THE SUNDAY OKEGONTAN, rORTLAXD, APRIL 25, 1920 KAl ESTATE. For Sale A FEW CHOICE BUYS FROM OL'R KXTBNSIV B LISTINGS. PHOTOGRAPHS OK MANY OTHERS FOR YOUR INSPECTION. $.15oO -room bungalow. one block from Richmond car; ba f ire plaee, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full baftfment. 2 nice large extra bed rooms finished In atttc; hard surfaced . streets in and paid. $8t0 cash payment. $.'1500 H-room bunnalow, finished attic. excellent location: 3 blocks from Hawthorne; t blocks from M t. Scott car; has fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement. 3 bedrooms, 40x100 lot; ail street Improvemeuts in. and paid. $1000 cauh. 4000 Modern o-rooin bungalow, 1 block from car. living roonis finished in old ivory and tapestry paper; fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, fine garage. Terms. $1200 New 5-room bungalow, ivory fin ish, tapestry paper. fireplace, bookcase. wide and attractive buffet. Dutch kitchen with break fnst nook, fine garage with solid cement driveway. $lOOO cash. $1000 Wrand new 5-room bungalow, lot Mix 1 20 , has hardwood floors, fire place; very attractive buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, with breakfast nock; cement base- ment ; very latest finish and de sign. Why not have a new and up-to-date place when it can be procured a t same price as old ones? $1000 rach payment. 9-lToO 5-room bungalow, every modern convenience; hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, fur nace, garage; 2 blocks to Haw thorne car. $3230 (I-room bungalow, in very sightly location. one-half block from Hawthorne car; the design and construction of this bungalow is everything that can be desired in an up-to-date, well-built home ; has nardwood floors, f ireolace, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, furnace, garage, 12x20; lot 50x100. These are only a few of our good buys. We have many other homes to select from. Call this office and if you cannot come out we will bo very glad to call and get you. J. A. IITJBBEIiTj, 1078 Hawthorne Ave., cor. 36th St. TABOR 8SB2. IRVINGTON REsIdENCE. $7500 for a iftodern, up-to-date home ef 6 rooms, reception hall; living room In Ivory and mahogany. Dutch kitchen in white with white maple floor, bed rooms In while, large closets; one 01 the most artistic homes in lrvington. Has furnace, fireplace, buffet. French doors between living and dfnlng rooms, large basement, furnace. 2 toilets, garage; alt in the finest of condition. Half csh. If you want something fine see this. Phone Marshall 820. F. L. BLANCH A RD 519-20 Railway Exchange bldg. HOME BARGAINS. $2050 Sunnvslde, 6-r. home. $2150 Bungalow, 6-r., garage, 100x100 with fruit trees. $3500 6-r. home. E. 24th st. $3S00 San Rafael at., -r. home, 60x 150, with 8 large fruit trees. $800 Houseboat, 5-r., furnished. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry Bldg. LOOK! LISTEN! WHY PAY RENT? A beautiful lot. together with lx20 army tent, costing $150, 6-foot walls, situate Portland Heights In a fine grove; lot oOxSO. An ideal summer home. Price 7O0. HENRY W. GODDARD, 24.1 Stark St. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. $3000 for a 5-room. full concrete, base ment, full plumbing, gas and electricity, with fine garage for 4 autos. with con crete floor; lot 50x100. on Kelly at. Phone Marshall 820. F. L. BLANCH A RD. 619-20 Raiiway Exchange. ROSE CITY PARK. Ttanutlful 6-room bungalow, oak floors. plate glass, furnace, fireplace, finished In old ivory and white enamel: concrete basement and separate, fruit cellar. This is a good buy. PACIFIC REALTY. 409 Spalding bldg. Main 847. A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY ts a guar antee by a responsible company tbt you will not suffer loss on account of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a Title Insurance Policv. No abstract required. Title and Trust Company. An abstract of title- is not a guarantee of vour title; It ia merely a history of your title. A Title Insurance Policv is a guarantee of your title. -Therefore when you buy property get a Title Insurance policy. No abstract required. Title and Trust Company. 1RVINGTON. $S750. Hall, living-dining room in old Ivory with French gray tapestry paper; 3 bed rooms In white enamel: sleeping porch; lovely home; easy payments. East 1347. BUNGALOW, $6850. Finest In Alameda drive; living, din ing, breakfast and sun room, 2 bed rooms with connecting baUi, sleeping porch, garage, everything. East 1347. $2V0 FOR a very fine 4-room bungalow, fireplace, full basement, plumbing- com plete, fine lawn and roses, on corner. noxioo, on Glenn ave.; $500 cash. Phone Marshall -". F. L. BLANCH ARD. 510-20 Railway Ex. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, $2C50. VACANT. Cozy 4-room bungalow, newly painted and tinted, cement basement and walk, paved streets. OOxKO lot. Call 1RI2 E. .rant st., near dNtn. $000 6-ROOM house and furniture and ' acre ground.lots of bearing fruit trees, only 12 blocks from car. The house to day can't be built for $3000 and in In good shape. A snap. Terms. Tabor 2475. $aS0 S-ROOMs: lot 75x05; verv liberal terms; Improvements in and naid. Th is is In Sunnyside. You cannot beat it for a bargain. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 39th. Ta bor 641 3 . THE BIGGEST SNAP IN THE CITY. A modern 8-roomed house, with fur nace, all street improvements in. on easl side. For information call at 3U3-4 Couch bldg. A TIT L E I N SURANCE POLICY is a guar antce of the title to your home. When you buy your home have the title in ured. Better be safe than sorry. Title and Trust Company. SAVE YOUR RENT. $S50 furnished houseboat. South Port land; 5 rooms, large porches; wood raft; electric lights, city water; big bargain. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry Bldg. $25,000 ELEGANT VIEW HOME $25,000 100x120, with garage: this property cost $40,000 to build 7 years ago; has everything desired in high-class home. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry Bldg. 6-ROOM new bungalow, near Killings worth ave., 50x100. modern, hardwood floors, fireplace. furnace, cement basement; easy terms. Main 700. GOOD 7-room modern house: 100x1046: good fruit. Near Catholic church and schools. On? block to car. Alt. Tabor to 7Kth. 1036 E. Taylor. PORTLAND BANKS request title insur ance instead of abstracts. Why? Ask your banker, he knows. Title & Trust Company. WEST SIDE $.1500. 6-room house In good condition on 4th, near Lincoln; lot 85x101. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St TITLE INSURANCE is the modern way of handling titles to real estate. Quicker, costs less and no abstract required. Title and Trust Company. aiTLE INSURANCE is quicker, safer and cheaper than abstract method. Ask vour banker, he knows. Title and Trust Corn pan y . CLOSE your real estate deal without an noy ing details by using a Title Insur ance Policy. No abstract required. Title aad Trust Company. $1700 LARGE o-room cotuige in ivory finish, modern except bath; improved st.; $ "JoO 110 wn. monrn. call out of working nours, o"i ouin ave. a. E. WHEN you get a Title Insurance Policy you OO not ntrru m.11 sostracc oi title. One premium pays for all time. Title ana 1 rust v. ompan. $lfl50 5-ROOM house, lot 30x60, west side, close in, on H ood st-; handy to N. W. Steel woras; lerm. uwner, sen. 1105. WHEN you purchase your home have the title Insured. Get a Title Insurance Policy. 1 itie ana 1 rust company. BANKS request title insurance because it is best. ask your nanaer, ne knows. Title v Trust company. EVERY purchaser of real estate should have his title insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title and Trust Company. BANKS prefer title Insurance Instead of abstracts- 1 me ano, a 1 us 1 company. HAWTHORN E MT. TABOR HOMES" TABOR 4299 RODABAUGH. $1iL0 EASY terms. 0 rooms. 1012 E. Main st. rnone .viain a.