THE SUNDAY .OREGOXIAX, I'ORTLAXD,' APRIL 25, 1920 COUNTY AGENTS VALUABLE SEVEN WOMEN, WHO LIVED NEAR SPOKANE. SAID TO BE WIVES OF RICHARD HUIRT, MODERN BLUEBEARD. rosrxioxs said to be held JENN BY MEN OF HIGH TYPE. W ashington at Fifth Washington . at Fifth Visitors free Advertising Pacific 9. . 10 " ING'S Orttjwet Among Farmers of ' East and Middle States. Tht the farmers of the east and middle west have little conception of the unusual advantages and oppor tunities in the Pacific northwest for farming of all kinds, and that the most, effective kind of advertising which this section could do at this time would be directed towards this class' of people, Is the declaration of A. Hi'Billingslea of New York, eastern representative for a number of farm papers, Including Western Farmer, published in this city. In this belief he is itrongly seconded by his brother, J. Cj Billlngslea, agent for farm pa. pers at Chicago. The two Mr. Billingsleas were in Portland last week, having just con cluded a tour of the most productive areas; of Washington. Under the guidance of the county agents, they were given a glimpse of the wheat field of the Palouse, the o rchards of Walla Walla. Yakima and We natchee; the berry lands of the Puyal lop, Puget sound (fkiry farms, and then-the Willamette valley. "Keep your county agents on the Job,' was the advice of A. H. Billlngs lea. was greatly impressed with the high type of men occupying these positions in the northwest states. Do not run the danger of losing them through inadequate pay, because they are leading in a scientific farm de velopment, the value of which it is hard to calculate. If the farmers of the east and middle west could Just be made to realize the opportunities in Oregon and Washington there would be a great rush of farm-seekers to this country." E SHOW IS SLATED NIGHT EXHIBIT TO FEATURE jJURTXE AND FESTIVAL. Trizcs Totaling $3500 Will Be Awarded and Premium last 5 Sent to Exhibitors. Prixes totaling $3600 will be dis tributed to the owners of the winning animals at the night horse show to tie hld in Portland June 21 to 25 inclusive, as a feature of Shrine and Rose 'festival activities, according to the premium list sent to a large number of sportsmen and owners of blooded horses throughout the north westw The show, which will be held each night, in Multnomah field, has re ceived the indorsement of both the local -Shrine officials and the Rose .Festival association. It will be un der the general auspices of the North west MIorae Show association. T. T. Strain, who was manager of the night horse show for the Pacific International Livestock exposition here last fall, will be the manager during festival week. Charles Well ington Green of Moberly, Mo., a prominent authority on horses, will 4e judge. Already a cpnsiderable number of entries have been made and prize winning animals from many points along the coast will be shown, according to Mr. Strain. The entries will close on June 12, it was an nounced, in order that names of ex hibitors and horses may be placed in the official festival week programme. Oddfellows at PriiUvllIe. BEND, Or., April 24. (Special.) To celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the order many mem bers of the Bend lodge of Oddfellows left this afternoon for Prineville, headquarters for the central Oregon commemoration of the date. A fea ture of the evening's programme will be the competition of picked degree teams, the Bend lodge alone furnish ing some 30 candidates who will com plete their knowledge of Oddfellow-thip. Driver Hurt in Auto Wreck. Ejward Holmes, 32, an employe of the Fields Motor Car company, sus tained a dangerous gash at the side of liis -throat when he was pitched through the windshield of an automo bile 'he was driving yesterday afternoon.- Holmes was injured in a freak collision in which four cars figured at the intersection of East Alder and Fourteenth streets. In turning quick ly aside to avoid'filtting a car coming Harry Lauder and Other Victor Records Th Wee Hoose 'Man; the Heather ....$1.25 Roamin' in the Gloamin' 1.25 When I Was Twenty-One . 1.23 She . Is My Daisy . 