6 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, APRIL 11, 1020 RKAt ESTATE. For Sale Houses. j. r. hill, 0 William ave. Easet 263. Office Open Sunday and Evenings. MORRIS NEAR TJXIOM. $2200 $600 down. 1 -story cot tage, 5 rooms and sleep ing porch; lot 40x123; gar-dt-n planted; fruit trees and berries; lull cement base ment; all Improvements in and paid: immediate pos session. 97 BLANDINA NEAR HAIGHT. $2350 $300 cash: 4 rooms: Im provements In and paid; ce ment foundation; electricity and Ran; 5 blocks to Jef ferson high; lot 00x70. ITOJ ALBERTA DISTRICT. $2625 -Half cash; 6-room bunga low cot tape; full cement basement; Karate; plastered house; fruit trees; 2 blocks from car. (83 WOODLAWN DISTRICT. $2750 $750 cash; 5-room bunga low ; Dutch kitchen ; lot 60x100; frarae; close .to car and stores; easy terms. 68i ALBERTA DISTRICT. $3200 Term a ; R-room bu n pal o w. E. 36th N. ; finely finished, good attic; lot 37 Vxl00; cement basement, laun dry tubs; beamed ceil in g. Cor. Beech and K.erby. (98) $3300 $1500 cash; fine 2-story 6 room house, in (rood condi tion; half lot; all improve ments in and paid . 50. J. F. HILL. "Williams ave. East 26S. Office Open Sunday and Evenings. ROSE CITY PARK 8-ROOM BUNGALOW, GARAGE. Located Rose City's finest section, large typical bungalow, good condition. rxiraorainary large living room, hard wood floors. large fireplace, buift-in bookcases, mammoth buffet, plate glass, French doors, Dutch kitchen, 2 large bedrooms and bath down, 3 more fine bedrooms and extra toilet upstairs. Full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, basement entrance to large garage. 50x 100 east front lot, beautiful lawn and shrubbery, paved St., sewer; 1 b blocks north of Sandy and R. C. car. Not a new bungalow, but not a better built home in the city. You will like the at tractive lines of this, the surrounding homes and the many extra conveniences that are not found in the commonplace home. This home is cheap at $7000, but owner needs money and will sacrifice for $6250, with some terms. Shown by appointment only. Autos at your convenience. GEO. T. MOORE CO. Main 802. 1007 Yeon Bid. NEAR 36TH AND HANCOCK. NIFTY BUNGALOW $5000. LOTS OF CLASS AND DISTINCTION. Here, folks, is one of those really good looking modern bungalows. We cannot overdescribe this charming home. You just picture to yourself the kind of a bungalow you want and here you will find it. From hardwood floors to ga rage, every detail is complete. When passersby stop to admire a home, the owner has reason to feel proud. This is that kind of a home. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office. -50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) BEAUTIFUL GROVE LAND PARK. BUNGALOW GARAGE. Very attractive, out of the ordinary 5 room bungalow. In first-class condition; large floured attic, can be made Into 2 beautiful rooms; hardwood floors, fire place, bookcases, handsome large buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, beautiful 5ox 1 00 lot, fine lawn, flowers, etc. ; well-built garage that conforms with architecture of house, cenif nt runways, paved street. sewer, 1 blk. Hawthorne car, close to Franklin high. A wonderful home for $52.0, some terms. Phone for appoint ment Monday. GEO. T. MOORE CO. Main $02. 1007 Yeon Bldg. LAURELHURST. $8000 Only $2000 down. . with smal' monthly payments. Beautiful 7-room colonial home. Extra large rooms. Hardwood floors throughout. 2 blocks to car. A fine home, well located. CALL MAIN 530. llcCRTLLI S-CLEVEL A ND CO., 322-326 Henry Bldg. NEW ALAMEDA PARK. BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, bath, cement basement, laun dry trays, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet, plate-glabs windows, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, white enamel and ivory finish ; garage ; nice location, tH6 E. 25th. near Mason; Broadway car. Price $4075, terms. This Is a real bargain. Deal with owner di rect. Sunday 1 to 5. or phone Woodlawn 4314. $12.500 100x100 TWO houses, well locat ed. East Burnslde, close in, with furni ture, $14,500. Rental value, $140 per mo. $65o0 50x100 corner, East Salmon, hear 13th St.. 8 rooms, basement, fur Mace, paved streets. $4000 7-room house. East 17th st. $2500 6-room house. East 6th st. All of these worth the prices. T. G. DAVIDSON. S10 Chamber of Commerce. A SPLENDID BUY 7 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, beam reilings. panel dining room, laundry trays, cement basement, 1 bedroom down, 8 and sleeping porch upstairs; near car. A neat-appearing place and certainly worth the money. Price $3150, $1150 cash, balance terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. $1450 4-ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. WATER, GAS, TOILET. LOT 100x115. T CHERRY TREES. CHICKEN HOUSE. AT 6567 95TH ST. S. E.. 3 BLOCKS TO " A K I.I.Nfcj; SMALL fAYMB.NT DOWN BALANCE LI KB RENT. OWNER BHOW HOUSE FROM 12 TO 4. GO TO LENTS. MT. SCOTT CAR. 4-ROOM HOUSE in Lents, block to car line ; good wood house at rear; iot 80x mo; Tor siwu cash, see Mr. Oliver, with Hargrove Kealty Co., 12S -N. oth. Bdwy 43S1. LAURELHURST MODERN HOME. One with original it v and class and one of the best locations in this addi tion : ext ra large living and sun room din inn room. den. buffet, kitchen, break fast room, basement complete, three bedrooms, bath upstairs; loo feet to car a home to be proud of. Call up Tabor 761 or Main .HM2. K. BROADWAY RESIDENCE. 4500 FOR a fine 6-room wiih si. pch., furnace, fireplace. Improvements In and paid; a 50-ft. lot. This is a bargain with $100O cash. baL monthly. Phone Marshall F. L. BLANCHARD. 61'.-20 Railway Exchange. $3000. Good 5-room California bungalow, bath, buffet, fireplace, large living room. full basement and garage; 1 blocks to car ana scnooi. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N, W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IF YOU WANT A FINE HOME IN .THE BEST DISTRICTS. DON'T FAIL TO SEE US BEFORE BUYING. WILL PLACE YOU RIGHT IN LOCATION AND PRICE. ZIMMERMAN & WHITE. tUS CHAM, Of I U.vi. $3150. 5-room bungalow on Paved street. 1U blocks to car, 1 Mock to school; 45x100 lot, in goon neignnornooa. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. Only $2200 for a good 6-room house with a full lot. 1V4 blocks from the car line, at Kenwood station. The house has all of the city conveniences; $1000 cash. M. J. CLOHESSL ABINGTON SLDG. NIFTY bungalow, right up to mo ment, near East Gllsan: good surround ings $1000 will handle. ERNEST WELLS, 401 Couch bldg. Main 8829. fiunday. Tabor 0466. " JTOME IN ROSE CITY DISTRICT! 7-room house, full plumbing, gas. flre alare. cement basement; $3750; terms 1500 down. bal. like rent. KORD, 200 Henry Bldg. REAL ESTATE. For &ale ?h G200 nd kindly take note of nil that la said here. This price includes the total furnishings of the house as well as the real property. It is In the center of the residential district, just south of Hawthorne ave. and Division . To begin with, here is a corner quarter block 100x100 ft., not any far ther out than 33d St., on the east side. A beautiful high, sightly quarter block on ihe carliie and only 1 block from th best improved park and playgrounds in the city; cement sidewalks, curbs and stone Wall all around. With the grounds goes a concrete garage. 