TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAY 2, 1920 11 REAL. ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. BARGAINS IN HEAL ESTATE IN AND NEAR NEWBERG, BY "WHITE AND COMPANY. 2 acres with 7 -room house, modern plumbing, electric lights, barn and chick en house, some fruit, all land In culti vation ; price $3200, terms 1000 cash, balance in 4 years at tt per cent. 2 acres just outside the corporation limits, cottage with nice front porch, electric light, city water, bath and hot water tank, 5 rooms plastered, could have 2 good rooms upstairs, fruit house, wood ho use, good barn and chicken houses, orchard of apples, cherries, prunes and grapes, balance for garden. For quick sale, only J700. WHITE & COMPANY, 703 fr First St., Newberg, Or. 22-ACRE RANCH, 3 -ROOM HOUSE, BARN, $2t00. 14 acres in cultivation, balance pas ture and timber, family orchard, good berry land, spring water, piped into house, fenced with wire, on hard-surface road, 4 mile from school, 5 miles from good town in south end of valley; $1000 cash, mortgage for balance. See SAM HE WET at J. L. HARTMAN CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. GARDEN HOME ACRE SNAP Fine acre with all kinds of full-bearing fruit trees and berries; foundation for house; there is a small 2 -room shack house and 3 small chicken houses; all fenced, fine well, gas; located about 6 minutes' walk from Garden Home station on Oregon electric. If you want a real snap, grab this acre; price in only $1200. half cash. G. U. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St. Main 8220. BKAUTIFUL TRACT. FACES HIGHWAY, NEAR CLACKAMAS! Nearly 15 acres under cultivation, good soil. Bargain, terms. Take new blghway east from Clackamas about mile, wheat field on right; recognize by 2 tall fir trees and sign. .T. C. CORB1N CO., 35-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE Between five and six acres, about seven miles from center of Port land and about two miles from city lim its, on the paved highway to Hillsboro, all under cultivation, small creek through place, fine spring, 6-room house, fruit, H niilo west of Rogers' store at Shat tuck station. Homesteads, Relinquishment. EX-SERVICE MEN. The best of the O. & C- railroad home steads will be taken in the first draw Ins May 10, 1920. Tou will do well to make your selection at once. There are 79 good farm tracts in the Portland district, G10 in Ro&eburg, and 6 In the Vancouver district- I have been over much of the lands and will show them at a reasonable price. Maps of all parts of the state. Anderson Map Co., tioli Railway Exchange bldg. Main 5:160. HOMESTEAD locations near Bend, Or., a growing city, in a good country, fine cli mate; these places in an irrigated sec tion, school, good roads. Also small Irrigated ranches with good water right, long-time payments; fino for dairy ranch and chickens, best pota to land in Oregon; $1200 to $1800 will buy you a good farm home. Hogin Land Co., box 232, Bend, Or. CAN LOCATE several parties on govern ment lands north of Hood River, agri cultural and timber lands. Write 803 State st., first flat. Hood River, Or. Phone 2004. FREE gov't lands, 100,000,000 acres. Send for free booklet telling how to obtain all necessary information about acquiring these lands. Address Dept. No. 3, The Homeseeker, Los Angeles, Cal. CAN locate 4 parties on homestead relin quishments on coast ; some cranberry land. C. C. Woodworth, Florence, Or. . Fruit and Nut Ijinds. WHITE SALMON APPLE ORCHARD. 160 acres, about 5 miles from White Salmon. Wash. White Sal mon river runs through the place; 10 acres are now in bearing: or chard 10 years old; about 15 acres more easy to make ready; 13 acres line bottom land, level as a table: 20 acres fine first growth timber: 120 acres logged off land: fair house and outbuildings: plentv of spring water: adjoining land is being held at $200 per acre. This place is 4 mile off the Trout Lake highway, and will be paved this summer: cheapest apple land in White Salmon valley, and is being tacrificed at $43 per acre, owine to misfortune of the owner. If you are looking for a bargain, thia is it. C. E. SCOTT REALTY CO.. 517-19 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MAIN 3333. LOGANBERRIES LOGANBERRIES We here offer one of the best loganberry and prune farms in the Willamette valley; just miles from Salem; on hard-surface road: 1 mile to 5c car. There are 55 fine acres ; 25 are in loganberries, prunes, cherries, etc. : 15 acres more will be set to loganberries this spring, which will be included in price ; good house, fruit dryer, and all necessary outbuildings: everything up to the minute; the Income this year will net $12,000 to $15,000. To see this place is to buy; call, phone or write for par ticulars, or. better, let us show you the place. C. E. SCOTT REALTT CO.. S17-19 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., MAIN 3353. TEN acres in 7-year-old Newtowns. Knit- zenberg and other commercial varieties or apples. Trees in best of condition. Located 7 miles south of The .Dalles. Price $2500, good terms, or will accept a nouse in X-or nana up to $3o00 and as aume. 40 acres with 10 acres of lfl.vMr.niH weil-cared-for apple orchard of the best commercial varieties; deep rich soil, not a square foot -of waste land, large over flowing spring with enough water to irri gate the tract, located on county road o miies suuin oi Mosier; price $5000, good terms, or will accept a house in .rortiana or equal value or a lower priced house as part pavment. E. A. L1NDGREN, Savon Land Co., 035 N. W. Bank bldg FOR SALE IN CALIFORNIA. 10T acres, 106 acres in full bearing citrus, comprising 77S7 trees. 106 shares water stock. 9-room modern home, guest house, workman's cottage, bunk houses and camp for help; complete packing bouse, railway switch, stables, sheds and outbuildings, draft stock and complete vuiiivaiiiig equipmeni, including trac tors; all in perfect condition. Have statement showing gross and net returns ior a period or iu years. Price 140,000. W. P. FOG ARTY. 500 Jefferson St. Alain 6288. FOR SALE 15-acre tract: 14 acres in 6 ana n-year-oia Bearing Italian prunes; splendid condition: eood loratinn- am enable, terms. Address Owner. P. O. box LOGANBERRY GROUND 10 ppn. ...tt able for growing berries of any variety. t acres 01 mis is 111 a-year-old annie trees. A mileand half from Forest urvvr. rnw vail JViain FOR SALE Prune and peach orchard smaii improved rarms, acreage tracts and residence property. A. L. Robinson & Co., 122 E, Alder St., Walla Walla, APPLE orchard for sale; 20 acres 10 years uiu, x units iram county seat town. Ad' dress Pox 276, Dallas. Or. Irrigated Lands. CALIFORNIA irrigated lands upper Sacramento vaney; water Dy gravity from Sacra mento river, abundant, perpetual ; soil auapiea 10 prunes, pears, peaches, olives, uks. craues. berries Ar.Pii.vi -.,-,jAn truck. Land now selling at $7o to $100 for upper levels; $123 to $200 for river bottom. Subdivisions of large orchards may oe naa ai uu to .00 per acre time payments. Send for dpsnri.ir in bulletin. Address Secretary, Chamber of Vsuuuiid mv, .luucrsoii, uaiiLornia. For Sale -Farnu. 40 ACRES. 33 acres In cultivation, all i crops, 3 miles from Oregon City on hard roau; tne nest or sou, fine family or chard and berries, 5-room shingle bun gaiow, koou Darn arm ouiDuiiaings, team norses, Drooa sows. Z conrs. chicken, good set of farm implements and small tools. Price $S0O0, terms. MUiersmp, Aiuer notei. Main 5273. st uk 1 ttAutx y owner. aocK ranch In central Oregon ; 640 aCresv newly Improved, abundance of outrange and plenty of water; price iu,uuu; win iraue ior anytmng equal value. What have you ? For lurtner particulars, write P. O. box 420, bugene. or. 48 '4 ACRES. 