3, CHASE FOR ALLEGED Our Store Opens at 9 A. M. Our Store Closes 5:30 P. Af . Woodard, Clarke & Co. "The Store That U nder sells Because It Sells for Cash" Mail orders receive our prompt and careful attention the same day as received. Agents for the Buttericlc Fat rns and Delineator. All styles and sizes now showing. Woodlark Building ' Alder at West Park Putative "Master Mind" of $5,000,000 Plot Arrested. WORLD-WIDESEARCH MADE Elusive "Nicky" Arnstcin Released on $75,000 Bail New York Police Arc Mocked. NEW YORK, May 13. Jules W. "Nicky") Arnstein, punitive "mas ter mind" of New York's $5,000,000 bond theft plot, was arrested here today in the district attorney's office when he appeared there with his wife, Kannie Brice, the actress. Arnstein told reporters he had been in Pittsburg all the time the police have been loosing for him. The elu sive "Nicky" described to newspaper men an entrance into the city unde tected. According to his s'.ory, he arrived from Pittsburg at 9 o'clock this morn ing and went directly to Columbus avenue and Nineteenth street, where he was met by his wife in her auto mobile. They drove down Fifth ave nue unrecognized. "Nicky" ran into his police pursuers, thousands strong, forming for the annual New York police parade. Hat Mockingly Lifted. Arnstein ' said that when the ma chine passed the grandstand erected for the police parade he arose from his seat and mockingly lifted his hat to the high officials of the New York police force. Fearing he would be recognized, Miss Brice pulled her hus band down into his seat. Bail for Arnstein was fixed at 75,000. The indictment specifically charges him with criminally receiv ing; $42,000 worth of Crucible Steel stock certificates which were stolen last October. Arnstein was admitted to bail and released from the Tombs shortly after two o'clock. Everywhere he went he was cheered by those who recognized him. Arnstein has been sought by the police of two continents as the al leged head of a gang of conspirators who, the police state, through dis honest Wall street messengers, have stolen between $1,500,000 to $5,000,000 in negotiable securities. He disap peared from New York last February, jedio ago ne was arrested in i.onoon and extradited to New York for swindling William E. Shinks of hpringfield, Mass., out of $15,000 tnrougn worthless securities. He servea less than a year of a two-year sentence in Sing Sing. He is 42 years uiu auu me son ot.a iew lork busi ness man. Bon Get Small Share- According to the police, Arnstein ana nis associates put the securities up as collateral for loans in various cities. The boys and men who an- tually purloined the stocks and bonds inus disposed of received less than quarter of their value, the police said. Arnstein's name came into promi nence in xvew lorks $5000,000 bond plot shortly before he disappeared. wic iuni.-e recuras snow. 1 his was in connection witn the arrest here of josepn ana Irving Ciluek. Herbert and .Kuaoipn bunorra, all bank and brok erage messengers in the financial dis trict, and Edward Furey. a chauffeur. The murder in Connecticut nvpni months ago of Benjamin Binkowitz. a Wall-street messenger, is charged, by the police to have been one of the outgrowth of the $5,000,000 bond plot. Kinkowitz having been alleged to have tried to hold out on the rest of the gang for more money before sur rendering the securities he stole. CONVENTION IS UNCERTAIN Continued From First Page.) this.. They have the widest varia tion in their binding quality. Ohio Delegates Mut Sinn. In Ohio, for example, the delegate Is required to sign a declaration say ing, "1 shall, to the best of my Judg ment and ability, support" the presi dential candidate who carries the state. That is one of the most bind ing of the statutes, and it doesn't bind very firmly. In Illinois the statute says that the result of the presidential primary "shall be . . . considered as advis ory." The Montana primary statute re quires the delegate "to the best of his Judgment and ability to faithfully carry out the wishes of his political iy as expressed by its voters" in the primary. In Nebraska, by a court decision the presidential primary is only mor ally binding on delegates. New Hampshire has the only really binding law. The delegates from that slate are required to vote for the primary, "so long as he shall be a candidate who won the presidential candidate before the convention " The net of all these laws and the ?hTSMthft..haVe grown " "round them is that "instructions" are a loose and variable quantity; and. in a tense me convention floor, undependable. taken Johnson and Michigan as one example. The same conditions apply in degree to all the other candidates and all the othor states.) I have given enough examples to show -what a loose and undependable quantity these "instructed" delegates are. Practically speaking, as soon as the convention really gets under way, these "instructions" are almost negli gible. The candidate who wins in the con vention will win through the votes of delegates who are in favor of him and who vote for him because of reasons other than their primary instructions. About SO Held Really Wood Men. The truth is, the number of dele gates who are committed by their hearts as distinct from being in structed by the primaries is very small. Wood has 136 "instructed" delegates. Of the 136, I think It fair to say, from fairly extensive acquaint ance, that not more than 80 are really "Wood men"; are, so to speak, "Woo or die" men; are Wood men in the sense in which, in the 1912 conven tion, delegate, were "Roosevelt men" or "Taft men.