TC THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAY 0, , 1920 FOB SALE. Machinery CATTOS BROS. COMPANY. INC.. 00 First Street. PORTLAND. OREGON. Main 3ir3. We offer the following used tools, sub ject to prior sale, all of which are SMi per cent new: 1 No. 5 Marvel automatic hiKh-speed a1', belt driven, capacity OxO-in. stock. 1 No. 28 band saw. American Saw Jlill Machinery Co.. complete with all regular equipment. 1 No. 05 Baker-Hansed air compres sor, capacity '.." cu. ft. air per minute with air intake unloader. mounted on Timken bearing, with 'JOxo-in. air re ceiver. 1 No. 3 centrifugal oil separator -with automatic filtering attachment, cover with safety handle, etc. 1 40-ton LoMrle hydraulic press. 1 30 H P. General Electric 1200 R. P. M., 2-JO-volt. 3-phase. tiO-cycle molor. with pulley, base, compensator, starter, switch box. fue box. aOO in. of cable, 100 ft. of conduit. 1 20-in. Taylor & Fcnn water tool grinder. 1 Cleveland model "IS" wet tool, and surface grinder. 1 Heald No. fiS rectangular magnetic Chuck wound for 110 volts. L- C. 1 No. 2 American gas furnace, oven -In. wide by 3-ln. high by 10-in. deep. 1 No. 2 Browno & Sharpe universal grinder, complete with all regular equip ment. 1 No. 2 Browne A 'sharpe cutter rrinder. complete w ith all regular equip ment and 7 wheels. 1 et Hosklns tjrpe F. C. 204 and F. C. 206 electric furnaces, complete with all wiring, panels, switchboards, etc. ' 1 No. 1 Sipp sensitive drill press. complete with res. equipment. 1 .n. capacity. 1-0-volt Universal electric drill with chuck. 1 20xll-in. Monarch 3-step cone. flouble back bear. l"k chans . lathe, with l-in. 1- chuL- fitted, 9-in. Union y-jaw Universal chu, k fitted. 1 each Armstrong tools No. l-ts. .I. "-R. t;-S. 52. 32. 1!-K. 4 Robertson high-speed hack 1 No. aw. 1 No 12 Valley City grinder head, column, countershaft and Suar om plete with 2 each coarse and medium emery -wheels. 1 10 H. P.. 3-phase. 220-volt. 1200 R. P M , form I. General Electric motor, complete with pulley and base. 1 No. 7 New Britain drill chuck. 1 No. 2 Jacobs drill 'chuck with No. 1 ' Morse taper arbor. 1 No 3 Kempsmith Universal milling machine with regular equipment; also 1-ln.. lU-in. and lie -in. arbors. 1 8 1 -in. face mill. 1 assortment collects sleeves. ilHns cuttrs. carbon and high-speed. 2 high speed side milling cutters w Uh -nse ed teeth 10x2x1 -in.. 1 coarse tooth milling cutter 3 14x4x1 Is for above miller. 1 machinist vise, swivel base. 5-in. opening. 1 size "B" Franklin portable crane. Capacity 2li tons. 3 No. 1 Marvel hack saws; 1 26-in. Barnes drill press, sliding, head, back geared. CATTON BROS. COMPANY. INC.. 00 First street. x Portland, Oregon. Main 3453. LOGGERS' AND CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY CO. COMPLETE EQUIPPED CAMP. We own and offer for immediate de livery, subject to prior sale, the follow ing located at Brookfield. Wash., on the Columbia river, near Astoria: 1 11x13 Humboldt yarding engine, ex tension firebox boiler, sled, rope and water tank; engine used B0 days. 1 11x13 Humboldt yarding engine, cir cular boiler, 175 pounds, sled, rope and 1 lOVa'xlOll Washington yarder, com plete, with sled and rope, line Bagley grader, gasoline pumping outfit, high-lead equipment, filing room, blacksmith shop, bathhouse, cookhouse and miscellaneous equipment consisting of blocks, rigging, water pipe; every thing to make a modern camp outfit. NEW AND USED MACHINERY IN STOCK. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. LOGGING ENGINES, NEW, RE BUILT AND USED. 1 12x12 Washington yarder. rebuilt. 1 10x13 Munday roarter, rebuilt. 1 10x15 Tacoma roader, no boiler. 1 10x13 Willamette roader, used. 1 Oxl5 Tacoma roader. 6S-inch, 200-lb. boiler, new sled. 1 12x14 Tacoma roader. 72-lnch, 200-lb. boiler. 1 10x11 Willamette Humboldt yarder, 64-inch oblong boiler. 1 11x13 Willamette Humboldt yarder, 6tf-inch boiler. LOCOMOTIVES. LOGGING TRUCKS AND CARS. 2 60M rebuilt flat cars; will meet I. C. C. requirements. Complete iron work for two 40M flat BALLAST EQUIPMENT. 2 20-yard center dump, hopper bottom gondola ballast cars, rebuilt. 1 45-ton 1 la -yard Bucyrus steam shovel, rebuilt. CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT. 6 No. 4 S REX concrete mixers, new 3 No. 7 REX concrete mixers, new. Mntnr.iirivpn and steam hoists. 1 5000-gallon cylindrical steel tank, suit able for fuel oil. 10.000 feet 12-pound rail. 440 feet 8-pound rail. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 SS-inch vertical boiler. 1 42-inch vertical boiler. 1 vertical engine. 1 5xfi-in. double cylinder single drum Mundv friction hoist. 1 tx-in. double cylinder single drum Kairbanks-Morse friction hoist. 1 12-in.xl4-in. - 1 2 li -in.xl 4-in. Ingersoll Rand steam driven air 'compressor. 1 8x5x10 Snow steam pump. 2 2-ln. centrifugal pumps. 1 2li-in. centrifugal pump. 1 lis -In. centrifugal pump. 1 4-in. centrifugal pump. FITCH BERG LATHE AT SHOP. IS-ft. bed. tr.-ft between centers. Normally lS-ln. swing; with raisin? box to 42 inches. 2 face plates. 1 4 -saw chuck. ' Compound rest. LOGGERS' AND CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY COMPANY. Offico 70 Fourth St. Shop 17th and Sherlock Ave. Manufacturers of Russell Steel Logging Trucks, r.agie tsrna weuges and Sledges. Ttem-rtltatives lor; Porter Locomo tive. XlfeX Concrete Mixers. Erie Steam Shovew. Villiams Clam-shell Buckets, xnsley . concrete equipment. SPECIAL. 1 pr. 1Sx20 Frost twin engines, t ry 14v0 twin engines. 1 S-in. Mershon horizontal band resaw. 1 8-in. Berlin uprignt ;o. j-i. 1 4-in, Mershon band rip saw. 1 4-in. Berlin band rip saw. 1 10x0x12 Fairbanks-Morse. 1 4(-H. P. firebox boilers. I50-H. P. firebox boiler, insured for 1411 tos. - . . 1 50-H. P: firebox boiler. 40-H - P. firebox boiler. 1 60-ln. shaving blower complete wit pipe connections and cyclone. 1 R-rio heavv geared steam feed All sizes shafting, boxes, collars an ulleys from me spruce cut-up plant ' THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. 61 First St., Portland. Or. I'OR 8AI.B. Machinery. ALASKA JUNK CO.. 203 Front St." PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. You can do better with us on all sizes on black and galvanized pipe and fit tings, as we have one of the largest as sortments in the city. We also have a large stock of valves of all kinds and sizes at reasonable prices. About 3000 feet of 4 and C-inch standard new black Pipe dipped in tar at a second-hand price. Ve also carry and sell at a discount price a complete stock of brand new black and galvanized pipe and fittings. the L". S. shipping hoard ail of the pipe I from li-in. up to 10-lti. at the leading shipyards of Astoria. Or., which enables us to sell below market list. 1 complete set of tinners' tools at a great sacrifice price. 