46 acres in crop. bal. in nan. ture. 1 V3 miles from Oregon City, on o-iw k i I rnnH T mrtm Iiaiiob trnnrt K . new silo; finest of soil; $10,000: tak residen-ce up to $3300. Mr. Mlllership, STOCK ranch for sale; suitable for cattl or sheep; water and grass for 3000 cat tie year around. Address J. M. Par u be, uarisosa, r. M ALL acreage, paved road, beat eoil, east ox oniana. j.u xait notei REAL ESTATE. For 8mie Formi. REGISTERED JERSEY STOCK FAFM. REGISTERED JERSEY CATTLE. " UNDER NEW DIKE. 83 acres of finest of level bot tom land, 13 miles . from Wood land, good roads, land all fenced and croas-f enced, In good shape, new house, fine large barn, steel concrete silo, concrete re-inforced chicken house with automatic water feed, house new and mod ern, garage. Personal property consists of 15 head registered Jer sey cows, heifers, bulls and calves, span fine mares, large horse, 2-year-old colt, 10 head grade Jersey cattle, 8 grade Jersey heifers, 50 tons hay, 6-horsepower gasoline engine, 2-horsepower gasoiine en gine, 1 Mi -horsepower gasoline en gine. Empire milking machine, cream tester, all necessary dairy ing equipment, fine and full set of all kinds of farm tools, ma chinery and equipment, power cream separator; in fact, this is one of the best equipped stock farms in southwestern Washing ton, but sickness compels the own er to pla?e this splendid money making farm on the market. In addition to the registered stock above mentioned the farm itself is registered with the American J ersey Breeders' association. Possession can be given at once. This is a rare opportunity for the right man. Price of everything complete as listed only $20,000; terms one half cash, balance arranged to suit purchaser. LEWIS RIVER LAND COMPANY, WOODLAND, WASH. $ 3000 40 acres. 12 miles east of Or egon City, 4-room house, good barn and outbuildings, on gravel road, well and spring water, young family orchard, hi mile to school. $ 6500 80 acres, on good graveled road, very best of Boil, 9 room house, good barn, room for 30 head of stock, 35 tons of hay, 2 good horses, 3 cows, chickens, 2 wagons, plow, harrow and cultivator. 1 miles from Molalla, 30 acres under cultivation and all seeded; will take a home In Portland up to, $3000 as part payment. $12,000 42 acres of very choice Clackamas county land, on hard-surface road and only 45 minutes by auto to the busi ness center of Portland, plenty of fruit and berries; $4UU0 wil handle. A, W. LAMBERT & SON, Corner Grand ave. and E. Alder. Phone East 640. 68 ACRES, In the best fruit belt In Che- .iera vaney. 34 acres in cultivation, 10 acres in young prunes. 22 acres in oats. oaiance is oak and pasture land a lot of this can be cultivated; good 6-room house, barn, workhouse, granary; R- F. XJ., milk and cream route; on good gravel road, and will be close to the new Newberg and Yamhill highway! mile from school; the personal consists of 2 cows, some young stock, some imple ments and crop. I feel that this place is offered very reasonable and will make someone a good home; there are 5 towns within a radius of 4 to 7 miles; price now is SSO00, hi cAh. good terms. Hes gard. with. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. HIGHLY IMPROVED VALLEY FARM. acres, uu acres under cultivation, mostly bottom land and biggest part of it already plowed and seeded ; good 5-room house, barn, hog house, gran ary, living water in pasture and running water through hog yard; on good road; daily mail and cream route and only one half mile from a good valley town. Five horses, 4 Jersey cows, 2 brood sows, about 50 White Leghorn chickens, ail necessary farm machinery, implements and tools and in best of condition; an exceptional farm for a large dairy. Price $17,500; will accept Portland residence up to $5000 as part payment. Pictures of place to be seen at our office. Worth investigation. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank bldg. SEE THIS WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. Without question, this 162-acre farm is the best buy in the county, 150 acres in crop, looking fine; 2 large barns. 2 houses, 2 silos; all necessary outbuild ings; woven wire fences: IS high-grade milk cows, several young stock, ti horses, hogs, chickens, tractor, best of modern machinery. 5 miles to Forest Grove on rock road, best of black creek bottom land, no waste or wet land; come in and sea the plat. $10,000 cash will handle, balance on unusual easy terms, act quick, only a few days left to offer this at present price; only $210 per acre; fully equipped. George Johnson, with T. O. BIRD. 520 CHAM. OF COM. CLOSE-IN DAIRY RANCH. 40 acres, located on a graveled road, IV miles from paved road, 5 miles from city limits; good loam soil, rolling land 30 acres can be cultivated; 12 acres un der cultivation. 20 acres of pasture; good creek that never goes dry ; wire fencing; half mile to electric station, hi mile to school; 6 acres clover, balance in oats: family orchard; 6-room house, barn 30x40, chicken house; price $4750. with 7 good cows, heifer, horse, harness, wagon and dairy equipment. Personally in spected by Anderson, with JOHN FER GUSON. Gerllnger bldg. I CAN sell land from $15 up per acre, close 10 rt. t. ; gooa tana ana good water. There never has been a crop failure in the Red Deer district. Call or write T. W. MAYBERRY, BOX 535, RED DEER. ALBERTA, CANADA. 120-ACRE fruit and stock farm; 14 acres prunes, 5 to 8 years old; 4 acres apples, cherries and pears; 25 acres seeded to oats and wheat; some clover; 1,000,000 it. good saw timber; new 8-room house. Ximsnea complete, not and cold water and bath; good 50x60 barn, granary and other buildings; $95 per acre; good terms. E. T. DAVIS. Owner, Estacada, Or. SO ' ACRES IN YAMHILL COUNTY. On county road, joining town and railroad ; 25 acres cleared and fenced, balance easy to clear, old house and fair barn, 2 good springs, some rood wood timber, fine timothy and clover land, rich chocolate loam soil ; price $4500; only requires $1250 cash, balance can run at 6 per cent. J. B. Ruley, 928 Chamber of Commerce. T HAVE had placed in my hands for saIm by non-resiaent owner a oi-acre farm about 3 miles from Wilsonvllle, front ing on Willamette river. No buildings worth mentioning, about 80 acres cleared. Have been instructed to sell this prop erty. Can be oought for considerably less than $100 an acre. Will do business with oayers oniy; no agents. Joe J. 1 nornton, vv uwnviue, kjt. TWENTY ACRES $4000. 15 acres under cultivation, about 1 acres now in crop ; GO Royal Anne cherry and some apple trees; small box house and good barn ; located by good auto road, 1 miles from Newberg. Bear In mind that price of cherries will be loc ID. Good terms. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank bldg. CANADIAN FARM -LAJN Do Last great cheap, on long and eay terms ; land seekers' excursion party leaves Portland for Calgary, AiDerta, on Saturday, May 8; reduced railway rates. For further particulars see Lanaamn .faciric Ry. Co., 208 Railway Exchange Bldg., L. p. Thornton, aisinci represeniaiive. 1S5 ACRES in Lane county, Oregon; 30 acres oeaveraam, x- acres cleared; good full set of farm buildings; 145 acres merchantable timoer on logging creek; nrice $25 per acre; terms; part exChnn e. Apply to owner between 10 A. M. and 5 P. Al., 00 jeuersuu roriiaiia, jr. RRESHAM 38 acres, north of Greshamr 3 blocks off pavement; modern 5-room house, gas, electricity, sun Kun water, barn: all under cultivation, crons in small orchard. This place is right in every way. ana pncea to sell. Owner. W. H. Cleveland. Phone Gresham 471. FOR sale by owner, widow. 80 acres good land, or acres in cultivation, good family orcnara. some gooa timber, crop all in, stock, crop, equipment, 3 miles from town, very best location. Address R.- r . J-. 1, uox du. Airs. Anna Cameron, Oakland, or. FOR SALE or trade, 'A section Al whea land in soutnm-n a inert a. Canada. X2, per acre, Phoue Tabor 54.&S, aoj 7. 33d. HEAL ESTATK. For Sale 27 ACRES. 23 In cultivation, bal ance pasture, finest of soil, good house and lawn, good barn, large chicken house, plenty of fruit, good location, mail and milk route, graveled road, 3 y miies from paved highway, hh miles from Hillsboro, 10 miles from Portland; 3 cows. 1 heifer. 