THE STJXDAY OREGOXTAX, TOETLAXD, ATTtTTJ 11, 1Z20 9 REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. SUBURBAN HOMES, we specialize in suburban homes, every home personally appraised. THE DE JOICE COMPANY. BEAVERTON DISTRICT. $1500 CASH J 1500. A little cottage with 3 rooms and bath, almost 2 acres of good soil. S acre in loganberries, family orchard, full bear- iiiK. chicken house, garage, gas in house and good well, on macadam road 12 minutes' walk to station: small payment down, balance like rent; photo at our office. WEST OF BEAVERTON. 5 acres, ail improved. 3-room house, small chicken house and woodshed; 2 :ra in orchard, full bearing: some fine cllerrv trees on this nla.ct balance in grain: only 2 blocks to station on Red electric. Price $3000: terms; NEAR JENNINGS LODGE $2400. 1 acre, almost new 4-room bungalow. Uutch kitchen, a big chicken house for aoout 200 chickens: garage, fruit house, woodshed, a nice kepl-up iamily orchard and many kinds of oerries. There is also another 2-room plastered cottage on this acre, all for $2400. This is a very at tractive place, now rents for $25 per month: 1 block from station: terms. .Dun't overlook this. 71i ACRES NEAR BEAVERTON. 5-room bungalow, plastered, looks like new; gas. city water, barn. garage, chicken house, about one acre in orchard and berries, balance under cultivation. Those 7 acres lie almost perfect on a good macadam road and only 5 blocks to station. It may be what you are look ing for. let us show you. Price $50uu; cash $1000. balance like rent. DE JOICE REALTY COMPANY. 222 Henry Bldg. Main 1631. WONDERFUL. VIEW. NOW VACANT. We. can sell you this beautiful view property of acres, on fine macadam road, close to the new paved road to Oregon city; improved with 6-room house and fine water system; has an unob airucted view of the mountains and river and is a property that can be beautified and made one of the most toeauliful holdings close to the city; lo cated in that unexcelled vicinity imme diately beyond Oswego. Price only $6000, part cash; and it's a bargain. KASER at RAINEY. 823-0 Gasco Bldg. Main 7602. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME. AT OSWEGO LAKE. One acre, with 5-room butvga-low. ce ment basement, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, enameled bathroom. Good plumbing; located on good road, 5 blocks from car line. Lots of fruit and berries. 3 good chicken houses. Garage, woven wire chicken runs, a very attractive place, well located. Offered away below value. $25O0 cash, balance on terms at 6 per cent Interest. Personally inspected. Photo at office. Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. EVERGREEN STATION. Six rooms, 00x100. Price $1700 louxlOO corner, near station 4o0 COURTNEY STATION. Six rooms, 1-3 acre, only 2100 Five rooms, " acre, fruit 3000 UaK GROVE. Seven rooms. !0xl45 3150 jsi.hi. rooms. 90x143 200 Fuur-room shiplap house 800 Two-room house, nice lot 330 GLEN ECHO STATION. Well-improved o-asye home 3800 Well-improved 3 -acre home 2300 Improved 12-acre farm for house and lot. Photos and complete list at office. C. E. APPLE. OAK GROVE, OR. 4 AND 15-100 acres, located close to Union ave. and near the Interstate bridge; 3 acres in bearing fruit of every variety; the trees are in their prime and have been given the best of attention; berries of all kinds: the income from the fruit on this place last year was over $1.S00; good S-room house, full ce ment basement, good plumbing, im proved street, large chicken house, small barn; one acre in early potatoes. The soil is free lrom rock or gravel; a good commercial orchard, located right in the city. Personally inspected. JOHN FER GUSON. Gerlinger bldg. EXTRA CHOICE COUNTRY HOMES. Two acres of perfect land. 70 choice fruit trees, bearing: 6-room bunga low, hot and cold water, gas, electric ' lights: a beautiful grove of native trees near house; close to school and church and electric railway station; II miles Portiand .courthouse, price ,"tOlMJ. half cash, balance 6 per cent. . Vuu cannot oeat this for value. Would take bungalow in good dis trict. S2d st. 1H acres, In cultivation: '6 room modern bungalow on paved road, 0c carfare; $6oo0; good terms. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. lBoVj 4th St. WELL EQUIPPED FOR CHICKENS. Neat 4-room plastered cottage with large attic: fine well of water, city water and light available; several fruit trees; close to electric station on the west side; low fare to city; one acre of tine land and well equipped for chick ens; price 2100, on terms. Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg-. SUBURBAN ACRE. 5-room new bungalow, both gas and electric lights; chicken house and run; lots of bearing fruit trees of ail kinds, berries and roses, on hard surface road, 10 minutes, walk to 6c car line; Just out of city limits. Price $-2S00, M cash, bal ance terms. See Mr. Oliver. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. tith street.- Bdwy. 4381. ONLY $250 DOWN. One and 16-100 acres, all under cultl Tatlon. located on the main road, west of Portland. 7 miles from the court house; 24 young fruit trees, beginning to bear; lots of strawberries, raspber ries and blackcaps; good 5-room bunga low, barn, chicken house and yard: close to school and church; nice place; price $2000, on very easy terms. Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. WEST SIDE ACREAGE. hi -acre Tracts. eoo Near Multnomah Station. 1 and 2 blocks to carline. 6c Fare. Fine garden land. Ideal Home Site; Good School; Water, Gas, Electricity. Easy payments. SI 9 Ry. Excli. Bldg. Main 675. Res. East 7688. MODERN BUNGALOW AT MULTNOMAH". New 4-room bungalow on one acre of good ground; city water, gas, electric lights, cement basement, white enamel linlsh; located on good graveled road, close to station; price $4000, $2200 ensh; personally inspected: photo at office Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlin ger bldg. A FINE suburban home, right at Quatama station. Oregon Electric Ry.: 18 acres, nice 6-room house with colonial veran da on 2 sides; new barn, tool shed, poul try and hog house: finest of drinking water: also never-failing creek: fruit a-nd berries. Will also sell furniture and personal effects. W. J. Head. Beaverton Or.. R. 2. ' HALF acre fertile garden land right on 50th ave. and 64th St.: has 25 bearing fruit trees and a one-room shack; also 5000 ft. used lumber for bulldinir. r.i all your fruit and vegetables while con verting this Into a beautiful home, with out losing any time from your regular seilwood 2842. a .-v" iiumriuuB uunuings. coicKeii . yard and a good house, right on a paved road, 1 mile from Milwaukle, an Ideal place, at least $1000 Income from fruit, remainder of the land set to ber ries, will pay for this place in a short lima V. 1115. GIVEN AWAY. Why pay rent when you can buy an acre home for price of improvements: orchard, berrtes. poultry houses. This Is a rare uin'ui iuhi i.v , ic cariare. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark st. OREGON CITY LINE. Two fine modern homes, complete; one and two acres; close to car; all kinds irun anu ueuiM, .very aeeiraole neigh borhood. WILL W. THOMPSON. Oak Grove. Or. A NICE HOME. 10 acres in cultivation, level, good 6 room house, barn, outbuildings, paved road, near Clackamas river, $4000, $2000 cash, balance 6 per cent. Snap. R. M. GATEWOOD at CO.. 105i 4th St. GARDEN HOME acre, three-room modern house. laundry tray, telephone, gas, lights, small orchard, fruit and berries nmall payment, easy terms. Owner W CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMR and well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house rortn er uisiey station, on Oregon City car line. 4uj "Alder Brook." REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. GARDEN HOME SACRIFICE. 