1 American wood-working machine company's planer knife grinder at a bargain. TRACTORS. TRACTORS. TRACTORS. We have Just purchased and will sell at a very special price a large number of traction engines. This is vour op portunity to buy a BULL TRACTOR at about one-half the original cost. Our Drice on band saws is very low. as w-e must sell them to make room. BELTING. BELTING. BELTING. We have the largest stock in the citv of new and slightly used leather, rubber, gandy and balata belting from 2-in. to 24-in.. at reduced prices. Also a large lot of remnants from 15-foot and over at all widths at a clean-up price. Our prices on new and used machinery and structural iron are way below the market and are far cheaper than any on the coast. We have just received 10.000 feet 2'.-.. -In. fire hose, also 50 fire ex tinguishers at a very reduced price. BOXING. PULLEYS. GEARS. SHAFT ING. ETC. About 15 tons 1 'i and 114 new shifting at a second-hand price. We have Just purchased a large assort ment of Columbia-Skookum & Pacific lagging blocks, also a large stock of chocker hooks and logging equipment. We are in a position to sell these at a great discount Blacksmiths' Tools Anvils, blowers, hammers, flatters, ate. Chain blocks, from one to five tons, at great reduction. One electric dynamo at a very reason able price. . Garden tools of all kinds, all new. at a very low price. CABLE. CABLE. CABLE. We have Just received from the U. S. shipping board a carload of new . 14. -Si. Ti. 1 and Its -in. cable, all plow steel. 6-10; prices far below present market. STRUCTURAL IRON. I-beam, bar iron, angle iron, round and channel iron from 1 to 5-inch -up to 20 feet long. VERY SPECIAL IN USED MACHINERY. Pump?, blowers, boxing, pulleys, gears, shafting, motors, hoists, air compressors. BOILERS AND TANKS. A-l CONDITION. FOR RENT. All kinds of concrete mixers and other machinery by day. week or month at reasonable rates. WOODSMEN AND M1LLMEN. ATTENTION! Crosscut saws, all new. from 4 to 10 feet in length, at 75 cents per foot. You must see them t to appreciate the big value in these. Be sure to see us for yarding trucks, lumber dollies and logging jacks, as we have a large assortment at greatly re duced prices. MACHINERY. MACHINERY. Logging blocks of all kinds. Tommy Moore -blocks at from 30 up. ALASKA JUNK CO.. LARGEST ON THE COAST. 201 FRONT ST.' PORTLAND. OR. RAILROAD EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. Ten 80,000-capacity. 41-ft. stand ard flat cars, practically new; guaranteed pass an leuerai re- quirements; Price $1375 points. lmmeaiaie biiiiiikii l. each, delivered, coast 40-ton Helsler geared locomo- live, thoroughly overnauico un der supervision Hartrord inspect tion ; guaranteed A-l condition ; boiler insured 175 lbs. working pressure; equipped with new set tires, automatic couplers, steam and air brakes ; in service about four years. Price $S500 f. o. b. Seattle; immediate delivery, terms. 70-ton, 2-truek Shay, thoroughly overhauled ; Fidelity inspection gives boiler 175 lbs. working pres sure; tires good, steam and air brakes, automatic couplers. Im mediate delivery at $12,000 f. o. t. Seattle. Terms. Logging trucks, steel rails, speeders. donkey engines. etc. Write, wire or phone at once, our expense, stating your require ments. O. W. BROWN TIMBER & SUP PLY COMPANY Lumber Exchange BIdg., Phone Main 4 00 2. Seattle, Wash. AUTOMATIC WOOD SAWS. LOOK UP THIS MONEY-MAKER. BAt hi. no DANGER: one man can cut 25 cords a day; cutting season just com mencing. 289 Union avenue. Phones: Broadway 4637, Woodlawn 3101. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Just received 5 carloads plumb ing suppl ies. Some slightly dam aged. We can save you some mon ey. Our line of first-quality sup plies is complete. Let us figure with you before you let your con tract. ESTIMATES FREE. y NORTHWEST PIPE CO., 1S7 Front st., Taylor. bet. Yamhill and Main Otil. HIGH-PRESSURE ' BOILERS FOR SALE, 1 84x0 Butt strap boiler.. 1TK) lbs. 4 72x18 Butt Btrap boilere. 330 Jbs. 2 tiOxltf Butt strap boilers, 125 lbs. 1 (4x12 Lap seam boiler. 1 2.10-h. p. firebox boiler. 1 2U-h. p. Upright boiler. 2 1 2-h. p. Upright boilars. 1 40-h. p. firebox boiler. 1 Atlas engine. 20-27 automatic. 1 1 0x1 Ride-crank engine. 1 2fix.'I2 Sylvester engine. 1 12x21 Quincy Corliss engine. 1 12xlOV-xlO Duplex DUmp. 2 HOxlO Steel tanks. .Also many other sizes of boilers, en gines and pumps. Always pleased to make prU-e. CT. R. MACHINERY COMPANY. 503 Gerlinger Bldg. Main S201. Iaunchei and Boats. FOR SALE Pleasure launch; also launch hull. Phone Monday. Main 9563. CANE for sale. Main 2393. 16-FOOT skiff. Foot ot Jefferson st. FOR SALE. Launchen and Boats. WE WILL SELL at public auction on Saturday, May IS, at 2 P. M., to the highest cash bidder, the following. 1 27-foot sailing sloop. 1 launch house. 1 Sponson canoe with motor. 1 Old Town canoe. 3 other canoes of various makes. OREliON YACHT CLUB. SNAP 17-ft. "Old Town" power canoe, equipped with Evinrude motor. Colum bia hot-shot battery and full equipment; 110 cash. See Walrath at Lamberson & Reid boathouse. Sunday A. M. or -early P. M. HOUSEBOAT, 3 rooms and bath, electric lights and gas. phone, city water: fur nished or unfurnished, with or without woodshed. 30 Willamette moorage. Sell wood 1530. HOUSEBOAT for sale, furnished or un furnished: white enamel finish: built-in conveniences; lights, water, gas and phone. No. 22 Willamette moorage. Sellwood 3783. FOR SALE Fast motor boat, length 25 feet, beam 5 feet. Varnished deck, 20 horsepower, Scripps engine. 54 Willam ette mooring. 32-FT. TROLLER, or work boat, and troll ing gear. Sunday or evenings. Getty, t4d Alameda St.. Astoria, or Getty, 2i2l& Clay st.. Portland. FOR SALE 1814-foot Sponson two-cylinder. Evinrude motor canoe. Edwin Tapfer. Phone Milwaukie 47J Sunday or evenings. 20 H. P. CYL. gas engine, with Bosch magneto, suitable for auto or motor boat, fin. East 1705 evenings. 40414 E. Morrison st. I HAVE a good 20 ft. boat, powered with a 5-ft. H. P. engine; all is in fine shape. Must sell. J150. 217 Main. Call at Liberty Auto Co., Vancouver, Wash. TROLLING BOAT, 35 feet by 1) 14 beam. 18 H. P. engine; boat under cast side of Broadway bridge. Price $2000. AR 381, orcgonian. FOR SALE 4-cyIinder, 4-cycle motor. 314 x5 stroke, running order, including spark coil and batteries; Just the motor for your boat Ki-1 Union ave., apt. 6. Full SALE Two cyi. 2-cycle Marine ert . gine in first-class order. Call at 585 Milwaukie st. from A. M. to 7 P. M, except Sunday. FOR SAI.FJ .2(5-ft. Columbia river fish boat with trolling cabin, h H. P. Frisco standard engine. Foot of Woodward ave. Phone East 1753. MOTOR BOAT owners, light your launch with eelctric light; get my figures on batteries. East 1705 evenings. 