8 THE SUNDAY OUEGOMA PORTLAND, MAY 1G, 102O SEAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTAl'K, For Sale Houses. KEAL fc-MATE. ICE. A L FSTATE. For Sale Hsusea. RKAL ESTATK. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale House. For Kale Houses. For Sale Houses. Xor Sale For Sale Hoaxes. For Sa 1 e H o rises. ROSE CITT. OWNERS SACRIFICE. $2100. Four-room modern bungalow on IOx 100 corner; newly painted and tinted Inside and out; electric and plumbing fixtures of the beat; basement; partly floored attic, large enough for one or two small rooms; fireplace in living mora; houBO alone wouid cost, if built no, price asked for whole thing. Price is put low as owner must have money. I t. ms, $850 cash, balance $50 per month, int tiding interest. House is located at 60-1 E. 68th North, corner of Stanton. Two blocks from R. C. car. Owner will be on premises Saturday and Sunday afternoon, or phone Broadway 3013. T-ROOM BUNGALOW. CHICKENS COW-CAL.F. $3500 Buys everything: house is mod ern, completely furnished, ground 75x120 ft., fruit, berries. 25x125 ft. planted in pot a toe.: 2 blocks to Woodlawn car. Owner has been left a widower and is leav ing city. This Is a snap; $2800 cash, balance mortgage. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Cham ber of Com, Blug. Mala 208. NEW TODAY. J Fine Irvington home at a sacri rifice. This home has 6 large rooms and is strictly modern. Has h. w. floors, furnace and othor conveniences. Paved et. and in a very exclusive part of Irvington. Price only $6(100 on terms to re sponsible parties. For appointment phone Mrs. Lucius, Tabor a 081. No agents. $4500 FOR a fine 8-room residence on E. 30 th ; living, sitting, dining rooms, re ception hall, kitchen and sleeping porch Xor 2 beds on first floor; second floor has 4 fine large bedrooms and bath; fine basement with furnace on corner, 50x100. $1200 cash, balance terms. Phone Mar. 829. F. L. BLANCH A RD, 510-20 Railway Exchange. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. This is a beautitul home ; also won derful view; 7 looms and sleeping porch, triple construction, oak floors through out, built for a home and not to sell; very pretty grounds, 75x110. Selling for Jess than cost tf house. PACIFIC REALTY CO.. M. 847. 409 Spalding Bldg. 13 MILES FROM PORTLAND. TOO acres on paved hichway and elec trie road. All highly iinjiroved. Ixts of good buildings. rind 6-roum house. The entire piu.ee has perfect drainage, and extremely fertile. Will sell at a bar- n JOHNSON-DODSON CO. X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and den, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, c. floor furnace, garage; 40x100 lot. Price $1000. $1000 each, balance terms. C. E. ADAMS. 507 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Marshall 2575.' Evening Wdln. 3433. $2250. For sale, nice little home', electric and gas, large bathroom, medicine cabinet. in lvorv color: latere comuination Kitcii en and dining room, built-in cupboards, new enamel, living room, Dearoom, nan 3 closets, woodshed, garage. 1300 E. Taylor St., at 4oth. $850 EACH. $400 TO $550 DOWN. 4 rooms, big ; lots fruit, good well. 3 rooms, city conveniences, close to station. 3 rooms, close to school; lot 100x100. KEMP fc WALSH. Multnomah station. Mar. 34.19. FOR SALE Small house, good bath, fur nished: bijc lot. 50x150: ten fruit trees. lots of berries and all tools and about 1100 worth lumber go with place; tine location, only one block from Monta vfila car. Price $1750, or will add to it another lot. making 50x312 $2550 for all. 75 E. G5th St. N. BUNGALOW. New 4-room modern with fireplace, cement basement, nice fruit, close school, car and on hard-suriace ; price $2800. $.J00 down. Tabor 4S11. KENNEDY & W 1 LC O X. ROSE CITY PA RK HOME. Large house. beautiful grounds, lOi'xll 0, on corner, strut-ts all paved cement garago; fruit, flowers and gar- Gen; located on the Aiameaa. M. 847. 409 Spalding Bid 31dg. 4S()0 ROSE CITY bungalow. map: rooms, attic, sleeping porch, strictly modern, hardwood floors. - 1 , $4000 o-room morn Dungaiow. block to car line; easy terms. E. G. Ad cock, 513 Dekum bldg. Main 6S14. Ta bor 52l. ; open Sundays. HO M E M ONBV MAKER. 12 rooms, 2 sleeping porches; -upstairs furnished; near car Darn, rents readily raved street, lights, bath, garage: 52x1 $2000 cash will handle ; terms on bal ance. 520 Chamber of Commerce. Mar shall 1022. SACRIFICE for quick sale. Alberta dist il block rrom car; a remarKaniy com plete and attractive house. 0 rooms and sleeping nook for child's bed: in perfect repair and immaculately clean: a real bargain, $3.0O. Must be seen to be ap preciated, 'ierms. Phone Tabor 6875. W E ST SIDE? WALK IN 6 DI STANCE. 6-KOOM HOUSE. FURNISHED ALL ON ON FLOOR, FULL CEMENT BASE MENT. HOUSE IN GOOD CONDITION. A SNAP FOR $oOOO; SOME TERMS. 20V OREGON BLDG. UDWY. 1056. BUNGALOWS AND HOUSES. From 2 rooms and up, from 1 tot to 1 acre, right in the city; $lo0 to $5uO down. Tabor 4S11. KENNEDY & WILCOX. $3300 ALAMEDA PARK $5300. 6-room modern house, beautiful large living aoom. fireplace. dining room, kitchen, lull cement basement ana lur-nai-e; 3 bedrooms upstairs ; $5300: cash $3500. Owner. Wdln. 6227. -mi0 $t;S5 CASH. BAL. MONTHLY. Neat 4-room x:ottagi electricity and gas. fuli plu-iilng. wisemtnt, conven ient to Hawthorne and Sunnyslde car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. LAURELHURST Beautiful home. 7 rooms and sleenins porch, hardwood floors throughout: 120 It. fronts sp: worth $8500; for fluick sale. ii. o per cent on balance. No agents. Owner. Tabor 62s6. r300 WEST SIDE HOM E $5300. Willamette Hts., modern "6-room home, furnace, fireplace; built for a home; couldn t be uuplieatea lor twice price asked; 50x100 lot, imp. paid. Easy terms. CUAS. RKNGLEK & CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. A SNAP. $050. terms, tor partly furnished 4- ro.ini cottage1; nam, touet, iruit, berries. For bargain ee Mrs. Davis. 510 E. tSOth st. N. lake iiontavi.:a or Koae City car tr and Sacramento WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Good 7-room house; oak floors, mantel tine plumbing ana new lurnace; lot 50x 1O0. it h g rand view ; ,t. paved ; only $jOOU. urms. ha" owner, i-aat o225. "haWTHOHNE. CLOSE IN'7 VACANT." 12700 N ice 4-room bungalow, newly painted and timed, cement basement and walks, paved street, ooxso lot. 112 Kast Oram st., ntar oitn. OWNER leaving city wishes to sell tractive unusually weu-rmit 1 -story oungaiow, cioi-R in: i rooiuo wun sleep' ing porch and garage. Immediate pos sestSion , it r wis. x. oi.i. ALBERTA, PARTLY FURNISHED. $3500. Owner, leaving, oiiernig modern 5 room bungalow, lull basement, attic ; block car, close in, very cosy. Marsna ' 1022. 6 ROOMS. MODERN. FRANKLIN HIGH, Non-resident offers modern 6-room bunealow. fireplace. 5 blocks hie school, .on easy terms; $3000. Marshall 1022. BARGAIN IN PIEDMONT. fl-room house, fine garden, fruit trees, etc. OwniT moving away. ill put price ar oeurocK. i.uu commercial Wdln. 5306. FOR. SALE By owner, partly mod en room house. Jot ..xtoo, with garage plenty oi .arae ncnring iruit trees. uien did chance to keep cow and chickens. Call owner. oodiawn 2211. KKAT 5-room bungalow, cement baseman garage, newly painted. Corner lot. close in. 5jo; terms. 1 uomson, care Rob erts brcs. WHY PAY RENT when you can get a bargain like th house and lot with fruit and berries $ikri. terms. Pnone is. 7001. MODERN 4-room weM-f urnished bunga low, k. Join, near o. r. snops; $500 cash. baL monthly. Owner. East 32 J 5. 4-ROOM bungalow, E. 24th. near Glad stone: oak floors, fine plumbing; piat-e like new ; $2500. $5oo cash, bai. month ly. Owner. East 3225., BIG 7-room house on cor., 45x1 15, E. ;uth. near Holgate; $3500: will take good lot as 1st payment. baL monthly. O wner. bast t.'.M. . . FOR SALE, by owner, modern rooms, sightly, save commission; no agents; in-I lojL&iaUou ticllwood lolti. I LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST NEARLY ONE THOUSAND HOMES for sale SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. 