The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 11, 1920, SECTION THREE, Page 9, Image 57

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Cllr Bdltor Main 7070. A 6095
Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 8095
Aavertislns; Department. .Main 7070. A 609S
feuperlntendent of Bids. . .Main T070. A 0096
OTlPlIfTM (Broadway at Taylor) VanOe-
vl U. Thia afternoon and. tonight.
BA1CKR (Broadway near Morrison) Baker
Stock company In "The FWa Million."
Thia afternoon and tonight.
ALCAZAR (Eleventh at Morrison)
"Bringing: TJp Father." Thl afternoon
and tonight.
LTRIC (Fourth at Stark) Mnsleal com
edy, "Easy Money." Three showa daily
at 2. 7 and 9.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to 5,
4:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays, Sundays and
holidays, continuous 1:15 to 11 P. M.
FANTAGBS (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows dally, 2:30, 7 and
AUDITORIUM (Third at Clay) Murdoch.
On Sale at
Business Office, Oreg-onfan.
Former Arouses Great Enthusiasm Among Compatriots in New York.
Members of Ensemble Claim Unique Place Through Devotion to Art.
Dn. McElvebx Chosen. Dr. William
T. McElveen, pastor of the First Con
gregational church of Portland, has
been chosen by the senior class of
Reed college to deliver the baccalaur
eate sermon at Reed, Sunday, June S,
Dr. McElveen has accepted the invita
tion. No definite response has been
received from Governor Henry Allen
of Kansas who has been invited by
Reed college and the Montana State
university to deliver the commence
ment addresses at these two Institutions.
Illinois Societt to Meet. The
Illinois society will hold its regular
meeting: in the assembly room of
Hotel Portland on Tuesday, April 13,
at 8 o'clock. A large attendance is
expected as there will be the annual
election of officers followed by a
splendid programme, dancing and
cards. The soloists participating will
be Mrs. Marguerite Moore Bourne,
vocalist; Miss Helen Harper, violinist;
Miss Agnes Cover, reader; Mr. Karl
Meeker, vocalist.
HrBEBNIANS P l a w Partt. The
Ancient Order of Hibernians will hold
epen. house on the night of May 13
In its new hall on Russell street. A
dance and entertainment have been
arranged by Thomas O. Ryan. Songs,
recitations, instrumental selections
and boxing bouts will be given.
Among the speakers will be John E.
Kelly, John Shillock, Slg Werthermer
and Tom Sweeney. The general
chairman of the affair will be M. J.
Reed Sermoxs Arranged. First in
a series of sermons to be given at
Reed college vesper services for the
remainder of" the year by Portland
ministers, will be an address this
afternoon at 4 o'clock by Dr. Howard
Agnew Johnston, acting pastor of the
Presbyterian church. In a recent
questionnaire on religions affiliations
at Reed it was found that the largest
number of church members were Pres
byterians. Church of Otra Father, Broadway
at Yamhill. W. G. Eliot Jr., pastor. At
11 A. M., "For Those Who Are
Tempted to Give TJp"; at 7:45 P. M.,
"The Church and the Healing of
Disease." We invite to the worship
and fellowship of this church those
who desire for themselves and their
families a sincere worship and an
Inspiring interpretation of life. Adv.
Sugar Facts Will Be Revealed.
John Campbell, who comes from the
Island of Java, will speak before the
Housewives' council Tuesday after
noon on the sugar situation as he
knows it from contact with producers.
The meeting of the housewives will
be held at 2 P. M. in the story-hour
room of the Central library.
Bt. Theresa's Sanatorium. Visiting
Sisters of the Sick Poor; no questions
asked, no investigation; provide milk
and eggs, etc, to poor children free
as heretofore; also music, vocal and
instrumental lessons given free to
poor children who are capable. Bene
dictine Sisters, Box 67, Portland. Or.
Sister Theresa, superintendent- Adv.
Check Found Worthless. W. A.
Christal, 1020 Division street, reported
to the police yesterday that a man
giving the name of J. A. Marshall had
passed a bad check on him for $20.
He said that he understood that the
same man had passed several other
checks in the same district and asked
the police to make an investigation.
are you about to lose those few
remaining teeth? Consult -with Dr. E.
C. Rossman about the best methods
or extraction, the time necessary to
be without teeth and the best way to
replace them. 307 Journal bldg. Adv.
