APRIL 23, 1020 KEAL ESTATE. "REAL ESTATK. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL KSTATR. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale For Sal T"a rnos. For SaJe Karma. For Sale For Mle For iSalr Farms. THE SUNDAY OREGON IAN, PORTLAM), BENTON COUNTY. HEART OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. ICO Acres lylne one mile of em1 town and railroad station. 50 acres in crop of which there is 15 acrei ood river bottom land. 40 acres open pasture and bal ance timber. Watered by Bmall river and several springs. AH fenced and cross fenced. a two good barns, no house, good family orchard. Price $30 oer acre. Including the crop. 65 Acres 24 miles from town on good road; 10u acres In cultiva tion, all In crop. 05 acres oak and fir timber, balance open pas ture. Good 8-room house. Rood barn 28x40, good silo and other out-bulldings: living water runs through place; all well fenced and cross fenced. All personal property goes with place. includ ing 4 head horses. 10 registered J ersev cows, registered Jersey bull. 2 Poland China sows. 1 Po land China boar. 10 shoata, 100 head goats and all farm tools and equipment. Price H4.0OO. and good terms can be bad. 49 Acres 2 miles from town, all In cultivation but about 4 acres. 3 acres bearing fruit. 10 or 12 acres river bottom land, balance ail good. Good 5-room house, large barn and other out-build-Inss. City water piped In and electric lights available. On main (Traveled macadam road. Price $o!00. Cood terms. 45 Acres mile from town: good grade and high school. AH in cultivation but about one acre. Good bearing orchard. All in crop now. Practically new 6 rootn bungalow. Water piped to house and chicken houses. Good large barn. 2 large chicken houses and big brooder house. Price li-UO. Good terms. CORVALLIS AND BENTON COUNTIBS offer opportunities that you should investigate. Mr WRITlfi FOR DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. BURNAP A BLAKELT. formerly J. W. Morgan & Co. CorvaaiB. Or. A SPTVENDTD KARM WITH IA1MED1ATE POSSESSION. 2T.0 acres; about HX acres under plow; SO acres in crop. oats, vetch, and wheat. Balance of; the place oak and fir timber, with some pood pasture lands. Place all fenced and crossfenced, fine large barn and large seven-room house, all equipped with electric lights and water, fine creek of running water on the place. New dairy house and other outbuildings. This place Is on a good gravel road, 3Vi miles from Corvallls. and In a splendid neighborhood. There are many hundreds of cords of wood, on the place easily ac cessible for marketing. Some tools and equipment, including the crop growing on the place, goes, all for OOO. Part cath, balance terms. We will take up to $12,000 in other good property if it is worth the money. Address MILLER & WALTER, Owner. CorvaJlia. Oregon. 1300-ACRE ESTATE.' Union county, valley land especially adapted to grain and hay or stock, close to a thriving town of luOO on O.-YV. R. c N. Ky. 350 acres alfalfa and grain rotating. fiiMt acres excellent wild hay land. 35o wild and tame hay mixed. 12U acres hillside for early pa.sture. Large portion under irrigation ditches, free water. Produces sufficient pasture and hay for 4(HI rattle or 1000 sheep. Splendid 8-room house with elec tricity. Bunk house, artesian water Good barns and outbuildings. Heirs anxious to sell and divide pro ceeds, hence the extreme low price of J75.OU0. Will consider Portland Income up to $ 30,000. For other particulars see or address O. B. RIPPEY, 828-1:0 Henry Bldg. Main 2534. 41 ACRES, over 500 acres plowed, 50 more can be; 2."." acres fall grain, will go over oO bu. : 2 good 6-room houses. 2 large barns, other buildings: hoy-tight fences, tine water, springs. 14,0ou-gallon concrete reservoir, ;;oou feet of 2-inch pipe; 6 big work horses. 20 Durham cat tie, 0 hogs. 15 tons hay. new Case trac tor, int. Holt combine, tractor plows, 2 Case walking plows, sulky plow, disc plow, 4-sec. harrow, new Hole drill, new M itcnell w agon, buggy, 4-horse engine, power feed mill, new power washing machine, power wood saw, several sets harness. 3 sadd les, new fanning mill, complete blacksmith's tools, chickens, 3!1S Kord and many other articles; ail for $37,000; $:ono will handle; 2 miles to siatlon. Other good buys, big or mall. Best section in northwest. SMITH & NELSON, Goidundalc, Wash. A 240-ACRE FARM ALL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 60 miles down the Columbia river on the Washington side: good soil, 50 acres rleared, balance In good pasture; 6-room house, barn and all outbuildings needed and all in good condition ; 12 cows, pnme hops, team, harness, wagon, buggy, binder, mower, rake, manure spreader, stationary engine, De Laval separator; in fact, everything; you need nd all In good shape, not a lot of old Junk. Thia place must be seen to be a it predated. Price $12,000; some terms. Photos in office. A real farm and a cood buy. STEWART & BUCK. 315. Northwestern Bank Bldg. 14ft-A ORIS RANCH WITH 6000 CORDS OH WOOD, NEAR ELECTRIC STATION 20 MILKS SOUTH OK PORTLAND JS000. More than half of this land Is fine for prunes, harries and wal nuts, w hen cleared. Good pasture, fenced, with wire; good tenm. See SAM H EWE V at J- L. HART MAN CO,. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg. NEAR FOREST GROVE. 3T acres, located 1W, miles from elec tric depot : 20 acres can be cultivated. acres under cultivation, 5 acres more being cleared, balance in pasture; smail orchard. 5-room house, barn 26x50; nice creek through place; 2 chicken houses: between 2500 and 3000 cords of wood on this place. Price $3200, with horse, harness, '2 cows, 1 heifer, 18 chickens and machinery; $2000 cash. Personal. y inspected. Marsters. with JOHN FER GUSON, Geriinger bldg. CO-ACRE prune orchard, all in the high est stat ot cultivation, trees 15 years old; largest prune dryer in the north west; large atone house, two bunk houses, other outbuildings, all neces sary machinery and equipment to cul tivate and harvest crop; packers offer ing 16c pound for 1020 prune crop; in dications are a bumper crop this year. With one-half crop this orchard will net $25,000 this year. This place Is six miles from Vancouver in the heart of the farm district; price $50, 000; one half cash. Phone Broadway 5253; no agents. AC 376. Oregontan. LINCOLN COUNTY STOCK RANCH. 160 acres, located 4 miles southwest of Eddy vi lie. Or. ; 4t acres can be culti vated; 30 acres seeded to grass; 5 springs on the place; 3-room house, barn, chicken house and large woodshed: small or chard.; price $2000, with 2 horses. 3 cows, harness, wagon, plow, steel har row and furniture; 1 mites to school; $11 oft cash. Personalty inspected by JOHN FERGUSON, Geriinger nldg. SOW ACRES. 24 miles west of Aurora, on good road, to be paved, this summer; 100 acres in cultivation: Al soil, practically level. Has a dandy 8-room house, good barn and all necessary outbuildings; 1 miles to Oregon Electric; only 2S miles from Portland: 130 per acre. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 123 acres, close to town and school; 90 A. in cult., nearly one-half bottom land; fair bidgs. ; price $100 per acre. Will trade ' for Suburban home near Portland, same amount or less-, terms on bal. This is your opportunity to get a.n up-to-date farm. HENRY W. GOUDARP, 243 Stark St. IRRIGATED farm, -well Improved, rn southern Idaho ; over 100 acres : more than half In alfalfa; good buildings. What business have you to trade? V 116, Oregonian. ' WAIT! READ THESE ADS. Nothing to get excited about; just an other one of those farms columns of Bender's. I have the bargains; If you buy before seeing me you are the loser. I have many farms like these. MR. FARM BUYER. Listen to this. It Is worth your while If you are looking for a farm that Is up to the minute in production, location, buildings. This farm has 170 acres of irrigated land; 80 acres now irrigated for crops, with 40 acres in fine alfalfa; 170 acres level; 120 acres under plow; all fenced with woven wire; railroad on place; on fine auto road; soil is first class, 5 feet deep; mile to school. R. F. D. and telephone; 2 fiife springs, 1 creek, on the banks of beautiful river. There is a wonderful house, of 8 rooms that cannot be surpassed for beauty, comfort and luxury in Portland. This house has hot water heat, hardwood floors, all built-in conveniences, 3 bath rooms, beautifully tiled; there is also a small bungalow for help ; 2 fine barns; one for horses, hay, etc., the other dairy barn with stanchions for 80 cows; room for 30 more stanchions; 2 fine large alios, dairy engine house, complete set of farming implement and two good tractors; herd of registered Jersey cows. 1 registered boar, 3 registered sows, 50 tons of hay in barn. 70 tons ensilage. This farm is the cream of creams and consists of -30 acres. It lies in a beauti ful valley In southern Oregon, where sun shine and contentment are everywhere. You are always assured of a crop here; no failures. To see it means you .will want it. I have some wonderful photos of this place. Come In and see them. Price for all, $60,000; $40,000 to $50,000 cash, balance easy. A. G. BENDER, HITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. UNION COUNTY, OREGON. Stock ranch, or can raise fine alfalfa. 3314 acres, 500 acres bottom land. 30 acres now plowed; more now in meadow can be plowed If wanted; 8!0 acres irri gated; 1170 acres level; soil is A-l: all fenced and cross-fenced; 4 mile from railroad station ; 3 creeks, 1 artesian well; i mile to school; good 8-room house with running water, bath, etc. ; 2 barns, calf shed, sheep shed, granary, blacksmith shop, cream cellars. This is a proposition seldom to be had, as it Is priced right. Price $75,00O; 95,000 cash, balance to suit. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. BENTON COUNTY FARM. 315 acres. 70 acres level, balance roll ing; 175 acres under plow; 40 acres bot tom land; 135 acres fine pasture: all kinds berries, family orchard, 2 S miles from railroad and A-l town: all fenced with woven wire, etc.; A-l soil, R. K. D.. telephone. 12 springs, 1 creek, good A-l road, good 7-room house, running water, bath, toilet, etc., 4 barns, li 40x60, 32x64, 60x64. new silo 10x32 ; hog houses, granary, concrete dipping vat for sheep, etc. ; 20 acres oats. 30 acres oats and vetch, 20 acres wheat. 70 acres clover. Price for all, $40, 000; $13,000 or $20,000 cash, balance terms. These farms are only a fair sample of the many farms I have. I can save you money. See me. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE Jfe CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. ANOTHER WONDERFUL FARM. BENTON COUNTY. This is only one of Bender's real farm bargains. Remember, I have some 500 farms. See mo before buying. This fine farm consists of 245 acres, all lies with gentle roll ; 155 acres under plow, 1 65 acres bottom land, 8 acres beaverdam, 00 acres good pasture, 80 acres slashed. Big loganberry cannery close by, 10 acres peaches, family orchard. All soil a black loam; all we'll fenced; t Ve miles from R. R., 1 mile school, R. F. D., telephone, fine lake of 2 acres, creek, all graveled road, to be paved. 3 wells. A-l 8-room house, modern with bath, toilet, electric lights, all nlastered. 3 barns. 2 silos, milk house, pump, engine, boiler and mach ine houses, 2 chicken houses, cottage for help, garage, 3 walking plows, disc harrow, grain drill, clover seeaer, iow wagon, bay rake, hack, buggy, spring-tooth harrow, planter, sower, corrugated roller, mower, black smith outfit, combination team and tractor disc, dump rake, orchard disc, side rake, fanning mill, walkinar cult i- vator, binder, gruin chopper, riding cul tivator, manure spreader, piatiorm Hcales, tractor, 7 plows, wagon and wood rack. 2 gas engines, some grain. 5 horses, in registered sheep, 1 5 goats, 35 hogs. 35 acres fall barley, '2 acres spring barley, 10 acres vetch ; all for $73,000, $15, 0O0 A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOW E & CO.. 01-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. A WONDERFUL COLUMBIA RIVER FARM. If YOU Want to rct n rpal firm V. do youwant to see? "Why, Bender, of ; " xiao wits iiiuiiey-nianera. Read his ads and thpn trtma in anH have him show you them. Then and there only will you be convinced. This farm has at present 52 OOO npr month income from cows alone. It consists of 387 acres with 175 acres an fine bottom land as ever laid out of doors, 4 acres oeavernam, juu acres under plow now and 10O more if vou want to nlnw it ir some timber. 200 acres fine pasture. 3 acres fine- orchard, all fenced, mostly woven wire, right at R. R. station, only uhitto iiwui j vi Hand, iacing pavea highway, 2 wells, numerous springs, creeks, etc.. water Dired to all th hiiiiH- ings, which Include 2 fine houses that are modern in every respect, 2 fine oarns, one is tne finest dairy barn in tiie Pacific northwest with stalls and stancmons to accommodate 125 head. The fioor Is fully cemented with auto matic water system. Each barn will hold 100 to 150 tons of hay. There is a fine dairy house equipped with an up-to-date bottling and pasteuring outfit with steam equipment; also 2 fine 100 ton silos. Personal property: 4 wagons, 3 gas engines, woodsaw, feed grinder, manure spreader, 3 plows, 3 harrows, 1 disc. 1 riding cultivator. 2 walking cultivators, garden tools, mowing ma chine, rake. 2 hay forks and ropes. 2 ensilage cutters, 1 grain drill, centrifu gal pump, 6 H. P. boiler, milk cooler, etc.. 20 head registered cows, 65 head extra fancy grade milk cows and heif ers, 6 hogs. 8 fine horses, 50 chickens, large blacksmith outfit. One houe Is furnished, the other partly furnished. In one corner of the ranch there is a fine up-to-date chicken ranch which is rented. It Is equipped with some 10 or 12 new chicken houses with Incubators, brooders, etc.; also dwelling house, 15 acres barley, 50 acres oats, 15 acres clover,- 25 acres fine alfalfa. 5 acres vetch, 12 acres corn, ensilage and hay Price for all, $S5,000; $30,000 cash, bal ance to suit. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. NEWBKRO (COUNTRY) FARM. Here la a wonderful farm and one that can be relifed on. It is owned by a man who has other business and can not look after It. It must be sold. 897 acres, all nearly level, 235 acres under plow, 150 acres fine timber, family or chard, all fenced. 4 miles from R R R. F. D., telephone, several springs, 2 creeks, good road, 3 wells, good 0-room house, 2 barns and all outbuildings; small house for help; 40 acres cheat, 65 acres oats, 45 acres wheat. 15 acres clo ver, hav in barn. Prtn $39,700; $13,000 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. This is a real farm, and the soil is first-class. Come into my oww you mis i arm. A. G. BENDER RITTER. LOWE & CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. SEE THIS IT IS A-l. Here is a fine farm, located about 25 miles from Portland, on fine road which Is to be paved soon. It consists o' 157 acres. 60 acres level, 70 acres under piow, acres iimoer; some berries, fam ily orchard, all A-l soil; 2 biocks to school, Vz mile from electric station- all fenced with woven wire and boards: R. F. D., telephone; several spi-i.i l creek which flows through the oa'ra' yard; good well, good 6-room house 2 barns, hog house, chicken house pa rage, sheep shed and wagon shed. ' Per sonal property: Disc harrow, spike-tooth harrow, 2 plows. 