THE SUNDAY OR EG OX IAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 25, 1920 REAL ESTATE, For bate -Houses. HAWTHORNy BUNO A LOW BARGAIN". $u00 Owner just purchased a larger home and wl 11 gt ve Immediate Itosseesion to tits 6-room bunga low ; all on 1 floor; fireplace, wmi beautiful. l-tfge mantle atid heavy French plate mirror ; mir ror door ; in cloHet for quests wraps; large buffet with mirror and plate-glass doors; select (train finish. in living room, white enamel In tlio rest of home : Dutch k itch en ; hardwood floors in : rooms; linoleum, radiant fir in fireplace ; gas. hot water heater and curtain r&i included; street improvements In and paid. This is the beat - buy V in this district ana should veil today. Terms, fee today, :;5 Kast 41st street, between Harrison and Lincoln streets. RETTY BUNGALOW AND FOUR LOTS. Mr. Homeless Man. If you like lots of ground, where you can nave your own fruit, flowers, garden, chickens and a cow, here is your chance- The bunga low huu lutrii .! 11 V(n.u f built-in conveniences. modern, bath. "bus ana gas ; good dry basement and garage ; hard-surrace streets, all for $45'H). It is free and clear ot debt; :5oo T.ill put you In potsession, balance easily arranged. It is in walking dis tance of Franklin high school and is a genuine snap, ties It lor real home value. K. W .HUGHES. 507 Journal Bidg. BliALTIKL L CUJ.SK-IN IsliBU RBAN HOMK. i nice, large, light rooms, fine plumb ing, very conveniently arranged in every detail, full -cement basement, furnace, fireplace, abundance of built-tns. The ground is 67x157 with considerable bear ing fruit trees and berries; poultry house, double garage, excellent garden soil, paved highway and only 5 blocks to car. in this place you can hit old H. C. of L. mighty blow. Price $6000. $1000 down. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6860. ROSE C I T Y $ 5 250. . Prettiest bungalow In this sec tion, every conceivable convenience, up to the letter, will meet your every requirement; $2KH cash; near the Alameda. Main 4803. G. C. UOLUEN bER(i. 1 Abington Bd. '.'35 yrs. in Portland. " THIS IS YOUR OPrORTL'MTV. LISTEN!! 5 rooms, all in Al condi tion, good plumbing. haxemont, 1 ight rooms ; house worth the price. With thia place you cot two lots, garage, poul- L try house, bearing fruit trees, raspber ries, joganoernes. etc.; nice neignoor hood, 5 blocks to car. The price is ONLY $J650. $500 down, for this homey place; you must see this to appreciate it. THIS FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 5th Si. Main 6869. KlTHOUT a doubt the biggest bargain in i-aureinurst, among houses of ooo class: wonderful view; 7 rooms. It has sun room, den. cedar-lined clothes closets, oak and maple floors throughout: ail fixtures of the finest. In fact, every thing to make a complete, modern home. Close to car and schools. Owner has r $::ooo cash, balance 8 per cent. For i appointment call Marshall 33.VJ or Tabor 3190. J. B. Rock Co.. 403-4 Couch bldg. INVESTMENT SNAP. Why pay rent when you can buy on A Iberta street, close in, 2 storerooms, with modern 5-room apartment with sleeping porch above; all city Improve ments in and paid for, building in first- class condition ; present income w per month: owner is leaving city and will sell for $4o0O and $1000 will handle. Can ou beat this for an investment: JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. A LF BLOCK that lies fine: good 7 tinted rooms and sleeping porch nouse. latest handsome electric light fixtures. enameled bath, abundance now bloom - lw assorted fruits. fenoad lawn, flow c.r'. garden, double garage, hard street; nar school, college ana street car; lval home for large family: all. only fTtiOO. half down ; come afternoons: on Vf. S. car, or drive to 4431 53d ave. S. H. $2750 $.",00 CASH, four-room bungalow, 2 additional rooms upstairs which are unfinished, but could be used as Bleeping rooms; arge living room, dining room, bedroom. kitchen and bath on first floor; gas ml electric nights: good basement; ga age ; 40x1 20 feet of ground. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. This 5-room bungalow is a little cem. In old Ivory throughout, one of the most exquisite buffets, very best plate glass and hardware; Ideal Pullman kitchen; no housecleaning here;ncat a s a pin in side antl out: you 11 say this is the niftiest thing you've seen : terms. $4500. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. for. 30th and Hawthorne. T. 7403. LAURELHURST SACRIFICE. A modern 7 -room home located near the park, hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace, buffet and bookcases; large tivlnc rooms, cabinet kitchen and break fast room, fine garage, cement floor and runway; st. imp. all paid. Price $0000, terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 12 Hallway Exchange bldg. Main 0"."'-. ROOM house, bath, gas. electricity; lot 50x1 o0; garage, small house In rear, could be arranged for housekeeping rooms and rented for $10 month: 7 large cherry trees, near Carnegie library. hurches. business ; i block Mt. Scott carline: Stewart station ; $2500, $1100 cash, balance $20 mo.; interest (.per ent. t'iiii week rays. .v.i:t:i -4-ytn ave. :-. r. ROSE CITY PARK. We have 3 beautiful new. double-con structed bungalows to offer you. eastern oak f loors, old ivory finish, construction nd material guaranteed; two are on nmi- lnl 15750-S5t;50. in r Hides all st. Imps. Better pick yours oinow; ready- to occupy. Terms. , GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1067 Yeon "Bldg. PARK ROSE. A A a nH v H-rnnm bun en low on 50x1 00 lot, 2 block's from Sandy car; nice L. R.. D. R., 2 bedrooms, bath and toilet, front and back porch, bome Derrtes ana iruit trees. Only $2350. $ino cash. THF FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 10 Fifth St. Main 6S69. LO V ELY HOME ON DI VISI ON ST. Hard wood floors, with built -ins, ce ment basement; acre in fruit and gar den: close to school and car. Price Sl.VtO; 150 down. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Mh St Main 6KR0. ,j-J50 $5O0 CASH takes bungalow of 7 rooms, & rooms and batn on i irst rioor. full basement, screen for windows; house in ni$.-e condition; lot 50xllt, all kinds of fruit and berries; can move Into at once. Thia is a bargain. Tabor 6441. IF TOUR HOUSE OR FURNITURE SHOULD BURN TONIGHT COULD YOU REBUILD OR FURNISH VVlTHOl I HI KKUW I Ail MUAftl . ET INSURANCE CO. CARRY BURDEN. SMITH-W AGON hK CO.. bTUt K bAOi. ACANT Modern 6-mom bungalow. lawn, fruit, roses, etc., 1043 E. Washington st., 3 biks. from car. $2600; small cash pay ment, terms like rent. L. E. Steinmete. 40ft Gerli-nscr bldg. Main GoOl.'Dr Tabor ::224. RICHMOND DISTRICT. 6-room house located on the Rich mond ear on full lot. All large rooms, Price $3500. $tt.0 cash. For quick sale. 212 Kai I way xenange tsidg. OR SALE by owner, four-room nungalow. beautifully located in west Piedmont. full basement, laundrv trays, electric lights and gas: lot 4S by 100, $2300; t e rm s. Call Wood lawn 4370. Mi( HOltlfiHMAi. dui;i suitaoie ror two families: batn. launnry iray. gas. elec tric lights: will trade for good auto. Phone Ml! waukie a 4 R. or address O box 13, Mil waukie. Or. 9 UNN TSIDE chance buy;. $2"i0, 1-3 down, crnnd and clean o-room cottaEe fruit trees. Sr thlsbecHuse it is the best on the list. H. H. Staub, 1027 Bel ,nnt. week Tabor 210. 7:, down t: MONTH r y. Tii r(..-r(Hm shack on lot,- 50x00. at ' VUler avenue. lnSellwood, total price $7OO0. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham ber OI qui rrn- . tr. 7.0 Furnished S-rnom modern bun ga in w immed iate possession ; close to car. cee us Monday if you want this. COBB HR -.. - j aCVNT 5-room bungalow. 