10 THE SUNDAY OHEGOXIAN. PORTLAND. MAT 16, 1920 EEAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. AT LAKEWOOD STATION On the Ore gon City carline. It is that spot of the Oregon Citv carline with beautiful proves of native trees, which is the one distin guishing feature connected with thin very attractive suburban home rn this loca tion. There are more than 2 acres of land, and to see it means to become en- ; amored with the grounds and location. A large garden spot, very finely cultivated with an orchard of fruit of the best ; qua'ity of different varieties coming into , full bearing. No more attractive nor up-to-date, modern In every respect bunga low type house to be found than this. There are 7 rooms perfectly flnlhod- . There Is a full concrete and cemnt base- ment with furnace, wash trays of the most expensive kind. This house has I every city convenience, including city water, gas and electricity. it is a charming place to live and a restful and contented atmosphere pervades tne whole surroundings. There is nothing to be. added to this place which is not al ready there. Not one dollar of expense to be made by a-ny person buying this property. Newly painted and the walls newly tinted. It is a new bungalow, comparatively speaking. The buyer can move In the moment he bargains to buy. as it has been made vacant for that pur pose. It is to be sold without question, and. while no person will place a less value than $10,000 on this property an offer submitted near that price will be considered. Good, liberal terms will be granted to the purchaser. M. J. CLOHE&iY. ABINGTON BLDG. Onlv jr.TOO, and this is a brand-new. up-to-date room bungalow of a very attractive appearance, modern, and con tain every city convenience, full base ment and fireplace. There l a large attic of which lots of additional room can be made. There is y acre of land in high state of cultivation, with an abun dance of fruit of choice quality, apples BTid cherries In full bearing. The loca tion could not e much better on East Giisan, close in. Now, if you want close in jiuburban homes for a very moderate price, this should attract you. $3000 cash will handle It. M M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BlDO. Only $2700. on the west side, very close In to the business center, on a prominent highway, only 5 blocks from the carline and station, with 6c carfare. You walk to it over cement walks. This is what vou get for $2700. and It is no exaggeration when we say that this house alone, so far a it is concerned, ca-nnot be replaced for a less price than 4000. It is almost wholly new. having a new roof and newly painted all over. Here are 7 large rooms, all plastered and newly papered. It has all of the city conveniences, including city water, and with the house you get hit acre of hind, all in garden, berries and other fruit. There is a barn, chicken house and woodshed. It is only. 5 blocks from a city school. No place in Portland ran vou geta bargain to equal this. $2700 is the full price, and all you need Is $15O0 cash, balance on long time. M. J. CLOllESSY. ABINGTON BTJX3. A PERFECT SUBURBAN" HOME No residence in the high-class district In .Portland has anything on this. Ite location is In the best district on the Oregon City carline. on the paved high ways from the business center of this city to the property. It is the one at tractive and splendid suburban home on Courtney avenue. Its location is only 3 tlocks from the carline and station. On U sWes of this home are Inviting and expensive improvements. It is a com plete and finished to the last word of a suburban home. There are more than 1H acres of land, highly Improved, beautiful lawn, yard and ornamented by lawn and shrubbery, fruit of the best quality more than suffilcent for family use in full bearing of small and larpe ' fruits. With the land goes a very sub stantially built by the day's work, built of the verv beet material and a practi cally new 11-room house, including two very attractive sleeping porches placed In the right position. There Is one of the best basements, cement and concrete, of any place on the Oregon City carline: a furnace, fireplace and perfect water ystem of lis own of the purest of water and plenty of it at all seasons. This house lias hardwood oak floors, Folld. one inch thick, ail over the down stairs, all of the built-in effects: In fact. everything connected with this beautiful residence is modern and up to date; electric lights and gas in the house. Kor a good-sized family, nothing in line of Dareu with It. It is located on an ave nue which is lighted all night long. There are no citv conveniences to asked for that this place Is without. It Is offered for sale for the first time on account of the owner's business, which precludes him residing there, and this 1 his regret. We are satisfied that the price placed upon this property by the owner Is very much lose than the house alone can be reproduced, and certainly the land and grounds in the prenent state of high improvements is worth at Jsf half thb price asked for all of It. iKK) is the price you can buy it for, nd which pays in full for this expen sive suburban home. Half rush will be suffticent and long time on the balance. . M. J. CLOU ESS Y. ABI.WION U LUG, Only SI'S., and you will have to travel some to find its like. Only 1-5 min. ride from the business renter: within 5 blocks of the carlino and station with 6c car fare. Here is more than of an acre of land, hII of it fronting on the well . known highway. This place has every city convenience, including city, water, gas and electricity. It is only 5 blocks from a city school. It is in a rapidly arrowing district. With the land you get a very comfortable 5-room house, not expensive, neither is it of a pretentious type. The house, however, is all right to live in. There is a chicken house and Fomo fruit on the place. $15o0 cash will nan 'lie it. M. J. CLOHESST. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $7000. down on the Slough boule ard, close to Woodlawn. are 5 acres o land which contains mitre of a choicer variety or rrult of th best quality in full tearing than any other ft acres of land n Multnomah county. The' fruit alone is a source of Income of which no per son will estimate a less value than $2000 yearly from the fruit alone. 1 ou ge with thi land and the fruit a good 6 foom house, barn, chicken house, fru oue. prune drier. The location of thi $ilace is euch as it will not be necessary to convince the ouyer that from a noln f Increase In value of the land, no other location compares with it. It Is in th right direct ion. where big developmen t constantly taking place. You drive to he place almost the entire distan-e on paved roads. f KMX ensh will handle it. -it. J. LIAJrttASl. AhSlXGTOX RI.TXV Only $250i. and this Ih some bargain and its loca tion Is some choice location. , ceing practically in the residential cento of the east side, not as far out as Easi 5Jth St., on the paved highway. Here one Dig acre or (and which any nerso at a g.amv will know that to possess i means if tlicy wish to. they can instant ly double the purchase price from th aale of smaller parcels; or for a suburban nome inside the citv. thcr in no i in land In high state of cultivation to pro vine an tne neccs.sU ies which grow land for a family, say nothing of th Increase which occurs daily in the valu of a place in this location. t'00 cash tne naiini-c vou have -t yi-am to nay it in, Ot the Base T,!ne road, the paved Highway to the Columbia highway, are 8 big acre, a corner, only 20 min. rid from th business renter. Every inch of this land is highly improved: fruit of all kinds In full bearing of commercial Quantity. With the land and the fruit you get for the price a modern enouar 6-room cottage with all of the city con Venlences, including city water (Hull Kun. V nderpneed land on this hlghwa is nam to get. mis happened to be exception: therefore, we are offering th place for at least S.voo per acre kos th any land n-ot so well improved on elthe aine or it can oe oought Tor. call at th office and ascertain how low this place can De purcnasea tor. M. J. CLUH ESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. ThiH is a rivor fr-ont feom In tYt high -class lUvertiHie district, right the station, with excellent car service. .no person tor the past to years has ev dreamed of buying this charming riv front home for the price it is now of' fered. This is what this home consis of: 4 big acres of land ru"nnin from the I river back to the boulevard and carline. ! This place happens to have native trees In profusion: It is a park as well as grounds of which fine gardene are a!so ful setting. y.Mi get one very fine up-to-date, substantial bungalow with flre-Tlai-e and pvptv other citv ponvnipnri including city water, gas and electricitv. "You have another small and cheaper house on the land which goes in at the price. This property is in the center of the most attractive and expensive river front home and the lowest price of which this property was ever offered before was $15.'