.V:- ,-r; -xvVv - A- ,v.-.:;. - .,-. V; r-V t v:v. THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, 3IARC1T 28, 120 v ;;! "A 4 - . ! : 1 A. .-1 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. SOME GOOD BUYS READY TO GO. CHANDLERS. 1519 CHEVROLET, la rood eondi- tion. extra urea, etc 7-5 1313 T-ra.. mod', .lrst-ela me chanical condition, good tires, hedv finl.'h and top A-l con dition, i'rice H30 131S 4-pass. roadster. A-l condition, cord tires with extra; a grand performer. I'rice 13o0 MIS Chandler dispatch. first-class mechanit al rhape. wire wheel. one of the snappy sport mod- els. Price 1800 1D1S Oldsmoblle 8. 7-pars.. first class mechanical condition, good tires. A'rice 1918 ITupmoriM. dandy shape; cord tire. Price 1130 1917 Bulck roadster, good mechan ical condition, sood tirca. Price 950 101S Hudson Super Six. Price 1918 Maxwell touring, Rood me chanical condition, good tires, price ................ 1917 Saxon touring, 6-cy!lnder, re painted. Rood mechanical con dition, pood tires. Price.... OPEN SUNDAY. 675 TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR COil PAN V. Alder at Sixteenth. USED CHEVROLET 3. BO TOTT KNOW nrlr- tin new cars h adva.ir.d an lil again, BUT our used cars are sold to yon at cost, ami all our cari are in tiio rKflPEK CONDITION. We give yoj ;01 SERVICE and VALUE lor vuut ittmiev. hosi'l". making you a ?Lb 5TANT1AI. SAVINH. We do rot liuy to resell at profit. Our stock. i th largea la tho city. Xor WE ARB CHEVROLET AGENTS. 1919 CHEVROLET3. $6754750. 150 500. 3018 CHEVROLETS. TOURING CARS, ROADSTERS A.VD DELIVERIES. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO Chevrolet Affem.t. 14th and Alder ais. lroadway 244. DID TOO KNOW that we are going to move May 1 to our new home and that you could buy a high-grade u.-cd car from us at this time at a big re duction in price and only a small payuicut down. Here Is yonr chance to gt that car yoa hlive been figuring on. See us today. We will save you mon-y. Open 10 to 4 Sundays. CSED CAR DEPARTMENT. MITCHELL. LEWIS STAVER CO. East First at East Morrison Sts, WHAT KIND OF A DODGE DO TOU WANT? WE HAVE IT. MYERS AUTO CO 1S Grand avenue. East 6063. MAXWEMi ROADSTER. 1?V'0 model, run 3uu miles, J7(X). SimictakT six. (-passenger, & bar- ffa;n at $-.. J ort roadsLcr, 1.17 model, snap for "me ami !nok them over. THK SKAKS MOTOR CAR CO. "1st and Washington. FORD TON TRUCK. have on In rood Fhape; will sHI to the first one who coms for $37o. nun j v fr. A I'TOMTI VE SALES COMPANY, 4T,t-o4 Uelmont fct. I'bone E. 6Uj7. TTFED RADTATOR3 for all mikes of ears. All radiators are carefully gone ov-:r nd made tight before sold. BURiESS & MARTIN, 10th and Aider tits. LATM MODEL HIT New cord rubber. (irst-rlHs Tiiechani-'Rl i-,m'i itlon : libera tr-nis given. A.sk for B.acle. Elit'ADWAV I SSI) OA It SALESROOM l't N. Broadway, i'hone Bdwy. ei). WINTKN fix, T-ra.--.. ikII model. 48 H. .P.. 4 speeds, cum Mreed air felf-atarter T,ith 4-cyl. lire pump, in first -class con dition, oniy been run about lu.ouo miles; would be fine tor a liearse, bus or a high-peed light truck or deliverv. llli'o tag. 1JUU cash. Box 517 Newberg. Or. a9l CHALMERS bug. good mechanical hapc; good paint job; liberal term BROADWAY L'SED CAR SALESKOOM. US -N. Broadway. Broadway !a. JillS W1LI.TS-K.NIGHT Cord tires and new paint. This car has had the best ot care and is in A-l shape. X will eil at a big wi.rifice. Call at Nortonla hotel, ruutn E. J. tionnle. Bdwy ll-o. r.Ml", SAXON ROADSTER. Self starter and in good shape, $350. $1.o doun. A-l ALTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., Alder bL CHEVROLET WU tourlns car. cord tires, in-- spare case, 3 jiare tubta. tire chains, bumper, eparo htel, etc., J 575. See L I. Smith al Howard Autt Co., 14th and Davit--. Bdwy. llU. Jl17 KURD Roadster. Juat overhauled Guaranteed t Iri-t-rlaas Phape. With d ta hable livery body. 100. 101 A. 11th cor. Flanders. ' $700 CASH 191S Maxwell, fine mechan itjl condition, new pi.ton rings, 3 al most new cord tirea, 1!jo license. Tele phonc owner. Tabor or Bdwy. 2777. 'oKL truck, 11 7. special rnade body Uear drive. Wlil acriiicfe at C75 and Cive terms. S0r Orand ave. iv.. near Burrmide. ' LATE 1H19 OAKLAND tourlns- car. driven 3Um miles: 5 fine non-skid tires, bumper potllKlit. Iicene; terms. E. Ittth st" I'hone East 33.-.B. St HAXWELL roadster In A-l condition tiood paint; good tires. A bargain. $500 with terms. 3D Grand ave. N., nea.r Vrnside. H1 OAKLAND Three new tires, new rettery. "r in srood condition; good care $050 cash. C. A. W'arrcu, Route 1, Van couver, Wash. lOI'Jl tourinc. had beat rare; new ton 19J0 license: ilan.ly buy. JS75. N0 trade, or terms considered. Cll owner, Broad way 4J1. OVERLAND touring, model 79, g tre, -uo'l condition; snap, 4U0 cash, ilar- nall 1U70. J1AXWK1.L, ir17 tourins car. A-l condi rioa: price SliOO, with terms. X. Geymer ffeldruro Sla.. Oreiron City car line. ' I I Mv-PASSE.WER Studebaker: electric lights and starter; good rr.ecbanical con dillon: W. terms. Kast :(770. HUDSON light . T-passenser car, in ex cellent condition, ( all llr. Welch. Tabor tS14Q. after rt. or Sunday. 