THE SUNDAY ; OREGOXIAK, rORTIiAND, 31 AY 16, 1920 23. 1 t t POTATO SHIPMENTS 1 UNDER WAY California Demand Revives and Stocks Clean Up. PRICES HERE NO BETTER Otdi Oregons Quoted at $6 to $7 by Jobbers Xew Stock Is Gradually Cheapening. The movement of old potatoes to the t - south has been larger in the last few- days. r.'"A number of cars have been shipped from this city and others that were put into -''-storage were ordered shipped. The clean- trig up of stocks in California caused the ",' improvement in the demand, but it has , not helped prices here, and buyers are not disposed to pay over 35.50 to growers. Farmers continue to offer small lots, but there are few buyers, aside from the ship pers. In the- Jobbing market Oregon potatoes are offered at 56(5)7, according to size and Quality, and TaJcimaa at $7. 50 ft 8. New potatoes are more plentiful and lower at 10 11 centa. - The eastern markets for old potatoes continue firm. The demand at Minnesota shipping points was limited, but prices are alightly above last week's range at $7 7.30. Middle western consuming markets prices showed little change at $7 7.50. Carlots sacked and bulk were firm in Chicago, advancing 35 to 45 cents to a close of $7.3557.50. New Tork round . whites were steady in eastern markets, $.78.50. The same stock in bulk sold . eaHy in Philadelphia at $7.507.75, but weakened to a close of $tt.757. Maine irecn Mountains were firm at shipping points, closing at $6.356.58 bulk. -"Sacked stock in eastern markets held at $6.00 8, -Now York ranging $7.554p7.85; Phi lade 1 phia and Boston lower at G.75 07.25. Cin cinnati Green Mountains sold $7.25 7.40 bulk. Kaulings of Spaulding Rose were lightat Hastings, Pla. There were a few early sales at $15, but prices generally ranged $13114. Tbe same stock was tlS'fVM at Mew Tork and Pittsburg and 1713 in Baltimore and Philadelphia. The decrease in shipments of old stock " was nearly balanced by the increase in shipments of new stock. Shipments of old potatoes were 918 cars compared with 1178 last week and 1704 during the same week last year. Shipments .of new potatoes. SOS cars, compared with 85 last week and , 400 during the same week last year. All CLASSES OF MILL FEED STRONG Rolled Oats and Barley. Scratch Feed and Millrun Higher. ! ; f flll feed of Nill descriptions is steadily advancing In price. Mill run is now qooted at 5455. with very little avall- able. Rolled oats and rolled barley have i gone up a dollar with the coarse grain , . market, and scratch feed is quoted $3 tygher than it was. I -No trading was reported In field grains i T yesterday. White oats ranged from 50 ; cents lower to 50 cents higher than Fri- 1 day. Bids for corn and barley on the local board were unchanged. Broomhall cabled from Liverpool : , f "There is a less firm feeling In the corn market In the United Kingdom owing to the expected liberal arrivals of Plate in a v' 'fbort time. Shipments from Argentine will continue good from now on. Ameri can buyers show more .interest and fair purchases have been made by exporters - with united States connections. Oats con tinue firm and prices for parcels of Argen- tina sorts hold very firm at higher levels. i,. . New york advices say that Calcutta . burlap market has weakened owing to the reflection of panic conditions in Japan. Many commitments had been made by Japanese traders and they were unloading and liquidating when they could. From time to time irregular lots of both bags --and- burlaps are offered for resale there and in other markets, and for the time ' being an unsettled condition exists. ( . . Terminal receipts, in cars were reported 1 by the Merchants Kxchange as follows: Wheat, Barley. Fir. Oats. Hay. Tort.aird. Sal 10 .... 12 io Year afro 0 1!4 'J 16 Season to date. .MOfi 17.1 37S4 475 2127 Var aco 1W2 1069 2395 74 3114 Total this week. J.H l fl n 33 Y.ix Ago SS 22 67 32 2 -Tacoma, Fri . . . . IS .... 7 ... 2 Year hco 5 1 .... - 3 I jJiraon U dat..K79S 94 3096 176 S29 Year ago 531K 42 .... 187 1212 " Sat tie, Kri $ .... 4 3 Year aso 7 Season to date. .firt"5 214 1117 643 1 1S5 Year aso 53l0 88 1269 573 2549 LAEGE MOHAIB POOL. IS FORMED About 20,000 Pound Vill Be Sold at Edd Tille Wednesday. TOLFTDO. Or., May 15. (Special.) The Eddy villa mohair pool, consisting of 20, 00O to 25,000 pounds of mohair, will be , offered for sale at public auction at kiddy ville, in Lincoln county, next Wednesday at 3 P. M. The hair is of splendid quality J. long, dry and free from hurra. For the fr 1, past 10 or 15 ycara it has been the custom of the county growers tb pool their clips lor public auction. - :- - The pool list year was made up of hair from 63 goat farms, with approximately 15.000 pounds, and was sold to Walter Kline of Corvallis for 62 cents a pound. ,i,0 practically all the mohair growers of the county are selling with the pool this year, - with the result that it will be the largest amount assembled at Kddyville in ten years. Cline Bros, of Kddjvllle are the lagest gruwers, offering 3000 pounds. Other large growers areRoscoe Bros., 900 pounds; Jvicthly & Schoenhcit, 900 pounds; Nash Bros., 1000 pounds; Charles lladdick, S0O pounds; W. A. Taylor, 1200 pounds; V. Jb "Wakefield. 