TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND. MAY 16, 1920 11 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. FOR SALE 100 acres, beaverdam, very choice for dairy or gardening; hi mile from highway. Vs. mil from Aurora high "school, a. P. railroad; J200 acre. terma. KUK SALE 2i0 acres. lOO under cul tivation ; 2 houses, barns, outbuildings, silo, utock, machinery; 2 miles from Au rora and high, school, on counly road; 91 lo acre. . f'OK SALE SO acres, Tumalo project, potato and alfalfa land, fenced, build ings, excellent soil; only 92.00 acre. KOK SALE 70 acres on county road near Albany; English walnuts, peacnes, apples, berries, good buildings, water, tine soil; $10 acre, terms. FOR SALE S-room house, lot 100x100, fruit and berries; 4 blocks south of Kil Itngsworth. St. Johns car line; price JOuO-U. terms. . LEVY & ZIMMERMAN CO., 20- McKay Bldg. Main 7478 MODERN" SUBURB AX HOME AT OSWEGO LAlE. One acre, with 5-room bunjralow, ce ment basement, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, en.imeled bathroom, good plumbing, lo cated on good road. 5 blocks from car line. L:ts of fruit and berries; 3 good chicken houses; garage; woven wire chicken runs; a very attractive place, wll located. Offered away below value. SJ"n0 cash, balance on terms at 6 per cent interest. Personally Inspected. Photo at office. Marsters, -with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES AND ACREAGE CHEAP. Five acres on Canyon road, four miles out: all In cultivation; house, barn; cheap. Two and three-acre tracts, near Foster road; house, orchard; bargain. Ten acres on 82d at.; all in cultiva tion ; hard-surface road ; house, etc ; snap; $4.r00. Acreage on Oregon City car line, one to five acres; easy terms. Many others. H. W. GARLAND. 201 3d St.. Corner Taylor. VERY CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. Acre tracts, all under cultivation, on rood graveled road. The best of soil. City water, gas, electric lights right on the property; 4 blocks from either Red or Oregon Electric station. :t blocks from caved highway. Price r0 per acre; half cash. We will build on these acre tracts for you if you have not the finances yourself. Personally inspected bv Marsters. with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg- RICH. BOTTOM LAND. 11 acres of rich Willamette river bot tom land at the town of Willamette on the Oregon City-Willamette electric line; no better and richer soil to be found. Price :00 on terms and it's a snap. Can sell you a house in Willamette with it for only $1000 and it's a gift. KASIiR & RA1XEV, 22-27 Gasco Bids. Main m02. MODERN BUNGALOW. Located 5 blocks from the station, on IOOnIUO. in fruit aiid berries; 0-room at tractive bungalow, with best of plumb ing Furnace, cement basement, chicken house and runways. FriMt tr es in fine shape. Price ?:;200: 9IOO0 cash. Per sonally Inspect; I. Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. SNAP BUY. 20 acres just off paved highway, 14 miles from Portland ; most beautiful tract in the valley. All improvements co. including household furniture, o first-class milch trows, brood sow and chickens; good well with gas engine; will give immediate posenion : owner leaving country; price only 97200. See Tl'UNF.lt At CO., 2;10 Chamber of Com merce bldg. - ft ACRBri, located on good macadamized road; 4 miles from ity limits, or 11 miles from the courthouse, west; all can be cultivated, rolling land; good soil, elose to school; spring on place that runs the year round. Price $G00 with $1H0 t-Hsh or $5o0 for all cash. Ander son, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. CUMMER PLACE AND INVESTMENT. Kit ACHES $100. About 7 miles south of Columbia high way on Gordon creek road about ono mile of Gordon creek, and near the Sandy river. All can be cultivated, some timber but mostly light brush, ever running creek, very rich foil. Certainly a big snap at $30 per acre; 1000 cash will handle. KASER & KAINEY, S22-7 Gasco Bldg. Main 7002. NEARLY one acre, or fi0x2i)O feet, located blocks from car line, on good street ; 2-:i under cultivation; la young fruit trees; raspberries and blackberries; 4 runn bungalow, with gas and fireplace; cilv water tran be had. Price $1275, $oOO trash. Personally inspected. Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. BEAYERTON. 5 acres of be.t garden land in Beaver ton district. You can look around for a long time -and not find as well lo cated and suitable ground for garden purposes and for building purposes as this. Price is $2500 on your own terms. Out-of-town owner has instructed us to sell at once. See ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. 84 ACREaS in Washington county. 0 miles from Cornelius: about 1 j hours from Portland by auto. Good roads. 20 acres tn cultivation, balance good pasture. Creek on place, also 2 good springs, good family orchard. Buildings are not first elasw but habitable. Will sell this at good price if taken at once. Dr. Griff. Call Broadway 121. 8W ACRES ON RED CAR LINE $2850. Good 5-room house, barn, store room and outbuildings, plenty fruit family use, about tine acre in onion land; sac rifice on account of leaving country. Price only $2850. Photo of this and 50 other places at office. D. McCHESNEY, BJwy. 206. 304 U Oak St. 1 ACRE all in cultivation, east of Mil waukee, 6 mi. from center of Portland; 7 blocks electric station; 35 bearing fruit trees; 1500 bearing strawberry plants; neat cotta re. pined with eas and water. Barn, chicken house. Price $1150; $500 cash. Personally inspected. Photo at office. Phone evenings. East 1103. John f-erguson. tjerlinger buig. HEIGHTS, COUNTRY HOMESITB OPPORTUNITY. Near the medical college which is seen on the crest or the hill to the south. Beautiful natural foliage, city and moun tain view; spring. Bull Run water, gas, electricity; 2O0x2u0. $1800. J. C. CoRBIN CO., 305-6-7-S Lewis bldg. M I LTNOM AH ACREAUE. 2i acres, M-room house, barn, chicken houses for f00 hens, garage, acre In strawberries; terms. 2 acres and 3 -room house, gas. lights, B. R. water, all crop in: terms. 3 acres beautifully located. 5 min. from depot; terms. See Ned Burke, Main loo 3. ACRES on Gresham car line, about S blks. to car; all level land and all In cultivation ; less than 0 miles from the city hall is the crow Hies; citv water, eUctric lights, gas; this is a big bar gain. Price $750i. V. cash, balance long time. per cent interest. J litSQX. 20S Stark. Marshall 12. ACRES, ACRES. NUTsTfRUITS. Opening Stokes farm. 4Jd and Simp son sts. This fine farm cut into tracts and sold on terms. Here is an oppor tunity to buy fine close in homes: te. $10 month. R. W. Cary. 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SA1-E lO acres at Rex. near New berg: fine soil for fruit or berries; new 4 -room bungalow: land all under culti vation; near highway and electric. W G. Schulze. owner, 28 N. 2d st. Broad way 727. MULTNOMAH station, 50x100 lot on hard surfaced Capital highway. Owner will sacrifice at 4u0. This is away below market of any other propartv around there. See MULTNOMAH DEVELOP MENT CO., 204 Henry bldg. 6 ACRES. FOUR m'iLKS from rnnrf- house on paved highway, for price , of house and lot. Some buildings, orchard and shade trees. By owner. 410 Swet- ani ituiiamg. siarsnau 4;;i. 3i-j ACRES, all in cultivation. 1 mi. from vie, v u, near mgn sc nooi ; iair nouse Ku water, woven-wire tencea ; ail lurni tur goes. $2000: terms. L. O. GERBER, Alder hotel. Main 5275. ACREAGE. ' $350 For sale or exchange for auto, TO acres. .Hood River, 4 cleared, balance In first growth timber, on highway. HARPER & MORRIS, 423 Hnry Bldg. 130 AC RES. stock farm ; house, barn, springs, timber, free pasture, orchard; $S50O. with stock and farm tools. McFARLAND REALTY CO., 20S Failing Bldg. AN ACRE of fine garden ground all ready for cultivation at Ryan station on au tomobile road. Fine building site. One of the best buys in the district at $1600. Your own terms. See OWNER, 204 Henry bldg. 40 ACRES, 14 miles city, auto road, best soil, 5 cultivated, mile to O. E. station; small house. 