THE SUNDAY ORERONIAX, PORTLAND, MAT 1G, 1920 3 Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For -rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting; systems established maintained; Income tax service; refer ences. Concord T bids. Hd and Stark. Main 7443. ALTERATIONS. REFITTING and making of ladies' gar ments treasonable; work guaranteed. I. Reubtn. -lus Bush & Lane bids. tSK.MKKS AND ANALYSTS, MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 14 Second - Gold. silver and platinum bought. BATHS. MULTNOMAH Hotel Turkish baths, men; all day and all night. CARPET WEAVING. 0 llfiQ The kind that wear the best are I1UUO made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co: (former ad dress l.-3 Union ave. ) Rag rugs woven, all sizes: Carpet cleanfng. refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 1S3 fc. 8th st. Phones East 3580. B 12S0. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag rugs, all sizes Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 nigs steam or dry cleaned, 11.50. FLUFF RUG CO.. S4-B6 Union ave. N. East 60I6, B 1475. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF AND RAG RUGS. WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL. PORTLAND RUG CO.. 172 K. 17th st. Sellwood 3622. CARPET SWEEPERS REPAIRED. AUTHORIZED Bissell carpet sweeper re pair agency; ail parts furnished. S5U Morrison St. CELLULOID BCTTONS. THE IRW1N-HODSON COMPANY. 8S7 Washington. Bdwy. 4J4. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR, $00,000 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment best. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Veny, the only scientific chiropodist and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger linscr bldg., s. W. cor. 2d and Alder. CHIROPODISTS. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns, bun Ions. oot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg., rth and Wash. Main 1081. B. LOUISE COX, chlrooodist. 10 A. M. 7 P. M. 440 Morgan bldg. Main 4S. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through registers, needs repairing or cleaning. Tabor 3883. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall '5822. Multlgraphing. mimeographing and mall advertising. COLLECTIONS. KETH & CO.. Worsecter bldg. Main 1798. No collections, no charge. Estab. 19QQ CONT RACTORS. FOR BRICK WORK, phone Jack Wempe. tile and concrete, Woodlawn 6230. DANCING. MRS. BATH, 308 Dekum )esfons day ai.d evening. bldg. Private Main 1345. BALLROOM and stage Dorothv Rasmussen, 610 dancing. Miss Eilers bldg. DENTISTRY, IF YOU have dental work to be done, have it done without pain by the nerve-block ing method. DR. A. W. KEENE. DR. F. H. PREHN. Majestic Theater Bldg.. 351 H Washington St. IF you have work done, without pain . by the method. have it done nerve-blocking IR. A.'W. KEENE. DR. E. H. PREHN, Majestic Theater bldg., 3514 Wash, st. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. KOSK CITY VETERINARY 415 East 7th. East 1847 HOSPITAL, and 219-62. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Bought and Sold. ' NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 6'27-37. 248 First at. Main 871. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO 34 N. 1st- Portland, Or. Re winding and electrical repair ing & specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy. FERTILIZER. i'KHTlUZK your land if you want big cropg; read about ". M. Wonder" in our 1920 catalogue. Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 14j I'd at.. Portland, Or. FOLEY wood. KUEL 4-foot. -Old-growth country slab- fhone n,aat -bUl. FOLEY wood. FUEX, Old-growth country slab 4-toot. Phone East HKMJST ITCHING AXO PLEATING. T. A D. HEMSTITCHING Shop; superior worn; prompt service. R. aiH, Oregon tillers bldg., 287 Washington st. HEMSTITCHING, 8 plaiting at 11th i cents per yard, ind Washington. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINKEHS' AND MILL SUPPLIES. TUB M. U. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 63-55 Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULJ.ER 4- CO.. Front and Morrison. RAS.MUoSEN & CO., Second and TAYLOR. NEW TODAY. Sectional GaraiesS Krpctd In Portla-nd or SHIPPED ANYWHERE, in sections ready to put tjpether. . Wtisy for one man to erect in a day. Our casfc prices far lory direct to ou, no middle man. mean a GREAT SAVINQ Scnd for circular. Call at factory. FOR RENT CHOICE BUSINESS PROPERTY Burnside at Fourteenth 11,000 SQUARE FEET ' Tvvo Floors Immediate Possession SEE IlINl.I.ER, HalL. MONTROSE at CotUUoa STORAGE SPACE Teatlicate Oar Plant ana Ratea. Why Assume Expensive Leases Under Present High Costs T CLAY S.M0RSE, INC. DrtTMra and Starar-. Jfl, J.O40. A li I! fc life-size sample. L I rkiumadk Kiamo CO.. I 815 K. 11th t.. 2 blkit. S. Hawthorne. J II llu)ti Kjt fill-, fortland. OrejEun. I IKON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. Engineers, founders, mechanics, boiler makers, boiler and blacksmith shop. Of fices and works. Hawthorne ave. and East Third st MISIC. OREGON Conservatory (school of Music, 2d Boor Russell bldg. lover the "Lion"), entrance 16514 4th St.. cor, of Morrison. Ml'SIC TEACHERS. GRADUATE piano teacher with ience; lessons at your home. 6.'.4J. exper Tabor I. Carroll Day, piano, vocal lessons, prac tice piano, 1 hr. day, $5 mo. Bdwy. 2555. XTRSERY STOCK. WE CARRY a full assortment of choice fruit trees, berry plants, ornamental trees, shrubs, rosea, etc. OREGON NURSERY CO., ORENCO. OR. OPTO.M ETRISTS ANDOPTICIAS8. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist, 200 Morrison. M. 2124. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST ed with modern instruments. GiasM fitted from J2.S0 -up. A. E. HURWITZ, optometrist. 225 1st st. GEORGE RUBENSTE1N. the veteran op tician, is an expert eye fitter ana nis charges are very reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. 22ft Morrison St., near 2d. ORIENTAL BLGtTB;PAlRED. ORIENTAL RUGS. CLEANED AND REPAIRED. KARAGOZIAN & FERGUSON. TEN YEARS WITH ATI Y EH BROS. 131 N. 23D. PHONE MAIN 5208. PATENTS. PATENTS Send sketch 6r model for pre liminary examination. Booklet iree. Highest references, best results, prompt ness assurxed. Watson E. Coleman. Pat cnt Lawyer. 624 F. at.. Washington. D. C PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 4 years. All communi cations strictly confidential; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN & CO., patent attorneys. San Francisco office, Hobart bldg., 582 Market st.; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington of fice, room 103. 625 F st; New .York of fice, Woolworth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, 22 years experience U. S. ind foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway Bldg., Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE! Prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 188 4th. M. 787. PRINTING. PRINTING F. W. BALTES & COMPANY. 1st aad Os.k sts. M. 78o. 311-63. PAINTING. PAINTING, paperhanging. John c. un- lisk, 133 loin st. proaawaj PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. F. Myers, Blind tocnooi. Jiarsnmi ifirou. POULTRY SUPPLIKS. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry Keepers; caiatosuo ec Routledga Seed & Floral Co.. 143 2d St., Portland. , SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 221 FRONT ST. -a-. k,iv an kcII evervthinsr In the hardware and furniture line. Phono Wain 8072 SCREENS. FLY SCREENS made to order: general repairing. J. E. COURTNEY. 210 -4th. Main 6074. Res.. Mar. 2540. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 604 Dekum bids. U. S.. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH 1 The Ser"lce With a Reputation. MOVING-FACK'G-STORAGE-BAGGAGE 13th and Kearney Branch 68 Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO. 64-6S Front Street. STORAGE AND HAILING. DISTRIBUTION CARS OUR SPECIALTY. Phones Main 446. 544-68. FULTON & SONS. Phone Kast 450. Moving. Storage. Packing and Crating. THERE IS A REASON! OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan St.. corner 13th. Phone Broadway 1281 or 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE . OLSES TRANSFER CO.. 248 Pine. PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK ST. Main 31D5. A. 1051. WOODS AW. AUTOMATIC wood saw; even length guar, anteed. Phone East 3940. SIANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROTHERS. 195 Front street. PLUMBING-SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. . KLINE CO.. 84-S6-87-89 Front. PRODUCB COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1NG & FA RRELL, 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14tli and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER 4 CO., Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. Mt. Tabor Bungalow Grounds 100x181 Choice Bearing Fruit 1750 E. Yamhill St. , Adjoining Mt. Tabor rark. Modern seven-room bungalow; hard wood floors: hot-water heat; four bedrooms, sleeping porch; garage. Price $8500 Reasonable Terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 213 Railway Kxrh. Rlda;. Main 67r.i. WE CALL FOR VOIR OLD CARPETS. Rasa and Woolen Clothlnar FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat Promptly Rac Rosa Woven All Sizea Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpels cleaned. Laid aad Refitted. NORTHWEST Rt'O CO. 1SJS East 8th St. I'll cine East Bead The Oregonian classified ads. I NEW TODAT. BITAfXIIHUD HIGH -GLASS AUCTION MR, THOMAS BURNS WHO, WITH HIS FAMILY, IS LKAA1NG FOR A TRIP TO EIROPE, HAS FAVORBD I S WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO SELL THE FIRST-CLASS FURNISHINGS FROM HIS BEAUTIFUL. HOME IN EAST MOREL AND. INCLUDED IN THIS SALE WILL BE SOME GENU INE OLD ANTIQUE PIECES FROM SCOTLAND. AVE HAVE MOVED THESE GOODS TO OUR SALES ROOMS FOR CONVENIENCE OK AUCTION SALE ON TUESDAY NEXT Comprising a rare old oak ' corner china cabinet, hand-carved oak settee (this piece is made from old oak seats of the church of Carlisle), near ly new upright Hobart Cable piano and bench in mahogany (here is a chance to get a (rood instrument), one davenport eight feet long in tapestry, Chesterf ield sofa with adjustable head, easy chairs, mahogany library and drawing-room tables, mahogany pedestals, mahogany parlor furniture with loose, cushions, parlor desk, rattan rockers, grass fiber lounge, beautiful French oval mirror, electric table lamps.' several good pictures, rare old brass candlesticks, fumed oak pedestal dining table. 54 - inch top; set of chairs with leather seats. portieres, imported china breakfast set. fern dishes, glassware, large oak hall tree. M A H O G A N Y MANUEL TALKING MACHINE. BEDROOM FURNITURE Beauti ful ivory bedroom suite, viz., bedstead, dresser, chiffonier, dressing table and bench, massive brass bedstead, large colonial style mahogany chiffonier; also iron bed, birdseye maple duchess dressing table, chiffonier and chair. All beds are complete with best steel springs ana mattresses. two AN'I'IUCE H1HUKA1IT three-quarter iron bed complete, birdseye maple dresser and other bed room pieces of -furniture. Also irom anotner private nome we shall sell quarter-sawed oak din ing - room suite, vis., pedestal table, buffet and set of chairs, mahogany combination bookcase, leather Morris chair, inlaid mahogany table and many other high-grade pieces of fur