8 THE, SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, POKTLA XD," MAY 9, 1920 REAL ESTATE. For SmIo -Uoiucf. I R VINGTON HOMES. McDOXELL EAST 410 500 EAST FOURTEENTH NORTH. $19,000. Ono of the choicest correr homes, ahout four years old; mahogany and Ivory and oak throughout firM floor: second. Ivory, hardwood floors through out; li perfect bathrooms. 4 extra lava tories; hot-water heat: double garage; beautiful porches; 100x100 grounds; lii.e shrubs and natural trees. $13,500. One of the beautiful corner homes one always admires: living room, dining room. brea.kfn.Kt mnm im room, kitchen. maid's room and bath first floor, also j leiepnone room; four charming ocu roorhs, 2 sleeping porches, tiled bath, shower. 2 extra lavatories second floor: oeautif ul shrubs, vints: wonderful con crete porch; fine garage. East 41. $11,000 Buys this real home on 22 d st.. near Tillamook; large living room, library, dining room, kitchen. two fireplaces, first floor; three wonderful bed-ooms. two baths. extra lavatory. s.eeujng porch, second; maid's room, third; tine garage : ti0o0 cash. Ej.st 419. $10,000. Eight-room bungalow home built four years ago; hot-water heat: Plate glass and hardwood floors throughout: im ported tile bath with pedestal plumb ing; garage; easv terras. East 41i). $11,000. T-arge. rambling bungalow; T rooms first floor: ail ivory; tiled bath: sepa rate toilet: H. W. floors throughout: 100x100 grounds; near Knott, heart of Irvington. East 419. $7500 Burs eight-room house. 25th. near Hancock; living room, largo sunroom. dining, kitchen, breakfast nook "-rat floor; 4 It. R. tiled bath second. This house is two years old. Eaut 419. THIS GROUP. .---a Fine corner bungalow, garage. J3i?X" Two fine homes. 14th. $5500 and S4n00. English home, large rooms, two baths and garage. $0500. Fine home. 22d bL. 8 rooms, double garage. huo0. Fine home. 20th st.. garage. $7800. Good bungalow near 18th. $5600. Two houses on 14th street, not new but good $4500 and u50O; terms. McDOXELL EAST 413. 50O EAST FOURTEENTH NORTH. FRANK I j. McGUIRE OFFERS 900 Moderate Home Bargains FOH SALE. EVERY ONE PHOTOGRAPHED. AP PRAISED AND INSPECTED. Every photograph with all information regard ing same Is displayed on the walls of our spacious new display rooms on the SECOND FLOOR OF THE ABINOTON BLDOi, We have hundreds of UNPAR ALLELED BARGAINS. Your OPPOR TUNITY TO BUY THAT HOME HAS QOME NOW. It is to YOUR A D V AX 'I' AGS TO VISIT US AND INSPECT OUK wonderful value-giving HOMES. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE . To Buy Your Home. Abimrton Bldg. Main 1068. Successor to H. D. McGuire. Established 1S80 IS AUTOMjSILES AT YOUR Service. Open Evoninga and Sundays. fsnoo will buy this beautiful home; east front, 50x100 lot. plate-glass windows, beauti f ui reception hail with mirror, phone cabinet, seat, coat closet with hat case, extra large living room, fireplace, French doors. bookcases, hardwood floors t hroughout, paneled dining room, large buffet and an up-to-date kitchen with inlaid linoleum, breakfast nook with china closet, large, airy bedrooms with two closets each, tile floor bath with the most costly fixtures; second Hour suitable for 3 large, airy rooms; automatic Gasco furnace, fniitroom, laundry in basement; doors open from 3 to 5. Katt 27th st. N.. Knott st. Broadway car. xiy owner. ALBERTA DISTRICT. $3400 for a fine 6-room with furnace; fine place; paved streets; lot oOxloo; blk. from car; $400 cash, bal. terms. $3500 for a good roomy house in fair condition, with fireplace, furnace; paved streets: near Alberta car: tot 50x100; and n!v $..uo cash. bal. monthly. $200 for a fine 4-room bungalow with fireplace, basement, bath, toilet, hot and cold water; in fin shape; corner 80x liM) with alley; $500 cash. bal. monthly. Fhone Marshall . F. L. BLANCHARD. 519-20 Ry. Exchange bldg IRVINGTON" BEAUTIFUL. JTii Kt. a most deliehtful and substan tially conffctructed 8-room home. Living room is 128 with large den. porch. oaK nniioiioH fiioT-H Thprt! are 5 exceotion- aiiv charmine bedrooms. 3 fireplaces, 2 baths and toilets. Hot air furnace. Lo rntPfi on loiixlOO lot with large garage All improvements in and paid. Fine shrubbery and lovely flowers. $1500, terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. Main 6869. SPLENDID large residence. $450 cash, bal ance to suit you; 8 rooms, new furnace, full basement. laundry trays. Dutch liitrhn hnffpt! construction exceotion ally good: double walls throughout and besides It's in fine condition now. and quick possession. You'll be delighted with the erand noreh extending around 3 sides of house; 100x100 corner lot; lots of fine rrult ana oerrtes. -rice is verv low. $4500. Take Wood lawn car to lotn, 2 blocks south, 005 Liberty st. S4000 HAWTHORNE $4000. Here it is, a good 8-room house suit able for two famines: n&rawooa noors, firnl.ca. buffet. Dutch kitchen: a won derful buy and a fine garage thrown in; $2000 cash and only $. per montn. 305 Oak bt. Broadway 4133. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. MODERN BUNGALOW. FIVE LARGE ROOMS and breakfast room, large attic, full ce ment basement, fireplace, furnace, fix- tures and shades; large garage on 24th st.. near Klickitat. See it today from 3 to 7. FOR SALE Equity In 6-room house in Irvington district. Inclosed sleeping porch, bathroom. Dutch kitchen, built-in sideboard, china closet. oooKcase. iire nlace. lare hall, full cement basement furnace, electricity and gas. 903 East Broadway. East 4025. MULTNOMAH. A dandy bungalow, 4 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, double-constructed throughout. X block ol ctepot and hieh wh. bOxlOO lot. set to fruit, berries and roees. Price fauoO. $1650 cash. Oeorgt stout. Muitnoman station. FOR SALE by owner, modern bungalow type home, Sunnyside. i rooms, livinir. dining, music room. Kitchen down: three bedrooms, bath up ; built-in buffet, book caes. tun cement Dasement. wash trays, furnace, $3000.50, $820 cash. Tabor 3712. HOUSE for sale. Rose City park. 5-room bungaiow. i Va diocks trom car line, large attic, cement basement, furnace, fireplace. Price $4000, V price, rea sonable terms. Phone 31U-87. 555 E. 40th N. 6-ROOM desirable house with lot 50x50 leet, Keniiwortn, near Division st, bept buy In that locality; terms. Price PARRISH. WATKINS & CO., 106 2d St. AI.RRRT RiRr.lfV 5 rooms, nice bath. Hhrubherv painted, etc.; $2500 or best cash offer mortgage s40: mv exiuitv SltiriO- hn cash, hal. easy. J. W. McColpin, 210 1Z jenergon si. A NUMBER of 5 and 6-room bungalow; close to Rose City carline; modern pretty nomes, s.imhj to 560O0: tei-me E. G. Adcock, 513 Dekum Bldg Ooen 5-ROOM modern bunsralow. bullf-in uih en. buffet, bookcases, fireplace: lot 50x luo; iruit ana uowers: Allan station tatte uregon ny car. rnone MUwaukii yy . FOR SALE H-room house, 2 stories. H diock irom AiDfna car; cnicKen house, craoe arnour. niac necKe. Bear ne- fv..i and berries; $1200 down. bal. like rent. PERFECTLY furnisher! 5-room modern nonie, 101 :ux iou. wiae pcrcnes. frui roses; $5500; best of terms. CIosu in. THOMSON. 