TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 1 1, 1020 11 REAL E8TATE. For 8aie Farmi. BENTON COUNTT, HEART OP THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 885 acres, located 14 miles from town and railroad station, 300 acres in cultivation. 100 acres in crop, balance pasture and timber, well watered. Two good barns, fair house with water piped in, all weil fenced and cross-fenced. Land all lays roiling and can all be farmed with tractor. Owner old man and must set some thing smaller. Price $20,000. Good terms can be had. 100 acres, all river bottom land, about 50 or GO acres In culti vation, balance pasture and tinrber. Nearly new five-room bouse, good barn and other outbuildings. Good fences. This Is on good road only 2 miles from Monroe, good little town. Price $SOOO. Owner does not need the money and any terms desired can be arranged. 0 acres only 2 miles from Cor vallis, about 30 acres In culti vation. All bottom land. Liv ing Lream runs through place, family orchard. Buildings do not count for much, but land lt first class. Price $6500. 4B acres, 2 miles from town with city water and electric lights available. Good house, large barn and some other outbuild ings. All in cultivation bait about 4 acres; timber enough for domestic use. 3 acres of commercial orchard and ono acre of peach orchard. About 10 acres of this is good river bottom land. This place Is lo cated on one of the best roads in the valley. Place all weil fenced. Price $5700. TSTtlTB FOR DESCRIPTIVH PAMPHLET. BURNAP & BLAKELT. Successors to J. W. MORGAN' & CO., Corval lis, Oregon. -HOME OF THE OREGON AGRI CULTURAL COLLEGE." MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY 60 ACRES. HOME OF Strictly modern, new, up-to-date 8 room plastered house, a magnificent structure, large light rooms, delco lights, hot and cold water, bath, etc. A home to be proud of; completely and well fur nished. Step right into the house;; nothing- to buy; over $ 500 worth of expensive rugs; 00 acres, level, free working soil, 40 in cultivation; barn and outbuildings, orchard, berries and one of the largest grape vines you ever saw; on the bans of one of our best f Uhlng rivers; cows, chickens. Implements, household goods; also white enanl finished, wire wheel, self-starting Ford car. Price $14,000. Owner retired, army surgeon. Pressing business calls him east; 30 miles from Portland, on paved road; 2 miles good touring. HARGROVE REALTY" CO.. 122 N. Sixth St. Broadway 438L 10 ACRES 3! miles east of LaCroase, all under cultivation; 310 acres in win ter wheat, balance being summerf al lowed, completely equipped, Improve ments good; a very desirable home; out lit consists of 20 head of stock. 10 sets earnest. 2 milch cows, 1 heifer. 50 chickens, pigs, 2 wagon racks, 1 wagon, 1 hay wagon, 2 loose grain beds; 1 disc harrow, 2 harrows, 1 hay rake, 1 mower, 1 header ,1 blade weeder, 1 feed rack, 1 manure spreader, 1 drill, 1 three-bottom gang plow, 1 two-bottom gang plow, 1 walking plow. 1 Western roller, 1 grain levator, 1 fanning mill, 1 3-H. P. gas oline engine, 1 1-H. P. gasoline engine. The price of this property is $125 per cre. Including everything; terms, $15. 000 cash, $12,500 November 1, 1020, bal ance to be agreed upon with interest at 6 per cent. SCHOONMAKER ft BENNER, LaCroBse, Vanh. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 151 acres, 100 acres level. 60 acres rolling; creek; 45 acres in crop, balance pasture and timber; dark loam soil: 11-room modern house, like new; 2 new barns, outbuildings of all kinds; 125 prune and other fruits: cows, horses, hogs, chickens; all kinds of implements and tools to run a first-class farm : 19 miles from Portland court house, paved road a. 7 miles this side of Newberg; price $13,875. terms, or will take Port land property as part payment; good dwelling. CLOSE-IN FARM. 80 acres, 30 in cultivation, balanoe pasture and timber, creek, springs, 24 a-res young prunes, 3 acre family or chard, choice upland: 7 -room house, barn. outbuildings, on main county road; 20 miles Portland. 1 mile rail way station and pavement, in Sherwood district. Price $K500. cash, balance 8 years 6 per cent, and worth it. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4th St 40 A. 12 GOOD COWS $6200. "Bst buy rn a 40 acres you could find anywhere ; 35 miles Portland, 2 miles county seat, mile school, on good graveled road ; 40 acres; 28 acres in crop; balance pasture, very easy to clear; good springs in pastude; 10O Royal Anne cherries, Vt acre strawberries: also an assorted orchard ; 5 -room house, cow barn, horse barn, wagon shed, chicken house, milk house, storeroom, stock shed, wood shed. Personal 12 good cows, bull, heifer, team. 1 mule. 2 hogs, 40 chickens, 2 wagons. 1 buggy, 1 harrow, disc, mower, cultivator, root cutter, cream separator, hay rake, plows, har xiesa, 9 tons hay, straw, small tools; $0200 takes everything. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. SixLh St. Broadway 438L SOUTH OF RIDGEFIELD. WASH. 345 acres, located land mile from Ridgefield; all can be cultivated: 50 acpes pasture; good fences; creek through place; large 10-room house; 2 barns. 60x 0, and 80-ton silo; stanchions in barn for 40 cows, milk house and other build ings; milk is shipped by boat. Price J4it.50 per acre on verv easv terms. This property Is only 20 miles from Port land. Anderson, with JOHN FERGU- bON, Gerlinger bldg. SPECIAL ATTENTION. 60 acres near Sheridan: about 150 in cultivation; new bungalow, bath, toilet. Ktta lights in hdXise, yard and barn; an other fair 6-room house for tenant This Is a mighty fine dairy, stock and fruit ranch; 30 acres fine orchard; some more young" prunes coming on; complete set of equipment and considerable stock. Everything goes for J36.00O. Might take some city property for part, balance to suit. TREMENDOUS SACRIFICH STOCK RANCH. PRACTICALLY GIVEN AWAY. This property must be sold at nnr. Large amount of acreage close to Fort- land; good buildings: one of the best stock propositions in the west: good for either stock or dairy; no reasonable of fer will be refused. See this without delay. J or iun particulars see JOHN WEIST COMPANY. 808 Lewis Building. 00 ACRES ALL UNDER CULTIVATION Improved with good 7-roora house, 2 fine large barns, silo, garage, and all necessary outounaings: fenced with wnv en wire; located mile from R. R. sta tion; close to Albany. Price $125 per WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO. 203 First Nat'l. Bunk bldg., Albany. Or. CLOSE-IN SUBURBAN FARM. 40 acres choice land. 26 In cultivation new modern house, new barn and niln If taken at once this year's crop goes witn tne piace. it you want a high clans, close-in. small farm investigate this at once. Particulars, u. A. Sarles, 733 Northwestern Bank building. INCOME-PRODUCING FARMS. In th best farming section of Oregon, on pavea roaas clone to roruana, som exceptionally good bargains to offer i stocked and eauipoed farms, chicke: ranches, berry lands and suburban acre- K RIDER & ELK I NOT ON. Gresham. Or. 20 ACRES. CLOSE TO ALBANY. 34A ACRES OF PRUNES. AH unuer cultivation, complete set of farm buildings. We offer this place for a Fhort ttme only at 9.700. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 2C3 First Nat'l. Bank bids Albany. Or. W. C. BECKTELL. 110O N. W. Bk. Bldg. STOCK. RANCH. 11O0 acres, near Corvallls: 250 mighty fne creek bottom. In cultivation: full set btdgs. ; worth $40 per acre; will take some city property in exchange. W. C. BECKTELL, 1100 N. W. Bk. Bldg. 80i ACRES, 24 in cultivation. gSod build ings, eilo, fruit, crops, rock road. 1 mile from highway, nfar Htllsboro. $300 per sere. Geo. Johnson, T;26 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES, tmimpvnved. near Applet on, god soil, land lies fine. Price $1200; $200 cash. 1-H I h ii'e easy terms. Geo. A. iUdTa Lyle, Wash, REAL ESTATE: or Sale -Farma CHOICE CLARKE COUNTT FARMS. 