0 t An EPOCH MAKING "vont of REAL importance to HOME SEEKERS is our great MAY SALES of HOME-BARGAINS. Over 000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES for sale. Every TYPE of home, at every PRICE, from. every DISTRICT. Our ex tensive list-ngs afford you a BETTER AND WIDER SELECTION than can be had anywhere, in the entire city. Hun dreds of REMARKABLE BARGAINS. Our modern, efficient system of AP PRAISING AND INSPECTING, and our COMPETENT LEOA L DEPARTMENT, insure you the UTMOST SATISFACTION in HOME BUYING. 18 Automobiles at your SERVICE. Open Evenings and Sundays. West Side Homes, $10,000 BEAUTIFUL STrrrft HOME ON HEIGHTS Tt.KKAUE, ; rs rooms; ultra modern; Ideal VIEW. Lower Heights. A SPLENDIDLY , DISTINCTIVE home. i $7500 7-room.S ULTRA DISTINCTIVE home on Talbot road; attractive bungalow tvpe: 2 fireplaces: 2 baths: lot-100x135: garage. CAN ARRANGE TERMS. $2050 COZY WEST SIDE BUNGALOW; hau-Iv naintpd Inside a nd out: WOODWORK ALT. IN OLDN IVORY; white enamel plumbing: electricity, gas: 1 blk. to car and school. Splendid view of river and mountains.. We have 100 WEST SIDE HOMPIS. LAURELHURST HOMES. $8000 LOVELY LAURELHURST HOME. 8 rooms, besides child's nursery; ultra modern; massive built-ins: H A RDWOOD FLOORS : .break fast room; etc. Irvington, near Hazel Fern place. $5250 SPLENDID DUPLEX LAUREL HURST: 2-family dwelling, each with art glass bookcases; pan tet dlnlna room: massive buf- ' fet; model Dutch kitchen; fur nace; laundry travs: etc. THIS IS AN EXCEPTIONAL BAR GAIN, being a mortgagee sale Moiiafl5v aw. Besides having s charming home, you can enjoy an INCOME OF $:0 per montn. We hve 30 distinctive laukbl.' HURSTS. ROSE CITY HOMES. $7375 -WOVDERFTTT. ROSE CITY: 1 rooms; fireplace: leaded glass bookcases: Drettv dining room with massive buffet which cover entire etxi of room; HAKDWUt,' pr.nnRS! full Dutch kitchen; sunny breakfast nook ; 1 bed room down: 2 ut; furnace; ga rage; E. 56th. Terms. aak( twt TR ONF, O1 ROSE. CITY'S PRETTIEST BUNGALOWS : .iu?t being completed; massive oriK onlnmned front onrch : BEAUTI FUL ART BRICK FIREPLACE in living room; bookcases; FRENCH DOORS lead to dis tinctive dining room : massive buffet: Tdal Dutch kitchen; fur nare;, floored attic; close to car and school: E. 67th. A REAL ROSE CITY AT a BARGAIN PRICE. HOLLA DAY IRVINGTON. 15S00 UNUSUALLY .BEAUTIFUL 5- rnnm bunealow: reception hall living room with fireplace: built u bookcases; massive outlet white Dutch kitchen ; 2 sunny bedrooms -. and sleeping porch fruit room: furnace: full attic H RDW OD FLOORS. This a delightful home. E. loth. We have dozens of BEAUTIFUL ultra modern Irvington homes. i-.no An.TOTN'TNG IRVWGTON is thi 9 - room very substa ntial modern home; 0 sunny bedrooms: white enamel plumbing; electricity. gas. splendid lot ,xlOO: ail stree liens paid In fjill. Fremont st. THIS IS AN UNUSUAL BAR GAIN. $462 -RIGHT TN THE HEART OF IRVINGTON Is this 6-room very attractive typical Dungaiow; ar tistic firepliice in living room: many of the modern LABOR plumbing: electricity: gas: strr-et I Pens- paid : THi 1 : v a 1 . Hnncoi-k St. ONE OF OUR UN USUAL BUYS. SUNN YS IDE HAWTHORNE HOMES. $5500 A DISTINCTIVE HAWTHORNE HOME; spacious 7 rooms; un usually well built; large front veranda with massive buffet: den : 4 sunniest bedrooms; best white plumbinc: furnace: laun drv travs: NEWLY PAINTED AND TINTED. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN. Terms. $3030 Here's a HOMELIKE HAW THORN?! WITH A SHELTER ING ROOF": quaint. unusui lines; 100x100; reception hall : living room ; dining room -. very convenient kitchen; large floored attic; good cement basement; best white ennmel plumbing; TERMS. E. 30th. MONTAVILLA HOMES. $3750 THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL THING; 5-room. new bungalow; modern: massive columned full front porch; . living room with fire place: Dutch kitchen; SUNNY BREAKFAST NOOK; 2 light, a 1 r v bed rooms : H A R D W OOT FLOORS : full cement basement: laundry trays; lot lonxlOO; 1 4 blks. to car. YOU WILL LIKE THIS. E. 57th Str $2075 Cordiality, comfort, are in the atmosphere of this attractive 5 room MONTAVILLA BUNGA LOW: FULL GARDEN LOT; 75x 100: 10 large full bearing fruit trees: SUMMER' L BE HERE SOON. E. 70th; 1 blk. to M. V. car. $2580 TYPIC AT 5-room modern bunga low, artistic; living room; fire place; bookcases : paneled dining room; buffet: white Dutch kitch en: 2 sunniest bedrooms: laundry trays; best white enamel plumb ing ; chicken house. E. 73d st. We have 70 MONTAVILLA BAR GAINS. ALBERTA HOMES. $2975 HOME SEEKERS, look at this! A completely furnished home and A 5-PAS3ENGER STUDE BAKER CAR: pleasant airy moms; white enamel plumbing: electricity. gas: 2 GARAGES; lot 80x100. THIS IS value: Street liens paid. Glenn ave. $2100 GLENN avenue HOME: 5 rooms; lot SOxlOO. See this today. mn Tf another ALBERTA. E. 1 7th. modern 5-room home ; full plumbing; electricity, gas; JUST AS OOZY: EASIEST of terms. We have 80 Alberta homes. WOODSTOCK HOMES. $0S5O BABY CITY FARM. 200x200 ft. lifn nil naid : substantial, at tractive 7-room home; 70 FULL BEARING FRUIT TREES; 0 Yiiintlanee of small frill t; E. 44th; close to car. TERMS. We have many bargains in Wood stock. SELLWOOD HOMES. $1950 $400 Sown; $25 per month, buys this o-room. very suosiannai modern bungalow ; full corner lot; Bidwell st.. W. of 17th. AN UNUSUAL BARGAIN. We have 70 Scliwood Homes. MT. SCOTT HOMES. 525O0 2O0xl35H; good 5-room house; living room; dining room; kitchen combined: I bedroom down; 3 up. Gas. TERMS. $250t Charming Mt. Scott home: 5 .rooms. JUST LIKE NEW BUN GA LOW : built-in labor savers; best white enamel plumbing fix tures: electricity: gas: ABUXD- N ' E OF FINE FRUIT AND BF.KRTES; etc E. 74th st. TERMS. PENINSULA HOME. 750 THIS 6-room PENINSULA HOME HAS sleeping porch; 3 sunny bedrooms; cozv den; convenient kitchen; built-ins: FIREPLACE; white enamei piumoing; electric ity ; ga s : 1 blk, to car. LOOK AT THIS. We have many re markable values in Peninsula. If you are LOOKING FOR A HOME see our IOOO photographs of homes fot Bale. Many REMARKABLE BAR GAINS. The best values for vour money. MODERATE PRICES, every tvpe "of Home, every district. We can satisfy you. If you want a Home, DON'T MISS SEEING FRANK L. McGUIRE V - He Has Your Home Abjngton Bldg. Main 1068. Open Evenings and Sundays. 828 KEARNEY STREET A -very desirable and convenient part of the city for a business man. An at tractive home of 3 rooms, large recep tion hall, good-sized living room' with fireplace, community steam heat, also very best of iurnace. fine basenHut vaod large attic. A substantial modern - home at a low price. Full lot 50x100. , - If this should not be just the place, for -you, tell us your wants and will fill them for you if possible. . Our 22 yea,rs of dealing In Portland real estate and our brokerage relations with members of the Realty Board enable us to find what you want if It is to be obtained. We can save you much time and announce in findinz vour home. Promut and digni fied service is at your disposal if you will call us. STRONG & COT. 334 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE G. M. Strong. Main 25S7. F. H. Strong. READ THIS. ROSE CITY PARK HOME. Really a vory pleasant and neat, clean and cozy 6-room home, on 62d St., 2 blocks from Sandy car. This is arranged just right; oak polished floors, tapestry paper, natural and white fin ish, fireplace, all the built-ins, furnace; 50x110 lot, all for $4750; $1JOO cash. You can look the city over and you can not beat this. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St Main 6S09. $3500 BUNGALOW $3500. . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A-l con dition, fireplace, wash trays, cement basement, 5 well arranged rooms, beau tiful 75x1 OO corner, paved streets and paid, gas. electricity, water. every thing line. 15 minutes out. 2 blocks to car. excellent district. $1000 to handle, very ea?y terms on balance. See MITCHELL OR RIPPEY. 