1 1 EaHt ;;.th fViO. only $.'oo cash, terms like hide. Main 60U1 or Tabor .--'4. TTmv,: to N SAC RI F1C E $ ,K00. terms 6 rooms, sleeping porch ; oak floors, flre- HA I SEN. Main S07S. " $10,000 MPAUttrul rambling bungalow heart f irvingiou. ivj..v.v. ""''jo. Tonen East 411K "doom house, basement, 5ot 50x100: barn, niir'car line. Alberta: price $lrt(H. $500 ' h balance 2U rnontn. o per cent. A1S 4102 3Q8 McKAY BLDO. 7rtO terms; 8 roonis. modern; garage HMlrable. .Neuhausen. Main 807S -. T- t . v ft - roo m modern flat, near S, h" -nd Washington; furniture in first-- condition. Call Main 992. TTrVaLLTS property: . 95., BP 42. Oregon! also fraternity an. TST 3 -room bungalow Kenton district. TNF Wdln. 2614 I'pnOM bungalow. 027 Division st. See f-R hVrvain and terms. owner a. RKAL ESTATE. J. A. AVICKMAN COM PANT. . Tears of atudy of local condi tions, a thorough knowledge of districts, familiarity with value and a splendid organization en able us to give you the maximum service in home buying. There is never a question re garding the price being: right on any. piece of property offered by us; it is simply a question of the arrangement and design of home suiting your requirements. OPEN TODAY. COME IN. $1350 Here is the chance for you to KnocK oia nign cusi - miu w This modern new bungalow was accourut of sickness the owner was not aoie 10 proceeu iw tuin pletit This was built for a home and everything is of first class material and workmanship. If you just want to see the nifty design, come in and we will tell you about it. The price above is for house and lot as it stands, not at profit, less than cost. $3i0 This is a little side talk to a man or woman with a little more than the average foresight. Now we are in a position to place you in a 6-room home, in the heart of the Hawthorne district; hard-surfaced streets all around ; story and half: a very attrictive little home. WHY? THIS IS THE REA SON: It is on a fractional lot. but so situated that there is plenty of room ail around. $2300 Hard-surfaced street, east front age. 5-room bungalow, in the Sell wood district. This wilt make you a perfectly good home at a price you can well afford and on easy .terms. $2830 With hard-surfaced street, in the Hawthorne district. Now this 5- room bungalow will be offered for short time only at this price, we witt be frank with you. This place needs paint outside and tinting inside. When this in done, owner will raise price to $H.Vo. A chance for you to save the difference. $3130 Centrally located and convenient to several car lines, situated on corner lot. east frontage, hard surfaced streets and sewer in and ' paid; a very attractive little home, so constructed, a story and-a-half house, that it is large enough for most any large fam ily, small enougn lor newly weds. $3430 Good location, for this attractive 5-room bungalow, hard -surfaced streets In and paid, with all-oth er improvements, in a very desir able community, reflecting uros- - perfty; fireplace and unusual butlt-in conveniences. $2300 Semi-modern bungalow In the Alberta district, lob 45x100, two .sleeping rooms, kitchen and com bination dining and living room. basement, laundry trays, east frontage, two short blocks from hard-surfaced street; the comb! nation room will appeal to you spacious, light and airy; swell ' garden, all planted. Terms. $2800 Semi-modern bungalow' 5 rooms and reception hall, garage and fine chicken house, and a good one,'' all fixed up in first-class shape. This bungalow is good within and without ; paint all in rirst-ciass shape, it has a clean neat appearance, painted white, Just the place you would be glad to own, in tne Alberta district. 50x100 lot. $2300 On hill, overlooking the city, one block from the lrvington car. lrv- ington Heights; 6-room home, in good condition, hard -surfaced streets in and paid, 4 rooms and bath down and two up. 3 bed rooms and an extra room ud that .may be used as a bedroom or storeroom. Considering the loca . tton, you will find this an ex ceptional buy and will surely sen at once. $2750 Pleasing to the eye, answers the description, complete and homey is this 5-room bungalow, situated on lot with all first-class shrub bery; just the bungalow you would dream about when in youth as your very own; pa. in tea white, all in first-class condition, nrac tically new, within 100 feet to nara-surzacea street. $3650 Just 200 feet off Alberta street, - u-oui mvcu Biioci, ma ioca ally good feature. The lot is east win., wtfa urn, m.i 1 in veivei snape. The house consists of 6'A rooms. The half is the music room. This property la desirable, cummer $3930 IN HIGHLAND. Hard-surfaced streets in and paid, between Will . iams and Union aves., b block 10 nALUT t'A KK. Full two story house, full lot. Karaae. fire place, blouse in euod mnutinn IN LOOKING FOR A HOME you w in Mica ii 11 you pass tma by. $1200 Close, rn . near HAWTHORNE AVE. The owner has decided to sell and is offering her home at . pnw mat. win sen quick. room, story an a half. The out side appearand has distinctive, chic lines. Surrounded bv attract. ivo homes. Street improvements aiu. 44500 This is a home. Queen Anne stvlv all modern except fireplace. We wish to tell you personally about this. There is a reason whv wo think this is the "best buy to be tuunu. $2000 Corner home. Six rooms', bath gas, electric lights, newly painted and decorated throughout, fire- place, new carpet in living room iiu stairway inciuuea, one bed viUUI" " lir noor, garage, one oiuca 10 car, near f ranklin high $3750 Buys a two-story, semi-modern home, in fin condition, tnru rooms and den down and three bedrooms with plenty of closet room on secona Hour, full base ment, wash trays, ftoxlOO lot, al ley, several bearing fruit trees price reduced from" $4000 for m ior a quicK saie. otreet improve 11 it: 11 19 paiu. $4300 Very attractive six-room bunga low, in best part of Hawthorne, interior finish the very best se lect fir with hardwood floors in three rooms, lireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, gas. water heater, radiant fire in lireplace, linoleum and gas plate in basement included; all street improvements in and paid; immediate possession; terms. This . - must sell today. We wfsh to call your attention NOT to the NUMBER of houses we offer, but the quality. (Real bargains are neces sarily limited as to number.) You will find the time you spend with our sales men is NOT LOST, for they are in a position to show you actual bargains in the district you desire. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 5S3 and 1004. KEAI, KSTATIC For Hal ROSE CITY HOME. $51HtO. A WODERFUL. BUY. One block from Rose City car, below hill; a very attractive, weil buiit 7-room house; first floor, , large reception hall with built-in bookcases, living room, fire place, beautiful dining room with built-in buffet. hardwood floors, white enamel Dutch kitchen. On second floor. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Third floor, large billiard room and servants' room. Full ce .ment basement, furnace and laun dry trays; corner lot; street Im provements in and paid. The own er of this property lives in China, and has instructed us to sell it at once, regardless of price. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT TABOR. '$7500. 6 room and sleeping porch, thor oughly modern, in select neighbor hood, fine view, extra large living room and lining room, den and kitchen on first floor. All built-lns, inciud ing bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, etc.; fireplace .and fur nace, hardwood floors; second floor. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; rooms are large, cement basement, stationary trays, at tic. Fine lawn and shrubbery. This place is in fine condition and we can recommend this as an excep tional value; 1 Va blocks from car. HOLLA DAY PARK. $12,500. A P-room strictly modem house, corner E. 14th, close to Broadway; stone front, reception hall, living room, fining room, kitchen on first floor; H bedrooms and sleeping porch on 2d floor; large closets, large bathroom, including tub and sitz; Ji-room attic for servants, etc. ; hardwood floors throughout, cement basement; li laundry trays. This is a home of refinement. Rooms are spacious and in fine condition. See E. M. Padden. Fales Mgr., METZGER-PA R KER-FERGUSON COMPANY, Ground floor. 20! Oak St, . Main 354. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. CHOICE ROSE CITY PARK -CORNER. WITH ARTISTIC. COM PLETE, FINE BUNGALOW of 6 rooms on one floor, besides break fast room and one In attic; large living room with music alcove in wh ite with genuine mahogany trimming, attractive lireplace and select bookcases; very lignt dining room with window seat, etc; 31 large bedrooms. complete bath and dainty breaKiast - room ; lull Tine base inent wit h usual conveniences and large GARAGE to match; full oak floors, lots of floor plugs, etc., and designed in toto by an artist of MERIT, and whlrn a connoisseur can aDoreciaie. See exterior 529 E. 47th st. N.. cor. Brazee, then call Air. Schaefer, Bdwy. olT or Main eet, to see Interior. $8000; cash. LARGE ENGLISH TYPE HOME. Located in the Mount Tabor district on lot 50x135, with un -obstructed view. All kinds of mountain and landscape scenery. Large living and dining room 4 bedrooms and si ee Din a norch. Fine cement basement with lots of light ind room, furnace and fireplace. The siding on this house is selected cedar and will last forever. Street Improvements are in and paid. It will pay you to Investi gate this property. Price $3000, $1250 cash. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. .Main 67 BARGAIN. S23O0 $500 cash; 5-room cottage on Stockton st.. near Lombard st. upper Albina district: this cottage is in gooa clean condition and an absolute bargain and good valuable location; lot GOxlOO; tewer in. st. paved. This must be sold bofrtt-A Wdneriav. Call on owner. G. H. Dammeter, 4t3 McKay bldg, 3d and Stark. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA PARK. TTiii- lnwii, RRSIUKNTK DISTRICT. This new model bungalow with the rni home conveniences, full double con struction, concrete foundation and all first-class materials used In the Interior finish, ivory and wnite enameieo. tap estry paper; 2 blks. to Broadway car. Owner maKes price ana terms 10 suit Tabor 8202. jo500 SUNN Y SIDE COTTAGE $2500. VACANT EASY TERMS. Five rooms and reception halt, one floor, basement, good plumbing, electric lights, gas ; good conamon ; east ironi all assessments paid: near car and Lau rel hurst park. Sunday, Marshall week davs. Main 7i37. Mariels or Wll liams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN $5."00. First-class, in good condition. 8-room house, large bathroom, two toilets, full cement basement. lurnace. wasn trays, garage, good location, elope in, near car line; 7 rooms, an rurnisneu, mci. carppi, show any time. Call Marshall 4U46. All for ?.";oo. Terms. No agents. BEAUMONT HOME. Beautiful 6-room home, modern, with hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, ga rage, large well-lighted rooms, sleeping porch. .A real home close to car and surrounded bv fine homes. $7uOO. Terms. TH K FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6K00. FOR SALE. 6-room house, cement 'basement, gas. electricity, streets graded, cement walks, all in and paid ; large cherry tree, lot 25x100. cheap at $1800; $7o csh handles it. close to two carlines a nd good location. See Hosner. 608 McKay bldg. Main 4823. ' ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. Owners moving Into country, will sell their attractive 5-room bungalow on 41st st.; in the very best of repair, walls nicejy tinted, bath, electric lights and gas ; good view and full lot; price on! v $'900. $730 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. ft-ROOM HOUSE, 3s ACRES. House In fine condition, garage, chick en pens. 54 bearing fruit trees and ber ries, this is a bargain price. $6800. $3500 down, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. Ask ' Kellogg, " A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2600. IRVJNGTON SWELL HOME. Listed exclusively with Neuhausen & Co. ; artistic floor plan, finest of finish throughout; 2 bathrooms, 4 fireplaces, oak floors, "art paper, beautiful fixtures. I f you are look ing for SOM ETH I NG CHOICE, SEE THIS. Main 8078. ONLY $400 cash. Nifty 4 -room bungalow with fireplace 2 bedrooms. combined living and dining room. basement, sewer, cement walks, all 'paid. Corner lot 43x100. 761 Ellis av. 13 min. on S. W. car . Balance of price. $2000. at $25 month. Sidney G. Lathrop. 516 Ab jngton bldg. LAURELHVRST HOME. 7 NICE. GOOD-SIZED ROOMS. 5OxlO0 lot. Has entrance hall, living room, dining room, den. kitchen. 3 nice bedrooms upstairs. , $6250. $1000 CASH. B AL. MONTHLY. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. EAST I RV I NGTON. Lovely 6-FOorn home with good furnace, cement basement, stationary tubs; full lot: GARAGE. $3750; $I0O0 down. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 5th St. Main 6869. ROS CITY 8-room bungalow, thoroughly modern, from hardwood floors to fur nace; 5 bedrooms, garage, 1 u blocks N. Sandy, prettiest section Rose City JPark; d-u, nan casn. GEO. T. MOORS CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. ' T RV ING TO N MODERN HOME. 6 rooms and den. Al basement. 3 bed rooms; built for a home: level lot. Al lo cation; immediate possession. Price $6750. Terms can be had. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. $100 CASH, $20 PER MONTH. 5-room modern bungalow; 50x100; block to car. Price $17.0. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th St. Main 6869. MODERN 5-room bungalow, double con structed throughout, lot SOxlou; a dandv buy. price 52800. $800 cash, balance $20 month, 6 per cent interest. MAIN 4192. 308 McKAY BLDG. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. . Wulking distance, central east side lo cation; this is a very desirable place. Price $3750.' $750-cash, balance like rent. Call room 511 Railway Exchange. IRVlNGTON COLONIAL BUNGALOW Old ivory, art paper. French doors, oak floors; 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch; price Includes new gas healer, range, drap eries, etc. Neuhausen, Main 8078. BEAUTIFUL modern home. 9 rooms, in exclusive district, for farm or 10 acres fruit preferred and buildings, near city. Phone Automatic 321-28. FOR SALF By owner, 5-room modern bungalow : lot 50x100; sidewalks in : all in roses, fruit trees, berries; $2200, $1000 cash. 7418 o4tn ave. S. E. ; M. 5. car. 6-ROOM modern house, lot 50x100. on Hoyt st.. price $1800, $500 cash, balance $20 month, 6 per cent Interest. MAI N 4192. 308 McKAY B L DQ. EVERETT-STREET corner. 4 apartments. $17,500; east-side flat. $6500; both have good incomes; terms. Owner, East 7722. $2850 4-ROOM modem bungalow. Alberta district ; s.imii down, monthly payments. Wood lawn 1047. 8-ROOM house, partly furnished. 15 lay ing hens. 3 roosters for sale. Apply Sun day. 370 W. Russett st. St. Johns car. RKAL ESTATE. Cor bale House. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. S00 PHOTOGRAPHS OF ilOMKS FOR SALE. t SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. You are always cordfallv Invited to visit our LARGE SHOWROOMS AND look over our WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF OVER 800 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. Every district In the city represented. Manv remarkable bargains: EVERY HOME IS PERSON ALLY APPRAISED AND INSPECTED BEFORE BEING OFFERED for your consideration. We safeguard your EVERY INTEREST. We put you In IMM EDI ATE TOUCH WITH THE HOME YOU ARB LOOKING FOR. We will help you make your down pay ment if necessary. 14 automobiles at your SERVICE. Open Evenings and Sundays. $5775 ROSE CITY'S PRIZE BUNGALOW. One of BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY'S most delightful bungalows. 5 rooms, spa cious, airy ; every imaginable device to promote comfort: UN USUALLY PRAC TICAL FLOOR PLAN: living room with artistic fireplace and leaded glass book cases; splendid leaded glass buffet: ideal white Dutch kitchen: 2 wonderfully light bedrooms: HARDWOOD FLOORS: in terior finish is exquisite: BEAUTIFUL LIGHT FIXTURES; furnace; laundrv trays: garage. This Is a FORCED SALE; owner leaving country. On Ala meda. $3300 A LOVELY LAURELHURST WITH DECISIVE CHARACTER; Ideally located: best possible con struction: RECEPTION HALL WITH FULL M1RKOR; living room with artistic bookcases: cheery fireplace; dining room with massive buffet: HARD WOOD FLOORS throughout: all WOODWORK IN WHITE ENAM EL: splendid Dutch kitchen : BEAUTIFUL LIGHTING EF FECTS. A true home In every - sense of the word. $3250 SPLENDID DUPLEX LAUREL HURST HOME in the heart of Portland's beautiful residence dis trict. Two-family dwelling, each with art glass bookcases; spa cious paneled dining room with maMtlvp lfaricil el as buffet: mod el Dutch kitchen: artifctfc interior finish : best plumbing : full ce mpnt hoKprnpnt with furnace and laundrv trays. THIS IS A MORTGAGEE SALE. Besides having a home, you can enioy an Income of $oO per monin Terms. $5330 BEAUTIFUL GROVELAND PARK home; rooms: reception hall with full mirror; living room with flreolace: leaded class nooK cases; solid paneled dining room with ARTISTIC burmr, con venient kitchen: SUNNY BREAK FAST NOOK; 3 airv bedrooms: SPLENDID H A R D WOOD FLOORS: BEAUTIFUL INDI RECT LIGHTS; fine furnace; FINE GARAGE. This is a REAL HOME AND WORTH YOUR AT TENTION. E. 52d. ALBERTA HOMES. $4lv4 100x100 BEAUTIFUL IRVING TON PARK; an unusually artis tic BUNGALOW; modern; 5 rooms, large and alrv; full front porch: lireplace and bookcases In living room; dining room with 10-ft. massive buffet: white Dutch kitchen ; splendid plumbing fea tures: full cement basement with FINE PIPELESS FURNACE: DOUBLE GARAGE: all kinds of fruit, berries, grapes, etc. Glenn ave.. close to car. Terms. $3500 THIS ALBERTA BUNGALOW WILL HAVE a strong APPEAL FOR YOU. Extra large rooms; DOUBLE - CONSTRUCTED: nu merous clever builtins: heft plumbing fixtures: SPLENDID FURNACE; laundry travs; full lot ; close to car; E. 28th st. AN UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE HOME. $2630 ALBERTA BUNGALOW BAR GAIN; 3 rooms ; combination LIVING AND DINING ROOM : CONVENIENT KITCHK N: 3 SUNNY BEDROOMS: B ES T W H ITE ENAMEL PLC M B 1 NG FIXTURES; ELECTRICITY: G AS: GOOD CEM ENT BASE MENT; full lot: SPLENDID GA RAGE. Can arrange TERMS. This won't last; SEE IT TODAY. We have 70 ALBERTA HOMES. 6UNNYSIDE HAWTHORNE HOMES. $4200 One of HAWTHORNE'S TYPT CAL BUNGALOWS; large front po rc 11 ; living room with Tire place : leaded glass bookcases pleasant music room : solid nun eled dining room ; leaded glass buffet: WHITE DUTCH KITCH- K.n; CKNTKAL HALL; 2 light, airy. bedrooms: white cnamol plumbing; good cement basement; SPLENDID PIPELESS FUR NACE: paved st.. paid. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN; only $500 , uown. 53300 P L E A S A X T HAWTHORNE - m. HOME; 5 rooms; COMPLETELY FURNISHED: many labor-saving a Dutmns: wnite enamel Dlumblne electricity; gas; good cement ; - basement: 52d, near Hawthorne. ICtt.Vti. THIS IS GOOD VALUE. $3150 NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGA LOW ; very artistic lines; fire place; attractive builtin book cases; French doors lead to pan eled dining room with masf i a builtin buffet; POLISHED HAKU VV OO U FLOORS : model white Dutch kitchen; 3 sunnn bedrooms; best white enamel plumbing; electricity; gas; FINE CORNER LOT. Terms. This IS A SPLENDID BARGAIN. Own your home and propscr. $2990-VERY ATTRACTIVE TYPICAL HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW; re ception hall : living room with fireplace and bookcases: dining room with builtin outlet: WHITE DUTCH KITCHEN; good cement basement with laundry travs. E. 3tn. WE HAVE 120 HAWTHORNE HOMES $3750 A TTR ACTIVE WEST SIDE HOME: o large, sunnv rooms white enamel plumbing ; elect riP ity: gas; cheery fireplace: Mont gomery near 17th; close to car. 1 LKMS. $2050 WEST SIDE BUNGALOW: wood work all in old ivory : NEWLY f ALNTISL) INSIDE AND OUT white enamel plumbing: electric itv: ran: 1 blH. to i-ar and Kr-hrtnl THERE'S AN UNOBSTRUCTED ' VIEW OF RIVER AND MOUN TAINS. This is unusual value: ONLY $300 down. $1700 HERE S AN UN US UAL BAR GAIN IN A WEST SIDE HOME. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE: white enamel plumbing: electricity; gas; abundance of fruit and berries. On Macadam and Nebraska. We nave 100 WEST SIDE HOMES. $3300 THE LOW. QUAINT RAMBLING LINES of this SPLENDID KEN TON BUNGALOW will appeal to your artistic sense. There's & large combination living and din ing room with fireplace; Ideal Dutch kitchen ; sunny breakfast nook ; 2 light, airy bedrooms: HARDWOOD FLOORS: fine ce ment basement: furnace: laundrv trays. THIS IS NEW and is worth your WHILE TO -INVESTIGATE. Owner will take a go'od building lot as part pay ment. E. Buffalo. $3500 WEST OF LAURELHURST Is this most attractive 6-room mod ern home; DOUBLE CON STRUCTED: BE A UTIFUL LAWN AND SHRUBBERY; close to Role City car. .TERMS. This IS A FORCED SALE AND A SACRIFICE. See it today. $2800 JEFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT: 6-room substantial, modern home: white enamel plumbing; electric ity; gas; TERMS. Humboldt st. We also have a 5-room very at ' tractive modern home on the corner of Blandena and Hafght: many labor-saving builtins: best v . enamel plumbing; electricity: cas: A NOTHER BARGAIN. Only $31 30; $500 down. If you are in the market for a home. It is to your ADVANTAGE to look over our 800 homes. MODERATE TERMS Every district in. tne city kepresent ED. We'll save your TIME AND MONEY. see FRANK L. McUtRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. ouccetsors 10 n. u. cuuire. Established 1880. DEAL WITH AN OLD. RELIABLE FIRM. aEAL ESTATE For (SaJe -Houses). KENTON INDUSTRIAL CENTER 6-room modern -bungalow, strictly first-class condition In evry way. kept irp by an itnmacu late housekeeper ; fur nace, very best of plumbing throughout, line sleeping potch, cement basement and cement floor ; practically new gas range and wood range go w 1th hou&e; lot lOOxloO feet, fine garden, tine iruit and berries; 3 blocks from car and paved st.; price 13500. Tniu nuuae is a dream lor any woman. 6-room modern cement block bunga low, lireplace, lot 5oxlOO feet, line truit, 2 blocks from Willamette bivd. and bwan island improvement; 315u v$3ou to $5UO cash. 4 -room bungalow, very large rooms, in perfect condition inside and out; lull ce ment basement. 50xlOO-it. lot, slue walk in and paiu lor; 35U teet from car and bard-surtace street; price $2625. $uu cash and -0 per month. Several small houses, large lots, plenty of iruit ; prices and terms so you can buy, or will build you a little house. A. C. McDonald & Son, 296 W. Lorn ' bard ii., Vvooutawn oj,3. office open evenings, c:ostd Sunday. tiEAUXl U X PORTLAND KENTON DISTRICT. 100x125. 