20 acres, all very fine land, all level, all fenced and cross-fenced, and all in high state of cultivation, large assorted orchard. V acre strawberries, also assorted berries, very good house, good barn 52x28, and all other necessary outbuild ings. 5 fine cows. 1 heifer, good team, wagon, harness, disc, har row, cultivator, cream separator, and all kinds of small tools and implements; located only 1 mile from railroad station, 7 miles from Vancouver on good auto road. Price $6300. Good terms. EQUIPPED 40 ACRES. 40 acres all fine soil, all level, 20 acres in high state of culti vation, some wood and balance fine pasture and easily cleared, 1 acre assorted bearing orchard and small fruits, good 7-roora modem bunga-, low with full concrete basement, good barn 48x60; chicken house, hog house, 2 wells and all out buildings; personal property con sists of 5 fine cows, 3 calves, good team, wagon and harness; 6 hogs. 48 chickens, mower, rake, plow, 2 harrows, cultivator, cream separa tor and all small tools and im plements; located mile from a good small town. 10 miles from Vancouver on good main road. Price $8000. Good terms. EQUIPPED 30 ACRES. 30 acres all excellent land, all fenced and cross fenced, 22 acres in high state of cultivation and mostly seeded to crop, good as sorted bearing orchard, 2" good wells, good 4 -room house, good barn 4x54 silo, chicken house, hog house and other outbuildings, good team, wagon, harness, 4 fine cows, 1 heifer, 2 hogs. 31 chick ens, mower, rake, harrow, cream separator and all other small tools and implements: located only mile from a good small town and 11 miles from Vancouver on good main road. Price $6500. .Good terms. EQUIPPED 80 ACRES. SO acres, all level, all fenced and cross fenced, very fine soil, 30 acres of which is genuine Beaver dam, 3 acres timber, about 30 acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared, very good 6-room house, with bath, etc. ; almost new, good barn 4OxS0, hog house, chicken house, etc; . personal property consists of good team, wagon, harness, 6 fine cows, 1 calf, 6 hogs, 2 plows, harrow and all other tools and equipment,. Located 11 miles from Vancouver, a bis bargain at $8500; terms. UNDER VALUE. 123 acres all fine land, fenced and cross fenced, 30 acres in culti vation, 40 acres very fine hard wood timber, balance fine pasture; fine 7 -room new house, basement, etc.; good barn, chicken house and all outbuildings ; 1 acre assorted orchard, all small fruits; located only l1 miles from a fine town. 12 miles from Vancouver. This is a good farm and a big bargain at 12,500; good terms. 20-ACRE SNAP. 20 acres all fine land, all fenced and cross fenced, 6 acres in culti vation, 1 acre timber, balance easily cleared, good 4 -room house, hog house, and all outbuildings; located on main road onlv 2 miles from good town; price $1825; $475 cash. If you want a farm see our list before buying, R. J. HIGDON REALTY CO., 303 Main St. Phone 253. Vancouver, Wash. CORN GRAIN CLOVER SEED are the principal crops raised on this 80-acre farm, fully equipped. In the delightful Unipqua valley. The property is on a main road, S miles from a progressive town on the Southern Pacific. Of the 80 acres, 65 acres are now be ing cultivated; of this 40 are bottom, with rich sandy loam soil. At present 10 acres are in clover, 10 acres in wheat, 10 acres in oats, 6 acres in young or chard, apples and prunes, 5 acres tim ber for fuel. The improvements are good, fenced into four fields with woven wire; a new 7 -room house, new hip-roof barn with silo, watered by sprin g and creek ; five acres could be irrigated With the place go 6 head of cows, a fine big team, 3 brood sows. 10 pigs, tools and Implements. The present owner has lived on this place for 20 years and will sell at the very low price of $8000; terras. cash. This is an exceptional buy, a fine prop erty at a very low figure. Personally Inspected. MacINNES & PRATT, 413 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Or FIVE MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. 40 acres, located on a graveled road and 1 miles from the pavement. Good loam soil; 30 acres can be cultivated; 12 acres under cultivation; 20 acres of pas ture. Good creek that never goes dry. Half mile to electric station. Six acres in clover, 6 acres of oats. Good 6-room house, barn, 30x40 chicken-house and other buildings. Family orchard of as sorted fruit. Price $4850, $2500 cash, with 7 good cows, heifer, horse, harness, wagon and all the dairy equipment. Ths income from this place is $140 per month. Stock has been inspected and passed A No. 1. Personally inspected by Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger bldg. 130, WELL Improved. 3 miles Castle Rock. Wash. Hardman and Hammell places. $8000, $3000 cash. bah easy. Possession at once. 1600 wheat land. Claresholm. Alberta. 800 well improved, will seed 400 a., $50 acre. 800 fenced only, will break 320 acres. $28 aore. Take coast or B. C. land or most any good property as payment, balance crop payments. M. F. MILLER, ' Claresholm, Alberta. Canada. CROPS, STOCK, FURNITURE, MACHIN- 20 acres, located 30 miles from Port land. All undor cultivation. One mile from town. High school and transpor tation. All in crop. Good rich soil, now used as dairy. Sandy loam soil; 6-room house, barn 30x30, chicken-house. Coun ty road. Price $4200, with 6 good fresh cows, 2 brood sows, 20 chickens, wagon. mower, cultivators, plow, harrow, potato digger, hay rake, norse ana Harness, tools and household furniture. Nelson. With. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the. right price, it will pay you to see me before buying. I can save you money. I have some 500 fine farms; my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and It costs you nothing. See or write to me, A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Building. REAL home on pavement, one mile car- line, half mile high school; 64 acres in cultivation and some in crop ; 9-room house, good condition; barn 60x70; other buildings; lots of good water, orchard and berries; 4 cows, 3 heifers, 4 dozen chickens, all farm tools and machinery $12,00O; only $4000 cash. bal. terms. ATKINSON & PORTER. 112 West Sixth St., Vancouver. Wash. I CAN sell land from $15 up per acre, close to R. R. : good iano ana gooa water, There never has been a crop failure in the Red Deer district. Call or write T. W. MAYBERRY, BOX 535. RED DEER, ALBERTA, CANADA. SUNNY SOUTHERN IDAHO. Alfalfa farms, good water rights fullv eouioped and ready to crop prices from $75 per acre up, including water right. Come and see un for full particulars about this famous alfalfa country. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. FOR SALE OR RENT Fine dairy or cattle ranch or acres; do acres in cultivation, rest seeded: fenced for pas ture, good barn, creek runs throuerh center of place, 1 mile from railroad town and gooa scnooi. gooa road, fine outrange. Vv U- sell implements or lease. Marie Lyncn, dos ivw. i aeon. v asn. 160 ACRES, Southern Oregon, near Eagle Point; second-growth timber; 40 acres can be cleared and cultivated, rest graz ing: old log cabin on place, 2 living springs, 24 miles to Rogue River, 20 miles to Medford. Quick sale, $900 cash. AM 329, Oregonlan. 1-1 FARM, 55 acres, 14 miles from Port land. on corner of Gresham and Foster roads; 50 acres in high state of cultiva tion : good family orchard ; two sets of buildings; also good spring; will sub divide in 5 or 10-acre tracts. ' Henry Ranch, Damascus. Or. FOR SALH One of the best dairy farms lr Clatskanie valley; lots of buildings stock and implements. $20,000. I. O. Hol uao, Clatkule, Or. REAL. ESTATE. For Sale NICE LITTLE FARM FULLY EQUIPPED. 