1 calf, hogs, 70 chickens, wagon, hack and buggy, fanning mill, feed' cutter and lots of small tools; part In clover, balance now being seeded to grain; immediate possession. We believe this Is one of the best buys in Washington county ; terms can be arranged, price jSOOO. 80 acres dairy or truck" ranch, 40 or 45 acres in cultivation, balance in timber, fair house and barn and other outbuildings, graveled road, 4 miles from paved highway, milk, mail and grocery route and telephone; 9 head of cattle, team and bogs; chickens and full farm equip ment; 1 acre of loganberries, several acres of beaverdara soil; timber will more than pay for getting balance of place in cul tivation; possession at once; terms; price $17,000. WASHINGTON COUNTY REALTY COMPANY. Hillsboro. Oregon. FINE WHEAT LAND. 2000 acres in (J 1 Ilium county, fdur miles from railroad; 800 acres now in cultiva tion, all has been; good house, barn, granary, etc., good water system, im provement worth $6000. Price $45 per acre, with present crop included. Thia is a fine buy. 040-acre stock and wheat ranch near Baker, 205 acres in fall wheat on sum mer fallow, 100 acres of bottom land can be put to alfalfa and cut 300 tons; good buildings; all fenced and cross fenced; close to school. Price $48 per acre. Will consider clear income property for about half in exchange. 100 acres irrigated land near Baker, 120 in cultivation; good black soil, bal ance bottom pasture, level and adjoining good farms ; deeded water rights paid for; fair improvements ; good dairy ranch. Price $60 per acre; small cash payment and terms. 260 acres, 80 in cultivation, 80 stump pasture, 101 acres fir timber, good soil, most fenced, good springs, water piped to house, average farm buildings, smalt orrha.rd and berries. Price 4u per acre. 171 acres, Palouse wheat ranch, two miles from Lacrosse, Wash.; fair build ings and improvements, only $75 per acre; will consider small bungalow or hnu.se in cood district as part payment. Farms, large and small, in Oregon and Washington at reasonable prices and terms. DONALD MACLEOD, 1002 Spalding bldg. WELL-IMPROVED, FULLY EQUIPPED 130 ACRES. 130 acres in Marion county, south of Salem; every foot in high state cultivation, perfect lyinff land, dark rich soil, no white land, all fenced woven wire, good t room plastered house, hot and cold water, large hay and horse barn, cow barn, numerous outbuildings, 2 silos, every building in first class condition ; in fact, the farm is in Al shape every way; has been well and practically farmed by a good farmer, who is getting too old to run the place. Per sonal : Four horses, harness, 9 cows, bull, 3 brood sows, boar. 5 shoats, 200 hens, everything in ma chinery needed on a first-class farm, from hand cultivator to en silage cutter; price $17,500. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 43SL 1040-A. WHEAT ranch, hi mile to R. R. station, fair buildings. 000 under plow. rented for this year ; rental should pay over $6000 or $7000 this summer. Price $25 per a. No trade. Big valley farm, over 500 acres on auto road, close to large town; over 40O in crop; owner receives hi of crop; should pay him at least $10,000 this summer. Price $54,000. Consider good Portland property in exchange. 2550 a. stock ranch. Wheeler Co. ; close to town; 40 under 'irrigation, 200 more just being put under ditch; good buildings, orchard, 80 to 00 cattle, some horses and machinery. Price $55,000. Consider valley place to $40,000 or $45. 000. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. EXCEPTIONAL GOOD 780o7aCRE DEED ED AND LEASED STOCK RANCH, 100 ACRES IN ALFALFA. 550 EWES AND LAMBS, ALSO EQUIPMENT, $40,000. Free water right for the alfalfa, cut about GOO tons a year; complete equip ment for running the ranch; good 7-room furnished house, barn, other outbuild ings. Located about 125 miles east of Portland in eastern Oreeon on a bits river; controls the water frontage for miles on this river. Elevation only 800 feet. Ranch will run 2 or 3 bands of sheep. Deeded land fenced with woven wire. v REASONABLE TERMS.. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. UP-TO-DATE SMALL FARM. 17 acres in high state of cultiva tion, 5 acres bearing prunes, also Royal Anne cherries, pears, apples, grapes, lo ganberries, strawberries and raspberries; good 6-room plastered house, good barn, 3 chicken houses with runs, woodshed, feed cooker, silo, and the best of water; almost the whole tract already in crop, seeded to oats, vetch, rye. early potatoes and garden truck; team of horses, 1 cow, 1 calf, 2 doz. chickens, variety of im plements and tools. Located on two good roads, 7 miles from Vancouver and three-fourth miles from electric station. Price $6500; terms. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Land Co.. 035 N. W. Bank bldg. ON THE COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 53 acres, 33 miles from Portland, between Portland and Seaside. Just out side small town, very close to R. R. Btation, school and stores. 40 acres in cultivation, the rest pasture; lk acres seeded to clover; 20 to grain; 2 acres of orchard, 2 streams of running water, large grove of fir trees by house. Good house, barn and other buildings; good well. Place is well fenced. This is an ideal place for a home and is a money maker. Owner forced to sell on account of health. Write for more detailed de scription. A. J. Keelan, Deer Island, Or. 1276 ACRES, en Shutler flats, Gilliam county, 4 miies irom eievator, i miles south of Arlington ; 1100 acres under plow, 400 acres now in crop ; 45 h.-p. Holt caterpillar engine and full equip ment; 5-room house, barn, all fenced ; farming all done by machinery. Price $40 per acre. Place now pays 7 per cent asked in rent. This is your last chance on the flats at this figure. HESGARD, COE A. McKENNA A CO., 82 Fourth St. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to see me before buying. I can save you money. I have some 500 fine farms; my years oi experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to me, A. O. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-7 Board of Trade Building. IN LINN COUNTY. 80 acres, near Lyons, in Linn county; fine soil, very little rock; 50 acres in cultivation and seeded; fine large barn, poor house, good old orchard; stocked and equipped; on main road near sta tion; neighbors, school, telephone; an ideal dairy farm; price $8400; half cash. Mariels A Williams, S20 Chamber of Commerce. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS. 70 acres near McMin-nville. toheridan highway; practically all in cultivation and nearly all in crop; underpriced for quick sale; terms on part. Improved 28 acres, fine soil, creek, timber for several years' wood, good buildings; on main Hillsboro road, mile of Newberg; $3O0O cash, terms oa bai.. $4500. Priced low for quick sale. Ad dress owner. Box 62, McMinnville. Or 98 ACRES 70 acres in cultivation, large dairy barn, 2 silos, good 7-room house; also a 5-room house; mostly all seeded: 1 mile from United Railway; close to church ana scnooi, i& in lies to Portland; well drained, very best soil in Washing ton county, on i-iperty roaa. so per acre. -wiixi terms, ror iurmer informa tion call at lbO .North 21st St.. or at Terminal Garage, southeast corner Fifth and ioyt sts., city. WHY BOTHER TO HOMESTEAD when you can get 120 acres at $10 per acre in southern Oregon and nice town? A little cleared, some improvements, good well, tools, etc Call Tabor 8721, or ad dress JJ 4Ji, uregonian. $4000 160 ACRES $4000. 20 minutes' drive from Bend, Or., on main county road; fenced and partly cleared; watered by irrigation canal: $1000 cash and balance 6 per cent, or will traae ior sometmng near Portland. John Li wucox, 414 Pittock block. 