8 THE SUNDAY OKEGOMAN, POKTLAXD. APRIL 18, 11)20 REAL ESTATE, For Pale House. A. H. BIRRKLL CO. CHOICE HOME BU Y S. LAURELHURST horn-, fine dlatrict, very ' choice ppty. Lars living room, dining room. kitchen, th"ee bedrooms and Bleeping porch, garage, full lot. This plH.ee Is In perfect condition and rcaaon ahty priced. , , , HOSSMiiRK All that you ran desire in thls'lovely 8-rm. house. Fireplace, fur nace, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, Sarage. Corner. 50x1 on. Owners' home at very attractive figure. HT. TABOK Seven-room house on lot i.ix 110. west slope of ML Tabor. A good comfortable home In this choice section at price that will interest you. EAST: ; OR EL A ND bungalow, nearly new, with beautiful view, full lot, garage, house is complete in every deta.il and has three sleeping rooms. If looking for a real bungalow see this. XRVINGTON PARK, with beautiful grounds, 100x150. fine trees and lawn; especially well-built home, 8 rooms, fur nace, fireplace, cement floor. Owner is leaving city and orfors at very attractive figure. , VfLLAMETTB BLVD. home with nearly half acre of ground. Fine large modern home, 8 rooms, nicely finished. garage, choice flowers and shrubs. Price on this property Is right. INVESTIGATE these lovely homes and get full particu lars regarding prices and terms. Prop erties of merit at reasonable prices, A. H. BIRRKLL CO.. 217 V. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. $3000 S O TT T H MOUNT TABOR. A good 5-room house with Inrge floored nttic, on 2.dh ave. Full basement, bath, garage. In A-l condition in side and out. $65O0 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, Just completed at 535 E. 8th st. N . near Rrazee. Everything right up to date. Hnrdwood floors throughout, fireplace, full basement, furnace, ga rige. Lot 50x100. or can sell 100x100. Terms. N $7500 -HOOM BUNGALOW near ltith and Clackamas st., com pletely equipped, modern and everything first-class. Hard wood floors, fireplace and Xurnacs. A splendid place. $7500 ROPE CITY PARK. 5-room brand new bungalow. Can move right In. East 65th st., near car; paved st. Old ivory and mahogany finish. Every possible convenience. $3500 5-room bungalow. 165 Tilla mook st., adjoining newly purchased city nark site. Good house on paved street. Terms. WAKEFIKLD. FRIES & CO. bo 4tU St, J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY, We have a number of desirable homes In the various sections of the city and while it i Impossible to advertise all our listings, if you will call at our office, give us n Idea as to the kind of a home you dcHire. we can, without a ques tion of a doubt, show you the very home for which you arp looking. Some of our moat satisfied cus tomers are those who were about to give up In despair and we lo cated them with very little diffi culty. J. A. Wlckman Company means to real estate what the Sterling mark means to silverware. We are proud of our service. If you have not called and inspected our, photos and listings, do so without delay. ' J A WICKMAN COMPANY, "Shortest Way Home. 204 Ry. Exch. B!dg. Main 1094 and 5 So. SOME ATTRACTIVE PIEDMONT HOMES. S rooms and garage, distinctive type f architecture. convenient. without waste space; furnace irePla?e; wood floors, beautiful lawn and flowers, home ot elegant taste and refinement, S5500; terms to suit. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, garage, house has hardwood floors, furnace, tire place, large and woll-llghted rooms; ideal location as to cars. h00"V "nd. peninsula park; splendid value at $6000, some terms.. . , 7 rooms, semi-bungalow. hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, one bedroom on first floor, three on second, bath two toilets and two lavatories; splendid value at $5000, easy terms. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2O2 Fonton Building. Broadway 3222. NIFTY BUNGALOW ALMOST NEW. $450. YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY! Here b a thoroughlv double-constructed bun- i w K.iiit lonir new and modern lines. Exceptionally large living room lnd" Ing entire wmm oi nuiwc. floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitebei. v.auLrDO nnsttc cement base-Ticnt. was.i trays, etc.: paving and sewer paid. Let us show you. A.lG. TEEPE & CO.. 261 Stark Jl.. near Third. Main :.0:2. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) ONE ACRE. Verv good rt-room house, garage, bam. Ki fine fruit trees, berries of all kinds, flowers, etc.. 'all fenced and ground in good condition for planting. City water. Just out side citv limits. . $270o. which is much less than ACTUAL VALUE; $750 cash, balance $:) per month. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 5th St. Main S9. no VOI" KNOW A BARGAIN? $31. HAWTHORN BUNGALOW $31.10 5 rooms, one f loor. floored attic with luirx ii r crnnri basement, laundry trays, firenlace. bookcases. buffet. Dutch kitchen, reception hall, lot 5ox100. hard surfaced street. aU assessments paiu near 5nth st. car. This is a wonderful ItMrtHin house would coat $:i."00 build. NO EXCUSE IN RENTING. We ihnw vou today. Terms. Sunday Mar. fV.M3: week days Main 7067. Mariels or W i lliams, f2 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BEAUTIFY PORTLAND. FIRST-CLASS fl-room home In Haw thorne district at a bargain to party who can make a reasonable payment down. This place is on paved street: 50x100 lot. Price only $3800. Mr. Cone. 170 E. 3bth St. Tabor 1524. $300 THAT'S ALL IT TAKES $300. THIS IS SOME BARGAIN, ft-room double -constructed house, full basemfnt, Dutch kitchen, buffet, good plum bin?, fine lot. This is no cheap built house. It is substantial from the ground up and price Is only $300O, Sun day. Mar. .VMJ3; week days. Main 7067. Mariels or Williams. 820 Cham, of Com. BEAUTIFY PORTLAND. NOKTH ALBINA DISTRICT-3-ROOM HOUSE ON 50x1) Ml LOT. GOOD LOCATION. NEAR MISS. AVE. AND ST. JOHNS CARLINE. EASY TERMS. KILLINGS WORTH AVENUE REALTY CO.. 121 KILLING S WORTH AVE., NEAR A L BIN A. OPEN SUN DAYS AKD EVENINGS. SPLENDID 7-room house on East 37th "St., near Rose City car line, hardwood floors, beautiful fireplace, full cement base ment, first-class furnace : price $6500. This is a beautiful home and very cheap at this price. TURNER & CO.. 230 Chamber of Com. SNAP. Fine modern 7-room house located on E. Taylor st., good neighborhood: fur nace, basement floor cemented, house In best of condition and a number of bear ing fruit tres: price $40(H. Howard & Mailloux. 31H Chamber of Commerce. BROOKLTX bargain; good modern 6-room house. A I condition; but It-ins, concrete basement, laundry trays, fine garage, corner lot. east front, shade trees, fruit trees. $3."no; cash. bal. 6 per cent. Owner. AK 3SS. Oregonlan. WALKING i istance to center of city; 0 room house, gas. electricity, full lot. im provements paid, full basement, wash trays, dandy view of city. $3750, $750 cash, easy terms on balance. Interstate Land Co.. 24$ Stark it. 5-ROOM HOUSE. . 1 00x1 0 lot. barn, chicken hnuse. a snap for $2500. 4600 down. Ask Kel logg. A. J. DaOREST & CO.. "20 Henry Bid?. Main 2600. $;." to T A KES a modern ft-room house on E. Morrison st .. in Sunnyside d Is trie t. A nice home'ike place, good value for the money. $1 2-50 cash, balance to suit. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. 5-RoOM bungalow, unfinished attic, full basement, fireplace, modern, near car; all improvements paid; $3450. $1170 cash. Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. 