5000; terms. St rat ton, 217 Abington bldg. FOR SALE 6 acres, all clear and level, half block from depot. Rochester, Wash., terms or cheap for cash. G. Dryman, 63 E. 2Sth st. East 42T0. ACRE clofre to car line ; good terms ; taxes $6. Barney Johnson & Co., 170 10 ih SL, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. SMALL FARMS AT GRESHAM. A VERT ATTRACTIVE PLACE MADE TO ORDER. Seven acres located Hght on the Powell Valley road, all in fine Btate of cultivation, with a well built 6-room bungalow, fine barn, several ch icken houses. frost proof cellar, large wood house, fine variety of fruit trees in bear ing, loganberries. raspberries, strawberries; 2 good wells, pump and windmill; water piped to chicken houses. This Is a well kept place, all Ui fine condition, can be bought for lees than the price of the buildings. Price $5200. 10-ACRE CHICKEN FARM WITH STOCK, CROP AND EQUIPMENT. This Is a beautiful 10-acre place, located cloe to station, on a fine road, all in fine condition and well equipped for chicken business; 5 room house, barn, good well, fam ily orchard, berries, shade trees, flowers and lawn good milk cow, 1 heifer 3 calves. 1000 baby chicks, 350 6 weeks' old pullets, 450 lay ing hens. 25 cockerels. 1 chicken house lBx4, 1 lfixSO; brooder house, 16x76 ft. with 2 cold rooms and 2 warm rooms ; incubator house. 6 incubators. 2 brooder stoves. 2 storage tanks; 75 bush els wheat, all tools and imple ments; platform scales, 7000 ft. of lumber. Price $6000; part cash. You can step right into a going business and a good home. FINE HOME, 15 ACRES. Fine improved 15-acre farm, close to station, all in cultivation, very best soil, lies perfect, all in crop, hooking fine, good variety of frtiit, paved road, fine 6-room bungalow, milk house, root cel lar, chicken house and runs, good barn, pump and well on porch. The buildings are new and worth almost the price we ask for the place. This is an exceptionally big bargain and won't last long. Price $5000, half cash. 10-ACRE HOME. GRESHAM. S.TOC K AND KQUIPMEN T. WELL-IMPROVED 10-acre place, all in cultivation, very best of soil; located on good road near school; good 7 -room house, good barn. 3 good large chicken houses, other good outbuildings; good family or chard, all. kinds of berries for home u?e; 2 good .cows, span of work horses, plows, harrow, disc, cultivators; evervthing to work the plaee. Price J5800, $2500 down, balance easy. ONE ACRE IN GRESHAM. $7-5 HERE'S A BARGAIN One acre of rich garden land, all extra good soil ; 3 -room house ; Bu! 1 Run water; electric lights : wood house, chicken house and park ; MOO raspberry bushes ; will all be in crop this -week. Price $775: $450 cash, balance $50 semi annual 1 v. 1 Vi ACRES in Gresham. all In crop; good plastered bgngalow; Bull Run water. 2 good chicken houses, 24 bearing - fruit trees, ber ries, fine Jersey cow and chickens; a fine little home; $2100. KRIDER A- BLKINGTON, GRESHAM, OR, TILLAMOOK ACREAGE. R0 acres of black sandy loam, no stones, with hundreds of cords of alder- wood ; some creek bottom, some level some rolling and hilly; nearly all till- aoie; on good county and auto road, o'i miles from Tillamook city, about hi mile to Netarts bay beach, 1 ' A miles to Net arts summer resort : unobstructed view of Bay Spit and ocean: good fish ing, hunting, clams and crabs, cood prospect of oil, a .few acres under cul tivation and a lew acres open, no build ings; $50 per acre, 5500 cash, balance 5 per cent. May consider trade in im proved city property or fmorovpfl acre age near Portland and assume some or improved or unimproved acreage clear. even up, near Portland ; prefer to deal wun owners. Address owner, N 267 Orepotiian. BERRIES. BERRIES. BERRIES. ft acres, located mile from electric station, just east of city limits, on a goou graveieu roaa. .close to i'owell Val ley paved road; 3 acres in rasn berries, J acre in strawberries. 1 A acres in po tatoes. 1 acre in wheat'; small grove of fir treen; all city conveniences can be had; small cheap house; SS0O cash and very easy payments on balance at 6 per cent. a good income from the fruit. Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. SO ACRES. OXI.T 1ft1MTt.KS OPT HO This ideal close-in Hract on west side, now on rock road, which will be naved within two years, has 3000 cords of wood and no waste land, is ideal rolling land and the best of soil: around )0 acres ready to plow, about 10O old frujt trees, consisting of pears, apples. Cherries, etc.. which will be loaded this year; wood will pay for place. This nronertv will be worth at least S300 per acre soon as road Js paved; I will sacrifice same for 11.1 per acre, half cash. . A. Sari 7M3 Northwestern Bank bldg. Vi ACRES, located half mile from station and 20 miles from Portland, 0 miles from Scappose; all fenced with ft wires; 3 Vs acres under cultivation: creek through ine piace; tnis tana is rree irom rock gravel; 5-room box house, barn, 2 large cniCKen nouses; all ol this can be cul tivated and the balance is verv easv clearing. There is lots of -work near this piace. frice 9 1300, $u00 cash. Davis, witn JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 20 ACRES PRETTY H(5MK $5000. t:iope in, only 4 blocks from station. ncara district: to acres in cultivation small grove and pasture: neat bunca. iow. with basement, fireplace; first-class barn, chicken houses, very richest of soil, including 3 acres fit for onions; you can't do better than this choice lit tle farm: must have $2500 cash, balance 6 per cent. D. McCHESNEY. 304 Va Oak st. Broadway 206. NICE ATTRACTIVE PLACE. 1 acre, all under cultivation, 25 hear ing assorted fruit trees; nice level land; close to Ascott station; good road, con tinuation of B. Glisan st. Nearly new 8 room bungalow.- ready to be plastered. Price $110i. $4O0 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 2 ACRES BEARING FRUIT. $1700 $500 CASH. Tocated close to electric station at city limits, 2" acres in bearing fruit. acre in berries; pick this snap up and put up a tent house, only $5O0 cash. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. 10 ACRES 5-ROOM HOUSE -S300O. Forest Grove district, 2 miles from station. 6 acres cleared, family orchard and berries, good new 5-room house and barn, chicken house, some furniture, liv ing stream, land lies good, soil good. lo cality not affected by late frosts. Price $3u00 ; terms, $1000 cash, balance rea sonable. Call and see photos. LUEDDEMANN COM PANT, " 913 Chamber of Commerce. AT MAPLE WOOD eC FARE. Nearly half an acre, or 155x100, all under cultivation : d-room no use, gas, running water, electric lights can be had : located on a good graveled road. close to the pavement. Price $1750, $400 cash. Alarsters. witn JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 10 ACRES THIS SIDE OF GRESHAM ALL CLEARED. FOR 4200. Just mile from station, 1 y miles this side of HIresham, facing on perfect road. Splendid land, no rock or gravel. New, neat house, woodshed, chicken house. One acre set to raspberries. 100 filberts. Price $4200. . HARGROVE REALTT CO., 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 4381. 7 ACRES. ALL CLEARED. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND GRESHAM $1400. This is mighty good "land, all cleared, . no rock, ht mile Linneman. station. No buildings. Lies fine and is very rich. Put this in berries and you will get won derful returns. Price $1400. $350 down and balance easy terms. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 4381. $1450 THAT'S ALL, For 1 1-3 acres Pacific highway near Oswego creek, very rich land, some beau tiful big oak trees, good view of river and mountain's. Want to sell now and somebody will get a bargain. Terms. AB ?4. Oregonlan 10-ACRE farm, N. W. corner 42d and Kill lngsworth ave.; first-class condition; all In berries and orchard; sidewalks down and paid for; good buildings; imple ments and crop included in sate. Must be seen to be appreciated. Everything ready ior Harvest, a. ti. .naiperts. 