1913 BUICK 0-paesengcr, f250. 4S11 72d kt. S. H. Tabor i'JIX FOR 8AI.E AUTOMOBILES. USED FORDS . EXCLUSIVE L.Y. 60MB ALMOST NEW. WBJ ARB SELLING ALL THE USED FORDS taken in exchange br all the au thorised Ford dealers in the city or Portland. ALL MODELS to select from. TOCRINO CAR3 ROADSTERS 6EDAN3 COUPES BUGS TRUCKS , CHASSIS S DELIVERIES TRUCK ATTACHMENTS.- EAST TERMS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. 60-71-TV 7 5 Grand ave-. cor. Stark. (Morgan-Atchlcy bldg. Open Sundays and Evenings. DEPENDABLE! HIGH-GRADE USED CARS. 1013 Coie Aero, 7 passenger. Just ovcr fcauied. 1019 Bulck. 7-paen per, good as new. 1018 KInir 8 "dan. 7-pasaenger, newly painted and uphoistercd. 1018 TTlIlyi 6. 7-passcnger, newly painted and overhauled. 10T7 Cole 8, 7-passenger, bwn up hoistery. 1017 Packard, 7-pasa. runs and looks like new. SEE OLR TRUCK DEPT. REO, a bargain. FULTON1, 2-ton and like new. CHEVROLET, 1-ton. all overhauled. TERMS. CERTAINLY. OPEN EVENINGS. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO., 84 Broadway, Opposite Benson Hotel. BUC The classiest bupr In town: hand-ham-mrred steel body, painted yellow: brown cushions and brown top. slanting wind shield, 4 pood tires and extra if re with finer. Chevrolet motor in beautiful con dition. This buK is a bargain. FIELDS MOTOR CAR ro.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. FORD STOCK GOING FAST. We h:ive on hand one 1!M! tourinjr, three 1 ! I S touring, two 1017 touring, two 1116 touring, one J!H5 touring, two RMS Bt-dans, one 1:1! coupe, one J!15 coupe and several late mouel roadsters. MYERS AUTO CO. 1SS Grand avenue. East 6563. A 11 E YOU LOOKING FOR A LATE MODEL CAR IN PERFECT CONDITION ? We have 2 Maxweil touring- cars which have been driven only in the city f Portland by experieneed Maxwell fac tory men. Not stunt cars or demonstra tors. We wish to dispose of these cars at once for ca.-h, $ny: each. Apply Monday. Maxwell factory branch, J63 or'-gon st., or phone East ..!. STUDEBAKER SIXES. We have two dandies that can be boueht t-heap on easy payments: will make mighty nice cars for highway ruus this summer. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY, 430-34 Belmont St. I'hone E. 6057. FOR SALE 1919 Dodge, equipped with Iront and rear bumpers, two txtra tires, four inner tubes, double tire earrier, to tire coders, four suock absorbers, spot light, eight-day clock, moiometer, air brake, w md shield cleaner, hood blan ket, scat shift iock, cutout, flower vase. no -glare lens, 5 1 uoo insurance. ihju It rente, lots of tools and other email ex tras. Owner leaving for Cal. Apply 20 Grand ave. BRAND NEW Stephens salient six at a good discount; easy terms. Ask for Beagle. BROADWAY USED CAR SALESROOM. Ri6 N. Broadway. Phone. Bdwy. bi). 1013 FORD ROADSTER FOR SALE. MYERS AUTO CO.. 1SS GRAND AVE. EAST 6563. 1U18 SAXON TOURING. In the best kind of shape, ready for the road. $N00. $250 down. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 Aider St. 1118 FORD TOURING car, fine condition for immediate sale, terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. OVERLAND 90. first -class condition, looks auu runs HKe new; an new tirea. - ex tras, by owner at a bargain. Call East 5woy. IU15 KING roadster; good storage battery. coca tires; sacrin.ee oov. TERMINAL GARAGE, 5th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 15S6. HUPMOBILE TOURING, 1!)I8, just over- hauleu, lirsi-eiaas conuiuon inrougnoui; priicd for quick sale, with terms, bu-yi N. Til ST., NEAR FLANDERS. OVERLAND, 1017, "75" model, first-class condition, cheap, terms u desired, bee owner, 18 Icon bldg. FOR SALE 7-pass. Studebaker six. New lop anu revf mi uufuauiea, inquire tlbH' Borthwick st. BRISCO Cioverleaf, with good tires and gooa coouiuuu. luviuu o oio i iiortli wick st. IANEI delivery car, 800 lbs. capacity line snape, gooa tires all around. 3 1st st. 1910 5-PASS. 4!Ht Chevrolet, in good con rittton: sood tires. Call Sunday. B. 4nui. 1918 OVERLAND roadster, model 75; class shape: big buy. Vain 5390. BUCKSKIN auto gauntlets, cream colored very classy. 1-0 Second at. . CHtVKOI.ET touring. In good condition, 335; terms ifdeired. 1 yale sl iTpASfi. OVERLAND, first-class shape will sacrifice for .400. 153 E. Sth st 400 BUYS 4-90 Chevrolet, firft-class con dition: a real bargain. 153 E. 8th st. CHEVROLET, F. B., Baby Grand sedan, like new, at a big discount. U. 4975. 5-PASS. Overland for sale at 109 N. 4th at. SLICK lit hi lour. 1917. SeUnaod 2074. FOR 8ALEACTOMOBIT.ES. BARGAINS. 