets of buildings, 70 acres under cultivation; all fenced and cross fenced; good deep soil with but very lit tle wa;te land. With this goes 51 head of stock; team and all kinds of machin ery and tools. Everything for $18,000; one-third cash. Where can you buy an other place that offers the opportunity this doea for the same money? STEWART A BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank Bids;. 60 ACRES, 67 acres cultivation, 7 acres river frontage; 15 mi lee from Portland on main highway; 9-room modern house, good barn and outbldgs., woven-wire , fenced; 7 Holstein cows. 1 team, 8 brood nw 1 boar. 24 pigs, chickens, comnlets line of machinery, new Ford son tractor and gang plow; an crops in. siy.utMJ; good terms. This is a fine place, L. O. GERBEK, Aiaer notei. 10 ACRES AND BUNGALOW. 13 miles from Hillsboro on macadam road, splendid 7 rm. bungalow, good barn and outbuildings, family orchard, berries, shrubbery, etc A beautiful lit tle home at a sacrifice price of $52f0 with terms. See MITCHELL or RIP- PfiY, &S-29 HiLNRY SLDO. Main 2534. ATTENTION. DAIRYMEN, STOCK RAISERS, TIDE LAND. DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH, 202 ACRES, 202 Acres, 103 acres open tide land. 24 acres timbered tide land, hem lock and spruce. 43 acres Um bel ed sand loam, hemlock and spruce, 22 acres timbered bench land, hemlock and spruce, 8 acres sand baun iand. 50 acres in cultivation; all good graxing land, all diked, drained and fenced, good 7-room house, new barn 70x0 feet, milkhouse. bath house, root house, garage, woodshed, chicken house and run. 25 cows and heifers, 8 bull calves, 2 bulls, 2 horses, farm implements, cream separator; 4 miles from Ilwaco, Pacific county. Washington, on macadam county road; lies near the famous CHICONA DAIRY RANCH, owned by A. L. Gile of Chinook. Washington. I. say this is the best tide land, the best sheltered, best diked and drained in this dairying sec tion of Pacific county; a money maker from the atart. You must see it to know its value; If not as represented herein will refund R. R. fare to prospective pur chaser; price $24.5uO, half cash, balance good terms. Address JOHN W. HOW E RTON, Ilwaco. Washington, YAMHILL COUNTY FARM FOR SALE 304 acres, 150 acres of bottom land nearly all in crop, 100 acres of first bench land, 50 acres of which la In crop, and the balance ready for the plow; 54 acres of open pasture and some timber land, suitable for wood; a fine dwelling of 9 rooms, all modern conveniences. Large new barn and a large old hay barn; plenty of fruit and berries, water Is brought- to bathhouse and barn In pipes from a large soring of good aoft water, with plenty of force for watering lawns and irrigating gardens. With this place goes 20O acres of crop and some farm tools. Price, Including crop and tools. Is $120" per acre. cash, balance on time to suit purchaser at 6 interest. This place la situated on a good county road 3 miles from Wlllamina. and hit mile to school. Soil excellent, suitable for berries, hops, prunes or grain. 53 acres of fine bottom land, aH clear but one acre, and all seeded; imau nouse. good barn and some fruit; all feaced and nearlv all In cron: watered by creek and well, and situated on county road hi mile ' to school and 24 mllea from town and R. R. depot. If you are looking for choice hop, loganberry or grain Iand. don't fall to see this. Price. Including crop, la $130 per acre. $2890 will handle; halance of t4oOO in 3 years at 73 inter est. For further Information regarding either of the above tracts, call on or address PERIE MARK, SHERIDAN, OREGON. DEKUM A JORDAN for Farms, Blocked and equipped. . from 1-acre tracts to 720-acre farms. See , ua. Talk them over. DEKUM A JORDAN, 823-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Fourth and Stark Streets.. Main 2233. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARM WITH MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. 