12 TilE SUNDAY OltEGONIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 11, 1920 WANTED-REAL. ESTATE. CELLING EAST SIDE PROPERTY. SELLING EAST SIDE PROPERTY. KKLUXO EAST SIDE PROPERTY. SELLING EAST SIDE PROPERTY. Our business is selling east Bide prop erty. List your houses and lots and business property with us. J. J. OEDER CO.. 4 Grand Ave. N., Near E. Ankeny. Phone East 61. 6RLLINO EAST SIDE PROPERTY. EAST SIDE PROPERTY. SELLING EAST SIDE PROPERTY. All the Time. WANTED House of nine or ten rooms; lour or live sleeping rooms, sleeping porch, two bath rooms, maid's room, hot water or gas heat, large living room, full concrete basement. Want at least loOx 100 lot with some trees and double ga rage. Writ. B. F. McBAIN, WEST LINN, OREGON, cample te description and location. Irvlngton preferred, but wiil consider Laurelhurst, Rom City or Alameda Park. WILL give good 16 Ford tour, as first payment ou modern oungaiow, gooa sr.. preferably garage. 1075 Kerby at., or E. 811S. Mr. Crow. FOR SALE Lot Kir Orove. Call Sunday. oodlawn 122. Farms Wanted. COME in and Hat your ranch with us. vve have many calls for valley ranches, well located. Improved and on good roads. We handle only such as are priced right and worth the raortey asked. Wo have at present a ranch of 204 acres. Just aouth of Dallas; SO In culti vation: Id acrea in young prunes; fair buildings, to trade for Portland property and some cash. See Hesgard. with CUE A. McKENNA &. CO., 82 Fourth St. ACREAGE WANTED. Small places, with buildings, close to Portland. We also have two clients for a place with good house, up to $6000, if iocted on good road. s JoHN FEoiUSON,, Garlinger bldg. WANT AROUND 100 ACRES. W'ant around lOO acres, must be good land, mostly cleared, well improved, well located and stocked and equipped. For such a place have Immediate buyer who will pay around $20,000 if suited; end particulars at once from any good part of the valley. Hargrove Realty m Co., 12 2 N. Sth at. INCOME PROPERTY FOR FARM. 1 have a three-story brick building producing a good Income on the West aide, price of this building Is $35,000 and I will accept a farm up to $25. OOO in value, balance mortgage at 6 per cent. JOHN WEIST COMPANY, 808 Lewla Bldg. I WANT the best buy obtainable In a di versified farm not too far from Portland. I want improved buildings and a place that I can move my family on at once. If you have a bargain, give particulars and how to get In touch with you to see your place. Y 184, Oregonlan. WANT small farm of 35 to 50 acres within i miles of city; should have livable house and reasonable for cash and mort gage back. R. F. Bryan. 509 Cham, of Com. Main 1163. Res. Main 3225. WANT 20 to 100 acrea. improved farm, winamette vaney or trioutary to Port land ; please submit at once price and complete detail to A. K.l Hill. 215 Lum bermena bldg.. Portland. Or. WANT from 10 to 50 acres improved; reasonably clone to Portland, at a bar gain price. Write me description; state price and how to get there. Y 188. Oregonlan. 40 ACRES OR MORE, some Improved, running water; must be bargain for cash, not over $2000; mean buinei. Write fully, box 75, Ariel, Wash. FA KM wanted. 10 to 30 a., imp'd, Wash ington Co., wet t to h orest Grove, south to Sherwood. What have you ? Give de tailed descrip., terms. A V 571, Oregonian. FIVE to 20 acres on S. P. eiectric near Portland ; state location, price, terms, etc. owners only. A R 311. Oregonian. WILL give CASH and $25,000 ranch for Willamette valley dairy to 75.000. UT1S C. BECK. 525 Henry bldg. Wanted to Kent farms. 1 HAVE two clients wanting to rent farms ol loo to .sou acres. 1 hey will purchase lock, crops ana equipment. They mean business. Write me it you want to sell ouu A. G. BENDER, R1TTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT to work a ranch on shares for bUBinesH man who does not want to sell hi 8 place. BJ 451. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. 1 MILLION FEET F SAW TIMBER. 21MH) CORDS OF WOOD ON THIS 60-ACKE RANCH. Located 1 miles from station. 20 miles from Portland, on bard road, 6 acres under cultivation. 4-' room house, barn, woodshed, well, creek through place. 50 acres till able when cleared. 4 mile to school, money -making proposition from the wood alone to say noth ing of the land. Good terms, price $65tfO. See SAM HEWEY. at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 6 AW MILL BARGAIN IN BENTON COUNTY. Complete sawmill outfit. 8 to 10 thousand capacity, portable. 25 horae power, V" type Fairbanks Mnrse, oil engine, complete mill with cut-off saw. 7000 feet fine second growth fir timber, loca ted 1 mile from railroad station, new plank road to station. Price for everything, immediate possession, $3500. MILLER & WALTER. CorvaUis, Or. FOR SALE Twenty thousand trU. half mile from siding by flume, half mile log haul to mill by plank truck road yellow fir, plenty of it: $1 per thousand. cutting contract ; donkey engine, fully equipped: going proposition: good ground : $7500. Hinkson & Wood, Eu- gne, Oregon, r"none l ih. FOR SALE Twenty-five thousand mill two domceys, fully equipped, running ful blast, fine location. ellow fir, good ground, short haul ; good pond ; plent y timber, pay as cut ; loping ."; plep t.v dock room ana siaet rack : main line price 35.(N0. Hinkson &. Wood. Eu rne. Oregon. $000 CORDS ot fir timber 2 miles from scappoose, 40 acrea, close to railroad, f.too rash and term win swing thin. 12.01M1.000 ft. Lincoln county: crow Ins timber; will sell for $12. OOO, or will take rarm or city property. See B. M rnce tk to,, JW Henry bldg. 1 AM in the market to purchase aonroxi mately 10.000,000 to SO.OOo.poo ft. medium size fir timber of good merchantable grade; must be located clow to main U n transportation system suitable for small bawmiii location. AN 408. Orego r tan. xl0 SEATTLE DONKEY. 1200 feet o 1-inch Itne. 2800 feet of V-inch line, a! necessary blocks, chock era, yarders and man toois ; price -umi. F. K. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To buy small sawmill and bo factory, wun or near -available pine tlm ber ana home market. State location newer, capacity, price and terms in fi-s ieiter. Koii. k riuiipp, 14 Kucker at e., Bvercu, v ar. WE HAVE for f-ale a dandy little mi only 10 mites nom I'orttand: p rait tea com plet e ; capacity about 1 0M. If ol " before Sunday. $ l!.0. rh is. it a snap. A'Z4 Yeon Ding 1 UK HI KCn IU(PAV FOR SA LE By owner. 4.000.O0O feet fi near 2 eiectric lines and paved high way lo forts mi. - miles ; I oo :a 1 balance pay us cut;, good uilii site. A 57 5, oregonian. FOR SALE, or on 50-50 basis. D.OOii.noO feet of fine timber on abou lower lolumbla. Wash, hide, mile from river. ror particulars rail 5 Co 8 P, 6i0 Mississippi avu.. .Portland. Or. M. 25 MILLION fine fir timber, a mile from main line rauroaa town ; gooa logging and sawmill chance; 12.50 per M, part cash. HP 3UV,Oregonian. ' tTm B k r FO r" S A le! 100 acres. 5500 M.. close to market, f irt-c!nf! sawmill chance; other tracts up to I'O milling. East 419. .TJ0 ACRES GX.D TIMBER. Half mile from station and fidctrack: a good sawmill deal on good terms. See 1 lrapcr. 4Ql Board of Trade. 1 40 ACRES of timber for aale or will trade for good residence property, clear . fr clear. 20 miles out. B 1!;, ore- gr. n I an. ttoo.iMH) FEET KIR. In solid body, in V:inineton county, one mile from rU ro.id. ripe for mall mill or logging. Ad riresa o er, box 2o4, Sumner, Wash. IOOO.UOO FEET old-growth fir. good "log ging proposition, on easy terms. BD 414. Oregonian. FOR SALE A second-growth timber claim in Lincoin county i low price; a good n a r g a 1 n. H 5 1 , Ore g o n t arL yOR SAL55 Three million cedar; good shingle proposition. AB 418. Oregonian. RANTED Sawmill headblorks to handle o and tf-lt. logs. AC 305 Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. HERE'S a rnl mill tT,.t wilt An h work; 4x10. 90 H. P. boiler. 12x29 Atlas ! 20 engine. 3 54-in. screw-head blocks and set workn. 