32S-29 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 2534. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW 5 rooms, papered walls, built-ins, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, large 2d floor unfin ished, with finished front stairs; fine lighting fixtures, enameled woodwork, garage, corner lot 50xlOO, with view of Mount Hood. At corner 11th and Bra zee. Price $7500. terms. See Ladd Es tate Co., 246 Stark st. Mar. 5454. ROSE CITY PARK. A fine 6-room home with, oak floors, finished In old ivory and white; half block from Sandy car; good furnace; 50x100 lot; splendid value and a pleasant home; $435o, terms. The price is surely right. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth SU Main 6S69. FOR SALE Modern home In the best sec tion of Portland Heights. Ground space 107x100 ft. House contains eight rooms and, in add! t ion. basement, sub-base ment, two sleeping porches aid two sun rooms. Will divide land and sell house and one lot If desirable. Address AE 451. Oregonian, or phone Mrs. Wallace. Mar shall 54J8. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 -room bungalow in best district. Handsomely finished in old ivory, fine fixtures and fireplace; elegant built-ins, hardwood floors; lots of shrubbery, fine lawn and garage. This is on corner near carllne. $7000, part cash. See McClure & Schmauch Co.. 306 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1503. ALAMEDA PARK lotTtrceta all paid, only $775. Rose City corner lot. nice district, $650. West aide lot. $rtK; easy terms. Beautiful 100x100 on the Alameda drive, best part of Alnmeda Park, $4000. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. G33 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. Nice little home in the Hawthorne district; improvements in and paid ; corner lot 4Oxl00, two cherry trees. room for garden and garage. Can be soia on easy terms. This is a bargain. - MIjAA as t'AKK til L,!, 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark. IRVINGTON $11.000 HALF CASH. Irvington real home, built 5 years large living room. fireolace: librarv fire-place, beautiful dining room, perfect Kiicnen, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, extra lava tones, second floor; hardwood 'floors tflrougnout; fine concrete garage. Mc DON ELL. EAST 410. IRVrXGTOX PARK. A dandy 6-room home, with --bedroom down, nice living- dining and Dutch Kitcnen; right among the pines, and cianc.y home for old couple; $25.0, terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6S60. HAWTHORNE. $5000 One of Hawthorne's fine homes. in a signtiy location. o rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern, elab orately nnisneti lnsule and out. 24 blocks south of Hawthorne car. Noth ing iiae it in Hawthorne for the money. ONE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE BUN UALOWS IN THE Hfc:sT PART OF IRMNGTON; UN USUALLY W ELL BUILT; 6 ROOMS. DEN. SLEEPING PORCH AND 'FINISHED ATTIC: QUARTERED OAK FLOORS. LARGE i IREPLAOE ; $7000. EAST 2020. 641 CLACKAMAS ST. NEAR KENTON- $850 buys a 3-room house; $1200 buys a 4-rooni house, and $ 1 000 buys a 7-room house ; good buys, all of these; fine value for the money. Will be glad to run you out in our machine, only 15 niin. from town. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 riii r et. $600 DOWN, REAL SNA P. 6-room modern, newly painted; hard surface st.. 2 blocks to car; real fine property; will accept $(100 down. J. BOBBINS, 301-3O2 Railway Exchange. Main 71)31, or Res. Tabor 5310. $G00fV ROSE CITYbungalowl" blkTTo carline; 5 large rooms, breakfast nook. H. W. F.. full cement basement, fur nace, wash trays, ivory finish, garage, just Ideal home. E. G. Adcock, 513 Dekum bldg. Main 6814. Tabor 5205 Open Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-rm. bung., mod. Below the hill. Large living-room, oak floors, brk -nook, furnace. This is a new. double-constructed bungalow ; blk. to car. $5700, $1500 cash, bal. terms. Marshall 3302. Tabor 3O00. FOR SALE Very modern, well furnished 5-room bungalow, screened -in porches, full basement, two lots, fruit 'trees, ber ries, chicken house, beautiful home at reasonable price, ca-h. Phone Tabor 7171. Address 7104 40th ave. S. E. REAL SNAP 100x100, $3750. 7-room modern house on 16th st. ; plenty fine fruit. Price $3750, terms. See Mr. Epton, J. BOBBINS. 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. NOB HILL $7500. 7-room residence, on 50x100 lot. fire place, furnace, full cement basement also large attic with extra room; this house was foreclosed and Is priced right. W. G. Cox. 565 Stock Ex. bldg. Main 438 NEW IRVINGTON HOME. Coiner lot, double garage, center hall 8 large rooms; best buy in Irvington. corner of 12th and Brazee sts. Ope,u to- any. 1 aoor i-j or laDor ;-. 3750 7-ROOM house. Weidler street, be tween E. 2:th and E. 31st streets; terms Call Sunday only at 033 Weidler et. F H. V. Andrews. 004 Piatt bldg. Phone Mar. Bfl'Jo. BROOKLYN shops. E. 35th. dandy 5-room bungalow. &ux iou; st. pavea and paid ; $2b00, $500 cash. baL monthly. Owner, FULTON PARK HOME. Country life with city comforts. 15 minutes to the neart 01 Portland. Mar shall 19 4. ROSE CITY PARK CARLINE. 50x200, modern 5-reom bungalow, pipe less furnace, fruit; bargain; some terms to right party. Marshall 1022. HOLLADAY PARK, full lot, improvements all in and paid. 8-room house, modern. except heating plant; $420. easy terms. Tallmadge Kealty Co,6iy Henry Bldg. SELLWOOD 5 ROOMS. VACANT; $3250. Excellent concition; pavea street: best location. See owner yourself. Sell wood 2706 after & P. M. $1700 AND $1900, 2 fine cottages, 4 and 5 rooms, iols ouxin eacn, 4ii ana vza Marguerite ave. Party there any time. Call Sell. 489 Monday. $5000 TWO flats. 5 rooms each; well rented; no. 266 E. 24th St.. near Haw thorne ave. F. H. V. Andrews. Q04 Piatt building. Phone Marshall 6Q25. 10-ROOM house with garage, close In; ar ranged for two families ; must sell re gardless of price. See owner at Geiser's, 417 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE $2650 Nice 5-room house on carline. at 746 E. 28th St.; $1600 cash, bal. terms. Phone Sell. 2007.' FOR SALE by owner. 6-room bungalow cottage. 10bO E. Alder. At home Sun days and evenings. -ROOM house, two lots, lots of berries and fruit trees, reasonable. Woodstock car. 4709 49th st. S. Bf JTOO HAWTHORNE district, 5 rooms and bath, garage, garden, paved street, near car; bai. easy. 660 Union ave, . BEAUTIFUL home in Hawthorne district, all modern conveniences, bui 1 t-in book cases. fireplace,etc, $5000. Tabor 1226. bTrm. bungalow, modern. $2750; cement walks, new plumbing. E. 29th st. Main 3072. McFarlatui, 203 Failing bldg. EAST Salmon, cor. 21st. ; modern home, $0000. Goidschmldt's Agency. Stock Ex change bldg. $3750 7-ROOM residence. No. 390 24ih street N. Terms. F. H. V. Andrews, 604 Piatt bids. Phono Marshall 6025, ONLY $2000 for a 4-room bungalow, mod ern and up. to date; this bungalow is .... practically new, ha beam ceiling, every room plastered and nicely tinteu.. It is on the est.side close in to the business center; every city convenience. Includ ing -.city water, gaa and electric lights, ha Hi and toilet. With the bungalow goes a full lot, the location Is one of . -tne most convenient on the west siae, practically at the station of one car line and only, two blocks from the other car line; $1100 in cash, with 25 per month on the balance: no interest." M. J. CLOH ESS X". Abl N GTON BLDG. ONLY $1700 buys and pays in full for a beautitul half acre of land highly improved, an abundance of fruit in full bearing xof all varieties. The view from this half acre is excellent. With the half acre of land goes a very cute 2 -room bungalpw. This bungalow has all of tie city conveniences, including city water. -The location is one of the beat, beine on 1 v four blocks from a car line and station with 6c car fare and only about the same distance from a city school; $000 in cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $3000, and this is positively the best buv on Milwaukie st..