2 double-shovel plows. 1 7-tooth cultivator, mower, drill 2 wagons, 1 spring wagon, hoes, rakes n'l small tools; good brood mare, 2-yr -old gelding, l-year-o!d mare colt, 5 " A-l cows, 3 shoats, 43 A-l sheep, 7 acies rye, 18 acres oats. 7 acres wheat 20 acres fine clover. Price $20,000. $6000 or $7000 cash, balance to suit J ptr cent. Let me show you this fine farm it will appeal to you from every stand-' point. A. W. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bld. WONDERFUL BENTON CO. FARM. For stock raising or general farming read this. Can you beat It? No, you can't. Why? Because Bender doe the trusiness, hence he gets the oargain. 6oo acres, all lies with a gentle roll; no waste land on place: all A-l soil; 40 acres now farmed; 200 acres more never been piowed; in the finest kind of clover and meadow pasture; 10O acres fine pil ing timber; there are 1000 straw berritri, 800 raspberries, currants and grapes, young orchard; nearly all fenced with woven wire; R. R. through place;: 1 mile to good town, on highway; river on one side and numerous springs; there is city water in all the buildings; electr.e lights In barn, house and other out buildings from city ; a strictly modern new house of 30 rooms, furnace, 1 Ire place, full basement, bath, toilet, elec tric lights, etc.; 2 fine barns 6ox&0 each; garage. -O0-gal Ion gas tank, hog house for IftO hogs. Personal property that goes: 3 plows, mower, hay baler. ' binder, 2 wagons, buggy, 2 harrows, disc hat rows, electr4c milking machine, milk sep arator, electric washing machine, 5 head Durham and Shorthorn beef cattle, 12 A-l horses, 4 coits, 2 of which are draft colts: 12 Duroc Jersey sows, 3 are registered; 2 registered Hampshire sows, which are ribbon winners; 1 regis tered Duroc boar, 35 pigs. Everything for $45,000; $25,000 cash, balance easy, 6 per cent. You can't beat this, no mat ter where you go. See it. Remember my office is headquarters for flue farms Write me. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOW E & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. MUST BE SOLD. ESTATJ3. Here Is a real farm, and. believe me, it is priced right. If you see It you will aay 1 am right. It must and will be sold. If you are looking for a real bar gain see this at ence; a great Tarm tliat will bring a great Income. 4M) acres 00 miles from Portland; there are 300 acres of the very choicest of . sandy loam creek bottom soil and 50 acres upland ; all soil Is exceedingly productive; 2 fine creeks, an exceedingly fine spring whicn furnishes water in abundance to the buildings from 3 reservoirs and a won derful well and pump and tanks. Bar none, this farm has the finest buildings In the state of Oregon. There are three barns, one is about 80x250, others about 70x100. The main barn has steel stanchions for 60 head of cattle, cement floor full length and width of barn, and painted inside and out; sanitary fatten ing pens for 100 hogs; 2 30-ton silos, power buildings. Include carpenter shop, engine-room, separator-room, boiler room and washroom and over all there is a large granary; a fine 8-room house with sleeping poreh. Dutch kitchen, tir place, electric lights, etc. ; also fine 6 room bungalow, electric lights, etc., fin ished in oak, beamed ceiling, plastered t hroughout. bath, toilet. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, all finished In whin enamel. These buildings are all practi cally new. Personal property : 1 10-If. P. gas engine, separator, pump, s tears boiler, milking machine, wood and sa mandrel, 2-H. P. engine, pump an J pressure tank, hay rakes, cultivator harrows, plows, disc, loo-light dynamo, 1 grinding mill, 1 fanning mill. 1 Ru sell tractor, 1 new sawmill, ensilage cut ter, etc. ; all fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire. Everything f oi $70,000. Can you best it? This plac cost the owner $130,000. Get bu-y : $20.00 or so cash, balance to suit at t) per cent. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. Here is a farm In a fine locality : it can't be beat for the money; 3: acre, 3 20 acres level, 320 acres under plow, soil is A-l. 7 acres timber, 2;t acres lies gently; family orchard: all fenced with woven and barb wire; mile from rail road station; 59 miles from Portland; mile to school: R. F. D. ; A-l auto road; 4 fine springs; fine 0-room house, painted and plastered, modern, with hot and cold water, bat h, toilet, etc. ; 2 f I no barns. 43x110, 44xt); 2 fine silos, 16x35 and 12x."2: granary with fuel cellar and stone walls, machine shed, garage, chicken house, etc. Personal property and crops go: New 12-H. P. engine, new ensilage cutter, cream separator. H. P. engine, manure spreader, drill, binder. mower, rake. disc. harrow, spring-tooth harrow, smoothing hunow, corn planter, 2-horse cultivator, 2 sinl cultivators, corn binder, wood saw, TceJ chopper, gang plow, 2 No. 50 Oliver ' plows, stump puller, heavy new wagon, light wagon, 2 trucks, 1 hack, 11 reg istered Guernsey cows. 2 registered hell ers, 4 registered heifers 1 year old, -fine bulls. 17 grade Guernsey cows, 12 fine heifers, soon fresh ; 12 young heif ers, 7 good horses, 4 regltered O. T. sows. 1 registered boar, 20 pigs, 50 tons ensilage, 110 acre oats, 25 acres wheat, 50 acres clover. Oft acres vetch, 35 acres for corn. Price for everything. $57,000; $25.0041 to $30,000 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. Don't forget it's "Bender" who has the farm bargains. A. O. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE &. CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. READ THIS CAREFULLY. This farm in real and I can safely say without contradiction that it Is the. finent farm of its size west of the Cascade mountains. I have personally inspected TniH farm and know it to ne wortn every dollar asked. Listen here. The owner and myself have ngreed there will be at least $7000 or $sooo worth of clover seed at d $4000 or $.0O0 other crops, to say notn ing about the income from cow., hogs. etc. This is the finest 205-acre farm I have ever viewed. acres unuei tjIow. tho soil is the best that can be had and lies with a gentle slope to the river, all fenced and cross-fenced with woven w Ire. and can be all viewed Trom tn house, which Is a modern plastered hou.- in every way. bath, toilet, etc.; A-l dairy barn, fine silo, fine outuuuaings, every thing to complete a real farm, is about 85 miles from Portland and near two good townH. Will sell this farm lor jr.o.ooo and give possession ucioDer x ; XITi.OOO cash, balance $2000 ifr yeai until paid, 6 per cent. You will never regret viewing ims it- A. G. BEN'DER, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. !000 ACRES Half cnltivated. several farm buildings, 20,000.000 timber, creeks, Yamhill county, $4.0 per acre. 800 acres, completely equipped, 60 cat tle, 150 goats, modern house; investi gate; $65 per acre. 800 acres: 200 crops; tictor. hordes, all kinds implements; complete $25,000; fine terms. 155 acres: 80 rich level, 30 in clover. 50 wheat, buildings and Implements, $10,500; $5000 cash. 110 acres; 35 crops, fine buildings. some stock, implements; per acre terms. 1 82 acres ; 50 in crops ; snap, $47.50 per acre. 43 acres; 1 orchard; good -ouse; $60 per acre. 25 acres; 15 tn wheat; snap; $2600; terms. 