2 52 and 1 50-in. saws. 1 50 in. cutoff saw. 1 hand edger; 1 4x42 gang edger, 1 6x24 3-side planer with all knives, log turn and heavy log haul, friction feed with all heavy shafting, extra line shaft, all necessary boxes and pulleys, etc. Sumner logging donkey 9x10, 1000 feet main line. 2000 feet trip, chokers, yarding lines, etc.. com plete at a bargain. This is a real mill, not a scrap pile. This mill is ready to put right onto the cars. About 16 million feet of fine red fir. mile from R. R. and river: this is one of the best chances you can find; logging conditions and general conditions are excellent. Entrance. 324 Yeon bldg. THE BIRCH COMPANY. FOR .SALE Several mill settings with timber handy, from six million upward; good timber: mile or lea to sidings: cut ting contracts; good ground, good tim ber: Douglas fir: also mills with or without timber. We invite you to write, call, come, Hinkson & Wood, Eugene, Oregon. FOR RENT FARMS. DAIRT FARM. 379 acres 320 acres level. 250 acres under plow, 320 acres bottom land, A-l soil, some timber, family orchard, all undr good fence, mostly woven wire. 3 miles from R. R. sta., 20 miles from Portland; R. F. D. ; well watered with creeks and springs, modern, up-to-date 9-room house, 2 barns, all out buildings; will lease for S125 per month. Personal property and crops for sale as follows; Cleve land tractor, mower, rake, 4-horse plow, 3-section disc, cultivator, separator, feed mill, hay rack, 1 lumber wagon, buggy, double and single harness, tractor, oil and gaa tanks, breaking plow, all small tools. 3 horses, 1 pony, 12 cows, 12 heifers. 1 bull, brood sow, chick ens, ducks, etc. 40 acres oats, cheat and clover. Price $5500. Beaverton, Or., farm, GO acres, all level, A-l loam soil, 35 A. un der cultivation, 5 acres beaverdam. all fenced with woven wire, hi mile ' to school, 1 well. 4-room house, big bam, all outbuildings, rent $300 per year. Personal property and crops for sale; , Wagon 3 sets of harness, 3 beds, cookstove, heat ing stove and. all small tools, 2 good horses. 6 good brood sows. 1 boar, 17 piss, 110 chickens, 500 pounds of spring wheat, 1 ton hay, 1 plow and 1 cultivator, 6 acres timothy, 5 acres oats. Price $1850. BLACHLY, OR., FARM. 170 acres, all deep, rich bottom land, 70 acres under plow, some timber, well fenced, good family orchard, berries, etc., 6 miles to good store, creamery, church, school, etc. ; R. F. D., telephone, gravity water system to buildings, hot and cold water in the house, acetylene gas lights in house, barn, and separator house; good 6-room house, also 3-room house for help; 2 barns, 44x04, 40x48; large straw shed, silo 12x26, machinery, shed, separator house. new chicken house, hog house, root house, etc.; is well watered with creeks; will lease for 3 years for 1-3 crop per year; personal property and crops for rale as follows; 2 wagons, 2 seated top buggy, 1-seated top buggy; 1 binder, sulky, disc culti vator. 3 walking plows, 3-section harrow, weeder, 3-horse disc, mower, cream separator, rake, H interest in caterpillar, h interest in ensilage cutter, 1-9 interest in engine and grain separator, 1 grain cleaner. 1 14-disc grain drill, walk ing cultivator, root cutter. 5-horse gas engine, 3 horses. 2 sets double leather harness, 2 sets single leather harness, 1 set double lag harness, 2 registered Holsteln cows, 1 registered He-lsteln bull, 13 grade Holstein cows. IS acres In fall grain. This personal property Is all good and the farm machin ery is practically all new and is for sale by owner at $3000. Mo acres. Sllverton. 50 acres level, 25 acres under plow. Berries and family orchard. A-l soil, a'l well fenced. 7 miles from rail road, R. F. D., telephone, good 3-room house. 2 bams, all outbuild ings. Rent 3 years $300 per year. Personal property for sale, wagon, carriage. binder. mower. rake, drill, disc, harrow. 3 cultivators, ensilage cutter, 2 horses, 1 colt. 3 years old, cow, 2 heifers. 9 shoats 1 sow, 70 chickens. 2 acres wheat. $1400re oats and vetch. Price WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. For rent. lfiO acres neay all level. 120 acres under plow, all bottom land, fine family orchard Place all fenced, Fome timber. 1 miles from main line of S. P. R R 1 mile from school. R. F. D A-l gravel road, good well, good 8-rm plastered house, large barn all outbuildings. Lease 3 years, $500 first year. $60O two years, $ii50 cash, balance this fall. UMATILLA COUNTY FARM 58S acres. 300 acrea ready for plow, more can be cultivated good soil, all fenced with wire. mile from railroad station, ft miles from Pendleton on the Umatilla river good 3-room house, two barns' a cellar, blacksmith shop and gran ary, will furninh 1 combine thresh er. 1 2-gang bottom plow and lease for 5 years at $000 p.r vear The owner- ttates this land will produce 2. to 30 bushed or wheat to an acre; 40 or 50 bushels of barley, GASTON. OR.. DAIRY FARM ftO 'acres. 30 A. under cultivation nit buildings, such as house, bam and outbuildings; good soil; 1 mile to railroad station; rent paid to Nov. 1. lv.M; crop, stock and im plements for sale; 18 milch cows 2 calves, bull, learn and pony; harness, bueiey. 2 wucnn mu iAtf, jiiow, small tools silage, rtraw. milking feed cutter, engine. , nay. en machine, platform Vou ra - in. ecaies, wood cut for come now bout StiOII tiAr mnt u Price $5500. A. G. BKNhKR RITTER, LOWE & CO., -01-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FARM FOR RENT. PKRSONAL PROPERTV FOR SALK. 318 acres. Columbia river bottom land, most all in cultivation or open puslure; full srt of farm nuiidtngs, large rilo. $75 per month rent, duck lakes rented for $300 per yenr: personal property con sists of .".5 high-gr-nde milk cows, mostly Holsteln; 4 2-yoHr-old Hoi stein heifers. 7 Hoist el 11 yearlings regifitered Holsteiti bull. 4 head of fine workhorses, full lin of farm machinery, new Republic truck, gas engine, ensilage cutter and blower. Sharpies milking ma chine. This is considered one of the. best hay and grass farms on the Columbia river bottom. Price. Including lease and personal prop erty. $10,500. half cash. Cows averaging 4 gals, per day each; Income $750 to $800 per month. FARM FOR RENT. 'PKRSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. Columbia river bottom farm In side the city limits of Vancouver for tease, the following personal property for sale: 33 excellent dairy cows, most all of them fresh; 7 head of heifers, some of the cows registered; registered Holstein bull. Ford truck. 2 gas engines, ensilage cutter and elevator. 2 horses; Income at present over $1500 per month: best milk route in the city. Crops all seeded, buildings all electric lighted and city water; up-to-date dairy, mod ern house and dairy barn. Rent $50 per month. This Is undoubted ly the biggest money maker in a retail route In or around Port land. Price $0500. $ooimi cjsh. Will stand the strictest investigation. THOMPSON, SWAN LEE 3D AND MAIN STS VANCOUVER. WASHINGTON. CHICKEN ranch Tor rent. Four large chicken houses and barn. Large six room house, 14 acres with good pas ture. On Oregon City cariine Just 3ft minutes" ride from Portland. Good water system. $35 per month. Also a good Jersey cow for sale. Call per phone. Oak Grove 14J. 3" ACRESiti Mt. Tabor, near 73d street 21 fruit trees Including cherries, plums, walnuts, currant bushes and all berries and grapes of the finest varieties; ground for garden truck. ideal place for any one to make quick money. For par ticulars East 2s5 or Main 6X69. SO ACRES, near Oregon City ; 17 culti vated; bul'dlngs, orchard, stream; sea son's rent $-00; sell for $SO0 and ac cept residence part payments. Evenings, Ta bor 7055 25 ACRES, Hood River, house, some furni ture, orchard. 8 a., cherries. apples, pears, hay, garden, pasture. $400 cash. Frank M c Far land. 28 Falling bldg. 40 ACRES, modern buildings, adjoins the town of Estacada. See Webster K f 11 -caid, 526 Henry bldg. Phone Main 4735. 