TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, MAY 9, 1920 CHANGE IN -MARKET SYSTEM PROPOSED WIS ?1 Taxpayers' League Favors Appointive Director. BILL TO GO TO VOTERS Outlines of Measure, Calculated for Closer Co-operation, Are Prepared at Meeting; Initial steps toward closer co-operation' between the farmer, labor and business Interests of the state were taken yesterday at a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce under auspices o the State Taxpayers' league. At the conclusion of an all-day session a unanimous vote was recorded in favor of submitting a market com mission bill to the voters of Oregon at the coming election. Outlines of a measure were agreed upon which follow to a great extent the provision of a similar enactment fn force in California. Several changes from the California law -were con sidered and adopted and a few radi cal departures voted down. It was agreed after an extended discussion that the office of market director should be appointive and not elective. Spence Plan Is Opposed. Arguments in favor of having the director elected here instead of ap pointed by the governor presented by C. E. Spence, master of the state grange, were opposed by practically everyone else at the meeting. It was also determined to fix the salary of the market director at J4500 a year. Other provisions of the bill as adopted give the market commission power to investigate and tabulate market facilities for the producers of the state, authority to encourage and aid in the establishing of co-operative associations between the pro ducers. In the main, the market com mission furnishes leadership for the farmers and producers in finding a market for their products. One of the essential points brought cut at the meeting was the vital im portance of obtaining a capable di rector." Determination of the final draft of a bill were left to a committee com posed of Alma D. Katz, president of tie Oregon Dairymen's league; J. D. HSckle, state food and dairy com missioner; Otto Hartwig, president of the State Federation of Labor; Hector McPherson, professor of econ omics at O. A. C, and Al Ilampson, Portland attorney. Keport Due Thin Week. Report of the committee will be made to the executive committee of the State Taxpayers' league which will meet early this week to plan the campaign for obtaining the neces sary petitions filled to place the meas ure on the ballot. Robert 13. Smith, secretary of the elate taxpayers' league, presided at yesterday's conference. Colonel Har ris Weinstock. who recently resigned from the office of market director of California, was present and told the history of the commission in his state. He declared that the market com mission would do away with com mission "sharks," averring that these intermediaries were chiefly respon sible for the large price range be tween what the producer got and what tlie consirmer paid. Strength of l.n w Doubted. Professor McPherson, who warmly ndvocated a market commission for Oregon, expressed doubt as to tho strength of a measure similar to the one In force in California. Others who spoke in favor of the measure and who took an active part In the discussion during tiie entire day were A. R. Shumway, president of Farmers' union; C. E. Spence. mas ter of tho State Grange; Franklin T. Griffith, president of the Portland Itailway, Light & Power company; C. F. Adams, vice-president of the First National bank of Portland; E. J. Stack, secretary of the State Fed eration of Labor; W. F. Woodward, J. M. Burtner, Senator S. B. Huston end L. C. Oilman. WIN vW - I 'Tikis' Copyright it. vl Hart Schatfuer&Marx Wise Men of Today Demand Real Clothes You wish to buy wisely every man does. . Men don't want ordinary clothes now, they .realize that a suit bought at a low price can't give serv ice and men want service in clothes. Hart Schaf fner & Marx Clothes will give you more days of wear for every dollar spent than any clothes we know of. What you get here is the best; if you don't think you . get your money s worth money back. Sam'l Rosenblatt & Go. GascoBldg. Fifth at Alder 437,414 LIVE IN CAPITAL WASHIXCTOS OUTRANKS BOTH CtXCIXXATI AXD XEWARK, time when there is a multiplicity of music events. Nevertheless the So nora people's operas have been much enjoyed and their fresh, young voices hal much to do with the artistic music success