- 1 For example, the 16 Maryland dele gates are "instructed" for Wood. But that does not .fecessarily mean that their hearts are for Wood. The Mary land organization merely turned to Wood when their state was invaded by Johnson, as a device, a symbol to vote under. And if Wood has 80, Johnson has not more than 50, and Lowden no more. All in all, certainly not over 200 delegates are thoroughly and finally committed to any one candi date so that they will continue ballot ing for him to the end. SOO Without Commitments. Practically 800 of the 984 delegates are without commitments, v and will act in the convention according to their interests at the time, and ac cording to the conditions as "They arise. It will be an open convention. It will be a convention which may nomi-' nate any one of the present leaders or, with equal readiness, may nomi nate a dark horse. It will be a. con vention in which almost anything may happen, from making a nomina tion on the first ballot to falling into a snarling deadlock lasting for days. In the absence of crystallization, what we have during these pre-con-vention weeks is a fluid state, a state which is in flux without being cha otic. The situation is not "set," and there-are only faint signs of its be ginning to "set." An occasional state leader, comes to Washington to in quire how other state leaders feel, and finds that everybody else is of about the same uncertain mind as himself. Here and there an occasional focus of concentration develops, the princi pal one being Senator Penrose. But I am confident that not anywhere yet is there any group of delegates as large as 275 who are of ,a common mind and who may be expe'eted to act cohesively under a common leadership on a progrannme planned beforehand. There are no cohesive groups be cause there are no Btrong leaders for them to gather round. Penrose is perhaps the strongest, but for several reasons he has fallen far short of his old-time strength. Neither among the candidates nor among the leaders is there any strong men capable of mag netizing the fragments and summon ing the scattered elements into ordsr and sequence. Game Warden to Be Fire Warden. NORTH BEND, Or., May 15. (Spe cial.) J. M. Thomas, a resident and member of the city council, who has served a deputy state game warden of this district for a number of years, has -resigned to accept a position as chief fire warden. of the Coos and Curry Fire Patrol ' association. Mr. Thomas will have in his employ about 20 men during the summer months. Charles W. Dilge of Portland has been appointed to succeed Mr. Thomas as game warden in this district. Roseburg Veteran Weds. ROSE BURG. Or., May 15. (Special.-) Delwin P. Jewett and Miss Clarise Hicks were married Thursday, Rev. Mr. Keagy of the Methodist Episcopal church officiating. The bridegroom was a member of the 69th artillery and since returning to the states anil receiving his discharge has been em ployed by the railroad company. His bride Is one of the leaders of the younger set of the city. Full line of Chelsea clocks at Fried lander's, 310 Washington. Adv. Atiyeh Bros. most moral for No matter when you call, nor how long; and thoroughly you look, you are cordially wel come and every thing you see in CriticlMm May Re Faced. am not now savtno- wk.t .-1 i delecrate to do nnrtn, cumstances where he is the judge of l)is own obligation and responsibility 1 am merely explaining that, so far as the primary laws are concerned, he is tound in only a loose wav It is true that a delegate is alwavs responsible in a moial way to his con stituency at home, and must be pre pared to face their criticism. But in practice the fact is that these instruc tions count strongly only in Cues where there are two. and only two antagonists pitted against each other' in 191'ie CaSC f Koosevelt and Taft Under such circumstances a dele- i-1" ncsnaie a long time be- .duns one candidate to go di rectiy to. his opponent. But in a com- enuaiwn ii:;e the coming con . t.ii.uu, iv nere mere will t av,-oi candidate whose fortunes will begin to shift with the second ballot ur.der mese circu instances , indi vidual dele Sates will be apt to interpret their several instructions with great elas ticity. IMedsre Appllc to I'lrat