20 A C R PC STi nest soil (Just plowed ) . close In, near highway; rent 1-5 crop. Owner, care Morgan Razor Works. DATRY or truck farm on Beaverton paved highway, 1 mile east Beaverton, J. A. ilott farm. FOB RENT FARMS. ACRES, 1 mile east of Estacada, or. IS cleared, lots of small fruit, a good 6-rooni house, large barn, large chicken coop and run, $150 in advance and $50 In work on place. You will find this cheap rent for the place. CARY REAL ESTATE CO.. Estacada, Or. FOR RENT. 10-acre suburban place, 4-room house, barn, ten head of stock, good orchard, 20 minutes from center of city by auto; $20 per month. A. W. LAMBERT & SON. 404 East Alder Street. Corner Grana Avenue. Phone East640. FOR-SALE or rentT120-acre farm. Stoc and equipment ror saie; rem year. Good roads. R. R. 1. South Mills, Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. HIGH-CLASS 40-ACRE EQUIPPED FARM 25 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Located 1 mile from Pacific highway on hard surface road; no better soil this side of the Cascade mountains; virtually all under cul tivation and in crop; good water; 6-room house, new barn, outbuild ings: family orchard, berries and team, wagon and harness, 3 cows, chickens, full equipment farm im plements. Price $10,000. Will ex change for Portland residence up to $ 4 1 KM). This place never offered for exchange before. Owner will be in our office Monday only. See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hartman Co., .No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 152H-ACRE FARM. 9 MILES FROM PORTLAND, CLEAR OF INCUMBRANCE. EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY AND ASSUME. PREFER APARTMENT HOUSE. This is one of the beat close-in farms that can possibly be obtained; can be reached from the postoffice by auto in Ies than 20 minutes, on paved roads. Price of this place is $00,000. which is cheap. Here Is another excellent opportunity to take in a farm as a substantial pay ment on your Income property. JOHN WEIST COMPANY, 808 Lewis Bldg. GOOD TRADE Extra choice. unincumbered, modern 7-room house, in Florence. Lane county. Or.; to exchange for property in or near Portland or Corvallis. This is one of the very best and most attractive houses in Florence, comparatively new, very sightly and will be priced around $5000. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. EXCHANGE NOB HILL APARTMENT INCLUDING FURNITURE. INCOME $645 PER MONTH. Apartment house, three stories, com pletely furnishea. locatea in tne oei sentinn of Nob Hill district. lot is 60X 100; will take clear farm close to Port land or good city , income property clear of incumbrance, up to $30,000, balance mortgage; price $50,000. This property will net over 10 per cert on the amount JOHN WEIST COMPANY, SC8 Lewis Bldg. DANDY 16-aere on main line of Oregon electric: 5 -room bungalow nearly new; nice bsrn and other outbuildings ; orchard; land all very fertile and under cult.; most of it in crop new. Owner will trade this place even for house valued at $4000; or will sell for $1200 down. Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett bldg. NIC 13 3i acres on Milwaukee road to ex change lor or o-room moaern uuuo , will pay difference. 5 acres to trade for house or 6 or more rooms, worth $5000. Be sure and call on us if you want to sell or exchange your property, either houses or acreage. We handle values only ; no Junkmen need see us. PEPER & RICHARDS. 508 Buchanan Bldg. BUI LD1NG with 3 store rooms in first- class condition. moaern. paie giaeo fronts, street is hard surfaced and the sewer Is in; 2 good set of flats above, in the best Industrial district of Port land; cash value $12,000; will exchange for a f irst-clacs farm within 35 miles of Portland and assume If values war rant: no Inflated values considered. AO :l. Oregonian. 6 2Q' 100 ACRES, 400 ft. irom city limits 01 Vancouver, 4 minutes waia irom tun and Main sta.. facing on good road, elec tricity available. 2 acres cultivated, balance 5 or 6 small stumps and brush, hatit nf tnil. no stone, no buildings. fenced, sell on very eaay terms or will consider improved city property. Owner. BD 376. Oregonian. 640-ACRE WHEAT FARM. In eastern Washington, near station, all in cultivation. 350 acres lit crou taJl goes), farm buildings, plenty of water: price $32,000. Take Willamette valley farm to $25,000. balance mortgage. I-UEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. W A'TS WHEAT FARM. Fine farm within 20 mite of Portland, j with modern buildings; price $25000. . clear. Will trade for wheat farm In Sherman or Wasco county anu assume some difference. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. m FOR EXCHANGE. 53 1-3 acre tract containing fine com mercial bearing orchard of choicest va rieties fruit, some alfalfa and other crops. Price will concede reduction in price If property suits. GEO E. ENGLEHART CO., Main 766. 624 Henry bldg. B E A UT I FV fTTfOM E K X C H A N G E. Have three lots, beautiful grounds, 11 room modern houye. corner. on the heights. Price $25,000. Will consider other good property to $16. 0O0. Prefer smaller home. See Mr. Eptom, J. ROB BINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Mln 79" 1. FOR SALE OR TRADE 20 acres, all in cultivation, near Vancouver: 5 acres In bearing prune; 7-room house, smal. barn and other outbuildings; good well. Price $4300. Would exchange my equity of $25O0 for 5 or 6-room house in Port land and assume up to j.i.miu. Address owner. 835. E. 30th st. S.. Portland, Or. 335 ACRES, about 130 In walnuts. 11 years old, with cherry fillers: 80 acres In mea dow . bal. pasture and timber; ful ly equipped, tractor, etc.; hst location Wil lamette vat'iey. Price $:;.Yonn. Wiil con sider city property In exchange for part or all. J. G. Gustaff, 420 Henry bldg.. Main 7248. WANTS WHEAT FARM. Exceptionally well located farm with in 11 miles of Portland and Just off paved highway: price $45,000. Will trade for good wheat farm; might assume rea sonable amount. LUEDD&M ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. SEATTLE HOME WANTED. Will exchange my most beauti ful home here. AH 367, oregonlan. 20 ACRES Malheur county and lot Lake view, Oregon, exchange for logged-off land or equity, Portland lot or bun galow. If difference will pay cash. Give lull particulars, price ana location. AP 316, Oregonian. CALIFORNIA. Good six-room modern house and two lots at Pacific Grove, a beautiful city 00 the sea coast, lor a house within a mile of Jefferson high. $3500. Give or take email dlf ferem-. 4903 34th avo. VANCOUVER, WASH.. 6-room modern bouse and gara ge 2 nice lots, several nice bearing fruit trees. Will take light - auto as part payment, balance $40 per month. 3201 Kauffman st. CALIFORNIA- -acre lot with small house In Los Angeies. $2io0. Portland property as first payment, balance terms. 4903 34th avenue. 14 ACRES, two nuies from city limits, several hundred cords of wood, some cut; want 40 to SO acres, Molalla dis trict. AP 369. Oregonlan. SOME cash and lot. close In. East Wash ington, for house and ground outside city limits. . East 5505. WILL trade 20 lots in a good live town for an automooiie. Apt. 4. Tel. Mar 2141. 6-ROOM house, garage. lot 50x100. Sun- n vside, for acreage, close in. Fisher, Tabor 2634. P. M. ONE ACRE at Sheridan, good soil, sell reasonable, or exchange for Portland property, owner a.n o.', oregonian. HAVE 2 clients waiting for house In S. Portland, S. or Market and W. of 4th. HENRY W. OOPDARP. 243 Stark st. WANT city home for suburban on car- line. After Sunday, call Tabor 8879. READ WALNUT. PARK'S AD. under lota also houses for sale. EXCHANGE Seattle lot fur Portland nmn erty. G. Towntend. owner. 