-" in the best section of. Milwaukie at., on the best cur line, with the best service. A full corner lot. with a 5-room plastered pottage; nothing in this district can be bought for the price offered ; cement sidewalks and curbs, paved, streets, all improvements in and paid for; half cash wiel handle it, M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $2250 for a corner lot, with a 5-room plastered house. The lot is a full lot, only two blocks from a car line In the business section of Wood stock. There is plenty of fruit In full bearing for family use. With the lot and house you get all the furnishings for the. price; $750 cash will handle It. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $2000 for this west aide home on Hamilton ave., three blocks from the car line, one block from the Terwilllger blvd. This is a corner lot and the lot alone should be worth almost the price asked for the 5-room house with the lot. You must haye all cash to buy. M. J. CLOHEtfSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $6209 Practically in the res idential center of the city, just south of Division st. and In the most desirable part of this section, with a command ing view of the west side. Here is a corner, quarter block 100x100 feet, close In, not any further out than 33d St.; no quarter block in this -section is im proved so nicely and well as this; ce ment sidewalks and curbs, concrete ga rage, fruit in full bearing of "different varieties and lots of It, flowers and shrubbery of the rarest and with the quarter block you get for the price a very substantial modem, up-to-date 8 room house w ith fine aleeping porch. All of the downstairs has solid hard wood oak floors. The interior finish of the house is of the best and richest. There is a concrete basement, furnace and- all other ' equipment which belongs to a modern place. The house is com pletely furnished and -the furniture la of first-clas quality, beautiful porches in front and back, extending practically half way around the house. This plat is enclosed with a fine appearing ce ment wall of Just the right height. Now, then, for the $6200; you get the house and all of the furniture, which alone should be worth more than $1000; the land, the garage nnd the fruit, . flowers and shrubbery. Where can you get anything like this for the money? $4o00 cash is all you need. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $1050 will buy this; a good 5- room house with a full lot, on the ait. Scott car line; the house is entirely finished in white enamel and newly I painted on the outside; there ia some I fruit on the place; $2.0 cash, the bal ance $25 per month. M, J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. DEKUM & JORDAN MODERN HOME $7500. " A 'charming home In high-class district, unsurpassed view, living and dining rooms are cheerful, bright and sunny, hardwood floors. Four attractive liedrooms on sec- ond floor and one on third floor. Very easy terms. DEKUM & JORDAN. 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bid Fourth & Stark Sts. Main 2233 NEW IRVINGTON HOME. 660 KLICKITAT STREET. CORNER. 10 rooms, enameled and papered; double garage, 3 toilets. 2 fire places, all rooms oak floors, car penter work day labor, old scale. See this before buying; it will pay you. Open today; $13,500, $25o0 cash, balance $125 per mo. E. J. MAUTZ. East 5031 or Marshall 18S9. ALAMEDA PARK. Elegant 0-room bungalow. 2 years old, just like new. Large living room, den and dining room, ail finished in old Ivory, hardwood floors, beautiful fix tures. Also kitchen. sewing room and bathroom on lower floor. 4 large bed rooms with roomy closets, large win dows, also bathroom on second floor. Full cement basement, fine furnace, wash trays, fine garage. $750O. See McClure 6c Schmauch Co., 406 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1503. MODERN 6-room bungalow on Eart 38th. Spacious living room with fireplace. hardwood floors, all built-in effects. I bookcases, buffet.' etc; full cement base ment, furnace and laundry travs: kitch en and bath in white enamel; fine light ing fixtures; street improvements in and paid: $t;ooo; $4u00 cash, balance straight mortgage. No other incumbrances, aj 400. oregonian. - A SPLENDID INVESTMENT. This home is beautifully, situated on the east bank of the river opposite Ross Island and only a short walk from the business center. Interior of house must be seen to be appreciated. Two fire places, 2 baths and ample living and j sleeping accommodations for large fam- ily. Easy terms. Ladd Estate Co., Mar. 5454. 246 Stark St. A RE AL SNAP 50x100 lot near the Pen insula Park and Jefferson high, and ! onlv IS minutes "ny street car to Broad way and Washington. Price $5o0, terms $50 cash, $10 monthly: also a beautifully wooded ho;nesite 100x160 for $1500; terms $i.o cash, $ii montmy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IF YOU ' WANT A HOME WB WANT TO SHOW YOU THE HOME YOU WANT. KILLINGSWORTH AVE. REALTY CO., 121 KILLINGSWORTH AVE., PHONE AUTOMATIC 318-71. EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS CALL WOODLAWN 4045. BUNG ALO W S. BU NGALOWS. We have several 5-room bungalows near Walnut Park and Jefferson high school at $:;oOO-$3500 that we can sell on $j00 to $1000 cash down, which are real fine values. THE FRED- A. JACOBS CO., 104 Fifth St. Main 6S60. VACANT. "good condition, can move right in. 6 rooms besides bath and pantry, double garage. 50x100 lot. Improvements all in and paid, choice close in E. S. location, sacrifice. Price $3200, easy terms. Tallmadge Realty Co., 619 Henry bldg. $2!j00 -A DANDY 5-room bungalow, ac cept! on hall, living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen and 2 nice bedrooms; lot 50x100. lovely lawn, fruit trees and ber ries; garden in and up; a fine garage. Marsha ii 3003. NEW BUNGALOW. NEARLY COM PLETED. 5 rooms, modern, weil built, every con venience; sleeping porch, garage. Owner, S30 E. Yamhill, near 27th. HOUSE for sale by owner. 6 rooms, toilet, bath, reception hall, full basement: 2 lots, fruit and berries, sidewalks in: no incumbrances; $4SOO cah. 1229 E. 31st st. N.. Monday or Tuesday. ALMOST new 4-room plastered house. 2 blocks from, car line, fine location:, will sell cheap or will take a light late model car as first payment. Phone Sell. 717. PO R TL A N D "HEIGHT SS I g h Uy 4 "b I ock , with modern 0-room house; fine "view; well improved -grounds, and offered at real bargain; must sell. Main 2471. $4500 6-ROOM house, modern and on corner, with double garage, 'close to car and scnooi. call 1 aoor 3043 ana tain with owner. IRVINGTON. 2 "2d and Tillamook; 8-room residence, hardwoor floors throughout. SOO 00. Gold sch m i dt's Agency. Stock Exchange bldg. 7-ROOM" residence. Commercial street, be tween Failing- and Shaver streets: pric , and terms reasonable. Owner. 604 Piatt building, or phone Marshall 6025. MUST sell to close estate, cost $4000. sell for $300. 6 rooms, oartlv modern, one block from car. industry district, North .Portland. Marshall 1375, ROSE CITY PARK. NEW BUNGALOW $o30O. SEE THIS NOW TODAY. You would never expect to buy so fine a home as this-one so intensely modern, so down right good in every way and so ideally located for so little money. We just can't over-describe this beautiful bun galow home. Just give us an opportu nity to show you. Oh, yes. there is a garage, A. OX TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st.. near Third. Main 3002. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. ( Open Sunday. SELECT IRVINGTON HOME BUYS. $ll.t00 Near 21st and Knott, ivory fin ish, oak fioora, 2 bathrooms, original design, garage. $13,500 Old English style, so. facing corner, artistic decorations, ivory woodwork, 'garage. $ IS, 500 Simply charming, elegantly fin- ithed. oak floors, 2 bathrooms, looxlOO corner, garage. $10,500 New Colonial, quite fetching, artistic fioifah. oak floors, good location, garage. "$15,000 Beautitul English home, large living room, all oak floors, hand some Interior, large lot, garage. These and others less expensive. NEUHAUSEN & CO., MAIN S07S. HOME FOR LARGE FAMILY. 10 ROOMS, GARAGE, $5000. On the west slope of Mt. Tabor on a prominent corner with paved sts., we have modern 10-room home on a lOOx 1O0 lot. all kinds- of fruit and shade trees, living room 16x16, large library, full cemci.t basement, furnace, fireplace, bathroom 10x10 with modern plumping. 2 bedrooms on first floor, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch above, concrete ga rage; here is a rare opportunity for a man wiin large iamiiy to ouy a nonie at a sacrmce. fnce only $;oou, terms. CLEVELAND-HEN DERaON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6752. GOOD HOUSE BUY. Unincumbered 2-story modern 7-room house at 265 East 3d st.. near Multnomah, for only $5500. with - terms, and might include carpets etc. This is far below original price paid when property was low. If you are in the market for a 'good house in a good district at a good bargain It will pay you to look at this house. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LAURELHURST HOME. ENGLISH COLONIAL. Just a fine grand and most charming 6-room home in Laurelhurst, large living and delightful sun parlor, den. cheerful dining, 3 nice bedrooms and open sleep ing Tfbrch. Ouk polished floors, finished in old ivory and white, all the bui'.t-ins. fireplace, hot air heating plant. SOxloO. all improvements in and 3 blocks to car. Owners leaving for California and of fered for $700o $2500 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth st. Main 69S0. IRVINGTON. 586 E. 12th N. Look at It today; h room colonial; large living room, sun room, very attractive dining room, oi.k f loors. ta pes try walls, two f t re p 1 ac 3 lovely bedrooms and steepinj porch; must be sold; make an offer. C. M. DEKU. COH A. McKENNA & CO , S2 4th Si. Main 4522. MR. GOOD HOME BUYER. see Street's column of best Irvington homes in "New Today" columns adjoin ing the pick of Portland's remaining good home buys. I check through thou sands of them, and I know. R, T. STREET. Good Homes Realtor. 524 EAST 12TH ST. NORTH. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON $ 65 0 0. VACANT VACANT SEE THIS. 7 rooms, strictly modern; fine base ment, furnace, laundry trays, firep'.ace. haruwoou floors; in the finest condition just - newly painted and thoroughly decorated; lot PoxloO. This is a bar gain and can be had on terms. He sure and flrivV oat and see it today. Sunday. Marshall 5003; weekdays. Main 7107. Marie! or Williams, fe20 Cham bar of Commerce bldg. ROSE CITY PARK This Is a splendid and most cheerful 5-room bunealow, finished in white, and m clean as a pin; all the built-ins, fire pi ace, -okk iioors, r urn ace, targe anic, , on 50x100 corner lot. all improvements in and paid. This Is situated in the vry finest part of Rose City Park, below the hill, and only $5150. Don't fall to see this. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 0869. $2500! Nice 6-room bungalow; 4 bedrooms, . summer kitchen. garage. lot 7Sxll5 feet, corner, on hard-surface road; 6c car fare; lots of fruit and berries; cash $800, balance easy terms, 6 per cent. ALSO $2000 TRV1 NGTON $2000 Fine 6-room house in Irvington; this is a snap and must be sold at once. Call at 305 Oak st. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. B A RG A I N WEST sTdE H OMR Eight rooms and large attic; full base ment, hot-water heating plant, large liv ing room, fireplace, hardwood floors throughout except kitchen: in fact, every thing that goes to make a modern, un-to- date home and don't forget this Is on the west sine ana tne price is oniv sii.nnu. Don't delay, but call me for appointment to see mis neautirui nome. x GIBSON. 268 Stark. Marshall 12 7 ROOMS MODERN. IN PIEDMONT on Haight ave., 214 blocks from car furnace, fireplace, hardwood floor bath, two toilets and two lnvatorles; 50x100: alley in rear: price $5000; $1000 casn, Daiance mommy to suit. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 8222. $2500 S UN N Y S ! D E C O TTAG E$ 2 5007" VACANT EASY TERMS. Five rooms and reception hall, one floor, basement, good plumbing; electric lights, gas: good condition; east front; all ssFessments paid: near car and I.nu relhurst park. Sunday, Marshall 50':t: weekdays. Main. 7i. Marlels or Wil liams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bids. SMALL PAYMENT PLAN. fi-room house. 62x100 feet with 14 foot alley; lots of hearing fruit ; near two large sawmills, and plenty of work. This place ts the best huy in the city. It you doubt it. call ann see owner. G. S. Smith, $32 Chamber of Commerce DlOg. BIG BARGAIN Rose City: 6 fine large rooms and sleeping porch; corner lot full basement, cement floor: fireplace? hardwood floor, pass pantry, canine kitehen. reception hall. 3 bedrooms. -sleeping porch. Price only $550t; $1000 . casn. ;io per mnnin ann interest. GIBSON, 26S Stark. Marshall 12. 6-ROOM bungnlow. 5 rooms with bath downstairs, fireplnoe end furnace, ful basement and cement garaee; earden all in: a very comfortable home, block and a half north of Alhrrta car. By own $450O: S3000 cash, balance on time, 1118 E. 20th N. IRVINGTON BE AUTTFUTj BUNGALOW, ease fncing. colonial aei(m. fl rooms, sleenine porch, all oak floors, lvorv fin ish, art rrr. rimolv charmine; large rooms, garaare. tiear 18th and Siskiyou. Neuhaus-n. Main mts. Kast 3'.4. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. $r.PO0. terms. Price Includes calcimlnlnc. large liv room, onk floors, fireplare furnne. KSi East 20th' N. (Seen bv sppolntmen onlyl. Neuhusen, Main 0iH. IRVINGTON COT.OVTAL STYLE HOME. center hall, ivory rinicn, z nrep'as, on floors. .doiMe gnnge. nr 1 th an Brnzee. $800. terms. Neuhausen, Mai: S07R. ROSE CITY PARK OWNER SELLING. v 5-room mo-1 vn houe. eat front, pine lefts furnace. 41x212. fruit: bargain, some term. $4250. Tabor rw. BEAUMONT For sale Seven-room house, sleepine porcn. mooern, in gooa conn tion. In nu Ire of owner. No agent neei apply. Tabor 742. IRVINGTON. fl-room hnnealow chean nt 5500: one at $5600. Others 00 to finoon. Bargain McDONiSLL. EAST 410. FOR SALE A 5-room modrn htifie. just painted inside .tnd ont. 6304 Woodstock ave. Phone Tabor 5714. YOUR own npT bunpMow for $25ft. term. Portland Hime -Building association. 330 RaMwav Exchange. ATTRACTIVE corner. Hawthorne nve. Good house; $10,000: trade eaulty $5000. vacant lots. Call 405 Couch bldg. t30f TAKES $3000 Trvlnerton Park mod ern nuneaiow n iaen wm-c j-i im $1000 cash. Phone owner. Main 789. 5-ROOM COTTAOFS: "? BLTTff. CAR AND PARK. ?lTX-YcipK. 20: TERMS. HARRISON. GERLIXGERBLDG. fIXOTOV- FMS OUT? PPECIALTY. 15 TN IRVINGTON. ' "NEUHAUSEN r CO.. N. W. Bank Bldg. IRVIKOTOK SMALL HMR. $0500 Six roD-nn. oak I nor fireplace, garage. Neuhausen. Main SOTS. ' modern r. -room hungaTow. $2non ; easy terms. SO6 E. 63d N. Tabor 1 07 1 1 SMALL house and lot on 62 d st. n00 ft. north of Belmont. Call Tabor i373. $ 2 50O $ 2504) $2500. A (V-ropra house, basement, large bath room, etc.. in fine condition. 