!0. now vou can buy it all for the reason that the owner is a non-reldeit and the only use he has for it is to rent it. and in order to close out bis holdings here he Instructs us to ae!l Everything. The location and the 4 acres of land for $0000. This price is not enough for one house alone, say nothing of the two bouses and 4 acres. No op portunity like this to buy at this tre mendous sacrifice this splendid river front home will ever occur again. If this place lr worth one cent, situated as it Is with more river front than any other borne along this river front, it is cheap at $20,000. and when we offer to sell it all for $iooo. which must be practically casn. we are simpiy oes-iowing aa gift at least $10.im upon the buyer. It -will require quick action to secure this property. li. J CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. KEAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. COUNCIL CREST, on the west side. In a district where property values are at present low and no other district sur rounding Portland will the value increase so rapid iy aa in this section, close to the business center, about 15 min. ride, are IUVs big acres of land. Vz of it in orchard of full-beartng fruit of the very best va riety and quantity of commercial sig nificance, as that is what it means, and that is what this place has and is now producing to the extent that with th income from the fruit alone the present owner was able to pay off the full pur chase price of this place. Every inch of the land is rn cultivation and the bal ance of the la.nd which is not devoted to orchard and fruit Is capable of pro ducing big crops of all kinds. With the fruit and the land, and its location, you get a good, substantial 8-room house, good enough for any person to live In, chicken house, barn and other necessary buildings. The price is placed very low; Si 0.300 buys eevry thing. About half cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $3700. an(j tnia B lese than the price the house alone can be replaced for. On the Oregon City carlrne, right at tho station, is about one acre of land, every inch of it In cultivation, with more fruit of all kinds in full bearing. Includ ing at least 14 of an acre of grapes, than a dozen families could use. This place face the carline and with the land and fruit you get a 7-room plastered and newly papered, very substantial house, with all of the city conveniences in the house. It is a cheerful cozy place to reside, and for a family it means that from the car service on this line and its location, you are as well off living here as in the best, residential district in Portland, and at the same time you have the enjoyment and the great pleasure of raising all of the living- a family could use from what grows on the Land alone. You drive to thia place from the business center over the paved highway. There la a chicken house amd a garago on the place. What more could you ask for tha small awn of S370O Thia means that the Price milSt be n.11 rHnh iw naarlv mn. at. j. CLOHEssy, abingto.n bldo. Oruly S&7O0L en th Bam TJtvm ma th paved highway, on the beat part of the Base L4ne road, close In to the business center of thia city, not more than liO min. rido. Here Is a nerw 4-room bunga- , , ' l"e city conveniences, including city water (Bull Run). The bungalow is modern and up-to-date and full concrete basement with cement floors and with the bungalow you get one big acr of land u Only 3 blocks from an electric carline mm Biauon. mere is considerable fruit of different varieties coming into bear ing. There Is a chicken house and ga rage; everything goes for 3700; J2000 caah will handle It. M. J. CLOHiiSSY. ABINGTON BLXG. BEAUTIFUL. WOODED TRACTS. SUMMER HOME SITES. IN PARKROSE. Wiry go a long distance away from the city to select a camping or summer home site "when these almost touch the city limits 7 miles from the center of town), they are ideal sites. lots of trees, little garden spots, convenient vo can ay Diva. icoiumoia highway); street car service and stores, beautiful scenery, ideal for boating, size of tracts about 2 acres, on very easy terms; come out and look these over at once. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLAN A SUM MER HOME ON" "ONE OF THESE BEAUTIUL WOODED TRACTS. Price $""(0 to $t00 per acre. 10 per cent cash, balance easy monthly payments. Park rose branch office on Sandy blvd. at end of Parkrose car line. .1. L. HART MAX COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. DRTVE OUT. IT'S POSITIVELY TRUE. The opportunity of your life to own a beautiful country home close to Port land and Capital highway, and also be a big money-maker; 28 acres, all under cultivation; good family orchaVd. berries, flowers and shrubbery. The richest soil to be found around Portland; beautiful 8-room Dutch colonial house with com plete bath and plumbing. French doors, all built-in, house piped for furnace, ex tra toilet; good barn, complete water system. Drive out and see it and see the beau tiful. unexcelled view from the. property, the finest place around Portland. Drive through Tigard. on through old Tigard t ville to the road on the right oppoatte 'old cemetery, then about 4 mile to thia vacant colonial house, on th eright sand eideot the road. Price only $1H.OOO. on terms, and land alone is worth the price asked. KASER & RAINEY. 82-7 Gasco Bldg. Main 70J. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. 3 ACRES $5.V)0. Near Meldrum. on the Oregon City canine; you coufa not build the house alorw for leas than the price of the en tire tract; nrst-ciass soil: a good or. chard, only a few blocks from the car; modern b-room house, hardwood floors fine floor plan, gas, electricity and water system; owners going to a larger farm ana nave put the price icwo oelow conservative vaiue. We are exclusive agents. Come to the office. Inspect photo and if interested, we will show the place in our car. u. Mctnesney, iiu-ii Oak st. Bd'wy. '-'GO. RIVER FRONT, for sale; 2 acres, title to shore line, t beautiful view; an 8-room house, bun galow tyHi. hard finished, spring water piped In the hous. has a good pressure tile drained to river; plenty of fruit for family use: cherries, grapes, pears, ap ricots, plums and apples. landing for river steamers; 2 blocks to. depot. L I. & S. R. R. ; highway being hard sur faced from Vancouver to Camas; J400 cash. Address owner. lockbox 32o, Camas. Wash. BEAUTIFUL OAK GROVE. Five acres, two blocks front the car, in a. verv prominent cart of Oak Grove. This place is all under cultivation. Fine orchard consisting of cherries, apples and chestnut trees, all in lull bearing and in good condition: 300 currant j bushes and lots of strawberries as well j as quantities or roses ana oeauiirui shrubbery. Very attractive house built on bungalow style with two fireplaces and a fine water svstem, electric lights and bath. Price $S500. JOHN E. HOWARD, 313 Cham, of Com. 2 ACRES RTVTSR FRONT. Facing on the Willamette river with walks and boat landing; fine beach, beautifully parked grounds with all city conveniences; about 3 bearing fruit trees. You must see this place to ap preciate Its atl vantages. Price $12,000. F. L. EDDY, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2! DOWN $12.T0 MONTHLY. Price $675. for splendid level 14 -acre tract, all set out to bearing fruit trees, all pruned and sprayed, all cultivated. We have several of these tracts, also one acre pieces set out to red raspberries, gooseberries and black raspberries, whii-h may be bought on the same terms. Fred W. 