63 acres in Washington county, a short way irom tne city limits: do acres cultivation and in crop; 15 acres of bea verdam ; halance In pasture. This farm nas an s-room nouse; a rooms on tn first floor have hardwood floors; has basement, bath, toilet, laundry trays, winomui ana gas engine to buddiv water house is double constructed throuehout. Large barn, holds 75 tons of hay and accommodates 4 horses and 18 cows; 60- toc silo. A-ll kinds of outbuildings, slaughter house; water piped to all bldgs. uooa team ot norses. i cow. wagon, har ness. dIow. harrow, cultivator, roller. hay fork, rope and pulley, potato planter ana mo cijicKens, uverytning tor i2.oou casti anu a ioag time on uia oai ance at n. STEWART A BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. 200 'acres, 37 miles south of , Portland In Yamhill county, on the SALEM-Mc MINN VILLE rocked road, 120 acres In cultivation and cropped. 20 acres old stump pasture, very easy to clear, 60 acres good timber (oak and fir); woven wire fencing, living water, just roll in; enough: extra, good plastered house. rooms, cement basement, hot and cold water, bath. etc. ; 2 barns, hog house, chicken house, granary, family orchard, oi walnut trees producing Souu annually horses, sheep and hogs, all farm tmple ments. On account of old aire we are authorized to dispose of this wonderful farm with crop, stock and equipment at the extreme low price oi i-o per acre, You name terms on half. See MITCHELL or R1FPEY. 328-29 HENRY BLDG. Main 2534. EAST OF GRESHAM. 120 acres, located on the main roa between Gresham and Sandy; over 100 acres can be cultivated; 32 acres under cultivation and in crops; balance in standing timber; i acre or bearin orchard ; good fences; several springs this place is on the main road : ex ceptionally fine 7-room plastered house with bathroom; large barn, granary an other buildings: only 2 miles to electri. station; the crop goea with the place. rice an i per acre, small paymen down. This ib good level land, well drained. Personally Inspected; photos at office. Anderson, wkh John Fergu son, uernnger oiag. $9. AN ACRE 14 Vs ACRES PRUNES. 132 acres In all, 70 acres under cultivation and river bottom, bal ance open pasture and timber, nearly all In crop; stream through the farm, spring and well, tt-room house, large barn, granary and sheds. Located Just east of Crab tree, on level rock road. WILLAMETTE! VALLEY LAND CO. 203 First National Bank Bldg., Albany, Oregon. NORTHWEST OF NEWBERG. AO acrea. located In the Chehalem val ley, right on the main road with gravel road on both sides of the place; only 100 yards to high and grammar school; all under cultivation and in crop, 40 acres in clover. 10 acres potatoes, balance in garden and corn. Small creek through the place: o-room nouse. Darn, granary, chicken house and shed: small orchard along the creek, enough fruit for family use. Price $225 per acre with stock and equipment and all the crop. $6000 cash. Aiarstera, witn JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger bids;. 73 ACRES. 12 MILES OUT. On good road, exceptionally rich soil ana well rarmea; crops are an in. abou XL In cultivation: good creek. ffna larci orchard, nearly 4 acres : 5-room house, large barn, plenty outbuildings, team. 5 cows, heifers. 3 fine sows about to farrow ; poultry: ail neeaea farm ma chinery ; crops and possession at once for $12500: $4iHHi casn ana balance 6 pe cent lor long time, iou step into a goo farm and an Immediate income. Hav known place for years. Always has good crops, un mi i k ana man routes, u. Jic CHESXEi. siHutu at- -taa wy. 206. ISO ACRES 9 miles from Estacada, Or. About & acres cleared, bal. bruh and timber; good running water, springs; would have at least 120 acres of dandy fruit ana tarm iana wnen ciearea; tn location, if looting ior -a place to ru rattle or sheep, you will find nothln better for the .money as the forest re serve laya adjacent with plenty of out aide range; nas an 01a nouse. rt. D mall, telephone. aia per acre, some - terms. CART REAL ESTATE CO., Estacada, Or. DOWN THE COLUMBIA. 60 acres, located l6 miles south of Rainier, ur. du acres can oe cultivated, 15 acrea under cultivation. 