6 or 7 large trees of the best variety of fruit, cherries, ap- pies and pears In full bearing. The rare shrubbery and flowers on this place are the envy of the neighborhood. It Is a close-in, ideal location. Now we come to the bouse. Here is a large 7-room mod ern, very substantial, classy residence with a full basement, furnace in the basement. The house haa hardwood floors downstairs, solid oak floors. The interior of this house is finished with expensive rich material. There is a very fine sleeping porch, a very large front porch extending across tne entii front and east side of the house. The back porch is one of its attractions. Now as to the furashings, no person will claim that it can be replaced for $2000. This house is completely furnished with fine expensive furniture In every room, . rugs. carpets, leather-covered chairs, rockers, bookcases, wood and coal, gas ranges, everything goes; quarter block, bouse completely furnished; everything is paid lor; not a do! air against the property ; every city convenience in this place and the price for everything just as It stands as above enumerated only $0200. All you need is $4000 cash, the balance as long as you want. ' M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $4800 for this, a very fine 8 room house in a nice district on the east side. With this house goes two large lots; the house is a double constructed and modern; there is a good garage, ce ment sidewalks, some fruit on. the place. The house alone cannot be replaced for the price asked. Half cash will handle it. M, J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. A slghlly location, close in to the business center; a very imposing, mag nificent residence, modern and up to date, perfectly finished house; hardwood floors, French piate glass windows, with 8 large rooms and the interior finish of the most expensive character; a full cement basement, concrete garage. With this residence goes almoHt half acre of ground, laid out and improved fault lessly; fruit of all kinds in full bearing, shrubbery and flowers, no oUier place is adorned so profusely, and the view of eevry part of this city, river and moun tains excels any other location. To look at this place you would hesitate to place a less value than $25,000. but we are offering it for sale at a price which means not higher than an ordinary com monplace residence. Now take notice. $10,000 buys and pays in full for this exceptionally rare site, location and val uable property; $5000 cash is all you need. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $7500, on Corbet street, and benr In mind iirst with this residence, which Is all we claim for 1. goes three iarge lots 50x100 ft. each, on Corbet st.. witn 100 f. deDth on the side street, and when we say that the grounds alone are worth morn than the Drice asked for everything, we are placing it mild. This I Is one corner on Corbett St. mat it hard to find an equal in the city of Portland for view and location. The I panorama stretching out before this res idence of river, mountains and city beg- gare description. You get with this site and location, on the car line as well as being close in to tne business center, a very substantial S-room house with steam-heating plant: the rooms are lartze: it Is iust such a place as will serve a large family who desire to reside I in thP heaithtie,st location, wnere com fort, with every city convenience to be j had. is in the house. The price for this place Is too insignincant. only siuuu: half cash will handle it. Jfl.. J. llu HESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. This is one place that every person knows who has lived In Portland for the past 10 years. It is the one conspicuous place standing oil by itseir on tne nign est point of the downtown, close-in. magnificent estates. It occupies one whole big block. It is on Corbett st., the highest uoint: nothing can ever come between Its view of the east side of the I city except water. It stands as it were on a bluff, although every inch of the and ! pvai Ami verv hi en iv imorovea. It has been for years one of the show Dlaces in the cltv of Portland. It is valuable for a hundred things and there is so much ground, you miynt say one uhnlA nrre. for a hotel site, for any other purpose wanted for good improve-j ments. it excels arrv other location in the city. It should have been tilled the last 15 years with a gigantic apartment building, and oh, my. what a dream It would be for people to reside in apart ments on this location. You could not keep renters away from occupancy in . this location if you stood with a shot gun at the entrance to this block; all I right, there are buildings there now on thiH block which will pay a good in come, for instance, a large, wholesome. wi; 1 1 -construe ted. very comfortable and delightful residence to live in; It has every city convenience and modern enough for anybody. There are two other flats of 5 and 6 rooms, which pay good Income. This Is the first time this place has been put on the mar Ret sale and It will be necessary to call at tli is office for particulars. 51. J. CLO- H ESS Y, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $4500. Well! Well! Well! On Sixth street, the main business street of Portland, where all of the high-class and expensive blocks are located ; cio.se- Jn downtown property, on the west side. 1 block from the Lincoln high and two ! blocks from the city auditorium. The lot alone will be worth $20,000 before it will be worth or sell for a less price than 4uUO. All right, we win throw in with the lot a 6-room house with modern plumbing; every city convenience. paved streets and everything e.se ! thrown in. The present income from rent alone of the bouse pays 8 per cent on the inesimenc orao it at 4.juu. ah you need is $1500 cash, the balance easy, j 51. J. C'LUttlSSSl, AdI.MjIU.N iJLJJU. Only $4000 for two big lots, close to tne car line. w un tne lots go a prac tically new ft-room bungalow, modern to I the last notcn. lurnace, garage. cnicaen house, etc. There is plenty of fruit for family use. in is is a piasterea ounga low and no person would have the te merity to replace t his Dungalow ior less price than $5000 or more. All right. It Is located on Mount Scott car line. The owner Is leaving and willing to sacrifice, so their Joss is your gain. Come around and buy this place. Half cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Onlv $4700. 'on Division st.. close in. not as far out as 2iHh st., on the best part of Division st. This is the high way which leads to the paved boulevard, S2d st.. where all of the travel from the southeast portion of the city comes. This location no Detter to oe rouna, nign. sightly and heaitny. isow we come the point. Here is a modern, up-to- . date 6-room bungalow, a full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, fruit- room in the basement. The house has hardwood oak floors, a very pretty fire place; everything connected with this bungalow Is perfect and up to date. No person can replace this practically new Dungalow ior a less price man jiv". The lot on which It stands is a full- lot. with garage, ph rubbery, fruit and flow er cement sidewalks, paved, streets. evereything in and paid for. This lot : alone should be worth $2200. All right, here Is $77o0 in value and you can buy it all for $4700. $3000 cash will handle it. M. J. CLiUUbSSl. Abl.NUiU.N JJLUU Only $1200. and this is buying a house nrf lot In a verv convenient location for a small dab of money. There are two big lots, a corner, 2 blocks from the car line ana station, witn a o-room house. woodshed and chicken house. The house has city water, gas. bath and toilet; some fruit trees on the place. In bearing. This place is located at Lents. Th ou,-nr hH.s moved to a farm, there fore is forcing the sale of this property at a sacrifice price in order to get the money. It must be all cash. 51. J. Onlv $3000. on the river road. Milwau kee st.. close in. a 5-room plastered rnttac-ft with a tun iot. pavea streets. cement sidewalks and curbs. This is a nice fionie at a reasonable figure. Half cush will nanaie it. M. J. CLOHEoSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Onlv $2"i0 for this 5-room house with a corner lot. on the west side, with a view which excels anything to De tounu on Hamilton ave.. j diocks irom tne car line and only 1 block from the Terwilli- ger boulevard. Pretty hard to beat it; S120O casn win nanuie n. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $7000 buys this big income pay ing improvea property on tne west s:de close in. walking distance of the busi ness center, in a good section of Lh city, where the property is valuable, al ways has been ana always will be. On Porter St.. iust across the street from the new big Failing school, where insid lots have soia ior sio.ooo. This oroo- erty is a corner. 106x100 ft.; there are 4 good houses, nothing smaller than 5 morns. The present rentals are vrv low. not having been advanced by the present owner in keeping with the times or to correspond witn rentals of prop erty in u ; ii nil nier u.wmy uura me duki ness center than this, although the ent income is more than 10 per cent on the price asked. This is practlcallv a gift for inside property with big income for the price or $7000. $2500 cash, and think it should be worth twice the price we oner io sen it- ior. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $2250 buys this corner lot. two blocks irom tne car line, witn the lot vou aret a good 5-room plastered houxo. concrete foundation, some fruit in full hrtnar. All of the 5 rooms ar fur nished and you get all of the furniture thrown in tor tne price, nouse, lot and furniture tor s-;u. i,hi casn win h:m die it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINUTON REAL ESTATE. For Sale EASY TERM BUYS LOOK THEM OVER. $1600 Mont&villa district, 4 rooms and bath, good cement basement, sta tionary laundry . trays in kitch en; full lot. abundance of fruit trees ; 1 block from car. $2000 Union ave. district 8-room house, nicely arranged for two families; good cement basement ; paved streets in and paid ; about block from Union ave. and close to Broadway. $2300 Mississippi ave. district, full cor ner lot, good 5-room liouse with bath, full basement. $2500 North Irvington, 6 rooms and bath, good basement, furnace, paved streets all In and paid, $2700 Brooklyn district. 6 rooms, all on one floor, full basement, full corner lot. walking distance to S. P. shops, close to scnuol and stores. $2750 East Gllsan st. district, 5 rooms R-nd bath, full corner lot, full semi-cement basement. $3fM0 Near Laurelhurst. 6 rooms, full semi-cement basement ; good f ur nai e, ail nice large rooms; hard surface streets; clear of ail in cumbrance. $3100 West Piedmont, 8 rooms, full semi-cement baement, furnace, 2 short blocks to Kenton and Mis sissippi car; 3 blocks to St. Johns car. $3500 Peninsula district, modern 5-room bungalow, ail built-in conven iences, fireplace, dandy furnace, f t xnv nart of an acre of ground can be had; abundance of iruit. Full information of the above homes can be had at our office. .WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. CH AS. RINGLER'S HUMt tsArvUAl.n. $6500 Eastmoreland $6500. New Bungalow New. Strictly modern; garage; paved St. pd.; 8 bedrooms, furnace, fireplace, h. w. floors, porcelain laundry trays; lawn and shrubbery. Price below present cost. $ s r,00 W EST -SIDE H O M E $ 5500. Willamette 4 to 6-room strictly mod ern; furnace, fireplace, porcelain laun dry trays ; cement basement ; 50x100 lot. lawn and shrubbery; built ior a, name; big bargain ; terms. $8500 LAURELHURST HOME $8500. Modern 8 -room, line location. $2000 $2900 $2900. Sunnyside 6-room house. $35(K) $3500--$3500. San Rafael street, walking distance. 50 x!50 lot; 8 large fruit trees; paved st.; and 6-room house; terms. $3500 $3500 $3500. East 24th. near Ankeny, 6-room good house, easy terms. $4000 $4000 $4000. East 17th. near Ladd addition; 6-room house, furnace, garage, fruit trees. CHAS RINULER & CO., 225 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. BUNGALOW $31)50. The owner of this BDlendid bungalow must sel 1 at once ; will give best of terms. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buf fet. Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, wash trays, etc. Lots of fruit and berries. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3002, Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. ROSE CITY PARK. Modern 6-room house on 48 th street in Rose City Park, near Sandy boulevard; all Improvements in and paid; lot 5oxl00; shown by appointment. Office open Sunday and evenings. (114) J. F. HILL, 6tC Williams ave. Easct 268. tSnn 1 O A CRER S3200. Ail oIad rpd soli irood and lies level ; 600 fruit trees, prunes, pears, cherries and apples; all Kinus Derries ior- nxmnj 3-room house and outbuildings; onlv 13 miles out; good hard -surface road. See Mr. Oliver, with Hargrove Realty Co., r. otn. uawy. woi. $4600. WEST SIDE, in nn of Portland's mort exclusive heights residence sections, magniricent view of river and ctiy, 1 block from car, on hard-surface street, cpse in: 6 rooms, white enamel finish, oak floors. fireplace, built-ins, lurnace, cement Base ment. Selling at a sacrifice, terms. Will show Sunday. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 3787. MODERN 5-rnom bungalow. 2 blocks to car; street arm name o..- paid for; has furnace and built-in conveniences; fine large basement with cement floors and laundry trayp; good district. Price only $3500 $1500 down. No agents. Phone Tabor 30b. 1-STORY 6-room bungalow, 1 block to r.UP i no lot with garage; house Is very conveniently arranged, built-in buf fet, cement oaseincni, laumnj .nu furnace; a good buy at $3500, $1350 cash, balance like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. SPECIAL IRVINGTON BARGAIN. 7 rooms, oak floors throughout, ga rage enameled and papered, tile bath, finished last October; high-class lin oleum and draperies Included ; imme diate possession; price $0500. $1500 cash Call East 3118 for appointment 5-room cottage, tot 50x161, bearing fruit trees, berries, chicken house, full basement, bath, pantry, front and back porches, etc., cottage well constructed and In gooU condition; all street im provements ' in and paid. Desirable neighborhood. No. 37 East 62d, near Stark. Mt. Tabor or Montavllla cars. Don't buy before seeing this bargain. $2S00 FOR GOOD G-room house and 100X 100 lot at 4012 J.ui st. a. .inis prop erty is only a short distance from car, has water and good plumbing, gas. elec tricity, cement sidewalk. There are ap ples, pears, grapes and all kinds of ber ries on lot. This is a fine little home and very cheap at this price. TURNER & CO.. 230 Chamber Cemmerce. NEAR WALNUT PARK, 6 ROOMS. PRICE $3250. Good 0-roora modern house and sleep ing: porch; also good garage. On hard surface street and all paid for. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. $300 WILL HANDLE. 3-room cottage, block to Alberta street, full plumbing, concrete founda tion built-in kitchen, 50x100 lot; price only $16O0. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. IRVINGTON A splendid 8-room house on a corner in the very uest section or irv ington; full cement basement, furnace, fireplace; In fact, a modern home in every particular at $7oo0; $2000 cash, balance on long time. This house ia sit uated on fu'.l lot with good garage. TURNER & CO., 230 Chamber Commerce. ALAMEDA PARK 2-story 7-room house. in best location, nara woon moots, duiii ln buffet, 2 fireplaces, built-in kitchen, cement basement, with laundry tray and furnace. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $20OO FOR a fine 4-room bungalow with t replace, con. uiut:.i i. tun ptu m Din g, cor. on Irving at.; lot 80x100. with shrubbery and roaes. $5O0 cash. Phone Marshall 820. F. L. BLANCHARD. 519-20 Railway Exchange. ROSE CITY MAGNIFICENT BUNGALOW. I-arge grounas, leanea until March, 1021, at $100 month. Buy now and have thin splendid home when lease expires. Price $12,f00, half cash, balance 6 per cent- ERNEST WELLS. 401 Couch bldg. Main 0829. Sunday, Tabor 04t6. HAWTHORN E bungalow. 