800 pounds. The pool of fered Wednesday includes the entire clip of 75 growers from the counties of Lin coln. Benton. Tillamook and Lane The . Mohair association has announced an in crease in the number of goats and in the mi.n of the clip of the established goat farm and also a great increase in the number of new farms established during the year. APPLES S-ELL STEADY AT OLD PRICE Competition of Summer 1'ruits Has Little -'"- Effect Yet. There is a fairly good movement io the local applu market, notwithstanding tle larger supply of other fruits. Apple prices remain at the previous level, although the Quality in deteriorating. The market ranges from $2.25 for ordinary Homes to $3.50 for the best Red Cheeks and lor large extra fancy Wtnesaps. Stocks arc becoming closely cleaned up here Ifctte remains in the country. , Northwestern boxed apples are holding " steady in the eastern markets. During . , . . the week extra fancy Winesaps sold SXfrO'a 4.25 at Chicago, faLnnsa-s City Minneapolis. The Cleveland market ittood at I4'a4.50, New York at $4.505, Pitts burgh at $4 & 4.75, Baltimore at S4.25& 4.75 and Philadelphia at S i. 75 $f 5. 25. Tbe s.. range on barreled apples was S7.50&8 for ' Ben Davis in tbe middle wcstein market to til 12 for Baldwins at Pittsburgh Philadelphia. " Shipments are decreasing. The move ment of boxed apples was 235 cars, against 16S in the previous week and 20 cars - the same week last year. ' Barreled app) "ITZjir ftbpmc0 were 49 cars, aga mat v5 Ja-rt wek and 104 in tto corresponding week of 1919. r STRAWBERRY SHIPMENT ARRIVES Order Booked Are Filled at Friday's Price. Cuban Pineapples Comlnff., A car of strawberries arrived yesterday, but- tbe train did not ret in until 6 P. M. A- number at orders wer booked at 44& 4.25 and these were filled. The, remainder of tba shipment had to be carried over until Monday. A crata of White Salmon berries arrived and a fair movement of Oregon fruit is expected in the coming week. A car of Cuban pineapples is in transit and will arrive the latter part of the week. They will probably sell at f lO per case. For many years this coast has de pended entirely on Hawaii for its pine apple supply. CUBE BUTTER CLEANS tP WEIX Are TTakea Receipts Are Larger, but Car Of. Cube butter receipts were liberal, but the demand was good and the offerings were readily absorbed. Shippings orders were reported filled at SO cents and the local trade paid 49 cents. There was a steady movement of prints. Eggs coming on tbe market yesterday were taken at prices ranging up to 41 'i cents, but no bide over 40 cents have been made for Monday's- -receipts. Jobbing prices were not changed. Arrivals of poultryand dressed meats were small and sold atFriday's prices. Banlf Clearings. Bank clearings of V. the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: ciearinss. Balances. Portland $4.S0.076 S 719. 9t Seattle 7.724.571 1.15S.049 Tacoma 814.529 187.316 Spokane 2.2otf.503 S50.093 Clearings of Portland, beatile and Ta coma for the past week and correspond ing week in former years were: Portland Seattle. Tacoma. 1920. . . .$:i7. 528.228 $40,848,394 $6,929.0 1919 .'I1.6S9.929 1918 21,717,100 1917 18.245,497 1916 10.0!l7,09O :;8,029.hS. 4.60,100 37,400,677 21,539.404 14.258,61 11.943.227 12, 009, 3 KS 12,628,076 1 1.338.837 10,346.824 5,117,391 3.067.246 2,342, S68 1,770,041 2,173.661 2.697,623 4.0O4.ft:i:t 3.997.U33 1915- 10.Oil.29 1914 31,810.6i2 1013 11,097,730 1912 9.831. 306 1911 8,786.127 Dairy Exchange te Be Formed. Steps are being taken to organize a dairy protruce exchange in this city and the mat ter will be considered at a meeting to be held at the Chamber of Commerce at noon tomorrow The trade feels the need of such an exchange here. It felt the need before and twice formed such an ex change, but both times the organization fell through from lack of supaort or lack of harmony. ' Provision Prices Advance. Advances of 1 cent in all sizes of hams, standard bacon and lard will .become ef fective Monday morning. A leading east ern brand of shortening was advanced half a cent yesterday, following a similar rise a week ago. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Flour. Feed. Etc. Merchaats' Kxchange. noon session: Bid Oats May. June. July. No. 3 white feed $69.50 $69.00 $69.00 Barlev No. 3 blue 66.50 Standard teed 66.00 66.50 5.00 66.00 64.30 Corn- 1 No. 3 yellow . . . ' Eastern .rain 73.00 bulk 72.00 . 72.00 73.00 72.00 Corn, No. 3 yellow... 76.00 v 1 1 c .1 i ugveiumcai uaaia, . u jaer hnah.l FLOUR Family patents, $13.75: bakers hard wheat, $13.75: best bakers' patents. $13.75: pastry flour, $11.80; graham. $11.60: whole wheat, $11. 8a. MILLFEED Prices f. o. b. mill: Mill run, $5455 per torv rolled barley, $72' 73; rolled oats, $7374; scratcn leea, $'J192. CORN Whole. 