THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 11, 1920 REDS MAY COERCE POLES Great Military Demonstration on West Front Planned. STOCKHOLM, April 10. A bol shevik army has been mobilized and equipped, according- to a Moscow roes sage, in preparation for an advance to the Polish front. The bolshevik i are calling great military forces to arms for the pur pose of coarcing the Poles to accept peace terms by the menace of a gen eral offensive. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. MEN WANTED FOR RAILROAD YARD SERVICE. WAGES 64 CENTS AN HOUR. EIGHT HOURS WORK A DAT. , 06 CENTS PER HOUR FOR EACH ADDITIONAL. HOUR OVER EIGHT HOURS A DAT. BOARD AND LODGING PLACES WILL BE ARRANGED FOR STRIKE CONDITIONS. BUT STRIKE DE NOUNCED BY RAILROAD BROTHER HOODS AND UNAUTHORIZED; PRO TECTION ASSURED. PERMANENT PLACES FOR GOOD MEN. APPLY TO A. T. MERCIER. SUPER INTENDENT. ROOM 32. SECOND FLOOR. UNION STATION. PORTLAND. OR. SOUTHERN PACIFIC -COMP ANT. SALESMAN Experienced or not. Are you btjt. umbltioub ana auiu to put jour gnuuliier io i tits wheel on a big Ueai a real man's jou. Lrn you love the glory oi putting auiuclhintf actosb which brains and wor i uo yuu dream oi do ing imiigb, mafc.tuff money ana strive to make our Ureuiim come true '! It bo, ana you have come capital and goou references 1 can put yuu m the way ot Jiuuu per month. iioue nie Sunday, -wain room 7, '2 to 6. NOB HILL district apartments 01 rooms or lo suites oi a no. i 1001114 each, nice ly iurinneU; private baths, near hos pital, clearing over Jw per month. Kent 011 lease. This is a spienuiU ouy at Wuuu; oOO cash will nanule. uu'Jl have to hurry for this one. Mar shall Ho2. J. B. Kock Co., 40o-i Couch blilg. WAN TED Lady stenographer and book keeper, $tK. room ana board; pjiyician ana surgeon lor saw mill town; uepart ment sturu manager, must know credits ana country iraue. good salary. Register lor pceiwona. . PiONJbiK EMPLOYMENT CO., I1 -North lid st. I'JoOO. LARGE LOT. lioUO. 1 100 cash, balance 2u per month, 6 per cent; wonderful place tor chickens, good soil (or garuen. iiath, toilet, elec tricity ana gas; near school. lou can Jive here for J years, then vacate and still be ahead of the lanalord. Marshall SALESWOMEN Experience not necess sary but better. exceptional offer. Call Alain iti'M, Mr. Perry, Suuuay 2 to 5 P. M., or Broadway iWtf-4 Monuay e:3u to j o A. M. '1 lie eariy bira catches the worm. Also women capable oi taking charge oi crew. i'OUMi man, about '20 years of age, to do billing in cigar department of whole sale house; must operate typewriter ana be ciuick at figures. Answer, mat ing age. experience, references, educa tion and salary expected. AJ UGU, Ore gonian. FOR SALE. lxlU-in. timbers $17.50 l.kxl4-in. timbers . 17.50 4x1;:-in. planks 17.50 AT SCPPL.K-BALL1N SHIPYARD. CALL SHU'VVAKD WOOD CO. Eat 721 or Bdwy. y-66. ai00 FURNISHED, $3150. 5 rooms and attic, near car and schools. Leaving city, $000. Balance $J5 and interest. No mortgage. This will give the landlords a chill. Marshall o-0-; evenings. Tabor 3uu. BERKELEY Dancing Academy Private lesuonB, day or evening; ail latest steps, also Jazz steps. Advanced class, Friday April ltt. jy 4th sl, 3d floor. Main 3o 1 s. M rs. feu m mers. manager. FOR SALE 1018 6-cylioder Studebaker automobile, first class condition; six cord tires and all extras; mechanically perfect ; used privately. Phone owner. Main ol53 or AVdln. 5175. WANTED Experienced woman to do housework. Must be good cook and neat. ' Call room 321 New Perkins hotel until - P. M. After that write J. H. Cronkite. St. Helens, Or. "YOUNG wife with 15-months' baby would like a homelike place to work for board and room and some wages. Phone Auto 5-J2-01. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR FORD, 1 200-1 b. express delivery, good shape, fine mechanical condition, 5 cord tires. Phone Broadway 4117. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 0 rooms, modern residence, on fine quarter block, with splendid vie w ; fine roses and shrubbery, and offered at great bargain. Main 2471. WHOLESALE grocery, city shipping clerk, splendid opportunity. Answer, stating age. experience, references and salary pected. AM 370, Oregonian. WOMAN'S high-class navy blue euit, French serge, very attractive, size 3B, good as new. worn very little, reason able. Tabor 3S9. BUSINESS man desiring a room with connecting bath in up-to-date modern apartment. Call after 11 A. M. Main -521. SPECIAL 3 -room shack, light and gas. lot 5tk10 chicken house for 300 chickens price $800. $450 cash, balance $10 and interest per month. 5037 Gttth ave. TOUNG Japanese girl wants position to do light work In small private family where she can learn Engllsh. T 64, Oreponlan. FOR floor waxing, washing wood-work or windows, general house cleaning, phone Tabor 2200. HANDY MAN with tools can handle lights, oil burners or motor elevators. All around man. Phone Tabor 220O. STRICTLY modern Irvlngton home; H. W. floors throughout; T rms.. S. porch. $05 East 5001. WANTED A housekeeper for widower with children at Beaverton. Call John son. E. 669. 