14 ' TIIE SUNDAY OHEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APRITj 11, 1020 FOB SALE. Poultry. WHITE LEGHORN CHICKENS. ' AFFIDAVIT. . . State of Oregon. County of Deschutes, s: I. R. M. Smith, being first duly worn, say that I have knowledge or me iae.tand know that 175 White Leghorn Pullets of the Bend White Leghorn Oar den of Bend. Oregon, laid 3000 eggs rom December 15. 1U19. to Jan"ar7ti 192. K. M- SMI in- Subscribed and twora to Defore me this 23a day of January. 1920. 4. J. MOORU'. Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expires February 10. "-I: Note We shall be pleased to boos, your order for White Leghorn " h-Stchlnn. Yard run setting 15 gJ-,' i-tto: choice laving strain. 15 egS". BND WH1TB LEGHOKS GARDENS. Sox 413. Bend. Oregon. WANTED To help you raise all the - chicks you hatch. Raise them the PAN-A-CE-A way. Start them right and make them grow right along without ' any backset by feeuiug DR. HESS POULTRY PAN-A-CE-A. It prevents and cures gape, leg weakness. It regu ' lales'tlie bowels. Diarrhoea is unknown where PAN-A-CE-A is fed. It produces appetite and good digestion, which is so essential during the rapid growth of ' feathers. A FAN-A-CE-A chick will out-feather a non-PAM-A-CE-A chick every time. Keep the little chicks all your poultry free from lice with DR. HESS INSTANT LOLSE KILLEK. Good i for lice on cucumber, squash and melon , vines. Guaranteed. Sold by all dealers In Poultry supplies. ' BABY CHICKS. BABY CHICKS. White Legiiorus, Reds, Barred Ply mouth Rocks; strong chicks hatched from best hogaLized heavy laying stock, prices reasonable. C. N. Needuam, Salem, Or. Dugs, Rabbits, Birds, Vet nietfc ROSE CITY CATTERY. Four registered studs at service. lorange.) , Day Light . (silver.) Jack Frost (while!) Bonnie Prince ' (black.) Orders now taken lor spring kittens. 1248 E. Morrison. Tabor 71:74 TO make room for chickens, will sac rifice 5 does of splendid stock, with 21 young. 1 to 2 months, Flemish; New Zealand and While English; come and make me an offer. 5435 36th ave. S. E., one block south of Powell 'alley road, near 64th st- Phone 217-62. FOR SALE Golden Cocker Spauial pups from winning bitch and winning dog Roman's Foily at late Seattle and Spo kane shows. No better blood in the state, 40c up. Phone Sellwood 281L C Hansen, 1B'J3 E. 8th St. S. E. PEI STOCK AND SUPPLIES. We are headquarters in the N. W. lor birds and cages, dogs, cats, rabbits, cavies. etc., food, remedies, etc. , Catl or write. Pec stock cataiog on request- Routledge Seed 4k Fiorai Co.. 145 2d. su. Portland. WE BUY. raise, and sell fur-beaung rab bits, and other lur-bearing amiwais. List what you have with us. slating your low est prices on large lot suipiuents. The Fur & Specialty Farming Co.. 515-51 N. P. ave.. Fargo. NDak. BLACK FUR RABBITS. I have two pairs of registered Siberian fur rabbits and lour ouag ones that 1 will seil very cheap or lei out on share 7419 63d ave. S. E. Tabor 5302. FOR SALE Fine 2-year-oid male goat, sire a registered Nubian, mother Nubian. corbett Mclean, 15 East lbtii street. Phone East 4to4. 2oU PK.116E WINNER FROM NEW YORK. Agert Glow unmarked silver Persian, timer ucw studs; iee $3 up. Portlauu Cat Kennels. Taoor 7501. Cats boardeu. Jj'OK SALE Cocker spaniel pups, dog pups, X20 each; bitches, lu; express paid to you; 1 red one left. Cub oears wanted. Thus. Slegmund, Box 7u, Wallowa, or. VELLUW-CHESTED canaries, singers and lemaies, two and oue year old; slues., . oreeuing and olners. Cages. Cheap. No ueaiers. 'labor 6i9U. 2UU6 Delano st. BLAUT1F UL 4-month-old collie for sale at $15. Automatic 217-20. ouob 74th st. b. E. ; FOR SALE Thoroughbred pedigreed Bos ton bull terrier. Phone Suuday A. M., Sellwood 2U4. IrlOKOutilibliED Airedale puppies, four weeks old now; can be seen at 1240 Royal Court. Call Tabor 0046. BEAUTIFUL St. Andreasburg roller and green lemaie wna eKgs. Aipi ouuuai or evenings. 2K4 ALeade St. BLACK English bulldog, 4 years old, for .breeding. lutiuire at 234 .Morrison st. Harry Hill. i'OK SALE Canary, splendid singer, hand some bird, (15. 504 Webster su. corner East 12th. DR. M. HOWES, veterinarian; specialist uog and cat. Tabor 6006. 6T. A'NDREASBURG roller, -slngera. Call Tabor 52titi. 2-YR.-OLD singer from Imported roller stock, $7.50.' Phone Sell wood 2023. J'OH SERVICE Registered Cocker Span iel AP 373, oregoiiian. BEAUTIFUL Marz Mountain roller with brass cage. East oobli. FOR SALE New Zealand and Belgian rabbits, 3 mos. old. Call 1515 E. Oak. A CANARY bird and new cage, singer, today. East 0308. a fine THOROUGHBRED Great Dane puppy, wt. 150 lbs.. 7 mo. old. Tabor 0437. FOR SALE Beautiful all white Persian tabby. 7 months old. Call Tabor 4u09. FOR SALE Birds, brass cage and singer, (7 if taken today. . 40 Mason st, THREE Flemish does; one Belgian; feed and hutches, reasonable. Wdln. 3923. TWO Persian kittens for sale. Call East 3246. FOR SALE Half-breed Irish terrier pups, $5. Phone Miiwaukie 13-J. 6T. ANDKEASBERG roller, good singer, reasonable. 420 14 Stanton st. East 429. FOR SALE Thoroughbred New Zealand rabbits, very cheap. East ooo. FOR SALE A beautiful white Persian cat, mule. Broadway 4000. room 4. EX. ANDKEASBERG roller singer. Main 5471. 327 Mill st. FOR SALE 3 fine singers. Bdwy. 278tf. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters all kinds for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis . tributora of Corona portable. 50 com plete with carrying case ; supplies for alj makes. B. W. PEASE COMPANY, 110 Sixth St. Main 2285. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER Sl'KVlUB. All makes overhauled. Expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell, Rent and Exchange. "Main 6397. Supplies. 203 14 Oak St TYPEWRITER INSPECTION CO. Earl Kessler. manager. Established 15 years. Specializing on repairs to all makes. Rent, buy. sell; supplies. 312 Stark st. Main 5540. GUARANTEED factory rebnlit typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments Send for price list. The Wholesale Type, writing Co.. 321 Washington st. - REMINGTON typewriter as new; serial Number R8 80112; will Bell for $90 or trade for latest model Multiplex Ham mond. East 132. 