won. "11 Trovatore" never has lost its charm as a family opera where fath ers, mothers and children iove to at tend. Its story is romantic, clean and sparkling in music. It represents its composer, Verdi, working at top speed. Its score is one long dream of loveliness. It is1 all the more curious to note as an encouragement to young composers, that when Verdi was 18 years old, admission to the celebrated Milan conservatory was denied him on the ground that he "lacked musical talent. He lived to be Italy's great est composer of romantic opera. In "11 Trovatore" the story relates principally to two sons of the old Count di Luna. The latter's younKer son Yiad been abducted in infancy by a gipsy for revenge because the count had caused her mother to be burned as a witch. When the action of the opera opens, the lost baby has grown up to man's estate and he is Man rico, the troubadour. His brother, the count, loves Leonora, but she and Manrico love each other. Graziana was the Manrico last night and made a fine impression with his impas sioned, actionand singing. Beatrice Pizzorn was the Leonora and sang superbly. Sepria Castel was the Azu cena and sang like the star that she is. She made the hit of the show. - At the matinee yesterday, the at traction was "La Traviata," by Verdi. It is in opera what "Camille is in legitimate drama and follows closely along the romantic lines of the origi nal French story. Consuelo Medina was the Violetta, "the maiden with the cough," a part so artisticaly sung by Adelina Patti. Signorina Medina made it a living, romantic stage pic ture of lasting value. Alfredo Crazi ani was the Alfredo and he made good. The Georgio was by Eduard Lejarazu, baritone, and he sang splendidly. Graziani was a hard-working tenor the past two days and the busiest member of the company. He sang last Friday night in two operas. Yester day afternoon Carlos Mejia, who was to have sung as Alfredo in "Traviata," suffered from cold, and Graziani had to sing Instead. Last night, tired as lie was, Graziana sang as Manrico in "Trovatore," and again distinguished himself both as singer and actor. Various Cities Show Increase of From Less Than One to More ', Than 31 Per Cent. WASHINGTON, May 8. Newark largest city in New Jersey, with s population of 415,609, has outstripped Cincinnati, which ranked it in the last census. Cincinnati's population. recently announced, is 401, lo8. Newark ranked as the fourteenth city in 1910 with a population of 347.469, an increase of 101,399 over its 1900 population. Washington, six teenth city ten years ago, now out ranks both Cincinnati and Newark with a. population of 437,414. .Figures made public today follow: Newark, N. J., 415,609, increase 68, 110 or 19.6 per cent. Lynn. Mass., 99,148, increase 9812 or 11 per cent. Conneaut, Ohio, 9343, increase 1024 or 12.3 per cent. Benton Harbor, Mich., 12,227, in crease 3042 or 31.1 per cent. Mandan. N. D., 4S36, increase 463 or 12 per cent. Ottawa, 111., 10,816, increase 1281 or 13.4 "per cent. Newark. Ohio, 26,718, increase 1314 or 19.6 per cent. Clinton, Iowa, 24,151, decrease 1426 or 5.6 per cent. Muscatine. Iowa, 16,068, decrease 110 or .7 per cent. Berlin. N. H., 16,104, increase' 4324 or 36.7 per cent. Holland. Mich., 12.166, increase 1676 or 16 per cent. JITNEYS TO BE CURTAILED SEATTLE STREET RAILWAY TO CURB COMPETITION. Superintendent Will Have Free Hand In Operation With View to Programme of Economy. SEATTLE, Wash., May 8. (Spe cial.) Virtual elimination of jitney bus competition against municipal street railway operations was agreed upon by city coincilmen and Mayor Caldwell in a closed conference today. The bill will be passed Monday and signed bv Mayor Caldwell, according to an agreement reached at a stormy session called to consider the street car situation. Members of the city council also agreed that D. W. Henderson, super intendent of railways, should be given a free hand in the operation of the street car svsteni, both as to routes and schedules so as to carry out the administrative programme of economy. As redrafted by Corporation Coun sel Walter F. Meier, the jitny ordi nance give.T almost comnlet Kimi. vision of the buses into the hands of the city authorities. The council is Johannesburg, with a population of 263.274. is the largest and most cos mopolitan city in South Africa. Sonora Opera Singers