TITE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, POKTLAXD, APRIL 11, 1920 IS FOtt HALE, M iBcellsnwtu. -JS" elec&nt $150 Victrola, la teat model. Just received la part payment tor a larger and fancier type; will sell this Vtuirola. thouatt It cannot t told from'; new. at bis; ulacounu Also very fine model tiotioia, cannot be told from new, just received in part payment or new -Kaison laboratory mouei ; this is the flao stylu Sunora; wiil sell it now tor j even $1U0 to get it out. ot the way and 1 Jive an armful of records with it. See ' these and many others ; will send on trial plan if wanted and accept moat reasonable terms 01 easy payments as i be desired. KUers Phonograph Uepart- sauui. third floor tellers tnug.. Wash intrtou at 4th. Seven floors ue voted to xnudic and musicians and the dancing j -r. Phone ium "I'ja. T ICON' I) E KOG A' ' Best blackberry that stows; sweter. fewer seeds, better flavor than loKanborrioa ; delicious for juice, plus. Jeii ; fcuornious .eaer. iJuOO acre. Three best kinus straw berries, fruit trues, ornamental shrubbery.- illustrated lomer, MomUttiio b ed harm, corner bwta ami Enm siiark. oruand. Alt. Tabor t MT-wth.) car to end, four blocks north. one tast. p r ac tTck piano sn a p. Splendid toned Maisha.ll k femith piano In dark case. Price only $1U0; :u uown, b muntiil. VV will take this piano back any time within 1 year and allow you full price toward purchase price of llargo phonograpu. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. iioU Aiuer. MUST BE isOLU THIS WEEK.. Cash registers, show caaea, ucales, soda fountain, wire chairs and tables, plat form scales, cheese cutter, cot lee nuws, meat sneer, ail other Htore fixtures. 113 2d st. Inquire cigar store. FINE RESIDENCE LOT. See that fine residence lot on East Tamhili, Zklih ; 5uxli0. all assessments paid; fine neighborhood; cost about $2500. Price Uo0. E. B. Hyatt, 850 Alder. lo CHILDREN'S dresses. $1.50 to 3; 1 ladies' 1-piece aprons, l-'.OO to $3; romp ers and envelope slips and other articles, all home m&utt. Call Monday at tilo Clinton st,, corner E. ltilh. TRADE in that old vacuum cleaner for a new one. We handle all makes and will give you a liberal allowance. Phone Electric Maid Shop, Bdwy. 4024. 133 10th st. DKAGSAW, rebVllt Beaver, guaranteed same as new, 6-ft. blade ; price i l.io ; some terms. A. O. Joiuison, 2-tf Haw thorne. East end of bridge. Call Auto matic 2,7-37. FOR SALE Wood, first growth body wood, first class, $0 per cord, $8.50 per cord for 2 corus or more delivered in Vancouver, Wash. 8. K. Howell. Phone 36-R. . ftc7 CAMERA, triple extension, plateholders, tripod, case, $!u; 2.xZm Ansco camera, anaatismat lens, case, new condition, list 30, sell $17.50; both are bargains. 07 New Postoffice bldg. BRINK EN HORF PIANO. Strictly first-class Brinkenhorf piano in golden oak case, price only 225. $20 down, $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. Alder. 1 6x7 CON LEY camera, Cx3 Anastigmat . lns. case, tripod, etc., $25; 1 6 cabinet Edison, new. sell for $15, list price $o5. Alan Murland, Marion hotel, 232 y Madi son st. Phone 542-05. PIANO WANTED. Will exchange fine new Victrola. Ed ison, Brunswick, Uratonola or Strati. -vara for piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Aider. 2 GOOD trunks, large and medium, cheap; reveral articles of woman's clothes; slightly old-fashioned but excellent ma terial; will sell reasonable. BD 374. Oregonian. FINE base drum, Leedy snare drum, cym bals, steamboat whistle, etc.; cost $80; price $45. $10 down. $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., o50 Alder. , CLOSING OUT 1U4 Porter St., corner Front; root beer barrels, carhonators, show cases, shelving, cash register, coun ters any length, 1 bar; ail stock must go. FOR SALE Lawn mower, garden hose, wheelbarrow and all kinds of garden tools, at 057 East 24th st. N. Monday A. M. to 4 P. M. DIAMOND, lady's ring, latent style white mounting, $70; diamond stick pin, $55. if taken at once at barber shop in Union station Monday. FIVE yards dark blue silk jersey, 55c a yard; 1 pair black satin shoes, size 6H-B, never worn, $10. 458 Pittock block. FAMILY-SIZE range, wood or coal, $25; good Columbia puonograph, $12; mostly new ice box, $-5. Broadway 2bM. 148 N. ltith st. GROCERIES AT DISCOUNT. Such as soaps, canned goods, etc., clean stock, value $120. Broadway 1024. SEWING MACHINE for sale; going east tonight: $10 takes it. Call Alcp apts.. No. 214, Enst Union and Couch ROYAL range, excellent condition, san itary base ovon, perfect baker, hot water coils. $45. Phooe Tabor 1061. COIL box, 4 splckets. fine brass water pump with gauge, $50. Main 7809, 1D5 13th sL MARMOT fur waist line coatee, stole front, ermine collar; never worn. Tabor 4086. long been FOR SALE Good cast-iron heater. No. 24. In line condition. Call Sunday, 301 Glenn ave. FURNITURE, Manning oil burner, marble slab, chemical toilet, new. Phone East 8u83 from 2 to 5 P. M. BABY BUGGY, sulkey, lawn mower, odd chairs, bird cages, picture frames. East 040. 15 DOZ. fruit Jars, all sizes; 2 4-gaI. crocks, or trade for something can use. Pi p er. East 300. LI FT van. heavily built, suitable for boat house, cabin or garage, cheap. Call 308 Concord bldg. DIAMOND ring, lady's, latest mounting, purchased recently for $275, sacrifice $200. E 143, Oregonian. TWO Poland-China pigs, 00 pounds each, exchange for B, R. or W. L. laying hens. Main "Ml. ECONOMY brooder for sale cheap. Tabor 4257. 1 PAIR weed tire chains, once. P 126, Oregontan. size 324, used LOVELY diamond 411, Oregonian. karat for $10O. AL OAK LUMBER for sale cheap. landing. St. Johns. Call ferry FOR SALE Wdln. 42: cheap. 1 3-plece parlor set. FINE black walnut bedroom set. Kt. Main 2628. No dealers. TWO pair shoes, never worn; ivory col ored, s A A ; pair. M a rh all 1 880. FuK SALE 1 large and 1 small gas range, 1 brass bed. 1 icebox. 122 loth st. RA NGE for sale, wood or coal ; 3-burner gas plate attached. 745 Wilson. 23,000 GOOD used paving bricks for sale. Phone Main 2129. RASPBERRY plants, big red cuspards. Call Monday. Marshall 8471. BICYCLE for sale. In excellent condition, $15. lo9 Falling. Woodlawn 6079. FOR SALE -karat 2797. diamond. Tabor $10 GOOD range with warming oven and reservoir. W. R. Griffith, 737 E. Taylor. WALL tent, new. $15; fishing outfit, $10 complete. -n r. ntn st. a. HOT-AIR SOS cash. furnace, new ; 26 E. 8th st. cost $300; sel FOR SALE One-minute electric washing machine, fair condition. 