1 FORD DELIVERY, 1918. 1 FORD TOURING. 1917. 1 GRANT SIX, 1918. 1 HUPMOBILE, 191S. 1 CASE SIX. 1918. 1 2-TON WHITE,. 1918. W. E. BLISS, 300 Washington St. Vancouver, Wash. Phone 575. Brf, BTTf. BUG The classiest bug In town; hand-hpm-mer"d steel body, painted yellow; brown cushions and brown top. slanting wind shield. 4 good tires and extra tire with cover, Chevrolet motor in beautiful con dition. This bug js a bargain. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 240. 1 LIBERTY SIX 90 per cent new. . .J12.-.0 1 Iiw, mi 7 s.-.o J Krnnklin 7r.ll 1 Dodge 1 Maxwell 1918 5.".n 10 Kords $LT.O to son 2 Bugs SliriO to 4"il Ift Autos $100 to C.10 1 Ford truck 4tft 1 Lipper truck .....T "i0 1 5-ton trU'.k. Peerless 1500 I.ON'lr & SILVA. 4J2 Hawthorne Ave. WE HAVE the following used ears for sale or trade: Overland roadster, your own price; Bulck touring liirht 4: Ford 1-ton truck, chain drive; Maxwell roadster; Hudson. JSrt40, overhauled and new paint; Brisco touring; Cadillac, self-starter. 1 man top, new tires: Studebaker bug. your own price; Kissel car. 4;8 chassis; National roadster, self-starter. Bring your car to us. We will pel t for you. Maln-st. Garage, 2d and Main sts. , Main "Ori.". I SIX-CYLINDER MITCHELL COUPE. JUST OVERHAULED. MILLER TIKES. J SPARES. UNUSUALLY COMFOR TABLE. MUST SACRIFICE. CALL MR. HARRIS AT TABOR u. SAVE JS00. MUST FELL NEARLY NEW. NICE f EDA N BUN 3MMi M t LES; f C K I TIKES. 5 WIRE WHEELS: PERFECT CONDITION. CALL MR. COUCHMAN, BROADWAY OAKLANDS. 1018, in fine shape f75 1917. just painted .t AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. I'hone E. 6057. BUICK TOURING AT $1050. This touring is hi to model and has had best of care and Iihs five nearly new tires and full set tools and VWed chains. Will readily pass for new car try it; we wiil t;ike $ioo down, balanco easy : takn car in trade: free license. RED FRONT USED CAR CO., ,5U5 Alder St. PACKARD. $375. Tn fin shape; will make a wonderful stage car. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-31 Belmont St. I'hone E. 60 j7. SAXON SIX, $650. This Saxon is as nie as new; runs quiet and has been re topped and rc linished and we will show you some car; tn ke $ flown, oaianco caej , ta.ke bonds or Ford as part payment. RED FRONT USED CAR CO.. 5tt5 Alder St. A WHOLE DECK. Fifty-two cars to select from; draw the one you want. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 40-34 Belmont St. Phone E. 605t. M V Cll EVROLET 4-10 touring car; jitst out of the shop, where it was completely overhauled. Jt is absoluteiy Al In every wav, and I would not sell it but am going away; l!-2t license paid; has good paint and fine top. and is not very ex pensive to run. Make me an offer. Marshall :i018. !M OVERLAND at $650 w ith $250 down, balance long easy terms; and the car is refinlshed dark wine color; new top and runs and acts fine; take Ford in trade. RED FRONT USED CAR CO.. 505 Alder St. 1JH DODGE TOURING CAR. Have had this ear nearly a year and have taken excellent care of 1 1 : motor, body, top, tires, in fact, everything. In first-class condition, and will stand most thorough inspection ; $ !0't cash and worth more. Address R J47. Oregonian. for appointment to sec the car Tuesday. CASH FOR CARS. I want tome light cars, touring or roadsters; we will t;ike cars that look bad or that need painting. If you need moiiHV bring your ear to the RED FRMNT USED CAR CO.. 55 Alder St. USED CARS FOR SALE. 1 Almost new Oldsmobilo Six. 1 Cadillac murine car. 1 Ford sedan, electrically equipped. 1 Velie bug; chean. RUSSEL ST. GARAGE. EAST 2123. yon SALE. CHEAP. 1 1017 Oakland, 5-pasfenger. 1 1910 4S I'ierce-Arrow. 1 11U4 Franklin. 1 1911 Kco roadster. Ml llllh St. FOR SALE Chevrolet touring car. with lltl'O license paid: 5 tires, good paint hikI top: looks and runs like new. It d-ics not cost much to run this car; will give terms, but must sell immediately ; make me an offer. Marshall :iilis. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE OWNERS COLE 8 ROADSTER. IN VERY BEST OF CONDITION; ALSO ltUP.BKU. EQUIPPED WITH EVERYTHING. MIST SACRIFICE. Bo N. -OTH. BDWY. 17-'7. FINE machine, driven by private party only enouith to break in well: euaran- tecd to be in fjrst-clas condition, for less than half cost of same car new; cash or terms. Main 446. 19'-'0 MAXWELL touring ear. like new. First-class condition and fully equipped. Including bumper, spotlight, extra tire and tube, chairs, license, etc. $:i75. Phone Tabor 4:1. ti. FORD SEDAN. I have Ford ced'ins with starter an& new tlreg which can be bought Sui'day at a bargain for cash or can arrange terms. 90 N. Broadway. Bdway ;il'47. OVERLAND 69. good running order. Come ruake an offer; also 1917 Hender son speedometer, lights, dream tandem, good rubbers. Phone E. 355. or call 190 E. 12th St. BABY URAD Chevrolet. 1916 model. 