The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 11, 1920, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 53

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' - 1 r Jl hi
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is preferred and demanded p
by women of refinement who R
seek a powder that produces a 4
natural effect. Red Feather y
Complexion Powder has dis- M
tinctive and exclusive transpar- p
ent and adhering qualities. 13
J Hinged-cover boxes 50c H
The Remiller Co.
230 W. 17th Street New York
Sotd im ll Owl Drug Stores end byotbergood
druggist! end department stores
. &j
of America, at the Kenton Clubhouse,
Kriday, April 5, She was assisted by
Mrs. K. L. Tooker and Miss Elizabeth
Strohecker. The evening- was spent
playing games and refreshments
were served. Scoutmaster W. W.
Harder and Assistant Scoutmaster
V. L. Tooker ld the troop In drilling
and scout activities for the pleasure
of the youni? lady guests.
The following were present: The
Misses Jean M. Auld, A. Bernice
Brown, Margaret Barshfeld, Dorothy
Brown, Kuth Boardman, Pearl Cas
sldy. Carrie Cole. Glenn Clark. Grace
Iyer, Beulah Fewless, Susan Good
win, Leska Groves, Margaret McGee,
Ruth V. Nellis, Geraldine O'Brien,
Margaret O'Neill. Viola Sorensen,
Olga Solum, Margaret Swank, Hilda
Wanker, Juanita Wilkinson and Irma
Wertley. Scouts: Giles Bailey, Ray
mond Cassidy, William Cassidy, Don
ald Clark, Archie Cole, Gordon Dyer,
Karl Kewless, Wallace Giles, Alex
ander Houston, Otto King, Clarence
Lindsay, James Malone, Edward
Michael, Jack V. O'Brien, Jack Por-
tello! Arthur Sanstrom. Marlon Swank,
Otto Weiprecht.
Walter Young.
Harry Toung and
Mrs. Frank A. Seiberling. the na
tional president of musical clubs, was
entertained on Wednesday evening
with a box party to hear Percy
Grainger. Among those in this party
were Mrs. Percy W. Lewis, district
president; Mrs. Frank M. Taylor, state
president; Mrs. Warren IS. Thomas,
president of the MacDowell club: Mrs.
Fay Rudduck, and Mrs, Paul Petri.
Mrs. Seiberling left for Seattle the
came evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sherman Bots
ford were hosts at tiieir residence on
Elizabeth street, Portland Heights,
March 28, at an Informal dancing
party given In honor of their fifth
or wooden wedding anniversary. The
house was beautifully decorated with
tulips and American beauty roses.
Wooden spoons were used as place
cards at the supper which followed
the dancing.
A miscellaneous" shower was
piven in honor of Miss Edna M. Hepp,
fiance of Edwin Holm of Seattle, at
the home of Lois A. Humphreys on
Forty-third street, Saturday evening.
The evening was pleasantly spent
with music and dancing.
The guests included the Misses
Edna Heyp, Gwendolyn Stevens,
Elizabeth Beede. Nina Young. Mar
guerite Allen, Alice Bollman. Evelyn.
Hepp. Edith Altnow, Madeline Hepp,
Mildred Hebert, Leona Hepp, Helen
Sutherland, Lucy Humphreys, Mrs. E.
M. Jones, Mrs. Arthur DeKonlng, Mrs.
Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs. Hepp and
the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ball entertained
at a dancing party last week for the
Oregon Agricultural college glee
club at the Women's club In Corvallis.
About 50 coupies enjoyed the hospi
tality Of Mr. and Mrsi. Ball. '
Miss Daisy Graap was a hostess
Saturday evening when a merry
group of high school friends gathered
for an Informal dance. The rooms
were decorated with spring flowers,
Easter lilis predominating.
Those present were: The Misses
Hilda Geuler, Ethel Blaesing, Norma
Anshteltz, Dorathy Wickham. Ora
Catching. Helen Newell and Sue Graap
and Messrs. Joe Frazer, Al Braman,
Everett Taylor, Don Hood, Frank
Lacy and Ed Ford.
