6 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND,' MAY '16, 1920 SEW TODAY. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOMES 1 have Inspected each of the fol lowing properties and can recommend them as extra good. New Lixtlna- Today Three splendid homes, on the southeast corner or East 13th st. N. and Hancock st. No. 388 E. 13th N., garage incL, 16000. No. 394 E. 13th N., garage, cor- ner, 16500. . No. 566 Hahcock St., $d500. These are real homes, built for the present owner with plenty of money, when good material and workman ship were available. Walking dis tance to the city and near Broadway car, Irvington car, Irvington school and few blocks from the business conveniences at East 15th and Broad way. Modern, attractive, unusually good seven-room homes. Shall we show you through (you know noth ing by looking at the outside)? By appointment only. HS7.V) Good small home near 18th suit Thompson, belongs to owner in LfAngeles. Full cement basement; . Fox firrnace. One bedroom is large. Very fine garage. Exclusive Llatlns Fine modern borne, facing east, 18th. near Knott, can be bought either one lot or with two. 17500 or $9500. Second floor has one double-size bedroom and two others and el. porch. Very large closets. Owner leaving city. When you look through this you will know It is a lucky find. It Is first-class. Owner leaving Blgr Reduction In Price 795 E. lbth st. N. New less than three years ago, and good; six rooms and si. porch; full lot, nice lawn, east front; large living room, attractive dining room with French doors, fine sun parlor with hardwood floors, rich old ivory finish through out; complete Dutch kitchen. For Uul-k Sale Now MiHIO. WE NEED VOl R. HOME FOR. BUYERS. We are conservative, but we will ay this: The above is the most cost ly and most beautiful small home in Portlaxid, now for sale at a bargain price, about $20,000 below replacement value. No. 774 Thompson St., corner 24th. Large mahogany living room, oak den or library; 2fx32-foot library, dancinghall or billiard room in base ment, with oak floors and fireplace; American Radiator vapor heating plant, with gas for fuel; heating plant valuedvat about $3000; couple of all tile bathrooms; kitchen Is all tile; breakfast room; one bedroom is dou ble size with fireplace; hardwood floors throughout except si. porch. Most costly construction a home of rare beauty, charm and value for you If you can buy the very best.' By Ap pointment Only. New Listing; Today 100100 cor ner, large eight-room home, needs freph paint and p;iper, but IS GOOD. Southeast corner Kast 9th and Schuy ler, one block north of Kast Broad way. One of the best ultimate apartment-house sites in Irvington. While you Iiva in the house the ground value will enhance enormously in the years ahead. Yours for $8500. all liens paid just trie costr of the foreclosure of a mortgage. Better be first than sorry. On ClackamnH St. we have a fine home on 60x100 grounds, , the -house is in old ivory and white enamel throughout; nlso some of the walls are artistically papered; good sized living room, fine big porches, four good big nearooms. also big steeping porch; third floor is entirely finished with ceilinir and stained, would make a fine billiard room, also could be Used for dancing. Price $.o0u. Terms TVE NEED VOIR HOME FOR IIIJYKRS. JSrV- i" tftK jy a, j Another one or irvington's many costly and beautiful homes, corner 23d and ThomDson. Hardwood finish, hot-water heat, costly plumbing a most oeauuiui noirse at a big Dareain These are samples of many buys In brnt homed nt $22,000, 24,00O. 925,000, aZtt.UWJ. Jr-7,rHJ, 9.f.i,H0. . I1,SOO Ivaree. modern corner home hnt-vva ter h en tpri. vprv InrirA livinc room; also library extra; double sraj rage, wnn not-water neatea living room above, ay appointment only. S5r.no A large, modern bungalow. Type no me. wnn extra oearojom or two on first floor, also extra toilet and lavatory, iworifraea mreciosure. lm mediate possession. No. 522 Kast 27th Bt. iso. unlocked today $4.tOO A Snap 907 East Broadway, ny appointment only. -Modern six room corner home, full cement base ment, good furnace, hardwood floors. fireplace, den, sleeping porch, good anic 5MM !Vw I.lntlnyr Today Fine home in Kast Irvington, on 90x100 corner, all liens paid in full; very large living room. Owners of Good Homes, Note Ve sre selline dozens of good homes a dozen advertised in this column the pnst month why not yours? 4V e have the buyers waiting for Irvington Aiameaa, I'oruana i-ieignts ana Lau reinurst homes. WE NKKU YOVH HOMK l'OK HlYfclHS WAITING A Wonderful Corner Horn-, 150 frontage by 100 deep, N. V. corner Hancock and 21st streets; beautifully landscaped and with full-grown trees and shrubbery with the free use of the old Irvington club tennis grounds. 10ix200 in center of block (adjoining1 this in the rear).' A most excellent floor plan and best construction; six large rooms on the two floors, two equally good ones on the third; porches and sleeping porches; fire places each floor. By appointment uniy. R. T. STRFET, REALTOR, WK NEKD YOI K HOME FOR Bl'VEUS WA1T1XG 1 1 i 1 1 On Kast 16th street North, the above home ia on 67 -foot f rontajce, -with large rooms and in perfect con dition: ivory finished, beautifully papered, indirect lighting, one bed room ia double size, with fireplace. R. T. STREET KiOOD HOMES REALTOR." Kmt 15th nod Broadway. Kast Residence, feast 42S0. 2 JTEW TODAY. National Forest Timber for Sale Sealed bids will be received by the District Forester, Portland, Ore gon, up to and including June 1, 1920, for all merchantable dead tim ber standing or down, and all the live timber marked or designated for catting on two areas embracing about 10,000 acres on Port Snetti- sham and on Glass Peninsula, Ton- gass National Forest, Alaska, esti mated to be 100,000,000 feet B. M. more or less, of Sitka spruce, western red cedar, Alaska cypress, western hemlock, and other species. No bid of less than $1.00 per M. for Sitka pruce, western red cedar and Alaska. cypress, and 50c per M. for western hemlock and other species, will be considered. $2000 must be deposited with each bid to be applied on the purchase price, refunded or retained in part as liquidated damages, ac cording to conditions of sale. The right to reject any and all bids re served. Date for receipt of bids may be extended thirty days upon request from parties having legitimate in terest. Before bids are submitted, full information concerning the tim ber, the conditions of sale, and the submission of bids should be obtained from the District Forester, Portland, Oregon, or the Forest Supervisor, Ketchikan, Alaska. WEST