5-ROOM house for rent. $16: also place at Lents for rent. Inquire 528 E. 14th st. South. SMALL confectionery store, stock and fix tures and gas range at invoice. Inquire 117 East Lombard. FOR SALE, or trade for anything I can use. beautiful silk embroidered kimona. J 59. Oregonian. WANTED Late model car, Bulck 6 pre ferred. Mu't be bargain. All cash. Phone Broadway 4407. FOR SALE 1917 Ford, mechanically per fect. Gray & Davis starter. Cash de sired. Call Tabor 3375. 90 E. 69th st N. LIGHT Bbahmas and other chickens; also setting nen lor saie. tfeitwood 1O7. 2 FRONT H. K. rooms, alcove. $20. 648 Taylor. Mar. 10G4. FOR SALE Chiffonier, almost new, $p leaving city. Call at once. East 770. Cf. KAN and attractive sleeping room, ex elusive establishment. 745 Hnyt. WANTED Planer man helper and planerman feeder. Auto. 328-85. BRAND new $22." phonograph for $150 WANTED First-claes meat cutter. Apply Irvington market, $03 , Broadway, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. PRUNE TREES Italians, 5000 of them, 12 c, 15c, 25c, 35c and 60c; fine stock. Also all kinds of apple trees, 40c; pear trees. 60c; Concord grapes. Perfection. yStoria- FavJ" prolific currents. $7 per loo; raspberry plants. $1 per 100. $S per 3000; aieo filbert trees. 3 varieties: Etter berg strawberry plants. Everything rea sonable. WOODSTOCK NURSERY. End of Woodstock car line. 5803 Woodstock Avenue, Phone Sell wood 2332. If coming- in your own car follow Division st. to 62d St., then south to Woodstock ave. A REAL MONEY MAKER. On E. Broad way and Larrabee bib. Is a- double stock of drugs and groceries. All fix tures, including soda fountain that cost nearly the price asked for all fixtures. This place is doing $SO0O per month. Low rent on lease. All cash, no de liveries. Sickness is compelling owner to sacrifice. This is a guaranteed money maker. Call Marshall or see Mr. Rock at 404 Couch bids. A MODERN ft-room, close-in residence in Portland; will give in exchange a sub urban home of 1 or 2 acres, highly cul tivated. 1 acre In crop, balance in bear ing fruit and berries; 5 rooms, semi modern house, large garage and chick en houses; located near Beaverton, on S. P. R. R. Pric $3200. Address box 27, Huber, Or. 8.14 ALHAMBRA AVE. Beautiful new, modern furnished house in Overlook addition, . overlooking Will amette river; ideal for summer; reserve 2 rooms for my own use; player piano; no children ; business woman or couple wfth young daughter; references. Call after 2 P. M. COME, let's enjoy the spring time. 5 room plastered bungalow on a 100x100 f oot lot ; fruit and berries, garage, 5 blocks, to .car; Bull Run water; ideal place for chickens. Owner will sacrifice for $2000. Marshall 3352; evenings. Tabor 3090. WANTED First-class shoeman to take full charge of well-established shoe de partment for one of the best stores in the valley; must be competent to buy and sell ; good salary and commission. AV 018, Oregonian. WANTED Motor boat, good condition, about 25 feet, broad beam, light draft; safety and power rather than speed; 4 cycle marine motor; give full details and cash price. A 183, Oregonian. WINTON SIX BARGAIN. 1914 model touring; all cord tires and mechanically perfect. This car has been privately owned and only driven by one man. Mr. Miller. 355 Washington st. TRADE Value about $7500; 3-story brick on main street of Indiana city, pop. 80,000, free of debt, for small farm. Vancouver or Salem, or section wheat land. Alberta. AK 421, Oregonian. SALESWOMEN. - Ten real live saleswomen for terri tory east of mountains; high class, edu cational proposition : opening for 3 In Portland. AJ 370, Oregonian. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow for rent reasonable: extra good furniture and garden. Sunday. 2 to 5 o'clock, 68 East 8th North. MV Depot car. WANTED Experienced piano teacher: - must be graduate of recognized school. Call Wednesday, Gardner School of Music. Eilers building. FOR RENT Cosy little cottage on Port land heights; 2 rooms, kitchenette and bath ; furnished or unfurnished. Mar shall 4887. SP1SCIALTY salesman, preferably one now employed by wholesale grocery ; good salary for live wire; full particulars in first letter, L 130, Oregonian. FOR SALE 1915 Mitchell, a buy at $200; leaving city, must sell. See Ruhard, Monday, at Braley Auto Co., 19th and Wash. FREE rent of a 5-room modem house to couple for board and care of two little girls. tt40 Kerby. Call Sunday or eve- n i n hts. WORKING man. alone, nice home, wants fiousekeeDer to care for home for her apartments ; one employed preferred. W-dln. 1730 before 10:30, after 6:30. 2-ROOM heated apt., attractively fur nished and newly decorated; reason able. 745 Hoy t. - 10 H. P. STATIONARY gas engine, just overhauled ; phone Auto. 315.04. or call Ha 7 Killings worth ave. DAY janitor for apartment house: room furnished; a good job for single man. Apply 705 Davis st.. Monday afternoon. OFFICE FURNITURE, in good condition, for sale at barpain. S. E. Hill. 214 Spalding bldg. Call bet. 12 and 1 Monday. EXPERIENCED solicitors wanted for high-grade guaranteed article, all or part time. V 87, Oregonian. 