5 tires, spotlight, bumper, new Willard battery: everything in first-class con dition: $.'( cash. J. A- Jossy. 429 E. 97th st. Tabor 7967. VERY late 1919 Hup, only driven a few hundred miles; cord tisffl. This car is just like brand new; leaving city; sacri fice for .1475: some terms. H. D. Oliver, 122 Scondt. 1919 CHANDLER chummy, ccd tires, lur.tr. motoriueter and shock abaorber; will trade for late model Buick or Ford touring, balance cash. Owner, 334 i Larrabee st. CADILLAC bug. ready to go, $200 cash; some snap: worth double. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. 1919 CHEVROLET, very cheap if taken at once. Marshall I4tj. Automobiles Wanted. DO NOT forfeit your contract I will buy your equity in good touring car and as sume your contract. AB 167. Oregonian. WANTED Used cars to sell. If you have one call sunnysiae Garage. Jill Haw thorne avenue. WANTED A good late model automobile. no junk : price must D reasonable. P. O. box 42U3. HAVE cash for Ford, must be In good condition and pargain. Main 2317. WANTED Dead atorage. Sunnyside Ga rage. 1111 Hawtnorne avenue. WILL trade $225 diamond) ring in Ford roadster, u iiu. uregonlan. TRADE lots 1 and 2. block 5. Ridgemont, for 5-passenger Finch. Bdwy. 344. HALF acre, Parkrqse, or trade for good llgni car. r .n n t. vi egon ian. 2 BEACH lots to trade on a Fold. Tabor 913, , WANTED 1914 model Carter car. Give price in answer, v tit, oregonian. WANTED To buy light second-hand car; cash; state price, a. iou. oregonian. WANTED Hudson Speedster, 1019 or 1920 model; will pay cah. .ast 5348. USED Dodge car. "18 or '19 model: state price; no agents, nj iou, uresoolan. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobllee Wanted, BUNGALOW FOR AUTO. I have a o-room modern, full base ment, fireplace, first-class plumbing, electric lights, gas, some bullt-ins. Just newly painted and gone over Inside, vacant lot 75x108. near car. Price $3000. Incumbrance SIUuO. Will trade for car. BJ 457. Oregonlan. FORD touring. Al condition; good rubber; have $240 worth of new furniture to swap on same; will allow liberal dis count, balance cash, or will pay cash. Inquire at Burlington store. St. Helens road, for Earl ialkenbcrg. . Want the best Ford. WE WANT cars. Customer on our lists for all makes of cars and can ma lee thai car mean money to you. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO. (31 Alder Street. Broadway 2799. WANT up-to-date touring car, in firt class condition ; as first payment will Cive corner lot in Ross me re, will pay balance cash. Why sell jour car at big sacrifice to second-hand dealer when you can get a deal like this?. AE V40, Oregonian. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS, WE JPA 1' CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, l-7 Lownbdale St. S. W. Corner. 15th and Washington. WANT new, or nearly new. 5-pa?F. Buick. Nash. Dodge. Chandler or similar grade. Must be worth the money and In first class condition. Will pay spot cash. Phone Marsh all 1050 Monday. WANT to exchange Burnswick Victrola and diamond as first payment on first class bug, equipped with top and fend ers, will pay balance .monthly and in terest. Mar. i!3i8. WANT laLe model used car, good condi tion, for 10 acres Baker county land, value $300O; incumbrance $H0. 'Zht years to run. Will make fine stock ranch. Wood lawn 1U71. WILL pay epot casn for 2d-hand Ford touring car; must be in Al condition. Call at Ju4 North ttth et., between 1 A. M. and 3 P. M. AUTOMOBILE wanted, beautiful view. 100x100, R. C. district. Ford or Chevrolet preferred, - or might consider equity in small house. B GJ, Oregonian. GOOD light auto wanted. Will give lots and 7, block 4, Tualatin View Park, Portland Heights, ail clear, and will py difference. Call C. A. Spever, Tabor 27tii. WILL trade 40 acres of unimproved land in eastern Oregon tor automobile in gooa condition. Broadway -UOti. Ask for T. B. Roselius. WANTED Light touring auto in ex change for a new lV-j-ton Federal- truck with good oak body and top; balance easy terms. I'hone Tabor 738. WILL KXCHANCB beautiful diamond weighing 2 i 5-10t. would cost about $2 loo, even up for high-grade car. B. K. T-ootc, P. O. Box 4, city TRUCK 3-ton, ready for work: a bargain if taken at once ; consider trade. Call Tabor 740-. A. M.: Broadway y0, until lt::i P. M. R 56. Oregonian. 50-10 SO. FT of gam go space, a va liable. more space if uecess.iry to responsible party. splendid, opportunity. Alt bia. Oreafontan. SECOND-HAND Ford light delivery pre ferred; would exchange 10 acres of fruit and alfaiia land. AN 345, oregonian. WE ARE in the maiket for used cars. Drive them in and walk away with the money. Pacific Auto Co., 523 Alder st. LOT on 2.;d nd Ainsworth. to trade for automobile. Call at 41J Webster at., after 5:30 evenings. " FOR D SEDAN in good condition. Must be sold reaaonable. Phone Marshall aix;i. FORD TOURING BODY. TOP. CUR TAINS. ETC.; PRIVATE PARTY. IUI7 MINNESOTA. V DLN. 567h, V TO 2. WILL accept light,.car as part payment on brand-new Rose City bungalow. 