491 E. ltith N. BCCKEH & WADE pressing machine, com plete with boiler. tt52 W ashing ton st. FOR SALE National cash register. Phone East ool. FOR SALE Piano box. and new bassinette. two breeding cages 270 Broadway. BICYCLE, good condition. $10. Call after 5 P. M.. 3U ban itaiaei st., flat E LARGE black Lizera hat, good quality, reasonable. T 127, Oregonian. HUGE adding and lifting machine. Harmon & Co. F. S. isauonai casn register ior sale. l. C w ax io.. oi ss. o i n sl. Dawy. i73'J. FINE duck -shoo ting preserve, near Port land, with cabin. O 55, Oregonian. TW O Goodrich tires, smooth, new, 30x4 75 LBS. Armour Shield brand lard, lb. pails at 20c lb. 324 Jackson. One pedestal wash basin, enameled. 1 hanger basin. $6. 324 Jackson. DIAMOND ring K, will take $50 liberty oonu. ruuuc jiidiu o.o. FINE valuable chinchilla furs muff and neckpiece; reduction. BC 417, Oregonian, SMALL chicken house and run, windows, water neater, rug. a a dot ozva. HARDWOOD folding chairs at bargal prices. iw r ront st. .Main 141M. FOR SALE Stewart range with hot wate coils. Call or write. 520 E. 21st St. N, NEW piano for bargain. Call Grand ave. $16 NEW Goodyear, man's blue raincoat. oreasi, gooa lengm. bast tKj AUTO battery charging rectifier, lamp BOCKei typo, f io. oroaaway ino. MUST sell 2 barber chairs, $25. 113 2d st., cigar store. FOR SALE Set of mink furs. Vv'dln. 3i;4 BICYCLE for sale, $25. Call Mala 1349. IOB 8AXJC PBACTICALLI new beautiful dining room table. In golden oak, with four firbt-class chairs, leather-covered seat; also practically new tea table to match outfit; would cost about $160; price $85. $25 down, 7.50 a month. Call 315 East 33d et, corner East Market, 1 block south of Hawthorne. Tabor 973. PHONOGRAPH, 5 DOWN. During our special Fale we offer any new .Brunswick1, Grafonola, Edison, Stradivara or Victrola up to $12n for $5 down and 5 monthly. All machines brand new, latest type. Hyatt Talking Macmne Jo., 3oU Alder. I 1 HAVE several diamonds that have been left with me by outside parties to be sold. You can buy them for 25 per cent f lees than the wholesale cost today. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR I DIAMONDS, i 3o5 Washington bi.. next door Majestic , SlO FOLDING Premo camera with Cooke J anas ti groat lens F 6.:i. compound shut- 5 ter; pictures post card size; uses film , pack or plates; leather carrying case; excellent condition, 0o. Call Sunday or Monday morning. Tabor 7600. PRIVATE garage for two cars, lGxXH feet, flat roof ; alsu one plate glass window with sash and frame, showing oaic one side, 00x54 Inches. Can be seen at ft!7 Wood worth avenue ; no reasonable offer ret used. Tabor G!04. P HON OGRAUH RECORDS. To out-of-town customers. Remem ber during our special terms sale we prepay all postage on records. Send for catalogue. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 3r.U Aider. SE!WING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no atrejits employed; com plete line of parts for all makes ; ma chines repaired and rented. Main sewing machine emporium, lyu Third, near Taylor. SIMPLEX separator rn good condition, two 5-gal. miik cans; also 640 feet of -inch galvanized pipe; some -inch pipe. Vi mile east of Damascus, corner of Ores ham and Foster road. Call tt to 2. Henry Ranch. . PLUMBING. Plumbing Jobs done Quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MERKD METAL WORKS, Phone East li54. 161 Russell at. FOR SALE Ladies' new 14-button shoes 4fe-A; Laird & Schober make; also pair new French bronze slippers, heavily beaded, 4VA; bargains. BD 30S, Ore- gooian. 2-HORSE wagon; T,-foot grain drill; 12 inch steel beam plow; 7-foot crosscut saw; hand bean and potato planters; all In good shape; half price this week. 1672 Clarendon at.. St. Johns car. HARDY blooming pansy plants, 50o a dozen ; seeds. 15c a package, postpaid : only Portland checks paid. Marshall 1118. Mrs. . L. Hull. R. F. D. No. 1, Oswego. Or. FOR SALE Peanut roaster and popper machine, price when new, $400; now at $185; In Al condition; and one pool and billiard table at an extra bargain. H. Borual, St. Helens, Or. SONORA PHONOGRAPH. Beautiful mahogany Sonora taken in on deal. Cost $185. Price $150, $25 down, $10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder. TAUPE corduroy dress, size 34. $3; 6-year boy's wool shepherd check coat, $5; 11 pieces cut gass, $S; aluminum percola tor, $1; baking dish, $2. 1137 Vernon ave. Alberta car. HOT-WATER tanks oO-gal., $7; 40 gal., $!; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, Taa heaters Installed; ex pert plu.nbing, rt pairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East b510. kODAIvS"ANDPENS REPAIRED. We claim we're a boon and a blessing to men In fixing the faults of a Kodak or pen o AjN hi a, 3-MJ Washington bt. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought sold and exchanged. NOPRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Phone Main 2045. IF YOU have been overcharged for Jewelry or watch repairing at some other store, try me next time. 1 guard against such errors. Miller, next door Majestic the ater. OFFICE FURNITURE from N. W. Steel Co. and Spruce Div. D. C. Wax Office Equipment House. Bdwy. 27314. ttl N. 5th. bet. Buruside and Couch. O. M. Babcock, mgr. ALL KINDS of warped, cracked weather beaten and old, Jeaky roofs rejuvenated by our tamous and Instantaneous rubber bonding system; all work guaranteed. Phone Main 004a 1 GRASS rug, 1 fluff rug, 0x12, in ex cellent condition; baby buggy; collap sible; Wagner black enamel stove shield, very reasonable. Wdln. 4776. I MUST have money, will sacrifice my new electric violet ray machine; will con sider part trade. Phone Bdwy. 1251, room 227 ; for treating chro lie diseases. ELEGANT PLATE GLASS MIR ROIL Suitable for milliner or aristocratic home, cheap. &51 Rodney ave. Phone East S45. LARGE diamond and opal cluster ring, diamonds are of good size, ring worth $4K. sell for $300, or will take a Ford AH 370, Oregonian. FIN E Victor horn machine, wooden horn. cost $4B; price $15, $5 down, $4 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Al der street. FOR A USED BICYCLE try us. Terms if desired. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand avenue. LATEST styles full dress tuxedo suits, aiso hi IK nats lor sale or rent at Bare Us clothing store. 51 3d, Multnomah hotel GENUINE seal scarf, trimmed with fitch. i-a price, $3,; only worn few times. Call before 12 A. M. of after 6 P. M., Main 3338. 