10 ACRES, all In cultivation, 1 mile from Yamhill, known as the best berry and fruit soil in the state. For quick sate, H4O0; $450 down. bal. easy. L. O. OER BER, Alder hotel. Main 5275. FOR SALE or trade, 10 acres Hood River valley unimproved property. M 274, Ore SoniaA, . BEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Aci CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 16 acres. $17.000 S2d st. 300 cherry. 100 apple trees, bearing; 7 A. berries; ideal borne site at half value. 10 Acres. $12.000 72d st.' All cultivated; old buildings. 7 acres, elegant view home site. Joins Mount Tabor park; city view. 12 acres, $8500 Powell Valley road. 12 miles, house, barn, creek. 27 acres, $100 acre west side; 12 miles, house, barn, creek. 10 acres, $2200 Vancouver, Wash-, house, barn, family orchard. 5 acres, $3000 Powell Valley road. 4 acres, $2800 Buckley ave. 3 acres, $3000 Sandy river highway; paved road, ideal location, 6-r. house. SO acres, $150 acre Oregon City. Im proved, bungalow, barn, creek. CHAS. RINOLER & CO., 225 Henry bldg. CLOSE TO OSWEGO LAKE. 6 acres, located on a good road, all in bearing fruit except acre. All kinds of berries. The Income from tiy fruit on this place last year was over 900. All fenced with woven wire. Good 6-room house, with plumbing; fireplace; large barn, wagon shed, chicken fccuee, hog house, smoke house and other buildings, all in good condition. Close to the depot and school. Telephone. Price 9aOOO; $3500 cash. The fruit on the place will pay 10 per cent on this investment. lavis, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerling-er Bid. - ACRES FINE. CLOSE-IN LAND. Aiberta car; city water; $50 down, bal. easy payments; put up tent-house, save rent. 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. 1-3 ACRE at Multnomah; $300 cash and ia per montn. r ine view western mountains. MULTNOMAH DEVELOP' MENT CO., 204 Henry bldg. ONE acre, city conveniences, blocks irora car. Marshall AM OFFERING FOR SALE my beautiful farm at a sacrifice to enable me to resume my medical practice. 73 acres, river bot tom, adjoining city of Elma, Wash., on Olympic highway; 45 acres In high state of cultivation, baiance pasture; 2 acres straw berries, fine bearing orchard; creek and small river run through property; first-class barn, cement floor, for 20 cows; granary, large silo, large mod ern chicken houses, brooder house, beautiful new S-room res idence with full cement base ment, hot and cold water, fire place and all modern conven iences; also 4 -room outhouse; electric lights and city water In ail buildings; 8 cows, 4 calves, team of horses. 750 laying hens, looo small chicks, farm Imple ments, etc. The location is the best, 10 minutes' walk to high schools, postoffice, stores and depot. A beautiful farm, yield ing a large income. It must be seen to be appreciated. Price $25,000, including all crops, stock and implements. Terms, half .cash, balance to suit. DR. H. "W. SCHOE-BEL, Owner. Elma, Wash. MAKE MONEY WITH THIS 00O0-ACRE TILLABLE FARM. In full operation in Alberta province, Canada. 40OO acres broken, including lOOO acres in spring wheat, 10OO in oats and barley. Everything complete for operating a large mixed larming pro do sit ion, with millions of acres of grazing land available. .All necessary machinery tractor--, land packers, gang plows, separators, reapers and necessary small toois; o never-failing welis, 2 gasoline engines, pumps, never-failing springs. Suifiuient number of good buildings, in clud ing four-room bouse, cookhouse, fine hoghouse, barns, machinery shed, bunk houses, blacksmith shop, granaries, etc.; 75 horses, mares and colls, 55 head of good mixed cattle. Fine opportunity for right men. -Address D. 11. Livcrmore, So:; Main t.. Phoenix Bank bldg., room 2US. Hartford, Conn., U. S. A. STOCK RANCH. 3 880 acres, 5O0 acres in cultivation and irrigated, and planted in alfalfa, timothy and clover, 5O0 acres under ir rigating ditch and easily cleared, baU antM- timber and pasture. 100 registered shorthorn cattle. 90 be ing cows and heifers; i00 highly bred grades, 250 being cows and heifers; 40 Percheron .grade horses; complete ranch equipment. For detailed description, price and terms address C. W. Cather, Board of Trade bldg., Portland, Oregon. PUNCH TOUR OWN TIME-CLOCK. 11 acres, 8 under cultivation, li In ber ries now contracted. 1 acre orchard, 1 y potatoes, lz oats. bal. beaver dam gar den land atid pasture. Running creek, 5-room house, barn, garage, etc. Cow, chicking, 2 wagons, plow and small tools. Personal property and crop worth $2000. 25 miles south Portland, mile New berg, $500. Some terms. C. E. CRANF1LL, 2031& First St. Main 4203. 78 ACRES. 75 in cultivation, all fine soil and level; 7-room house with fireplace; 2 wells, 1 equipped with power pump. Large barn, granary, etc. 1 acre of as sorted orchard. Some persona) property goes with place. Only 5'z miles out on good rock road ; R. F. D. and cream route. $100.05 per acre. $5000 down. Balance a years at 6. H. A. HEATER with S. O. DILLMAN, Eighth and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. 54 ACRES Hood River, famous apple dibtricL 10 acres bearing orchard. 7 acres available fruit or meadow, bal ance . wooded pasture; 2 miles county seat, station, Columbia river, churches, schools ; three fruit associations, good markets, electricity, outbuildings, apple house; 720O bushels last year. Irriga tion, fine climate. Owner growing old. Good investment. $1S,000. reasonable terms. Route 1. box 7, Hood River, Or. FOR SALE 80-acre dairy farm with 10 grade Jersey cows; all crop in; 3o acres best sandy river bottom land, will raise anything; all in cultivation, 10 acres cleared on hill, baiance hill land pas ture; timber. 2 miles to town; rail road through place, with station. Ad dress owner, box 5, Gaston, Or. I HAVE 120 acres of land in Josephine county, Oregon; about 000,000 leet saw timber (fir, yellow pine and sugar pine). 10 acres cleared, balance can be farmed when timber removed; near town, daily mail, good roads, schools, springs, well. buildings old, family orchard. Will give good terms: will take auto In as part payment. This is an exceptional oppor tunity, waiter it. Jones, Eugene, or. BEST STOCK OR DAIRY Ranch in Polk county, Oregon, 420 acres stocked and equipped ; splendid soil. splenam growing crop; targe Darn, silo, modern 10-room house, hot and cold wa ter, bath, toilet and laundry trays; right at railway station, stores, school and oostof flee. Ill health ; got to sell : ail for $05 per acre ; some trade ; liberal terms. x oo-, uregonian. NEW BERG FARM. STOCK, EQUIPMENT. 77 acres in famous prune and potato belt; 35 acres in cultivation, 7 acres prunes just coming to bear; all good land, jine running water, a-room house. good barn and outbuildings, fenced and cross-fenced. stocked and equipped crops all in: price $S50O. half cash. R. F. Feemster, 417 Ablngton bldg. Main 5!S8. FOR SALE 80-acre homestead of Pio neer to settle estate. 21 miles east of - Portland ; 1 miles from Columbia river highway: 60 acres in cultivation. balance timber and pasturage. $225 per acre. For further information phone Marshall 3Ti at - ivooseveit st. 72 ACRES. 53 acres walnuts, with appie fillers, eight, nm ana ten years old. Soil clay loam, rolling aoove frost belt plenty of bloom, trees' healthy, in good cultivation; 19 acres tillable and woods land. A real bargain at $15,500: half cash. J. W. Jenkins, itickreall. Or. $4750 16 ACRES and 5-room house, 1 4 miles rrom weaverton on gooa rocK road good barn, good running water and well 10 acres under cultivation; easy terms. Ore. Inv. & Mtg. Co., 222 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Marshall 205. USE for 5 years of 4S0 acres, rolling, mostly fern, near Necanicum and barbed wire necetsary to gee cattle pasturage 7-hour triD bv auto, as nav for imnrove ments. Hamilton. Main 27. Abundant . cedar Tor shingle mm. FOR RENT Choice 40-acre farm near Estaoada, all cultivated. 