103 acres: 40 in closer and wheat, bal ance rolling, buildings; only $6800; look this up. 40 acres, Tualatin valley: 26 In cul tlvatlon, 5 in clover, buildings, creek snap; $9000; terms. The above farms are mostly !n Yam hill county: they lie well, on good roads, near town and carry their value. For full particulars, see Ira C. Barber, 822 Worcester oiag. rnone -laoor mu. RANCH FOR PALE. In Sherman county. Oregon; 64O0 acres deeded land, free of incumbrance; 2000 acres under cultivation; 1500 more good wheat land; bunch grass pasture; prop erty all fenced and cross fenced; good family orchard of 30 trees, four large barns, two large modern houses with hot and cold water, and many outbuild ings and sheds which are essential. My nnrtion of the crop is 525 acres of wheat. The price asked includes the crop, 110 head of Shorthorn cattle with 40 head of calves, two pure-bred Shorthorn bulls, one registered cow with calf at side, zo neaa line xseigian orart norses 25 head pure-bred Poland China hogs and several sows to farrow. 9 waconn 3 gang plows. 3 harrows, 3 Superior drills, J gas engines, one j noit tractor. 1 Common Sense tractor, 1 two-ton truck, i rora iruca. ana many othe useful articles too numerous to mention 80 tons of hay In barn, and several ton of feed: house completely furnishori also all kinds of provisions: oennnn property with growing crop worth 40.000: all buildings stronsrlv ob structed; both houses plastered and tlnteo; outsiue rustic ana tnoroughh tiainted. The improvements could n be duplicated for $40,000. This property re pi eats hi inw oi. oi years, an T wish to retire, therefore It in r.n tu market at a sacrifice price of $130,000 swi.uuu casn. ueierrea payments 7 pe cent. No trades considered. Then t- are for April only. For further par ticulars address C- A.. Bkr. Gram Valley, r. CHOICE CLARKE COUNTY FARM. 20 acres very good soil, all level, 15 acres high state of cultivation, most all now seeded to crop, good 7-rm. house,' barn 36x40, hog house, chicken house, and all necessary out-buildings, good well, team. 2 wagons, buggy, 2 plows, 'J culti vators, rake, 2 good cows, yearling heifer, chickens, several sacks seed potatoes, harness, and all small tools. This place is located only 5 H miles from Vancouver, and is very cheap at $450O. Good terms. EQUIPPED THIRTY ACRES. All very good level land, i!2 acres In cultivation, most all in crop, good assorted orchard, good house, barn 40x54. silo, chicken house, hog house, and all other out-buildings, 2 good wells, a very fine team, harness and wagon. 4 good cows, 1 heifer. 2 hogs, 31 chick ens, mower, rake, harrow, cream separator, and all kinds of small tools. Located on a good main road . mile from a good small town. Price If sold soon only $6500. Good terms. EQUIPPED FORTY ACRES. All good land, all level, 20 acres in cultivation. 11 acres assorted orchard. 1 acres In fall grain, good five-room house, good barn, 24x44, 2 good chicken houses, well and other out-buildings. good team, wagon, harness, buggy, har row, cultivator, mower, rake. 1 good cow, chickens, and all small tools. Located 1 mile from rail road station, 7 miles from Van couver. Price $7000. Good terms. EQUIPPED EIGHTY ACRES. All exceptionally fine level land, 30 acres -.A cultivation, which la practically all genuine beaverdam. 8 acres of timber, orchard and berries, balance easily cleared, fine mule, 6-room house with bath, fine barn, 40x80, hog house, chicken house, well, etc. Personal property consists of a fine team, wagon, harness, six good cows. 1 calf, 6 hogs. 1 riding and 1 walking plow, harrow, and all other toots and Implements. Located 1 -i miles from a good small town, 1 1 Hi miles from Vancouver. This is a great bargain at $8500. Good terms. INVESTIGATE THIS. 123 acres of very fine level land, all fenced and cross-fenced, 30 acres in cultivation, about 50 acres pasture, easily cleared, and 40 cres of fine hard wood timber, which alone is worth the price asked for the entire place. New 7-room house with full basement, barn, chicken house, and al I out buildings, 1 acre of assort cd or chard and berries. Located only 1 Vi miles from good small town on main road. 13 4 miles from Vancouver. Price only $12,500. Good terms. If you want a good farm at the right price, you will find it on our list. R. J. HIODON REALTY CO., 303 Main Street, Vancouver, Wash. LOGANBERRIES. PRUNES. APPLES. PEARS. no ACRES. 33 In cultivation. 6 . acres in prunes, 3 9t applet. 1 In peaches. 1 in pears. 2 in logan berries, y acre in strawberries. B-room house, small barn, machine shed, water piped to the house, small greenhouse. 1 5 acres in pasture and timber. 4 miles from town. Price $6O00; terms. 67 ACRES, all in cultivation, on good road, all No. 1 valley land, close to school, 31 mllet to town. R. F. D. Telephone. Fine open country. All fenced with woven wire. 6-room house; some fruit, Price $135 per acre; easy terms. J. C. GILBERT, I. O. O. F. Bldg.. McMlonvllle. Or. HERE YOU ARE A FINE fcUMMER HOME. and a 160-acre farm on s fine trout stream, very nice place to live ; lots of fruit and berries: 8 acres in garden ana crops; lot of good range for cattle ; 3 barns, good combination dairy ana chicken ranch or stock farm; 5-room house; lot of good clear water piped to house and barn; with this goes 5 milch cows Durham), 2-year-old heifer, 1 yearling heifer, 1 bull, team, wagon, harness, rnow Ing mac h ine, rake, harrow, plow, cultivator, feed cutter, blacksmith shop and all kinds of small tools and household good ; all read y t go out and live on place; all for $3500: S2O0O cash, balance to suit. If yon wish a nice place to spend your summers and en.loy life, come in and let us tell you about this. STEWART Ac BUCfC. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 73-ACRE FARM. EQUIPPED. TUALATIN VALLEY, CLOSE IN. 40 minutes from our office to the farm, 12 miles over good roads. This is rich Tualatin valley soil, about half in cultivation and crop; lies gently rolling and has a fine creek; a large barn, . 4 years old: lioutifl 13 onlv fair; good team, 5 cows, 3 sows ready to pig. poul try, binder, mower, rake, wagon, harness, etc Price $12.5041; terms, $4000 cash, balance long time, 6f;'o. Owner has met with accident and can't do the work. D. McChetney 304 Vj, Oak St. Bdwy. 206. 6400-ACRE grain and stock farm in east ern Oregon. 000 acres under cultiva tion, 1500 acres more good wheat land in bunch -grass pasture. Entire tract fenced and cross-fenced. 2 large mod ern houses with hot and cold water. 4 large barns and other necessary out buildings. A 11 required- farm imple ments. Improvements cannot be dupli cated for $40,000. Personal property. Including horses, cattle, hogs and por tion of crop, worth $4O,0O4. Price for land and all, $140,000. Present owner has managed this splendid ranch for 37 years and now w is Ues to re 1 1 re. Add ress I. O. DAVIDSON, 810 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. 100 ACRES, located 4 Vj mile;, south of urxun i-ny ana near ."New Jra. All can be cultivated. 60 acres under mttiva- tkin and being seeded to crops; Beaver creek flows through the place: small orchard, 7-room Rouse, barn 36x70, ma chine shed, chicken house, garage: 4 mile to school; all rural conveniences and telephone. With this place goes 8 cows, 3 hornes, 150 ch tokens, 3 tur keys, very large and complete line of machinery, includ ing potato digger and small tools; $5000 cash and balance on long-time payments at 6 per cent in terest. See Happy, with JOHN FERGU SON. Geriinger bldg. 25 ACRES AT FOREST GROVE. on i THE STATE HIGHWAY. Close to town. The location could hard- ly be improved upon and the land pro- I cVuced 4 bushels wheat and 85 oata an acre last year; it's all in cultivation: nice orchard, good 7-room plastered house, barn, silo, garage: only an hour's ride out: close to schools and college and one of the best towns rn the state. Pric $7500 with possession. D. MrCHESNET. 804 Oak st. Broadway 266. 