10 GALS, white house paint, 5 gals, white unuercoai paint, a gais. white enamel paint, all at a bargain. Tabor tJ.Suo. OR SALE Several pair of white kid shoes and oxfords, slightly worn, $2 and $3. Size 3. Phone Marshall 1701. WATCHMAKERS' tools, Derbyshire lathe. oiu-Miia iooi ana complete set or. small tools. Phone Tabor 3744. SH EET metal workers tools and ma chines; aiso nousehold goods, 121S E 32d st North. Wain. 2457. BEAUTIFUL PEARL NECKLACE. COST $1000; SALE PRICK ATTRACTIVE. AB 370. OREGONIAN. FOR SALE: DanKier 3-burner oil stove; lmose new ; half price. 4819 71st st . E. Tabor 3173. FOR SAL Gospel tent. almoit new 20x40; Pol Price $17.-. , lumps and all complete. Call East 3204. BLACK and white checked riding habit. wnn ooots; oaxgain. cail Mar 1337, bet. 1 and 4:30. FOUR-DECK Home Comfort oven, wood, uieu lumuu, pui orupr ; cost sluO ' will sell for $50. Tabor 6774. AB gas range, heater, tireless cooker. dresser, rug, , 28 laying White Leghorn . 74th N. Tabor 536. hens, lib E Abjiuisi new Diruoiype cneap at .Kelson s uook store, ibj v irst st., or phone W ATKR-POWER washing machine and wringer, also vacuum sweeper. Tabor FULL-DRESS suit, size 40, used twice black leather suit with sleeve waistcoat. suitable for aviator. P 128, vregonian. SPLENDID service and a pleasing price Jewelry repairing. watch repairing. ."linn, ucAiuuur -auH.jeei.ic tneater. EDEN electrlo washing machine, flrst- vuiiuiiiuu, foi. ou st. Main 0452. 4 SUITS to order on easy payments. Unique idiiuntii, v x uuna l. , net. Wash aud Staik. A. B. GAS RANGE $27.50; baby sulky with top, $o. 17 Huchtel ave., south of Ankeny. WOULD like to buy a high-grade BABY oka.mj riA.'Nu ior casn. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 350 Alder. GLADIOLI I dozen named bulbs, 60c T. A. urews, iujj tuast a3a North. SURGICAL instruments, first-class condi tion, siisntiy usea. iauor v-z. HEMSTITCHING 6c to 8c a yard. M. Dal- ton, -Oi uroaaway, x amniu uidg. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning in your home, 35c a rug. Call East 1508. PRACTICALLY new gas range! Call Suh day Portland Rowing club, foot of Ivon. VACUUM cleaner for sale; good as new: cheap. Phone J aoor iwji. FOR SALE: New light trailer, $85. Phone Tabor I486. LARGE natural lynx fur. Telephone Main 0567. bargain $48. BEAUTIFUL diamond ring, will sell for casn. XJ id-t, urcgoman. Orl oAijt. Diacx oear cuo, aoout 1 mo old. M. A. Beck, box W6, Keisp, Wash. ONE large bird Tabor 2:2r. cage, reasonable, phone RESTAURANT dishes, full line. 59 Trinity Main 1256, afternoons. 6-INCH fan, Hotpolnt iron, jet beads, for sii; stanua inspection. mar. jtltO. LATE MODEL STENOTYPE CHEAP. BOR 77BU. SWEATERS knit to order; prices reason able. Columbia 11!0. READ Walnut Park's ad under lots; houses for sale. GOOD sieve, a fiue keair, XaOQx 2v, TJtt BALE.. MisccLbueou. PIPE. PIPK. PIPE. You can do better with us on ttU sizes on ulack and. g&iv&nuea pipe ana lit tings, as we have one of the largest assortments in the city. We also have a large stock of valves of ail kinds and sizes at reasonable prices. About HOOO feet of 4 and tt-inch stanaaru new black pipe dipped, la tax at $.' second-nand price. We aiso carry and sell at a dis count price, a complete stock of brand new blacK and galvanized pipe ana fitungs, ail sizes. ROOFING. ROOFING. ROOFING. Corrugated roofing slightly used, in goou condition. Paper rooung witn cement anu naia in every roll, at the following specii prices for tula ween only ; 1-piy, $A.25; 2-piy. $1. io, anu 3-piy, I.oT). Huiiuing paper, si per roll. H sure to tas.e advantage of these prices. TENTS. TENTS. TENTS. VERY SPECIAL FOR THIS MONTH UNLi. 7x 10-oa. tents at 12 each. itxit lo-oz. teuu at 14 each. bxlO at 14 loxlz tents at -0 ifxio tent flies and wagon cov ers at $LoU each. Do not miss the opportunity to get your teut neeos. MACHINERY. .MACHINERY. Logging blocks of all kinds. Tommy Moore blocks at from jO up. cee machinery column for our ad for machinery and supplies. ALASKA JUNK CO.. L&igest OA the Coast. Front tit. Portland. NOTICE TO 6 TOUT MEN! Just received, a large snipment of Men s suits, for stout men; all hand tanored in all-wool worsteds, serges and tweeus, at special prices. 100 SECOND T., COR. STARK. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. Galvanized and black new and second hana from inch to 1- inches; will furnish from 1 toot to 10,000 feet. Ail kinus of plumbing supplies. Special price on bath tuui, 0 in lot, $32; a-ft. tubs, 0 In lot, $35. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP, 20W-71 Front at. Main 6325. OREGON-MADE PHONOGRAPH. Hear the new Stradivara, made right here in Portland, large factory, tine guarantee. Wonderful tone, beautiful cabin: us. We carry the lull line. See tne $150 model we ofler on payments of $15 down, $7.50 monthly. Hatt Talk ing Machine Co., 350 Alder. ENC VCLOPEDiXBr7tannica7 llthEd7"$65. New International Encyclo., 21 Vols., 35. Book of Knowledge, 20 Vols $30 Encyciopeuia Britannica, Uth Ed. . . .$20 Electrical Engineering, 6 Vols $10 Science of Railways, 5 Vols $10 A. W. SCHMALE, 290 Morrison St. FRUIT TREES Peach, plum, Italian. Pa cific peach plum, early apple; first and second choice. 2. 3 anu 4-year trees; aiso shrubs and roses, pnone Taoor 7711 or call at 3tfiU 51m t st. tt. E. Alt. Scott car. rKjn ctAi-df-j seating stove with coll, gas water heater, gas iron, 3-burner gas itt.Le, gas oven, gas ourners, urops, pipe, vacuum carpet cieaner, carpet sweeper, Webster's dictionary with folding stand. 311 Cherry st. Phone East 5250. FOR SALE Carolyn Testout rose bushes anu boston creepers at 3ic and 50c each atso mountain ash trees, lavender cur rant ana gooseberry bushes. 442 E. 0th su i. .cast ouijf. STRICTLY first-class comptometer, regis ters to $0,uyy,yyy.yyf price $80; $15 uown, J a monm. nyatt 'talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder. x uuo.i.mad piants ana duids; more luu.1i ou Kinus; my or the valley, 5oc uo. ; xoxgioves. iuc each; canterbury tjcua, xur -ic. labor 4o to. WE WILL dispose of a lot of used sew ing machines, all drop-heads and in good sewing order; $15, $lt.5o and -t.oo. - it jq, near Xamhiil. A BA RGAIN In ladies' dresses, sizes 16 to 41 aiso spring coats blouses. 