SIDE BARGAIN Ready for Occupancy 10 -Room Modern House ; - . " On 50x100 Lot AT 0S4 THIRMM STREET, FOOT OP WILLAMETTE UEIUHTS. Price $8500 OREGON INVEST. & MORTG. CO. 222 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Mar. 205. NEW RYE-ROOM BUNGALOW HUSE CITY PARK. MODERN. RIGHT PRICED. LIBERAL TERMS. SEE THESE. THEY ARE J DIFFERENT. SHAW, LARSON & SKYMOIR, 907 Spaldlna: Buildine. Phone Main 408. To Loan on TITLE & TRUST COMPANY Title and Trust Building Ghsan N.W. Cor. 12th -100x100 $35,000 Rents More Than Tun. J. M. Porter. Owner, Corvallla, Or. Parrish, Watkins & Co. Est. 1867. Fran It E. Watklna, Manaeer Member Portland Realty Board. Real Estate, Rental, Loan and Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited, toe Second St. Phones Mala 1644, LAW - BOOK SALE - 50c Each HY LAND'S bookstore:, 204 Fourta Strert. Brtneti and Salmon. Taylor REAL ESTATE. LABRELHURST home, thoroughly mod. .em, seven room, and sleeping? porch, -aiiratut, iruUBUtll lor QUICK S Full particulars. Phone East Stf12. le. For Sale Beach Property. FOR SALE 3-room furnished cottaee at Newton station. Long Beach, Wash.; $600. East 1331. 80 E. 20th -at N.. Port land. Or. FOR SALE Kurniehed summer cottage. Long Beach, Wash. Vill sell for J TOO If taken immediately. Phone Broadway 1585. ' CANNON BEACH 3 ACRES. $4500. Modem 5-room house, fireplace, ocean front; best location. Phone Marshall 1022.. ON THE ZIG ZAG. Five-room mountain home for sale, furnished; situated on the Mt. Hood loop. Main 3iflft. RENT or sale, a tot at Long Beach" sta tion, near hotels. Woodiawn 1335. FOR SALE GoarharC -Latx cottage, furnished. Apply Seaiy-Dresser Ca. BEAX ESTATE. For Bale Beach Property. FOR BALE Or wm rent or leas. tw, ehotc. lots 60140 feet, at Tillamook t Ktcn. on ooara walk, countjr road ana railroad; near dance pavilion and ho&eL uorega re iu. orearonian. GEARHART HOUSE FOR SALE. Overlooking the ocean. Seven rooms (four bedrooms), bath, fireplace in big living room, big verandas, wicker and fumed oak furniture bought for that house. Phone East 517 evenings; owner. GEARHART FURNISHED. 4 rooms, electricity, water, few rods from ocean; faces golf links; lot 50x100. .trice szuuo. Real bargain. THOMSON, "620-21 Henry Bldg. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. 1 APARTMENT SACRIFICE. Located in the heart of the best apanmeni nouse district. EARNING 20 PER CENT. Her is positively the best bargain in Kilt-edge income property in the city of Portland; V2 large apartments, each 4 rooms and bath; 3 stories with full fin ished basement; steam heat; worth eas ily $40,000; owner wishes to sell quickly ouu w.n sacrmce tor $26,000. will - show by appointment only, to principals able to pay cash. No phone in formation. If interested call in person, G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St. Main 8220. HERE IS A GOOD BUSINESS INVEST MENT. Can Be Made Into Two Fine Apart ment Houses at Very Little Expense. 100x100. corner of Killingsworth ave and Kerby st., 2-story 8-rm. house, strict ly modern throughout; fireplace and xurnace, bath rooms u opt airs and down stairs; also 2-story building size 34x48. bee this before you buy an apartment I K1LLINGSWORTH AVE. REALTY CO., 121 Killingsworth Ave. Phone Automatic 818-71. Evenings- and Sundays call Wdlitt 4945. A GREAT BIG BARGAIN. 745-747 NORTHRUP ST., - Easy terms; 1 flat. 4 rooms; 1 flat! 6 rooms; 1 store, fine -for shop or light 6riery store; 2 oatns, a toilets, fur nace, etc. it was taken by mortgage "w moi uv boju. Liear iiue. RITTER, LOWE & CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We ,Write All Kinds of Insurance. $30,000. 3-STORY BRICK building. 5Hx6tf feet; lot is 86 2-3x100. and a corner: walkinjt distance: has 12 large apartments, ail outside; the build ing is in SDlendid cnnditlnn- tho nnrner will consider $10,000 in good property as yari pay men t. F. E. MILLER. 416 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SIGHTLT FLAT PROPITRTV No. 3Sl Sixteenth st.. juat above Mont gomeryThree well-built flats of 4. 5 ana o fooms. close to 13th st. car line; easy waiiung distance to business: a very desirable place to live and to rent: mas- omcent view; srood. income: low price. STRONG & COMPANY. 634 Chamber of Commerce. G. M. Strong. Main 2587. F. H. Strong. ON BROADWAY, $12,000. warning distance from business cen ter, 4-family flat bldg., a real snap. The Duuaing atone would cost a great deal nrore than we are asking for the entire property. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GOOD INVESTMENT. Nice 2-family flat in fine loca tion; can be bought for same price as asked in 1016; terms. Phone Main 7141. Ask for Mr. Smock. INVESTMENTS WORTH WHILE. Two 5-room modern flats, everything in perfect condition, location most desir able; lot 50x100; garage; price $10.5H; our own terms. Four 5-room modern flats, monthly income $ 160 ; lot 100x100. close in lo cation: $15,000; terms. THOMSON, 620-1 HENRY BLDG. 4-FAMILY FLAT. $9500. Lot 50x100. on E. Burnside, exception- j ally well located, rental value very low i at $35. Each owner occupies 2 flats. 1 This is a dandy bargain. RITTER, LOWE & CO-201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HOME AND INCOME. THREE-FLAT BUILDING. ; - Hot-water heat, splendid condition; , will sell on easy terms to right party; built for a home: will accent small arrc- age; on Oregon City car line; up to $5000. Owner 524 Northwestern Bank building. 2-FAM1LT FLAT. $3000 Cash., Bal. 5 Years. 6. TOTAL PRICE, $12,500. This property is very 'close, on t., near Main. RITTER." LOWE & CO., . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FLATS. $20,000. 4 or 6 rooms, 2 of o rooms, .on corner lot, B. 0th st., near Burnside; present income s im per montn. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. APARTMENT-HOUSE SITR. 100x100 S. E. corner East Broadway and Kast 17th, $7500, Including house thereon and all liens paid In full; maxi mum apartment-nouse rents here. R. T. STREET, Realtor. FOR SALE Furniture and lease of 14 l-room apt. .trice $llOO. good Income; expenses light. This is a bargain. Apply Vancouver,- Wash. Phone 634. Any day except aunnay. INCOME PROPERTY. 4-party flat. parWally furnished: also 3 apartments furnished; total income 1 l7o per month; price $15,000; near Laureihurst Park. Jast 2&71. WEST fine trade SIDE Three 2-family flat bldgs.; income; modern; consider some 1 Owner in fiat. 340 6th st. APARTMENT HOUSB. Income $350 per month. $110,000. Title & Trust bldg. lS-ROOil APT. 4520. house for sale. Call Main CHEAP BUIL-DING LOTS. 70th ave. near Powell Valley Road. NO RESTRICTIONS. BAST TERMS. LOUIS SALOMON & CO.. 408 Selling Hldff. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS VIEW LOT. Non-resident sacrifice, a big bargain level lot on solid ground, few trees, ab solutely unobstructed view of Mt. Hood and the city; ooxss, tne rignt size for Dutch, colonial or similar louae. All ImDrovementa paid. SIHOU. S70O cash. KASER & RA1NET, &22-7 Gasco bldg. jvi am 7oo. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. One of tne best absolutely level lots. 50x100, - in the first block where so many homes are situated. Fine view of Mt. Hood, etc; all liens paid. Am malt ing immense sacrifice In selling for $1050; $5r0 cash, balance long time. AG 8o:i, oregonian. DO YOU WANT TO BUT ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS? The best way to do is to see Mrs. Brooke. She is an old resident, knows every foot of the district, and has most of the salable property in her hands. EVERY CUSTOMER (no exception) IS A Kiif EKENCJi BROOKE,, 541 Montgomery drive. Foot of Elm St. Mar. 4S27. tv u Deautnui oign.y improved lots on Holgate street. 20 fine fruit trees and all kinds of berries in full bearing and in exceeUent condition; no building re strictions. Just - the place to build a nice little bungalow and heat the high rents. Price 120O. Very easy terms. John hi. Howard, Jio Chamber of Commerce. GIVE YOU THESE LOTS. I ntust sel 1 some lots that I have : plenty of fine fruit; 45x120. each; will sell the lots for $20. and very easy terms, can i aoor FOR SALE Bargain for cash if taken at once. Owner leaving city. 40 or 80-foot lot 4, block 15. Outman'i subdivision. ee waKerieta, rnes jo. FOR SALE 50x100 lot. Rose City "Park. cement sidewalks and curb; $300, $50 down. $15 per mo. Phone 147-W, Oak Kirov e. $200 KILLINGSWORTH AVE., cor. lot. 50x80, free and clear. Owner, P. O. box 377. FOR SALE 7 lots. cor. East 23d and Taj; gart: owner leaving city. Apply N Oregonian. LOT in A Iberta district, $325, $10 down, $10 per month.' 1105 East 30th st. North. ONE or more nice lots near Killingsworth ave.. cheap. Woodiawn 3706. evenings. WANT to sell one'lot near Joseph Kellogg school. Inquire 7035 Powell Valley road. $1450 IRVINGTON. 50x100 comer, 11th and Siskiyou; clear. Main 4789. - PRETTY . Rose City Park lot. pavec street, only $0Q0. Owner Tabor SS25. GARAGE sites. Milwaukie ave., desirable. ,ast 404. can Sunday. REAL ESTATE. CAKON GAT B , CANONGATE IS TOUR OPPORTUNITY.. 1540 TO $750 PER LOT. Discount to first ten home-bull dera, per cent discount for cash. All lots 60x100, except corners on Holgate st. Canon trate Is In the very heart of the south central east side, joining Kennil worth Park on the west, being situ ated between E. 26th and 82nd streets. Holgate and Cora ave. Canon rrate has sidewalks, sewers and paved streets: put in several years ago. nut not offered for sate until recently. Now it's ready for you in a high-class. finished condition, and for small oost above actual improvements and carry ing charges; moderate building restric tions. Few blocks of S. P. shops on Hoi- gafee st., one block WW car. Joins the beautiful park with its playgrounds and many other advantages. Canongate solves your home problem. you can buy a ready-maoa nouse at reasonable cost and we will make terms I on your lot to suit you. Go out and see the nronerty for your self or phone us for an appointment to show you. By auto drive out E. 26th to Holgate. or take WW car, get off at 82d and Gladstone and walk one block south. KASER & RAINET. 2-7 Gasco Bldg. Main 7i PARK-ROSE ACRES. $550 TO $!r0 PER ACRE. IE AST TERMS. 400 acres Iyinjr north of Sandy blvd. (Columbia highway), just outside city limits; wonderful garden soil, silt land; most or tne tracts are cleared: some have timber: Ideal location, in a raDidlv growing, prosperous section; low county I tax; no street improvements to pay. This is a wonderful opportunity for in vestment, as this land is selling for about j one-fourth the nrice of South Parkrose. Branch office on Sandy blvd. at end of Parkrose carlino. Open every day. J, L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 'JOS. ALAMEDA PARK BARGAIN. Choice lot facing two streets, 50x160; only lot in block on which two houses can be built. City liens $830. Will saII for $500, cash or terms, buyer to assume liens. Location near 26th. facing Mason and Dunckley. Great bar gain. Must be sold to settle estate. WINTHROP HAMMOND, v 127 Sixth St. s CHOTCE LAURELHTJRST LOT. Beautifully located on Burnside near Floral ave., overlooking the park. Lot cost $2200, assessments $510.60, making $2710.60. All clear now and you can have it for $1700 cash. See it. MacLVNES & PRATT, Main 3 868. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. FACTORY -AND WAREHOUSE SITES. 100x100, East ftth and Alder $10.H0 100x100, East 8th and Bolmont... 17,500 100x100, EagfSth and Yamhill... 14.O00 100x100. East 0th and Yamhill... 14.OO0 tour own terms on any of the above. The last three parcels belong to our bank and must be sold at once. Ar rangements might be made for a build ing loan. Se bank s representative. N. H. ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. Phone Main 5425. IRVINGTON BUYS. 50x100 on 18th. Thompson to B razee. $1500; 68x100. facing south, on Clacka mas. 22d to 24th. J15O0: 100x100. cornar Thompson and loth, $4000 ; 50x100. south west corner 12th and Tillamook. $2100; unixiou s. ltj. corner iitn ana .Broadway, fiOOO. R. T. STREET. Irvington Agent, East 894. ALMOST A GIFT. MT. TABOR VIEW LOT. 100x130 at E. 60th and E. Taylor, sur rounded by beautiful homes, on paved ' $t., improvements paid; only $22."V0 and I it s a girt. Cost present owner $6000. KASER & RAINEY. 832-7 Gasco Bldg. Main 7602. IN IRVINGTON On 26th, between Tillamook and 1 Thompson, facing east. nice level lots, 150x100; all Improvements in and paid. $40O0 cash, or will sell half for $2100. owner, vv. tu isoyie, aoia uasco Didg. FOR SALE Lots 11 and 12. block 32 Alameda Park, all clear except $250 bonded street Mens: property has cot me around $4000: will sacrifice for cash or -00 down, no reasonable offer fused. Fred Petersen. Longmount, Colo., w route 4. $10 DOWN. $5 MONTHLY. Splendid tract. 58x255, on Mt. Scott line; price $550. bred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. VACANT LOTS. BY OWNER 11 lots 50x100, between I 72d and 81st sts.. Villa ave. and Halbey; Bull Run water, sewer, Montavllla car line; $200 to close ia bunch, terms. V 63J, Oregonian. MUST sacrifice my two lots in Crystal bp rings para, w-itn st. ana nawtnorne ave., Nos. 5 and 6, blk. 2; cost $2800. Aiaae an oner. i . Aiainias, i t West jtn st., wew lorit FOR SALE. WESTOVER'S MOST CHOICE LOT. tfur 8is jot irom owner and save tiiney. See it to appreciate it. Phone Mdwy. or auast 2o. WESTOVER BARGAIN. Owner will seil best lot on Westover 1 at a very fair price. See this before buying another. Phone Bdwy. 4184 East 2286. HILLSIDE lot. across Lake Washington. Oix i o. suitable ior summer Home: beau tiful view lake. city. Price $550. -Z. C. Mershon. care of Foster Ac Kielser. Se- atttc. wasn. I FOR SALE or trade for Victrola. 