9 PAVING SPEEDED UP ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY BETWEEN EUGENE AND JUNCTION CITY. BRUTE STRENGTH TO SEATTLE Complete Line 1',4-ton 22-ton 3f4-ton 5- ton 6- ton Many Rough Places, but Cars Get Through Easily. DETOUR AT CASTLE ROCK .22 Cars Cross Bridge to West Side of Cowlitz and Gt North Via Ole jua, Win loc k and Vader. 1TIE , SUNDAY OREGOMAX, POIITLAM)' MAY 9," 1920" MUDHDLES DRY NOW WAY KKLSO, Wash.. May 8. (Special.) Motorists bound for Seattle can now get over the Pacific highway without having to be towed. The dry weather of the past couple of weeks has dried up mud holes. While there are many rough places north of Castle Rock, there is no trouble about getting through. The .10 miles of Pacific highway in Cowlitz county, in former years the bane of motorists, is now in bet ter snipe than it ever has been. The Martin's Bluff-Woodland unit. be tween Kaluma and Vancouver, . on w hich . construction work has been carried on for the past two years, was completed last winter. Detour Beyond "Vancouver. Between Kelso and the Lewis river, which is the southern boundary of Cowlitz river, the highway is excel lent. South of the Lewis river in Clarke county', toward Vancouver, the highway is good as far as Pioneer. There the road is closed for paving work and tha. detour through Ridge ficld is advised as the best route to take. . , . North from Kelso toward Castle Rock for seven miles road construc tion Is still in progress, but the high way is open, at all times and is pass able, though rough in places. A con tract has been awarded for rocking It between Kelso and Ostrander, which was graded last year. The contractors are planning to rush com pletion of this work. The next three miles into Castle Rock are very good. From Castle Rock north for seven miles, heavy" construction work Is in progress and the highvfay is closed. It was along this stretch that so many cars got stuck in the mud and had to be towed a few weeks ago. Traffic Detoured Across River. All traffic fs now detoured to the west side of the Cowlitz river from Castle Rock north. ' This section of detour road between Castle Rock and Olcqua was in awful condition during the rainy weather and was practically impassable to automobiles. Now it is dried out and although rough, is easily passable. Cowlita road offi cials will improve it by dragging. Tourists who have come through In the past few days from Seattle advise that the Pacific highway route be left from Olequa north, and that motorists stay on the west side of the Cowlitz river at Olequa and pro ceed to Chehalis through Vader and AVInlock. This road is reported in better condition than the main Pa cific highway. IS VITAL OILIXG SYSTEM DECLARED IM PORTANT IX TRUCK. Each Day Machine Should Have Allotted Period for Greasing and Close Inspection. Lubrication is undoubtedly the most Important factor in truck mainten ance. Intelligent lubrication is systematic lubrication. Kach day the truck or trucks should have an allotted period for greasing or oiling. The driver, in the case of one or a few trucks, should be required to go carefully over his truck and turn down all the grcaso cups. The life of a truck is increased by proper lubrication. The wearing parts are thoroughly protected when coated with a film of oil or grease and wear ing is considerably lessened, not over looking the fact, too, that friction is decreased within the truck itself, leav ing mure power for the overcoming of road resistance. The'engine oil should be changed at regular intervals and occasionally kerosene run through the engine to ciean it out thoroughly, removing any foreign .particles of old oil sticking to the metal. This is insurance against scored cylinders or burned out bear ings. BRITI&II IX A BIG COMBINE Auto Makers Get Together for Mass Production. The American chamber of commerce In London reports a 6,000.000 (noini nally $110,000,000) combine in the Brit ish motor industry, which I the first big step toward mass production In England. The new company will be known as Harper, Bean, Ltd., andi will include fuch firms as A. Harper & Sons & Bean, iron founders of Dudley; Vulcan Motor & Knpineering company of Stourport, Swift of Coventry, the Brit ish Trading corporation and HadfieldB. Ltd., steel manufacturers of Sheffield. It is understood that the designs have been standardised and that production will begin at the rate of 50 cars per week in July, 1920; to 60 per week in the following December, and rising ultimately to an output of 2000 per week in 1923. The ultimate production will include B0, 000 small cars, 25.000 medium cars and 23,000 commercial vehicles. Don't use a spot light that can be raised in violation of the law. NEW GRANT SIX COUPE 8 ii - Endowed car handled by Manley Auto company seats three paucnirn, with auxiliary scat fnr a fourth. Special attention aaa bcea given to distri bution of welirnt so as to make the car hold to the road and afford maximum comfort for passengers. Lous; snrtners, the loaicest ever used for a car of the ,iranl'a whcelhasc. It Is claimed, make It exceptionally easy riding-. This car has