40414 E. Alorrison. FOR SALE Marine gas engine, 3-horse, shaft and propeller. East Side Welding S.hop. 203 Adams st. East S516. A FEW good marine engines ranging from 10 H. P. to 00 H. P.. and priced from $50 to J.150. R. E. Gore. East 6S03. MODERN Turnished houseboat; four rooms and bath. For sale reasonable. Phone Sellwood 2711. Sellwood Moorage. MODERN houseboat 6 rooms and bath. $1150, terms; $350 down, balance $30 per month. 28 Oregon Yacht club. PARTNER with $050 to install Heavy Duty engine in 35-foot . trolling boat. Boat at east end Broadway bridge. FOR SALE Four-room modern houseboat, completely furnished. No. 8 Ntrt-th Sell wood ferry, west side. Main 6070. FAST runabout Wawego. in excellent con dition; 20-H. P., Buffalo motor; fully equipped; $725. E. 5040. 26-FT. CABIN launch for sale cheap. Boat house 18. Portland Motorboat club. Neu berger, Sellwood 84. FOR SALE 26-foot launch, 15 H. P. Call between 2 and 4, Standard Boat House, foot of Madison st. Wm. Schuidt. WANTED Small furnished houseboat or launch large enough to sleep In. AG - 440. Oregonian. 22-FT. Iaunch714-H. P.. 12 miles; 26-ft. launch. 18 H. P.. 15 miles. Below St. Johns shipyard. Ely. MOTOR BOAT, 22 ft. long, 10-H. P., cheap for quick sale. Inquire owner, 750 Mis souri ave. FU"RNISHED houseboat, float, woodshed; terms. Call at 1900 B. Willamette Moor age. LATE model Evinrude. run 3 months; takes it. Call EasX 6S03. Gore. 50 WANT to rent furnished houseboat for the summer. AP 433. Oregonian. WELL-BUILT house, modern conveniences, some terms. Call Milwaukie 54-R. FOR SALE NEW CANOE. 313-00. AUTOMATIC HOUSEBOAT, launch, canoe. Call Sell wood 000. between 1 and 5 Sunday. NEW trolling boat for sale. 37x1014. 808 Pittsburg at the ferry landing, St. Johns. FOR SALE -ti-room modern Marshall 3157. houseboat. WILL take late Ford sedan as payment on modern houseboat. faeil. 2y-fV. Typewriters. TYPEWRITER SALE EXTRAORDINARY. U. S. gov t. an gutly used typrs.. No. iu self -starting Remingtons, new price $110 our price $70; Underwood, No. 4, Elite type, slightly used, serial 9850O0, like new, $75; new condition latest model Oliver No. 9. 2 color ribbon tabulator, etc., $50, late model wide carriages, $60 and up, no junk, good machs., right prices and one year guarantee on each. 263 Oak st. Jack Doane. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds for sale. rent, exchange. w ara exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with, carrying case; supplies Xor ail E. W. PEASE COMPANY, 110 Sixth st. Main 2285. DOAKS GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All maka overhauled. Expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 307. Supplies. 263 Oak st. TYPEWRITER INSPECTION CO. Earl Kessler. manager. Established 15 years. Specializing on repairs to all makes. rtnt, buy, sell; supplies. 312 Stark fit.. Main 5549. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALiIj Ai.'Vivii.a, boiu on mommy payments. Send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co.. 321 Washington st- WILL exchange line new phonograph for typewriter. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE Typewriter. L. C. Smith & Bros No. 3. 14-Inch rebuilt. E 277. Ore gonian. UNDERWOOD typewriter No. 5; will sell for 3u or trade xor good kodak. 103 14th st. FOR SALE Typewriters. Smith Premier. a fine, reliable typewriter; 517.50. N 240, Oregonian. UNDERWOOD No. 5, almost new. variable liner, etc.; ao; need tne cash. Tabor 6024. FOR SALE Typewriters, wide carriage. Remington No. 10; tine condition. D 242, Oregonian. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee, $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co., 304 Oak Bt. VISIBLE typewriter; sell cheap for cash. Call today ; bargain. Bdwy. 3405. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon . Typewriter Co., 14 5th. Main 3668. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. UNDERWOOD No. 5. 2 clr. rib. and bk. spc. Call any time, uawy. 340. FOR SALE Typewriters. Oliver No. 5. ex cellent condition, li 249. Oregonian. REMINGTON No. yours for $47.50. 10. nw price $110, WANT Underwood typewriter, any condi tion, cash. AM 40U. Oregonian. M ifecellaneous. DIAMOND -kt. gent's ring, only $135 ,-kt. lady's tiffany platinum, $125 3 1 2 Worcester bldg, Monday. SINGER sewing machine, sanitary couch. e-Iectric iron. gooa condition, cheap. Woodlawn 1S21. R E DUCE HIGH COST OF LI VI NO. Plant potatoes. All kinds pure seds. 3o3 Front st. ONE-MAN collaspsible camp outfit, good condition; mosquito and rainproof; price $10. Phone Marshall 2090 after Sundav. FOR SALE Folding bath tub. 1 small heating stove, a 2-bumer oil stove. 1 box vacuum sweeper. 79 E. Salmon. LADY'S slightly used gowns and suits; highest quality. Vogue Apparel Ex change. 40:i Alisky bldg. Main 3132. DIAMOND, 14 karat, no flaws, a very good stone; will exchange for automo bile. P 273, Oregonian. FOR SALE Ice refrigerator in good con dition. 47x441x20. 701 Savier st. DIAMOND, about -K.: fine color, lovely gem at bargain. W 2:9. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL black silk jersey suit, size 42; new. Marshall 1751. BICYCLE, new tires, light spring wagon, single harness, at 103 Williams ave. VASES, linen, pictures, cut-glass, plaid skirt, coat, chicken wire. Woodlawn 6;;o. GORMAN gasoline saw, a bargain if taken at once, only used six weeks. Main 6182. FOR SALE Electric EAT sign, complete; also awning bargain. 1 73' N. 6th st. SILVERTOWN cord tire, 34x4 V., $7. 1594 Gravenstein ave.. St. Johns car line. BUCK'S steel range. 5 lids, 'polish top, coils, $20. 503 E. Market, cor. loth. ELECTRIC SIGNS Good as new. and Cafeteria. 249 Stark street. KODAK 3x514 for $20. Sell" 3797." Drugs FOR 9AI,fe. Mizell&neou, REED &. LEE EXCHANGE, 394 E. Bumside St., at Grand ave.' Open from 6 A. M. to 12 P. M. Phone East 6257. GOODS MUST BE SOLD. The purpose of this advertise ment is to seil the goods. We be lieve that the prices asked are far beiow what the same goods could be replaced for. If alter exami nation and with due considera tion of the merits and condition ot the article the price should be found to be out of reason or not to meet competition, our custom ers are requested to be frank in expressing their opinion, in or der that the sale may be made under a bargain that is satisfac tory to all parties. FOR 'SALE. ELECTRICAL MACHINERY. $50 Gen. Electric Co. Induction motor, type, D. s. S. ; H. P., 1-6: speed, lsoo; volts, 110, with pul leys, saws, jlg-snw, carborundum wheel, switch-box. tubing, clc. A. F. Reeves; see Mr. Parrish, 1000 Francis ave. Sellwood 357S. j.")0 One 1-K. W.. 32-volt light ing plant for country house. Will .take auto jn trade. - H. G. Will iams, 449 E. Bumside sU East 66 10. STEAM BOILERS, ETC. ft $500 Sturm steam boiler, water ' ube type, 30 to 40-H. P. C. A. Sturm, 2iy Union ave. East 2022. $150 Upright Bteam engine, 8x8, Nagle, 15-H. P. Would put in good working order. J. Shank & Co., 12 Front su Main 1099. $15 each Three steam-jacketed honey tanks. $10 each Two square galvan ized iron tanks. " 20 feet galvanized Iron stove piping. Oregon Honey .Co., 27 Union ave. East 2156. MISCELLANEOUS MACHINERY. ETCETERA. "Bargain Sanborn Machine Co. Star cutter. Multnomah Trunk & Bag Co., 82 E. Water st. Phone .Automatic 224-66. $30 Economy steel hand waste paper baler, almost new. J. Shank, S12 Front st. Main 1699. $550 Pony sawmill, 10 to I5-M. capacity, c. A. Sturm, 2b9 Union ave. East 2022. $S5 Heavy steel -warehouse or garage door, 10x10 ft.; roils up like curtain; complete with attach ments. International Harvester Co., 300 Belmont st. East 98. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, AIRPLANES. $125 Country jitney, 1911. 5 pass.. Carter. "Webber's Garage. ' E. 30th and Belmont. $350 Two-ton Reo truck; will consider Ford in trade. Call and see it. only -block from Heed & Lee Exchange. $9O0 Mitchell. 1918. 5-pass, touring car, in good condition. G. B. Ludo-vici, 320 E. 8th st. South. East 1460, $1000 Maxwell truck. 1 tons, first-class condition; will take team, harness, wagon or small car in trade. B. F. Neal, 366 First st. Marshall 2370. $1000 Monotype airplane. Just completed. 35-H. P. engine; terms. Loren Epler, 38 1 E. Clay st. Ma chine at 871 Tacoma ave., Sell wood. $00 Motorcycle, 1914 Flying Merkel, tandem, headlight and good tires; also $llf Motorcycle, 1915, 2-speed . Dayton, tandem, with side car, whistle, lights and good tires. 1. M. Williams, Woodlawn 149. AUTO PARTS. Two 30x34 new Ford wheels. $15; two extra Ford tire rims, $2; one tire holder. $2; one Gray-Davis Ford self-starter (used), $25. East Side Feed Co., 12u Union ave. E,ast 1517. $10 One Goodyear 30x4 'A non skid tire. J. shank, 312 Front st. Main 1699. $25 Milk wagon. Mr. Tarlow, East 870. CUSTOMER WANTS. Candy showcase, about 6 ft. high. Small oblong showcase. Small cash register. Roll-top desk. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $550 Vulcanizing and tire shop, doing a nice little business in good location; equipment consists of Haywood steam vulcanizer and all necessary machinery and tools. ANOTHER BOOST SHE'S OFF. AND A week ago we published this advertisement and It brought in a nice bunch of business. Now let's put this little metal plating works on the map. "There is a little metal plating works on the S. E. corner of Union ave,' and East Burnside st. They do all kinds of silver, copper and nickel plating. They are a new Portland industry and need your patronage. They have room lor another expert finisher to come in as a partner (he could buy in terest for $500). Why not have them polish those rusty auto parts or put your table silver in condi tion for the Shrinars? Here is a chance to be a biK help in keep ing a nice little industry in Port land. Give them a boost. They need it." Now, altogether! REED & LEE EXCHANGE, 394 E. Burnside st. at Grand ave. Open from 6 A. M. to 12 P. M. Phone East 6257. BOOKS FOR SALE. Complete traffic library of 20 volumes, giving H ' freight and express rate, classification and I. C. C. decisions; also 5 volumes on automobile engineering. All good as new. Address or call M. Agard, Caples Hotel. ' PRACTICALLY new mahogany case, gen urne Sonora talking machine in excel lent condition. Price only $180. Spe cial erms, 20 down 'and $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. WHAT have you to sell or trade ? Can sell or exchange anything provided price Is right. SendparUculars- J 275, Ore gon lam FOR SALE 1 tent, 14x16 fL Phone Tabor 4439. ; GRAY reed baby carriage in good condi tion, $20. 687 E. 9th. PORTABLE garage, made of canvas, $15. 537 Maiden ave., Sellwood. Bdwy. 957. SUMMER orders for old-growth lire wood and country tie slabs. East 7299. FOR SALE Chicken wire and coops. 1170 Boise st., near 39th. iTa EASTMAN and case, in good shape. $12.50. AO 355. Oregonian. FOR SALE Girl's cape and dress, size 3 tt. w a 1 n. o -. LARGE Mastodon pansy plants for sale; 50c per dozen. Phone Tabor 4793. FOR SALE N. 6th st. pool tables complete. 171 LADIES' SUIT, size 33; also two overcoats. 12 to 14 years. 1256 Eaat Madison. RAGLAN COAT and blue Jersey dress, size 38; bargain. AR 403. Oregonian. FOR rent, vacuum cleaners, 24-hr. day, $1; delivered anywhere. Wdln. 0O88. KOR SALE One large and one small skte. . P 100. Qregoilan. REBUILT typewriters. E. W. Pease & Co., 110 Sixth st. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses slightly worn. Main 9567. POTATOES Seed and table at 406 Haw thorne ave. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning, 1 N. 1st st. h'C R SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St., near .Ash. FOR SALE A good range; Michigan ave. bargain. 768 DESK ADDING MACHINE, $15. 518 COR BETT BLDG. MAR. 557. GARDEN MANURE. TRUCK LOAD. $5.50. TABOR 2704. WOOD for sale at the east end of Morrison bridge. Call East 1610, 301 E. Morrison. NEW and second-hand gas water heaters Cheap. loiJ rj. riroauway. tasi ONE complete optical outfit cheap. Tabor 724. f"OR PAtE. Miscellaneous. SAVE on your garden hose. This Is under today's wholesale cost. 50 feet of guaranteed 5-ply. i&-lich . rubber hose with couplings or 50 feet of cotton hose, regular $9.50 value. $5 95. FELDSTE1.V FURNITURE CO.. 174 1st St.. Cor. YamhilL ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Pain'.ess Dentistry absolutely per formed by the nerve-blocking method, without dfter-effects; let us prove It to you. We make X-ray examinctiont of teeth when necessary along with oth er operations; we specialize in first-class dentistry at reasonable fees. DR. A. W. KEEN E, DR. E. H. PREHN. Hajestlc Theater Bldg. 351H Wash. OREGON REPORTS. CYC. L. R. A. PA CIFIC REPORTER DIGEST. ALL IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. WILL SELL AT BA KG A IN FOR CASH. ALSO HAVE REVOLVING BOOK CASE, FILING CABINETS. ETC. MILLER. 325 EAST 70TH NORTH. TEL. TABOR 6291. BIRD AND CAGE, singer $5.00 2 auto lights, new 6.0O Vanophone and 10 records 5. 00 Folding gocart 5.00 1 0 wooden decoy ducks 2.50 6 doz. large jelly glasses 1.50 50-egg Inrubator 4.50 270 WEST WINCH ELL ST. 25 DhOPHEAD sewing machines, com plete with attachments, in good , sewing order, 8 to $25; sewing machines rented $3 per mouth: machines cleaned and re paired. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave. B. -3307. East 2359 WILL exchange your old suit as first pay ment on a new tailor made one and let you pay the balance on easy payments. JOY, THE TAILOR, 151 GRAND AVE. FOR SALE Brown worsted suit and shepherd plaid. H. S. M. make, size 3R; Florsheim shoes, worn twice, size S1,, bargains. Phone Main 4637. 10:30 to 2:30. Sunday. BUTCHERS and commission merchants, taka notice. We have for sale a 2-room cooiing box 24x24 ft. cheap. Can be taken down in sections. White Clover Ice Cream Co., 505 E. Burnside. FOR SALE Fine coal and wood range with hot-water colls, nickel trimmings, fine baker. 