5OxlO0 cor ner lot, cement sidewalk in and paid. Located MYRTLE PARK, near car and school: $05O cash, balance $20 per month including 60 interest. $2,VM-i-EAST EVERETT ST. A 5-room cottage, cement basement, wash trays, paneled dining room in fine condition, vacant. You can have imme- dita poasession. Lots of fruit and berries. Terms easy no interest on deferred pay ments. $30M NEAR UNION AVE. A 6-room house, cement basement, hath. etc.. in the very best of condition. barA-surface street and sewer in and paid; easy terms. Phone for appointment. We will be glad to show you this close in home. $1500 ERROL HEIGHTS. A 3-room house, gas and water, 75x 20O lot, 2 blocks car and near school ; .price only $1500, with $750 down, balance $1U per month, 6jfe interest. $4SIH HAWTHORNE HOME. A &-room bungalow, - fireplace, oak floors, Dutch kitchen, screened back porch, cement basement and wash trays, reception hall, hard-surface street and sewer in and paid; easiest kind of terms. $5250 ROSE CITY CAR. u' A 6-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins. hardwood floors, cement basement, wash trays, etc., garage and full cement runway, hard-win'acjj street and sewer in and paid: very easy terms. It's a wonderful -buy, folks, ami worthy or your investigation beiore buying. $50O0 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. A 5-room bungalow, breakfast room, Dutch,,, kitchen, lurnace. fireplace, oak floors, all built-in conveniences, in the very best of condition. It's a dandy lit tle home on easy terms. $6000 NIFTY ROBE CITY HOME. A 6-room strictly modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, every imaginable - built-in feature, oak floors, breakfast nook, cabinet kitchen, mirror door, all finished in ivorv and white enamel ce ment basement, wash trays, garage and runway, faces east and is a real nifty home that can be handled on terms. 970O0 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. A 6-room strictly modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace. hardwood floors throughout, all built-ins, finished in ivory and white enamel, full cement basement, wash trays, etc, large garage, hard -surf ace street and sewer in and paid. $8000 ALAMEDA PARK $8000. A 0-room strictly modern house, full cement basement, wash trays, every butlt-in convenience, oak floors, break fast room, sunruom. etc., furnace, fire place, cabinet kitchen, all large, airy rooms; looxloO corner, large garage and cement runway, hard-surface street and sewer in and paid. VERf REASONABLE MJL.ri.MS. $S0OG BELMONT HOME $SO0O. A 7-room house, large sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, etc. cement basement. wush trays, in the very best of condition, louxioo corner. beautiful lawn and shrubbery, large garage, terms, city im proveinents in and paid, RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark SL LAURELHURST HOME. Beautiful 7-room English colonial large living, sun parlor, den, dining, bui.L-ins, Xireplace, hardwood floors finest ivory, white, and tapestry paper furnace; loOxlou lot, all improvements in ana paia ior. mis is-- tne'moB cheerful home - arranged very clever. Homes of this value are seldom offered at such value, but owner is going to c-aiuornia ana oners mis weeK at $4000 terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Fifth St. Main 6S60 SPECIAL IRVINGTON. 7 rooms, ivory finish and oak floors -throughout ; garage; finished last October. Flue diaperiea and linoleum included. Tile bath with shower. Owner must give up for business reasons, $looo cash. $00 monthly. East 311b for appoint ment. ON WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. This newly painted Dutch colonial home consists of large living room 15x21. tiled firepie.ee. beautiful dining foom in delft blue and 'old ivory, built-in buffet, modern kitchen, full 'cement basement, best McPherson furnace, 3 light bed rooms, sleeping porch, tiled bath and shower, lot 75x10. fruit trees, flowers, view from every window. See the others fint, then yon will be glad to sele this real home. For appointment telephone owner. Main 2505, or 393 Aspen st. LAURELHURST LAURELHURST. 6 rme., den, brk room, sip., porch, 3 bed chambers: strictly mod.: garage: 1 blk. to car, near park, among $10.0"0 homes. l hts is the biggest bargain tlt-v exclusive dist. Location laeal ; only JiWK), with $20041 cash asked, bal. ery easy. If looking for lOo cents on your $ $ $. you will look no farther. By appt. only, Marshall 3352. Tabor 3000, evenings. - 404 Couch Bldg. J, B. ROCK CO.. OWN 2 DANDY HOUSES One on Hal Bey st., modern 5-room house. 50xloo-fu lot : price $lb00: one near Lents June tion, 6-room house, with large tract of ground, 75x110; fruit trees. chicken house and other outbuildings; price ouu. 1 must nave ?ouo down, ana wtti give very easy terms on tne oaiance. These are exceptional buys. I am the owner, and will deal with you directly, so you need not pay an agent's commis sion. For particulars call at my office, iu i'iatt oiug.. i2 far, st. A SURPRISE ! ! Delightful 8-room residence, $450 cash, price $45(0. 100x100 corner. lots of fruit, berries; grand porch. 3 sides of house all in fine condition; new furnace, but let. Jjutcn Kitcnen, run Dasemenu lj no fail to see this. It s worth a great deal more tlian price asked and terms' are very eay. 2 blocks south of Woodlawn car at 15th st. Call any time. 605 Liberty sc., or phone oodlawn 5283. SN A P CLOS B " I N. 2 blocks from Laurelhurst. 7-room house, in fine condition. Living room witn fireplace, dining room, bedroom and kitchen on lower floor. 3 bedroom and bathroom on second floor. Nice lawn and shrubbery. Has furnace and laundry trays. $4100, $10oo down. Ac quick. See McClure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Lxchange bldg. SELLWOOD. $36o0 buys a swell 5-room bungalow with a sleeping porcn. living room, din ing room, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bath, w hite enameled plumbing, cemen basement, furnace and laundry trays. Believe us. this is a swell-looking littl bungalow, with a fine lawn, roses and shrubbery. JHarshaii 3003. $4.SOO BUYS A MODERN 7-ROOM HuU wun every convenience, on large tract o: ground. 70x100 feet on E. Taylor st. This is an exceptional buy and is sold1 on! because I need the money to pay on farm which I have Just purchased, will take $15o0 down and give easy terms on the balance. For particulars call on my attorney at 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st. LAURELHURST. Strictly modern 8-room bungalow, very large room, sun and breakfast rooms, hardwood floors, garage; streets paved and paid; the price of $10,000 includes all furniture, rugs, etc. ; an ideal and beautifully located home. Henry. W. Goddard. 243 Stark st. IRVINGTON HIGHLAND ADD. A real home of -7 rooms, modjtrn in every way, east front lot, plenty fruit, berries, roses, etc., newly painted and papered, the place is really worth $5000. for quick cale will take $4700, terms. Phone 318-32. $150 CASH $1650. 6 plastered rooms, bath ; elec lights, gas; newly painted, papered: 50x100 lot; paved street, sewer, all paid. MA car to Russell st.. x blocks east. 1 south. 502 Ross st.. side door unlocked. Owner, Tabor 854, forenoons. IRVINGTON IDEAL HOME, $21,000. 200x100 CORN ER. 10 rooms', large living room and din ing room in solid oak, library and sun room. 2 fireplaces first floor. 2 baths and o bedrooms. iicuonel 1, East 419, A BLOCK bf ground 135x175 on Columbia boulevard, near Kenton, factorv dlHttlft will be sold for $1200 on very easy terms ll aes.rea. it s a Dig narirain. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. OVE RTON. Between 24th and 25th streets: 6-room house on lot 5Oxl0O; good neighborhood: price $8000. Henry W. Goddard, 243 StarK st 1 jOiRi s rnj-ji with finished attic, full 1 hour basement. 3 firelaces; No. 270 E. 28th street, near Hawthorne ave. F. H. V. Andrews. 604 Piatt bldg. Phone Mar shall 6025. - $173fo BUNGALOW and furniture. E. 84th. Neat home, extra low price. Main 3672. McFarland, 208 Failing bldg. A 4-ROOM house, 100x100. garage, fruit and -berries. $170O. See owner, 3105 54th st. S. E., near Franklin high. WILLIAMS AVE., modern 5 rooms: pries $2750: $750 handles. Owner. East 7i22. NICE 5-room cottage for rent, $18. 