50xl0O- ft. clear lot, large garage; $200 equity 1 for $10O, price $300; on Errol heights. Call at 1447 Wifataria ave., Rose City farK car to &-tn st. COST $000. SELL FOR $300. Large lot, corner Hawthorne and TRth. east slope Mt. Tabor. Harrison, Gerlinger o:ag. BEAUTIFUL lot. 50x100, block 25, lot 10, on Oiin st., neaumont; ail street work done; sells at your own price. 2062 orange ave., uaK.ana, cat. NUMBER of fine Bldg. lots. Clinton near 43d st-. Richmond dist.. 500 each. each, owner, j. l-t. AicMahon. 2000 E. 43d st. Tabor5361. 3 NICE LOTS, Overlook addition, $900 each or ."ou tor an it sold this week; would trade for good house and pay Daiance doi, vregunian. ROSE CITT PARK LOTS FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. 2 fine lots on the Alameda. 1 block from the Sandy road. $l&0u. Bdwy. 271. FOR SALE 100x100. N. W. corner 48th and Siskiyou. Rose City Park. All as sessments paid; $2000. Terms if desired. B. T. McBain. west Linn, or. BY OWNER 100x100, 27th and Savier sts., good corner for apartment or ga rage; also 100x100, 28th and Francis ave. S. E.' Call evenings. 506 Johnson st. 57ixl82, best soil, plenty of berries, fruit. llowers. cnicaen nouse. nan diock street car; close to St Johns mills. $117 Phone Broadway 2300. FOR SALE by owner, Alameda Park lot ' on Mason St., 50 feet east of 32d ct.; price $1000, including assessments. In quire East 10O5. ' CLOSE-IN lot cheap ;If cars stop you can walk, you know who your neighbors are; can always sett : ha car; easy terms. $1200. 512 Gerlinger bldg. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. ' 50x100, on 17th St., 50 feet south of Klickitat, east front; price $uoo. terms. M 51io, Oregonian. IRVINGTON LOTS lOOxlOO, N. W. comer of ISth and Fremont; price $2650, terms. Phone Tabor sea. WESTMORELAND, corner lot, S E. cornet Clayoourne and JVinwauKie: an improve- 1 menu in; ioou, lerma. ivasi, ua. LOT for sale in Belcrest addition; corner I lot. $2000; nian. no agents. V 255, Orego- EVERETT ST.. corner. 4 apts.. $17,500: east side fiat. $0.5O; both have trood in comes; terms; owner. East 7722. 50x100 LOT. 53d St.. Good land Park ; paved reason- at, very desirable surroundings; able. Evenings, Tabor 954a HAVE you any cheap lots to trade ? 1 have all kinds personal property to of fer. AB 497, Oregonian. 100x175 FEET on E. Stark and 83th sts., $1 O0 cash. If you don't want to buy. don't bother me. Call 1251 BeImont st- REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots RITTER, LOWE A CO.'S "t" of Lot Bargains. ?t eSJte No ner what lo ln fact eanha i1 and th Price bright. lutiSri'M ffeln ny of the below TS?hWin be Biven due consideration. 71? lem ver and com in prepared hnt in?SS" .Lot re bedrock. Kf? cominS in ,fast. It will pay you LnoW;you n huild later. We Jfy lutings not advertised.' See us before- buvlng 7nni?VlNliT6N DISTRICT. s too Hancock, fac. so., 71 ft. east of E. XZO Wasco, fac 2Sth. so.. 130 ft. E. of E. 900 E. 13 th Klickitat, alongside of new bunga- 900 Hancock, fac. 50 ft. w. of E. ootn. 900 Hajcock. fac. n.. 200 ft. w. of E. 1000 Wasco, fac, n., about 80 ft. e. of 1100 E- 30th; fac. 100 ft. a. of Han cock. 1200 E. 15th. fac. e.. 150 ft. n. of Stan ton st. 1250 E 17th, fac. E.. 325 ft. n. of Klickitat st. 1300 E 25th. fac. 200 ft, s, of Sis kiyou. 1250 E. 10th. fac w., 150 ft. n. of Thompson. 1500 "Hancock, fac. n 125 ft. e, of E. 33th. 1500 E. 20th. fac e., 100 ft- n. of Stan ton. 1500 Hancock, fac. n.. 150 ft. w. of E. 2Sth. 1700 E. 21st., fac E., 100 ft. 8. of Siskiyou, 1700 E. 28th. fac w., bet. Eugene and Thompson. 50x105. across the - street from beautiful colonial houses. 1800 S. E. cor. E. 28th and Eugene; "ne location for colonial house. 2000 N. E. cor. E. 2Sth and Thomp son, 53x195. 2100 Tillamook, fac. n., 200 ft. E of E- 2Stn 300x100. 2100 E. 27th. fac. e., 10O n. of Tilla- mook, 100x100. or will divide. 2S0O S. E. cor. E. 2Sth and Thompson. 7.xl95 u a wonderful site for a fine home. 2500 Weldler. fac. n., abt. 140 ft. e. of E. 21st, 60x100. 3500 N. E. cor. E. 14th and Stanton, 100x100. 3250 N. E. cor. E. 18th and Siskiyou, 75x100; all corners well estab lished. 4650 E. 21st. fac' w . 200 ft. n. of Til lamook, 100x100. 4000 N. E. cor. E. 17th and SLsklyou. 100x100. 5000 S. W. cor. E. 22d and Knott. lOOx 100. LA URELHTJRST. 1000 E. 42d, fac. E.,. 80 ft. 6. of E. Couch. 1000 Multnomah, fac. S., 68 ft. W. of Imperial. JOOO E. Hoyr, fac 43 ft, w. of E. lioo pacific, fac. s., 240 ft. e. of E. 3d. i.uw-nazeirern, lac. s., o7 ft. e. of lm perial. 1200 lluzelfern, fac. n., 240 ft. e. of imperial. 140O E. Olisan, fac a.. 156 ft, e. of E 41st. 1400 n. E. cor. E. 33d and Pacific. 1400 Floral. fac w.t '200 ft. n. of E. Irving. 1S50 E. liurnside. fac. a., 250 ft. e. of j. j:tn. 2350 N. W. cor. E. 4 2d and Gllsan, abt 00x107. SOOO N. W. cor. E. Glisan and Mirimar place; over 1 lot. 3250 w. w. cor. Floral ave. and E Everett. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 500 E. 49th, fac. w., 200 ft, n. of Sis kiyou. 50O rfWeidler, fac a., 210 ft. e. of E. 4JO. 500 E. 79th. fac ISO ft. s. of Pres- cott. 500 E. 47th, fac. w.. 50 ft- n. of Klick itat. 600 -K. 49th, fac e., 200 ft. n. of Sls- 625 E.y?Sth. fac. w.,-300 ft. n. of Ma son. 675 e. 66th, fac e.. 100 ft. n. of Fail ing. 700 X. W. cor. E. 58th and Stanton; all clear; 50x105. 750 E. 53d, lac. w 150 ft. s. of Klick- itat. 800 k. 52d. fac,. e., CO ft. n. of Siski you. 1000 E.-3Sth, fac. w.. 100 ft. s. of Stan ton 1000 e. 41st. fac. w.. 80 ft. n. of The Alameda. 1000 Stanton, fac a. w., abt. 272 ft. w. of E. 42d. UOO E. 50th. fac. w., 10O ft. n. of Til lamook, bet. 2 nice houses. 1800 E. 3Sth. fac. e.. 100 ft. s. of Til lamook. 100x100. H00 N. W. cor. E. 6Sth and Sandy, Hbt i u. lots. 200O S. E. cor. E. 38th- and Thompson, inoxino. 300 25th ave. fac. n.. 0O ft. of H2d. 600 Stophens, fac s., 100 ft. w. of E. 2!th. in Birrell HeirThts. 750 E. 48th, fac. w 250 ft. s. of Di vision. 90O E. 53d. fac, w.. 145 ft. n. of E Sherm a.n. 900 E. 53d, fac. w.. 140 ft. n. of Di vision, in Groveland Park. 1000 E. Caruthers, fac. n., 50 ft. w. of E. 24th. 1400 N. E. cor. E. 51st and Hawthorne, 66 2-3x100. ' MOXTAVITX.A. 250 N. W. cor. E. 58th and Broadway. 