We Have Just received from Lou
don, England, a shipment of men's
two-piece sport suits suitable for golf
town and country wear. Advisable to
see these without delay. K. S. Ervln
t w. Jta., zu5 selling bldg. Adv.
Mrs. Laura Shepparo Better Mn
Laura M. Sheppard, field secretary of
the Waverley Baby Home, who has
been very ill with pneumonia during
wie last inree weens, is reported con
siderably improved,
Ptorrhea eoft teeth and decay.
Are conditions that we drive away
By methods all proven bv
Guarenteed to be Dainiess art
C Smith Long, dentist, 310 Bush &
Chicken Dance for the mnhne t.
day night, W. O. W. hall, 128 11th st..
April 13. Given by Anchor council.
No. 746, S. B. A. Everyone present
will be given a chicken. Ad. 35c
Relax and rest in the dental chair.
By aid of nerve blocking we fill, ex
tract and treat teeth for pyorrhea,
without pain. Drs. Hartley, Kiesen
. slahl & Marshall. 307 Journal bldg
" Freb Lecttjrb TomaTTT, subject
"True Spiritual Healing." fcj- Mm.
Amelia Taylor at Theosophlcal hall,
01 Central bldg.. cor. 10th and Alder.
All are welcome. Adv.
Meeting Date Changed. The
Alaska society will meet Wednesday
evening at Portland hotel. Instead of
n Monday, as previously announced.
Take Sunday dinner at the College
inn. Special chicken dinner. Full a la
carte bill-of-fare 12 M. to 7 P M
East Sixth and Pacific streets. Adv.
Attention. Barbers! Genuine Man
ganese and Defl razors Just received
Going fast, hurry. Lewis-Stenger
10th and Morrison. Adv.
Plaster Board, beaver board. Cor
nell board for walls and ceilings
Tlmma Cress & Co., 184 Second St.
Cereals on Display. The exhibit
of cereal products and processes pre
pared by the Portland Flouring mills
A Real piece of home-made pie for
10c, coffee 5c The Pie Plant, 70
Broadway. Adv.
The Kelly-Springfield truck has
extra long life built in. Jefrery &
liana wait. Adv.
is to be at North Portland branch
library. 190 Killingsworth, from now
Until April 17.
Kemherer Coal, Carbon Coal Co.,
mine agents, 321 Hawthorne ave. East
1188. Ad.
Oriental Rugs repaired, wash-cleaned.
Dinihanian, 46a Wash, st- Br. 2870.
Cordwood, strictly first class.'"Wm.
Haight. Bdwy. 2447. Tabor 8867.
Anslet Printing Co. .for quick serv
ice. 252 Wash. st. Main 4671. Adv.
Hoover, Johnson and Wood hay
saTety box at ZS4 Oak. Adv.
Milk Curjs at the Moore Sanitarium,
r Adv.
Offices for rent, Fenton bldg -Adv.
... -. .-.
i i
HERE is no indication of a cessa
tion in musical events, which
have been crowding upon each
other for several months. Two of
the early attractions are coming un
der the management of Steers & Co
man. Next Wednesday Ricarrado
Stracciari will sing at the Heilig.
He will be followed on April 21 by the
Flonzaley quartet, which is already a
favorite in Portland.
Of Stracciari the Sun and New Tork
Herald of March 29 says:
'Thesongs of Enrico Caruso always
are expensive things, but last night
the tenor sang, for the first time in
his life, a song which brought $50,000.
And yet, hero as he la among hia na
tive countrymen, Caruso was not the
singer who made the greatest hit with
several thousand Italians or Ameri
cans of Italian origin who gathered
in the Lexington theater to pledge
subscriptions for Italy's 325,000,000
loan. .
"To a much lesa known singer.
Stracciari, went the greatest sum.
$50,150 for a single song, and when he
heard the figure he chose as his se
lection one of the most difficult things
in all operatic music, a selection from
the second act of The Barber of Se
ville.' The music lovers, Italian mil
lionaires in the boxes and Italian la
borers in the balconies, heard In
death-like silence to the end and then
sprang to their feet with a storm of
bravos and inarticulate shouts which
shook the building."
There is no need to dwell on the
position In music held by the Flon
zaley quartet. The four members of
this Justly exalted ensemble hold a
unique place in their art, and through
out the world are accepted as the
foremost exponents of ensemble play
ing. For 16 years this remarkable
pre-eminence has been their lot, due
iff - '
' - ' - I
' "i
t ' v 1 I
? - ,
" fftq, ;
hai.lmahk store
of portland
expressive of all the new and charming ideas awaits your
approval at Jaeger Bros. The following are merely sugges
tions of numerous other creations in jewelry.