450 Pittock new sample silk . most all colors; and hand-made block. GENTLEMAN'S Ue 3S dark tan raincoat. latest syle belt all around, with patch pwKtiii, cosi -o ; sen tor $lu; practt cally new. East 5482. CWIL.JJ 3 rubber-tired Cariole bed. large enwugu lur a. cima oi o; usea only weeks; cost $28. sell $13. Main 150. DRV or green slab and block wood, mixed io-incn; aiso -ft-tt. country siao; delivered promptly. taii i aoor UU4. MERRY go-round and ocean wave for sale, gooa conaition, net ween 4th and 25th sis., on i nurman. see Bell, on grounds. WHY PAY $15 lathes when you can buy in ior so. oee us at &. second-Mar ket. FOR SALE Ladies' suit, best quality blue serge, sugntiy worn, size 30-3o. Phone Marshall 404. USED APPAREL., secured from wealthy san. Montavilli car to 39th. Tabor 2h'5, CLEAR title to two lots at Prineville, Or. ceutrauy locaiea ; win trade for auto- mooue. i:- cannon st. SODA fountain, tack bar. 2 counter cases, 1 cigar case, 1 wall case. 243 mm ft. in. WOOD delivered promptly, best first growth su wed cord wood ; long, sreidy xires; fi.uu per ioau. roone Alain 3323. . WOOD FOR SALE CHEAP. 10 to 10-lnch slab and block wood, prompt delivery. Phone Main 5347. $6 v n.i jis-xmu Cs snowsnoea, izxoo, in ex c ellent condition ; just the thing f o Mazamas; iu. u vi, Oregonian. t: A.N .n t.l- Italian prunes for sale, 40c qt. inciuaing jars. 40L auurman st, apt. 8. : vikw camera bxiu; anastigmat lens; ex tra 5x1 back: outfit as new, cheap. AB 4i., ciregonian. TRUNK and suit cane, all leather, parlor lamp, o piumea, ciock. owner Is leav mg; sell reasonaoie. Marshall 1075. PAIR sliding doors, track and hardware. for 7x7 opening, grindstone, mounted. East 2305. GIRL'S bicycle, suitable for girl 10 to 14 years. Inquire at 774 Hancock st. Phone K. 4773. COMPLETE set of blacksmith tools fo country shop, $300. F. W. Thompson, nut w. Din st., Vancouver, wasn. FOR SALE Twice folding bed, 1-leaf ta ble, 1 leather couch. Call Monday. Eas 4008. LADY'S dark blue velour suit, size 38. for sale cheap, in good condition. Phone East H50S. 20 K. 7 th st. FOR SALE Fisher violet ray machine No. o. $27. do; six electrodes. Main 4 mornings before 10 o'clock. BEAUTIFUL lady's and gentleman's smal . diamond rings, perfect; bargain; cash (jail asi: i i BAB i. grand, Chevrolet, like new, cnea lor casn. r rea j-ay Aiotor CO., Easi 7th and Anneny. 400 CASH takes my 5-pass. Overlan with license, extra tire ana overnaulea 28 11th st., above Jefferson. COMPLETE set Alexander Hamilton in stitute dooks witn unexpired course, $7 Woodlawn ooi x 700 PIECES finished oak lumber 24x34 1. What am x oiierea ? C 101, Ore gonian. REMINGTON auto loading rifle, .35 cal. AB 3io, oregonian. FOR SALE Taupe fur, almost new, $25. PhoneTabpr z-. FOR SALE-Wickcr perambulator. Call Tabor 6S00. VULCANIZING molds for sale. 158 E. Broadway. FOR SALE Sixplex vacuum carpet sweep er, go. laoor GOOD wheel for sale, $25. Call Tabor 6023. BLUE taffeta dress, Hoyt st. never worn. FOR size. SALE- Good East 4135. : pool table, standard 16 E. 14th at. N. FINE range with coils, only $30. rett st. Woodlawn car. 489 Jar- FOR SALE Used Jewel gas range, bargain at $10- East 4057. FOR SALE Nat. 2d st. cash register. 10 N. FOR SALE Latest style full-dress suit, size 40. $75. Woodlawn 6642. A. B. GAS water heater, tinge, almost new, $15. with extra fit 1270 Corbett st. DOLL hospital; fix the kiddles dolls. Washington St.. bet. 13th and 14th. 434 NO. 6 AUTOMATIC water heater for sale. 222 Morrison. Main 4987. READ Walnut Park's ad under lots; houses for sale. VAUGHN DRAG SAW, SriLLWOOD 2530, FOR SALE. Missel la-nfio us. EVERY PTAR OV TCtn DOLLAR TWINKLES HERE. A FEW REAL BTJTSr Mechanics, do yon know? Pwh tined marneto. reeiilar $t5. .f 25.00 Motor, A. C, H H. P., ltke new... 17.R0 Valve grinder ( Altorton 4b Co.) . . 4.2K Present wrench, 15-inch 3.00 Socket wrench set, Walden No. 12, 45 pier 12.00 Screw plate, "Easy, to -Inch,. new lfl.RO Thread wire fruage set 8-?. Convvors chain, a foot 25 Machinist's tool chest of all kinds of toots he will need, a good bay 82.00 Plumber's bag role with tools. In cluding brass torch and vine 19.S0 PAINTERS. DO YOU KNOW? We can furnish yon with Works, rope and tackle in the new or second-hand at a price that is reasonable. A good pair used hoops $3.75 A new ta!r reliable stel hoops, small si 4.50 Larre size 6..V We have on hand a fw good sets of semnd-hRnd palnfrs falls, complete with blocks. Let us figure with you. CROtfS-riTT PAWS AND WOOD CHOPPERS' TOOLS. A complete lln of falling and backing imwi, .Vew merchandise and fully guar anteed as represented. Our quantity parrhnoe nd r small mRffln gives yon a price that Is unneiievanis. regular price 91.75 a foot, now f5c Axm. drtuble-bltt falling, hand mde. The market pries on these axes today Is $3 50. our price while they last, Sl.ftS. Brag saw blad. slightly used but In first-class condition, high tension, 4 to 4 feet, a foot. $1.5. Axw In the second nnnd. flV tn t.BO. Cromn-mit saws, second-hand. 5 to 7 fot, $4.75. Peavies, new with blckorr bandies, $2 4. each. Broad a Tew. second-bard. In all stand ard makes. $2.50 to $S.OO. fhain block. U-ton. new. $21.00. Or we rnn furnish you with the 1-ton, lH-ton. 2-ton and 2 -ton at reason able prices. barton shin STes. 2.25. Barton, ship axes, lipped ede;e. $2.05. Catkinc oakum. 50-pound bale, a pound. lOe. Colts 22 repeating; rlflo In flrst-claso condition, $17.50. IF TTf ANVTTTTVn- TV TTA7TWARE OR FURNTTTJRE WE HAVE TT. EVERY STAR OV TOFR COLLAR TWINKLES HERE. - LEVTN HARDWA RTC AND FUR NT TTJR E COMPANY. 221 Front Street. Main 072. TOOT WANTED. ffhotqrunR. Rlflen. Klectrlc Fbm. Tents. Stoves. Cash Registers, Showcases. Desks, Chairs. Sewing Machines, Bicycles. Furniture, Musical Instruments. Etore, Restaurant and Hotel fixtures. Boueht. Sold. Rented. Kxchnnged. NKWMAN'S KXCHANOE. 128 First. Main 44!t.-i. Tabor 070. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Pain' ess Dentistry absolutely per formed bv t Vi a nrve-blockins mtho1. without sfter-effects: let us prove It to vnn W Y-rav exam Inc. tlonff of teeth when necessary along with oth er operations: we neciallze in ttrst-cii dentistry at reasonable fes. DR. A. W. KERN E. nw K M PRKHN. Majentlc Theater Bldg. BSIH Wasn. FOR SALK National cash register, safe. ur.rfn fountain. 8 and -IOOt rioor casos, wall cRBes, large refrigerator, steam ta ble, revolving stools, gas .range, difhes, platform scale, computing Toledo scale. chck writer, smajl refrigerator, coffee urn. meat sllcer, lift top cigar case. griddle. 