020-621 HENRY BLDG. FOR SALE 5-room modern house: elec ii.n. n,itu '-"' uunt. Jn OOOKC8S tmuuie pi.iie mirror aoor ana lot TOO: st. pavea ana all paid; price $2700, y HKKi casn. oaiance terms. At 107 hrancis ave. ALMOST P. tL w -room plastered hn., 2 blocks from carline; fine location- aili sell cheap or will take a light late-model automobile as first payment. Phone Seilwood 717. IRVINGTON Modem six-room cottage well located and nicely built; less than cab . pACIFrc AGENCY, Swetiand Bldg. BY OWNER ONLY $2650, TERMS. A bargain; almost new 4-room bun galow; full basement, large bath and . screened porch. See this today. Tib betta et.. near 30t h. Sell wood 3500. HAWTHORNE CLOSE IN VACANT." $2700. nice 4-room bungalow, newly painted and tinted, cement basement and walks, paved street, 50x80 lot. 1122 E irant, rwar 37th. FOR SALE by owner 7-room house wltn basement; on paved street In Sellwood; lot 50x100 with chicken house, fruit, berried and flowers. Sell. 563. $1800 BY owner; six-room house, bath, electric lights, grounds 100x100; ideal garden spot. 86th arid Hawthorne. Ta bor G984. - ry OWNER Modern S-room bungalow hardwood floors, bullt-lns. garage and garden, rnone laoor ;no. ROULMOUNT BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and sleeping porches; strictly modern; tiJOO1. owner, xaoor ooa. REAL ESTATE For Sale House. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. OVER 000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. MeOUTRE To Buy Your Home. Plan to attend our MAY SALE OF EPOCH MAKING HOME BARGAINS. Over 900 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. MANY REMARKABLE VALUES. Every type of home, at every price, in every district of the city. Our extensive listings afford you a wider and better selection of HOMES THAN CAN RE HAD ANYWHERE IN THE ENTIRE CITY. Our methods are mod ern and efficient. We guarantee SAT ISFACTION. 18 Automobiles Constantly at Your SERVICE. Open Evenings and Sundays. $5500 A LOVELY LATTRELHURST with DECISIVE CHARACTER: ideally located, bept possible construction ; RE CEPTION HALL with full mirror; spa cious living room with bookcases; cheery fireplace; dining room with massive buf fet; HARDWOOD FLOORS IN EVERY ROOM; all woodwork in WHITE ENAMEL; splendid Dutch .kitchen; ARTISTIC LIGHTING EFFECTS. This is a true home in every sense of the word. Close to LAURELHURST PARK, one of1 Portland's favorite beauty spots. $5300 CHARMING ROSE CITY ON THE ALAMEDA; 5 rooms; mas sive brick columned tront ver anda; fireplace ; built-in book case.; massive buffet: LUSTROUS- HARDWOOD FLOORS; 2 light, airy sleeping rooms; model Dutch kitchen ; beautiful lighting features; splendid fur nace; HOME LIKE NEW. THIS IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST BARGAINS WE HAVE IN ROSE CITY. You'll agree with us when you see this. $5250 IDEAL IRVINGTON BUNGA LOW : beautiful California type; spacious front veranda; recep tion hall; living room with ar tistic fireplace : attractive dining room with massive built-in buf fet: SPLENDID Dutch kitchen: 3 bedrooms, light and airy ; sleep ing porch; -furnace; laundry trays; full lot with all liens paid : HOUSE IS JUST LIKE NEW. E. 10th. $6850 AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE 3 famlly residence apartment, in exclusive and beautiful WALNUT PARK. Complete 5-room home on the lower floor; cheery fire place : beamed ceilings ; solid naneled dinine room ; Dutch kitchen: sunny breakfast nook: J war nwnnn T?T.nni?s SprnnH floor has 2 apartments which Tent for $40 each. Full cement mscment with HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEM. Here's your opportunity to own a hlgh-clftss home and meanwhile enjoy a fine income. Cleveland ave. $4500 ADJOINING IRVINGTON Is this 0-room very substantial modern home: 5 sunny bedrooms ; white enamel plumbing; electric! tv ; gas. Splendid lot 8t100; all street liens pnld In fu?l. Free mont st. THIS IS AN UNUSUAL BARGAIN. $3750 NO ELECTRIC LIGHT BILLS F"rm TWO YEARS AND ALL THE LIGHT YOU CAN USE. Beautiful LIGHTING fixtures have just been Installed In this JUST COMPLETED KENTON BUNGALOW BEAUTY. Low. quaint lines that APPEAL TO YOUR ARTISTIC SENSE; large! combination living and dining room; fireplace; Meal Dutch kitchen: 2 light, airv bedrooms; HARDWOOD FLOORS: fine ce ment basement ; furnace : laun dry travs. EVERYTHING'S FRESH AND SO NEW. Don't you wan- to see it? Buffalo st. $3750 AN UNUSUAL BARGAIN in an attractive "WEST SIDE home; 6 lurgo sunny rooms; fireplace; white enamel plumbing: electric ity : gas ; Montgomery near 17th. Close to car. TERMS. $3500 ROSE CITY CAR; walking dis tance: 5 room practically NEW attractive bungalow cottage; white enamel plumbing; electric ity; gas. E Davis near 11th. THIS IS SPLENDID VALUE. See it today. $3500 DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED Alber ta home; rooms large and airy; numerous built-lns; best white enamel plumbing fixtures; SPLENDID FURNACE; laundry trays: full lot: close to car. A REAL ALBERTA HOME BAR GAIN. E. 8th St. $3150 ATTENTION. Homeseekers: If YOU REALLY WANT to get the VERY BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY, don't fall to see this: On a full lot with all street liens paid, is this 5-room, attractive modern bungalow; 2 airiest bed rooms: best -white enamel plumb ing: electricity; gas; full cement basement. OWNER WILL SELL FURNISHED for $350 additional. Do you wish to look at this ? We'll send a car right out. THIS WON'T LAST. $3100 A REAL DUTCH COLONIAL M kj M hi ; very distinctive lines: spacious living room with cheery iirepiace: ouiit-in oooKcases: pan eled dining room: IDEAL DUTCH KITCHEN; 3 airy bed rooms and pleasant sleeping porch; HARDWOOD FLOORS; bot white enamel plumbing: full lot; house LIKE NEW. WHERE CAN YOU DUPLICATE THIS VALUE ? $3300 WEST OF LAURELHURST is this truly splendid home BAR GAIN; 6 modern, attractive rooms. Close to Rose City car. THIS IS A SACRIFICE AND MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. Terms. $3050 NORTH MT. TABOR HOME: a, splendid CALIFORNIA BUNGA LOW : quaint, rambling lines; 5 attractive rooms. THIS IS AN UNUSUAL VALUE; you'll say so when you see it. Large front porcn witn massive columns- 1 VERY PRACTICAL FLOOR PLAN; many clever built-in la- i bor savers: white enamel plumb-1 ing; electricity : .gas. Onlv Sfino down. BALANOTl LIKE RENT. E. Davis. $2750 ONE OUT OF NINE HUNDRED. This Is absolutely the BIGGEST. MOST EXCEPTIONAL HOME BUY in our entire listings CHALLENGES YOUR UNDI- VI DED ATTENTION ; spacious living room with cheery fire place; artistic dining room with musHve 6 ft. built-in buffet; HARDWOOD FLOORS: FULL DITCH KITCHEN ; central hall with well-arranged linen closets (a place for everything! ; 2 sunny bedrooms; WOODWORK OF EN , TIRE HOUSE FINISHED TN WHITE ENAMEL; best plumb ing fixtures-: FULL LOT: 2 blks. to Mt. Tabor car; TERMS. You couldn't BUILD THIS HOME TODAY FOR $3500. $2500 ANOTHER KENTON BUNGA LOW: 6 rooms: modern: lot 66 2-3x110 ft. ABUNDANCE OF FRUIT. BERRIES. GRAPES; chicken house. Close to Jeffer son high and Peninsula park. On Minnesota. $2500 100x180 MONTAVTLLA HOME Splendid FULL BEARING fruit trees now in blossom; living room; combination dining room and kitchen: one sunny bedroom: 'sleeping porch: white enamel plumbing. Th4s is an UNUSU ALLY ATTRACTIVE BUY. E 73d st. SUCH EASY MONTHLY $2975 HOMEEEKERS. look at this! A completely furnished home and A FIVE-PASSENGER STUDE- BAKER CAR! Pleasant. aif rooms : whit a enamel nlnmhfn' electricity ; gas ; two mAKAGKS lot 80x100. THIS IS VALUE Street Hens paid. Glenn ave. $2050 COSY WEST SIDE BUNGALOW newiv painted and tinted WOODWORK ALL TN OLD ivuky: wnito enamel plumbing; electricity; gas; 1 blk. 4 to car and school. COMMANDS AN UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW OF RTVER AND MOUNTAINS. An ideal little home and a REAL BARGAIN. $1995 HOMELIKE little MT. SCOTT. Aren't you Just wanting a nice quaint little home with a beau tiful blossomy yard? This is one of the NEATEST, most com fortable cottages in Mt. Scott; lot 100x1 mo. Just $500 down; balance $20 per month. If you are in the market for a home, it is to your advantage to visit our SHOW ROOMS AND INSPECT our won derful display of over 000 HOME BAR GAINS. We- can SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. N SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE ' To Buy Your Home. Abinetor Bldg. Main 1068. .Successors to H. D. ATcGuire. Established 1SS0. "40 Years of RELIABLE Service." KKAL ESTATE. For bale -House. HOMES TO SUIT YOUR FANCY. $suo. i acres, with shack, cleared, near car. $1100. 