9V4 ACRES. IMPROVED, $8000. Don't pass this up it's the biggest snap ever offered on the west side; lo cated right close to Garden Home sta tion on the Oregon Electric, with a 7c commutation fare; 9 acres, nearly all in cultivation -and crop; there's a good "-room house and large barn; full bear ing fruit trees; the ground alone is worth more than the price and the buildings are worth at least $4000; gas and city water in the house, fine well at barn; the person who buys this place Is almost sure to double his money in the next five years;- price is positive sacrifice for quick sale $8500 with good terms; owner wants a real farm, but our trade price would be $12,000. LISTEN We have lots of other good suburban homes In this district; some as cheap at $3000 and well Improved with about 2 acres of ground. We are the largest dealers In suburban homes of any firm in Portland and can show you the kind of a place you want at the price you want to pay. MODERN 5-ACRE HOME. $7000. Near Garden Home, on the Oregon Electric, we have a dandy 5-acre tract; good 7-room house with all modern con veniences. Including private water sys tem, bath, gas, electricity; high and sightly location with good view; good outbuildings; an ideal country home; price only $7000, some terms. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St. Main R220. Sunday and Evenings, Main 1318. SOUTH MULTNOMAH HALF ACRES. Do you know, ladies and men. that South Multnomah Half Acres is nearly, an gone ! Choice half-acre tracts, only 2 blocks south of Multnomah sta tion, with streets graded, sidewalks and Bull Run water and other conveniences, at prices as low as $500 per half! acre. No wonder they are selling fast, in the worst spell of weather we have had this year. Wait until the sun shines and in a few weeks these HALF ACRES will be a thing of the past. Now Is the time to pick out one of the remaining ones, at terms of 10 down and $10 a month; 5 off for cash. See BEN RIESLAND, Exclusive Sales Agent, 404 Piatt Bldg.. 127 Park St., or call on Mr. Newman at Multnomah on Sundays to be shown the property. A REAL BARGAIN.' Nearly half acre, or 75x175 ft., lo cated right at the station. Gresham line, 9c commutation fare, 13 assorted fruit trees, nearly all bearing, raspber ries, strawberries, currants and goose berries. Good 4-room bungalow, gas, electric lights, fireplace. Garage, barn. Price $1850, half cash. If you haven't half cash, we will assist you, tempor arily, to buy this place. Personally in spected. Photo at office. Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. FACING ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. SOUTH OF RIVER DALE. A wonderful tract of over 3 acres, highly developed with big oaks, native, and choice imported trees, wonderful view of the river and mountains, in one of the few and best-known restricted country home districts, surrounded by beautiful homes. If you want the very best. e've this a close investigation and get the benefit of such a large sacrifice. Price $3100 less than half. AE 941. Oregonian. MODERN BUNGALOW WITH ACRE. WORTH $0000 PRICE $3800. Close to station at Garden Home we have the nicest little bungalow you ever stepped into; four rooms and sleeping porch, acre of ground, all In cultivation; rireplace, gas-heating radiators, Dutch k tchen, garage, fine bath with shower: fl ieri than any apartment you ever l-Yf--. a Pos'tlve sacrifice for only $.1S..0: about half cash. For the best and most sightly suburban homes around 1 ortland, see the At wG--..' M-CORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main 80 ALL KINDS OF FRUIT TREES. 2 and 6-10 acres, located mile from Aloha station; all under cultivation and in crops. 12 apple trees, 4 cherries, 5 P-T"' .p,uma. and ail kind of berries; this fruit Is bearing. 4-room house, on S8"' 'lers- Large chicken house for .00 chickens and runways. Good bricked ?i. .WUhv. force Pup: county road; wUr'- Pr,Ce "' 1000 cash: JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. TT MULTNOMAH. I have several choice new homes at Multnomah, ranging from 4 to 8 rooms, at prices from $1800 to $6000. I make a specialty of MULTNOMAH property and have everything that you want in J'aCan property raneing from small lots to half acres, either on the highway or n improved side roads. For particulars 55i' tl our main o"ice. 404 Piatt bldg., IwIh?""" St" r ,M!e Mr- Newman on MuUnoTna" residence at IN TIGARD. r-LfVL 29-100 acres- located one block the di, PavAe,ment and 3 blocks from pot' ,A" under cultivation. 100 c?h Vry plan"- 15 raspberry plants. r2??JenZ?i 5-room plastered house garage chicken house. Close to schoo Ke?son!"wTt1h Pr'Ce 35- ,230 C"S' JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. VERY CHOICE ACRE BARGAIN. near Portland Heights car. In a very desirable location, with fine big spring beautiful trees, unobstructed view, some cleared, has frontage on paved county road, no assessments to pay, but all city conveniences of Bull Run water. ga " unusuaI'y Pretty place and prac- RAI VE Y V"-taWf fr -,1,"00- KASER & KAlh.Y. 823-6 Gasco bldg. Main 7602. PRETTY WOODED TRACT. Just 6i4 miles from center of Port land an easy 20 minutes drive- close IV.t6. pavem,e-. fine view of the valley; there is a small cleared place for garden and orchard; balance in fir ma-P-l8 anJ dogwood trees; only $2750 less than $200 an acre; so close in we know you won't find another like It; $700 Jsh balance 6. D. McChesney. exclusive agent, 304 54 Oak st. Bdwy 266 FIVE ACRES. GARDEN .HOME. Five acres, located 5 blocks from th station; 3Va acres under cultivation all caii be cultivated; new house, few fruit trees; 4 blocks from improved road- very low carfare and good train service. Price $4.iK. on terms. Personally in spected. Marsters. with JOHN FERGU SON. Gerlinger bldg. ACRES, all In cultivation, modern 5 room bungalow, cement basement, barn, 4 chicken houses, and runs, etc., on electric line, 7 minutes' walk from sta tion. 15c fare, 1 mile from Portland, hard-surfaced road, 40 bearing- cherry trees, plums, pears, prunes, berries, etc., gas and electricity, a good home nicely located; price $.'1500, terms. L.. E. Stein metz, 406 Gerlinger bldg. Main 6091 or Tabor 3224. MODERN ACREAGE HOME. Quarter acre with lots of fruit trees, plastered bungalow. gas, city water, wired for lights ; full cement basement ; 5 blocks from car; lots of berries on this place, besides the fruit trees ; price $:iL00; good road and surroundings. Per sonally inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. GARDEN" HOME ACRE SNAP Fine acre with all kinds or full bearing fruit trees and berries ; foundation for house ; there's a small 2-room shack house and 3 small chicken houses; all fenced; fine well; gas; located about 6 minutes' walk from Garden Home station Jn Oregon Electric. If you want a real snap, grab this acre; price is only $1200; half cash. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 "Washington St. Main 8220. VERT CLOSE IN. 75x200, all under cultivation: city wat er, gas, gooo piumDing. w ice place good garden land. 4-room lath and dIrr tered house, bath. 3 blocks from car. 6c fare. Price $145o, $250 cash. Personally inspecieu. .narsiers, wjm JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. I have a dajidy close-In 5-acre chicken rancn, gooa b-room nouse, gas. elec trlclty, telephone and water; good buildings: It this Is taken at once will throw in good Jersey cow and about 60 laying hens and 60 baby chicks; $1000 nana tea mis. oee my agent, MR. NORD, 200 Henry Bldg. 4 ACRES AT STATION. 12 miles out. 35 minutes on car, and right at me station; all in cultivation, fruit and berries. 