24 in crop. Extra good buildings. Will make you a good proposition. CRITTEN & COUR AND. Hubbard. Oregon. FOR SALE 225 acres, three 'miles from McMinnvtlle at less than $100 per acre. Fine iruit or close in stock proposition. House, barns, sheds, etc. Address owner, P. o. Box 157. McMinnville. Or. EASTERN OREGON wheat farm bar gains. $25 to $40 per acre -with crops ana equipment, correspondence invited. R. E. Harbison. Morgan, or. FOR SALE Well-improved 30-acre. farm, SH miies from Portland city limits. ' Take Gresham -Damascus road. A. Heacock, owner, route 3. Boring. Or. 40 ACRES, Clackamas county, worth $450O, sacrifice ior sjooo. no rocks. 00 per cen cleared; easy terms, phone Alain 6179. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. COLUMBIA RIVER VIEW PRUNB ORCHARD. Ten acres overlooking Columbia river, Portland and Vancouver, 8 acres of hearing Italian prunes, large and clean trees, 100 English walnuts in bearing, some assorted fruit. 5-room house, chicken house and park, fine spring, close to school, 1 mile from North Bank, paved highway and railroad sta tion, miles from a gqod town and 11 miles from Vancouver. Fine home and money-maker, big crop this year. Price $5500; terms. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres of rich loam soil. 30 acres in high state of cultivation, balance slashed and seeded to pas ture, exceptionally well fenced, small creek through pasture, ex cellent orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing, small fruits and berries of all kinds, 4-room house with front and rear porches, excel lent water, good barn fully equipped with hay fork, pulleys, etc, new machines shed, new big; house and lot, new chicken house and park, good cellar and dairy, extra fine span of young Percheron mares'weighing 1500 pounds each 4 dairy cows, foil-blood chickens, new manure spreader, new disc, drill, plow, harrow, disc, mower, rake, hack, new wagon, good set of harness, new Delaval separator, roller, marker, grindstone and all small tools, including household furniture, crops most all planted, only 43 miles from good town on Pacific highway, close to school, on good auto road;, price $0000, half cash. BEAUTIFUL MODERN FARM ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 52 acres of the very best loam soil. 35 acres in high state of culti vation. 10 acres seeded to timothy and clover. the best stand, balance seeded to vetch and oats, all fenced and cross-fenced, most ly woven wire, 2 acres of orchard in full bearing, 7-room modern house, full set of white porcelain plumbing, all built-in effects, ex cellent dairy barn with all modern conveniences, new garage, with concrete floor, dairy, chicken house and park, hog houses, complete up-to-date pressure water system, wa ter piped to all buildings, together with full set of farm implements, cream separator, 1 fine cow, 4 heif ers, farm is almost level, buildings have an east frontage with beauti ful shade trees in a thickly settled and prosperous farming commu nity; 1 mile from small town and R. R. station, 2 auto stage lines and freight lines by place; only 9 miles from Vancouver; price $12, 500, $6500 cash. One would have to see this place to appreciate its value. MODERN. FULLY-EQUIPPED CHICKEN FARM. Consisting of 60 acres, finest land adjacent to Portland, most all in cultivation, except 13 acres of first-growth red fir timber, cruising about 2000 cords, worth $5 per cord on the ground. There"is a very fine modern bungalow with full concrete basement, pressure water and electric light system, good barn, 3 complete modern chicken houses, large complete modern brooder house, large store room, electric lights and pressure water in chicken and brooder houses, 1000 pure-bred White Leg horn laying hens, 1600 pure-bred chicks, all poultry feed, tools and machinery. acre set to logan and raspberries, crops all seeded, income for 1019 between $7000 and $8000, fine cow, 4 pigs, horse, wag on and harness. TMs place is only 20 miles from Portland on good auto road, near good school, 4 miles from good Columbia river town. This is without donKt- cf the best-paying and best-improved poultry farms in the north west. Owner wishes to retire and in order to do so at once is will ing to take the sacrifice price of $15,000 It will pay you to investigate this, as the first man who ses it and means buninuss will buy it $000 cash, balance can be ar ranged. PURE-BRED STOCK AND DAIRY FARM. - 320 acres. 80 to loo acres in high state of cultivation, balance in pasture ; all fenced and cross fenced, principally woven wire; living water in pasture, and the best pressure water system at buildings; a fine 8-room modern bungalow, with white porcelain plumbing, fireplace, furnace, full concrete basement; a large dairy barn, with modern conveniences also 6-room house for tenant; dairy, steam boiler, vats; double garage; house surrountled by nat ural grove and a variety of shrub-,yo- Jrsonal property consists of: 33 h-ad of registered Holstein cattle, fine team of full-blood Percherons, 4(H) sheep and lambs, fine, flock of chickens, 2 wagons, harnesses, manure spreader, plows harrows, mower, rake, and all small tools necessary to run an up-to-date farm; only 19 miles from Portland, 13 miles from Van couver; 4 miles from railroad sta tion; ideal pure-bred stock propo sition. Price $45.OO0; 1-3 cash, bal ance 6 per cent interest, or will accept good city property as part payment and terms to suit on bal ance. THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE Third and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash, ON THE COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 31 acres, located right on the paved road; best of soil; near Troutdale: all can be cultivated; 12 acres under culti vation, balance in timber and pasture; well and spring; 1 acre orchard 12 years old; water piped to bungalow; garage, barn and other buildings; the bungalow on this place is 7 rooms, with large porch, and is a very attractive place; nearly new. Price $0000, with terms. PerHonally inspected; photo at office. Anderson, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 80 ACRES, 4 miles to town, 15 cul ti vated. house, barn, creek, spring, or chard; JIMiO; $500 canh, bal. time. 1'iO ACRES, near Buxton, some cleared, 1,000,000 saw timber, some cedar; liv ing water; $2500; $750 cash, terms. 75 ACRES, near Wilsonville, 45 in crop jjirt-sierea nouse, out buildings, timber, creek, spring water piped to buildings; $8500. easy terms. 100 ACRES, northwest Forest Grove, 20 cultivated, good house, fireplace; out buildings, orchard, 1.000,000 feet tim ber lots cedar, team, 10 cattle, hogs, chickens Implements, crop; $000; terms. 803 Spalding bldg. ' ":r"1- 10 ACRES, ALL IN CULTIVATION. LO- o wiLts CITY LIMITS, ON PAVED ROAD, 1 MILE OP'S. P. R R. AND STATION; 0-ROOM HOUSE. WOODSHED, FRUIT HOUSE, CHICK EN HOUSE. BARN, GOOD WELL. FAMILY ORCHARD. ALL KINDS OF BERRIES. GOOD SOIL, FENCED IN GOOD SHAPE; PLOW, HARROW. CULTIVATOR, OTHER TOOLS IF YOU SEE THIS PLACE YOU WILL BUY IT. PRICE $4200; $2000 DOWN R- b sMITHi E 24TH WOOD LAWN 380L . 360-ACRE FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 300. 210 acres in cultivation, more ready for plow, 150 acres or more in wheat and oats, no waste land, GO acres creek bottom. If taken before June 1 will in clude crop, 25 head of cattle, several hogs, five horses, all farm machinery, which is good as new; land and ail at $6-5 per acre. The cultivated land is worth more than I am asking for the entire place equipped. I am compelled to go east and must sacrifice. Particu lars, G. A. Sarlee, 733 Northwestern Bank bldg. $4500. SO ACRES FOR SALE OTt Tn ATtV. 16 a. cleared, fine bam. 2 -room house, 20 miles from Portland on hard mirf&r road. A snap. Will take $1150 cash or auto as first payment, balance $100 per year 6 per cent. You can rent said place and rent well ; make all payments and interest. Hard surface road along entire place. This summer will increase value to souuu. FRANK H. HILTON. Room 426. Northwestern Bank Bldg. 30 ACRES WASHINGTON COUNTY. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL. Here is a mighty good buv: SO acres. 