1 acre, attractive little house near Powell valley road. $20o0. half of double cottage and lot, E. 21st st. $2500. lovely- home, Alblna ave., north of Shaver. $2250, six rooms, full lot, east on Spo kane ave. $3500, eight rms., close In, 21st street, rents $35 month. $6500, substantial home property, seven rooms, walking distance. East Taylor; garage. $700, no more attractive place will you see as you ride along Commercial st.. north of Killingsworth than the 6-room modern, with garage in rear. $500, lot 75xlOO, with four apart ment buildings on- rear; could be made into a most attractive home; lovely view, west side $13,500. one "of Irvlngton's finest of homes in choicest location, 100x100, 8 rooms, baths and all the conveniences of a strictly modern home, with garage. $t5,000. apartment building. 34 apart ments, with each a private" bath; brings splendid income; now don't hesitate, but see the one nearest your desire. Auto ready at all times. B. S. COOK. 601 Stock Exchange bldg. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. HOMES! HOMES! HOMES! HOMES! NINE HUNDRED Homes FOR SALS. By FRANK L. McGUIRE ftOO photographs of homes FOR SALE. Our extensive listings afford you a w ider and better selection than can be had anywhere. Every photograph has accu raet description, with price, terms, un der It. Our MODKRN METHODS OF HOME SELLING will save your TIME AND MONY AND ESTABLISH YOU IN th HOME for which you fcave long -been waiting. MANY REMARKABLE BARGAINS which will never occur agaiu. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Second Floor. . Main 1068. 18 AUTOS at Your SERVICE. BARGAINS. Magnificent 6-room bungalow. Holla day's add. splendid &-room home, Irvington. $754KI. Grand 9-roora home, Irvington. $8500. Fine 8-room home, Irvington. $10,500. Excellent 9-room home, Irvington, $13.0OO. Superb lO-room home, Irvington, $16,000. Good 8-room, Holiadaya add., $6000. Charming 6-room home, Irvington, $6500. Bon 10 -room home, exchange for a smaller one. - $15,000. every convenience, cheap; These below cost- East 273. HercWnan. FOR SALE. TT. S. GOVERNMENT PORTABLE BUNGALOWS. We have two new very attractive bun galow portable houses built for U. S. of ficers' homes during the war. made of 3-ply material; have 6 windows. 5 doors and 2 partitions. Put them on your acreage or vacant lots, send them to the beach for your summer home. Any two men can put them up in three davs; would cost about $10o0 to build. We are selling them at only $500. See these to appreciate them. TURNER &CO.. 230 Cham, of Com. WEST. SIDE BARGAINS. $3500 for a t-room on 21st N. ; only $500 cash. $2050 for a 6-room bungalow with large attic, full basement; street paved and all improvements in and paid; $S00 cash. bal. 'terms. This Is on Savier. $3000 for a 5-room on Kelley, with basement and fine garage 22x28; streets paved and paid; only $500 down. Mar shall 820. F. L. BLANCH ARD, 519-20 Ry. Exchange bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. Just a splendid 6-room home on 62 d st. North, 2 blks. from car. surrounded by fine homes. This is a homey home with oak floors, fireplace, furnace and all the built-ins. Well lighted and cheer ful. 50xlo0 lot, finest garden and shrub bery. Finest state of repair and splen did value. $4750, $1500 cash. 0 THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. Main 6869. BEAUTIFUL 8-room bungalow on E. 37th. All modern conveniences, fireplace, fur nace, full basement and wash trays. Large combination living and dining room, very tastily finished with all built- in effects. Kitchen is finished in white enamel. Den and music room down stairs, three finished bodroomi and sleeping porch upstairs. Price only 3Hou. xisuu will handle. Turner & CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce. $3750 FOR a 7-room house at East 26th and Sherman sts., lota 70x80 ft. on corner, both streets hard surfaced and all assessments paid ; house has brick foundation, good plumbing, gas and elec tricity. All rooms nicely papered; sight ly location, xnis is aaspienatd home and very cheap at this price. TURNER & CO.. 20 Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE AVENUE HOME. Modern 6-room home, full basement. bath, laundry trays, new furnace, 50 rose bushes, garage, cement walks 'and curbs, both streets hard surface, house faces east; corner lot, l block north of Hawthorne ave.; No. 259 E. 4ftth st.; $5500. $100O cash. Terms on balance. Property clear. Owner. Sell. 2388. FLNE ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace and bookcases, beautiful buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays, pipe less furnace, woodwork fin ished In old ivory; corner lot: streets in and Daid; only $u5O0. Don t miss this. FKK.NTiSB, uio cnam. or Com. lildg. 6 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS GAS HEATING SYSTEM. Music room, living and dining rooms with French doors between: Duta kitch en, fireplace and bookcases, cement basement, lawn, shrubbery and garage. S54UU. PRENTISS. 615 Cham, of Com. Bldg. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow, all improvements; cement Dasement, rur nace. wash trays, fruit room, f ireolace. Dutch kitchen, screens and shades and beautiful electric fixtures. Corner lot 50x102. two diocks irom canine: reason abie price. Part of furniture for sale if desired. Call owner. Woodiawn 5554 HAWTHORNE. 5-room bungalow, fine condition: fine location ; fine neighborhood ; everything fine: lot buxiuu: located on e. 32d and Main: sacrifice price. $3400: takes $1000 cash bal. to suit; move right in; first come first served. rnone Tabor 8090. 901 E. Madison. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 5-room bungalow, reception hall, fireplace, bookcase, hardwood floors. finished in old ivory, papered through out, full basement, cement floors, screens, shades, fixtures; imp. in and paid. Price 9 45O0. $ i ooo casn. -Marsnaa 5. FOR SALE At 456 E. 10th st. North 6 room mooern nome. iuu cement Dase ment. wash trays, gas range; lot 50x100; 4 bearing fruit trees, apples, pears, cher ries; if necessary win sen lurnuure and piano. Owner. Phone. East 7928. 2!i00 SELLWOOD SNAP $2500. Modern 6-room house, basement. 5 Ox 100 cornet, pavea streets, ail tn first cIh.es condition; price $2500, $750 cash, $20 monthly at 6 per cent. Sellwood 2706. . ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. CHOICEST OF LOCATIONS VIEW. Close to car, strictly up-to-the-minute, modern in detail. iuu lot, an improve ments paid. can, move rignt in; lo price: good terms. Owner. Tabor 8292. $1800 COME and see it. cozy 4-room house bath, iuu ory oasement. corner 10t. 49th and E. GUsan; house open for Inspection. oiwi suuuajr, x to P. M. ;7r00 WEST SIDE sacrifice, 9 rooms. " i i...n 3i nn rooms, hi 4 Onntni in B rooms. 64th R. K. $1600. 2 fine lots! Mt. Scott car, $1200. Term. Broadway 8232. t T vivr.TON Seven rooms. OUlIt O Vra o- large living room. Frenc ch doors, old ivory nnisn; m cost or con Htructlon: immeaiaie possession. Owner, East SOI a. GOOD 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch, large lot. .i.w v. car "0o0; reasonable terms; Immediate pos session. Call at 1911 E. Irving st. t.- BALK BY OWNER Attractive a. room bungalow in Irvington; all modern conveniences; also fruit and berries. 494 East tn street. v" tfn nf rood timber In DonrlM county, Oregon, to trade for modern house of 6 or 7 rooms; win pay 10m . . AH inn Phntl U. ?Ur. chxii in ....... mv -HOME in Irvington and all my furnl ture for sale at sacrmee: corner 15tb and HancocK. mono mas -10a. sundaya nd eveninsb. a ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished, r,r butcher shop. 2 garages, occupy! ni: " lots; easy terms, fnone 212-77. 