39 acres, best quality red shot oil; 25 acres under cultivation. 14 acres cleaned up and In seeded pasture; nice young family or chard, choice assortment of fruit, also strawberries and other small fruits: well-built 7-room house, plastered downstairs and celled up stairs, fair-sized barn with conve nient sheds, silo, chicken house and ' other outbuildings; land all . well fenced and fronting on well traveled county road; within 4 mile of railroad station and store, within 1 mile of school and church and 8 miles from Va n pouver : all stock and personal property goes with place, including 6 head of cattle, team of good horses, wag on, harness, mower, rake, plows, harrow, cultivators, cream sepa rator and small tools and Imple ments; $8000, $500O cash, balance 6 per cent. CLARICE 'COUNTY PRUNE ORCHARD. 21 acres, all in bearing prone orchard ; 17 acres 1 6-year-old trees and 4 acres 8 and 10-year-old. This tract is In one of tho best prune districts of Clarke coun ty, has been well cared for and is in good condition and will pay big returns on the price asked. It is about 8 mtles from Vancou ver and within 2 miles of rail and river shipping pornt. This adver tisement will not appear again, and the tract will surely be sold within the next 10 days. Price $ll,O00. reasonable terms. AN IDEAL LITTLE FARM. 33 acres of the best land In Clarke county, very foot of it well cleared and in crop; land all fenced and lies perfectly for nat ural drainage; nice thrifty young orchard of choice fruit in bear ing; a well-built, modern 6-room with full concrete basement and bath ; a f in barn with concrete foundation and modern equipment, grarage; good, never-failing well with force pump. This farm is located on the Pacific highway only 36 miles from the Interstate bridge at Vancouver and has a nice stream of water running through it. It is an ideal country home within easy distance of Portland and Vancouver. On account of poor health owner Is unable to farm it himself. Price $13,000. about one-third cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. Will consider residence or income bearing city property In exchange for part. ELL WELL & WATTS. 10e West 5th st. Phone 234. Vancouver. Wash. DAIRY FARM. 860 ACRES, FULLY STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Twenty-two miles from Portland, on tne state highway, one-half mile from railway station; 200 acres in high state of cultivation, balance good pasture, partly cleared; 50 acres in fall grain, 40 acres in good stand of alfalfa, which is under Irrigation; tne water ior this. Irri gation is taken from a live stream on the place without anv cost: 30 head of Jer sey cows, 15 yearling heifers, 40 head of "uk. o gooa norses, 70 neaa or sneep; good Seven-room hmiA rtinchlnnrv shed large new barn 80x120; this barn has modern equipment for 80 head of cows and storaee for 200 tons of hay; three large silos that will hold about 90 tons of ensilage; has a complete creamery equipment. 1 ne owners 01 tnis rancn wish to retire and will give immediate possession. Call and see us we will mow it at any time. WAKEFIELD FRIES & CO 65 4th St. YOUR LAST flPPORTIIVITT Tn Mntr&l Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park ianas open prairie ready for the plow, interspersed with trees, which afford ex cenent shelter for stock. Mere grain growing, dairying and livestock raising are being carried on successfully. The country is ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Pacific Railway is offering a large area of these fertile lands in Lloyd xnlnster and Battle ford districts. This fertile land will become the home of thousands of nrosoerous farmers. Oo similar land Seager Wheeler grows the worm a prize wheat. Near Lloydminster the world's prize oats have been grown, and butter of the bienest Quality is made. A man can soon become inde pendent on a farm in this district. These lands can be bought now at prices averaging about $18 an acre. You pay down 10 per cent. If land is pur chased under settlement conditions, no further payment of principal until end of fourth year, then 16 annual payments. Interest is 6 ber cent. M. E. THORNTON. Supt. of Colonization, Canadian Pacific Railway, 876 First street. . Calgary, jLiutorta, 5 ACRES, highly Improved. In Vancouver; snap. lo acres in. city limits; good for plat ting. 1800-acre ranch. 900 acres under Irri gation, good outrange; a snap. 220O acres; all can be Irrigated; good water right; fenced; cheap. 160 acres, 30 in cultivation, near Mal heur lake; good buy. 1 C0-acre alfalfa ranch. Deschutes county; water right paid up. See us for particulars. Fine suburban residence, modern, acre and a half, on Oregon City car line. 40-acre ranch, close in; sale or trade. CAMPBELL-PHELAN LAND & CAT TLE CO., 303 Couch Bldg. - MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY ESTATE. 340 ACRES. IDEAL POPULAR SUM MER RESORT; PICTURESQUE. LIVING STREAMS. SPLENDID STOCK. DAIRY. BEARING VINEYARD AND FRUIT RANCH; 75 ACRES IN CULTIVATION: STEADY INCOME; SEVERAL GOOD liOlSKS; WATER PIPED TO BLDG 3., GREENHOUSE. BARNS, ETC.; GOOD rASTLita; 3W-FT. TOWER SITE; NATURAL SITE FOR ARTIFICIAL -LA lv,; pUAT, RAIL. AND AUTO SERV ICE; AD JOINS GOO D TO WN : FINE VIEW OP RIVER AND MOUNTAINS; RED UC ED TO $ 50, 0O0. FINE T E R MS. PHOTOS AT OFFICE ZIMMERMAN & W HITE, 818 CHAMBER OF COM. ALL IN CROP. 15 acres, located half mile north of Red Electric depot. Between HillHboro ana vamniii. All under cultivation. Black loam soil. House, barn, chicken- bouse. One acre -family orchard and 7 acres 01 Deanng prunes, in A-l shape County road. Good income from thii prune orchard. Price $4500. Might consider Portland house, if priced right, Mishler, with JOHN FERGUSON, Oer- unger oiag. MOLALLA VALLEY FARMS The Molalla valley was the 'last place to get railroads, but now has both steam and electric roads. Roads being paved tnis year. This is a good place to buy a country home. Thirtv mii tmm Portland. Good soil for anything you might wish to grow. We have farms from $35 to $125 per acre. Tell us what you want and we will get It for you if we do not already have it. See Gordon J. Taylor Monday at the Impe rial notei or write TAYLOR'S REAL jq -- j. c ha in ijh., Aioialia, Or. 63 ACRES, located 10 milon r. .1., v nia vfs cuuivaieo, a acres under cultivation, 15 acres of good pas ture, good fences, 2000 cords of wood on the place; water piped) to the house from spring. Good six-room house, barn and uin.ften-uuuae. fine ramlly orchard. Price $6200, with good young team, cow z Drooa sows, so chickens, crops and equipment; xatuo cash. Inspected by Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON, Ger- DOUGLAS COUNTY PRUNE ORCHARD. oo-acre prune orcnard. lO-acre pear orchard. 10-acre mixed orchard. 6-tunnel prune aryer. o-room nouse, l mile railroad ; 200 acres. 125 cultivated $80 per acre; $S000 cash, balance $1000 per year at 6 per cent. J. W. Robertson, 909 Cham, of Com. bldg., Portland; 631 i. bu, uraniB rasa. 84 ACRES CLACKAMAS. One mile from station; best black loam soil; all in cult.; 8-room house, large barn and other outbuildings; water; on main ronu , lamnj ortnara. HENRY W. GQDDARD. 243 Stark st. 33 1-3 ACRES EAGLE CREEK. f lace is an lenceo. nas 15 acres In cultivation with rest easily cleared; 5- room iiuusc. K",lu vtvaiy 01 water HENRY W. GQDDARD. 