an Interior heater lor cold weather.. m I- ; . - . f Ihln work will be completed la June at the present rate of progress. Above Is-it sketch of hard-surface Jnst completed on the outskirts of Junction City, ihowtnr the wide carves. Bclofr la a straightaway a few miles out of Junction City. Til IN FARMING O.XE-HALF. OF COST OF PROr Dt'CIIOX DECLARED CCT. Facts Brought Out by Replies to Queries by Department of Agriculture. In the weekly news letter published by the United States department of agriculture, statements are issued in regard to the use that the tractor can be put to on the farm in aiding the farmer to reduce his annual expenses. It is declared that one-half tha cost of farm producing is cut by the use of the tractor. These facts were brought out re cently by about 600 replies to an in quiry addressed to the farmers in the United States, by the department. With the 28-inch horse-drawn plow, one man accomplishes from 70 to 80 per.ccnt more than with a single bot tom plow. One man with a 28-inch plow drawn by a tractor covers from 30 to 35 per cent more ground in a day than does a man using six horses on a horse-drawn plow of the same size. A three-bottom plow drawn by a suitable tractor enables one man to accomplish from fiO to 70 per cent more than does the two-bottom plow drawn by six horses. Similar conditions exist in the op eration of the cultivator. Under con ditions where the use of a two-row corn cultivator is practicable, this machine enables one man to cover nearly twice as much ground per day as with a one-row cultivator. In the section represented by replies re ceived . by the department, three horses are most commonly used on the two-row cultivator and the addi tion of a fourth horse apparently in creases but little the amount of ground covered per day. VIST DEPOSITS OF SHALE OIL ROCK MAY SOLVE FUTURE -- - GASOLINE PROBLEM. Need or More Efficient Engines to Get Most Out of Gas Seen by Maibohm Dealer. "The vast oil-shale vaults of the Rocky mountains offer a ready means ot bringing down present-day gaso line prices," says A. W. Beaver, Mai bohm distributor here. "Colorado alone is estimated to hold 2500 potential square miles of oil shale deposits. The beds average 10 feet in thickness and there are ap proximately 18 cubic feet of shale to each ton. An average acre of shale contains 24.200- tons a square mile, 15,488,000 tons, and Colorado's shale deposits aggregate 38,000,000,000 tons. "Shale oil could be extracted from these tremendous deposits at an aver age cost of $2.47 a ton and extraction operations on a large scale would en able shale oil to Ue produced at a fig ure low enough to compete effectively with prices of underground petroleum. "Oil recovered from shale is easily converted into gasoline and-such gaso- line has a much lower flashing point than that produced from underground petroleum. Exhaustive tests show that one gallon of gasoline from petroleum oil produces approximately 126,000 heating units, while a gallon of shale oil gasoline will produce 134,000 units of heat. This demonstrates that the shale gasoline will have more power per gallon and due to its low flashing RIGHT CLASSY MODEL. m mil m" ri'iiiU'iritiiiiilr nrr-iiii if i m--wrmMg2fiff!fsS point will ignite with greater ease and produce a more powerful ex plosion. "Present high-priced gasoline de mands a passenger car that will de rive the full amount of efficiency from every drop of gas put Into Its tank and the Maibohm six -has been de signed to obtain the nth degree of ef ficiency from every bit of gasoline it burns." HUGE OUTPUT OF TIRE TUBES Air to Fill Them Would Keep One Man Alive Nearly 13 Years. The amount of air necessary to in flate one company's monthly produc tion of tubes would Keep a man alive for 12 ysars and 9 months. Slide rule experts of the tube department at the Goodyear Tire & Rubber com pany recently figured this out when 800,000 inner tubes, probably a world's record, were manufactured in 30 days. Pursuing their calculations further, it was. estimated that the 2.000,000 cubic feet of air necessary to inflate these standard 34x4 tubes at a stand ard pressure of 45 pounds, would keep 4711 men alive for one day. with enough air surplus to keep the 4712th man alive for 18 hours 21 minutes and 12 seconds. These figures are based on the statement of Professor Fisher, British medical authority. that the averuge man consumes 42a cubic feet of air in 24 hours. , If the 800.000 tubes, averaging nine feet in length, were straightened out into a continuous line, the month's production would stretch 1300 miles. The company's lfl9 production of 5,000,000 tubes wculd extend 9000 miles if placed end to end. BIG FIRM IS ALEMITE USER Standard Oil ' Company Adopts Lubricating- System for Trucks. One of the biggest individual users of motor trucks in the country, the Standard Oil company, has adopted the Alemite system for lubricating wearing surfaces in its equipment., All California and eastern branches have already been equipped, and now -the Oregon and Washington branches will follow suit. Instead of the hand gun, which is used for single cars or small- fleets, a big tank is supplied for organiza tions of the Standard Oil company size. A high pressure hose is attached to the Alemite plugs and the grease is forced, under great weight, into the parts which are hard to reach in the ordinary way. The hand gun is more efficient for smaller jobs, say the distributors here, because it can be taken to the car and requires but a nominal length of hose and only occasional filling. Factory Firsts Fresh Stock Guaranteed S0x3 Non-Skid $11 .3.1 30x3 Vs Non-Skid . . ". 