5-PASS. Cole, trade for small job painting and carpenter work. Call or write 534 Ronelawn ave. FOR SALE Japanese Spaniel puppy ; will trade English pit bulldog for anything 7 can use. AO 323. Oregonian. LARGE Cad iliac and cash for house to $:;500. 320 Salmon. Main 47S9. STORE for rent, good location, Washing ton st. Call 544 Wash. FOR SALE or trade Thorougbbred White Wyandotte rooster. Tabor 8476. FOR SALE Young singers. 2-yr.-old St. Andreasburg female. Tabor 8476. LIGHT housekeeping rooms; light, phone and bath. 384 Park st. GIRL wanted. Purity Dairy store, 133 Fourth street. Apply at 10 A. M. BOY to make himself generally useful about doll factory. 304 Phoenix bldg. LOST Airedale, large leather collar and ring. Phone Mar. 3685. Reward. THOROUGHLY practical nurse wants case at once. Mar. 3395. WANTED A midd le-aged woman to do housework. 2T2 Monroe street. SPANISH leather couch for sale. Call after Sunday, Tabor 6723. LOST Friday, small square silver lady's wrist watch. Reward. East 4222. GIRL wanted for general housework; good wages. Call 58 Ella st. FOR RENT 3-room fumiwhed apartment in private family. 110 E. 14th st. HOUSE for rent in St. Johns. Call Wdln. 01 30 after 1 P. M. WANTED By elderly lady. 1 or 2 warm, llcht, comfortably furnished rooms for light housekeeping. AG 373. Oregonian. FOR SALE Two white Persian klttena at $5 erh. Rellwood 1614. WANT Some good furniture and carpets from private people, will pay the cash. AP 423. Oregonian. FOR SALE QuiekmM range, A-l condi tion. Call Tabor 5889. FRESH cow and calf. $90. 265 Russell at. rear of paint store. MUST sell this week. 2 coffee urns, steam table, lot of dishes. 113 2d. WANT to buy collapsible baby buggy. Main 8837. CASH Electrical centrifuge, medical 000 as. cyiww:ope, ecu. w 1 oregonian. MEETING NOTICES MOOSE MEMORIAL Sunday afternoon. April 11. the annual memorial serv ices of Portland lodge. No. 291. Loyal Order of Moose, will be held in the Mooee temple. There will be the regular ritualistic memorial service. Dr. W. T. McEl- reen. pastor First Congregational church, will deliver the address, and a musical programme will be furnished by Rose Citv Park church quartet. AH members should attend The public Is invited. OREGON LODGE. NO. 101 A. F. AN D A. M. Speciaf communication tomorrow (Monday), at 1 P. M.. for the purpose of conducting the fu neral services of our late brother. James H. Munk. Serv ices at undertaking parlors of McEntee 4 Eilers. 16th and Everett sts. at 2 P. M. Interment Riverview cemetery. Members please bring autos. By order of tt-c W. M, LESLIE S. PARKER. Sec. REGULAR meeting of Industry Lodge No. 8, A O. U. W.. 8d floor, Pythian bldg. formerly Masonic Temple), West Park and Yamhill, Monday night, 8 o'clock. Buffet lunch. W. J. ALLEN. Recorder. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD, NO 42. BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMEN, will give a dance Thursday evening. April 15, In the Turnvereln hall, 250 13th street. Admission 50 cents, ladles 35 cents. Union music Yetta Haines, correspondent, 05 Alisky bldg. Phone Main 630. . IVAJTHOE HOMESTEAD, NO. 5038. B. A. Y., will give card and dancing party on Wednesday evening, April 14. W. O W hall. 10th and Taylor. All members and friends are Invited to attend. Admission 25c, including war tax. SOPHIE 1- HOBSON, L. R. THE COURT OF HONOR announces a dance to be given next Wednesday even ing at M. W. A. hall. No. 3 Eleventh street (near Stark). Public Invited. Popular prices. Dancing at S:30. WHERE TO DANCE. Cotillion hall, or Broadway hall, Port land's distinctive dancing pavilfons. Al ways the- best crowds and the best dances. Public invited every week night. AUTO MECHANICS. NO. 1333. Special called meeting Monday, April 1 at regular hall.-lie ft 4th-at. ' MEETING NOTICES. CHICKEN DANCE, Given by Anchor Council. 746. Security Benefit asso- 1 ... J T . . r i ni.Vlt April 13, W. O. W. hall. The public ot Portland are 128 Jlth t. ail invited. If you have never aiienaeu one o T haj rfnn,.o vmi wiTI never miss another one. Every one present will be presented with a chicken, some ot inem will be pretty live. Come for the time of vour life. Admlin 35c Bring all your friends. - - KIRK PATRICK COUN CIL. 2227. SECURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION Regular business meet ing next Friday. Large class initiation: beautiful decree work. Refreshments and a good time for all. The 1-1 1...... -hallunffPfl the - ..H.hnt member ship contest. New members now have the choice of four up-to-date policies. Join now. ' EUREKA COUNCIL. No. 204. Security Benefit as sociation, will entertain a sister council Monday eve, April 2east side W. O. W. hall. East 6th and Al der. Dancing and refresh ments after council meet ing. Members urged to Be nrvxnt and greet visitors. N. L. Johnson, secretary, 494 E-N14th. Sell wood 1S77. A. AND A. S. KI I E Owing to the large number of petitions received, a special reunion will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday next. Candidates who hiv been notified of their election should be In the secretary's of fice at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning. Those who desire to save the loss of halt a day from business can receive the fourtn, fifth and sixth degrees on Tuesday even ing. By order. PRESIDING OFFICER. WASHINGTON COM MANDERY, NO. 15. K. T. A special conclave will be held on the evening of Wednesday. April 14. at the hour of 7:30 v. .. ai sun nyside Masonic hall. East 3'.