2 gas-plate attachments: $50. Call 1560 Minnesota ave., cor. Stafford, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. GENUINE PIANO BARGAIN. Beautiful mahogany, exceptionally fine tone Victor, just like new. Cost $450. .price only $265; $25 down. $10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. FOR SALE Set books. greatest short stories, are new; kitchen cabinet, dining table and 4 arm dining chairs; sell cheap, leaving city. 871 E. Irving, near 2Kth st. TWO gas engines, 5 H. P. each; one $75, other $100 with magneto; also one Evin rude engine, $35. All good condition. Chris Jager, Garden Home, Or., or phone 5563. CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE, ANY SIZE, IN LA R G E OR SMALL AMOUNT. ALSO FIR AND ALDER WOOD. J. THOMAS. KELSO, WASH. P. O. BOX 315. BABY'S art set. $50; one small-sized man's dress suit, $40; one lady s fine si.ver toned tailored sui.. size 36. $35. Phone Auto 21-501. 144 East 07th st. FOR SALE Blue French serge tailored suit, size 36, $35; black lynx fur, $50; blue silk poplin drets, new. $5; heavy white sweater, $4. East 2895. PANSIES in bloom, hardy plants, large bloom, assorted colors; 5uc a dozen post paid. -Mar. 1118. Airs, t.- 1-. nun, 1.. x . D. 1. Oswego, Or. OLD LAWN mowers made better than new. Self sharpening steel blades ap plied. Grinding and repairing. Used mowers bought and sold. Tabor 3643. FOR A USED BICYCLE try us. Terms if desired. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand avenue. REFRIGERATOR for family or small store, hose wheel, curtain stretcher. 2- wheel hand truck, spring coat, single qt. fruit jars and stone crock. 360 13th st. .iio KL.M1.U1U. auiomaiic ruie, new, inquire at ouice ot tne Princess hotel. 349 E. Burnside, evenings after 6:30 o'clock. FOLEY FUEL CO.. Best grade country slabwood. four foot, $7. Orders promptly filled for a limited time. Phone East 2691. OAK bookedee and writing desk at bar gain, must be seen to be appreciated; will consider wardrobe trunk in ex change. Phone Main 11 weekdays. LATEST styles full dress tuxedo suits, also silk hats for sale or rent at BarelTa clothing store. 51 3d, Multnomah hotel. bldg TWO roll -top desks, one mahogany, one oak; chairs to match; bargain. 31 N. 5th. "Broadway 2739. Other office fur niture. EVERBEARING STRAWBERRY PLANTS. The "Progressive will give you full crop this fall; $2 per 100, postpaid. P. R. Johnson. Granger. Wash. USED APPAREL, secured from wealthy ladies, reasonable price. 1132 East Gll san Montavilla car to 39th. Tabor 2825. LICENSED electricians .will save you money on' electric wires and supplies. Sellwood 58. FOR SALE Nice folding bed and pier mir ror 2x5 feet, suitable Xor milliner or dressmaker. East 406S. SUITS to order on easy payments. Unique Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth St., bet. Wash, and Staik. 2 YARDS BEST GRADE OF MESSALINE SILK. PEACOCK BLUE; COcsT $10; WILL SELL FOR $7. TABOR 2582. HOOSIKR kitchen cabinet, $50; almost new; latest features, porcelain top. Ta bor 6524. CARPENTER to exchange work (remodel ing house) for Jersey, cow. AG 405, Ore ponian. LADIES' leather trimmed motor coat, fine condition, bargain. Mar. 3295, Sunday and evenings. FOR SALE A second-hand gas cook stove and small water heater. 69 Terry st. Wdln. 594. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentley Co.. Main 4907. GENTS gray, all wool bathing suit, size 42, Edison phonograph, cut glass and pictures. E. 55S0. LATHS for sale, retail and wholesale, for local trade; quality and service. Port land Lath Mfg. Co.. Tabor 1142. NEW spring coat, light brown heather cloth. $25, $45 value. Phone Col. 182. Monday. SYRACUSE white and gold china set; set of 6 each. $15.. half of cost; spring coat, beautifully lined. $22. Bdwy. 3655. GEORGETTE waist, broidered wool, $10. and evenings. never worn. em Mar. 3295, Sunday. FOR SALE No. 1 body fir wood in car load lots. Apply A. Pinkney, Cove Or chard. Or MUSIC written to your words, satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Bdwy 2555. 148 13th street: KODAKS. We bny. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's. 329 Washington t. REMINGTON .25-35 carbine; trombone, take down, same as new; a dandy, $50. East 8143. 819 Belmont. AIR-TIGHT heater, pair of hiking shoes, jiig doz. 2-quart jars; cheap. Tabor A DANDY black cow, a pile of big tim bers and some good furniture for sale. Phone Columbia 1174. I ROLL-TOP desk and chair, 1 T. W. desk. 1 flat-top desk. X safe. Bushing & Co., 91 Park st. JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE, 248 Main st New and second-hand books, bought, sold and exchanged. All subjects. MUST sacrifice this week, soda fountains, cash registers, scales, ice boxes, coffee mills. meatLslicers. 113 2d su No" TRASH! Good lawn mower, sharpened this season. Jaeger vacuum sweeper cheap. Tabor 5424. WESTING HOUSE electric rsnge. in rood condition. Call Olsen & Roe Transrar Co. BUREAU AND COMMODE, SOLID OAK. Lawn inovor, 21-tn.. almost new. Electric fan, 10-jn. Wdln. 5461. A B GAS range, steel range, first-class condition. mv ancouver av. Wdln. 4601. No dealers. 120-FATHOM salmon net, 9-in. mesh, $2.50 lb. ; also smaller net and lot of cotton twine. 42 3d. FOR SALE Second-hand brick and lum ber, 1 big icebox cheap. Main 26ott or 15th and Taylor sts. POSTAGE STAMPS for collectors bought and sold. 301 McKay bldg. Mar. 3793. HARTZ mountain roller canary with brass cage ; cheap. Phone Woodlawn 5727. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning In your home, 35c a rug. Call East 15QS. MONARCH range Tabor 0353. in good condition, $40. FOR SALE Fisher camp bed for Ford 1 car. 2ti& 5th st. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. ZIDELL-BERENSON CO. 208 FRONT ST. Pipe and pipe fittings, black and gal vanized, new and second-hand, at very low prices. fc 1 iron lathe in No. 1 condition. Iron and wooden blocks of all sizes. Pulleys, shafts, belting, gears. All sizes of cable, manila rope and new second-hand chain. Gasoline and marine "engines, steam pumps. AH these articles mentioned will sell at a very reasonable price. See us before buying elsewhere. ZIDELL-BERENSON CO. 208 FRONT. MARSHALL 1332. PIPE PIPE PIPE. Galvanized and black, new and second hand, from -inch to 12 inch. Can get from X f to 10,000 ft., any size. PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES. Received 4 scarloads; 6-inch lot. bath tubs, $:;. apiece; 5 V ft. 6-in. lot. $:VT apiece. Any plumbing supplies, lo per cent less than w holeaale. Before" you buy, see our stock. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP. 260-271 Front St. Main 6C23. FOR SALE 300-fathom seine with bunt 47 fathoms on the lines. 