206 San Rafael, In care 301 TUlamouk. HOLLADAY. ' 6 ROOMS $3500. ' We want you to see this splendid home, located close in on Multnomah st. Full 50xl(M lot. This home is in per fect conditio. You will expect to pay at least $-K0 or $50uO; can be handled on very easy, terms. This house will probably never be advertised again. Someone with knowledge of values will realize the low figure at which this is being offered. Investigate today. A. G. TEEPE' CO.. 264 Stark st.. near Third. Main 3002. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. tOpen Sunday.) A REAL HOME. Located at East 40th and Taylor, we have a fine Colonial house, which non resident owiirt has asked us to sell. Re.iutlful luOxlOO corner. flne shrubbery and garage, with ail street improvements in and paid. House nas - urepiaces. mahogany finish, rooms are large and nicely arranged, all modern conveniences. Ground a'.one is worth almost the price asked, $0000. Terms can be arranged. See N. L Farnsworth. with H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN. 50S-9 Lewis BJdg. Main 2Q1 LARGE GROUNDS AND HOUSE. CLOSE IN. Here Is a beautiful corner quarter bowk. all in nice lawn and shrubbery, and large nicely arranged S-room house, modern to the minute except hardwood floors: It la also surrounded by otner beautiful large hoints and is in one of the best locations of the close-in residence district. Information in full will be given at our office. Price $10,000; terms. C. A. WARRINER. R1TTEK. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Rldg. JUNBELIEVABLE. An exceptionally well-built and at tractive 5-room bungalow, with wonder ful ivy -covered cobblestone fireplace. cobblestone porch support, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, bookcases.- full length mirror, beamed ceil in gs, built-in fcroning board, wah trays in basement lot 50xlOt. with won derful view of the snow-capped moun tains; total price $35O0; JSOou cash, bal ance monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN IN A 7-ROOM HOUSE, A modern 7-roo:n house, well located, one block from Killingsworth ave.. full enameled plumbing, large basement. washtrays. 3 Jar.-re rooms and sleeving porch upstalr3; the roof is the Dutch Gamhril type, giving all rooms full height of walls. 1 his house could not be replaced for less than $350o. Our price $2x00. with lot 50x100. Street as sessments paid in full to date. S L. OSFOKNE. ' 60 "KILL1N3SWORTH AVE. $7000 BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME A BARGAIN ON TERMS. 6 rooms, sleeping porch and maid's room; strictly modern; fine basement, laundry trays, furnace. t fireplace, hard wood floors, built-ins. corner 53xl0, garage : 2 blocks from car ; all city liens paid. This is priced very low for quick sale and possession can te naa In very short time. Sunday. Marshall r!V3; weekdays. Main 7007.. Marlels or Williams. b20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MR. GOOD HOME BUYER. see Street's column of best Irvington homes in "New Today" columns adjoin ing the pick of Portland's remaining good home buys. 1 check through thou- btinus 01 mem, ann j Know. R. T. STREET. Good Homes Realtor. $"150 -A SMALL FARM $3150. SEE THIS. JUST OFF LOMBARD ST. Slx-oom, well const rut ted house, good basement, plumbing, lights and gas and a piece of. ground, 10oxl.0. with every kind of fruit, peaches, prunes, pears, an pies, cherries, plums, apricots. 4 large walnuts, grapes. If you want a littie farm right in town, see this. Terms Sunday. Mar. 50O3 weekdays. Main 706. Maricls or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MT. TAROR BUNGALOW. $2750, $.1000 CASH. 5 rooms and ceiled attic, cement base ment, large -living and dining room, fin ished In ivory and white throughout; 2 fine bedrooms, cabinet kitehon. modern plumbing. 50x100 lot. all st. imp. in and paid; located near Mt. Tabor park and children's playground ; grand view of citv and mountains. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg.- Main 6752. $48 50. IRVINGTON .SACRIFICE We are leav ing the city and must make a quick sale; 50x100 lot, 6-room modern story and half house, cement garage. Come to 409 East bin su North. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT HOME. SACRIFICE PRICE S6500. On verv easy terms: 7 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, built-ins in library, dining room, pass pantry and kitchen; splendid big front porch ; east front ; 50x100 lot ; garage, nice lawn, close to car line; ideal location- and is a great bargain; let us show you. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. $3800 iT.vTnGTON DI STRICT$3 SOO. VACANT AND A BARGAIN. Seven rooms, 4 down. 3 up: good base ment, laundry trays, fine plumbing; just newly painted and decorated ; fine lot ; several large cherry trees; improved streets, paid. This can be bought on terms. Sundav, Mar. 59U'i. weekdays. Main 7067. Mariels & Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow on 10rxlOO. East 68th St., paneled dining room, bull t-in bookcase and buffet, modern kitchen, ce ment basement. Price only $3400. Terms if desired. See N. I. Farnsworth with H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN. SOS-0 Lewis Bldg. Main 20S1. THERE'S A LOT OF HOMEY COMFORT in this Utile house of j rooms, with its white enameled plumbing, and walls and celling artistically papered. The lot is 46x1 00. It is near Interstate ave. Price ' $1500. $500 will handle. S. L. OSIiORNE. 60 KILLINGSWORTH AVE. SIX-ROOM houee. water, gas. elec. lights, patent toilet, chicken house and fence: clear except taxes : block to car. 8120 rSih ave. S.E. Price S750, at least half cash. See it, then make appointment to see owner at 412 Mecleay bldg., 4th and Washington. - ALAMEDA PAP-K Beautiful New Eng lnnrl Colonial, built for owner: never of fered for fale. Ail oak floors, hot water heat, center hall, sunroom, large sleep ing porch, garage. Bargain, $10,000. N-'uhausen, Main 8078. ALBERTA DISTRICT. $2750 5 fine, light rooms; fireplace, nntrh kitchen, choioe white enameled plumbing fixtures, full cement basement ana launnry irayi.. uuwu pay ment. Marshall 3993. IRVINGTON'S MO.T PEA yTI FUL HOME. PERU-XT I -N lJr.SU iS AM' r 1 . ISM. DIFFERENT FROM ANY OTHER. IF YOU DESIRE A FINE HOME SF.E THIS SURE. NEUHAUSEN, MAIN So7S. EAST 304. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, close in. st ide: 2 aoti.. one 5 rms. one 2 rn suitable Tor 2 laiutues: iruit, garoeu. lawn and flowers;' 50xl25-f t. lot; rental $4S; price $3500; $1200 to handle or late model car. P 261. Oregonian. BARGAIN. Owner will sell 6-room modern cottage on west side within easy walking dis tance, lot 23x100. price $2650, terms. TAGGART. 1101 Spalding bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $4500. terms. 5 rooms, large sieeoing porcn, urepiace, furnace. 50x200. fruit, berries, 842 Mult nomah at. Neuhausen, Main 8078. East 394. $400 HANDLES 5-ROOM COTTAGE. Lot 45x100; fruit trees; 1 -story house, plastered: gas. electricity, bath, fireplace; Sellwood district; $2400. T H O M SON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. FOR SALE Mount Tabor, strictly modem 6-room house, among fine homes. 1 block to Hawthorne car: beautiful vlw of city. Price $6000. Owner. Tabor 4290, h weekdays. FOR SALE 5-room 1 -story house north west. CO I "Ci 1 v on D lot 50x52; suitable for combination resi dence and store. $350O, terms. M 289, Oregonian. - 10 ACRES of land ftt EMacada. will trad for light touring car. Address 1034 Mallory ave, Justave Ast WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Six-r. h.; mod ern; fractional cor., $4300. Owner, Tabor 4515. . SEVEN-ROOM, 2-Btory frame; income $40 a month and close in home on Portland Heights. 