177 ACRES GENUINE DAIRY FARM. 6-room house; new. modern-to-the-min-ute dairy barn. Silo, machine shed, chicken houses and hog house. Some fall crop. One registered Jersey bull, 10 heifers, 9 cows, span hordes and 10 hogs. This place Ut fully equipped with all farm implements necessary. Plentv of good spring water. Located near Toledo. Or., fronting 1 4 miles on the Yaquina river. Price S16.04H). Terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 203 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Albany. Or. 30 ACRES, located on the main highway, 2 miles west of Estacada, Oregon ; 25 acres can be cultivated, 0 acres onJor cultivation; good soil ; one spring u.nd well; 4-room house, good large barn 3Jx 40; rural route. This place la on the road that is being paved. Price $o50U, $500 cash; or will exchange for house on the west slope of Mt. Tabor. Ranch per sonally inspected by Mishler. with JOHN FEBGUSO.N, Geriinger bldg. EXCELLENT 14-ACRE FARM BARGAIN. 12 acres under plow, 11 acres seeded, plenty wood; 34 miles of Oregon City; small house, bam. orchard and creek ; 4 cows, horse, buggy. 50 chickens, new separator, few implements; $30H; $2100 cash, balance 3 years. Owner F. Bom bard, 600 Duane st., Oregon City. Phone 158-R. 160 ACRES AT REDMOND $18,000. 80 A. in cult., 20 more cleared; paid up water right; 2 sets bldgs., machin ery and tools, etc, cow, chicks, turkeys, geese included in price; will trade for Portland residence as part payment, or take $3500 cash and let crops pay for balance. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. FOR SALE or trade, section Al wheat land in southern Alberta, Canada. Tabor 73bl. 303 L 33d, STOP AND THINK: THEN ACT. If yon want a farm at all. study this offering then get busy. This Is one of the very best farms in Clarke county. Wash., Tiear Wash ougal ; 87 acres on good gravel road, fully stocked and equipped; good 5-room house, fair outbuild ings; running water in house and for stock; 8 acres timothy hay. 'S2 acres grain. 7 acres ready for corn and potatoes, 1 acre family or chard, large garden containing sunall fruits; 45 acres gras with running water; 3 horses. 0 cows, hogs,- chickens. wagon, buggy, plow, harrow, disc, drill, mower, binder, elder mill, cream sepa rator, small tools and some house hold goods ; 2 good stands bees. This place is paving fine returns, but owner is HI and must sell. You can step right into a going business. Price $13,500; half cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. Such a baxgnin is seldom offered. Main 5::0. Mr. Kappenberg. with McCRILLIS-CLEAVELAND CO.. AT PORTLAND'S DOOR. SPLENDID DAIRY FARM. acres, 6 miles from court house; good house. large, fins barn, large orchard, siio. com plete w,ater system. One-half in cultivation : balance grass pasture with stream through it. An ideal dairy farm. Splendid potato land and the combination w ill bring large returns. Sufficient cedar for fencing and fir for fuel; $30,000; half cash. Main 530. Mr. Kappenberg, with McCRILLis-CLEAVELAND CO.. ONE OF THE VALLEY'S BEST. 62-acre orchard with good Im provements and running water; 40 acres apples. 14 acres walnuts. 8 acres cherries, peaches and ber ries; 10 to 12-year-old trees in perfect condition; best prospect for large crop this year. This offer ing warrants your consideration and close investigation; $30,000; half cash. Main 5341. Mr. Kappenberg, with McCRILLIS-CLEAV ELAND CO.. EASTERN OWNER WILL SAC RIFICE 10 acres 12-yAr-otd apple or chard ; Newtown and Spitzenberg. All in perfect condition. near Newbcrg, on good rock road. This is irnusual opportunity. At tractive investment. Let us show you this. Main Trx). Mr. Kappenberg, with McCRI LLIS-C7.H A VELA ND CO.. 32-3-'G HENRY BLDG. 179 ACRES: 140 acres under plow and in grain crop, w heat, oats , and vetch. Balance place tim ber and hi iimp pasture. Place is woll fenced; 3 large barns. 7 roum hotiKe. good granarv and other outbuildrngs. Well of fine water, windmill and gas engine pump, good young orchard about 2 acres. This place is about 1 miles north of Corval lls on the paved highway to Portland. Lie fine and could bo subdivided for fruit and berry tracts or operated as a iarge farm. Two-fifths of the crop goes with the place and pOKsesHiun October 1, l!'ju. Land in this vicinity is held at $l5o per acre, and no better than thin place. lJnd lies level and rolling. Price $24.fHK. part cash, balance terms. Will take up to $lo.oie' in property trade worth the money. Address . MILLER WALTER. Owners. Corvallls, Oregon. 160 ACRES NEAR NEWBERG. PRICE $24,000. 160 acres. 34 miles from New berg. 1 Hi of which in in cultiva tion and in crop now. The place Ih entirely fenced and cross fenced; there is a good barn, wiil accommodate about 'JO head of stock. Tho house is small but verv livable. There Ih shout '20 head of t-tock M7id all farming imple ments go with the Mace and in cluded in the above price. I might accept $504io to $koxmj jn city prop erty, balance cash and murtage For particulars see JOHN WE1ST COMPANY. bva Lewis bldg. FULLY EQUIPPED OI LT - El m I E" ii . I it v w.K-n r ABSOLUTELY" OVK Ciii Tin-' vrnv PEST PROPOSITIONS EVER OF FERED FOR SALE. 15 acres 5 miles irom feiiE,; IL.MVKH.S1TY CITY); location of the very fcest; improvements modern in every respect : tine double house, 6 room to a family, tine barn with 27 stanchions, cement floor, two excellent silos, hnKhouse with cement floor, machine shed. chicken house. pressure water system, etc.; price $300 per acre. The personal property is com plete ana ine machinery is good as new; this is valued at $05i0; this includes the herd. Owner's nephew leaving rea son for selling. , Lnst year's sales off the farm were nearly ttk)00. If inter ested come and Investigate; we are sure mat you win db pieasei it you are look Ing for something good. D. J. KOUPAL, JOHN BATRD ExcluMve Agent. Eugene Or. Box 4. FORTY acres: between 25 and SO acres In cultivation, balance tim ber, estimated at MMI cords of wood ; all fenced with wire fence; family orchard, some berries; six acres seeded to hay; plenty of water: 4-room house, fair barn and other buildings; Is 3V: miles from Kstacada. 9 mile to school. Price $4."00, with terms. For either of these places or any land around Estacada Call or Write S. E. WOOMTER & SON.. Kstacada. Or. THREE MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. 105 acres, located on a good graveled road and close to the paved Foster road, near Sycamore station ; dark cluv loura soil ; ail can be cultivated, 05 acres under cultivation. 40 acres in pas ture; good fences, one creek on the place, spring, small orchard; 4 mile to school, teiephone and all rural conveniences; 5-room house, barn 40x60 and other buildings. Will sell all of this ranch or will sell half. Price $2.0 per acre on terms. Tms is nniy jo minutes out from the center or Portland: paved road all the way. JOHN FEKULSON, Uer linger bldg. 720 ACRES STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 8 miles from Eugene on state high way. Splendid buildings, good fences. fertile soil, springs and creek. 356 acres in cultivation, a lot of stock and full equipment of farm machinery, includ ing 1 Holt tractor. Price, with stok. $50,000. or will sell without stock. A banner ranch. Take Portland income up to 920,000. O. B. RIPPLEY. 328-29 Henry Bldg. Main 2534. 10 ACRES. located 5 miles from Gaston. 53 acres under cultivation, 55 acres in pasture, with a few trees for wood. This place Is all In crop; good butldiags and new silo. Spring water piped to house, large family orchard and 100 bearing prune trees; the crop and stock on this place is reasonably worth $2000; price $7000 with 3 good horses, w, chickens. 4 hogs, complete line of machinery and the crop. Personally inrpected. Mar sters. with JOHN FERGUSON. Geriinger bldg. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. We have rauncbes from 1 acre to 1020 acres, some for rent, some that are stocked and equipped read.y to move into. Tell us what you want and we will do the rest. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., 614 Panama Bldg. 40 ACRES. :tG00. $1200 CASH. First-class tract only a mile from elec tric line, on good road: lies well and Is good soil. There Is 3-room house, small barn, fruit trees; 23 miles from Portland. D. McCHESNEY. 304 Oak su Bdwy. 206. TOR SALE. FARM: 80 acres more or less; 21 under cultivation. balance easily cleared ; IH miles from nearest town. Price $i"'0O. LEVY ZIMMERMAN CO.. 202 McKay Eld. " STOP 1 LOOK 1 READ ! BARGAIN. TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE. STOCK RANCH GIVEN AWAY. 8S0 acres within 45 miles of the city of Portland, improved with 9 -room bungalow type houpe, all modern conveniences. such as plumbing, electric lights, fireplace, etc.; good barn, electric lights, water piped to same. 500 acres of this ranch under fence, enough in cultivation to raise sufficient hay for winter feed; the fiaest pasture one could wish for; abun dance of water, there being about 40 springs; three miles from rail road track on good main county road. I am asking for this place f L2.0O0. The owner is in Cali fornia and left it for me to sell. If this price Is too high, make htm an offer. No REASONABLE offer will be refused. This man Is 111 and needs money. See me today this "ranch must sell. JOHN WEIST COMPANY. 808 Lewis Building. HIGHLY IMPROVED AND EQL'I PPE D 2 4 0 - A C R E RANCH, STOCKED WITH FKDUJHEKl) CATTLE AND HOOS. others high grail?; registered hogj, good horses, chickens, complete st of farm Implements, $ lo.OO modern dairy barn. ."0 steel stan ch ions, cement floors, eif-tllii rg water troughs at each cow's head, mill for grinding feed for cows In barn. 25o-lon haymow, milking machine. 3 big silos, gas engine, rplendid w ater. also m ver-f ailing rreek. pood 7-room house, tenant house. extra ho life barn, onion dryer, other outbltlgs.. fain ily or chard, berries, lo to loo acres very rich land In cultivation. ome genuine beaverdam, balance opci pasture and timber. I' rice for all $12,500. part ratih. balance 5 per cent. See SAM 1 1 EWE V at .1. L. HARTMAN Cd., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. THE CHAMPION FARM; We do not think you will find a better one even at $50 an acre higher price. 160 ACRES, FULLY EQUIPPED. Over 15ft acres tinder high state cultivation; has timber for fuel and creek; gently rolling land ha been heavily clovered and well manured for years ; crops will equal any in the Willamette val ley. 7-room house, 2 large barn. 2 kJIon, large tractor, complete Hot machinery. 4 horses, 3 cat tie, hogs; ampin supply of feed. This Is a complete place, located nnrlh of HlllKboro. 25 miles Portland, In our bent farm and dntry district. Price $:t3.500 for everything and possession. D. McChetfney, 304 Vi Oak st. Bdwy. 200. WOLALLA VALLEY FARMS. You can get the kind of farm you want In t ho Molalla valley. We have small acreage with Im provements and large stork farms with unlimited range. We have the best buy In the vallev. 153 acres, loo aeres level. Kxccedlngi v fertile bottom, now in crop, lirge modern houste. good barn. iial home on good road to be paved this year. 30 mile from Portland. A snap at $130 per acre, easy terms. Taylor's Real Estate Exchange. Molalla. or. See Gordon J. Taylor at Impe rial hotel from 10 lo noon Monday. HERE IS A NICE LITTLE FARM FOR ONLY 1700. 1 4 acres, all good soil ; 5 acres in crop. 5 acres easily cleared, 4 acres in pasture; about 40 fruit tre.-s. strawber ries, logun berries, gooseberries and rhu barb; 5-room house, barn, wagon shed w oodshed. potato house, hog house, chicken house; one mile from school. hotel, store, post of f ice, boat landing, etc. ; no rock or gravel, outside range for stock ; state highway surveyed near place ; sawmill also near it ; poor healt h is cause for sel ling this place for less tnan improvements are worth; good termt; located o mHes down the Co lumbia river on the v ashington side. STEWART & HUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank PMg. 53 ACRES, located on the main road, th is being paved, between Wooitbu rn and isewoerg, nine rrom Wooriburn; al can be cultivated, 8 acres under eultlva tlon. ;;0 a-rrs pasture and the balance in timber: spring and creek on place: cood fencing, 3 acres orchard, bearing, 4-room nouse, oam other nuiidincs: crea and mall route: wit h the place goe; team, a heifers. 1 brood sow. 0 pisrs. J0' chickens. 15 stands of bees, plow, harrow cultivator, new arag saw and other im piemenis. will consider rottace or bun galow in Portland, up to f'JOuo and some casn. personally inspected. Anderson with JOHN FERGUSON, Geriinger bidy $0 AN ACRE 2.0 ACRES. 240 acres under a high state of cultl vation. This is excellent, rich soil slightly rolling and well drained. Nearly ail tn crop; or crop goe with place, Improved with 0-room plastered house, large barn, and all necessary nut-build. ingH. Family orchard. Fronting on the Willamette river. Right at town and near Albany. TH IS IS THE BEST .HUY c. HA VK LIHTKIl. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO 203 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Albany. Or. CLOSE TO GASTON. 1H miles from Gaston is 67 acres of splendid land. 30 of which is beaver dam; :7 In timber, 13 acres in cultiva tion; family orchard, smalt house, good barn, chicken house. 1 horse. i;i chick ens. 2 tfnrn of hay, sme farm Imple ments, Price $47.V. cash. Person -allv inspected. Mishier. w ith JuliN FERGUSON, Geriinger bldg. ALFALFA FARM, ALFALFA FARM. SO acres In eastern Oregon, water paid, good soil, fenced, 3 miles from county seat. 30 acres in alfal fa, 30 acres old alfalfa just plowed under and seeded to barley, 20 acres in pasture; whole 80 good alfalfa or potato land; small stream through corner, fine place for feeding stock; can be had at less than $10O an acre, with terms. W. S. BAPLEY, 1517 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE. FARM, SNAP: SO acres. 6 miles from Waihougal, Wash. Practi cally new house, all other outbuildings for farm: nearly all ready for cultiva tion. 4 mile from state highway. Price $1000. Must leave for California, rea son for sacrificing place. LEVY ZIMMERMAN CO.. 202 McKay Bldg. A FARM SPECIAL. Yamhill county, 124 acres deep, rich soil. 45 acres in crop, 30 more ready for plow, balance pasture and timber, creek across one corner, good houe, barn. 4 work hordes. 12 cows and all farm equip ment. Price only $80 an acre; easy terms. T. C- ALLISON. 401 Pekum bldg. 185 ACRES, 80 A. beaverdam. 12 A. cleared; good full set of farm buildings, 145 A. merchantable timber on logging creek.' Price $25 per acre; terms; part exchange. Apply of owner between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M 206 Jefferson St., Portland. Or. FOR SALE, FARMS: 60 acres, more or less. 30 in cultivation. 10 timber. 25 bottom land; family orchard, good house. 2 barns, granary, outbuildings, machin ery; etc. Everything for farming. Pricf $700, terms. LEVY & ZIMMERMAN CO.. 202 McKay Bldg. GSO ACRES in central Alberta. Canada, near station and market; 250 under cul tivation, balance being broken up; splen did grain or mixed farming proposition; price $00 acre; $12,000 first payment, ba! arice one-half crop each year. W. j, UcNamara. Wctiiakiwin. Albert a. Can. Located 35 miles from Portland 2 miles from Pacific highway and good town, on hard road; ,"o head A SPLENDID TU'Y IN A WELL KgL'IPPEO STOCK RANCH. T'2M acres, 75 in cultivation in crop, wheat and oats, me good Pasture and timber, fair house, barns and other outbuildings, fam ily orchard, well watered. 