niture. Auctioneer's Note KINDLY CALL TOMORROW AND LOOK. OVER THIS FINE LOT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS. YOU WILL FIND THISM WELL WORTHY OF YOUR ATTENTION. AUCTION ON" TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. ON THURSDAY NEXT we shall sell the furniture from an eight-room residence. AUCTION; ON THURSDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. We bur household jroods for cash or will sell for you- on commission. either at your home, if convenient, or you may nave tne use or our sales room. If you contemplate selling. arop in ana see now we conduct an auction. Phone us for consultation and we will advise you right. Our psoas number Is Main 3332. W. C. B AKER A W. H. DEAN, PnrnHnre Dealer, and Auctioneers, s-Ttman HolldlnR, lBmhlll and AVest Pnrk Streets, Formerl . Masonic Temple Building. SALES AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE M0-17L SECOND STREET Near Morrison t. REGULAR SALiiSDAYS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AT I OA. M. FOR MEDIUM-PRICED FI RMTFRB CARPETS. RI GS, REDDING. DISHES. UTENSILS. STOVES, etc. Don't worry aDOirt me If. c. I.-. ATTEND - i iv ana hi at lOUR OWN PRIYATE SALE DEPARTMENT In this department you will find miods Or MERIT, Kqi AL TO NEW rnii tin r ug-half of new eoods. including all kinds of LIVING- 4 ROOM FURNITURE, MAHOGANY AD u.aiv u I I li SUITES, BED. ROOM FURNISHINGS of all descrip tions. ROOM-SIZE RIGS and CAR PETS. LINOLEUM. STEEL RANGES, GAS RANGES, and other goods per taining to house furnishings. See wuai we nave Deiore you Duy. AUCTION SALE AT RESTAURANT 528 WASHINGTON ST. Near Sixteenth) ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 2 P. M. comprising: casn register, counter ana deck oar, reiniererator. six tables, eleven stools, eighteen chairs, lin oleum, tnree gas plates, hot - cake plate, waffle irons, five-foot gaa 1411KC v .in i i . , BLeam iaDie, not' water neater ano tann, dishea, uten J. T. WILSON. AUCTIONEER. We Pay tank for Vned I,lurnltnre. THIRD ST. Near Burnside, new brick building 3 stories and basement. Price $35,000 V GOLDSCHMIDTS AGENCY Stock Exchange Bldg. 12 APARTMENT INVESTMENTS Two AttraetlTe Propositions. Respective Valnes of 3SjMMr and S65.O0O. GOLDSCHMIDTS AGENCY Stok Exchange. Third and YamJiill. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgases, contract nvesiorA, notes, eic ' F. E. BOWMAN & CO. HO nam. of Com. Bide Main 303s, Mortgage Loans Lowest Interest rates. Inatallmeat re payment tl desired. Bnlldlnar Is made. Ka delay In closing?. A. H. BIRRELL GO AUCTION XI7-218 Northwestern Bask BaUltUajc. MarshaU 4114, FW TODAY. . BEAUTIFUL WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEAR SALEM, OREGON 382 ACRES NO WHITE LAND Located directly on the main Pacific highway and between Jefferson and Albany, Oregon. School within quar ter mile from the house, also GRANGE MALL. Best of spring- water in every ield, good buildings with all modern Improvements, AND THE BEST LAND IN THEW OLEWILLAM- ETT E VALLEY Now. come in and we will eive vou all the details, for the owner is out- f-town resident and demands that re make a auick disDosal. with the price set at S10O per acre. Here i some sacrifice, inquire of RIELY & GUStAFSON SOS YEON BLDG. AMONG THE FIRS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS This low, rambling bimgalow, built of nonow me, enormous living room with extra large fireplace, Dutch Kiicnen, two large porches, one ot which is larpe enough for two or three beds. The nous has bath and toilet, concrete basement and splen- ld furnace. The ground consists of acre fronting on both upper and ower drives. Both the emu nti nnrl the house are In a very poor condition, but the possibilities for improvement are unlimited, and the price, $4200, certainiy should make this an attract ive proposition, and we think that the nouse aione could not be duplicated for this price, $1650 cash, balance $20 monthly. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 7X Chamber of Commerce. A REAL HOME QUALITY AND CLASS Old ivory enameled woodwork and narawood floors throughout; larere liv ing room wnn Deautirui nrepiace, built-in bookcases, lare plate - glass windows, lovelv dinin&r room with French doors and handsome built-in buffet; Dutch kitchen, with Pullman nook; two bedrooms and fine tile bathroom on first floor; two large bedrooms, sewing room or den and bath on second floor; fine cement basement; furnace and garage; com plete in every detail, nifty and at tractive. Your loss if you- pass this up. PRICE SDOOO. CALL 13 Chamber of Commerce. FOR LEASE SEVERAL DOWNTOWN BUILDINGS Very Centrally IOcsvted. Retail District. liO.(. TERM Rsrnponnlble Klrmn Only. One Soon Available. Wilcox BuUdinar. Main 563S. FOUR-FAMILY FLAT $12,000 This Is an extra well-built buildinc Each flat has five rooms, with addi tional two rooms each on third floor. LOCATED OJf WEST SI US, WALKING DISTANCE. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 80I -8-5-7 Board of Trade Hnlhrtlng APARTMENT HOUSE NOB HILL, WEST S DE Four-story apartment house; 16 three- room apartments, lour two -room; iwwnu prwunDB; income per mo. Netting: nearly 13 per cent. Fine loca tion on Xxvejoy street. PRICE $45,000 Some Terms If Deplred. Imformation Tio Phone GRUSSI S BENNETT 31-331 BOARD OP TRADB BI.Dfi. FOR REN 14x40 CORNER STORE ROOM At Third and Stark Streets. 6. H. DAMMEIER 403 MeKAY Bl'ILDING. FIFTEENTH STREET $12,1 50x100 CORN RAT FLANDERS ST. rUONE 218-29 NEW TODAT. . A ONLY $65 PER ACRE FORCED to sell, on account of sick ness, one of the best 160-acre alfalfa and spud ranches in Deschutes county, on the highway, three miles from Redmond. Or. R. F. D.. telephone, close to school, fine large house, cost $1500 to build: good barn. 50x100. and other outbu ildings; 40 acres in culti vation, 35 in alfalfa, about 80 more can be: lies fine; best of soil; under irrigation; paid-up water right; good team, two good milch cows, chickens; well equipped with all kinds of farm machinery and small tools necessary to run the place with goes with the place. In fact, it can't be beat .and will have to be seen to be appreciated. First come, first served; so hurty. If sold in ten days, only $ . per acre, on best terms. Will also con sider a home in Portland or improved acreage as part payment. $125 PER ACRE Eighty - acre alfalfa ranch, under irrigation, fully paid-up water right; well improved and all equipped; two miles from R. R. town; close to school and high school; 52 acres in alfalfa, balance pasture; good family orchard of assorted fruits and berries : good five-room house, barn and outbuild ings; four good work horses, seven fine milch cows, hogs and chickens. It's well equipped with all kinds of farm machinery necessary to run a place, also including household goods, goes with the place. PRICE $125 PER ACRE Terms, half at 6 per cent. cash, balance to "suit C. J. CULLISON REAL ESTATE CO. 205 Vi Morrison St. GO TODAY ' $5250 DANDY SIX ROOMS SLEEPING PORCH Furnace,, fireplace, big basement, har dwood floors; pavement paid; right on the c a r 1 i n e. House alone would cost $6500. Telephone Wood lawn 397S, ask for P. N. LATHROP With SIDNEY G. LATHROP 516 A8INGT0N BLDG. (SIGN OF Till' HORSESHOE) LOVELY PIEDMONT HOME Seven rooms, beautifully finished throughout, hardwood floors, fire place, finest of built-irts; three lovely bedrooms and sleeping porch; floored attic: full cement basement: furnace; Karatre. This is a beautiful corner lot 65x114 feet. I.ots of berries and two fruit trees. The. place is in at tractive condition and is a home you will be proud to own. Price f.57.10. S'-i.lOO cash. Phone Main 5Z4 lor tur ther detaals. Ralph Harris Co. 827 Chamber of Commerce. 