45 acres in pasture; good creek on place: fine fences. f amily orcnu.ru nu m t Kinas 01 ierrii county rond and all rural convenience: Price $4500 with 2 cowa, 2 calv.m. 50 chickens, crops ana macmnery. . Nelson, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. 2-STORY concrete bungalow, corner. M Tabor, Income $150 per mo.. $16,000. ova blocs- Jkxcoanae uag. A BARGAIN OF ALL BARGAINS. 140-acre, fully equipped and weir located Willamette valley farm. Al. cultivable land, nearly all tn cultivation' and planted to a variety of -crops, all good soil. Located 3 miles from a good live railroad town, near school and on East Side highway; contract a: ready let to pave this road this year. Good house, barn and all other necewrv outbuildings. 4 large work horses, heavy and light har ness, 2 fine Jersey cow, both Just fresh: two young calves 56 head Cotswold sheep and lambs. 4 hogs. 2 O. I. C. brood sows, eligible to register; flock R. I. R. and Plymouth Rock chickens. Machinery Binder. mower, rake, drill, disc, sulky plow, steel level harrow (3-section, 2 wagons, buggy, hayrack, hog and wood racks, cider mill, hand stump puller. walking plow, l -horse cultivator, gar den, cultivator, forks, shovels and all other small tools, cream separator; hay, feed. eeed. wood in shed. etc. Household fur niture and fixtures Range, heater, large wardrobe, two Iron beds, mattresses and springs, 2 dressers, 2 rockers. 6 dining chairs, 1 couch, dining table. 11 . brary table, rugs, linoleum, kitchen and dining floor ; buf fet, small cabinet, writing desk Hamilton piano, telephone and Interest In country line: many other articles too numerous to mention. Everything neat and clean and all ready to go to work. The lay of the land Is gen erally level, with good drain age; the land not In cultiva tion Is Al timber and open pas ture land. Price for every thing, giving immediate posses sion, $18,500. If you are look ing for a good stocked and equipped farm come and see this one. Terms, part cash, balance terms. MILLER & WALTER, Corvallis, Oregon. 55 ACRES, all In cultivation; good WIN a. me ne vaney 10am ton : new house, new barn and new fences; gas engine water pumping sys tem, near main highway, two miles from railroad town. Price $8250. ; 189 acres, all tn cultivation : fine loam soil, near good railroad town, schools and churches; tine new larire barn, small house. Price $100 per acre. 43 acres. 40 acres cultivation. 15 acrea river bottom sandy loam soil, balance place second bottom; large rt-room bouse, barn. Price only $500. 60 acres, all In cultivation; mile from good railroad town on fine high way; new large house and barn. - A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. Price JS500. Reasonable terms and low rate of In terest can be arranged for on all of these properties. Write us for Information and booklet listings of farm properties, located In the heart of the Great Willamette val ley and near the Oregon Agricultural college. MILLER ftr WALTER, Corvallis, Oregon. FOR SALE. Fully equipped orchard and ranch far below real value. In White Salmon valley, Washington. 45 acres bearing orchard. 27 acres orchard now coming Into bearing. 205 acres in clover, alfalfa, wheat and pasture. 83 acres uncleared rough land. 860 acres total area. Excellent buildings, mostly new. in cluding modern house, barns, bunkhouse. apple house, two cottages, garage, -.c. Good supply of drinking water piped to buildings. Very fully equipped for operation; trac tor, motor truck. Cutler apple grader, spray outfits, etc. Place all In crop, well cared for. and a fully going concern. Admirably adapted for operation or can be subdivided for smaller orchard tracts and sold at a large profit. Non-resident eastern owners are forc ing sale at a sacrifice. Information ay letter or appointment only. HUGH HENRY, Marshall 474. 