-w-i. FOR HAWTHOrtNE HOMES CALL HUBBBLL TABOR H82 HOUSE for sale cheap: cloe in. 6tid E. Clinton at. Phone Sellwood 1392. COZY story and half bungalow; double lot; f ruit. berries: garage. T erma. Tabor 2026. S RoOMS. kitchenette; $ti50, cash or terms. 215 Broadway. Marshall 374. FOR SALE -room house in good Condi tion; fine lawn. Tabor 6276. I-ROOM corner house. $3500; raved streets and sewer all paid for. Call Wdin. 5S37. BEAT EST ATHK. If or Sale -Houses. $i000 LOVELY home. 6 rooms and every modern convenience; on Commer cial street near library and " Jef ferson high. This is exceptionally situated and surroundings fitting to those particular in their selec- : cion oi a home. Garage iron is on back Street and graveled al ley ; east front, with shade and ail improvements perfect, Fteu mond location. $0500 A larger home on East Madi son, close In ; ha 7 rooms, fur nace, fireplace; 4 bedrooms. Splendid buy at the price. $7000 Lovely home on 47th street, Rosi City Park; loOxloO. all covered wjih fruit and shrubbery, on hitfh ground north of The A iamerta. Call and see us if you still want that house In town or the nub urban place you have been think ing about. B. S. CoOiv. ttOl Stock Exch. bids. DESIRABLE 7-room house on car line, full basement, gas light, hot and cojd water. 3 extra large bedrooms. 1 0x14 workshoD and s- r v - 2 InLs. fruit trees. improvemen ts all in and paid. Price $5&U0. $000 cash. baL t per cent. 5- room bungalow and garage. . . 6- room cottage, corner lot 5- room house, basement. ...... . 6- room, basement 5-room bungalow, a bargain.... E. IL ANDREWS. V.)3 ',i Williams Ave. Phone Automatic IJlb-tiG. .$2500 . 2100 . JMiO . L'HOtl . dibit KENTON CAR. SWINTON ADDITION. itrect From Owner. 6-room eel led hniixf not fancv. but a comfortable home. bath, pantry, hot and cold ater, electric light, electricity free for 'J years, cement walks and curbing; 75x100 lot, bearing fruit trees and berries; house newlv paperrd ana painted: only 1750: term If desired. 0 per cent interest; will be on premises fcat urday and Sunday from & A. M. to 6 P. M. 157 East Winchel street, or phone Main 303, from 2 to 4 P. M. Mrs. Cunningham. MILWAUKIB HOMES. Good car service, modern homes: gas. 1 electric lights. Bull Ran water: fine bth grade and high schools. If you are 1 looking for a home come to Mllwauike. Prices range from $150O to $7000; some very eay term a . KLEEB & PARRY. First State Bank Building. Phone 1'3. Automobile Service. Milwaukie. Oregon. A P.PAT. SKAP WEST SIDE. 6-rooru house, not new, but in good condition, corner lot, one block from car; lot alone worth $2000; price $2000. $400 down, balance easy; this property closes an estate, so the reason for the low price. See Mr. Epton. J. BOBBINS, 801 Railway Exchange. Main 7951. WONDER if someone looking for a new. up-to-the-minute bungalow will see this little ad. and make their dream come true? Laree living room. French doors. den. tile bath with fine fixtures, oak floors. Easily kept clean and eo con veniently arranged as to maae nouse work a relaxation. Iarge garage. Lo cated in lrvington, one block from car. Telephone owner. East 7056. TS A REAL BARGAIN. On A Ins worth ave.. 5-room bungalow. lots of fruit and berries, good garden space, two lots J oox 1 110, corner. rrice only $4000. Full basement, fine plumb ing, trays. THOS. VIGARS, 270 Stark. Main 3052. I RV INGTON RESI DENCE. $8500 A fine home of & rooms and sleeping prnh. hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, 2 toilets, with large fin- I ished attlu, full basement, with fine fur-I nace: on Thompson st. A very fine 1 buy with easy terms. Marshall 623. P. L. BLANCH A HI). 519-20 Railway Exchange bldg. wT L L A METTE HE IG I UTS. This is a beautiful home and a wonder ful view; 7 rooms and sleeping porch; triple const ruct ion ; oa k floors through out: built for a home and not to sell: very pretty grounds. iSxllO. PACIFIC REALTY, 400 Spalding Bldg. Main 847. IRV1NGTON. NEW 8-ROOM HOME. Located 684 Brazee. 1 5x100 corner E. 19th. All hardwood floors, gas furnace. plate windows, garage. Splendiq. light 1 fixtures, wallpaper and tile bath. Very ! well DUlll ail u iwr saie vy owner. BY OWNER "Glendnwer, a beautiful suburban home at Milwaukie. In a grove of trees on Pac. highway; house would cost $7000 to duplicate; all conveniences beautiful fireplace, French doors, ivory finibh; owner a widow, will seil at bar gain. 1 120 E. Lincoln st. Auto. 210-L,8. 1RVINGTON Just completed, modern six- room bungalow; hardwood floof through out, fireplace and breekrat nook; pa pered ana aecoratea; Dig cement Dase- mrnt and k a race: price $73.V. aim k. 20th st. N., near Stanton. Phone Wood- lawn 4841. 50xl0o-FT uu ana good a-room nouse si 455 E. llth N. ; this Is In a line dia- tWct and is a good mr.dern house: b-; spending a few hundred dollars on tnis place a profit of $1000 could be mde in reselling; easy terms. lurner It w-o ,i0 c ham. or com. MODERN, attractive bungalow, Laurel- hurst; ocrner lot on car line; lare rooms, nara wooa morn, 111 ea oam. ga rage, fine lawn and imported shrub bery;, price $;..oo. 104 East G J an. Pbontf Tabor oa-tt ROSE CITY BUNGALOW" 5 beautiful rooms, strictly modern In all respects; street assessments in and paid; garage; $5250, $1250 cash.' Taoor 5205. K. G. APCQOK. M3 Pokum bldg. tn7T.o An S-room house, brick basement. gas, electricity, good plumbing, nicely papered ana aaisominea, nne view, on splendid home. Turner St Co.. Chamber or Lominnce. MODERN 5-room oungaiow, n,. ,th near Hoi eat c ; fun cement, oasemeut, laundry trays, lot 50x100; st. paved and paid; $2700, ;uu cue 11, "oi. .wiiiii-i( no Won- fe ag e. Owner, iaat 0-0. OWNER leaving cny o-room House, old ivory rinisn, uui, lumdte, w asn trays full cement uaicineui, biiruge ; lot OOX 100; 4 earing iruii trees. iiUU. East 772M. INSURANCE. " FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURK1TT. AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO, MAIN 1800. WEST SIDE SNAP. T.rnnm house. HKe new. with or with out furniture; full basement; going east sell everything for $450. 780 Rooseelt street. wove desiring to buy a mndm s- room kow v. 1 uuiigaiow, look us up at e. labor 47W This s a real home; cannot be duplicated today at price we ask. Terms. Owner FOR SALE by owner. t-rooni nouse, full blocks irom Sellwood ear barus. No. 4ty Uiaisop ave. THE riUMti you wni. nuy ironi owner and save cunimiBaiun, o rooms, 'z lots, desirably located, fruit galore. L29o E. H n St. is wiiii. ft. 14 GO M house, furnished or unftirniAi store. DUicner enou, garages, occupying Mliwauwe klivi. CORNER, ROSE CITY PARK. Seven-room siricuy moaern home In FOR cAr-r y uvwc., o-room bungalow IV you will buy a property that will .V. you """. cau Ta oor .oo. FOR sale. iooa .-room piastered house f)7!iB BUYS $4500 home If you en "$IC00 cash; renting for $45 month; must go quick. 301 Corbett bldg. ' musl SACRIFICE Beautiful o-room bungalow vacant, near pavement. JfSOO. Owner, evenings. OWNER'S bargain, 6-room bungalow- ga rage, paved, $2775. cash $775. Even- In as, T aoor 70.'.5. hoom nouse. price tto: s.'hhi -v. bal. $20 per mo. and interest. 10'JO E. tn st. 7-ROOM nouse, mox iw, on paved street Piedmont; oeauuiui buaue, irutt, riow- erti- aivxn. a bargain: t.osy a-room rm close-in. 42x100; $2050, part cash. Owner W OOUIttv. u 1 ve. 3-ROOM house, lot 50 by 100. south end of N . & S. carline Phone Marshall 21 7S. rrru rumui, w juna ave. l'hr sale A modern 5-room hnmra 1 . furniture if desired. Richmond district! F none eu. 6,-ROOM modern house and two lots 1 blk. from car. reasonable. lermi. Auto. matic 212-43. 