1 DENVER, COL., PROPERTY IN EXCHANGE FOR 105 ACRES Only three-quarters of a mile from the Orefron City . bridge (near the mills), a bargain at $195 per acre. Fine large spring; 13 acres cleared and water piped to the hovrse. Half cash or will take part or all in trade for Denver property. ($6000) mortgage. J.L. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bids;. Main SOH. A VERY DESIRABLE HOME LOCATED IX THE MT. TABOR DISTRICT Built by day labor, of the choicest materials, for a permanent home, by owner, now located in Seattle. Ten rooms; two baths, three toilets; ma hogany ano ivory nnisn; narawood floors throughout: garage: large lot; seventeen fruit trees: berries, shrub bery. 117 K. FIFTY'-KIGHTH STREET SOUTH. CORNER MORRISON. THREE-STORY BRICK , $22,500 LOT 50x100. ni'ILDING .VtOO. ON KIRST, NEAR Bl RNS1DE ST. WEST SIDE. Handy to river and rail. A snap for wholesale or factory. RITTER, LOWE SCO. I 201 - 3 - S - 7 Board of Trade Building. SEW TODAY. HOUSES AND GARAGES Portable Garage 2-P We have one that will fit your car. Ready to be delivered in con venient four-foot sections. Made of carefully eie&ted fir. ! ' i Sectional Houm No. S36-P The house pictured above Is a portable g-arag-e converted into a house. We manufacture thia model in three sizes of one, two and three rooms. The sraragre doors have been re placed by two four-foot sections. By putting- in a sash door and windows and adding on a porch, we have the above cosy little- cot-tag-e. A saving- feature about our con vertible garage homes is that they cannot outlive their usefulness. If you decide to build a more pre tentious Heady-Cut home at a later date, you can easily convyt your garag-e home back Into a garage by removing the two four-foot sections at one end and replacing them with a pair of garage doors. Made in several styles. We will erect this house here Jit Portland or ship it anywhere f. o. b. cars, with com plete instructions and plane for erection. Write or Phone for Catalog: Elwood Wiles & Son 03 Title Tm.f Bld(. Phone Main 4724. Model Ko. hibitloo a 500 (Ready-Cut) on Ei t tool Union Ave. N. See It Today. APARTMENT HOUSE VICTIMS How lonj? will you stand the monthly raise of the landlord? How long will you bow your neck to the yoke-of the apartment house capitalist? Doesn't it make your red blood boil to be compelled to pay from a quarter to a hair of your income ror a little dry Roods box in which to sleep? Wouldn't you like to have a corner on earth to call your- own. where you misrht speak above a whisper or call the doff to dinner or have a cat to sit beside your rireslde? Has the home instinct left you entirely? If so, read this ana pass on, But if the spirit that started and built up this nation has a responsive spark in your bosom, answer by signing up your individual declaration of in dependence and come out to Multnomah where milk and honey floweth literally. Ask the people who live there. "seeinsr is Deuevinir." -jne proof of the pudding is in the eating tnereoi. v I can sell you a dandv little GUAR TER or HALF ACRE at prices rang ing from $400 to S900. with all lm provenrrents In the ground, on terms of 109fc down and 91 a month. If you can rake together a few more dollars to spread a sneiter aoove your head, I would urge you to i vestigate. we will take you out in our ma chine and show you Portland's most delightful suburb. There are a few houses still to be had and a great variety of choice building sites. Our office on the boulevard Is open all day Sunday and appointments can be made oy catling up the main of fice at 404 Piatt building. 