4-room neat hou-n. barn, chicken houses, electricity for iignis ana power; ;itMHi; photos at of fice. D. McChesney, 3044 Oak st. Bdwy, 266. BLOCK 237H by 200 feet, fenced, suitable ior chickens or garden. 4-room plastered house, not modern, basement, city water, several large cherry trees; $2500, terms. ri. nan itun. ..u unorrison st. 100'rO Tigsrd. houso. barn. honhm.o fruit, berries, cement cellar, level gar den land ; Capitol high wav; cash Main 3672. McFarland. 20S Failing bldg! 10 ACRES, highly improved at edge of city; every inch in cultivation, good buildings; only $7750. terms. ERNEST W2.LXrS, 101 Couch bids. Mala 6629, REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. IF TOU WANT A REAL SUBURBAN HOME. SEE US ABOUT THESE. Here Ss one of the most beautiful homes and an ideal location; a fine 12 room house that must be seen to be ap preciated; there are 5 acres of ground highly cultivated, about 1 acre bearing orchard, berries of al kinds; the build ings are mtuated on a rise In- ground overlooking the surrounding territory, making a most pleasant home and one that you would be proud to invite your friends out to see and be able to say, "This is MT HOME." It has its own water system, barn and chicken hoose right up to date. Let us show you this. Price $10,500, on good terms. This one is located on the bank of the Willamette river, having beautiful view of river and mountains; thoroughly mod ern in every respect; 6 rooms and sleep ing porch ; all finished in white enamel except living room, which Is finished in mahogany; larjre porch across front and side, furnace, -12 fireplaces, full cement basement, beautiful lawn with flowers and shrubbery, fruit and berries of all kinds. The ground consists of about H acre and Is on corner. Your view can never be shut off. Price only $7500, good terms. "With this home you have your living, as it has 1 acres of land with the most complete assortment of fruit and berries any one could wish: 6-room house, dou ble garage, c hicken house, concrete walk and woven -wire fences ; electricity and ga, and right at station on Oregon City car line. .Price $5500. $2000 cash. We have many others we would be pleased to show you. WATCH OtTR ADS WE GET RESULTS. FLOYD L. EDDY, RTTTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A BEAUTIFUL suburban home at Court ney station, 4 acres hig-hly cultivated; all kinds of frait, berries, grapes. Priced, right. 2 acre with lots of fruit and berries. 5 room bungalow at Huber station. $3150. or trade for modern home in city. 1 acre, 4-room house, newly painted ; Powell Valley road, for $1400, $200 down, balance like rent. 1 acre, Stanley station, 4-room house, $1400, terms. 5 acres near Oregon City: 2 acres of fruit, $3000, or will trade for city home. Huber station, 4-room new bungalow; 2-3 acre in fruit. $2500, terms. THESE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS, WE HAVE HUNDREDS MORE. ASK FOR MR. MARSHALL . WITH FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN" 10fi. SACRIFICE. ACRES. ALL IMPROVED. ON PAVED HIGHWAY, NEAR MIL- WATJK1E. GOOD HOUSE. PRESSURE WATER, GAS, PLENTY OF OUTBUILDINGS. 75 BEARING PRUNE TREES. 35 HEARING APPLE TREES. 25 BEARING CHERRY TREES. 15 BEARING ASSORTED TREES acre of grapes; about $200 worth of pie-plant ready for marketing; 3 acres all plowed ready for gardening; 1 acrw in pasture. Th place will net about $2500 a year. The owner of this place has been left a widow and is getting too old to look after it. Possession at once. Will sell for $9G00. $3000 cash, balance as you may wish to pay. For appointment see Mr. Clearwater at J. L. HA RTMAN COMPANY. NO. 7 CHAMBER OF COM. BLDG., Main 20H. WILL AM ETTE FRUIT RANCH. 2,4 acres and 4-room house with fur niture, barn and chicken house. ( 84 cherry trees. 17 peat-h trees. 13 prune trees. 50 pear trees. 61 apple trees 1 1 grape vines. 193 gooseberrieb. 97 currants. 6 English trees. Raspberries. Strawberries. Blackberries. Trees all 8 years old. Garden in and the best of soil; 2 tons of hnv in the barn. Furniture and all for $3200. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth st. SOUTH OF McMINNVILLE?. 45 acres, located on the main road, which is macadamized and will be paved, and one mile from the west side high way; 37 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated; 8 acres of standing timber. 12 acres of the best beaverdam land, un der cultivation and tiled; 25 acres seeded to clover. Creek on the place. This is one mile from the red electric sta tion and 6 miles from McMInnville, In a high class section. Ptice $6500. The beaverdam on the place is worth the price asked. Marsters. with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 2 ACRE SNAP $500. BARSTOW STATION, OREGON ELEC. Good 6-room house, bam, large chick en house, fine well and bearing fruit trees and berries: ground about half in cultivation ; a fine place for chickens, etc. The best buy in this locality. Buildings alone are worth the whole price you get the 24 acres for noth ing. For real bargains In suburban homes on the west side see G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St. Main 8220. Sunday and Evenings, Main 9318. NEAR BEAVERTON. 5 acres of good land. 3Vr acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated; nice 6-room celled and papered bungalow wftH electric lights, fireplace; good well wit.-, pump; city water can be had; chicken house and barn; good road. Price $3150 with $1000 cash, balance on monthly pay ments. This is within walking distance of either depot. Personally inspected. Photo at office. Davis, with JOHN FER GUSON, Gerlinger bldg. EXCLUSIVE WEST SIDE DISTRICT. GIVE THIS CLOSE ATTENTION. Forced sale of 2 acres developed with bearing fruit trees and beautiful planted trees. Ample road frontage on paved highway. A beautiful home on each side of it. Building restrictions insure the same high-class of future homes. This property cost $4000, but for business reasons to get money quickly will sacri fice for $1500. AC 538, Oregonian. BUY IN MULTNOMAH And be satisfied. Ned Burke can offer a beautiful homesite an the highway, new house, just finisfff'd; lawn in; acre of ground; a bargain; terms; a nice little home on the highway, 4-room bun galow, garage, fruits of all kinds, acre of ground. $2650. terms. 2 acres of ground, i acre in strawberries. 3-rm. house, barn, chickens and all outhouses, only about 20 minutes out; terms. Come to Ned Burke. He" will show you. NED BURKE, Main 1003. 6-ROOM HOUSE, in fine condition, on choice corner oxiiu it., witn large rruit trees, chicken house and runway, rabbit house in fact, everything that is neces sary, for a dandy little suburban home in a good residence section. Price $2100; must have at least $600 down; will make easy terms on the balance. I am the owner of this property and wish to deal direct with someone who wants a good bargain in a home: no agents need apply. See me at my office, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. NEW BUNGALOW. One and 43-100 acres, located 5 min utes' walk from Huber station: all un der cultivation : new bungalow of five rooms, with bathroom; gas in the street; bungalow wired for lights; city water on the place. J25O0, $10OO cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. BEAUTIFUL OSWEGO LAKE. Wonderful homesite overlooking beau tiful Oswego lake, magnificent yew. cedar, dogwood and maple ; wide front age on rock road, water and lights; you will be glad to show her this; only $800, less than price of ordinary city lot. Owner, 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark FINE SUBURBAN HOME AT A BARGAIN. One acre, good soil, all In cultivation, fruit trees, berries, chicken houses and yards, etc., modern 6-room house, 8-min-. ute walk to Firland Station, Mt. Scott car. $3350, $1250 down, balance easy terms. BO 413, Oregonian. FINE ranch home, 4.3 acres in cultivation 9 miles courthouse, 11c fare, right at station, cars every hour: 12 cords wood . in barn: garage. Everything $000. cash only: worth $2000. Owner, 26 East 8th street i-ouin. BRYANT ACRES NEW TRACTS. New subdivision near Osweeo La.k water, electric lights, rock roads, fishing ana Doating: pricea trom .5nu per tract NGet in on ground floor. Ownr, 500 Con cord bldg.. Second and Stark. PARK ROSE. One acre with a 5-room modem bunga low, fireplace, bullt-ina, attic and base ment, garage and other bldgs., berries of ail kinds and variety of fruits. Price $4500, terms. Owner, Tabor P454. For Sale Business Property. BARBHR SHOP very cheap, 2 chairs, com pletely furnished. 