300 E. 73d, fac. e.r 150 ft. n. of Hal- sey. 450 E. 79th, fac. e.. 2S0 ft, n. of Gll san. 475 S. W. cor. E. 56th and Hoyt. 600 E. 62d. fac. e.. 100 ft. n. of E. GMsan. . 850 s. E. cor. E. 78th and Halsey, 79x1 0. 1600 S. E. cor. E. 56th and Hisan, 100xS7, ail clear. 1900 N. W. cor. E. 62d and Gllsan, SOxlOO. PENINSULA DISTRICT. 300 fiirard St., fac. n.. 73 ft. w. of Fiske- st. 350 Newman, fac e., 100 ft. . of Wil lis blvd. 500 Lovely, fac s.-, 150 ft. e. of Wall. 550 Webster, fac. s., 100 ft, e. of Concord. t 650 Interstate, fac e., 200 ft. n. of Mason. .' , 700 Fiske. fac e 125 ft. n. of Willis. 75x100. 650--A Iberta. fac. 40O ft. w. of Denver. 750 S VV cor. Monteith and Oberlin, 100x100. S50 Willamette blvd., fac. n.. 300 ft. w. of Concord. 900 OHn. fac. w., 200 ft. s. of Lom bard. 75x100. 100 S W. cor. Kilpatriek and Fowler. 100x100. - 1200 N. E. cor. Maryland and Emer- fcon. 1200 N. W. oor. Curtlss and Saratoga, 100x109. ALAMEDA PARK. 850 Pk Id more. fac. s 105 ft. e. of Glenn. lOOO E, 31st, fac e., 100 ft. s. of Ma son. 1000 Dunckley, fac n.. 168 ft, w. of K 29th. 1000 N. K..cor. E. 28th and Skidmore. 50x100. all clear. 1004 S. E. cor. E. 27th and Prescott. 1250 Mason, fac. s. 100 ft. w. of E. 2itth. 1400 Bryee, fac s... 55 ft- w. of E. 29th. 1800 Resents drive, fac. n., abt. 244 ft. e. of E. 26th and running through to Rldgewood ave. 2250 Regents drive, fac. s., running through to Alameda, drive; fine view property. SOOO N. W. cor. E. 33d and Dunckley; almost 2 lots. RICHMOND AND WOODSTOCK. $600 9th ave.. fac s.. 100 ft. e. of E. IWth. 100xS8. 600 Tibbetts, fac ,. 150 ft. w. of E. 35th. 600 Kelly, fac. n.. 80 ft. w. of E. 33d. 850 Franklin, fac. s.. 170 ft. e. of E. 29th. MOUNT TABOR, 5O0 E. Morrison, fac. s., near E. 63d; nice bearing fruit trees. 1000 E. 61st, fac. e.. 350 ft, n. of Bel- mofit. 100x6R. 7000 S. E. cor. E. 53d and Belmont. 100x120. MOUNT SCOTT.' 600 Woodstock ave. . fac. s., abt. 43 ft. w. of 67th St., 80x120. 70O N. E. cor. E. 52d at. and 54th ave.. 80x105. KENTON DISTRICT. 250 KUIin, fac w 300 ft. . of Bry ant. 850 Maryland, fac w., abt. 230 ft. a. or tsryant. 425 Martha, fac. n.. 100 ft. of Min nesota. 750 Missouri, fac. o., 200 ft. n. of Portland blvd. WEST SIDE. 550 Idaho, fac. n., 250 ft. e. of Vir ginia. 600 Corbett, fac e.. 100 ft. n. of Cus ter: nne river view. 650 Nebraska, fac e., 100 ft. w. of Virginia. 1300 Hillsboro ave.. fac s.. in Council Crest Part TAxBO. 1500 Lownsdale. fac. w - 100 ft. n. of spring, luuxmo. 8000 S. W. cor. 39th and Elm. 85x100. ALBERTA AO WUODLAWN. 13.-) X. E. cor. E. 24th and Jarrett. 4 S. W. cor. E. 12th and Church. 500 E. 11th, fac. e.. 100 ft.-s. of Kll llnjrsworth; $50 down. $10 per mo. 600 E. ;d. iac w., iw iu n. of Skid more. 650 KilHnprsworth. fac. n.. 150 fC of E. 13th. 53x150. 650 E. 12th, fac. w., 78 ft. s. of Al berta, k 900 E. 16th, fac w.. 150 ft. a. of Wy cant: all Hens paid. BOO N. W. cor. E. 14th and Alnsworth. 100x10; several . nice bearing: rruit trees. , 1000 Union ave., fac. e., abt, 200 ft. s. of Going. 1500 Lombard, fac n., 200 ft. c of E 6th. 20UX10O. 2300 S. E. cor. E. 24th and Alberta, 0OXIUO. RITTER, 'LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kindsof lusurance. REAt ESTATE. for Sale -Lot. ALBINA. , 2000 S. E. cor. Albina ave. and Knott. 100x100. This Is a real bargain, formerly held at $6000. SELLWOOD AND BROOKLYN 4oO E. 19th, fac. e.. 253 ft, . of Rex, in Southmoreland. 550 E. ISth. fac e.. 150 ft. n. of Rex. in Westmoreland- 800 Umatilla, fac 100 ft a of E. 19th. , - . , 1000 E. 32d. fac. e.. P2 ft. a. of Tol- man, in Eastmoreland. 1050 E. S4th, fac w 50 fu n. of Knapp. 1100 N. W. cor. E. 2tth and- Frank fort, 100x100. Watch Our Ads We Get Results. RITTER. LOWE A CC 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. TWO dandy lots, one in Rose City Park at $550. close to school and car. Phons Broadway - For Ssvle Houses. ELEGANT HOMES. $25.000 View heme: everything strictly modern; 100x125 lot, with ga-T-ntrp. shrubbery, etc: . billiard and ballroom, three sleeping porches. S30.000 Nob Hill 11-room modern home; 100x160; fine location. $10,000 Nob Hill; 8 rooms and sleeping porch. $5,500 Willamette Heights; six rooms. modern; 50x100 lot; ahrubbery; easy- terms. 48.750 Laurelhurst: 8 -room modern home.: 4 bedrooms and sleep ing porch, garage, breakfast room, den, pass pantry, large porco. $6,500 Eastmoreland. new bungalow; 6 rooms fuia garage. $5,200 Irvington, 7 -room bungalow. $4,000 West side, hillside borne: mod ern: 4 bedrooms; walking dis tance CHAS. RTNGLER A CO., 225 Henry Bldg. FORECLOSURE PRICE." MOVE RIGHT IN. 6 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. FIRE PLACE. LARGE CORNER LOT. EAST FRONT. NEAR CARC SCHOOL, STORE. GARDEN. FLOWERS. ETC. LOCATION" S 39TH ST.. NEAR 4!TH AVE. (WOODSTOCK CAR). ROOM FOR SECOND HOUSE ON COKNKK. PDS1T1VR RA RC, A IM AT S275U. ABOUT $500 CASH. BALANCE "EAST TKRUS 1 .1 K R R.K":T.. THIS PROPERTY WOULD BE CHEAP AT S3750. ALL -NEWLY "AIM t,l, REPINISHED INSIDE AND OUT. PRICE ONLY $2750. SEE OWNER, .102 SELLING BLDG. OR PHONE MAIN 1136. OR AFTER 1 P. M. CALL MAIN T777. fiPPfll AT. VOTTCE. THIS HOUSE OPEN TO INSPECTION SUNDAY. 2 TO 4. TAKE "W-S" CAR, FIRST AND ALDER. OFF AT WTH ST. GO WEST 2 BLKS.. NORTH, BLOCK TO NO. 1001 3DTH ST. BEAUMONT HOME. One of the most substantial and de lightful homes one can step into. Nice la rirr- livtne room. fireolace. dining. buffet eastern oak; polished floors, fin est natural and tanentrv paper. Dutch kitchen in white; three neat, charming bedrooms, well lighted, in white; fine inclosed sleeping porch, large attic; A-l hot-air heatinor nlant. 50x100 lot. garage. Paved street in and paid. Two blocks to car. This cannot be duplicated in Portland. Terms. 7mm. TUP! FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. Main 6S60. HAWTHORNE. This little 5-room bungalow Is not Wkini in anTthina that means con any thin v-pninc to the housewife; fireplace, fur- mice, garage, 4 nice fruit tree, terms, $300. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 74H3. $7500 Laurelhurst. 8-room modern house; see this. 818 Cham, of Com. Main 8052. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 4 -room cottage, garage, $2350. $600 cash. 5-room bungalow, garage. $32o0 terms 5-room bungalow, newly painted, :-47uO. terms. 8-room bungalow-type, garage, $4700. - WAYERLE1GH HKHittTS. 7-room bungaaow. $3500. $700 ROSE CITY PARK. . 5-room bungalow. 4500. $1200 cash. W. 1). KUUAUAUbM. 