'German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. EVERGREEN STATION. On Oregon City car line: about H acre, strictly modern house, double construc - tion. 5 large rms.; Fleeping porch, all on one floor, large front porch, basement, large attic, fireplace, Rector heating system, gas, electric lights. Bull Run water, garden, natural trees and shrub bery; 2 blocks from station and gro cerv. See owner at room 3, Union sta tion. Phone Broadway 4500. Local 1S4. H A. MAPLE WOOD $1700. -Nearly A. of ground with 11 bear ing fruit trees, garden, etc.. 3-room shingled house with gas. electricity and water: only -' h blocks from sta. Price only $1700, 1000 cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ON THE WILLAMETTE RIVER. acre on the river with 5-room bun galow, fireplace, gas heaters, electricity, sunparlor. A fine little home fnr some one who enjoys salmon fishing and canoeing. Neat and clean. Price $3300, $650 cash. Balance easy. Photo at of fice. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. SUBURBAN HOME. Nearly 1 i acres. 5-room house. 32 full bearing fruit trees, city water, well, cow bam, woodshed, fine soil, about H in clover, balance planted in garden ; near 2 car lines; price $25i0. $1500 cash, balance 15 per mo. Pee Lewis. NORD. 200 HENRY BLDG. HTTBER STATION $3600. 4 1-3 acres close to station; all in cult., 8 acres in loganberries, tile-drained ; 4 room house, chick house, gas and water; a beautiful spot and reasonable terms. Main S31. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. TIGARD ACRE. 5-room new house, fruit and berries, garage, on highway, $3S50. Just what you are looking for, also vacant acres, $325. Prentiss, 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CHICKEN ranch, IH acres, colse to Ris ley station on Oregon City line; 5-room house with furniture; large chicken house with chickens and tools; $3b00. Phoue owner. Oak Grove 21-J. REAL ESTATE Suburban Homes. WE SPECIALIZE IN SUBURBAN HOMES. M. E. DeJOICE COMPANY. BEAVERTOX. 4-room bungalow, new, and very neat, almost acre; garage; only 5 minutes walk to Beaverton station, on a agood macadam road; price only $2300. terms. NEAR REEDVTLLE 20 ACRES. Two sets of buildings, one 5-roora bun galow, the, other a 4-room frame; a fine red barn which cost $800; chicken house, woodshed; also a team of work horses go with the place; 12 acres in cultivation, bain nee pasture and timber ; old f ol ks selling on account of sickness, Prica $7000; $2000 cash. M. E. DE JOICE COMPANY. 22 Henry Bids. Main 1631. R, M. GATE WOOD A. CO., NICE HOMES. 6 acres. 3 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and timber; also 15 acres free pasture adjoining; 75 bearing fruit trees, logan, black, straw and raspberries in abundance ; 5-room good house, out buildings, good well; near Beaverton. This Is choice land. Price $3000, half cash, balance 6 per cent. EXTRA CHOICE. 2 acres of perfect land, 75 choice fruit trees, bearing; 6-room bungalow, hot and cold water, va, electric lights: a. beau tiful grove of native trees near house ; close to school and church and electric railway station; six miles Portland court house. Price $5000. half cash, balance 6 per cent. You cannot beat this for value. Would take bungalow in good district. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. FORTY MINUTES OUT. 10 acres, all under cultivation, pnnif oil, no gravel or rock, on good coun ty road, close to the paved highway, also close to Red electric station and in the tteaverton-Reedville district: over 100 oeanng. iruit trees and berries; gas, city water and lights can be had; nearly new double-constructed, plastered, 6-rm. house, full cement basement and floor; fine sleeping porch, screened and glassed; barn, chicken house and irnnrl wir fann ing. Price $4050 on very easy terms, or 7"J bvu o acres wnn tne buildings and i ior ouou, smaii payment down. .rnoio at oirice. .loan Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. M IX, W AUK IE MODERN SUBURBAN HOMES.- Enjoy life by living on a suburban nome; tresn eggs, spring chickens, fruit, cream, mlik, garden. 1Ul city con veniences, gas, water, electric lights, hard roads, good schools, best car ser vice. We have a few exceptionally good buys in modern bungalows with from 1 to 10 acres. We are always glad to show you homes worth while. We are not strangers in this locality. We know values. KLEEB & PARRY, Automobile Service. Pbone 19. Milwaukte. Or. COME TO THE BASE LINE DISTRICT, where a choice suburban home mav be had for a reasonable price. We have a number of homes and home sites to of fer, all of which are either on or near the famous Base Line road and also within easy reach of the Mt. Hood elec tric line. City conveniences such as Bull Run water, electric current, gas and telephone service may be had at the usual rates. We solicit the patronage of prospective buyers as well as the listine of property beinj? offered for sale. We have a Rood car and a careful driver subject to the order of our customers bv appointment. Phone Tabor "446. Route A. box 503. Portland. Or. D. W. fcTee man. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER. JUST LOOK! At these for nice suburban homes. 7 acres out on Division st. '1 acres, in apples, cht.rries, strawberries and rasp berries. Bull Run water, on a hard-surface road; only $4000. No. '2 6 acres, 3 acres in choice ap ples, 1 acre black loam, fine for onions, rhubarb or garden truck ; nice 4-room cottage, barn and chicken house; for only $27BQ. I have many others from $25no to $4000 on which I can quote a home seeker very reasonable prices and terms. .T. IJ. HOLBROOK, 214-215 Panama Bldg. RIGHT ON THE PAVEMENT. 14 acres on the Base Line road, just east of city; nice shade trees, good sur roundings ; new, sma.ll house with city water and gas In and electric lights can be had; telephone in the house and other conveniences: the entire place all fenced with woven wire; a nice sum mer place, close to the city. Price SIS00: $800 cash. Anderson, with John Fergu son, Ueriinger blag. 1 ACRES, all cult, and excellent soil; 25 large cherry trees loaded with fruit; 4 blocks to car, 6c fare: 4-room plastered house and other bldgs. good for chickens, garage or barn; city water and near paved streets. This is a real snap at SnoO; terms. F. R. J.-bse. 57 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. 8 acres, located 1 mile from city lim its on good macadamized road; fine plas- iereu nouse. iuu cement oasement, laun dry trays, barn, chicken house ; acre of strawberries, - aero raspberries, 119 apple trees, pears, prunes, plums, goose berries, currants, 3 acre of potatoes ; the entire place in crop; good fencing. Personally inspected. Nelson, with John Ferguson, Gerlingcr bldg. $2000 Modern 6-room cottage; 100x."i0 lot; house just papered and painted ; 25 minutes on street car. All modern conveniences; two bearing fruit trees. This exceptional offer in cludes 19 laying hens. Monarch range, gas range, heater and minor household equipment. $6011 down, payments like rent. 0804 45th ave. S. E., between 67th and 6!Hh sts. Call Tabor 6584 Sunday, and Mar. 4U62 weekday. 512 Panama Bldg., owner. ONLY CONFECTIONERY INT TOWN. Located in one of the best towns of ouuu population in the Willamette valley and less than 100 miles from Portland; on one of the best corners in the city; mis pia.ee ma over fuuu business per month last year. Price $4500; the stock on hand and fixtures are well worth the money asked. John Ferguson, Gerlin ger bldg. 2 V A CR ES at Courtney statinn in a re stricted district, all beautifully land scaped with all kinds of fruit and ber ries in full bearing; neat little 3-room bungalow with electric lights and gas, which is located in grove of beautiful natural trees. Fine holly hedge fence as well as all kinds of choice ornamental shrubbery. Price $4000. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. SUBURBAN. On state highway, 2 blocks south of Multnomah station, several qua.rter-acre lots with pine trees, one mile beyond city limits; no city taxes to pay; Bull Run wrer, gas. electricity and telephone; 16 trains daily; very desirable place to live. See owner in bungalow on "tract or 1104 Ycon bldg. R. T. LYNG. 6-ROOM houe, barn, 1 z acres; $isoo. Store building, 2 rooms above; barn, iC acres; $1700. Cultivated, fruit, water Also 1. 2, 3-acre tracts, $250 up. Close to United Electric, school, highway; west side, near manulacturing district; plenty of work; easy terms. Owner. 400 E lath N. East 76o8. SUBURBAN. Berry ranch of 4 nne acres, all in a high state of cultivation and a fine house and outbuildings, on hard-surface, close to car; $5u0 down, ba.lj.nce $0 per month. Tabor 4S11. KENNEDY & WILCOX. FINE SUBURBAN HOME $0000. 