3 A RGA IN 4-room bungaiow. Sleeping porch, 4 full lots, fruit and berries, $-JU0; easy terms. SOo Spalding bldg. KEAL ESTATE. J. F. HILL. (90 Williams Ave. East 268. Office Open Sundays and Evenings. ALBERTA TM STRICT. flOOO 0UO Ea 3th N., four rooms and bath, electric lights, porch, Dutch kitchen, full basement: small fruits, lot 50x113; $300 down. (St 33675 5-room cottage. furnace and fireplace, lot 40xHMi, lawn and rose buahes; full cement basement f 001 E. -7 N.. between Wygant and Going; $1500 cash, easy terms. (92J $3200 Terms; B-room bungalow, E. 3Gth N., finely finished, good attic, lot 374x100, ce ment basement. laundry tubs; beamed ceiling. (08) $4000 E. 16th N.. 5 rooms down, . two upstairs; bungalow, on full-size lot : good neigh borhood; $1000 cash. (101) ROSE CITY PARK. $3800 Exceptional bargain, mod ern 6-room? house on 48 th st.. south of Sandy boule vard, all improvements in and paid, lot 541x100: shown by appointment. (114) WOODLAWN DISTRICT. $2750 $750 cash ; 5-room bunga low, Dutch kitchen, lot 50x 100, garage; close to car and stores; easy terms, (88) EAST PORTLAND. $3600 50 E. 16th ti., 2-story, ft rooms, full cement base ment; all improvements in; lot COx 100. (100) ' ALBINA AVENUE. $1750 Near Graham, close to the O.-W. shops, story-and-a-half house, 5 rooms down stairs, two up; lot 45x100; street Improvements all in " and paid; easy terms. 122 MORRIS. NEAR UNION. 42200 $600 down, 1 -story cot tage; 5 rooms and bleeping porch ; lot 40x125, garden planted, fruit trees and i berries; full basement with concrete and brick walls; all Improvements in; im mediate possession. (97) WILLIAMS AVENUE. $2650 5-room cottage, , between Beech and Falling, lot 33x 120, big alley; large rooms, all on onefloor; $700 down, balance like rent. (47) VANCOUVER AVE.' $3000 Walking distance to west side, modern B-room house, good basement, all improve ments In and paid; a snap, $1000 down. (05) J. F. HILL, GOG Williams Ave. East 2G8. Office Open Sundays and Evenings. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. Mr. and Mrs. TIRED HOME SEEKER, Here's a bit of pleasant news. Don't roam all the city over 'Til you've got home-hunting "blues' Your are CORDIALLY Invited To look over our dlsplav Come and see $00 PHOTOS Homes at PRICES YOU CAN PAY. Every district represented. Homes of every type and size; You are sure to be contented (A word's sufficient to the "wise.") All your Interests are protected, Mr. Seller, Mr. Buyer; Every home has been Inspected by FRANK L. McGUIRE. For your pleasure, 14 autos. SATISFACTION. SERVICE are our mottoes. See FRANK L. McOUIRB today . To BUY YOUR HOME the easier way. ' FRANK L. McGUIRE. .Afblngton bldg. Main 106S. Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CTTY PARK BUNGALOW WITH OAK AGE. $5250. Here's one. folks, right up to the min ute in every respect. Hardwood floors In every room, quality of workmanship and material speak for themselves. AW we ask is the privilege of showing you tliis splendid bungalow. Complete in every way furnace, fireplace, buffet, etc.; paving paid. Yes. there Is a ga rage. A. G. TEEPE Si CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main :'02. Branch Office, fioth and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) PORTLAND HEIGHTS home, with view over the beautiful Cobb grounds and of the city, rivers and mountains in the distance. I deal location, grounds over 2 lot, in finest perennial garden; large living room, dining room, kitchen, pass pantry. 4 bedrooms and sleep ing porch; $0000. MRS HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7076. LOTS OF ROOM FOR GARDEN. $2850 MODERN BUNGALOW $2850. VACANT AND A BARGAIN. 6 rooms, one floor, fine basement, f irst-clasa plumbing, electric lights, gas, some built-ins, nice fireplace, large iot. 75x1 lO. Home fruit, near ear and hard surface st. House just newly painted outside and tinted inside, fine condition. NO EXCUSE IN RENTING. We will show you today and can give you one of the best bargains in the city on easv terms. Sunday Mar. 5063: week davs Main 7067. Mariels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BEAUTIFY PORTLAND. ROSE CITY TARK CAR. $1 150 TERMS. 2-room bungalow, well built and plastered. easy to build omo, 50x100 ft. lot, some small frt, woodshed, just 4 blocks to car, $650 cash, balance In payments. Ask for Mr. Clearwater, j. Xj. HA HTM AN COMPANY. 7 Cham ber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. Eve nings call Tabor 1G06. MODERN 5-room bungalow to sell at a bargain. This place Is alnioat new ; is in f irst Jclass condition, and is vacant ready to move into. If you want something below value for $800 down, don't fail to see this bungalow. Mrs. Yager, Wood lawn 4664. TWO-FAMILY HOUSE. 2 separate apartments of 5 rooms each, having the appearance of a large home; a snap at $3500; good terms; the house could not be reproduced now for $5500; located near Columbia Park and about 3 blocks from car. BROWN & GRANT. - k 201-202 Fenton Building. Broadway 3222. $3150 RICHMOND BUNGALOW $3150. LESS TH A IV HOUSE COST. 6rroom bungalow; cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, all kinds of built-ins; lot 50xl0), near car: hard surfaced street, all paid. This is surely a bargain and won't last: terms. Sunday. Mar. 5itf3: week days. Main 7067. Ma riels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Com merce nmg. BEAUTIFY PORTLAND. BUY A HOME WITH YOUR RENT MONEY. A nice 5-room bungalow, nOx 100 lot. full basement, good street: the rooms are large and light, nice electric fix tures. built-in kitchen, floored att ic, front door is oak, $-"i00 cash, $:i3 month. mciumng per cent. u; k. Adams. 507 Cham, of Com. bldg. Marshall 2575; evenings ana un am. -)3. MODERN 6-room house, full basement wash trays, every convenience, double lot. 80x130 ft.; fine large garden partly planted, finest fruit trees, berries, large chicken nouse, yara ann gnoa garage ; nouse tuny lurnisnea. asio otn st. s. E Tabor KM. TRADE COTTAGE. FURNACE. TUBS, CEMENT BASEMENT. PAVED STS. AND TWO VACANT LOTS : TAKE IN AUTO AS PART PAYMENT: BAL ANCE TO SUIT. AN :jl4. OREGON I A N 3-ROOM house, fine lot. good view, west side, bargain at $S00. $300 cash, balance $10 per month. Al. E. Lee, 413 Corbett bldg. 3-ROOM bungalow, west side, for$750. $1(10 caph, balance sio per month. M. E I,ce. 413 corbett bldg HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES. TAB OB 4208 KODABAUGU. REAL ESTATg, For Sale House. A. H. BIRRKLL CO. $5500 Good modern , hi x-room house, ! west side, has furnace, fireplace, cement basement. extra well built, full lot; a good buy at this price. i $5250 Fine corner just off Broadway, 1 close in on eant side. House Of 6 j rooms. excellent condition. A I good home and equally good in- ' vestment. $4500 Tillamook St., West Trvlngton; furnace, cement basement, four good bedrooms, ready to occupy. Look this up now. $2850 6-room house Clinton st. near E. 20th. If looking for something In this district see this; it's a snap at our price. $1050; Four rooms, good plumbing, plas tered house, full basement lot 50x100, hard surface street. Our terms on this will beat your rent expense if you need a small house. . $1800 Dandy little 5-room home on 44th j ave. . n;, ; nouse is attractive, in excellent condition, lot . 