42-ply. medium laid. 4-inch mesh. 120 meshes deep, dou ble mesh selvage ; wings 253 tathoms on t h 1 i n - I -I v mcrii iim laid, o-inrh mesh. 90 inches deep, w ith cork and load line complete: also 85 lbs. 15-ply 5-inch mcKh no mpshes dpcu wins nia terial and 1 piece 51 lbs. 42-ply. 4-inch mesh, 120 meshes deep bunt material. This siene is in good condition. Apply 228 U. S. Bank bldg., Portland. A PIANO SNAP. Beautiful oak case, genurne "Warf leld piano in excellent condition, fine tone; original cost S554. price S25t: 2.t down $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 A Ider. LADY'S REIXDEER SHADE SILVER TONE SUIT. SIZE 36-38. IN A-l CON DITION AND LATE MODEL. $25: TOO SMALL FOR OWNER. MARSHALL 5170, ROOM 4, OR AJ 447. OREGON IAN. ONE Radtantfire gas heater $37.50, and 40-gaI. hot water tanks $8, 1 sma ' grinder mandrel $6. Ih9 Columbia s Jefferson Depot Welding Shop. Phone Marshall 3944. FOLD-OVERS Protect that comforter w ith an Indian-head, feather-head stitched fold-over. They button on so are easily laundered. $1. 5. labor 1334 Division. ONE Stewart sanitary bse coal and wood range; one childs crib, one child's high chair; all in ilrst -class conaition at reasonable price. 1066 E. 22d N. ; Alberta car. 0 VIOLET RA Y machine, brand new, for treating rheumatism, neuralgia, head aches, pains, goitre and ski a diseases. rhone Broadway 12oi. it 00m '.zi. BE AUTI FUL new pan velvet dress, size 3S, for sale at sacrifice; never worn. Phone or call Monday. Main 9398; 304 College st., apartment No. 4. FOR SALE Very cheap kodak, developing tank. enlariftjr. printing frame and everything necessary for finishing pho tos. Call ask lor ilenry ON E .22 special Winchester repeating rifle ; one .22 Item ing ton repeating rifle collapsible baby carriage. Hurd. Eas 2305. FOR SALE Malleable Majestic 6-hole range with 3-burner gas plate : good condition, $45. Call Monday. 121 East Webster. Woodlawn 2o45. GET a large package of genuine rabbi . guano for 25c. it's great for flowers, vegetables and lawns. Ziegler and Mis- ner. E. uth and Clay. BEAUTIFUL white wool tricottne dress size 36; exquisite evening gown, sequin trimmed, size . 34-36. Owned by non resident. Phone Marshall 246 1 . DROP head Singer sewing machine with attachments, in good order. 1120 Di vision st. t ULL dress coat, size small 40. for person weighing about 10; good condition .1 2 1 4, Oregonian. GOOD barber very cheap, ave. chair, $25; racing sulky A. A. Rigg, 909 Albina LOOSE-LEAF ledger. 5-hoIe. 250 extra leaves, good as new, plush cover; $8, Call 14S E. 72d st. N. SACRIFICE genuine alligator traveling bag $35; size 17; cost $75; also new $30 leather bag, $lo. BF 40.J, Oregonian. KITCHEN range, wood or coal, with ' burner gas attachment; also 2 trou fishing poles. 4Q3 E. 4Qth. N. LA WX mower. 12-inch Reliance, needs sharpening. $3; collapsible dress form $10. 94S Hassalo. Monday. NEW beautiful fox fur, times. 218 Fenton bldg. price. worn about Cost $10O; hal FOR SALE A lot for six graves in choice locality Rose City cemetery at a discoun for cash. Tabor VAA. NO. 4 AUTOMATIC instantaneous Hum phrey-Ruud gas water heater. Phon Main 2963. BY PRIVATE dise plumes. Oregonian. party, magnificent Para very reasonable. A 169, BOWSER gasoline stroke pump and steel tank like new, halt price. irione Ta bor 3335. TENT 7x9x t, "A tent, with sod cloth, waterproof and good condition. Tabor 7174. EASTMAN vest pocket kodak with flm anastitrmat lens, cost $25. Will sell fo: $15. Phone 324-13: 1 GARLAND Vood. pi I lows, portieres, tains. 446 3d St. coal and gas range commodes and cur Phone Main 7727. COMBINATION wood and briquette heat er, cost . 6 months ago; price 9 Sellwood 213. MUST SELL cash register, scales, show cases, so'da fountain, electric coftee mllL many other iixtures. iia -a si. MISCELLANEOUS furniture and oil paint ings for sale. 495 East Eighteenth street North. DINING table, buffet or sideboard, bed lounge, -bamboo bookcase, fruit jars, ironing board, large Heaters. Mar. 29 PANORAMA camera, chemicals, mounts, trays, print ing frames and developin, machine. Tabor 7 1 1 4. NIFTY GARLAND gas range. $22.50; also gas water heater. Broadway. East 4ft52. low oven Eas KODAK developing tanks, 2 sets, capacity 3v rolls and o runs eacn. rnone Wood lawn 3002. ' HONEY. WARRANTED UNADULTERATED Qt.. iSOc; 24c lb. in cans. East 1416. POPULAR Universal kitchen range, coal or wood. In first-class condition, cheap at $3o. 312 Clay st. Marshall 3413. SEWING machine for sale. Bdwy. 2843. 406 Alder. QUEEN bees for sale, ready East Ankeny st. East 1707. A DDI NG machine, tirst-clas condition, cheap. 384 Stark St. Broadway HQS. AN SCO bldg. camera for sale Call Monday. FOR SALE Hiking boots, like new; price $10: size 0. Phone Marshall 1L VERY fine 3-month-old Airedale male pup, $10 if taken at once. Tabor 5H&. SODA fountain, sacrificed, $t;t5. value $15o0, as good as new. 242 Salmon. $240 STANDARD computing scale. $100. lOS. First st. MALLEABLE steel range, in perfect con dition. Sellwood 2271. FOR SALE Ladies black broadcloth suit; like new. 303 K. 44th st. N. FOR SALE Tinners' tools, ave.. or phone East 5492. 5ti3 Williams DOLL'S go-cart, brown leather. folding type, practically new. Woodlawn 1150. VICTROLA Six and 25 records. $30; reed baby buggy, snap, $20. 509 Harrison st. FOR SALE Baby 2617. cab. $15. Call Mar. BEAUTIFUL narcissus, 25c a dozen. East 7318. Call LOOK AT THIS Long popcorn machine at your own price. 113 2d st. DANDY salmon trolling outfit. Marshall 29tiS. 243 Chapman st.. after 5 P. M. 4-BURNER gas range, first-class condi tion. $15. East 3022. T WO-L1 D, throe-heat electric plate and radium fire gas heater. Main 3907. R SALE Lincoln bicycle, good as new. &113 03d st- S. -E. Tabor 3560. FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. M. BARDE & SONS. FRONT AND MAIN STREETS. PORTLAND. OREGON. The House of a Million Bargains," USED PIPE. Up to 12-in. in Diameter. W will fill your order immediately and from an exceptionally large block. Order all vou can use. We own 65,000 fe-t of 1 in-h. feet of lU-inn-39.0io fet of 1 u-inch. II, 000 feet of 3 inch. 22.000 feet of 4 inch, and othpr sizes in like quantities. 150 TONS OF BARBED WIRE. Tnat's how Barde buys in quantities that save you money. This is all now, f irst-cUes 4-pouit black wire. Get our prices: LOGGING SUPPLIES. Anything you may need in logging supplies may be had from Barde at saving prices but always with the Barde guar antee. Toeglng blocks. Falling saws. "Wedges. A xes. Baboitt. Saws. Choker sockets. Mauls. Peavies. Etc.. etc. 125 TONS OF NEW FLOW STEEL WIRE ROPE. Quality steel w ire rope made under these names UPSON WALTON WATERBURT. A size range to suit from --in. to 1':-in. TRANSMISSION Shafting, pulleys, boxes, hanger, belt ing, etc., for e ery requirement costs you less from Barde' s. BOILERS. Get in your orders. There is only 1 250-H. P. Water tube. 0 1 150-H. P. H. R. T. w 5 8O-H. P. H. R. T. 1 50-H. P. Firebox. 