THE SUNDAY OliEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, MAY 9, 1920 PENDLETON TO GET WALLA WALLA ROAD roads and surfacing: with first-class macadam. These, three roada are tributary to the main Pendleton Walla Walla highway, and hereto fore have been very bad during wet weather, and rough in dry weather. WESTINGHOUSE SPREADS OUT It FT (FT""1 rg epp I Plants to Be Placed on Job in Summer. CRUSHERS NOW IN ACTION (several Miles of Construction Eliminated by Changes la Highway Lines. TEXDLI'.TON. Or., May 8. (Spe cial.) Hopes for a hard surfaced highway between Pendleton and Walla Walla will' be realized in the coming: summer. At the close of the year 1919 the Big Electrical Company' Goes Into Storage Battery Game. PITTSBURG. Pa., May 8. The for mation of the Westinghouse Union Battery company at Pittsburg marks the extension of the Westinghouse in terests to a new industrial field. The new company nas been organized to manufacture storage batteries for every industry in which batteries are used. Starting and lighting batteries for renewal on automobiles will be featured, although the new company will make batteries for other auto motive equipment, including trucks, tractors, motor boats and airplanes. Their full line will also include bat teries for home lighting: systems, train lighting and railway signals. ' The company is at present occupy ing three floors of the Union Switch & Signal company's factory at Pitts burg. Initial production will be from 1200 to 1600 batteries a day, with working force of about 500 employes. The company is planning to build a factory on adjoining property of from ONE OF THREE FORD RUNABOUTS IN INSURANCE MAN'S FLIVVER FLOCK. . p Some men raise chickens, but W. R. McDonald of W. R. McDonald Co. ' raisea Korda. He has three of them. In which his salesmen chase Insur ance prospects, this being; one of the three and one of the salesmen. Ion could hardly call Fords a fleet, but they might be a flock. Mr. Mc Donald buy 'em young; and dolls them up with spotlights, picture and such. highway was paved from Pendleton to -a. point about a mile east of Athena, with the exception of a sec tion about a mile long just west of Milton hill north to the state line. There was also about a mile of hard surface near the Walla Walla end, on each of the two main roads from the state line to Walla Walla. The total mileage of hard surface was 26, out of a total length of road of 4 miles. During the dry weather in early spring, the paving plant at Freewater paved another mile from the foot to the top of Milton hill, which has long been a bugaboo to travelers. The contractors have considerable work in Milton and Freewater, paving city streets, so that no more highway paving work will be handled by the Freewater plant. It will be moved to Bluo Mountain station in a month and will start paving, from the top of Milton hill toward Weston. F'looded Pavement Repaired. The Athena plant began operations last week patching the places broken in the old pavement by the winter floods. There were a number of small sections where the banks were washed out and the paving cracked. These have been repaired and the paving is now in progress in the mile section Just west of Athena. Ae eoon as this is finished, paving will be laid from east of Athena toward Weston to meet the paving from the Blue Mountain plant. In addition to the paving plants, the contractors have several rock crushers operating. All the paving plants and crushers in this section are operated by electricity, which re sults in considerable saving of time in moving from place to place, be cause boilers and engines do not have to be installed. There rare several changes of line rn the highway between Walla Walla and Pendleton, which will eliminate nearly two miles of road, most of the changes being near Weston. The finished road will be about 44 miles long", of which over 27 miles are now completed. Walla' Walla county has a compre hensive!,: programme calling for two paved roads between the state line and the .city. Contracts have been let for an 18-foot pavement, and work will soon be under way. It is understood that the first road to be paved will be via College Place, so that this route can be opened for travel before the other road is closed Sew Concrete Bridges. Further north. between Walla Walla and Waitsburg, about seven miles of concrete road is being built. so that .there will be excellent going for more than 60 miles from Pendle ton toward Spokane. Several very substantial concrete bridges are being built on the Walla Walla-Pendleton section of the state highway.