End Engagement Here. In Trovatore" In Final Perform ance Receives Stirring and lira mat ic Stage Setting. WITH a stirring and dramatic stage setting of the Verdi op era "II Trovatore" last night in the Heilig theater, the Sonora Grand Ital ian Opera company terminated Its short engagement of three nights, with one afternoon performance. So far as eagerness to work is con cerned, coupled with the best artistic results possible, the Sonora people's engagement was successful, but the attenance was not. It is not believed that the venture proved financially profitable, as the engagement came late in the. music season and at a The Koh-i-noor Who has not heard the romantic history of this marvelous stone? Orig inally one of the treas ures of the Temple of Delhi, its tern p t isg beauty involved its pos sessors in many adven tures, in which theft andassassinationplayed their tragic part. In 1850 it was presented to Queen Victoria, at which time it was cut down from 186 karats to 106. Special Diamond Engagement Rings $50 $75 $100 given power to lay out prescribed routes, determine schedules between fixed terminals and inspect all ma chines. "The jitneys will no longer be per mitted to skim the cream from the business of the city's railways," Cald well declared today The ordinance does not declare Jit neys illegal, ths city not having the power to do so, but it handicaps them to such an extent it is believed that they will be put out of business. AGED MAN KILLS HIMSELF David E. Leach, 7 0, Commits Sui cide at Heppner. HEPPNER, Or., May 8. (Special.) David M. Leach, 70 years old, pioneer resident of the Lexington district, committed suicide this morning at the home of his brother-in-law,, T. H. Nichols, by shooting himself through the head with a .38-caIiber revolver. Coroner Case investigated the case and expressed the belief that the man was slightly unbalanced by ill health and financial and domestic trouble. The- act was committed in an out house in the yard of the Nichols "home and the body was found soon after by a young son of Mr. Nichols. Death appears to have been instantaneous. now. ImWWm k - t showing pttyv Ut ! until :.;; .-v I 1 I ? " '-rs , J TUESDAY I "fl IP ' y '- j ONLY j r-lm&$ One 1 VX3BBa HMMMkMUf V EI II n I 11 I'. fcR'A law Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. ft The True Measure of Value Is What You Get for What You Pay The true measure of the worth of your glasses is the comfort and service you deT rive from them. - - To this comfort add highest quality of frame or mountings, scientific grinding and polishing of the lenses, beauty and style and you have my Perfect Fitting Glasses. Into every pair of glasses I make goes the skill and experience of more than 21 years. My whole thought and attention are given to your individual test. You, personally, must be satisfied. DR. WHEAT paiks belore her. kd lo love IfiG COlLtilrx Irucjqle C Ike other lo pleasure B roadway eas e. & (2om9 and see Acmr.. I? AH 1 ii T I ill II tfl V -err 7 1 i . ., .,.111-? ,; 5 ft.-- : j it - JK t 207 MORGAN BLDG. Entrance 346 Washington St. Canning Made Easy Cut the "cost and time two-thirds by using the H. & A. Steam Pressure Canning Outfits, the same process used by commercial canning factories it's just as easy to can vegetables, meats, fowl, and fish as fruits in tin or glass. The H. & A. Hand Power Double Seamer seals all sizes of sanitary fruit, vegetable and fish cans. Call -or write for catalog to Henninger & Ayes Mfg. Co., 5th and Everett Sts., PORTLAND, OR. Builders of Canninir Outfits and Can Sealers. A HEART-STIRRING TALE OF AN UNDERWORLD LOVE MADE CLEAN AN ORIGINAL AND THRILLING PHOTO-STORY BY C. GARDNER SULLIVAN PRESENTED WITH. AN EXCEPTIONAL MUSICAL SETTING ARRANGED BY PHILIP PELZ Personally Conducting PEOPLES SYMPHONIQUE ORCHESTRA WATCH FOR OUR LADIES' AFTERNOON MUSICALE EVERY WEDNESDAY , AT 3 P .M. A TWO-DOLLAR SYMPHONY CONCERT EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 3 P. M. FOR TWENTY-FIVE CLIN 1 0 UXNl-X riAf TTiinri mirnn HIGHWAY rLI A FLYING BOAT Will fly Sunday from Llultnomah Falls See the Beautiful Columbia Gorge From the Air Oregon, Washington & Idaho Airplane Co. M. 2796 - Yeon Bldg. TIRE BUYERS ATTENTION Can offer carload, popular size pneumatic tires, well known make. Immediate delivery. ' Will quote an exceptional price. BOX AE 44, OREGONIAN