Imitation Pearl Necklaces
Dainty snrf lovely, lending additional charm to a soft, white
neck. Fitting for all ages. $8.50, $10.50, $20, $35 and up to $200.
Bar Pins and Brooches
Pretty novelty effects in platinum and green gold combinations;
also plain gold bar pins for as low as $4.00.
For Spring; Weddings the All-Important Ring
Choose the ring from our large stock, created
according to the most modern ideas. Plain
and new engraved effects, also fourteen and
eighteen carat gold and the fashionable white
Decorated Engagement Rings
Continues to M
tain Its Leaders
for value.
B,d- rtT ill
In- I Sf fT ITI
In the same effects as the wedding rings, so that
the happy bride may have them to match.
Platinum and gold, also white gold.
The Finishing Touch to a Woman's
Street Costume
A gold-filled or silver mesh bag all the newest
shapes and styles.
Fancy Beads
Amethyst, coral and gold. They furnish a
charming color note for milady's gown, and are
very much in favor. Plain coral beads in white
and delicate pink.
Mountings for Men's and Women's
Diamond Rings
Very attractive and unique. Tou may select
platinum or white gold, yellow gold in four
teen or eighteen carat.
Jewelers Silversmiths
131-133 SIXTH ST.
mm r nilTTHrr llinnn nm I rectly from producers, must be 11
lirP 1- II I I Hill INI.HI-DSr Si censed, and after that date no eggs
Above, Klonanley qnartet which "will
play la Portland April 21. Below,
Klccardo Stracciari who la to alms;
at Ilelllg next Wednesday.
solely to their Inspired devotion to an
art that is paramount in musical accomplishment.
Army Air Service Open. The army
air service is now open for the enlist
ment of 2500 high school graduates,
fabric and cordage workers, instru
ment repairers, engine mechanics,
riggers, gas men, airplane mechanics,
engine mechanics, electricians, ma
chinists, auto repairmen and men of
similar qualifications, according to
word which has been received from
Colonel H. H. Arnold of San Fran
cisco, head of the air service for the
western department. Flying cadets
are selected from the enlisted per
sonnel of the air service, the an
nouncement states, thus affording
many opportunities for flying train
ing. Those interested are advised to
apply to the recruiting officers at San
Francisco, Los Angeles or Salt Lake
Salesmanship Class Meets. The
salesmanship class of the T. M. C. A.
at a final banquet given at the Ben
son hotel Friday night presented the
instructor, Leeston Smith, with a pair
of gold cuff links. At the close of
the evening, a loving cup was pre
sented to Samuel R. Moffett, who had
written the best paper and whose
demonstration work and attendance
during the classes had . been very
high. The members of the group also
decided to continue the organization
in the form of a salesmanship club.
Tork Rite Functions Close. The
Tork Rite Masons' activities for the
week will end with a ball to be given
tonight by the, Washington Com
mand ry No. 15 in honor of the Ore
gon Commandry No. 1 at the Multnor
mah hotel. The grand march will
start at 8:30 and will be led by Frank
S. Bailee, right eminent grand com
mander, and staff. In full uniform.
Robert Downey and Olaf Laurgaard
will be in charge of the .card games
and prizes.
Social Workers to Meet. The
regular monthly meeting of the Social
Workers' association of Oregon will
be held in the Tyrolean room of the
Benson hotel tomorrow at 6:30. Dr.
Franklin Thomas, director of the
Portland school of social work; C.
M. Rynerson, editor of the Oregon
Labor Press; Otto Hartwig, president
of the Oregon State Federation of
Labor, and Marshall K. Dana will be
among the speakers.
League to Talk Education. At the
Oregon Civic league luncheon today
the higher educational relief bill will
be the theme. Citizena generally are
invited, whether members of the
league or not. President Aekerman.
Kerr and Campbell will make brief
talks on the conditions at their
respective institutions and question
asking by the audience will be in
order. The luncheon will begin at 12
o'clock at the Benson.
Arlkta to See Exhibit. The milk
exhibit prepared by the Oregon dairy
council will be displayed in the Ar
leta branch library, 4420 Sixty-fourth
street. Southeast, from April 13 to 24.
This exhibit is of great interest to all
users of milk. It has special interest
for the housekeeper, the dairyman.
the teacher.