-' These bridges are well designed., and great improvements over . the old bridges. Many sharp curves nave been eliminated. .In addition to the state highway work, there are three .important county jobs under construction. These are theHavana-Helix road of about 10 miles, the. Milton - Walla Walla river road of about five miles and the Freewater-Umapine road of about 10 miles.; All this work consists of straightening and grading the old two to three times their present ca pacity. A. L. Humphrey, president of the Westinghouse Airbrake company and active in the management of all of its subsidiary organizations, is chairman of the board of directors of the new battery company. D. F. Crawford, vice-president and general manager of the Locomotive Stoker company, is president of the new company, and T. R. Cook, formerly chief engineer and general production manager of the Willard Storage Battery company, is vice-president and general manager. T. S. Grubbs, vice-president of the Union Switch & Signal company, is also vice-president, secretary and treasurer of the new organization. TRUCK MOTTO CHANGED SHORT HAULS FAVORED FOR 3IOTOR VEHICLES. Spirit of Bureau Is Not One of Competition, bat Mainly i of Co-ope ration. From the Firestone ship-by-truck bureau comes the notice of a change in the ship-by-truck emblem to read "Ship by Truck for Short Hauls." This is not a change in policy, but rather a. broader definition of their original policy, and1 Is the result of a sugges tion by the Rational automobile chamber of commerce to representa tives of the ship-by-truck when their support was asked for national ship by truck-good roads week that the fact be emphasized that the motor truck could be used more econom ically for short hauls. This suggestion, strengthened by a request signed by some of the big gest men in the motor industry to Mr. Firestone has resulted in this change of insignia. The addition of these three words cannot fail to make clear to all con cerned that the spirit of this bureau is not one of competition but rather a spirit of co-operation with and good wm towara an iorms oi iransporta tion. including railways, water ways and air ways. The keynote of its policy has always been co-ordination. not competition, and to this fact alone Is due the splendid results thus far accomplished, and with this good will thus further defined by the new'in- signia. "Ship by Truck for Short Hauls," the revolving wheel con tained therein will continue to spell ever-lncreaBing success. Water in Crank Case. Not all truck operators realize how much water collects in the crank case especialy at this time of the year, when the cohJ causes condensation. This water mixes with the oil, form ing an emulsion, which has a low lu bricating value. All this Jto empha size the Importance of refilling the crank case with fresh' oil every 1000 miles or oftener, if possible, after the era ink case has been thoroughly fxushedi out with kerosene. The Famous LEE Cord "The Wolfhound of Tires" ... Symbols of Speed and Endurance both XjEES The speed limit in the cities in Chile Is 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) an hour. HERE'S THE MODERN FORM OF THE ANCIENT GAME OF - PIGGY-BACK. $ ;s i ..ten k uMWimi Mhty Ai'l fry " Jr-C Yhree and-one-half-ton Jumbo truck, with Goodyear pneumatic cord fires. carrying; Monarch tractor for delivery from Portland to longing flfm In Rainier, Or. Hauling It by truck Is cheaper than sending; It by rail and four times as fast. Both lines are handled by the Mitchell, Lewis A Sta ler company yWjcb ik Chanslor & Lyon Co. PACIFIC COAST JUISTRLOLTOItS Largest Distributors of Automotive Equipment in the World Dealers Write or wire for our exclusive territory proposition. Portland List of Lee Tire Dealers Gerke A Jackson, 320 Lombard St. Ward A Koraythe, 386 Second St, Emtiick A Verblskl, 9th and Couch Sts. Tracey A Company, SI JVorth 9th St. Climax Garage, 38th and 1'bnrmin Sts. Factory & Motor Car Co, 21st and Kearney Sts. Godbey A Stevens, 12S 5th St. P. W. Kinney, 1050 Corbett St. . Red Cap Garag-e, 11th and Stark Sts. A. G. Onslow, 23d and Washington Sts. Kinney Bros-, 53- Washington St, Broadway Auto Inn. 243 East Broadwsy Interstate Garage, 110O Union Ave. Eagle Garage, 5820 2d St. Cassady A Hansen, 746 Derby St. Motor Inn Garage, 8SO Kant Bnrnslde St. Hebestreet A Holm,. 103d and Foster Road Monarch Motor Co., 843 Vancouver Ave. Eleventh Street Garage 333 11th St. So. ftllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllflllllllMllIIIIIlIIllIlllIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIlllllIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllli -.Tl 111 III 1 .f 1111 .1 i 111 I MlilMll 11111 1 111 U II II I II 11 II ! 