10 ACRES Near Hillsboro; good .house. outnuiiainga, orcnara, d ernes. grain stijuu; on nignway ; electricity, gas, water. Main 3672. McFarland, 208 Falling biog. DAIRY RANCH. .2 miles from Spring- iiei3. kjt.i o acres; frooa iarn, sno and bungalow. Write for price, terms a&d description, av usi, ureuuiaOt REAL ESTATE For Sale Farms. CLARKE COUNTY FARM BARGAINS NEAR VANCOUVER. 20 acres, very flne level land, all fenced and cress-fenced ; 1 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and easily cleared; good assorted bear- ' ing orchard, good o-room house, good barn, hoghouse, chicken house, garage, 3 good wells; ad joins school, only 2 h miles from flne town on good road, with cream routes, R. F. D.. telephone, etc A snap at $2700. Good terms. 40 ACRES. Exceptionaly tine soil, all level, -all fenced and cross-fenced ; 15 acres in cultivation and balance practically cleared; 84 assorted fruit trees, fair house, good barn 10x30, with sheds, chicken house, silo, hoghouse, well and out buildings; 3 horses, chickens, heifer, tools, machinery . and household furniture; on main road, near school and good town. Price $54uO. $2000 cash. 40 ACRES. Excellent deep clay loam land, all well fenced and cross-fenced ; between 25 and 30 a ore in high state of cultivation and mostly in crop; about 5 acres in fine green timber, balance seeded to pasture; fine assorted bearing orchard and berries; dandy almost new plas tered bungalow, also a good 3-room house, good barn, hoghouse, 3 modern chicken houses, tine well and all outbuildings; 4 fine dairy cows, 1 heifer, 1 calf, li hogs, flne team, 2 wagons, harness, loo hens, buggy, stump-puller, disc, spike and spring-tooth harrows, cream separator, incubator, cultivator, plow and hundreds of small tools,' rugs, curtains, range, heater, din ing, living and bedroom furniture complete. This place is located on main road, mile from good, small town 10 miles from Vancou ver and Is one of the best buys on the market. Price $uoOO, good terms. 60 ACRES. All level, finest of soil, fenced and cross-fenced ; 40 acres in cul tivation, balance pasture and easily cleared; good assorted or chard and berries, good 7-room house, good barn 00x64, hog house. chicken house, straw barn, silo, well and running stream. The personal property consists of the following: 4 tine dairy cows, 2 heifers, 1 mule, cream- separa tor, mower, wagon, disc, plow, harrow, hack and all kinds gf other tools and machinery neces sarv to run the place. Located 1 mile from a tine small town on main road. Price, if sold at once, only $7500; good terms. 09 ACRES. All very fine land, all level, fenced and cross-fenced, assorted orchard; 40 acres in cultivation, balance excellent timber, which alone Is worth the price asked for the entire place. Fine 0-roora bouse, excellent barn 50x72. dairy honse, chicken house, hoghouse, well, etc. Located 12 miles from Vancouver, near small town. This place is at least $rOtrf under value. Price only $10,000; good terms. BEST PRUNE ORCHARD. 60 acres fine level land, all in bearing prune orchard in excel lent condition; large 3u-ton capac ity dryer which would cost $25,ox)0 to build, warehouse 50x50, 2 bunk houses, good well and outbuild ings, tractor, spray outfit, plows, harrows, discs, etc. Located only 6 miles from Vancouver, near R. R. station. This is one of the best orchards in Clarke county and a big bargain at $47,000. Good terms. We have hundreds of other bargains eoually as good as the above places. It will pay you to see our list before buying. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO.. 410 WASHINGTON ST.. VANCOUVER, WASH. HIGHLY IMPROVED PLACE. NEAR TIGARD.' Immediate possession. This is probably the best improved place near Portland, but the price for immediate sale is made so low the fine home and improvements are almost given away with the land. There are about 30 acres all in high state of cultivation, srently sloping to drain well, and can be worked any time ; exceptionally fine soil; big spring, giving an in exhaustible water supply; gas en gine pumps the water to the house and barn. Fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire fences; good fam ily orchard. Dutch colonial home of 8 rooms and attic, built 5 years axo at a cost of $6500: plastered and every room papered; fireplace: big liv ing room, 2 lavatories, laree bath: built-in work, white enameled: an elegant home in every respect : niceiy landscaped with flowers and shrubbery; view of the snow moun tains and Portland: on fine rocked road' near the paved high way. Close enouKh for a business man and will make big money in loganberries or anything desired. The cost of the land and Im provements stand the owner about $20,000, but as he is not living on the place and for business reasons, to raise money, sacrifices for $13,000. It will stand the most careful investigation and it will pay you to look it over before de ciding on anything else. KASER & RA1NEY. 823-6 Gasco Bldg. Main 7603. 20 ACRES Four miles from Yam hill, all in cultivation, all fenced and cross-fenced woven wire; 5 acres 4-year-old prunes; 5-room plastered bunalow, large new barn, fine well with force pump and gasoline engine, fine deep soil and Weal place for orchard or berries, 2 horses, 3 work harness, buggy and harness, 3 cows, 1 calf, 25 chickens, 4 turkeys, cream sep arator, new range and good fur niture; all goes for $5000; half cash. 70 acres. 8 miles out, 25 acres plow land, 35 pasture, easily cleared, all lies good for farming; 15 acres timber, deep soil, fine fruit land, fine gravity water, hot and cold, in house; price $6000; $3500 cash, balance time. 69 acres, ft miles from town; 6 acres 4-year-old, 6 acres 2-year-old prunes, 1- acre family orchard, 26 acres farm land, balance pas ture, new house and barn; price $7500; cash $3362, balance can stand for 6 years. E. F. MAGOON, Yamhill, Or. 40 ACRES 12 GOOD COWS $6200. Best buy in a 40 acres you could find anywhere; 35 miles Portland, 2 miles county seat, one-fourth mile school, on eood graveled xroad; 40 a., 28 a, in crop, bal ance pasture, very easy to cl ear ; good springs in pasture; 100 Roy al Anne cherries, one-half acre strawberries; also an assorted orchard ; 6-room house, cow barn, horse barn, wagon shed, chicken house, milk house, storeroom, stock shed,- wood shed. Personal: 12 good cows bull, heifer, team. . 1 mule, 2 hogs, 40 chickens. 2 wagons, 1 buggy, 1 harrow, disc, mower, cultivator, root cutter, cream separator, hay rake, plows, harness, t tons hay, straw, small tools; $6200 takes everything. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 438L 40-ACRE WELL-IMPROVED RANCH, 17 JU.lL.rJS F W M f UKTLA.MJ, JiN PACIFIC HIGHWAY. Only 2 miles from a live town of 450O population. You could not put the build ines on for $7000. Good 6-room house, hot and cold water, bath and built conveniences; big red barn, silo, granary, big chicken house, brooder house, 2 in cubators, hog house, good water, 27 acres in cultivation, splendid soil, ties good; some pasture, about 4 acres in fine timber, good family orchard, berries, fall grain, balance ready for spring crops, good garden ; personal property lawn mower, wagon, hack, mower, rake, plows, harrow, cultivator, interest in silo cut ter and disc, lot of small tools. Price for all $12,500. Might take Portland house up to $4000 or $5000. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 40-ACRE farm, 30 acres in cultivation: family orchard, running water in house, barn and garden : good ch Icken houses : well fenced; $4500. East 178. 