15 acres 1 mile N. of Orenco near Oregon imreery, all In cult., 2 A. Bing and R. Anne cherries, family orchard; 6-room house with attic ; good barn, chick house. An ideal home. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. FOR SALE A dainty 4-room bungalow with hi -acre family orchard, ail city conveniences. white enamel Dutch kitchen, the est o)d ivorv; about on biock from Ryan Place station on Ore gon Electric. come out and look it over, v or saie Dy owner. 1. Romalna GILBERT STATION $3400. a wu nurei, mi in cuii., assorted or chard, raspberries and strawberries; 5 room bungalow, piped water, gaa and tMtrc. ; sltb wua nome, tuu. HENRY W. gQDDARD, 243 Stark St. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line. from $1SOO up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, si Aiuer diuok. FOR SALE One acre. 5-room housC, barn, .icely improved, gas, water in house ; take Estacada car to Luther station' ji.uu a own, oai. easy payments. G. 1 Wrttters. 4 ACRES. $2750. In crop and garden; 4-room house. raa city water; 3d house south St Mary's Station, oit a. x-. eiccLriu; 1 rt casn. J. it. uo oson. 96TH AND G LI SAN st.. 10 acres of fruit house modern. Inquire of owner. Tabor FURNISHED houseboat, woodshed, at sac rifice; term. Cail 19 Willamette Moor- KEAL ESTATE. Suburban Ho me APARTMENT HOUSE VICTIMS. How long will you stand tba month raise of the landlord? How long will you bow your neck to the yoke of the apartment house .capitalist? Doesn't it make your red bicod boil to be compelled to pay irora a quarter to a half of your income tor a little dry goods box in which to sleep? Wouldn't you like to have a corner on earth to cail your own, where you might speak above a whisper or call the dog to dinner or have a cat to sit beside your U reside? Has the home instinct left you entirely? If so, read thia and pu.ss on. BUT If the spirit that started and built up this nation has a re sponsive spark In your bosom, an swer by signing up your individual Declaration of Independence and come out to MULTNOMAH, "where milk and honey' floweth, literally. Ask the people that live there. "Seeing is believing' "The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof' I can sell you a dandy little QUARTER or HALF ACRE at prices ranging from $400 to 900. with all improvements in the ground, on terms of 10 down and $10 a month. If you can rake together a few more dollars to spread a shelter above your head, i would urge you to investigate. We will take you out in our machinu and tshow you Portland's most delightful suburb. There are a tew houses still to be had and a great variety of choice building sites. Our office on the blvd. is open all day Sunday and appointments can be made by calling up the main office at 404 Piatt bld. 127 Park at. Tel. Main SS0. BEN RIESLAND, Exclusive. Sales Agent of Mult nomah Property en the Oregon Electric OREGON CITY CARLINB. Desirable acre home on paved hlgnway, Good 4-room house, two porches, "v rmnir famllv orchard, all in cultlv. Good outbldgs. Milwaukle water system. Gas and electricity, rsear Hiauou. For quick sale, only S3000. Choice half acre, five-room house. " near Evergreen sta.. S2G50. terms. Six-room house, gas and electricity. Nice location, near car. $1700. Two big lots on paved highway. Abundant fruit, near station. $1200. Two acres. 3-room plastered house, at station, on paved street, $1700. Tra.n choice Gladstone lots, on highway. facing Clackamas river. $600, easy terms, i u. anres. four roome and bath. 16xi0-ft. chicken house with large pens. fruit a-d berries. -Near sta. .w. Five acres, truck garden. Good house nnH lure chirken house and xens. Fruit, -berries, chickens, cow and tools. un goou roau, netir viuiiuii. C. E. APPLE, OAK GUOVE. OltE. 6 ACRES, ONE BLOCK M ONT A VILLA CAH FOR S55O0. Best value for the money In the city Need money and going to sell. S acres just one block from Montavilla car. Best or soli; t Dearing jhkiiso wmuum, n bearing chestnuts. 10 bearing Bing, l Tt l.crt aiid knva Anne cherries. 22 plum trees, 30 apples, 8 pears, lots prunes, one acre berries. All fruit In as good condition as you can find anywnere, 4-room house with Bull Run water: nic barn, chicken houses, etc. Price only $5500. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 4381. $4200, . Half acre with a beautiful little bun ralnw of 4 rooms with bath and sleep' ing porch, electric light, gas, on good road, near school and station. I SHOO. 4 acres in the highest state of cult! vat ion. 1 acre in cranes, nair acre i currants, has all kinds assorted frui trees, nut trees and berries, native trees, beau Lit ul shrubbery; 4-room house; large barn. S5300. 6 city lots with 6-room house, full basement, laundry tubs, fireplace, elec trie light, gas, near station. Inquire Airs. F. JVI. 1 ounea. Kisley. Oregon (-.it; carline, 3d house north. Phone Oak Grove -.-J . 1 HAVE a beautiful bnlldine site on ele vated property near Multnomah station, lacing on improved street, witu Bull Ku waiter and sidewalk installed and paid i or. tiuh pi ace aiiorus a view or tn ( oast Range mountains, the Cascad Kange mountains. illamette river East Portland, as well as the west side nuts ana t ounrij Crest. 1 havA olannei for years to make this my home but cir cumsiaiices compel me to go. I need can and will ell my property at abou half its value. For particulars, call Atarstiall Ol .0 ; ask for Mrs. Thcbaud. bet. I and 12 A. Ai., Monday and r eunesuay. 5 ACRES. Good fl-room house, not modern, but neiier man tne average farm house good Darn, very good chicken house an large scratching shed; room for 5O0 cniiKcns; a very fine work horse, cow, anoui 110 rtnoae island chickens. 1 sprin B""t uukb, larming implements su iiuieiii. iur an use; ground In high st: ot cultivation, 4 acres in raspberries, some gooseberries and nthir fruit- mile outside city limits on good graded uu . money -maKer at $tiUO; ,a casi oaiance u per cent. Tabor 322. ABOUT 4 CITV BLOCKS FROM OREGON till UAK J-1 -N ieei irom paved road: 3 acres 01 lines t 01 son, all in cultivation : H slope; very close to Willamette river about one-fourth of this place in bearing nuii. er kuuu o-room nouse, nne ou Duuuintcs: nrtce onlv x...Mi- tn Ha t changed for a modern 5 to 6-room hou in good location. Our autos yo service to show you this place McCLUItE & SCHMAUCH CO., 300 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1503. I WILL SELL MY MODERN 5-ROOM HUMiALOW, located on large tract nicniy developed eround. with mrafp only 3 blocks from Multnomah station: on improved county blvd. ; on terms of $1000 down and monthly payments there after. Am compelled to leave this dis trict and do so with regret, but do not wiph to rent my beautiful home. Pros pective buyers kindly consult my agent at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. NEW bungalow of 6 rooms, bath and sleep ing porch; nearly an acre of first-class oil ; on rock road, 10 min. walk to Maple wood station on Or. Elec, 6c com. fa re. 20 min. ride to center of Portland; has barn, chicken houses, runs, young family orchard, berries, etc. ; an ideal home for the price it would cost to build the- house alone; 3 acres in hay and garden. Price $3500; about cash. E. R. STROMQU1ST, Maple wood. Or. NEAT ACRE HOME FOR $2200. $1000 cash. On E. 94th St., 6c fare. Bull Run water, etc. Very neat and trim. Every kind of fruit and berry. Neat 3-room house, large chicken house, brooder house, storeroom, etc Price $2200. $1000 cash. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 438L 2 ACRES WITH RIVER VIEW. Corners on 2 fine roads, block of paved Pacific highway, near Oswego; bearing cherry and other fruit trees, several pretty native trees, 2-3 in cultivation rich soil: fine homes adjoining it. Must sell quick and make big sacrifice for $-'200, $400 cash. AP 4. Oregonlan. SUBURBAN HOME. 6 rooms with bath, cold and hot-water, full basement, with an acre of ground; bearing fruit; on good auto road; -same conveniences as the city home, and only 25-mile drive to the heart of Portland. I am going to make a special offer for the next 5 days; first come first served. G. S. Smith, owner, 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg. GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME. On Oregon City car line, one block from main road ; 2 acres of the finest kind ot soil : all kinds of bearing fruit and shrubbery: modern, up-to-date 6 room house, fine garage: all for only SS00O. mostly cash. This place must be seen to be appreciated. All detail at McClure & Schmauch Co.. 306 Ry. X bldg. Main 1503. NEW BUNGALOW, MULTNOMAH. $2450. Come see this; we are going1 away and must sell; 2 full 50-ft. lots, garage, garden, berries, lawn ; all city conveni ences but taxes. 