836 Union .ave. North. REAL ESTATE, Jt'or Sale Business Property. THREE-STORY BRICK. On ground 100x100 on Union ave due. substantial construction, well adapted for factory or loft purposes; trackage can be arranged; must sell to close es tate. Price very low. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark SL SPLENDID INVESTMENT. One full biock, 8 lots, including 2 good houses; one 7 rooms and one rooms, with fireplaces, electric lights, ' gas and other modem conveniences, fronting on Alberta street, between Minnesota and Montana avenues. Price $8,700. Owner will accept good interest-bearing bonds as part payment. .BKOWN A GRANT. 201-2O2 Fenton Building. Broadway 3222. DOUBLE HOtK, HOME AND INCOME. 2 story; 5-room apartment on each floor with living room, dining room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath; cement basement, 2 laundry trays, 50xl0O lot, about 3 blocks from car. Price $3500. Terms. BROWN A GRANT. 201-202 Fenton Building. Broadway 3222. FOR SALE Country store bldg., on west side electric. Only store at station. Good community, mills and paving plant con tributory. AV 50, Oregonian. WEST SIDB INVESTMENT. Corner lot 50xl06, 12-room house on 4th street, south o Morrison. Monthly income, $00. Price $tk00,. haif cash, balance on time. BROWN A GRANT, 201-202 Fenton Building. Broadway 3222. WEST SIDE, 50x100 COR., 2-STORY NEW BRICK BUILDING, 4 FLATS, FINE LOCATION FOR BUSINESS. GOOD CAR LINE ; PRICE KlGHT WITH TERMS. ZIMMERMAN A WHITE, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. CORNER RETAIL DISTRICT. Location justifies improvement to praoticaily any extent you may desire. $60,000. GEO. E7. ENGLEHART GO.. Main 206 64 Henry Bldg. FOR' SALE OR LEASE 100x100 WITH TRACKAGE ON FIRST AND EAST MORRISON. J. W, STREIT. PALACE HOTEL. FINE 4-flat building, close in east side; a big sacriiice at $13,500. ERNEST WELLS, 401 Couch bldg. Main 662l. iiiiuij, j. a oor u-tuo. 100x100, 11TH and Salmon, at about as- ocaauu valuation; muse sell. ij 4ia Oregonian. 12 LOTS, each 50x100, trackage, fine man- 7 " "-e ouw; terms. Zimmerman & White, 818 Cham, of Cora. QUARTER block. Nob Hill apts.. or busi- For gale Acreage. 14 ACRES, 10 MILES OUT. Located close to paved road, on dirt road. mile from electric station. 12 acres under cultivation, small crJek, lots of fruit, 2 acres cherries. 4 acres apples, 300 rhubarb plants, fine red-shot soil, 5-room cottage; milkhouse. storeroom,, old barn; price $3600. with $l".O0 cash. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. IMPROVED 24 ACRES. Will sell this 24 acres, all cultivated and In crops with good house, barn and other buildings; fine water; lies with good slope to drain; good soil; in fine neighborhood; close to electric station, on paved highway, only 17 miles from heart of Portland : price, including personal property, $10,500; easy terms. H. A. DRYER, "The Acreage Man, 508-9 Lewis Bldg. Main 2081. 10 ACRES. located mile from Falls City, Polk county ; on a good graveled road; ail can be cultivated; 8 acres un der cultivation; good rich soil, well, creek and spring; good 6-room house, 24x36, rustic construction, ceiled and papered; barn, 26x30; chicken house; all rural conveniences; lots of work at good wages, within walking distance of this place; price $2400 with $1200 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. 4 3-10 ACRES of the best soil you ever walked over, deep rich sandy loam all in crop: fine strawberry patch and pota toes. Beautiful modern 5-room bunga low well furnished, new range, hot and cold water, bath and toilet, electric 'light, full basement, wood, canned fruit, ham and bacon, Jersey cow. 48 hens, barn with concrete floor. 2 hen houses, garage. This complete suburban home, completely furnished, $4500. part cash. O. E. Freytag, Gladstone, Or. Phone 269-J. WELL IMPROVED ACRE. Located right In Pleasant Home. Just east of Gresham; all under cultivation and in fruit and berries; 6-room house, woodshed, chicken house; price $1 200 with $500 cash; this is on the main highway, also cross road and is good location for garage. Personally Inspected. Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger bldg. 10 FULL acres all in cultivation except half acre in wood, 7 4& In winter wheat, garden- and potatoes planted,' fruit; 4 room plastered cottage, full basement, barn. This is good black soil, will pro duce any kind of crop. LoHkted near the Clackamas river. 2 miles from Glad stone, k mile from carline 'and paved road. Purchaser gets 'crop and pos session given at once. Price $4750. Terms to suit. O. E. Freytag. Glad stone. Or. Phone Oregon City 269-J. HAVE 2 beautiful acre tracts right to gether, within 7 miles of Portland; Al berry land ; also 7-acre farm on Im proved, partly beaverdam. within 17 miles of Portland, cash $600; also an other 18 acres, all beaverdam, highly im proved and under cultivation. r or in formation call mgr. Rainier hotel, Bdwy. 8413. BASE LINE ROAD. CLOSE IN. SNAP $600 PER ACRE. 15 acres, all or haltf facing the paving, within 5 blocks of Craig avenue, easy walk ML Tabor cars. Light clearing, good free garden soil, perpetual spring of fine water. 2 shacks. Reasonable terms. J. C. Corbin Co., 305-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. 7 ACRES. $700. CLOSE IN PAVED ROAD. Just 64 mils from center of city, on county road, 150 feet off the pavement, no rock or gravel, some cleared, some brush, some timber; terms. D. Mc Chesney. 304 Oak st. Bdwy. 266. 20 ACRES, real stuff, sandy silt, 26 miles . south f Portland, good house, barn and beds, family orchard, some stock and implements with place. If you know good soil, you will buy this. $47O0: half down. DREW. COBB BROS., 263 OAK ST. 11H ACRES ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. Near Columbia river; unimproved, some bottom land. Will make good home. Near saw and shingle mills. Price $75 per acre, easy terms. See O. D. Peck, Kalama, or call 909 Chamber of Com merce bldg. 10 A. EQUIPPED CHICKEN RANCH. mile electric station, 4-room house, large chicken house, latest brooder, runs, etc.; also 50 fine laying White Leghorns; 4 a. in cult.; all rich soil, on gravel road. Price $2500, $1000 cah. J. B. RULEY, 028 Chamber of Com- CLOSE to Linneman Junction, 8 miles from city limits in the hills. I have 40 acres of A No. 1 soil, of which 5 are plowed, 12 more easily cleared. 22 fruit trees, spring and well : some shacks. Price $2250. Phone Est- 5347. or call 8 Union avenue North. F. Bath. 10 ACRES. TUALATIN VALLEY, $2000. Only $500 down, bal. on terms. All in cultivation on fine road, 13 miles out. no bldgs.. in fine ' locality, fine berry land. J. B. Ruley, 928 Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE Two corner lots 50x100 In Alberta district; also 5 acres in Oak Grove, near river; make me an offer Main 8652. 348 Yamhill. HALF acres. 71st St.; 2 blocks from Haw thorne car Owner. East 3860. CHOICE suburban acreage. Ha it dings, sale or trade. Owner Bdwy. 46S3. ONE ACRE at Wlnnett MonTi $100. Marrs. 