1.25 Tho' Wedding- of Sandy McNab 1.25 Ta"-Ta, My Bonnie Maggie Darling ljs Por and Peasant Overture,! part 1 Poet and Peasant Overture, part 2 I'm' Always Chasing Rain bows, fox trot Head Over Heels, fox trot... Av!e Maria, violin nnU Heifetz 1.50 Dance of the Goblins, violin splo, Heifetz 1.50 My Old Kentucky Home, Gluck 1.RO Aloha Oe, Gluck 1.50 Kathleen Mavourneen, Mc- Cormack 1.50 Rigoletto Quartet, Caruso, bbott. Homer and Scotti.. 3.00 Prompt Mailing Service I Seiberling Lucas Music Co. ' 125 PonrH Street Between Washington and Alder PIANOS tlCTROLAS EVERYTHING MUSICAL 3.33 1.33 v :4 " '" J 'A v 1 Aw? vJt r" , "i ' A Pv -. FKlrf K J .'. - .3 Jit "-- sAv j VA " i2;Y - m -v W ' V-7 Hi 1 I - -v r X. 1 1 I miauls u'" Mi.A'. iar 1 I . 'jfi&jjp jg " ' Ji Slh , o Top, left Elizabeth Pryor, My dlaln near Portland or Tacoma, and Alice M. Ludvinston. Below, left to right Ir. Beatrice Andrew art ha, lluirt, from picture taken In 11)07, and Miaa Nina lirLonry of Eureka, Mont. SPOKANE, Wash., April 24. (Special.) Richard Huirt, the modern ."Bluebeard." who was arrested at Holly wood, Cal., when his wife, formerly Miss Kathryn Wombacher of Spokane, employed a private detective to follow him and find out where he went when he absented himself from her, married seven women in Spokane and tributary lu vmc in ten monins 01 last year, r ive or tne wives are reported to oe missing. Miss Elizabeth Pryor was a Spokane woman. He married her at Coeur d'AIene. the locjil nretna nmen Vwh 25, 1919. He gave his name as Milton Lewis. It is charged that she was slain June 9, 1919, near Portland. A body believecTto be hers has been found in a shallow grave. Two days later, June 11, he married another Spokane woman. Miss Bertha Goodrich, a department store employe. Se also is missing. Miss Mna UeLoney of Eureka, Mont., married Huirt at San Francisco December 5. 1919. He then gave his name as C. S. Harvey. She, too, has disappeared. - Miss Alice Lurvington of Quincy, Wash., was married at Seattle, July 12. 1919. under the name of Louis Hilton. The last her relatives heard from her was a typewritten letter, presumably written by Huirt. ivirs. Beatrice Anarewartna or Kossland, B. C, was married to Huirt under the name of Harry M. Lewis February 5, 1919. Last heard from her was a typewritten letter, presumably written by Huirt. A picture of Huirt was taken here in 1907 when he was interested in a canning company. toward him on East Alder, Holmes struck a car speeding along on Four teenth. Dr. M. E. Steinberg was driv ing the machine which met Holmes' car, and he, too. ran into another ma chine in dodging, the one he struck being parked at the curb. Holmes lives at the Railway hotel. : Contractor Nadcnu Arrested. Ted Nadeau, contractor, was placed under arrest yesterday by Inspector Mallet on a chnrpre of obtaining mon ey by false pretenses. The complain ant is J. H. Rader, 243 Front street, who says the man passed a check for $25 on him without having the maney in the bank. Nadaeu's bail was placed at $500. Sara Dukehart Injured. Sara Dukehart, 409 East Sixteenth street north, an employe of the-First National bank, was severely bruised yesterday at East Sixteenth and Han cock street when she was struck by a truck driven by Conrad Kreiger, 773 East Ninth street north. Kreiger is said to have been on the wrong side of the street with his truck at the time of the accident. Saxon Bandit to Be Tried. PRAGUE, April 24. Max Hoelz. the Saxon communlBt bandit, will be tried for offenses committed in Bohemian territory before his extradition to Oermany will be permitted. .vfhi!-::v,'';to-:;v-r;v.i--i. fr-'-,v,''v.-'-.i'!.;,..W'-; -;. .--""'It i.'.p 7 - ', r':,f '. -' ' - . : , 1 - i IS. -St 4 I '-, , i,i"Hfl If I t -1 ft 1 Desks Tables Chairs Filing Cabinets Wood and Steel, Globe Safes, Sectional Bookcases SPECIAL SALE y OFFICE TABLES To reduce our stock of office tables we are offering' our complete line of office tables at reduced prices prices in some instances far below the pre-war prices. To appreciate this saving in office tables you will have to see each value for yourself. FILING EQUIPMENT of All Kinds .TRANSFER CASES AND INDEXES OS. mL iimuLULji ?v...i'.i'i ! yyvi ' mi : n & Engineer in er ) Equipment and Drawing Supplies Sole agents in Portland for tKe Keuffel & Esser company