Ballot. Come row to the actual facts as they affect the fortunes of the vari ous candidates: For example, John son carried the Michigan presidential primary by a large majority. The 30 celcgates from Michigan are "in structed" to vote for Johnson. But, as I have already said, these 30 dele-Bates- could, if they wished, satisfy the Michigan stitute by voting for Johnson once .and then going on the second ballot wherever their hearts carry them, either individually or as a group. Now the fact about these Michigan delegates is that, with just a few ex ceptions, they are not Johnson men. Probably five-sixths of them don't want Johnson to bo president and do want somebody else. (1 have merelv StyleNo.6104 Oxford Bag Made of heavy Walrus Grain Split Cow hide on a popular five-piece pattern, riv eted to frame. Leather-covered steel frame, brass-plated hardware with lift catches. Sewed-on corners. Single han dle, leather covered, steel reinforced. Durable cloth lining, one full-length pocket. LIMITED NUMBER. Special Price $7.50 OUR Seamless Surgical Elastic StQckings . are made of highest quality silk and fresh rubber, with out seam, giving equal pressure making them most comfortable and effective to wear. , Anklets... $4.00 Leggins. . . ." 4.00 Garter Hose 5.00 - Knee Caps .... 400 'We stock, and weave to your measurements, SEAM Elastic Hosiery, both in Silk and Linen. Send for self -measure blanks. Cut Out Pepsodent Coupon (See ad, page 11, Sec. 3) and present for ten-day tube free PEPSODENT TIME is your biggest asset A good Fountain Pen saves TIME. No more time wasted in dipping that old spluttering pen into the ink. Our FOUNTAIN PEN Department is completely equipped. WATERMAN CONKLIN MOORE SHEAFFER Dependable makes ranging in price from $1.50 upward. For every one who writes, "EVERSHARP" is the pencil that saves effort and time. Always sharply pointed, .and distinctive in its attractiveness. For business and for school. Gold filled, Sterling silver and Silver-plated. Priced $1.50 and up. S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS Attention Salesmen! Local truck company that can make immediate delivery of trucks, wants high-grade sales man, capable of earning $500 to $1000 per month; if the shoe fits you and you can pro duce, and sell a high-grade truck, write; your letter will be confidential. D 263, Ore-gonian. in 101 ID) Bring Your Eye Troubles to Experienced Men if You Want the Best Service ihii - f 8 n Oriental will be fully commensu rate with what you would expect to see at the larg est Oriental Rug House in America; the collection al ways being maintained at the highest standard in quality, and, full assort ment of designs, colors, sizes and makes. Atiyeh Bros. Tenth and Alder Dancing TONIGHT All dances taught In 3 three-hour 1 e 1 1 o n s. Ladies :t, gentlemen $.. at De Honey's beautiful academy, 23d and Wasninston. Begin ners' classes start Mon day and Thursday eve., advanced classes Tues day eve.. 8 to 11::(0. Plenty of desirable partners and prac tice. No embarrassment. Learn from professional dancers In a real school. All latest steps taught. Open all summer. Phone Main 76i6. Private lessons all hours. Why fa the Woodstock becoming o popular? Because It is a com bination of the beet features of six modern typewriters. Booklet free. The RebuiltTypewriter Co. - Dtstrlbntora. S04 Oak St- fortland. Or.' IN THE SUN ALL DAY SUFFER NO SUNBURN mil IF YOU have yielded to the lure of the outdoors and you find, after a day spent in the sun. that your skin is pore and tender, simply apply San tisepttc Lotion and relief will be in stant. Sunburn, windburn and tan have no terrors for the man or the woman who uses Santiseptic Lotion. Stay outdoors in the hot sun as much as you please; Santiseptic will give you protection and relief; it is the secret of many an unspoiled com plexion after a season spent in the mountains or at tno seashore. San tiseptic is equally efficacious in those other annoyances incident to the summer season oak or ivy poison ing:, the bites or stingrs of fleas, mos qtritos and other insects, both as a preventative and as a remedy. San tiseptic should be included in the necessities carried on every outin? trip. Santiseptic is easily procured at most drug and department stores If you cannot secure it, send 60 cents, with dealer's name,-to the Esbencott Laboratories. Portland, Or., for a full-size bottle, postpaid. Adv. Illl Our Ophthalmometer is'" one of the most scientific eye-testing instruments in the world. With it we can detect .error of vision instantly. J That sound maxim, "Practice makes perfect," is partic ularly true in optical work. J You want perfect eyeglass service, and the one way you can always be sure of getting it is to entrust your eyes to a firm whose goods and methods have been proven perfect by a long and reliable record. J Perfection in designing and grinding Kryptok glasses,' tne invisible tmocals. Has