7-room. good, warm, old style house, gas and water in kltchtn; line garden land, plenty truit, cherries, plums, apples, berries. etc.; stable, chicken houbc; good place tor cow, free pasture. Corner Hunt and Endicot sts. IO minutes west ol Kenton bank. mm. north of Peninsula school. $l!MM EASY TERMS 1900. See Mrs. O Neil, 2 blocks west of bank, Kenton. Phone Woodlawn 4038. 1m YOl! KNOW A BARGAIN? $31 50 HAWTHORN E B UN OA LO W $31 30 o rooms, one 1 ioor, 1 1 ooitu iu . stairs up, good basement, laundry trays, 1 ir-.niB- iikcMMfs. buffet. Dutch kitchen, reception hall, lot 50x100, hard suriaced street, all assessments paid, near 50th-t. car. This is a wonderful bargain, house would cost $350U to build. NO EXCUSE IN RENTING. We show you today. Terms, unday, Mar. 5963: week days. Main 706i. Mariels or U i 1 Hams, 82U Chamber ort Commerce bldg. CHARMING BUNGALOW. 6 large rooms, oak polished floors. large giassed and screened-in s'eeping porch, ail oil one floor; fireplace, furnace; all Hmilt-ins; beautiful shruboery and roses, on 50x100 lot; paved streets, all in and paid ; finest homes surrounding ; 4 blocks from Beaumont ca r. Most re markable value and delightful home. fotoO. Terms. DO SEE THIS. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fitth St. Main US69. $4J0 AND only $60O down and $40 .a month, or more it desired. 1 ms tor a dandv bungalow on one of the best cor ners In K. C. P., below the hill. N. W. corner, all improvements in and paid. Five rooms downstairs, with one in at tic. Kull lot wltn Hue view and lots of sunshine Good lurnace; fireplace; line, large bedrooms. owner located permanently in east, hence thia sacriuce. Call Alain M64 today or Bdwy. 432 Mon day. $2700 MODERN BUNGALOW $2700. tf-room bungalow, with sleeping porch, summer dining porch screened in, ce ment basement, lurnace, laundry trays, good plumbing, built-in butiet. panel Uining . room, lot 40x100, chicken housw and run, grapes, berries, shrubbery; easy terms. Sunuay, Marshall 5963; week days. Main 'tifiii. Mariels or William. 82U Chamber ot Commerce bldg. ROSE-CITY BARGAIN. Lovely 8-room semi-bung a low located in the best part of Rose City ; nicely arranged house, hardwood floors, full basement, furnace, fireplace, tna-iy built ins, lots of windows, sleeping porch : some truit; paved street. 4iu0; $1500 down. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, I04 5th St. Main HhOO. HOME AND INCOME. 11 rooms, 7 bedrooms, lireplace, full cement basement, furnace, income now $130 er month besides reserving three rooms for own use; 50x100 east-tront lot, 5u feet Broadway on Williams ave. . price $700u, a ure bargain; only $3uoo ca&h required. Main 802. GEO. T. MOO HE CO., 1007 Yeou Bldg. $3500. This Is a real home. Just like new; has six large rooms, largo lot, -1 bed room and bath down ; 2 bedrooms up ; lots of big closets. Dutch kitchen, built ins. all rooms very largo and pleasant; $loO0 down, balance like rent. See it Sunday at 275 K. 72d North, or call Tabor 7434, owner. LOT, SoxlOO. 5-room house, at Woodmere station. 6c fare; bath, toilet, basement electricity and gas; 2 cords wood; chick en house; 2 blocks to car, 1 block to large school, $1400 win handle tma place. Price $2500. See us for 01 her bargains. KbLlAbLU l.NVthTMb.M CO., 305 Oak. street. 92x100 IN ROSE CITY. All cleared; good gardnn soil; some fruit; poultry house; 2-room tmaca; some extra lumber for enlarging; city water; 3 blks. to car. Price 107o; $150 down, balance $i.'t per monin. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 1U4 5lh St. Main 6869. 13500 RICHMOND DISTRICT $3500. 5-room house, well located in best part of Richmond, close to car: rooms all large and sunny ; house only few years old; fine attic and basement; 75x1041 lot. all improvements in and paid. This is unusual buy for someone. SM IT H -WAGONER X).. STOCK EXCH HAWTHORNE bungalow. 5 rooms, attrac tive lines, well built, large floored attic reception hall, fireplace, bookcase. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry travs. fine location, tree ot incumbrance paved streets, sewer; $4000, $1000 cash payment. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 1h1 4oxlOO and 5-room modern bunga low, wash trays in basement, fireplace buffet, cabinet kitchen, floored attic. block to car: priced for quirk sate $340o, terms $10oO cash, balance $33 per month and interest. GIBSON. 20S stark. Mar. 1. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow In good neighbor hood, all improvements in and paid tor 1 '4 blocks north of Hawthorne car; price J2004 OWNER. TABOR 8352. 311 E. 50TH N $10.000 TERMS. A real bungalow, built four years, of best material, beveled plate glass Win dowg, bath Is I'm ported ti le. side and floor, would coat $1000 to duplicate, American hot-water heating plant, fine gurage. Mcooneli, .bast 4iu. BY OWN ER. new modern. 5-room bun ralow : full 5Oxl0o lot: fruit, garden good chicken house and run. Garden all in. A roal home $4000; terms; $15ou will handle. Phone Bdwy. 2o3U, as a lor Mr. Campbell. LAURELHURST 7 rooms, bun galow -type, breakfast room, sleeping porch, 4 bed rooms, strictly high-class with all lat est appointments; garage. $9000, some terms. CrEQ. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. CAN YOU BEAT THESE BARGAINS? 4 rooms, new, $1925 ; 9 rooms, like new, very nifty, $4500; A rooms, cor., im provements all In and paid. $2000. Don t ' wait. Phone Main 4936. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Home, modern 7-room bungalow type; double garage ; price $0000, part cash, balance easy terms; owner. ''Phone Main 6781. BY OWNER. A real home, best of locations, all built-ina, furnace, fireplace, beamed cell ing, modern in every respect; leaving city; half cash. PhoneTabor93tJ. $2750 BUYS 4 -room modern bungalow. 3 unfurnished rooms upstairs. newly painted and tinted, garage ; $500 cash and terms. Owner home Sunday. 5010 54th st. 6. E. "W-8" car. $i;;.50O. Lovely English home, two bath, extra lavatories. 5 bedrooms, llbi ary, concrete porch, garage, large grounds. East 41i. IRVlNGTON SACRIFICE. Fine 6-room strictly modern house, best part of lrvington; one block to Broadway car. Broad way a OS 9. 4-ROOM house and lot 50x148, city water, near M t. Scott 1 ine ; price $650, $ 150 cash, balance $8 month. MAIN 4102. 308 McKAY BLDG. $500 -DOWN and $20 a month buys si-room bungalow, 1 block from Rose City and Beaumont car lines; price $360o. 134 E. Broadway. Owner, Tabor 7346. e 2 4th. near Clinton and car line, spe cial bargain. $2H5o, with $70O down, good "6-room house, lot 50x100. H. H. Staub, week labor zjv. 10-ROOM house, SunnyMde district, lot 50x loo. improvements in and paid; price $2400. MAIN 4192. 308 McKAY BLDO. SUNN YSIDB bargain: $3800.' very good . modern 6-room house, between both car- lines: fine location. H. H. Staub, week Tabor 21. $1000 5-ROOM COTTAGE $1000. Near car line, hard-surface and school, good 50x lOi) lot. fruit and berries. SMITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. ROSE CITY $K5UO. corner house, 7 rooms, glass . f.. ri . w. Tioors, x oik. to car. Ale Donell. East 4l!. $;;ooo A CLIENT has authorized me to dispose of hf 6-room bungalow. 1 JO E. VJ1 st.. near unsan. tan wain. -ia. IRVlNGTON HOM ES OUR SPECIALTY. I . 