243 Stark st. ftn A PRES. divided it 10-acr trB.. acres clear, bal. timber; 12 miles from rornaau , ntn ova , u j k -1 11. iinjvu. CHAS. J. MEITNER, 0 1 mi tz. Kansas. FOR SALE 240-ACRE FARM, one of the best farms in Washington county, all in cultivation, 2 miles north of Forest Grove. For information write box 10". Forest Grove. Or. GOOD 80-acre ranch, good building, and running water; young bearing orchard; 2 mtles from town. For particulars write to R. F. D No. 2. box 42. Halsey, Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN HAVfCHEB, rear Portland. $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. Mcr arlod, 209 Failing biug. REAL ESTATE. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED MOD ERN COUNTRY HOME. Consisting of 50 acres. 26 acres In high state of cultivation. sev eral acres were burned off and seeded down, very best of loam soil, no rock nor gravel, well drained. Meal elope for prunes and walnuts, small spring stream in pasture, fenced and cross fenced, mostly woven wire ; 7-room mod ern house, full set of white porce lain plumbing, windmill ' with 1500-gallon tank, large tower house, double-walled fruit house, oneat, separator and tool house, chicken houie and park, hog house and lot. large dairy barn, equipped with modern conveniences, ma chine shed, buildings all painted except barn and machine shed; 5 excellent dairy cows all fresh, ex tra good heavy -farm team, pure bred chickens, new implements consisting of mower, rake, disc grain drill, harrow, 2 plows, wag on, doirble-seated surrey buggy. 3 sets of harness, new DeLaval cream separator, 5 cords of wood, hay rack, sled, marker and clod masher, full set of carpenter and . small tools, 5 tons hay In barn, eeed and feed grain now on hand. 14 acres the very beat stand of grain. Including kitchen range, heater, dining table, buffet, book case rugs, dining chairs, rockers, lamps, hall tree and other things to numerous to mention. Only 3 miles from good town on Pacific highway. This is with no excep tion the very best buy on the mar ket, and will have to be seen to appreciate Its value. Price $6500, haLf cah. FULLY EQUTVPED COUNTRY HOME ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 40 acres, all tillable, most all in cultivation. fenced and cros- fenced, best of water, almost level, family orchard. 75 Italian prune trees all In bearing, good house, completely furnished with finrt cla?e furniture consisting of Praw beds, kitchen range, heating stove, dining table, buffet, kitchen cabi net, rugs, shades and cooking utensils, large barn fullv equipped, dairy, machine shed, chicken house and park, woodshed, extra good heavy span of mares. 6-good dairy cows, 3 calves, 3 brood sows, 36 chickens, cream separator. 2 plows, mower, rake, harness, spike tooth harrow, fanning mill, wagon, and all small tools, feed and seed, acres now seeded to crop. This is exceptionally good land : no rock nor gravel : only V mile from small railway town: 10 miles from Vancouver on paved highway. Price $9500, half cash. MODERN FARM HOME INCLUDING FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT. 60 acres. 38 acres in high state of cultivation, balance in op"n pas ture and firft-growth red fir tim ber: best of soil, gentle slope to the south, all tillable, fenced and cross fenced, mostly woven wire; 8-room modern house, full set of white porcelain plumbing; new dairy barn fully equipped, new silo, sec ond barn for young cattle and ma chinery, large double-walled cel lar, separator room, woods-hed, up-to-date chicken house and park, water piped to all buildings from large spring. good pressure 1 acre of excellent orchard in full bearing. grape arbors, English walnuts and all kinds of small fruits and berries, 6 good dairy cows, 1 heifer, O. I. C. brood cow, will farrow soon, 3 phoats, fine span of young Percherons, also driving mare; 100 laying hens. 400 chicks, incubator, brooder, imple ments consist of mower, rake, wagon, harness, 2-seated surrey, buggv, dipc. harrow, cprlng-tooth harrow, plows, cultivators, spray outfit, cream separator, all small tools. household furniture of kitchen range, linoleum. brass beds, dressers, cot, hangin-g lamps, dining table, chairs, couch, settee, Morris chairs, rugs, shades, cook ing utensils, rawn mower, garden tools, several cords of wood, chick en feed, crops all seeded; only 4 miles from good Columbia river town, 12H miles from Vancouver on good automobile road; buildings , all painted, elevated building site, overlooking beautiful little valley, income from the day you purchase. Price $0500. Liberal terms. PURE BRED STOCK AND DATRT FARM. 320 acres, 80 to 100 acres In nigh state of cultivation, balance in pasture, all fenced and cross fenced, principally woven wire, living water In pasture and the beFt pressure water system at buildings; a fine 8-room modern bungalow with white porcelain plumbing, fireplace, furnace, full concrete basement, a large dairy barn fully equipped with modern conveniences; . also 6-room house for tenant, dairy, steam boiler, vats, double garage, houffe sur rounded by Tine natural grove and a variety of shrubbery; personal property consists of 33 head of reg istered Holstein cattle, most dairy cows, 8 head of horses. 2 full blood Percherons, 400 sheep and lambs. 8 hogs. 2 flock of chick ens. 2 wagons, harness, manure spreader, plows, harrows, mower, rake, and all small tools necessary to run an up-to-date farm ; only 19 miles from Portland, 13 miles from Vancouver, 4 miles from rail road station; Meal pure-bred srtoclc proposition. Price $45,000. Will accept city property up to $10,000. THOMPSON, SWAN A LETS, Third and Main Streets, Vancouver, Wash- 160-ACRE RANCH 00 ACRES IN ALFALFA ALL UNDER IRRIGATION $94 AN ACRE. 159 acres under cultivation and Irrigation from state of Oregon Tumalo Project. Located on good road, between Redmond and Bend; ditches all surveyed by competent engineer, farm all fenced and cross-fenced; fine concrete cistern at house, large pool for watering stock ; 4-room house, barn, ga rage, other outbuildings; bus service for taking children to and from school; might exchange for Portland residence up to $5000, some cash; good terms on bal ance at 6 per cent. See SAM HEWEY at J- L HARTMAN CO., No. T Chamber of Commerce bldg. CLOSHJ TO GASTON. . 1 miles from Gaston is 6T acres of splendid lana, w 01 .j $7 in timber, 13 acres in cultivation; Ai-havHr nmnii house, good barn. chicken -house, 1 horse, 13 chickens, 2 tons of hay, some farm .implements. Price $470, cash. Pon'l JLgA" ed. Misnier, wun uvn Gerlinger bldg. 40 ACRES 13 miles from roruanu on -.avjmI rond: all in cultivation; v teres 1 wrinr nrune trees. 50 apple trees. 201 acres beaverdam, fine creek, 6-room I house, good barn, outbuildings, 12 tons I of hav. 125 bushels of oats, 4 milch wa 2 waives. 1 heifer. 2 brood sows. 1 a niv. a ahnntii. team horses, chickens. most crops in, all farm implements. 2 stands bees; a bargain at $10,000; Jerms. I Mr. Geroer, Aiaer notei, n 70 ACRES Located 5 miles from Oregon I mtv on fine surtacea roao; mi aires 1 clear and in crop, wheat, oats, vetch, inv.r rwd bouse and fine barn 40x70, fine spring on place; one-half mile to I school and store; gooa team nu uu ggy , all farm implements and feed on hand;! price $14,000; can give terms; win con sider $3000 residence on deal. 808 Mc Kay bldg. Main GOOD SO-acre irrigated farm, one mile 1 from Kood town, sunny iwuuicrn laano, 7r.n0 including good water right. Ad joining farms held at $200 per acre and I no and no better land or water than this one. Your opportunity. Johnson, INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark SL cr-a s A t.'R Cheat). 55 acres. 4.5 In cul tivation, all or part; water piped to house and barn; fine location for dairy, chickens or berries; close in, 4 mile from pavement, hk mile from Bellrose station, Gresham line. See owner, 4837 P2d St. S. Hi- FOR SALE OR TRADE lfl acres of Al land, all In cultivation; a good 8room bungalow, new barn, all outbuildings: 28 miles south of city, one mile from milroad station, store and school; 1 good cow. some Implements; from owner. 