455 13th at Jackson; FOR SALE $55O0. beautiful 8-room home In Kenton: sleeping porch, cement base ment; good garage. East lo3. SIX-ROOM house, full brick basement, gas, electric and Bath. V-6 E. r.r.th st. Price $2000, half cash. -Tabor 7 4:1. WEST SIDEr$1950 Old but good 6-room house, sightly lot. 405 Couch bldg. Torina. $10.000 LAURELHURST CORNER. A real home In stucco; concrete porch to entrance; a delightfully homey large living room, hall to large dining room, bedroom, fine kitchen and break fast room on first floor, three large bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath Up. full cement basement, containing hot water heating plant; finish is ivory, tapestry paper and oak floors; garage to match house; on 50x100 corner. It you will let me show you this beautiful home you will buy it if the arrange ments suit you. Mr. Rogers, with COE A. McKENNA CO., Main 4522. &2 4th &U ROSE CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW. $5356. FOLLOW EVERY LINE OF THIS AT Grasp every word of it. for here's one of those real nifty, comfortable, home like bungalows where ill the Tittle de tails and conveniences are featured. You will appreciate the big living room ex tending the entire width of the house and the high quality of workmanship and material. Complete, even to the Gasco furnace and instantaneous hot water heater. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st.. near Third. Main S002. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. A REAL HOME. Will sell this beautiful home, con sisting of 20Ox2u0-foot block, with paved streets all paid; stone retaining walls; large lawn: also all kinds of shrubbery. English walnut, and all varieties of fruit; large 11 -room colonial style house. 2 fireplaces, steam heating plant, large garage, and just an idei home for party with large family. Will sell this place at a sacrifice. Price $35,000; easy terms if desired. See 11. A. DRYER. The Acreage Man 50S-9 Lewis Bldg. roOO MODERN 8-room house, with ga rage to match; just vacated; can have immediate possession; on 15th st. N., near Knott. $5000 6-room house with double sleep ing porch; choice part of Irving ton, on Wasco, near 19th; im mediate posscH&ion. . $6850 Neat bungalow, on orner lot? all improvements in and paid; on E. Glisafi, near 31st. $3500 Six-room house, on corner lot; furnace and hardwood floors; 3 2d and E. Alder. E. B. HOLMES CO.. 272 Stark St. Main 8051. $50 DOWN $15 MONTHLY. For $1050 you can buy a splendid acre tract just east of the city limits; it has an exceptionally well-built build ing on It. built on the bungalow lines, and a splendid chicken house. We do not believe that the buildings alone could be duplicated lor uouble the amount that is asked for the entire place. A man handy with tools can double his money on this at very little expense. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK. A REAL BUNGALOW. Out of the ordinary; class and dis tinction in every room: tapestry paper, mahogany -finish, sanitary buffet. If you wish a home of refinement let us show you this: $75oo, good terms. A not her up-to-1 he-m inute bungalow, complete in all details; 5 rooms and ga rage; $0750. L. K. MOORE. 317 Board of Trade Bldg. See Mr. Taylor. Woodlawn 1405. MR. GOOD HOME BUYER, see Street's column of best Irvington homes in "New Today" columns adjoin ing the pick of Portland's remaining good home buys. I check through thou sands of them, and I know. R. T. STREET. Good Homes- Realtor. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. VIEW HOME. Large, attractive, grand; really a most beautiful , 7-room home, with maid's rom ; f inert hardwood polished floors: dtning room 38x30; most artistic; de lightful view porch, extra s:ze Boynton tubular furnace, 7 bearing fruit trees, heaps of shrubbery and flowers. Just a charming home in a wonderful setting; $15.0011. very easv terms. THE FRED JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth st. Main 6S69. HAWTHORNE. , Modern 6-room bungalow; full base ment, beautiful lot. improvements paid; very best part of Hawthorne, close te - school; $3750. C. M. DERR, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th SL Main 4522, $5fKiO A BEAUTIFUL 5-room house with a very large sleeping porch, which Is all " glassed in with new awnings on the outside: large, handsome living room with fireplace, large dining room with an attractive built-in buffet, hardwood floors, swell Dutch kitchen, first floor; 2 bedrooms, large S. p. and bath on sec ond floor; cement basement, furnace and laundry trays; lovely yard and flowers. Here Is 1 a good value, Marshall 3993. HAWTHOR N E B U N G A LOW LARGE LOT BEARING FRUIT. Modern 5-room bungalow with floored attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, beau tiful buffet and bookcases, cabinet kitchen, reception hall, cloak closet, large living room, large lot with choice bearing fruit, all st. imp. in and paid. Price $4500, reasonable terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main" 6752. $10.000 A BARGAIN by owner; Inside lot ooxioo, - improved with house con taining 11 housekeeping apartments, complt-tely furnished; a few minutes walk from business center; present in come $2ow per month: can be reasonab-y increased; house and furniture alone could not be duplicated for $12.0Q0. A good home with income; $5000 wii: handle. A very attractive investment from all angles. B Gl9, Oregonian. $2600 VACANT VACANT $2600. - CLOSE IN AND A BARGAIN. 6-rotm well constructed rmuse: good cement basement, fireplace, good plumb ing, electric lights, gas; just thoroughly decorated; within walking distance. This certainly beats renting end the terms are easy: streets improved and paid. Sunday, Marshall 596;;; weekdays. Main 7967. Marieis or Williams, 820 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. $2700 MODERN BUNGALOW $2700. 6-room bungalow, with sleeping porch, summer dining porch screened in. cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, good plumbing, built-in buffet, panel dining room: lot 40x100; chicken house and run; grapes, berries, shrul'bery ; easy terms. Sunday. Marshall 59t3; weekdays. Main 7967. Marlels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce blrg. ROSE CITY PARK. Lovely 5-room modern bungalow on OOxlOO lot. below hill ; large rooms, oak floors, fireplace, all the built-ins, finished in old ivory and white; fur nace. Really a delightful home. $5350, terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6860. $o0-TH.ATS ALL IT TAKES $300. THIS IS SOME BARGAIN. Six-room, double-constructed house, full basement, Dutch kitchen, buffet, good plumbing, fine lot. This is no cheap built house. It is substantial from the ground up and price is only $3000. Sun day, Mar. 5963; weekdays. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams. 820 Cham, of Com. 5-ROOM modern house. H acre land. 20 bearing fruit trees, garden all in, price $;ooo, terms: worth $400. On 72d fct Another 5-room house. Just f Inland paint ing, house 4 years, lot 60x100, price $1800. terms. Deal with owner, save com mission. E 273, Oregonian. FOR SALE See 905 E. Caruthers. near E. 30th st.; 5 rooms and bath; all new plaster and painted inside and out: only $2900: $H00 down and $20 per month, like rent: 50x100 lot: 6 bearing fruit trs. Phone Sellwood 3740. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3000. 50x100 lot.- half block from Mississippi ave. car line and close to Jefferson high school; liberal terms. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. LEAVING city, my home, 6 rooms, bath, toilet, light, gas. fruit. 2 lots, paved wa'k to car, 1 block to school; improve ments paid. $2250 terms. k4 Putman ave. S. E., cor. 66th sU lhone Tabor 1 s . FOR SALE OR TRADE 9-rOoro modern residence. with garage, attractive V-ouncis 100x150. with trees and shrub bery in high-class district. Price $25,OoO. E. J. GEISER. 417 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE or trade. 6 ares of the finest land equal to beaverdTim. over 4 acres in cultivation, about KM) eordt of wood on balance. 12 ml. west of city. 1046 Powell st. Phone Sell. 3639. GOOD HOMES AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES: SEEING IS CONVINCING -PHONE MARSHALL 16S4 MORNINGS. JONAS M. BERRY. ; C-ROO M, hou.se. full basement, laundry tray, gas and electric: "streej, Improve ments in and paid; a bargain. .Sellwood