4x15 4-side Hoyt planter and matcher, now operating, ready for aellvery. WOOD, 3116-3115 Wilbur St. 15 FOR No. 5 Remington; good prac tice macnine; oiu moaei. iau ou v en ton bldg. Mr. Kinsell. WILL exchange fine new phonograph for typewriter. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. 350 Alder. SEVERAL typewriters for saie. Reming tons, various models, $05. D. C. Wax Co., 01 N. oth st. Broadway 2730. . LATE model second-hand visible type writers; cash or terms. 402 Swetiand build in g. FOR SALE Oliver No. 7. good as new not over 500 letters typed; price $30. Phone Tabor 5004. WANTED Used typewriter in good con dition. Must be cheap. BJ 300, Orego nlan. 24-TON shay-geared locomotive. 37-ton Heisler geared locomotive. WOOD 3116-3115 Wilbur St. VJPIBLE machines, year's guarantee, $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak st. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co., 04 6th. Main 3008 NK W, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. To. 75 Fiwn rotary mimeograph in good "condition; price $15. Phone East 84110. CypEWRITER for sale. Remington No. 10, $50. 1124 Yeon bldg. UNDERWOOD. 6. fine condition. Auto matic 213-30. BJ 45.1. Oregonian. NEW Oliver typewriter for sale at a bar gain. Call 388 E. Morrison st- Rt:MINGTON No. 6, first-class condition; also pocket kodak. 552-37. 453 12th st. REMINGTON No. 10, Just rebuilt, perfect condition: cheap for cash. Bdwy. 3405. FOR SALE Typewriter. Smith-Premier No. 2. No. 1225 Montana ave. REMINGTON Nc. 10 cheap for cash. 873 K. 6th St. N. UNDERWOOD typewriter for sale. Call 'Broadway 4158 Spnriay morning. t;ASH for typewriter. Alain 2735. FOR SAUE Machinery. THE PORTLAND MACHINERT COMPANY. 62-66 First Street PORTLAND, OREGON. TELEPHONE MAIN. 197. NEW AND USED MACHINERT. We carry a complete stock of new and second-hand engines, boilers, pumps. shingle machines, lath machines, iron working tools, sawmills and supplies. PART LIST USED MACHINERT. SHINGLE MACHINES. - 1 Perkins hand feed 2 saws. , ' 1 Lane upright, 1 saw. IRON-WORKING TOOLS. LATHES. . . 1 l-ln.xl0-ft- James lathe. 1 17-ln.xl2-ft- Sidney heavy duty quick; change lathe. ' - 1 i8-ln.xl2-ft- Rahn-Larmon lathe. 1 24-ln.xl-ft- New Haven lathe. 1 26-in.x26-ft- Prentice geared head lathe. , ... ' 1 3U-in.x22-ft. New Haven lathe. 1 3(l-in.xl4-rt. Kifield lathe. 1 32-in.xl4-ft, Harrington gap lathe, 1 60-ln. pulley lathe. 1 42-inJx42-in.xl4-ft- New Haven planer. 1 4-ft. radial drill. 1 Knight No. 2 vertical Miller ,witb motor. BOLT CUTTERS. 1 1-in. Greenfield bolt cutter. 1 114-ln. Greenfield bolt cutter. 1 Ha -in. National double bolt cutter. 1 2Va-ln. Merrlnian bolt cutter. PIPE MACHINERT. - 1 -ln. Bench pipe machine. 1 Curtis 6-in. pipe machine. 1 Merrill 6-in. pipe machine. 1 Bignall-Keeler roll pipe cutter. HAMMERS. 1 (New) Erie 2500-lb. Sgl. frame steam hammer. ' 1 Mayer 50-lb. belt hammer. J, NEW AND SECOND-HAND GRINDERS. ALL SIZES. 1 Wllmarth & Marmoli drill grinder. 1 Cutter-Wood 30-in. knife grinder. 2 HIgley cold saws. 1 Q. M. S. 30-in. cold saw. PUNCHES AND SHEARS. 1 Doty No. 5 punch. 1 Doty No. 49 shear. 1 10-in. alligator shear. 1 Badger No. 22 punch. 1 Buffalo No. 4-B punch and shear. 1 Beloit (new) No. 27 splitting gear. 1 Beloit No. 55 punch and shear. 1 250-H." P. National feed water heater. BOILERS AND ENGINES. 1 4-H. P. plain vertical engine. 1 KxlO Ames Vim center crank engine. '1 0x12 Atlas center-crank engine. , 112x20 side-crank engine. " 1 14x20 side-crank engine. . 1 8-H. P. plain vertical boiler. 1 35-H P. firebox boiler, open bottom. 2 00x16 80-H. P. tubular boilers. 1 4x6 Dbl. cylinder Sgl. drum hoist. PUMPS. 4 414x24x4 Duplex pumps. 2 5ix3'x5 Duplex pumps. SAWMILLS. 1 9 to 10M capacity mill, complete. 1 iOM capacity mill, as follows: 60-ln. blocks, pony, 1 12-in., 1 14-in. engine, 2 00x10 boilers, at a bargain; 1 set 48-ln. screw-head blocks, set works and set shaft. WOODWORKING MACHINES. 1 6-ln.-l side moulder with boring at tachment. 1 H. B. Smith 6-ln.-3 side moulder. 1 Houston 12-in. -4 side moulder, top head. 1 Houston 12-ln.-4 sclde moulder. 1 0-in.x24-ln.-3 side planer and matcher. 1 crescent No. 04 combination wood worker. 2 Hall & Brown saw tables. 1 American 30-ln.x8-ln. dbl. aurfacer, No. 50. 1 Hayes Dowel sticker and pointer. 1 Go-in. xS-in. No. 30 Fay & Egan band resaw, carries 7-ln. blade, used very little. 2 14-in. wood lathes. ' 1 30-in. band saw. 1 12-in. Jointer. 1 10-in. Jointer. 1 20-in. 'Pointer. 1 24-ln. pattern maker's lathe, iron bed Have Jtsst received' carload of new crescent woodworking machinery, con sisting of all size band saws, saw tables, jointers, shapers, surfacers and mor Users. THE PORTLAND MACHINERT COMPANY 62-66 First Street. PORTLAND, OREGON. ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. BOILERS AND ENGINES. 2 100-H. P. boilers, with Dutch oven fittings. 1 150-H. P. boiler. 160-lbs.. fire box. 1 24x36 right hand double piston valve engine. 600-H. P. 1 10x42 Bates-Corliss engine. ROAD CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT. 3-ton -in. drill, steel. 139 lbs. 1 cookhouse equipment for 35 men. 1 40-H. P. - gasoline - speeder, new. 100 all-steel. SO-lnch bunks. 2 30-inch by 8 feet fuel oil tanks. 1 Ransom mixer, capacity 10 ft. 1 Chicago paver, capacity 20 ft. 50 24-inch Ga. dump cars. 100 30-inch Ga. dump cars. 1 24-inch. Ga. Dinky locomotive. 1 14-ton American saddle tank. 36-inch gauge. 1 Bucyrus 45-ton track shovel, piledriver hammers, gas engines, pumps and tools. 1 model 61 Marion track shovel, used one year, 2-yard dipper. LOCOMOTIVES CARS RAILS. 1 50-ton, 8-drlver, low-wheel locomotive. 1 38-ton Heisler. oil burner. 1 45-ton, 6 driver, low-wheel locomotive. 2 10x12 wide-drum WasMngtons. 2 12x12 Washington compound yarders, sleds and cable. 1 1014x1014 Washington com pound yarder with lines. 1 10x13 Willamette cracker-jack, with lines and sled. 25 all-steel Russell logging trucks. 