1 1 1 1 ! I 111 1 111 II 11I11II 11 II 11 1 III I 111 I III M 1 1 1 ! f II 1 1 1 1 EI 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 M III 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 MOTOR'S HEART IS HEARD BEAT OF EXG1XE TELLS STORY OF POSSIBLE AILMENTS. Stethoscope Employed by Expert to Diiagriose Trouble With Astonishing Success. "It is not a very difficult matter to construct an instrumentthat will en able the owner to listen to the very heart beats of his motor and find out what alls It," writes an automobile expert in the American Motorist. Con tinuing the writer says: "One way Is to secure a stetno- scope, such as is used ty physicians in listening to the beating or the pa tient's heart and the working of his breathing apparatus. This may be made suitable to the purpose by lengthening the central tube. The other end of the device may then be held against any part- of the motor without the necessity of removing the receivers from the cars. "Another scheme is to secure from the junk man or local telephone com pany a telephone receiver body into the closed end of which Is screwed a steel rod 3-16 Inch in diameter and about 15 inches long. The rod should lie threaded for about 114 inches from one end and a nut and lock washer, should be used on each side of the re ceiver so as to hold the steel. rod se curely in place. When the rod is held against the engine and the re ceiver to the car all sounds in the motor are "telegraphed" up the rod so that each bearing or wrist-pin knock stands out clearly above the noise of the operating parts of the motor." NEW XATIOXAIi PLATGKOUXD Little Zion Canyon in Utah Be comes -Park. . Three hundred miles south of Salt Lake City and reached by automobile from Lund, Utah, is Little Zion can yon, the newest of American national Playgrounds. The canyon derives its name from Salt Lake City, which about SO years ago was known as Zion, says the Detroit News. Brlgham Young and other Mormons visited the district and the inhabitants decided that they would call the carfVon "Little Zion," evidently considering Salt Lake City a big place. Within the last few years Little Zion canyon has been visited by a large number of tourists and some of them have termed it "The Rainbow of the Desert." There are deep canyons with cliffs of blood red and cliffs of cream white rising to a height of 2600 feet. Huge natural bridges and level topped plateaus with precipitous cliffs and picturesque amphitheaters pro vide a picture that strikes one with awe. Barker's Bakery Has Just Ordered Another G M C Truck Another Truck Owner Is Convinced of GMC Quality i. , Wentworth-Irwin, Inc. Second St., Cor. Taylor, Portland, Oregon Popping Back. A backfire or slight popping back through the carburetor may usually be accepted as a sign of insufficient intake valve tappet clearance. When the intake does not close, the burning charge escapes through th valve and ignites the incoming charge in the mandfold. Loss of compression causes loss of power and the gas blown back deranges the carburetion momentarily. T" i i , "j i" iim"'Ii'I"''ii Tn .. , . " $ ,,.".",.".I-'.-."T.'L " ' " . I, mini t i i' Performance Equals Appearance Original lines, splendid color, and seating " comfort mark the Lexington Thorobred as a dif ferent type of sport car. It is a refreshing departure in the sport car trend. Like all Lexington cars it has the many exclusive mechanical features which mean greater ser vice and economy. Exhaust System to give it more power on the same fuel ration, and the Lexi-gasifier, hailed as the solution of the low-grade gasoline problem. The famous 2 -Way Head Lamps give full light without glare; the Equalizing Cable Brake acts' evenly on both rear wheels; the Lexington Emergency Brake actually operates with one finger! There is the Moore Multiple Letusshowyou the Thorobred.' Thorobred (Sport Ifodel), $28$! Touring Car, $2iS$; Lex-Sedan, $2583; Sedanette, fjijo; Coupe, $3IJ AU Series "S" models equipped with cord tires BRUNN MOTOR CAR CO. Distributors 28-30 NORTH BROADWAY Sold by the followlag dealersi B. A C. Motor Car Co.. Salem, Or. Colombia Highway Auto A Storage Co., .flood River, Or. Riley Meier, Corvallla, Or. n?I1 A Lemon. Arlington. Or. William Motor 'ar "o.. Pendlrton, Or. C. . Williams. Klamath Kail., Or. Lexington Motor Company, ConnersvUle, Indiana, tJ. S. A. Preserving Washers. Spare asbestos washers should al- ways be treated before being placed in the toolbox of the truck. . A six hours' sop king in olive oil, followed by draining and a biref drying and a final rubbing in fine black lead, will give a good tight washer that will come adrift cleanly at any time. Can you stop in 20 feet? 2 2 4 DOMINANT MOTOR TRUCKS I1., 3V, 5 Tons Repeat Orders Spells the Success of a Product The Willamette Valley Transfer Co. added the THIRD S-Tori Fageol since January 1, 1920 Call Bdy. 1758 and Let Us Solve Your Problem- FAGEOL SALES AGENCY, Inc. 411 DAVIS SALES SERVICE 2 3 lto5TnS j Bead for a copy of "Traffic Xews." a Magulae of Transportation. Motor Truck Will overcome the delays in the marketing; of your pro duction, or in the. delivery of your goods. Speeding the goods on their way to the buyer may be the secret of your success com petition is keen economy is essential. Federals are designed and constructed for hard . work and economy in a size' for every business. William L. Hughson Company 60 North Broadway at Davis Broadway 321 Oldest Motor Car Organization the Pacific Coast. San Francisco, Oakland, v Los Angeles San Diego, Seattle, Portland 9i