25 cleared, best of land, centle rIoda to stream, on good road. Splendid part of wasmngion county, mile to nign school and station. New 7-room Dlas- tered house, concrete foundation and fireplace. iarge Darn and silo. Price $ttooo. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 4381. CLACKAMAS CO. FARM. 120 acres, 75 in cultivation and In crops. 8-room colonial house, barn, gran ary and other outbuildings. Family or chard, good variety. Well and spring; on county road, close to school; 3 miles to station. Price $12,500, easy terms. If you want a real farm at a low price iook mis up, A. V ESTER, 223 Henry Bide. HAVE you forgotten to come In and see Us about that 10-acre tract tn the Yak ima valley that will make you ind pendent? Call or write for ' informa tion, free booklets, price list. Central Yakima Ranches Co., H. Ray Hover, 012 fcemng oiug. aain 4993. BEAL ESTATE. 60 ACRES. 11 MTLKS NORTH OF SALEM. 2 MJLES TO ELECTRIC LLNK. DARK LOAM SOIL. AX,L TX CULT TV AT TON" AND CROP, ALL FENCED STOCK PROOF. ONLT $125 ACRE. Here's the best 60-acre bargain in the I state of Oregon; level as a floor and lo-I cated right on good macadam road and I milk route: soil la the rlrhMt dark lnam I ideal for loganberries, hops or any other I crop requiring ine oest or soli; all recced I and cross-fenced; all in crop, which goes) With the olace if sold In th nxt ton I days; adjoining land produced 5 tons of loganberries to the acre last year; lo cated 2 miles from electric line; school right across the road from this farm; no improvements except shack house and good welL Owner will sacrifice for $125 per acre, which is just about half the ra.i vaiue. duuu cash will handle, bal- o per cent. O. G. McCORMTC CO 242 "Washington St., Portland, Or. ' Phone Main 8220. 40 ACRES All in cultivation; 7 acres in bearing Italian prunes, situated 3 miles from McMinn ville. Oregon,, close to school, small house, good barn; price $0500. half cash. This is a No 1 piece of land. 77 ACRES 21 acres In bearing prunes, 3 H bearing pears, l bearing apples; 7-room house, hot and cold water and plumbing; 6-tunnel prune dryer, targe chick en house, fine water system, good barn, 10 acres fine grain, balance timber for wood for prune dryer. Price $21,000, half cash. This year's crop will pay 10.0OO Fine orchard, no trees missing, just coming Into full bearing; No. I prune land. Trees are loaded this year. See this at my expense. J. C. GILBERT. I. O. O. F. Bldg.. Ground Floor. McMinnville, Oregon. EASi cjRX OREGON' STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH. ALL NORTH KI.OPR T . A NT r 1200 acres, 300 acres in grain with bumper crop in slcht. Croo eoes with ranch and ought to pay for half ot pur-I chase price this year. With ranch goes it large urau norsea (B are mares), sev eral head Of cattle, lot of phickonii n inch Russell thresher. two 3 -inch wagons, header beds, 12 ft. header and 1 binder, hay rake, mower, fanning mill. nwrse cultivator, six-norse narrow, l-rt. surface packer. 8-ft. Sunerinr drill. RU.- ft. disk, hack, buggy, light tingle and donble names. 7 ft h nv v . hm everything that Is needed to do with on a farm of this size is there; all In first-class condition; good fences, fair buildings. 3M: miles to railroad; abun dance of water from never falling springs: hot and cold water and bath in house, 20 acres pine timber, thousands of acres finest kind of outrange; first class grain soil: if taken before .Tnlv 1 $31.70 per acre. T. J. Seufert. 628 nenry Diag. FARMS! RANCHES! COOS COUNTY The Land of Opportunity! Best for Dairying Best for Berry Raising! Best for Climate! Here Cheese Reigns Supreme! Loganberries Never Winterkill! Buy Now! Farms Are Cheap! Land Values Will Double Soon! All Inquiries Fully Answered! COOS CT'RRT LAND CO., INC.. Myrtle Point, Oregon. lt0 ACRES IN THK HORSE HEAVEN COUNTRY. BENTON CO.. WASHINGTON. Nine mils southeast of Frostier; entire I tract is gentle rolline land, well drained; alt under cultivation; surrounded by 2-1 wire tence. on a goon county roaa: sou is volcanic ash; buildings consist of 4- I room frame dwelling and a barn. This t piece of land will be benefited by the U orseheaven drainage canal, and when the project Is completed this land will be worth several times what we are ask ing for it, Tjnder present conditions our nrice is about two-thirds its real i value. Prfce $2200; $70 cash; balance 6 equal annual payments, witn interest o'-fc Pt cent, rirst note payable November, iyt. STEWART BUCK, 815 Northwestern Bank Building. FOR SALE 200 acre-farm; 28 acres cleared; S-room house, large barn and other outbuildinfrft; water piped to house: on mail route and clobe to school; about 6 mile from Kalama. Wash., the countv seat, and 7 miles from Woodland and 4 miles from railroad station ana Colum bia river. There is about 3.OOO.000 feet of timber on place and there are several hundred acres of free outside range. With this place goes 13 miik cows. 1 bull. 5 heifers. 7 calves. 4 hogs. 1 hens, team of good horses and a colt and all necessary farm implements all for $7000. or if desired will stll place without live stock, inquire ot JOHN KILKELL. Woodland. Wash.. K. F. I. No, t 46 ACRES, located on the mahV highway. in Clackamas county. Or.; good clay loam soil; 2 acres can be cultivated, 25 acres under cultivation, balance in timber an1 pasture. This road will be paved this season. Two miles from good town, mile to school, store and postoffice; the crop Is included; good new 8-room house, water piped to all the buildings from spring; small creek on the place; barn 00x7o, parage, rock cellar. chicken house. Price $7000. half cash. A well located place with lots of fruit. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. STRAIGHT GOODS. A SNAP. R4 acres in Washington county 2 miles I from Banks, Or.; S acres in cultivation. 4 m bottom lanu; iiu iruit trees in oear- inir: cood house, hot and cold water: good barn and chicken house, water I piped to barn; strawberries, grapes and I various fruits: right of way for logging railroad leased for 6 yars at $00 per I vear. navable In Juno: luuu coma or wood I on place; fenced and cross-fenced, woven! wire. Act quick if you want this for I $3000. s. f. it. it. station on me place. I Address box -jms, uanKS, ur. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS, 70 acres near McMirniville, Sheridan I highway; practically all In cultivation I and nearly all in crop; under-priced for I quick sale; terms on pari. Improved 28 acres, fine soil, creek, I timber for several years' wood, good I buildings; on main Hillsboro road, mile of Newberg; joou cash, terms on bal- $4500. Priced low for quick sale. Ad dress owner. Box JJ.cMinnville. Or. 40-ACRE farm back of Vancouver, banks of Lewis river, 2o acres cultivated. Dew land, balance pasture? some wood: 4 acres onion land: family orchard; fair house, barn, chicken house; all fenced; good graveled road. $125 punvp and en gine, water tank: R. F. D., phone, milk route, $tio disc plow, other tools; would consider part fortia-nd property; $4uO0. Owner, phone E. 173. Wan. Luce. 105 E. 11th, Portland. Ur. BARGAIN. 40 acres. S10.OO0: rich soil, irood house. big. fine barn AuxSO ft., 2-story; full out fit farm tools, team, Cnwa; compressed air water system ana engine complete; level land, near school, paved highway; 7 acres timber pasture; a very desirable J farm, with crops; one-third cash. Alain I McFARLAND REALTY CO., 208 Failing Bldg. 42 ACRES 4 miles from Estacada. Or. All ciearea. xencea ana cross-iencea. fine shot soil best aaaptea to tne iruit tn dustrv: has 12 acres of 12-year-old Ital ian prune trees in fine condition; build ings consist of nice 6-room house, large barn, large prune drier, chicken house and other buildings. 