6l2 M il wauk ies tree u VarTLAND HEIGHTS. a irolendily built modern bumr.. low, with 2 level lots, 2 blocks from cr. Main NICE 5-room modern bungalow, lot ' 50x100; In Hawthorne district on 30th trice JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com wl DAnM house. 50x100 lot. full basemen sood garden and cherry trees, for quick sale,. .i-uu. li in .y OWNER 4-room modern house, corner, hard surface street. 2 blocks from Irv- ington car, hoj. t"- DEAL with owner: 5-room modern bunga low for sale. $180O; $500 will handie. 7427 5ftth ave. S Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE By owner, a modern 6-room house, walking distance. 708 JE. Burn aide C SEAL ESTATK. For Sale House. PACIFIC AGENCY, INCORPORATED. ROSE CITY. ROSE CITY Here Is a real nice home of six rooms, with a fireplace and fully modeiyt. This home is in excellent condition and looks very creditable with its pretty flow ers, fruit trees and shrubbery. A full lot, also garage with entry driveway. This residence mut?t be seen to be appreciated. It is located on East 61st, near Broad " way. Photos at office and price is $4500, with terms very reason able. ANOTHER dandy home to own and flowers galore. This place has a pretty front porch, big living room, many built-in effects asid is fully modern In any and all respects. Iaundry trays, etc.. etc. Garage and lull size lot. Selling tor $5300. Owner would like to receive fair Initial payment, but good terms if desired. I BUNGALOW style 4-room home wltb neat - iixtures and interior trim. Dutch kitchen, firenla.ee. etc. etc. Full lot, reasonably near to school and one block to car line. This house is still under construction, so there Is an opportunity for any interior changes you may desire made to suit. It's near Siskiyou and 61th. Price $4600. Terms witmn reason and ea&y. CITY COTTAGE Just a real small cottage of onlv few rooms. Owner anxious to sell this first of the week. It's a real neat and pretty place, lots of fruit and berries, etc.. and garden plan ted. How's that 7 Quick safe $1200. Only about one-fourth cash required, terms to right par- iy. us just oif iremont- AN OTHER COTTAGE Just a snug. homey place for a young couple. Has few rooms, with bath, etc. Is really a nice little borne, and with the flowers, fruit and gar den it s a sure little winner. Place also has a garage. Owner will give reasonable terms; ask ' lng $2250. It's just off of Klicki tat street. WEST SIDE. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS and truly a' pretty home of seven rooms, fully modern; big fireplace in a won derfully large and beautiful liv ing room, with a splendid view of the valley and mountains. There Is a fine Dutch kitchen, its the snappiest ever. Linen presses and a host of modern conveniences. Price Is $6000 and very reasonable terms if desired. Call and see photo and wo will . gladly show you this place. Only ' one block from car line. NEAR ABOVE Out on the highway Is this bouse of 8 rooms. It's semi- modern and in good order, located close to corner and upon a ter race, with a host of fruit, many kinds, and berries; a garden that Is a hummer. All interior fix tures, etc., go. Lot is 75x100. Owner says sell It for $5000 and would like about $1500 cash. Your own terms if desired. See v this photo. Located near the Forestry building. BROOKLYN HOUSES, $4500 6-room modern house, large lot, 16 bearing fruit trees, roses, lawn, one block to street car. $1000 cash, balance to suit. $4200 6-room modern home, all con veniences, 50x100 foot. lot, 5 bear ing fruit trees, roses, lawn; close to car- and school; at $1000 cash, balance to suit. $3500 6-room very modern house, fur nace, fireplace, corner lot and fine corner. Terms. $3500 6-room modern home on corner lot, all rooms well arranged and each has closets; nice pantry for kitchen, full basement with all conveniences, garage, 2 fruit trees, shade trees, garden and lawn; $1000 cash, balance to suit. HAWTHORNE. HAWTHORNE bungalow that Is a real pretty home and no use ever try ing to describe it, for it's a sure winner. Modern In all respects, well constructed and in good or der. There are five rooms in all, with big garage for 3 cars. See photos at the office. This home is located on East Main, reasona bly close in. $4500; terms given if desired. ANOTHER-r-Thls is semi-modern home of she rooms, line-looking place, with large lot and well located and will please the most exact ing in many ways. Priced at $1200. Your own terras will be considered. y ANY PLACES are eemi-modern, usual ly mean modern without furnace. Now this 7-room house is well located and Is on East Lincoln, near Glenn. It really Is a good home, being well arranged, has many built-in features, full lot and Hplenty of beautiful garden flowers. This place is also priced at $4200. Owner instructs us to get a just and fair initial pay ment and to give reasonable terms. The photo is available at the office and any of our sales men will gladly show this or other property when convenient to yourself. WOODSTOCK. 4nn T.mnm house on 135x200-foot lot. all Improvements, 15 trees, all honrinff fruit, rood barn and all conveniences. A real bargain aud you can have good terms. 13885 Odd price, but worth every cent of it. A fine 5-room strictly lences, hardwood floors, full lot. In S'ltftft CAJttl FIRLAND Bungalow style; a pretty home of five rooms with sleep ing porch, furnace and a host of modern errects ana an acre 01 e round and outbuildings and fruit; about a dozen trees, many kinds, and berries galore. Lo v cated few blocks from car line. Price is $500U, on easy terms. ASK US ABOUT THOSE F LACES tht it-re for sale, but are not adver tised. We have many that will consider n exchanee. Maybe you have, what they want- Call at our office; look over the photos. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC 514-520 Swetiand Bldg. Marshall 3980. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. HA WTHORNE-AVENUE DISTRICT. Beautiful, modern home, close in. 10 rooms 2 fireplaces. 2 bathrooms, garage, lot 100x100. street Improvements in and paid; $10,000, $5000 cash. Fine property, low price. House. 7 rooms, and flat., both good, close in: lot 50x100: street improvements J" j 10-000: will trade for acreage uo to $3000. or-will sell separate: house $4500. flat $6000. House 7 rooms, street improvements In ; will pay balance due; $4600. half cash. Two fine, modem homes. Ladd Add. 2 blocks to Hawthorne ave.. walking dis tance. 570 Ladd ave.. has 9 rooms with garage, paved alley. 564 contains 11 rooms, double constructed and built for a home ; shown by appointment onlv: price for each, $7500; no incumbrance; terms can be arranged. FARNSWORTH & GOULDSTONE. -1364V4 Hawthorne Ave. NINE HUNDRED HOMES. FOit SALE. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Ruv Your Home. Over 900 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES r ok. BALb, wltn price, terms and ad dress under every picture. Every home has been carefully inspected and ap praised. Many remarkable bargains. We can SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. We guarantee satisfaction See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Second Floor. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. Successor to H. D. McGuire. Establislied 180. "40 YEARS OF RELIABLE SERVICE.' " wa a.t x our uonstaui otrvice. ROSE CITY PARK $7000. New. modern, un-to-iia tm 7-room house. double constructed, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, large plate glass windows In front and dinlns- rooms xhadpi and Iixtures. china closet and buffet, book cases; finished In ivory ; Dutch kitchen, linoleum, breakfast room. den. 3 bed rooms with closets; extra large bath room, linen closet, clothes shute, elec tric switches in every room, double switch for up and downstairs; cement basement, fruit closet and laundry trays, garage with cement floor and runway; nothing left out for a convenient and nice home and, best of ail, good work Is done on this house. For appointment can vvooaiawn tilioO. owner. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. LARGE 6 ROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH AND GARAGE S7500. Near KNOTT street on East 12th we have the best real home bargain you will find in the city; six large rooms and sleeping porch: full 50x100 lot; fine garage. In this home you will find all the attractive features you are looking for at a price ia.r dp ow actual value: Duiit right, just before the advent of high prices for materials. Let us show you this real home bargain at only S75O0. half cash; or if you have all cash, make us an orxer. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main 8220. A REAL BUY For sale by owner, a dandy good bouse, y block from car; has 8 pieces plumbing fixtures, fine furnace. iirepiace. -It. lull cement basement every corner completely finished; double constructed an through : one 01 the oest built homes in Portland; can be bought with either 75 ft., 100 ft, or 150 ft. .ground; must be seen to be appreciated. Offered at half what it would cost to day; must sell, 'owner leaving city. Call Woodiawn 62S3. 8 ROOMS, modern home; paneled living room, den. wnite enameled oreaiciaHi room. Dutch kitchen, bathroom with toilet, bedroom flrnt floor, unstairs 3 bed rooms, front room, sleeping porch, with French doors; all with large closets and lavatory; full cement basement, turnace, cement laundrv tub. fruit room with Ebelves, bins for vegetables; will take small car or vacant lot up to $500 as part down payment; price $4850; $2000 cash. a HS'J, oregonianJ BEAUMONT BUNGALOW. A charming mission 5-room bungalow with large, library .and glassed and screened in sleeping porch. Oak pol ished floors throughout. All the built ins. f ireolace. furnace. HeaDS of mos beautiful flowers and shrubbery. 50x1 00 lot, paved and paid. 4 blks. to car. The very home you will like. $57o0. terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 5th St. Main 6869. 12:100 BUYS 5-room bungalow. In fin- shape, 2 blocks of car line. 50x100 lot, sewer and gas; good terms, tine Dase ment. A bargain. 5-room modern house. 2 lots, lOOxlOO, fine orchard, fine basement ; 4 block from car. Price $23fiff). $1000 cash, bal ance $25 per month. 6 per cent interest. O. P. Potts, 1980 E. Stark, Phone Tabor 300. A REAL HOME. Owner leaving; no better built in city best plumbing; all Improvements; Si berian oak floors; art glass windows; cu stone fireplace and columns; full cemen basement: 5 rooms, sleeping porch. Ad joining Laurelhurst park. Around $5500 for quick action, according to terms. No agents. Phone East 12. FURNITURE ALSO. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plan and finance. Established ten years. W offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., 24 N. W. Bank bldg. IRVINGTON. NEW 8-ROOM HOME. Located 684 Brazee. 75x100 corner V. 19th. All lyardwood floors, gas furnace, plate windows, garage. Splendid lihi fixtures, wallpaper and tile bath. Very wii uuiu aim iui naia uy owner. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. ft rooms and den, fireplace, buffe Dutch kitchen, cement basement, c. floo furnace, garage; 40x100 lot. Price u'u, eiW'i casn. paiance terms. C. E. ADAMS. 507 Cham, of Com. Bldg, iiiAioiiaii -o 1 xKvt-niiiH ivain. d-ftiio. HIGHLAND DISTRICT BUNGALOW $5400 Strictly modern 1 u -f.,rv rooms; paved street, sewer inr lot 60x 100; nice garage, fruit and flowers: a real home, well' built: owner obliged to leave. -uuu casn, oaiance eb. Sav agents commission. au wain. 874. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURKETT. AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICE, 208 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1800. HIGHLAND BUNGALOW. $3300 for a fine 5-room, with Dutch kitchen, buffet, furnace ; in very fine shape: streets paved, sewer in and paid; only $800 to handle this. Marshall b2U. F. L. BLANCHARD. 519-20 Ry. Exchange bldg. SEE THIS TODAY. Cozy 5 large rooms, full basement, 55 x 150 iot; street in ; good district ; fruit, berries, garden, garage. You can grow one-half your living on this place. Make me au oiler. Owner, 47 E. .53d. Tabor 4727. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. Price reduced; owners moving to country; will sell their attractive 5-room bungalow on 41st St., in excellent condi tion; good view; full lot; price $2800; $750 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Fine 7-room house. 4 rooms down and 9 up; fireplace, furnace, full cement basement and wash trays, garage, corner lot, all imp. In and paid; terms. Imme diate possession. 463 Rodney ave. FOR SALE 5-room. new. modern bune-a- low. fireplace, full basement and attic: l&M- II dllU fy X " UCII III, HI1U dOOTS ail screened ; lot 5)xl00; double garage Call Seilwood 3288 or 601 Clay bourne avenue. NEW BUNG A LOWS NEW. I am just about to finish an up-to-date 5-room bungalow; buy now and have finished to suit. Greenwood and Gladstone aves. Owner on ground Sun day 2 to 6 P. M Price $4800;' terms. KENTON DIST. Inter-State ave.. cor. Winchell ; 6-room. 2-story ; 50-ft. lot, with sewer connections, bath and closet: full basement; $2100. D. D. Bathrick, at Lombard and Albina sts. $1350 NICE little home Jn Alberta; four rooms, pantry, gas and electricity; only PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., bweuana isiag. SELLWOOD'S BEST DITRICT. $3200. 2-story, o-room inou-ia, run cement basement, paved street, $3200. $1700 cash. Sellwood 27 (Hi. 11700 SELLWOOD BARGAIN 11700 Modern 7-roora plastered. 50x10, near school ana car; price iwu. oW down. K20 mommy, o per cent, aenwooq K706, neat 5-room bungalow, cement basimnt garage, newly painted. Corner lot, close in;- nro, lenm. a iiomoou, care Rob erts Bros. XI 750 4-ROOM modern house, laree siee lng porch and poultry house; near play grounds, schools, etc.; terms. Woodiawn 3017. GOOD 5-room house. South Portland, only $1750; easy terms. Marshall 4114 or Tabor 3Q1 evenings. TiANDY little 4-room house. Commercta st.: price $1950; terms to suit. Marshall 4114 or Maoor aui evenings. H a WTHORNE 8-rm. house; cor.: assess. paid; opportunity to rent part to belo meet payments; aw oown. labor 7073. HOUSE and lot in south Portland, walk ing distance. Call Tabor 21 8L HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES TABOR 4299 RODABAUGH. 6-ROOM cottage. $2600: $500 cash, balance to suit. Phone Woodiawn 1709. MICHIGAN farm to trade for property in wat; give particulars. V 263, Oregonian, KKAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. J. A. W1CKMAN CO. "Shortest Way Home." Years of study of local conditions, a thorough knowledge of districts, famili arity with values and a splendid organi zation enable us to give you the max imum sei-vice in home buying. Seven salesmen with auios at your service. It places you under no obligations. Call and inspect our photos and list ings before buying. OPEN TODAY. COME IN. Near Franklin High. $3000 Buys almost new home of 5 r 00 ms an d bat b with full base -ment, Dutch kitchen, wash trays. This was sold by us at the same price last fall. Owner leaving city, must sell at once. $450 cash will handle. $2650 Let us show you this wonderful home buy of 6 rooms and bath, with large living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, 1 bedroom and bath down, 2 up. Furnace, full basement, wash trays. Dandy lot with fine lawn. Convenient to car. Franklin high and grade school. Terms. $2950 Beautiful home of 6 rooms and bath, with fireplace, white enam el dining room with buffet. Dutch kitchen, corner lot. ga rage. New carpets are included in price. $4100 A strictly bungalow type of home. with large living room, dining room with buffet, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath down, large sleeping porch with Attic for ad- ditional room up. Hdwd. floors, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays. Conven ient to Hawthorne ave. cars and Franklin high. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF OTHER GOOD BUYS NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. Hawthorne Home Bargain. $4200 You who have been hunting this district over looking for the best buy that is available at the price you feel you can afford to pay. You have overlooked this one : you wouW pase It 1 00 times and never dream it could be had for so little money. 6 rooms and bath, with usual built-ins, thor oughly double constructed, street in. paid; near Hawthorne ave. and close tn. Inspect our photos of Hawthorne homes from $ 2750 u d. Rose City Park. Vacant, Move Right In. $4500 Drive by and look at 366 East 53d st. N. We will tint this home throughout in colors to suit, paint poroh and steps and ga rage. Thoroughly double con structed, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, with fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, wash trays. Built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, similar to homes that have sold in this district for $5504). Terms. Another Ready to Move Right In. Look at 1296 Halsey St. Out-of-town owner has just newly dec orated this home throughout; 6 rooms and bath, all on one floor, with full cement basement, wash travs. furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen. Lot 100x109.6, with fruit, garage. Make us an offer, as it must be sold at once. Terms. Rose City Home Beautiful. $ 8 0O0 We can show this home by ap pointment only. Living room Uarge), music room or den, din ing room, kitchen and fine large breakfast room down, 4 bed rooms up. Strictly modern and right up to the minute, with all built-ins, hdwd. floors, etc. Lot 75x100. W do not carry a lot of unsaleable property on our lists. What we offer you wilt find worthy of your considera tion. We can show you the best buys in any district. 1 IRVINGTON HOME BARGAIN. $4850 Owner leaving city, sacrificing her 6-room home, finished in white enamel, furnace, full lot, east front, fruit trees. Imp. in and paid. About $800 cash will handle. KOLLADAT PARK BARGAIN. $$700 Let us show you this bungalow home of 5 rooms and bath, fin ished in white enamel through out, furnace, fireplace, full ce ment basement, wash trays. Re member, this is just south of Irvington In one of Portland's best residence districts. Terms. IRVINGTON PARK. $2800 Let" us show you this home of 4 rooms and bath down, 2 rooms up. Immaculately clean and in " Al condition. Some fruit; east front. $3150- Buys concrete block home of 6 rooms and bath, with small room for storage. Full 50x100 lot. on paved st. East front; alley. To be newly decorated throughout. Terms. $4S0O You will love this nifty, almost new home In first-class condition, with Interior arrangement that cannot be Improved upon. Fur nace, fireplace, hdwd. floors, all built-ins. Large rooms. We have any number of good buys. One In Hawthorne that is a gm at $5500, strictly modern, with ga rage. One of those homes that when folks drive by they exclaim: "Isn't that place pretty?" Shown bv appointment only. SUBURBAN HOMES. $1400 On Portland Heights: lot 40x300. with 5-room house; would make an excellent place to rai!e chick ens. $100 cash will handle. $170O Here Is a lot 45x145; with 27 full bearing assorted fruit trees, chicken houses and runs; 4 rooms and bath; near car, about 30 min utes out. $4000 Almost H acre of ground, with a bungalow of 6 rooms and sleeping porch, all on one floor, with attic1 ceiled Into a large additional room; fruit, flowers, lawn, ga rage. Requires all cash, but is a dandy buy. On paved st. We have a number of close-in homes in walking distance at prices around $350O. Inspect our photos and listings before huvlng. Remember, we are open today. Come in. ,T. A. W1CKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094 and 53. NEARLY PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMlSS FOR SALE. SKB FRANK 1. McGTTIRE To Buy Your Home. "We are now envabllshed in oar new offices on the SECOND FLOOR of the ABINGTON BLDG. and are ready to PERVE you (if possible) better than ever before. have over fKll) PHOTO GRAPHS of homes chosen from every home district In the entire city. PKH'K AND TRRMS. together with nl! other Information under every photograph. Kvery home has been carefully AP PRAISED and Intpected. Our Heme service la UNEQUALLED. AVe can sat lfv vou. TVE CAN PUT TOU IN IM MEDI TS TOUCH WITH THE HOME YOU ARE LOOKING FOR without loss of time, ana on tek-ms iuu a.n t-A i SEE FRANK L. MeOUTRE Abtnsrton BMP. Main 106S. Open Evenings and Sundays. . tft AUTOMOBILES AT YOUR Service. NEW. BUNGALOWS. R. C. OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY AFTERNOON. Jue finished. Result: Two exquis itely attractive, double-constructed bun galows. R. C. district; corner JVoth and Tillamook streets: full lots; five rooms: buill-ins. fireplaces, etc.. hdw. floors. tanestrv paper. Ivory finish, furnaces be installed If deeired at cost. Price bv builder. $4irto and J400. Terms to rult. Pee YOUR NEW HOME Sunday afternoon. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. Main Blf0. S.TJ-33 Ry. Exch. Bids. OAK GROVE. $2100 Fine little home on river roa4. bK lot. nark native trees: awfully cheap. $SOO cash, bal. asv. $3XK) 8 lots, small house In beautiful park: all kinds of fruit; water imde.r pressure. $5-50 7 rooms. 1 H acres, fruit; 1 block fiom station: half cash. $1800 2 acres In 11-year-old orchard; fine bulldins; sit.: close to station. WILL THOMPSON. Oak Grove. Or. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. One of the finest and most complete 5-room bungalow a you could wish to step into: oak floors, fireplace, built ln. Pullman breakfast nook and a most spbstantially built home: you must see It: you will want to move right In; $5250. $li(v cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 1Q4 5th st. MalnfVSrtD; WEST SIDE. 5-room cottage In fine con dition, business property on Gibbs. be tween Front and Water sts.. you will have a good home and an investment, you can move right in as house is va cant; price $2250. reasonable terms. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ST. JOHNS $150 cash, completely fur nished S-room house, full lot. 1 block from car. See this at once: It won't last. Price $1300. PACIFIC AGENCY. S wet land Bldg. $2500 5-ROOM tfottage In Sunnyside: fruit trees, etreet and sew. in and paid; one block of Sunnyside car; $250 cash. bal. monthly. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 31Hh 13 years. Tabor (U93. SPLENDID bungalow. 5 large rooms, near car. paved streets. The price Is only $3300. You can move In with a $700 cash payment. Edwin Jacobson. 718 Spalding. Main 6642. jlftdMl $200 CASH, balance $20 per month buys 4-room bungalow; west side. M. E. Lee. 413 Corbett bldg. 6-ROOM cottage for rent, some furniture for sale. Call Sun. forenoon or Mon. BR2 E. Alder. Phone East 8207. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, usual bullt-lns, garage. $4300; terms. Edwin Jacobson. 