1046 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4299. SIX ROOMS CLOSE, IN. $4500. T mimt raII at once, this fine home, half block to Rose City car, finished in ivory enamsl, full basement, furnace, wash trays. It is well built, someone will get a tmrgain for I must realize cash in the next few days. Will be home today and glad to show you. 46 East 16th st. North, near E. Davis. - DO YOU WANT TO 43UY ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS? The best wv to do to Mrs. Brooke. She Is an old 'resident, know every foot of the district, and has mos f th salable oroDertv In her hands EVERY CUSTOMER (no exception) IS A REFERENCE. BROOKE. 541 Montgomery drive. Foot of Elm St. Mar. 4S27. $650 CASH. S630 CASH. REAL NIFTY ALBERTA BUNGALOW. SeVn rooms, bea med ceil in ' full basement: best plumbing; &0x 100: naven : block car: house wou cost $4500 alone; will sell for $3250. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Ablngton Bldg. "35 YEARS IN PORTLAND." SEMI-COLONIAL home, consisting of s rooms and- sleeping porch ; near 35th and only 15 minutes ride on R. C. car. Strictly modern; now occuptoa oy owner will sive- Immediate possession. Prtc reduced to $6250. Cash payment of $25O0 required, balance terms. Can be seen by ttuuiinuirjii), uiiij. .a i n'iu in uinit, HERMANN A JEE. 426 Lumbermen! bldg., Bdwy. 288: Sunday and evenings, S650 CASH. $650 CASH. SEVEN -ROOM BUNGALOW - TYPE DITION LIKE NEW; WORTH $5750 FORECLOSURE: SELL FOR. $367 PAVED STREETS; tlLOSE IN. MAIN 4S03. . G. C. GOLDENBERG. Ablngton bldg. "85 Years In Portland NIFTY 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS $3700. Here is a dandy, modem bungalow on a beautiful corner, all improvements in and paid: attractive built-in features full cement basement, furnace; price $3700; terms. R. F. FEEMSTER. 417 Ablngton Bldg. Main 5(S S2350 PARKROSE BUNGALOW $235' A fine, dandy bungalow of 6 rooms, cozy and well lighted, eoxtio lot. om half block to car. All clean and nearly new. Ofner moving away, and the price Is only $2350. $1250 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 5th st. Main 6869. crsOO NEW BUNGALOW $6500. Beautiful Eastmoreland, near Reed college ; elegant view, genteel surrou nd ings; large rooms ana- garage: nun by owner for home, but leaving city $3000 cash, balance monthly, 6 per cen CHAS. Ki .'NULtri a KJKj.t z-o tienry Din EAST ALDER. NEAR 32D STBEET Modem n-room house with cemen basement, wash trays, etc.: lot faces utreets: no emrunrbrance. " Price .t500. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Nice 5-room modern bungalow with fine attic and garage: lot 75x100. Price $5600; $300O cash, balance mortgage BROOKE, Marshall 4827. . BUNNYSTDE 2 blocks Laurelhurst park, I310O: very gooa o-room nouse, sieepi poreh; a bargain. H. H. Staub. Week, Tabor 219. EAST NINTH STREET $3500. Modern 6-room house In - good condi tion, large garage : lot wntiw). HENRY W. GODDARD. 2-13 Stark St. v CLOSE-IN HOME. 8 rooms, situate No. 9 Ea)t 12th st. mt Ankeny: price jafiw, terms. R, M. GATEWOOD A CO.; 165 4th st. GOOD 7-room house, well located, lot 50x IOO; fruit and 'berries; ,3500; some cash, some terms; will take good auto up to $1000. Call Sell wood 795. A RARE BARGAIN $18o"a " 8 09 E. 30th st., near carline ; 5Jroom b ouse ; hardsurf ace street 7 cash $700. East 2871. SAVE rent and the high cost of living: 1 acres. S-room cottage, garage; good car service, $1475. Terms. Main 8052. Tabor 7681. Owner. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow, cheap; $1006 cash, balance your own terms, o. H. Pkotheim Co., 332 to 333 Ry. Exch. bldg. NICE fine house with bath, full basement, barn with cement floor, chicken house, 4 lots, berries and fruit. Terms, by owner. Se'.lwood 2479. 5-ROOM modern bung.. Haw. In. $4300: terms. diBt., close ISUW l-X J AC UB ."V . 718 Spalding Bldg. Main 5642. HAVE nice view lot at Council Crest: will furnish material and build to suit buyer on easy terms. Telephone ar. 5209. REAL ESTATE- For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON HOMES. Two comer homes, Ideal for party of means. 100x100 grounds; homes about five vears old : hot-water heat, two baths, extra lavatories; heart of dis trict, iiv.uuu; otner i.wuu. . S750O huva f iQA home. H . W. floors. double garage. REAL. BEAUTY. $13,500 buys cor. home: hardwood floors throughout, entire house is in Ivory; triple mirrors, sunroom p. ate giass; large grounds, una snruooery, garage. MR. AND MRS. HOMESKBKER. JUST WHAT YOU HAVE aUKM T.rnTK" FOR! NO. 1 One of those nice 5-room bun galows, in fine condition, close to car, stores and school. Only S-JfifiO. NO. 2 5-room bungalow, 24 lots, with rruit and flowers, close to car and stores. Onlv S2DO0. NO. 3 t-room cottatre. full lot. with fruit and flowers, close to car I and stores. Onlv $1750. I hava munv others from $1600 to I $5000 on which I can ouote a home- seeker reasonable prices and terms. J . fcs. HOLBROOK, 214-215 Panama Bldg. overlook: add'n. $750 CASH $50 MO. ' $4500 7-room. 2-story, large size rooms. s comiortabie no me. not .water . heating plant, fuli cement base ment, brick fruit room. 60xl00-ft. lot: place is well builL and double constructed: a- blocks to car: -possession in 16 davs. J. L. HART- MAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of wm. isidg. Mala os. NOTICE. SIX ROOMS: FOUR ROOMS. LARGE SLEEPING PORCH. LINEN CLOSET. HATH DOWN STAIRS : FULL BASE MENT. LAUNDRY TRAYS; LOT 50x100 WITH ALLEY. LAWN. FLOWERS. GARDEN. FRUIT. CHICKEN YARD. $2750; TERMS. IRVINGTON PARK ADDITION, 1220 E. 27TH. ST. NORTH. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. A fine S-room With music, living, din ing rooms and kitchen, with hardwood floors: has bath and two bedrooms on first floor: 3 bediooms and hail upstairs I witn rirepiace, built-in bookcases and buffet; paneied dining room and beam celling: concrete . basement; paved sts.. blocks from car; all for $4000. The owner needs the cash; lor this snap paone jiar. F. L. BLANCH ARD. 510-20 Railway Exchange. A REAL BUNGALOW RARfiAJV 6 large rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, oooiccases. Duiiet, uutch kitchen. full basement, cement floor, dandv fur nace, laundry tray. 40x100 lot, room for garage, hard surface streets are now going in. This is a fine bargain for $40uu. $1000 cash. $35 montlr with inter est of 7 per cent. C. E. Adams, 507 j number oi commerce building. Mar- snaii;,i . a ; even ing Wdln. 34 J3. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. FIVE LARGE ROOMS. HALL AND BREAKFAST ROOM, large unfinished -iun tern en i oasemenc. xtrep.aee, furnaf tr- run m i huiitifnllv nanH painted and tinted ; woodwork finished in ivory and mahogany, large aaraR lawn ieveied and seeded. PrUre, only ?T.tni. Located on L'4th street, near Klickitat. See it today between 3 and .i. or ior appointment can jast i'a. AN OUT-OF-TOWN OWNER has instruct ed us to sen ner t-room house at onoe. It is walking distance, located directly between the Broadway and steel bridges on East First st. It is exceptionally wini uuui; ma price is very low conr?ia ering the property. Easy terms i de sired. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. $3750 FOR a 7-room house at East 26th j and bherman sts.: lots tOxSO ft., on cor ner; both streets hard surfaced and all assessments paid; nouse has brick foun dation, good plumbing, gas. electricity: all rooms nicely papered ; sightly loca tion. This is a splendid home and very cneap at tnis paice. 1 1 tt.N c. k &: t,u.. -ov t; hamper or com. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BY OWNER Between two carliues rid the lim- Iteds to 50th. Street improvementa. all ; clear. 6 rooms. II. W. Uoors and wains coting, bullt-lns. modern every way. in- eluding A. B. plpeless furnace. Your last opportunity real estate man gets it. Price goes up with it. See owner, ! 237 e. sotn st. s. labor 4394. LOOKING FOR SUBURBAN PROPERTY? Do not waste your time running afte! inflated values; come direct to our head quarters at Multnomah. Two autos at your,sarvice urnce open until 10 P. M every day. " We have biggest listing inFOR SALE By.owner. 6-room house on the Multnomah district. KEMP & WALSH, Care Drug Store, Multnomah. Mar. 3439. $3350 5 ROOMS and bath, double con structed, wash trays in basement, naved street. This is just the homo for the conservative man. a nice place at very low price: 2 blocks to car; $800 cash, balance easy terms. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO.. 2J4 Oak St. . Marshall 75H. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into lncoma? '. We design and build apartments. r- ragesr residences, anything, furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We oiler biiUUKil t, btiKVlCis, SATIS- ! FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., U24 N. vv. iSant bldg. LEAVING TOWN, will sell mv er.mn'ti v 4.U1 uuueu vp'auo mtiuueu t o-room nouse ror $i,wo. Garage, lot 7ox$j, near east I side business section; lot worth over j joou.; lurniture could not be duplicated ior nuu; nouse not strictly modern. but very comfortable. No agents. Call wooaiawn IRVINGTON. NEW 8-ROOM HOME. Located 684 Brazee. 75x100 .corner E. 19th. All hardwood floors, gas furnace -plates windows, garage. Splendid light lijLiures Manpuptr u.nu ii.e Data. Very wen iuiti a.itu iui Bd.ic uy owner. NEW BUNGALOW $S00 CASH. Most attractive five-room buntraloTi R. C. district, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, basement, etc.. only $.1400, $800 caah. bal. as you piease. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-33 Ry. Exch. Main 5199 MUST SELL. THIS IS SOMETHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING GOOD SEE THIS. JUST COMPLETED. NO. 585 E. 27TH ST. N-, iMiAK Jv.Ul T. .DOORS OPEN fKUii TU a- sum -PX UW.NEH. $650, BALANCE TERMS, will handle 6- room moaern nouse on ouxivu corner lot; garage, fine chicken house. 9 fruit trees, berry bushes, roses and garden in and up. Locatea at. iwj -i-io. ave. s. E.' Take Mt. Scott car, get off at 76th st.. walk 5 blocks nortn. $35,000. This ia a snap; complete 5-room on first floor, on'.y a blocks from Broadway bridge; 50x100, with fruit and flew era M. 847. 409 Spalding Bldg. NEW Irvington bungalow, choice location; I 50x100 NEAR Peninsula Park and Jeffer large living room, den, French doors, 1 son high school; $500; $50 cash, $10 oak floors, tile bath ; finished through out in wnite ana 01a ivory enamel; lo cated at tw l. 11m bu s, owner, icaat Town. MODERN bungalow for sale at 122 E. 43d St., block and half off Sunny side carline, by owner. irepiace. , buffet, man v built-Ins. cement basement, attic. 45x60 lot; $3600. lOOO down, baianco like rent. caii lauor ooia. ntpr little home of 3 rooms, eas and eio. trie lights, 63x133- lot. Improved with fruit, barn, chicken house, shed, only $1250. Small down payment lets you in. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. THIS is a bargain, good 6-room house, good district; hardwood floors, lot 48x Tnr fruit trees: walking distance lo cated at 681 East Ash; by owner. Price $3500; terms. SELLWOOD 4 RMS., $1700: PAVED ST. Bidweli ave.; best location: bath, elec tricity: $000 cash. Sell wood 2 To after 5 P. M. SMALL HOUSE, modern; 4 lots, garden, fruit trees, berries; furniture for rale. 60S Bidweli ave., bet. 17th and 19th, adjoining taitmoreiauq. BEAUTIFUL w estmoreiano. - 6 rooms. strictly moaern, iurnace. nrepiace. Hard wood floors. 2 blocks car; $4754; terms. Sell woo a .iw. VERY desirable modern 4 -room furnished flat. Including piano; nice lawn and -best of neighborhood; adults only. Price $50 j 420 Ajnam. 01 yom. mug. aiain4 (. BY OWNER, FINE HOME. Rose City Park, corner lot. even rooms, furnace, fireplace. hardwood floors. ; built-ina. Tabor 4os. IRVINGTON. For sale. 7-room bungalow. Phone East 6446. Owner. FURNISHED house to sell for bargain. : 386 fciverett sc. rropneior nome o F. M. H. E. Raiddo. 9-ROOM modern house in St. Johns; snap; $1000 cash, balance easy. No agents. Marshall 181. owner. FIVR-ROOM bungalow for sale, reason able. For particulars call Tabor 9201. FOR SALE Equity 4-room house, large lot; leaving city, van lauor REAL ESTATK. For Sale H otifcei MR. WORKING- MAN. Vv ny ra v rent when v.-u An hny Tor $17U0. about 3(K - cash and balanca monthly payments, a good 6-room house with bath, electricity, nicely tinted and -large lot with abundance of fruit, about O clocks from St. Johns car, or 15 mimitr' walkings distance, for $2669, about $300 rafu, imiauci easy montrtiy payments at 6 per cent, a good 6 -room cottage, plas tered, bath. gas. sewer, lot 40x100 with 5 nice bearing fruit trees; ome otner noines wbicn I shall be pleased to show yon upon request. 415 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Aiarsmaii diio. UNIQUE STUCCO BUNGALOW. ATTRACTIVE CORNER, . Paved Streets. dMlraMo jolnca.lii Convenient to best car srdce in city. Jus.t'JiRht for young couple. 4 rooms nu iioorea attic. Large living room, bullt-lns. lvor woodwork, fireplace, fur-. . nace. etc. A cheerful, m.dern home, easy to care for. Sure to d lease vnu. . A dandy buv At x47.'.n r.&-ndr t. 516a, or Broadway 42L. No agents. . ' " 6W. ACRES. - " Highly developed tract, with rnmi a room house, with fine bathroom, garage, -barn, city water, gas and all modern conveniences, fruit trees. -yung and strong: splendid for; fruit, gardening and especially well adapted for chicken tnuun-. ueiween franklin high and Reed college. On hiehw&v n.r k-h a need not apply. KAV VAN LOON. OWNER, Main 75 or Tabor 73Q4. ROSE CITY PARK, $5250. Dandv 6-room hnn inv wuk ti. hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen. h1rnnm. bath on the first floor and one bedroom nu sleeping porcn on the second; full cement basement and gas heating svs tem. Good garage. Street assessment va.iu. oin aim anny. t ine'looation. I. L.. IvAK.