12.000, half cash. CAR! KLAL Kb TATE CO., Estacada. Or. MY 83-ACRE farm, 4 miles north from Goldendale, half in cultivation, 22 acres in winter wheat, 2-acre orchard, 8-year-old trees. Winter Banana and Delicious apples; timber and pasture, 3 springs on the place, good house and barn, good fences, good location along county road. For further information inquire of John Johnson, xv. j? xj. sso. z. lioiaendale. W ash. i:.8-ACRE farm. 84 miles from Golden- dale, 40 acres In summer fallow, 3-acra prune orchard, 60 in cultivation and balance timber and pasture, hog-tight fence all around place, small house and barn, spring water. Price $4000. Half ' down, balance on time at 7 per cent interest. Inquire of John Johnson. Gold en aaie, wasn., rv. r. u. o. 2. as-ACRE farm for sale; good soil, well improved ; one mile west of Cottage Cirove. ur. a. toiemio, cottage urove, Or. FREE FARM LISTS, San Joaquin valley farm, a -qui noisier c toe it ton, vk REAL ESTATE. CLARKE COTTNTTS BEST PRTJKB ORCHARD. 60 acres, all level, fine land and mil In full bearing prune orchard In the very best possible condi tion, excellent 30-ton capacity drier that cost S2T.OOO to bul.d. very fine water system, large warehouse. 2 bunk houses and all outbuildings, located only 6 miles from Van couver on good road and near star tion. this is one of the best pro ducing orchards In Clarke county and will pay for itself in 2 years, estimated crop this year will pay between $25,000 and $30,000. You must see this orchard to appreciate its value. Price if sold at nee only $47,000 ery good terms. This place must be sold within the next few days or It will be taken off the market as & big crop is now assured. BEAUTIFUL SURPURBAN FARM HOME. . 20 acres, all excellent land and all in cultivation, all set to or chard mostly prunes, part bearing and part young trees, beautiful absolutely modern 8-room bunga low which would cost $Souo to build, fine water system, fine new large barn, large modern chicken houses, and all other necessary outbuildings. 650 pure bred White Leghorn laying hens, good team, fine cow and all tools and ma chinery, located only 3 miles from Vancouver on paved road. This is one of the most beautiful farm homes adjacent to Portland and & big bargain at $20,000 good terms. If you want a beautiful home that is a money-maker. See this at once. ' BEST- DIVERSIFIED FARM. 80 acres, all very fine, level, deep clay loam land; 70 acres in high state of cultivation and in crop: 3 acres assorted bearing or chard, good 8-room plastered house, good large barn, hog bouse, gran ary, chicken house, fine well, spring., running stream and all outbuildings; good team, 1 cow, 30 ewes, registered buck, pure bred O. A. C. boar and brood sow, wagon, drill, disc, mower, potato digger, potato planter rake, 3 cul tivators, plows, cream separator, chickens, all house hold furni ture and small tools. Located on paved Pacific highway north of Vancouver, in a very fine section. This is a snap at $18,000. Terms. 60-ACRE BARGAIN. All level and the best of land. 40 acres in cultivation and crop, balance pasture and easily cleared, good assorted family orchard, good 7-room house. good barn 60x70. hog house, chicken house, silo, hay barn and all outbuild ings, well and stream, 4 fine dairy . cows, 2 heifers, mules, crean sepa rator, mower, wagon, disc, plows, harrows, hack and all kinds of tools and implements, located on main road north of Vancouver and 1 mile from a good town. If yon want a farm at the right price we have it on our list. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO., 410 Washington Street. Vancouver, Wash. SCENIC ; SUBURBAN FARM HOME. On the bank of a srood trout stream overlooking snow-capped mountains and other scenery oi equal ucauiy anu grandeur. 6-room bungalow of highest type and modern in every respect; all built-in con venlonccs witn run oasement. lurnace, hot and cold water, with own water system from 3 springs on the place. Electric llehts. telepnone. aany man na.r nnA nf tha scenic tourist drives ol the northwest. Nice lawn, beautiiui flowers and shrubbery. One 4-room and 2 3-room houses for hired help. Oarage, large packing house, well equipped with all the latest graaing ana packing con venience. Good barns and hoghouses, hordes, wagons, buggies, harness, h ornson trac tnr u-itti tnii n n i n n itmi l. nownr sn rav ine machine. 280-gallon siilerground fuel tank, pumping tools and many other tools and eauiDinent. 40 acres oi land, practically an in hieh-class commercial apples, some lam iiy orchards and small fruits. About 1 4,000 boxes last year, this fruit being worth nearly as much as the price asked for the land. A iriit-edged proposition, a home kins: vwould be proud to live in. a cli mate me year arouna unsurpassed in the world. Price S39.000 half cash, balance tewna IO SU1L A. W. ESTKS COM PA NT, 09 Chamber of Commerce. WELL EQUIPPED STOCK RANCH, NEAR ESTACADA. 160 acres, 27 in crop, all fenced and cross-fenced, splendid set of farm buildings, good orchard of all kinds of fruit, plenty of ber ries, large fish pond well stocked with trout. 2i miles to good school; at the edge of. the for est reserve, which insures good stock range, good soil ; included with this place are 3 horses, 6 cows, 1 heifer, 1 bull. 2 calves. 9 Pigs, 2 brood sows, 2 dozen chickens. 23 hives of bees, 1 wag on, 1 buggy. 1 plow, 1 garden plow, 1 cultivator, 1 hand culti . valor, 1 drag saw, flouring mill, stump puller, harrow, interest in drill, furniture, about 3io0 ft. of water pipe; there is a good fish pond on this property and is well stocked with mountain trout; if you want to raise stock, bees or fish, this is your chance. Don't delay. Price for everything, $.S00; $3000 cash, balance to suit. See S. E. WOOSTER A SON, Estacada, Oregon. Four Acres Bearing Strawberries On Neat 15-Acre Homo nitiuii V.r-1 lund and Hillsboro. This is a money-making place 15 acres. 15 miles out, mile to station hot ween Portland and Hillsboro; 1 ioni-l 2 acres in barn lot not cleared with living stream. It is a perfect piece rtf lu ni 4 acif a bearing strawberries. lots nice clover, grain and garden; also one acre currants. i-raciicauy new o room plasterea nouse ; urepiac-e, ouin ins: good barn and outbuildings. Price $0600 strawberry crop easily worth 1-3 of the price:- HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 438L FINE DAIRY RANCH. 140 acres, located east of Kalama, Wash., and 1 mile from Pacific high way; 130 acres can be cultivated. 50 acres under cultivation, 50 acres very easy clearing; watered by springs and creek; all well fenced and cross fenced, part woven wire; 3 acres of commercial cherry orchard ; all kinds other fruit ; house, barn, blacksmith shop and large silo; with the place goes 9 cows, 2 horses, 11 pigs. 28 Bheep, 30 chickens, ' complete line of machinery, cream sepa rator, ensilage cutter, gas engine and complete dairy equipment and furniture. Price $i5 per acre, includes everything. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. A WONDERFUL FARM BUY, DOWN COLUMBIA RIVER VERY PICTURESQUE HOME. SO acres, 30 cleared, some good tim ber. Modern 6-room house, fireplace, hot and cold water, bath, Dutch kitchen, etc. Barn 60x40, large modern chicken house. PERSONAL Team, 4 cows, calf. 8 hogs, 1100 chickens, all kinds imple ments. & acres bearing orchard. 35 miien down Columbia. 2 miles county seat, on good road, near school. A nice sightly place overlooking Columbia river. Price for everything $S20O. Nowhere else can you una sucn a xarm nome or fered for that price. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 4381. . MODEL 40-ACRE FARM. GRESHAM. HIGHLY IMPROVED 40-acre farm, 27 acres in crop, lamiiy urenn.ru a.nu oer ries, splendid fr-room plastered house, modern plumbing, private water system, one of the finest dairy barnB in Mult nomah county, water piped to all build ings; if you want a bargain this is it Price $11,500. KRIDER ELK ING TON, GRESHAM, OR. GOING TO SELL MY 42 ACRES IN WASHINGTON COUNTY ONE HALF MILE TO HIGH SCHOOL AND ELECTRIC LINE. Know I have the best farm buy be tween Portland and Forest Grove, best part Washington county, mile to sta tion and high school and on good road. A'l acres. 85 cleared and in crop. Fine clover, oats, etc. 7-room house, nice large red barn, outbuildings. Good water system, J-et crop go. rnce 2hiu, -.xu cash, balance long time 6 per cent. Ad dress P. O. Box 3320, Portland, Oregon. PEEDVILLE ACREAGE Specials: 20 acres. some cultivated, creek, timber, $1500. terms. 