325 Railway Evchangs. FINE acreage. - Jennings Lodge. Oregon ;ity line. aj oregonian. READ Walnut Park's ad under lots; also houses for sale. FOR SALE Choice acreage, close In, cul tivation ; owner. East 588. $220X 1 ACRE, 5-room house, lots fruit, Oswego lake; terms. East 6329. $2800, HIGHLY improved acre, near city limits, lots fruit, garage. East 6329. SACRIFICE two acres In Newberg for the price o one. Tabor &&3. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Acreage. THE ONE BEST BUY OF THE DAT. LOOK. INVESTIGATE AND BUY! 62 ACRES. located Just off of Foster road and on a good gravel road right up to the gate, in Valley, only J h miles out. one mile to electric line: nas two wells, new barn, a one-room shack and a tenthouse; the best of black sou. Pome fruit tree and grapes; all cleared and under cultivation except 2 k acres. This can be bought for $325 an arre. Half cash and 5 years on the balance. IT all ca?h, six fine Jersey cows and two fine Belgian horses and the farm equipment all go with the place. This is a low price for land as good as this and as close to city. If vou want a good. buy. look at this, it will sell on sight. .o&E2TDER-CA:BLE REALTY CO.. 5829 72d St. S. E. Tabor 2475. ON NEWBERG HIGHWAY. ' Store building, with 5 living rooms adjoining and 4H arres of land; right on the pavement: all under high state of cultivation; 80 apple trees. 25 pear trees,. 15 Englinh walnuts. apricots, plums, prunes, half acre of black caps, 100O strawberry plants. 3 good chicken houses, barn, spring water piped to the buildings and house : good loam soil : price $.'1500. $1750 cash for the land and buddings; will sell the goode at in voice price. This plae is doing over $1K00 business every month. Nelson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ' JUST OPENING UP A NEW ADDITION. CLOSE TO VANCOUVER AND PORTLAND. NEAR THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY. In tracts from 5 acres up, on terms of $10 down and $5 per month buys a 5-acre tract. Prices ranging from $50 per acre up; good soil, free from rock or gravel, lies level, just enough slope for drainage, some bottom land. Fine land for prunes, berries or garden truck. Fine location for poultry ranch; will make you an Ideal home; highway being paved, close to this addition. CHARLES DELFEL. S18 Railway Exchange Bldg. RIGHT AT McMINNVILLE. 4H acres, located Joining the city, road paved or graveled except the last H mile to the place; all under cultiva tion; finest kind of soil; some logan berries, 2 cherry trees; good 4-room lath and plastered house. barn. woodshed, chicken house; the buildings are 5 years old; price $1800 with large cash pay ment. A well located place, with, good high school advantages. JOHN FER GUSON, Gerlinger bid. 10 ACRES, all In cultivation; good 7-room house, barn 40x60; chicken houses and other buildings ; good road, fine water, orchard. 1 Jnile car line, W mile school: $4000 terms. ONLY $50 CASH. 80 acres. 6 acres in cultivation: 4-room houf-e, barn, garage and wood house, or chard, berries, good water, good road. 1 mile school and car line. Price $3600; only $500 cash. bal. payments. ATKINSON & PORTER. 112 W. 6th et. Vancouver. Wash. TWO BLOCKS FROM CITY LIMITS. S acres, all under cultivation. 70 as sorted bearing fruit trees, 3 blocks from school, 9 blocks from 6c carline, good small house and other buildings; all the city conveniences can be had ; good in come from the fruit on this place; lo cated on 70th street; price $32O0, $850 cash, balance at $20 per month. 'Person ally inspected. Mishler, with John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. NEAT 5-ACRE HOME $1100. 25 miles S. E. Portland, near good school and electric line; 5 acres, i cleared, nice large spring, splendid, well kept, bearing orchard, nice strawberry bed; small buildings; price $1100. Have anything in a small tract you could ask. for. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 4381. WE HAVE several half and acre tracts just ouuslde of the city with buildings, also one 3-acre place, house, barn, lots of fruit trees; a 2-acre place with 5-room house, other good buildings and fruit trees. We have some good farms, both In the valley and in eastern Oregon and Washington, also city property well lo cated; have grocery store, cash and car ry trades. C. Timmons, Pyramid Land Co.. GO 3-4 Title &. Trust bldg.. Main 3232. Seilwood 462. $150 DOWN. 5 acres. located east of Portland city limits 3 miles; on a main graveled road; close to the Section Line road; all under cultivation ; 14 apple trees ; good com munity ; price $1675 with $150 cash. Mishler; with JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger bldg. SPLENDID FIVE ACRES. Good black loam soil, perfect lylnir tract, small orchard, 1-room shack, good barn, painted; only 15 minutes' walk to S. P. electric line and paved highway, near Aloha; price $2000, half cash. Al bert Harala, with Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st. ONLY 30 MILES TO PORTLAND. Choice acreage close to Columbia river and highway at Columbia City ; any size tracts, good rich soil, no rock or gravel, easy clearing, good roads and water ; thriving farm in g community; every inducement to settlers, low prices, easy terms. Can accept some trade. Johnson. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. GRESHAM FARMS. All kinds of farms with stock, crop and equipment, near Gresham; suburban home, chicken ranches, berry farms, acreage; we have some exceptionally good bargains to offer in 2, 5, 7, 10, 12. 20, 30, 40 and 80-acre p!aces. well im proved, located on finest roads in Oregon. KRIDER & ELKINGTON. Gresham. Or. ONE and 66-10O acres, located 6 blocks from the Montavllla car: all under cul tivation, - half In fine loganberries; lo cated on good macadamized street; deep, rich soil, free from gravel or rock; price $1050. with $400 cash. Davis. with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. NEAR MULTNOMAH. 16 acres, 12 In cultivation, choice land, lies right, paved road, few hiocks rail way station. Maple wood. O. E. railway. Thfs is an elegant homesite; would cut up for from 4 to 8 families; make exclu sive community: price $12,000, terms This is worth looking up. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165-A 4th St LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Trae-s, 5 acres up, located within ftt miles it Portiand. on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby, buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $ttj per acre. LEUDDEMANN CO.. 918 Chamber of Commerce. HOOD RIVER 20 A., all volcanic ash soil; produce 20O sacks potatoes to acre; best berry or alfalfa land: irrigated: al' most level . 10 in. water stock ; nothing better; price $20o0; $800 cash, balance 3 yrc. at o . i . a. -ui Dertson. l tt4 Stephens st. Hawthorne ave. car to 60th. 2 blocks north, after 7 P. M. BO MINUTES out on S. P. electric. 1 acre with little house, barn, chicken house, wood shed, partly cleared, planted In garden and bercies. Lots of fir stand ing: good reasons for selling. Price $1200, only $200 cash, balance like rent, $15 per month. Mrs. L. M. Johnston. Lake Grove station. Inquire 125 14th st. OWNER says sell account of his age 102 acres at Grandvlew, Or., fenced and cross-fenced, barn and house; 25 acres under cultivation; only $25 per acre, half cash and terms. HERIDER-CABLE REALTY CO.. . 5829 72d St. S. E. Tabor 2475. ONE TO FIVE-ACRE TRACTS. Close In. choice acreage on new Alder Crest road, south of Mllwaukie; con venient car Service; $300 per acre up; easy terms. Can handle some trade. Johnson. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark St. NEAR HERMISTON. 