been attained by us as the result of just such a record. J Every pair of Kryptok glasses worn by one of our customers, fitted as we fit them, is certain to give un qualified satisfaction. We design and grind these glasses in our own shop on the premises to meet your individual requirements for near and far vision. J You are sure of the genuine when you come to us. Thompson Optical Institute EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS Portland's Largest, Most Modern, Best Equipped Exclusive Optical Establishment 209-10-11 Corbett Building, Fifth Since 1908 and Morrison . Plione Your Want Ads to The Oregoniaii Main 7070 A 6095 Bewitching Georgette Waists In a Sale of Greatest Importance Three Lots at a Third Below Real Worth! Lot 1 co no I Lot 2 errattiLots oinfi on Sale DtJmnJU n Sale J I .VJU Sale JJ-VJ.JC on Sale Ion Sale tA gathering of exquisite modes, forecasting summer's favorite fashions some quite daring, others more sedate but chic. All.are exceptionally well made of fine georgette in white, flesh and bisque models with long sleeves and neatly trimmed with lace or embroidery. One glance at these . beautiful waists will reveal their unusual value at the prices quoted for this sale. SPORT COATS At a Price Drop ! "v Is the remarkably low figure quoted for this sale. Graceful and distinctive J A garments in really the most accepted modes for fashionable street and V mJJ sport wear and easily the most attractive values shown this season. The-materials are Polo Cloth, Gold tones, Velours, Jersey Cloth, etc., in the most popular col ors. All are extra well tailored and silk lined a model to suit every taste and sizes up to 42. Many of the Coats in this sale are half regular price at the above figure. Time Now to Brighten Up the Windows There Is A n Opportunity to Do So at Little Cost, for TV e Have Underpriced the Following Lots: Dainty Curtaining at 59c yard. Three assortments to select from at this low price. Bungalow Nets, Scrims and Marquisettes in white, cream and ecru. All crisp, new goods. This Sale at 59. V X Bungalow Nets at 75c yard. These Bungalow Nets come in white, cream and ecru; and at the same price we include a splendid as sortment of fancy colored Scrims and Marquisettes, all priced for This Sale at 75. Madras and Nets at 90c yard. Dainty Madras Lace and Filet Net Curtain ing shown in pretty figured styles. They come in cream and ecru priced for This Sale at 90. ' Bungalow Filet Nets at $IJ0 Exceptionally beautiful Bungalow Filet Nets in white, cream and ecru both medium and large figures the finest of high-grade cur taining priced for This Sale at $1.50. Great Clean-up Price Sale of Trimmings A sale that will assist you with your sewing by providing the opportunity to supply needed trimmings for women's and children's garments at exactly half price. Included are narrow Bands in plain, and mixed colors, silk and bead Medallions, Spangle and Bead Bands arid Edges also drops, tassels, girdles, rosebud trimmings, silk chenille fringes," etc. All to be closed out at HALF PRICE. New Margot Laces Attractively Priced. Fashion's leading lace for the new season. Here you will find an unsurpassed showing in Bands, Galloons, Edges and Flouncings in white and cream and in widths up to 40 inches. Your immediate inspection is invited. Here's the Sale You've Been Waiting for A Timely Under pricing of Women's White Footwear Again you are to receive the full benefit of our good fortune in securing a splendid lot of Women's White Shoes considerably less than regular factory cost. Our only regret is that the quantity is limited and that only those who act promptly will be able to profit accord ingly. Two lots to select from as follows: . White Nubuck at $335 Pair Popular styles in lace with low heel and rub ber sole; also with white ivory sole and mili tary heel. Sizes xk to 7, but not all widths. A remarkable value at $3.35. White Canvas at $5J85 Pair The fashionable White Canvas Shoes shown in styles with military or French heels all widths from B to D and all sizes. Shoes that sell regularly at considerable more than $5.85 Special ! Sale of 300 S mart Gingham and Scout Percale Porch Frocks at $1.79 These are exclusive smart models that the present high market has forced us to discontinue because we cannot replace sizes. The style range is all that could be asked popular rickrack trimmed Gingham Slipovers in high-waisted models with "shoe-string" belt and patch pockets. Also side fasten, butterfly, Middy, shoulder and back fasten, Mary Adams, Southern Pinafores and many other models for summer days, both in and outdoors. More than 27 different styles and patterns to select from in Amoskeag Ginghams, Chambrays, Scout and Overcount Percales, English Prints and other washable fabrics. All to go at This Sale at $1.79. Our Store Now Opens at 9 A. Af. The Most in Value The Best in Quality Store Closes at S:30 P. ML Saturdays st 6 P.M.