4 hordes. 2 sets of harness. 7 miik cows. 3 2-year-old heifers. 3 yearling calves, all Holstems: 1 Durham bull, 3 years old ; 1 registered Duroc boar, 2 pure bred sows. 15 pigs, 3 months old; 2 wagons. 1 hack, 1 buggy, 1 threshing ma chine. 1 binder. 1 mower, 1 rake, 2 harrows, 1 grain drill, 1 garden drill and 2 cul tiva tors, 1 cream separator, 2 walking plows. 1 double disc plow, 1 Vaughan drsg saw, 1 feed cutter, blacksmith out fit. This is located on county road, mai I route and tele phone; 6 miles from Philomath. Price for a short time $20 per acre, some terms. Particulars of this nd other gcod buys. Write Henry Ambler. Philomath, Benton Coun ty, Oregon. A WELL EQUIPPED LITTLE FARM. 50 acres. 45 in cultivation and In crop ; a nice oak grove of 5 acres; a good family orchard, good house of 0 rooms with barn and other outbuildings, 4 horse, har ness and wagon. 4 milk cuw s, 3 calves, 1 sow and pigp. about 3 dozen chickens, over i 11O bushels of oats and some hay, all the farm implements, some small tools and household furniture. This Is a good buy at $7Mk; terms. This Is located on county road, 44 miles from Philomath; mail route and telephone. For particulars of this and other good buys write Henry Ambler. Philomath, Benton Coun ty, Oregon. FOR SALE A well-ec-uipped farm of 70 acres. HO acres in cultivation. 20 acres in pasture and oak grub timber, 10 acres in w hea t, 2 in clover; good modern house of 9 rooms, barn, chicken houses, nice family orchard in full bearing, fine spring. 3 horses. 5 Jersey cows, koine fine chickens, all the farm implements which are good ; wagon, buggy, hay fork and rope, cream separator, gasoline engine, garden tools. This farm is well located on a good county road. I mile from Phi loniath ; h lph sc hool, college and churches. Price $i."t0, terms; would take in modern bungalow. S3O00. Hawthorne dis trict preferred. Particulars w rite Henry A mbler. Philomath. Benton County, Oregon. A DANDY T.1TTI.K STOCK RANCH OVER IN THE LOHSTER VALLEV. IN LINCOLN COUNTY, OREHOX. SO acres. 15 acres in cuiliva t i on, fine bottom land, lu acr s more can b easily put in cult. vation; nice family orchard, fine spring, can he piped to house and barn: a good house of 0 rooms, good frame barn, almost n-w ; a good heavy team, wagon and harness. '2 fine Jerse cows, all the fanning tools, mower, cream separator, stump puller, all the household furniture. Pric $4mmi, with im mediate possession. The only rea son for selling is the owner is get ting too old to run the ranch. Tins is in a good neighborhood, most ly dairying and stock raising: located l." miles from the Alsea More: the stage passes this ranch: it is on a county road, 4 miles from lnxer, which has store and post'lfice. Write for particulars of this and other good huys to Henry Ainhler, Philomath, 1 ten ton County, Oregon. 25' ACRES, 75 in cultivation, balance pasture and timber; fair house and 2 ba rns. family orchard, running wmWt, piped to house and barn; school house on place. This ranch Is located ( mile from graveled road. 4 miles from town, mail route and telephone. Price per acre ; Home terms. Ps rt ic 11 la r. Henry Ambler. Philomath, Oregon. B A R' A I N lt acres. In cultiva tion, balance pasture and some fine oak grub tiinlxr; fair hoiis- of II rooms, poor barn, prune drer. Cj acre prune orchard in lull bearing, good water. The land is genliy rolling; fine location. on gravel road. near school and church; mail route and telephone; 2 miles from town. Price, if sohl soon, $75 per acre; terms. Henry Ambler, Philomath, or. A FINK STOCK RANCH. WITH TWO SWTS OK HrtLDI NtiS. 4tM acres. HO acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber: 2 sets of farm buiUlinKs. 2 family or chards, fine springs. ater piped some fine timber and outrange. This In a splendid bargain at i'.Hi per acre ; terms. I, oca td 0 mi ls from town on county road and mail route. Particulars of this and other poor, buys, write ponii ous. writ HfciXKY AM ULKU. Philomath, iienton County, Oregon. THKEB MILKS FROM ORKON CITV. "5 acres, located on a good ro.id and close to electric station; a res 01 finest land In the state of OreKoii. 21 acres under cultivation and in crop, II acres past ure, family ore ha rd, good lenc-s, spring and creek; gon rt-tooin house, barn :nl4. chicken houe lt;.;; ; one mile to school. With this place ioet 3 horses, 4 cows, 1 yearling. chick ens and a. complete line of machinery, crops and tools. if you want a well lMat?d, productive place, ail ready to move on to. you will liuv this nin J U ! a rm. Prrs'naHv tm-pected bv Nelson. with JOHN F15KJl"!?ON. Geriinger bi.i. FINK Stl ACRKS. 2 miles 1 rom Aurora. Oregon. 7 room modern bun pa low. water, ligh ts, pat. toilets, washroom, k tore room, out -Mde buildings. Mlo. gas engine, new tractor, horses, rows, hogs and Ji'll chi-keris; other machinery and tools for running place. personal property worth ji'soo. land lee. dark loam soil: t;n acres in cultivation, bal. in timber School on pin. c K. K. 2.. miles. All for Mnoon. $10,000 down. SLIi US For OT H K R SNAPS. RULIABLK 1NVKSTMENT CO., ;or k st. FAST OF XKWBlillG, OR. Located 21 miles south nf Portland. 2 miles f rom electric line ; l:; and a frac tion acres. 21 acres can be cult Ivh ted : 3 acres under cultivation. 12 jw-rcs of cood standing Umber; This is fine soil, free from rock or (travel ; 4iu cords of wood on place; chenp bouse on the place (onl creek. Pri e fP.i.Mi. $ 4."0 cash! Peron ' 1 v lrfnTtd Ma rst r? witii JOHN FKRGCSON. Gfrlinger bids. SMALL FARM CHEAP. 70 acres, 63 acres In cultivation, 5 tfr-n timber. Jood soil. li-s well to drain. 6-room house, cood barn, wm ter system, family orchard. Only 5 miles from Newuerir Mom ail in crop. Price $bOuu, easy terms. H. A. DRYER, "The Acreage Man" 50- Lewis Bids. 63 ACRES, located 10 miles east of Ore icon City: 6i acres can be cultivated; 24 acres under cultivation: 15 acres of cood pasture: cood fences, 2000 cords of wood on the place; water piped to the hous from sprinc; cood 6-room house, barn snd chicken house: fine familv orchard Price J'oo with cood young team cow" 2 brood sows. M chickens, crops and equipment. $.'il'M ensh. Inspected by Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlin ger bldg-. 3U0-ACRE GENKRAL PURPOSE FARM 3h0. This Ideal farm is located 6 miles from Albany or 8 miles from Jefferson, M) acres in cultivation. '20 more ready for plow, 40 acres river bottom with all kinds of fruit, fair farm buildinc. no waste land, price $73 per acre, or will sell with out the bottom land at J mi per arre. This is a fine home place and worth $150 per acre when In cultivation. .;. a. parish. 100 .(inuwraieni nantt liitl c. k OR SALE, FARM: 210 acres, less, 10 acres under cultiva: .o. i.mKor u r.H Tn ilurA . ... A M7-A. FARM, 140 a. in cultivation, all ienceu .uu inmn-irnui-u, smaij creek runs through place; S-room houte, piped with hot and cold water; barn and out buildings; 3-a. prune orchard. good family orchard, 9 miles from Browns ville on cood road, f 18. Son, Including crops. Will sell all Implements and stock. Write or see owner. AO 324, Ore conian. - r UK SM-r.. rArvji 1 chj acres. 7 mi.es from Washnugal. Wash.. 120 acres till- ame, ciee u - spring on same Will give terms, as must sacrifice piace LEVY & ZIMMERMAN CO 202 McKay Bldg. 130 DOWN ON 6 ACREsI On S. P. electric. 5 minutes' walk to station, mre c-cuuoi. 500a sou, run nine water, price $GO0, $."( dwon, 4 yrs. time on balance. DRAPER. 