242 Salmon. Main 342. OTlfK TO THE PUBLIC. Father than return our salesdmen s soring samples to the factory we have placed same at the disposal of the pub lic at wholouate n rices. consisting of raincoats, motor coats and leather coats In our eato.srnom at 72 Morgan oiag. UNITED RUBBER CO. HEAR THE NEW BRUNSWICK. We have just received shipment of the new Brunswick. Machine to 1'J5 special terms of $5 down. S3 monthly. Machines of larger moieis, epecia terms of $15 down. $7.50 monthly Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 3G0 Alder. SOME folks pay diamonds are high, but one would hardly thin so ir tney wouia stop long enough to compare my rrices with regular prices. Miller's Clearing House for Diamonds, 355 Washington et., next to Majestic theater. KEWINfl MACHINES. 20 late drop-heads, like new. Singers Whites. National Rntarv. Willamette etc., $13 to A largo number of good mach nei from SS to lie. Machines rent ed. $3 per month. Singer store. Moos bldg., l'.)3 4th st. Main 0833. EDISON CYLINDER PHONOGRAPH. Good Ed (son cylinder horn phono granh and KMi records, taken in on large: machine ; price $1 7..""0. $5 down. $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. 3.-.0 Aider. !5 DROPHEAD sewing machines, com plete with attachments, in good sewing order. $H to sewins; machines rented $:t per month: Tin'-nlnes cleaned and re paired. K. R. Ste?u, lo2 Grand ave. B. :.::07. Kast 235U WANTED To buy stamp collection, odd lots, anything In stamps, used or unused, look ua your old letters before 1SS0. Bring what you have to 94 North lttth st. Phone Broadway 2019 Sundays 10 A. M. to 5 p. M. : week days after T P. M. OLn PAT.RR TP3RTH BOUGHT. We pey up to $23 per set. Don't mat ter if lirokn ; oUi-limer are moat vJlU able. Crowns. bntJirc-work bought. Bring or mail, the American Brokerage. 405 Spalding bldg., 4th floor, 3d and Wash. FOR SALG Back bar, lift top floor cases. wall chhs. large and small ice box, gas griddles, registers, counter cases, chairs, at sacrifice quick sale. 275 Third. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD WOOD AND COUNTRY SLAB: ALSO COAL. SPECIAL PRICES ON SLABS IN CARLOAD LOTS. PHONE E. 7m KEW "SINGERS." $" down. S monthly. Export sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET STNOKK STORE, 38J Morrlaoa. Marshall GENT'S and lady's diamond ring. -1 single stone, both beautiiui, prict Diue, worth $100; sale $900 cash. No dealers. J I'J'J, Oregonian. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chest at reasonable prices PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., Broadway liii. 48 Front St. LA DI ES fruity coats, dresses, furs and shoes bought and sold. Vogue Apparel Exchange, 403 AUsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. LICENSED electrician will save you money on wiring your new or old house. Get our prices on electrical work. Phone Sell. 58. FOR SALE Fox hot air furnace with hot water colls installed. In A-l shape: price very cheap. $S3; cost new $75. Call M. 4414. WILL exchange beautiful diamond weigh- in tt 2 15-100. would cost aoout j-Jion, even up for high-grade car. B. E. Foote, P. O. box 4. city. EASTMAN 3A Kodak, case, portrait at tachment, automatic tripner. In excel lent condition, $16. Tel. Broadway 1894. 504 Davis st. HEMSTITCHING and picotlng attach ment ; works on all sewing machines; $1.50. J. F. Light, oox 12 i. Birming ham. Ala. FI REPLACE! mantel top, solid quarter- sawed oak, facea one sage line top guaranteed not to warp nor cneck, very choice. Phone znsa. 1 GRAND confectionery tables for sale. In " .. . . ll.ln A It Xl' V, 1 . nrst-daea coiiuiliuu. " " " ; ft GOOD bicycle for North 20th, cor. rale at a bargain. 254 Northrup. A B GAS RANGE, almost new. 6 burn "era, 8 ovens. - Phone Sell woodia34 SEVERAL pairs new and worn shoes very cheap. i Main THREE-BURNER oil cooker and eight hole range very reasonable. 284 Main at. BLACK and white accordion-pleated sport skirt, never been worn. Tabor 0355. COMPLETE watchmaker's outfit with ma terial. $175 cash. Tabor 2277 evenings. ADDING machine and electric statement, bargain. 384 Stark. Broadway 1106. $1'5 NEWCOMB ra g ru g weaving loom, $50. Phone 8ellwood 1102. FOR SALE 0x12 rug. brand new. cheap. Phone Automatic 137-49. E. S. Cobb. DRESS suit, size 40, almost new, reason able. East 6195 after 5:30. KREAD Walnut Park's ad under lota; houses tor sale. FITCH 9 5 til. cape, excellent condition. Alain FOR SALE. MisceUaneotia. UST received and put on sale beautiful mahogany case genuine Weber pianola player piano, with 43 selections of play er rolls and nlc combination bench to match; cost new $1100; owner will sac rifice for just half, for all cash or lib erty bonds, er for email additional charge will make easy terms, only $20 a month. See this Monday at Oregon Eilers Music House, 297 Washing: ton at., below 5th. LICENSED eletctrlcian wire 8 room for !-.,: a rooms 'JO. Price Includes safe ty main switch and meter connections. As usual. I meet and beat all competi- -L11111: others imitate. Wood- kwn 3701. FiH fALE Buffing machine and boiler i lire repair mop; almost new; make us an offer. Main Tire Co., 82 N. Broadway. WaLL trade white enameled 8-bnrner ras i -. c-onanfioie oany sulky or sell for 10 cas-h. 561 E. 2Qth st. S. Minij-jtE hotel bus body, trailer, etc. W ill trade for piano. 300Xfe Holla-day ave. or Box 71, Woodburn. Or. A 2-YEAR-OLD thoroughbred Airedale doe;. Tabor 3194. A WHITE-WOODKD Pimmons baby bed a-nd mattress; $12. Call Kast 133. FOR SALE ACTOMOBILKS. SOME BARGAINS. 1918 Btuts. 1919 Moon. 1918 4-cyllnder Studebaker. 1918 Maxwell. 191? Bis; Hup. 1918 Bis; Hup. 1918 Maxwell. 1916 Overland. Model T. ( 1914 Ford touring- 1915 Overland touring cheap. H. Jb M. MOT OK CATt CO.. 351-51 Buxnside St. CHEVROLET 3. We have some dandy touring cars In this popular make and will guar antee every one of them. LONG TERMS. NO BROKERAGE. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. Bdwy. 241L 531 Alder sL 1918 BUICK 5-PAS3. This Is an exceptional ear and can be purchased on easy terms. No brok erage. 531 ALDER, Bdwy. 2411. -1917 BUICK ROADSTER Cord tires, spotlight, 1920 license. This car is in perfect condition and looks like new. Oood terms. 581 ALDER, Bdwy. 2411. H UP MOBILE TOURING. Fine condition: new top. side curtains. Bosch magneto, good tires; $415. cash or terms, private owner, bell. 1918 OVERLAND Country Club In A-l condition, bumper, 1920 license; we will guarantee this car; terms. 