Mrs. Lewis Johnson was hostess at
a tea given in honor of her mother
and sister, Mrs. James Johnson and
Mrs. Lawrence Jones- of Jamestown,
New York, at her new home in Lau
reihuxbU Guests were the members of
her olul Mrs. William Geprjre Tuck
er, Mrs. Frank Walgamot, Mrs. Ar
thur Olsen, Mrs. William Hodeckeri
Mrs. Wallace Morrin, Mrs. Paul Dan
iels and Mrs. Ralph Service.
Mrs. William George Tucker was
hostess at a luncheon at her home
at Lucretia court, given in honor of
Miss Vivan Browning of San Frari
cisco. Mrs. T. H. Williams entertained
wfth a dance Saturday evening at her
residence in Irvington. Her guests in
cluded the office force of the Pacific
States Fire Insurance. For this oc
casion the house was .decorated with
spring flowers. .
Easter Monday the Tyrolean room
at the Benson hotel was the scene of a
luncheon at which the engagement
of Miss Lorraine Mahony to James P.
Clancy was announced. The Misses
Evelyn and Margaret Mahony were
hostesses to 14 Intimate friends. The
table ws decorated with a basket of
bright spring blossoms and each place
was marked with a dainty French cpr-
sage, to which was attached a" tiny
card bearing the news.
Mi9st.orraine Mahony is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Mahony of
Alameda drive. She was graduated
from St. Mary's academy and attend
ed the University of Oreson. She is
member of Chi Omega sorority and
Kwama Honorary society. Mr. Clancy
is the son of Mrs. Delia Clancy of this
city. He attended Oregon Agricul
tural college and is a member of the
Beaver club. During the war he was
a lieutenant with the 601st engineers
and spent about two years In France,
returning in June. Mr. Clancy is now
manager of the Lebanoa-Santiam
Lumber company.
The wedding is set for early June.
The dancing and card party grlven
by Oregon Commandery No. 1, Knights
Templar, was one of the most en
joyable parties ever given by the
Knights Templar in this city. A large
crowd was present to enjoy the hos
pitality . of the commandery. The
honors In the card room fell to Mrs.
George Earle Henton and Dr. B. P.
Shepherd. The committee in charge
of the social affairs of Oregon Com
mandery consisted of Hugh J. Boyd,
chairman; William R. Boone, A. T.
Bonney, Dr. B. P. Shepherd and Hop
kin Jenkins.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Leonard enter
tained informally Tuesday evening at
tne Jtiotel Portland with a. small din
ner party. .Covers were placed for
seven. ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Moores'had as
Ladies' and Men's Tailors
Expert designer and cutter by
American system cutter of pat
terns from any fashion book or
measurements for use of tailors.
First pattern given free to tailors
as sample.
Latest Arrivals In New Spring
All Work Guaranteed
Reasonable Prices
In connection with this estabfloh
mfnt eveninn- classes (or pupils
will be opened.
D. Mashin, Mgr.
245 Fifth St., Near Main
Vi IT A I I 1 1 II
their guests over the week end Air.
and Mrs. Karl Steiwer of Jefferson,
Or., and on Saturday evening they en
tertained with a dinner party in their
honor at the Hotel Portland. The
table was decorated with a basket of
spring flowers. Covers were laid for
10 as follows: Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer T. Con
nell, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cooper,
Mr. and Mrs. Steiwer and the host
altd hostess.
On Friday evening at the home of
Mx. and Mrs. R. G. McMullen, in Ir
vington, th Misses Virginia McMul
len and Marion Burk entertained with
a dancing party. The guest list In
cluded the Misses Dorothy Ettinger,
Helen Parker, Mildred Mills, Marion
Bowman, Helen Macha, Harriet Adams,
Ardis Welch. Gladys Versteeg. Frances
Dick, Louise Arnold, Elizabeth Bishop,
Doris Hicks, Imogen Lewis, Carolyn
McEwen, Frances Michie, Betty
Lively, Rose Kennedy."Lilllan Povey,
Marie Collinson, Grace Starr. Helen
Lisk, Margaret . Stansbery, Grace
Wells, Virginia Hull. Alice Robbins.