of New York Prawing Mate rial and Surveying Instru ments. Importers of Winsor Developing: A Printing in Enlarp-infr z o Newton, Ltd., of London Artists' Materials. Mathematical Supply Dept. MX Gill Co. Booksellers, Stationers, Office Outfitters Third and Alder Sts. 1 m Bring Your Films to PHOTO PHIL Our KODAK EXPERT April-the Month of Home-Brightening Here Are Alluring Vistas of Things for Better Homes The Heart of the Home : Your Living Room May We Suggest that. You Furnish It Artistically as well as Comfortably? Spring Displays WHITT ALL'S Anglo-Persian and Chenille Rugs We are showing the newest designs in these finest of American Rugs. Whittall Rugs appeal to everyone who appreciates and admires the artistic worth and merit in fine masterpieces of Oriental weaving. They permit you to enjoy in your own home all the beauty in the designs and colorings of these rare fabrics, and without departing from your own ideas of true economy. Whittall Rugs are woven from the finest-worsted yarns, in pat terns of wondrous charm and beaiity. They will retain their beautiful colorings after years of service, for they are dyed in the yarn with the best of dyes. They are superior to the finest English and French Wilton Rugs; they reach the very acme of excellence in American rug-weaving. We invite you to come to our store and see the rugs we are show ing. We have many, many rugs in stock and en route from the factory. There is a Whittall Rtig for Every Room hi the House , It is this room, above all others, in which home ties are welded where home ideals are created and developed where the casual visitor as well as . the intimate friend gains the first and most lasting impression of the happiness and the hospitality that dominate your household. A visit to Jenning's where furniture for the living room constitutes a con spicuous feature of a carefully-selected, amply-proportioned stock will prove an inspiration to all who recog nize the importance of making the living room the Heart of the Home. Three-piece suites of conventional and period designs rcane combinations and luxurious overstuffed models, up holstered in fine damask, velour and tapestry of rich coloring and distinct ive pattern reasonable in price. DiningRoom Suites and Pieces Our complete showing of the most authentic period conceptions com prises suites and single pieces in a variety of woods and finishes. We show many pieces in the richest of mahogany and walnut. 3 THE- IVLHKIV vir viixi Charmingly Individual Bed Rooms The bedroom offers a wider scope for the expression of one's individuality than any room in the home. One of these period suites will add to your bedroom that touch of distinction so essential to an apartment of refine ment. We have them in all the popu lar woods and finishes. Come and see them. Basement Special All This Week BROOMS Regularly " Priced $1 Special 69c Beautiful Djraperies Springtime draperies in your home stamp you as one who appreciates the perfect appointments of the well-ordered living place. We offer a truly wondrous array of drapes and hang ings yf every conceivable material and texture. They are quite reasonable in price and of high quality. For Home - Gardens Visit the Basement Salesroom for Garden Tools, Hose, Lawn Mowers, etc., at Lowest Prices :( ? ) This. Messag DR. B. B. WRIGHT Is for You Ninety per cent of all of our physical troubles are caused by negligence. - Nature gives you many warnings, but they generally go unheeded until it is too late and serious sickness is the result. If you notice the slightest cavity or ache in any of your teeth, come at once and save trouble and expense. Have all abscessed and badly pyorrheaed teeth removed promptly and well fitted artificial teeth substituted. In all branches of dental work I will give the best results at the least possible cost. Northwest Corner Sixth and W anhi iikIob -Street, Ralelsh Bhdgr. Phone Main 21 IS MY FEES ARE REASONABLE DR.B.E. WRIGHT Painlesi Extraction of Teeth . Twenty Years in Active Service Office Hoora 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays 10 to 12 A. M. Open Evenlnvca by Appointment. Continuation " Kree. elephant f m. 'if ii'.:!-y'V--'''-A, TRADEMARK , ,. thATSHIELDS Y0vJRlD65