(th and Haw thorne avenue, where the order or the km Cross will be conferred on a large class of candidates. All petitioners elected at our stated conclave held on Tuesday, April 13 will be qualified for this class. They will please call up the recorder for infor mation. G. P. E ISM AN. Recorder. WASHINGTON COM MANDER!, NO. 15, K. T. A stated conclave will be held on Tuesday evening. nrl! 13. at the hour of i:30 P. M., in Washington Masonic nan. cast 8th ond Burnsitle streets. Important busi ness will be considered and a large at tendance Is desired. U. P. ElsMAN. Recorder. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bras.. 131-3 btn sU FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems, class pins and medals. 310 Washington DIED. WRIGHT At 786 Cleveland ave., April 10. Alexander W. Wright, father of J. H. and H. W. Wright of this city. B. it. Wright of Seattle and Mrs. Sarah sche,d erich of Los Angeles. Remains are at the residential funeral parlors of Wilson 4c Wilson. Funeral notice later. MOORE In this city, April 10. Mrs. Fiances Moore, aged 44 years, wife of C! E Moore. Re-nnins are at McEntee &V Eilers i.arljrs. 10th and Everett sts. Funeral notice later. FCX KRAI. XOTICKS. MUNK At residence. 423 Union avenue North. James H. Munk, aged 75 years, husband of Mrs. Theresa Munk and father of Mrs. Jennie E. Hayes. Mrs. Annie T. Woodruff. John C. Munk and the late Edwin J. Munk. The deceased was a member of Oregon lodge. 101, A. F. and A. M. : Washington chapter, 40, A. F. and A. M. : Eureka council, K. and L. of Security ; Boilermakers' local. Vol unteer Firemen's society. Funeral will be held from McEntee & Eilers' parlors. Sixteenth and Everett streets, Monday, April 12, at 2 P. M. Friends invited. In terment Riverview cemetery. MORRIS April 7. at Tonopah, Nevada. Stanley F. Morris, aged 28. the result of Injuries received from a cave-in at the mine in which he was employed. He was the soil of Mrs. Fannie Morris.. Prlneville. Or., and the late J. F. Morris. In addition to his mother he is survived by his sister, Mrs. L. F. Bishop, Port land. Oregon. Funeral services will be from the Portland crematorium Wednes day. April 14. 3 P. M. WAGNER In this city, at his late resi dence. 235 N. -:tst St., April 7, Martin Wagner, aged 66 years, husband of Caro line Wagner: father of Mrs. Harold W. James and Bernard R. Wagner. The funeral services will be held Tuesday, April 13, at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Fin ley's. Montgomery at uth. Friends in vited. McCURDY In this city. April 8. 1920, Charles D. McCurdy. aged 31 years. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 10 A. M. tomororw (Monday), April 12. 1920. In terment Multnomah cemetery. SHEPRO Funeral services for the lata Mrs Josephine Shepro, beloved wife of T. Shepro, will be conducted at 9 A. M.. Monday. April 12, at the Church of Blessed Sacrament, Blandena St. and Maryland ave. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. Chambers Co., directors. PITCHER At Astcrla. Or., Orlando Pitcher. Funeral services will be held under the auspices of the Portland lodge. No. 55, A. F. and A. M.. Monday, April 32, at 2:30 o'clock P. M-. at Finleys, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. BERNARD Ths funeral service of the late Mattie J. Bernard, aged 50 years, will be held at the Friends Christian church. Monday at 2 P. M., friends in vited. Remains at P. L. Lerch undertak ing parlors. THORPE The funeral services of the late Anna Thorpe will be held Monday. April 12, at 2 "P. M-. at the First Methodist church, 12th and Taylor streets. Inter ment at Rose City cemetery. Arrange ments in care of Miller A Tracey. FUXERAI, CABS. . LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LIVERY. Marshall 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee FUNKBAI, DIRECTORS, now located in their new residential fu neral home, Morrison at 12th st. West Side. Telephones Broadw'y 430, Automatic 545-5N The funeral home of refinement and distinctive service. Note- We have no branches nor any con nections whatever with any - other under taking firm. EDWARD HOLMAN & SON Funeral Directors. Third and Salmon Sts. Main S07. Iady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Services for less Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and Ulat streets, west side. Lady Assistant. Main g6!M. A RIVERVIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM At nd of Fulton Carline. Single tombs, family sections and rooms, beautifully arranged in marble, only san itary tombs in Portland; endowed tor per petual care. Auto service free. Phone Bdwy. 351. Office 6S6 Pit toe k Blk. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 2133. Automatic 521-33. F. S. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52 Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson Sc. Ross. Multnomah at East 7th. East 54. Irvlngton district. P. L. LERCH d Jy ERICS0N '"roVdwa1?0-011 st- A. D. KENWORTHY CO., 5802-04 93d St.. Lents. Tabor 5267. AD 7FLLER CO. 592 Williams Ave. T? T Tj1 XT 7 Tj1 JPV CHinnK' 1047 Bclmon SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d aad Cay. &L 4X0. A. Lady assistaau FXORISTS. 'SMITH FLOWER SHOP Portland's progressive florist. We rpe clalUn In funeral designs. 141 hi 6th. opp. Meier St Frank's. Main 7215. JAPAN FLORIST 168-170 4th St. Fire House Market. All kinds of flowers. Bedding and Vegetable plants. Japanese Shrub hfiy. Nursery Stock, Tubs. Bas kets. Garden Seeds. Special Sale. MARTIN & FORBES CO.' 'nrists. 354 Washington. Main 269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. LUBLINER Two Stores. We ' strive to DleanA. 328 Morrison. Portland hotel. Marshall 753. 348 Morrison, bet. Bdwy. Park. Mar. 257. CLARKE BROS., florists. 2S7 Morrison st. Main 7703. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral sprays $1.80 up. Bdwy. 2870. 465 Wash. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 2S7 Washington St., bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1161. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 266 4th St.. Opp. City Hall. Nea Bros. i BLAESING GRANITE CO. I THIWDAT MADISOW 8THEKT I r Bates fa Classified Advertisements ta The Oregonian. DsUlX and Sunday Per fine Omm time Twe coneecntlTe times. .....ft Three -ronsecutiTe times. .See 8ee rensecutlve timee...... eXe Tbe following- clsiB.flcetlona excepted the rate of wbicb is ?e per line per dayt Situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female No ad taken for leas Uian two tinea. Coont sis words to tbe line. Advertisements (except ' Person al'' and "feltuationv W anted") will be taken over tbe telepbone if the adver tiser is a subscriber to eltber phone. No prices will be quoted over the pbone, but statements will be rendered the following; day. Advertisements are taken lor Abe lail Or ego man ontli 1:80 P. M. for The Sunday Oreffonian until f. M. Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigate all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from I A. M. to i F. M. Tbe society has full charge of the city pound at Its home, 635 Columbia boule ard. Phone any time, Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where neces sary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, ate. picked up free of charge. NEW TODAY. THREE BIG SALES THIS WEEK AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE MONDAY, "I AT rAY,l 10 A.M. EVERYTHING R THE HOME SPECIAL ON MONDAY We Will Sell for the Petaluma Incu bator Co., Bankrupt, i . Incubators, Brooders and Supplies for the same. These goods positively go to the highest bidder. Sale at 10 o'clock. FURNITURE OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY SOLD WITH THE WIL SON GUARANTEE AT PRIVATE SALE EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK. WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169-171 Second St., Near Morrison J. T. WILSON, Proprietor Call Main 1626 to get the best price when selling your furniture. Parrish, Watkins & Co. Est 1867. Frsik K. Watklna. Manacer. Member Portland Realty Board. Real Estate, Rental, Loan and Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited, toe Second St. Phone! Main 1044. MONEY To Loan on Improved riTLE & TRUST COMPANY Title and Trust Building WE CAXL FOR VOIR OLD CARPKTS, Basra and Woolen Clotnlnav FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat Promptly. Rs( Ran Woven Ami Stlaea. Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned, Laid and Refitted. tk'ORTHWtlST RUO CO, IS Kaat 8th St. Phone Kaat SSiMk STORAGE SPACE Inveatteatr Our Plant and Rates. Why Assume Expensive Lease Under Present High. CostaT CLAY S, MOUSE, INC Drayaa-o d Storaa-e lltk ane UIIms. Phoaa Udwy. -: LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Cham, of Com. Bids;. Main 303. 5 V2 Mortgage Loans Edward E. Gotidey Co. V. a. Bask Buildlns in Auction Sales ! Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and sified for ready reference. For rates information, telephone The Oregonian, ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au- ,u,iUi, accounting systems efil&DliBneu, maintained. Income tax service; reter encea. 72S-29 Pittock block. Bd-wy. 1. ALTERATIONS. REFITTING and making of ladies' gar- juema, reasonable; work guaranleea. I. Heubln. 408 Bush & Lane bid. .ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MNT.ANA ASSAY OFFICE. 