Bible Studies Begin. Dr. Emmet J.
Hibbard from California will speak
tonight at 7:45 at the Tabernacle,
corner Sixth and Montgomery streets.
This is the first of a series of Bible
studies and will commence with a
study on Spiritualism. Admission la
Deceased Connected Witli New
York and Minnesota Conferences
Before Coming to Oregon.
FREEWATER, Or, April 10. (Spe
cial.) William Staughton Chase died
at juiiton, ur., March 27. He was a
descendant of English ancestors who
came to New England ten years after
the landing of the Mayflower and
who furnished one of the signers of
the Declaration of Independence,
few governors of states and several
officers of the revolutionary war and
one chief justice of the United States
supreme court. An uncle was director
of the peace jubilee in Boston at the
end of the civil war.
Rev. W. S. Chase was a carpenter by
trade, but after conversion felt called
to the ministry. After working for
a few years under the presiding elder
he Joined the Black River conference
in 1860, serving pastorates in New
York state until 1881, when he took a
transfer to the Minnesota conference
He continued in the active ministry
till 1895, when he accepted a super
numerary relation. In 1908 he came
to Oregon and continued to preach oc
casionally until four years ago. Dur
ing his ministry he received into the
church 880 members, officiated at 275
funerals, married more than 300 cou
pies and baptized more than 300 per
He was born at Westford, Vt., April
6, 1827, and tvjis first married at
Stockholm, N. Y., in 1852. He leaves
two sons, M. W. of Detroit. Mich,
and F. W. of Freewater, Or.
The funeral was held at the Metho
aist .episcopal cnurcn in Milton on
March 30, Rev. J. C. Jones officiating.
assisted by Rev. Air. shangle. Rev. Mr.
Clark, Rev. Mr. George and Rev. H.
W. Jones of Walla Walla. Besides his
two sons he is survived by his second
wife, whom he married in 1872, and
a sister wrro lives in Rome, N. X.
La Grande and Pendleton Macca
bees Start Race.
LA GRANDE, Or.. April 10. (Spe
cial.) The local lodge of the Macca
bees is going out to defend its laurels,
for the Pendleton lodge claims it has
the larger membership, and as such is
entitled to be designated as perma
rent headquarters for the eastern
Oregon section and to have the an
nual convention in Pendleton.
This year the convention will be
held in La Grande, says Nixon N.
Christy, district manager for the
eastern Oregon section of the lodge.
This city having been selected as
headquarters. A hard fight is ex
pected between the two lodges before
the permanent headquarters are
taken away from La Grande.
Joy tailoring costs you no more
than ready-made; besides, Joy tailors
on terms that are easy. Joy has new
woolens, and a complete personnel
of designers, cutters and tailors. See
Joy for good clothes. Joy, the tailor,
104 Fourth street, bet. Washington
and Stark. Adv.
Wheeler Home-Builders Organize.
WHEELER. Or.. April 10. (Special.)
In order to solve the housing situa
tion here ten business men this week
organized a homebuilding company
and will begin at once the construc
tion of three homes. The homes will
be sold on easy terms or rented.
Read The presonlan classified ads.
may be purchased by auch dealers un
til they have, been candled and all
eggs unfit for human food rejected.
maintain a carefully selected stock of
Quality dependable and prices fair.
An inspection is cordially invited.
Printing Engraving Bookbinding
Fifth and Oak Sts. Mar. 60SO Aut. 555-48
Si i i i w
, 1 .
l ; !
IO lr
VY vUj 1 JMY O
Dealers in
s General s
g Mnfg. AGENTS 8
Storage Facilitiea Crying Need to
Prevent Waste, Say Experts
of Government.
WASHINGTON. Apple production
has increased enormously in the
northwest since 1900. Last year
Washington, Oregon and Idaho, with
the help of Montana and Colorado,
produced one-quarter of the total crop
of the country. With new acreage
coming into bearing, the department
of agriculture says, it is likely that
the northwest in a few years will be
producing a much greater part of the
country's total crop.
If big losses are to be avoided In
the marketirg of the apple crop of
the northwest, government experts
say, growers will be forced to give
greater attention to equipping their
properties with up-to-date storage
houses than they have heretofore.
Because of Increased production and
an acute shortage of refrigerator cars
last season, growers in the northwest
were unable to move their apples to
market and thousands of boxes of
fruit were caught unprotected in the
orchards by an early freeze, while
other fruit remained on the trees and
was frozen because, there was no
place to store it.