55 Union ave. A PIEDMONT lot for Oakland or Frisco lot. owner. E 84, Oregonlan. BY OWNER Clear lots for acreage, neat city, or oungaiow. aiaio iuu. TO KXCHAN'GE REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE. 160-acre southern Oregon ranch, good house, barn and outbuildings; wine under cultivation; partly fenced, two million feet saw timber; will consider trade for good modem bungalow in city of Portland. S7 acres In Benton county. Wash., . mile from O. & W. Ky. station; near state aid highway and newly surveyed gor ernment irrigation ditch; very rich soil; owner will trade for improved ranch or acreage in vicinity of Portland. 20 acres best berry land, cleared, slashed and burned; small house, good barn and woodshed: hot and cold water with good pressure ; some apple trees in bearing; 2 mares, about 1300 pounds each. 2-year-old colt, 3 cows, gasoline launch, row boat and scow; some farm Implements and lumber; $2700 less mtg. of $1H0. Also 9-room house and large lot; SIMM), less mortgage of $iHK; will con sider trade for Unproved 40 acres, more or less, in vicinity of Portland or other good town. 160 acres of good orchard soil witn two million feet saw timber in Hood River county. Or. Owner will trade for good o-roora cottage or bungalow in Portland and pay difference if any. Good two-story 7-room, modern house, sewer and pavement In, on car line; some fruit trees; $5000 less mort gage $2500; owner will trade equity for acreage with buildings, close to Port land. SEE PIERSON. 415 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Marshall 3716. DAIRY FARM. FOR LAND IN DRIER CLIMATE. Splendid dairy farm down Columbia river from Portland, on good graveled road, V mile to school, 5 miles to count? seat, on a beautiful stream, 72 acres, very richest of bottom land. 50 acres in high state of cultivation; no section beats this for crops. Buildings all jiew; 6-room bungalow, full basement, large new barn, numerous outbuildings. artificial fish lake, absolutely an Ideal country home; 17 head dairy cattle, fine team, hogs, chickens, implements, player ptano. household goods, all go; price $12,500; federal loan $4000; account wife -having asthma will trade for property in drier climate. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th st. Broadway '4381. WEST SIDE. j BRICK BUILDING. EXCHANGE FOR FARM. 1 Three-story brick building on corner lot, 50x100, located on the west aide, reasonable close in. The building is used for stores on the first floor and rooming house or hotel on the second and third floors. It Is brick construction : there is a mortgage of $10,ot0 at 6 per cent. The party offering this property will take clear farm worth $25,000 or good apartment, business site or sites for the equity; total price of building $35,000. This property is leased for approxi mately $200 per month. JOHN WEIST COMPANY. 808 Lewis Bldg. LOOK! LOOK! Wanted A well-stocked. Improved farm, or city property, ror one of the finest hotel buildings and grounds in the city for sale or trade : furnished throughout, five stories, all 3 stories, solid brick building, 52 rooms rented; large pool room with fruit and cigar stand; everything goes as it - stands, price $85. OOO ; also 7 lots, close in on cariine. My health Is the reason. Give full particulars In answer. Owner, Hotel Newton, 22d and Ballard, Seattle, Wash. FULLY STOCKED. 233 acres, near Sheridan; 140 acres In cultivation. 40 acres orchard; prunes and apples, modern bldgs., including bath, gas, lights throughout house and barn; crops all in, nil stock and equip ment included for $30,000. terms to suit or will take some city or nearby prop erty. W. C. Becktell. 1100 N. W. Bank building. ACREAGE FOR LOT. 10 acres of rich river-bottom land, close to Oregon City and electric: none better: all under cultivation and ready for crop; Is wonderful gardening or potato land: only $3500; will take clear lot in North Portland to $2500. balance cash. KASER RAINEY. S23-6Gasco Bldg. Main 7602. A 2 GOO A ORB stock and grain ranch. 8 miles from Condon. Or.: 1000 acres In cultivation and the balance Is pasture, except some 200 acres more that could be broken and farmed: small house and fair barn: good well, with gasoline en gine; all fenced; Hay creek runs through the place, which makes it Ideal for pas ture; might consider part trade. $10,000 cash and balance crop payments. B. J. Fike. Nez Perce. Idaho. WANT INCOME. From $20,000 to $50,000 of good, clean Portland property to exchange for In come property and assume, preferably apartment house. If you have Income property that you will take some ex change on. I am satisfied that I can get you a deal of mer'.t. JOHN WEIST COMPANY. MIS Lewis Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE In Riverside. Cal.. en Main St., modern 8-room house, rirst c:asa condition; lot 55xl5iH. C??VTZ Brings in $37 per month. Price $a0O0. mortgage $1S00, 3 years. Want 6-room bungalow, large lot, cloe in to Portland, or some business In Portland. Owner. Mrs. Peterson. 494 E. 7th L. Riverside. Cal. ' EXCHANGE. Well-located 8-room house and busi ness property valued at $15,000 to ex- change for a well-lccated farm. Call end submit your proposition to Mr. Chris- te INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO , Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. OPPORTUNITY. I can accept some good vacant prop erty aw part payment on absolutely mod ern home, situated on a splendid corner with garage and every up to date ap pointment. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 'FECIAL opportunity Beautiful 15 acres, near Vancouver; well improved, ideal location. y $4000: also 10 near CresweJl and Eugene. !4 acres enmmerciah or chard: good buildinga: $4000: for mi- mpiliuic m!iIa uncont reiri ence. a u torn o bile. cheaD lot on either. Owner. 141 E. 61U h N. Even In gH. Tabor 7Q55. " FOR S A l.K ORTR A DE. Lincoln county farm on Yaqiiina hay. 1 27 acres ; will take Portland 6-room modern bungalow f rom Belmont to 504 sou 1 11. as. pa rt payment ; a 1 1 good tin provements; muni have some cash and test on easy terms. Phone Sellwood 1721. FARM FOR CITY. I have farm of 10O acres to exchange for flat building, preferably on (he west side; the same is clear and 1 might assume a little. Pee me st once. JOHN WEIST COMPANY, 808 Lewla Bldg. GENUINE STOCK FARM. We. have a splendid stock farm with good hay land and outrange, large stock barn, good farm" house; price $30,000. Exchange for Portland property. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northweatedn Bank Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, rt-room modern house, furnace, fire place. nice built-in features, corner lot, paved st.. near car, west of 38th st. Value $4500. Want 5-room cottage or bungalow for equity of $25on. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165H 4th at. BIG BEARING ORCHARD. About 90 acres In best commercial varieties, all hearing; price $22,500; wil'i trade up to $ 1 7.5O0. balance mortgage LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 160 ACRES wheat land. Benton county, Washington, value $4000; trade for lota In good location, Portland, or mdse. J. B. ATKINSON. 112 West Sixth St.. Vancouver. Wash. WANT one or more lots with small house and bearing fruit, close to car: terms or will exenanre some diamonds, also ladv'a Alaska sealskin coat. AN 209. Orego nian. FOR SALE or trade; a one-story brick store. 30x70. and stock of general mer chandise; will sell outright or would exchange for a good small farm. Apply to R. P. Hamblin. Lafayette. Oregon. NEAR CAM AS. TJO acrea. 50 in cultivation, good buildings, on good road, well worth $15,000; want city property. W. C. Becktell, HOP N. W. Bank hldg. $10.000 BUSINESS building and ground bringing $H0 per month In Clatskanie. Or. Price $10,000; might accept half trade. P. O. box 204,-Clatskanie, Or. 80ACRES. 2 miles E. Oregon City, 100 prune trees, 12 fruit, 5 timber. 2 springs, building: cash or small apartment' Phone 213-0 lv aktKD. to t rade. 2 fine residence int. in Alameda park for standard make car In good condition. Address Wallowa Laae i am, juwii, 250 ACRES, mostly all in cultivation, fair bldgs., wen wunn iwu pt-r acre; want one or two good houses. W. C. Becktell. FOR SALE cheap, nice small home, or will trade for a good touring car.