2 blocks car line; 5 rooms down and plastered attic, 2 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace. hardwood floors, breakfast nook, cement basement, full lot; $4,100. Owner, 2616 Eat 58th st. LAURELHURS T ELEGANT HOME, WHITE ENAMEL FINISH. SUN ROOM. FRENCH WINDOWS. UAK.VUE, 100x100 GROUNDS. UP TO THE MINUTE. ZIMMERMAN WHITE. SIS CHAM. OF COM. MAIN 8052. COSY 5-room bungalow, fireplace, built-in bookcase, nurtet, run plumbing, good basement. 00100-foot lot, 2 blocks from car; .price $3000, $looo cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $4220 FOR a good 8-room house at 455 f.afil x 1 111 si, iN., irvington : lot JiUxlOO. This is a good, substantial, close-in home, with all modern conveniences and very cheap at this price. " TURNER A CO.. 2;:o Chamber Commerce. 734 CLINTON. COR. K. 22D $:300 S-room modern hoiine, corner lot hard-surface ttreet: terms. East is7l REAL ESTATE. For 81 e Houses. R. M. OAT3WOOD A: CO. HOUSE BARGAINS. ROSE CITY PARK. 8 large rooms. try con veiiitntly ar ranged and strictly modern throughout, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, built in buffet, washtrays, etc.; double con structed. This home ia near the Sandy boulevard and 45th st. Can be seen by appointment only. Price $0000; reason able terms. LAURELHURST. 7-room strictly modern bungalow-type house, hard w-.od floors, furnace, fire place, nice built-lns. garage, paved sts., in first-class condition. Price $8000. cash. MONT A VILLA. Modern bungalow. 5 large rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, nice built-lns, full cement ba-ment. piped for furnace, fireplsrce. lot 80x100 feet, corner, $2800, 4 cash. Good buy. 7-roorn modern house, cost $4O00 ; one block carllne on 71st st, N. ; $3000, $1000 cash, balance easy. ALBERTA. 7 rooms, fully 2 story, modern, like new. furnace, good district, convenient to school, stores, church, car. lot 50x104 feet. $450O, good terms. You cannot duplicate this place for less than $G5o0. It is a bargain. " R. ML GATEWOOO & CO., 165 4th St DIRECT TO YOU FROM OWNERS AND BUILDERS. WE CAN SAVE YOU $ $ $ BUNGALOW'S GALORE TO CHOOSE FROM. SELECT YOURS TODAY. ATTRACTIVE. COSY. NEW. MODERN, DOUBLE CONSTRUCTION. WELL-BUILT BUNGALOWS. BUILT FOR rOM FORT AND CON- . VEN1ENCE. $4100 UP, LIBERAL TERMS. THINK OF THIS: ONLY $4100 FOR A PRETTY. MODERN BUNGALOW; CORNER LOT, PAVED STREETS, CLOSE TO CAR. B. F. POND KEALTY CO.. THE IDEAL HOME BUILDERS. UNDERBUVERS. UNDER SELLERS. WE CAN SAVE YOU $ $ $ $ HOMES BUILT TO SUIT. ON TERMS. 1230 SANDY BLVD. TABOR 3S25. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY. NEW IRVINGTON HOME. 660 KLICKITAT STREET. CORNER. 10 rooms, enameled and papered; double garage, 3 toiiets, two fire places, all rooms oak floors, car penter work day labor, old scale. See this before buying; It will pay you. Open toduy; $13,500, $2500 cash, balance $123 per mo. E. J. M AUTZ. East 5031 or Marshall 1889. LOOK AT THIS AND THKN LKT 51E SHOW YOU THE PROPERTY. $3500 $1000 down and terms. A 7-room" modern, except furnace ; has A bedrcoms and dressing room and bath on the second flooi'; parlor, dining room, i istt.nho,, ami toilet first floor; full basement, laundry trays, a floored attic a garage, cliick-n house. A beau tiful corner lot, 12x100. roses, shrubs and fruit. Five b ocks to car and six blocks to school. The house cost more to bui'd than we are asking for it today. 5H29 72d St. S. E. Tabor 24 . $5200 ROSE CITY HOME $5200. Beet value in a nome in xvw v.... 7 rooms, large finished attic, sleeping porch, all the built-lns. fireplace, hard wood floors, furnace, garage, concrete runs; situated 414 . '" q 100 ft. Price $5200. $1450 cash, bal. 2a month and interest 6 per cent. See 51 r. Oliver, with Hargrove Realty Co., Din. -L- w jf . -x w.. OWNER MUST SACRIFICE. 6-room modern house, all built-lns. furnace, fireplace, fine condition, in one of the best parts of city; leaving Oregon; $2000 cash will handle. Phone Tabor f3S. EQUITY IN FURNISHED BUNGALOW 5-room bungalow, plastered. f ul l plumbing: iimxiuu ...-. . fruit trees anu uvn ico , house; $1000; bal. $1365 to be paid $25 per mo.: wouiu imuc , ,0 . any kind of good business. Main b4o. TT'T - our dai. MONTHLY 7-room houe. not over 15 ride from tifari 01 tui. y J" ,- Ing. basement. Can be arranged Vr to iTreet and .ewer lien, all paid. 2 block. rrom CJHNSON,.DODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3.S7 A GIFT MT. TABOR. Hre is a Renulne bargain In 101x130 at K. COth and Taylor streets A,t'"e dlstrii-t of beautiful tinmen. Pn'y S-.iUU. part cash. Kaaer & Kalney. 8-6 Uaaco b ; d g. .wain ion-. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Good 7-room modern houso In best part of Willamette Heights. One block to car. Jjovcij .... RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. SOS OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133 ... r r,tTVi'lllU' fcS 1 X - tttW .VI ....... . -'500 buys a six-room bungalow one block irom Hirt-ei m'. - - - out. Lot 50x100; house lu good snap 1100 Northweatern Bank Bldg. New story ana a nan -i-i v..... low corner, east facing, hard surface in and paid, hardwood floors downstairs, cement base-nent, house piped for hot water heat, built and for sale by owner. $7200. 1125 Mallory ave. 5 rooms, fireplace. buffet. Dutrh kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, attic street improvements in and paid; 4 blork from car. ntar Division st. ; ex - . . . . . i n 'm 1 1 (iwnpr ceilell iHcauuH. V- vT' f ' Tanor ijoai. -' j- 1 v 131 Oil J.uu v.Aon, i.i-.. ' ' 5-room bungalow, fireplace, bookcase, . . ,..!.., .... .nil a1artrlf llcrhtil . . .-. n , CTT MAVTUI A" - livil.cn Kiaiicn, IU11 cemBiii uii:iii.ii-, j j JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. ! N W. Bank Bldg. Main 37R LOU K. A L inia n. r. $2300. SiMlu1 uown anu itrriita iui a. 6-room modern nouse on a street with the sidewalks in, and only 1 block to car; has a dandy bedrooma all on one floor. Tabor 2475. FOR SALE Double constructed 7-room riOUSe, SieepinK iwr-n, u-i-... luh.... full cement basement, furnace, fruit tree. 100x100 lot ; street Improvements -a I 1 r- L Trvln rt rn ru r $05)0. Tiu4 Prescott st. 6-ROOM house, lot 50x100, double garage. pavea Street aim nr v -i o m emu, clove In east side: ready to move into; $50O cash, balance like rent. Tallmadge Realty JO., oiw nenry uiuk. HERE'S A BEAUTY. -room modern home for $42."0; will sell my equity. $1250. bal. $:.. per mo Alberta district: photo at ortice. NOR D. 200 Henry Bid g. FOR RALE By owner, 6-room bungalow. Hawthorne district.; hdwd. floors, fire place, gas, heat, bookcases, nice kitohen, screen porrh, etc. By appointment. Phone Tabor 3238. . No agents. SUNNYSIDE'S best buy: $2650. with S650 down, verv good and clean 5-room cot tage on 3:td st.: fruit trees. See this: it will please you. H. H. Staub. 1027 Belmont; week. Tabor 210. HAWTHORNE ave., $520O, terms; beauti ful, well-built modern 8-room house, lot 00x100, close to er: house alone cost mo.-e than price asked. See this. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont; week. Tabor 210. SPLENDID HALF BLOCK 7-room elect trie lighted good house: bearing fruits, garage, hard street ; ideal city home; price low. See it (afternoons). W. S. cars. No. 4431 53d ave. Owner. LEAVING CITY Must sell beautiful six room home, all modern conveniences, everything in first-class condition: walk lug distance- $5O00; $2000 cash, balance to suit purchaser. Ower, 772 Belmont. NOW VACANT, $2000. 6-room house, newly painted, in fine shape. B. 3uth and Burnside. East 2871. 734 E. BURN SI DE $4000. 8-room modern house, having 4 bed rooms, fireplace, furnace, iaundrv tra s ; lot 45x100. Snap. Terms. Fast 2S71. $1300 TAKES lovely 3-room furnished house, elec. lights, water, cement walks: 1 block to car; a good home. Nord. 200 Henry bldg IRVINGTON New colonial, six rooms and breakfast room, at 701 K. 17th st. N. for sale by owner, on premises today 11 A. M. to 5 P. M. VEilY reasonable, nice bungalow, furnace, built-in, much fruit, flowers, near car; also lnrr house; both extra large lots. Immediate possesion. Tabor 4ti73. E. 30TH AND GLADSTONE JS25MO 5-room cottae and small tnre build ing: In fine shape; itnns. iast 2S71. REAL ESTATE. For fcale -Hoimes. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY, Succeeded by OAREY-SAVIDGH COMPANY. 219 Hallway Exchange Bldg. Main 7487. 60O MODERN CITY HOMES FOR SALE. The public is invited to come to our show rooms on the second floor of the Railway Exchange building, corner of Stark and Third streets, and inspect the hundreds of photos on display. A gal lery c rammed full of neatly arranged 5x7 photographs of homes. Eight sales men with autos to show you property. A pleasure to show our homes. N-o ob ligation on 'your part. Real service to home-seekers. We have more real bargains In modern homes than rou will find elsewhere In the city. Let us prove It. The opportunity is yours :the obligation is ours. Remember if you find a home that Jusu ' aoouc suits you. don't put up one dollar until wou have compared it with the Bihr-Caxey company homes. DISTINCTIVE ROSE CITY HOME. $6700 Distinctive architecture marks this 7-room story ana a nait Dun galow. It is located a block and a half off Sandy, on 5Sth st. It must be seen to be appreciated. Furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage, sun parlor joins living room. Half cash. Shown by appointment only. ATTRACTIVE ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $5000 Here's the home. Oh. boy! 2 story bungalow-type, built for a home, on 60th, near Sandy. 6 rooms and sleeping porch; strictly modern and the best of Interior decorarions and lighting fixtures, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, long living room. $1250 to handle. A BUNGALOW BEAUTY IN ROSE CITY. $3000 Perhaps you thkik there ts no such animal ss a cozy, attractive 5-room bungalow in Rose City Park for $;tooo. HERE IT IS. All wrapped and stamped, wait ing to write In the name of the new owner. Full lot, best white enamel plumbing; full cement basement; near Sandy blvd.. and only $5u0 cash, balance easy. ALAMEDA. $3675 You've noticed, surely, the charm ing1 Alameda homes, where the natural evergreens grow In pro fusion, where the streets are paved, and the sewers are In and paid for. Well, we have a very distinguished looking 0-room home on Prescott street: 4 rooms down. 2 up: music room and breakfast nook. Fireplace, white enamel Dutch kitchen. Broadway carlino. garage. The price is quite low. Terms. IRVINGTON PARK (EAST ALBERTA). $3150 No prettier section in Portland than Irvington Park. Here we oiler you a story and a half bun galow, built only a few years. if est piumoing; it ngnt airy iea rooms upstairs : right on carline 50x1 un lot. Owner will spend $100 retjnting and decorating or throw off $100. Convenient terms. UNIVERSITY PARK (PENINSULA) $3150 Large 7-room 2-story home on as! (100x116 lot. nearly a third of an acre: 5 bedrooms, white enam el plumbing ; 8 varieties of bear ing fruit trcps. abundance of ber ries, near Willamette blvd. ; un obstructed, sweeping view. A bar gain at o1ju; so 00 down. 40 H AWT H OR NE -SUNNYSIDE HOMES 0. $4425 A new 5-room bungalow on Lin coin street, with large unfinished attic. Interior grand and so many little extra conveniences, built-in buffet, oak floors, fire place, paved street. $1550 to han dle. A snap at the price. CAN'T BUILD FOR $5500. $4750 One of Hawthorne's artistic bun galows. A dainty home with beautiful interior color scheme. This home has everything we know of that goes to make a strictly modern home. You will fall in love with this the minute you see it. Oarage, paved streets furnace, oak t lirs, fireplace Further, the owner has been transferred to Corvallls at a great Increase In sulary. otherwise $5500 would not touch it. Rea sonable terms. HAWTHORNK PLATS. $6000 This ad states cold facts. 8-rooms -story, very substantially built, in a l condition. 4 rooms and re ception hall and kitchen down and practically the same upstairs, uaK 1 loors ana iirrinace down splendid furnace. 5Oxlu0 corner lot. paved, close in; one block to Hawthorne car. Those cozv mod ern flats rent for $00 ner month which, allowing for wear and tear, is about 7 per- cent on i.,uuu. Here is a real invest ment for you. HERE IS BIG VALUE. 4oo ftear i-aurei hurst Park in Sunnv. side ; 6-room bungalow one floor. Owner wants to raise money quick. Price cut several hundred ooilaii. f urn ace, firr-place, fui cement nasement. with a fm room and laundry room, stair way to large floored attic. Paved streets, paid, garage, fine buffe inciuuea. furniture to sell if do fired. Interior in while. Here is a goon bargain If you hurry SACRIFICE SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $u2j0 Large roomy 2-story. 6-room nome, duui oniy it years, on Easi Yamhill Bire.-t. close in: harri. wood floors In large 10x24 living ruuui ana reception nail, furnace ivory finish, paved streets paid! Lot 5OX-0; vacant; immediate poneession, 5uu aown. HAWTHORNE SPErTAT. $2800 Bargain day for sure in Haw thorne. 4-room modern him u-u low 011 paved street; MtolOO lot jH.wn. snrunoery. some Iruit tn good garden space, a little down balance like rent. 100x100 ON WILLIAMS AVENUE for this 100x100. close in. on w ' 1 1 1 lams avenue in 1912. Will Po rt isnu come duck? The $3200 yours if you are not afmiri U to an back your judgment. Less th montns win develop a grea boom th An IO vou rm a rrn ter it- nessed. $lO0ti down, 6 per ce nt SELL WOOD SNAP $2200 $500 down buys a 6-room bur. galow near Sel I wood car on Ciat sop street. White enamel plunib ing. bearing fruit trees, abun dance of shrubbery; $500 takes it. 1 60 MODERN ALBERTA HOMES 60. $2350 6-room cottaae. good plumbing" 80x100 lot. Fine fruit trees neai car. splendid value. $5oo down $23x0 Here is wonderful Alberta bar gain: 5-room modern bungalow 50x100 lot; house built only 6 years; rooms large and plenty of Closets; a reaJ honest-to-goodners money-back guarantee. That's what we think of it. Live there 6O days; if- you can't take more money than you pay for it back comes every cent you paid. Terms. Our homes make good or we do. $2200 Dandy 5-room Alberta home ideal arrangement of rooms; while enamel plumbing, very at tractive interior, full cernent basement; $700 cash, balance like rent. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. $oOO 5-room modern bungalow com pletely furnished from cellar to garret : ready to move in 2 blocks from Alberta car, garage flJnolRArden' Pa' and abundance of shrubbery; $700 down, balance easy. 9-ROOM ALBERTA HOME. $2800 Match this iarge spacious modem home In Alberta district for $2800 and you win a new hat : ladies cheerfully Included. beautiful light fixtures. many built-lns. near car. $1000 cash. Terms. THIS ONE HAS PTPELE-Sf? FURNACE $2500 Can you beat it? 6-room. 2-story modern home with beautiful bay windows, bulit-in sats. large ce ment convenient Dutch kitchen; only loo feet off Alberta car $1000 down. This home is cheap at3200. v RODNEY AVENUE HOME. $4575 6-room. 2-story modem house with furnace, fireplace, interior in pretty white enamel. - Paved street and nice lawn; 2 holly trees; $1000 down. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. $4200 6-room. 2-story modern; hard wood floors, f ireplsce. a lovely home ; excellent built-in buffet, paved streets, paid, built only 5 years; double constructed; sightly grounds. $100 cash. VANCOUVER AVENUE. $2625 Walking distance from Jefferson high; 6-room. 2-story house, side walks, sewer and paved street, paid in full : 2 cherry trees, ber ries, nice lawn; $500 down. A SUGGESTION THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. PEE OUR HOMES BEFORE YOU BUY. 500 to choose. from; 8 autos at your serv ice; no obligations. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY, Succeeded by CAREY-SA VIDGB COMPANY. 210 Railway Exchange Bids-. M:iin 7487. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. SEAL ESTATE. For ale Hou. BUNGALOWS HOUSES. $4250 Beautiful bungalow, new and strictly modern in every respect. The last word in art is tic bunga lows. Don't fail to see it. Terms. $3750 A snap. 5-room bungalow. Haw thorne district; near good school. This is really worth your while. $1000 cash. $4250 Furnished home, modern with ex- You can move right in. Terms. $4000 5-room bungalow, brand new sid strictly modern. You will be de lighted with this. Kasy terms. Many others, moderately priced. Ask for particulars. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett bldg. Main 6015. WAVERLY RICHMOND SNAP. Only $3500. No. it is not a bungalow; rooms are not all on one floor; BUT LISTEN. It Is a double constructed Quoen, Ann cottage of six rooms, nice large living room and dining room with real oak doors, beautiful fireplace, fine buffet, a real Dutch kitchen; the cement work in the basement floor and walls la first class, walls are plastered up to lloors; a heavy plate glass mirror in the hall door, an easy stairway up to three light, cheery bedrooms, with all the sunshine and fresh air pure from the sky, which you do not get down on the ground Moor. This is a bargain if there ever was one. 615 Chamber of. Com merce building. REAL IRVINGTON HOME. Corner lot ; abundance of shrubbery ; four bedrooms, two sleeping porches, two baths. two fireplaces, break I a t room, sun parlor, maid's room : plate glass window, hardwood floors through out. " garage, full basement, completely finished and kalsomined. Inspection necessary to fully appreciate this home. $1 3.50O. Phone for appointment. East 1070. IRVINGTON MODERN HOME. Seven rooms, garage, hardwood floors through the entire house; -this is a love ly home and great bargain ; only $6100, terms. 1 ON BELMONT AVE. 37th sirpet: 6 rooms; this is a pieca of property, business and residence com bined; a money-maker; $3500. terms. Five roras, finished attic, f uil base ment; well built; fine piece of property; looxlOO; lots of fruit; lots cheap at $12o0 : house would cost today $4200 ; total $54uO; selling price $40t0, $1000 cash. THOS. VIGARS CO. 270 Stark. Main 3052. 4 0 00 BUNGALOW FOR $ 3 650. Due to financial circumstances I an forcpd tn k1 I m v beau tif ul 5-room bun galow this week : all rooms finished in stylish old ivory; reception hall, larse sitting and dining rooms, wnite enamel kitchen with new linoleum. 2 pretty liii rnnm An a bn t h room with best W nite enamel plum bing. large front and back porches; block from car, near scnooi and good district. The first one that comes can get this good home for $3050, with $1050 cash, balance like rent. Vou can move in Immediately. Owner on premises today, 11 -a. no agents. 1037 E. 11th st. North. A I . A M K D A V T E W C OKXEK. First time offered for pflle; one of the most beautiful 8-room homes with sleep ing porch and garage, located on choice double corner with view of city; tile vestibule with coat closet. 16x6 living roum. delightful dining room with lots of wall space, pass pantry, nice uriu kitchen. 3 large square bedrooms, elab orate dressing room. 2 baths and sleep ing porch, large attic, one of niceHt finished basements in city, with most expensive hot water heating; built for home by present owner; no expense spared: extra heavy construction and best ouk floors throughout. Tabor 4o7. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch. Double Garage $0500. Located corner 45th and Brazee. one of Rose City's choicest locations. Hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, etc. Real value. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3002. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) N K W I RV1NGTON B A RG A I N. 6J0 East 17th N. 7 large rooms, tile bath, double garage, two fire pices, oak floors throughout ; ennmeled nnd papered. Substan tial saving over cost today ; $11. 000. (15(io cash. $100 monthly. Open toda y. MAUTZ BUILD1XO CO.. East 5o31 or Marshall 3i0. CHOICE CORNER HOME IN IRVINGTON. -room home with all modern con veniences, hardwood floors up and down stair ; one of tho most attractive we have been In for some time: house was recently appraised for insurance pur poses at $lS.tK0; for good reasons owner must unload at once and makes a price of $12,51)0. Better look this up Monday if you are Interested. See Atchison, 204 Henry bldg. FULTON WEST SIDE. HTl X i A I .O W S2550. Located near river on Fulton car; 5 rooms, large living room, bath. 2 bed rooms, beautiful &Uxisj east iront lot. affording fine view or river ana moun tains: fruit, berries, fine roses, paved st. nd sewer Paid. Just the cozy little home mighty cheap. Will give some terms, owner gone to Seattle and must sell this week. GEO. T. MOORE CO. Main 802. 10o7 Yeon Bldg. $2500 1 -STORY 7-room houne on Will iams avenue, all street improvements in and paid, living rooms, dining room. kitchen, l bedroom ana oatn iirst iioor, 3 bedrooms second floor: 5txl07 lot, beariiiic fruit trees and berries : in fao, this is a very pretty place, beautifully located and a beautiful lot ; $600 cush payment, with easy monthly install ments. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main R787. THIS HOME FOR YOU. Attractive, modern, well-built bun galow : fireplace, attic, oak floors, cabi net kitchen, walls tinted, light fixtures, window shades, paved street, $4250, lib eral terms. U. F. POND REALTY CO.. THE IDEAL HOME BUILDERS. WE CAN SAVE YOU $ $ $ $ Homes Built to Suit on Terms. 1230 Sandy blvd. Tabor 3825 Office Open Sunday. LADD ADDITION home, faces east Rosa Park, corner lot : one of those close-in additions: tine home. 14-ft. alley: built and occupied by owner, who is leaving city ; very best construction throughout ; 2 biocks from car: has 8 rooms and la strictly modern; fine porch and shrub bery, ir interesiea in a ueauuiui nome, invfctiiratP No a (rents. Price $6750. part cash, terms on balance. For ap pointment pnone n.ast -n. NOR HILL HOME. $13,000. Pleasing residence, reception and 4 rooms, first floor. 3 bedrooms, sun room or Bleeping porch, bath, second floor. 2 rooms arxl bath in attic. Modern floors and equipment throughout. 2 fireplaces, complete basement and good heating sys tem, garage and cement driveway. Pos session May 1. Shown bv appointment. Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg. WHY LOOK FURTHER? W have them ranging from $700 to $5000, with ter. as. on tne oest car line in the city, where property Is priced ritrht and evervone don't want to be a profiteer. Come and see us. We have what you want. Some exceptional good buvs. Investigate. It don't cost you anvthing. H'SRTDER-CARLE REALTY CO. 5h2! 72d t- S. E. Tabor2473. 1 $7r, 0 0S EAR B UN GALO W $4 5 00 . WriwpM H awt horn and Division sts. large living room with fireplace, dining room, Kitcnen w : 1 11 dui.i-iu, - ururuimw, bath between, large attic suitable for 2 bedrooms or sleeping porches, hardwood floors, furnace, run cement nasement, earace City liens and 1010 taxes paid V. V, ' T I'll A O T f'l Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg 7-i a wr hi"ir'E SNAP I'll say so. 8-room house, right on the avenue and near thriving business center. Lot is worth $3000 and house worth more than price asked for whole proposition; all $5500. half cash. ERNEST WELLS. 401 Couch bldg. Main 6829. Sunday, Tabor 0406. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. ' Six-room house with hardwood floors. flreplacs, furnace, pavea street. $42o0 terms. W. H ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME. COST OVER $27,000 fi YEARS AGO. WOULD COST TODA Y" $40,000; WILL FELL AT A PRICE THAT YOU LL Arl KK' I A I C. . 1 .! -l c, HM.A A & WHITE. SIS CHAM. OF COM. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME $550C. Owner is moving east so will se;l hi lot-vA comfortable home on Montufim ery drive, south of Patton road, near car line; nara.