7879; cracked. $80 81 per ton. HAY Buying1 price, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa, $37; cheat, $23; valley timothy. $31. Dairy and Country Produce. abl lBilt .UDeo, extras, mjvi. i j. . . . , , .- r r.- ,,H- ..artnna .".5c- half boxes. c more; less than half boxes, lc more; butterfat. No. 1, 5152c per pound at stations: Portland delivery, 53c. BijOlS, - ,Buying price, current receipts. 39'l40c. .lobbing prices to reLaiiera Candled. 42c: select. 44c. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets, 32c; Young America. AAc; long horns. 33c Coos and Curry, f. o. b Myrtle Point: Triplets, 31c; Young Amer Ira. Sf'lC Der POUnd. POULTRY Hens. 3234c; broilers, 35 (S40c; ducks, 45c; geese, nominal; tur keys, nominal. VEAL Fancy, 21c per pouna. PORK Fancy. 22c per pound. Fruits and "Vegetables. FRITITS Oransres. $57.7o: 3.25fi6.50 per box; grapetruit, ?d.uu'tf b.wu nor box: bananas, lUtmic per pouna, up- pies, t2.25'&'4 per box; strawberries, S4 & VEOKTABLKS Cabbage. tic- per mnd: lettuce. S3v3.75 per crate; cucum - .. . . . . bers. S1St3 per dozen; carrots, $4 per sack; horseradish, 25c per pound: garlic, 500c per pound; rhubarb, 34v per pound; peas, 10C per pouna; asparagus. x..uw- doaen. POTATOES Ore eons. 5()'it( per srck laKimas. i.ouo, ww vuaui u. a.. V7a w 11c per pound; sweet, 12c per pound. ONIONS xeiiow bermuaas, per crate: white. S3.2o33.oO per .crate; aus tralian brown, $7.50 per sack, Staple Groceries. Loeul Jobbinr Quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Cane rranuiatea, 24c per pound; extra C, 23.85c; golden C, 23c; yellow L. 23.bc; cunes, in par rels. 25.10c. NUTS -walnuts, 2638c; Brazil nuts, oc ; filberts, 00c ; almonds, obvoS'c peanuts. lU16sc: cocoanuts, $2 per dozen. SALT Half ground, 100s. 1L25 per ton; 50s. ib.75 per ton; dairy. f2.7a per ton. RICE Blue Rose. 15ic per pound. BKANS amall white, 7c; large white, Vu: Pink. loc; lima. 13c per pound; bayous, Uc; Mexican rods 10c pet pound. COFFEE Roasted, In drums, 3U(ffavc; per pouna. ProTiMMna Local jobbing quotations: HAMS All 40(5 44c; skinned, 6x45c; picnic. 2tic; cot ta ire, 3 Sc. LARD Tierce basis, 2c; com pouna, per pound. DRY SALT Short, clear bacKs. oec Dcr nound: nlates. 2iic. BACON Fancy, 4b&dtic; scanuara, do 4 tic per pound. Hides and Pelts. HIDES bait hides, under 45 lbs.. 22c; green hides, under 4o lbs., -Oc; sait nicies, over 4. lbs.. 18c: green bides, over 4o lbs. lbc; green or salt calf, to io lbs., 9vc; green or salt kip, 15 to 30 lbs., 2ttc; salt bulls, 14c; green bulls, 12c; dry hides, 30c; dry salt hides, 24c; dry call under t is. "c ; salt borse, large, 9 salf horse, me PJSLTs Dry pclts, fine long wool, 3.2c; dry pelts, medium long ool, 30c; Dclts. coarse, long wool, -'-c; salt pelts. long wool, April take-oit, i to . Hops, Wool. tc 140IS lOia croo. tl ner nound: 19: contract; average. 7oc; three-year contracts. MOHAIR Long staple, new clip, 450 per pound. TALLOW NO. 1, 11W12C; JNO. X. up oer bound. Si CAiCARA BARK Per pound, old peel, 11 c; new peel, lOo per pound. ami . WOOL Eastern Oregon, 40 60c; valley, medium. 3-c per pound. ORA1N BAGS' Car lots, 21 $ 21 coast. at and UNSEED OIL Raw. barrels. l.8: raw. druinfc. S2.0j: raw. caes. S.13: tooiled. bar reU. 2 boiled, drums. f2.U7; boiled, casaa. t serious shortage of cars and rarw materials til 5. TURPENTINE Tanks, :.46; eases. CO At. OIL. Iron barrels. 14 14 GASOLINE Iron barrels. 27c; tank war - and on. Jic; cases, 39fcc. KLEL Oil. Bulk. 2.10 per barrel. w York Susar Market. ia . NEW TORK. May lo. Raw ausar, strong. CentiirueaJ. line granulated, I paper, is contemplated cars STOCK MARKET STRONGER OVER EXTENDED SHORT POSI TION IS EVIDENT. Reports of Further Gold Imports Exert Favorable Influence on Trading; Dealings Small. ."EW TORK. May 15. Although an-1 thorities continued to emphasize the fur- r nnr micimnarv fruifi .r tna Tiiunrju i and commercial market tortav short ses- ' to have furnished additional evidence of - - - - - -- I umental xactor in the moderate recovery 1 , . -i.-.-. tl " -.--"-- " imports irom lodood are unpenning. a- though confirmation of such a movement I was not obtainable in well-informed quar- ters. ' I Dealings fell to the smallest volume of 1 any week-end so far this year. The tone was iirm to strong. bales were u.wuv shares. 1 The clearing house statement. Issued I alter too close 01 the maraet, was m 1 reverse of most forecasts. Heavy trans- fers by local banks to meet federal in-I National Leather ....'.'.'.'.'.1 11 it terest payments and withdrawals by in- 1 Swift International t ' t '. " l " 36 tenor mstitutions lor crop-moving pun- 1 poses caused only a relative ly small in- I - . JS t I crcsu!. 01 actual loans ana uttrouui-. stead of a deficit in reserves, that item I showed a gain of considerably more tban 1.000,000. I Trading in bonds was fairly large, again concentratlrtg in liberty and victory .issues I at further price impairment. Total sales. par value. $6,750,000. For tne week 01a United States 2s and 5s each declined - per cent on call with a drop of 2 per cent for Panama 2a f!LOSITCC STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last Sales. High. Low. tale. 1 r.iin 41 39. :t94 Am Can Am Car & Kdy Am H & L ptd Am Loco Am Sm & Rfg Am Sugar Rfg Am .Sum Tob. Am Tel & Tel 5UO 132 131 'a lulMs 5U0 94 1 94 94 Win 94 93 i 94 SKO 60 61 60 V4 IOO 129. 