6-ROOM house for sale: corner lot: 1 block from Hawthorne carline. Price $4200 See owner, 817 E. .38th Bt. ROSE CITY bungalow; corner; garage: 5 rooms. Ouick sale at $2700. Owner, Sellwood 93 BARGAIN in 7-room lrvington home. S. -K the nouse ana, owner ai o-a iast IU th Ft. North. WANTED Real estate salseman with CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry Bids. BEAL ESTATE, For Sale Hoanea, LAURELHURST. t?ave just purchased larger home and will give Immediate possession to my house, u rooms and sleeping porch, on Multnomah near Sandy, on best car line in city: entrance in central ha. I with splendid staircase to second floor; finished in old ivory; living room aaa artistic fireplace with beautiful lar mantel; French doors into living room, also double French doors from living room to porch; Dutch kitchen, 3 largo bedrooms and glass-inclosed sleeping - porch and bath on cecond floor; svory room has the necessary built-in conveniences- hardwood floors, full cement bnsenteiu, furnace. Price $0000; initial payment of $.i00 required: no commis sions, no agents. If you are Jooking for a guod home of real value phone, me at liast 7764. IRVING TON RESIDENCE. , New and modern 12-room lrvington residence, containing epacioua living, din ing and breakfast rooms. Jibiary, sun parlor and large central hall, all finished in the finest selected mahogany and oak, hardwood floors throughout ; five large bedrooms, artistically finished: maid quarters separately arranged; three toi lets, two tile bathrooms, ail plumbing fixtures of the most expensive and san itary type; house contains large finished attic and full cement banment; three artistic tile fireplaces, stationary vacuum cleaner, large grounds, beautiful, with rare flowers, plants and shrubs. This beautiful home for sale by owner on rea sonable terms. M 121. Oregon lan. FOR SALE BY OWNER. IN ROSE CITY PARK. PERFECTLY CONSTRUCTED FIVE ROOM BL'.MiALOW; ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES, HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT: ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. CORNER LOT. EAST FRONT; STREET IM PROVE Al EN TS IN AND PA I D ; G A RAG E : HOUSE ONE YEAR OLD; FIRST, TIME OKFKkfD FOR SALE. CAN BE SEEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY xE- TWEEN 1 AND 4 O'CLOCK. FOR AP POINTMENT PHONE TABOR 247 OR MARSHALL 2151. SBS0O TERMS $GS00. JUS0O $0800 $o00 $WOf West side, close in res.: attractive. modern, 7 large rooms, sleeping porch. furnace, 2 fireplaces, cement basement. enameled Dlumbinar : man v ot her fine features; sits on $.oo0 lot. 60xlOO; house tn ordinary times would cost S450O. This is ar. exceptional otter. loias. wnicn you should rladlv Investigate: bet. 2 car lines, con v. to hospitals, etc. Terms arranged. Main 403. G. C. GOLD EN BERG. Ablngton Bldg. "35 Yrs. in Portland BARGAINS. CHARMING H-room bunealow. Haw- tnorne. nardwood floors, very fine, c rage. $4500. .PLh.D D fl-room hnm hardWAnri I mors. throughout. Irvine ton. c&nce $t5O0. EXCELLENT 7-room home, choice hardwood floors throughout, best loca tion, irvington, .juio. MAGNIFICENT h-room home chnleeat location west side, cheap. East 273. neroman. TWO 6-ROOM HOUSES for the price of one from owner. On a 50x100 corner of Williams ave. Full "ment basement. ntui lonarv tuba uoubie garage, concrete runway. ru ture business property ; live in one and get 14 ju annual tin om a from other $7000 on terms or $0500 cash. Have bought larger house so will sacrifice for quick sale. East 6174. 282 Mon roe St. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $4260. New modern 5-room bungalow, fire place, hardwood floors, breakfast room buffet; old ivory finish; all rooms pa pered; garage; $1000 down, balance payments. MARSHALL -858. Also one at $3750; same terms. ROSE CITY PARK. LOVELY HOME. Seven rooms and sleeping ooreh resi dence; hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, full cement basement, laundry 1 rays: ovximt lot: Street Dived. Dairi $50 cash, price only $55o0. includes new garage to De erected; a great bargain. '" e.. .nun st. m. tr. al. car to Knott. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 1024 E. 37 th st.. modern, flren'.aee lotM of built-in cupboards and book cases; full cement basement: cash or terms, by non-resident owner. Ke this ana oe ready to do business Sunday P -w.. April -.. at ii.iv Raymond s William C. Himee. route 6. box 1. Halem OVERLOOK ADDITION. $5500 6-room. modern, il-storv bouse. built-in bookcase and buffet, hardwood floors, it replace, targe closet each bed room; full cement basement, wash trays, sewer, siaewaia in ana paia ipr; 10 60x100, east front; reasonsble terms. overlook Lana Co. Phone Main 216. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income ? We design ana buna apartments, ga rages, resiaences. anyming. iiirmsn pi ind finance, tstaoiisnea ten years. We offer HKUUB1TX. Sf.KVIL'E. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc. 024 N. W. Bank oiag. $4500 By owner. In Overlook Add! tlori. o-room mooem Dungalow. hard wood Door in living room ana dining room, ouiii-m oooacuse ana Duiiet fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays, etc. 1 erma uvenoon Laud Co. Phone Main 210. $310'. BY OWNER 6 rooms, modern, base men l ana garage. ixanienotin Skid more. $lr00 5 rooms, near Arleta school Mt. Scott car. $7500 18th and Hoyt. T rooms, mod ern. BROAD W A Y 3232. THE blccest bargain In city. 7 rooms an ttleeping porch, moarrn in every detail white tile kitchen and bath, fine base ment, good garage, with full width con crete runway, 1 block to car, 4 blocks to school leaving city, muist sel $3500, J 'J 000 cash. See owner, 1560 Easi r lanuera st. QUBBN ANNB COTTAGE IN RICHMOND. only iduu: narawooa floors, in livln and d In ing rooms, flue bu f fet, fireplace, oooKcases. exya line uutcn Kitche three bedrooms and bath, clothes chut cement basement and laundry trays. 01 c nam oer ot commerce otng. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT tt-room modern house of bungalow type, nice ouui-in ieaiures, lurnace, ri rep lac double construction, paved st.. on 30th near Hawthorne ave. Price $42O0; half cash. This Is a real bargain. R. M. GATE WOOD Sc. CO., 165'i 4TH fT. $30 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY. An old 6-room house In good condi tion with bath and toilet, electric lights nd gas. Good cellar, street work all in and paid for. Located at 184 Lincoln st. Price $1000. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. $3000 BY OWNER Double constructed house, e rooms and bath. Just finished full floored- attic, large basement 1 W corner lots. Miriam ave.. Will bridge 1 block ofcf Linnton road. Phone Alain 605. ask for Foster. PRICE ONLY $ 2600. Corner lOOxlOO, nicely fenced. 5-room house, electric light and gas. large fruit trees, chicken houses and rune one block car and paved street. Call owner. Main 5551. ONLY $1600 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 3 large, ngnt rooms. Deautlf u) Jawn and bearing fruit trees, larse flower boxs; terms to right party. r car to 70th. 2 blocks south. 1800 Siskiyou st GOOD 6-room house. EOxlOO Jot. bearing fruit trees and outbuildings; reasonable payment, uown anu terms 10 suit; price $2o00. Inquire 133 Idaho. Take River view car 2d and Morrison. " ROSE CITY". " " 5 rooms and sleeping porch, 1 block to carline; a snap; part cash, balance $'J0 per month. E. G. Adcook, 513 Dekum bldg.. Alain oon. IrtTeO JUST THE HOME for family; large, modern. 6 rooms, re ception hall, full 2-story, attic, built-ins; paving paid; E. Grant near Marguerite, X4J0O. aiam mi ciiumin, evenings. FOR SALE o-room bungalow. 3 lota an a kinns iruu anu uernes ana c 1 ckn run; can move in May 1. Take Kenton car, get on at wc., 50 east to 250, i.suoM modern home: oak floors. fnrai nrepiace. mi e run. s, restricted district, S blocks Jefferson H, g. ; yrc FOR SALE HKWIKABLK WEST SIDE ii O -M r. vj.i r NA.'t-ivo 01 rv. r r. 1 , ? EA H 2D bl H fr 1 . -a 1. is wvisfcK, MAIN 1 85 J. t -No rto..- t " FOR SALE By owner, 0-room house; 'lot RO feet by 132 feet; 0 cherry trees. X rages and a cottage. All go for $50O0, Good terms. ' um. oiao. BIG. elegant house, cor. 3rth and Holgate, 7 fine, oik rovui-, 'u.y lurnisnea ; loi rooms, partly 45xllu,' only $:1200; $500 cash, bal. mouth ly. owner. rast o,u. HAWTHORNE Nifty . 