1 1000-lb. steam hammer. '' SPECIAL. 1 15-ton 8-wheel crane. 2 7x10 single-drum locomotive Tacoma loaders. 1 Speedway marine rai ancinft. 50-H. P. v . Send us your inquiries for any thing in iron or wood-working ma chinery, logging, sawmill, con tractors' equipment, locomotives, boilers, engines, crushers, steel rails, cable and belting. BURKE MACHINERT COMPANT. 528 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1212. 024-23. ENGINES ENGINES ENGINES' ENGINES We have dozens of them taken from the best American-built autoa and priceo. at irom $30 to $70. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO. 3d at Glisan. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, eon crete mixers, electric hoiflts. construction equipment, atanqara fllacn. Co.. 55 1st st ONE 18-in. by 10-ft lathe. $375. Portland uransier io.s At f irst 11, TOR 6AI.R. Machinery. - . M. BARDE SONS, -s Front and Main Sts. Portland, Oregon. "The House of a Million Bargains." DON'T PAT MORE FOR PIPE THAN BARDE ASKS. ; " Note these prices on black: barbed wire. An immense purchase brings the price down to where it's wisdom to purchase in quantities at once! New, perfect, guaranteed. black painted 12-gauge barbed wire Is offered. Buy now. USED WIRE ROPE. Selected guaranteed. Any legnth de sired in to 1-inch size. ' NEW WIRE ROPE. Plow-steel wire rope of splendid qual ity in any length desired. Sizes to 14 inch. . BARDE ASKS LESS FOR LOGGING BLOCKS WEDGES. SOCKETS SLEEVES. PULLETS BELTING SHAFTING. BOILERS PUMPS MOTORS. ENGINES GENERATORS. GOOD OPPORTUNITIES WOODWORKING MACHINERT. 1 Fay & Egan band resaw, $186. 1 12-ln. American Jointer. 1 16in. American Jointer. 1 30-ln. American variety saw bench. 1 30-in. American band saw. . 1 36-in. Crescent band saw. 2 American footpower trimmers. 1 Oshkosh Universal woodworker. Barde can supply your every need In woodworking machinery at advantageous prices. STEAM AND WATER PIPE AT LOW PRICES. New Used Black. Galv. Black. $ .10V4 -ni .14 19 -12H 17Mi .23 .15 23 4 .31 .20 39 .4H .30 51 .63 .40 70 .02 .50 80 1.12 .65 75 1.20 1.50 .90 1 55 1.95 1.25 2.15 3.00 1.75 2.25 3.00 1 -Inch Hi-incl lH-inch 2 -rlnch 2-lnch 3 -inch 8 '4 -Inch 4 -inch 44-lnch 5 -inch 6 -inch 8 -inch .0 -inch .2 -inch SAVE ON AMERICAN TOOLS. 6 26-ln. by 12-ft. Advance heavy duty Q. C. lathes. 6 24-in. by 10-ft. Walcott heavy duty Q. C. lathes. 8 21-ln. by 10-ft. LeBlond heavy duty Q C. lathes. 1 21-ln. by 8-ln. LeBlond heavy duty Q. C. lathes 1 20-ln. Gould & Eberhardt shaper. 1 24-ln. by 24-ln. by 6-ft. American planer. 1 100-lb. Little Giant belted hammer. Punches and Shears, Punch Presses. Powers' Hack Saws, etc Clam Shell Buckets, Drag Line Buckets. Bagley Scrapers, Pipe. Valves and Fittings. Etc. WRITE. WIRE OR PHONE YOUR ORDER FOR ANTT31NG IN LOGGING MACHINERT AND EQUIPMENT. WE CAN SUPPLY TOU AT LOWER PRICES WITH A GUARANTEE. - M. BARDE & SONS. The House of a Million Bargains." Front and Main Streets. Portland. Oregon. BELTING. BELTING. BELTING. We have the largest stock In the city of new and slightly used' leather, rubber, gandy and balata belting from 2-lnch to 24-lnch. at reduced prices. Also a large lot of remnants from 15-foot and over at all widths at a cleanup price. Our prices on new and used machinery and structural iron are way below the market and are far cheaper than any on the coast. BOXING. PULLEYS. GEARS, SHAFTING. ETC. About 15 tons lVs, 1 and IVi new shafting at a second-hand price. We have Just purchased a large assortment of Columbla-Skookum & Pacific Logging blocks, also a large stock of chocker hooks and logging equipment. We are In a position to sell these at a great discount. Blacksmiths' Tools Anvil blowers, hammers, flatters, etc. Chain blocks, from one to five tone, at great reduction. One electric dynamo at a very reasonable price. Garden tools of all kinds, all new, at a very low price. CABLE. CABLE. CABLE. We have thousands of feet of , , . . . 1 and 1-in. cable, all plow steel. 6-10. in good condition, at reasonable prices. STRUCTURAL IRON. I-beam, bar Iron, angle iron, round and channel iron. Several tons of galvanized angle iron from 1 to S-inch up to 20 feet long. VERT SPECIAL IN USED MACHINERY. Pumps, blowers boxing, pulleys, gears, shafting, motors, hoists, air compressors. . BOILERS CONDITION. AND'' TANKS. A-l FOR RENT. All kinds of concrete mixers and other machinery by day. week or month at reasonable rates. WODMEN AND MILL MEN. ATTENTION! Cross-cut saws, all new, from 4 to 10 feet In length, at 75 cents per foot. You must see them to appreciate the big value, in these. Be sure to see us for yarding trucks, lumber dollies and logging Jacks, as we have a large assort ment at gTeatly reduced prices. See miscellaneous column for our ad on other material. ALASKA JUNK CO.. Largest on the Coast. No. 203 Front St.. Portland, Or. BOILERS AND ENGINES FOR SALE. 1 84x18 Butt Strap boiler. 6 72x18 Butt Strap boilers. - 2 60x16 Lap Seam Boilers. 1 48x12 Lap Seam boiler. 1 44x12 Lap Seam boiler. 1 250 H. P. Fire Box boiler. , 1 20 H. P. Upright boiler. 1 50 H. P. Scotch Marine boiler. 2 12 H. P. Upright boilers. 1 40 H. P. Fire Box boiler. 1 10x13 Side Crank engine. 1 8 H. P. Upright engine. 1 12x10x10 Duplex Pump. 2 38x10 Steel Tanks. 1 Double Drum Electric Hoist, 1 equipped. " Also many other sizes of boilers, engines all u pumps. Always pleased to make prices. G. & R. MACHINERY COMPANT 603 Gerlinger Bldg. Main S201 LATH MILL, buildings and side-track; new machinery, complete and operating; also several hundred cords of excellent slabs available; plant is close in on S. P tracks; splendid site, covering two blks.' Can be handled for $2000 cash, balance on terms. Call Tabor 81191 or Tabor 165 MACHINERY wanted for box - manufac turing business. One resaw. 4-lnch or fl inch saws: one 30-horse motor, electric: one riD saw; one cut-off saw with belts and shafting and aiitrmtle gummer and filing outfit. 