-NUlTP & CO., 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675 2 CHOICE R. C' PARK CORNER BUNGALOWS. Each 6 rms. Elegant, refined and -holiy modern and perfect. One radi ator, hot-water heating plant and sun pwrtu. mer aamiy oreaaiast rm. ana r garage. Each worth- SS500. Will consider offer of $7500. Schaefer, Main 5iiG or Broadway 6167. BUNGALOWS NEW BUNGALOWS. These are classy and up to date. 5 rooms each. Or. hard surtace street, block to car. All improvements in mnd paid. I am just finishing, better look up and hve to suit. Location Glad stone and Greenwood ave., W. S. car. Owner on ground Sunday 2 to 5, Tele phone East 1096. . $100; terms. JUST BRING lOUR SUITCASE And go rlRht to keeping house; ail fur nished. Five rooms and .bath, steel range, Brussels cacpet and rugs, lawn mower, hose; two lots; cnerrles, apples, loganberries. Am eavtng the city, o must SELL QUICK, eo take it all for Only $3250: eoultv 41950. Se mv arrant - " P1US- i' wild only SiOOO down takes this beautiful home. living room, rttntnir room, kitchen, large pantrv. 2 bedrooms and bath, second floor. White enamel plumbing, full tapeimnt, beautiful lot. 4 holly trees, garden In; fruit trees. 3 kinds of berries. 2 blocks to MV car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME. Rose Ci I v Park. 1 hn i 1 1 t h : home, but find I must leave Portland so must sell this week. 6 modern rooms, furnace, fireplace, bookcases, oak floors, ol.d ivory finish, solid hdw.; worth $75H) will take $6t50 if sold this week. See my atfcuL ai uia taamD&r of Commerce bldg. BRAND NEW HOMES BUILDER'S PRICE. Three houses, bungalows of most ar tistic designs: R. C. district; double con structed, modern, just finished; prices $4ti0O to $400. any terms in reason. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY 332 -."3 Ry. Exch. Main 5199 IRVINGTON $11.000 HALF CAsTl! Irvington real home, built 5 vears; large living room, fireplace; library fireplace, bt-autiful dining room, perfect kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, extra lava tories, second floor; hardwood floors throughout; fine concrete garage. Mc Donell. East 41U. FOUR-ROOM bungalow, paved street. hardwood floors living and dining-rooms, disappearing bed, built-in cooling- svs tem. gas range, gas Ruud heater; $2850. Terms. Many other desirable homes for sale. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., 284 Oak St. Marshall 756. Improved street. Modern plumbing, fire- piace, cement basement, lurnace. ga rage, bearing fruit and nut trees, berry bushes and shrubbery; on 100x100 with alley. Price $4750, reasonable terms. This place must be seen to be appre ciated. Cail 870 Halght ave., or phono 313-37. IRVINGTON ( C A P. 1 IRVINGTON. $5250 $50 CASH) $5250. A bargain and then some : all street Improvements in and paid, brand new, 6-room bungalow, strictiy modern; fur- . nace, hardwood floors, built-ins, etc. Open for inspection. See it today. &!l E. 16th st. N. Owner. E. 4000. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURKETT. AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICE. 208 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1S00. $1600 FOR a 2-room house on. corner, lOOx juu, on - 11 en. xn.. uu o Ljcitj jn j iruii trees, streets graded and walks in. $300 cash, balance monthly. A good buy. Phone Marshall 829. F. L. BLANOiHAR D, 519-20 Railway .Exchange. FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW Six bearing fruit trees, some lurniture, ot 14ix40; beautiful view. Price reasonaoie. around $11950, depending on payments. Good as new, fresh throughout, paved streets, walks, two porches, bullt-ins. Phone Main 4S35. Res., Sell wood 291. $3500 FOR a-fine 5-room. with furnace. Duut-in Duiiei, iot .ivaivu, n. 0. streets and sewers in and paid ; rfn E. 11th N. $1000 cash, phone Mar. S29. F. L. CLAXCHARD. 519-20 Railway Exchange. SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN. Must be sold within 10 days: 9-room house on paved .street. 2 blocks from Laurelhurst Park and 2 blocks from car. Price S2R50. This is a snap. Call Gus t a ff. Main 2 2 7 4. ; $1900 BUYS HOME. Good 5-room cottage, concrete base ment, paved street, gas, bath, plastered house; 10 mln. from center of city. PACIFIC REALTY CO.. M. 847. 409 Spalding Bldg. I HAVE a splendid, modern five-room bungalow witn 4 10 lb ton tracmc nign way), located at Aumsvllle, Oregon, for sale at $2000. Will sell on Installments or would exchange (no agents). See me at room 529, Hotel Oregon, today. monthlv: streets paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 6f3 VW. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. 6-KOUM modern house, in finest condition. bil tan iium ana isyior; iun lot, iruiu and ruses, all improvements in, paid; leaving city; bargain at $500u; easy tterms. Owner. Tabor S695. BY OWNER 4-room modern bungalow with cen, auit, suu uusi-iucm, uiicn kitchen, built-ins. Alberta district. Price $250. $500 down, balance as rent. phone Wdln. 1047. FOR SALE By owner. $2550 cash. 4- room oungaiow ana oain, an iinisneo, garden and chickens all go; 3. lots, plenty of fruit trees, 1 block to Wodd stock car line. 6115. 62d. ave. S. E. $16.50 A snap. 6-room. ceiled cottage. improved St.: $250 down, $25 month. 7009 60th ave. S. E. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A large, tplendily built modern bunga low, with 2 level lots. 2 blocks from car. Main 7294. A GOOD 6-room Irvington home on a nice corner; just like .new and well ount. Owner will show you "through. 744 Clackamas, cor, of 22d. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. " IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Near La.urelhurst Park. $2000. Inquire 62 East 32d st. Phone Uast 12. . OWNER 6-room modern house, corner, hard-surface street. 2 blocks from Irv jngton car; some terms. Woodiawn 4618. 5-ROOM house. 2 blocks from car: 16 lots equipped for 500 chickens. Terms. Wdln. 186S. FOR SALE Five-foom bungalow, lot itt 4UX1W, ior chjii. Al Last Franklin st. or cal 1 Tabor 1 2 67J HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES TABOR 4299 RODABAL'GH. 4-ROOM modern house, lot 100x100. with fruit. I60I Berkeley. FURNISH ED 7-room modern bungalow. Call Tabor 7940. Terms.J . 5-ROOM cottage, 30th and East Morrison. Fireplace; a Dargain. r. ast -aua. FOR SALE 8-room plastered house, $2000. 1275 E. Taylor. '