67x165. Terms on this. $1750 -Wood st., convenient to South Portland shipyard. Good 5-room house, full set plumbing, electric lights. Can sell on very easy j terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. $7000 SPLENDID HEIGHTS HOME, Best of material, su perlor workman ship and a spirit of REAL ART, com bine to make this bungalow AN UN USUALLY ATTRACTIVE HOME, prac tically TRIPLE CONSTRUCTED. 34x48 ft. exclusive of porches. This home Is distinguished by its massive cobblestone columns, upholding the great front porch, and its quaint, low, ram oil ng line. Ffom the reception hall, one glimpses the spacious living room with its larrre stone fireplace and bookcases built at cither end. and the paneled din in? room with its beamed ceil in its, and LUSTROUS HARDWOOD FLOORS. The Dutch kitchen is Ideal, being equipped with a Hughes -No. 50 Electric Range and fine linoleum (which go with house). Central hall is lined .with linen closets; fine whit- tiled bathroom; BEAUTIFUL LIGHTING FEATURES; 2 sunny bed roo.ns; maids room; srlndid full ce- ment basement with GASCO FURNACE and laundry roo-n. etc. The view nf the river and mountains is Incomparable from this WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME Total price $7000. SEE FRANK T McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1008. Open Evenings and Sundays. LAURELHT'RST. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. $85O0. . Folks, here Is- one of 'those real, new, ultra-modern bungalows. Truly a borne you can be proud to own. A very choice location near the park. Will be com pleted, ready for occupancy, in about HO days. Buy. now go that you may choose your own interior furnishings, decoration, etc., so the house may reflect your own per sonality. Let us show you. ' A. G. TEEPE A- CO.. 264 Stark st., near Third. Main -I-;')2. .Branch Office. 5(th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $4200 This attractive 2-mory. double cortructed home on 53d street, containing 6 rooms and sleeping porch with fireplace. buffet; Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, stationary wash trays, fur- nace. additional toilet and lava tory downstairs, all light, airy, reoms, well arranged. Th is home should ordinarily sell at $4750 to $5OO0 and is a full 50x100 lot and we forgot to mention the garace; you can make a gond profit should you wish to resell and we can give liberal terms. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY, "Shortest Way Home." 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 10O4 and 5S3. $9000. $0000. $150x140." NT NE-ROOM, MODERN. WEST SLOP MT. TABOR. West frontage, affording a beaut ififti view; windows are above the averasa size, making a very light home ; double garage, all kinds of fruit and nut t'-eey, fine lawn and a tt-foot parking ; com pa i e with prices on similar homes and ask why we are selling. Furniture of entire home wltl also go at $230O. I will make terms to suit. 41 E. 61ST ST. SO., NO. OF STARK. Tabor 1442. EAST MORRISON. NEAR 35TH. 5-room cottas. clean and coxy; ce ment basement, good plumbing, garden spot, small fruit ; a nice little home; $23U0. EAST TAYLOR ST.. NEAR 35TH. 0 rooms on ground floor; gas, electric ity, bath, basement; $20OO. $300 down. NINTH AND SKIDMORE. Corner lot, ,"Ox 100; 5-room cottage ; W. 7f. SAWTKLL, Tabor 1ll. FINE 7-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 1"2x24H; FRUIT TREES. GRAPES. BERRIES. CHICKEN HOUSE; $65Uii. 111 PORT LAND BLVD. VV . WOOD LA WN 1 028 . YOUR OWN TERMS. 1 HfiO VAC A NT ! WHY R BNT ? S 1950. NEAR PENINSULAR LRU. CO. MILL 8-room house, good plumbing, gaa. etc.. nice lot, some fruit, house Just newly painted and papered inside, good con dition, just off Willamette blvd. N0 EXCUSE IN RENTING.. We will show you today, move tomorrow, anybody's terms, fair enough isn't it ? isundyy Mar. 5063; week davs Main 7067. MarteL or Williams. S20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BEAUTIFY PORTLAND.! SAVE YOUR RET. - Neat and cosy 5 rooms on one floor; gas, water and lights; cement 'walk; good location west of 40 th st. Price $1350; only $200 cash, bal; $20 mo. GROVELAND PARK $4625. 5-room bungalow, strictly modern, first-class condition; improvements paid; cash ; see It before it is too late. W. D. ROD AB AUG H. 1046 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4200. $7500. - "DUPLEX FLAT. FINE INVEST MENT. LIVE IN ONR. RENT THE OTHER. EACH FLAT HAS FIVE ROOMS AND BATH EACH, SEPARATE FURNACES, FULL-SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. LARGE ATTIC. ONE SINGLE OARAGE, LOT 50x50; WALK ING DISTANCE. EAST SIDE; ONE BLOCK ROSE CITY CAR. POIN DEXTER, 20R SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. 271-20. BEAUTIFUL IRVING TON HOME 7 rooms, hardwood floors, sleeping porch. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, laundry tray 3, full basement, attic all finished for a billiard room or dancing; large lot. newly tinted and painted, a grand place for $8500. Terms. Ask Kel logg. A J. DEFOREST & CO., 20 Henry Bldff. Main 260f. RICHMOND DISTRICT. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, can be ar ranged for two families; furnace heat, full cement basement, large concrete garage, paved streets, naid; 2 large fire places, oak floors. $5500. $1000 cash, easy terms -on balance. Interstate Land Co.. 24S Stark st. HOUSES for the price of one. on 27th st.. near car shops. 2 good houses. 5 and 6-room each, paved st.. full cement basements, wash trays, fireplace gas and electric lot 50x100; $44. 46 E . 27th st. Price $:;500. terms. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1 fPE R CENTNET Two five-room cot t ages.. San Rafael St., near Union ave. $1250 will handle. HERMAN MOELLER. ' 1025 Gasco B'dg. Main 14S0. MODERN 8-room house on E. 7th St., ne;ir Broadway, right up to date and In fine locality: easy walking distance: price $6000; for particulars call at 404 Piatt hldg., 127 Park st. 3-ROOM house, woodshed, garage, fine lot. . gas. electricity, fruit, everything clear, taxes paid. lor,0: $350 cash, balance easy terms. 1045 E. 14th N. Cor. Alberta. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, strictly modern. S. P. hard wood firs.. F. P., furnace. D. K. garage OWNER. 850 E. 36th St. Tabor 7R08 ROSE CTTY PARK MT. TABOR. Two well-built real home, modern and i n perfect cond i t i on ; garage. $ 6OO0 eiich ; no agents. East 4021. 7-ROOM modern house and S. P. on Bel mont st.. near 2rtth. Price $4500. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 6-ROOM huuse for sale at bargain." $4no cash, baWnc- $25 per month. M. E. Let-:, 413 Ccrbett bldg. NEAT 5-room bungaWiw; semen t basement close in; $2500. Owner, Mar. 125. ' REAL KSTATB. For - Sal House. $6CO0 MEANS payment in full for the property with the house completely fur nished from basement to garret. This is our proposition to' you. inoxJOO ft., a corner, close In. in the residential dis trict, south of Hawthorne and Division sts., cement sidewalks and curbs, an at tractive stone wall inclosing this big plot of ground, concrete garaget an as sortment of fruit e-f the best quality in full bearing, on the carline, not any further out than 33d st. The sight Is admirable. nverlooklnffHh city and only one block from the best improved park on the east side. Now wlvji the land which Is a corner with flowers and rare shrub bery, goes a very substantial modern enqugh for anybody 8 -room hou. solid oak floors .downstairs, fine electric fix tures, a basement, furnace. In fact every . equipment connected - with a modern house, In the house and with the house and the land, .'ruit and flowers, garage, cement sidewalks, you get the entire fur ishings and io person will place a less value than $2oM) on the furniture alone. All rlgh. the house Is too large for two and the prese it owner Is determined to ell, therefore off-ira everyt hlng without a dollar against the property for $62tM. About $40 cash will have the right ting to it. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDQ. Io you want thla for $20O0? If so. come running. On the west side, close in on Hi Till ton ave., one block from the boulevard and 3 blocks from Corbett St., a corner lot wit'.i a Rood substantia) 5-room house, full basement, garage-- on the plae. This must be all cash aa it is slmplv giving the property away. M. J. CLOHESSY". ABINGTON BLDG. Onlr $4.10O for a business lot on Sixth st., one block from the- Lincoln high and :t block from the city auditorium. We will throw In with the lot a 6-room cottage with porcelaia plumblnir. This lot alone should b worth $6ooO; 10 years from row it may be worth .10,000. This Is the kind of n buy this is. If you buy :t of us now all you have to pay is $4.00. About $1500 cash will change ownership. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $1200, and this Is buying a house' witn - Dig lots, very conveniently located for almost nothing. Two blocks from a carline. There are 5 rooms, woodshed, chicken-house. The house has city wa trr. gas and batn. Some fruit on the plane in bearing. The location in at Lents. The price Is placed fr the pur pose of an all rash sale. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $ru00, on the river road. Mllwau kia st.. the beat car service In the city of Portland. Here is a 5-room plastered house witn a full lot. paved streets and cement sldewilks at.d curbs, everything Is paid for. Hxlf cash will handle It. M. J. CLOHKSSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $2250 buys this corner lot. 2 Hocks from the carline, in the center oY Woodstock. With the lot you get a good 5-room plastered house, concrete foundation, fruit in full bearing. A II of the rooms are furnished and the furni ture we will throw in at the price. $750 cash is all vou need M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $4MW for a very fine 8-room house In a nice dtstrfct on the cast sidr. With the house goes 2 large lots. The lious la double constructed and mmUrn, There Is a good garage, cement side walks, some fruit In fulL bearing on the rlace. The house alone cannot be re place! for the price. Half cash will hn-idb- it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. G ROOMS BREAKFAST NOOK GARAGE. NEAR CAR. $;;"50. NEVER BEFORE ADVERTISED ! Railroad company t ransfers owner to California. You never would expect o buy such a quality home for so II 1 1 le money. This la modern in every way except furnee. Has hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kltche-n. break fast nook, cement basement, floored at tic, full lot. 200 feet from car. See thia today. A. G. TEEPE Sc CO.. 3C.4 Stark st.. near Third. Main 3-D2. Branch Office. f0th and San4y. (Open Sunday.) 5-RM. "BUNGALOW. $J250 TERMS. 1 block to E. Ankeny car, 4 to Mt. Tabor school, 5(xl00 ft. lot, assessments all aid, living and dining roo.ris, ilreplace, beam cell ing and buffet - Dutch kitchen. 1 bedrooms and nice bath. fu!l base ment, laundry rrays. woodlift. per sonally j tnsoectd by Mr. Clenr watr. J. L." HARTMAN COM PANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. M?ia 20S. Evutngs call Tabor 1006. $3150 HERE is an attractive cottage stytn home on corner lot with four rooms and den or music room on first floor, attic finished In 2 ad ditional rooms, clean and attractive, street Improvements in .nd pa id Convenient to Williams and M in sissippi ave. cars. - J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY, ' ''Shortest Way Horn." 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1014 and 5S3. $247R VACANT V AC A NT $24 75. NEWLY lKf RATED. FINEST CONDITION. 6 rooms, full basement, good plumbing, electric lights, gas. lot 50 x 100. corner, near car. some fruit. Thin is Just the cutest little place you evvr saw. riewly painted outside and dcoraiM inatde snd looks Jtist like a new dollar. NO EX CUSE IN RENTING. We will show you this today, move In tomorrow. Very easy terms. Sundav Mar. 50 OH : week days Main 79K7. Mariels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BEAUTIFY PORT I AND. ON HAWTHONE corner, a large home -of finest construction, cen tral hall." large living room, dining room, excellent pass pantry and ' kitchen, fine breakfast room. ' hedroom&t 1 sleeping porch. bath and mairs room. 2 fireplaces. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7076. . A BIG BARGAIN. 6-ruam house, In choice location all built-ins, furnace fireplace, beam ceil ings; owner, going east; half cash and terms. Phone Tabor 93R. $27O0 MODERN BUNGALOW $2700. 6-room bungalow, with steeping porch, summer dining porch screened in. ce- . ment basement, furnace, laundry trays. good plumbing, built-in buffet, pa nel dining room, lot 4ux 10O, chicken houhe and run, grapes, berries, shrubbery; easy terms. Sunday. Marshall oi63 ; week days. Main 7067. Mariels or Williams, 20 Chamber or Commerce bldg. BEAUTIFY PORTLAND. BIG BARGAIN Rose City; 6 fine, large rooms and sleeping porch, cor. lot. ful. basement. c-ment floor, fireplace, hard wood floors, pass pantry, cabinet kitchen, reception hall. 3 bedrooms. sleeping porch. Price only $5300, $1000 cash, $30 per month and interest. Ul BSON, 266 stsrk. Marsnaii ATTRACTIVE 4-room bungalow, fine con dltlon, Dutch kitchen, full c ment base ment. wa.h trays, lot 45x91: berries, flowers: extra lot if desired for garden . with 20x16 barn for garage. 760 E. 40th st. South, near. Francis ave. Immediate delivery. Tabor 481 3. $2000. . SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. 50x100 LOT. East Sixth St.. near Beech. EASY TERMS. HERMAN MOELLER. 1025 Gasco Bldg. Main 14S0. east l."rh and East Alder, -aluahle on - ter block, paved, paid. 9-room residence and garage: also 5-room cottage ; sacri ficed and must be sold. Will sell either house separately, cast o. $U50 TERMS, or $900 cash, buys partly furnished 4-room house with bath and toilet. 50x100 lot. with fruit and berries ' Mrs. Davis. 519 E. 86th North. Rose City or m j-vj. m w.ra,.,Qiiirini). $3250 Snap :or lew Gays oniy. o-room mnirn house: stone basement floor, wash trays, fractional lot. 267 Mc- . . ,11 . , fins tn S t ! anrl Tf j Dria -- w ...... ctJ .. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURKITT. AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. MAIN 1800. i.ROOii nouse. center 01 irvington r ment basement, some plum hlng. finest fruit trees, snruus, etc. lotai price little more man urouna vaiue, $2600 Owner, bast 7 R. and sleeping .porch, full lot. fjrni ture, 9 hens. $05 Victrola; 17 min. 10 Oriage : an ior mi. .ivu cown. Ore gon City car, island sta.. 3 nlks. south IRVINGTON. 