12914 129'4 1,000 SSi S7 S8 1,300 94 4, 93 'i 94 5i Am 2 L &, Sm 4.4U0 Anaconda C'oD 1.U0O 14 v 5614 14. 56 16S 11"4 32 V 91 y, 22 i 30 115 69 t 34 31 v4 93 13S 51 60 11 141 27 '4 73 35 521 83 4 lS'i 72 16 26 181 i4v l 56 I A O & VV 1 a fc :i,yuu 1 1 L Baldwin Loco. 15,300 118 Bait & Ohio. . 1.200 33 Beth Steel B. S.200 92 B & S Copper 10O 22 Calif Petrol . . 200 31 Canadian Pac. 300 115 "4 Central Leath 1,000 69 Chi M &. St P 200 Chi R I & Pac 3,400, Chino Copper. 600 31 7A Corn Products. 4,000 94 '4 Crucible Steel. 1,700 140 Cuba Can Sug 700 51 "4 U S Food. Prod 600 02 Vs Krie 000 12 Gen Electric. 4l0 141 Uen Motors .. 13.SOO j'SH it North pf d . IOO 7o -s Ut N Ore ctfs 1,400 35 Inspir Copper 300 52 '4 Int. M M pfd. 1.9UO 8414 Int Nickel ... 700 1jb Int Paper 900 '' Kan City So.. 100. 16 Kennecott Cop BOO -b : 1 1: I 1? I I I --4 I .115 6- C 33 34 31 7k 94 138 51 61 11 141 28 73 35 52 84 18 72 16 263 182 Mex .Petrol... Midvale Steel. 4.100 1S4 1.100 43"4 l.lOO 251 500 , 13 '4 10O 6S v, 1,21)0 SUts 10O 91 43 24 12 68 2S 91 73 103 39 30 C7 17 85 93 34 94 22 71 4S 116 70 84 94 106 67 84 43 '4 4 5fa Miss Pacific. - 13 V.vada Cod... N Y Central. 68 28 I v V v H & H 91 Norf & v eat 1 TJnr-lfic :oo 7is 73 p-Am Petrol.. 15.200 103Vi C.uKania 1.S00 40 1" 40 Pitts & W Va. 20O 30 30 Pitts Coal . . . Ray Con Cop 500 400 8.800 4,9'iO 5,900 3.90O - 51 1754 80:) 94 i 35 54 95 22 72W 17 ooyn i . " , ' ' .. c .'-7s I "I' "". VS. ' 1 :V. sm Oil & Kts So Pacific ... So Railway 700 -J'-lk ur,rihalc Corn 11.800 1 I VS Texas Co 6,400 49 4 48 Union Pacific. 1.0 1161 116"4 71 Ltd Rtl fctores iiv" 87 94 1116 TT 5 Steel pfdl 200 106 Utah Copper.. "West SUnion . . West Electric. Willys-Ovid .. National Lead 1,000 J 00 1110 4.S0O l.lOO L1"0 84 i 7!) 4V- 84 47 47 17 18 40 119 Ohio CIS uaa.. R Dutch N X 1.9WO 119 119 BONDS. i T -v. i ' IT, SLib3sS. Qfl ftOI Panama 3s cou.78 do 1 St 4S... 84.60 Anglo Frencn as van 111, 1 ! L ' " - - - ., . . . do 2d. 4s 84.10IAm T S l cv o do 1st 4s. . .85. i4Atchen gen s. ' do 2d 4s. . . l v ai. ' c-7 do 3d 4 s si.D'S!. 1 - . rio 4th 4'is. ..85.02 N P 4s oli Victory 3s 95.50iN P 5s ..... 50 do 4s uo-airac 1 ec a ub... - -3 it fl ree 101 4 Penn con 4-tes. . . S3 do coupon. ..'1U15 & f cv o. ...... U S 4s reg..-..'l"6 lo tiy os. ...... 5.3 U s cv 4s coil. "IOO I U f s Panama 3s reg.- i u o Mining Stocks at Botiton. BOSTON. May 15. Closing quotations Allouez 31 IMonawk Ariz Com 11 (North Butte . Calu. Jfc Aris... 0IOId Dominion Calu, & Kecla. .330 lOsceola 61 19 28' )1 z Centennial 11'Quincy 53 Cot Range 40'Superior 5 13'iiSnn. & Boston E. Butte . . 3 Franklin . . 2 3 ; Shannon 1 IRC nuyaiiu ... j- umn ' Isle Royalle 29 j U tah Con Copper .. 3IWoIverine I H 21 It LARGE GAINS IN BIV'I-S ON HAND 1 -c , Minion, wa bx I Federal Reserve Board. WASHINGTON. May 15. Combined re l and liabilities of the 12 federal K,t,a fniinoa a th. 1 Df business May 14: I T?-rt.irep( Qold and gold certif ieatea. . . .S 171.20S.0O0 - nftid settlement fund. F. R. 1 board -S9,1 49,000 OOKL Wltn loreign agencies.. iiiisi.wu Total gold held by banks. .$ 673,13$, &OO 1 rvld with F R. agents. . .$1,113, 92,non 150,101,000 1 Cold redemption fund..-. Total said reserves ..$1,939,14,000 Leea.1 tendr notes, silver .etc.f 139,252. OOO Total reserves ... ..J2.O78.393.00O Bills discounted, secured oy overnment war obligations. i, MPi.nm All other Bills bought in open market. 413.292.000 Total bills on hand $2.!M,5S2.000 United States government bonds 26T2 T-nWrd States victory notes.. 69.000 United States certificates of ind-ebteovness iu.i..,wv Total eaxnins et3 . .$3,270,010,000 Rank premlsee . 12.530.000 39 1 Uncollected items arrd other deductions from gross de- nnit4 SO", 445.000 Five pr cent redemption fund against J? tt. Dans nuieo... All other resources-.,.. 11.77.000 5,006.000 Total resources S6.1S6.071.000 T UhllfHpa Capital paid in Surplus rinvernmcnt deposits ft3.1 07,000 120.120.WKi 44.153.000 Due to members' reserve ac- count . -. - - -. - ... . . . i.t.iT".F r,0fprrPd availability items.. 630,427,000 Other deposits, including for 08.075.000 eign government trj-, . rm deoosits S2.646.8O0.000 - p. R- notes in actual circula- tion , . ,",: IF. R. banK noies in eircui...v.. 17ft.Ri5.ono Oti.OO5.0UO dry I net iiaoiLit rAH other liabilities Total liabilities S6.1 RC.071.OOO Ratio of total reserves to federal reserve notes in circulation alter 25 per cent against nei ucpuan 4jc I 46,o per um. SPECULATIVE LOANS SCALED DOW 50o IOC Another Advance in Discount Kates , Anttclparo- srtmxr TnrV. Mav 15. Compulsory re striction of credits assumed wwter more significant proportinno in mr. market this ween, causing runner p.w- .4i.nrAriMtii.Ti of o noted values in virtually all classes of securities. Economic problems were lnienanica ih. inrreiiEed. freizht conseatmn at rail