105 E. 11th. STOCK or dairy ranch for sale, 1090 acres, 4 miles from ocean, $32.50 per acre, with Hereford cattle, sheep, horses and hogs. Owner' O. Dowell, Florence. Or. DELICIOUS apple orchard, close In; big profits; easy, lernia, HJ 3u0 Oregunian. REAL. ESTATE. For Bale TEN-ACRE PRUNE AND CHERRY ORCHARD. All tillable, no rock; 7 acres prunes, 3 acres cherries, in full bearing; 5-room bungalow, with water and bath; good barn and other buildings: three-fourths mile to electric station and town, one fourth mile to school; thia orchard pays; price $4750; will take good trade. No. 221-5. FIRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM. Near Forest Grove; 60 acres, with 40 acres cultivated and in crop, balance pasture; 8-room dwelling, 2 acres family orchard, on county road ; good neighbors; near school; 8 milk cows, several head of young stock, team, wagen and harness, other farm imple ments; owner is old and wants a small home as first payment on this money-making farm. No. 60-12. FINE FARM of 46 acres, near Estacada, two miles from town; elegant 7-room house, with fireplace, hot and cold water, large barn and other buildings; bearing family orchard, best of loam soil, good road ; crop all in and looking good; stock and farm tools go with place; price $7000; terms, or will take good trade. Owner above also has 35 acres cultivated and in crop adjoining to sell or trade at $125 per acre. No. 250-8. TEN ACRES adjoining the town of Mount Angel, all good cul tivable lanft: 6-room house and other buildings; price $5000; terms, or trade for income prop erty. No. 246-8. 1 00-ACRE STOCK RANCH. 5 miles from Washougal, Wash. ; 15 acres cultivated, orchard, springs; 5-room house and other buildings; farm tools and 300 chickens; price $52T0; terms, or will trade for small farm near railroad. No. 208-8. 10-ACRE BEARING ORCHARD, adjoining Cottage Grove; trees In good condition, full bearing; fine modern 8-room bungalow, garage, barn and outbuilding ; this is a modern home adjoining the city ; will trade even for Portland home valued about $650O. No. 112-8. 80 ACRES. near station: all good loam soli; 60 acres culti vated ; small house, large barn and outbuildings; only one-half mile from city; price $125 per acre, or will trade for small well improved farm as part payment. No. 148-12. RALPH ACKLEY, 527 .Corbett Bldg. FINE 40-ACRE FARM NEAR VANCOUVER. 20 acres well cleared and In crop; balance in good seeded pas ture ; only hi mile from Pacillc highway on county road; mile to school, Vz mile to store, 3 miles from Vancouver; well-built 7-room house, good frame barn, 2 silos, poultry and hoghouses. fine well with gasoline pump, flne young or chard, apples, cherries, walnuts and other family varieties in full bearing, also 3M acres young prune orchard, also all kinds of berries and small fruits; very be.st of soil; $10,000, reasonable terms, or will divide. CHOICE SUBURBAN 10 ACRES VANCOUVER. Inside city Urn 1 Us, f rontng on paved highway, all well fenced and in hiph state of cultivation, 4 acres of prunes in bearing and In good condition, good 7-room house with concrete basement, bat h, elec tric lights, cit'y water, large poul try house and barn ; very cheap at $7500; reasonable terms. This is one of the best places near Van couver and is a money-maker. ELWELL & WATTS, lOrt W. 5th St. Vancouver. Wash. IMPROVED FARM. A BARGAIN. 640-acre farm, with 200 acres in culti vation, balance brush and some fine timber; good pasture: this land has pro duced 40 to &0 bushels of wheat per acre ; fine big stream runs through the property; wonderful for farming on ac count of the rich deep soil, or is an ideal stock ranch. Located on good rock road close to the main highway and only 6 miles to good town and railroad, west of Corvallis; good 8-room house, sjood big barn, numerous outbuildings, eood faroily orchard. It is certainly a wonder ful buy at the price of only $45,000; , cash will handle. Owner too old to op erate only reason for selling. KASER- & RAINEY. 823-6 Gasco lildg. Main 7602. FARMS. 80 acres 27 cleared and seeded, bal ance pasture, all fenced, good barn, fair house, lots dry lumber for new houtte, living water, on milk route R. R. route, close school, good community and soil ; $43n0; down. 20 acres 0 cleared, balance easy clear ing, all fenced, good new house, 6 rooms, outbuildings, good orchard, berries, spring, best of soil, 4 mile Mount Hood loop; $2200, $1000 down. 10 acres 5 practically cleared, bal ance easy clearing, all fenced, good 4 room house, barn, orchard, well, 4 cows, separator, small tools, chickens, good road and soil; $130o, cash. Some nice bungalows on Sandy, 6 and 8-room, two and three lots to each one; $1500; lots of work; make fine place to live. Phone 67. Geo. Beers, Sandy, Or. 600-ACRE STOCK: RANCH $12,000. 100 miles south of Portland and Just one mile from high school; 607 acres, 40 acres good black soil in cultivation, balance mostly open pasture land; fenced into four pastures, with water In each : 6-room house, two barns and outbuildings, bearing peach orchard and assorted fruits; the price is only $12,000; $4000 cash, balance just as desired at 5 per cot Interest; suitable for dairy cattle or sheep. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. Gth st. Broadway 438L HOOD RIVER RANCH. 40 acres, 4 Mi miles from Hood River on macadam road, not far from Colum bia highway. Nearly new 8-room house, modern in all its appointments; stone basement, cement floor, large new barn and packing house. Water in all build ings; 8 acres commercial bearing apples, 10 acres pears, just coming into bearing; 15 acres of hay or strawberry land and 7 acres of timbered pasture; fine large creek and 20 inches deeded water rights. Span mules, one or two cows, chickens and all the equipment. Price $25,000. Terms. K. A. KNAPP, 212 Board of Trade. FOR SALE DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM of 171 acres, 105 acres tillable, balance pasture and timber, all level, 75 acres in growing crop, fair improvements, wa tered by two mountain streams and river and could be practically all irrigated, lo cated on one of the main highways of the state. Price Includes equipment and stuck, such as one 12-horsepower gas en gine, with double chop mill, 3 cows and 2 brood sows, also part Interest in grow ing crop. Total price $12,00. For full information, address Lane Thornton, Roseburg, Oregon. 476 ACRES, miles from Xewberg. Oregon, near Pacific highway. 150 acres under cultivation. 100 acres pasture, bal ance timbered pasture; 12,000 cords good wood, sells for $4.50 per cord on farm, and a large amount of cedar; 120 acres now In growing crops, and a good ten room house, large stock barn. 100-ton biio, granary, cnicKen nouse and hog pens. No better soil in the state. On milk route. For prices and terms see, F. A. KNAPP, 212 Board of Trade bldg. EXCELLENT 14-A. FARM BARGAIN". 12 acres under-plow, 10 acres seeded; plenty wood; 3 miles of Oregon City; email house, barn, orchard and creek ; 4 cows, horse, buggy. 50 chickens, new separator, few implements. $3O00. $2100 casn. naiance o years. uwncr, F. BOMBARD, 600 Duane St., Oregon City. Phone 158 R. ST N acres, seven miles from Vancouver. Vz mile north Orchards station; paved road, scnooi across roaa; -room nouse, good barn. 2 acres In fruit and berries. balance in crop; omih, nair casn ; 2o acres adjoining can be rented. Mrs. A. Robinson. Vancouver, wasn. rt. . A GREAT bargain. 3S5-acre dairy and stock ranch with good outside range. One mile from S. P. depot, at $150 per acre. leroifl easy. j. wroucn, can ary. Or. REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS MAN'S SUBURBAN HOME. 14 acres, most all in cultivation. Columbia river soil. 6 acres of full bearing Italian prunes. 2 acres of assorted orchard in full bearing, 7 room modem house, private water system, good barn, garage, chlrken house and park; only H mile from good town, on paved North Bank highway. Price $10,500; half cash. BEAUTIFUL COLUMBIA VIEW PRUNE ORCHARD? 30 acres, rich black oam soil, no rock or gravel, about 22 acres In cultivation, S acres of Italian prunes, most all in bearing, large family orchard of assorted fruit, shrubbery of all kinds, good 6 room house with basement, water pressure system, good barn, all necessary outbuildings, in center of one of Clarke county's best prune districts; most excellent view of Columbia river and surrounding country. Price $S0OO; $4500 cash. Exceptionally good prospect for big prune crop this year. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres of rich loam soil, 30 acres in hlsch state of cultivation, balance slashed and seeded to pas ture, exceptionally well fenced, small creek through pasture, ex cellent orchard of assorted fruits In full bearing, small fruits and berries of all kinds. 4-room house, with front and rear porches, ex cellent watpr, good barn, fully equipped with hay fork, pulleys, etc., new machine shed, new hog house and lot, new chicken house and park, good cellar and dairy, extra fine span of young Percher on mares, weighing 1500 lbs. each, 4 dairy cows, full blood chickens, new manure spreader, new disc drill, plow, harrow, disc, mower, rake. hack, new wagon, gpod st of harness, new Delaval separator, roller, market, grind stone and all small tools, including household furniture. Crops most alh planted; only 4Va miles from good town on Pacific highway, close to school, on good auto road. Price $6000; half cash- BEAUTIFUL MODERN FARM HOME. 52 acres of the very best loam soil. :5 acres in high Mate of cul tivation. 10 acres seeded to timothy and clover the very best stand, balance seeded to vetch and oats, all fenced and cross-fo-nved. mostly woven wire, 2 acres of orchard in full bearing, 7-room modem house, full set of white porcelain plumb ing, all built-in effects, excellent dairy barn, with all modern con veniences, new garage, with con crete floor, dairy, chicken house and park, hog houses, complete up-to-date water pressure system, water piped to all buildings, to gether with full set of farm im plements and cream separator, 1 fine cow and 4 heifers, farm is al most level, buildings have an east frontage with ornamental shade trees, in thickly settled and most prosperous farming community. 1 mile from small town and railroad station, 2 auto stage lines and freight truck lines by place. Only 9 miles from Vancouver. Price $12,500. $6500 cash. Road will be paved by place this year. MODERN DAIRY AND PRUNE FARM ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 15 acres of the very best Felida prune soil, 65 acres In high state of cultivation. fenced. cross-fenced, woven wire and steel gates, S acres of Italian prunes in full bearing, well fertilized, crop every year; 10O0 7 and S-font prune trees now set ; large prune dryer. fully equipped ; 2 acres of family orch ard, English walnuts. Royal Ann and Lambert cherries; good S-room house with fireplace, new dairy barn, fully equipped with all mod ern conveniences; new 85-ton silo, Kara pre, dairy. Implement sheds hos houses and lot; chicken houses and park, spring water piped to all buildings; i first-class dairy cows, some registered; 7 fino Jersey heif ers, 2 registered Jersey bulls, 4 good work horses, fine brood sow, registered Poland-China hoar, 5 shoats, 3 pigs, new Fordson trac tor, new auto truck, 2 mowers, binder, new ensilage cutter, blower and feeder, new potato digger, and planter. 3 wagons, sulky plow, 2 drag harrows, spring-tooth harrow, 2 discs, 2 sets of harness. 4 culti vators, 1 riding cultivator, new 4H horse dragsaw, fanning mill, spray pump, tedder, grain drill, stump puller, 3 54-gall on cas tanks, 25 cords of wood at dryer, grindstone and all small tools ; 75 tons of hay, 240 bushels oats, 100 sacks of potatoes. 10OO lbs. of oil meal, 1 tons of mill feed. 100 lbs. of select seed corn, 1 ton of seed oats, 50 gallons cylinder oil, 2 barrels spray, also telephone share. This farm is equipped to the last detail and is only 8 miles from Vancouver on a paved high way and will have to be sen to appreciate its value. Price $3S,000. $20,000. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE, Third and Main Streets, Vancouver. Wash. 143. ACRES. WELL IMPROVED, ONLY 15 MILKS FROM PORTLAND, TO BE SOLD TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. This place has never changed hands only from father to sons. There is CO acres under cultivation and all in crops, balance in pasture; good fences, mostly woven wire with barbed top; 2 sets of buildings, joining the main road, consisting of two 7-room houses, 2 large barna and outbuildings, 2 live creeks, one runs through the barn lot ; would make an Ideal dairy ranch ; good por tion of the land Is creek bottom ; with this goes 3 horses, 4 cows. 2 brood sows, 6 pigs, 125 chickens, all kinds of farm tools, machinery and implements; everything for $1 "0 per acre, half cash. There is no Indebtedness against this place. Purchaser can have Immediate possession. STEWART A BUCK. 315 Northwestern Hank Hldg. FOR SALE. 315 acres, about 80 cleared, 7 acres of young bearing prune orchard, fnmily or chard, fenced and cross fenced, fine creek through place, several springs, ." acres of first-class timber, over 100 acres of bottom land and in pasture; one barn 4 Ox SO. large hay shed, pit silo, water in house and barn, gravity system; 2 fine dwellings of 7 rooms each; this place about mile from store, church and school and paved road, several acres in winter wheat; this place is the best dairy farm in Clarke county and only 7 miles from Vancouver; price only $100 per acre; adjoining lands sold for $500 and up per acre; this ia a real money maker and must be seen to be appre ciated; terms can be had. See E. 11. Wright, sheriffs office, Vancouver, Wash. 800 ACRES of heavy black bottom land. nearly all unaer cultivation. cme 01 the finest grain farms in the Willam ette valley. Close to market. Good buildings and woven wire fences. Owner out of state. Price for quick sale, JS0 per acre, and if taken soon one-third of crop goes with the place. Easy terms. JEWELL-VAN ALSTINB CO. 606 Ry. Exch. Bldg. N Phone Mar. DO YOU WANT A WHEAT FARM IS EASTERN WASMl.UrU I We have four or five good wheat farms for sale that -Were taken in on mortgages by an eastern loan company and are Instructed to sell them at just what they have in them. Farma from 160 acres up to 12S0 acres each. These places at about two-third their real value, and if you want a bargain in wheat farms come in and see us. STEWART & BUCK, S15 Northwestern Bank Bldg. A MONET MAKER. 11 acres, 8 under cultivation, ly, acres bearing black and red caps, 1 acre cherries, apples, prunes etc.; 2 acres in hay balance beaverdam, ready for plant ing; running water; 6-room house, barn, garage, storehouse, etc.; all in good condition; cow. chickens, wagon and all farm implements included for fftooo. C. E. CRANFILL, 203H 1st at. Main 4203. WE have all kinds and sizes of farms and acreage and prices to satisfy buy ers; also some good trades. See us be fore buving. We can save you money. PEPER & RICHARDS. 608 Buchanan Bldg. 16- .CRE farm; 60 In cultivation, balance grass; every acre tillable; in one of the best farming sections in Montana: horses, implements ready to work, tor home In Portland up to $4000. Phone Main 5115. VERY choice 12 acres peas land ; high state of cultivation; good soil; five miles from Portland; good roads; J3O0 per acre Address Robert Gilbert. 641 E. 61st nt North, Portland, Or. Phone Tabor Bill. 38 K ACRES. 4oOO, near Beaverton, Wash. Co.. 7 a- cultivated. 18 a. brush, 14 a timber, nice soli and location ; no buildings. Owner F. Emley, Belle Plaine, Kan. 04a ACRES cultivated farm land located in Sutherltn valley, acquired under fore closure of mortgage, tor sale cheap. A. C. Bohrnsted, 401 Masonic temple, Sa lem. Or. FREE FARM LISTS, San Joaquin valley farms. Paul Rosster, Stockton. Cal. 66O-ACRE stock ranch, can Irrigate 0 acres ome trade; $1000,. Tabor 6337. REAL ESTATE. GOOD FARM FOR LITTLE MONEY. 72 acres. 25 acres in cultivation. 65 acres eood pasture, good land when cleared, 3 fine springs, run ning water, orchard of assorted fruit, lots of small 0"uit. house, G rooms; barn Pl(x72 nearly new, H mile from school. 6 miles from R. R. town, on pood county road; 2 irood cows, 3 heifers 2 years old; 6 yearltnes. 2 brood sows. 10 sheep, 15 chickens and all farm tools for $t000. Terms can be ar ranged. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 78 acres. 5 acres in hiKh state of cultivation, 13 acres pasture, all extra good land, no rock or gravel, good road, fair buildings, fenced and cross fenced. i mile from, school. H miles from town. 11 good cows, 4 horses, 2 brood sows, chick ens and all farm tools and ma chinery. $11,000; half cash: micnt consider dwelling to value of $3000 as part payment. WTLL TAKE SOME TRADE. 100 acres in the best prune dis trict in northwest. 3" acres in cul tivation, larse new barn, fair house and other huildinirs; exlr fine water, orchard, fenced and cross-fenced, on main county road. U mile from pavement ; 8 good cows, 5 heifers, 1 team extra good, chickens and all farm tools and marhinerv; $l."..0O0, only $..00 cash, balance long time at Oo. Tf vou are a stranger look us up. We will take care of your wants and see that you are located right. ATKINSON & PORTER. 112 WEST 6TH ST. VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON. THIS IS A OKNUINK "AlKiA ...77 A SHORT WAY KKU.m uv.pr. HH'.HW'AY. 75 acres of excellent land; 45 acres In high state of cultivation; most all in crop: what isnt in i-ri w " VZ and readv to seed; 12 ams more very easv to clear: balance in pasture and first-growth fir timber; never failing spring and creek on the place; 5 acrrs in orchard. 1 acre of which is prunes: atl kinds of berries for family us. room house and a good larg bar" garape nnd plenty of outbuildings; close to school and on the county road. This Is an exceedingly good buy and will sell to the first party who looks at it. ST E WART & Bt'CK . 315 Northwestern Hank Bldg. HALT! LOOK! 40 ACRES Convenient to Portland, or good road to be h:trd-surfaced; close to school, church, store, commur.it hall, rural route, telephone, etc. All free loam soil especially adapted to clover grams potatoes, berries, fruits, etc "cr'a cultivate.!. Acre bf-aring orchard, good buildings. consisting of fi-room frame house, double wall fruit and vcrp. wnnri house, steel windmill and tower, elevated tank. chu-Ken h"use. also extra Rood large red burn well ar ranged with stalls, cow stanchions, calt pens, grain rooms. i;tr ..' , ' barn well worth $22.".. .Might take $...Ot bungalow. Terms. An exceptional bar pain, as non-resident owner says sacri fice to $75011. Tr OTIS C. BECK. o2. Henry B'dg. 4 A-RKS ON THE X K ltr.ui. n.vm ' wY STOCKED AND KQUIPPKD. This is positively one of the best buys close to Portland; all under cultivation - but one acre; most all in crop; pood 6-room house; larp- extra well finished burn: plentv of outbuildings, all in Rood condition and painted; watered by well and sprinp; with this poes a pood cow. im rf horses, harness and wagon. brood sow and 7 pigs. hens, some implements and tools; also furniture in tv. h,i which is moderately fur nished; everything for ? 10.500. Might consider a bungalow in Portland to $3'00 and $1000 cash ; balance can run a long time at per cent if desired. Will be pleased to show this any time. PTE VV A KT Ai 11 ' Sl. Northwestern Hank Bldg. 160-ACRE RANCH. 00 ACRES TN AL FALKA, ALL VNDER IRRIGATION. $i4 AN ACRE i so, r rp under cultivation and irrl g:tlon from state of Oregon Tumalo nroiect. Located on good ro;id. between Redmond and Bend. Ditches all sur veyed by competent enrinetr: farm all f.riff-d and cross fenced : fine concrete cistern nt house ; large pool for water in amnic 4-noin house, barn. garae other outbldga. Bus service for taking children to and from school. Might ex change for Portland residence up to $.no0, some cash ; good terms on nal ance at per cent. See SAM 1 1 K W E at J. L. HARTMAN CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE T . 1 . ST OP K ED FARM NEAR BATTLEGROUND. WASH. 70 acres ; 40 under cultivation and in crop. 3 acres in diversified orchard, all w(n.l nf harries, trout stream through bnrnvard ; S-room house, barn, all kinds of outbuildings; 5 good cows. 5 yearling heifers. 2 calves. 4 horses. 2 brood sows. shoats. 6 standss of bees. 35 hens and a lot of chicks. 2 sets of har ness, wagon, hack, top buggy, all kinds of machinery and tools: everything for $S500; $."ooo cash; country road by place; mail and cream route: good rar.go and some furniture if taken at once. STEWART & BT'CK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IRRIGATED FARMS In dry. sunny, healthy climate in Deschutes valley ; rated as the finest potato laud in Ore gon ; SO seres. 22 in a 1 fa If a ; paid up water right forever. The best of im provements; plastered house. Price is $4000. An absolute bargain. Possession at once. Also 100 acres, 30 in finest of alfalfa, fully equipped ; a Iso cattle and horses wilh this place. Owner too old to farm. Price SH00O; will take in small place near Portland or a residence up to $4uoO. personally inspected. MrClure & Schmauch Co.. 30t Railway Kchange Bldg. Main 153. FIRST-CLAPS 73-ACRE FARM ON GOOD ROAD. No better soil in the Willamette val ley ; lies pretty and has creek on ono line and timber enough for fuel ; house is ordinary 5 rooms, fine bam. built 4 years ago; there is about 3 acres assorted orchard bearing ; team, 5 cows, heifers. 3 fine sows, mower, rake, plows, wagon, etc., all included with possession; $12.5O0; $4Ou0 cash and bal ance to suit at O per cent. 1 nis is only 15 miles from Portland; good road, mail and daily milk routes. D. Mc ('hosney, 304 - Oak st. Broadway 2G6. BARGAIN AT DUNDEE. 140 acres, one-half mtl from Dun dee; 100 acres level, 40 acres under cul tivation. 10 acres covered with fino tim ber, fire and hardwood; cordwood will pay for place; Willamette river one boundary line, faces on rock road ; no finer farm land anywhere than this when cleared; price for land and tim ber; only l2.o0o; terms ?630O cash, balance to suit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, f 13 Chamber of Commerce. IOO-ACRE FA KM. ' HIGHLY IMPROVED. EQUIPMENT AND CHOPS. This choice farm is located just a con venient drive from the city on Pacific highway, also on S. P. Ry. P0 acres in crop. Buildings equipped with electric lights and modern plumbing. Rich, level land. Excellent for lo nan berries. For complete details see A. K. Hiil, exclusive agent. 215 Lumber mens bldg. LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE SERVICE. 31 ACRES OF DIKE LAND, CLOSE TO KELSO. WASH. You can live in Kelso and farm thia All but 3 acres under cultivation and in crop. If you are looking for some thing good you cannot buy a better piece of land than this is; $0000 in cluding the crop; $2000 cash will han dle. STEWART & BITCH. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. " POR T L AN D S ALE M R O A D. 30 ACRES ALL CULTIVATED. Fine location facing this main high way; good 6-room house, barn and out buildings, ramuy orcnara ana 1000 strawberry plants set out; with this place is included a good young team, 2 cows, ' sow, chickens, tools, all the crops and possession at once. If you want a fine little home this will please you; $6S50. D. McCheaney, 304 Oak st. Broadway 260. WHAT DO YOU THINK OP THIS? 240 ACRES FOR J4S00. All good wheat land; lies nice: in Walla Walla county, Washington ; land near this selling for $30 to $50 per acre; this was tal'en in on a mortgage by an eastern firm and all they want Is their money, interest and expenses back, hence this price. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BY OWNER 80 acres, 20 cleared, all fenced, house, barn, orchard on place; IV. miles from Columbia and station, 35 miles from Portland; cheap for quick sale. 1302 Willamette blvd. Wood lawn 106. A BEAUTIFUL farm. 40 acres, best part Tiood River; Al spring, free water, good bulldinss. home orchard, creek stocked with trout. Trade for home in city or sell at once. Res. 730 Vnnderbilt. Phone Broadway 151i. J. II. Jeppesen. 