621 Mor gan bldg. FORD touring ear for 40 acres clear land; must bo first-class condition. BD 855, Oregonian. LAL KKLHURST lot. very choice, to trade for liclit touring car. Phone Monday, Hroadway H'.Kil. 10"x100 CLKAR residence property, will exchange tor Dodge or Maxwell. Must 1e in good condition. Call Tftbor 7594. LATEST model Ford, Dodge or Chevrolet touring car; will pay cash. Call Mr. Senn. .Marshall OOP. 40 ACRES near l.akeview. Or., to trade for a good Dodge or Buick car. Main K-'I5. BUSINESS lot, block from Kenton hank: tracie auto or motorcycle. Broadway WANTED Small car. cheap for cash, on. take as part payment on 7-room hungaiow. A 179, oregorkin. WANTED Ilarley motorcycle delivery van. 10"J4 Clackamas st. WANTED A Ford; will pay cash. Auto Trucks, Tirea anA Accessories. FOR SALE TRUCKS. FORD, 1-ton ..$ 700 FEDERAL. 1-ton 700 CHEVROLET, 1-ton '.. 1050 FLANDERS delivery 150 CHEVROLET 490 delivery 550 INTERSTATE VULCANIZING WORKS. Third and Washington. Vancouver, Wash. THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME ll-ton truck of well-known make run less than a year: now working 011 a steady all-year-round job; all on the pavement, in the city, owner has too many irons In the fire. Truck, job and all go for f:;.",00: SI.'hhi oasis. Come, in vestigate and then decide. AO -95, Ore gonian. FORD LIGHT DELIVERY Fine shapo, good tires. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 210. DEMONSTRATOR for sa'e or trade. Staude niake-a-lractor Ford attachment, wiil do the work of C horses. Used only to demonstrate. Will sell cheap or trade. Ask fox Mr. Cleaver at 25 Union ave. S. I'lltES FOR SALE. CHEAP FOR CASH. 1 37x4Vj DIAMOND AND TUBE. 1 3lix5 GOODYEAR AND TUBE. 1 3(ix5 U. S. AND TUBE. SEE MR. DAHL, 317 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. 1 -TON Garford truck with extra long chassis: has large furniture body, equipped with curtains, cab and wind shield; cost $3tinn and will sacrifice, cash or terms. $2500. Bdwy. "no. FURNITURE BODY on a FORD 1-TON TRUCK $5110. 33 NORTH PARK ST. TWO-TON trucks with transfer body and top. side curtains, new tires. 1920 li cense, in A-l condition: to appreciate bargain must be seen; $1150. Phone Woodlawn 4542. 411 Sumner St. 1920 FORD 1-ton truck, pneumatic tire:,, almost n'W, open express body and top. license; will take Ford touring trade. 150 Union ave. TRUCK 3-ton. ready for work: a bargain if taken at once; consider trade. Call Tabor 7402. A. M. ; Broadway 920. until 9:30 ir. at. n no. uregonian. 2'--TON Universal trailer with lumber rolls, good tires. Price ."v0. $250 casn. bal. terms. Apply Horner Millard Lbr. Co., Mullno, Or. SAVE YOU $1500. 6-ton United truck, good condition: good for lumber, wood or log hauling or util ity. Tabor 6416. ATTENTION FARMERS New tractors with 3 bottom plows for $1150, Portland delivery; no commissions to pay, direct to you. R 153, Oregonian. NEW 1-ton Federal truck with top and body. Will take in a good touring light car. bal. easy terms. Phone Tabor 73S. .ONE-TON REPUBLIC $70O. 33 NORTH PARK ST. GENUINE sacrifice. 1918 Ford lfe-ton truck top. express body, good shape, make offer; need money. Main 2960. FOR SALE Large Sampson tractor or will trade for truck. Wru. Gibson, R, D. No. 3, Vancouver, Wash. BATTERY chargers; do it yourself; any socket, A. C. or D. C. : save money; prices right East 70S'). 948 Hassalo St. FoR SALE AMBU electric trouDie snoot er, complete: cheap. Wm. Cook, route A, box 93. Portland. FOR SALE -ton truck cheap, good con dition. Owner at 200 East 8th st, Van couver, Wash. Phone 365J. FOR SALE A Grey & Davis self-starter for Ford machine, cheap. 429 E. Mor rison. : FOR SALE an automatic exerciser. Phone Scllwood 3051. 2 GOODRICH tires, smooth. 34x4; new, $22.50 and $18.50. 324 Jackson. 36x4 WIRE GRIP tires, also tubes, used less 1000 miles. E. 7SU1. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Auto Trucks, Tire and Accessories. BUILDING THE TRAIL TO OUR NEW I5CATI0N. 105-107 N. 11TH ST. BETWEEN FLANDERS AND GLISAN STREETS. PORTLAND, OR. PHONE BROADWAY 196. THE PART THAT IS MISSING WE SUPPLY. PARTS, GEARS, AXLES. BEAR INGS. SPRINGS. FOR EVERY MAKE OF AUTO MOBILE AND TRUCK.' EITHER BRAND NEW PARTS AT LESS OR GOOD USED PARTS AT HALF PRICE. A FULL LINE OF NEW ACCES SORIES AT BUILDING - THE -TRAIL PRICES. ENGINES. ENGINES. ENGINES. AN ENGINE BOUGHT FROM HODES IS ALWAYS A GOOD BUY. TRAILERS. TRAILERS, TRAILERS. FROM 500 LB. TO 10-TON CA PACITY, MADE TO SUIT ANY PURPOSE. LUMBERMEN WHO WISH TO SAVE MONEY BUY THEIR TRAILERS FROM HODES. BATTERIES. BATTERIES. BATTERIES. BRAND NEW CROWN BAT TERIES AT THE CHEAPEST PRICES IMAGINABLE. WE STILT. HAVE A FEW OF THE WELL-KNOWN FAMOl 3 J350 MAXWELL TRUCK AT TACHMENTS AT 1S7.50. WHILE THEY LAST. THESE TRICK ATTACHMENTS ARE BRAND NEW. COMPLETE. GARAGE MEN AND DEALERS SEND FOR OUR SPECIAL IL LUSTRATED CATALOGUE. GUARANTEED BRAND NEW. FORD REPLACEMENT PARTS AT 25 PER CENT OFF LIST. PRICE. WHEN YOU NEED AN TUTO PART, THINK OF HODES. THE DAVID HODES CO., "THE HOME OF A MILLION PARTS." 