The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 09, 1920, SECTION SIX, Page 14, Image 94

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System for Complete Rep-air
of Motor Explained.
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Spring Searcli tor Car Trouble Is
Made pimple by Composite
Way of Hunting;.
The only eatisfactory method of
handling- the spring overhaul prob
lem is to begin at the front end of
the car, the engine, and work back
wards, .taking each unit in turn and
giving it the attention it needs.
If the engine has a detachable head,
the first thing to do is to remove
the head for an inspection, of the in
terior. Perhaps the carbon may need
removal. Perchance the bearings need
attention, if this latter, the oil sump
must come off. Now the entire in
terior of the engine is laid bare. '
First examine the bearing8,'v both
main and rod, to see if they need
taking up. If so, do the work, taking
cars not to get the bearings too tifcht.
The play must be taken up In such a
way that both sides are equally free
to move. r ,
If it is necessary to refit the main
bearings, the crankshaft ought really
to be removed. This, however, is be
yond the ability of the average car
owDer. To take up the road bearings
calls for scraping, and happily this
may be done without removing the
rods. Supppose we describe the op
eration briefly: Take off the bearing
cap and remove a thin shim.
Some Operation.
Xexl smear the shaft with lamp
black and oil, replace the rod, tighten
the cap holts carefully and turn the
engine over several times. Xext take
off the bearing cap once more, rub
the part with a cloth and note the
black spots that appear on it. These
spots should be scraped down with
a scraper.
It it is possible to get the whole
rod out so much the better, because
with the rod out it is possible to
treat the upper half of the bearing
in the same way. In most modern
engines the rod may be taken out
either through the top or the bottom
on the engine, but in the older en
gines the bottom is too big to go
through the opening. 4
Always remember that a properly
fitted bearing will not be so tight
that the rod or shaft cannot be turned,
but at the same time it must be a
snug lit. This condition will be in
dicated by the distribution of black
spots all over the surface after the
lampblack and oil test described
Having finished with the bearings,
the car owner will next give the lu
brication system a careful overhaul
ing. In the case of the main splash
system the lower half of the crank
case should be mopped out with a
cloth, the old oil having been thor
oughly drained out. If the lubrica
tion system employs pipes and strain
ers, kerosene should be forced through
the piping and the screens be taken
out and cleaned.
Look After Platan Rlnga.
While the attention is still focussed
on tho engine, it may be found that
the piston rings need renewal or that
the cylinders have been scored. If the
latter is the case regrlnding or rebor
ing must be resorted tor according to
the condition.
Next the valve system will call for
attention. The valves should be re
moved and ground. While they are
out Inspect them carefully for warped
heads and worn or bent stems. Each
valve should be fitted in its guide and
if there , is too mufch play a bushing
should be installed in the guide or
else a new valve should be fitted with
an oversize stem.
The cooling system will undoubt
edly need a good cleaning out and the
rubber hose connections re
newed. To clean out the system a
solution of washing soda and water
should be poured into the radiator
and then tlte engine should be run
for twor three hours or the solution
may be left in for a day's running, if
mis is possiDie, ana then drained out
after which he cooling system should
be flushed out with clear water and
finally refilled for operation. This
will serve to clean out the scale
which has undoubtedly gathered dur
ing the last running season. If
water pump is installed the packing
nut ought to be removed and the
packing renewed. Incidentally do
not screw down the holding nut of
the pump too hard.
Ignition System.
The ignition system will undoubt
edly call for considerable attention.
All terminals should be cleaned, in
sulation breaks should be carefully
taped, connections should be tight
ened and loose wires be fastened
down, so that they will "not swing or
touch hot metal. It is a good plan
to run all the wires in conduits if this
precaution has not already been taken.
The Ignition unit should be given a
careful cleaning and the. points be
trimmed flat.
The starting and lighting system
will need only minor attention, but
do not neglect them. Give the bear
ings in the starting motor and gen
erator the lubrication they -need. If
silent chains are used they should be
cleaned and thoroughly lubricated.
All chain slack should be taken up
and this applies in case the car has
timing gears driven by chain.
The fan assembly may need a little
tightening up and the clutch should
certainly get a generous share of the
attention. All connections and bear
ings in the clutch unit should be lu
bricated generously. The transmis
sion bearings may need replacement
or taking up and this is, unfortunate
ly, a job for the repairman. The ordi
nary owner cannot hope to "get
away with it."
Tighten Tp All ITnita.