- Bdwy. 1761 HAVE 85 acres of land at Seabeck. Wash, will trade for house In Portland or Port land property. C. Stoll. Orchards. Wash. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 640 ACRES. 7 miles from Net Perce. Idaho, about 840 acres In cultivation, balance firM-class pasture land with running stream, good 5-room house, bunk house, large barn, large round-roof fattening house, large machine shed, good well with water piped to house and barn lots, 5-ton Fairbanks-Morse scales; all fenced and cross-fenced with about 2 miles of hog-tight fencing. Place In a high state of cultivation. 2 miles to ship ping point. Price $50,000; mortgage of J70o at 5 H 7c. 4M acres. 17 miles from Nes Perce. Idaho; fair Improvements ; 2 good fprings with pumping plant, family or chard; 0O acres in cultivation: 8 acres more being broken up this spring, bal ance first-class pasture; 2 miles to ah lo ping point and 3 miles to store. Price $45,000; mortgage of $17,500. 320 acres 6 miies southeast of Cheney. Wash.; good 6-room house, targe horse barn and large cow barn : well water: all fenced and cross-fenced; 100 acres In meadow and balance pasture and timber. Price $12,500; mortgage of $ttO0O. win trade eifher of theoe places tor a stock of general mercha ndfse of about the size of the value of the Place or will trade all three ranches and con sider a stock of merchandise up to $100,000. B. J. FIKE. " Nes Perce. ldahK WELL IMPROVED 51 -ACRE DAIRY FARM FOR FRUIT AND BERRY RANCH; PAY DIF FERENCE, All In cultivation. 35 acres In clover, balance crop; fenced and cross fenced with woven wire; 1 mile Pacific highway; good 8-room plastered house ; water piped in ; good barn, 11 stanchions, nay car rier, silo, other outbuildings; phone, R. F. D. and cream route; improvements would cost over $4500. Price $8000. Will ex change for No. 1 fruit and berry ranch up to $12,000; will go up to $15,0o0 If equipped and price is right. See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hartman Co., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CLEAR FARM FOR CITY PROPERTY. 161 acrea. 90 acres clear In cultiva tion, balance oak grubbed timber and pasture; land Is slightly rolling; build ings fair, but old; good spring and well: the fences are wire and rail: on good gravel road, 1 '4 miles to station near Dallas; price $20,000; will exchange this property clear of Incumbrance for Port land Income property, such as flats or an apartment house If exceptionally good might assume up to $5O0. JOHN WEIST COMPANY. SOS Lewis Bldg. TILLAMOOK ACREAGE. 80 acres of black sandy loam with hundreds of cords of alderwood; some creek bottom, some level, some rolling and hilly; nearly all tillable; on good county and auto road. 5Vi miles from Tillamook City, about W mile from Netarts bay beach. 1 miles from Ne tarts summer resort; full view of bay, spit and ocean; good fishing, hunting and clams; good prospect of oil on this land ; n improvements. For sale by owner on very easy terms. Will con-s-ider trade. AC 414, Oregonian. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. All rooms finished In beautiful old Ivory; reception hall, large sitting and dining room, white enamel kitchen with new linoleum. 2 pretty bedrooms, fine bathroom with best plumbing, large front and back porches; one-half block from car; near school; good district. $4500 value, $24)00 first mortgage. Want 40-50 acres Willamette valley good wheat farm close to station. No agents Owner. 303 Commonwealth bldg.. Port land, Or. ,OR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 160 acres In Deschutes county. 10 miles from Bend or Redmond, all in cultivation. 4-room house, barn. etc. ; Tl1!!,001 Portland residence up to $u000. 160 acres in Mountrail county. South Dakota: will exchange for small tract with house; poor health necessitates the owner living on coast" s O. B. RIppEY. 3i'9 Henry Bldg. Maln 2534. -OREGON-CALIFORNIA EXCHANGES. Clear Oregon lands and properties to exchange for California; prefer Los An geles county or Orange county. Owner's health requires change; can handle from $5000 to $125,000. Quick action, liberal deals. FISH & HODGES, ALBANY. OREGON. HOSPITAL FOR SALE. One of the nicest small hosoltals and surgeries in the city; 20 beds, surgery well equipped, well located, close In. everything in first-class shape, making good money. Will sell on easv terms or trade for farm, acrea ire. house and lot or other property. This Is a big money maker for the right party. AR 307. Ore gonlan. WANTS WEST SIDE PROPERTY. Client has fine property, price $25,000. clear, to trade for flats or ants, on west side ; would assume reasonable amount if income Justified. Prefers property in southwest portion of citv. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. REAL APARTMENT FOR EXCHANGE. One of the best 10-rootn apartments paying good income. Price $25. 000. Wil! consider other property or good farm. See Mr. Epton, . J. BOBBIN'S. 301 Rail w ay Exchange. Main 7031. KXTHA NGfT MEDFORD PROPERTY. Wanted for apartment house, at va cant cornt-r. favorably located. $15, OOO; - income $100 per mouth. GEO E. ENGLEHART CO., Main ?2fift. R24 Henry bldg. FARM NEAR CITY. 50 acres with house, near Damascus. 14 miles fror Portland: owner will ac cept Portland property in exchange. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W.Bank Bldg. WE have several stocked and equipped farms that we can take in citv propert as part payment. These farms range from $f0o to $20,000 In value STEWART & BUCK, 315 North western Rank bldg. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Ixt block 11. Council Crest Park Add. or will trade for Seattle property. I will ad vance money to pay all assessments to date. H. W. Davis, lulu Palm avenue. Seattle, Wash. FOR SALE or trade by owner, a 10-nrre farm under government irrigating ditch 2 mils from Merrnlston. f Jr. ; dry cli mate and loner growing season. R G Ross, 841 E. Stark st.. Portland, Or WILL exchange for furnishings of modern apartment house, my equity of $:;5(H hi fn-MM home at 25th and Halsey-jftid 1 .tnr tasii. j 11 ans wenn g g location. X 125. Oregonian. your $4000 WORTH of clear real estate to trade for an equity in improved acreage or some business proposition of merit Will go anywhere. Prefer southern California BO 3w, Oregonlan. WHAT have you to trade for fine lot 90 xlOO and residence in vallew town' on Oregon electric and Southern Pacific? Worth $3000; unincumbered. Address owner. 361 Glenn ave.. Portland FOR SALE 4-roora bungalow; newly tinted, enameled and painted; trade equity for vacant lots or auto; ons-balf block to Mt. Scott car line. 7029 B4th ae. S. E. Phone Sell. Ifepa. FOR SALE or trade, 120-acre farm and timber land, 4 nallllon feet timber, close to market; sell cheap. R. R. 1 box 15 Smith Mills. 0r. a0 ACRES pear Beaverton. all In cuitfva tlon but 5 acres: good noil and lies fine Will sscrlflce this on easy terms AG 413. Oregonlan. lOOxino HOLLA DA Y park seaside clatsop $300; 30x100 on Cornell road, $150- botli free and clear to trade. What have you? Owner. AE 408, Oregonian. W A NT a good modem re i d en ce in Vo b Bill district, up to $15.0-mi. Make vour price right and I can sell vour homt HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark st. EQUITY $1700. - in ft-ronm house bath basement, gas. electricity, garage for acreage. AM330, Oregonian. Owner. EXCHANGE 120 acrea, unimproved land near Mosier, Or., for vacant lots or what have you? AE 3K5, Oregonlan. SO ACRES Douglas fir. value $J20o esti mated 2.0O0.OO0. will exchange for small car and d ifference. AL 317. rego n I a n . $650 FIRST mortgage, well secured, for house equity. Kelly, 715 Swetland bldg Main 7776. 5-ROOM cottage with bath, gas. etc.. 115 Revere, for rent st $21 per month. H'BNR Y W. GOD DARD. 243 Stark St. 10-ACRE apple orchard; owner Is a builder and will trade for Portland vacant lota. See A. Vester. 