5-room bungalow; large rooms, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, concrete driveway; $3700. Own er, Ta bor 3208. FURNISHED 4room- cottage with sleep ing porch; modern piumbing, CounuiJ Crest car 10 new in sia., go to store, tn q uire for Mrs. Pointer. , , $V..-0 ROSE CITY PARK corner, 4 rooms first-class condition, electricity, gas dis count for half cash. 680 E. 79th st. North. Tabor 9115. PIEDMONT 6-room house, large living room. 2 fireplaces, old ivory and white finish: corner lot; . half price. Owner, East POLY $5000 7 ROOMS furnished; E. 30tii st" 50x100 lot. If you want a swell home to step right into, see I. P. McKenna. Belmont at 30th 13 years. Tabor 403. REAL ESTATE For bale Ho usee. $5600 ROSE CITY PARK $5600. 0-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, oak floors throughout, cement basement, fruit closet, plate glass windows, all built Ins; all ou one floor. It's a beauty. Let us show you this. Terms reasonable. $5000 ROoE CITY PARK $5,000. A 5-room strictly modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, all built Ins, full cement basement, wash "trays, breakfast room. etc. ; 50x100 lot ; $ 1 200 ca-ali will handle. (Very large living roo m ) . $0OiO ROSE CITY PARK $0000. A 5-room strictly modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, all built ins. all finished In ivory and white enamel, attic, full cement basement, wash trays. It's new and nifty and a real home; 00x100 lot, with garage. Terms. $5250 ROSEMERE BUNGALOW $5250. A 6-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, built-in features. cement basement, wash trays, etc. : 5oxl00 lot, garage and full cement runway. Hard surface at. and sewer iu and " paid. Easiest kind of terms. S70U0 ALAMEDA PARK $7000. A 7-room house, in the very best of condition, full cement basement. waih trays, furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors, all built 1ns. etc., cabinet kitchen. Bleeping porch; 50xloo lot. hard-surface at. and sewer in and paid; double garage and cement runwav. Very best of term. $6250 ALAMEDA HEIGHTS tfJ0. A new and up-to-the -mi n ute bunga low ; furnace. fireplace, oak floors throughout; all built-in features, cabinet kitchen. breaKfast nook, full cement basement, wash trays; all' finished in ivory and white enanu-1: 5uxloO lot: ga rage; hard-surface street and sewer in and paid; terms. 7MM WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. A ti-room bungalow, full cement base ment. wash tra s. all built-ins. furnace. iirepiace. cabinet kitchen and large pan try; all finished In ivory and white enamei; all drapes, linoleum and fuel In basement go: large garage; hard -surface St. in and paid; terms; beaut if ul view. RUM M ELL &. RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. . $5300. If you ever expect to buy a genuine bargain, here is your opportunity! You will be surprised to find a house of this high quality with all the built-in com forts and conveniences you will find here for such a low price. Hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcase, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cment basement, furnace, etc. ; paving and sewer paid. A very ideal location near car; this house is in 4rfect condition. If we can Just get you to look at the house our purpose lias been accomplished, it will sell it self. See It tod a v. A. G. TEEPR CO.. 264 Stark St., near Third. Main 8092. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. ' (Open Sunday. ) - BEST BUY RORK CITY PA RK. A MODERN HOME FOR $5200. . BELOW THE HILL. 15t to DOWN. Phone Mr. Oliver. Broadway 4:tl, and he will call nmt show you this bar gain In thin splendid district. Owner going1 to California 7-room house, t s. all paved, hardwood f loors, sleeping porch, fireplace, nil bujlt-tns, full co rn ant bHsement. furnace, garage. Price only $5200. $1500 cash, balance 6 per cent. HARGROVE REALTY CO. 122 N. 6th SL Broadway 4.",SL A SALE of organs: we must have them out or trie way; man very good ones re ceived in pr rt payment for instruments of greater tone varietyand for modern player pianos. Among others we offer: Chicago Cottage $::tf Kimball 40 Packard 45 Earhuff 45 Bridgeport, large room organ ,. 40 Peloubet Sunday-school organ 10 A ;o magnificent self -play ing orches trelle. half price, actual cost $.mkj; $450 cash or easy terms buys it. See these and many others at Oregon Eiler Muiilc Mouse, nt Washington st. AIRPLANE BUNGALOWS. Will furnish plans and build for you; have the pick of over 4 00 men left at completion of large construction job, ready to give satisfaction; have views and floor plans of 1U5 latest type bun galows of airpiane and other niftv stylts to aid you In choice. Will build for smaii percentage or flat price. E D Roberts, 185 E. 15th. Automatic 217-bl. FINE 7-ROOM modern home In Piedmont. Has hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, buffet, china closet, laundry trays. Lot ftoxloo. Pavod street, fine lawn and shrub bery. Located in the best part of Piedmont. Price only $05t. on terras. Wdin. 4664. Mrs. Yager. IRVINGTON $8700. Worth $12.noo; 4o rms. slpg. pr., maid's rm., turn., firepl., hd. ud. firs. Garage; Ijest section. Main 4&0o. a. C GOLDENBE RG. Ablngton bd. 106 3d st. MODERN PIEDMONT HOME. On Commercial street, within 2 blocks of North Portland library; 6 rooms, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors and all modern conveniences, in A-1 cond it Ion. 50xHH lot. good garage. Price $55O0, terms to suit. BROWN Sc GRANT. 202-201 Fenton Building. Broadway 3222. SPLENDID HOME 400 caHh. 8 large rooms. 100x100 corner, abundance fruit, berries, house in fine condition : has grand porch. around 3 sides, hatti, 2 toi lets, furnace, buffet. Dutch kitchen ; price ?2S0. and think, you can pay as rent. 60 S. Liberty st., corner 1 5th. 2 blocks south Woodlawn car. Vacant. Open. Owner. -Tabor 8:4 forenoon. NEW lrvington bungalow Five room papered walla, built-ina, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, large 2d floor un finished, with finished front stairs. Fine lighting fixt yres, enameled wood work, garage. Corner lot AOxlOO with view of Mt. Hood. At corner llth and Braxee. Price $7500. Terms. , See Iidd Estate Co.. Marshall 404. 4 stark street. A NO. 1 home for sale at 677 hi. 4.1th N.. in Beaumont, large living room and dining room with built -Ins and window seat, hardwood floors and fireplace. Dutch kitchen, white enameled, three bedrooms and enclosed sleeping porch, large clothes closets with .windows. Boy n ton furnace. Owner, East 2tk4, or 451 Weidler. ROSE CITY. Five-room modern bungalow furnished, nice sleeping porch inclosed with glass windows, cemnt basement, pretty vine covered porch, fruit trees, rones and shrubbery; a nice little home in desirable location. $2J00, at eay terms.. Phone 818-32. portland heights, move in at once. Fix large, airy rooms, fireplace, fur nace, two large porches, large attic floored and plastered. Will sell partly furnished Easy terms. A real bargain. $5oO0. Main 6456. Main 6Sb2 bunday morning. S-ROOM bungalow, vacant, ready . to move into. See it today. Mrs. Yager. Wdin. 4H04. $3650 TERMS! New modern bungalow In Rose City park district, fireplace, modern plumb ing, urea-toast nooK attic, lot o'txioo. Call owner Automatic 210-85. Terms $500 down, balance monthly. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you, terms like CONTRACTORS A BUILDERS. 2t Morgan Bldg. Main 2033. 3- ROOM house. 50x100 lot. fruit berries. In Overlook add., $850; down. $15 per month. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. H4 Panama Bldg. trees. $yoo $4000 -$10ftft A STRICTLY modern up-to-the minute bungalow of ft rooms, fur nace and fireplace : 1 block to car. He rider A Cable, 58 29 7 2d st. Tabor 2475., MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand new 4-room bungalow; near Union ave. and Piedmont : a few hun dred dollars down will handle It; balance like rent. Phone Owner, East 40i0. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. BUY THIS $2250. 5-room cottage, electricity, gas. basement. Main 5456, Monday. full A NUMBER of dandy buys close to car and walking distance. Pay $2.'.n to $1000 down. Herlder Cable, 5829 72d st. Tabor 247$. x:ifO -$SOO DOWN, $20 mouth. Imme diate possession. 6 rooms, modern, 2 blocks to cai Tabor 2475. OWNER leaving city ; 6-room modern house, double garage; some furniture goes with It. 501 E. 3th. RESIDENCE and store building on s-ood business street; Income 70 per month; T W u-kuu.m gnoo nouse. z rme lots, on carline; snuu, .'iiu caen. 1150 E. Lin coin st. Tab. 2225. KENTON Splendid 4-room house. $1500. also oanay a-room nouse. just east of Laurelhurst, $1450. 405 Couch bldg. HEAL ESTATE. For Hale Houses. $1600 -Woodntock avenue home, nice little four room house, bath and toilet. $00O cash, balance $25 per month at 6 per cent interest. Lot 5 Ox 1 OO. $ltk Est atith street ; four-room ghe-use; ground 75x2oo; electricity; not and cold water; garage; a comfortable home with plenty of garden space; some fruit and berries. $5oo cash, balance easy. $3750 East Lincoln street, close In; five room house, lull cement base men t ; water, gas. electricity, strictly modern. This house is fuliy furnished with at least $1000 worth of furniture and ail goes st the above price of $lOOO cash, balance $30 per month at 7 per cent. , $4500 6-room house; modern : fireplace; wash trays ; full cement base ment; 2 full lots; a vary nice home; close in on east side. $5500 h-room house; garage; modern; near 2b th and Sandy on Lawrence street; a very fine place. $2500 cash, balance 6 per cent. $7000 7-room house; modern; garage for three cars; large lot; nar Broadway bridge- on" Victoria street. A verv good buv. A. W. LAMBERT & SON, 404 East Alder Street, Corner Grand Avenue Phone East ft40. MOVE RIGHT IN. ONLY $750 CASH. Price $4000; "J5 E. Glisan. Laurel hurst. a genuine snap; near UOth; near Dutch colonial shape. 3 rooms and entrance hall first floor. 2 bedrooms and bath 2d floor, ce ment basement, cement floor; big lot atrxlo with bak yard chicken f'-nncd. cherry, peach and other fruit trees ; nice shade trees and f lowers : substantial garage with solid cement driveway ; hard sur face street, all improvements ,patd; house now va'-ant, look it over. The lot alone la worth $0O0; a very unusual snap at this Ume. KAISER A. RAINEY. 823-6 Gaaco bidtf. Main 7602., LAURELHURST. S-ROOM H AND SLEEPING PORCH. N K W I "OM PLET E $ 7650. FOLKS. GET BUSY SEE THIS TO DAY! You never would expect to buy such a home as this in beautiful Laurel hurst for so little money. Ideally located, near car. complete with garage sod everything one could ask for. The beauty of design and completeness of Interior arrangement, together with the fine ma terial and workmanship contribute to ward making tnis a Quality nome or un usual distinction. From hardwood floors to garage, every detail Is complete. We don't expect to sell you the house from this'aii. All we want to do all we expect Is for you to see this splendid buncalow. A. G. TEEPE CO., 2C4 Stark St., near Third. Main 80J2. Branch Office, aoih and Sandy. (Open Sunday. BEST HOUSE BUY IN PORTLAND. $4250 will take a 7-room modern house and 3 splendid lots, only 1 block to car and ou one of Portland's main t borough fares. The house Is praUra lly new. hardwood floors, fireplace, sleeping porch, bed roonis and kitchen white en amel. One nice bedroom downstairs. Very large living, rtinlng room and kitchen. Lots of f luit, berries, grn pen, grape arbor, holly trees, monkey purrle, flowers and h rubbery of all kinds. Less than what you would have to pay for a Similar house on a little cramped-up lot. Prie only $42-V. See Mr. C liver, with HA RG HOVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. Olh St. Broadway 43 1. $tiOH Buys one of the best homes in Walnut Park. This home could" not be built for $0000. Strictly modern In every way; too good to rent. My business calls me way. My loss is your gain. $4200 buys a modern house, 2 blocks off Union ave.; could not be built for $50O( ; some terms. $3000 buys a 5-room bunralow 2 blocks off Union ave.; terms, $5o0, $25 per month and interest. See J. E. Musgrave. with G. S. Smith & Co.. 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portia nd. $500. NIFTY BUNGALOWS. T have 10 choice S-room, brand new bungalows, seetlona!; these are similar to Jhe Army convalescent, portable bung alow erected at cantonments. These bungalows have 10 French windows, front, back doors, porches 6x12, 2 par titions; could not be built today for $10o0; easily erected by 2 men In .1 days. Put them on your acreage, vacant lots or beach lots; save rent. For particulars write R. D. M APE. Box 024. Cit y. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ronmn, nox ion lot. all Improve ments paid . garage, cement floor and drive: Radiant fire, hardwood floors, all built-in feature!; ivory finish, tapes try paper, laundry trays, drain and ce ment floor in basement, walnut t rees ; owner will he on grounds to show the place; on East 4th st.' N.. between Stanton and Siskiyou. ' ROSE CITY bungalow, has 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, ftirnaco and other modern conveniences. I'm 40tl) street near car line. Lot 5OH0. Paved street and walk. Can be handled for $1000 down and monthly payments. Geoorge Couo, Tabor 1524. . . DOUBLE HOUSE OR HoMfc AND INCOME. 2-story, modern 6-room apartment on each floor, cement basement and laun dry trays for each apartment, JVOxlOO, about 3 blocks from car and cloft to Columbia park: present rental $81. 50 per month. Price $3M0. some terms. BROWN Ac GRANT. 202-2O1 Fenton Building. Hroad way 3222. $40(1 l RVINGfON. Typical bung., double const'd. 5 large rms.. sipg pr., attic, furnace, fireplace, built-ins. Garage, 5ox DO. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Ablngton bd. Main 4S03- HERE is something worth buying; large bouse, arranged as two entirely sepuraie flats, upper 4, lower u rooms; complete- ly furnished. Fine grounds loox!02: much I run. uuexee; leu tocaiion. near grammar snd high s hools, close in. best far service ; good Investment or home ; ive In one, rent the other. For particu lars address A 12$. Oregenlan, or phone Tabor 523. NINE-ROOM home for sale in good dis trict, large hall and living room, dining room. dn, kitchen, with splendid pasa pantry, hardwood floors, four bedrooms and maid's room, two fireplaces, ga rage, grounds lKlxlOO. lots of shrub bery, ail plate-glass windows. Will take part cash, part on time, or some trade. Call East 2o04 at 4ft! Weidler. 6-ROOM modern house, on paved streets. Corner lot near Rich mond ca r. M ra. Luc 1 us. Tabor BEAUTIFUL lrvington Park home, newly built, 5 rooms and bath, built-in buffet. - cove celling, enameled kitchen and bath. A 1 plumbing, electric lights, gaa, full cement basement : this is a corner lot, fruit tre a, berries, bushes. 4 blocks from car: $3.VM, one-half down, terms en balance. Owner. 1442 E 27th St. N. LAURELHURST. STRICTLY MODERN fi ROOMS, TWO BATHS, HARDWOOD FLOORS. FUR NACE. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS. Unix JOO SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. POL-DEXTER. 2ftS SELLING BLDG. MAI N 1 HOO. RESI D E NCE- 271-2Q. DO YOU want a city home? If so. come in. tell me your requirements. Can price to you from $1650 up. If you want a site for a new home. I ran suit you. I. G. DAVIDSON. K19 Chamber of Commerce. DON'T MJSS THIS CH'CE. A real bargain in a new 5-room bun galow with garage: owner leaving city, will sacrifice; oer and house at 11S7 lvon st.. near Eai 3Mth. Richmond car. IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new 6-room bungalow, strictly modern: furnace, hardwood lloors. built ins, etc.: $100 down, terms on balance. See it today. Phone Owner, East 4oo. $30110 TWO houses, full lot. close In, good condition; all improvements in and paid; good terms; move rig-ht In: a wonderful bargain. East Portland. See Haddock. Ml Merchants Trust bldg 7 -ROOM modern bungalow on 4 2d street. Furnaee. fireplace, sleeping porch, hard wood floors and very modern. George Cone. Tabor 1524. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A large, Hplendlly built rmern bunga low, with 2 level lots, 2 blocks from car. Main 7214. " BARGAIN. R-room house, fruit. Call and see owner. 045 E. YAMHILL ST. ;i-.u HAWTHORNE bungalow, 520. Mar sacrl- soo. . XiccU. Owner 340 E. REAL. ESTATE. For Sale -House $1450 S-ROOM BUNGALOW $1450. A S-room bungalow, with shower bath, njior uiiMr isit lotM of fruit. 1 block car. "and can be handled on $200 down, balance like rent. $2UH 7-ROOM HOUSE $2400. A 7-room house, with sleeping porch, bath, toilet, etc., 80x1 25-foot lot, 3 blocks car and 3 blocks school; terms, $'HOO 6-ROOM HOUSE $2kH. A 6-room house, good basement, bath, etc., newly tinted throughout, linoleum, shades, etc., corner lot, 50x100 feet; $70 down, balance $20 per month. Including 6 intt-rest. $3004) 6-ROOM HOUSE $3000. A 6-room house on Failing st.. just off Union ave., cwnent basement. wfh trays, bath, etc., 40xlOO lot. hard-surface 'st. and sewer In and paid: very easy terms. 3W o c lop E l -N a &00. 1 A 4-room bungalow, floored attic, good I nasement. bath, etc., oOxltMi lot. nara turface st. and sewer in and paid, fruit trees and berries, 2 blocks school. 3 blocks car. Terms.. 375o HAWTHORNE BUNG'W $35M. 5-room bungalow, good basement, oak floors, cabinet kitchen, breakfast nook, finished in ivory and white enamel, ga rage, hard-surface sL and sewer in and paid. Terms easy. $ 4 2 50 H A W.T HORNE BUNG' W $ 4 2 50. A 6-room bungalow and floored attic, cement basement, wash trays, a it built ins, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, oa k floors, finished in ivory and white enamel, new and vacant, garage; t-rma, $ 5 50t-- A WT H OR N E RUNG W $ 5 5O0 . A 5Aom strictly modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, oak f loom, all built in foaturci. cement basement, wash trays, etc.. 50xlta lot. bard-surface st. and sewer in and paid. It s a bmuty and worthy yt your investigation. Terms. KUMMELL RUMMELL, 274 Stark. FINE IRVINGTON HOME. DOUBLE GARAGE. NEW ENGLAND COLONIAL STYLE. a large rooms, extra large living room, large library which can be usea tor a downstairs bedroom if necessary, a per fect gem of a Dutch kitchen; finished throughout in old ivory and finest tap estry paper ; material and workmanship the very best that money could buv. 1 wilt sell this palatial home $150O under what you could bui.'d it for. Loeatud on corner of 12th and. Brazee. For appointment phone TURNER St WINSHIP, Tabor 2124 Or Tabor 5014. SUBURBAN HOME. N E W M ODER N BUNUAl -O W. HAP ACRE FRUIT AND BERRIES. $5750. Here, folks. Is one of those real good looking exceptionally well built bunga lows. room extends entire width of house miih large plate glass window, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buf fet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, ce ment basement and wash trays; finished In old ivory and white throughout. This is ideally located. Let us show you. A. G. TEE1E CO., 264 Stark St., near Third. Main 3002. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday, i FOR SALE Beaut i ful new colonial bun galow; living room and dining room fin- iHhed in ola ivory, piaster cove ceiiing. quarter-sawed oak floors, tiled fireplace in living room, light ing fixtures in gold and gray; kiichen with all built-in fea tures, also breakfast nook finished in wiute enamel ; tiled bath room, a't-o Dearoom dou ntairs ; 2 bedrooms and sowing room upstairs iu white finish; beautiful pergola with metai columns: also garage; lawn has been terraced an Is ail in velvety green; would cost $;m)( now to build; for sale st coft. by ownnr, owner on ground rrnm 10 ft. 7l East 17th st. north. Kllcktat. $S5tHVOO. STRICTLY MODERN NEW BUNGA LOW JUST BEING COMPLETED. HAS V KKT LARGE LIVING ROOM. DINING R m iM, TWO BEDROOMS AND BATH f 1 KST FLOOR. TWO LARGE BED R OO M S. S E W I NO RO M A N I BATH SECOND FLOOR, H A RD WOOD FLOORS I M KOLKiHOI'T. FULL SrZK RASE MENT. FURNACE. GARAGE, CORNER LOT. AT LEAST HALF CASH. CAN BE PKKN TODAY. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1hih. RESI HENCE 271-20 $ 55 to West side 6-room modern. $i5to Bungalow, garage; new. $S750 Laurelhurst home and garage; 0 rooms; 4 bedrooms, sleeping ( poren. $25,000 Beautiful view home on west siope Mt. Tabor; everything de sired in a home which cost $40, mm to build, West side Nob Hill home SEE OUR -LARGE LIST OF HOMES. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry Bldg. MODERN eight-room Hawthorne home: has fireplace. furnace, nice cnlna closet. Dutch kltcnen. bookcases. 4 bedrooms, large ce ment basement : lot 5ox 12; roses, shrubbery and large ex tra good home ; price f i,Vm. $l.QO down. Mrs. Lucius. Tabor 3049. $ nr. fti t E R MS LAURELHURST. h-rooin bung, ty pe ; den. brkfst. rm.. pg.. f urn., firepl.. hd. wd. firs., Laurelhurst. 3:;d st. This place will suit: w ay below value Main 4sn3. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Ablngton bldg. "35 Yrs. tn Portland." PI EDM ON T BARGAIN. 7 rooms. neml-bungalow. hardwood floors. g ood hae rn en t. f u rn ace. f 1 re place, nne bedroom and bat h on first f 1or. 3 bedrooms, toilet aud lavatory 00 second. 5oxlOO lot, on Haight avenue and close to car. Splendid value at $5000. F a v terms. BROWN & GRANT. 202-2"! Fenton Building. Broadway 8222. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALC4W. If you have $1500 to $2501 to pay down, balance arranged, will furnish plans and build for you on rpy Laurel hurst lot : have floor plans and views of many latent type airplane and. fancy bungalows to aid you In choosing. E. D. Robe it. Automatic 217-81. E. 15th. GOOD HOME. GOOD BUY Extra good t wo-tory 8-room modern bouho. m fine condition, and two nice lots with chicken house, etc.. that can he bought right and w!U give terms Here Is an extra good home with city conveniences and many country advan tages. Don' t overlook t his. SAMUEL DO A K J20-J Northwestern Bank B!dg. ROSE flTY BUNGALOW. $4750 TERMS. Beautiful new 5-room modern bunga low In Rose City park. Everything the latest and best. If you want a home this is a dandy. House open from 10 to 4 Sunday. 72ft E. 5t h north, 3 blocks north of Sandy, or call MORTGAGE INVESTMENT Co. 21 Morgan Bldg. Main 2Q35. ROSE CITY PARK $7M cash, easy pay ments, lovely 7-room residence, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement, laundrv travs. "Dutch kitchen, in facL a most charming house; largo, aunny rooms, paved street; price only $51:50. Tou will never beat this price for such a home. Call 59 E. Brtth at. N. BM car. LAURELHURST. T.TVING ROOM. DINING ROOM. KIT CHEN FIRST FLOOR. FOUR rED ROOMS. BATH. SLEEPING PORCH SECOND FLOOR. TTU HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIVRXACB; $65O0 TERMS. HALF CASH. POINDEXTER, 20 FELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SIM. RESIDENCE 271-2". WEST SIDE INVESTMENT. SOxlOrt, corner 4th and Caruthers ats., 12 rooms and garage, will net about ft per cen t from presen t ren t al. Price $0000, half rash, balance on time. BROWN & GRANT. 202-2O1 Fenton Building. Broadway 8222. IRVINGTON HIGHLAND ADDITION. Seven-room modern bungalow atyle house, pretty decorations, papered in tapestry and newly painted: fruit tree, roses, shrubbery and lawn; garage, hard surface in and paid: leaving town. mu;t sell. $4750. good terms to responsible people. Phone 318-32. - ROSE CITY PARK. Eight-room house, firepjace. furnace, living, dining, den and kitchen first floor, four bedrooms, bath and large porch up. This was bought renonable. Will give you a good deal. $55oW. terms. BD 3H3. Oregonian. HAWTHORNE PtNGA LOW. PEE IT TODAY MOVE RIGHT IN. ONLY $lO(ft CASH REQUIRED. r rooms. ' strictly modern, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, garage. paved street, near car. Owner, Tabor 764S. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 7-room modern house, furnished or un fum inhed : furnice. f utl cement base ment. nice lawn and flowers: between 1 Tngton and Stark. Terms. ' $:t00 DOWN TAKES IT. 5-room house and two lots In Sell wood district: fruit, berries, garden, etc.: whole price $15O0; sidewalks paid; real SNAP. VIII fell t a sf-crifire R-room housa on Bel in tint. Lots of fruit. Call and owner. V45 E. YAMHILL ST. REAL. ESTATE. tor Sale -House. $:;200 TERMS $:i2'Hl. $;ijio TEH ms 1150 E. U1TH ST. NO. ALBERTA CAR. 1150 E. 2i'TH ST. ALBERTA CAR. VACANT MODERN. 5-KvM lU'NGA IvOW AND LARGE SCREENED SLEEP ING PORCH, BUFFET. PANELED DIN ING ROOM. HALL SEAT. BEAM ED 1 'FILING. DUT'H KMC HEN. Wt 'D LIFT. FINE ENAMELED PLUMBING. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. GAS. SHADES. SCREENS. LAWN 5txlHi LOT. ALLEV 8 FRUIT TREES. BERRIES. ROSES, 100 FEET TO CARLiNE. SEE THIS TO DAY OWNER ON PREMISES 11 TO 5. OR PHONE EAST 452 E V F N I N G S FOR APPOINTMENT. LOCATED IN BEAU TIFUL 1 RVINGTON I PARK. TAKE ALBERTA CAR TO SoTli AND KIL LINGS WORTH. POSITIVE SACRIFICE. OWNER MOVING TO N E W BERG. SEE THIS. MAKE OFFER. HOME AND TWO LOTS OV CORNER FRUIT. FLOWERS. CHICKEN HOUSE. NEAR SCHOOL. CHURCHES. STOKE. etc see ;;y.ii kjd st.. 2 blocks NORTH OF MOUNT SOTT CAR. PRICE $KM THIS WEEK. WITH A LITTLE PAINT AND PAPER THIS PLACE EASILY WORTH $25oo. ABOUT $..50 CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT. INwUIUE 1'uP. OWNER. ."2 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN OOO HAWTHORNE $5on Immediate possession in a ni--e eight room bungalow type house, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitehrn. fine basement, nice garage. 1 m provr ments In and paid- If nt sold tody will rent on long lease. Agents please do not apply. See owner after lo;;io. Sunday only. Come rigUV out to 12ot Mixter street, near o'Jth FINE VIEW. MOST SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD, CORNET LOT. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS. H4.RDWOOD FLOORS FIRST AND SECOND FLOoR-. THERE ARE in Rooms, pai.i: M and 2 baths. HOT WATER HEAT. LARGE GARAGE. PRICF $:;r..iHH. SHOWN ONLY BY AP POINTMENT. NO PHONE INFORMA TION. IOINPEXTT5!l 2 SELLING BT.DG. MAIN DitHl RESIDENCE. 27l-2. DEAL WITH OWNER. - 6 rooms. Downs. 11 s: Hall, living room, dining room, pass pantry, large kitchen. fuil cement baseiuetu 11 a laundry trays, funs lied floors. Upstairs: Three bedrooms. hall. floor pointed, bathroom with linoleum. Double ga rage. Paved street. $'lTOi. Another house, same slxe. without garge. $ Hon. Week days. 185 Belmont st. Tabor i'-4!7. $-450 SOME BUY. Nice 4-room house with b.ll. wash travs. full cement basement, etc Lot 45xloo; chicken house, fruit trees, roses and berries ; block of car. Terms. KASER A RAINEY. 823-2 Gasco bldg. Main 7 Ho 2. $550 BELOW MVRKKT VALUE. BUV DIRECT FRoM OWNER. 1RVTNGT N. STRICTLY MO'iKKN HOME WTTH LARGE LIVING ROOM. DINING KM.. KITCH XV. FI its T Fl- OR : 4 LA ItGE BEDROOMS. LARGE SLEEPING PCH.. BATH. SECOND FLOOR. LARGE AT TIC. HARDWDOD FLOORS. Ho'i WA TER HEAT. XIJ.OOO. POINDEXTER, 2ttK SELLING BLDG. MAIN Imhi. RESIDENCE. 27 I --o. YOUR OWN TERMS. tJZO A REAL B A R 1 A I N - J2250. S-room plasi ered. double -const met houHC, small basentcnt. electric ligliin. cas: eood nlumbinc ; large lot I..x Bn lots of berries. This is h bargain mid . terms are right. Snndav Marshall week days Main 7I7. Marieis or Will lams. K20 Chamber of Oommree bldg. 6-ROOM HOUSE in Hawthorne div ti let. Fireplace, garag. improx el fctreets. $;;50O. $HMOdown. Mrs. Lucius. Tabor SUM. VACANT. VACANT. VACANT. IN BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON. DRIVE OUT AND LoOK AT NO. 524 EAST 12TH ST. NoRTH; JUST BEING PAINTED AND DECORATED. READY TO OCCUPY IN A FEW DAYS 7 rooms, si rictly modern Price $5mV. terms. Sunday Mar. o'.n3. week days Main 7'7. 5-ROOM B U N G A L- W . $5ooi. This artistic little home has large liv ing room, ti replace and furnace, huiit 1ns. timshed in white and ri-h old ivory: located on attractive corner. v.te ill ; paved street. I'A paid. Owner, Tabor 5 Uri. Positively no agents. ' HEAITTIFUL strictly modern 5-rom 1 'a forn ia bungalow; Hawthorne d st net. close in. ful! cement basement, hot w ter heat, completely furnished with ma hoeanv. rues. V ict .-ola. ready to move into; immediate possession : owner leav ing, ot; 1 y 55tn ; some t erms. Mar. 1 "'2 REAL SNAP WEST SIDE, corner lot. fix-room hous. Jut we: of shipvards; beaut if ul vu. Price. $2000, $400 down, balance monthly. See Mr. Kpton. .1. BOBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7M1 BUNGALOW. IfionlOO. EASY TERMS. Beautiful corner. 14 bearing fruit trees. 2 blocks car; good f-rooin b galow with furnace, garage. $.;j'H. $." riou-n. Woodstock. J c. CORB1N I'O . 3rtT,-rt-7- Ixis bdg. vnn iSI'RK BARGAIN. n.rooin hou!; has 1 be.iroorn and bath down. 5 bedrooms up ; full ha --men t. laundry trays, corner tot. 57xlon. 4 e ment Karage. paved Mr-ts. cl.e in. A bargain for L'OOO. $1000 down Sm A. H. AKERSON. 42ft 'HENRY HLDG CARPKNTl R. here's a not her unfi 11 is bed house awful cheap for iui. k sa'or See owner there. 12m E. Russet 1. before 2 P. M. Sunday or Pacitlc Agency. .il4-M S wet land bldg. BARGAIN FURNISHED. Lot 50x100. between La-Id's addition end Snnnvside; 5 rooms, wide front and buck porches, aleove. large closets, fruit, rone, ete. $.ftO : lertn THOMSON. rtl'O-21 HENRY BLDG. CAN'T BE BUILT FOR 7ftft. 7 rooms, strlcly modern, full cement haaement. walks. furnace. tireplaee. built s. paved St.. corner lot. Ideal locntion. ln. roues, et'. A renl .;ir gwln JL""" ter n. Cranfill. 4213. $425ft. PIEDMONT. PENINSULA PARK DISTRICT: 6-ROOM MODERN BUNG-low- BEST BUY FOR THE MoNEY. ONLY $42M. DARING Jfc Mc KEY NOLI S, COUCH BUI LD I Nd " F, a.STMORELA N D rttr M-TIFUL EASTM IRELAND. :;oiM 6 rooms, rrtotlern. 1"0T0. 12 bearing fruit trees. gfod reason for sell Ing: some termy. Sellwood -'To iai:v ihm hoMie in Surnysh'e: 5 rooms, be sides pnntry and bath. Hardwood floors throughout Fine tr( nentry aT and light fixture. Houv newly painted. Hard surface and sewera in and iatd for Price g'iiO Tabor l41ft. BUNGALOW. Large and roomy: 6 rooms, bath and sewing room, strictly modern, hard -surface pa Id In full. Verv close in. $5500, hnlf cash. Owner. Enst 7 1 52. HWMWHAWTHO R N E Bl ' N G A LO W- 4O"0 5 rooms. 2 bed rooms do w nt irs : bd. wd floors. fireplace. full has men t. Easv terms. Call Leppere. Main 51U9. SSI Railway Exchange bldg A COV-Y 6-room home. cmplee. on Port land Heights for U-ss than the price of 1 an automobile. Newly finished Inside and ont. Electricity. gTis and f tirr.m e. Don't be Just too late. Marsh n il 47. WFST SIDE BARGAIN Eleht rooms, fire place, furnace. Dutch kitchen, att ic : would sell all or part of furniture: fine neighborhood, walking d:t.nee: J.m. terms. John M. Payne A Co.. Mam .HH2. 7-R 'M m-wlern lioue In Piedmont, near Jefferson hieh school ; paved street iah or terms. W1M consider 5-room bunga low n? part nayment. Phone owner. Wood law n "2o. NF. VT modern T.-room bunculow with Dutch J( it chen. gas and ia.-ae sleeping n.irch. all on nne floor. JM'o f auick sale: terms. dv or evenings. Woodlawn Sun - FOR SA I.E l-room cott a ge. 'arge lot. or can sell 2 or 4 lots. Just the place for cows, chickens and about acre of gar den cii Monday. 1ft54 Borate or R. J. Grienel. 375 Wash. Vain. 2P4H. MODERN 0 rooms, sleeping poreh. attic basement, furnnee. fireplace, fruit, roses. pHVed street: block to Hawthorne at V, 2?d : only $5750, terms. 0 tier. East 4723. BUNG ALOW S3650. fullv modern. SIM Division street. nnr E;tat 2'th." easy terms. John M. Payne- & to.. Main 0012 ' SKLLWOoD. 2 LOTS. r-room plastered bouse, modern, full cement basement. ?