531 ALDER, Bdwy. 241L LATE MODEL OAKLAND 5-PASSKNGER CAR: PERFECT MECHANICAL CON D1TION ; FIVE PRACTICALLY NEW TIRES. PAINT AND UPHOLSTERY LIKE NEW; BARGAIN FOR WU1CK SALK. CALL BROADWAY 498. VK.S BiitnH havi taken another jumu UD You also must wait from '6 weeks to '6 months for delivery. Let me show you some, irood used care that are Iroin tit US' new at a saving to you of 8 $ 9 Main 4u28. Marshall 2 mU. KORD BUG ROADSTER. For Kfllc: eaHh will handle $100 cheap er than buying through jobbers. Phone Broadway &ui. For inspection call at 147 13th St. W. i,. JJeii. a u w. vnn rMdv for the good roads s nice weather? b5 model Overland that will take you over land with comfort and pleasure. The price Is lower than most bv S S $ S Main 411!S. Mar. Utti. STUDEBAKER 6, runs and looks ltke . new. If you are looking for a bar gain from private owner who has not uned his car, call East or East 262 and axk for Mr. Nizic. MITKT HELL at once. 1919 Liberty speed star; looks and runs liko new ; light blue body, white wire wheels; must be seen to be appreciate:; terms ir ae sired. Call Tabor 9041. BEST buy In town 1917 Bulck light 6, must be sola toaay; ion ior saie Dy private party; terms if desired. Obe Motors Co., Broadway- at Couch. Ask for Mr. Axelboii. A BARGAIN. 1010 Maxwell, used privately, excel lent running order, will sacrifice for quick sale, terms. Call Wdl. &02 be fore noon Sunday. lWltt EIGHT -CYLINDER OLDSMOBILE. 4-o-pasHenKor, line condition, nvw tuiu tires; real bargain; $127; terras. East 86. . OVKIIT.AND 60 would make dandy bug ; o-nrwt mnn nv order: maD ior can Bh: a l no 1117 Henderson, good condition. Phone East 3835 or Call 100 E. 12th st. 1110 MAXWELL this rar is O. K. In ever v respect. Why p more and get car for years. lnas ? You can use t his Main 402H. Mar. 27O0. 40O CHEVROLET, new top and paint, good condition ; a oarRin mm Macaffree, Congress hotel, on ttto. bet. 12 and 3 o'clock today. OLDSMOBILE, late model, snap for cash. or will take smaller car m nun, uu dealer or agents. Main 49UB or Main FOR SALE by owner, baby grand Chevro let, g;ood condition; terms. Sell wood 3. '.!. LATE model Dodge In pood shape and looks exceptionally good. Tabor 0003. 13M3 Division. FOR SALE 1017 6-cyL Reo. i-pass., jutst the thing for a tage line; must be soid at once. Call Woodlawn mifl vnpn all in eood shape; good tires; .-til Kelt reasonable. Tabor 230$. 2HO0 E. 40th st. S. E. MY EIGHT-CYLINDER. LIKE NEW, MODERN CAR, FULLY EQUIPPED, $1250. TERMS. 80S OAK ST. CHALMERS touring, excellent mechanical condition, good tire equipment and fin ish. Bdwy. 1858. 1018 BUICK, In very good condition; new- buy. No phones. 1S32 Division. pnopF.rT ririvlnr saves accidental 6 les sons for $; standard car furnished. Call J. S. Cleaver, Mar. 2513. CHALMERS Master O. a dandy car for . stage good tires, mechanical condition -A-l. Bdwy. 18ft8. 5-PASSENGER, 4-cylinder Bulck, 5 good tires. In. good mechanical condition : no reasonable offer refused. Bell. 2074. 1918 FORD sedan, in Al Fhape; looks like new; can use Ford touring car In trade. Tabor 5003.- 1383 Division. OAKLAND touring, new paint, seat covers, good tires, price moderate, terms rea sonable. Bdwy. 18f8. FOR SALE $410, 1918 Ford touring car In rood condition. Portland Denby Co., lOt h end Davls NEW Ford sedan or will take good Ford roadster; eome terms. 1075 Kerby t. 191 S MAXWELL: new Owner. Main 5320. cord tires; $K0. VELTB touring, new paint, good condition. Bdwy. 18r8. 1920 "CHEV" roadster. Sunday, Broadway 89. Call Freeman MAXWELL touring, snap. Bdwy. 1858. PVPIKLAND touring. $050. Bdwy. 1S5& I BUICK touring, a good buy. Bdwy. fob pale ArroMonn.Es. FORDS!! FORDS!! Tf you ar lucky you will ret one of these. STE SELL BIO CARS, but ths 1ATTLE FELLOWS have come to us as part payment on new ones. We could hold them and make a profit, but the BOSS says we must keep our Used Car stock moving. SO SERE THEY OO AT COST. A 1918 KORD COtPB that will pass for a new car, a little doll bouse, and it's all yours for.. $675 A 191 FORD- SEDAN, a five passenger model, and say ! wait 'til you see It wire wheels and everything another little doll house, but will hold more dolls. This one goea to the first man io at $7i0 A 1920 FORD TOURING that should bring the price of a new one, electric starter and lights, also license for ldl!0. Been driven but 800 miles, and we'll say it's a bargain grab this one at..$70O AND DON'T BE TARDT. GET IN EARLT. W. C GAR. BE, XNC. Studebakar Distrlbutorm. Broadway and Burnsldev Phone Bdwy. 616. Open Evenings and Sunday. SEE THESE BEFORE BTJTTNO. 1918 HT7PMOBILB .'.S1150 1916 OVERLAND 6, fins shape.... 850 1917 REO 4 700 1919 NASH 1400 1919 PATTERSON 1500 1919 HUDSON Sedan 2250 1918 SAXON 700 1919 CASE 21S0 1017 CHALMERS , 950 188 10TH 8T. MARSHALL 1232. Opposlta Library. 1019 OVERLAND As Good as New. Very Attractive Pries. Prefer Cash But Would Consider Terms. Privately Used. Call at 95 N. Broadway, Mr. Stacy. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU "BUY OR SELL AV AUTOMOBILE, WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE! CO.. 30ij SELLING BLDG.. 2SJ ELOOR. LAST YEAR'S MODEL. 7-PASSENGER HUDSON SUPER-SIX. BEING THOR OUGH LY OVERHAULED BY HUDSON PEOPLE. THEY WILL GUARANTEE IT AS A NEW CAR. WILL HAVE BEST JOB OF REPAINTING. GOOD TIKES. NEW CAR LIKE THIS WOULD COST YOU fl'Mm ON TWO MONTHS' DELIVERY. WILL SELL THIS ONE FOR $1H00 AND GIVE TERMS IF YOU DESIRE. EAST '17 BUICK TOURING AT $1025. This car has been rone over and re finished and looks and runs like new has new tires all around and one extra: full leather top and plate class in rear; will take car in trade and Klve Ion terms, open Sunday. 50a Alder street. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. TOURING CAR EXCHANGE FOR SEDAN. This is a beautiful f ive-passensrer, open touring car, with Victoria top. seat cov ert , motor in excellent cpndltiun. la fact the car is Just like new. if you have a eedan or a closed car, I will talk trade with you and will give or take differ once. See Mr. Weist. h08 Lewis Bldg. FORD Roadster, late model. 5 wire wheels. electric etarter, worm ot extras Seven tire, two tires never been used. This is the best Ford fn the city. Stands me over (10OO. $775 cai.li. 636 Eat 40th north. Rose City Parle car,, walk 4 blockn north of Sandy. W1NTON SIX BARGAIN. This 1914 model Winton han hsd the best of care; only driven by owner; all new cord tires and mechanically f i rst class. ti!S0. Mr. Miller. M. Ho79: res. Tabor 7411. Just the car for highway trips thlb- summer. 