502 E. 16th st. S. BARGAIN 40 acres. 5 cleared; cabin: best! . snrins: million iu Port Ortord ce dar,- fir; lots of free cattle range ad- I joining; Vx mile from mail road. Coos county. Or. M. M. Halloweil. Port Clem-I ents. B. C. Graham is-q. 121 ACRES, 32 miles from center of Port- land, 11 acres cleared. 2 0 In pasture, fine cedar timber, 4-room bouse, barn, chicken house, very good soil, lies well, all tillable. $3750; easy terms. DREW, COBB BRCKS.. uak M'. t a VP", 40 acres In Hood River district. will give lease for clearance and im-I provement, Japs preferred. Inquire 848 Yamhill. ' aao ACRES $65,000. n-ear McMinnville on Yamhill river; one of the bet farms in valley. Investigation so.icited. liart, , 010 Cham, oi ora, ju are nan looa. REAL ESTATE. For Bale Farms. BENTON COUNTY AND WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM BARGAINS. 38 acres, all fine sandy loam soil, nearly all in cultivation, on county graveled road, near school; 9-room modern house. Just being completed, large new barn and other buildings, gas engine, water system, fully equipped with near ly new machinery of every kind necessary, milch cows, horses, hogs and chickens; this soil will pro duce five or six hundred bushels of potatoes per acre and is the best berry land in the Willam ette valley; price for everything. Immediate possession. $20,000. 335-acre river bottom farm. 1GO acres cultivated, balance place timber and open pasture, all sandy loam soil, highly 4m proved and well located; a great bargain; price $24,000. 100-acro farm, all good land. 6O acres cultivation. 5-room bun galow, barn, etc.; well located on graveled road near school ; price $85O0. 105 acres, adjoining small town, nearly all farming land. 90 acres train, planted; 5 -room house, two arns, 6 horses. 2 hogs, 100 chlck-f ens, 3 plows, harrow, disc, spring tooth, cor. roller, drill, mower, rake, 2 wagons, all other tools and equipment including feed and seed; price $0500. Write tu for Information and booklet listings of farma for sale. MILLER & WALTER, CORVALL1S, OR. 120 ACRES at Monroe. Or.. 10O acres in cultivation; crop belongs to renter, but can be bought; on highway; all fenced; line son; only i.uoo; $oooo will Handle; oaiance to suit buyer. IOO acres open land, about 75 In 'crop and meadow: 23 milch cows and a lot of younger stock; 4 horses, all machinery ana 11. 1. lurmture; family orcnard ; all river bottom land, except about 111 acres; 3 miles from town. 1L R. and cheese factories; school on corner of I land; only $18,000, half cash; baL to suit at o per cent. 160 acres at Chehalls. Wash., on Pa cific highway: 80 acres in croo: lots more can easily be cleared; school across I road; good bldgs., family orchard, water I in noujse. oath, etc.; fine lot of Hotstein cows and some young stock, 2 good teams, an machinery and tools. $20,000. iuasy terms. 160 acres in Pacific Conntv. Wsjih 84 miles from town. R R and rhnsA factory; 80 a. in crop; lots more easy to I ciear; im acres is bottom land; deep, rich soil; 9 milch cows and a lot of young stock;' fine team, some hogs, chickens. etc.: all farm ininlmentji n nil tnoln irn I with place. Price $12,000. Will trade for a farm near a German Lutheran church I ua give a Bargain. KJ'bK & RICHARDS, 608 Buchanan Bldg. A BIO MONEY-MAKER. 27-ACRE HIGHLY IMPROVED RANCH IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. Income over $4000 last season not counting crop on hand; 1 acre in loganberries, 1 acre Cu t li ber t raspberries. 11 acres bearing apples. 1 acre cherries, some clov er and alfalfa, wheat and barley, 8 horses, 2 cows, 400 chickens, complete set of farm implements, brooder, Incubator, 6-room fur nished bungalow with sleeping porch, good barn, fruit shed, 3 chicken houses, garage, 2 wells, phone, R. F. D. and milk route; one-fourth mile to school; fruit prospects good for this season; price for all $10,000. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 6000-ACRE SHEEP RANCH. All tn one body; fully stocked and equipped ; located in southern Washington; near summer range; Just lambed; owner has had do mestic trouble and wishes to go to Mexico, 'so will sacrifice ; every thing goes, even the wonderful home, fully furnished; some terms. BP 414. OREGON IAN. 167 -AC RE WASHINGTON CO. FARM FOR U.NLY $SUOO. North of Hillsboro. 1 mile from R. R. ; 17 acres under cultivation. 35 creek bot tom, of which 85 has been slashed and I goated; can be cleared at very little cost: SO fenced and cross-fenced: two million ft. of timber, county cruise, and I only 1 mile to siding on Co. road: 8- room 1 la-story bungalow, plastered and finished downstairs, all modern built- I in nxtures. B replace, water Dined to house from spring; family orchard of 100 trees. Read carefully what goes with this: Good team, harness and wag on, plow, harrow and small tools, cow and heifer. 45 old goats and 25 or more kids, 32 sheep, will lamb about May 1; lew cmcaens. jveryming ior only sauvu, uau casn. tan you oeat it STEWART & BUCK, 315 N. W. Bank Bldg. COLUMBIA RIVER DAIRY RANCH. v ita Big Cash Income. 60O Acres. Complete Machinery Equipment 100 Head HOLSTEIN CATTLE. $100 Per Acre. Easy Terms. J. H. KEATINU. 618 Board of Trade, GOOD PAYING PRUNES RANCH. 40 acres, located 5 miles from Salem. Oregon. In the best prune district, on a good road. All in bearing prunes. The I trees are from 8 to 12 years old and have Deen given tne oest 01 attention. This orchard has been insoected by an ex pert and passed as in A-l shape. The I sou ana location are gooa and the in come from this orchard is paying better than 12 per cent on an investment of $16,000, the price of the ranch. Large cash payment required. No trades. Mishler, with JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger Diag. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 83 acres, all excellent soil, 23 miles to Portland, near Pacific highway; new H-roora house, large barn, chicken house, etc; 6 Jer sey milch cows, horse, wagon, plows, harrows, cultivators, cream separator, lots of small tools, also some household goods. This place must be seen to be appreciated. Price for everything $6300; terms. F. R. Jesse, with Ralph Ackiey Land Co., 527 Cor belt bldg. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS. Well Improved 28 acres within mile or good town; on graveled road; priced low for quick sale ; terms on part. 70 acres near McMlnnville-Sheridan highway; practically all In cultivation and nearly ail in crop; underpriced for quick sale. Address Box 02, McMlnn- ville. Or. CLOSE IN FARM. 85 acres, lo miles from center of Portland on main hard-surfaced high way, H mile from 82d st. ; fair house. barn and orchard ; 30 acres in cultiva tion, 22 in grain; $1000 worth oak wood; all rich, level bottom land, well drained; station at property ; laeai lor subdi vision. Price to settle estate $7500; worm oouoie. R. F. FEEMSTER, 309 Abington Bldg. I FOR SALE 60 acres Columbia river bot- torn land, located 14 miles from Van couver, Wash., at railroad station; 40 acres now in crop; 5-room house and two large barns and silo; this Is a fine dairy farm, a money-maker; price $8500; might consider a suburban home as part payment. auo jncay Diag. Main 4ia. to ACRES 12 acres plowed and in crop. orchard; 27 acres good timber land, very rich soil, no bad land or rocks, living creek, two miles from Oregon Electric station and town, fine county road, 19 1 miles from Portiana; only $70 per acre. For a chance to see tnis place, com-1 municate with H. Joet, R. F. D. 2. S h e r wood. Or. IF YOU have J350O to put into a fine farm can- oner you a nargam in one near the Willamette river at WJlsonville; I WANTED 5 or 6-room house in good dis will take some trade, and there is tim- trict. Price about $8500. with terms. ocr enuugii w vj u.u aim ui rint kind of soil: vou will have to hurry to get this farm snap. B. M. Price & Co. 200 Henry bldg. REAL ESTATE. No. 24 EQUIPMENT AND CROP. Near Lebanon; 138 acres, all tillable, and 85 acres in fall grain looking fine; 25 acres- to seed this spring; good barn, fair house, good soil, no rock, phone in the -house, gravel road, milk route; only $9u per acre; good terms. No. 43 CROP STOCK EQUIPMENT. 