518-22 Yeon Bldg Portland, Oregon. THIS WHEAT RANCH HAS A RECORD OF 33 YEARS. In that time the smallest cron wan 20 bushels to the acre, the largest 45 bushels ot spring grain and 52 of winter wheat. The average has been 32 of spring grain and 35 of winter wheat. There are 1440 acres in the farm, all level and all in cultivation. The soil Is a heavy volcanic ash. It Is farmed with tractor, and combine. There are 040 acres in wheat, balance under sum mer fallow. The buildings are modern, with a 7 room house, electric lights, hot and cold water, bath. etc. Large machine shed, double grain elevator, barn: ten ant house with electric lights. All build ings lighted with electricity. Plenty of fine water. ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY and equipment go with place; 75 H. P. Halt caterpillar tractor; combined harvester with motor power attached. 5 3-bottom plows. 3 grain drills, harrows and disks. 12 head of extra good work horses. 3 cows. 4 boss, about loo chickens: every thing goes, even household furniture. This property is in one of the famous wheat districts of Washington. The owner needs money for other business: will sacrifice: only $'J0 per acre: terms $30,000 cash, your own time for the balance. MacINNES & PRATT. 413 Board ofTrade Bldg.. Portland. Or. 6 A. ON bluff road, all cleared, in crop; fair house, orchard; on rock road; nicest location in county; $2200, $1000 down at 6 per cent. 20 A., 10 cleared, balance nice tim ber; good house, barn, wash house; wa ter piped in house and barn; best of soil; 2 miles R, R.. on good main road. $30(H, -hM cah, at 6 per cent. 20 A., 9 cleared, balance easy clear ing; all fenced and' cross fenced; new 6-R. bungalow, outbuildings, spring: lies excellently; crop all goea; $2300, $1000 at tt per cent, SO A., 12 cleared, balance nice tim ber, sound 8.000.000 feet; good 7-R. house, . barn, orchard, machinery. 5 cows, young stock, crop all goes. $5500. easy terms on balance. The place is absolutely free from rock, lies well, best of soil. Have lots of small equipped places, also big ones, on direct Mt. Hood loop road, 60 minutes' drive east of Portland. Phone 67. George Beers, Sandy, Or. A GOOD PAYING PLACE. 223 acres located 8 mllea eaat of Kel so. Wash. 1O0 acres can be cultivated. 22 acres under cultivation and In crop, 70 acres of pasture. Family orchard and a great many large cherry trees; 6-room r.--':.'. hrn and outbuildings; 'good spring and creek on the place; county rwati, thut is being improved with gravel, within short distance of piace. Price $33 per acre with 3 horses. . 6 cows, 2 yearlings, 2 calves, 2 hogs, 20 chickens and complete line of machinery, cream separator and cider mill; large payment required; no trades. This is a fine stock location with lots of outrange. Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger BIG BARGAIN. 80 acres. 15 acres In fine cultivation, about 60 acres tillable when cleared, 40 acres of fine timber on one end of place; best of soil ; 6 acres of fine prune or chard, will bear some this year; good new 5-room house, fair barn and out "buildlngs. family fruit; well at house; good district: R. F. D. daily: mile to school, 5 miles from Washougal ; price S4500 $1500 cash, balance good terms. GEO. Y. MOODY CO.. Washougal. Wash. 40 ACRES all clesred and only 3 miles from Estacada. Or. All In crop, good family orchard, plenty berries for fam ily use; nice 5-room house with hot and cold water, large barn, granary and Implement shed ; also water at barn; telephone, mall and good roads at the door; all atock and farm machinery goes with this place. Price $225 per acre. GARY REAL ESTATE CO.. Estacada, Or. 20 ACRES, all in cultivation ; close to Portland, fine road for auto and fhe best of soli; 6-room bouse with base ment; large water tank, 2 barns. 1 chick en house 30x6S ft, ; 3 acres planted to spuds, balance plowed and ready for crop; reason for selling, buying larger ranch ; will give rood terms. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., 614 Panama P'.i. FOR SALE 30 acres, ivi'all? improved land, 8 acres under plow, 6 acres aice clover, berries and orchard. 1 a mi. to station. graded school and Columbia highway; SSU per acre, somu terms. H. Jfi. Taber, Scappoose, Or. i