103-107 NORTH 11TH ST. BETWEEN FLANDERS AND GLISAN STREETS. ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE. REBUILT PACKARD TRUCKS. 4- ton, body and hoist. 5- ton, body and hoist. Republic, 2-ton, new rubber. 2 PACKARDS, 3-ton with new wood racks. Trucks are ready to go fo work. give service on our used Packards. Ford 1-ton and body. White -ton, good rubber. Our terms are 1-3 down, balance by tho month. Also a a-ton log trailer. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 421 Burnside Street Atk for Jones. FREE TRIAL ON MONEY-MAKING TRUCKS. Come 'n and choose your trucks. They are all overhauled. Put it to work for ten days. If you are not satisfied bring It back and exchange it lor any truck In the house. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. 1- TON REPUBLIC, covered express body Sj0 2- TON REO with cab 730 1-TON WORM-DRIVE FORD, ex press body and cab 6i3 -TON REPUBLIC, express body and tup ' MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM, LOW PRICES. EASY TERMS. GRANNING & TREKCE, 642 Alder st. cor. liin. iiawy. iiij. GREAT BARGAIN. Chevrolet one-ton truck, fine top a-nd side curtains, equipped with pneumatic cord tires ail around. Has only been run little over 3U00 miles. Will consider light touring car or roadster in trade: terms, 1 FIF.LD8 MOTOR CAR CO 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. WE OFFER at an attractive price for quick sale 2 model No. 35 5-lon Knox truck with trailers, fully equipped, for log or lumber hauling; this equipment Is only two years old and In first-class Condition lor immeuiaie ue. uwr rai . Lumber company. Deer Park. Waabig- ton. 1 ZVs Signal truck, good as new: has only been run- about 20 days. $5800, cash or terms. ST JOHN MOTOR COMPANY. Cheualls, Wa&h. FOR SALE Almost new Master 2-ton truck; less than factory price; bought new Dec, 1919; positively guaranteed not to have run over 20OO miles; $75 stake body. 1920 license; good terms to relia ble partv. See owner at No. 9 Todd apta. after 6:"30 P. H. - 1913 INTERNATIONAL truck, -ton ca pacity; baa only been run 1800 miles. $225. D. B. BELL, ChehaUs, Wash. S -TON G. M. C. $S75. 33 NORTH PARK ST. GER-SIX truck for sale, 2Vi ton w.ith cab on ana ooay. ' ' 1 1 " utn 10 ,u A-i con dition. Call Woodlawn 2815. PACKARD truck, 2V4 tons. In splendid condition, guaranieeu. iieju. oao a. 8th Bt N. FEDERAL 1-ton truck, chain drive, over hauled, license, atav. a?v union ava. FOft SALE AUTOMOBILES. Auto Trucks, Tirea and Accessories. WHEELS. WHEELS. WE HAVE A STOCK OF OVER 1000 WHEELS; WHEN TOU BREAK A WHEEL, LOOK US UP. WHEELS REPAIRED. WHEELS REPAIRED. WHEELS REPAIRED. I OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE AND WE CAN RE PAIR YOUR BROKEN OR MAN GLED WHEEL FOR LESS. WHEELS CUT DOWN. WHEELS CUT DOWN. WHEELS CUT DOWN. WE CAN TAKE THE HUBS OUT OF YOUR OLD LARGE-SIZE WHEELS AND FIT THEM IN SMALLER WHEELS AT A VERY REASONABLE TRICE AND FURNISH THE FIVE DE MOUNTABLE RIMS TO GO WITH THEM. PARTS. PARTS. TARTS. MILLIONS OF TARTS IN STOCK FOR EVERY MAKE AND MODEL AT A GREAT SAV ING. ENGINES. ENGINES. TOUR MONEY BACK OUR GUARANTEE. WITII EVERY ONE, AND THEY ARE PRICED FROM $30 TO $70. 2000 RIMS IN STOCK. RIMS. OUR RIM RACK IS FULL OF GOOD RIMS TAKEN FROM USED CARS AND TH BY WILL SELL WAY OFF LIST. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., LARGEST IN THE WEST. 3D AND GLISAN STREETS. USED TRUCKS. ! 'a -3-TON DCNBY (neK 6-TON UNITED TRUCK. 1-TON NASH. 2-TON REO. LIBERAL, TERMS. GARFORD OREGON MOTOR SALES. 8th and Davis. Broadway 4178. 1920 FORD TRUCK. Pneumatic tires, Peterson boilv and cab, $32; truck license, speedometer, etc.; driven only 797 miles; bargain. . UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. 67-69-71-73 Grand Ave., cur. Stark. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS. 1917 3-TON STANDARD TRUCK, just overhauled: wiil take small car in as first payment. PORTLAND GARAGE. Used Car Department. Fifth and Taylor. Marshall 600. 2-TON Republic truck, run only 7000 miles; new cab. Price $1350. easy terms. Bet ter get this. FAGEOL SALES AGENCY. 411 DAVIS. GRAVEL WORK. To start in ten days for 3 14 -ton C. M. C. used truck. $2000. terms; just overhauled with good rubber. Call to day. E. 4916. ONE 22-horse Advance tractor engine. In Mo. 1 condition: will run 1.1 M. capacity sawmill. Address J. B. Lamar, Wood land. Wash. 1918 FORD chain drive truck with body, license. $430; will take Ford car in trade 150 Union ave. TRUCK cheap; will take roadster. 