Florence Hellendorn, Ruth Cochran,
Clemence Eilers, Mary Clare Larkins;
the Messrs. Carroll Bullln, Norman
Arrons, Henry Gagnon, Bert Coyle,
Walter Simpson, Harvey Dick, James
McKiniey, Harold Polivka. Dick
Wynne, Thomas Sisk. Ralph Staley,
Fred Reed, Millard Samuel. Herbert
Goldsmith, NAUan CriSBil. Edward
Miller, Jack Seabrook, Norman Burk,
Dudley Kleist, ' Paul Elwell, Berwyn
Maple. Millard Leihy. Lloyd Byerley,
Philip Lively, Corlis Sherman. John
Baines, Harold Blazpere, Ronald Fra-
zler, Henry Hall and Leo De La Fontaine.
The meeting: of the Alaska society
has been postponed from the usual
rdght of Monday to Wednesday evening-,
April 14 at 8:S0 o'clock In Hotel
Portland. H. C. Parker of New York,
a member of the Peary expedition and
a pioneer explorer of Alaska and of
Mount McKinley, will give atalk on
some of his experiences In the north.
There will' be cards, dancing and re
freshments. The Rose City Park Community
club will give a card party on Tues
day afternoon. April 13. when Mrs.
M. C. Hemenway, Mrs. F. M. Hifcby
and Mrs. John Lothrop will be host
esses. The' Oddfellows' band will give its
fourth dancing and card party at
Multnomah hotel assembly room Sat
urday evening, April 17, for all Odd
fellows, Rebekahs and their friends
in the city. The committee has all
arrangements made to accommodate
a large crowd.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Pittenger of 564
Vancouver avenue will be at home to
their friends and relatives Wednes
day, April 14, from 2 to 8 o'clock
1'. M.. the occasion being the 50th an
niversary of their marriage.
Next Tuesday evening the Ancient
Order of Hibernians will entertain
with a card party and dance in the
Hiberinan hall, 340 Russell street. In
addition to cards and dancin'g there
will be special entertainment features.
The Laurelhuret club regular semi
monthly dancing party scheduled for
Thursday evening, April 8, has been
canceled, as the fifth annual Laurel
hurst club Easter ball takes place at
Chrlstensen's hall on the following
night, April 9. -
The Laurelhurst club fifth annual
ball will attract a large crowd at
Chrlstensen's hall Friday evening.
April 9, judging from the demand for
tickets. Elaborate preparations have
been made.
The Laurelhurst club ladies pro
gressive unit meets Tuesday, April 13,
at 2 T. JL at the clubhouse.
The Laurelhurst club fortnightly
card party will be held at the club,
house Thursday evening, April 15.
Dr. and Mrs. Emil Nelson will be the
The Rose City Park Community
club will hold its next dancing party
in the - clubhouse on Fifty-seventh
street and Sandy boulevard Friday
evening. April 16. All members and
their friends are Invited. Mrs. J. B.
Ofner will be hostess, assisted by Mrs.
Frank Tauscher, Mrs. Russel Stephens
and Mrs. Wheeler.
An Informal dancing party will be
given April 22 at Cotillon hall under
the auspices of the Oregon State As
sociation of Dancing Teachers. Mont
rose R'ngler has donated the use of
the. hall.
A dancing party will be given May
7 by the ladies of the cathedral house
at Cathedral hall. The affair will be
a formal one and promises to be quite
a social event.
Sunnyslde chapter No. 128, Order
Eastern Star, In keeping with its cus
tom of sociability and. hospitality,
is giving another of its social dances
in the ballroom of Its new- temple
at East Thirty-ninth street and Haw
thorne avenue, on Wednesday even
ing, April 21. Receipts will go to
ward the Masonio home at Forest
The Community Service Girls club
will give a aocial dance Saturday
Evening, April 17, in Women of Wood
craft hall, 394 Taylor street. Prom
inent women will act as patronesses
and a committee of girls will act as
The Alumni association of the
Christian Brothers college ball will
be held FTiday evening of this week
at the Multnomah hotel and nothing
Appropriate Ways of Meeting
Smartly the Varying Moods
of a 'Springtime Day
Sports Events
for a Polo Coat
.Especially, one of these smart belted models.: Styles emphasize the importance of the' back,
with its yoke effects, groups of tiny tucks or inverted pleats.
Two Splendid Groups at $29.50 and $3 7.50
Roses and
WAY 2000 i : . V
Box, Knife
Hand nnd 4f Accordion
Machine t'I Plcstlna-
EmbroiderT -s -j: . Skirt
Hemstitching- and Ptcotlna- 10c Per
Yard Button Covered Tneklns;.