223 Henry bldg. WILL exchange best bargain city, im proved, for acres, large or small, or wl sell. No agents. W 123. Oregonlan. WILL exchange Federal 1 -ton truck In good condition for house equity. Phone Bdwy. 1758. WANT to selr or trade lot 75x100, two blocks from Rose City car. Tabor 8511. SEATTLE $250 lot. will trade for Portland lot. Main i44n. FINE lot In R. C. Park on exchange for Seaside lot. Tabor 3531. 22-ROOM frame house for sale or trade. Hall. 211 Washington st. v LOTS to trade for Improved beach acre age or house. BC 364, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE RJwAI, ESTATE. WANT EASTERN OREGON OR WASHINGTON. I have a client wanting n eastern Oregon wheat ranch or combined wheat and stock ranch or from to i'" sand acres. This party hss a fine dairy or stock proposition consisting of t30 j acres with 240 acres A-l rich loam hot- j torn land. The whole place lies almost ( level. With 3tHl acrea under plow, oaianee fine pasture and timber; the soil is all A-l. none better In the state of Washing ton; has fine 10-room house with bath, toilet, hot and cold water, all Vlestered ; 2 large barns, 6tx200 and 50xSO; fine silo; hog. chicken and implement house ; 4 miles from a good town and 6 miles from railroad; Just off the Pacific highway, about 23 miles from Portland in Clark county. Washington; fine family orchard; farm is well watered with creeks and river; personal property, mowers, rakts, drills, cultivators, plows, harrows, d incs, hay bailer, feed grinder, steam carbine, cream separator, steam or gas equipped milking machine, 25 cows, 6 horses. 25 or 30 head of young stock. Price $100,000; mortgage $lS.OO0; will assume up to $lo0,4M)0 on good ranch. Tnis proposition is good. If you want to trade, write to me. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bide EXCHANGE NOB HILL APARTMENT. INCLUDING FURNITURE; INCOME $645 PER MONTH.' Apartmept house, three stories, com pletely furnished, located in the best section of Nob Hill district: lot Is 60 xlOO; will take clear farm close to Port land or goo'd city income property clear of incumbrance, up to $ 30,000, balance mortgage; price $50.tH.O. This property will net over 10 per cent on the amount in veated. JOHN WEIST COMPANY. 808 Lewis Bldg. I HAVE 80 acres of timber land at Hood River to trade for what have you? $1000 against. bee 6.v. Leonard st. TO EX CHANG E M ISC EL LA N EOF S. WANTED To exchange new 3i-bar pro fessional banjo for good used wall tent, 10x12. Wanted to exchange 8O-30 caliber Marlin rifle for good automatic pistol, 22 cailbir preferred. E. G. Arnold, Sio. Or. W A N TED 1 gas d rag saw, must be In good shape. One 2-horse low-wheel wagon and double harness. Will trade good Overland delivery with good tires and in good shape. Give or take differ ence. 3Sth and Grant sts., V ancouver, Wash. I WANT a few improved acres 15 miles of city, from owner: exchange old estaD listed grocery which netted $3000 last year, stock, fixtures, delivery car at $2000. Will assume if property suits: age and poor health forces me out. W 1 24. Oregonian. GOOD Ford in extra good running order, all new tires, condition of car extra good ; will exchange for a lot, or an equity in some . property not to exceed $450. Phone 215-12. AG 321, Orego nian. YOUR proposition can be matched : we don't tie it up. Oa.ll and submit it, large or small. See Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. 2-TON Kelly truck to trade for team of horses. 3000 lbs. or up. Helser Bros. Transfer Co., 46 N. 1st. or phone auto niatlc 521-1S. WOLD air brush, special for show card or fine decorating; 30-lb. pressure gauge, exchange for kalsomining or what have you? AH 154. Oregonlan. 80 A.. UNION CO. farm to exchange for ustd car. furniture, some cash, bal. terms. Full information on request. AL 3J5, Oregonlan. 3 I. C. S. books, covering field from arithmetic to surveying. AB 357, Ore gonian. $200 GRAPH OPHONE and records: been used one month ; to trade for diamond ring. AH 3S8. Oregonian. STEAMBOAT propeller, will sell or trade for property. For particulars call 219-09 Address 3 E. 10th, Portland. Or. 14 MILLION Idaho pine timber, exchange good donkey with lines- AB 104, Ore gonian. GENTS watch or 22 Winchester to trade for salmon tackle or Colts. Phone Wood i a wn 1374. $40 VICTOR phonograph. 15 records, for furniture, groceries, or what. Mar. 3183 WILL trade auto for large diamond or ( valuable violin. AB 410, Oregonlan. A NEW trunk to exchange for smaller one. Call 170 2d st. Room 35. GASOLINE wood saw ; ow n power drives; trade or sell. Halt, 211 Washington. DENTISTRY exchanged for concrete work and plastering. Main 440l. WILL exchange for a 9x12 rug. l good sewing machine Marshall 17 Hi. CHICKENS for go-cart. 3810 fl8th st. S. E. FOR 8ALK Homes. Vehicles. LI vewtock. PATR 4-year-olds, weight 2550 lbs., guar anteed tli het of workers; heavy har ness and wide-tired farm naeon. for sale rheap. 5024 8Hth SL Mt. Scott car. TWO graded Chester White pigs. 10 months oid; 1 Jorsy-Holsteln heifer 1 month old. Call any time. 1177- Powell st. 7 GOOD cows, some fresh, suine coming fresh soon, different breeds, will sell cheap. $05 and up. S'MJ Powell Valley road, Woodstock car. FIN E a II -a round rantrfi or orchard team bay horses, 5-7 years old. weight 2o0 m lbs. Ext-a true pullers, gentle and sound. Ak for Ward, on dock, foot Taylor st. FOR SALE Good cows. 1 Guernsey. 1 Liurham (be fresh soon and 1 famllv Jersey cow. 728 E. 32d aL Take Wood stock car. $L0 BUS my gentle team of grays, mare and horse, weight 25O0 lbs. Used to ra nch work. Will try to suit buyer. Se Albert bharpe, on dock, foot Taylor st. DKAD stock removed quickly; cash on id for dead cows and crippled horsea Phone Mllwaukie n-J for results. WANT 3 teamsters with teams to haul lumber, S3 per M . ; tt m o n t h s work. Le w is . ai a rs n a 1 1 j YOUNG ranch team, weigh 2oo lbs cheap. 2ith and Powell Valley road. ooostock car. SMALL 4-year-old Scotland Shetland, 4 ears old; colt 1 year. AH 314, Ore gonian. 7 EXTRA good cows, 4 juat fresh. 2 spring crs. 1 f you w an I somet h iug good see these; reasonable. Main 1311. WE BUY and sell cattle. heep and goats Campbell-Phelan Land 4c Cattle Co.. 302 Couch bldg ONE 2-Inch Melburn farm wagon, box and seat complete; will sell cheap. 462 Flanders st. GOATS Glen Haven Goate Nubian, 20 grade does. 470 E. 80th North. Registered L. Maney, WANTED Team or large horses for feed and care and buy later. 1734 Division. Tabor 3643. FOR SALE Two good T. B. T. cows and heifer calf, 8 months old. 2071 Eugene, 82d st. B. N. FARM team, about 2700, 7 and 9. guar anteed sound, good workers. First house east of Gilbert station. Gresham car. FOR SA LK. Young fresh cow and calf. 2Wth and Powell Valley road, Woodstock car. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co.. Woodlawn ifu. FRESH Saanen milk goat. $4o. Kilgore" 5th and Main sts., Gresham. Phone 14x6. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cowa. Tabor 4203. 1 CALF. 8 months old: 1 goaU 1 year"0d"; south of Arnaud station on Foster road. FOR SALE Prize-bred registered Chester White spring pigs. F. Butler. Sheridan. LOGGING teams. $12 Wood. 232U. per day. Phone FOR SATK-To Tongenberg milch goats, phone Oak Grove oJ. FOR FALK 1 registered Telephone Main 720N. Holstein bull FOR SALE One Jersey cow, fresh 2 wka Main 72urt. ' NICK SERVICE fiL'LL, 13 MONTHS uLD. 32 W. WYGANT. NEARLY new $175 golden oak Diamond Lisc Edison, records, $105. Mar. 3eJ. CALF for ale, 9 days old. 421 48ih ave. S. E. WK car. W ILL care for team and wagon or will rent if reasonable. Call East 798. FOR SALE Belgian rabbits. 1429 Miaa. ave. Sunday afternoon. FOR SALE Healthy young cow giving rich milk. $90. Phone Columbia 1174. SPRING wawon, pump and pipe cheap. E. 5447. 