20 minutes by auto or Oregon electric; 5c Jare. Phone Main 5343. V cash, 3 years on balance. FINEST suburban home sites near Port land: lots, half acres and acres; natural shade trees, etc. ; Lake Grove, Oswego Lake: easy terms: boating, fishing; pure water; garden soil; raise chicken; keep Healthy: win snow dv auto. Main at7Z. McFARLAND REALTY CO., 208 Failing Bldg. MTTLTXOMAH STATION. Half acre and grand 7-room house; 2 bedrooms downstairs and 2 upstairs: some fruit trees for family use; 2 blocks from station. A dandy home. For quick sale $r'H. pee cms; easy xerms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 5th st. Main 6869. MULTNOMAH station, 7-room modern . home. immediate possession. This home was built last year and Is modern and up-to-date in every respect. City water, ga, electric lights, full cement basement and furnace. Will sell at $5500 on terms. See OWNER, 204 Henry DlUff. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. $2500 SACRIFICE $2500. Fine, large 5-room hous with front and back porch, basement, lights, mod- rn pi um oing ana large riooreo attic This place contains 154 by 200 feet of good solL all under cultivation and fenced In. Good chicken hnuM and aa- rage, twelve bearing fruit trees, all kinds 01 oemes ana plenty of them. Will sac rifice this week for $2500; only $U."0 cash. Will consider light ear. Tabor 7795. WEST SIDE suburban, home on 7c fare on quarter acre good garden ground for 22O0; easy terms. MULTNOMAH DE VELOPMENT CO., 204 Henry bldg. For Sal -Business Property. INCOME PROPERTY. Modern tWO-Ktnrv hr-lelc a n rl lnnrrt building and 7-room house, east side, on corner lot 82x100. Building has 3 3-room nu - -room apartments upstairs. st re rooms on ground floor, full con crete bssement; house and apartments steam heated. Income $250 month, all rented. This property is clear of all Indebtedness and will pay a good re turn on the investment. This Is a bar gain and will pay you to investigate. Terms. Phone owner. Sell wood 2372. GARAGE SITE. 100x100 CORNER. On the southeast corner of 11th at. and East Burnside ; one of the most ideal locations for a garage; the ground slopes sufficiently so that one side is on a level with the lower story and upper side on level with second story; this eliminates elevator. Te location is one of the best on east side. Offered at $14,000, terms. Go see this. THE FRED A, JACOBS CO., 104 5th st. Main 6S69. 916,000 TWO-STORY brick building; 2 Btoreat apartments ; irame building, with 2 apartments and garage; both, on corner lot on Williams ave, H. C RINEHART, 604 Gasco Bldg. Main 2623. THREE-STORY brick building and lot. -oiiw ieeL, on f irst street; central, ele vator and basement. $21,000. 245 V Washington street. FOR SALE A rood busings Mnmr Int E. Sixth and Burnside; also irood comer, IT E. Davis, sold on terms. Phone own- eivjiasi x . U4 REAL BARGAIN in business property on Union avenue. North, paying now 14 on purchase price, at old rentals, 245 Vs Washington street. CORNER in heart of city suitable for business building, on 3d St., at $5004) less than assessed valuation. Star Inveat- eni o., wa ranama digs. WHITE SALMON business block. $1800 mm is oeiow assessea value. income u caring. i, zoo, uregoman. BRICK bulldlna and lot. 50x100 fMt. wtih in one diock ot in is 01 rice, lor $25,000; .wis wasnington street. 100x100 Corner E. Broadway and First. ooap. main t yj, aionaay. iOQ BUYS income 11th st. property; terms. x621 E. Homestead Relinquishments. I CAN locate you on a good homestead m tne roniana iana district; l am familiar with about 150 tracts from which you may make a selection: the government offers special Inducements 10 ex-service men ana women; come in ior tree lniormation. ANDERSON. 632 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 5360. BEST PART OF CENTRAL OREGON. Progressive locality; now has com munity creamery. Bawmlll. telephones. good schools: relinaulshment 610-acre homestead, available distance, for $250 and no location fee ; have farmed there wn years, inquire for Mr. Hawk, Hotel j- incr, Leave Wednesday. 8 RELINQUISHMENTS, county road, saw mm, running water, z nave improve ments, 1 nas o.ouu.ouo beautiful timber, others are burnt off lands, near McMinn ville, good neighbors, telephone, mal route, 5 '.tOO. $700, $200. cash. 3ul Cor bett bldg. SO ACRES on countv road: near!v al burned oft; good soil, easy cleared and put under plow; good neighborhood, on mall route, telephone; if taken quick casn. jui coroeii 01 a g. FREE gov't lands. 100,000,000 acres. Send ior iree oooKiei lening now 10 oDtain an necessary information about acquiring these lands. Address Dept. No. 3, The Homeseeker, Los Angeles, CaL HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale or trad, 3'J0 acres. Address 6bu 1:0th st.. Sa lem. Or. FOR SALE Relinquishment 120 acres, log house, nam, t acres cieareo. inquire 6214 26th ave. S. E. Ariel a. sta. Fruit and Nut Lands. CHOICE full -bearing, well -paying com mercial apple orchard, located near Eu gene. Or., one-half mile from electric station and high school. Price $7500, and will take Portland home in pay ment. ; 1 OO acres in Linn ouity, Oregon, near Haloey. one mile from railway station, on Pacific highway, now being paved ; good buildings and fences; family or chard, windmill and tanks; 135 acres in crop; price $100 per acre; easy terms. " NE WELL-VAN ALSTINE COMPANY, No. S06 Railway Exchange Bldg. ORCHARD SNAP. AO acres near Lyre, Wash. ; 40 acres In full bearing orchard of the late varie ties, a acres perries and currants, or chard has been taken care of in the most approved manner and is in first-class condition; good buildings, commanding a magnificent view; $3000 worth of stock and implements; profits this year should run about $10,000; everything goes for $20,000; terms, or will exchange Tor Portland property that will show aa good value. J. S. SULLIVAN, Henry Bldg. 1S-ACRE apple and pear orchard, located 4 miles from Hood River; 12 acres bear ing; 6-room modern hou-e. barn and other outbuildings: creek through place: will sell on easy terms. L. H, SMITH. Rt 4. Box 52, Hood River. Or. BY OWNER, few acres of cranberry marsh, largest returns, least labor, limited acre age assuring against overproduction; on canal in famous "Cranmoor" district. Have some fine views at 34D 6th St., near Market. For Sale Acreage, MONTAVILLA ACRE. All tinder cultivation, 8 blocks from car. Nearly all in fruit of every kind. The Income from this fruit last year was over $40. City water, now putting in gas and electric l.ghts ; good 6-room lath and plastered house, full cement basement, story and half bungalow. Barn, chicken house and runways, good plumbing. No - (Travel or rock on this olace. Owner will take $1500 cash and give easy terms on the balance at 6 per cent interest. Anaerson. witn JOHN FERGUoON, Gerllnger Bldg. RIGHT AT STATION. Nearly 5 acres, located on the Red Electric: 2 acres under cultivation, bal ance in timber; good neat 5-room house, barn, chicken house, some fruit trees. This Is right on the line ;nd at the sta tion; commuters' fare $5.80 for 52 rides good car service. Air ni mis place is fenced with heavy woven wire; an ideal chicken ranch or for rabbits. Price $3000, $500 cash, or will make a liberal dis count for all cash. Marsters. with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldg. WELL IMPROVED ACRE. Located close to the car at 53d ave. ; 6c fare; 36 fruit and nut trees, some ap- Ele trees, pears, prunes and apricots, all earing; 4-room bungalow, with full ce ment basement, furnace, best of plumb ing, electric lights, gas, garage, barn. Price $.1600 on very small payment down nd monthly payments on balance. Per sonally inspected. Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. FIVE acres at Canby, Or., mile from town, on the main east side Salem highway ; 4 acres under cultivation ; 1 acre in brush and small timber; 2 acres of loganberries, 1 y& acres strawberries ; new 5-rDora. houde. This is exceptionally fine soil. Price $300; $1500 cash. Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. FIVE acres, located east of city limits 2 mites; 6 blocks from electric station; 36 fruit trees; no gravel or rock; ber ries, private witer system; good 8-room house, fireplace, best of plumbing; hard finish; full cement basement: 2 large chicken houses. Price $5500; $3000 cash. Personally inspected by And-reon. with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. ONE MILE FROM CLATSKANTB. 7 acres, located on county road, good soil; 2 wells, 3-i acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated; 5-room cottage, cow barn, chicken house; place well fenced. Price $1050. $700 cash. Ander son, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bids. 61 ACRES choice wheat land in Union county, Oregon; also 14,200 acres grazing land. Call Main 6&14. 513 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE or lease. 18 acres, choice high way property; excellent catering place. Tabor 4303. 10 ACRES Improved land adjoining town Sheridan, Or. Bargain; easy terms. A Holden, 693 East Morrison. S ACRES, 8 miles from courthouse. Or. Electric. Owner, Wdin. 32S. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale PPLEXDID 20-ACRE RANCH ON" PORTLAND-BE AVE RTON-H1LLS-BORO HIGHWAY. The S2-acre loganberry ranch adjoining this sold 1919 crop for IS. OOO. It is located mile from highway. 1 miie to electric station, 16 trains each way: every foot of It the richest of soil, all in cultivation and crop grain, etch, oats, raspberries, straw berries, blackberries, grapes, fruit and garden, 5-room house, barn, good water, garage, cellar.' chick en house, hog house; price $65,000. Following Is personal property added for $73M: 4 good, fresh cows. 15 hogs and pigs. 60 laving hens, 60 chicks. 1 horse, harness and farm tools, new heating stove, and steel range. Pee photos at our office. SAM HEWEY at J. L. HART MAN CO.. No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce .bldg. FTTRNTSHED AND EQUIPPED. 10 acres, located mile from Tuala tin, either Red or Ore fro n Electric trains. On a good county road. All under culti vation, excep. H cre of standing tim ber. All in crop. oats, wheat, vetch, clover; exceptionally large orchard, of all kinds of fruit, in the best of shape; 700 strawberry plants, fruit I all bear ing; good well cemented to the top. 4-room house, with electric IlRhts, good barn and other buildings. The entire place fenced with heavy woven r Ire. With the place goes over 200 chickens. 1 cow. 10 ducks, crops, tools and about $300 worth of furniture. This is close to Portland, with good car service. Price $4OO0; large cash payment. Personally Inspected. Photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. -ACRE BlTAHrWJ PRUNE OS CHARD 5-ROOM HOUSE, FOR $2500. 4 blocks from a town of 40 people, $20,000 high school, 5 room bouse, outbuildings, some berries, pears, cherries, on South ern Pacific, near Paetfio high way; $1000 cash, terms on bal ance. See SAM HEWEY at J. L, HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. VERY SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. 5 acres, located right In Plesnt Home, east of Gresham. Or., close to electrlo line- and school. All fine soil. all under cultivation. Large family or rhiird. loganberries, raspberries, black' nrr1a Jinrl nt ri-v hcT-rl ps. Good 4-room house, barn, ;hicken-house. A rood piece of land, well located. Price Si'ooo, with some equipment. Personally in spected bv Hrooks. with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bids. FIVE acres, one-half mile east of Esta cada. Or., all under good fences; three acres In fine state of cultivation, with bearing loganberries, blsckberries. rasp berriea, strawberries and small fam ilv orchard ; balance of ground not cleared, with a southern prpoiure. mak ing an Ideal place for poultry industry. Nice three-room house with cellar, chicken coop and run and garage; fruit on the place this year should bring in at least S20x: price $3rvoo and terms. CARY REAL ESTATE CO., Estacada. Oregon. , TN BEAVERTON. OR. One acre, located close to depot- ATI under cultivation; 20 bearing fruit trees, 3 rows of strawberries across the acre, raspberries, tlackherries. Modern bun galow of 4 largo rooms, best of plumb ing. ' Plastered, gas, city water, electric lights. On a good road, close to either Rfd or Oregon Electric clepcte. Price 2i.v. on terms. Personalty inspected. Mirtrs. with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldg. ttoard Brr. 7.85 acrrs, all in cultivation except about, 1 acre of beautiful wooded pasture, lies nne, some irmi irens anu ueni-s. attractive new 6-room bungalow with fine big front porch, new garage, chick en house, barn, etc.; Just one. block off the Portland-Newherg highway, about 12 miles from Portland; beautiful loca tion. Price 600O. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com, ONE acre at Garden Home. 20 assorted fruit tr-es. logan and raspberries : gas, electric lights can be had: 2-room house. 3 chicken houses, ceptic tank, good well and pump. AH fenced and cross-fenced. Price $1200. terms. Close to Portinnd, with cheap commuter fare. Ander son, witii JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlingcr Bldg. FASCINATING COUNTRY HOME SITE. Five acres beautifully located on road to Shattuk station, close to Beaverton highway on the summit of a hill with fine view; nearly all in cultivation, nice grove of trees near corner, full bearing fruit trees, some berries: price $."i.vo. Main S31. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Ptark st. ' TWO AND A HALF ACRE3. near Oregon Electric depot, 5 minutes walk from stati-vi: sidewalk to the place; land un or cultivation; close to Metxrer station. Nice attractive 2-room Iioufo. pa it. ted, r-orrh. woodshed; good well. Price $2000; $50 rash. 34-ACRE farm near -the piackamaB Tlx'Ji on hard-surfaced street ana car line, i mPes from center of city; 25 acres in cultivation ; good house, barn, hog and chicken house; beautiful view of Mt Hood; land farther out sold for $500 per acre- $25,0O0 country home beinir built near this. Price $3M per acre. TURNER A CO . 230 Chamber of Commerce. BIG 'MONEY made in raiding logar-ber--!Aa rasnhprriPi blackberries, strawber ries. etc. We are offering as fine berry land art there is In the state at $1000 rw ni-r-nr S'2.".0 cash. blince to auit you. Only 2 mile from Columbia river hlehway. Here is a chance for you to start for yourself and be Independent. L J Lamb, 1026 Cham, of Coin, bldg. $25 DOWN $12.50 MONTHLY. Price $675 for splendid level acre tract, all set out to bearing fruit trees, all pruned and sprayed, all cultivated. We have several of these tracts, also 1 acre pieces set out to red raspberries, gooseberries and black raspberries, which may be bought on the same terms. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. i ACRES" ON THE BUCKLEY ROAD. All cleared, but no buildings this is the cheapest piece of acreage between Portland and Gresham: price is only $2000. on good terms or will turn this In on a bungalow in the city and assume some difference. STEWART 8l BUCK.. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LOGGED-OFF LANDa Tracts. 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby; buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $65 per acre "LEUDDEMANN CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 28 ACRES 16 miles from city, on rock road. Just off highway; 2 acres In or chard. 4 acres in second-growth timber, balance In cultivation; good 6-room house, new barn, beautiful trout stream bounds farm on south side; price $0O0. reasonable terms. TURNER & CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce. 13300 ON EASY terms will buy 15 acres fine bottom land which has nearly all been in cultivation, with 3-room bunga low mile from car in Clarke county. Wash. Soil excellent, partly beaverdam. Will make a valuable place. John Bain, owner, 507 Spalding bldg. 1 ACRE all in cultnvation, near Court nev station, on Oregon City eiectric: 5 room house and bath, chicken house and run 12 fruit trees. 2 chestnut trees. This is a splendid -little country home and the price is only $2650. TURNER & CO., 230 Chamber of Conx 5000 ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price $5 per acre and up. Liberty bond? accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma B'.dg.. Tacoma, Wash. x HAVE 15 acres of land three miles from Bandon. Oregon. This is a splen did location for a home. Price $1500. Will sell on Installments, small amount down or would exchange for other prop erty. Sea me today at room 529, Hotel Oregon. 