road terminals as iar wtsi &s i-iiuaso, ihr.atcnlnz the very existence or many lines of industry. . The investment market wa.. active and firm as attested by over 17c; subscriptions to several new capital is sues. All of these, however, were offered at rates yielding 7 per cent or better. In hankinc circles unusual interest manifest In next week's conference of federal reserve board. Reports from Kng'.and and the west strengthened impression that another advance of counts, including the rate for mercantile Tne most hopcXui Xcalure of tbe - money situation Is the further scoJlna down of speculative loans. This liability, it was declared, is smaller than at any any time in the last alx months. There is reason to believe that loans against ex Ports also have been reduced substantially. In the foreign exchange market move ments were, irregular within- circumscribed limits, the more Important remittances iwnny uin center. aoies resorting additional gold ex ports from London a tvif. "0l?n,VL !?JL u,rp""; " th ' exhibit terial change of that Im-itmun'. ,.i,4n. of bullion. Money. Exchenar. tuti. NEW YORK, May 15. Mercantile t- Exchange firm si..h.. ,., S3. 77; commercial 60-day bills on banks -- ts ... vumjnerciAi -'i" r hin. i tt demand $3.81 a ; cables, .-3.82H: drach in. sk - .-. . . .- i.i...- .. . . (90.38: Uarka AontA aat . a 1 . . - . 5.71: Spain, $ie!so- 1675 - Holland 36 50 i ona - ' -,A,Ai,w-"B; iopen- e-. " 1 1. Bar silver. 99Vc Mexioai, dollars. TSUo Government hn. steady. ' LONDON, May 15. Bar sliver 68d per ounce. Money, 5 per cent. Discount ana taree-moruhe' bills. 654 Swift Co. Stock. Closing uric, or Rwirt a- -. -, Chicago were reported hv ' nv.rh-w a- 1.., company 01 Portland as follows: 7-" ?-r-. y;-.. 111 Surplus Reserve Is, Increased. PBW YORK. May 13 Th. nl , ; , - , - - d'"on clearing house banks and trust r""1' " "r woe" snows that tney itod .ci n excess or legal ,vJ7i,n . , 1u" " aa "crease of - NO RECEIPTS. AT LOCAX YARDS Few Changes la Price, as Cotnpfsred with 4'eek Ago. The week's business at the stockyards came to a close Friday, as nothing came lr. yesterday. As compared with the close of the previous week, hog values lost 50 cents, steers gained the same amount and cows, sheen and lambs closed unchanged. Livestock prices at the Portland stock yards, were as follows: Best grade, pulp-fed steers. . .$12.25 13 90 Choice steers n -.oc i LiOCia to Choice Nla.r it .1 r.n Medium to choice steers:..::! 1 o!oOta 11 !f0 Fair to medium steers....... 9 001lo6o c"ommon to fair steers , . 8.00m 9.00 Choice cows and heifers 10.259rll 00 I Medium to good cows, heifers, ft tXi-ht ft on Fair to medium cows, heifers 7.0fJ 8.00 anners ' 5.O0'n 6.00 6.0Oi 9. 00 Bulls Prime light calves Medium to light calves.... Heavy calves ... ,12.00 16.00 9.00!12.00 . . .. 6.50AV 8.50 ... 7.50&I 8.50 ... 15.00 1 5. SO ... 14.0Otml.VftO ... . Il.o014.0o .. 10.0011.00 . .. 12.004" 14.50 ...H5. 001916.00 14.0OW15.00 .... 13.0opl4.00 ... 10.50 to 12.50 13.OOW14.00 12..'.0oi 13.25 . ... S.IM'r 12.00 14.OOrftl5.00 . ... lO.OOffji 11.00 Stbckers and feeders...... Hogs Prime mixed ............. Medium mixed ........... Smooth heavv ............ Rough heavy ............. Pigs Sheep Eastern lambs Light valley lambs ....... Heavy valley lambs Common to medium lambs i earllngs Wethers Ewes I Spring lambs I Throw-out sprin lambs. . Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. May 13. Hogs, receipts, none: steady; prime. $13.5f&16; medium to choice, $14.50fdl5.50; rough heavies. $13.DOIJ)14; pigs, 1 2fi 13.50. Cattle Receipts, none: steady. Beef I steers, $1213; medium to choice, $10 l l; common to good, $7.5Org10; cows and I i.r. . i ' I 1 1 , . - nmmnn in I7H I . . . .. . ' ' i iu; ouits, f.vrjs.&o; calves, iT.ourouo. 1 SAN PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Finite, Etc, at .Bay City, SAN FRANCISCO. May 15. Butter Er tra grades. 56c; prime firsts, nominal. Kggs r resh extras, 46c; firsts, 42 c; extra pullets, 41 c; undersized, 34c. Cheese old, steady. California flats. fancy, 28c; firsts, 24c; Young America, Vegetables Beans, string, 14'15c: wax, 10 124c per pound; bell peppers per pouna, large, urffooc; small, lowi,c squash, summer squash, per crate, $1.25 LuO; Italian squash, S1.50V1. ; tomatoes. I janAliail , . .V J , 1 m. UCI OV HUU1IU I 11 A southern. I2.50$3; potatoes, rivers. 6.50 1 7.05 per cental; plow outs, $56; Netter I Gems, fi.jv's i 1 new potatoes, uarnets. I 6fff7c; white. 67c per pound: Turlock sweets. 9llc: onions, brown. 77.50 on I street; Imperial Bermuda. $2.652.73 per 1 crate; crystal, wnite, tfgivc per pouna; I cucumbers, hothouse. S20$3.T. per Dox; 1 garlic, u.xoj oc per pouna; ariicnoaes, 9.1 1 per large crate; turnips,' .uo; car- rots, S3: beets, $2.25 (i 2. 75 per sack; let tuce, Sl1.30: asparagus, 0 Sc; fancy graded, 7&9c: green asparagus, 5 6c; green onions, $1.25 1.50 per box; celery, per crate, $2 6; eggplant, Los Angeles, 5 10c per pound; peas, 3j4c. Fruit Oranges, navel, $4.506.50, ac cording to size; ValencJas, $ 4.50(g) 5.50 ; lemons, 3.25'q$r.; grapefruit, $2.503.50; lemonettes, $1.50& 3; bananas. Central American. 