6-room bungalow, all up to date. 50x 1o lot; $5oo. Other bungalows up to $JiOV CO 1U,UVV. - JLaL 11U, BKAL ESTATE. IRVINGTON HOME Reception hall, large living room, dining room In oak. splendid den. . very large pass pantry and kitchen and gla4s-ent-iosed rear porch ; oak sliding doors; 3 large bedrooms, dressing room, tiie bath and glass enclosed sleeping pored on second , floor; large sleeping room and finished third floor; windows equipped with Caller's steel wea ther stripping at a cost of $10O; ceilings canvased; porcelain knobs In service part of house; glass knobs upstAlrs: best of plumbing fixtures : Ruud heater ; laundry stove and table; most of the cur tains, hangings, linoleums, stair carpets, teat cushions, door panels, white enamel gaa range ; garage. STUCCO AND STONE CON STRUCTION. Large living room and massive stone fireplace : reception hail In . mahogany. Inlaid oak dining room: library In fir with large fireplace; pass pantry and kitchen ; one extra large sleeping room with built-in dresser and fulT length mirrors; also extra dressing room; 4 other large bedrooms, and tile bath; maid's room and bath on third floor. Ftue garage. Lot 50x150. IN FINEST SECTION. Glass-enclosed vestibule. large living room with lovely ttle fire place, dining room, sun room aiid "kitchen on first floor: 4 bedrooms, bath and complete sew ing room on second floor; maid's room on third floor : two fire places, full-length mirrors, built-in wardrobes, all hardwood floors: gas furnace; old Ivory finish; fine . garage. One of the most complete and attractive homes In Irvlngton. Dutch Colonial home, recertlon hall, large living room, off of which is an open porch, lovely dining room, Dutch kitchen. 3 large sleeping rooms, fine bath and .shower; lot 50x1 SO. finest shrub bery and gffrage; $8000. ON. BROADWAY CARLINE. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE Large living room, dining room, den. complete kitchen and pantry; three large bedrooms and large en closed sleeping norch; fine third floor; two fireplaces; splendid buf fet ; best of furnaces. A place which was built by owner for a home and Is tn excellent condition. MRS. HARRY PRTCR PALMER. EAST 7076. A BARGAIN for quirk sale Unfinished house 4 rooms. 50xlM-ft. lot; cah. 2 lots. 5-room house, basement, bath, stoves : $220O. See th Is. .Corner lJOxlOo. 1 .1-ruom house and 1 2- room house. S27."t0; small payment down, bal. like rent. 4-room house, full basement. IffilO f -r-t ; face 2 streets, A rare bargain at $:;hm. 7 acres at Reedville. $2500; easy pay ments, or will trade for Portland. LUt your property with me for results. 5xlOO-ft. corner, ori Willis blvd.; ce ment foundation and half basement, wa ter and cesspool in and paid for. If tak"n at once $nOO cash. Income properly for like value. See E. Nlswonger, 27 Failing bldg., 3d and, Washington. $21150 $650 now N. 1 BLK. TO R. C. i. OR K. A. CAR. Nar 2th find Sandy Blvd.. 5 room cottage and garage, this place Is priced to sell immediately. If you w ant it don't d-lay. ' Fu 11 50x100 ft. lot- Ask for Mr. Clear watrr J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main .'03. $ 4 $2000 6-room attrartlme hove with bath. gas and electric lights, fireplace. newly painted and decorated throughout, carpet on living room and stairs new mid in perfect con dition, included In price: corner lot. garage, 1 block to car. convenient to stores ana nign scnooi. rerms. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY. "Shortest Way Home." 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Alain 10M and 5S3: ARE YOU HOMELESS? $2400 V AC A NT BU NG A LOW $2400. A BARGAIN IN MONT A VILLA. 5 rooms, good cement baaement, full st or plumbing, electric 11 gn ts, gas. built-in kitchen, large lot. near c sidewalks In. street graded, house Just newly decorated and in fine condition. NO KXCISB I KK.TI.i, Will snow you today, easy terms. SunrlRy Mar. 50 63: Week days Main, 7067. Marlls or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BEAUTIFY PORTLAND. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS' BEST BARGAIN. 2250 all in r $5hm); 50x improvements paid: cost x 100; perfectly level, fine view; Just one block of Washington st reet on the car line and next to new house building. KARKH A RAINKY, H23-6 Gasco Bldg. Main 7602. . IRVING TON. m STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE. NINE ROOMS. TILED BATH. HARD Woon FLOORS, Hi iT-WATEIt HEAT. LARGE ATTIC. FINK BASEMENT. CORNER LOT. GARAGE. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. PLACE C ST $14. POO. F R QUICK SAI.K $HI.5(HI. S( M K TERMS. OR MIGHT TAKE SMAULk.it PLACE PART PAT. PO INDENT E R, 2iH SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SOO; RESIDENCE. 271-20. lUOOO SUNNYSI DE COTTAGE $2500. VACANT EASY TERMS. Five rooms and reception hall, one floor, basement, good plumbing, dee trie lights, gas ; good condition: eit front; all assessments paid; near cur and Lau rel hurst park. Sunday, M arshall 5163; week days. Main 7I:7. Mariels or Will iams, S20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BEAUTIFY PORTLAND. LAURELHURST COLONIAL SIN ROOMS FINE GARAGE MOVE RIGHT IN. $ ir.no WILL HANDLE BEST OF EVERYTHING. PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT Main 17oo Sunday and Evenings. East 26 Mr. Delahunty. 5-ROOM modern bun galow, on hard sur face street, close in; price $.150; cash 1650 down. 5-room rot t age. lot !OOxl37H. all kinds of fruit and berries. chicken house and runs, lot alone worth more than owner asks for all. See this tf you want a bargain. THOMSON. A20-21 HENRY BLDG. 5-ROOM modern bungalow; has fireplace. goon turnace ana an up-to-date conven iences ; fine white Dutch kitchen, large reception hall; blk. to Hawthorne car; paved streets in and paid ; will give someone a bargain for quick sale. Ta bor 30 K. CLOSE-IN Irvlngton home. thoroughly modern. 10 rooms, hardwood f toors on first floor, fireplace, "double set Numb ing, large airy bedrooms. glassecj-iin sleeping porch, flowers and shrubbery. This Is an Ideal home. $.oo. half cash. Interstate I-and Co.. 24s Stark st. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS: BUILT FOR HOME: EVERY CONVEN IENCE: NEVER BEFORE OFFERED FOR SALE; P.F.ST CAR LINE IN CITY. OWNER. EAST U55. MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand new. 4-room bungalow, near Union ave. and Piedmont : a few hun dred dollars down will handle It: balance like rent. Phone Owner. East 4000. C LOS E I N $32.". A good comfortable 6-room house. $-V0 will handle. See J. A. McCHrty. E. 3!h A Glisan office. Tabor 3433. Evenings. Tabor 5067. HOME FOR SALE. In beautiful Walnut Park; near 5 car .lines. Jefferson high and library: streets paved and all paid; one week only; terms. Phone Wood lawn 4MD. FOR SALE by owner, the beautiful loOxlOO N. E. corner of ISth and Brazee sts.: a fine restdent or apartment site ; a bar gain if bought this week. Main 4Ho2. MODERN 6-room bungalow; hardwood floors throughout : ga rage ; lot 1 OOx 1MJ . ft.: Rose City Park, $MKH). Phone owner. Tabor 2228. BY owner, a beaut if ul corner home, in north Irvlngton; electric Mchts. gas, fur nace and garage. Ca II Wd 1 n. 22H. FOR SALE 5-room house in fair con dition: must be removed from lot within 30 dnys. Inquire at S5 Greenwood ave. FOR SALE CHBAP. 6-room modern housf, lot 50x100, with Improvements. 063 E. 7th st. N. $;;2t0. $."oo CASH, a fine. big. 7-room house on cor. lot 45x1 l.l E. 30th. near Holgate. Owner East 3225. WEST SIDE. 5-room bungalow, on Gibbs, near Flr.t st. Price $24o, terms. John binder. 420 Chamber of Commerce bide. BCAL ESTATE. DUTCH COLONIAL 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. $750. OWNER LEAVING FOR EUROPE A V r U I"vT C l.- I I AT " V" 4 V." k'nlkn e cannot say too much, it I" absolutely J impossible to overdeacrlbe this wonder- ful home. Xo better materia, no bet- 1 ter workmanship ran be imagined. Fin est hardwood floors throughout. Ex ceptionally large living room: the fire place is of tile and is practically impos sible of reproduction today. Mav w not have the pleasure of snowing you? A. G. TEEPE 4- CO . 