1918 CHEVROLET ROADSTER. Perfect condition. $600 and term. FIELDS MOTOR CAR OO., 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. 1018 CHEVROLET. J918 Chevrolet roadster practically new, extra tire, seat covers ana Dumper, Price . terms ir usirea. F R ANC1S MOTO R CAR CO. FINE LIGHT FAMILY CAR. SAXON LIGHT SIX, lUl7-r-ln fine or der; worth $850; yours this week for only e!. OB YE MOTORS CO., 12 GRAND AVE. 1014 CADILLAC TOURING One of those real gooa cars ; nc w pai u t ana gooa tires: shuu: oU down: long time bai ance. Al Auto Works &. Painting Co., 625 Alder st- CHEVROLKTS. BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN. MYERS AUTO CO., 188 GRAND AVE. PRIVATE party; nelling my beautiful Ktenhens Saliont Six 1V20 car. 5 cords. many extras, classiest car in city. Cash "-or terms, uin at a-st. entrance Aiissiy bldg. BEAUTIFUL HUP ROADSTER. First-claae condition. like new. Never off the pavement; new cora urea. lw mileage. cneap. auco equipment to. 415 Burnside st.. near 10th. 1918 HUDSON speedster, none better than this one; looks like new and performs equal to any; new cora tires. NINETEENTH AND COUCH. Bdwy. 118 LIBERTY SIX Like new, price right, wil conbidor smaller car In trade. Bissell & Lister. E. 7th ana lieimont HUDSON upeedHter. 1020, used privai-t'- Owner will sacruice ana give term 30 Grand ave. North. Bear Burnaide. FOR SALE 1018 Dodge touring. In ex cellent condition ; price $ lo.Vt; terms to responsible party.X 97, Oregonian. MAXWELL touring, late model, good con dition, new paint, good rubber. Tabor 9108. CHEVROLET 400; owner going away. Call Wood. 2010, Olsen, evenings or Sua- dayi WILL trads even 1917 Maxwell touring. Just overhauled, being painted, for light, six or larger car. Woodlawn 33iH. 1917 FORD, first-class condition, good tires and new paint. Call Mr. Owens for an ' appointment after 7 P. M. Mar. 3082. CHUMMY roadster, four or five passengers. A-l condition, five wire wheels, new tires. $700. 'Tabor 1362. DODGE, five-passenger, good running or der; cbeao for cash. Bissell List sr. East Seventh and Belmont. 1018 FORD, Al mechanical condition ; good tires, some extras. $450 cash. 608 Madison st. Main 1871. 1919 AUBURN, fully equipped, wire wheel and extra tire. Call Bdwy. 1369 bet. 12 and 1 Sunday. 1018 DODGE. Al condition, cord tire al! around; some terms. Tabor ;7;3 or East 3310. - FORD touring to trade for ii-.. ''all Stiih and Bur-aide st- Ben Speer, -A rTOMOBn.t TOU NEVER MISS THB WATEXR TILL THE WELL RUNS DRT. TouMl never know what a bar gain is until you see what money will buy HERE AT HEADQUARTERS. We should hold on to these for a while ami get the advanced prices that are sure to come, but the boss sa ys SELL 'EM NOW AT COST. Po here's the list, see for your selves: A DODGE TOURTN6 with a winter top; you can ride high and dry in this one; going at $7W) A REO SIX that you will bavo a hard time Vearing out. Wa don't like to boost the other fel low's car too much, but say. here is sure a dandy. Our cashier said he would be clad to own it him self, but pshaw, what's the use, let's Sfll It at coii. and make somebody happy; yours at. ...$000 A HUPMOBTLE TOURTNO. They call it the comfort car. We don't know much about that, but we do know that she is a dandy looker and runs like a top. The boss said someone will get that one before you get an ad in t he paper, but we hope it's still her when you call. lours on terms for 41100 A CHANDLER TOTTRIWl that's goln to make some one glad they bought It. Take a tip from us and look this one over. We're going to let this one go at.. $1150 AND WE'VE GOT A LOT MORE ranging in price from $150 to $27"o and our new payment plan makes the buying easy. GET TOURS NOW. W. C GARBS, rNC, Studebaker Distributors. Cor. Broadway and Bu maids. Open Sundays and Evenings. Phone Bdwy. !. OUT WHERE THE RENT IS CHEAP. I OFFER REAL BARGAINS TS USED CARS. COLE FOUR, NOW BEING PAINTED, $400; only $100 cash, baL easy. OAKLAND Four Roadster. This la a hard looker, but will take you any place at miles per minute and the price o, A n v f Tm a vmi tt'nnt. (WKRT.A NT) mndel 80 roadstCT. $700. All ready to go. Only $00 cah, bal. $50 per month anu its yours. APPKRSON six. 1018. Price $2000. Will consider Portland property on this car or give very easy terms. LOOK AT THIS ONE. 1020 OVERLAND coune: been run few miles as a demonstrator. Will sell At a. hi ir discount OVERLAND model 00. Just one and the price is only $&0, and the terms are easy. NEW OVERLANDS. Pltce your order with me for that new Overland. EASY TERMS. PERSONAL ATTEN TION TO EACH CUSTOMER. P. H. DUNN, OVERLAND DEALER, 165-' East U'th st. Sell wood 1303. 1$ BUICK ROADSTER, PRICE $115. This car has cords and other extras and we will stand back of all we say ttllUUl 1 L. 3 villi -sv ' . lung, easy terms that will appeal to you or take car in trade. w e are open duo days all day. 5tj Alder Bt. RED Eli. ON T USED CAR CO. CASH OR TERMS. Just Bring Ajl Honest Fact. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COM PA NT. 430-34 Belmont st. Phono East 057. WINTON LATE MODEL 5 -PASSENGER TOUR ING CAR. Looks practically new, motor In ex cellent shape. It you are iootiing ior beautiful automobile with all the very latest eu u iumen t. this is what 1 call bargain price. Will taae some terms. Hee Mr. Weist, 6(S Lewis Bidg. 1918 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET tour ing car; almost new; bargain; live good tires. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Aider. Broadway 240. 60 SMALL CARS 50 MVEKS AUTO CO., 1S O It AND AVE. 50 SMALL CARS 50. SOME BARGAIN 1017 Bulck; two extra tires mounted on rims, three pracucmUy new ; spotlight, bumper, recently over hauled: r.ew inn. Terms. Wing, owne care Ben Selling Monday. Serve U Garage, 61 Union ave. N., Thursday. OH. YOU MOTORCYCLE FANS! 1 W 1 8 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE wit side car and delivery box; ride thus away fur $100. OB YE MOTORS CO., 12 GRAND AVE. LOOK AT THIS If you want a delivery body JUPt liko new, auto steel panel worth $17."