A general tightening up. of all the
various mechanical and chassis units
Is very much in order. If the chassis
has torque members. thes must be
tightened up. Give the wholt, chas
sis a carerui inspection tor missing
nuts, bolts, spring clips, etc. Jo over
the steering gear irora the wheel to
the axles. Replace all shaky p&rts
and take up any slack. The braking
system snould oe careruly gone over.
The bands may have to be replaced
and all the linkage should be teste.!
to sea it it needs adjustment or re
The rear end unit will damand con
siderable attention. If noises have
developed, the cause ought to be
hunted down and replacements made
to cure them. In most cases the car
owner will have to trust rear axle
repairs to the shop expert.
But whatever the owner's capabili
ties, he should not delay doing his ut
mos' and having the rest done by the
repaid man, for in a very brief time
- the aCtive touring season will have
pened and then a day wasted in mak
ing repair wiil be bitterly reg-retud
.Shlv'es-Hpwe Sfotor Company Takes
Distributing Agency in Oregon
,'. and South Washington.
Ed Howe, for several years auto
mobile and truck salesman with the
Northwest Auto- company, and James
Slvives, well known in the contracting
and lumber business, have formed the
Shives-Howe Motor company and
taken the distributing agency in Ore
gon and southern Washington for the
Duplex truck.
The Duplex has long been known in
this territory as a 4-wheel drive
truck exclusive. Its manufacturer
has just added a new truck to the
line, however, known as Duplex Lim
ited. This is a IVi-ton truck, equipped
with United States nobby cord pneu
matic tires, and built especially for
high-speed freight and bus service.
It will make 25 to 30 miles per hour
on regular schedules with ease, and
its speed is limited chiefly by legal
This truck also comes with full
electric light and starting equipment.
The first carload of three of these
Duplex Limited has just arrived from
the factory and the trucks are on dis
play at the quarters of the Shives
Howe Motor company at Chapman
and Yamhill streets. The truck has
a 145-inch wheel base, and 5000
pound capacity, including body. The
new firm will also handle the 4
wheel 'drive vehicle made by Duplex.
D. C.
Companies In Los Angeles, Phoenix
and Spokane All Are Links
of Chain.
W. F. Stine, formerly of Portland
but now general manager of the
California Motor company in Los
Angeles and the Southern Motor com
pany In Phoenix, Ariz., was in Port
land last week on a visit with W. R.
DeLay, president of the D. C. War
ren Motor Car company. The two
southern companies managed by Mr.
Stine are part of a chain of motor
car companies on the Pacific coast
of which the Portland firm is the
home link.
Besides the new companies in Los
Angeles and Phoenix, which only re
cently were openod, it also controls
the Interstate Motor company of Spo
kane, which handles the Moon, Velie,
Allen and Dort there.
The D.- C. Warren Motor Car com
pany has the Peerless, Velie and
Allen in the Oregon and aouthwestern
Washington territory. The California
Motor company has the Moon for
southern California and the Southern
Motor company the Moon and Allen.
Mr. Stine brought word that the
California Motor company will soon
occupy Us new building in Los
Angeles at 1020 Figueroa street in the
heart of motor row.
U. L. llcwsoii Is Here on Behalf of
Dixon's Lubricants.
H. L. Hewson of the Joseph Dixon
Crucible company, Jersey City N. J.,
wekV known to automobile and acces
sory men in this part of the country,
on the Pacific coast ln the interests
of Dixon's automobile lubricants.
Mr. Hewson. who is considered an
authority on scientific lubrication,
has been associated with tho lubrl
cant end of the Dixon business for
ten years. Much of this time was
spent In handling railway lubrication
problems, which are some of the most
dificult known to mechanics.. Re
cently,' however, the demand of west
ern motorists for Dixon's lubricants
has grown to such an extent that it
was necessary for him to make a
special -trip to the coast.
"The popularity of these lubri
cants, according to Mr. Hewson, is
based entirely on the superior results
obtained hy motorists and truck
owners. Because of their composi
tion Dixon's lubricants cannot squeeze
out' under pressure. For the same
reason they do not break up under
intense heat or congeal in cold
weather, allowing the gears to run
dry. All three of these points, have
made them especially . adapted to this
territory, where heavy grades make
perfect lubrication a most vital fac
tor In the operation of motor vehi'
Fields Motor Car Co.
Honors Bradley E.