20 acres, all fine land, 5 acres In al falfa, family orchard, good 4-room house small barn. This is a fine little irri gated farm for only J300O: might take small trade. W. C. Becktell, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. 500 0A CRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. , BASE LINE SNAP. Base Line frontage, one biock from street car, all clear and in meadow, cheap for cafh. W. H. ROSS. 110O Northwestern Bank Bldg. 2 1-3 ACRES cultivated, on county road. 5 min. from Oregon Electric station: sidewalk; fine soil: some fruit; good well and house: terms. Owner. D. R, Brackett, Pine Knot. Main 5295. 18 ACRES young bearing family orchard, 18xH6 house, barn; fenced on two sides; abundance of water; $12O0, some terms. W'm. Scholtes, owner. Rainier. Or. P. O 156. 'IVs ACRES, all cleared, on Oregon City carline, near Concord station : neat 2 room cottage, chicken house, good well and pump; can be bought on easy terms. 03 OrcKuU Uldfi. LUwy. JL6jtt. REAL FSTATK. -Acreage. . HIGHLY-IMPROVED FARM AND SUBURBAN HOME COMBINED. of about 30 acres, all In cultiva tion, very rich soil, well drained, will grow anything and can be worked any tim. Especially adapted to loganberries and small fruits. Only 12 miles Portland, paved highway, near Tigard. Fine modern 8-room house built 4 years ago ; fireplace, built-in work, excellent finish, etc.. coua plete water system, 2 toilets, large bathroom, cost $6500 to build; good modern barn, with water piped to it ; also equipped for chickens. Good thrifty orchard, berries, etc. Running water controlled absolute ly by this place. Fenced and cross fenced with big. tight woven-wire fences. This land Is conservatively worth $10, (MM), and an investigation of values will prove it to you. The improvements cost $8500. House is now vacant ; can give Immediate possession. Owner makes enormous sacrifice price of $13,000; $6000 cash, bal ance to suit. KASER A RAINEY, 823-6 Gasco Bldg. Main 7602. WELL-IMTROVED SIX-ACRE BARGAIN. We call this a bargain because we know you can find nothing like it for lesa than $1000 more than owner Is ask ing. He doesn't live on it, can't use it and is offering It where It Avill sell; 6 acres, perfect -lying land, all cleared ex cept Vx acre of large fir trees; just 15 miles out. perfect roads, right at station, f tores and schools; good 4-room bunga ow, water piped to house, splendid large red barn, outbuildings; price $1700, $700 down. HARGROVE REALTY CO., . 122 N. 0th St. Broadway 4381. LARGE CHICKEN RANCH. . 8 acres, located on good "rocked road, one mile from electric BtatiAh and near Oregon City; 7 acres under cultivation; 1 acre pasture, good orchard, good 5 room house, barn, hoghouse, 4 chlckAi houses, brooder house and 2 Incubators ; room for over looO chickens ; water piped to all the buildings, by gas engine and standing tank; one horse, 3 fat hogs, 3 stands of bees, 1 green bone and feed mill and $300 worth of rurniture. Price $4600 without the stock or $5000 for everything. Will consider house in city for part of the value. Mishler, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. 200 ACRES. Near Hillsboro. 14 miles from Port land ; 1 70 acres cleared and in cultiva tion. 30 acres of fine timber, the land lies rclllng. Is all tiled and drained, with deep rich soil ; 2 large barns and som equipment, a short distance off main highway; an A No. 1 platting proposi tion, on a good rock road, land In thi? vicinity is selling for twice price asked Here U a bargain, price $275 per acre, terms. INVESTIGATE CALL ON US. H. H. URDAHL CO. (Inc.1, Main 6252. 322 Abington Bldg. GOOD LOGANBERRY LAND. 10 acres, located mile from the Red Electric line; all under cultivation: dedi cated road to the place; half mile from graveled road; close to good school, both high and grade; price $1000 cash. The owner will show you the land at any time. If given several days notice. This land Is located northwest of Salem. Ore gon. Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. SUBURBAN HOME SITE. 14 acres, close in on the west side, with a most wonderful view which can never be obstructed, located In a re stricted district of beautiful homes; It is certainly a bargain and one will never have another opportunity to mateh It; new .highway now under construction goes -right pa;t it: only $1250, on terms. KASER A RAINEY. 823-6 Gasco Bidg. x Marshall 3125. ACRE TRACTS. All In fruit, bearing. 10 minutes' walk from city carline; gas on property; city water can be had: good roads and sur roundings; price $1000 per acre, with $100 cash ; or half-acre tracts for $500 with $50 cash. Personally Inspected. Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger bldg. 17 ACRES. $1700. Six miles from Vancouver, close to electric line and Orchards station; small barn, about five acres cleared, balance brush and timber; terms. $65 PER ACRE. 76 acres, two miles from electric line, 11 miles from Vancouver; timber suit able for cord wood on land: will divide; terms. F. B. Holbrook Co.. 214 Lum ber Exchange bldg. ACREAGE. jrVOOO 8 acres, new house, at TIgard. $5000 8 acres, improvements, at 1 cor ners on Capital highway near Sherwood. S9000 4.06 acres between Shattuck sta tion ani paved highway: com mercial orchard and improve ments. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., Main 7260. 624 Henry bldg. 4 ACRES GOOD HOUSE AND BARN. $5500. Located near Gilbert station on fine road; land all cleared. 2H acres in ber ries, family orchard, plastered house. 4 large rooms downstairs, large unfin ished attic, gas In. electricity avalleble; large bs rn. chicken house; price $5500 terms $20C0 cash, balance to suit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. CITY CONVENIENCES. Quarter acre, located close to street car line: some bearing fruit trees and lots of berries: 3-room lath and plas tered house, woodshed, gas. city water; price $10O0. $50O cash. Persons ly in spected. Brooks, with JOHN FERGU SON, Gerlinger bldg. BASE LINE BARGAIN 40 acres. 12 miles east or city, on nase nine; nu cun. ex cept lO acres with 2O0 cords of wood; 10 acres planted to raspb. and loganh., with plants on ground for 5 acres; com plete farm buildl.igfc: equipment Includ ed: 500 tenm. Price very reasonable. with only $5O0O ensh. Any terms. See Johnson, with S KOI HK1M-B tiV VY M to, 330-333 Ry. Exch. Bldg. TEN ACRES. Adjoining the city limits of Cornelius: fine 6-room house, good barns, on the highwav, all cleared and in a high state of cultivation. This place Is worth $10,000; our price $7500. ternrV INVESTIGATE CALL ON US. H. H. URDAHL CO. (Inc.), Main 6252. 322 Abington Bldg. $10 CASH. $5 MONTH. Half -a ere tracts. 4 blocks from Jen nings Lodge. Oregon City line: plenty of shade trees: settled district. Price 4 45 each. pavls. with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. JUST OVER THE CREST. 5 acres, all cleared and has 123 fruit trees, is on gravel road, within the five mile circle: $3000. Think of It. 125 .fruit trees, bearing, for the small payment oi $000 down and terms. HERIDER-CABLE REALTY CO., S82Q 72d St. S. E. Tabor 2475. ONE ACRE, located east of Alberta car line; all under cultivation: good soil; 6 prune trees. 3-room house with small basement, city water. chicken house ; price $21 00. $11 OO cash. Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE 7 acres; dandy chicken ranch, clone to town; 3 acres cleared and in orchard; house, barn, chicken house and yard; all fixed to go right on: 4 acres timber for firewood. Write P. O. box 352. Kalama. Wash. ; I NEAR OREGON CITY. 35 acres, well improved with fine big house, large barn, good orchard : cheap at $7500; will accept good houses part pay. W. C. Becktell. 1100 N.W. Bank bldg. - MULTNOMAH station, quarter acres, on the boulevard. $125 cash and $15 per month; the best boulevard buy at Mult nomah. See Atchison, 204 Henry bldg. 4 ACRES at Ruby Junction. 