20 ACRES, 6 cultivated, near Reed ville highway and car house; barn, creek, nrinz. timber: $4250: good terms. 10 ACRES, 6 cultivated; house, barn, spring, creek, timber; $27.50; easy terms. REAL JEST ATE. For Sale GOOD FARM. ALL EQUIPPED AND IN CROP. Nearly level, well drained, no rock or gravel. 7S acres, 65 acres Jn crop. 13 acres pasture, fenced and cross fenced, orchard and ber ries, good water from welis, fair buildings, good road. hi mile school, 6 miles town, R. F. D.. telephone, 11 good cows, 1 bull, 4 horses. 5 hogs, 50 chickens, all farm tools and machinery, bar gain, $11,500 terms, cash, bal. 6 years at 7 per cent. If you want real farm look this up. ON PAVEMENT. 45 acres, 40 acres in crop. 5 acres pasture, running water. 6 room bungalow, large barn, chick en houses, machinery house, fenced and cross fenced, orchard and ber ries. R. F. D., telephone, 2 miles high school and grade school, dis trict auto hauls children to and from school, 2 miles extra good town in Clarke countv. Wash., 6 cows, 2 horses. 50 chickens, all farm tools, $12,000, terms. ATKINSON & PORTER, 112 W. 6th St.. Vancouver. Wash, 72 ACRES. All black rich bottom soil. 55 acr?3 in cultivation and In crop, balance of land in fine open pas ture and some timber. Crops r looking good. 6-room house with a water system, hot and cold wa ter, bath. Woodshed. chicken house with yard, 3 hordes, pigs, chlckns, binder, mower, rake, drill wajon, 4 plo-s, roller. Close to station on car line to Portland, 25 miles to Portland on good load. In good location. $14,000, part cash. A. C. HOWL AND. 8th and Mia St a. Oregoi City, Or. STOCKMEN READ THIS. If you want to get a real bargain !n a i arm ana stock ranch it will cer tainly pay you to see me. I will sell or exchanco this fine 1200 acres: all but five acres is good free soil, about 30o acres boing fine bottom land in cultivation, about 700 acres slashed and seeded to pasture: place fenced, part with woven wire; three fine springs, one or wnicn is plpea to buildings. Oood 7-room bouse with bath, good barn, cat tle and sheep sheds. Located on good couniy road. 4 miles from town and railroad. 18 miles from Corvallis, - 75 miles from Portland. Vrice. including personal property. $50,000, easy terms, or will consider income property. H. A. DRYER. The Acreage Man, 50S-9 Lewis Bldg. CLOSE IN DAIRY RANCH. 40 acre's, located on a graveled road, 1 miles from paved road; 5 miles from city limits; good loam soil, rolling land ; 30 acres can be cultivated ; 12 acres under cultivation, 20 acres of pas ture; good creek that never go.es dry; wire fencing ; half mile to electric sta tion, J, mile to school; 6 acres in clover, balance In oats; family orchard; 6-room house; barn 30x40; chicken house. Price $45oo, with 7 good cows, heifer, horse, harness, wagon and dairy equip ment: $J450 rash. Personally inspected. Anderson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 28 ACRES. '4 mile to Portland carline; good level land. t acres in cultivation. 2 acres of large bearing fruit trees, balanco open pasture and ome timber, spring, 2 houses, one na3 5 rooms, the other 2 rooms. 2 barns; 5 miles to Oregon City. 17 miles to Portland on good road. $420O. $2200 cash, baJane long time. A. C. HOWL AND. Sth and Main sts-. Oregon City. Or. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. 31 acres. Wash Co., 1 mile N. of urenco. across irom Ore. Nursery; mod ern up-to-date bun ca low with firenle full cement basement, furnace, sleeping porch, carbide licht svstein. 7.V-cal. tank with motor complete; all furni ture; 2 horses, 4 fine cows, about 2O0 R. I. Red chickens, turkeys, ducks; every inch of land in cult., 10 a. in filberts and walnuts, cherry orchard. itmiiiy oixiiaru, an crops. A magnlti cent place ior $22,r0O; terms HENRY W. I'.UDDAKD, 243 Ktark St. MR. FARM BUYER. Tf you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to see me before buyiing. I can sav you money. I have some 500 fine farms; my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to ma A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-7 Board of Trade Building. FA RMS FOR SALE. CANADIAN" FA KM I.Ans To great block of Canadian Pacific Rail way company's reserve lands. Remark ably cheap, on long and easy terms. Landseekers excursion party leave Port- iana mr taigary. Alberta, on Saturday, May 22. Reduced railwav rates. Vnr particulars see Canadian Pacific Raii w ay company, 20S Railway Exchange bldg.. I. p. Thornton, district repre sentative. A REAL FARM BARGAIN". 251 acres, all tine soil; 100 acres in crop. SO acres more easily plowed. 25 acres line saw timber, on main road, 3 miles from R. R. station; good 6-room house. 4 barns, granary, hocliouse. "5 horses and harness. 1 cows, 22 sheep. 20 goais. nogs, .imr cnicKens, an larm implements: s. per acre: 10. ono cash terms on balance at 5 per cent. For tnis ana otner gooa larm Duys see Air. wrox i ora. 4SI E. 40th North. SPEAK UP. PLEASE. I HAVE A 20 ACRE RANCH AND REAL HOME FOR ioIj. Between Mosier and The Dalle: Good roads with school close by. Fine two-btory house, barn, chicken house. fine well, piped to house; 12 acres cleared to apples and smaii fruit; good Piace to aouDie your money on. rui description mailed you by owner. R. H dimming, 237 E. 5Qth Ft., o. Portland. 40 ACRES 6 miles from Estacada, Or. iii acres ciearea, oai. easy ciearea ; snoi soil, small house, large barn, granary, woodshed, school fi mile ; telephone, mail, clubhouse I nine; alt stock, lm plements and small tools goes with thi place at the small price of $5000, some terms. i nis piace must ne soia. CARY REAL ESTATE CO., Estacada. Or. OWNER WILL SACRIFIFCE. Equipped ranch. 10 acres, by lake ideal home; about 60 acres cultivated ad ioins free range: fenced: tprine v. ate under pressure ; 0-room house, plenty out buildings; mostly in hay. garden, pota toes planted, some fruit ; good road, dailv mail: 21 cattle, good team, ma- ehinerv: nossession now: property clear. Only $7500, terms. J. Muilenax, Mica, Ida. I HAVE two farms for sale. One has 160 acres ana tne otner ;-u acres. 'ine: inn each other. The 160 acres Is on th Pacific highway near Cottage Grove, Oregon. Lacn tarm nas a set or build ings, iruit, ienceu, waierea, iimoere and 1B0 acres in cultivation. Good soi Will sell on easy terms. Cash price $40 per atre. See me today at room 520, iotei uregoii. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. Kin acres, well improved, barn 70x4 feet, 4 years old; one bouse 7 rooms, one house S rooms; good fences; 115 acres tn cultivation: crops all in; one mil from R. R- station ; plenty water and good pasture. -rice u.wiv. r or nir ther particulars write ai iss Ulga Tim merman. Banks. Or., Route 1. Phone 2. Gales Creek. An ACRES, all in cultivation, good road leetric line, lvniv prune rees, a-1 tana. some beaverdam, running water, 6-room house, large barn, other bldgs.. equipped .-th at nek and machinery; crops in: all for flO.OuO, terms; will take house up o :noo ; reason ior peuing, 01a age anc sickness. Owner, 147 V Broadway, Port land. Room A SNAP IN A 20-ACRE FARM Twenty acres, 12 miles west of Port innd on the Baseline road ; fine btacl loi-ra, level, running stream, good house and barn, orchard ; 10 minutes' walk from station; sidewalk all the way. Price $"250. 4-0 tjnamoer 01 commerce Diag, Main -.. 162 ares, very best black loam, near ertv good buildings. Come see list. Worth SO.OOJ. take $3".ooo. any fair r o Bird. 526 Chamber of C.r,m- uin RARGA1N: B0 acres good farmin land. 5 acres seeded for clover, and one mm a r-tl ir Vlv.rftnm VimiuA Kb aero ... - - - - - uaiii, running creek and county road through land. owner, r reu oiiiimig. Apiary, or. LYitt SALE 2500 acres Whitman county Wash. ; well-improved. cropped and equipped; $250,000, 75.000 cash. Get full pariicuii.r. vjuiucu tai .eajiy i.n -o nnkcrv Snoks-ne. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, np 1'nrtlnnd STS to S200 Dr acre: terms; best eoil. Farms for sale, all ixea id or anana. railing oiag. LOGGKD-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water; good soil, tillable; employment; ey term. J. R Sharp. SSfe 3d sU BEAL ESTATBc For Sale Farmfc. CLARKE COUNTY FRTJKB ORCHARD. We are offering for a limited time, one of the best bearing prune orchards In one of the best fruit districts at a price which should be very attractive to anyone who is interested in the prune industrv nd familiar with prune land: 21.81 acres, ail in full bearing, except about 1 acre of young replace ment trees; orchard has been prayed, fertilized and well cul tivated; splendid prospect for hig crop this season. This orchard returned better than JGOOO each the last two seasons and should do fully as well or better this year. It Is a money-maker and a bargain at 913.O0O. Terms 9000 cash, balance payable in 3 and 6 years at 7. FORTY-ACRE FARM EQUIPPED. Located about ten miles from Vancouver; 27 acres well cleared and In crop; 13 acres In first class, seeded, woodland pasture, ith sutficient good timber for wood and all domestic use; about an acre of fine old family or chard; all kinds of berries and small fruit; good 9 -room house.-3 Bdwwell?' lare barn- chicken and hog houses, granary, garage and other outbuildings; located in a well-settled neighborhood with good surroundings. h mile to school, l mile to church. 1 W mile to store and R, R. station, on macadam road 1 mile from paved hhghway; 4 good cows, team good work horses, harness, wagon, hack, mower, rake, potato planter and all kinds farm implements, 11 crops and 30 chickens, go with place. Price 9S000. half cash, bal ance 1 to 6 years at t, FIVE-ACRE ROMS NEAR - VANCOUVER. Kvery foot of it o lea red. fenced and in crop; oats, potatoes, gar den, strawberries'. raspberries, nice family orchard, attractive 4 room. plastered house with full concrete basement and sleeping porch, goad barn and garage com bined; on well traveled macadam road, within mile of city school and city limits and not over 2 miles from business center of with splendid view. Price 94000, subject to 91300 mortgage. 7. ELIVKLL & WATTS. 106 West Sth Bt, Vancouver. Wash. Office Phone 2:i6. res. 833-Y. GOOD Farms. This Is one of the biggest farm na; ner is rorcea to sell on account I wife's ill health. If you are wanting I ivmi i.rm, you cant aitora to pass tri up; 2,74 acres. 10O acres In rrain- 1m 1 is all well drained, dark. rich, heaj jtta.ni. anu rea cnocoiate soli; ac: of excellent first-EXowth timber, b.n ance of land can all be cultivated a is now In pasture; 2 acres assorted fnl and berries; all fenced and cro!s-fenc 1 (rood 1 room house, fireplace, furnish 5 head of cattle. 32 sheep. 20 coats. hoe;. 100 chickens, soeeder. 2 nlows I double disK plow. 3 harrows, l binder.! mower, rotier irrifrater, disc cutter, m drill. 2 cultivators, cream eeoarat pood wagon, platform scale with 12i capacity: all kinds or small tools; cood bams, hay and srrain on hand feed stock till harvest: plenty of sr potatoes, iok nouse. larpe granary, sh1 machine fhed, root house, smoke hou 1 garage, 94000 profit will be taken this place this fall. You step riKht everyt bine's ready for you; 9 rrrilkll cows, all stock is younfr and of the vc best grade: price, everything- included. I only $ 1 1 per acre. Owner sacrifices for half price. See this ideal farm, toda Here is a rich valley farm, whi I commands your' attention; 81 aer I 10 acres In inelish walnuts. 4 acn bearinc fruit; GO acres in crop now; acres in potatoes: O head ot stock; horses, as hoes. 2.0 chickens: you ci eet 12 to IS dozen of ffrw every dal i: eeose 4 turkeys, implements of : kinds. 10-room house, furnished; ro barn, chicken house, hop house, used dry walnuts and prunes, etc; pol cream check every month: you can ma I 9r.CK vearly from this place; besides! Kood living; price ia,uuu. mcinui ovprvthin? : owner will consider ho: in Portland up to 9350A; this fine plal if sold, now la hall price. pack of Vancouver 1s 20 fine acT'j r acres In bearing prunes; cnemrs 1 onnips all in cultivation, near elect H line; good 7-rootn house. This Is a rrl snap; only 9--W. 9100O down, balanl easy. t . vantlnr rl heart in fa don't miss seeing. F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRB, TO BUY TOUR FARM Ablngton bldr. . Main lfWS. Open Evenings and Sunday w. MOLALLA VALLET SNAP. GTVEJ THIS ATTENTION. fin acres m cuiuuuh v". , , 1 Oregon City road between Mulino aj Moiaiia. .uevei, ntii " , 1 as the nept in ine siaie. . , I ings, family orchard, all fenced. Imml date possewiu". a long way lowaruts imjiim ,vr tJ I'rice ;", .''. w V , VI acre; the biggest snap in tho Mola l vat ley. v a. eci M. T? A TVFIT. "-T Or sro Bldg. Main T602. 80 ACRES 94000 NEAR ASTORIA. Two miles from the boat landing tne lower . .mumui . - --- SO acres. 20 of which is beaverdaH tile OCSt lanu 1 J m m 40 acres upland; 15 acres now cultivation; -o uuu 1 room frame house; barn 4.xo, hi buildings: living creek and spring; pril includes 20 tons of hay. sacks of p tatoes. o ii"i ' j 1 several cnicaens nu r , y . erous tools. 92400 cash required. Jo 80 ACRES OX STATE HIGHWAY NEAR W AShUl UAlv r JK mrw. 1 in cultivation: A acres frni npnrlv nil Drunts. full bearit J balance slashed and seeded to pasturl good o-room piasterea nouse, iru hvj U tons Ol Binutiuuno , 7 1 and two horses: lots 01 ouiuuimmgn. . hiiiidinc.q nearlv new: spring wat piped to all buildings; deep loam sol nn rnrk r rr vel.: 14 cash, balance I years at 6. Parties need money, henl have prieea tnis 10 sen. a hunp. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Building. FIRST ALFALFA CROP READY TO CUT. 1 ftO acres, three mil es of Ellensbu H Wash.; 70 acres in alfalfa and tlmotll under Cascade irrigation ditcn; nean new ft-room house, big new barn, f i wnter. land well fenced, on graJ road to town; the soil is fine lava al income last year over 9non. The pril is $20,000. with only 97000 cash; b; nnnn can run at 6 ner cent. Talk f;J if you want this. J. U. Ruley, Chamber or commerce. NEAR NEWBERO. ftO PER ACRE: 258 ACRES. 514 miles NeWberg. no hills intervel ine 4 mMes Yamhill: good road. Near! all tillable, best prune and walnut larJ BO acres in crop, adoui iuu acres 111 oak timber, quantity fir timber; pi for the place off the wood. StreaJ springs, water piped to the house; ad reasonaoie terms. J. -C. CORBIN CO.. . 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. !l ACRES 6-R. BUNGALOW. Oregon City car. H mile Evergreen.! mile Milwaukie. o-r oungaiow, eiectii lights gas,, pure coia spring water v.nncLA an build ines: free: beautlf trout stream makes one boundary; larl assortment fruit and berries; soil vJ iv drained: price only 9401 R. F. Feemster 417 Abington bldg. Mai 50S8. sn irRPS fine lftvinK land 35 miles 1 on good road; 100 acres cultivated; ll ot nice young iruu uc u . tam wo toreri house and barn : eo l fence; immediate possession; $40 pi acre. Adjoining lanu neio. ior ji acre. This is an extra good barga: ttcsv tfrms. See owner. 010 Spaldii bldg. Phone Main 6394, next Mond.l and Tuesaay. this ta nn of the best large farms in 1 1 Willamette valley, 3 miles of 8 tow I nort Kleritrie R. R.. 450 acres, wll 3T0 acres In cultivation and In crol large orchara. -room aweuing, goi barn; hot and cold spring water to si buildings, finest of loganberry and pruJ land, all under woven wire xence, uwn Main 3444, tomorrow. ta rinhU nartv with J 30(0 who undt stands chickens and general farmiil I have a fine proposition on farm 1 miles from Portland. Am in businel and can not iook atter same. for bi pointment call 'la Dor zia or can oju Stark. 1750 160 ACRES. Has free water right; on river; soul fine alfalfa land; owner too old to ha J ale ana wants some money at once. B. F. KtLLi, ia swetisna 5i a g. 75 DOWN' ON ACRES. On S. P. electric, also on main conn I road ; plenty worK near oy ; price J $7o down, o years time on oaiance. DRAPER. 401 Board of Trade. USE of 32 acres (some tillable), house. 01 chard, near iieaverton, auto roaa, tor vears and S 100 per acre as pay f clearing 1U Hamilton, Main 2L.