1 r. a nr 1 I K v 1 .n u l u . NEUHAUSEN & CO., N. W. Bank Bids KF.AL ESTATE. HOUSES FOR SALE. Only $400 for a very fine 8-rooin house in a nice district 011 the east vide; with the house goes 2 largo tots ; the houso is double constructed and modem; there is a garage, cement sidewalks, some fruit in full bearing in the place: the house alone cannot be replaced for the price. Half cah wil lhandic iu M. J. CLOHESSY. A B1NGTON BLDG. $6200 MEANS payment in full for the property with the bouse completely fur nished from basement to garret. This is our proposition to you. 100x100 ft., a corner, close in, la the residential district, south of Hawthorne and Division vis., cement sidewalks and curbs, an attract ive stone wall inclosing this big plot of ground; concrete garage, an awortment ot fruit ot the beat quality in full bear ing; on the carline; not any farther out than 33d st. The site is admirable, overlooking the city and only one block from the best improved para on the east aide. Now with the land, which la a corner, with flower and rare snrubbery, goes ol very aubstantial modern enough lor anybody s-ruom bouse, solid ok floors downstairs, fine electric fixtures, a basmeent, furnace, in fact every equip ment connected with a modern house; in the house and with the hou&e and Und, truit in ilflowers, garage, cement whIWs, you get the entire furnishings and no person will place a lets aluc man $2000 on the furniture aloue. All right, the hoube is too large for two and tne pres ent owner is determined to sell, tne re- fore offers everything without a dollar agu Inst the property for 02O0. A bout $000 cash will have the rtgnt ring to it. M. J. CLOHESY, ABJNG'ION BLDG. Do you want this for $2000? If so, come running. On the w et aide, close in on Hamilton ave., un block from the boulevard and 3 blocks irom Corbett St., a corner lot with a good substantial 5 room house, full basement, garage ou the place This must be all can, as it is simply giving the property away. M. J. CLUnCaoV, AB1NGTON BLUO. Only $4500 for a business lot on Sixth ' St., one block irom the Lincoln high ana 3 blocks Irom Uie city auditorium ; we win inrow in witn tno lot a tt-ruom cot age with porcelain plumbing: tnia lo: aione ahouid be worm StRHto. lo yeari from now it may be worth $30,000. Tuts is tie aind or a buy this is. it you buy it of us now a II you have to pay 1 at.iou; aoout $1000 casn will c nan go ownership. M. J. CLOHESSY, A LING- TON LLOO. Only $3000. on the river road. Milwau kie si., the bct car kcrvico In tne ciiv of l'unland ; here is a 5-room plastered bouse wit ha full lot, paved atreets and cement sidewalk. and urbt; ever thing la paid. lor. Halt cash will n and It U. M. J. CLOHESSx, AblNUTu.N liLUG. Only $2250 buys this corner lot. blocks from the carline, in tne center ot Woodatuck. Wltn tne lot you get a good -room plastered House, con, rete louudatioti, fruit in full bearing ; u U ot tne rooms aro lurnisned and toe lurni ture we will throw in at tne price. o0 cadn is an you need. M. J. CLolifciSSY, AB1NGTON BLDG. JifclAUTIFUL LAURELHURST. joungaiow or 1 pleasant rooms all on one 1 ioor. riuisheu in old ivory, every modern leaiure, not water heaiitia- viant The lot Is extra large nicely lanuacaped anu locaieu in tne oest part or iaurei hurst, near tne park. Garage wiin ton crete floor and waits. A beautiful. w-l. constructed home und worm more than price asaea tiouo. half cabii. MaclNNES A PRATT, Main 3St&. Tauor 3M0. 413 Board of iraue Blug. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. adjoining Westuver Terrace; 6-rm. mod ern noUae, a a lara rooms, two iar rooms v tin Mrepiaces, iarte aitic. lu cement ba.iemiut. automatic KuuU heat er, beaumut view; 1 Oiuck to car. Tux i 00 lot. asphait st. tpuid; ; lots 01 oeautitui snruobei y and trees ; a Deauttf ul. mod era home, best environment; leaving 2-oriianu, win sen iur aoouu on terms o siuuo 'tasn, balance u per monui, in ciuuing iniere&i; owner now reining part at 5u per mouto; quick possession, tau inspect uiiu; no agents, can owns. Ala 11 u0i3. TH IS message of opportunity la to the man wno wouiu increase nia income. Combination store and bungalow situated in one ol tne best district lu Putt land. The building Is practically new and in iirst-cians condition. The uunga low portion is modern witn cement base mcnt. three lot. 1 hi cumoiuation grocery, ueitcateasen Has ml ays oeeu a paying proposition. Party now iu possession 01 premises as tenant nil g tit well stoca ot goods 11 watiteu. in is iu vestment will show 10 net. J. A. WICKMAN LiOWl'ANY. 204 hy. itca. bid. Main lou4 and 5S3 3 1 50 R I C H M ON D RUNG A Lu W $ 3150 1st AN HUtdL tUM. 6-room bun;ajuw; cement basement, laundry tra , 1 ire pi ace, ail kinda ! bunt-ins; lot 50xluo, near car; nura suriaced street, an paid. Thin is t-uieiy a bargain auu wont Uai; terms. unuay Alar. 003; week days, Main . Ub. ia rieis or Williams, to Cnauiucr ot Com merce Plug. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW GARAGE Modern 1 - room and wieeuiiiK lki en beuiooiua. batn aim touet 011 nisi Hour, hardwood Hours, iirepiuce, lurnace, uui let aud bookcases; largo living room, 1 uie garage, lull cement di iv ov ay ; imp. ail paid. Price $o0U, $20OU cusU. tLb V ELANb-M t-NDERSON CO.. 212 itailway bxcliautie blog. Main 67 IRVlNGTON. For sale by owner, a six-room house, all m ou er n nnproveuitnts; sun room anu sleeping porcn Ulixln, a fuu-size base ment.; Mood lawn, roses and truit J.reee; $ioou, terms. 5b 1 c. btu t. .., Last lUt. EAST 67TH-ST. HOME. 1 'i blocks hum .10nia1ua car; 6- Tootu cottage witn 4oxll lot, goou gar den soil; lo-ft. ailej ; 1-3 Cement base ment, cement foundation unuer w note house. Price for tjuica sale AJuoO; ooo uown, $20 and interest. THE J KtlU A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 5th St. ' 51 a in BIG BARGAIN Rose City. 6 tine, large rooms and sleeping porcn. cor. lot. Iul basement, cement iloor, fireplace, hard wood floors, pass pautry. cabinet kltcueu. reception bail, ii bedrooms. sleeping porcn. Price only $55ou, $ J uw casu, o per month and interest. GiBSO.N. -03 tot ark. Marshall 12. LOTS OF GROUND $M0. Neat little 2-room house on ground. lOOxlOO, all in cuiti v'ation, good garden anu woodaned, $loO casn, $ 10 monthly. Tills is a ejoou buy. Krcu vV. German Co.. 7:2 Cnamoer of commerce. 7-room house, Marshall street. wett of 23d ; A bedrooms, furnace, full c-eni'-nl basement. F. an Duy n, 615 Chamber Commerce. ' Main 10uo or Main 3000 tsunuay). $18, OO0. Irvington's prettiest corner home, 11 charming rooms, two baths. 4 lavatories, hot wa.ter heat, hardwoou throughout. 1 uoxlOO grounUs. uouole garage. Ea-a1. 410. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? 6-room modern house In Hoi lad a v Park addition ; 2 sleeping porches and good parage; $4250. part terms. Broadway 0O8O. $2500 6-ROOM cottage. Sunnyside lot: streets and sew era paid ; one block to car; 250 cash, balance easy. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 3ltii 13 tears. Tabor 64y3. - SACRIFICE PRICE 9 -room modern house on fine quarter block; spiemlid view, fine roses and very desirable location on PO RTLA ND HEIGH TS. Main 2471. $300 DOWN $1050 ALBERTA. Monthly payments $2.5o ; 5 rooms, electricity, plumbing, corner lot. fruit ; on LUh st. SMITH-W AGWE R CO.. STOCK EXCH. LRVINGTON BUNGALOW-STYLE home, ono bedroom down. 2 and sleeping porch up; oaa floors, f ireplac. $6850; terms. NEUHAUSEN. Main h078. $12,000. Beautiful 9-rooni home near Brazee on 1 8th, all drapes, a l so fully equipped billiard room. East 41t. 5-KOoM cottage, on Gibbs st.. business lot. price $2250; terms. JOHN SIN14ER. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IRVlNGTON BARGAIN, $7s56 Fine home, center hall, ivory finish, art paper, two fireplaces, double garage. Neuhausen, Main 8078. FOR SALE 6-room house on Portland Heights, one of the finest locations; no agents. Address owner. BF 402. Ore gonian. 5-ROO.M house. Hawthorne district : im provements in and paid, $0000, terms. Tabor bt43. BEAL ESTATE. 