8Uc; Hawaiian, lOllc per poun4: pineapples. $35 per dozen; ap ples. Newtown Pippins, 3 -tier, J3 3. 25; 4-tier, J2.75'a3: 4-tier, $2.50:2.75; rhu barb, $l.503 1.75; fancy mammoth, S2 per box ; strawberries, Peninsula and Watson- ville, 60c$1 ; loquats, S(10c; avocadoes. 1 per dozen. $5i&8 for large; apricots, per crate, 92 &'3;, per pouna, rjirkr, I JJLfl. tiK$ pftr crate. 13. per Recei-pts Flour, 2800 quarters; wheat, 600 centals; barley, 2212 centals; beans, 1202 sacks; corn, 1SOO centals; potatoes, 514" sacks; onions, 746 sacks; hay, 223 tons; butter, H85 centals; eggs, 88,140 dozen; hides. 17:vt; livestock, 200 head. $3,000,000 CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS CO. Five-Year Sinking Fund 7 Gold Notes Due May 1, 1925 - Interest payable semi-annually May 1 and November 1. Coupon Notes in denominations of $500 and $1000. Callable at par on any interest date on thirty days notice. - Convertible after November 1, 1921, into the Company's 7 Pre ferred Stock at 95. t Carnation Milk Products Company is one of the largest companies in the United States engaged in the manu facture of evaporate! milk. Is ana oy mo was the New the dis local E GARS FOR GRAIN TWENTY THOUSAND WILD BE . RELEASED AT ONCE. Prospect of Free Movement Otlsets Effect on Corn of Heavy Export Buying of Wheat. , CHICAGO, May 16. Corn rose today to new high price records for the season but failed to hold well. Much of the. strength came from wheat, which was in great demand to ship to Europe. On the other hand, possibility of a rail strike settle ment early next week "was an evident bearish factor toward the last- The market closed nervous at to c net advance, with July $1.78 to $1.78 and Septem ber- Sl.64 to $1.S4. Oats finished "Ac off to c up and provisions down c to iSVC. With exporters hoisting their bids for wheat, it did not take long for the corn market to ascend in sympathy and dur ing the firet. half of the day the majority of traders acted as if there was little chance of any immediate relief for the scantiness of grain supplies at terminals. Later, however, belief, was expressed by a prominent dealer that government con ferences here Monday would result in the windup of the switchmen's strike and this led to considerable selling on the part of holders and to a sharp reaction from top pricea It was also said that 20,000 cars would be. sent from the east to handle grain. Oats were governed mainly by corn. Provisions declined with hogs. The Chicago market letter received yes terday by Overbeck ft 'Cooke company of Portland said: - Com After the early advance, which was based on reports of large sales of wheat In sight for export at higher prices, the market encountered a large volume of liquidation Induced by the sudden Indica tions of improvement in the railroad situ ation. Thifji, together with announcement that a decision had been reached to have eastern lines furnish from 20.000 to 30.000 cara) to western carriers for movement of grain, gave bears courage and created a more confident feeling in the transporta tion outlook. The weather has been -ery favorable and it Is said that central Illi nois will very likely have the largest corn acreage on record. We are bearish on the situation from the standpoint of prospec tive supplies and for this reason thlnjc it will be well to focus attention on the transportation, situation, which will govern tbe movement from the interior to ter minals. Oats started strong, but eased In sym pathy with com, accompanied by rather heavy liquidation. Therejwas no change of importance in the general news, except that shipping sales wee again of fair pro portions; compared with what they have been running recently. There is no Inde pendent action In prospect at the moment and, as the crop reports are quite favor able, it is logical to assume that the Sep tember delivery will respond in a down ward direction to any indications of weak ness in other grains. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. . Low. Close. Mav $1.97 $1.97 $1.96 $1.! l.ilv 1.S714 1.1174 1.77 1.78H4 Sept.... 1.64 1.65 1.64 1.64 OATS. May.:.. 1.06 l.oT 1.05 1.06 Julv 0-'t .94 .92 .92 Sept .7 .77 .76 .76 MESS PORK. May.. July. . May. . July. . Sept.. .-.6.00 37.00 21.20 21.20 22.0 2 37.25 LARD. 37.00 21.07 SHORT RIBS. May. July. 18.35 19.75 1U.55 18 I5 10.35 18.1 Sept L'aj,h orices were WheaK No. 3 northern spring, $3.20 "'Corn No. 2 mixed, $2.13; No. 2 yellow, Oain o 2 white 17U 'n 3 wnite. jLH g Rye No. 2. $2.224. Wariey $1.SJ Timothy seed $10i& 11.50. Clover seed $25&3o. Pork Nominal. Lard 20.:t7. Ribs $17. 75 18.75. Grain at San Francuco. SAN FRANCISCO, ' May 15. Grain. Wheat, $3.66 2-3 per cental; oats, red, S3.40&3.50; barley, feed. $3.40(3.50; corn. California yellow, $ 3.70; rye. nom inal. Hay Fancy wheat ay, light, five-wire bales, $3ti& 41 per ton : No. 1 wheat or wheat ana. oat hay, $3538; No. 2, $32 if 35. ; choice tame oat hay, $37)40; other hay, nominal ; alfalfa hay, $3037; stock hay. $2932; Oregon wheat and oat mixed, $2&32; No. 1 barley straw, 70c9$l per ale. . Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATTLE, May 13. City delivery: Feed mill, $52 per ton; scratch feed, $S5; feed wheat, $97; all grain chop, 70; oats, $7; sprouting oats, $81; rolled oats. $S0; whole corn, $92; cracked corn. $S4; rolled barley, $78; clipped barley. $85. Hay Eastern Washington: Timothy, mixed, $47 per ton; double compressed. $51; alfalfa, $44: straw, $18. Coffee. Futures Close Higher. NE)W YORK, May 15. The market for coffee futures showed continued steadiness today. September sold up to 14.95 and De cember to 14.S2 with the market closing, at a net advance of 13 to 16 points. Clos ing bids: May, 15.00; July. 15.35; Sep tember, 14.96; October, 14.02; December, January and March, 14. So. Spot coffee, steady; Rio 7s, 1515; Santos, 4s, 23&24',4. Eastern Iltii ry Produce. XFTW TORK, May 15. Butter, firm: re- This business is essential to the maintenance and development of the dairying - industry in the States of Washington and Oregon. We recommend these notes for investment. PRICE 96 2 AND INTEREST TO YIELD 7.85' Blyth. Witter, dip. UJteCED SKIES GCKEaTOmr KDiaOPAI. AltD COftPCSVUJOIT B0HD5. VEON BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON . Telephpnp; Main 3364 , Saa Francisco Se Tork Sea.ttl Loo Angeko er ttiaa.k extras, 63jl63c: extras. 2rr62V-c: firsts. J 5661 Vic: packing stock current mine ; No. 2. 40040. ft ! Eggs, irregular; unchanged. Cheese, firm; unchanged. CHICAGO. May 1J. Butter, lower. Creamery, 4756. Eggs, unchanged. Receipts. 30,027 cases. Poultry, alive, unchanged. - Naval Store. SAVANNAH, May 15. Turpentine quiet, $1.93: no sales. Receipts 245. shipments 692, stock 2313. Rosin firm. Sales 359, receipts 776. shipments 270K. stock 19,951. Quote: B, $14.35: D. $17.35: E. $17.45: F. G, H, $17.5$; I. $17 06: K. $17.SO: M. $17.75; N. $18.25: WG. $18.45: WW. . 18.65. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW TORK, May 15. Evaporated ap ples, quiet; prunes, firm; peaches, in de mand. ASKED WATER DISTRICTS SCBMIT $2,534,000 FOR APPROVAL. Medford Irrigation Project Cojii prising 10,000 Acres Requests 91,250,000 Certification. SAL.EM. Or., "May 15. (Special.)- rftoa.ueats for : certification of bonds afygregating- $3, 534,000 have been re ceived at . the state engineer's office front tbe various irrigation districts In Oregon during the last week. The "Medford - irrigation district, which proposes to place water on ap proximately 10,000 acres of land in Jackson county, has asked for the certification of bonds in the sum of $1,250,000. To make this work pos sible the district yhas entered into a contract with tne Rogue River Canal company, whereby it will take over the canals and works of the latter corporation. Bonds totalling $1,500,000 have been voted to com plete development of this project. The Huttles uika irrigation district. which embraices 13,000 acres of land in Jefferson county, .seeks certifica tion of bonds in the sunt of $750,000. This mqney, according to tbe report in the hands qi the state engineer, is needed to convey water to the pro ject from Lake creek, and First creek and construct a reservoir. Appraisal of. this district has been completed and plans are now under way to hold an election to vote on the question of asking the state to guarantee interest on tbe bond issue. The Grants Pass district requests the certification of $184,000 in bonds in addition to $106,000 already ap proved by the irrigation securities commission. The Talent irrigation district would have the securities commission certi fy to $350,000 of bonds in addition to $200,000 already certified. This dis trict is under development and water already has been delivered to the reservoir. RED CROSS BODIES UNITE Cowlitz County Chapter to Have Headquarters at Kelso. ' KELSO. .'Wash.. May 15. (Soe clal.) The Cowlitz county and the Kaiama Keo Cross chapters will con solidateft and be known as the Cow litz-VVahkiakum Red Cross chanter, which will have its headquarters at Kelso. The boards of the two chapters were consolidated, and officers elected lv the new chapter as follows: J. li. Umbaugh. chairman, 'Kelso; Mrs. W I. Van Note. 'Kelso, secretary, and Lt. C. Mann, Kalama, treasurer.' Home Klrby of Kalama presided at the NEW YORK STOCKS GRAIN COTTON NEW YORK CURBS MISCELLANEOUS SECURITES LIBERTY, VICTORY AND CANADIAN BONDS FOREIGN BONDS AND . EXCHANGE Direct Private Leased Wires Coast to Coast Fast Service. HERRIN & RHODES, INC. Established 1S?6. Members Chicago Board of Trade. 201-3-4 Railway Exchange BIdg. Seattle Tel. Main 283 Tacoma Portland The business was established in 1899 and has had a steady and con sistent growth. From the original factory at Kent, Washington, this business has grown .to include plants in Washington; Idaho, Oregon, Cali fornia, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Ontario. Total net assets are over four times the amount of this note issue. . For the past five years average net earnings have been over seven times interest charges on these notes. 