10 ACRES Just outside city limits: fine house, barn, fruit, berries end grapes; fully equipped as small dairy and rent ed for $000 per year; will sell this at sacrifice, with or without equipment. Sherrill. 40 First st. Bdwy. 14S8. 20 V ACRES 1 4 000. ijL mile from Sunhyside roadr 14 A. In cult., including 5-acre orchard. 100 prune and 300 apple tseets In bearing, rest in wheat; looks beautiful. Henry W. Goddard. 243 Stark st. FOR GOOD BUYS In farms and acreage, see Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743- 410 Henry Bldg. - WILL sell 10 acres for $750 per acre. $100 down and $15 fer month for balance; hard surface road to Portland: city water, telephone, electric lights. Inquire Lents Junction store or phone Tabor 6168. 2ACRES In Med ford. Improved with small orchard, berries, buiidlngs. etc.. $4000. VV. R. Bullock, box 7u9, aledlord. Or. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage, A VERT ATTRACTIVE PLACH. 3 acre located 1 block from the Red Electric station, sidewalk to place; 1 blocks from paved road, good cheap train service. All under cultivation, best of soil, 14 bearing walnut trees, large orchard of apples, pears, cherries, ets.; 4 blocks to school ; wnlk all th,e way. Good double constructed bunga low, plastered; dining room, living room, kitchenette, bedroom ; gas, city water, large paint-d chicken house, toom for 500 chickens; $1100. cash and easy monthly payments. Personally Inspected. Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldr. TJP COLUMBIA HIGHWAY NEAR CROWN POINT ftl ACRES ONLY $1750. House, barn, chicken house, family orchard, ' berries. 7 acres in cultivation, 6 acres pasture, balance Umber. Watered by creek and well. On R F. D. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bids. HIGH-CLASS BERRY KANCHj 10 acres, located in Marlon county, .mile from rood town: U. mile from Pa cific highway; all of the "ranch under a high state of cultivation; 3 acres of lo gan and raspberries, some currants and goose berries: lane familv orchard: good 5-room bungalow, barn 25x30, hog house and chicken house; Aj, mile to fine high school; only 1 14 hours rde from Port land; paved road all the way. Personal ly inspected. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. COUNTRY HOME SITES. BEATTT1FUL 20-ACRE TRACTS FOR $600045 ACRES FOR $11,000. On the hills overlooking river, wet side, south of Oswego, near Pacific high way, soon to be paved to Portland; won derfully located, 12 miles from court house; elevated, part gently rolling and cultivated, with deep rich soil; part nat urally wooded, with springs and running streams; views that cannot be surpassed; city water, electricity, grade and high schools; beautiful suburban home sites at a sacrifice; may be subdivided at a profit. MRS. HELEN S. TURNER. 10O6 Spalding Bldg. Main 666. "WELL IMPROVED SMALL PLACE. T acres', located V mile from srood town. Washington county. Oregon, on graveled road; black loam soil, all under cultivation; good young orchard, begin nin to bear; new 5-room house, with fireplace; 20x32 bam, 18x24 chicken house. Price S3500. with young team. wagon and harness, single harness and buRKy, plow, harrow, cultivator, 30 chickens, cow and crops. S 1 7K) cash. the balance on easy terms. Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. 12 H ACRES, 5 miles from Estacada. on -a good graveled road. 3 acres cleared; 15 8 -year-old walnuts. 20 assorted fruit trees and assorted berry plants: balance brush and small timber. Good spring that never f?oea. dry at nice 8-room bungalow with closetF etc.. force pump on porch. woodshei. barn, garage and fruit cellar; lOO yards to school price $o.50Q and terms. CARY REAL ESTATE CO., Estacada, Oregon. FINE GARDEN LAND. At the edge of the city, on a irood macadamized auto road: ftc car fare fitv water: 3 acres of the finest earden land, all under cultivation; electric and . tnlcnhnnA wires to the Place; smtll house on the place. Price $2200. $4:t0 cash. Personally inspected. Mishler, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlingcr Bldg. A B EA V TIFUL 7 V. ACRES. 6c CARFARE. 15-minute ride; a modern 5-room bungalow; cement basement. furnace, citv water and gas. big porch, fine vi w, wi.h 3 acres of fine assorted fruit tees. 50 cherries. 25 pears, bal. apples, lots of berries and flowers, tine lawn, hard surface road; under cultivation ; best of soil, double g:rage. tool and chicken house; evervthing complete. Price $10. OOO $tOOO ia.-,h. Rood terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. IN TIGARD. 4 and 2O-I00 acres, located one block from the pavement and three from the depot, nit unner cultivation; hm mcan berry plants. 1 5t laspberry; good fences; 5-room plastered house, garage, chicken house ; cloe to irrade md high school. Price $5,100: jfi'totl cash. Nelson. with JOHN FERGUSON, Uerlinger Bldg. 1 1-10 ACRES of Willamette river front age, claey residential property, one third cleared; spring stream, across rear; best of soil; have garden, ducks and chickens; a profitable beach and all-vear-round home in one; one mile from city limits; gas. electricity and city water. electric service, auto road and your launch at your door; bargain for cash or accept high-grade car. Owner, Marshall 420. ON THE RED ELECTRIC. 4 acres of good land, all under cultiva tion; 1 block from the paved road. 2 blocks from utation; Aloha; good 3-room hnnnii citv u-Btf-r : iraj can be had : barn 16x24, chicken house. Price $25UO. $1300 CJOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. KLAMATH FALLS. FOR SALE 320 ACRES ABOUT hk MILE NORTH OF KLAMATH FALLS, vt'in tup Riir.ROAI) AND MANU FACTURING DISTRICT; A GOOD PLATTING PROPOSITION IN TH E NEAR FUTURE. THE CITY IS GROW ING F ST ' C SO HWERD TM ANN. OWNER, HILLSDALE P. P.. OREGON. ONE acre, located 4 blocks from Bryant Station; rea eiectric; bw iuuhh ui rooms: city water, electric lights; half under cultivation, balance in fir timber; 1 8 fruit trees, raspberries, gooseberries. Price $1300; $600 cash, or $1200 for all casn. John -Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. SIX acres. V miles from Oregon City, all under high state of cultivation; family orchard and all kinds of berries in full bearing : good 7-room plastered house, barn, chicken house and hog pens. Right on the main highway. Place is all in srood condition. Price $3300. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. " HALF" SECTION, $200 CASH. Only $4 per acre and easy terms; worth 3 times the price asked : less than 50 miles from Portland. This Is no Junk, but it must be sold, this week. See us at once, A. W. ESTES COMPANY, 909 Chamber of Commerce. 6 TO 10 ACRES. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 20 Minutes Drive on CAPITAL HIGHWAY. NEAR ELECTRIC STATION. Phone East 7304 before 2 o'clock Sunday. LOOK at this one: 20 acres, all In culti vation. 5 of It In bearing prunes: good water. 7-room house, email barn and other outbuildings. 1V4 miles off raved highway, on good jrraveled road, onlv 15 miles out; onlv $3600. terms. TALL; MADGE REALTY CO.. 619 Hnry bldg. 80 ACRES OR LESS. 18 miles from Portland near paved highway, level, no stones; terms. Owner, Tabor 5728. , 5 ACRES FINE LAND, it mile south of Wichita station, r.wchom fur line: all In cultivation: fin soil; no bldgs.; Bull Run water, e'.ectric light, gas; Dig Dargam, price ?j;uu. O I B SON. 23 Stark. Marshall 12. 11 ACRES or less of fine fruit and garden tract near Milwaukle for sale at bargain; fruits orchard, dwelling snd barn. D. B. I abbe box 4 -".. i,aae roan. jauwauKia, Or. Tel. Milwaukle 71 W. ,.i-t Tvnv H district. V acre. $550: i acre $750. On highway, 2 blocks to Ore gon Electric station, 6c fare; water, gas, Electricity. Kasy terms. Owner, 450 E. 19th N. East 7688. 30 ACRES. 14 under cultivation; good buildings; on new Pacific highway and B P. electric; $20,000. Also 5-acre tracts. 4 miles city limits. R 128, Ore gonlan. 100 BEAUTIFUL wooded acres. 4 mi. from 6th and Washington; worth $M0 per acre; price ior i" oays, ioo per acre; ripe for subdivision. Owner. E 276, Oregonlan. 