1 4.93 32x3Vi Non-Skid 16.95 31x4 Non-Skid ! 9.85 32x4 Non-Skid 20.50 33x4 Non-Skid 23.45 34x4 Non-Skid 23.95 35x4 Non-Skid. 39 .50 36x4 Non-Skid 39.75 35x4 Non-Skid ; . . 34.95 Cord Tires 8000-Mile Guarantee 30x3 Va Non-Skid ." . $23.95 32x3 Va Non-Skid 27.30 32x4 Non-Skid 39.50 33x4 Non-Skid 41.50 34x4Non-Skid 42J50 .i Mail. .Orders Given . "'Prompt "Attention " ' Malcom Tire r-Co. Broadway and Everett Streets Portland, Or. J I llllllliil illllliSlllil lllllllllill iilllli llillillijili iliiiiO j WW The screw handle on this sun is in reality a high-pressure pump capable of forcing: the grease in the same way that the larger one does and under the same pressure per square inch. Dimming the Lights. It is possible to make a dimming Chevrolet "Bahy Series 20 Big-Six You are familiar, of course, with the beautiful lines of the BIG-SIX, because you see so many of them. There is beauty, as well, in the comfort and performance of this great car as a ride will quickly convince you. - Let us give you a demonstration. 60-H. P.' detachable-head motor; inter mediate transmissions 126-inch wheel base, insuring ample room for seven adults. All Stodfckr Can era oipp.d with Cord Tires anotbarStndabsker precedent. "This is a StudebakerYear' " W, C. Garbe, Inc. FORMERLY OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. Broadway at Burnside. Phone Broadway 616. device at home by frosting the head lights with a solution composed of epsom salts in a cup of water, a sat urated solution. Simply paint the in side of the lens 'With this solution, which forms a frosting lasting several months. Or it is possible to make a permanent job of the frosting by get Crarid" (Model FB) Touring, HI 499.10 "Baby Grand" Model pb) Touring Car .- t t COME say it is the beauty of its streamline design that makes the new Chevrolet "Baby ' Grand'.Touring Car so appealing. Others are , equally enthusiastic over its mechanical perfec tion, the deep, w ide seats and roomy body. But all agree that it is a car of unusual merit and well . , worthy of bearing the name "Chevrolet." ' -;. t If you want an automobile that you can take :' genuine pride in owningr-one1 that is economical to operate and dependable 'for all needs you should inspect this new Chevrolet model. It is a car that leaves little to be desired at a price . that pleases. Fields Motor Car Co. i . . - . l Alder at Fourteenth Street . . ' PORTLAND 4, i ting what is known as "ground glass substitute" from a photographic sup ply house.- This material is composed of ether and rosin, and glass once painted with it stays frosted practi cally for ever. The first New York show was held in 19O0. automobile r. O. B. Portland. Notice to Dealers: Write, your territory may be open. W. C. Garbe, Inc. Formerly Oregon Motor Car Co. DISTRIBUTORS BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE Phone Broadway 616 PORTLAND SEATTLE PENDLETON AUTO ACCESSORIES AND PARTS r-r They're More Than Accessories rstfofihnhf Official Service Genuine Parts V-eVWU product Service Station, 333 Ankeny Street Wiggins Company, Inc. Formerly. Archer & Wiggins Co. Distributors Automotive Equipment Sixth Street at Oak David Hodes Co. 103-107 North 11th St. her mo spsna ca 5llQCl& ADSDrljEr i Has! l.nsi.ia-1 m.iliii,-hjplas iVitt i W I T Ifl ill r i l "PI avois mj-J-. i J I a: AUTO DIRECTORY RAINIER s ay ers oix Motor car Co. Twenty-first and SAYERS Equipment JACKSON ssr&a SIX TOURING FOUR DRIVE BETHLEHEM TRUCKS Electric Lights and Starter Northwest Auto Co., Distributors, Alder at 18th Franklin offers more Main 4880, Only Truck Built With 3 Final Drives Timken Worm Internal Gear Double Reduction SPEEDOMETERS and "BIG TEN NECESSITIES" AUTOMOBILE GEARS PARTS AND ACCESSORIES AT REDUCED PRICES ENGINES A SPECIALTY 10,000 Springs Carried in Stock. Let Us Repair Your Springs Where You Get Service. 15TH AND COUCH STREETS Northwest Auto Co. Distributors Miller Tires, Miller Ad-On-A Tire? Repair Materials and Tubes Alder at Eighteenth St. Portland Recommended by a Million Ford Owner 8 r, Stark St. Phone Broadway 4564 n mmmi iTrri&?TrrrTri'W.v?jjiii!iiMir.', Wi t Ts-Wl IT iatiaW'r- liiltf 'f tr'i r'lWt.l rti'lVT'l ilT' "Hn f 1 New Licht Six, Mitchell, Seven-Passenger Jordan MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO. Broadway at Oak Worm Drive TRUCKS SALES AND SERVICE SERVICE GARAGE 331 First St. Phone Main 2117 .Sa vprt-Pn r.if if Auto 1-uneral . Washins'ton State Distributors Twenty-firat and WHEEL TRUCK Washington State Distributors of "what you actually need and want in an automobile." . BRALY AUTO CO. A 3881. 19th and Washington Sts.