'Rsep lliiiil!u,iii;uiiil!li!ii'ii!!i:!! IJ SI Exempt From All Dominion Government Taxation Canadian City and Provincial To Yield Principal and Semi-annual Interest Payable in U. S. Gold Coin la Xew York or at Morris Brothers, Inc. Edmonton Gold Bonds Amount - - $43,000 Dated - Oct. 1, 1919 Due - - Oct. 1, 1929. Denomination - $1000 Manitoba Province 5 Gold Bonds Amount $147,000 Dated - April 15, 1920 Due - - April 15, 1923 Denomination - $1000 Price - - - 93.39 to yield 1 Price - - - 86.58 to yield V&7c ' . Telephone or Telegraph Morris Brothers ins I CAttTAL IOneMiluom Jfie )7remtercMuTucipaBond'Tous Morris Bids. meeting and Mrs. Grover Thornton of Kelso was secretary. Astoria llouses Raided. ASTORIA, Or., May 15. (Special.) Twelve rooming houses and resorts 50 and Safety An absolutely safe investment that shows the strong est promise of paying 50 or more yearly is worth at least a few minutes of your time to investigate. Mr. F. A. Leonard, general manager of the Queets Trading Company of Hoquiam, 'Wash., will be at the Hotel Benson all day Monday and Tuesday, May 17 and 18, and will be pleased to have anyone call who is in terested in the above investment. Mr. Leonard will not LCUVC U1UC19 AVI. OLVyV , information in regard to estea. The Queets Trading Company is a going, growing concern who own and are operating a large salmon, clam, beef, vegetable and fruit cannery, a general store, hotel and transportation business in a strategic location where there is no competition and where they can pack salmon, etc., at about one-half the cost that it can be done elsewhere along the coast. The company expects to pack 25,000 cases of red salmon this year and several thousand cases of the other products. Their new boat carrying 65 tons will make its run in less than 8 hours with a freight rate of ?15 per ton each way. The com pany fully expects to pay its stockholders 50 or more yearly on their investment (par) per share. This price will be raised in a very tew days, it is expected. The capital stock of the company is $100,000. All stock fully paid and non-assessable. Any sum from $25 to $5000 may be invested. It may be all cash or on payments, price the same either way. Circular and full information may be had by calling on Mr; Leonard as above or by writing to the company at Hoquiam, Wash. ; OCrf Semi-annual QOL O70 Interest P JO The secured convertible five year gol(J. bonds of one of America's great corporations. Sinclair Oil Co. Denomination -$100 $500 $1000 Dateid. May 15, 1920 Due May 15, 1925 These short-term bonds of. one of the foremost companies la America in its line offer you not only a high rate of income, but the conversion privilege may become very valuable. Net earn ings of the company are in creasing heavily year by year in 1919 they amounted to $21. 890.898 after all taxes were paid. Proceeds irom tnis issue ol short-term bonds will bring about a heavy increase in earn ings. 5-year7y2'sat98 Cash or Partial-Payment Plan. Aek for details. . Wire orders "collect", Freeman smith Ot Camp CO. H ' sccpHO wiecm STOCKS GRAIN COTTON IStorka Hated New York Stock Ktehange) Reduced Commissions Small Deposits Chaa. It- ll.a1n Brokerac Co.. PKNttK, COLO. ALLEN BROS. CO 217 Cbumbfr of Commerce Uidf. Fort-la"'! C'orreoiideut I'liou ill-16. - - , 6,1 I, :u :l.l!.l.llil.llll.kJulhl!lll!;:illl I fit Alberta Province 6 Gold Bonds Amount - $129,000 Dated - May 1, 1920 Due - - May 1, 1923 Denomination - $1000 Price - - - 96.03 to yield 7?5 , Orders at Our Expense. tiruumcei Ovtn QuftTfI 309-11 Stark St.. Rot. Tift and Slith aelephoae Broadway Slil on A st or street ven raided by taa police at an early hour this morniuf and 10 ment were arrested for gam bling and one woman waa taken into custody on & charge of having liquor in her possession Head The Orepronlan classified ads. " a.av. w Cl ' ' " t: the investment to those inter- ,U at its present price of .lQc-; German Bonds! We offer for immediate delivery, City of Berlin .49i City Greater Berlin 4 City of Munich 4 City of Leipzig.......'. 4 For delayed delivery: . City of Frankfurt?. ...4 City of Cologne......... 4To City of Stuttgart........ 49o German Government. . . . .5 Badische Anilin ....... 4 Vto All stem Elektr. Ges....4Vi Benz & Co. Mannheim. . . .5 Ask for complete price Xist of largest cities and industrial cor porations in Germany. Get our quotations before buying Marks. TRANSATLANTIC ESTATES . & CREDIT CO, INC. -222 Chamber of Commerce Marshall 205 OVERBECK & cqoke qo. Broken, Stwlcs. Bonds, Callaa. Grain, Kto. - tl-17 BOARD OT TBADE BUHL HKMBF.K CHICAGO BOABJt Of IKaDK MEMBERS Carres pen rten t a f Ljran A Brraa, Cbicas an 4 Ktw Xerk. Kew Xerk Stock Exchang. Cblcace Siock Bzchajis. Boatoo Bteck Cichaosa, Chicaao Board ef Trad. Mew Xork Cotton xchanca New Orleans Cettoa Kxcbsns. New Xork Coffee Excltanse. New Xork Produce KxehaoBO. Liverpool Cotton Aaaoeiatloo. Phone your want ada to The Oreso auun. Alaiu 70711. Automatic ib0-3o.