120-acre farm, level loam soil; 60 under plow, 35 in fall crop, balance pasture, 12 timber; 2 wells, springs, family orchard, 6 roora house, 2 barns, granary, heavy team, harness, wagon, mow- m er, rake, plow, disc, harrow, all smaii tools, 3 cows, z heifers. 3U ewea, 20 lambs, cream separator; phone in bouse, school on corner, cream- and mall route; located near Lebanon, fronting on good gravel, state highway to be paved this summer; only $83.50 per acre, half cash; buy this and drive to town on pavement. No. 59 STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 1 60-acro farm near Lebanon, half In cultivation, balance pas ture and timber, some river bot tom; fair buildings; 6 cows, 2 heifers, 40 goats, farm imple ments ; R. F. D. and phone ; gravel road; only $50 per acre; $3500 cash. For sale by JOS. C. GIBSON. "THE LAND MAN." HOTEL LEBANON, LEBANON, OR. 20O-ACRE HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM WITH CROP AND EQUIPMENT. Beautifully located near one of the best cities in the Willamette valley; splendid soil, land is level and practically all In crop and orchard; 100 acres of winter wheat, good condition, seeded with clov er; 20 acres in barley. 15 acres oats, 35 acres tn. clover, none bet ter in the state; 10 acres In bear ing prunes, 15 acres In bearing cherry orchard, besides a splen did family orchard, fine modern residence, 10 rooms. hardwood floors, fireplaces, bath, water pressure system, good barn, ma chine shed, chicken houses, other outbuildings of "all kinds, complete set of farm implements, practical ly all new, cost over $5000; stream of water through the place and can Irrigate it desired. Lo cated on paved highway ; pros pect for $80O0 or $lo,OiV crop this year; price for everything, $200 an acre. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. INVESTIGATE THIS ONE, 75 acres very best soil with some beaverdam; 35 acres cult., baL good pasture, none billy, no rock ; 39 acres bearing orchard, lots of berries; good well and spring, water piped to bldgs. ; good 5 room house, barn 46x50, many other outbid gs. ; horses, cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, all kinds of im plements; only few hundred feet to R. R. sta., two blocks to school, store, church, etc; paved highway going right by place, only 24 ml. to Portland, in very thickly set tled community. This farm is owned by widow woman who is very anxious to sell. For particu lars see F. R. Jesse, 627 Cor bet t bldg. 108 ACRES, located 5 miles from Gaston; 53 acres under cultivation. 05 acres in pasture, with a few trees for wood. This place is all In crop. Good buildings and new silo. Spring mater piped to bouse. Large family orchard and IOO bearing prune trees. The crop and stock on this place is reasonably worth $200O. Price $7000, with good Horses, cow, chickens. 4 hogs, complete line of ma chinery and the crop. Personally inspect ed. Alarsters, wita j ikituu&u, Gerlinger bldg. WHAT ARE YOUR CHANCES? If you stay in the city, they are slim. Indeed. Hard times axe coming and you know what that means to city folks. Why not a home in the Yakima valley? You can be your own boss. be independent on five acre a Call or write for booklet and information of what others are doing on small tracts under government irrigation. A little cash will start you to independence. HOVER. 612 Selling bid. Main 4893. Bee me. You ned the money I save you. DAIRY RANCHES, We nave the best buys to be had any where; 600-acre ranch for rent, stock and equipment for sale. 500 acres ; a wonderful buy ; easy terms. 140 acres, best little dairy ranch to be had anywhere, some stock and equip ment; this won't last long; easy terms. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., 614 Panama Bldg., Northeast Corner 3d and Alder. 10-ACRE prune orchard near Van couver, Wash.; all cult., full bear ing; 6-room bungalow with water and bath; good barn; mile from R. R. sta. on main county road. Price $4750; some terms. Mr. F. P. Carson. 1025 F U Vancouver, Wah. Phone 691 Y. FOR SALE On account of poor health. IOO -acre oairy mutu , gwu uuuuing, stock and improvements; close to school and church; 3 miles from R. R. and boat landing. Price $11,000; $750O cash; rest long Ume. Inquire B. bunch. -AOl s. First su Devlin A4t. Room 14. Port land. Or. FOR SALE 30-acre orchard. 7 years old; IO acres prunes, lo acres apples, acres pears. A thrifty orchard in excellent location, and an unusually desiraole piece of property. Price $7000; half cash and balance on easy terms. Address AV 402, Oregonian. FOR SALE 10 acres Hood River berry ind; 8 acres cleared, ready to set now large canning plant will contract output tor 10 years at good figure. Price $2uoo. 1-8 cash, bal. to suit. H. K. Lav wo port. Hood River, Or. SEVEN acres, bearing apples of best com mercial varieties, o Bartlett pear and 30 cherry trees, located 1 miles from Hood River. Price $350O. Terms. E. A. LIN DG REN. Savon Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bank bldg. A BUY that is hard to beat; 149 acres. 85 In crop, 20 beaveraam, oaiance in pasture; 6-room house., good barn and other outbuildings, 13 miles from Port land, on paved road; price $16 per acre. You will have to hurry. Edwin Jacob son. 716 Spalding. Main 5642. BARGAIN I have a stock farm in the Wlllajnette valley, oniy tnree miies xrom railroad, on good county road ; running water, all fenced, good xir ana oak timber; can't run It myself; will give a bargain ; terms. can Main 0444. 20o ACRES Ten miles from Roseburg. on good road; 00 acres in crop, iu acres 4-year-old prunes, fair buildings, running water; price $55 per acre. AR 868, Ore- gonian. FIVE ACRES FOR RENT. All in cultivation; close to school: small house, fruit trees and well, wood houiu. $120 year. KR1DER & ELK1NGTON. Gresham, Or. 134 ACRES sacrificed; most all tillable, 11 acres plowed, nouse ana earn, orcnara, creek, good road, school, farm machinery, only $30 acre; good terms. Box 67 Rainier. Or. 117-ACRE farm, 70 acres cleared, house. ham. nooo coras woo a. running spring. suitable for dairy; paved road. cloe to Portland; take mortgage, liberty bonds; easy terms. Boggegs. f ront. 30 ACRES near Oregon City, 4 blocks sta tion. IOOU iruit ana wsiuui irew; u acres timber; red shot soil, watered. $boOO, terms. Phone 213-0t. 160 ACRES Part cleared, spring and river on place, gooa auto roaas, at miies irom Portland; small payment down. Ill N. 17 th st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WANT CLOSE-IN FARMS AND AC RE AG E3. If you really want to sell It costs you nothing to let us know. Personal in spection and Individual attention. If your price is right there is a buyer for your property. j. c. Corbln Co.. 305-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. HAVE many buyer for west side prop erty south of Madison st. Handling went sloe property is my specialty, call and see me tor quicit results. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. E j OEISEK, 417 Chamber of Com. 1 - , I WANTED A lot 50xlO0 in Irvington mut be cheap tor casn, raooe x. WANTED REAL K ST ATE. WANTED COUNTER -OFFERINGS TO MATCH THESE: Apartment house up to $00,000, for $lo.0'M home: 10.S00 close-In screage, 2 residences at JriOOO. Will assume. Apartment or business pitprrty ' for 4O0-iicre farm at $24.00 ; also 760-acre farm at $50,000, Excellent valley loca tions and improvements. Residence or small business property for 3SO-acre farm at $25,000. Fine stock proposition. Good bldg3. Several clear residences or smsller busi ness property clear for fine 3-story cor ner bri ;k apartment-house at $45,000. Over $000 mo. income. $15,000 to be assumed on easy terms. Portland properties of different tyr for valley farms from $10.0uO to f 100,Oa0. O. H. SKOTHEIM. U30-333 Ry. Kxch. IRVING TON OWN EPOS. I have many, many buyers coming to my Irvington headquar ters. If you will sell your home, especially $."i0OO to $10,000, at a top price, phone me to come and see - it sure. 4 R. T. STREET. East 604. WILL BUY FOR CASH DESIRABLE LOT OF A BARGAIN PREFER PORTLAND HEIGHTS NORTH Or PATTON ROAD. EAST OF VIST A AVE.. ROSE CITY. LAURKLH CRST OR BEST OFFER UNDER $1000. MUST HAVE EXACT LOCATION (.OT AND BLOCK) TO GET ATTENTION. AD DRESS "BUNGALOW SITE." P. O. BOX 222. CITY. THINK. Why get nervous prostration trying to sell your own homo and showing it to numerous shoppers? Better list it with a real live firm which will take a per sonal interest. We are centrally located, have auto and courteous salesmen to show your property. Come in and get acquainted or phone. EDWIN JACOBSON. 716 Spalding Bldg. Main 5G42. IRVINGTON. Alameda. Laurelhurst own ers We have sold so many homes we are about sold out in homes $."oio to $10,000; if you will sell such a property, even at a top price, phone R. T. Street. P. S. Also have a dozen cash buy ers right now who will pay $1 ft. 000 to 3o,oH ior a gooa nome in irvingion, Portland Heights. Alameda, Laurelhurst. Can I inspect yours? WILL pay cash for bargain in brick build ing on west side or close in east aiae, that I can use for my manufacturing business Give me full particulars in first letter, as regards location and size of building. Will go to $15,0t0 for cash, possibly $25.0H) if can get the property at once. T Oregonian. HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prosperous pur chasers waiting who . want homes rang ing from $3000 to $000 in good dis trict. Phone, write or call. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. WILL pay cash for well located corner lot or quarter block in Irvington or Holla day districts. Mu5t be close to car and in good neighborhood. Must be a bar gain. Name lowest cash price. BF 304. Oregonlan. WANT a good lot to build on either In Irvington. Laurelhurst or Ladd's addi tion. What have you to trade for 20 acres of good land worth $2000? Kindly give full details in answer. By owner. X 179. Oregonlan. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot will finance and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. 621 Morgan Bids. Main 2035. I WANT a flat building or income prop erty and , I have a farm of 1H0 acres worth $16,000 that I would like traded for It. I will pay difference in cash up to $7500. Phone Main 2667 or call or write to 808 Lewis bldg. WILL trade 2G-room rooming house, brick bldg., good location, reasonable rent, for home; will pay cash difference. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 614 Panama Bldg. N. E. Cor. 3d and Alder. HOUSES WANTED. We have added a house department and are pleased to have your property If It is for sale. John Ferguson. Uer linger bldg. LOTS WANTED. We have several people that will build their own home, if they can be suited in location and price of the lot.. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. WANT TO BUY 4 or 5-room house: must be modern. Hean and on improved st. ; can pay $2000 cash, balance $25 per mo. Answer giving full particulars. AG 3o8. Oregonian . WILL pay cash for one-half to one acre nf crnnnrl with medium sUed house or a good house conveniently situated on hard surface street not over 12 miles from Portland. L 63, oregonian. I WANT to buy a flat building or Port land property tnat wui give me oiK re nn m v monev. Will go as high a $20,000. Must be a bargain. W 1S4, Oregonlan. Want hou.-e equity up to $1500 In ex- W ANT HOUSE EQUITY. change for Base Line acreage, near street car. W. H. ROSS. ltOO Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANTED To .buy from owner, small nnnrtment house. 1 to is rooms in White Temple district. AK 47, Orego nian. I WANT TO BUY small houfe on Portland Heights or Council Crest. Phone Sundays after 1:30 P. M. Marshall 5033 I WANT homes from $2000 to $7000; have clients waiting; list your property wun me auto. C. E. Adams. 507 Cham, of Com bldg. Mar. 2S7S; eve,, Wdln. 3433. FEW ACRES near city for self; prefer some improvements; give location, price, terms, full particulars. BJ 317, Orego nian. WILL exchange Hudson 6 fnr vacant lot in Peninsula oistrict, or nrst payment on Improved property. Phone Woodlawn 6132, owner. I WANT from 3 to 10 acres with buildings near Portland: grouna ciearea. w ouia like place with 'family orchard. R 143 Oregonian. I AM looking for a home In Portland; pre fer not to go over joou, but would go to $4OO0 if the place is absolutely right. Can pay all cash. R 144. Oregonlan. WANT TO BUY 5 or 6-room house in good condition; large lot; .o or 4W) down, balance like rent. No liens. X 12. Oregonian. WANTED To buy for owner, a 4 or 5- room houne. Must oe reasoname. io objection to 1 or 2 extra lots. Will pay cash. Call East 3204. WANTED For cash, a 6 or 7-room house. in or near iauremurst: must oe moaern and cheap for cash. Owners only. W 6r8. Oregonian. 50 ACRES Good productive farm In sub urbs of Portland, vaiue sow per acre; trade for Arizona, Southern Idaho, Cal. property. Owner. AP 419, Oregonian. WANTED To buy on monthly contract. E- room modern oun pa low ior a do tic jj;imj or $3000. Phone Woodlawn L"50 before 12 o'clock. WILL YOU BUILD ME HOUSE? I have lot. Will you finance and build small house on substantial monthly pay ments? Marshall 593:1 LOT OWNERS! Builder wants lots to build on at once. Will give second mortgage for price of lot. AM 41o. Oregonian. I AM in the market for a house in Rich mond or nawmorne. rinci uunjtaiow; fair down payment. AG 311. Oregonlan. SMALL homes that are clean and priced right. Zimmerman A White, 818 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. I WANT "a house in Kenton or north part of town near neumont. suitauie pay ment. AF 421, Oregonian. I HAVE $300 as first payment on a house. bal. monthly. Consider any district. V 181. Oregonian. U' 1 T a house or bungalow In Rose Citv. 5 rooms or more. Can make suitable down payment. AB 41 . Oregonian. - I WISH to buy 6 or 7-room Colonial house in Irvington, not to exceed $7000. Ta bor 7853. WANTED Suburban home, not exceeding $3000 ; will ouy irora owner; no agents. AP 311. oregonian. w a. nit fi or 6-room bung, from owner muvt be good location; $3o00 or lesa, half cash. A5 Sitf. oregonian. 1 WANT a flat building, cheap for cash, preferably west side. Write full partic ulars. V 120, Oregonian. 5 OR 6-ROOM house on large lot, or H acre, fruit, etc.. at $4u0 and $35 per mo. V 152. Oregonian. SEEKING a piece of cheap land partly improved. Give full detai.s; am not an agent. AL 315, Oregonian. I CAN pay $-"00 down. bal. monthly, on modern bungalow in Hawthorne. T 20S, Oregonian I WANT a house up to $3."00. any fair dis trict. AM 422. Oregonian. WANTED to buy from owner 3, 4 or 6 room modern. AL &03. Oregonian. BCNGATjOW, around $3000. on or block Xrom car corner. M I'JO, Oregooian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. SEE PRANK L. McGUIRE (To Sell Your Home.) We Need it Today. You want RESULTS? TRY THE McGUIRE SYSTEM. An efficient, live wire method of home selling. 