1908. FORD truck, cheap, or trade for Ford or Chevrolet touring car. 635 Thurmsn. 1-TON White truck, price $350; good tires, etc. Call McCann, Franklin hotel. $1150 CASH buys 1 -ton Denby truck and good transfer business. Col. 433. FOR SALE Dundee 3 14 -yard dump-body. 14tl Sandy blvd , FORLSON tractor, lst-clars condition: sell cheap: slightly used. T 176. Oregonian. FORD worm drive truck with express body. By owner. B 76. Orcguuiaa. FOR 8AI.KAITOMOHU.ES. Auto Trucks. Tires and Accessories. BRAKE LINING BRAKE LINING BRAKE LINING JUST RECEIVED THOUSANDS OF FEET OF TIIE FINEST CORK IN SERTED BRAKE LINING THAT WE ARE SELLING WAY OFF OF LIST. FILL YOUR BRAKE 'LINING I1E- QUIREMENT3 NOW AT UNHEARD' OF PRICES. ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES JUST A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS. SILVER BEAMS, $095 WINDSHIELD SWIPES, 0 1 AUTO ENAMEL. PINT CANS, $n.00. GOOD SPARK PLUG WRENCH SETS, $1.0". FORD HEADLIGHTS. $'1 THIS IS J I ST A FEW Or iiu THOUSANDS Ol'' HMIGAISS WE HAVE TO OFFER. BUG HOUIES RUG BODIES MUG BODIES THE BEST EVER AT J0 EACH. TARTS FOR EVERY MAKE AM) MODEL. TAKEN FROM WRECKED CARS. AT FROM 50 TO S0 OFF. COME HERE FOR ALL TuI'll AUTO REQUIREMENTS. SHIPMENTS OK NEW GOODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY THAT WE CAN GIVE YOU A BAR GAIN ON. AUTO SALVAGE CO BROADWAY AND FLANDERS STS. USED TRUCKS FOR SALE. If vou ate Interested In trucks come to Vancouver and see ours h.l.trc .m buy We have some exceptionally good bargains In all lata model ot tn-di D e trucks. Packard -Vt-ton worm drive $1MH Republic, -ton, cord tires 700 G. M. C. 2 ton, worm drlie 2im0 G. M. C, l'.j-ton, worm drive l.'iOO G. M. C, 3 '.3 -ton, Jurt like new. G. M. C. 5-ton truck and trailer, logglnf outfit complete. CAN GIVE VERY GOOD TERMS. HANKEL & TROEH. 215 W. 4th St. Vancouver, Wash. phone 144. COME am. see these and be convinced: 1 new li'i-lon. 1 111 .-j-iou 11. .. -.-c'ass shape, motor and rear end Ju-t overhauled. A small payment down and terms to suit. See Mr. (isbnrn, W. II. Walllngford 'o.. .VJ2 Alder St. Broad way 24i'2. Open Sunday. 2.TON Signal tnl.k, good as new: been run about 00 aays. -..ov, vwbh w. icnm. ST JOHN MOTOR COMPANY, Chehalis, Wash. FOR SALE aO pairs of skid chains for trucks, as gooa as new. win sen ai nun price of what new ones are. Call Sell wood 2:179. Motorcycles. 117 :;-SI'EED twin Hal'ley-Davtdsnn. fully equipped: new tires, first-class condi tion: good bargain. Call at E. 7th street North. EXCELSIOR Good tires, prestollte and carrier for at r ivicu mond St. 915 3-SPEED twin Indian motorcycle, good condition, cheap. 213 E. 76lh st. S. Tstbor 2oa7. 1918 CLEVELAND, mechanically perfect. IIIL'0 llcenfco anu wuw. 1 -w. iiu r,. ,-.2d st. S. ' MUST sacrifice 1910 H.-D.. repainted. ovcrhaulen. iirst-cists conuuion, siou. 674 E. 79th N. Tabor a6.1.'i. WANT to buy 2d-hand Harlcy-LiavMsnn motorcycle in good shape, not over $100. 2071 Thompson st. 1 A COLUMBIA bicycle for sale. $o;; first-class condition. Wdln. 6079. LIGHT-WEIGHT Indian. A-I condition: $145. 960 Clinton Street. Sellwood 827. 1917 INDIAN fully equipped. A-l condH tion. for iuick sale. $12V Msr. 3JP.V FOR HOTORCYCI.ES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D FT. MAIN 6139. 191S CLEVELAND motorcycle, fine con dltion, $7a cash or terms. Wdln. 3--79. NEARLY new Indian storage battery and new Inner lube for sale. 827 6th st. HENDERSON motor ccle. $325, or will trade for good diamond. Phone E. 4rt!io. HF.NDERSON motorcycle for sale. $jio 77S E. Clackamas. East 111.1. 1919 UARLEY. roR W.K Al TOMOHIIJ a. Motorcycle. r.FMOVAL (ALB. USED BICYCLES. USED MOTORCYCLES. BEE CS BEFORE BUYING. EASY TLRMS. FTrtlNH CYCLE CO.. INC.. 'l Broad T?. Phone Udy. 1..2. HUDSON, EXCELSIOR. rl.i;vi:lA DISTRIBUTION. MOTORCVCLLS H1CVCLI.S. Csll and look trr our .stork of re built lliuluic)cl'f, ci'lislrlllih ol- INDIANS II ari.i: S HENDERSONS EXCLI.slo These niS'lllnr h I.e. 11 ivtrihuul'd anil arc 111 t Irst -, n,. , nnil It Ion We will gus-snlce any toselillie ho sell and teat ll )oU lloW lj line. Prices ranee fnun $35 lo $:t', We have Hie lrcr I t''1( of new bi cycles III the 1-10. Mukv k"-"I huts tn used bicycle, rr.ee. Ntl'l tllCIS to suit. D A VP N (. V l.l: " o . Hovlaav .T. KnaclMa) J.I2. ."ll .1.1 SI 36 3d Sl. USED MiiTo:i'Ii'I.i:m (1. lip. Tlle.e lliaetilli-s S'e Kim rii nice, I to he tn f l in o.o.l.'li ov erliil illcil stol rhivs ( tin, ill 'or 1IMII IVDI S Biol SIPK A It ItHI IVI'IVV sill SIHE 'Mil . .I'.tl 1017 INDIAN. I I Ll K'il ll'I'Ctl. '.'Ml I'.HS 1NDIV.N M t.l.V I'.Jl ll'l'l'lt 3IMI INDIAN foTnu ,v III! 1'l.h 'i, 3HS ;,t.tii;1.. M. I nin'ii'lirr, 11 - l i:i:i l.l.l.ri llli'Al.l.v ..iii.p. 1 I.. new 11.11 1 .