2Q1 Union ave. N. ONE camelback. two platforms, two run ning gears, 3x3Vj wagons. East 561. LIGHT-TOP spring wagon. single and double harness. U63 Williams ave. TWO fine fresh cows' for sale. Harris, Oregon City, Or. W. W. FOR SALE Swiss Jersey cow with young calf. 311 Hawthorne. GOATS for sale cheap. 752 Marioro ave. FOR BALE Hordes, Vehicle. livestock. AUCTION SALE. AT WILLAMETTE VIEW FARM. ; Formerly known as the J. D. Gordon Stock Farm. . TUESDAY. APRIL 20 . Having sold this farm beginning at 10 A. M. sharp, with a FREE LUNCH AT NOON, I will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION to the highest bidder on the farm, one and one-half miles southeast of Dundee, the following described property: 450 HEAD OF SHEEP AND LAMBS, 450. 30 registered Hampshire ewes and lambs. 2 registered Hampshire rams. 1 registered Cotswold ram. 2 grade Corri dale rams. 3 pure-bred Hampshire rams, 1 grade Hampshire ram. 12 grade wethers. 1 team mares, wt 3155; 1 team mares. wt. 25 5 ; 1 team, mare and horse, wt. 2iS5; 1 team mares, wt 2070; 1 team mares, wu 3oo0; 1 driving mare. wL lu0. 1 OVERLAND TOURING CAR: ONE 18-30 HOLT CATERPILLAR TRACTOR. 1 Stewart No. 12, enclosed gear, power sheep shearing machine. 2 Shoata. 3 guineas, 4 hens, with chicks. 1 John Deere corn planter. 1 Deering tedder. 1 Success manure spreader. 1 Oliver riding cultivator. 1 Oliver walking cultivator. 1 Dunham corrugated roller. 1 6-14 Hoosier single disc drill, with grass seeder attachment. 1 14-18 disc. 1 6-ln. iron wheel handy wagon. 2 3 farm wagons. 1 Rubber tire buggy. 1 Balance scales, 10-lb. capacity. 1 Counter scales. 3 Hay carriers. 125-ft., 31 -in. manllla rope. 3 Double harpoon hay forks. 2 Single harpoon hay forka. 2 Sets hay siings. 1 Buck rake. 3 Sets dump hoards. 1 26-in., double-disc plow. 2 2C2 Oliver walking plows. 3 S. 9. and 10-in. single plows. Spike tooth cultivators. Winir shovel puvv. 1 Sharpies cream separator, with elec trie motor. 1 Case xenoleum. 1 Electric battery for blasting. 10 Seamless sacks. 1 Cider mill. 1 Cookiner vnt. 1 M 11 Blizxard silage cutter on truck. 1 John Deere binder. 0-1 1. cue. 1 McCorniick binder, 7-ft- cut. 1 McCormick. hay rake. 2 5-ft. John Deere mow era 1 5-ft. swather. , 1 Pulverizer. 2 Incubators. 126-egg size. 3 Grass seeders. 1 :iv.-4-"in. tire. Iron wheel wagon. 1 Hpavv Hnrinc matron, camelback cover. 1 Fairbanks-Morse platform scales, 1000 oound caoacltv. 100 ft. 1 in. steel cable with chocker snatch block, etc. 1 6ovgaMon barrel churn. 1 10-gallon barrel .churn. 1 6-tine grapple hay fork. 3 hay racks. 2 hay slips. 2 chicken coops. 1 Oliver gang plow, 3 2 -in. bottom. 1 P. & O. 14-iu. walking plow. 2 5-shovel cultivators. 1 double shovel. 2 Planet Jr. garden seeders, 1 wood rack. 10 10-gallon milk cans, 2 5-gallon milk cans. 3 50-gallon oil tanks. 1000 grain sacks. 1 corn sheller. 3 wheelbarrows. , 1 lOO-gallon iron kettle. 4 slip sera per a. 1 large water trough. 6 scoops and shovels. 5 post hole augers and diggers. 20() 4-Inch drain tile. 5000 ft. timbers and lumber. 2 drag harrows. 7 50-gallon barrels. 3 pipe cutters. 3 pi pe wrenches. 1 Hero fan mill. 1 push cart. 1 4-horse Fresno. -Many manure, hay, forks. 2 kitchen sinks. 10oi hrick straw and potato Chicken, woven and barb wire fencing. 1 Wimble 1-clod masner. 1 portable forge, anvil and vise. 1 set Armstrong dies. 1 spray pump. 1 silage cart. 2 milk carts. 20 cow stanchions. 5 aet.t heuvv harness. 1 heavy single harness with breast collar. 2 storm aprons. 1 lap robe. 30 sacks wheat screenings. 2 lixl2 tents. IO cords wood. 2 single buggy harness. 2 saddles. 2 riding bridles. 1O0 pounds clover seed. 75 pounds timothy, 2 tons seed oats. 10 tons mixed hay. 20 sacks cheat weed. 6 sacks seed rtotatnes. Saws, hammers, nails, squares, levels, chains, wire stretchers, rolling coulters, cross-cut saws. peavies. crow bars, augers, braces and bits, leather punches, riveting machines, planes, etc. No. 3. outfits of furnlUire from two tenant houses, also other furniture con sistlng of stoves, beds, bedding, chntra, tnlitert crih dressers, mirrors, davenport bureaus. rues. linoleum. rockers and other 'articles too numerous to mention Junk Sacks, automobile tires, tubes, old rubber, brass, cot. per. 2o feet gai vanir.cd pipe, castings, iron and alee and old rags. TERMS All sums of $20 and unde' cash in hand. On sums over $2 a crert of rt months will be given, purchase ivlnc note beartna S ner cent interest, with approved security. All goods to be settled for before being removed from premises. . C. W ALTMAN, Owner. N. P. NELSON. Auctioneer. Newberg, Or. Phone li)A25. S. L. PA RR ETT. Clerk. FOR SALE Team of blacks, mare and horse, .5 and 6 years old, weijsh 30O0 lbs.; gray and bay. 5 and 8 years old, weigh 2000 lbs., guaranteed good workers and gentle ; harness and wa gon goes with them. Take Woodstock car to Powell. 3 blocks east to Sl0. TEA M of geldings, brown and bay, 7 and IO years old, sound and good workers; weight 2R lbs.: $250. Sorretl gelding 5 years old. we:ght 150 lbs.. $S5. Two seta of heavy double work harness a nd erne Winona 3Vt-in. farm wagon, nearly new. tine Jersey cow $S5. Inquire at feed jt ore. Tigard. Or. OuOP, sound team ot bays, weigh 2700 lbs.; mare and gelding, in good working shape. 1165; brown mare, It50-12o0 lb., a ref ular orchard chunk, fat as butter, round as n apple and slick as a seal : she Is a peach and a real bargain at $h5. Several te good harness, at Transfer Stable, 263 Rn.sell t-t.. near Williams. A GOOD bunch of f resh cows. Jerseys. Hoist oins and Durhams. 4 to 5 gals., some extra rich milkers. Will take beef catrls in exchange. 1128 Macadam St., South Portland car to end of line, 1 r block south, 1 Mock east. MUST SELL this week; have team big brown mares. 6 years old. weigh 3300: sound and good workers ; also small team with or without their harness. Call at once Creston Warehouse b tables. 6Qth and Powe II Val 1 ay. FOR SALE 2 young blocky teams weigh ing 2H00, 6 yrs.; team weighing 8200, 6 yrs. ; 2 good farm wagons and harness ; have moved to Portland and will sell them at bargain. 229 Gibba, Take South Portland car. SH I PMENT of horses from eastern Ore gon, weight from 1200 lba. to 1400; price $50 to $175 each. These horses are good, heavy bone work horses"; price reasonable. G. K Howttt, Union Stock yards bsrn. ONLY 6 head of fresh cows left, price right, large young Jersey, health cer tificate with cow, $75; balance mixed breeds, around $80 each. G. K Ho wit t. Union Stockyards barn. O. T. STAPLES. 17th and Kearney sta, 20 good young horses and mares, some well matched ; teams weigh from 1 2oO to lMHi; every horse sold with a guarantee. O. D. Williamson. FOUR mares, weight 1 200 to 14n0 lbs.. 5 to 7 years old. well broke, gentle, suit rancher or orchardist. For sale reason able. Marion Fuel Co., on dock foot of Taylor st. 330O-LB. team brown geldings, in good shape for loggimr or any heavy work. Willing workers, gentle and serviceable. For sale at a bargain. Woodyard, on dock, foot Taylor st MUST ES SOLD by the 10th. my 5 good voung teams, all sound and In good con dition; can be seen before 7 A. M. or after 5 F- M. at Cochran barn. St. Johns. Ask for Mr. Flay ner. GOOD single-horse farm wagon, just like new. auso oid horse and harness for sale cheap. E. Breck. Arrtunwald, close to South. Pacmc k. it. track. S55 SMALL team, both 6 years old and sound; also 6-year-old driving mare; very cheap or exchange for large work horse. Atlas woodyard, 327 Front st.' COWS for sa'e, Jersey and Holstein Dur ham 3 to 5 gallons daily. On Linnton road, box 162. Behind Union Oil Co. J. S Blades. ONE burk nrid two dvs for sale reason able. Call Sell. 326. 7!h) E. 32d st. Wood stock car. SIX fine dairy cowa 3 fresh, rich heavy milkers: must be sold by Monday night. Phone Columbia 786. GOOD stock and watch dog. worth $50, tor quick sale $10. 262 Clay st. FOK SAL-, Horr. Vehicle. Uvetk. JOINT AUCTION SALE. We will sell at public saie at the place known as the ' H. 51. Crafty Place." S mile north of Minnehaha achoo house, and three miles northvut o: Vancouver. Vashington, Thursday, April 15. sale to commence at 10:3U o'clock A. 51. Cattle lo milk cows, as follows: 7 graii a Hoisteins, 2 J erseys. 