2-room cot tage; 1 acre cleared, balance fir grove: SLM00; terms. Bdwy. 1658. 200 Oregon b 1 d g. t FOR SALE by owner. 4H acres, all Im proved, good building, lots of fruit, on hard-surface street. E. L. Moore. 5029 52d st, S. E. SVCBIFICE Beautiful 19 acres, improved, "near electric. $3000. Owner evenings. Tabor 7Q55. MAKE offer for 120 acres unimproved, sec. 25. 2 N. 11 E. W. M.. Wasco county. AB 3 66. Oregonian. ' ACRES. $2750; short distance east of city; uncleared, but a big bargain. Hart, 910 Cham, of Com. Phone Mar. 1585. 8-l(V OF AN acre on auto road at Mult nomah station. S1H00. on terms. Set Atcliisou. 04 Henry bldg. REAL EST A TIC For Sale Acreage. HIGHLY IMPROVED 10 ACRES. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. About 30 minutes drive from Portland. Fine two-story bungalow and outbuild ings, fine orchard, big strawberry patch, part of land f rontin g highway j ust planted to berries. This Is one of the show places on the highway and a de lightful home. House in modern, acety lene gas lighting system, spring water under pressure piped to house. Just like a city home. Price $10,000. Unimproved land in this vicinity selling at $800 to $1600 per acre off the highway. This is a real home and a real buy. -M ETZGER-PA RKER-FERGL'SON CO.. 269 Oak Street. Main 3534. ATTRACTIVE FIVE ACRES Five acres, all in cultivation, fine soli, neat 6-room house, with some modern conveniences, barn, fine water system, extra good family orchard, abundance of ber ries, including logan and strawber ries, cow, chickens, tools, etc.. and can be bought for $45o0 and will give terms. This property Is located at Tuala tin, with good surrouudings and is a good little home and an extra good. buy. SAMUEL DO AK 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. 22-ACRE RANCH, 5-ROOM HOUSE, BARN. $20O0. 14 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and timber, family or chard, good berry land, spring water piped into house, fenced with wire, on hard-surface road. hi mil from .school. 5 miles from good town in south end of valley; $1000, cash, mtg. for balance. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FINE CHICKEN RANCH. 5 acres, located at electric station. Salem line: all can be cultivated except 4 acre; 24 acres? ready to plow; 4-room box house, chicken house 12x100. for 500 chickens: woodshed and cowbarn ; good well on the porch; county road; price $1S50, with cow. 60 chickens. 2 cultivators. Incubator and brooder: $5O0 cash. Mishler. with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. This is close to Port land. TERWILLIGER BOULEVARD ACREAGE. "Just off highway, on a pood road, 14 miles from Portland ; 1O0 acres all cleared. 5n high state of cultivation; the land lies rolling, is all tiled and drained, with deep rich soil: Ideal for country home. Land In this district is seising for twice the price asked. Price $300 per acre, terms. INVESTIGATE CALL ON US. H. H, URDAHL CO. (Inc.), Main 6252. 322 Abington Bldg. FIVE BLOCKS FROM CAR. 2H acres, located in Willamette and close to Oregon City: all under cultiva tion and the finest kind of soil; nice level land; some fruit tree8; 4-room house, chicken house, woodshed ana barn, city water, electric lights can be had; price $2o00 on te rms Pers on a lly Inspected. Mishler. with JOHN b GUSON. Gerlinger bldg. $3000 CASH In the next few days takes this exceed ingly desirable place of 2 acres near Mt Zion and convenient to Council Crest car. No rough or waste lan d, all in cultivation, rich soil, beautiful view o fthe Tualatin valley, city water, etc. It's worth double the price and an in vestigation of values will prove it. I hone Marshall 3125 Monday 9 to 5. ONE ACRE IN CROP. Located just outside city limits; all fenced ; good 2-room plastered house, chicken house and runways: city water, gas. good soil. This property is located south of Capitol Hill. 6c fare. I.r.ce $1400 large cash payment requirea. Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlin ger bldg. 16 ACRES PLASTERED HOUSE $4500. Faces good road, 2 miles from 4th st.. electric line and highway, land lies perfectly, 6 acres cleared, balance easily cleared, creek, family orchard, nice plas tered house. 5 rooms and attic, cement basement, fireplace, etc.. good well and barn; price $45oO. terms $2000 cash, bal- LUEDDF.MANN COM PANT, 913 Chamber of Commerce. NEARLY on acre, or 5frx2!0. located 6 blocks from carline. on roou street, two-thirds under cultivation; 15 yiiuns fruit trees, raspberries and blackberries; 4-room bungalow with (tas and fire place: citv water can be had; price 1175 S0O cash. Personally inspected. Anderson, wltb JOHN FERGUSON. Ger linger bluff. ARE TOU INTERESTED IN CRAN BERRY CULTURE? I have for sale a . acre tract. 3 miles from Loin Beach, Wash., on the sand ridge road. There is 1 acre in bearinK vines, balance easily cleared, a (rood small house, well, small place for garden. A bargain at $J"ii0 or will trade for Portland property, half cash, balance easy terms. C E ADAMS. 507 Cham, of Com. bldg. Marshall 2T.75 eve., and Bun. Wdln. 3433. FIVE ACRES5. located on good macadam ized road. miles from the city limits, or 11 miles from the Courthouse, west: all can be cultivated, rolling land, good soil close to school: spring on the place that runs the year round; price K'.OO with S10O cash, or J73tl for all cash. An derson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Ger linger bldg. FOR PALE 1 TO 3 ACRES. JIL T1VATED. AT STATION. S. P. ELECTRIC. 1 MINUTES' RIDE: CHEAP. MAY TRADE FOR SMALL BUNGALOW. OWNER. MAIN 83SO. NEAR OREGON CITY $3200. tinno cash. 5 years at -J. buys this splendid level 40-acre tract. 10 acres of whirh nr. In cult., bal. timber and brush; all fenced: shack bldgs.: good spring; 6 miles east of town. Just off the Aber- I nethy road. A very acciaon snap, r rea W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Com. 10 AN ACRE. 160 acres, only 55 miles west of Port land and mile off main highway: about 120 acres tillable, creek and 3 springs, fine stock or goat proposition; IIOOO takes the place. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. $2700 27 ACRES. 11 miles Portland; house, barn, spring, creek; V4 cultivated; fine soil; terms. SSr.oo 5 acres. Powell valley road. $2T.OO 5 acres. Base Line road, paved. S2500 36 acres. Buckley ave.. paved. See our lists, acreage, farms. CHAS RINGLER & CO.. 22S Henry Bldg. SOMETHING FINE- 33 acres. 15 cultiva tion, crops, all finest land, orchard, spring, gravel road. mail, telephone; $3000; 8-room house, bam., chicken house, team 2 cows, machinery. 2 miles excellent town, creamery. A rare bar gain: $3800. $2S0O cash. 5 years balance. Mr. Becker, 312 Labbe bldg 10-ACRE HOME. 9 MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. Good road, near the pavement, first class soil, 7 acres in cultivation. 3 tim ber, orchard. 5-room house, barn, chicken house; onlv (32(H). D. McChesney, Oak st. Bdwy. 286 LOOK AT THTS. ONE acre at STANLEY station on the ESTACADA LINE, all clear and good land. $1000. $3.V down and terms. Can you beat it? This Is all fenced. HERIDER-CABLE REALTY CO.. 5829 72d St. S. E. Tabor 2475. 3 ACRES AT RUBY JUNCTION. 450 feet fronting the station at a Junction point of two carlines; good soil, fir grove. Less than six miles from Montavilla. . Price for three full acres only $13.r.O. Very easy terms. STRONG & CO.. 634 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE 2 acres with 3-room house, city water, gas and electricity, between Bertha station and Multnomah, yA mile west of Capital highway and 2 blocks north of Hoffman road. See it Sunday. R. Q. Ltvongood. 