718 Spalding bldg. Main 642. SMALL plastered bungalow, fruit and ber ries. $1100 If sold at once; vacant Bow. Inquire at 01 .N. 6Ui st. REAL ESTATK. -Houses. $7000 $70O0. HEIGHTS BUNGALOW BEAUTY. A TRUE SPIRIT OF ART, combined with splendid material and workman ship, make th'.s home a tiling of rare charm. Picturesque bungalow lines; low. quaint and rambling; UNUSUAL COB BLKSTONED pillared front porch; PRACTICALLY TRIPLE CONSTRUCT ED: 34x4S ft. exclusive of porches ; re ception hall with glimpses of living room with artistic stone fireplace, and book cases built In at either end. and paneled dining room with beamed ceilings; LUS TROUS HARDWOOD FLOORS; ideal Dutch kitchen; being equipped with a Hughes No. 50 electric range and lino leum; line closets in long central hi-11; tiled bathroom; BEAUTIFUL LIGHT ING FEATURED 2 bedrooms: maid's room; full cemjnt basement with GAi'ro FURNACE; laundrv room. etc. AN IN COMPARABLY LOVELY VIEW IS commanded of RIVER AND MOUN TAINS from this WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. TERMS. Vaughn st. 1 For this and other DISTINCTIVE HOMES in every exclusive residence district SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To B'jy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 106S. Successor to IT. D. McGuire. Established lSo. "40 YEARS OF RELIABLE SERVICE." $12,000 BUYS A BEAUTIFUL 0-ROOM H OUSE, a real bungalow, w it h 5 sleeping apartments, two immene bathrooms. full-sized baFment. every modern convenience; located on a choice corner lot. 100x1 00, surrounded bv hard-surfaced pave ment. The grounds are planted to beautiful shrubs and fruit trees. This home is situate in one of Frrt Innil'n finest residence districts. It will take a good substantial payment down to handle tne ueat. Place is too large for present owner can civp nnssesslon imme diately. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 1J r-ara si. REDUCE the high coat of living on this quarter acre tract ; 4-room plastered house, double constructed ; bath and pan try; half basement; electric lights, gas And a-bumpr ranee. 4 cords of wood; lot 66 ft. by 152 ft. 8 ft. by 16 ft. henhouse and 11 hens; lencea ana cross u-n.i. 20 fruit trees. 2 walnut trees; mixed fruit, 7 years old; 15 grapes; have good crops ; berries, horseradish, aspara rus bed. lot of roses, shrubbery, holly hedge garden seed all planted, some spuds. Mt Scott car. 5413 lOOth st. S. E.. n"ar 55th ave. or Gilbert road. Price $43o0 cash. INVESTORS SNAP. 12TH AND E. MORRISON STS. $7 50O. 7-room. 2-story house. 4 bed rms. moms commodious and convenient, fire place, furnace, lot 50xlOO. improvements an in ana paia. 1 niK. 10 puouc "ii hlk tn WftHhintrton hixh. 7 blks. tf ersde school. 12 blks. to Benson Poly technic school. House best of condition IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Terms stilt PORTLAND REALTY AND TRUST CO., 214 Railway Excnange Jrtiug. Main 2129. WU.I.AMKTTR HEIGHTS. For sale at less than cost, bcautifxil nw R-rnom colonia.1 bungalow. wid porch, breakfast nook, up-to-date built in conveniences, ail .on one mwr. am space, plate windows, mirrors, narown-m floors, combination sleeping room, pan orama view of mountains, river, etc.. not built for speculation, cash or terms. Owner. Main 3S3i. "' IRVINGTON BUYS. $5500 A larsre. modern hunjcalow type home: with extra bedroom or two on first floor, also extra toilet and lavatory. Mortgaee. foreclosure. Immediate posses sion. No. 5J2 E. 27th at. N. $4r,00 snap 1)07 East Broadway, by appointment only. Modern six-room cor ner home, full cement basement, pood furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, den, sleeping porch, pood attic. East 814 .today. R T. STREICT. 608 E. Broadway A SUPERIOR-HOM EOPPORTI T N IT Y. An exceptionally well-constructed, rich looking seven-room home in unsurpassed location near Laurelhurst; nearly n-v; hdw. floors. French doors, ivory finish. Dutch kitchen, bulit-ins. fireplace, fur nace yes. everything of surjiaj-mne love liness and comfort. REDUCTION IN PRICE susrsests the immediate Inspec tion of this beautiful home. SPECIAL PRICE FOR QUICK SALE. $.Vr0; terms. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. Main .M'JO. 332-33 Ry. Exch. Rldfr. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. One of those deliphtful view homes with large living and dining, most cheer full bedrooms, maid's room in attic: oak polished floors down and the most de lightful birris'jye maple floors up. has sleeping porch and most wonderful view porch, overlooking river: a charming sun porch. fireplace and furnace: $l5',0O0. terms. We would like to show you this home. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. Main l-M.fl. FOR SAl.F. by owner Good, partly mc.i ern S-room house that Is not qirte com plete. 1 blk. from jerrerson tiitn: iot 45x100, paved street paid, full cone rem ' basement, kitchen, built-ins. all new and white enameled: the lot alone Is worth almost what I ask for all. Prl -e Sli'.".(i. part cash. bal. 12.5 mo. and int. Call 1021 Halght ave. all day Sun. aud eve. after 5 o'c'ock. " $1600--FIVE ROOMS. FURNISHED $UIM. This comfortable little cottage on two Tots with barn, chicken house. large runs good soil. The furniture is good as new Call at 5012 64th ave. S. E. Sunday and inspect property. Take Woodstock car to 51 til street and Woodstock ave.. walk south four blocks. This is a good buy. TO GET a list of the good homes for sale in Irvington at proper prices, see R. T. Street today. East S04. 60H East Broadway. PARK liOSE BUNGALOW. A dandy little u-room bungalow on 50x100 lot. H block off Sandy car. This is real'.y clever little home. Nice gar den soil, some fruit and tills property is all clean and neat and a most exceptional buy on'.v 23.V. half cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th st. Main Sii. LAURELHURST. Modern 8-room bungalow, entire first floor oak. very attractive living and dining rooms; built less than one year; in the very heart of Laurelhurst. fttauO. C. M. DERR. COE A. McKENNA CO.. 82 4th st. Main 4522. BUNGVLOW IN MT. TABOR DISTRICT. $37".0. Four rooms, bath, fine yard, hardwood floors, full cement basement, hard sur face street, all assessments paid; this should be seen to be appreciated. 13S1 East Lincoln st. OWNER. TABOR 772. HAWTHORNE. 6-room, 2-story, bungaiow type, well located, two blocks to school, all imp. paid; a real buy at $3750. C. M. DERR, COE A. McKENNA & CO.. S2 41 h st. Main 4522. $4-50 9- ROOM, lot rt5xl00. full cement base, furnace.. L. trays, fireplace: this is a monev-getter for housekeeping room"' location is grand: would make a good home for large family: liberal terms See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at S(th 13 years. Tabor 6493. $-50O I LARGE rooms, bath, laundry trays gas. electric lights, paved street, fruit and berries; 2 blocks to car: elge of Laurelhurst. You will have to hurry. Terms. Edwin Jacobson. 718 Spalding bldg. Main 5642. HAWTHORNE 4200. terms; Beautiful semi-modern bungalow type home of 7 rooms See photo in our office. Surely you will like this place. PACIFIC AGENCY. Swetiand Bldg? - HOUSES on lot 50x1110 on E. 27th St.. " near car barns, full cement basements, wash travs. fireplace, gas and electric, naved nd paid: price J35O0. terms. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. A DANDY bungalow. ; rooms down. 2 up; built-ins. fireplace, paved streets. 1 block car 135011. with $S0l cash payment. Edwin Jacobson, 718 Spalding bldg. Main 5642. $1500 CASH. 6-R cottage, full cement base., furnace, laundry trays. fruit, grapes, streets, sewers In and paid; price S3250. See .1. P. McKenna. Belmont at 0th 13 years. Tabor 6403. AN IMPROVED 5-acre home in ancouver 'with good buildings. fruit. chicken houses, in high state of cultivation; price $5O40. Campbell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co.. 303 Couch bldg. WEST SIDE snap, 7-room modern house, garage, on car line, "bargain for $2600 and terms. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. iA ACRE 2-r. house, near school, near car line, all clear, must sell for JRoo. $350 cash, balance $5 month, no Interest. I21U Olympia St.. St. Johns car to E. Burr at. 40XcRE Improved farm. 4 miles east of Oregon City, bearing orchard, two wells. 2 springs, close to good school. 3o3 Couch bldg 3-ROOM house. 8 fruit trees, lot 50x116. near car line, must sell, see me. 304 N. Jersey St.. St. Johns. KOSE CITY PARK bargain, by owner. New. 7 rooms, strictly modern, no en cumbrance; no agents. Tabor 1768. RFAL ESTATK. For Ssrie -House COME WITH ME TO MULTNOMAH. I will show you the most pleading suburb of Portland; on the west side of the river. Located, on the gentle slopes of the southwest district; this delightful place Invites you to make your home. We have Bull Run water, electric lights, gas. city schools, beautiful view of all mountains. 5O0 feet elevation; the entrancing refreshing air of the country and a pastoral view in every direction. ,,,, . , , The extension of the Terwltllger Wd runs through the heart of this suburb, giving a delightful hard-surface con nection with the downtown streets: on y 5 miles from the center of the city, and you can make the Mn In 20 minutes on a 5Sc commuter s rate Building sites may still be had in South Multnomah Half Acres. Lunalim. Buckingham Heights. Primrose Ila.-j, Denley Heights. Queensland, Allen bar ters and Hillvale tracts. to $!00. This i. real vius for the money. Mv office, on the blvd P"UAm earaee. is open every afternoon from 4 to 8 and all day Sundays. i.i, o.,r machine. This is a a.-.,).. trip and I am sure will Please ou. BEN R1ESLAND. Exclusive Sales Argent and Owner Property In the MuU5J"NT Pak .t. Main office. 404Platt Bldg.. l- Fark . n"eARt7y""ONF THOUSAND HOMES FOR S ALE. FRANK I..' McGUIRE To Buy Yur Home. Our new. modern offices on the ' SF , OND FLOOR of the ABINGTON BLP j. are now op-n. and we ar.-r"'y Tr ft THAT IS POSSIBLE to SI .U EY on better than ver before OU'K HOMK vrevfo: IS UNEQI ALLED. Our tli'r fugfalliarity with the best home dls tricts our cnreTul Inspection and ap praisal of every HOME listed ami every facility of our large, competent Iz.-Uion are placed at tile dlsr.osM Mt HOME SEEKER -ur 1 N P A R A 1 .1 .KI.K l dTsplav of 1 over 00o PHOTOGRAPHS of. homes" for sale will afford you an un limited choice. If J-ou are In t ho M AK KET for a hone, vou can t miss btt.i.lt FRANK L. McGUIRE Abington Bldg. Ma. n 1068. 18 Autos r.t Your Service. Op?n Evenings and Sundays. NINE HUNDRED PHOTOGRAPHS " OF HOMES FOR SALE i-.-.-r. "V.,... art'' -IM5-T COTI1T office and see over NINE HUNDRPD photographs of HOMES for sale Every price, every type of home, every dis V rtc Ve can SAVE YOUR TIME AND 711 ONKY, Pf FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. Main 10GS. Open Evenings and Sundays. 18 Autos at your SERVICE. IRVINGTON HOME. Center hall, oak dining room, lares living room, with beautiful fireplace, breakfast room and kitchen with built Ins 4 bedrooms, one with fireplace, tile bath- 3d floor has maid's apartment; douMe garage. This real home has hard wood floors all over and faces east in the heart of Irvington. See us at once. Price low Owner must sell nuick. RITTER. LOWE & CO . "01-3-5-7 Board of Trade BldgJ BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST. Really a very fine English colonial en WltliW ' lot on Laurelhurst ave ; large living room, fireplace, nice sun P. and den. most cheerful dining, nutlet. Dutch kitchen. 3 very fine bedrooms, onen sleeping porch: bath and toilet up. all finished in Ivory and white onk floors hot-air furnace, improvements all In and paid: a homey home that V"U ni l like: ; owner moving to i am... Instructed us to se.l at $.000. J2..00 ha? cash. See this. . - n t- nrnp CO.. 104 Sth'st." ' Main 6r,!. COUCH ADDITION. h le. modern 1 1 elf cash or terms. Owner. Main 8838. ROSE CITY PARK. A real honest hov In a 7-room horn., all in white, oak floors, fireplace, fur nace. 50x10.1 lot. One bedroom down and three up About a block off Sxiidv c-.r. This is a nice home and exceptional value as owners wish to move at once. Only Jt350. J15O0 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. Main R"'-!-. . HOLLADA.Y. 7-room 2-story home in the best of condition, large airy rooms oak floors up and down. 2 fireplaces. dandY K e ment. garage. 50x100 lot. $.otl. $-0 will handle it; balance to suit. C M DERR. COE A. McKENNA CO.. 82 4th st. Main 4522. Willamette heights. 66.n A well-built 8-room home. li loo living room, firep'ace. dining room, kitchen and den first floor: 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch second f'oor: cement basement laundrv trays, furnace. . good XlFVzr.KR.PARKBR-FBROrPON CO.. 260 Oak St. Malnjoji- . NK.W BUNGALOW. 5 rms i den a ,r,d- at He. PORTLAND BEATTY AND TRUST CO.. 14 Rallwnv Exchange Bids. Main 2120. BEAUMONT. 6-room 2-storv. modern home, excep tion" woodwork, plate-glass windows. w""l high-grade tapestry paper: a well -hullt house and complete in every detail. $7000. "Vr" RODOERS. COl A McKENNA CO.. S2 4th st. Main 4522. " rr7MEDAPABK BUNGALOW. Correr 27th and Fremont st 5 rooms. - hath finished in white enamel, all bullt conveniences, full cement basement VpiTt assessments Paid: corner of "4 th andFremont sts. Owner there Sun- d"y- Ff HONE TABOR772R, IRVINGTON HOME. o-story bungalow type hr,rneorf,l Very cheerful rooms, all the bu?r.'-tns. VeWe. hot air ; furnace - i"l"ed ino'VoT1 "woVerm, "Ti-.r-wFURNISHED HOME BAT?;?ArN, modern V- block of Waverly 5 rooms, mooern. . in and Ricnmono fa.. u - . Thi3 ,ro mn.' Kt,e is a bargain at $3 ,1HI, I (.-. r terms at - i- 1-.. AcaniJ.. " ai o v' -,i -v.,.n- Cliaill. oi " Ings. Wdln. 3433. . "irvington. . Hi. .no ;f)F CITY $50OO: only f I .o casn tor hiintifi l modern, five-room hunga.n". fVult flowers and berries. Sec the pic ture at 'A ! a0EN:Y. ' Swetiand Bldg. r'sv A" FOR ONLY J.-.500. a beautiful modern S-room house on . It full basement, furnace. & Cattle Co.. 303Couch Jbldgj ,o 5-ROOM mod. cottage. 'l,'p & Tabor 6403. Beautiful modern home cost vears ago 9 rooms, glass sleeivng por.h. modern up-to-date. JJecr if taken at once. Owner. J gonlan. . - tTsoiTBUYP A MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE lisuu D-n uals(,v st riOxion lot: I must have at least $WK cash. For par ticulars owner at 404 Piatt bids. 127 Park street. AI AMED Modern home. 5 rooms, built in effects beautiful buffet, lawn and roses: price S.vr.O; cash 2O0O. PACIFIC AGENCY. v Swetiand Bldg. $30O CASH, price" J30O0; 6-R. lot 50x100; fruit and berries, street, sew. in and paid: this Is -a good buv. S"e J. P. Mc Kenna. Belmont at 3!th 13 years. Ta bor 6403. . FOR SALE 2 dwellings, valley towns, cheap. Ownei1. 704 Spalding. Main llltS. You can get anything -- - 50-ft. lot to a nan a-.1 rV!lt modern home, at terms .' Pnefns cown ana from J.0 I advise mamns api"""-" rj us by calling up the home l Park M 404 Piatt hide.. Main SM. "J nsib e we will call at your home m fe citv and take yoa to the Pr"?". brinsrin you bach in the .ame W r LET THE Jlrtll lttr. r- i i r.... F5TABIISH YOU in that Ideal bom-. Doou want B BEAUTIFUL DISTINCT IVE TYPE borne in Portland s exclusive residence districts? Do you cheery, moderate-priced BUNGALOW in anv desirable home district? Are you looking for a cosy, fortable inexpen sive little home, with small own pay ment an.' TERMS EASIER THAN in '"ir house, 5 rooms, bath, toilet, first floor. rooms, bath, toilet second floor, easily """f for 2 families, now rents as well paving lodging house, large attic, would con sider 4 or 5-room bungalow exchange. 0