264 Rtark st . near Third. Main "092. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) MANY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOWS TO CHOOSE FROM. SELECT YOUR HOME TODAY. MOVE RIGHT IN. . PTOP THE RENT LEAK. COSY, MODERN. WELL BUILT BUNGALOWS. BUILT FOR COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE. $41i0 UP. LIBERAL TERMS. R. F. POND REALTY CO. THE IDEA. HOME BUILDERS. UN DERRUY E RS U VDKRS ELLERS. NO PROFITEERING. W E SAVE YOU $ $ $ . HOMES BUILT TO SUIT ON TERMS. 120 SANDY BLVD. TABOR 3825. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY. LAURELHURST HOME BARGAIN. $S750 Let us show you this beautiful home. Ideally located and attrac tively finished ; 7 rooms, sun room, breakfast nook, hardwood floors t h rough out. 2 fireplaces. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, all built-ins. full cement basement, furnace, garage: this house has a large living room across the en tire front, all rooms are very good size and the home Is in excellent condition, both Inside and out : this property is absolutely worth the monev. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY. "Shortest ' Wn v Home. 20$ Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094 and 5S3. $3750 PAKKRO8E HOME. An acre tract, rxound all cleared, a good 5-room house, fireplace and mort-Tn plu-nbtng. on a graveled road. 2 blocks to Sandy blvd.. near Cralr road. Terms $1750 cash, balance 3 veim P A R K R O S E BRANCH OFFICE ON SANDY PLVD. AT END OF PARKROSE CAR LINE. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 20. ROSE CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW. $1750. 0 TOUR OPPORTUNITY! You will ap preciate the real value here. This trul modern double-constructed bungalow has a a!ue far in excefs of present prices. FlnUhed hi rich old ivorv and white throughout, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, furnace, etc.; full lot. assts. paid. Let us show you. - A. G. TEEPE Si CO.. ' 264 Stark st..near Third. Main 3002. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday. ) ON A SANDY BLVD. CORNER. I have t offer a home of many qualities. Bebt of construction, ideal location, finest floore. plumo ing. hardware, etc.; very large liv ing room, dining room with ' ery handsome buffet: most complete kitchen and breakfast alcove, two bed rooms and bath on EACH floor: f'-ne closets; garage. Must surely be seen to reaiizo the un usual features. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 707ti. R C. PARK $05rt. BRAND NEW AND MODERN. 5 rooms, one floor, cement basement, Uundry trays, fireplace, hardwood firs., all kinds of built -ins. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, electric heater, garage: lot 50xHht ; street hard surfaced and paid. This is nifty, new and modern, with not a thing lacking, at the price of an old house; terms. Sunday call Marshall 5063. meek davs Main 7967 1 artels or Williams, 820 Chamber pf Commerce bldg. BEAUTIFY PORTLAND. MODERN 5-room bungalow to sell at a bargain : t his place is almost new ; is In first-class condition and is vacant, ready to move into. If you want ome thing below value for $1H down, don t fall to see this bungalow. Call at the Ralph, AckU-y Uud Co., 527 Corbett bldg. ' VKitV CI .OS K I N O N E A ST SIDE Owner mvtng from r-iv iffers Ins motietn and trtost Ml List " 1 1 ll 1 V construct el home consisting of 7 -ooms fo- ale. Houfae alcne could not he bul't at pirs ent f $7.")0. 1 he whole propert eluding lrt-et improvements. pun-!ur for much less. SuHahle for a mcdium-slxed family. Main 51l or Ta- hor 5H. DO YOIT OWN TOl RHOME? MONT A VILLA BUNGALOW $3200. ." rooms, one floor, fine basement, elctrie lights, gas, first-class pi u tub ing, built-in kitchen, corner lot 5oxlOO. double garage : terms. Sunday, Marshall 5163 : weekdays. Main 7067. Mariels or Williams. Hjn Chamber of Cnsa. bldg. BEAUTIFY PORTLAND. MOVING to Seattle-, will sell home of 6 rooms, furnace, f irepiaee and all but It Ins, east front, on corner, beam celling and paneled dining room; double garage; 1 blk. from car, close to school: with this goes gas range, stair carpet and curtain drpe; all for $4s, half cah. Owner. Tabor 3045. all day Sunday and after 6 week Uit. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 6 ROOMS 1500 Cash will handle. MOVE RIGHT IN. BEST OF EVERYTHING. EXTRA FINE BUY. Phone for Appointment Main 1 TOO Sunday and Evenings. East 20&6 Mr. Delahunty. irv;ngton. t R-room house, cement basement. 1a un drv trays, hard vood floors, fireplace, furnace. dn. sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen and all buiit-lns, one of the Ideal homes or Irvlngton. a bargain at $6750. Terms. Ask Kellor A J. DfF'jKEST A CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2610. IRVINGTON. A beautiful 6-room bungalow. Just completed; located on 25th st., between Knott and Stanton: all built-in features, hardwood floors and Inlaid linoleum; good furnace and full cement basement. See this today at "6 E. 25 ih st. N.. 1 block from Broadway car line. Week days. Wdln. 1,'iWS. Owner. WE OFFER A SNAP TODAY. R-room house in fine neighborhood, walking distance. 4 rooms downstairs, renting for $50 per month. Owner offered $45 for up stairs. This 'house Is very modern and I offer It for $Wuo. Figure the income for yourself. See Williams, 40:1 Stock Exchange bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. PRICE $5250. On paved street, a modern 3-room house, in select neighborhood, cl y e to school and Sandv boulevard: property in extra fine eondHKn; terms. Mali SLhJ or Tabor .V. $5750 ROSE CITY PARK $575n. Talk about your bargains. A rooms, den and large sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout, all on one floor. $2m0 will handle. ee j. a. Mccarty at E. 3ith A Glisan office. Tabor &43J. Evenings, Tabor 557. ROSE Citv. modern 7-room home, futl lot all improvements paid, 1 " fruit trees bouse in A-l condition. $.Von; will con sider vacant lot to value $lono. $'j(on cash, balance $40 per month. Interstate Land Co.. 24b Stark St. 0-ROOM HOUSE. If you want a house that Is a house. with lonxioo rt lawn. look at 4 k 17th and Washington: occupants will show It. Price only i.'.ihm. FOR SALE by owner, good new house. 4 rooms and bath, with 1 or 2 lota. 3504 K. 66th.. near Powell Valley road. Phone Tabor 730. $32iH A CLIENT has authorized me to dispose of his O-room bungalow. li n. 2d St.. near Glisan. Call Wowlimn 0245. FOR BA LE 5-room furnished bungalow, on good car line; fruit and roses. Phone Wdln 405. FOR SALE rt-room house. half block from Sunnyside car line: also stoe and hot water colls: inquire 165 Eaat 35th. FOR SALE At sacrifice by owner only, a desiratde modern 6-room house. cloe in, on west side. AK 35. Oregonian. MoPERN H-rootn bungalow, sleeping porch. J fireplace, buiUma; term. Tabor 778, REAL KSTATE- LESS THAN $3500. $2225 5-room ceiled and papered cot tage on ground lOOxJtio; rhlcken house Hx"H ; lots of fruit snni berries; $7K cash, $25 monthly. $2250 1 -story 7-room cottage, with double garage; good lot; st li3 E. 19th t. N.. Aioerta; :J00 cash. $30 monthly. $2250 At Milwaukie Is a well-built 1H story 6-room plastered bouse: plenty of natural shade trees; ' $3uo cash, $20 monthiy. $2300 At 1402 Rodney ave.. bet. here and Vancouver. is an 6-room plastered house, with lights, bath and toilet: small barn suitable for garage; $5uO cash. $25 monthiy. $400 Very