141! Second joia. auver and platinum brought. CARPET WEAVING. RIIRQ The kind that wear the best are 'I'' made from vour worn-out rnti by the Northwest Kug Co. fo.mer ad dress 153 Union ave.). Rag rugs woven, all sires. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 1S3 K. 8th street. Phone East 30SO. B 120. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sixes Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet, wxia rugs ne-im or dry cleaned, 11.50. . FLUFF RUO CO.. 54-o6 TTnion ave. N. East 6519, B 1473. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. SIZING AND REFITTING. FLT7FF AND RAO RUG3 WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO.. 172 E. 17th st. Automatic 213- CELLULOID BL'TTONS. THE 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A l'J54. CHIROPRACTOR. 800.000 KNOW McMahon, 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment best. CHIROPODISTS. DR. B. LOUISE COX, 10 A. M. TO 7 P. M. 440 Morgan b'.dg. Main 4998. E. McCOY. H00 Buchanan bldg.. Wash, near 5th. Main 5u78. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLJAM. Estelle and Florello De Venv. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists In the city. Parlors 302 Ger llnger bldg.. S. W. cor. ad and. Alder. Phone Main 1301. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist: corns, bun ions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. Main 1081. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through registers-, needs repairing or cleaning. Call us. Tabor 3S3 CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall 5822. Multlgraphing. mimeographing and mall advertising. COLLECTIONS. OLD DEBTS New method, effective, eco nomical, guaranteed; write First Busl ness Aid, 219 Board of Trade bldg. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1900. CONTRACTORS. FOR BRICK WORK, tile ami concrete, phone Jack Wempe. Woodlawn 6230. DANCING. MRS. BATH. 308 Dekum bldg. Private lessons day and eve. Main 1345 BALLROOM and stage dancing. Miss Dorothy Rasmussen. 610 Eilers bldg. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. " ROSE CITY -VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 413 East 7th. East 1847 and 219-62. F1XRISTS. LANDSCAPE GARDENING and all kinds of florist -work; window boxes filled, 50c foot. E. 1610. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS Phone 527-27. 248 H First st. Main 871. , H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. 31 N. 1st. Portland. Or. Re- winding and electrical repairing used motors. Bdwy. 1045, A 1040 FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land It you want bl crops: read about "G. M. Wonder'-' in our 100 catalogue. Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 143 2d at., Portland, Or. ;i.ASS AND O LAZING. WINDOWS repaired, any part of city; auto service. Kdw. Fransen, Bdwy. 716. HAKDWOOB FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old houfe. Port land Hardwood Floor Co., 187 W. Park.. IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. Knglneers. founders, mechanics, boiler makers, boiler and blacksmith shop. Of fices and works. Hawthorne ave. and East Third st Ml SIC. OREGON Conservatory (school of Music. 2d floor Russell bldg. lover the "Lion"), entrance 165 4'h St.. cor, of Morrison. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND MILL. SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO., 84-86-87-S9 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bid. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. PAINTS, OILS ANT GLASS. W. P. Fl'LLER & CO., Front and Morrison RASMUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. NEW TODAY. IRVINGTON . Oh Broadway Carline, Eight-Room House Large livlnir room, dining room, den, complete kitchen and pantry; three large bedrooms and large en closed sleeping porch; fine third floor; two fireplaces; splendid buffet; best of furnaces. A place which was built by owner for a home and is in excellent condition. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER EAST 77. Wanted Factory Site On Sandy Boulevard Or on other similar thoroughfare. 100x100, or larger. NEIL AN & PARKH1LL 219 Lumbermen's Building Fifth and Stark FOR SALE Canadian Wheat Farm 960 acres well Improved with all necessary buildings, located in the famous wheat belt of Southern Al berta. Small cash payment, bal ance easy terms. KESSLER BROS, Lethbridge, Alta, Box 8UC. Mortgage Loans Lowftt Interest rateat Inntallmeatt re payments if desired. Boildlnic loaaa anade ' delay la cloalna;. A. H. BIRRELL GO. Z17-21S SorlliwMt Bank Uuildlnjz. Marshall 4114. professional men condensed and clas by the month or year, or other Main 7070 or A 6095, House Ml SIC TEACHERS. VIOLIN. Piano, all stringed instruments taught. Kol Kenbeck. 408 Yamhill. L. Carroll Day, piano, vocal lessons, prac tlce piano, 1 hr day. $5 mo. Bdy. 2555. NURSERY STOCK. WE CARRY a full assortment of choice fruit trees, . berry plants, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc OREGON NURSERY CO., ORENCO. OR. OITICIANS. NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. Dr. George Rubensteln, the veteran op tician, still fits the best eyeglasses at very moderate prices. Tories, Kryptoks. also the cheaper grades. Morrison. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basts of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man. optometrist. aoi Morrison. M. 2124. V - EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST-Sr- ed with modern Instruments. Glasses fitted from 12.50 up. -V. K. HliKWlfZ, o ptometriat. 223 1st st. ORIENTAL RIGS REPAIRED. ORIENTAL RUOS CLEA.NKU A.NU REPAIRED. KAHAUOZ1AN & FERGUSON. TEN YEARS WITH AT1YK11 BROS. 131 N. 2J1. PHONE MAIN SJOS. PATENTS. PATENTS Send sketch or model for pre liminary examination. Booklet tree. Highest references, best results, prompt ness assurxed. Watson E. Coleman. Fat ent Lawyer, 824 F. t.. Washington, P. C PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 4 years. Ail communi cations strictly conf ldeotlal ; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN & CO., patent attorneys. San Francisco office, llobart bldg., 5S2 Market st.; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.; -Washington of-" fice, room 103 623- F St.; New York office, Woolworth bldg. FOR that Individual personal service necessary In patent procedure. North west Patent Bureau, 314 Lumber Ex change building. Main 489, consulting mechanical engineers and patent ex perts. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years- experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. GOLDBERG, 020 Worcester bids, ii. 2323 PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg. Rheumatism., stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks! DR. J. W. BATDORF, D. P.. 804 Dekum bldg.; nervous and chronic diseases; NEW METHODS. 1 to 4 P. M. Main 1160. Bring this ad for free examination. PL I'M BIN G Sl'PPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 1S3 4th. M. 71)7. PRINTING. ' PRIMTItlft F- w- BALTES & COMPANY mill I IlIU 1st and Oak sts. Main 765, 511-63 PAINTING AND DECORATING. GET YOUR painting, kalsomining, decorat ing and sign work done before the rush season. 120 E. Glisan. Phune Tabor 2ti0. PAINTING. PAINTING, tinting, floors scraped, repair work. Crowley-Hunt Co., Tabor 4039. PAINTING, paperhanging. John C. Con lisk, 133 16th St. N. Broadway 2043. POVI.TRY SUPPLIES. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry keepers; catalogue free. Routledge Seed & Floral-Co., 143 2d sL. Portland. n SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 FRONT ST. We bi and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. V Phone Main 0072. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. U. S., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH- The Service With a Reputation. HOVIXU-PACK'li-SKlRAGE-BAGiiAGE 13th and Kfarney. Branch OH f Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 - OREGON TRAXSFER CO., 474 Gusan st . corner 13th. Phone Broadway 1281 or lltiO. We own and operate two large clas "A" warehouses on terminal tracks lowest Insurance rates In the city. FULTON A SONS. Phone East 4S0 Moving, Storage, Packing and Crating. THERE 13 A REASON! WAREHOUSE, 'storage and hauling .NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO. B4-60 Front Street. Phones, Main 446. 544-R8 FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 248 Pine. e-.?..0,0' MOVING. STORAGE. , SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO., 105 PARK ST. Main 5195. A 1051 MANUFACTURERS HIDES, W OjLANDCASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS..I95Front St. " PLUMBING SCPPLIESANP PIPE. " THE M. L. KLINE CO., 84-86-8789 Front PRODUCE COMMISSION M ERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRELL. 140 From at. ROPE ANDBINDER TWINE. - Portland Cordage Co..14thand 'Xonfc SASH. DOORS AND GLASS."7" lJ y P FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. To Lease 100x100 Washington street, corner East 14th street, for a responsi- ' ble party for any pe riod up to 99 years. Metzer-Parker-Ferguson Co. Ground Floor 269 Oak St. Main 3534 Irvington Residence STUCCQ AND STONE CONSTRUCTION Large living room and massive stone fireplace; reception hall in mahogany, inlaid oak dining room; library in fir with large fireplace; pass pantry and kitchen; one extra large sleep ing room with built-in. dresser and full length mirrors; also" extra dressing room; 4 other large bedrooms, and tile bath; maid's room and bath on third floor. Fine garage. Lot 50x150. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer EAST 7976 Phone your want ads to The Orego nian,. Main 7070, A 6095. ... NEW TODAY. Let Us Build You a High-Grade Garage &lS!Sll3la.fltt: fesf With our experience and scientific methods of production we can erect for you a distinctive single or double parasre to match your house at a (iRGAT SAVING I'O YOU. Strictly high-prade materials and up-to-apte features. A telephone o l' '.ill bring our salesman. BMLDIXG CO. GARAGE SPECIALISTS Phone East 5114 Factory 315 E. 11th ' Two Blovka South of Hawthorae, RIVERA Dl'YTHORPH RIVERDI,K. RIVFR WOOU, ELK KUCK, PALATINE HILL The most beautiful suburban prop erty to be found anywhere in the United States. On west Mlde. south of 'own, op posite the polf. links, on the river and adjacent hills. All city awmtrnirnrri, new $43,000 school. lily deliveries, paved roads, opportunity for river sports: the only truly restricted district in or near the city; 20 minutes out on Oswego electric. All the property for sale is listed bv a resident who know-; the district thoroughly, and makes a specialty of this property onlv. Houxea for sale from 14500 to $5o.ouu. Bulldintr altea from J2000 per acre up. Lota from J500 to JSOO. Information Gladly Given MRS. HELEN S. TURNER 1O06 Spalding Bldg. Main WIS. DEKUM & JORDAN Will Lease 3-STORY BRICK BUILDING WITH BASEMENT 50x100 CORNER, CLOSE IN W EST SIDE With Trackage SUITABLE FOR Wholesale House or Warehouse. Will Remodel to Suit Tenant SEE DEKUM & JORDAN 323-4- Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 1 ' Fourth and Stark Sts. MAIN 2233 $6500 Cannot - Unpllcatrd for J2.roo 797 Colonial Ave. (Corner Overlook . Overlooking Willamette river. 8 rooms and sleeping porch. 2 fireplaces, 2 toilets, hardwood floors and doors. Sti ictly , modern. Terms tosuit pur chasers. - Call DOS PS. .W, Bank Bid. . s Mn I ii 1677. WEST S 10-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCE 984 THURMAN STREET ;: LOT 50x100 Will Ve sold, if taken at once, . . at $00O, $3000 cash, bal ance 3 to 5 years at 6 per cent interest. OREGON INVESTMENT & MORTGAGE CO. 222 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Marshall 205 MODERN BRICK APARTMENT HOUSEFORSALE AT REASONABLE PRICE Easy terms. No trades consid ered. Interested parties apply HENRY ROBERTS ESTATE 212 Mohawk Bldg. Send Us Your Old Carpets We Call and Deliver) OK Rniti and Woolen Clothfnic We Maite Rcveraible. Hand-Wuvea FLUFF RUGS Rswm-SUe Fluff Rosa. Woven. S17.50. Rair Riti Woven All Stzea. Dotkn Cleaning nnd Djelne Depia. laM Order send for Booklet. ; ; Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning txI2 Rasa. Steamed Cleaned, SI. SO. WESTERS KLtFP RVfi CO.. -&4 Union Ave. N. ftaote Kait 51Q. t" &2rJ. ' IDF. SfisS?' EW TODAY. BURNSIDE ST. Corner Ninth, 112 feet Burnside St., 49 on Ninth, 10 on Oak St. Choice location for auto or accessory, build ing. Price $42,500 WASHINGTON ST. i Corner, 100x100, near 20th street, j Ripe for improvement for auto sales ; room or accessories. Big rents can , be obtained. Price $45,000 SECOND, NEAR OAK 50x95, heavilv Construrtprl S-stvr-o I brick, basement; rental value, as it I ia, ?4uo. Could easily be altered for macninery salesroom or auto mir- poses. Price $32,oOO. Terms. No traae. WEST PARK ST. Near Burnside 1-story brick bldg., costing $9000, can be leased lone term $300 per month. Cheapest buy on street. Frice $21,000. N0RTHl5th ST. 100x100, 3 blocks north of Wash ington street. Price $23,500. 3 STORY BRICK building; modern, 100x100, close is East Side. Suitable for factory, ga rage, etc. Buildine would cost 850.- 000 today. Might lease for long term. Price $33,oOO. E. J. DALY 221 FAILING BLDG. SUBURBAN HOME 5 ACRES OF GROUND LARGE STONE HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS Central hall, 4 large fireplaces, hardwood floors; fine plumb ing. Large barn. Fine com mercial orchard. This lovely place with its mass of imported and do mestic shrubbery, its tea house at the side of a bub bling brook, its tennis courts and croquet ground are but a few of the won ders one does not expect to find so close to the city. FULL INFORMATION BY BY CALLING Mrs. Harry Price Palmer Rarely Beautiful Heights Home on 'Myrtle st.. ideally situated among th frufr'rjint pine, "where the breath of the west Mows free." From the full witHn, rolumnea front porch, and from every win now, one commands an unsurpassed vir w of the surrounding valley, aa far as th--ye can . reach. Thre are 8 spacious rooms. U larse fireplaces, lustrous harc wood floors, attractive living room, dining room with massive buffet, model Dm:h kitchen on the flrt floor. 4 sunny bed rooms and a sleeping porch n the second floor. a!o 2 finished rooms in- attic; splen did concrete pillared basement with fur nace and laundry ; grounds 70x1.10, with beautiful shrubbery, flowers and fruit, ftn Karate. You who appreciate a real ho:ne combining comfort and beauty will find iz worth your while to see this. Convenien : tennH can be arranged. For quick sh is offered at S1-.500. Call Wdln. 113S for appointment. Nob Hill Home SOUTHWEST CORNER 24TH AND MARSHALL STS. Large living room in old ivory, reception hall, dining room, kitchen; 3 sleeping rooms" and bath on second floor;' 2 fire places. Excellent location, and PRICE IS LITTLE MORE THAN GROUND VALUE $9300 . Mrs, Harry Price Palmer EAST 7976 $40,000 TERMS w ahh.-st. (oit.K i, notion. IMl'ltOVliU WITH Itl'ILUI.NGS. - G. G. Goldenberg AliLnston B)ds. . Alain 4503. EAST 7976 j K r t.v t . - h7tit- :--' -. . j