33 H ACRES EAGLE CREEK. All fenced; 15 acres in cult.. 5-room house, good barn and spring water; price UENRY W. GODDAKX), 4 Stark St, REAL ESTATE. For eaie Farms. SALEM, THE BLOSSOM CTTT AND FARMING CENTER OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 2S-ACRE FRUIT FARM. About 16 acres prunes, 3 acres cherries and few apples; all in full bearing, 2 acres being set to lo gans; located in our fine fruit section on good road and not far from pavement; about l mile to street car; 10-room house with bath and toilet; good barn, prune dryer, 2 chicken houses. A fine, paying place. Price $15,000; half cash. 30 ACRES GRAIN AND CLOVER. Located on gravel road 5 miles from state house. Practically all In fine crop; fine wire fences; good barn 40x30 with shed, check en house, etc. ; 6-room house ; all crops and telephone go with place at $.00: J20OO cash will handle. A fin, buy. 86-ACRE DZJrf" EQUIPPED. All good land and 80 in cul tivation ; balance pasture. Nearly 50 acres in fine vetch hay and other crops ; balance is ready for corn. Good 9-room house and barn 40x00; 2 silos and lots of outbuildings; steam bottle-washing plant, etc. ; 13 good Jerseys, 5 horses, brood sow, several shoats. cream separator; all kinds of farm implements and the crops; every thing goes with the place for $17,500. Dairy adjoins limits oT good little city not far from Sa lem. Income for March was more than $511. Raise nearly all of own feed. GRAIN OR DAIRY FARM. 135 acres of fine grain land with 105 acres in cultivation and nearly all fine grain and clover. Is lo cated on main highway now being paved and is only about 7 miles from Saicm and I mile from sta tion. 2 acres river bottom land in cultivation. We can get you this place for $19,000 and include 4 good cows, 2 horses, 30 chickent. farm Implements, feed, and all cropt Neat 5-room house and barn 40x50. Writ e us for com plot e desori p -tions of these lands and others near Salem. You will like our city and surroundins country. KINNEY & SMITH. 201 Bank of Commerce Bid?., Box 204, alcm. Or. Phono 1130. ATTRACTIVE STrBI'RBAX HOSTS. NEAR PORTLAND. 25 acres of the finest land In Multnomah county, finely located, near- the pavement on west side of Ciresham. 2 blocks to car; every acre in tine state of cultivation, lots of good fruit; 5 aires set to raspberries. 12 acres In wheat, bal ance in clover and potatoes; tbero is a modem 7-room, bouse on the place worth iO'HH. -with full con crete basement, stationary laun dry trays, full set of plumbing. Portland gns, private water svs tem. garage, large barn and other good buildings; the place is of fered at a bargain and must be seen to be appreciated ; price $13,000. KRIDER & ELKINGTOX, tiresham. Or. 200-ACRE HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM. WITH CROP AND EQUIPMENT. Beautifully located, near one of the best citiesv In the Willamette valley; splendid soil ; land Is level and prac tically all in crop and orchard; 100 acres of winter w heat, good condition, seeded with clover; 2o acres In barley. 15 acres in oats, 35 acres in clover, none better in the state; 10 acres in hearing prunes, 15 acres In bearing cherry orchard. besides a splendid family orchard ; fine modern residence. 10 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, bath, water pressure system, good barn, ma chine shed, chicken houses, other out buildings of all kinds; complete set of farm implements, practically all new cost over $5uoO; stream of water through the place and can irrigate if desired ; located on paved highway prospect for MO or sio.ooo crop this year. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 0 ACRES 1 mile from Estacada. on the main highway to Portland. This high way Is to be hard-surfaced this summer; 8 acres in clover at the rear of t.ie plnce; 6 acres cleared at the house; part of the land Is logged off, in second growth timber; the ground lies in two benches and level in each bench; about 20 feot difference in elevation of the ground: this is the on!v portion you will find rocky; has a small family or chard, small bam and milkhouse; the house has nine rooms, all plastered and in first-class condition; a good well at the back door. You will find thia to make an ideal home, lying so close to Estacada and also only a quarter of a mile from the station of Morrow. The improvements could not be placed for the money asked if the land was given you. Price JitiooO. half cash. CAR Y REAL ESTATE CO.. Estacada, Or. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 41 acres, located half mile from good town and Columbia highway, on a planked road ; 26 acres can be culti vated; 13 acres under cultivation. 12 acres pasture that is very easily cleared: large family orchard and all kinds of berries: good 8-room house with com plete plumbing, water piped to all the buildings from large spring; best of wire fencing; crops in and go with place; double garage. large barn, chicken house, wood shed; with the place goes good team, cow, heifer. 25 chickens, farm ing implements, tools and household furniture; price $0iO. S20OO cash. Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger bldg. 255 ACRES. EUGENE, OR. Nearly a?l under a high state of cultivation; rich black loam; im proved with 0-room house, barn 5ox50, 2 large stock sheds, large granary and other outbuildings. 2 wells, .creek through the place; fenced with woven wire; located on good gravel road; price $20, VMiO; $5oy0 will handle this, bal ance at 6 per cent. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 203 First Nat'l. Bank Bidg. Albany. Or. 53 ACRES, located on the main road that Is being paved between Wood burn and Newberg, 3 miles from Woodhurn; all can be cultivated; 8 acres under culti vation. 30 acres pasture and the bal ance in timber; spring and creek on place. Good fencing. 3 acres orchard, bearing: 4-room house, barn 30x40, other buildings; cream and mail route; with the place goes team. 3 heifers, 1 brood sow, 9 pigs. 20O chickens. 15 stand of bees, plow, harrow, cultivator, new drag saw and other implements; will con sider cottage or bungalow in Portland up to $4000 and some cash. Persnnailv inspected. Anderson, with JOHN FER GUSON, Gerlinger bldg. 33i ACRES, 13 miles from Oregon Cit.v carline, with 18 acres in cultivation, 2 acres more cleared and ready to piow. some very fine timber, 12 acres seeded to grain. 1 Mi acres in family orchard. 1 acre in small fruit and grapes. 1 acre In strawberries. 3 fine springs, 4-room box house. 2 fine barns, blacksmith ehop. fruit cellar and large chicken houe. ex tra fine team of horses. 4 cows, l calf, " chickens and new farm wagon, buggy, harness and a long line of farm Imple ments. 2 new incubators, 2 brooders, wonderful view of the surrounding coun try. Owner is asking only $6000 and 52500 will handle, with your own terms on the balance. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com. A REAL FARM. 160 acres, adjoining the Willamette river, mostly fine bottom land and all in cultivation but about 20 acres, which has good timber and fine pasture; strict lv modern, up-to-date house, electre lights, hot and cold water, two toilets, bath, furnace and a full basement; good barn, electric-lighted; up-to-date garage, machine shed, workshop and hog houses are good, aUo very good old house on place for hired help. If you want one of the finest farms in the state thi Is it. and only about one hour's drive from Portland on paved road; Price $45,000; Is worth more. Address owner. Y 231, Oregon ian. FIVE ACRES OF PRUXE3. 20 acres, all under cultivation. 1 oreted near Homan station. Clarke ceranty. Washington: about 7 miles from Van couver; good drilled well, with steel casing; fine graveled road, close to electric line and paved road ; 7-room hout-e. barn, granary, chicken house; be sides the 5 acres of bearing prune or chard, there is a large family orchard : half mile to school; price $3700. $1200 cash. Happy, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. fcPl.ENDID dairy farm. 14 miles from city limits. 155 acres, good buildinfis and wa ter. Tabor bU44