8JI homes sold last year, ft homes sold In one da v. 112 homes sold during March, 102O. 31i homes sold since Jan. 1.. 1U20. FRANK L. McGUIRE personally INSPECTS. APPRAISES AND PHOTOGRAPHS all property listed. Every photograph is dispiaved In our large showrooms which are continually thronged with EARNEST HOME BUY E RS; 14 courteous experienced salesmen SUi?uloa to worlc on the sale1 of your HOME. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. Main IOCS. Open Evenings and Sunday. Deal With an Old Reliable Firm. IRVINGTON. ALAMEDA. LAURELHURST. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. OWNERS, NOTE! I sold every corner home In Irvington sold last year by any owner or agent where the price was $10,000 or more. Can I sell your home? Am desperately In need of all kinds of homes; am selling 22 of each 23 listed. You can gain the ben efit of this real realty service if you will phone R. T. STREET, Agent. East 804. MULTNOMAH OWNERS, ATTENTION We have sold every home listed with us in the Multnomah district during the last 30 days. We can sell yours and get you the cash. We have the buyers waiting. Why list your property where you will have to wait weeks for a buyer when we have the buyers waiting. Get in touch with a live wire; we'll get you $250 more for your place than your neighbor agent. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington st. Phone Main S220. LET GE oTTTM OO RE "c O . sell your home. We are earnestly In need or high-class homes in Jjaureihurst. Irvington, Rose City Park. Piedmont and Alameda, from G to 10 rooms and from $5000 to $15,000. We make a specialty of high-class property and we have the buyers. Prompt attention paid to all listings. Call Main 802 and we are on the jump st once. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 100T Yeon Bldg. I HAVE large family and am looking for home with at least 3 bedrooms and, it possible, sleeping porch. We only ex pect to stay here a few months: find it impossible to find anything desirable to rent, so when we buy want to get some thing that we can turn again when we leave city. In answering please state your cheapest cash price. BF 3til, Ore gonian. WILL BUY A BUNGALOW IF DESIRABLE LOCATION AND TN GOOD ORDER: PREFER ONE 3 TO 5 YEARS CUD; MUST BE UNDER $."0O0 AND A REAL BARGAIN. GIVE LO CATION AND PRICK. ADDRESS 662 ELM ST.. OR MAIN 1136. . HAVE A CLIENT FOR STRICTLY MOD ERN HOME: MUST HAVE AT LEAST FIVE BEDROOMS BESIDES MAIDS QUARTERS. THE PARTY HAS THE MON E Y. W I LLI N O TO PAY FOR A GOOD HOME, BUT MUST BE WORTH. THE PRICE ASKED. POINDEXTER, 2 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800; RESIDENCE, 271-20. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. Abington Bldg. " '35 YEARS IN PO RT LAND. WE GET QUICK AND SATISFAC TORY RESULTS. LIST WITH US. WE NEED IT TODAY. HUNDREDS OF HOMES SOLD THROUGH OUR OFFICE TO SATISFIED PURCHASERS. . C. GOLDEN BE KG, ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 403. I AM not hard to please. I know some where in Portland is the little 5-room bungalow my wife and 1 are looking for. It may not have been offered in the market. Will pay t he cash for bunga low in good repair, wUh cheerful rooms, located In district desirable to live. BC .10.1. Oregonian. IF YOU HAVE A GOOD HOME FOR SALE, ANY GOOD LOCATION, FROM $0000 UP. MAIL OR PHONE FULL DE SCRIPTION. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE 271-20. 320 ACRES 160 acres in cultivation; all fenced: house, barn, etc.; close to store. P. O. and school, on new R. R. survey. Lake county. Or.; price $5000; will sell on easy terms or exchange for city prop erty or acreage. Tallmadge Realty Co., 619 Henry bldg DANDY small farm to trade for grocery; Have 9 acres 10 miles from Portland, with good buildings, good soil, well Im proved, will trade for good grocery or cigar siore up to $35u. or will sell same. NORD, 200 Henry Bldg: INCOME propertv under secured lease at $240 yearly; 00x100 corner, with con crete building. Price $2."..o00. mortgage $11,000. Will exchange for Portland in come and assume to $20,000. AG 416, Oregonian. waxt ft -room buncralow and lot In Irving ton. Rose City Park. Walnut Park or Piedmont as part payment on $12,000 paying orchard in the beautiful Rogue river valley. See owner this week at 001 Stock Exchange bldg. I HAVE the cash to pay for a good mod ern bungalow in Hawthorne or R!rh mond districts; prefer 5 or 6 roonts; please write me. giving full details as to price, rau(,eucu ia, ;.. w gnntan. t WANT to buv a lot In Laurelhurst. Irvington or Rose City Park. Will pay cash. Give lot and block number, price and state whether Improvements are paid. BO 206. Oregonian. RITPTTRRAN HOME. Rivera or Rlverdale section preferred: modern home or rooms. mu u tr gain. Give price, terms and location. Am not an agent. BF S07. Oregonian. MULTNOMAH home wanted; quarter or half acre preferred; line or o-room modern house: want to deal with owner direct and will pay all cash. AH 4io, Oregonlan. wa'T n nlncf near Portland, not less than H acre, small nouse win 00 n m tr.tA woorvrimnn : would nrefer a sightly place, if possible near Willamette or Co- lumDia river. oi.-. wrgwjini . I WANT to buy a good home in Laurel hurst or irvington: am wining to vj reasonable price for a home that Is good. Give complete descrif Ion with price. M 85. Oregonian. ti MODERN HOME, "or narV so. in Sunnyside, or Hawthorne district; rauKt be reasonable; give location, number and nrice first letter; no agents. axt oii, Oregonian. SPOT CASH and quick deal for real bar gain In modern bungalow In good loca tion. Please submit price and details by mail. 1123 East Alder St., portiana, or. Positively no agents. WE HAVE city property for acreage and acreage for city property, also several good farms for city property. Tali niajgeRealty Co.. 619 Henry bldg. DESIRE good residence of about 6 rooms: must be well located and Just price, with terms, from owner, please. Give details and about school. AH 363. Oregonlan. HOUSE WANTED Not over $3000; will give $0O lot In La Grande. Or., and $"-"M cash first payment, $35 per month. X 124. Oregonlan. WANT west side home, something mod ern, well located: have cash buyer, around $10,000. Neuhauaen & Co., Main S078. WANT 40 or 80 acres under the proposed irrigation project North Unit). Jeffer son county, for a client. B. S. Cook, 601 Stock Exchange bldg. WILL pay half or more cash for mod erate priced bungalow or cottage near Franklin high school and car. No agents. Box 182. Woodstock station. RESPONSIBLE buiiness man wants strict ly first-class 5 or 6-room house, good location, about $50O down and large monthly payments. Tabor 5388. WANT income property; will pay cash up to $20,000 for the best buy offered In next 10 days. Must be at rock-bottom price. AG 412. Oregonlan. WANTED To buy or rent, 5 or 6-room house, family 3 adults: Al references. Irvington, Rose City preferred. AL 567, Oregonian. WANTED By May 7. direct from owner, modern Rose City bungalow; give price and description. Let me hear from you. AM 874. Oregonian. MUST have Rose City bungalow by May 1. No agents need answer. Phone Mr. Ma lone. Broadway 266. WANT IRVINGTON HOMES. WE ARE SELLING ALL f HE TIME. NEU HAL'SEN & CO.. MAIN S078. m WANTED The best bungalow I can buy for not over $4500, $1000 cash. P. O. box 62H. Portland, or. WANTED Best 6-room bunralow that $3000 to $4000 will buy. Phone early. Tabor 4341. m WANTED Modern house of 6 or ? rooms; must be bargain for cash. AB 942, Oregonian. FROM owners, Irvington home not ceedHng $7000, East of 14th it AO 361. Oregonian. WANT home close In around $3500. 416. Oregonlan. - AM WANT home for cash and 160 acres good land. Main ias. WANTED st once, house or bungalow; must be bargain. Tabor 547.1. READ Walnut Park's ad under lots; aU