1 4-H. P. Firebox. rvrrPLKX kte vm pumps ah sizs. STATIONARY AND AUTOMATIC ENGINES. All sizes horizontal or vertical. "We can supply you for less than you ex pected to spend. G E N K RA TO R3. Some unusual buv to be had at Barda's. MOTO RS. That yoti can depend upon are low prl ;fd and guaranteed. What do you need? WOODWORKING MACHINERY. Surfarers Planters Jointers -Band saws Saw tables Turninsr lathes Universal Woodworkers. -tc. etc 1 No. 2.".7 Fay Egan band resaw. ."iu wh-el 6-in. blade. MACHINE TOOLS. leathers Grinders Punches Shaners Planers Punch presses Belted hammers Shears Ji-tc., etc. JACKS. Hvdraullcj Screw Ratchet Chain blocks and vises. ATL SIZES. A complete lire of contractors equipment. PICKS. SHOVETS. MATTOCivS. HOISTS. FJTC. "WIRE. WHITE OR PHCNE YOUR ORDER AT ONCE "We will fill it promptly. All good forward with thj Barde guarantee that is backed to the limit. M. BARCE & SONS. "The House of a Million Bargains. Phone Main 60-. Front, aii-i MMn Sts. PORTLAND. OREGON. ROOFING, ROOFING. Corrugated roofing slightly used, in good condition ; paper roofing with cement and nails In every roll. TENTS, TENTS, TENTS. VERY SPECIAL FOR THIS MONTH ONLY. 7x9 10-oz. tents at. each.. $12. OA 1 x 9 10-oz. tents at. each. .$14 00 S xlO at 14.oo 10x12 tents at 20.00 9 xl5 tent flies and wagon covers at. each 7.50 Do not miss the opportunity to get your tent needs. ALASKA JUNK CO.. 201 Front St.. Portland. Or. NEW PLAYING CARDS. SUCH LEADING B HANDS AS BICYCLE. CONGRESS, STEAMBOATS; CHIPS; PIPES AT 20 PER CENT LESS THAN JOBBER PRICE. CALL OR WRITE. MILLER 325 EAST 70TH NORTH. TEL. TABOR C2il. FOR SALE A gooI steel rang. plain nickel trimming, b hoies and cons, -(.: 1 white Iron bed. large post, spring and mattress, good shape. $16; a dress form, adjustable skirt length, good as new. $10; 1 birdseye maple dresser, good as new, long glass, $25. Call 2 Grand ave. and An ken y North, after 12 M. H EAR THE NEW BRUNSWICK. We have just received shipment of the new Brunswick. Machine to $125. snecial terms of $5 down. $5 monthly. Machines of larger models, special terms of $15 down. $7.50 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chtne Co.. 35Q Alder. 36x32 TENT, 10-oz. duck. 5-ft. wall: just as good as new; will sell at a bargain. OWL VU KN ITU RE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 160-168 FIRST ST., NiiAR MORRISON. LOGANBERRY PLANTS. 1000 at 10c AF 362. Oregonian. or call 124 N. 5th st.. Monday noon. WILL SELL THE BEST FISH TRAP EVER INSTALLED IN THE WEST FOR $5000 (GOuD FOR $50 PER DA V). A K 449, OREGON 1 A N. WOOD for sale, country block and slab, lo to 1 6-in. long ; heavy. $6.50 ; medium, $6; also 4-ft. slab; east sid oniy; prompt delivery. Phone Main 5347. USED, genuine mahogany case. Diamond Point Edison Am hero la VI. with an as sortment of records for $."i0. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co.. 35o Alder. FLOOR cases. wall cases, ref rl gerator cases, large, small Iceboxes, scales ; 3 piece mahogany set; office or private use; very low prices. 242 Salmon. $5 NOSE SHAPER. ill-formed nose in A F 361, Oregonian. Will straighten any two months' time. FOR SALE 1000 lbs. of small Burbank potatoes for seed. Pleasant View Farm, Shattuck station. Rod Electric. 20-GAL. BL'ICK roadster tank, very sub stantial, perfect condition ; Ju&t risht tor bug. Sellwood 2946. FOR SALE Sport coat, dark color, larpe size, new; pr. of slippers, size 6Ji A. Marshall 44S6. U S. BASIC PATENT FOR SALE. $50,090. UNLIMITED FIELD. AC 445. ORE GONIAN. FOR SALE Blue coat, elite pattern, to match. Will sell at a sacrifice, bor ;470 hat Ta- RED-TOP Fisk casing, 4x33 straight side, slightly used, a bargain, $15. Call 10:4 E. Morrison st. NICE ' wool and coal range with warming closet and water back, also gas plate. 474 Tillamook st.. Monday. BICYCLE, absolutely A No. 1 condition ; coaster brake, mud guards, new tires ; real bargain. 352 Chapman, corner Mill. S. & W. .22-long revolver; W. & W. sewing machine, 0 drawers; Winchester .22 rifle; collapsible sulkey. Kast 0520. GOOD-LOOKING folding Oriole baby bng gy in good condition, 5. Marshall 3'JS3. Mr. Tirnmins. FOR SALE Heavy dark golden oak office table, one revolving and 2 heavy arm chairs. 400 Burnside FOR SALE Case of stuffed birds. If in terested call 324-19. 1 ROOT beer barrel for sale, slightly used. but just like new. tail hast . ELECTRIC reading lamp for sale. 3470. 800 PI ECBS. 24x34 1 v inches, finished Spanish oak. $ 30. W 205. Oregon 1 a ru BOXWOOD FOR SALE, $4.75 PER LOAD. WOODLAWN 1539. $20 FOR gas stove. ST for water heater, $5 for camera. E. 2 4 '.. ONE Reliance lawn mower. 14 Inches, just sharpened. $6.50; 1 Monarch, $3 E. HIS. FOR SALE A large fireproof safe. Phone Main 7454, or call 4Q2 Failing bldg. FOR SALE Beautiful antique tale, cheap, no dealers. 447 E. 1 sth North. FOR SALE National A-l cream sepa rator, a snap. Tabor 9304. HIGH back wheel chair for sale. Call Woodlawn tt36. ONE-QUARTER karat diamond ring, sac - ritice for $50. Main 820. 1 PAIR of gent's fine leather pumps, size 7 u2 c. Price $5. Phone 324-13 OSTRICH feathers and millinery stock for sale. Cash or trade. C 222. Orogonian. aTB. 4-HOLE gas range with oven. Call mornings, 6S3 Hancock. East 650. GRAY wicker baby carriage. Ist-class con- ' x ' on. Phone Sell w ood 9 61 pLM BEACH suit. 38. good as new. East 7020. GENTLEMAN'S perfect diamond ring, over karat. T 257 Oregonian. 0x12 AX M INST ER rug. 37 E. fc3d N. NATIONAL cash register. 10 N. 2d st A LARGE brown bear rug. $25. E. 1333. FOR SALE. MiM-eilaneou. SPECIAL SALE lKD TJ. S. ARMY GOODS. Government issue khaki cotton shirts, used, but washed and repaired, $9 dozen, or $1 each; army wool shirts, reiaun dered and repaired, $16.50 dozrn, or $1.75 each; heavy blue and brown overall pants, without aprons. $50 per hundred, $7.25 dozen, or 5c garment; army khaKi breeches, lace bottoms. $S.50 dozen or 95c pair; army Kusseit shoos, repaired hy government for overseas wear, new heels and soles, $39 dozen or $;.;." pair; hobnail and field shoos, fino condition, repaired by government; made of best kind of leather, $30 dozen, or $2.95 pair; army raincoats and slickers, used but In pood condi t ion. each $4. 25. Army kha ki tents, fine condition, size 16.10. pyr amidal, government 12.4 ounce standard cluck, waterproof, each $:'.7.50 ; officers' khaki tents, wall or pyramidal, size 9x9, government 12.4 ounce standard durk, $:;o ea h; used spiral puttees, full length, per pair. 95c. NEW ARMY GOODS GREATLY REDUCED. The following articles are absolutely new goods of the very best quality: Of ficers' lightweight khaki cotton shirts, firmly woven. $16.50 dozen or $1.75 each; officers' mercerized pongee khaki shirts, silk finish. $30 dozen or each $2.95: mer cerised cotton khaki shirts., $27 dozen, or $2.50 each : k haki en! or pn ee si Ik shirts wit h attached collars, $3rt dozen, or $3.75 each; all wool olive dr.ib $12.50 sweaters. $7.05 each; ranvas cuff log gings. $2 value, special $S.50 dozen or $1 per pair ; ful I len th spira 1 wool put tees, V. 50 per pair. Heavy duck coTopsible buokets and basins, fine fnr vacation trips, etc., special. 