1'EKUM JORDAN. BARGAINS. $7U00 LAURELHURST Rc.i'. home of rooms, hardwood floors, t iri placc, built-in bookcases, brea k faat room. sUcping porch, splen did furnaee and ail of the mod ern conveniences. This is a wel: built home and right on tne car lino. Will give terms, $4500 ROSE CITY PARK 5-rooiu bun galow w ith all modern ton- en lenres. That leils It ail. Splendid location and worth the money. liaif cash. $CS00 HAWTHORNE 8-roora horns w ith fire pi ace. buffet, Dut c h kitchen, f ul cement basement. etc. Only V- block front Haw - tnome avenue. All improvement in and paid. $looo cash, taiaiii-e to auiu $2500 WAVERLEIGH HEIGHT S 7 room fu.l jj-story house, full base ment, lireplace. built-in bullet, large liht rooms, good lot wtih fruit, berries, giape una rotes. $5O0 cah. balauce to suit. $1500 ALBERTA 3 -room cottage, hath. toilet, gas, full base num. 5o.l'o lot, truit. law n and rosea. $ouo cash, balance like rent. $1500 JONESMURE 4 rooms. Just .t w -l.v pw mied inside and out. Fine lot -ooxloo feet. S or lo bearing fruit ticca and berries. Terms. Many others In a'l parts of the city from looo up. Spicnuid terms. All of these can be seen -on Sunday bv 4 pinju,UP Ur vltiKa ketweeu 12 M. mail DEKUAI &. JORDAN. 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Fourth and Stark Sis. Main 2253. IRVING ION S 4 BL VS. $..j00 A large, modern bui.;.low tvpe home, with extra bedroom or two 'on nrsl iloor, alSo extra toi.ct and lava tory; scleral bedrooms on I'd Moor; mortgage foreclosure. lmmeiluic pos session. No. 52 East -7th at. N . $4500 V Snap PUT East Broad w a v. by appointment only. Modern six-room corner home; full cement basement, good lurnace, hardwood Moors, fireplace, den, &icepin porch, good attic. New Lifting Fine modern home, fac ing east. iMIi, near Knott, can be bought ut i iter with one lot or ith two, $;oio or sUoOO. Owner leaving city. When ou look through this you will know it is a lucky tiua. it is nrst clas. $5S0O Well-built home near East 15th and Broadway, two blocks to eitner car hue and near lrvington school and ciub; 5oxloo, facing soutn. Fox turuaie, haru wood iloors every nieh of the house, good atili. It. T. STREET, Kast S4. Good Homes Realtor. $1000 ONE OF KENTON'S REAL BUNGALOW COTTAGE BAR GAINS; $300 down, $15 per month, and it's ourt : substan tiai; 1.1 tvE NEW; combination living and dining room ; CON VENIENT K ITt'HEX; large, airv bedroom; patent toilet; electric ity; gas: paved street uaid. Pen insula ave. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. buccesseirs to H. D. McGuire. Es tab! is lied l&MI. DEAL WITH AN OLD, RELIABLE FIRM. ALAMEDA PA UK $5tiu0. 6-room modern bouse, beautitul large living room l'4x 1 3. with w ei-built fire place, pleasant dining room and Dutch kitchen, full cement ba&ement , fu and laundry trays, three airy bedrooms upstairs, one ol which has o windows, from which wonderLul view may be hud of mountains. ou must inspect in terior of this to appreciate this bargain. Lot 50 x loo. Prieo $5lioo. Cash t5dU0. Ow ner, oodlaw n t2-7. $2400 MODERN BUNG A LOW $2 lOO. THIS IS .SURE o M E BUY. 7 rooms, bungalow tvp. cement bsse ment, -first -class plumbing. electric lights, gas. lot 40x125, chuken house and jrtid, berries, roses. Wh try lo rent when you can buy this kind of a house 011 th easiest terms? Sunday. Marshall 5i;;; . week da s. Main 7V07. Mariei 01 AVHliuiha. S20 Chamber of Commereo Mdg. E A ST M ORE LA N D A real home of en rooms and sleeping porch. Wice n Anne tpe. sun room and larga porch, fuii ce ment basement, wash trays, all plumbing white porceiain, ot looxioo. with atl st. im pi ovements m and paid tor, best Du ple x shades, full length screens and in laid linoleum; iruit trees and California snrubbery . Phone S e 11 w o o d 124s. I U TC H C uLOMAL A most chet rf ul ami lovely 6-room Dutch colonial. delightfully arrange! and substantially c onsiruv led. modern ti the minute; lot 5O,150; all Improvements In and paid. You must see this home; YOU WILL LIKE I'lV $iOO. terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 1Q4 5th St Main 0o0. IRVINGTtN. vrt-UL' IV.P, .ol HI'VdAT.OW AT 5M. K ST 25TII ST. NORTH. HKT. KNOTT I WD STANTON, ONE BLOCK FKO.Mi BROADWAY CAR LINK. FOR SALE BY OWNER. OI'EN FOR INSPECTION 1 FROM I P. M TODAY ; W EEKDAYS, WOODLAWN 1398. N EA R LAUKELHl RST PARK. A dandy 5-room bungalow, w el 1 -1 igh t d rooms, hardw ood floors, fireplace, fur nace, large attic; good lot. Only $:i7oo; $liai0 cash. A homey home and a bar gain. l- bloek off paved street. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 1Q4 5th St. Main 6M. ROSE C I T Y PARK BARGAIN. Beaut if ul 6-room bur.gaiow . old ivory and white enamel; fireplace, hardwood floors; hst part Rose Cltv; pink of con dition. Price Quick sale marked down to $5 4011, $ 1 5 h 1 cash. $54J mo., ine! nding interest. GIBSON. tiS Stark. Marshall 1J. ROSE-CITY PARK. 650i. TERM?. One of the best buvs in the hc.-t part of R- C. Park ; five rooms and gara tte : strictly modern: for appointment call ow ner; Tabor 1 1-S6. it.HKRTl Nw bunuaiow. . rooiiic. strit tlv modern, large attic, hardwood ' floors, furnace, all built-lns: bui.t by day labor, material and construction guaran teed $45i, 1250 cash dow n. 1 b k. car. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Uo7 Yeon Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Elght-oom strictly modern house on best E. Burnside-st. corner in easy walk ing distance: must be seen to appreciate. t'nee u, some if 1 01s. way Exchange. Room 51 1 Itaii- CoSY little home, corner lot. extra lot for garden; planted; on East asth st. Wri car. Small payment down. bal. like rent: price $10(10. See owner. 2o7 Pine street. K SALE 4-room plastered houe; ekc trieitv; and gas; basement : fruit and berriet : 50xlM lot ; tw o-storv ch ick-n house and runs; $1400: some terms. 711 E ast 75th st. N. Ros c City car. WE Jia e places rantrinc I rom $-"uo to $500, from $lou 10 $1000 down, m Tre mont. HER1DER & CARLE. 5 S ! 7 2d st. Th bor 2475- gj400 5-ROOM BUNG A 1 -O W $400. Modern home, has Electricity, gas. husement. garage. g..od lot: close to car; $7m cash, balance $'- and 6 ner cent. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. LAURELHURST 7 rooms and S. P., fine home; hardwood floors, garage. 120-l't. frontage; worth $sooo. quick sale $7500, $2ooo cash, 6 per cent on balance, owner. Tabor 6286. . IRVlNGTON" SNAP, J5O00, TERMS Six rooms, oak fioors. fireplace, tile bath room; 544 Brazee st. do not disturb ten ant Seen by appointment. Neuhausen Main Sf78. IRVlNGTON CORNER. ONLY $7500. Fine s-room modern house and .good garage. ftOxloo corner lot ; sacrifice for $7500. $2500 cash Broadway iiuv.i. jjs50 Almost new modern 5-room bun galow ; lot 50x1 00; handy to car: ow ncr out of town; must sell quick. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at30th. Tabor 61'. 3. $16 hi $::oo CASH, balance $10 per month, buys 4-room bungalow . west side, on gooa auto road. M. E. Lee, 413 Corbett bldg. $J Iimj BUYS 6-roo in new house, 3 acre of "land. 10 minutes' walk to electric suc tion; easy terms. M. E. Lec, 41U Cor hett bMg. WEST SllE 5-room cot;ge on 4th and Porter st. corner, close in ; price $1 loo ; $J5 down, balance like ren t. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg j A REAL bargain from ow ner; large house witn luiotn-c. ii -. unniciii , 1 eau w iiio e In. 17 1 East 2th st. N. NICK Urge lot with 2-room snaek for $550. $L"o cash, balance ?Ui per month. M. E. Lee, 415 Cuiuctl bid. REAL ESTATE. l or ale -flout IRVlNGTON. . 5P1. now. modern. -room residence. co.kI district. 1'houo ior appointment. $... i. 5"Un. modern, fi room bungalow, Iwtn St.. nrr Knott; $550. .MiMoo. iuol-m 7-room residence, om near Knott. ..'HMt. .VMimi, well-built old 9-room boupe easily renovated snd cheap; extra gooa term.