992 E. 17th St. Woodlawn L923 evenluss after 6 o'clock. - FOR BAT E. Machinery. CLYDE EQUIPMENT CO.. 18th and Upshur. Phone Broadway 885. Agents for CLYDE Hoisting Engines and Derricks. MARION Steam Shovels. WHELAND Sawmills and Lath Machinery. SCHRAMM Portable Air Compressor. ACME Rock Crushers and Gravel Machinery. OHIO Locomotive Cranes. SMITH SONS "ROYAL Road-Working Machinery. Graders. Scrapers. Plows. Drags, Etc Sawmlll, Logging-. Railway Supplies and Equipment- Track Spikes and Bolts. F'rogs and Switches. Relaying Rails. "SPECIAL." 1 Allls-Chalmers 4-saw lath stripper, complete with new saws. 1 6-saw lath stripper. 1 lath binder and trimmer. PARTIAL STOCK LIST OF NEW AND SECOND-HAND EQUIP MENT ON HAND FOR IMME DIATE SHIPMENT. HOISTING ENGINES. NEW. 1 6x8 double-drum Clyde. 1 7 X10 three-drum Clyde. 1 814x10 three-drum Clyde. 1 7 xlO swinging gear. 16 x 8 oscillating swinging engine. 1 4x 6 independent swine engine. SECOND-HAND. 1 814x10 double-drum Lambert. 1 7 xlO double-drum Clyde. 1 7 xlO'i double-drum Washington. 1 6-h. p. sgl. -drum stm. hoist, no boiler. 1 5x6 sgl. -drum steam hoist, no boiler. 1 double-drum Lidgerwood. belt hoist BOILERS. 1 4-h. p., vertical, new. 1 6-h. p., vert'ral. new. 1 6-h. p., vertical, new. 1 15-h. p., vertical, new. 1 25-h. p., locomotive type, used. 1 60-h. p.. marine type. BUCKETS. 1 14 -yard drag scraper. 2 -yard orag scrapers. 1 lfe-yard drag scraper. 1 2 -yard drag scraper. 1 "4-yard Owens clamshell. 1 1 -yard Hayward clamshelL 1 1 -yard Ceco clamshell. 1 "4 -yard Ceco clamshelL 1 li-yard orange peel. 1 1 -yard orange peel. 2 -yd. center dump concrete buckets. 1 -yd. control dump concrete bucket. 1 lV-yd. Williams clamshell. CONCRETE MIXERS. 1 No. 4 S. Lakewood. 4 cu. ft. 1 V. 1 S 1 nkaunnil 7 I 11 ft 1 No! 2 chain belt with side loader. 14 1 No. 12 Smith side loader. 184 cu. ft. -I 1 -J (imlth vnx driven. 16Vt CU. ft. INo.'ll Smith with Batch hopper. 10 cu. ft. , 1 No. 514 Chicago, without power. 14 CU. ft- 1 Smith hand mixer. 6 Carter hand mixers. 1 6 A Footo paver. GASOLINE ENGINES. 1 1-h. p. Novo Jr. 1 2-h. p. Witte. 1 3-h. p. Witte. 1 4-h. p. Witte. 1 6-h. p. Witte. 1 25-h. p. Fairbanks-Morse on trucks. ROCK CRUSHERS. 1 8x14 Western Jaw crusher. 1 9x16 Royal Jaw crusher. 1 No. 2 Aurora Jaw crusher. 1 No. 1 Gates gyratory crusher. 1 No. 2 Gates gyratory crusher. PUMPS. 1 6-ln. Gould vertical centrifugal. 1 10x8x10 Blake steam pump. 1 10xCxl2 Blake steam numn 1 No. 14 Canton duplex boiler feed pump 1 No. 4 Guild it Harrison single action Bieaiu pump. 1 6x4x6 F. M. duplex steam pump. 1 3x2x4 F. M. oil pump with heater. MOTORS. 1 75-h. p. General Electric motor. A. C. 440-V.. 900 R. P. M. 1 75-h. p. Fairbanks-Morse motor A. C. 440-V.. 900 R. P. M. 1 25-h. p. General Electric motor. A. C. 440-V.. 1200 R. P. M. 1 30-b. p. Allls-Chalmers motor. A. C. 440-V.. 1130 R. P. M. MISCELLANEOUS. S 7-yard, double-end hitch, bottom- aump rock wagons. 1 Davenport steam locomotive. 12-ton, 36-inch gauge. 1 Davenport steam locomotive, 14-ton. 36-ln. gauge. 13 side-dump cars. 3-vd.. 36-ln. srauere. 6 13 -yd.. 24-in. gauge. Western dump i cars. 1 10-ton Iroquois steam roller. 1 2-ton tandem road roller. 1 7-ton Erie tandem roller. 1 11x18 Brownell automatic steam engine. 2 No. 3 Schramm portable air com Dressors. 1 No. 6 Schramm portable air com pressor. 1 10x12 Fairbanks-Morse compressor. 1 8x10x8 Franklin steam compressor. 4 Ingersoll-Kand Burley drills. 1 Sullivan rock drill. 1 2-ton portable derrick. 1 4-K. W. D. C. engine and generator. 2 concrete horse carts. CLTDE EQUIPMENT CO.. 18th and Upshur. Phone Broadway 885. 1- 10x12 Washington. 1 11x13 Vulcan. 1 614x10 Lidgerwood. 1 l-sack concrete mixer. 2 No. 12 Smith concrete mix era 1 Grouting machine. 1 Century bag cleaner. 1 Smith hand mixer. 1 50-ton S. P. type locomotive. 1 54-ton 8. P. type locomotive. 1 35-ton Baldwin locomotive. 1 40-ton Baldwin locomotive. 1 28-ton Shay locomotive. 1 35-ton Shay locomotive. 1 60-ton Climax locomotive. 1 70-ft, tug boat, 105-H. P. engine. 1 20-H. P. gas ngdne. 1 25-H. P. gas engine. 3 x6 Denmng triplex pumps, 6000 lbs. 1 12x0x12 pump, brass-ritted. 1 6x4x6 pump, plain. S 1 Set chain-drive, tie and rail track layer trams. 2 7-KW 220-volt generators. 83-inch gauge. 4-vard Petler cars. 7, 12, 14, 18-ton dinkeys, 36-inch gauge. l oou-pouna pue nammer. 4 Steam shovels. 1 17-ft. Municipal cube concrete mixer. 1 21-ft. Austin paver. 1 10x12 40-H. P. Wheland engine. 1 11x18 Brownell engine. 20 114 -yard dump cars. 12 No. 8 Western Wheelers. 1 80-H. P. flreJbox boiler. Steam rock drills, concrete spouts, track spikes, DOits, etc. MOHR MACHINERT CO.. 501 LEWIS BLDG. MAIN 1831. MACHINERT,' WIRE ROPE. MOTORS. ETC. Electric motors; they're going fast at the prices we have marked; 1 to 150 horsepower; guaranteed as though new. I l.A.MMi 1 . 1.. New two-yard Williams clamshelL. WIRE ROPE. - Four carloads of new Wiillamsport cable just oeing aaaea to our stock, AIR COMPRESSORS. One 500 cubic foot Imperial type XB: . Ingersoll-Rand. 2 stage. 2 portables capacity jacitnammer anus. BOILER AND MISCELLANEOUS. ' 100-horsepower firebox boiler, high pnuBun;, 11. 1 11 mmiuu miwci; rii KIHQ, of machinists' tools, logging and liim bermen and contractors' equipment; ren . or sen. COAST STEEL MACHINERT CO., 50 1st St- Phone Broadway 104. SAW. rip or circular saw. on table, with motor. for cutting lumber to make boxes: preferred used saw. Wlllard Stor age Battery Co.. 13th and Glisan sts Phone Bruadway 2903. FOR SALR. Machinery. HOISTS. 1 Double drum, belt driven. 10.- OOO-lb. capacity. 1 Single drum, belt driven. 4000 Mb. capacity. 1 6x8 D. D. Mundy. 1 64xl0 D. D. Mundy skeleton. BOIXERS. 1 125 H. P. firebox. loco. type. lap seam, Hartford Inspected. 110-lb. pressure. 1 1O0 H. P. firebox, lap seam. 125-lb. pressure, firebox 5 feet square. 1 60 H. P. butt strap. 1 15 H. P. lap seam,. 10-Ib. MOTORS. 2 20 H. P. Allls-Chalmers. 220 V.. 3 phase. 1 20 H. P. Crocker Wheeler, 220 V. D. C. 1 7'4 H. P. Wagner single phase, 1150 RPM. 110-220 V. STEAM ENGINES. 1 8x10 Erie horizontal center crank. 1 10x12 Russell horizontal center crank, automatic. 