-i v , mi- lit w il 11 eperrloiiieter. rpntl.n'il Mini hi lien. lrr-. tn. d r e 11 in liii.lem. t;lit. Speeilotnel it". nihl., t itoo.l. IIH'.I ,e.'. ti.e.ir. 1 -111 i tipetl It'll. V. new lntler, m.i stw ll .:h lie .' 01 meter. new lire" Pilv.ue .:irio-s i'.,; :m .;. c.'tli sl Phone i:.-, t :;.-. 1KIH IMIII.KMmiMiN. good a bsiK.tln A 1 rr works. tiler Si new . LA T i: Ull s . .K El. A N 1 1. i t lilt r." c III ' .lsti.lv l.l N rerliiilet1 n.1 1 . on 111 1 - l . In f liape ; $ I3H .-a. ll. 1 a I Snmlsv i;ni si. I'.'ls INDIAN. llll !lr lor -.nil. one A I M' I't WORKS. .:v. Md. r Si ICR SAIN II ill" I. ll". I t i.ls Heci, I'reHlo I iiii .Mink, k'.'od "1117 III 'II 11.1.I1. 1 1 .- I- oil E - D.tv 1011 111 I at I ".I. .I I I!.! IM S fur 11, iiihIvi ' Mt cti;isis. In tn. i;..ii drive. :ia.lin to w lii. . s bii.I 1 x imli.l I ri 4 llll.". I tn I.el le. l 1 oli.lK mi, M;d Ik: '.iiri rtt I'til. Ka-t l.'i.'til. 11117 14 ARI.I- V - DAVISON, liaulctl. h.uKiiln. A-l A I'T I W tliKS .V.'. Alder Si. JlMt nver- Aiitnmiihiles for Hire. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT I'MXEMS OVERLAND lll'DMi i.VS LoWNSDALE CAK.;i;. P.DWY. 2IQS. t.-.TH Atn WASH NEW CARS KoR I; E.N T "' WITIH'L'T lRJ ICRS i. N. SMITH THIRD AND Gl.iSA.V MS. A .'li :l III: IAD W A V 26:9. AUTOS ITIIol T DRIVERS. New ( .its. ri US' :tge, SO Dull st. cny lie- Urn 1 N,ll. AUToS WITHOUT DRIVERS I'm; HIhe I.. 1. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GUtMli.; Mir .'Sit. MTU ln YAM 11 1 l.l.. A l.:m Al.TltoF IlKXNP.TT. 'M: I'OI IlIRi; WITHOUT DRIVERS. AilMI GUI'!,!-.' ::i and TA 1.1 lit. ma 1 N ins; -PAsS. 9o.li.'' foi sliiiplnliS. It chu 1 . Ml (. . 1 .; v R 1 ; 1 V.ineoi nil hi oil . . I. lit. I.'.. (-M-S Bt tr ; ..II . s Itll.lll.l.ll4 .s l f. ir on l rot 1 I'Al .At k-1. 1: 0. ol'EN DA V AH N t ,11 T Grncr.il .'into re-,rt. i..c stol u--rd esi TKHIINAL l.AR.O.E. Mh sin! Ilosl. M.lw. i:si1 FURNISHED sumc" room lo party ref III N. 1 ft h ll.liiv 4 .HI PRIVATE Kiir,(L',i tor rent. Willi, i 11. 1 lle.lin.in M . P". ho. nil Ph. 01 1 LA UitiC iloiihle guiHK'c. n.'ir D'Uuni. REN r I li.'ll 1 "t portir'te GARAGE for rent. $ anil A.h. Eat-t J9 7. YVA VTF.I MIX EI.I.AM.OI H. WA N I'EI t- Mi nt slner; miisl he fitsl elsss. U. S. pn ft rre.l, for ssh. AO ai.'i. irt'Uoti Is n. A NTEI 1 - I n hut . 1 ixar sl 111. I111I1 ne will r.nin s n. I unt. slniini s i-l 01 . I si ,1 DIAMOND wanletl. . 1H..M.1 run: from 10 1 kalat, U i 2, tr.-1:0111.1 11, iinil tixitii.-r., K!.iS Ciii.I .1 A .1. r ei.CHyrm. nt t hr r t s hou I s WANTED Will iv cs-h for seennd hand tufc. Cive r-r.e liii'lr, ad.lrei-s uild phone. AO alii. ' tre giiTiiiiit. WANI'KIS-An r'I'l I lily will he Vlv grs'e. fill for Jllet e.s of Hew i Itjlll. SUV lull'l, f" f.lt.lniiilK Hot M. R I. oweno, or DIAMOND wauled, In I ksisl, tor en gak'eiuent rim: 111 h if liarKain, at ones. R HI. oreeoinan. V ANTED Pair di.im hay so wide Li-t an s (In ss slioi , p.s ,. g ii'.l t otitlit io'i. ie lar. :'o7l , apt. -0 WANTK1' Csrt and hsruiss for Sh-I-land pony II. ". Wlhlon, III. 4, (iresh H III, Or. I'hone ;tK1. WANTED ;,imi Inp.inlir rrv slips I'lmnl or Wilis A. I.RI.Il.iw. S"4 felling belli. Main 2:'7'.' or labor M''l. W E PAY iTlr. M KST'T' lili'KS FOR aTT, hl.VbH OF RIFLES. SMoTGl NS. a, 1 C. BEN. H HACK MAN. I HI 3D HT. L A Ri i Will b.v ' SAFE WANTED tli lor (mini slv.e.l ssfe al the right price. A P S'J, 'r, aoiils 11. WANTE1 Wicker baltv earrissr, 111111-1 bs ill good rnndltlnn 1'linlie Main ttsi6 or wrlle L I.4. Ortgornsil. WK ki'jy DiAllONHK. I'LD COLD. OLD Jw-irjf for cah; ham your prt Hrml or mail. 83 Waul,., bt. tilh and Htlwy WATi-H Cl-oriv himI tullotn. timtfr wrilora' 1 't -inch huf nnipllnt ani n u w I Mh in AN rli i tri'' mtov, H 'ikIm-k N. Jim f rrrf il. T;ib'r 1 ' 1 or M nn r..oi sTkaMKK trunk tn Rood condition. Ca. K. ti It A 1-)N I-A 'P ir'nl run k. inui In gond ihp" and ch M ", ' 't k-ipimm, VANTI01' r pi-"" f'r Im at Mf tttiu and miirmt'i. 'hni Tql-or 4W,. STAMP rnlloction and old rlampa. All 7W. t irt'uointn. . .. WK iU buy your old typwiiii and py you rai-h. Cr rr;onT.vp' nipr t o., 14 il h. iiHiHK.s'f Ml)T l AMI prli t-a prtl1 fr dU mouda. Dan Mrx o., wnin VANTBL 2 ft of "-nd-hand Hull fn o. Tel. H-llood Sltf, A N T K 1 T wo milch BOt. Oregonian. AN 2;. WANTLU Orlolo with hood. I'hona Tabor d:i. WANT Kl good water po rr nr rloclno ""btna; tnachlti. Tw borM'y, W ANTED l-otr' for garden near .17th and 1 1 to thorn". Tutior 7 7 7 UlAMftND antod, one of Imi- mi6. C'ah If Fattcfai'tory. J 1, (.tregonlan. WANTKI A baby bed In go-d comiilton TmII h.t WANTED fteed baby bugny. M lRRlt wanted, WAMbU VVanh Uaj. Hr.mil hhv . lit'. 7 Foil S Vl'.E or tr.i.l III U I Collllll loll III2H license, h.n. dlfer. Tabor 7 7:."i CYi'i.E 1 With e htakes: mi" ii . . .11:1 17 -7 E. Hlli. BitrsKe. 310 lit. K. 17th - rt I .. r. ' , r . t, . Call 101 N. Ula c 4 '. . .' - Kl-