-: on Broadway, near 2tlG im provements in and paid. EAST MOKELAXD. fj r.(i100. modern 7-room residence, o bedrooms, enclosed glass sleeping Prvn. fire p. ace. hardwood floors throughout, full ct mcnt basement in perfect order, reaonable price; owner leaving city. Y AYFKLY. r.oxioo. rear Woodward avenue on - street; wcM-butitr eight rooms, modern, improveme nts in nd paid; $4250. ieJ".m I omM Macod. 10"2 Spalding MCg. HAWTHORNE HOMES. 2 large homes of excellent 5" st 1 union and architecture, built or home!; large rooms; one is corner home, finest location, splen did view, absolnty modern. For fuil information call MRS. HARRY FKI'E PALMER, East 7176. PROSPECTIVE BUYER. Did ou ever stop to figure- the im you have i-p nt during the month on tha st met ear w hen you could have spent that time home w it h the w tfe and babies it ou lived in a district wher yu h id A I csr service? t'oine out ana get aecjumntrd .V c 11 show you real a lues. ou' II rot be obligated. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.v Cor. ;;th and Hawthorne. T. 463. $1 3.50O One of the beautiful corner homes w hich one admires. Living room ma Iiogany and ivory, dining room, break fast room, sun room, maid's room ana bat h f rst f joor; 4 beautiful sleeping rooms, dressing room, 2 sleeping porches, tiled bath and shower on second, three e.vtr.i lavatories, combination hot water a nd hot a ir furnaic, two fireplaces, hardwood floors throughout, garage. Mc- io ell. Ejst ll'.i. 1 1M.IVi:Ti iV l-li.U T?i K A P Corseting of 0 room.-, new. modem, .lust t unshed. Was built for rarty and they cannot complete their contract and arc willing to sucnfice ut price of $i500. Y ou cannot build the house for that ; street im pro emn t s included. ery easy terms. Sif M r. Kpton. J. KOBKIXS. Railway Exchange. Main 7P31. MR. 11 O MESKEK F. R. We have an attractive. 5-room. mod em bungalow. Mt. Tabor district. n paved st reet. Ii s furnace, fireplace, goo. I attic, bedrooms in old ivory, bath snd kitchen in white enamel, all in best of condition; we are leaving city and wi l make a tt ract 1 ve discount to party with good cash paytnenl- See oner, 2v K. Mt st. $toO $1000 DOWN. Bv ow ncr. 6-room double const rue ted bui.salow. in fitic condition, hardwood floors, fireplace, buiit ins of the best ; furnace, tuba, cement basement. 2 full bearing fruit trees, a fine chicken hout aud run. This is the best buy in Port Ian. 1. Ii3 Tibbets St.. near 3:id : 3 blocks eout h of Rich mond car. Phone SeL. ;;:.;. two re t P. M. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 7-r. home for sale by owner. Extra lartfc living room and dining room, hardwood Moors. Dutch kitchen and all built-in eftVets. large airy bed rooms, lot 5i122: full cement basement, laundry travs. garage, chicken houses, fruit and berries. 304 E. 54th St.; $5o00, halt cash. I R V I X G TON B U Y F. R S. LOO K AT fiiTREET'S column of lrvington homes. with pictures, in New ToUa y, adjoining. tt-ROoM modern house, fine condition, electric it y, gas. fine fixtures, bath, ga-ragt- f'Jll cement bsment, paved sts. M y,s paid for. 50 x loo lot. rotes, law n. f:::e garden; right n corner E. 12th St.; pr:ee j;:5oit $500 down, balance like rent. It. B Smith. 1121 E. 24th st. N., Wood law 11 aMM. KWVT1H RNE DISTRICT. MODERN HKI-'K HOUSE. S R HMS. DOUBLE 1'l.l'MBlN'i FIRE PL A C E. H A R DWUUO Kl.- M'HS NEWLY DECORATED. ALL m il.T-lN'S. TABOR 761 H. 1156 EAST GRANT STREET. TWO houses for the price of one. 44-46 E. -7th st.. nrr csr hops: 5 and 6 rooms each, full cement basements, fireplace, wash tras, gas and electric: lot 50xlOO. improvement ail In and paid. Price $ioi'0, terms. JOHN SINGER. A-n hamb.r of t'ommerce bldg-. IRVlNGTON. $7500. Eight room, centra I entrant. la rge living room, Freneh door Into beautiful sun room, dining room and kitchen, per fect. 4 bedroom?, large mirrors. ti le bath and shower; full lot. This house is only two vfn"r old. East 410. REAL BUY E. HURNSIDE. 6-room modern house, walking dif ta ii e, hard-su rf.tce st rtets. cheap at $;;imi. terms. See M r. Kpton. .1. K HltINS. :. 1 Uallw 11 v Exchange. Main 7'" I . Res. Tabor 5:; 19. look: look: fltiiMi (town wiil pay for this place. 1 row rented. Duplex. 12 rooms. Lot thi n-ni piiv for it ; lh best of term?". It can't tail to iav. Investigate; $4O00. 1IERIDER CABLE. 5 ". 7'J l st. Tj bor 275. ROSE CITY. B Too Ji.lS autiful 6-room bungalow, all on one ; oak floors. lireplace. b'rt'inh doora. radiators. aU buiU-ins. garage; this minlhinu classy: S 1 .".ml down, ba : - am-c monthly. 2"'J Oregon blug. Broad- w a v Di.'.s. '0. C H.ON 1AL HOME. in Bivni way. rally e y linin. (ioutn far n. central entrance. S larg 1 00 ins. dou ble gu rage : perfect loeat Ion for combining offu-tt and home. Terma E.iM 4 19. rR SALE Don't pay rent when you cau hu 011 easy terms, five-room modem bungalow, full basement with cement tioor; all conveniences; one b'ock from car . price $'"-too. J ."'Oil cash, balance $21 m month, owner. 1127 Corbett st. H A WTHORNK DISTRICT. 6-room houso. oca ted at 14 Eaft AnolI. immediate posssion : come in and make us an offer. HAWTHORN E REALTY CO.. :t 6th and Hswthorne. Tabor 746;: D-VNDY 7-room modern houe. .lust buiit over nd like new ; located In lrvington -n .a mi 1.1 rn.t more thall $5 5000 build Assessments a'l Paid. At least $1000 rash down. H 103. Oregonian. WEST OF PIEDMONT, jtooo 5-room bungaiow. new -y painted, in good condition inside; full lot. ga rage fruit, block to car. near Jetfer.-on h-gh' and grade schoois. Call Marshall : : '2 Sunday. . IKVINGToN BUNGALOW $7500. easy terms, priee includes, extras; well bui.t. center hall. iorv finh. oak floors, flre olace. uarHge ;near ith and Sisklyou. NeiihRii-en. Main S07. $:;ooo. tlHiirlv 6-room cottase; $1000 down terms: 1 block lo ear. HER1DER X- CABLE. 5 ; 7'Jd st. Tabor 247, . 4.i mi1 lioUfe. with summer kitchen and cellar w utei . gas and electric lights: 1, acre, lawn and fruit trees; ready for garden. S"th st. and 7oth ave. Owner next door. Tabor '"' 1 700 4- R j(.)M bungalow, with sleeping porch large front porch, full concrete basement light, ci ty water, fruit trees In hearing. acre of ground. Capita; Hill Telephone Main 7:;'.Q Owner. FOR SALE BY OWNER Attractive, larse 6- room modern house ; lot 50x 1 00 : t ul! liHfrmrnt; lovely neighbors; walking dis tance of Jcfierfon high school; for only $3750 . Ca 1 1 Wdt n. S3i. Wll Y pa v fancy price for second-band house when vou can have new and up-to-date for bss? Nice lot. 1 block to M is. car; price ... easy 1 rms; win f urni.Jli money to build. oodlaw n o87. MODERN 7-room bungalow, restricted dis trict. All street improvements paid for; a bargain. terms ; furniture for sale, leaving city. 1176 lvon at.. Richmond cur. FOR SALE Modern 4-room house; elec tric light and uas: iruit trees and bcrrv bus-hes ". garage and chicken house : ce ment floor, eleitne lights; newly paint ed. Automatic :;8-85. SAVE COMMISSION. Bin- my 6-roum home, with two 'ots, in Hawthorne d i strict ; ready to move into 3".6 E. 44th. Call Tabor 556. MOUNT T A Bo it. $7imo 7-room home, looxioti grounds, double gaiage. fine fruit trees. 'small fruit. East 4 3-ROO M bungalow, large lot. shrubberv and fruit: near car line. For uuick sale &155U. B. M. Price & Co.. 200 Henry b ldg. MODERN 6-room house, ail kinds of fruit. 1 acre of around. 1 b'.k. from car; from ow ncr. terms. 851 E. 3'th. IG SNAP Corner of E. First and We Idler 5ox loo. with la i go house. $450. Ken Tiefiv. Salmon. Main 4 "!. WEST S I D E- 5-room bungalow on G'bb and 1st sts. : price $i4ihi; terms. John bingtti. 4.20 Chamber of Commerce bids;. I 1