1 6x8 horizontal side crank. 1 5x7 Tiger horizontal center crank. 2 8x7 Blake vertical 350 R. P. M. 3 10x7 Blake vertical. 350 R. P. M. GAS ENGINES. ' lr-32 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse. 1 20 H. P. type T Fairbanks Morse diesel. 1 5 H. P. ttlarke heavy duty self contained. 1 8 H. P. Alamo heavy duty self contained. PUMPING UNITS. 2 114 H. P. type Z. Fairbanks Morse gas engines with 3x5 typhoon pumps mounted on skids. 2 3 H. P. type Z. Fairbanks Morse gas engines with 214x5 typhoon pumps mounted on skids. 1 3 H. P. type Z. Fairbanks Morse gas engine with 3x5 typhoon pump mounted en skids. 1 5x6 Goulds triplex pump. MIXERS AND PAVERS. 2 1C14 cu. ft. Smith mixers, steam, excellent condition. 1 18 cu. ft. Austin paver. 1 18 cu. ft. paver, special built, has slip, boom, bucket and 2 cylinder Hur gas engine. CRUSHERS. 1 No. 1 Fort Wayne Jaw crusher. 1 0x14 Champion Jaw crusher. 2 4 K Gates crushers. 1 5 C Symons with elevator and screen. 4 0-inch by 12-foot Standard Austin screens complete. '1 30-inch Symons disc crusher. DRAG BUCKETS. 1 14 -yd. Sauerman. 2 114-yd. double lipped. 1 1-yd. double lipped. 1 4-yd. double lipped. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 Standard grader, 7 ft. blade. 1 Tank wagon. 1 4x5 cargo winch. 1 5 B Ingersoll portable air com pressor, 40 ft. capacity, direct connected to 5 H. P. motor. 1 No. 0 Austin trenching ma chine. 1 50 If. P. 12-ton Ohio tractor with road roller. 30-inch rear wheels. 1 Bucyrus 30, both traction and track. 1 Lidgerwood Crawford exca vator, class B, 60 ft. boom, carriage, revolves on 12 12-Inch wheels, 150-lb. pressure boiler, D. D. hoist, boom swinger, hand winch, sir pump, etc., and 2 yd. bucket. 12 Sets 24-inch gauge car wheels. 1 Feed water heater. B 60.000 capacity flat cars. Camp equipment for 1000 men. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY, 616-617 GASCO BLDG. MAIN 5813. LOGGERS' ANT) CONTRACTORS MACHINERY CO. COMPLETE EQUIPPED CAMP. We own and offer for Immediate de livery, subject to prior sale, the com plete camp equipment of the Fish Point Tbr. & Log Co.. located at Brookfield. Wash.-, on the Columbia river near As toria. This outfit consists of the fol lowing: 1 11x13 Humboldt yarding engine, ex tension firebox boiler, sled, rope and water tank; engine used 60 days. 1 11x13 Humboldt yarding engine, cir cular boiler 175 lb., sled, rope' and tank. 1 11x13 Willamette roader, sled and rope. 1 10"4xlO'4 Washington yarder, complete with sled and rope. One Bagley grader, gasoline pumping outfit, high-lead equipment, filing room, blacksmith shop, bathhouse, cookhouse and miscellaneous equipment consisting of blocks, rigging, water pipe; every thing to make a modern camp outfit. Here Is a going proposition that can be delivered Immediately with no -waiting for machinery. It will move quickly. NEW AND USED MACHINERT IN STOCK. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. LOGGING ENGINES, NEW, BUILT AND USED. RE- 1 12x12 Washington Tarder. rebuilt. 1 10x13 Mundy Roader. rebuilt. 1 10x15 Tnroma Roader. no boiler. 1 8'4xl0 Willamette Roader. used. 1 10x13 Willamette Roader. used. 1 10x15 Tacoma Roader. 68-inch. 2(o-lb. Boiler, now sled. 1 12x14 Tacoma Roader. 72-anch, 200-ib. Boiler, good sled. LOCOMOTIVES. 1 85-ton Climax Geared Engine. LOGGING TRUCKS AND CARS. 2 60M rebuilt flat cars; will meet JC C. C. requirements. Complete iron work for two 40M flat ' cars. Several sets of used and rebuilt trucks. BALLAST EQUIPMENT. 2 20-yard center dump, hopper bottom gondola ballast cars, rebuilt. 1 45-ton 114-yard Bucyrus steam shovel, rebuilt- CONTR ACTORS' EQUIPMENT. 6 No. 4 S REX concrete mixers, new. 3 No. 7 S REX concrete mixers, new. Motor-driven and steam hoists. 1 5000-gallon cylindrical steel tank, suit able for fuel oil. 1 25-H. P. Loco box boiler. 1 17x14 belt-driven Ingersoll-Rand com pressor. Imperial type 10, with air re ceiver. 10,000 feet 12-pound 'rail. 440 feet 8-pound rail. 2 114 -yard Hercules clam-shell buckets 2 2-yard Favorite clam-shell buckets. 1 Single Drum Friction Hoist. MOTORS. 1 100 H. P., 440 volts. 720 A. C. motor. 1 75 H. P., 440 volts, 690 A. C. motor. 2 35 H. P., 440 volts. 0O0 A. C. motor. 1 20 H. P.. 440 volts. 900 A. C. motor. 1 15 H. P.. 440 volts. 90O A. C. motor. 2 10 H. P., 440 voits, 720 A, C. motor. 2 10 H. P., 440 volts. 1800 A. C motor. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 36-in. vertical boiler. 1 42-in. vertical boiler. 1 30-in. vertical boiler. 1 6x8 vertical engine. 1 14-in. lathe. 1 22-ln. drill press. 1 No. 1 Marvel hack saw. 1 Frazer &. Marden punch and shear. LOGGERS' AND CONTRACTORS MA CHINERY COMPANY. Office. 70 Fourth St. Shop,' 17th and Sherlock Ave. Manufacturers of Russell Steel Logging Trucks, Eagle Brand Wedges and Sledges. Representatives for: Porter Locomo tives, Rex Concrete Mixers. Erie Steam Shovels. Williams' Clam-shell Buckets. Insley Concrete Equipment, SCOW First-class. 24x80 feet. Coast Steel & Machinery Co.. 5Q 1st st. DRAG SAW marhine and gasoline donkey. Call Main 134o. FOR SALS. Machinery. MACHINERT. PACIFIC ENGINEERING & EQUIP- -MENT CO. In addition to the machinery listed below, we have several mills, both op erating and Idle, placed with us for sale. We have saw. shingle, planing mills and box factories for immediate deliverv. If you want a complete plant, get In touch with us before placing. your order. 1 500-h. p. Corliss engine, 26x48-ln. J 400-h. p. Corliss engine. 22x3 6-in. 1 16x36 R. H. Corliss engine. 150 h. p. 1 20x27 Atlas. 4-valve. 200-h. p. engine. 1 14x20 auto R. H. engine. 1 15x18 Russell auto engine. 1 8x10 Atlas side-crank engine. 1 0-h. p. Russell 10x12 engine. 1 16x18 Regal engine. 1 12x15 Russell horlz. engine, side crank. 1 -9x12 horlz. engine. 2 150-h. p. open bottom firebox 140-b. pressure boilers, complete with stack. 572x18 150-lb. butt strap boilers. 1 45-h. p. firebox boiler. 1 48x12 R. T. boiler. 1 36x12 boiler. 1 20-h. p. upright boiler. 100 lbs. 1 15-h. p. R. F. boiler, with stack. 