Sates Force
Bradley E. Sargent, sales manager
for the Fields Motor Car company
until recently, when he was selected
by Clifford M. Ste'eves assistant sales
manager for th Chevrolet Motor
company of California as his personal
assistant, was guest of honor Friday
night a week ago at a banquet by
members of the sales force of the
Fields company. The banquet was
held at the Benson hotel. Mr. Sar
gent was presented by Leroy R.
Fields of the Fields Motor Car com
pany with a gold .cigarette case and
match box in token of the esteem in
which the firm held his services.
.William T. Belcher succeeds to his
poiUon with the company. Mr. Ear-
Only 12 miles of the 42 to Coble are not paved, and though they are very
rough, there la hard bottom all the way. f
Now that the Pacific highway is again passable without towing between
Portland and Olympia, Tacoma.and Seattle. . motorists will do well for the
present to go down the Oregon side to Goble. thence ferrying across the
Columbia river to Kalama at a cost of $2.68, rather than take the main
highway to Kalama via Vancouver, Wash. This latter road Is passable,
but there is a long detour 'around by. way of Ridgefield, made necessary
by road construction work. In a run to Goble last Sunday in a Hudson super-six
sent out by the C. L. Boss Automobile company, the lower Colum
bia river highway to Goble was found in good condition, all things consid
ered. Only 12 miles are now unpaved from Scappoose almost to Deer
Island. While this 12 miles is very rough indeed, there is good bottom all
the way. The Hudson made the run to Goble easily in an hour Jnnd 35
mi nates.
gent left Portland last week for Oak
land, Cal., to assume his new duties.
Use Brakes Less.
One ofThe most salutary lessons
that can be taught the driver of a
motor truck is the Advisahilitv of
gg.3jj ill f 1
Q)le oAero-EiGHT I
ilSf ' BALANCED TO ZERO . ; ' I 1
learning to control the vehicle by
means of the throttle and thus spare
the brakes the wear and tear that
constant use brings. One big truck
operator In a western city makes this
the first lesson that his drivers are
taught; and the lesson pays dividends,
not only in money saved in repairs.
Why does the cfero-BlGHT pick-up so swiftly and
. have so great a fund of reserve power?
' An aviator can tell ou die moment he takes the
wheel and feels the car respond to the touch of the
It's the minute balance of every unit that enables
the mechanism to respond without effort or re
straint when under way.
. Aerotype engineering has increased the limits of
motor car possibility, and Cole engineers have been
the first to apply these principles to the automobile.
. Aeroplane balance is one of the characteristics
which the name of the cvfero-ElGHT implies. It is
balanced to zero, so that every unit is able to func
zoo per cent.
Alder at Eighteenth
Cole Motor Car Company, ;
1 How: the Motor Truck Benefits the Railroads.
2 The Motor Truck as a Farming Asset.
3 -The Benefits Derived From Good Roads.
4 The Motor -Truck in Emergency Transportation.
5 How the Motor Truck Has Speeded Up the Commercial Life
of Our Nation.
The distribution will be as follows :N
f $100 for first prize
SO for second prize
23 for third prize
. 15 for fourth prize
10 for fifth prize
Each essay must not exceed one thousand words in length and must deal
with only one of the above subjects, but students are not limited to one essay.
." Contest closes at noon, Saturday, May 22d, and the winning essays will be
forwarded to the Republic Motor Truck Company of Alma, Michigan, to be en
tered in their National $1000 Scholarship offer for the Grand Winner.
Sign your name in full with address and mail to
Judges will
and Telegram.
but in time that would be lost by the
trucks for . frequent renewing of
brake bands.
, Battery Filler.
A very convenient filler for putting
electrolyte in battery jars Is made by
steaming an old jar until it Is soft and
then forming. a sort of spout at one
side by means of two pieces of board.
When the Jar cools it retains the
shape that has been given it.
tm.i.i-i,i'HM t't ttF' ill 1 r 1
sasa Iff
ras Today jj '
5 r,cC
Roberts Motor Car Co., Inc.
Distributors of Republic Trucks
be appointed by Automobile Editors of The Oregonian, Journal
UJU c4-o- j
'CxTyv- "i- p - ' -c
Let us help you solve your tire troubles.
Crolide Compound
Non-Porous Treads.
Save you money, labor and
lyiust make good
or we wilL
The original letter mentioned
the name of a well-known
standard make high-class tire
6000 miles
Small sizes 7500
Cord Tires 8000 Miles
Telephone Broadway 3223
Write for Wholesale Prices
Broadway, Between Oak and Pine