1 Jersey -Durham, four wero iroaii In March a ood herd of mtikera. Fiv veal calvea. Chickens 13 hens; J rooster full blood bull loghorns. Horses Brown mare, weight about lloO lbs.; black mare, weight about 1100 lba.; 1 span black geldings, weight, about 3000 lbs. A sptenuiu team. Furniture consisting of bed springs, dressers, .cabinet to, cook stovo. heater. 3-burner gaa plate, and numerous othei articles. Fruit Thirty jars of choice mixed and canned fruit. Machinery 3H-1&- wagon. ' covered spring delivery wagon. 2 -In. wagon, Jones verticle mower, -horse corn plant er, riding cultivator, a disc harrows, 14 m. plow. 2 M. P. gas engine, small grinder, hand or power toed cutter, cream separator, G mower w heei. $ sets double harness, G good as new bee hives, 3 milk cans, bucket Raieigu stock tonic, double shovel and othr small tools. Terms: Sums under $20 cash, $20 and up. six months' time will be given on approved note. Free lunch at noon. Sale rain or shine. GRAVES & R1CHTER, Owners. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons. Vancouver, Wash., auctioneers, E. H- Deterlng. Vancouver National bank, clerk. I HAVE DISPOSED OF MOST OF MY HOLDINGS IN EASTERN OREGON. My second shipment of 23 head of mares and geldings, heavy-boned, blot-ky built chunks from 12OO-1700 lbs., from 4 to 7 years old; all horses guaranteed as represented. Three teams of Iron-grays, - teahic f blacks. A worses axe broke doubie and mostly single. HAWTHORNE STABLES. COR. E. TH AND HAWTHORNE. H. HARN. 70 HEAD DAIRY COWS. I am offering for saie my entire herd of grade cowa This is probably the best nerd of grade mil cows in the state, Vn? ony good ones in the herd; the cuils have been weeded out. This Is a splendid opportunity to stock up, when most of hem are milking heavy and reauy to go on the grass. Holstein, Jer sey uueruaey and Durham, Address BF duj. Oregonian. FOR SALE. 5 teams of good young horses and mare; weight from 130O to 1500 lbs.; 5 to. ?'r3, oid; BOme well-matched teams; ail horses guaranteed as represented, free trial allowed. Sanitary Stable, 365 Union ave. S., cor. Stevens. L. Glaas. HORNLESS buck kids, sired by Don Gre- suna, -o. and 4 and 5-gal Tog. does; fine color and markings. Price $lo and up. For particulars. M. D. B. Go wing. Tigard. Or. 1m Organs a nd Musical Instruments. OWNER will sacrifice $15 to sell Im mediately neautitul modern oak case genuine Schuman pisno, actual value new $525. On display at Oregon Eliera Music House, litJ Washington at, be low 5th. A PL.WKR-PIANO at a reasonable price. The wonderful solo concerto player-piano especially priced this week at $585. Fo ley 4: Van Dyke. We are exclusive rep resentatives liooart M. Cable high-grade pianos. Always reliable. EXCEPTIONALLY fine toned Eilers or chestral upright grand piano, in beau tiful mahogany case; piano would cost new about $5o0; price only $275; $25 down, balance long time. Hyatt Taik lng Machine Co., 350 Alder. FINE PIANOS CHEAP. $ls5-$275. Hardraan, Hazel ton Bros., Schobert, Emerson. Kimball, small size; Kim bail, medium 4ize. Kohler 4e CaiupbeiL M ton. others; easy terms. Broatrae Co. ;il2 V nri'Mier tiiritr EDISuN CYLINDER PHONOGRAPH. Good Edison cylinder horn machine taken in on large Edison, and loo good records, all for $17.50. Terms $5 down, $0 monthly. Hyatt Taikiug Machine Co.. aoO Alder. HFAR all the new Victor and Pathe April records now on eaie in our popular phonograph department. Foiey Van Dyke, loo Filth street, between Wash uigton and Stark streets. NICE mahogany case Hard man piano, in fine condiuon; will take less than one half value tf sold at once. Seer it at Oregon Eilera Music House. 27 Waah tngton st.. belo w 5th. EDISON $295 gold trimmed mahogany Edison Dxa. Difcc, $0; Victor tttacbnitnt, so,d plated, 70 selections uiumc, aU for only $1 75; looks almost brand new. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester Bldg. FOR SALE Piano, adjustable player. 40 ro'ils mu.-Uc; office sca.es. section book case, latest medlcai books, operating tabic, sate, gas fclov'to with ooils. Phone owl i awn 4shj. W ILL exchange Brunswick. Pathe or Burn ham talking machine for good piano. Soule Bros., 166 loth St., near Morrison. 8S-NOTE Pianola player, with music rolls, $50 beautiful organs, 30. $40: accordion, guitar, fiute, big drum, phonographs; must be sold at once. 254 Market st. NEARLY new Edison, $120 model and $S fettai-hmeru for pkiying alt records, $:5. ooniu bargain. Soule Bros., lwi loth st., near Morrison. K I M BA LL parlor grand, mahogany case, first-class condition ; less than half of new value. $ft0: will take liberty bonds. A K 35;i, Oregonlan. LIBERTY BONDS can be applied on a piano or phonograph at full lace value. Uetd French Piano Mfg Co., 435 Wash. fi.. cor. im. tiroauway 7.10. WANTED Good piant in exchange for all reooid Brunswick or Pathe talking ma chine. Soulo Bros. 166 loth ml, near Morrison. $li5. COLUM HI A grafonola. walnut cab inet, for $100 cash. Call Monday after 6:30 P. M. Whitehall apt. No, 13, 6th and Madison. V1CTOK talking machine, nearly new. $75 model and $5 in records, onlv $.o. Soule Bros., 106 10th St., btt. Morrison and Yamhill. STA NDAKl) piano, used a year, perfect condition, splendid tone, beautiful plain case; a snap at $2.N5. Private party. Main 77l3. Sundays or week evenliTg. B-FLAT tenor, silver plated, gold mounted auxnphoue and itse. worth $ie7; price only $13. Soule Biob., 166 loth et near Morrison. COLUMBIA talking machine. $120 model, oa k case, nearly new, on ly $s0. A fine bargain. Soule Bros., 166 loth st., ne- .Mon ison. CASH tor piaim. player p re 1 erred ; jim.a be bargain. 30 .... 1 1 oli;t0;iy av e.. toda only, or box 71, Woonhurn. (jr. WANTED To buy a good toned piano to day. Pay cash If laargain. Marshall 5701. No de-a-lers. TENOR saxophone, snare drum for sa is or trade for motorcycle. 3020 41st st. S E. WIIaL sacrifice, walnut case Victrola No. 1 4, used loss than a month. Phone Woodlawn 2109. FOR SALE Reliable make piano for caa) or some terms to reliable party, no deal ers. Main 6641. apartment 504. EXPERT Player Piano repair, tuning, re build. KRA-NAR 254 Market st., piano shop. EDISON phonograph S1&0. Model like new, only $100. Eay terms. O. F. Johnson Piano Co., 14 6th st. KIM BALL piano, Lou is 16 stv-le, almost new; less price. Terms. 812 Worces ter bldg. $550 Upright piano, full ylse. walnut only $125. 312 Worcester bidg. GOOD uped high-grade player piano for sale. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 tth. FOR SALE 1 set of orchestra bells. 2W octave. Phon e W oodlawn 2730. $." HAZELTON BROS, piano" and hencL piain. only $235. 312 Worcester bldg. PAY cash for pianos, phonograph records 254 Market st., piano shop. $ 0O HARDMA V p i a n o f ( 1 1 1 size, $ 2 5 Terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $75 CASH takes $150 Grafonola with $45 worth miKcei. records. Mar. 2402. $450 PIANO for sale for $200; leaving eitv Call Woodlawn 48; $450 KOHLER & Campbell piano. $ieW Term?. 312 Worcester Bldg. ELISON cylinder phonograph, oak cabinet with ! recoraa. East 55S6. $650 Schubert piano, only $225! Terms' 312 Worcester bldg. PIANO, laid wis; player, mahogany, 80 rolls An excellent bargain. Marshall 1545. WALNUT piano, best of condition, $300 Marshall 4374. FOR SALE or rent, upright piano. Terms to responsible people. Bdwy. 52frJ. WILL pay cash for your used piano. G F. Johnon Ptano Co., H th. ALMOST new Thompson plar.o. $250 cash Absolutely no terms. East 260. PLAYER ROLLS EXCHANGED. 10c per 1 oil. Harold S. Gilbert. 34 Yamhill. 65 S ELTi-TED C5-not( $ 1 0. AN 310. Pro TED C5-note player piano rolls. con 1. in. PLWEH piano for sale, with rolls. Ka; 600S. 4 75 Pant tic. BEAUTIFUL Lyon A- He,ly grand piano. $1000. G. F. Johnson Piano Co, 14ft) 6th, ONE fine-toped Kimball org an, 80. 2d ZMt 46th at.