1 200-h. p. heater. 1 50-h. p. heater. 2 8-ft, band mills. 2 8-ft. band mills. 1 66-in. Mershon band mill. 1 400-K. V. A. generator. 1 250-K. W. generator. 1 10O-K. W. generator. 1 75-K. W. generator with auto engine. 1 50-K. W.. 220-volt generator. 1 25-K. W.. 125-voIt generator. 1 66-ln. Mershon resaw. 1 10x12 nigger with floor plate. 1 12x52 Diamond gang. 1 S4x4-in.. 3-saw Tower edger. 8 54-in. screw blocks. 1 4 14 -in. Crane steam separator. 2 Overhead canting gears. 1 114x8 bevel gear log hauL 2 Geared wire rope log hauls. 1 40-ln. swing cutoff saw. 1000 ft. No. 78 conveyor chain, with lOO,,"- fo. 110 sawdust chain, with fric- 1 Upper and lower arbor, husk, pulleys, for up to 48-ln. 3-block sawmill. 1 JS-ln. 3-block R. . p. carriage with 1 24-ln. swing cutoff saw. 30 Lumber trucks, 24x5-ln. 5 Shingle machines, uprights. S Shingle packers. 1 Auto Covel shingle saw grinder. 1 No. 95 circular saw sharpener. 1 Hand gummer, up to 72-ln. 1 4S-in knee bolter. 17 Shingle saws. 19 Clipper saws. 15 Shingle saw collars. 1; 56-ln. Inserted tooth (saw. 1 No. 10O-L Covel grinder, up to 12-ln. 1 Auto, grinder for small band saws. 1 12x30 double surfacer. 1 No. 8 pocket Dolg nailer. 1 36-ln. band saw. 2 Wood turning lathes. 1 S-drum American 48-tn. sander. 1 American double tenoner. 1 American door clamp. 1 Chain mortiser. li Single spindle shaper. 1 Triple-valve 5x8 pump. 1 12x6x12 steam pump. 11714x84x12 steam pump. 1 6x4x6 Advance pump. 1 8x8-in. geared 6-5 belted pump. 1 3x2x3 -In. duplex steam pump. 16x15 molder with side beads. 1 6x24-ln. planer and matcher. 1 6x9 planer and matcher. 2 Hood tractors. 2 Ross lumber carriers. 1 No. 3 Mitts & Merrill hog. 1 C0-ln. Stnrtevant blower. 1 40-ln. American blower, complete. 1 30-in. blower system, complete. 1 No. 3 American blower. 1 10x12 Washington half-breed donkey on good sled, 4500 ft. trip line, 800 ft. 114 main line. 3 50-ft. chokers. 1 7-ft. butt chain. 1 butt chain block; a bargain. Special machines for any purpose our specialty. Send us your inquiries for any new or used machinery in iron or woodworking line boilers, engines, pumps. PACIFIC ENGINEERING & EQUIP MENT CO., 29-35 First Street, Portland. 5 20-xS MONARCH quick change lathes. 1 Kerrihard power hammer. 1 8-inch centrifugal pump. 1 10-lnch centrifugal pump. 2500 ft. 12-lnch riveted steel pipe. 1 30-inch Lefell water wheel. 1 4x6' Dodge ore crusher. Several single and double-drum hoists. Crushers and mining machinery. 1 JSxlO D. a. .. mine. 2 20-inch B. .G. drill presses. V S. IRON .VORKS. Seattle. Wash.. Ccsinan Di Dock. SPECIAL. One second-hand 16x9x12 Fairbanks Morse underwriters' fire pump. One second-nand 8-ln- Mershon Don ontal band resaw. THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. 83 First St.. Portland, Oregon. BOILERS. 3 72x18 150 2 72x16 125 2 60x16 100 pounds pressure. pounds pressure. pounds pressure, pressure. 2 54x16 lou 1 -48x14 100 pounds pounds pressure. WOOD 8116-3115 Wilbur St. ALL of the transmission machinery from the spruce division cut-up plant, consist ing of gears, pulleys, shafting, boxes, etc THE J. K. MARTIN CO.. 61 First St.. Portland, Oregon. ! DONKEYS. 11x14 Wash., wide face. 10 14x10 '4 Wash, compound, 111x12 Wash, half breed. 9x10 Wash, wide face. WOOD 3116-3115 Wilbur st. WANTED 15 M to 25 M capacity saw mill complete or separate machinery and power equipment, especially com bination firebox boiler and ensine. AV 56S. Oregonian. FOR PALE. Machinery. USED MACHINERT FOR SALE. 3 American self-feed circular rip saw. 1 Fav Ai Egan self-teed circular rip saw. 1 Box cut-off saw. 1 Box printing machine (for box fac tory). 1 American 8-in. vertical resaw. 3 Puget sound machinery depot upright shingle machines. 1 Hill nigger. PUMPS. 1 10x6x10 Buffalo fire pump. 1 5x0x6 Blakslee pump. 1 rx:iiix5 snidur & Hughes pump. 1 SxTixlO Morse pump. 1 Huyton centrifugal 750-gaJ. P. M. STEAM ENGINES. 1 8x8 Vertical. 1 !Sx20 Wilson Hlndrie hnrlnnll 1 Ohmen 22x26 and 12x26 compound. DONKEY ENGINES. 2 10iixl04 Seattle yarders. 2 10x12 Seattle half-breeds. 1-. 10x15 Tacoma roadera. 1 Tlxli Seattle roader. 1 9-4x10 Seattle. 2 7x10 Tacoma. I 10x12 Seattle yarder. MISCfSLLANEOlTS. 3 '114 -In. Penberthy Injectors; S-ln. 4-in.. 6-ln. and 8-in. expansion Joints: several 1 and 2-qt. lubricators; 8-ln. Wa terman governor; 1 steam trap: 1 steam separator; shafting; pulleys, etc BOILERS. 148x14 H. T. standard -pressure. 1 -4sxl2 H. T. standarriVpressure. II 00x18 H. T. standard pressure. 1 5 H. P. verticaL 2 6 H. P. verticaL 1 40-ton BALDWIN rod LOCOMOTIVE. Send us vonr Innuirtes foe aavmlll imi logging machinery, engines, boilers, road uipuieui. ANYTHING IN MACHINERT. TOTE & SWEET. Phone 103!. 21.S-220 Finch, bldg. ABERDEEN, WASH. WE have a 12-foot Roderick Lean double action cutaway tandem disc, used less than three months, suitable for a trac tor, will sell at a bargain, as It Is too large tor our machines. Address Farg Orchards Co.. Aurora, Or. 40 H. P. C. L. BEST track layer: run 50 V.-'r,' tuiiipieieiy reDUlll. JioX 834. Walla "na, asn. Launches and Boat. $1350. 4-room modern houseboat: 2 bedrooms, bath, hot and cold Bull Run water, gas electric lights. telenhnne. pAmni.t.n furnished. Including piano: best moorare on the river. 12 minutes from First and Alder: cash or terms; a real buy. An swer giving occupation; this is essential. ooo; ureKODian. !8-FOOT sail boat, built in White Bear x.aae, Minnesota, aouoie plank cedar, fastest boat on the Wlllamete river: owner moved away: all her sails are maae oy eastern firm of best material very cheap. Main 2142. STRICTLY modern 4-room houseboat, all completely furnished, with ninnti nr- un furnished If desired; club house privileges iree, o cent xare, i minutes car service; 7 minutes from car; best location; a real Duy. nj regonian. 10-H. P. FRISCO STANDARD, CHEAP. marine engines, 5 launch hulls. 3 rowboats. 2 launches. 