10 aprps nearlv half in bearing nrune trees, at SherwooA 16 miles from Port land; excellent soil ; $32O0. your own terms. Phone Columbia 695 or address Carl Stevens. Lincoln, or. WILL SELL or exchange 11 acres excel lent improved fruit land 19 miles out on S. P- E. R- R-, for property in or near Portland, w. n. twenty, 47 k. 47th 2 ACRES, 4-room unfinished house, on 45th ave., 1 diock west or Buckley ave., 8 blocks to car. $2100, terms. Owner, Tabor 3333. WELL LOCATED acreage 20 mi. from Portland. Very reasonable. Room 02, Muitnoman notei. HALF ACRES More or less. 71 st. near Hawthorne car. Owner, r.ast. 3S60. 1 ACRE at Pleasant Home with 3-room bouse; $600. 163. 1st, room &, BKAL ESTATK. For Sale Acreage, WEST SXDR ACRE TRACTS, TWO BLOCK S KR OM COUNCIL CREST CAR. $300 DOWN MONTHLY PATMKNT8. Only $1500 to $1800 per acre; unques tionably the most sensational sale of high-grade, desirable acreage aver of fered in the city; the property extends from Fafrmount boulevard, near the old rock crusher, to the Posch road; each tract faces on thia highly .improved county road. You can select a tract to suit your taste, as there is a wide variety to se lect from; some are all in. cultivation, all in trees and psrt trees and cultivated land ; every tract has a wonderful, un obstructed view of the valley and coast mountains: there is no rough or steep land on any tract; gas, city water and conveniences. Why not ret a ready-made house or build a temporary house and build your permanent house later? You will escape the hitch rents, have lots of room for the eh". Idren and raise your own vegeta bles and berries ; It's wonderful soil. This pro pert.- is only half price of ad Joining land: Investigate for yourself and you will knor- it'a so. A sure chance to double your money in a few years. Drive up and see it today or any time. Go up Portland Heiehts to Patton Road. thence on Patton Road to top of the hill to Green Hills grocery store, turn at back of store onto Dosch road, property is only a few blocks down the hill on upper side of the road; our signs are on It; you can't miss it- Or take Council Crest car to end of line, go one block down to Fall-mount blvd; you will see our big sign on the property below. Walk over It and you can't help but be pleased. RASTER 4k RAINEY. Stt-7 Qaaco Bldg. Mara T60X 1200 OH3CEENS. 5 acres, located1 A mile frecn Orego Electric station ; t acres In wheat, 2 acres plowed and ready to seed ; 1 acre In pasture; drilled well with steel cas ing; 4-room hous barn, brooder house 12x43. chicken house 12x4S; 100 laying hens and 1100 chicks. Few berries on the place; 2 plows, horse, buggy, harness and tools. Price $4500 for everything; $1500 cash. Or will consider small cot tage In Portland up to $2300. This i close to Foono's Ferry road; 12c com mutation fare; 40 minutes out. Person ally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. T ACRES. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. FURNITURE, TOOLS. COMPLETE. $3700. 7 A., all In cultivation. 10O0 straw berries. 50 fruit trees bearing; H A. spuds. 2 A. clover, 1 A. oats; 2 plows. 2 cultivators, wagon and harness, all small toots; nearly new 5-room bungalow with la cere attic, full set of furniture, dishes, cooking utensils, 10 dozen fruit Jars, everything complete; 12 laying White Leghorn hens. Located only 1 block from sta. This is only part of equip ment that goes with place. Come in and let us tell you the rest. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO- 201-3-5-7 Board of Trsffe Rldg. OVER SIX ACRES, located 14 mile from Bonlta station. 12c carfare; s 11 under good fence: county road; creek on the bounda.-y Ime. This is all the finest kind of black loam soil: 3 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture; new 5-room bungalow, lath and past red, with all bullt-Ins; fireplace; chicken house for 2 00 Thickens, brooder house 12x24. barn 16x24; 50 bearing fruit trees, loganberries. strawberries. raspberries. With this 1100 go: 2 good cows. 60 chickens, tools and equipment. $2000 CHh and long time on the balance. Per sonally inspected. Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. CHOICE 32 ACRES. Located on fine paved road in sight Qf Portland, with extra eood hou.e. barn and other bulldines. All in cultivation, very best soil, abundance of fruit, berries. Kraoes ana loeanberrles. Here is one of the beet locations, one of the best places and one of the best buys in close-in high-class improved acre age close to Portland. Will give terms and might consider part in good trade. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WELL LOCATED ACREAGE. 10 acres, on a good graveled road, east of Gresham; all can be cultivated; 6 acres under cultivation and iu potatoes, and other crops; creek through the place that never goes dry; 50 ruit trees; at tractive bungalow of 3 large rooms and sleeping porch; summer house, with screened porch; large barn, with cement floor; chicken house; woven wire fences; close to school; mile to electric sta tion. Price $3500 without the crop, or $4M0 with the crop. Personally In spected. Photos at office. Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. FINE 30 ACRES. 30 acres, nearly all in cultivm tion. extra good soil : some Rood onion land; runnihe water: located on Rood road in fine close-in dis trict. This is a wonderful dairy or berry proposition and terms and jjxice will be made, richt. Here is positively one of- the very beat close-in acreage propositions. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 5 ACRES, located half mile south of Capitol highway; 1 miles east of Ti gard: 8 miles from Portland; 20 minutes out; in Multnomah acres; all can be cul tivated; 1 acre under cultivation, living spring on the place; good barn that cost $300 to build. chicken house and plastered brooder house. Place all fenced with woven wire. Price $1600. $S00 cash. Personally inspected, Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. MULTNOMAH STATION. 2H ACRES. 8-room bungalow house, - modern; beautiful view, on a good gravel road, 3 blocks to station ; fine lawn, rose bushes and shrubbery, lots of fruit and berries: all in fine shape; land lies very nice, with good chicken house, and is bargain at price $6000. cash $2500. bal. easv terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. YOU WILL BUY THIS. Nearlv 2 acre3, located south of Errol station," half mile from car. 6c fare; all under cultivation, except a small park; good 3-room cottage, small barn and chicken house, city water, gas. electric lights. Graveled road. Price $1750; $300 ca3i. Happy, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. S ACRES SOIL UNEXCELLED $2000. Located 30 miles from Portland near station and. P. O. About 8 acres creek bottom land, silt and black loam, balance fine sandy loam, 4 acres cleared, balance logged-off land, livable shack. If you are looking for soil instead of buildings, we cannot recommend this too highly. Price $2000; terms half cash, balauce 3 years 6 per cent. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. ONE ACRE IN CROPS. Located Just outside the city limits; all fenced; good 2-room plastered house, chicken house and runways; city water, gas, good soil. This property is located south of Capitol Hill; 6c fare. Price $1400; large cash payment required. Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 5 ACRES located two blocks from the electric station and Just off the main paved highway. 17 miles from town. All in cultivation, woven wire fences, spring and creek; 18 full-bearing fruit trees, 1 Vi acres of strawberries, 9o0 black caps, 50 loganberry plants and all kinds of berries for family use in full bearing; 4-room shack house, barn and chicken house . Finest of soil. Price for few days only. $2u0. JuHN E. HOWARD, 31S Cham, of Com. CITY CONVENIENCES. Quarter acre, located close to street car line; some bearing fruit trees and lots of berries; 3-room lath and plastered house, woodshed, gas, city water. Price $lou0. $500 cash. Personally inspected. Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 16 ACRE S GARDEN LAND. Located near Gaston, on Tualatin river; land all cleared and in crop, lies fine, rich black soil, email bouse, good large barn, on good rock road only 2 miles off paved highway. This is a fine place for dairy or truck farming. Prioe $4b00: terms. $2400 cash, balance ft yeanr LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. L GOOD buy, 1 '-h. acres on Oregon City line, all in cultivation, an old shack. $7J0. &uve taract 12 0arUrjcr 44t.