127 Park street. Telephon Main SS0. BEN RIESLAND Exclusive Sales Agent of Multnomah Property on the Oregon electric. THIS HANDSOME BUNGALOW - With living and dining room com bined, two bedrooms and sleeping porch, white enameled (Dutch) kitchen, with bullt-ins; bath and gas; all furnished; new garage; hi acre, all in garden with variety of bearing fruit trees and berries for only $3500. , Terms. A bargain. k E. PIERSON - 41 S Chamber Cnmmrce fttiildinjc. Marshall 3710. Ret. Woodlawn FOR SALE OR TRADE FI1VRST STOCK OR DAIRY RANCH IS ORUOOM. ' Consisting of 500 acres, with ample ranpe adjoining-, 300 acres in cultivation. Improve ments first class, new and mod ern, with up-to-date machinery and implements. This fine property is offered for sale to close an estate. An exchange of well improved city property will be considered as part of purchase price. Donald Macleod 10O1-S Spalding Bulldlna;. $70,000 TWO WEST SIDE APARTMENTS V.l sell singly or together. Paving .6 per cent on the investment. Thir teen three-room apartments, 26 alto gether. Selling at a tremendous sac rifice. JOIINSOX-DODSOX CO. 633 X. W. Bank Bids;. Main 3787 IRYINGTON CLASSY SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. Well constructed. Nothing but first class material and fixtures used. Fur nace; fireplace; garage.- Lawn graded and seeded. The best that money can buy. See this today, 6S6 Kast Twenty fifth street JJorth. OWNER SEW TODAY. WAREHOUSE 60,000 SQ. FEET West Side, on track; modern build ing, which could not be duplicated for less than $120,000. Quick, pos session given. Principals only. No phone information. Wonderful snap, but must be all cash $90,000 WEST SIDE APT. Close in, modern; rent (old rates) $260. Nob Hill district. No leases. $7000 cash necessary. Price $20,000 FLATS West Side, walking distance; lOOx 100, corner. Rental value $440 per month. Price $29,000 EAST SIDE TRACKAGE 50x100 corner.'E. 3d and Pine; 100 feet on track. Solid ground; rents $45. Price $11,000 E. J.DALY 221 FAILING BLDG. SUBSTANTIAL RESIDENCE m r" - . t ir-y J i. $7500 I2TH AND EAST MORRISON STS. Seven rooms, four bedrooms, fire-place, furnace; house perfect condition, near public library, Washington high, grade school and Benson Polytechnic IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. 'It: RMS LIKE KENT. PORTLAND REALTY & TRUST CO 214 Rallviny Main Bldg. r,2l. RIVERA HOI'SKS IX SELECT DISTHICT, WITH WOMOEHKl'L VIBWS. DUNTHORPE ' HOMESITKS IN A IJISTIIICT THAT IS KESTRICTEI1, AMI A L W A Y S WILL HIi. OXK ACRE AD I VERY REASONABLY PRICED. RIVER FRONT SOME CHOICE LOCATIOXS. A FEW HOtSES WITH AHPI.B OROIjXDS, RIGHT OX THE RIVER. RIVERDALE SKVKRAI. BKAITIKIL IIOM KS. All this Drooerty has eas. electricity, Bull Run water, daily deliveries and is twenty minutes from Washington street, otua paved road and near to a new $43,000 school. Information . given gladly. MRS. HELEN S.TURNER SPAI.IHXO MAIN . BLDG. FOUR-FAMILY FLAT LOT KOilOO OX EAST, Bl'RSlnR EXCEPTIONALLY AA ELL LOCATED, RENTAL. VALIE VERY LOW AT :I5. Each owner occupies two flats. This is a dandy bargain. RITTER, LOWE SCO. SOI .3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL 5 -ROOM BUNGALOW BEFORE Bt'Ylr.. Modern and first-class workmanship. 904 Kast Twentieth street North, be tween Kk id more and Mason. Owner, 0.J.LEE EXCHANGE, CLEAR 25,0O0. The finest 40-acre addition to Baker. Or. Hard-surface streets to edeDf tract. The finest residences in Baker built to it. The opportunity of a life time for builder or lot seller. Owner lives here and cannot attend to it. Over thousand dollars a year alone can be had for gravel from Powder river, which runs throirgrh one side of it. Will trade up to ?40.000 and pay cash difference Price must be right. H 2i7. ORE;OXlA!V. Snaps, Every. One $4350 50x100, six-room house, corner of East First and Weldler. $3500 Union ave. business lot, 50x 100. six-room good house. $10,500 100x100. corner Union and Shaver; fine for large garage. $1450 Irvington 50x100, corner of E. 11th and -Siskiyou. J. D. Kennedy, 328 Salmon. Slain 47e8 v j!