2 scows, unlimited mooring spares for rent. Fulton boat- yarn. loot irginia St. Marshall 2005. FOR SALE $80O: houseboat, built suit able for two families: bath, laundry tray. pas. electric llgnts, telephone. Phone Miiwaukie 54-R or P. O. Box 1C3. AiuwauHie, or. HOUSEBOAT, live rooms, f iirni(i.l ir- lle-hts. water, sleeping porch. Apply Errlngton. foot of Nevada st, second nouMe east across track. FOR SALE Motor boat. 22 ft. long, cedar hull. hardwood deck. Farrow marine engine: first-class condition. Mar. 448G lor appointment. WANTED To rent, with option of buying houseboat suitablo for two gentlemen. Phone Main 4491, or address AH 420 urcgoniHn. Ei launcn. zo reet. gonrt towboat or pleasure boat, for sale. Price $4. A). Sam Swartz. 1124 Macadam st.. South Port- lana. ONE 16-foot one-step hydroplane hull and 3-cyiinder Plerce-Budd motor, half price. Boathoupe 18, Portland Motorboat club, or Air, aewberger, sellwood 84. ATTRACTIVE 6-room houseboat, all mod ern conveniences, furnished or unfur nished: a bargain. Inquire. No. Q niuanieue moorage. WANTED to lease for 6 months, without operator. 1 25-horse-power launch: bank reierence. urea Houchen, Cathlamet Wash. FOR SALE New trolling boat. 37x10V. ft., without engine. Inquire 1004 Lom bard: St.. corner ttuchanan, St. Johns. FOR SALE Five-room unfurnished alt- log iioat nouseboat, $ooo for a quick sale. iain tud. 1 6-R0 PREST-O-LITE battery, good con dition; oo It. new 1 '-a -Inch rope. Sell i ii. FOR SALE lH-ft. Oldtown canoe, sail lee boards, paaoies, other equipment; ex cellent condition. Tabor 6491. 500 SQ. FT. yacht sails, almost new, cost $150. Will sell cheap. Owner. Sell. 1114 t: Clayoorne-ave. WANTED Houseboat. 3 or 4 rooms, good condition ana reasonaoie. ij 3,5, ore gonian. PRACTICALLY new 16-foot Peterborough caroe to trade for Morris or Oldtown canoe. East 5.1K1. FOR SALE 18-ft- hull. tank, pipe, clutch, shaft, pump, etc, in good order. 1002 t oroett st. 18-FOOT Morris canoe for sale, almost new. Call Mar. 4223 Sunday P. M. FOR SALE Houseboat, Sellwood H56. 6 rooms. Call 16-FOOT skiff. Favorite boathouse. AH 167. Oregonian. MOTOR-BOAT hull. 20x6 ft.; all equip ment except engine. 461 E. loth st, FOR SALE Gasoline launch engine. 44 horse marine engine. 4(19 E. Burnside. WANTED One first-class Main 6D32. 16-ft. canoe 16-FOOT boat. 4SS V Columbia blvd. Miscellaneous. HANDSOME cream English serge. 34 yds.. HO inches wide. 18 oz. weight; $25. Woodlawn lOtiS. I WILL do your electric work in exchange for cement work or building garage. Woodlawn 3791. FOR SAI.E Reliable gas range and Ruud water heater In good condition. Phone Columbia 1153. I MAKE a specialty of wiring old houses without Injury to wall or ceilings; very reasonable. Wood-lawn 3791. FOR SALE Good sewing machine or trade for good violin. 25 N. 6th st.. room 403. Phone Broadway 2330. GUNS .22 high-power Savage and .22 . Winchester special. Call at 143 Laurel hurst ave. WALNUT bedroom set, 8 pieces, marble top, also little girl's tsicycle and 1 large rocker. Call Tabor 8941. 2 ENAMELED wash sinks, suitable for bathroom. 687 East 9th. PLAID skirt, woolen dress, linen, pictures, vases, coat. East 770. ELECTRIC plug for Irons and cleaners in stalled; very reasonable. Woodlawn 3791. WOOD or coal range with coil. 6-h'ole. fine condition: $18. 503 E. Market. KITCHEN cabinet. $16: cooler. 15: barrel churn. $4: nearly new. Woodlawn 5346. FOR SALE Cheap, Tabor 2116. portable garage. BEST grade Turkish rug. 4x6: owner leav ing city. Call Marshall 135. DICTAPHONES, one pair nearly new, for sale cheap. AH 2S6. Oregonian. 2-BVRNER oil stove, glass tank, like new, $14. Tabor 3819. SMALL size, square piano, good condi tion, $75. Bdwy. 3510. FINE electric cleaner, worth $."VA, for $25. Used, very little. Woodlawn 371. WICKER baby sulky, like new; collapsrble. mohair top. East 5267. PHYSICIANS MAIN 7553. MICROSCOPE. CHEAP. MINK scarf, modern style, for $14. Call 603 Congress Hotel. FOR sale cheap. 314 -inch Studebaker wag on. Taoor iH'iH. TWO long brown human hair switches, $5 each. East 5772. LADY'S desk and 3-piece mahogany par lor suit. East 7473. EI.F.CTRICIAN. wire 3 rooms as low as SS. Phone evenings snd Sun-days. Wdl-n. 3791. BRIDGE-BEACH 6-hole steel range, used 1 year; bargain. 414 Market. ONE Universal cook stove. 1 Buck cook stove, both 6-hole. 1014 E. Main Bt. LICENSED electrician wires 5 rooms as low as $14. Woodlawn ?.791. DIAMOND $250. Beautiful ring, tiffany, only 175. Marshall 5709. .-FT. f.lasP"le lr sale. Call Tabor 7126. FOR SALE, M t cei hi n ecus. USED AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. BARGAINS. 1 32-lnch Oliver chilled plow $10.00 1 2-sectlon light steel frame bar row 15.00 1 Acme 12-blade harrow.... 35.00 1 Syracuse 14-Inch high lift sulky. 50.00 1 wood beam steel piow, 14-inch... 10.00 1 prairie breaker steel plow, 12 inch 25.00 1 2-sectlon 4S-tooth wood frame harrow 15.00 1 model 8 Kirstin stump puller with 20-foot extra caole and hook . .- 75.00 1 Fresno scraper, 3-foot 6-Inch cut 20.00 1 2-lnch steel skein Stuaebaker wagon gear 45.00 1 2 S-inch steel skein Studebaker wagon gear 50.00 1 2-wheel road cart 30.00 1 31-lnch hind wheel. 46-inch with 3-inch tire 10. 00 1 Humphrey bone grinder lO.iHJ 1 foot-power grindstone 3.00 3 hand-power feed grinders (new) 6.00 2 Barker cultivators and weeders (new), each 8.50 1 1-horse 5-ehove! cultivator...... 10. Oo 11 hand potato planters (new), each 2.00 1 roll 48-inch. 150-fu chicken net ting (new) 5.0O 1 spring seat for Studebaker wagon 5.00 1 panel seat with cushion for hack 7.5 7 all-metal adjustable wagon tongues, each 8.00 1 crosscut saw ................... 150 1 brush hook 150 1 grub hoe 75 . lvA1.s,,h'lV', fu" "n nw VEHICLES AND IMPLEMENTS P. E. E SB ENS HADE. . 360-366 E. Morrison St. BIG SALE of slightly used sewing ma- ...uei.. Dinger. White. New Home, w heeler & Wilson, Tree and many others. All drop heads, from $10 up. Guaranteed good condition. Free de liverv. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORK. 82 MORRISON. MARSHALL 72L' HYATTS PHONOGRAPH SALE. Just think, we offer you any new latest stylo Brunswick. Vtctrols, Edison. Coumbia or Stradlvara up to $125 for only $5 down, (5 monthly. Larger ma chines, $15 down. $7.50 monthly. Lib erty bonds taken at par. .Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder i".,at . Dar-ln, new Diamond f ? t,re a4x4' "'ao tw heavy S1"' lnner '"bes of same size; tire as well as tubes were never used. Call Sellwood v.ii. Monday -and U week. R 12.1. Oregonian. HAIR SWITCHES. HT?rt.e har BW'ch-s. 2 light brown, 1 ?5 rbrovvn. reasonable prices. Call TO n'ifamer neiU" Ainsworth and Campbell. FOR SALE, cheap, lightweight wool suit, size oS worn only few times, good as r.cT,: ? nvier wool suit, same size. KAiciuoons, apartment 2. Ja Jaeger, no f:iuue. UNE machine, driven by private party enough to break In well; guaranteed to be in rirst-class condition, for less than halt cost of same car new. Cash, or terms. Main 4402. 100 POUNDS sugar. $15.75: new biack traveling bag. $4; 50 ft. new hose. $4.f0 3 pounds Folger's coffee. 85o: new 8-day alarm clock. $3.50; field glasses, made In London, $12. 311 Montgomery st. TIJADJ'' diamond, 214 ksrats. perfect, can't be duplicated, less $2200 as first pay ment on modern 1 or 6-room home, east side or real estate. 5SS1 Tillamook WINDOW screens, garden tools, garden plow, chair, telephone stand. ironing board and ice cream freezer. Woodlawn 42 1 .1. fII".S,E& "V'1' "Ue ltt- ,,avv' br- cloth. J1L50: wool Jersey, $13.75: blck. coat. Skinner sat. lining, size 36, $17.50. Morn, and eve.. Tabor 5337. FOR SALE A complete set of messages and speeches of every president In "0 Tuns"1"3' new anl cb"eP- c" "Wdln. B A K ESHOP outfit, portable oven, trough, bowl, all kinds bread, rakes, cookies' p?.n"- everything you need in bakeshop. a, I for $100. 701 Savier street. NEW Fox portable typewriter. 126-egc Petaluma incubator. 13 vols. Cbidman'i Law library: or will trade for baby chicks or furniture. 0006 40th st. S. E. HOTEL ranges, both single and double oven, which were used by the spruce di vision. May Hardware Co.. 124 Front st. TWO large cameras for sale. 1 6"iis4 view outfit: i 8x10 studio outfit. Address AO 3UH. Oregonian. LARGE cook stove" refrigerator, child's bed. galvanized bath tub. Mason fruit Jars and gas fixtures. 355 Graham avs. 1 ROLL-TOP desk and chair. 1 T wTdesk. 1 flat-ton desk. 1 safe. Bushong & Co 91 Puk st- BLOCK WOOD and heavy slab. l-lneri lengths Quick delivery and fine wood. $6 to $3 cord. Bdwy. 2199. FOR SALE Diving outfit, cheap if taken Otis Week. Leaving town. Kvenlnra. Main 3 1 59. IF YOU are going to do your own electrlo wiring, get our prices on electric sod- piles. Phone Sell. 68. 3A KODAK, No, 1 Seneca. 6 14 -8 14 view camera for sale. Bargains. Bdwy. SOoa. AB 358. Oregonian. JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE. 248 Main s New and second-hand books bought, sold ftnil exchanged All subjects SMALL range with coils. A-i conjl.lon. Also few odd chairs and pocket kodak 552-37. 453 12th st. ' KODA K3T We buy. sell. ren. and exchant k- daks. Sandy's. 329 Washington s. FERTILIZER. Good manure, delivered east or west side. Tabor 2704, Main 44S5. RUDD gas water heater. $15: 6-ft. bath tub and faucets. $i0; 4 Ontal. range boi'- er. $9. Call 769 E. Broadway. East 4X52. PERFECT diamond. 114 karat for quick sale. $J.75; will take some bonds. Mar. FOR SALE New portable chicken coup, never been used, accommodates 15 chlck ena. $17.50. Call Tabor 1220. FOR SALE FalrtjaoKn-llorw six-horse engine and saw. mounted on iron truck. Phone Main 7363. A FIRST-CLASS vulcanizing outfit, al most new; will sell cheap, part or all to- gether. Marshall 1331. DIAMOND ring. 4K, tor $150: wwlid make nice engagement ring. Phone Main 826. SMALL professional motlo-n-olcture and home projector for sale or wtU trade. Bdwy. 30OO. BF S63. Oregonian. LADY'S unfinished 'ashtonable Chechen worsted suit, size 40; also gent's oi.lr. Call Monday. Woodlawn 1313. ALMOST new $60 navy blue Georgette ma ternity dress, size 42. will sell cheap Marshall 15H5. . SOME choice perennials at bargain; alas gladiolus bulbs. Gladiolus Farm. ing. Or. FOR SALE Cheap, practically new die: phone ana transmitter. r-lttock SINGER vamping shoe machine. 503 Dekum bldg. Home Sundaya. RANGE for saie. Call at 232 E. tUat sC rt Montavllla car. WOOD Country slab, block wood aS railroad ties. Main 2676. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, addlas machine, showcase. 43 1st st-. near Asb, VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented. exchanged, bought, Bentley Co.. M. 4900 FOR rent, vacuum cleaners, 24-hr. day $1" deL anywhere. Bdwy. 258; form Wigjia EBUILT typewriters! EL W. Pease Co. 110 Sixth fct- SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. pacific Tent A Aw.-ilng. 1 N. 1st st- DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 018 COR BETT BLDG. MARSHALL 557. FOR SALE Second-hand safe, good as new. N 116. Oregonian. FOR first-class, 4 ft- fir wood. Bdwy 5121. OAK and fir wood for sale In carloads. AC 358. Oregonian. LARGE white wicker baby cab lor saie in good condition. Call Tabor 4777. ' NEARLY new A. B. combination ran ire cheap Phone East 1151. NEW drag saw, with clutch. $100 2"o - Front St.. near Salmon. East 2949. BEAUTIFUL white fox fur. cost $125 sell lor 4ilV. X . v uua. w-o. ENGLISH BABY CAB. GOOD AS NEW MAIN 5599. -New $75 Hoosier cahinei -.n Marshall 1128. WAYNE outside five-gallon gas pump and fjve-bbl. tank for sale cheap. Tabor 3T' DEEP well pump. Phone Woodlawn1763. Also gentleman's tailor-made suit, WOOD for sale; planer trimmings. $5 per load. Woodlawn 51'04 or 1133 Mont, ave. I DO watch repairing and do it right alil'er., next door Majestic theater GOOD bicycle for sale. Main 3483. 372 Broadway. FOR. SALE- Six-hole range for $10. 3i3 1-;. . Clayst. Call Monday CLASSY auto gauntlet gloves, new. at 126 2d st. PACK your eggs for winter use now: clean, fresh-layed. infertile. E. 404. HEAVY block and slabwood. also 4-foot slab for sale: cheap. Tabor 8679. WHITE tile refrigerator and ice" cream sandwich machine. Call K.. 5400. RANGE in good condition, finobaker Phone K. 6U2U.