854 Fifth St. Manchester Bids;.
Room 201.
For Every Day
and Everywhere
Jersey Suits
Not only is the jersey suit smart and "practical in
itself but its usefulness is doubled by combining:
the jacket with a plaid skirt as well as its regular
mate. Tuxedo, notched and convertible collars,
are featured on these clever models of blue,
brown, tan, green and purple. . - '
$35 to $72.50
For "Dress Up"
Wear Taffeta
Youthfully' wide-as-to-hips and trim-as-to-waist
' are many of them, .while pleating, drapery, Eton
effects, wool embroidery, lace collars and short
sleeves bespeak their newness. Exceedingly mod
ish and modest-as-to-price
Hats Are Gaily
Spring has gone mad ' oyer brilliant colorings, and
hats are no exception to the rule.- New shades of
blue and red and green are shown, though many are
shining black flowers are their chief adornment,
and most successfully do they play their Gt O Kf
part. One group specially marked.... D-LtlV
What Is Golf
Without a
Plaid Shirt?
Almost all the colors of the rainbow have been
gathered together to add to the chicness of these
sports skirts. If you like the width and freedom
of accordion pleating it is here if you prefer the
slim trim tailored effect, you may have it. Priced
moderately at
$11.75 to $35
With springtime decked in festive
robes woman must needs follow
suit. A charge account at the
Eastern, makes new clothes a
mere matter of selection.
Washington St. at Tenth
The Gray-Tile Corner
is being left undone to make this one
of the largest and most enjoyable
events of th-e spring eeason,.The en
tire mezzanine floor has-oeen en
gaged for the affair. Novelty or
chestras will furnish- music, for danb
ing in the ballroom 'and the assem
bly room. Cards will be played In
the peacock room,, where Mrs. H.
Kothchild. and other prominent wo
men will act as hostesses. Excellent
prizes will be awarded. Refreshments
will be served in the tea room, this
feature of the affair being In the
hands of Mrs. William K. Fields.
A large committee of attractive
voun pirls headed by Miss Florence
fresh very day.
Morrison St., bet
4th and 6th. Tel.
luia sr A 1S05.
LOOK To Your Wardrobe now,
Before you decide to pay advanced prices for.
new garments see what you have that a thor
ough cleaning or perhaps dyeing, repairing
and altering will restore to further wear. We
can do it for you reasonably.
At this plant our new building and equipment
and splendid working conditions attract the
most skilled employes. Best results are thus
When you are out our way drop in and
inspect one of the finest Dry Cleaning and
Dyeing Plants in the west.
Telephone: East 616 We Call and Deliver
Distinctively Different'
Union Ave at Weidler St. Just South of Broadway
Sullivan, chairman, will act on a re
ception and introduction committee
and in their duties they will be as
sisted by a number of young men as
aides. A large numoer of patrons
and patronesses will sponsor the ball.
Tickets for the ball may be had
from any member of the committee
or at the headquarters of the Catholic
Women's league.. 287 1 Washington
street. Sherma-Clay & Co, or at
(Conclude fin Pasre 6.)
Hurry! HurrylHiirry!
To the Betty Shop Closing-Out Sale
Suits, Coats, Dresses
All Marked at Actual Cost
for this important etent.
of tricotine, serge, velour. "
of taffeta, satin, georgette.
of jersey, tweed, velour, polo cloth.
Wonderful garments of the quality that has built up the
reputation of the Betty Shop, ; Prices so low that your
only difficulty is in choosing between the attractive
styles. They're going fast, so don't delay.
Wonderful Bargains at
3X9 Alder Street. Between West Park and Tenth.
iExeesrre and Disagreeable
Perspiration Checked
By application of the new deodorant.
O-Sc-Dry, .
Use cheerfully explained. Recom
romded by Beauty Specialists.
8(19-10 Central Blrtjr
Tor llHh and Airier.
' ! I I J.I I MUM
r ..... ..... ...
B 1D as aa Ears; rr SO YKARg
Used the Ekdee Hair Cerate
or Mx Weeks.
Hair started Over Entire Scaln.
Get It at your druggist or The
Kkdee Co.. S00 Union Ave, N.. Port
laiid, Oregon. ,