A government specialist is now
making bis headquarters at Yakima,
Wash., to personally assist growers
who expect to build storage houses
during the spring and summer. He
is supplied with working drawings
of storage houses tested during the
laet five years.
Egg Dealers to Be Licensed.
REGINA, Sask. After the first day
of June, 1920, in accordance with the
new egg marketing act, every dealer
in eggs in Saskatchewan either whole
sale or retail who purchases eggs dl-
Change in Management'
L. W. HLMES, Mgr.
Washington at 12th Street
Centrally Located
Elegantly Furnished
The One Best
g Working Men's Store jj
Geary Street, ust oil Union Square
Famous lor good service, comfort and excellent
cuisine at reasonable prices.
Rata from $1.75 a Day
Breakfast 40c and 75c Lunch 60c; Sundays
75o. Dinner $1.25; Suoaars 1.60.
Municipal Car line direct te door.
Motor bus meets 'rains and steamers.
The Comet
488-494 Washington St.
r ipnoi
T.HE atmosphere of the Bohemian
from food to service is one of
whojesomeness !
All food is prepared under abso
lutely perfect conditions every dish
is a new delight !
Among other good things, youTI
'enjoy the delicious breads and pas
tries which we make in such great
You'll like the Bohemian.
384 Washington, Near West Park
"Willamette Club Elects.
lem, Or, April 10. (Special.) Tes
terday'a election of the Websterian
Literary society resulted as- follows:
President, Russell Rarey, junior, Ta
coma; vice-president, Frederic Aid
rich, junior, Salem; recording secre
tary, Luther Cook, freshman. Salem;
corresponding secretary, Ivan Corner,
junior, Spokane: treasurer, John
Lucker, sophomore, Salem; critics.
Edwin SocolofSky, Junior, Salem; ser-'
geant at arms. Welcome Putnam,
Benlor, Salem.
Commerce Safe Deposit Vaults.
91 Third street. Both-phones. Adv.
S. & H. Green
Holman Fuel Co.
etamps Tor cash.
Main 353. E60-21.
40 Positions Open to High School Students
JUNE 1 to JUNE 15
Prominejdt bankers, accountants and business men of
Portland will address students of
during April and May
Actual demonstration of bank work and mercantile work, on
adding, calculating and bookkeeping machines will be given by
experts from leading banks and business houses.
This is an opportunity never before offered
by a business1 educational institution.
20 of these positions are in leading banks, for young men.
If you are a high school student, investigate this. Only & limited
number of students admitted. Courses are short four to eight
weeks a life vocation for eight weeks of study.
903-4 Yeon Bldg.'
Portland and the North
west's finest hostelry.
Rates $2 and Up
Splendid grill and fa
cilities for entertaining
private parties.
Portland, Oregon
a LooAVBrunt jazz ro.o mioM
Russell & (filbert Co.
Take Every
' ( i it 1 '
Eyestrain sometimes comes on so gradually that the
individual does . not realize his trouble until it has
reached a serious stage.
In fact, there are many effects of eyestrain that only
a specialist would trace to their true source.
We make a thorough examination of the eyes with the
finest instruments made to obtain the correct formula
for every case.
Dr. E. W. Wheeler
Optical Co.
2d Floor Oregonian Bldg.
Sir Oliver Lodge
Public Auditorium
Thursday Evening, April 15, 8:15 o'clock
"The Evidence for Survival' 9
Tickets at Sherman & Clay's $2.00 to 75c
Sale opens Monday, April 12, -9 A. M.
Mail orders now.
F and E
Bales auad Service.
Hedman Mfg. Co.
C GoldibraaKS,
Oregon Distributor
Phone Mar. S422.
415 Railway
Exchange Bldg.
Estab. 20 Years in Portland
C. Gee Wo
Root and Herb Remedies
162 Vt First St., Portland, Or.
WJ -kite
i '33 ki ill
.riiliil TREATED
Be sure 70a are tree f roan tfcla dreaded disease, which work, each ravaeree
lm tke month and eaaaea the loss of lonnd teeta saa eftra produrrs dlaeaaa
and at by distributing; Ita polaon to rrmot parts of the body. If takes lst
tme carlr stares It can be sseccssfully trested. Come Is and In-reatiata.
Particular Attention Paid to Plates as BrldKo Work.
t 8iSO tm P. 91. Phone M. 202.
83 Years lm Portland.
Phon& Your Want Ads to