-suria.ee nircei. r.az- i. .si 1 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Lot 25x150, Tillamook, near Williams ave. $:'. CEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO.. Main 7266. 024 Henry Bid. 7 fiOi M house, east side, corner lot arp-n:n. $750 rah. hn lance to suit you REAL KSTATF. l or Sah BEKUM & JORD AN. HOUSE BARGAINS. ROSE CITY PARK. $7000- One of the most attractive bun gaiows in Rose Cit v Park on a 5'ixloo-ft. corner lot, below the hiil. $4500 Beautiful 6-room bun ga low; ha rd -wood floors. fireplace. bui ft, Dutch kitchen, full plumbing ; lovely 50x1 00 lot, facinx east. This is a real bargain and tae house could not be built toda v for less than $5500; located on East 52d at., 3 blocks from car and block from Alameda drive. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $3S00 5-room modern bungalow with an extra si ee ping room upstairs; fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full basement ; located on Kant 4sth st., less than block from Hawthorne ave. $3500 Pretty 5-room bungalow; fire place, Durfet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace; 4t)xlo0 lot, on hard-surface street. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS. $3000 Attractive 5-room bungaow;flre piace, buffet. Dutch kitchen; fruit and berries. WOODLAWN. $2350 4-room bungalow: 1 block to car. full plumbing, 50x100 iot, all kinds of fruit. $1500 3-room bungalow, nearly new; lovxloO lot, 14 fruit trees. Any of these ma v be seen Sunday by calling up our office. Main 2233, be tween the hours of 12 and 4 P. M. PEKUM g? JORDAN. 3-3-4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Fourth and Stark sts. Main 2 23 3. A FEW OF OUR CHOICE OFFERINGS. WE HAVE A LARGE LIST TO CHOOSE FROM. $1000. 4-room house, lot 40xlOO; garden and berries; $500 cash. balance $10 per juuuiii. nis is an exceptional value. SltiOO. 4-room house, new bath and toilet, double garage, lot of extra lumber goes with this piace; near Union avenue and oesr. car service; ssoo cash wiii handle. $2000. 4 rooms, hath toilet nntrh bltrhpn basement. 6 apple. 2 Barlett pear trees. garage. water, gas, sewer, electricity, sidewalk and curb; terms. $3750. 6-room double constructed new house, double Karaite: in a verv fine neighbor hood; ground 100x100; $1000 will handle. $45oo. 6-room modern house; fireplace, wash trays, lull cement basement ; near An keny street, on Buchtel ave. Let us nnd that new home for you. A. W. LAMBERT A SON. 40 East Aider street. Corner of Grand Avenue. Phone East 6-10. $3S50 WILL BUY THE MOST BEAUTI FUL HOME, SOMETHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY; strictly modern does not express it: with the most up-to-date fin ish that can be used, plate glass win day s, hard wood floors t h rough uu t, beau tiful reception hall, extra large living room and din ing room, panned, most up-to-date built-in kitchen, breakfast al cove with china closet, large, airy bed rooms with two closets, tile floor bat h, with the most costly fixtures, with show er bullt-insL phone cabinet, scats, hat case, lireplnce. bookcases, buffet, linen closet, towel cases, cove celling, second floor suitable for 3 large, airy rooms ; self-starting tliisco furnace. laund ty, fruit room In basement. Open for in spection today from 10-5. Last 27 th, near Knott, Broadway car. ROSE CITY PARK. NEW BUNGALOW GARAGE. $5500. Really, for a moderate-priced bunga low you will have to go some to beat this splendid home; hardwood floors, fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast uook; expensively papered, etc. It'll be a real pleasure to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near Third. Main 3002. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) BEST IRVINGTON LOCATION. 630 East 17th N.. 75x100. double garage, 2 baths, t rooms, modern and specie lly attractive : juat be ing niiitihed; open today. M AUTZ BUILDING CO.. East 50ol or Marshall ltotf. $3hH 6-ROOM modern bungalow on M is- stsstppi. oetween ueKum ana tsryani. 1 block off pavement, living room, dining room, kitchen, 1 bedroom and bath first flnor, 1 bedroom second floor, fireplace, built-in buffet, full cement baemciit, furnace, double constructed. garag. 40 X120 lot, trees and shrubbery, linoleum on kitchen and bath, fireplace, screen, gas range and gas heater in basement Included in price, $2ooo Initial pay men l, $20 and interest on subsequent payments. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bids;. Main 3787. EAST MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. lOOxlOO LOT. $4000. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow. beautiful large rooms, floored attic ; has every modern convenience from hard wood floors to furnace, lOOxloO corner, fine lawn, garden, fruit and flowers. 10 ft. alley; block from East Stark St., 4 blocks Mt. Tabor Mh-st. car. Make an appointment to see this pleasant sur prise Monday. $ looo to handle, balance easy. GEO. T. MOORE CO. Main 802. Km7 Yeon Bldg. LOOK NO FURTHER. Located on 60th street, on 40x100 cor ner, good plastered house of 4 excep tionally fine large rooms: fras light. plumbing, sleeping porch, garage. The house Is o years oid and is in A-l shape. Price $S40. $440 rash. Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. Main 852i. LA U R E LH URST H OM E. Owner leaving wishes to sell and will give uuick possession of an attractive strictly modern 2-story. 7-room home. with garage, just repainted and deco rated inside and out ; loca tion on E. Da vis st., near 3ith st.; built right. Iwrtie rooms, tile fireplace, fine oak floors. 3 bedrooms and inclosed sleeping porch. nine lawn and lots of shrubbery. Tabor 407. IRVINGTON COLONIAL HOME. Just a grand 8-room home with all of the modern conveniences of the age; everything of the very best. Seeing ia oei lev ing. ia,wu, lenus. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett bldg. Main 6015. AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY 6-room bunga low on North Mt. 'lanor. iuii plumbing, built-in bookcases and kitchen, full lot with large bearing fruit trees, good soil for garden, haid-surface street; $500 cash, balance iiKe rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ONLY $325. Good 7-room house on E. 50th at., block from car. Present owner Da id $3500 for this property; reduction made to attract quick deal. w$ 7 50 cash and terms. au io r-mi . GEO. E". EN G LETT ART CO., Main 7206. 024 Henry Bldg. $lo.00O BE A UT1 Fl L 7-room bouse, all hardwood floors, - dhiis. uutcn kitcnen hot-water heat, everything of the best f lrolace. built-in buffet, white enamel sleeping porch, fine garage. Zimmerman & w one. sis . nam. 01 v.om. $400 CASH. Balance to suit, gives yoti possession of a ood s-room cottage witn bath, GOxlOO ft. lot . i-rice io..o. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg $3150. 5-room bungalow on paved street. 1 4 blocks to car, 1 block to school, 45x100 lot in good neighborhood. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 Nl W. Bank B!dg. Main 377. FURNISHED READY TO MOVE IN. Not new, but very good 7-room house. Sunnyside district; furniture, dishes and all. $3250. $500 will handle. KKNEST WELLS, 401 couch biag. Main tts29. Bunoay, laoor w-too. $5350 WEST SIDE HOUSE $5360. 8 rooms. 50x100 lot, easy walking dis tance, near College st. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO.. Main 7266. 624 Henry BId-g. $ 7 500 I RVINGTO N $ 7 5 O 0. HOME, well built. 2 fireplaces, tile bath floor, garage : $30u0 cash, mortgage SACRIFICE 1 acre in Fulton park, .iolnmg electric station, close in ; wiJ ! sell on best of terms or trade for what have you? AC 415. Oregonian. SOUTH PORTLAND Good 6-room house garage, corner lot ; price .;o0O. term E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Com. CALL Sunday and see this 6-room Irvine ton modern home on a tine corner. clo.e to car. 744 Clackamas St.. cor. of 22d. $750 BUYS 2-room tmngaiow. west side; lot (iovlio; $100 cash, balance $10 per month. M. E. , Le. 415 Corbel bids. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY. "Shortest Way Home." Years of studv of local conditions, a thorough knowledge of ats.ncts. famil iarity with values and a splendid or ganization enable us to give you tho maximum service Jn home buying. The following bargains are fair samples 01 properties we have listed and will require quick action. as In each Instancy the price is right and the terms are rea sonable. $2200 Will buv a 7-room house, all in first-class condition, full lot, large bearing fruit trees. This place ill appeal to one who wishes to locate conveniently close in on the east side and is considerably lower in price than is possible to find In its location, $-850 A 5-room bungslow in the Al berta district. This bungalow Is well constructed. In good condi tion, rooms are all largo, light and cheerful. Situated on a Ox loo lot, alley, east front. $2500 Is the complete price for a square 2-story house of 8 rooms. Mt uated on corner property UOxloO. with building that could be used for garage. Th is property with very little fixing will easily briii, under present prices, from $3500 to $3750, as the house is in good condition except tinting iuside and painting outside $3050 Mav be an odd price, but is cut down the limit for a quick sale. This modern cottage is situated close In near Belmont street. The 2 floors of t his cottage are fin ished and arranged so 2 families can very conveniently live in the boue - If desired. Five rooms down and 2 rooms and sleeping porch up. $3550 This modern 2-story bouse, sit uated on a corner lot in Vernon, is conveniently located in every respect. 1 f you are looking lor a property near A iberta street, you will find this one of the best otters. $5250 6-room home, modern In every detail, equipped with new patent burglar alarm. Th is home has ail the latest built-in con veniences, parquette hardwood floors, etc., new and all in first clans condition throughout. Sit uated on ground lO0xl0t. hard surface street in and paid. This is surely worthy ot your Imme diate attention. $6000 5-room bungalow situated on about acre of ground. This bungalow is in first-class condi tion, being practically new; hard surface street in and paid, cor ner property, fine bearing dr chard, plenty of ground, close In on the east sido; can give easy terms. $5800 Alameda Park bungalow with 5 rooms and bath, also break fast nook, attic for 2 additional rooms if desired, which can be finis ned for $ 200 additional; strictly mod ern, with an exceptional furnace piped to each room; gas kindler, a furnace that will cut your fuel bill; garage, street improvements paid. You will like this new. at tractive bungalow and you couid not duplicate It today for than $(iuo additional. New and never occupied. Terms, HAWTHORNE HOME BUNGALOW. $42UU Buys 6-rooin attractive semi-bun-gaiow home, 3 bedrooms, gas, bath, electric lights, very attrac tive both iuside and out, all buiit in features, piped for furnace, full cement basement with wash trays, street improvements in and paid. This is on 33d street, near Hawthorne ave. and of similar design as homes which have sold as hitrh as $54MH; lots of roses ana shrubbery, nice lawn. Let us show you. Terms, $5750 For a few days longer we are able to offer you at this price a home which you cannot duplicate for less than $Ooo; living room, d inlng room, kitchen, break fast room and entrance hall first floor. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch up This house is absolutely mod ern, up to the minute, hardvtood floors, fireydace, bookcases, buf fet. Dutch k itch en, built-in linen closet, dust chutes, clothes chute, furnace, cement fruit rooom. full cement basement, wash trays; hd xlOO corner. Terms to suit your convenience. You will have to hurry to get this exceptional bar gain. Shown by appointment only. $4500 Let us show you this attractive double constructed bungalow, on one of t ti e bey t s t ree t s in Ha w -thorne: living room and dining room across ihe front. large din i n k roo m , Dutch kitchen, 2 bed -rooms and ha t h with back porch suitable for sleeping porch if de sired; fireplace with large man-t-l and heavy French pi ate-glass., mirror ; large plate -glass mirror door to guest closet, dandy but -. ft. hardwood floors In 3 rooms; street Improvements In and paid; driveway now being built for ga rage. Tho interior finish is ex ceptionally pood and very at tractive. Terms. $3500 This modern, practically now sto ry and a half bunKalow In tho Alberta district. Just received and too late to classify. If vou get a chance at this bargain you will be lucky. We have any number of good buvs, re continually getting in new listings; lint only salable homes that we know are worth the money.- Come In, inspect our photographs before buying. We can save you money. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY 204 Rj. Exch. Bldg. Main 1004 and 563. $3300. This 6-room modern home at 030 Clinton street, cor. 31st. is now vacant and ready to move risht in; has reception hail, French doors lead ing to dining" room, nice wide buffet, white en ameled Dutch kitchen, full base ment, 3 nice, light, airy bedrooms and bath on second floor. The house is in splendid condition in side and out. Price $33uu, terms. If interested see J. A. HUB BELL, 3078 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor SS02. $4200 BUYS you a beautiful home on Rod ney avenue, walking distance, 4 large rooms first floor, larse, litrht bedrooms and bath on second floor; fireplace, fur nace, laundry trays, full cement base ment, stone foundation, all street Im -provements In and paid. Lot 50xb0, also has garage, all for $1500 down. Look this up. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. MT. TABOR BARGAIN. 6-room house, gas, electricity, bath, sewer, lot 50x100 corner, paved and paid. Price $2K.V. INVESTIGATE CALL ON US. H. H. L'RDAHL CO.. Inc.. Main 6232. ' 322 Ablngton Bid?. 5 ROOMS. 1 V -story tungalow, attic un finished, room for 4 additional rooms. 12 fruit tres. lot SO x ion. Mount Scott car; $4000; will trade for 5 to h acres near tranrftif ion line. See Mr. Thomas, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. M.in174:i; 410 Henry Bid?. A REAL homey 5-room bungalow near Peninsula Park; fireplace, furnace, buf fet, breakfast nook, large bedrooms with larpe closets, plumbing. Al; price $3700, $ 1650 cash, baiance terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bid g; Main 87B7. $200 cash! " Balance to suit, buys a 5-room cottage on paved street. Trice 1HX. See Mr. Christen sou, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 174::. 4lo Henry BUI sr. $3100 COR. 75x100. modern 5-room bunga low, attic floored, built-ins; near hli;h and grade schools : clean ; 2 blocks to car; $500 hand I s. $20 per month. Zim merman ac Whito, SIS Cham of Com. Main MT.2. $loOO WILL handle 6-room modem house, furnace and fireplace, gas and elecc Mount Tabor district. 4 Mks. to car; terms on balauc. Price $3d7o. See M-r. Thomas. $"500 WILL put you in possession of dandy 7-room house, Brooklyn Heights. Cor ner lot, east facing. Price $4500, and some snap. ERNEST WELLS. 401 Couch bldg. Main. 6h29. Sunday, Tabor 9466. A 0-ROOM rooming house, close in. west Me ; cheap rent, good location ; clear in g $05 above expenses, besides own apa rt mcnts; will seil cheap, cash or terms. Marshall 133!. b-K OM house, furnished or unfurnished, store, butcher shop. 2 garages, occupying 2 lots; easy terms. Phoue 212-77. " 6'.t2 M i l waukie street, CLEAN 5-room hoube. lot lOOxO: garage, chicken house, all kinds of frrtlt; four blocks from Mt. Tabor car; $10te5. Own er. East 5762. - MUST sacrifice my new bungalow; am leaving city on account of : sickness; must seil at once. Call owner. Tabor 02"0. - No n gents. M 1 1 S-roorn bungalow, arse iot. uistnci. owner, hnunt la- bor 5146.