neat double-constructed 4 room cottage, with largo finished attic; good -fireplace; modern plumbing; stationary tubs; at 5522 65th st.; $1000 cash, $25 monthly. $2300 Tn the Alberta district, at 10S4 K. 15th st. N.. corn Sumner, is a neat well-built bungalow type of cottage; $850 cah, $2." monthiy. $2600 At 3220 51st st. S. E.. is a 7 room plastered house with bath and toilet; full basement; 1 blot k from car: $Uoo cash, 3 years on the balance. $2650 A miniature chicken ranch, lo cated at 4138 74th st. S. E.. lot 4.x225: neat .it lie 4-roorn plas tered cottage, with gs and elec tric lights, bath and toilet, con crete foundation, fruit and ber m rles, large chicken house and pens, with water and electric lights in each pen; $3o0 cafah. $ju monthly. $2900 At 50fl Dekum ave.. In Wood lawn, is a 7-room plastered house With electric lights, gas. plumb ing, concrete found Htion. f ti I basement; very neat little home; $1150 cash, $25 monthly. $3000 At 71?f Union tv., Is a 6-room plastered cottage, concrete foun dation, full basement, station a ry tubs, lot 27xluO; $500 cash. $2 monthly. Do not forget that we said "on Union avenue." $nir.0 i of an acre with 5-room cot tage, good barn and chicken house, raspberries, blackberries, loganberries. etc. Hre is a i-malt farm in the city; $i50 cash. $15 monthly. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. "Beauty Portland. NEAR 36TH AND HANCOCK. N I FT Y BUNGALOW $5101. I1TS OF OI.ASUS AND DISTINCTION. Here, folks. Is one of those really good looktng mod rn jjunnaioKi. We do nut overdescribe this charming home. You Just picture to yourself the kind of a bungalow vou want, and here vou will find it. From hard ood floors to ga rage every .detail com pie te. When passersbv stop to admire a Vome t'i" owner hss a reason to feel nroud. Thl Is tlmt kind of a home. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE & CO.. 264 Siark st.. near Third. Main Branch Office. 50th and tiandy. Op-n Sunday.) NOB HILL HOME SOUTHWEST CORNER 24 TH AND MARSHALL STS. Iirge living room In old Ivorv. reception hall. dining room, kitchen ; 3 sleeping rooms and bath on second floor: 2 fireplacrs Excellent location and PRICE IS LITTLE MORE THAN GROUND VALUE $05(O MRS HARRY PRICE PALMER. EAST 7076. HAWTHORN E BUNG A LOW BA RGA I N . I have Just purchas! larger home and will give Immediate possession of ni -room bungalow, aU on one floor: fire place with besutlful larxe mantel with heavy French piate mirror; mirror door in closet for guest wraps; laree buffet with mirror and plate glass doors: se lect grain finish In living rooms; white enamel in the rest of homef Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors In three room-. Linoleum. Radiante fire In fireplace. gs hot water heater and .curtain rods in cluded. St. imp. In and paid; this Is the best buy in this district and should sell today. Terms. See today. S?5 East 41st t.. between Harrison and Lln'-oinstft. ROSE CITY PARK. 7-ROOM BUNG LOW l5x IOO. $65 . located 30 E. 47th st. N. You- 111 appreciate the real value here. Extra large lot l5x lK practi'-allv 2 lots: ail assts. paid: hardwood floors. ire;:acc, steam beating plant, garage. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE & CO 264 Stark st.. near Third. Main tI2. .Branch Office. 5th and Sandy. tOpeii Sunday. " BIG BARGAIN. WEST SIDE. Lovejoy street, near 24th. lot 5Ox10 and 6 large rooms, full basement, fur nace. I.Aundrv trays, fruit room, coal bin verv large living rom. fireplace, dining room, pass puntty, kitchen, back pantry, could be used for bedroom ; 3 bedroom, one of them has fireplace and is ei y large : sleeping porch in st t ic ; priced very low for qilU k le. $7.'00. cash, balance 6 G1LSON, 26S Stark. Mar 12. A SURE ENOUGH BARGAIN. IN MONTAVILLA. $15AA WHY TRY TO RENT? LVo. 6-room wll-"bullt houe. cement ba ment. thicken house and runs, some fruit and berries; this is really Kome snap: Imu could not n nuut lor 'oou; lot SOximi; terms. Sunday. Marshall T63: weekdays. Main 7lti7. Mariels or Williams. 8 20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BEAUTIFY PORTLAND. AN INCOME AND HOME 1 on 1 1 - R H M FLA T 2 1 OO. 11 rooms, arranged In three apart ments: will rent for most enough to pay for itself; building in good condition, nesr car. This is a chance to have a place to live and a monthly income on very easv terms. Sunday, call Mar. .10 3; week davs. Main 7HS7. Marleis or wtu lama, Vo Chamber of Comm-rce bldg, BEAUTIFY PORTLAND. RESIDENCE KOR SALE. LARGE U-room residence, good for large f mi I v or furnished rooms: co.-rer lot, one block to car. gaa lights, bath, fur niture: 2-room new house on the rear. Bringing good rent. Will tell on eontract with good payment down. Ca 11 Sunday. ormorning. First houae north of K-rn Park. Mount Scott car. No. 4614 67th. Ask for Mrs. Morse. WHY PAY RENT? On account of sickness will aacrif ici equity .In beautiful furnished modern home w'ith large basement and good fur nace, lot loOxlOO. chicken, yard 20x!o, garden and 20 fruit trees; near schools and car line. If you want a real home and Income of $75 a month come early. 1224 E. Main at. IF YOU LOVE PLENTY ROOM. Fruits, roses, garden, shade and sun shine: come see our spiel did 7 rooms and Bleeping: porch home; 4 full-sizd lots : double garage: hard street : select district: school, college and car near. $4500: half down. Owner. 4431 53d ave., afternoons. Woodstock car. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, n-room modern house of bun ga low t vpe. nice built-In features, furna, fireplace, double construct ion. paved st.. on SOth. near Ha wt home ave. Price 42V); half cash. This is a real bar gain. It. M. GATE-WOOD & CO.. lG5'4:h st. " WILL SACRIFICE My new 5-room bungalow, with giirage, 5ox 1 OO lot. street improvements in and paid for. Owner leaving cii y. Very reasonable terms. Owner at house. 117 Ivon st.. between 5Mh and 41 tit. Rich mond car. ROSE CITY. Nice 4-room house, water." lights and gas. bearing fruit trees, berries, rones and lawn, chicken house and run. You can't beat it for the money; $1200. $::ni down, balance easy. Phone 31S-o2. (J57 E. 75th north. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Beaut lful K-room bungalow, old i-ory nnd while enamel: fireplace, hardwood floors; best part Rose City; pink of con dition. Price quick sale marked down to $54i0. $15of cash. $50 mo., including Interest. GIBSON, 29 Stark. Marsha ;i 12 WALKING DISTANCE. Center east slds dlst rict. modern In every way. a great bargain. $37.Vi. $7."ii cash, balance like rent, monthiy. Call Ml Railway exchange I t? " I Vi: TflV 1 T" nranu new o-room nun a.ow, strictly modern, furnace, hardwood floors, huiit 1ns. etc. : $1mu0 down, terms on balance. See it today. Phone owner. East 4000. Brand new -room bun catow . 9- ROOM house, hardw ood f in ish. 2 fire places, fine location for roomers. li quire 475 Holladay. East 4ofts. 2250 6-ROOM furnished houe. f ti ' I b -menu lot OujlIOu, Iruit tret-a. 211 Wafe. BM1. TATE. tor Saie LAURELHURST. FIVE ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. N E W CO M I LE T E $ 7 6 50. FOLKS. liKT BUSY SEE THIS TO DA : You never would expect to buv uch a home as this in beautiful Iirc hiirt for so little mmiey. Idea.iv locat ed near car. conXWete with garage and everything one could ask for. The besu ty of design and completeness of Interior arrangement. toethr with the fine ma terial an, u orkrnaushin. contribute to ward making this a qualitv home of unual distinction. From htrdw.od Too- to sarnce. every detail is compete. We dor. t expect to sell you the hous. from t:ns ad. All we want to do ai: we ex -pe,-t is for you to see thU splendid bun galow. A' G TEEPE 4b CO.. -64 Stark st.. near Third. Main 5Xi01. Branch Office. 