95c each: officers bedding rolls, made of heavy waLerproof duck, holds blankets, matt rosses, etr., and rolls compact; can be suspended like a hammock, t ho vrrv thing for cam t ing. regular $19.50 value, special. $7.9.; sateen covered mattresses for beddinc rolls, filled with pure Java kapok, will not lump, spocial $4.95; officers" clothing rolls, made of wa trproof duck and lias compartments for all items of wearing apparel, $9 value, special, $3.45; rrcula tion army ponchos, sold in government canteens at $7.50 each, fresh, now gord s, our special prire, $1.95; McLollan sad rtloR, special, $27.95. for best-grade and $23.95 for grade B ; white baked -on enamel-lined refrigerators. $5 valuo. special, $49.95 ; white bakod-on enamel lined refrigerators. 1 no lbs. fee capa city. $65 value, special. $."9.95; whit baked-on ena mel -I i r.od ref riserators. S."0 value. 65 lbs. ice rapacity, special, $29.95. Many ot her useful articles. W rite for illustrated pri--e list. Terms: CASH" WITH ORDER. Include postage if goods are to he son t via parcel post. Your money back if not satisfied. Arm'' Sal vn go Wa rehouse Co.. largest house of its kind on earth. Greenville-. S. C. BOOKS. BOOKS. Dyke's Automobile Encyclopedia . . .$3.00 Automobile Ignition, Starting. LiRht- Inp 3 50 Brooks Automobile Handbook 2.00 Autsmobile Law for Motorists 1.75 Automobile Painting V2i Automobile Troubles 1.25 Aeroplane Construction and Opera tic 2 Audoh's Marine Enciners Guide... 3. Roper's Land and Marine Enirinos.. 3, OA 00 50 Technical Books .1 Specialty. A. W. SCHMALE, 290 Morrison St. Portland. Or. I HAVE several diamonds that have been left with me by outside parties to be sold. You can buy them for 25 per cent less than the wholesale rn? t todav. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 355 Washington st.. next door Majestic. FHONOG RAPH,i- DOWN. During our special sale we offer any new Brunswick, Orafonola. Edison. Stradivara or Victrola up to $125 tor $5 down, $5 monthly. All machines brand new, latest type. Hyatt , Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter If broken; old-timers are most valu able. Crowns, bridcework boucht. Brins or mail the American Brokerage. 405 Spalding bldg.. 4th iloo r, 3d a n d Was h . SOM E fol ks say diamonds are high, but one would hardly think so if they would stop long enough to compare my prices with regular prices. Miller's Clearing House for Diamonds, 355 Washington St., next to Majestic thoa ter. EDISON CYLIN DER PHONOGRAPH. Good Edison cylijider horn machine, taken in on larger Edison, and 1O0 good records, all for 1 7.5n. Terms $5 down. S5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 35Q Alder. SMA LI- stock of jewelry, consist ing of new and second-hand watches, clocks, rings, knives, chains, etc. ; also Jewelry case and safe: will sell at a sacrifice. Apply 2S N. 6th st. MULTIGRAPH, excellent condition; co?t over $MHt, including power drive, auto matic feed, signature attachment, extra type, priii ting-ink attachment, etc. : less than half original cost. T 120. Oregonian. LIC ENS K D electrician wires 3 rooms for $12. 5 rooms 520. This price includes main switch and meter connections. As usual. I meet and beat aii competition. I originate, others Imitate. Wdln. 37fcl. ON E Ideal gas range, attachable wood or coal kitchen heater, 1 gas plate, 1 col lapsible baby carriage, 1 go-cart. Ta bor 122. REV ERS I BLE reed baby carriage in good condition; cheap; also Werner eduion Encyclopedia Brittanica. 120S E. iam hill st. SMALL, large National registers, latest" models, from a penny up. Safe and .meat siieer, coffee urn. marble slab, gas range. 242 Salmon street. 150 PAIRS roller skates. 1 big band organ, 1 5-h.-p. Stick 11 ey engine. 2 box tia II alleys. Inquire 812 Board of Trade bldg. PAPER-COVERED novels and other books, closing them out at Budelman's. 345 Washington St. SALE or trade, 24 pieces. 22x27 inch, glass In window frame, cheap. Want lawn mower, etc. Woodlawn 1704. 25 DIFFERENT fun cards; new. Ad dress box b4 1, Portland, Or. Agents wanted. FOR SALE At a bargain. 7 yards of tan tricolette. Call before 2 P. M. Sunday or Monday forenoon. East S757. FOR SA LE 2 gross crown top milk bot tles, less than wholesale. 009 Main si., Vancouver. Wash. SPLENDID service and a pleasing price. J ewelry repairing, atch repairing. Mil ler, next door Majestic theater. I HAVE a special low price on wirinx houses In course of construction. Wdln. 3701. GARLAND range, combination gas. coal and wood. I'rice $50. Call at 5010 43d st. S. E. $30 WHITE Rotary drop-head scwins machine, 6 drawers, all attachments. Ta bor 0559. RECEPTACLES installed for portable lamp or vacuum cicancr as low as $5 each. W d 1 11 3 70 1 . MOV ING picture machine for sale at. $Gn. and will teach you the operation of same. Call at once. Seil. 3707. FOR SALE 1 co nib ina tion gas and wood range. vi 17 laio1- au'on e stove. 1 icebox. 122 10th st. FOR SALE Smyrna rug 0x15. nearly new $ 1 0O ; M al tie bed a nd mat tress, $25 Marshall 21 15. 1 OAK dining table, 4 chairs, chiffonier. 2 i beds. 1 Gadsbv wood range, 1 heater. I couch. Call Bdwy.4294. FOR SA LE 12-horwpower portable boil er and engine cheap lor cash. T 131, Oregonian. 2 REVOLVING postcard racks, lot of Port land and miscel lancous comic postcards, cheap. Budelman's, 345 Washington st. REST Al KA N T equipment, 20. Ivory bed room set, $ I5u. Cash or tonus. 1 50 Eat Glis-an st., near 00th. F Al KB AN KS f.oor scale, good order; can "be teen 200 14th street. Main 0trs. BOY'S set of carpenter tools, $25. 209 1a Fifth street, room J 8. PICTURE FRAMES. a;-sorted lot; also glass. Budelman's, 34 5 Wash in a ton st FOR SALE Mother ben with 12 half grown chicks, $5. Phono Main 752 S. WICKER baby buggy, almost like new, at 394 Harrison Ft. L1CENSEI electrician w ires 3 rooms as low as $ Wdln. 3791. POTATOES for sale; Burbanks. good for seed. 500s 41st et. S. E. Woodstock car. K DAK Al autographic, good condition, $12. C 154, Oregonian. LIBRARY tabl $15 living room chairs. reasonable price. 63 O ,at 5ath North. COINS, 2 venrs old, for sue. eam bau man. 2191 H assail rt. MANTEL bod, small gas stove, table. Main 3291. 3-2 l-z South Broadway. 5 ROOMS wired as low as $14.50. Ail new matenal used. Wdln. 3791. Bl.CfcS silk velvet dress, latest style, 30 or ;tS. Call after 11. Main 2521. 1 DO watch repairing and do It right. Miller, next door Majestic theater. BA N K gravel and dirt for sale. Tabor 1742. t ST Y I.1SH vogue hat, worn twice, navy biuo and jade green. Main 2210. FOR SALE Reasonable, cream wicker baby carriage. 14J0 Burrage st. WAIST and blouses made to order; hem stitching. 352 Yamhill st. FOR SALE .22 automatic rifle and tool f-lTPPt. Woodlawn loo. pi ANO box for sale, $5. Main 3079. After Monday I ON E pedestal wash basin, new. enamel, 1 cheap at $9. See at 455 Market.