401 Board cf Trade. FREE FARM LISTS. San Joaquin vallev J arms, Paul Kossier, Stockton, Cl more or tlon, bal- ''-'. --. v v. , ini nouses bams, , silo, all kinds of farm outouiid Ingrs, all kinds farm machinery, run nine water, two wells, 1 S miies from nearest town Price Si 10 oer acre terms. Ideal farm. LEVY & ZIMMERMAN CO LINN COUNTY NEAR LEBANON. No. T3. CROP STOCK EQUIPMENT. A fine place of 160 acres. 10 in crop; spring water p;pd to buUd lnss. fine buildings: T Jersey cows: 5 Kood work howfa; all kinds of implements; pood orchard; 133 ewes and lambs, all other stock, hay and grain; at a bargain. Write for folder. No. 96. ONLY IIS PER ACRE. 1H0 acres of cood lsnd onlv 4 rni.es from town; old houce and barn; family orchard ; some cleared and slashed: 2 million feet good f.r timber worth more than price; land for nothing. Hurry if you ant this. No. 27. 27-ACRE RIVER BOTTOM FARM. Located only miles from town: very fine soil; 15 acres in cultiva 5lor? , n're easy to put in; fair buildings: fix acres being set to straw berries. locanherrte and raspht rries. which will be com plete,!. This place is verv cheap at J.ioOO. i.ood terms. Cail at office and talk with me about these places, or write for a list of my farms. Tell me what you want; I have it, JOS. C. GIBSON. "THE LANI MAN." Hotel Lebanon. LEBANON. OR. 40CvE HIGHLY IMPROVED RAN 1 H, 17 MILES FROM PORTLAND. ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY". Only 2 miles from a live town or 4. .ih) population. You could noi put the bui. dings on for ITOoo. ..o.d b-room white houe. hot and cold water, bath and built-in con veniences; hK- red barn. silo, gran ary, big Chicken house, brooder bouse. 2 incubators. hoghouse. po,od ater: 27 acres n culuv.. splendid soil; lies good; some pas ture; about 4 acres in line tim ber, good family orchard, berries. fiil grain, balance readv for spring crops, good garden. Person al propertv : Lawn mower, wagon, hark, mower, rake, plows, harrow, cultivator, interest In silo cutter and disc, lot small toe's. Pric-5 for n II $l.;.nn: might take Portland home up to 4oon or $."000 See SAM HEWKY at J. L. HARTMAX o.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bid?. 80 ACRES: 7" acres under plow; balance timber and pasture: 2i- cre peach orchard and other family fruits. Good house and large barn; other outbuildings. This piace is 2. miles from Corvallis oa a frne graveled road. Soil fs a!l sandv river hot torn loam. Ha produced some of the finest alfalfa ever ra sed In the Wil.amette vallev. nf of the heM bottom lsnd farm Jn this section of Oregon. I. a nu no better Improved has old s h i sh as $:;m per acre. If you ar in the market for one of tiie oiwnini; river bottom ra-nches among the best to be had. vou cannot afford t over look th 1 one Possess). iti Octo ber J. I -jm. Price $ 1 H.ooo : part cn s h . ba 1 a v t ter m. M I LI .10 H A- WALTER. Owners. Corv ai lis, Oregon. A GOOD-PAVING PLACE. 22:1 acre, located ;; miles cawt ix ... v asnincton: loo acrw can be cu o . ai-iM tin Oer cu l lv a ton in erop; ,it acres of pasture; familv 01 chard and a treat many la. ue cherr tr. .-s ; ii-room house, barn and out build inf,s, pooti spring aii'I cr.-ek on th pi.c; county road, that is being im iieu wiin grave;, wtinin short ii i; tanco of place. Price $:W per aero, wit .t hordes, i cow. 2 year I ink 8. 2 calve - iioks. jn rlnckens and complete lin 01 maiiunerv, cream separator and eld mi 1. Large cah jui ment required. N trades. I his It a fino stock location with io:s or outrange. Marsters, lt joiin t iMtVjLiSON, vicrlinger bid. Ill H LY I M I'KOVKH V ALLEY FA KM H. acres; to acres under cultivatio mostly river bottom land and biggc part of it already plowed and netio good tt-rooni houe. barn, hnrhoiisc. ne granary, living water in the pasture a veur ami running water throuclt h yard, on good road, dally mad an crtain route and only one-half mt from a goi valley town; 5 horse, Jersey cow 2 brood sows, about White Leghorn chicken, all necesar farm machinery, implements and too! and all in best of conn it ion; an excep nonai farm tor large dairy; price S 1 7. .VMi; Mill accept a Portland rcsldenc hp 10 ?,ti" as part payment. Picture of piacti to t seen at our office. K. A. LI N I ; K EN. Savon Land o., :;.- N. Hank RlHg. WASH IMiTMX COP XT V FA R M 7.1 ACRES IKI-:P SANDY LOAM SOI L. ." acres in high state of cultivatio 12 acres more very easily cleared, ba ance in good pa.Miure and first-gowt fir timber, about 31 acre? now in crop 11 land plowed, ready for crop; pe e laiung springs ana creeks; 4 acres fan ily orchard and 1 acre, prunes, cu ran is and g ra pes ; ft-roimi bouse, goo iarge imrn, garago and plenty outbuild Ings; near school and on county road on e- n a i r mne from pa vetf h Igh way t Newberg. This Is an exceedingly gooi nuy ana we win sil It to first par 10 iook ai if. o nurrv. STEWART liLCK. 31.". Nori h western Rank BMr. FOUTH OK RIIGE FIELD. WASH. " t,i o c rr s. located 1 miles f ro Jtmgeiiei'i : an can b- cultivated; cr-s under cultivation : 2!." er t t ure ; good fences; creek t h rough plac i. 1 k- ii-room nnuu, 2 tn rns. nojcsn, an co-ion uno. siancnions in Darn for j cows; milk house and othr building milk is shipped by boat; pri'-e $40..MI p. ncre on very easy terms. This proper: Is onlv 2H mi'-s from Portland. Ande son, nun JOHN 1' EIUjUSON, Geriin bldg. 1i2-ACrr EQriPPKD FARM BETWEEN PORTLAND AND NEWBERG. J'errect lying tract on main road wit stream at oacg or place; verv good I provemenrs; lamny irtnt: team. 7 cow pigs.- oinaer, mower, rake, plows, wa on. Harness, tool" or an Kinds : ei thing complete; JICi.TiO per sere. $.".oo cash, balance at 6 per cent. This is roc! rot tom price ior a first-clsss pia 5 1.,.fMH tHKfs evrry thing. D. McCHES ir-i, wu vi oaK st. 151 wy. 166. ON HANKS Or CLACKAMAS RIVER - .i il.E.3 r ku.h ft KTLAD. 129 acres. 10-room house finished California redwood, completely furnixh throughout. 2 good barns for cattle an horses; AH acres in high state of culii vation. Foil of rich beaverdam land an can oe cumvatea except l acres; one ( the best ranches in Clackamajt eonn t -rice only (I5.0OO, reasonable eau t" o per cent mortgag H. J. DriKsel. 1205 Wilcox bldg Mai 41i. East J1SR0. ' $200 DOWN SO ACRES. 80 acres, located on the main road, winch win be macadamized- 1 mll-s from la.e. Wash., and 7 mil 1:0111 aiiiuio, a i gooa 10am soi!. all be cultivated. Creek through trie pi one mile to school. The farmer on joining land will show this prone Pri'de ,-SSt- Vlh ch- Andin with JOHN EERGLSON. Geriinger b IP you want to be independent h your chance; 22 acres on t he Yac river, close to town and school t 0 acres of fine bottom land all "in tivation ; smail 6-room house and barn w e can neat tne valley on all kin ..-.r. . r- ... " 1 linn vtouia set to loganberries or plant It to tors and this year's crop will pa bri poi uni.' CO JOT CHI Pric- 2io0. Chas. Severson. Tolerl rto. Or 10 acres in rood dairying distrl rutiiit iii((iifH7, xu acres in s " 1 "' ui 5 oam . other buildings: 15 cows, 8 heifers. 50x1 th iw - "u nee a en. ing place; price f 20,000; f 5000 baiancs long time. LCEDDEMANN COMPANY x go iown I'u v iiw.iiiuer 01 commerce. 5G0 ACRES G FINER AL FARM LAND 560 10 miles from Eugene, on good rod , nna rtwjt ACt i-x.I.i..... 1 " ' v i.ei lana, poo buildings, woven-wire fences, all kind fruit. This is a wonderful buy st $7 per acre. k. a, banes, 733 Northweste: Rank hide. FOR 8A LK -ir-room 2-story hotel heart of the Berkshire hills: all imr , th rove 1, . oi(u w it nout steam heat, open fires, electric if ba th an gas: fully furnished throughout- cat only to highest class of patronage. Ad dress owner, box ob , Lenox, Ma FOR Willamette al!ey and southern Fun Idaho tarms, before buying see B. 3d PXviuiU uu j-ienry bids.