3uth and Sandy. (Open Sundav. ROSE CITY 1'ARK DISTRICT This distinctive district has advan tages equaled by few and excelled by none. ALL FIRST CLASS HOMES A SELECT CLASS OF I'liol'LE 'if hD ELEVATION WHICH 1 V E s PLENTY OF FRESH AIR AND DRY BASEMENTS. EXCELLENT CAR SERVICE MODERN SCHOOLS ON A DIRECT ROUTE TO TM'J CITY AND THE COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWA Y. We are offering for sale in this ex clusive district a select list of over loo houses ranging in price from $".oo to $Ui.ooo, which we w 111 be gUd to show you at any time. HOLD EN A KOHLMAN. 22S Cha. of Com. Bmg. Main f...r.tt ROSE CITY PARK. COMPLETE BUNGALOW $55'. Here, folks. Is bs complete a home as you win expect to find for this amount of money. You will admire the lare living room and ail the remarkab'v clev er and delightfully distinctive features that go to make thie a rel home. The ti-asco furnace and instantaneous hot-water heater are two items that Indicate the completeness of this charming bun ga:ow. Let us fehow you. A. G. TEEPE A CO.. 264 Stark st.. near Third. Main 3f.2. Blanch office. ,".uth and SiuJy. topen Sunday. ONE of the finest of Rose Citv Park hous; Jarse livh:g room and Mm X porch, central haii, lovelv dining r.-om with built-in buffet; iomp e:o kitchen. 2 bedrooms and Klass-in-r-iosed. sleeping porch . olu j orv finish, hardwood floors; unusual houso of splendid oitruot 1 n una architecture. nil the yard. w,ih lovely native trees, make au i i-:ai setting. MRS. H A K R V PRICK PALM E it East 7076. $ 4 250 T H I N K $ 1 250 A splendid bungalow. 3 rooms down 3 Hitil bath up; largw Jiving room with at : rai-tive fireplace. rtook'-.i, rlr wMt- enamel cabinet Ic tu hr n. c m, " basement, furnace and frill 1 elo.-.-t ye-th.-rc Is a garage wiih cenunt floor and drive lu would never esptct such a good home for the pric.; this is a cor ner and costs are paid: vacant and will te op.-n today from 2 to ft Ka-t 2ih. cor. Yamhill. You are dealing with owner. Marshall 835. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. By owner; bungalow. 2-storv. t rooms and sle.'ptng porch : best e lion Ros. ity Park, below hill; hunlwuml floors downstairs, fireplace, paneled and benm ceitlng dining room, msssi ve huf ft. fine lighting fixtures; Urge Dutch kitchen all built-in, linoleum; full cement base, ment; Boynton furnace; fine lisht bed rooms and enclosed sleeping porch: x- eptional finish through. ;u . built about H year and In fine condition; about on 11ock from pavement. This home has ben listed several weeks at $-VhKI. b-jf for immediate sale $4oo; cash $1 loo Phone Tabor f(7. LAVRKi.H URST CORNER LOT, FINK VIF.W. BK M'TI FUL GRlNIjJ, ALL KINDS FRUIT AND SHRUBS. STRICTLY MoDKKN R K S I D K N C K . WITH HALL. LIVING JASTJRooM. K ITCH KN FIRST t'L R h U W. RKDRwOMS SBCOND FLkR TWO THIRD FLOOR. TWO BATHS HARDWOOD FLOORS OWNKR MOV ING TO CALIF- R N" I A . CAN Gl K IMMKDIATK POSSKSSION PLACF Cost $27. 5. si; WILL SACRIFICE FOR $J3.ihmi CASH POINDEXTKR. 2o SFLLING BLDG. MAIN IhoU: KKSIDKXl'K 7t--n MODERN HOME. IrVington. 1 block from v.dwu. iireftaces. seeping ro-imv sewing room, full cement basenitiit. wit.j good furnace, wash travs. fits; f.oor a'l hardwood. fine garage, $.s."Ot. Kood terms; $ SJ." n. all cash. ."."room Una City bungalow. 2 moi. n.oncn be finished In attic, hardwooii floors, cement basement. wash ir, houae modern In every wy; lust tic in finished. $4750. $1.-.(hi rash. hul. terms -e Mr. Taylor or Mr. Heini, lth L. K Moore. 317 Hoard of Trade. IRVINGTON N F. W S-RiHi M H O M V. Located 114 Brazee. S. K.. 7."-xli cor ner 12. I'M h. All hard vt ood f ioors. gas furnace, plate u indows. gaiage. Spl n did light fixtures, wallpsper and tile hath. Very weil built and for sale by owner. $24m V( PKR HUNG A Li i J24Mi THIS IS SURK SOMK BUY. 7 rooms, bungalow type, cement ba' no'nt. first-clxs piunibinK, elect ri ii:hts. gis, lot 4'txl25. chicken house and . ri. berries, ros s. Why try to rent w hen you can buy thia kind of a house on the easiest t otitis? Sunday. Marshall 5;;3 ; week days. Main 7i17. Mariels or W 1 1 Mams, 8'U Chamber of Com mi rcc bldg. RKAUTIFY PORTLAND. ROStJ CITY. 5-room modern bu nit a low. furnished, nice large sun porch enclosed mitli gla-s windows, cement basement, pretty viiit: co v e red porcii. f ru 1 1 I rees, rosv s. nhruh K'ry. lawn. etc. a nice littie home in a desiral'l location : $2iOM. Yes. terms. Better arra 11 ge lor appointment before it's too late. Phoue 51-32. Loyal. ATTRACTIVE BtTNG A LOW. Beautl t ul new- modern bungalow. Rose City district. Close to school, lot "iv1mi. Fireplace. modern pi ll tn ti ( n g. Cabinet, kitchen, breakfapt nook, concrete bsf nient. Price $;i5o. Terms $iUti csli. $ It a month, including: Interest. Owner. Automatic 2 1 i -1 5. ALBKKTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Lot 4oxloi and 5-room modt.rn bungalow-, wash trays in basement, f i rep lac . buffet, ti: binet k It. hen, floored at: ic. 1 . block to :ir; priced for quick sale, $34(o terms $HHM cash, bnlat.ee $35 per month and inter .-;t. GIBSoN, 2HS Stark. Mar. l'j. BARGAIN, $3 Wi. 7 rooms, modern, full cement base ment, fine woodwork and pi turfs, a'l improvements paid; grounds HktxltMl, a!t kinds of fruit and berries, chicken houe yard and g a rd en. r h 1 e Sell. 735. MODERN BUNGALOW i rooms and den. fiKred attic, cement basement, fre place, garage, paved street, some fruit and berries, full lot. all assessments paid : $4'"o; can arrange terms; ow ner. K. i:th st. N. i.V" HAWTHORNE district. Glenn ave.; practically new Txoon house: hard wood floors, sleeping porch, newly dec orated. lo ely lot. east t rontage ; $ 1 .".ml cash. fMt a month. 534 Cham, of Com. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. . SIX LARGE AIRY ROOMS. FIRE PLACE. FURNACE. LAUNDRY TRAYS I.AKGh; AT 1 IC, GOOD VI EW. CL TO OAR. AT A REAL BARGAIN. l! .i GASCO BLDG. MAIN ;45i. BARGAIN SANDY B 'ULEVARD. Fine corner. , 6 rooms and sleeping porch, basement, furnace, fireplace, bed ro'm and kitchen: old Ivory: reception hall. par-aKe. Price i2-".0. jHrt term GIBSON. 2ii Stark. Marshall 12. MUST se.l this place. Mount Scott district, i-ioom bungalow, two lots, wt'h fic.e ch icken house ; rlosw- to school; $ ,".ir.o, down and balance like rent. Owner all day Sunday and after U weekdays! Tabor 304.-,. ROSE CITY. 4-room modern bungalow, a cute litt'e place, pretty vines and ros-s. nice vard. fruit trees and berries, clilekcu htm- and run. garage : $'45o terms. Phone ;;i-:;2. hj e 75th north. BY OWNER ONLY J2H..O. 4-room bun ga low. large hat li. Dj.ch kitchen, large screened porrh. t-:l c ment basement ; oniy 1 niont ha o. d ; terms. sel. 3."QQ. on Tlbhets near ;ut h! FINE new R. C. Park buuica low . lis E. ."i.".; h N. : 5 large rooms. lari(e a 1 1 ic ; all I that a borne should be; see it Sunday; terms. 7- ROoM modern house, eosv to pa rk hlks . w-st side, by owner. Aak for Kate tn.". Dekum bids;- Hoi SE and 2 hits. Piedmont, owner leav ing town; bargain to right party. For particulars call 31S-2.1. FoR SALE or trade, corner lot. good 5 rom cottage, west of East Vjih one biock fr,-m A nkeny. East 562c. RHVS. Kltch-nette; Jttf.ll el h or" u-ruis. 215 Broadway. Marshall 74t. 3