214 ACRES $2300; at end of Hawthorne ave. car line. A fine home site; beats buying a lot or two at same price: a few blocks nearer in. Owner, 910 Cham, of Com. Phone Marshall l:.S5. TEN ACRES Orchard land in Tualatin valley, level. Second growth of fir and oak timber. Beautiful view overlooking Tualatin river. Make a good summer home. Will sacrifice. Phone Tabor r310. SMALL close-in acreage, 5. 7. 10-acre tracts: transportation. One tract 7 4 acres, with good buildings, terms. J. W. Street. 440 Wash. St. Bdwy. 1251. 5 ACRES near Willamina. level, cleared, fenced. 4-room house, barn : $1:150. $1"0 cash. $15 mo. with int. J. It. Sharp, 83 hi 3d mt. 10 ACRES, level. Tualatin Va;ie ; 35oV McFar'.and. 20S Failing blilg. 2 ACRES on BMse Line road; terms. Call WooJlawu 10ST7. URAL KSTATX For USED CAR BARGAINS. m,l Bulek. equipped with 5 wh'ls "d cord tires. Just out of ih,.J'J?,op: tn. Perfect condition and thoroughly equipped. A good buy at a reasonable price. t!rI8r.Jlt,pS"Booth 0"t. rood WiU-c'rTfTc'e?- "C- IO 6od ""I"'"- abFo'rYm. Zf""'r "tr. demonnt vi?"h..nPif -1 of riCKn -in sen my 8 new tlSe? ?"y, re"b'e cash price; and nt. 'nr'n' recently overhauled Sacrifice. : mU8t "e" " once- TION? ,'7Toa S GOOD CONDI- SJt-X''U8 ACHES. cfvxT- JToTT rUSTRICT. ft ' T KA RE, riii,t, T?r water, gas -o rovi-v aUk 1 per" MONTH BI th? T-Htsh. TERMS FOR PROP CVrRK CITY LliTS. IK- company. 414 PITTOCK BLOCK. OR A- w LAMBERT SON 404 E. ALDER ST. " FINK SO ACRES JO acres all In cultivation, firs. ;?lAiCompIe,s ot buildings In cluding extra good 8-room house, fruit, berries, etc.. and Is located cl2f on raved highway. 1 his Is positively one of the very a?.d cho'cest close-in acreage propositions, might divide, wilt make price right and might ac cept part trade. ""But. ao- 1.02 Northwestern Bank bid. WELL-IMPROVED SMALL PLACE. t-I.acrjr- Jocl mile from goo town ViashinRton county. Oregon; on grave.ed road; biack loam soil; all un der tu.tivation; good young orchard, be ginning to bear; new 5-room house, wlta fireplace 20x32 barn. 18x24 chicken house. Price $3500. with young team, wagon and harness, single harness and buggy. plow. harrow. cultivator. 30 chickens, cow and crops; $1700 cash. th. balance on easy terms. Brooks, with. JUHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. I MUST SELL MY CHICKEN RANCH. There are two acres of ground, all under cultivation, over 40 bearing fruit trees, a nice 5-room house, barns, incubators and brooders and all the machinery nec essary to run this place, including a full set of blacksmith tools. Will also leave over 400 full-blooded Leghorn chickens. My husband passed away several weeks ago and I am compelled to give up the property. For that reason only will I sell it. It is a money-maker and a fin. little home. Price $O00; $200O cash. For particulars see my attorney at 404 Plait blilg., 127 Park st. SEVEN-ACRE RANCH. 5-ROOM HOUSE. BATH. HOT AND COLD WATER. ON ELECTRIC, $2750. South of Portland, good soil, all In cultivation, fenced with woven wire, windmill, drilled well, tank and tank house, red barn, 2 chick en houses; $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. CLOSE-IN CHICKEN RANCH. Located southeast of Portland. T mllea. on the main road, that is being paved: ail good land, under cultivation and in crop; small orchard, good plastered house of 6 rooms, barn and chicken houses for 5m chickens. This Is close to station. Price $4500. $2000 cash, bal ance easy payments at 6',-i, Interest. Per sonally inspected. Photo hero. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. CAN YOU IMAGINE THIS ? A beautiful, unobstructed view proper ty of about 3 acres, facing on the new paved highway, close to Oswego, at a price of only $1000 per acre. You can't buy It for twice this amount In another SO days. It's a gift. KASER & RAINEY. 823-g Gasco Bldg. Marshall 3125. VERY FINE 12-ACRE HOME. Right at Gresham: all In fine state of cultivation; 3-acre commercial cherry orchard, family orchard and berries; good 6-room modern house, good porce lain plumbing, private water system, good barn, silo and outbuildings; an $8500 property offered for $6500 for quick sale. KRIDER A ELKINGTON. Gresham. Or. 160 ACRES of land In Columbia county, on Nehalem river; 35 acres under culti vation, 50 acres bottom land, large barn, orchard, partly fenced, R. R. and high way running through place: adjoining small town, with stores, hotel and large school; assessed valuation over $3600: soil valuation S50OO; will trade on good east side residence not too far from center. G. K. Howitt. North Portland. io acresTforest"grove. WELL IMPROVED. All In .cultivation, has 7 acres commer cial fruit. 9 acres general crops, good 8-room house, barn, chicken houses, on main road and first-class place in every way. We have photos; $5000. which in cludes horse, harness, tools, etc. D Mc Chesney. 3Q4H Oak St. Bdwy. 266. FOR SALE 2 acres In Corvallls, 10 min utes from O. A. C. 7-room house, also small cottage; 110 fruit trees, abund ance of berries, 3 poultry houses and yards; one-third cash, balance terms to suit; sell part or all. A. D. WEIR, Corvallta. Or. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONTAGE, 1 1-10 ACRES. Classy residential property. Improve it to your liking; city water, electricity and gas, lies well. spring stream across rear, silt loam soil; have garden, chickens and ducks; electric service, auto road and your launch at your door; price fSsOO. Owner, Marshall 420 J.IOO li.rACRE TRACTS $900. ON HAWTHORNE CAR LINE. Good soil, tine neighborhood, water, gas, light and improved street; only a . lew at this price; delay will mean an other lost opportunity. See owner. A. Vester, 223 Henry bldg. Main 1631. 5-ACRE SNAP OAK GROVE. Near the station and paved highway. You can buy this at about one-half what adjoining property is held at and on easy terms. COBB BROS.. 263 OAK ST. 24 ACRES choice land at Gearhart. near station: about 10 acres cleared, balance easily cleared; old house and barn; city water. Phone or write Geo. M. Hawes, ar.2 E. 46th st. $4iu0 HOME NEAR CLACKAMAS RIVER. 10 acres all in cultivation, good house and barn, near paved road. This is the best buv we have in a suburban home. COBB BROS.. 263 OAK ST. HAVE several choice 10-acre tracts near city limits of Vancouver at sacrifice prices: better' Investigate. ERNEST WELLS. 401 Couch bldg. Main 6829. Open Suedar. SIX ACRES All in crop; 7-room plas tered house, barn, outbuildings, family orchard; 1H- miles from Oregon City; $36oO; terms. Mr. Millerahip. Alder Hotel. 13 ACRES on paved 82d St., 2 blocks from car. joins Woodmere, ail level, in cul tivation, no incumbrance; good platting proposition; will sell all or part; might trade for farm. Tabor 7044. MULTNOMAH STATION. 3 'acres. 2 blocks from station; city water, light and gas: land all clear. Owner leaving city; terms. V 95, Ore gonian. 20 ACRES, right at station on Oregon electric, extremely low price, $150 acre; .lies fine. ERNF.ST WELLS. 401 Couch bldg. Main 6829. GARDEN TRACT West side; water and gas: price $351; $25 cash, balance $J0 per month. M. K. Lee, 413 Corbett ldg; $1475 SPLENDID 3-room house. Just east of lureihurst: fruit, berries. ERNEST WELLS. 4H1 Couch bldg. Main 6S29. Sunday. Tabor 9466. FOR SALE Near Beaverton. 10 acres, nearly all cleared, with running stream. For particulars AC 304. Oregonian. IF interested In securing safe and certatn acreage proposition, investigate imme diately. Owner. 1330 B. Taylor. 40 ACRES for sale. V mile from electric railway station, consult owners at 170Vj loth st., apartment FOR RENT 5 acres of good potato land. Main st- Lents, near Powell valley road. Call East 75S. 2 4 ACRES of fine spud ground to rent on shares; also house and fruit with same if wanted. 2ii2 Clay. i6ACr.F.S FARM I.ANdT TOM ALLEN. 131 0-D ST. IS. JC