!. will take $75 cash. Will fit a Chevrolet. Ford or other small ca Call bell wood 2ti'J-o and talk to me. FRANKLIN This car is not a year ol Run 5M0 miles. Hard to tell it from ne car. Save you lOtO. Looks better thai a new one. Runs better than a ne one, Broadway Hotel, No. 40O. 1U1S liUPMOBILE, this car is in fin nlmne has been re Dai n led and ove hauled, $ 1 1 50 cash or terms. ItSS 10th St., VPP- Library. OVEtiLAN L touring, to model, Al con dition. will eacriflce at f4o0 and siv terms. S Crand ave. NorLh. near Burn Blue. . CHANDLER To anyone assuming rr coutract for Chandler (.touring or road ter). will save you $100. Cail Main iiiil Mr. Mclntyre. Monday. 1910 CHEVROLET light delivery car: one express body; new tires, and in fine run ning oraer; easy terms, uroanway n 1010 DoUT touring, a classy smaii car me price of a if ord. Nineteenth and Couch. Bdwy. 118. OVERLAND model 00. Owner leavin town. Good buy at $000. B. Randolph, 4H Yamhill st. Marshall lM'Z. r h r v no LET roadster. 1019 model. A condition, by owner. Phone Monday evening. Main omm. 1018 DODGE touring car. In first-class condition, for Bale by owner. Telephon W oodl a w n sllO BUYS Maxwell In good mechanical condition- ...H.inn .M2 E. Ch&r uatnn mi St Johns. ji17 i)ODGE roadster, $SO0; good rubbe can te seen ounu mwi ihuk ui o sr. e week days at Harrison and West Far wetz 191S. O. K. condition, very rea.'o able. 1 need the money. See It at Lie- dale, 530 Aiaer st BUICK i-ton truck:, 5 dandy tires; a bar- OI OlD aili iiuw. MAXWELL. 1017. Al condUion; good paint. Uo Grand ave North, near Burnside. HUDSON Super six. New paint, new cord tires, mecuaiutaii iui, uuwy. at. easy terms. FOR D chassis, overhauled, good rubber. 2."o. 1918 Ford touring. $425. Tabor 9168. HUDSON Super Six. good mechanical co dition. f rorn 1113. i-w. .hhih i :h SAXON touring. 6-cyiinder; new tires, one extra; privaitf ownei. . jiurttiiHii 1 1. 1017 DODGE by owner; first-class condi t i o n. wait ae.iwoou 1010 SPECIAL six Studebaker. like ne In all respecis. can uawy. ioj. FOR SALE 12-V Dodge or Maxwell bat., la!4 FORD touring, cheap for cash. Call Sunday. 01a -an 1 1 st. Apt, o. FORD touring car. good shape. Cail Eas Sol5. Eabt First and Main sts. FORD seoan. bargain. lf20. extras, car like new. JS7.. terms. Phone S13-92. JaN excellent Ford chassis at the r1j?nt prito. Unit Everett u Jjrua4.y lii. JTOIt BALI JTJST PEFORE THE OOOT WT!ATHT5tl BUT YOUR AUTOMOBILE. PICK OP THE CARS. tt I c M tT"1. PTNE LITTLE CAR. SwvJ?J?N OVERHAULED AND RE- FAl TfcD' ALL IX Fl'E CONDITION. $49o. 1018 MAY W ttt T . murpn irt AND PA IXTEn i I.I. T-xr ptvl- r-Avm TION. Go0. 1919 MATTTTTT T. rTTf oTTimn'n AND REPAINTED, LIKE NEW, $500. OVERLAVn TkTTT r- --r enior $51S. OVERLAVTl MODEL 83, GOOD SHAPE. $700. 10 PTrfnTPfliVTB TTP1' I ATT FIXED UP - A V 11 uu'DiTvrrn -vr- CONDITION, $75. IN ri?-?T?v?-i'l:IER! L!OHT sac pvct- ITY CAR FOR $1100. ESSEX, LIKE KBTW. 142S. 1 1 inn z 1 1 va , TODAI. " -KliKiSOJf SIX HTTDSON" BARGAJKS. PAiv?-?HCioJiVS:RHAUI-EI AiS-D R- ----- YV. M I ienT m ' SKV OVERHAULED BY PUR SHOl" i STivn.un n,VAn JMK SASUS A3 iuTOAMODBAlS. ,YAJS.ANTEE N GOARA VTpn-n REPAINTED, I"! AVcTlSf G DARANTE HUDSON tlMOtTSIN'B: T Ttnr BT TOU CANNOT BEAT IT,' KEW' hS??, AUTOMOBILES CO.. 1S-61T WASHINGTON STREET PORTLAND. just itew used cars, AJAj gone o-vjrajtd keadt to OTST" 7S 4.0 T5 7E0 476 700 sse 1000 1200 TotO. tourlns. overhanled. new top Overland model 90. Juat right...... Bulck 4. look- Just new.. Chevrolet 4-0, hIBh rd tire, H tfrw". r"n" mooA- 3uxt new MltcheU Llttl. Six. 95 new Grnt Six. 9S new Old, 8. chummy, 90 new doslre. call us up; we hae ,.. nh or good buy, not'lUted hert 1 A written rnarante with vrery car. That firm with a rood reputation. CONLET3 USED CAR CENTER. Conley Arbuckle. Propa. ' 611 Burnside at., bet. 14th and 15th ata Phone Broadway 1424. Our New Location. ; BUICK ROADSTER, 1918. Ton don't aee many of these of fered for sale, but here's a dandy and we're coins; to sell It to the first man who can make a small payment down and reasonable payments on the balance. This car la a bargain and will cell on sight, so try and be the first man In. V. C OARBE, INC. Studebaker. Dealers. Broadway 4b Burnside. Phone Bdwy. 61. Open Sundays and Evening. . BUG BUYERS. ATTENTION. If you are tonkin for the clasaiest bur in town don't tail to see m v rAl.lFnp. NIA models. I have two bodies for im- meuiaLe aeuvery. ONE A BEVERLT SPEEDWAY model seating two. Radiator shell, hood and body MreamllneU. 3-Inch exhaust pipe on side, tire carrier, paint and upholater- uije mciuueu ONE ANGELES TOURSTER madI. seating three and sleeping two camping out; uouoie tare carrier, space lor tuc gage: radiator shell and hood, paint aud upnoisiering inciuaea. Do not confuse theye cuirfom-bullt lobs with the rattletraps around town, as the at-ffign is ui very latest, yet you can save sou to -uu over the inferior ones. Hodies designed and built complete, 1J5 up. HAL DB WAIDE. Main 4110. 4;)4 W. Salmon, cor. lltb. BUICK LIGHT FOUR TCJURING. This Is the real goods, and this one is new. has new tires, newly varnished and we wiii show you the flnettt little car you ever looked at. at the low price of witn some aown, Dai. eaiy. ou Alder street. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. WE have two good Ford touring cars on hand; potn oi them are in good condi tion; prices 4io and 45 and terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. ' 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. OWNKR has left with me a late mode; o-padenger Winton touring car in per fect condition; beautiful Victoria ton. new seat covers, motor in A-l condition. just overhauled. 1 think this car U bargain. Must be reen to be appreciated goe Mr. Welst. BU8 Lewis bldg. 60 CARS. FORDS DODOKS BUICKS. OVERLANDS AND CHEVROLETS. 18S GRAND AVE. EAST 0563. AN ELEGANT MARMON has been lei with us for sale; new cord tires, tw. extra wire wheels with tires, all fo $150, terms if desired. ERNES'l WELLS, 401 Couch bldg. Main tia-si. Sunday, labor D4 tits. BOY, OH. BOY! SEE THIS PEEBLES BUG. A whirlwind of power, pep and speed 11000 worth of Jan for I;i95. OB YE MOTORS CO., 12 GRAND AVt FOR SALE S-PASSKNGERi iCYLIN DER KEO, ALL NEW TIRES. XEVE1 BEEN UFP THE PAVEMENT; PRK'i Illl.iU. UlSUOtKT t'UR CASH. TABOl 13UU. 1917 SAXON ROADSTER One of th small 4-cyllnder models. with sell starter; a fine little roadster for' terma Al Auto Works & Painting Co. n. Aiurr bl. 1017 DODGE; Will sacrifice for cash taken st once. Hp. It at UNION DEPOT GARAGE, Cor. Broudway and Hoyt. STODDARD-DAYTON bur. cood mnnin order. $12. Terminal Garage, cor. oi ma anq nun. eawy. i ,tt. KKAi. map, Overland bug; a good on" just overhauled; gooti tires, starter: T. . Evsrext au Broad ay XoA.