-''. H""1' cash lril m E. 13th. Automatic 211-66. $ltSr.O CASH. $20 per month. Nifty :t-room linns, very nt nd attractive, built-in conveniences leotric lights, coilar and woodshed. 5014 H4th at. s. E. 1 SE LI - WOO D. S ELL W OOfH Jt 17"0 ?, rooms, atrictlv modern. pned street. 1 llock cnr. J soft cash. See for vour self Ifill1- E. l.tth. Automatic 2 T fl-fiH ROSE CITY $43.mi for tne nef.t buv in R C; 7 rooms and everything. $loo down, balance eaey terms. No agents. Call Tabor 7528. 1 FOR SALE Modern bngalow on board walk. Phone East 708. BE A I. ESTATE. For Sale Houses, W0 1-STORT STORE, LOT 50x100. $000 3-RM. SHACK, LOT 50x100. $1100 6-RM. HOUSE. LOT 50x100. $1600 6-RM. HOUSE, LOT 50x100. $26O0 6-RM. HOUSE. LOT 50x100. $3000 5-RM. HOUSE. LOT 45x90. $3500 7-RM. HOXSir, LOT 30x100. $5000 6 RMS..SU rCIL. LOT 60x10-. $05A0 7 RMS.. SL. PCH., LOT SOxlOi. $75O0 10 RMS.. SL. PCH.. LOT 0xlA Slft.fton I? ROOMS. BILLIARD ROO SLEEPING PORCH. FURNACE. BUi FET. PLATE - GLASS WINDOW : HARDWOOD KTHKS. TWO FIKE- I RAGE. LOT 100x100. FRUIT TRFt ORNAMENTAL TREES. ROSES AND I FRUITS. I M P n O V E D STREi.Tir TERMS, ONE-HALF CASH. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215 FAILING BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. "WAGE EARNERS" S AVE "RENT MONEY!" SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND SPT.. PoRCIi NEWLY PAINTED AND TINTED IN SIDE AND OUT. LARGE CRN F.R ' V N EA R WCH lSTi C K C A R. GAR '. E N Si'HOtU STORK. . ETC. ON S'G H S 1 SO. OF GLADSTONE. "POSITIVE 1 At GAIN" AT L'50. ABOUT $MX) CASH BALANCE U.ASY PAYMENTS 1 Ki RENTi. THIS PROPERTY REALLY C HEAP AT $;500. CALL 02 SELI.i N ; BL DG. SEE OWNER OR P ID N E MAIN lU'tt OR AFTER Cr.iO CALL MAIN 1". IRVTXGTON. TRICTLT MODERN RESIPTTNCV WITH HALL LIVING ROOM. MNIX ItKM. AND X 1 TOM EN FIRST 1 LO : THREE HKD!:KMrf. SLEEPING PCI' AND BATH SEC N D KLi H R. LA Rt ATTIC. H A ti DW't OD FLOORS. r U : NACE. GAKA'iK. COR. LoT. $10.t,i l'OINl'EXTER, U'OS SXLL1NG BLDG. MAIN IbOO. RESIDENCE. 271-20. FOR SALE. BY OWNKR. Leased 5-room house in first -rl repair at !&4 Vancouver ave. Take V. ;I- iiamrt ave. car to Going at., walk biock west. Cement basement, wtt.-t. trays, wood hoist. a dandy Dm- kitchen; a beautiful built-in buifo; rrench doors between living room hall, 2 bedrooms, with closets and batii- roim upstairs. Irice $;i25i. all improe meiita 111 and pit id for. Will give termy to right party. Owner will be at hostj all day Sunday. Phone East 'Joo;s. NOB KILL. This beautiful 10-rmm home. Includ ing maid's 1 Mim. ban every thing the one could do. re in a modern, up-to-dsi home, i nc luiimg beautiful central h ; apnetbus living rooms, largo break f a room. wonderful kitchen; hardwu floors throughout; titeam heat, firepln and must be seen to bo appreciate! 1kh1oJ on corner lot Kilh all imirove itienis in. J'rice $17,t,,M'; easy terms t-' responsible parly. Telephone Tab- 3ij between and 12 A. M. for u poininient. $2350 NOW VACA NT $2350. NEAR S. P. SHOPS. 7 large rooms, email haement. electr- ligh ts, gas, god plumbing : ni-'e lo. Lens paid : n-ir car and VEll Y ra terms. Why try to rent? Sunday Mar .v.m;;. week days Main 707. Msneis Williams, Sji 'ha 11. of Com. bid g. 1 175o BUNG A Lt W. 4 rooms, f urnitu" Tree; nice borne; $o..O cash. Mnin 3,' Franji -McFarland, 20S Failing buildniK Sursarrmn Home. WONDERFUL VIEW HOME. MODERN R U N G A L O W $ 3 50. M U 1-T NOM A H I 1 STR ICT. Only tun ears old and modern ai yi could wish; four roms and sieepinr Iorch ; triple ronntructrn : large llvi-i room wit h fireplace, fine bath. g 1 electric lights and cement basement nice lawn with shrubbery and lowers cement walks; located lust off t h paved highway on good ncMdam M r-c h i ley. the west coast ra nge of moun tains and the Council Crewi hill; there- over one-third of an acre of crmim with If da of berries : price Is a wti rlc for qui k nule. $385fl; $2SO0 cash quired, balance mortgage. MULTNOM V H RUNGAI-OWS. X-J400 lOOxlOO and nlee little 4-ro'ii house with while porcelain hath : -n- block from paved high ay. $4oo Large 5 rooms and bath, thr- fourths acre of highly improved ground ail kinds of full hearing fruit trees an berries; fine grape arbor: ordv abou , five minute from . station. right paved highwav; one of the best hr 1 gains tn the Multnomah diMricl: pric- Only S4MMI;, X;ilMM) cash. S 475ft Right on the highway. ith good view, we have a real modern 7 room home with ft repine, gas, ft bath, electricity, cement basement, bej Ing fruit trees and berries; ground lo" 10": a real bargain if you want a clas suburban home. LISTEN We can how you 1 good bargains in the M ULTNo M A i district than all other dealers com Mm If you w ant nn u'-re tract or lrgt- we have them; some as cheap s $li per acre. . Khnne tin for appoiiumen we 11 oe g 1 hq to snow von. G. Mn'OHMIC CO.. "- washing 1 011 St. Main 20. Sun 'In v and evening. Ms in 13 1 s. WEI .L- IMPROVED ACRE. Located c!o. to the ra? at 57.d oe t are ; rruit aim nut tree.-, son ai'if treej.. pearn. prunes and anric at I beaniiB . 4- room bun ea low. a it h f u cement basement. furnace". bent plumbing, ele trie light, gaf. cars barn; pn-'e $:iiMi, on very rma-1 ti ment down and monthlv pavment balance. I'eronallv inspei-ted. Ne with John Fersuj-on. Geriinger bldg. OREGON CITY CARLINE. Chou hlf M'-re, good tom1 $ Two choice lots. Evergreen Ktation. 1 1 r our-room houte. 'ixi'oo lot Improved acre, four-room house. . . 1 H rooms, plastered, nenr Evergreen l o roo in, 1 wn lots, t ourt ney Improved 12 eeres. n i-e tiungalow. Seven big rooms. 1OKl4r lot M odern, five room, t h ree lots . . . . Fi ve-a re home, pear station Strictly modern, t wo r acre home .. C. E. APPLE. (Hk Grove. Or. 1 i- 3: 4..H 8 '0 OREGON CITY LINE. A t Concord station, well Imprt half acre, with bus oi fruit, modern room new bungalow, bet of plumb! hardwood floors. firepiMce. Jeei'H: porch, gas radiator. fiuet light tures. A fine plaee. located on th pa el road, offered away beiow ahi Person a4iy Inspected by Ni-leon. w .t John Ferguson. Gerlingcr bldg. ONE acre, at Oswego Heights 3 block from Pacluc highway; on rocked r.iO 4 mile from Oswego station; 17 bar ing fruit trees. .stme btrriej.. good -1 room buncalow. cement bast niei.t. t-1' - trie lights, good fixtures; chicken hou aud ru n wa a. 1 5tk-xa Ion tank, for it ter system, but not connected; wil a:i force pump. Pi-ire 175tl, $107o ca.'i C acres adjoining can be U-aed o: shares. John FergUbon. Gerlingcr MO; RIVER front for sale by owner: 5-roi bungalow on one-half a re, 10 mi fro 1 Portland, on paved road. 35 inn. utes bv ttregon City Ele irn ; $:5h terms it acmreu ; at icani i -1 call 1'cfore 1 o'cjK-k. Broadway I u m KI H ATE poHiCisiftn ; M ul tuotn a. station, on the boutwvard; modern t 1 a : e : a room lifiue. new. ana up modern 1 onvenlence will st-tl for $. terms. Cui. owner, Main 7 1 LY 6-Roi t.M house, furnished or uitf urnih .l high grade furniture ; acre or ar gas, cUrctrtc lti;hO( ; all kinds of inn; 1 lowers. Tiie I irst bouse south Rupcr station. Oregon City car. No agent;-. SM A LL 3 -room hue and acre fine land fruit, -berries; $ Jiou. Also fine cr age. all In fruit; $10 month buys i;h tract. R. W. Cary. 121 N. W. Ban bldg. FoH SALE1 acre, with smaal hou. bVrries and finoagarden spot, reasv.11.4h: on Capitol highway, four blocks imu: tf Multnomah tutioii. -"-P- Hnften' LOST Turquoine sweater. beten ftih i r' Main and 15th and Hall; reward. 1. turn to cashier at Portland Gas & Co Company. 6- R OO M BUNGALOW. ONLY $ 25 o. With lOoxJ'M'. fruit trees, hnrn. ceme- basement. Eath. water, light; 7--ei fare. "0 Concord bklg.. 2d aud Stark. BUNGALOW. ONE ACRE. ALL TILLABLE: ONL $ liiu. U OD TERMS: MUST f ELI t; !; E OWNER, 615 COUCH RI DG. $1000 HOUSE, barn, chicken hou-. tree Hrvant. Oswego lake, acre-. L'ti cal Main 3672. McFarland. 'h Falling b'd FOR SA LE or rent 5o acres 17 mi! from Portland. J. J. Hawkins, Kemla station. Graham (ir. j)50 CLEAN cottage, eiec. pljone. wate; Main S72. McFarland. 20 Falling Bid. 1