- Ah n - ' a J ; - -cwl SrV TODAT. BUSINESS PROPERTY WEST SIDE OFFICE BUILDING ?! Ifl (inf. six storv office building, a I lUfUUUon quarter block, in hem of business district; building cou'-1 not be reproduced today for than $130. U00. Brut Ituy on Inxl . Property in City. Terms. WEST SIDE GARAGE ? AO Pnn Two - story brick buUdiu.7 tUjUUU with basement: driveway i each floor and basement. Cover.1 quarter block. Terms. EAST SIDE BRICK BUILDING ; SI J finft Three store rooms below IHiUUUand apartments above: tutl cement basement; furnace; stea::i heat; four two-room, two three room, one four-room and one five- room apartment; pays over 5-00 net above all expenses. Building cannot be erected today for anywhere near price asked. Thia Is m Real Barcain APARTMENTS W EST SIDE Cf Cflfl On quarter block on Ever d003UUett et.. three blocks from Washington; income J82a per montn. Terms. IRVIXGTOX APARTMENT t07 nflfl four apartments, five roonra )ZIUUU each, t o fr e t h e r with sun ; porch; illrdsao, rioorat lliea oain rooms, with shower bath; Dutch kitchen and gas ranges. Rent for $S5 each. WEST SIDE FLATS tO1) Min0" quarter block within 01Z;IIUU few minutes' walk business district; income J254 per month. ro heat furnished. Terms. EAST SIDE FLATS SI R nflfl Four-flat building of flv. lUfUUUrooms each: close to both Sunnyside and Hawthorne canines; E. 17th st.; separate fireplace and furnace for each flat: together with built-in buffet and Iutch kitchen: hard-surfaced street; Income is ilii per month. Terms. WEST SIDE FLAT CCnn Two-flat buildins on Irvine $33UU street: close-in: lot w o r" t h more than price asked. Just $S0'i down and balance $50 .per montii . with interest. HOLLADAY AVE. APARTMENTS CCOKn Double apartments with pan- $3uUeled dininc room, massive buffet. Dutch kitchen, lint Value for the Money in the City. Let me show you this. Terms. CLOSE-IN FLAT I fin Two-flat buUdlng of six vwlUU rooms each, on Powell street. near Milwaukie, on carline; has l!v- inj? room, dining; room, kitchen and three bedrooms; bath and toilet in each. Five large fruit treas; J70U down, balance at $50 per month, with Interest at 6 per cent. See thia. WEST SIDE FLAT ffIQCn Two-flat building; in South Jt3UU Portland; good income; $500 down and $35 per month, with in terest. . Good value. . j - WAREHOUSE SITE ffon nnn One-half block. 200 feet on $UjUUU Thsrrman st., between 17th and ISth st3. This Is Uood iue. STORE BUILDINGS wEra- lave many exceptional bargains store buildings, with and with out living room, in every section of the entire city; SEE ours before you buy. VACANT AND RESIDENCE LOTS WE?, ave hundreds or business ana residence lots for sale in all parts of the city. For information re pardln these and other business properties . 0 BI25INCSS "BOPIITO WILL LEASE -BUILDING FOR LIGHT MANUFACTURING OR WAREHOUSE PURPOSES 4-STORY AND BASEMENT 50x100 STEAM HEAT ELEVATORS, ETC. AA ELI, LOCATED. REASONABLE UK NT Al port land's AvsilsHle Rnslness Loca tions Cnn Be Seenred Thraoffh INS1HE PROPERTY" DEALERS. TWELFTH FLOOR, YEON BLDG. CASH $5000 TO YIELD : $100 PER ANNUM Property particularly well located on prominent east aide thoroughfare. Im provements in good condition. This proposition will warrant close invesu gion. A. H. BIRRELL CO. . 217 X. AV. Bank Bids;. Har. 4114. SIX-FLAT B 000 FOLR FLATS WAVING SIT ROOMS .EACH. TAVO HAVE FIVE ROOMS EACH. Corner lot. East Ninth street, near Burnside. Present income $190 per month. Full details at RITTER, LOWE SCO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bulldlna;. i a